Should Would Could DID
SAVE THE DATE Oct. 30 & Oct. 31 Samoset Resort
Fall Conference at the Samoset Resort is quickly approaching. Make sure to mark your calendars for this year’s “not to miss” opportunity. Details on page 30.
Grant to help pay for advanced degree MEA-Retired Sheehan Honor Grant
Each year the Maine Education Association–Retired offers an honor grant for an active teacher in Maine who is studying for an advanced degree in the arts, sciences or education. The money for this grant comes from friends and colleagues of Anne Sheehan, who passed away in 2009 and was an active member of MEA and served on the Board of Directors for MEA-Retired. Friends and family gave MEA-Retired money in her memory to finance a $1,500 grant in her honor. The person awarded this grant can use the money as he/she sees fit to defray costs while completing course work. Grant applications can be found at For questions, email Hugh Keene Applicants must be MEA/NEA members. All applications must be received by February 6, 2016.
MEA Awards Deadline for all awards: March 1, 2016 View the award descriptions and download all of the applications at: Each year the Maine Education Association sponsors awards to recognize individuals, groups, and companies for their commitment to public education. We encourage each local association to participate fully in acknowledging those MEA members whose commitments to the ideals of our Association serve as models for each of us. Awardees are recognized at an awards banquet at the MEA Representative Assembly in May.
ACROSS - 1 pliant. 4 charming. 9 stopgap. 11 dead-pan. 12 tidy. 13 rotor. 14 bore. 17 Virgin Islands. 19 instinctively. 22 puff. 23 inert. 24 Stan. 27 ordinal. 28 current. 29 Bulawayo. 30 exotic. DOWN - 1 positive. 2 in order. 3 nigh. 5 hydroelectric. 6 reap. 7 impious. 8 gander. 10 provisionally. 15 tipsy. 16 unfit. 18 hypnotic. 19 infidel. 20 entreat. 21 aplomb. 25 know. 26 crux.
Maine Educator • March October2015 2015
Design the Maine Educator Cover All art teachers ar e encouraged to share this opportu with students. Ar t submissions sh nity ould display the theme “What I Lo ve About Maine. ” Submissions m be 8.5” x 11” in dim ust ension to fit the co photographed fo ver or able to be r the cover and m ay be any form of including electron art, ic. Please advise students the title the magazine wi ll also appear ac of ross magazine toward the top (approxim the cover of the ately 2.5” in heigh as it appears on each issue. Thre t), e fina the following cate gories will be selec lists from each of and electronic ar ted: K-4, 5-8, 9-12 t. One winner wi ll be above categories with his or her ar chosen from the twork featured on magazine cover. the Su via mail at 35 Co bmit artwork to Giovanna Bechar mmunity Drive, Au d gu email at gbechard sta, ME 04330 or
My Hero Works At School Essay Contest WHAT: The MEA is pleased to join with the Portland Sea Dogs for its 3rd annual “My Hero Works at School” essay contest. Students are encouraged to write a short essay, no more than 300 words, about their school hero. Two winners will be selected and receive tickets to a 2016 Sea Dogs game for themselves, their family and their school hero. WHEN: Application Deadline - March 11, 2016 WHO: All public school elementary and middle school students are encouraged to apply HOW:
Keep control of elections in the hands of the people
Vote YES on 1 in November