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Career Earnings Data
Career As part of MEA’s continued commitment to educate its members on issues that impact their work and life, MEA’s Director of Collective Bargaining and Research compiled the follow data regarding salaries, in Earnings particular, career earnings in Maine. Career Earnings is a strength-of-scale measure. The name is a bit of a misnomer as it does not equate to actual career earnings, which should be higher. The measure allows for an Data apples-to-apples comparison between scales. The Career Earnings measure takes into account the beginning salary, the top salary, how long it takes to get from the beginning to the end, and what the Step increments and Lane increments are between the beginning and end of the scale. A 30-year “career” is used, allowing movement from the beginning to the end of most scales. Data collected is based off of current, settled contracts in the MEA database as of November 15th. If a district is not listed it means MEA does not have a current contract for that district.
Career Earning Summary Straight BA 2020-21 # School District BA MAX
Cumul. Salary for 30 years 1 Wells-Ogunquit CSD $79,359 $2,038,169 2 York $75,053 $2,037,208 3 Falmouth $82,571 $2,000,080 4 Yarmouth $76,972 $1,992,247 5 Cape Elizabeth $75,719 $1,949,603 6 Five Town CSD $75,609 $1,897,391 7 RSU 28, Camden $75,609 $1,897,391 8 AOS 98 - Edgecomb $69,837 $1,871,925 9 Scarborough $74,034 $1,866,782 10 RSU 35, Eliot $70,343 $1,855,090 11 South Portland $68,718 $1,850,611 12 RSU 75, Topsham $70,600 $1,842,600 13 RSU 21, Kennebunk $75,515 $1,842,365 14 Bangor $73,127 $1,833,676 15 West Bath $76,130 $1,826,280 16 Flagstaff RSU $76,900 $1,822,700 17 Gorham $69,834 $1,818,498 18 RSU 35, Eliot $62,537 $1,812,310 19 RSU 01, Bath $76,466 $1,810,198 20 RSU 51, Cumberland $73,483 $1,786,183 21 RSU 86, Fort Fairfield $69,800 $1,786,100 22 AOS 98 - Georgetown $72,061 $1,782,126 23 Brunswick $74,466 $1,778,284 24 AOS 98 - Southport $69,572 $1,774,374 25 AOS 93 - Bristol $66,410 $1,761,017 26 RSU 05, Freeport $67,044 $1,756,037 27 Biddeford $66,870 $1,751,626 28 Kittery $65,028 $1,751,147 29 RSU 88, Van Buren $67,430 $1,749,030 30 Westbrook $74,619 $1,747,471 31 RSU 56 - Dixfield $68,331 $1,743,703 32 RSU 10, Rumford $68,331 $1,743,703 33 RSU 39, Caribou $68,331 $1,743,302 34 Limestone Community School $68,331 $1,743,302 35 Brewer $68,349 $1,741,547 36 St. George $68,877 $1,729,442 37 RSU 07, North Haven $66,123 $1,726,433 38 AOS 93 - South Bristol $65,799 $1,722,687 AOS 98 - Boothbay-
Boothbay Harbor
CSD $73,206 $1,720,457
40 Veazie 41 Saco
$71,075 $1,719,619 $67,208 $1,718,530 42 AOS 93 - Great Salt Bay CSD $66,833 $1,717,710 43 RSU 13 Seacoast $67,425 $1,713,225 44 Sanford $67,547 $1,707,438 45 Islesboro $65,356 $1,703,484 46 RSU 08, Vinalhaven $70,000 $1,699,612 47 Greenville $68,119 $1,699,385 48 RSU 09, Farmington $64,496 $1,697,958 49 RSU 34, Old Town $6,800 $1,693,315 50 RSU 52, Turner $67,906 $1,689,334 51 RSU 32, Ashland $63,085 $1,683,870 52 Northport $63,948 $1,683,406 53 RSU 15, Gray $68,218 $1,682,718 54 Easton $64,188 $1,682,231 55 Thornton Academy $60,717 $1,673,510 56 RSU 57, Alfred $65,660 $1,666,860 57 RSU 26, Orono $73,150 $1,666,750 58 Acton $64,541 $1,663,230 59 Glenburn $67,025 $1,662,400 60 Lincolnville $67,061 $1,660,183 61 RSU 71, Belfast $63,935 $1,657,331 62 RSU 23, Old Orchard Beach $62,281 $1,649,716 63 AOS 92 - Vassalboro $67,143 $1,649,705 64 AOS 91 - Trenton $65,700 $1,649,600 65 AOS 91 - Southwest Harbor $65,700 $1,649,600 66 AOS 91 - Mt Desert CSD $65,700 $1,649,600 67 AOS 91 - Tremont $65,700 $1,649,600 68 AOS 91 - Bar Harbor $65,700 $1,649,600 69 AOS 91 - Mt Desert Elem $65,700 $1,649,600 70 Dayton $63,569 $1,648,342 71 RSU 83, Bingham $62,800 $1,647,520 72 Knox Region 8 $65,540 $1,645,046 73 Auburn $61,031 $1,641,606 74 Lewiston $63,888 $1,640,760 75 RSU 29, Houlton $66,000 $1,638,750 76 RSU 42, Mars Hill $62,160 $1,638,360 77 Portland $64,315 $1,638,085 78 RSU 60, Berwick $63,914 $1,632,626 79 RSU 40, Waldoboro $66,282 $1,627,940 80 RSU 73, JayLivermore $63,350 $1,609,729 81 AOS 77 - Alexander $59,200 $1,605,300 82 AOS 77 - RSU 85, Lubec $59,200 $1,605,300 83 Baxter Educators’ Association $61,543 $1,601,650 84 RSU 20, Searsport $60,783 $1,599,839 85 RSU 06, Buxton $61,763 $1,599,238 86 AOS 77 - Perry $59,600 $1,594,300 87 RSU 11, Gardiner $63,611 $1,593,232 88 RSU 82, Jackman $62,178 $1,592,006 89 RSU 04, Sabattus $60,136 $1,586,600 90 AOS 77 - Eastport $57,600 $1,579,700 91 AOS 92 - Winslow $73,720 $1,578,682 92 RSU 19, Newport $65,537 $1,570,961 93 AOS 90 - Baileyville $64,963 $1,569,116 94 RSU 22, Hampden $66,424 $1,563,033 95 Hermon $63,152 $1,556,616 96 Fryeburg Academy $60,250 $1,554,500 97 RSU 49, Fairfield $67,000 $1,550,000 98 RSU 59, Madison $64,036 $1,548,769 99 AOS 93 - Nobleboro $57,464 $1,546,296 100 Foxcroft Academy $61,706 $1,544,088 101 RSU 18, Oakland $68,400 $1,543,212 102 RSU 44, Bethel $61,898 $1,541,691 103 Lisbon $65,507 $1,539,825 104 Milford $64,831 $1,538,986 105 RSU 54, Skowhegan $67,210 $1,537,530 106 AOS 94 - SAD 46, Dexter $65,171 $1,536,527 107 Augusta $67,866 $1,536,165 108 RSU 12, Windsor $64,951 $1,535,245 109 RSU 33, St. Agatha $60,214 $1,532,496 110 Greenbush $57,935 $1,527,817 111 RSU 16, Poland $60,900 $1,526,041 112 RSU 17, Paris $59,468 $1,521,540 113 RSU 53, Pittsfield $61,169 $1,521,432 114 Wiscasset $70,248 $1,520,112 115 RSU 78, Rangeley $61,931 $1,517,531 116 RSU 02, Hallowell $61,973 $1,515,459 117 Hope $59,691 $1,511,829 118 AOS 93 - Jefferson $61,020 $1,511,356 119 RSU 58, Phillips $62,285 $1,509,700 120 Appleton $60,216 $1,508,353 121 Otis $57,309 $1,507,980 122 Waldo Region 7 $54,149 $1,504,704 123 Woodland $53,808 $1,503,608 124 Athens $55,793 $1,502,150 125 RSU 64, Corinth $60,863 $1,495,156 126 RSU 24, Sullivan $57,153 $1,491,081 127 East Range CSD $56,500 $1,491,000 128 RSU 03, Unity $57,550 $1,489,200 129 RSU 72, Fryeburg $58,751 $1,488,261 130 Surry $56,616 $1,486,228 131 RSU 38, Maranacook $64,038 $1,486,188 132 RSU 61, Bridgton $52,464 $1,477,033 133 Calais $61,516 $1,475,615 134 RSU 14, Windham $55,412 $1,473,871 135 RSU 74, Anson $55,412 $1,473,871 136 Fayette $57,826 $1,472,183 137 Orrington $55,306 $1,466,802 138 Lamoine $56,058 $1,463,127 139 AOS 92 - Waterville $71,353 $1,461,790 140 Winthrop $59,691 $1,459,274 141 RSU 41, Milo $61,433 $1,457,892 142 RSU 55, Porter $59,950 $1,444,400 143 Southern Penobscot Region 4 $57,100 $1,442,800 144 RSU 89, Patten $60,680 $1,437,813 145 Ellsworth $56,167 $1,427,305 146 East Millinocket $59,360 $1,413,091 147 RSU 25, Bucksport $59,439 $1,409,251 148 RSU 70, Hodgdon $57,675 $1,408,550 149 RSU 68, DoverFoxcroft $60,496 $1,403,930 150 RSU 79, Presque Isle $63,982 $1,401,536 151 Washington Academy $56,600 $1,398,975 152 Hancock $51,350 $1,393,500 153 Deer Isle-Stonington CSD $53,000 $1,390,895 154 RSU 50, Southern Aroostook $57,200 $1,390,500 155 AOS 90 - Princeton $55,650 $1,388,700 156 Moosabec CSD $52,094 $1,383,520 157 Cherryfield $52,600 $1,375,600 158 RSU 31, Howland $58,000 $1,375,500 159 AOS 94 - Harmony $48,469 $1,367,444 160 Medway $50,988 $1,361,285 161 RSU 63, Holden $49,750 $1,360,250 162 RSU 67, Lincoln $60,000 $1,353,000 163 RSU 87, Carmel $50,903 $1,343,029 164 RSU 37, Harrington $51,618 $1,337,267 165 Millinocket $58,000 $1,333,500 166 RSU 45, Washburn $54,000 $1,331,000 167 Brooksville $46,006 $1,317,671 168 AOS 77 - Pembroke $46,006 $1,310,700 169 Blue Hill $44,132 $1,303,164 170 AOS 96 - Jonesboro $50,419 $1,302,570 171 Castine $45,433 $1,297,918 172 Southern Aroostook Region 2 $61,062 $1,283,489 173 AOS 96 - Machiasport $49,500 $1,267,500 174 AOS 96 - Machias $50,274 $1,264,467 175 RSU 84, Danforth $46,138 $1,242,390 176 AOS 96 - Cutler $45,800 $1,239,000 177 AOS 96 - East Machias $51,218 $1,237,365 178 Caswell $43,000 $1,223,500 179 AOS 96 - Whiting $46,500 $1,206,000 180 Penobscot $41,600 $1,205,250 181 AOS 77 - Charlotte $42,605 $1,132,577 182 Brooklin $43,986 $476,832