2 minute read
What’s Up Doc?
Visit a doctor online 24/7
Forget about making an appointment. Forget about wasting time in a waiting room. Now, thanks to your insurance with the MEABT, you can see a doctor on your schedule, from your own home.
This cold and fl u season and beyond, you can go online and have a video visit with a board-certifi ed doctor who is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The program is called LiveHealth Online.
“Within a few minutes I had the prescription. I was able to get to work on time. I was able to get my kids to school on time and I was able to not disrupt my day and have a great solution to my health care issue,” said Mandy, a LiveHealth Online user.
With LiveHealth Online, members can talk face-to-face with a doctor through their mobile device or a computer with a webcam. They can use LiveHealth Online for common health concerns like colds, the fl u, fevers, rashes, infections and allergies. It’s faster, easier and more convenient than a visit to an urgent care center or waiting to schedule an appointment with a doctor in person.
LiveHealth Online gives members:
• Immediate access to their choice of doctors 24/7. • Secure and private video visits with board-certifi ed doctors. • Prescriptions sent directly to your pharmacy, if needed. (Doctors cannot prescribe narcotics, like Oxycodone or lifestyle drugs like Viagra.)
Cost per visit:
Equal to the co-pay for an offi ce visit, usually $15 or $20, depending on your plan.
*Those on Medicare and those not on the MEABT plan pay $49 for the virtual visit.*
Doctors can help with a variety of issues including:
• Colds • Flu • Allergies • Sinus infections • Bronchitis • Diarrhea • Pinkeye and other eye infections • Urinary tract infections • Rashes
Please note: LiveHealth Online is not for emergencies. If you’re experiencing an emergency, call 911 immediately.
To learn more and to sign up for free now, log on to www.livehealthonline.com www.livehealthonline.com

Our online MSEd program provides:

• A career-focused accredited education • Rolling admissions and monthly start dates • Continuing education and certification renewal opportunities • Supportive advisors who understand your needs • Maine SPED Law Course available online; approved by DOE
Visit sjcme.edu/educator or call 800-752-4723 for more information.
Educating for life.