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Editor’s Note - Stay Strong
Stay Strong! With each day that grows longer, the sun shining brighter I’m finding it increasingly more difficult to concentrate. It’s even more difficult to be inside, especially after this winter. I mean-did you ever think it was going to stop snowing?! I felt like I was living inside a snow globe that someone just kept shaking. Anyway—while you’re likely dreaming of summer, there is still a school year to finish, and there is no reason you can’t finish the year strong.
This special issue, just for early career educators is full of fresh ideas and resources to help you in the last few months of school. To keep kids engaged, why not try teaching them with comic strips? They’re easy to make and fun to use. Learn how on page… Looking for ways to get your students excited about writing, when they’re thinking about swimming? Check out some proven ways in our Write to Excite article on page….
And…ever wonder exactly what the MEA is doing to help students? Check out some quick reasons being an MEA member is valuable on page.
There’s more inside—scroll through and check it out. The MEA continues to focus on providing you what you need to better help you in your work. If there’s anything you think could help you, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask. This is your Association and everyone at MEA works for you—be sure to take advantage that.
Questions? Story Ideas? Email me at editor@maineea.org
Giovanna Bechard Editor editor@maineea.org
Inside This Issue: 2 YEP-MEA: You’re Invited 3 Editor’s Note - Stay Strong! 4 MEA President’s Message - Snakes on the Steps 5 Copyright from Wrong 6 All Because of You & the MEA 7 Wrtie to Excite 8 Comic Curriculum 9 National Board Certification Changes 10 I’ll Make How Much? 12 The Hot List 13 Using Improv in Education 14 What’s Up Doc? Editorial Staff MEA Leadership
President - Lois Kilby-Chesley Vice President - Grace Leavitt Treasurer - Denise Simoneau NEA Director - Michael Thurston Board of Directors
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