Maine Stater
A ugust, 1 9 8 4
UPS 7<
M SEA Members Solidly Ratify New C ontract-------- Effective To July, 1986 On the n ig h t of A ugust 27, b a rg a in in g team re pre sentatives from each of M S E A ’s five state w o rk e r bar g a in in g u n its c o u n te d th e b a llo ts re tu rn e d by m em bers vo tin g on the fo u rth MSEA-State C ontract. W hen it was over, the tenta tive agreem ent reached on A u g ust 3, w ith the help of M e d ia to rs John LaP ointe and Jane Roy. was accepted by a large m argin am ong the 7,000 ballots returned. T hough the c o n tra c t se ttle m e n t m ust still be ap proved by the 111th Legislature, and signed by MSEA leaders and G overnor Joseph B rennan, the vote s ig naled the end of over 20 m onths of hard co lle c tiv e bar g a in in g and w a itin g . “ As always, dem ocracy is M SEA’s stro n g e st guide, and the m e m bership has s p o k e n ", said MSEA Presi dent G erry S tanton of the vote. “ The em ployees have said yes. w ith the clear und e rsta n d in g and awareness of the d iffic u lty in achieving th is p a rtic u la r c o n tra c t settlem ent, as w ell as the need fo r keeping an eye stoward fu tu re n e g o tia tio n s ." N oting th a t the history of co lle c tiv e b a rg a in in g fo r M aine state w o rke rs is still very m uch in the m aking, S tanton added th a t “ as in the past, we have co n tin u e d to im prove on previous con tra cts. We c e rta in ly d id n ’t get everything we w anted here, but the se ttle m e n t rep resents im p ro ve m e n t fo r all MSEA m em bers, and th a t’s w hat c o u n ts .” B arg a inin g fo r th is fo u rth c o n tra c t began in D ecem ber o f 1982 and reached im passe in late A p ril, 1983. A sum m er of fa c t-fin d in g resulted in a c o n tro v e rs ia l fa ct fin d e r’s re p o rt released in S eptem ber 1983, and even tually, resort to the a rb itra tio n process fo r the firs t tim e since the state em ployee b a rg a in in g law was passed by the Legislature in 1974. A rb itra to r A rn o ld Z a ck’s re p o rt issued in June of 1984 made re co m m e n d a tio n s on many d isp u te d c o n tra c t issues, but n o n -b in d in g on w ages and o th e r cost item s. S ettlem ent cam e after a n o th e r m onth of bar g a in in g betw een MSEA and the B rennan A d m in is tra tio n . The c o n tra c t extends u n til June 30, 1986 leaving at least a year before MSEA re tu rn s to the b a rg a in in g table and n e g o tia tio n s fo r the next c o n tra c t begin.
Contract Summary 1. W a g e s and S a la rie s
a. E ffective re tro a ctive ly to M arch 1, 1984 — 31/2%. Entitlement em ployees employed on date of sig n in g or w ho have re tired or been laid o ff since July 1. 1983. P erm anent seasonal, parttim e and em ployees on leave of absence w ill re ceive pro-rata am ount. On the base fo r overtim e, re tire m e n t and other such purposes. b. For period between July 1, 1983 and M arch 1. 1984, lum p sum paym ent of $400 o r 31/2% of base pay, w h ichever is greater. Each em ployee em ployed on date of sign in g , or w h o has re tired or
MSEA Exe c u f i v e Di r e c t o r P h i l M e r r i l l d i s c u s s e s c o n t r a c t s e t t l e m e n t a t A u g u s t p r e s s c o n f e r e n c e. On th e l e f t P e r s o nne l C o m m i s s i o n e r D a v i d B u s t i n .
been laid o ff after July 1, 1983. w ill receive. Per m anent seasonal em ployees, p a rt-tim e em ployees and em ployees on leave o f absence w ill receive p ro -ra ta am ount. N ot on the base fo r overtim e, re tire m e n t or o th e r purposes. Em ployees w ho re tire w ith in 3 years of July 1. 1983. can purchase re tire m e n t co m p e n sa tio n c re d it in the a m o u n t of the lum p sum. c. E ffective re tro a ctive ly to July 1, 1984 — 31/2%. E n title m e n t — em ployees on date o f sig n in g or w h o have retired or been laid o ff since July 1. 1983. P erm anent seasonal, p a rt-tim e and em ployees on leave o f absence w ill receive pro -ra ta
am ount. On the base fo r o vertim e re tire m e n t and o th e r such purposes. d. E ffective July 1, 1985 — 31/2%. e. E ffective January 1, 1986 — V / 2 %. 2. O v e rtim e E m ployees in pay ranges 01 th ro u g h 20. e x c e p t ing n o n-standard and Ferry S ervice em ployees, be paid tim e and on e -h a lf fo r tim e w orke d in excess o f 8 hours in a w o rkd a y o r o f the re g u larly scheduled w orkday, w h ich e ve r is greater, or 40 hours in a w o rkw e e k. T his p ro visio n ap plies to em ployees on com pressed w o rkw e e k C o n tin u e d on page 8.
MSEA HALTS STATE ATTEMPT TO CHANGE RECLASS PROCESS In F ebruary of 1984, MSEA file d a p ro h ib ite d p ra c tice s c o m p la in t w ith the Maine L a b o r R elations Board a rg u in g th a t the state of M aine had vio la te d its d u ty to bargain by issuing a personnel b u lle tin (4.3) w h ich changed the e x is tin g process fo r em ployees to file re c la s s ific a tio n requests. P ersonnel B u lle tin 4.3 — issued w ith o u t n o tice to MSEA o r o p p o rtu n ity to bargain — was b asically de^
signed by m anagem ent to reduce the su b sta n tia l costs of re c la s s ific a tio n requests. Because the cla ssi fic a tio n system in M aine state g o ve rn m e n t has serious problem s, over 500 reclass requests per year in the last several years have been file d by state w orkers. To q u o te the Labor B oard on the p ro b le m s in the system , "a n A rth u r Y oung study o f the re c la s s ific a tio n system _____________ C o n tin u e d on page 4_________________
P r e s i d e n t ’s C By Gerry Stanton
e c i s i o n
e o r g a n i z e
o l u m
rector— bringing in new ideas for change and growth and still maintaining the high level of professionalism that John brought to the position — wasn’t easy. I wish to assure you of one fact: with the appoint ment of Phil Merrill as MSEA Executive Director, the Board filled that position with the best-qualified person possible. His energies will continue to bring about positive change within the MSEA. The Board of Directors have given him their confi dence and support. I believe with Phil as Executive Di rector, an even stronger MSEA will emerge.
T o
E x e c u t i v e
P o s i t i o n s
The last few months for MSEA have been difficult at best, yet through it all we have continued to work to gether. So long as we go forward in united effort, we — all of us that belong to and work for the MSEA — will make sure our union grows and changes for the better. At our Board of Directors Meeting on July 20, we made a decision we hope will provide for positive change and growth. We had the task of selecting a re placement for John Oliver, our outgoing Executive Di rector. At the June Board meeting. John had announced his formal resignation date effective the first of September 1984. To find and select an individ ual able to assume the responsibilities of Executive Di S t e w
A u g u st, 19 3 4
M a in e S ta te r
P age Two
a r d s
P l e a s e
Following his appointment, Phil outlined in general terms ideas for reorganization of positions at the ex ecutive level in MSEA. On August 4th, the Board met to review those rec ommendations on reorganization and unanimously voted to implement them. This unanimous decision came following review of MSEA budget costs in 1984 and 1985, and in the belief that this reorganization will provide better administration and communication flow in'the union. This decision will have .almost no impact on the 1984 budget for executive level salaries, and relatively minor impact on the 1985 budget. The primary reason for this will be reduced salary levels that coincide with the changed duties of the positions. This reduced salan- structure, along with a pay plan for executive positions based on what state em ployees receive, will be easier for the Finance Commit tee to budget. The reorganization consists of dividing the respon sibilities of the Assistant Executive Director and Chief Negotiator/Chief Legal Counsel positions and assign ing most of those responsibilities and duties to two Associate Executive Directors. These Associate posi tions will cover two major functions in the MSEA: po litical lobbying and collective bargaining. This restructuring of responsibilities should also provide for more work time in MSEA’s legal depart
o t e :
New state employees who are eligible may join MSEA any time from the first day they are hired up through the 30-day period after their 6month probationary period ends. This is important for all new employees to know. Those who become MSEA members before the end of their probationary period are not covered by MSEA contract, but they are eli
T H E M A IN E S T A T E R Phil Merrill, Editor Don Matson, Managing Editor (USPS 709-700) is published monthly for $1.80 per year by the Maine State Employees Association, 65 S ta te S tre e t, A ugusta, ME 04330. Second-class postage paid at Augusta, Maine and ad ditional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Maine Stater, MSEA, 65 State Street, Augus ta, ME 04330.
SECRETARY Linda Delano Rte. 3, Box 190 Wiscasset 04578
E m
p l o y e e s
gible for many other benefits, including Income Protection. New employees who Join MSEA during the first 90 days after being hired have 31 days from the date they Join MSEA to sign up for income Protection without needing to submit evidence of good health. Those who sign up after the first 90 days can still get Income Protection, but they must supply medical evidence of insurability acceptable to Union Mutual Life Insurance Co.
O F F IC E R S PRESIDENT Gerald Stanton P.O. Box 9 So. Windham 04082 VICE PRESIDENT Robert Ruhlin 10 Shadow Lane Brewer 04412 TREASURER Brad Ronco R.F.D. #1 Hallowed, 04347
e w
D IR E C T O R S Wellington Noyes Robert Dugal Jonesboro, 04648 21 Teague Street Caribou, 04736 Ervin Huntington George Burgoyne P.O. Box 205 228 Center St. Bangor, 04401 Bangor 04401 AREAII Anne Farrar Robert Kelley R.F.D. 1 R.F.D. 3, Box 12 Jefferson, 04348 Gardiner, 04345 IWaldoGilpatrick Ed Wheaton IRFD5A RFD2 'Gardiner 04345 Pittston 04345 AREAIII BenConant Sam Huff 66 High St. P.O. Box 10041 So. Paris 04281 Portland 04104 Susan Deschambault Carol Gould 9 Porter Street 470 Court St. B iddeford, 04005 Auburn, 04210 RETIREE DIRECTOR Helen Cyr 8 Hancock St. Augusta, 04330
ment, needed due to very high existing caseloads. The first Associate Director position we will be hiring for is the Political/Legislative position. This po sition will be responsible for lobbying activities, politi cal action, membership organization, and other administrative duties. We will be filling this position first because of the upcoming Special Legislative Ses sion and the November elections. An immediate need exists to hire a suitable candidate. The second Associate Director position — that of Chief Negotiator/Researcher — can wait to be filled until after the November 2 Convention. The two rea sons for this are: (1) to allow time to inform Conven tion delegates as to the impact of the Board’s decision; and (2) we have just settled the present con tract and won’t be returning to the bargaining table until next year. This job will primarily be negotiation of MSEA contracts, overseeing the Research Depart ment, with other administrative duties. The effect of this reorganization is to rearrange staff responsibilities and accountability directly throuqh the Executive Director to the Board, as well as main tain and hopefully increase the level of service to MSEA members. Complete information on the reorganization will be presented to MSEA delegates to the Annual Conven tion. After their review of that information. I believe MSEA leaders will agree that this decision by the Board of Directors is to the best long-term benefit of the members of MSEA.
RETIREES PLEASE NOTE: MAJOR MEDICAL COV ERAGE As of May 1, 1984, Major Medical Coverage for active employees and retirees is no longer carried by Union Mutual. Prudential Insurance Co. is the new carrier; claims and requests for information should be directed to them. The address: Prudential Insurance Co. Claims Service Administrator PO Box 629 Lawrence, MA 01842 (Toll Free #1-800-637-7017) Or, you may contact Jo Gill, Director of the Maine State Employees Health Insurance Program at 2893626, for information or claim forms.
STA FF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Phil Merrill CHIEF COUNSEL John J. Finn DIRECTOR, FIELDSERVICES Roger Parlin DIRECTOR, FINANCE &ADMINISTRATION Joan C. Towle ATTORNEYS INSURANCE Shawn Keenan COORDINATOR Ethelyn Purdy John Lemieux RESEARCH, MEMBERSHIP Stephen Leech Barbara Chaffee COMMUNICATIONS ACCOUNTCLERK Don Matson Carmen Gardner EDUCATION/TRAINING SUPPORT STAFF Wanda Ingham, Steven Butterfield Doris Clark FIELD Eric Davis Terri Duley REPRESENTATIVES Margaret O'Connor Ron Ahlquist Carol Wilson Roger Dunning Debbie Roy John Graham Cheryl Stoddard Chuck Hillier Meg Castagna RECLASSIFICATION Sandy Dionne ANALYST Carol Webb
65 State Street, Augusta, Maine 04330 Tel. (207)622-3151 1-800-452-8794
August, 1984
Page Three
Maine State r
Phil Merrill Appointed New MSEA Executive At the reg u la r m o n th ly m eeting late in July, the MSEA B oard of D ire cto rs voted to a p p o in t Phil M e rrill as the u n io n ’s new E xecutive D ire cto r. M e rrill, w h o re placed Joe M ackey as A ssistant E xecutive D ire cto r fo r MSEA last Septem ber, takes over the to p a d m in is tra tive jo b from John Oliver, w h o is leaving MSEA to pursue graduate studies in p u b lic p o lic y at the U niver sity of M aine in P ortland. Now a resident of H allow ell, Phil M e rrill is a lawyer and fo rm e r state senator re p re se ntin g P ortland in the M aine Legislature, He has been a c a n d ida te fo r G over nor and C ongress. M e rrill’s extensive b a ckg ro u n d in the le g isla tu re and his expe rie n ce as a lo b b y is t d ire c t ly involved w ith many p u b lic em ployee issues have prepared him fo r the E xecutive D ire c to r’s job. M eeting the variety of concerns and dem ands of a diverse m e m bership of nearly 13.000 active M aine p u b lic em ployees and retirees — in the w o rkp la ce , across the b a rg a in in g table, and th ro u g h o u t the p o litic a l process — is the d iffic u lt challenge of the jo b M e rrill has taken on. In an interview w ith the S tater, he expressed his enthusiasm fo r ta c k lin g the m any tasks of the union at hand, and fo r helping to shape M SEA's fu tu re . “ I’ve served fo r the last year as A ssistant E xecutive D ire cto r to John Oliver, and in th a t ca p a city w orked closely w ith him, w ith the MSEA B oard of D irectors, and w ith the union s ta ff.’’ said M e rrill. ‘In re tro sp e ct. I lo o k back on this period as one of our m ost d iffic u lt years. I’ve gained a lot of respect fo r the o rg a n iza tio n , w h ic h even d u rin g a to u g h c o n tra c t fig h t has c o n tin u ally been lo o kin g ahead.’ S tater: W hat are your sh o rt and lo n g -te rm goals fo r MSEA? M e rrill: I believe, and I th in k the MSEA B oard is c o n vinced, that MSEA rem ains in a p o s itio n of strength. A n e x c e l l e n t s t a f f h a s b e e n b u i l t u p in r e c e n t y e a r s
and w e ’ve im proved ou r a b ility to in flu e n c e both the c o lle ctive ba rg a in in g and legislative process. At the same tim e that g ro w th has o ccu rre d , som e of the nat ural consequences of g ro w th have now to be dealt w ith. We need to be sure o u r e ffo rts are c o o rd in a te d and effective. There is clearly a feeling on the B oard and on MSEA leaders’ parts th a t we should use the next year — w h ile we have som e ba rg a in in g b re a th in g space — to return to fundam entals. M em bership involvem ent in all aspects of un io n af fa irs m u st in cre a se . D e v e lo p m e n t o f a s tro n g statew ide stew ard system is an essential part of this. L e a dership developm ent fo r any o rg a n iz a tio n is an o n g o in g process: w hat has happened to many o th e r la b o r o rg a n iza tio n s w h ich g ra d u a lly lose a broadly representative core of able, d e dicated leaders co u ld ju s t as easily happen to MSEA. R ight now MSEA has the m ost active m em bership and s tro n g e st leadership in th is state, but it’s a co n s ta n t process of renew al W hen people m ove on, others get in v o lv e d ,.b rin g in g d iffe re n t p o in ts of view to bear.
m ust have it in th e ir m inds th a t “ u n io n ” co n ce rn s are th e ir ow n concerns. S tater: W h a t’s yo u r view o f how co lle c tiv e b a rg a in ing has and w ill a ffe ct MSEA m em bers? M e rrill: Som e facts are in d isp u ta b le . W hen MSEA started b a rg a in in g , state em ployees w ere gro ssly u n derpaid — in som e ways, it was a d isg ra ce to the state of Maine. S om e em ployees earned belo w m inim um wage. S ince b a rg a in in g , w e ’ve com e a long way in w age gains, and beyond pure w ages, w e ’ve gotten better b e n e fits and c o n tra c t language w h ic h really does p ro te c t o u r m em bers on the job. State em ployees w h o rem em ber back to the way it was before b a rg a in in g w ill I th in k share th a t view.
B ut we still have w age ero sio n th ro u g h in fla tio n to deal w ith ; and I’m sure many w o u ld like to see health and dental benefits, fo r instance, extended to fu ll fa m ily coverage.
Exe c u tiv e
D ir e c t o r P h il M e rrill.
The U nion is u ltim a te ly no s tro n g e r than the best of its leadership, to g e th e r w ith the m e m b e rs h ip ’s sense th a t they are w e ll-re p re se n te d . S tater: W here w ill yo u r im m e d ia te fo c u s b e 9 M e rrill: First, I hope th a t m em bers can use the fa ct of som eone new in th is jo b to w o rk to g e th e r on p ro b lems th a t d ivid e us. There has been in MSEA a sense of “ u s” and “ th e m " on som e issues. If we c a n ’t fin d ways to m u tu a lly break dow n those p e rce p tio n s, then it c o u ld p u t lim its on the a b ility of the un io n to deliver. Several th in g s c e rta in ly stand o u t on the MSEA agenda. We re in the m id st of a co m p a ra b le w o rth study th a t th is u n ion fo u g h t hard for. and we intend to see the results im p le m e n te d , w ith s ig n ific a n t union input. Fairness in pay fo r un io n jo b s is a m atter of great im p o rta n ce. We also have to stre n g th e n o u r hand in the b a rg a in ing process, on tw o fro n ts. Every e ffo rt m ust be made th ro u g h the p o litic a l process, th ro u g h the le g isla tu re , to s tre n g th e n the law itself — b in d in g a rb itra tio n fo r c o n tra c t d isp u te s if we can get it. If not. surely so m e th in g to insure th a t the b a rg a in in g process a llo w s us to be on a m ore equal fo o tin g w ith the state than in the past. O ur b a rg a in in g s tre n g th w ill be g re a tly d e te rm in ed by the e x te n t to w h ic h m em bers are aware of and becom e advocates fo r p o s itio n s taken by b a rg a in in g team s at the table. A lo t can be at stake. M em bers
Som e u n io ns in o th e r parts of the c o u n try have cre ated d iffe re n t kinds of broad packages of b e n e fit co v erage. and I th in k we sh o u ld take a look in th a t d ire c tio n . C ost savings to the state plays a role here, too. We co u ld neg o tia te a system of d iffe re n t benefit “ pa cka g e s” fo r d iffe re n t kinds of em ployees, adapted to th e ir needs. These kinds of issues w ill u n d o u b te d ly play a gre a te r part in fu tu re b a rg a in in g . E ffo rts h&ve been made to solve o th e r problem s, such as m in im u m caseloads fo r state w o rke rs: but we haven’t succeeded in n e g o tia tio n s w ith the state. M aybe it’s tim e to achieve these goals in the legislative process. The irony is th a t the state itse lf w o u ld clearly ben e fit fro m seeing m any of these same problem s solved. S ta te r: Y o u ’ve said th a t MSEA and the state can have an im proved w o rk in g re la tio n s h ip and sh o u ld. How can th is happen? M e rrill: I th in k th e re are m any areas of m utual c o n cern w here we can w o rk closely w ith the state, w ith each a d m in is tra tio n . I’d like to test that: we o u g h t to be able to develop a “ shared needs” approach. We go head-to-head w ith the state in tw o placesbarg a in in g , and le g isla tio n . To take the second, we can fu lly e xpect the state to have d iffe re n ce s w ith us on issues — state liq u o r stores is a goo d exam ple. W hether or not we succeed in iso la tin g those d iffe r ences to p a rtic u la r issues and p re v e n ts General “ s p ill o v e r” in the legislative process is s o m e th in g only tim e w ill tell. W e’ll never give up p u rsu in g fu n d a m e n ta l goals fo r o u r m em bers such as fu ll p o litic a l rights. Nor do I e xpect the G o ve rn o r to s u p p o rt p o sitio n s o f ours he d iffe rs on. B ut part o f a m ature re la tio n s h ip is rec o g n iz in g w h a t the o th e r party has to do. M SEA has m ade a re p u ta tio n in recent years o f fig h tin g fo r m em bers, a re p u ta tio n to be proud of, and th a t w o n 't change w h ile I’m here. We can w o rk to g e th e r. It requires an honest ap praisal o f w h a t’s possible, and a w illin g n e s s fo r both sides to make the e ffo rt.”
New Steward Elections Coming Up M aine State w o rke rs serving as MSEA stew ards are elected by MSEA m em bers fo r the term of each c o n tra ct. New stew ard term s begin w ith each succeeding c o n tra ct. Now th a t m em bers have ra tifie d M SEA’s fo u rth c o n tra ct, stew ard e le c tio n s sh o u ld be held over the next tw o m onths. All MSEA m em bers in an area now represented by a stew ard p o sitio n are e lig ib le to vote fo r ca n d ida te s fo r stew ard. E le ctio n s may be by p e titio n , secret ballot, show of hands — as long as they are c o n d u c te d d e m o cra tica lly. Names o f new ly-elected ste w a rd s sh o u ld go to the MSEA C hapter P resident and sta ff fie ld re p re sentative. O nly S upervisory B arg a inin g U nit m em bers may be stew ards fo r the S upervisory B a rg a in in g Unit.
o nly n o n -su p e rviso ry u n it m em bers may be stew aras fo r the n o n -su p e rviso ry b a rg a in in g units.
— M o n ito rin g w o rk s ite pro b le m s and fa m ilia riz in g o neself w ith the term s o f the c o n tra c t; and
— B eing available to em ployees to answ er ques tio n s ab o u t the c o n tra c t.
S tew ards are the u n io n ’s prim a ry re p re se nta tive on a day-to-day basis at the w o rk p la c e ; they are in the best p o s itio n to see th a t em ployee rig h ts are p ro te cte d and th a t the c o n tra c t fo r each b a rg a in in g u n it is e n fo rce d . Listed b e lo w are the c h ie f duties: — A c q u a in tin g new em ployees w ith MSEA and its pro g ra m s; — M a in ta in in g c o m m u n ic a tio n to and fro m MSEA H eadquarters and MSEA m em bers; In ve stig a tin g and c o o rd in a tin g a g rievance w ith the F ield R epresentative;
MSEA holds re g u la r stew ard tra in in g sessions across M aine d u rin g the co u rse of each year, and en courages both new and veteran stew ards to take part. P le a s e N o te : R egional stew ard tra in in g sessions (A ugusta, B angor, E llsw o rth , L e w isto n, P ortland, and Presque Isle) w ill be s ch e d u le d fo r the la tte r part of S eptem ber fo r new and e xp e rie n ce d stew ards. S p e c if ic dates to be a n n ounced.
Page Four
Maine Stater
August, 1984
LETTERS To The Editor T he Maine Stater w elco m es letters from M SEA m em bers on issues of general co ncern to the m em bership!
C ounting the Turnpike contract ballots: (l. to r.) B ill Hayden, Pete Whitney, Bob Leighton, MTA President C liff Bagley, MSEA VP Bob Ruhlin, President Gerry Stanton, MSEA Field D irector Roger Parlin and Rep. Ron A hlquist look on.
Maine Turnpike Employees Settle 2-Year Agreement On July 27, M aine T u rn p ik e em ployees voted 120-42 in fa vo r o f a tw o-year c o n tra c t se ttle m e n t n e g o tia te d betw een MSEA and the M aine T u rn p ik e A u th o rity . The new agreem ent, w h ic h is e ffe ctive O cto b e r 1,1984 and extends to O cto b e r 1986, covers 225 em ployees in th irty -s ix jo b cla ssifica tio n s . "I th in k it’s a g o o d c o n tra c t o v e ra ll,” said T u rn p ik e C h apter P resident C liff Bagley, a M a in te n a n ce C lerk w h o lives in G ardiner, “ e sp e cially the second year and the new dental program . MSEA did a hell of a g ood jo b fo r us.” H ig h lig h ts o f the c o n tra ct: • W a g e s — 35<c per h o u r increase across-theboard in the firs t year; • 55<p per h o u r increase, across-theboard in the second year. • S hift d iffe re n tia l — increased fro m 20<c to 30<c fo r any hours w o rke d fro m 4:00 p.m. to m id n ig h t; in creased fro m 25<c to 45<t fo r any h o u rs w o rke d
Reclass Process:
fo u n d th a t over 25% of em ployees in 31% of the cla ssi fic a tio n s w e re m is c la s s ifie d ,” e x c lu d in g classes w here there is only one em ployee.
S ectio n 1, P a ra g ra p h B of B u lletin 4.3 re q u ire d su p erv is o rs of any e m p lo y e e filing a re c la s s ific a tio n re q u e s t to “ strip a w ay im m e d ia te ly any d u tie s w hich did not fall w ith in th e e m p lo y e e s c u rre n t job c la s s ifi c a tio n .”
T his had the im m ediate e ffe c t o f ch a n g in g the em p lo ye e ’s w ages and w o rk in g c o n d itio n s , by rem oving duties he o r she may have been ca rryin g o u t fo r q u ite a w hile. It also m eant less chance of a favo ra b le re c la s s ific a tio n fo r the em ployee: added d u tie s per fo rm e d by th e e m p lo y e e w e re n ow c o n s id e re d tem porary, w hereas before they g e n e ra lly had been co n sidered perm anent. The ta kin g away o f d utie s also je o p ard ize d re tro a c tive pay due an em ployee fo r the tim e betw een w hen the request fo r re c la s s ific a tio n was firs t file d and w hen it was fin a lly granted. In its decisio n , the Labor Board argued th a t the Le g islature w hen it passed the b a rg a in in g law in tended “ to m ake changes in w o rk in g c o n d itio n s such as those appearing in th is case n e g o tia b le . U nilateral a ction by the state to change the reclass p ro ce ss,” said the Labor B oard, “ is a c irc u m v e n tio n of the duty *> n e g o tia te .” ’ he La b o r Board ordered the S tate to “ cease and
fro m m id n ig h t to 8 a.m. O v e rtim e — tim e -a n d -o n e -h a lf a fte r 8 h o u rs in any one day fo r all T u rn p ik e em ployees. D e n ta l In s u ra n c e — 100% o f preventive care costs and 80% of general care costs fo r the em ployee. T e le p h o n e a llo w a n c e — fo r those w h o receive it;r an increase fro m $5 per m onth to $7.50 per m onth. H olid ay — M artin L u th e r Day as a h o lid a y b e g in ning January, 1986. C lo th in g a llo w a n c e — an increase fro m $10 to $15 per m o n th fo r m ain te n a n ce em ployees. Too l a llo w a n c e — $100 per year fo r all m e ch a n ics A d m in is tra tiv e L e a v e — 1 day’s leave per year fo r any un io n stew ard fo r stew ard tra in in g R e a llo c a tio n of keypunch o p e ra to r and p a in te r p o sitio ns. d e s is t” fro m a p p lyin g the p o rtio n o f B u lle tin 4.3 w h ich strip p e d away em ployee d u tie s not w ith in the cu rre n t jo b c la s s ific a tio n w hen the em ployee requested a re class. The o rd e r also m eant re sto ra tio n o f the reclassi fic a tio n process p re vio u sly in e ffect, u n til and unless the state nego tia te s the s u b je ct w ith MSEA.______
No Pay Loss For Reclass-Arbitrator A rticle XXX (Reclassification) o f the MSEA Con tract: 4. Except fo r reclassifications in connection with a reorganization, any reclassification or reallocation decision o f the Personnel Com m issioner or the Ar bitrator or A lternator shall be effective as of the date of the written initiation of the reclassification or reallocation request by the employee, MSEA or State and shall be im plem ented retroactively „ 6. No employee shall be reduced in salary as a result of reclassification or reallocation... M ost cases in vo lvin g re c la s s ific a tio n of an em p lo y e e ’s jo b to a h ig h e r pay range, e ve n tu a lly mean m ore pay fo r the em ployee. R e cla ssifica tio n s in Maine State g o v e rn m e n t take co n sid e ra b le tim e ; betw een th e tim e a w o rk e r file s a reclass request (FJA-1) and the date the request is granted, re tro a ctive pay to the date the request was file d m ust be given by the State. T his June, A rb itra to r P h ilip D unn ru le d th a t if re c la s s ific a tio n of any e m p lo ye e ’s jo b c a lld fo r a red u c-
To The E ditor: I am w ritin g this letter because since the union has agreed to send a c o n tra c t agreem ent to the m em bers to vote I have heard a num ber of co m p la in ts from o th e r state em ployees co n ce rn in g the retro am ount, percentage of raise, etc. I feel th a t it is tim e th a t state em ployees take a closer look at them selves. R ecently in fo rm a tio n a l pickets were organized fo r lunch tim e in ou r respec tive offices. A few o ffice s may have had high p a rtic i pation but o th e r o ffice s eith e r did not p a rticip a te or p a rtic ip a tio n was extrem ely low. I even heard the c o m m ents th a t state em ployees pay union dues and w hy should we be asked to p a rticip a te fu rth e r. I th in k we all need to realize the union is us — the state w orkers, not som e vague “ th e m ” . O ur representatives should not have to w o rk alone — we, the state w orkers, need to help them help us! Can you im agine the im pact in fo r m ational p ic k e tin g w o u ld have to the people of this state if all em ployees had p a rticip a te d in the in fo rm a tio n a l p icke tin g ? B efore state em ployees co m p la in fu rth e r they need to ask them selves if they care enough ab o u t a c o n tra c t to w o rk w ith representatives to get it. Beth C hretien P e nobscot C hapter To The E ditor: T his U nion pauses once each year at the C onven tio n to recognize the c o n trib u tio n s of several o u t standing m em bers. I am w ritin g th is le tte r to give re c o g n itio n to som eone I th in k deserves a special “ th a n k s ” fro m all U nion m em bers and should be rec ognized. T his person is Jim W ebster, P resident of the George Leadbetter C hapter. He has given his tim e, his energy and his d e d ica tio n to m aking th is U nion a better, m ore e ffective U nion. From o rg a n izin g su p p o rt fo r the Ne g o tia tin g Teams, presid in g over the Area II P residen ts— V ice P residents m eetings, being involved w ith statew ide com m ittees, and being a C hapter President; he has d em onstrated true c o m m itm e n t to the U nion. Jim has done w hat th is U nion needs from its m em bership. He has becom e involved and has made a d if ference. George Burgoyne, MSEA Board Director in pay, the MSEA c o n tra c t applied and the em ployee m ust m aintain his or her salary level achieved p rio r to the re cla ssifica tio n . In this case, the a rb itra to r used three grievances, file d by hum an service w o rke rs over re cla ssifica tio n s w h ich reduced th e ir pay, to show th a t 'the clear and am big u o u s c o n tra c t la n g ua g e ” of A rticle XXX Section 6 (see above) is b in d in g . Each of the three em ployees w ho w ere reclassified (one was reclassified d o w n w ard, one upw ard to a h ig h er class but low er step, and one d o w n w a rd to a d iffe re n t ba rg a in in g un it had reduced pay. Once these em ployees had been reclassified, the State then made the re cla ssifica tio n effective re tro a c tiv e to the date the re cla ssifica tio n request had been file d by the em ployee o r by the State, and attem pted to c o lle c t pay back fro m the em ployees covering the ret roactive period. B ut the a rb itra to r ruled th a t no re d u ctio n in pay was p e rm issible under the co n tra ct, e ith e r in fu tu re pay or re troactively. He fu rth e r ruled th a t any o th e r em ployee w h o had suffered a pay re d u ctio n due to re cla ssifica tio n m ust be paid back w ith interest by the State.
A u g u st, 198 4
L i n d a N
e w
e l a n o
u m
b e r l a n d
i s
S e c r e t a r y
Linda Delano of Wiscasset has been appointed as MSEA's new Secretary by President Gerry Stanton. The MSEA Board of Directors approved the appoint ment in July, following Norma Arnold’s retirement from the job after 9 years of dedicated, hard work for the union. The chief responsibilities of the job of MSEA Secre tary are to attend and record the minutes of all meet ings of the MSEA Board and Convention. Additional duties may be assigned by the Board as needed. The job is a demanding one. Delano is a 13-year Maine State employee who works as a Clerk Stenographer for the Bureau of Banking in Hallowell. An MSEA member since she was hired, Delano was one of the founders of the Hilltop Chapter in the late 1970's. She has served as that chapter’s Treasurer and Vice-President, and is cur rently President. Delano is also a member of the current Administra tive Services bargaining team and was a delegate to the 1983 Convention. ‘‘I found myself gradually becoming more involved with MSEA, especially in the years after we founded the Hilltop Chapter,” Delano said. ‘‘That’s when I real ized the union could really do something for em ployees.” When Norma Arnold expressed interest in stepping down from the Secretary’s job, that’s when Linda Delano decided she could really do something for the union.
P a g e Five
M a in e S ta te r
MSEA has hired a new staff lawyer. John Lemieux of Portland, to replace Ann Gosline. who left in July to pursue other career interests. A Portland native, Lemieux received his law degree at Boston College and has practiced in Maine since 1980. He worked for Pine Tree Legal Services in Le wiston until 1982 as a staff attorney, and was awarded a fellowship to specifically work in community educa tion and organization programs. From 1982 to the present, Lemieux served as staff attorney and later managing attorney for Legal Ser vices of Maine in Portland. “To start, I’m taking over some cases left by Ann, and working with Shawn Keenan to reduce the high number of pending arbitrations between MSEA and the State,” Lemieux said. He will be a welcome addi tion to MSEA's heavily-burdened legal staff.
Meg Castagna of Falmouth has been hired to fill the temporary field staff position open at MSEA through January, 1985. A four-year Maine state employee and active MSEA member (“I like what MSEA stands for).” Castagna worked as a lab technician at Pineland Center in Pownal. She has served in the union as a steward in 1983 and 84, was president of MSEA’s Pownal chapter this year, and attended the recent union summer insti tute held at the University of Maine, Gorham. Meg Castagna will be the MSEA field representative for Franklin, Knox-Waldo, and Sagadahoc-Lincoln Counties; Local 3 (Dover-Foxcroft); the Southern Maine Pro Tech Chapter; and four Augusta area chap ters (Capitol Western, Hospital Street, Kennebec #1. and Eastside).
h a p t e r
S c h o l a r s h i p MSEA’s Cumberland Chapter recently awarded a $250 David Lozier Scholarship to Stacey Anne Knight. She will attend Leslie College in Massachusetts in the four-year teaching program. Stacey’s mother is an MSEA member who works for the Department of Motor Vehicles in Portland.
Local 5 bargaining team sits down with Lewiston city management. MSEA’S Steve Leech (far left) reviews proposals with city manager Dennis Jean (far right).
L o c a l S O L D
MSEA’s Membership Benefits Committee recently arranged a group discount for tickets to the August 31 baseball game between the Maine Guides and the Pawtucket Red Sox. Originally, 100 tickets were avail able, but MSEA members bought them all fast, so 100 more were offered. They’re gone, too. Should be a good ‘ MSEA Day” at the ballpark!
S t a r t s
MSEA Local 5 members working for the Lewiston city and school system met recently to put together proposals for a new conract, effective January 1,1985. In the view of General Government bargaining unit members, the time has come for major contract im provements, one of the principle reasons they voted for MSEA representation in 1983. “We’ve proposed a number of language changes and improved rights for the employees,” said bargain ing team member Maurice LeBlanc, a city library
o n t r a c t
T a l k s
worker. “I’m hopeful on this contract, and have good expectations.” The first meeting with city management, held on August 23, included a discussion of the upcoming bar gaining schedule and presentation of Local 5 propos als. “We have an awful lot to discuss between now and December,” commented MSEA’s Steve Leech, who is working with Local 5 on contract talks.
Page Six
Maine Stater
August, 1984
1984 Summer Institute For Union Members: Working Toward The Future There is no good substitute for experience and training when it comes to union leadership. Whoever you may be, if you want to stand up for your rights and those of fellow workers in any forum — in front of the boss, in the political process, at the bargaining table — it helps to know what you’re doing. You don’t have to be an expert. But two qualities of leadership are es sential: listening to others, and speaking from knowl edge. And that is what MSEA’s second Summer Institute for Public Sector Union Members was all about. Over 80 union members and staff from MSEA and the SEA of New Hampshire attended this year’s jointlysponsored Summer Institute at the University of Maine, Gorham on August 8. The four-day program, organized by MSEA Training Coordinator Wanda Ingham, offered a variety of useful workshops for
union activists, and a chance to debate the issues with others who live with them daily at work. New workshops set up this summer in Comparable Worth, Public Sector Union-Busting, Employee Assis tance Programs, and the use of computers in union activity kept the cutting edge of where public em ployee labor organizations are headed sharp. New problems, new benefits, and new rights will always be moving to center stage in labor relations, and here the Summer Institute serves its most important purpose: as a place for workers to share new ideas and ap proaches. The Institute also provided training and education in areas that have become a regular feature of the public workplace — Grievance Arbitration, Negotiat ing Skills, Health and Safety, and Public Speaking, among them.
Sandy Dionne and Mary Ann Turowski prepar ing fo r Legislative/P olitical Action Workshop
m e m b e r s lis te n in g
MSEA’s Executive Director Phil Merrill led a lively workshop in Legislative and Political Action Skills, creating an opportunity for participants to take the po sition of labor, management, or politician in an effort to confront public policy issues and solve problems. The 1984 Summer Institute wound up with a Friday night lobster bake and Saturday morning group ga thering to consider the broad issue of organizing — among those already in the union, and among unorga nized workers. Many people worked hard to see that the Summer Institute ran smoothly, doing the necessary jobs that come with organizing a four-day program. Special thanks are due MSEA staff members Debbie Roy and Carol Wilson. This year’s summer school may be over, but it has successfully continued the theme of last year’s program — to make the union stronger
in c o m p a r a b le w o rth
A M H l s te w a rd ta k in g n o te s .
M S E A s u p p o rt s ta ff member# C ry s ta l H o d s d o n in th e p u b lic s p e a k in g
w o rk s h o p g iv e n b y
D o r in n e L e v a s s e u r fr o m L o c a l 9 2 5 , S E I U .
J im W e b s te r m a k e s a p o in t w h ile P e te r
D o r is
P ia tto n i fro m N H S E A c h e c k s n o te s .
A u g u st, 1 9 8 4
P age Seven
M a in e S ta te r
e n
t i o
Everyone planning to attend the Annual MSEA Con vention on November 2-3, 1984 — delegates, chapter presidents, committee members and other interested members and spouses — must complete a registra tion form and return it to MSEA Headquarters by Octo ber 1, 1984. MSEA WILL MAKE ALL ROOM RESERVATIONS FOR ALL CONVENTION PARTICIPANTS. Rooms will be assigned based on date of receipt of the form at MSEA. Chapter Presidents please note: each chapter will be guaranteed one room at the Sher aton where all meetings will take place. This room may be used as your chapter hospitality room or one of your chapter delegates will be assigned to the room on a first come, first served basis. If you do not want a delegate assigned to this room, please indicated on the room reservation form that it is to be used as a Chapter Hospitality Room only. If the room is not to be used by a delegate for over night accommodations but is used as a hospitality room by the chapter, cost of the room must be paid by the chapter. All delegates must pay for their hotel room at check out.‘They will be reimbursed for lodging by submitting official MSEA travel vouchers after the convention. (Reimbursement for double rooms because of a guest other than a delegate will be at the single room rate only.)
i s t r a
t i o
The Convention Committee requests that delegates share room accommodations where possible, as a cost-saving measure. Each delegate will be re imbursed for his or her share of the room cost. Delegates from the northern part of the state will be reimbursed for Thursday night — all others must get prior approval from the MSEA Treasurer, Brad Ronco; or Joan Towle at MSEA Headquarters. Meals: MSEA will automatically pay for delegates meals. Meal tickets for guests can be obtained by complet ing a registration form and sending it to MSEA with a check for the correct amount plus a registration fee of $5.00 for non-delegates. Mileage: Delegates will be reimbursed for mileage to and from Portland at the rate of 20c per mile (25c per mile for carpools). Include toll receipts with vouch er. Day time day care services will be provided for del egates who need it — please indicate on the meal reg istration form if you need these services. PLEASE NOTE: Every effort will be made by the MSEA Convention Committee to meet the needs of members attending the Convention who may have special room, meal, or meeting requirements due to physical hand icap. Contact Joan Towle at MSEA Headquarters, or indi cate what your needs may be in the space provided on the reservation form. ROOM RESERVATION REQUEST FORM 41 S T A N N U A L C O N V E N T IO N — M A IN E S T A T E E M P L O Y E E S A S S O C IA T IO N S H E R A T O N IN N S O . P O R T L A N D , M A IN E N o v e m b e r 2 -3 , 1 9 8 4 PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM BY OCTOBER 1,1984 to: MSEA, 65 S ta te S treet, A ugusta, M aine 04330 NAME(s)._____________________ CHAPTER ________________WORK PHONE _ A D D R E S S :________________________________________________________________ Zip Code Street City CHECK YOUR STATUS: □ Voting D elegate □ C hapter President/Vice President □ Participant-Com m ittee Member, Etc. □ M ember (Non-Voting) □ Director □ MSEA Staff □ G uest
L o c a l A
5 ’s
F i r s t
r b i t r a t i o n :
J a n i t o r R
e i n s t a t e d
During the twelve years that AFSCME. Council 74, represented employees in the general government unit of the City of Lewiston and Lewiston School De partment, no grievance ever went to arbitration. In MSEA’s first year representing these employees, a janitor wrongfully accused of theft had his “day in court” before a neutral arbitrator. The janitor was accused last November by his im mediate supervisor of stealing several food items from a school building supply room where the janitor had been assigned to build shelves. The items were dis covered behind the seat of the School Department truck which the janitor had been assigned to drive that day. Based on the fact that the food items came from the same building where the janitor had worked, and that he was driving the truck where the items were found, Assistant Superintendent James Tracy recommended the janitor’s discharge. In making this recommen dation, Mr. Tracy also relied upon a history of missing school property which had seemed to increase shortly after this janitor was hired a few years ago. At no time, however, had this janitor ever been found to have stolen anything. And the administration knew that the food items could have been removed from the build ing as much as 4 weeks earlier without being missed. The janitor was fired one week before Christmas 1983. At a grievance meeting with Superintendent Robert Connors, MSEA Attorney Shawn Keenan and Chief Steward Germaine Gamache argued that there was not even a good circumstantial case against the jani tor because several other employees (including the janitor’s supervisor) had access to both the school kit chen and the school truck. Superintendent Connors responded that he had a “reasonable suspicion” that the janitor was guilty, and that was all that was ROOM REQUIREMENTS: PLEASE INDICATE YOUR REQUIREMENTS —ASSIGNMENT BASED ON DATE received! needed. □ John Martin’s Merry Manor Inn □ Sheraton Inn The'Lewiston School Committee, at the next level of 700 Main St. 363 Main Mall Rd. the grievance procedure, was also advised by MSEA So. Portland, ME So. Portland, ME Attorney Keenan that the union contract requires ’’just Check in time: 1:00 p.m. Check in time: 3:00 p m. cause”— and not the administration’s mere “suspi Check out: 12:00 noon Check Out: 12:00 noon □ Single Room @ $33/night plus tax □ Single Room @ $45/night tax cions” — to sustain a discharge. They backed up the administration, however, instead of living up to their □ Double Room @ $39/night plus tax □ Double Room @ $55/night plus tax contract with MSEA. □ Special rooming needs, please indicate: It took until June of this year for the janitor to get his Hour of arrival: Date of arrival: Number of nights stay: first fair hearing before an impartial arbitrator. Within □ This room is to be used as a Chapter Hospitality Room. Please do not assign a delegate to this room. All a month of the hearing, the arbitrator made these find expenses will be paid by the Chapter at check-out time. ings: Signed: “Clearly, mere suspicion is not enough to establish Chapter President Chapter wrongdoing.” In an effort to place as many delegates as possible at the Sheraton where all meetings will take place, del “An examination of the testimony reveals few facts egates who will not be accompanied by a guest are asked to share room accommodations with another del from which the Grievant's guilt may be inferred.” egate. “(T)he goods could have been taken from the kit □ I have made arrangements to share a room chen at any time during the month before they were with the following delegate: discovered, without having been missed.” Name Chapter “That means that any person who had access to the □ I have made no prior arrangements but would be willing to share a room. truck and the kitchen in the month of November would □ I do not wish to share a room as I will be bringing a guest. be open to suspicion. That list of people is rather long.” Delegates are responsible for paying their expenses for lodging at check-out time and will be reimbursed by “(W)hile the Department presumably could doc submitting an expense voucher to MSEA. ument that more items were missing from the food MEAL REQUEST FORM supply rooms after (the grievant’s) hire than before, Delegates are not required to pay for their meal tickets; they should, however, complete the following form. Requests for guests tickets must be accompanied by a check made payable to: MSEA there was still no evidence to link the Grievant to those □ Special Meal Requirements, please indicate:------------------------------------------------------------------------thefts.” The Arbitrator concluded “that the Employer vio No. of Tickets Required Total Amt. lated the Agreement when it discharged (the Grievant). Enclosed Delegate Guests He shall be reinstated to the payroll forthwith with $ Friday Lunch, Roast Beef Sandwich &Salad @ $6.75 Friday Dinner, Baked Schrod @ $10.50 $ back pay from December 19, 1983 to the date of his re $ Saturday Lunch, Swiss Steak @ $7.50 instatement, with seniority and related rights re Saturday Dinner, Roast Stuffed Turkey w/Shrimp Cocktail $ stored.” @ $12.50 Non-Delegate Registration fee @ $5.00 $ Total amount enclosed........................................................................................$ □ Day Care Requirements. No. of children .Ages: ...
Page Eight
August, 1984
Maine Stater
Contract S u m m a r y ^ " , schedules. but not other alternative work sched ules or part-time employees. S h ift D iffe r e n tia ls
Increase the shift differential for the third shift from 20 cents per hour to 30 cents per hour. Delete current provision for payment of differen tial to rotating shift employees for all hours worked. Second shift starts from 2 p.m. to 9:59 р. m. Third shift starts from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. D e n ta l In s u r a n c e
State to provide a dental insurance plan, the State to pay the premiums for the employee’s coverage only, not for spouse and dependent coverage. The plan would cover 100% of preven tive care costs and 80% of general care. Depen dent cover age if suf f i ci ent empl oyee participation. Dependent coverage at em ployee’s expense. Payroll deduction provided.
J a ck F in n, su r ro u nded by bargaining te a m s ,re v ie w s tive settlement for MSEA bargaining committees.
th e
C a n c e lle d D a y s O ff (L a w E n fo r c e m e n t)
State to provide 11/2 days compensating time off for any time worked by a non-standard law en forcement employee on a cancelled day off. (In conjunction with Holidays (Law Enforcement) (see below). S e n io r ity a n d L a y o ffs
If and when the State attains the computer ca pacity to handle layoff and displacement mat ters, bumping rights for employees affected by a layoff would be improved by increasing the ini tial options available on a statewide basis. If and when the state attains the computer ca pacity to handle layoff and displacement mat ters, recall rights would be improved by providing for recall to lower related and previ ously held classes within the department or agency from which the employee was laid off. L a y o ffs a n d H e a lth In s u r a n c e C o v e r a g e .
Employees on layoff and subject to recall to be entitled to retain their employee, two-person or family health insurance coverage at the group rate, for 1 year following layoff. Employee pays premium directly. Non-payment of premium re sults in loss of both coverage and conversion privileges. F illin g o f C o m p e titiv e V a c a n c ie s
Employees seeking to transfer to vacant posi tions within their department or agency to be en titled to interview along with those certified from the register. M e d ic a tio n A d m in is tr a tio n P re m iu m
Employees who regularly administer medication to be paid additional $6 per week to be part of base pay. C o n s tru c tio n P r o je c t In s p e c to r s
One hour compensating time for each day on field assignment to an active construction pro ject between first week in March and last full week in November. Usable only during period between last full week in November and first full week in March or as otherwise specifically au thorized by supervisor. V id e o D is p la y T e r m in a ls O p e r a to r s
Video Display Terminal Operators to have no more than 2 hours continuous on the VDT with out 30 minutes alternative work. H e a lth a n d S a fe ty
Fire Inspectors to take annual blood test for screening for liver related conditions at State’s expense. W o r k C lo th in g — The State to provide: a. 1 poncho at each Baxter Park gatehouse for use by employee on duty during rainy weath er. b. 1 rain suit to each Baxter Park ranger. с. 2 ponchos for Baxter Park maintenance me chanics. T o o l A llo w a n c e
State to provide an annual tool allowance of 100 for Automotive Mechanics I and II; $50 for ''motive Mechanic Foremen. Payable Sep
tember, 1984 and each September thereafter. S a fe ty B o o ts
Employees currently entitled to safety boots to be paid every two years an allowance of $50 for purchase of safety boots. Safety boots to meet ANSI standards.
S e n io r ity /L a y o ffs
Fulltime year round employees who live in state housing and are laid off to have at least 60 days to vacate state housing.
D u e s D e d u c tio n
Payroll deductions of MSEA dues and income protection insurance premiums to be trans mitted to MSEA as soon as practicable but no later than 10 workdays. M S E A M e m b e r s h ip P a c k e ts
State to provide lists of employees terminating state service. E m p lo y e e O rg a n iz a tio n L e a v e
Clarification that administrative leave for atten dance of Board of Directors members at Board monthly meetings shall be without loss of pay or benefits. O v e r tim e
All Human Services Caseworkers to be compen sated for evening telephone time. Overtime rate chart to be posted at Ferry Service terminals, employee housing and crew areas on the Ferry. D e fe r r e d C o m p e n s a tio n
Payroll deductions of Deferred Compensation premiums to be transmitted to the insurrance carrier as soon as practicable but no later than 10 workdays after such deductions are made. T e le p h o n e E x p e n s e s
Monthly telephone payment to be paid on a semi-annual basis in advance in January and July. Amount will be pro-rated for those em ployees who become eligible or terminate state service between the semi-annual payments. R e im b u r s e m e n t fo r S ta te V e h ic le E n g in e P r o te c
S e n io r ity /F illin g o f V a c a n c ie s
Short-term seasonal positions required to be posted only once a season. Notice of vacancies to include full particulars, including job description, job location, pay rate, required qualifications and requirements for ap plying. Unclassified employees who promote to unclas sified position or who accept initial appointment in higher pay range in classified service to be en titled to lowest rate in new range which provides at le ast 5% in c r e a s e . C la s s if ie d e m p lo y e e s w h o
accept unclassified position in higher pay ranqe to be entitled to lowest rate in new range which provides 5% increase.
R e s t a n d L u n c h P e r io d s
Pyramiding of first rest and meal periods during overtime work to be eliminated.
E m p lo y e e D e v e lo p m e n t a n d T ra in in g
Training for handling of AMHI patients to be pro vided for Capitol Security Police Officers. OMS Labor/Management Committee members not to lose pay or benefits when attending meet ings.
tio n
Payment for engine warming at home electrical source to be increased from $5 per week to $6 per week and, on July 1, 1984 to $7 per week. V a c a tio n
Part-time employees to earn vacation credits at the higher rates after having worked for the State for required number of calendar years, re gardless of hours worked. S ic k L e a v e
Immediate family for purposes of use of sick leave and bereavement leave extended to in clude step parents, step brothers and step sis ters. B e re a v e m e n t L eav e
Bereavement leave increased from 3 days to 4 days for death of spouse, child, step-child, parent or step parent. 3 days remains for rest of immediate family.
H e a lth a n d S a fe ty
Produce Inspectors engaged in inspection of potatoes to be required to have blood test every 6 months at State expense unless waived.
W o r k C lo th in g
State to provide insulated winter gloves to BPI Laborer I s, Laborer It’s, Groundskeepers and Masons in the ground crews. State to make foul weather gear available to Ferry Service Seamen. State to provide 2 pairs of hip boots for each DOT bridge maintenance crew. Foreman discre tion to provide additional pairs.
M ilita r y L e a v e
Provision for annual leave for military training extended to cover unclassified employees. T e r m o f C o n tra c t F ro m s ig n in g o f c o n tra c t to J u n e 30, 1 9 86 .