18 minute read
91st MEA Representative Assembly
by Maineea
Presented to Michael Sylvester, State RepresentativeDistrict 39

Presented to Nate Libby, State Senator-District 21

Presented to Kim Nichols, Hermon Education Association

Presented to Children’s Benefit Fund

Presented to the Lewiston Education Association

Presented to Kim Hubbard, Tri-County ESP

Presented to Karen Choate, Lewiston Education Association

Presented to Jodi Thomas, Thornton Academy Teachers Association
The Clyde Russell Scholarship Fund was created by the MEA through a trust established by the late Audrey Lewis. It awards graduating seniors monies to help cover tuition, room, board, books and fees. Congratulations to this year's winners!

Hunter Steele (not pictured) is a senior at Lewiston High School and plans to attend Brown University in the fall. Hunter aspires to be a judge, working first as a defense attorney—a career path set into motion from an interest in service and desire to protect people from injustices.
Emma Hargreaves is a senior at Old Town High School and plans to attend Bowdoin College in the fall. Emma will double major in English and Governmental Studies and hopes to be an active woman in politics one day.
Alexander Farkas is a senior at Cony High School and plans to attend the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Engineering and Applied Science. At Penn he will participate in Engineers Without Borders, pursuing his love of science.
Cassandra J. Smeltzer enrolled in Medical Science at Midcoast School of Technology and plans to attend Central Maine Community College in the fall. Cassie plans to become a registered nurse, combining her love to help others and her interest in anatomy.
Rhode Niangasa Phambu is a senior at South Portland High School. She hopes to one day become a nurse and plans to start her post-secondary education at Southern Maine Community College where she will study to become a certified nurse assistant and then continue on to earn a nursing degree.
2019 New and Amended Resolutions
Amendment to A-10
A10. RESOLVED: That the MEA opposes public school choice/charter schools and virtual schools unless all of the following guarantees have been met: • Schools are accountable to state and federal standards. • Schools are nonsectarian. • Schools are run by non-profit entities inside the public school domain. • School employees have collective bargaining rights. • School personnel are appropriately certified and authorized. • Schools provide open admissions and accommodations for the needs of at-risk students and for those requiring special education services. • Schools comply with all state and federal nondiscrimination and equal education opportunity laws. • Schools provide each student in a virtual learning setting with appropriate on site assistance and services. • Schools provide each student in a virtual learning setting with opportunities for social interaction with other students. • Schools ensure that each student in a virtual learning setting has sufficient non-screen time as part of their schedule. • Virtual school programs are age appropriate. • Schools are accountable to appropriate publicly elected school board(s). June 2019 • www.maineea.org 27
• Schools comply with all applicable security, safety and health standards. • School funding sources do not reduce state funding to existing public schools. (Adopted 1998; Amended 1999; Amended 2004; Amended 2005; Amended 2009; Amended 2011; Amended 2013; Amended 2019)
New A-20
RESOLVED: That the MEA believes that all children should have access to public Pre-K and K programs that are developmentally appropriate: • Mandatory, full-day, free, publicly funded, developmentally appropriate, quality kindergarten programs in all school districts; • Optional, full-day, free, publicly funded, developmentally appropriate, quality universal pre-kindergarten programs for all three- and four-year old children whose parents choose to enroll them; • Dedicated funding for early childhood education; • Increased publicly funded support services such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, et al, for children, birth through age 5, in disadvantaged families; • Increased access to Early Head Start programs. (Adopted 2019)
Amendment to B-11
B11. RESOLVED: That the MEA believes every student has the right to receive an excellent education at a great public school. The MEA believes Great Public Schools have: • safe, secure and supportive environments for all students and staff • parent and community involvement and support • educator involvement in educational policy • fully qualified teachers and Education
Support Professionals committed to students and their learning • appropriate funding and resources • highly skilled and collaborative professional leadership • challenging curricula that are flexible, innovative, diverse and complete • well-maintained facilities with appropriate space and proper heating/cooling/ventilation systems. (Adopted 1995; Amended 1997; Amended 2002; Amended 2012; Amended 2013; Amended 2015; Amended 2019)
Amendment to B-13
B13. RESOLVED: That the MEA supports the revised version of the Maine Learning Results (2007) and the implementation of all eight content areas in all of Maine’s schools. We believe that any shift in the focus to the “Common Core” must not lead to a narrowing of the curriculum since all students deserve a well-rounded, quality education. RESOLVED: That the MEA supports the ongoing review and revision of learning results/standards. We believe that any shift in learning results/ standards must not lead to a narrowing of the curriculum since all students deserve a wellrounded, quality education. The MEA believes the following actions by the state and local school districts are necessary: • Evaluation of the developmental appropriateness and clarity of learning results/standards; • Inclusion of a full range of stakeholders in the vetting of such standards, adoption of new standards, or any changes to current standards; • Establishment of a system for ongoing monitoring with immediate and periodic opportunities to revise and refine learning results/standards by a full range of stakeholders; • Provision of resources, technology, professional development, and support, for standards to be implemented successfully; and • Provision of sufficient time and training to ensure proper implementation of standards. (Adopted 1998; Amended 1999; Amended 2000; 28 Maine Educator • June 2019
Amendment to B-17
• B17. RESOLVED: That the MEA believes that members need to be professional proactive advocates for children and public education.
To accomplish that objective, the MEA also believes that: • Members can be more effective at Individual
Education Plan meetings if they are knowledgeable about special education laws and regulations, transition regulations, and 504 regulations. • Local associations should have a resource person knowledgeable in special education/ inclusion/504. • Local associations should negotiate additional resources and improved working conditions in special education. • State and local organizations involved in special education need to coordinate their services. • Members need to be knowledgeable of legal protections against harassment, student violence, and other unsafe working conditions for educators or students. • Members need to gain knowledge about issues that face our increasingly diverse students and staff. • Members need training on the social and emotional needs of students. • Members need current training on bullying prevention. • Members need training on implicit bias. • Members need support in all of the above issues through local professional development. (Adopted 2003; Amended 2012; Amended 2015, Amended 2019)
New B-30
RESOLVED: That the MEA supports NACEP (National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships) and NECHE (New England Commission of Higher Education) standards for all early college and dual enrollment courses in Maine high schools. (Adopted 2019)
New B-31
RESOLVED: That the MEA believes that teacher evaluation and accountability should follow the NEA position. (see appendix) (Adopted 2019)
New B-32
RESOLVED: That the MEA believes that students deserve well-designed assessment tools that test the information being taught: • There is adequate time for learning between test administrations; • Results are used to inform instruction; • Authentic assessments should be used to evaluate an individual student’s growth in multiple ways; • Monitor state-wide assessment administration and training; • Annually review the success and failure of administration of the test with a full range of stakeholders; • The results of high-stakes testing should not be used in teacher evaluation frameworks. (Adopted 2019)
New B-33
RESOLVED: That the MEA believes that parents in Maine deserve the opportunity and choice to opt their public school students out of high-stakes standardized assessments. (Adopted 2019)
Deletion of C-11
C11. RESOLVED: That the MEA encourages local affiliates to include local retiree representation from MEA-Retired while planning the bargaining of health benefits. (Adopted 1995; Amended 2014)
Referred to Committee
D25. RESOLVED: That the MEA believes that all employees in a bargaining unit who are not members of the Association should pay their fair share of the costs of representation by the Association. (Adopted 2006)
Amendment to D-29
D29. RESOLVED: That the MEA opposes any affiliate waiving any of its collective bargaining rights and safeguards granted under the Maine Public Employees Labor Relations Act, such as a zipper clause. Affiliates whose collective bargaining agreements still have a zipper clause should be working to remove any such clauses. (Adopted 2015, Amended 2019)
New D-31
RESOLVED: That the MEA will support public prekindergarten as long as all educators are part of the local bargaining units. (Adopted 2019)
New E-26
RESOLVED: That the MEA supports schools refraining from the use of mascots and logos that depict Native American tribes, individuals, customs, or traditions. (Adopted 2019)
New E-27
RESOLVED: That the MEA believes in the importance of Social and Racial Justice for all people. • Advocates for respect, fairness and dignity in our society; • Opposes hate-based bias, racial profiling, religious intolerance, socio-economic stereotyping, and bullying; • Advocates for a culture free from hate and racism; • Condemns a culture that disrupts the mental, emotional, and cognitive needs of our students and educators by means of oppression; • Supports the eradication of institutional racism; • Promotes awareness of and appreciation for multiculturalism and diversity. (Adopted 2019)
11. RESOLVED: That the MEA will have the Government Relations Committee add a question on the Screening and Endorsement Questionnaire related to the candidate’s views on the LGBTQ+ community. RESOLVED: That the MEA gather information from members regarding the amount (or lack of) free time/recess students in their schools receive and any impacts that are seen in student behavior and learning. RESOLVED: That the MEA investigate the cost of using YouTube videos as communication and training. RESOLVED: That the MEA increase the funding for the “Members Are Leaders” grant from $1000 annually to $5000 annually. RESOLVED: That the MEA, in conjunction with MEA-Retired, will develop and implement a communication plan to inform active educators about the benefits of unified membership in MEA-Retired upon retirement. RESOLVED: That the MEA explore how it may encourage strengthening of locals by possibly and not limited to committees of the MEA connecting with local committees. RESOLVED: That the MEA explore helping local association with legislative bills that fit within the Resolutions of the MEA whether educational or not. RESOLVED: That the MEA Structure and Bylaws Committee present to the 2020 MEA RA appropriate changes to the MEA governing documents that would allow either the elected member’s local president or the elected member’s representative on the MEA Board of Directors to sign a Certificate of Election form to become a delegate to the RA. RESOLVED: That the MEA actively lobby the Maine Public Employees Retirement System (MPERS) in order to apply the necessary pressure to convince MPERS to implement a process whereby MPERS will divest all retirement funds from the fossil fuel industry. RESOLVED: That the MEA will be strike ready by the year 2022. RESOLVED: That the MEA will work to increase ESP wages to a minimum of $16.00 per hour for the first-year employees and increased to $24.00 per hour by year eight of employment by using the legislative process and to bring current ESP up to these wages. RESOLVED: That the MEA gather current
information to support an MEA position that clearly defines what appropriate space, proper heating/cooling/ventilation systems, sufficient maintenance and air/water quality standards are in schools. RESOLVED: That the MEA call on our lobbyist to create a bill calling on the state legislature to create a nonbinding resolution calling on Congress to solve the GPO/WEP (Government Pension Offset/Windfall Elimination Provision) problem. RESOLVED: That the MEA create a “Supporter of Public Higher Education” award. Individuals or groups can be nominated by any represented higher education member. To be awarded yearly at the RA. RESOLVED: That the MEA will investigate the development and implementation of MEA ESP statewide board of director elections being held at the MEA RA, with a recommendation from the Structure and Bylaws committee presented at the 2020 RA.
Referred to Committee
RESOLVED: That the MEA will investigate the development and implementation of ESP atLarge seats on the MEA Board of Directors to be modeled after the NEA ESP at-Large Board of Director process, with a recommendation from the Structure and Bylaws Committee to be presented at the 2020 RA.
Referred to Committee
STANDING RULE 2, SECTION B, PART 2 b, c & d STANDING RULE 2, ELECTION PROCEDURES Section 1. Elections Conducted at the MEA Representative Assembly
B. Nominations a. President, MEA Representative Assembly Delegate, and First Alternate National Education Association Director; b. Vice President, MEA Representative Assembly Delegate, and Second Alternate National Education Association Director; c. Treasurer and MEA Representative Assembly Delegate; d. National Education Association Director(s); and MEA Representative Assembly Delegate(s) e. Maine Public Employees Retirement System Trustee.
STANDING RULE 2, SECTION 1, PART A, B, C, D STANDING RULE 2, ELECTION PROCEDURES SECTION 1, Elections Conducted at the MEA Representative Assembly
A. Notices of Intent
For publication in the Maine Educator, Notice of
Intent to run for any Association office elected by the Representative Assembly shall be filed with the Executive Director on or prior to the date set by the Elections Committee which shall be not less than seventy-five (75) days prior to the annual meeting. In order to be considered as a candidate for any Association office elected by the Representative Assembly, Notice of Intent must be filed with the Executive Director no later than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the first day of the Representative Assembly.
B. NominationsElections 1. At the first business meeting of the
Representative Assembly, official nominations shall take place as they are appropriate in each year for the elections provided by the
Bylaws and Standing Rules. 2.1 The following shall be elected by the
Representative Assembly and nominations, as appropriate in each year. shall be made in the following order:
C. Nominations from the Representative
Assembly Floor
Nominations to any office listed in this section may be made from the floor of the
Representative Assembly.
D.C Only One Candidate for Any Vacancy
After nominations have ceased If only one
BYLAW ARTICLE IV. SECTION 2 BYLAW ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS Section 2. Powers and Duties of the Vice President
B. perform such other duties as are directed by the Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules or by the President; and C. serve as Second Alternate National Education Association Director and D. serve as a delegate to the Representative Assembly.
BYLAW ARTICLE IV. SECTION 3 BYLAW ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS Section 3. Powers and Duties of the Treasurer
E. serve as delegate to the Representative Assembly; and F. perform all other duties applicable to the office of Treasurer.
16. attend meetings and the annual Board of
Directors Retreat, and be encouraged to attend
ACT, District Bargaining Council and Governance meetings within their district, all MEA-sponsored conferences, the MEA Representative Assembly, and national governance meetings and training sessions as approved by the MEA President; and, 17. serve on various MEA and other committees as requested by the MEA President and shall attend meetings associated with those committees. B. Members of the Board of Directors shall: 1. attend meetings and the annual Board of
Directors Retreat, and be encouraged to attend
ACT, District Bargaining Council and Governance meetings within their district, all MEA-sponsored conferences, national governance meetings and training sessions as approved by the MEA
President; 2. serve on or as liaisons to various MEA and other committees as requested by the MEA
President and shall attend meetings associated with those committees; and 3. serve as delegates to the MEA Representative
A. An academic non-governance affiliate is an organization of educators with a common instructional purpose, which has a reciprocal, complementary and supportive relationship to the Maine Education Association. Its members are primarily MEA members working in public education, but academic affiliates may also include other education professionals in their membership. B. A group or unit seeking The academic nongovernance affiliation affiliate shall file a written application including copies of its governance documents with the MEA Board of Directors. The application shall be by petition signed by two-thirds (2/3) of the applicant organization’s members who are also MEA members. The petition shall include the results of a vote of the applicant organization membership taken in accord with its governance documents showing approval of the affiliation request. must meet the following minimum standards: a. the affiliate shall have common interests in advancing public education with the Maine
Education Association; and b. the affiliate shall be a self-governing organization with expressed values compatible with those of the Maine Education Association C. A professional organization shall be comprised of at least sixty percent (60%) Maine Education Association members with a common occupation or subject matter assignment who are organized to further specific educational objectives. Affiliation proposals shall include: a. Copies of potential affiliate’s governance documents b. Letter of interest signed by the organization’s
governance board. c. Relationship goals and areas of collaboration in support of shared values, public education, and MEA goals. D. A nonprofessional organization shall be an auxiliary or service organization comprising at least seventy-five (75%) percent Maine Education Association members with a common interest or occupation. Affiliate Relationships will be approved by the MEA Board of Directors and reviewed on a regular basis not to exceed three (3) years. a. It is understood that Affiliate Relationships are voluntary and collaborative; and b. Affiliation does not commit MEA resources or action. E. The Association shall not affiliate an academic non-governance affiliate unless it meets the following minimum standards: 1. the affiliate shall have common interests with the Maine Education Association; 2. the affiliate shall be a self-governing organization with governance documents compatible with those of the Maine Education
Association; 3. if all members of the affiliate are eligible for membership in the Maine Education
Association, at least sixty percent (60%) of the members of the affiliate shall be members of the Maine Education Association. If all members of the affiliate are not eligible for membership in the Maine Education Association, then not less than seventy-five (75%) percent of those members of the affiliate who are eligible for membership in the Maine Education Association must be members of the Maine Education
Association; 4. the affiliate shall comprise at least twenty-five (25) members; and 5. the affiliate shall not duplicate Maine
Education Association services.
A. The annual membership dues of the Maine Education Association, for active professional members shall be calculated to the nearest dollar and shall be the greater of: (1) 2.5 percent increase over the prior year’s dues, or (2) 0.765 percent of the average salary of Maine teachers as established by the Department of Education for the second year prior to the budget year (i.e., the 2016-2017 dues will be based on the average teacher salary for 2014-2015). The Maine Education Association active part-time membership shall be open to any person who is employed fifty percent (50%) or less, but greater than twenty-five percent (25%), of the normal schedule for full-time faculty members or who is on sabbatical leave. Membership dues will be calculated to the nearest dollar on the basis of fifty percent (50%) of dues for full-time active educators.
One-quarter (1/4) membership shall be open to any person who is regularly employed for twentyfive percent (25%) or less of the normal schedule for full-time faculty members. Membership dues will be calculated to the nearest dollar on the basis of twenty-five percent (25%) of dues for full-time active professional educators.
B. The annual active education support membership dues for active education support educators shall be equal to one-half (1/2) of the Maine Education Association dues for active educators rounded to the nearest dollar. The Maine Education Association active education support professional part-time membership shall be open to any person who is employed twentyfive (25) hours or less, but greater than fifteen (15) hours, and dues will be calculated to the nearest dollar on the basis of fifty (50%) percent of dues for full-time active education support professionals.
One-quarter (1/4) active education support membership shall be open to any person who is regularly employed for fifteen (15) hours or less of the normal schedule. Membership dues will be calculated to the nearest dollar on the basis of twenty-five percent (25%) of dues for full-time active education support educators
June 2019 • www.maineea.org 29