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MEA President's Letter
President's Letter
Grace Leavitt - Spring 2022
I am writing this on an anniversary that I have no intention of ever commemorating, other than with what I’m writing here. I am referring to March 13th, 2020—the day two years ago—two longer-than-ever-before years ago--that educators went home, expecting to go back in a week or two, and our world changed drastically overnight.
Our MEA Executive Director and I had been included at the meeting for superintendents at the Augusta Civic Center the week before. We heard the announcement that DOE officials made, telling superintendents they should return to their districts and have teachers come up with two weeks’ worth of lesson plans, just in case.
The next day was an MEA Committee Day. I heard from committee members their concerns that drafting two weeks’ worth of plans was at best a difficult task, if not impossible. With the level of detail that educators give to ensure good learning continues—how could you plan two weeks of instruction that would be flexible and could be adjusted to meet individual students’ needs? I tried to calm the worry—though I also understood all too well how hard, not to mention how much work, it was to do what was being asked, but since at that time this was a precautionary measure, I said, “just do the best you can.”
We all know what happened next, the impact that had on us all, and continued to have for not just that spring, not just the next academic year, but even this current year. We all know the toll this has taken on every one of us.
But, educators in Maine, and across the country, did what I had said that day to committee members—you did what you do
every day—you did your very best, and your very best is remarkable, as it always is!
You have all done and continue doing your very best—for our students, for your colleagues, for our communities.
You may not feel like it just now, but I think you all are more like that Energizer bunny than you realize!
I had the chance this weekend to attend, virtually, a portion of the annual Foreign Language Association of Maine (FLAME) conference. (By the way, they are looking at a name change to be more inclusive of those who teach learners of all languages, including our multilingual learners.) There they all were--several dozen educators, and the teachers who worked on organizing and setting up the conference—presenters, tech support—all taking their own time to keep learning how to support students ever better, even though it was early on a Saturday morning, after what was likely again a stressful week, with ‘optional masking’ policies recently implemented in many districts. The creative ideas that were shared, the resources, the awards for recognizing outstanding educators—it was a shot in the arm (and I don’t mean a vaccine this time) that I at least needed, and I’m sure others did, too. (A pure delight for me was the chance to converse in Spanish during the ‘lunch break’! Muchas gracias, colegas.) Just one more example of the ‘doing your very best’ that you all just keep on doing!
It was even the weekend when daylight saving time started and we all ‘lost’ an hour!
So here we are—and just like our clocks—we will spring ahead!
We will move ahead, despite being faced still with many uncertainties, including now what will happen in Ukraine, and what lies ahead for all of us as a result.
But hopefully, for now, the longer hours of daylight help a bit. The increased opportunity to be outdoors, the chance to keep windows open to clear the air—and of course, the downward trend of cases of COVID--all provide at least some optimism for going forward, for not just seeing the light at the end of this long pandemic tunnel, but perhaps soon exiting that tunnel.
You know the saying: Hope springs eternal. And just like that Energizer bunny, our educators keep going. And the MEA will keep doing everything possible to keep moving forward, too.
I am eternally grateful for you all and for all you do.
Stay well--we will keep on keeping on!
Grace Leavitt, President Maine Education Association 207-622-4418 x 2200