Maine Stater : January 27. 1987

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A T E R V I L L E :




As part of the union’s continuing effort to better organize our clerical members on a variety of issues which concern them at work and improve their communication with MSEA, a second clerical meeting was held on January 10 at the Atrium Hotel in Waterville. Over 70 clerical employees attended the day-long gathering, cut short by a snowstorm but nevertheless a successful second step forward in the process of developing specific goals and increased clerical participation. MSEA staff member Betty Robinson, who helped organize the meeting (and the first one last November), noted that nine of those attending signed up to join as Administrative Services representatives to the Statewide Bargaining Committee, which will be monitoring upcoming contract talks. The group also endorsed a number of clerical priorities discussed at the earlier meeting. “In three short months,” Robinson said, “we’ve had some real organizing success getting peopie involved. But ifs important that we keep expectations in line with reality, too. Some concrete things should come out of this round of bargaining.” Focus on the bargaining process and the state legislature are two ways that clerical workers and MSEA intend to address major concerns like air quality standards in state buildings, overly broad job descriptions in clerical classifica­ tions which often prevent either promotion or reclassification, and recognition for acting capacity work, among other issues. Collective bargaining and lobbying for legislative change are two of MSEA’s basic functions and clerical employees need to learn how to use each effectively. “We do have receptive people in the legislature,” MSEA Executive Director Phil Merrill told those gathered in Waterville. “Some of them are here today.” Discussing MSEA’s current childcare pilot program in Bangor, which will hopefully mark the beginning of statewide childcare for state workers, Merrill also noted “Governor McKernan’s commit­ ment to daycare at the workplace.” In an afternoon session, Senator Bev Bustin (D-Augusta) and Representatives Elaine LaCroix (D-Oakland) and Omar Norton (R-Winthrop) met with clerical employees and urged them to seek change through the legislative process. “It can’t work without you,” Bustin said. “You owe it to yourself to improve your own work situation, and you owe it to our society as a whole. I’m willing to give what I can and I challenge you to do the same.” A number of those at the meeting expressed interest in being a part of what MSEA does in the legislature. Plans were also discussed for an MSEA clerical caucus as a way to monitor interests of clerical employees and help coordinate membership efforts in their behalf. Suggestions were made to hold smaller versions of the Waterville meeting in local offices, seeking support for clerical priorities. 1987 may be a year of high hopes for the clerical workforce, but it must also be a time of increased participation. What the union can do, and will do, to make the clerical job a more rewarding one depends to a large extent on the persistence of those employees who wish to see expectations become reality.

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Two-Way Street: At the January clerical meeting in Waterville, employees and several legislators met to talk about improving jobs through the legislative process. At the head table: MSEA staff member John Lemieux, Elaine Lacroix (D-Oakland), Omar Norton (R-Winthrop), and Senator Bev Bustin (D-Augusta).

B a c k



u s i n e s s

113th Legislature: House Speaker John Martin gavels the new House of Representatives to order at mid-January start of session. MSEA has a number of legislative priorities to put before legislators.

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M aine S ta te r

P ag e Two

Ja n u ary 27, 1987

B o a rd

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M a in e

C h a n g e s

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R e tire m e n t S y s te m

P ro p o se d

P e n s io n

C h a n g e s

After a minimum of ten years as a member of the Maine State Retirement System, you become vested in the system and are eligible for a pension when you retire. You should be aware of two significant changes in the way your pension benefit is taxed — one mandated in 1986 by Congress, the other that we are urging be put in place by the Retirement System and the Maine Legislature this year. Change#1: End of the So-Called 3-Year Rule The 99th Congress passed a law last year which means that anyone retiring under the Maine State Retirement System after July 1, 1986 will not have the “3-year rule” apply to their pensions. Under this rule, you received an amount equal to your own contributions, which were made after taxes tax-free when you first retired. Those contributions generally run out after two years or so, and thereafter, your retirement checks were fully taxable. This is no longer true. If you retire after July 1, 1986, the Retirement System will calculate how long you are expected to live after retirement, and the total amount the System is expected to pay you over that length of time. Then the Retirement System calculates what percentage of that total you contributed while an employee. That percentage of each of your retirement checks from the day you retire will not be taxed, but the remainder will —until you reach the limit of your life expectancy as calculated by the Retirement System. Should you live longer, all your pension income will be taxable. Example: If you earned an average yearly salary of $15,000 over 25 years of state employment, that would total $375,000. Assume at retirement, the average of your three highest years of pay was $20,000, so your retirement pension would be 50% of that, or $10,000 per year. Say the Retirement System calculates that at retirement, you have twenty years left to live. At $10,000 per year, the System expects to pay you $10,000x20=$200,000 total retirement benefits. You contributed 6!4% of your paycheck to w a rd r e tir e m e n t w hile an e m p lo y e e , or 61/ax$375,000=$24,375. That amount is 12% of the $200,000 total retirement money the System expects to pay you. Therefore 12%, or $1,200 of your annual retirement payment will not be taxable, and 88% or $8,800 will be taxed. State tax law will now conform to federal tax law. The change means you will not recover your after-tax benefit as soon as the old way. When Maine voted to conform its law to the Federal tax


code, it also voted to find a means to return those state tax dollars to the same group of taxpayers who have paid the extra. Change #2: Employer Payment of Your Contribution The Retirement System has tentatively agreed, with the support of MSEA and other groups, to qualify the state pension plan. If this change is adopted, it will mean that your retirement contribution (6%% of your wage) will no longer be subject to federal or state income tax. Under the new arrangement, the tax treatment will be the same as if the employer picked up the employee contribution. (Under the current arrangement, employee contributions are made by the employee on an after-tax basis). Here’s how it works: Under the new arrangement, retirement contributions will be paid by the employer on behalf of the employee, and thus will not be subject to tax. For example, you earn $15,000 per year and must contribute 6!4% of your pay to retirement, or $975. Under the new arrangement, the $975 would be treated as an employer-paid contribution. This would reduce your taxable income to $14,025 ($15,000-$975), resulting in your saving on income tax. If you estimate that federal tax is about 21 % of your income and state tax about 5%, then you will be saving a total of 26% of $975, or $253 per year (which would show up as an increase in your take-home pay). One point should be made clear. “This new arrangement is not the old ‘retirement pick-up offer’ which MSEA fought against at the bargaining table in 1981-82,” said MSEA Executive Director Phil Merrill. “MSEA objected to that offer on several grounds — loss of employee authority over the Retirement System, loss of benefits at time of retirement, and the fact that if vou left state service before ten years, you couldn’t withdraw your contributions. None of these conditions are evident here. The new arrangement won’t affect your gross income, it won’t change the fact that it’s your money being contributed to retirement, and you can withdraw it if you leave early.” Legislation effecting this second change is being introduced jointly by MSEA, the Retirement System Board of Trustees, and other groups in this session of the Legislature. It should pass with the support of MSEA membership. Remember, it will save you money on your taxes, and make-up for any increased tax on your pension after you retire due to the change already mandated by Congress. If you have questions concerning these changes, call MSEA (1-800-452-8794) and ask to speak to our research analyst John Marvin.


AREA I MaryAnne Turowski DanGlidden P O Box8191 Box351 Bangor, ME04401 Ashland, ME04732 Fred Chase George Burgoyne Box606 228 Center St. Bradford 04410 B angor 04401 VICE PRESIDENT JimWebster AREA II 52 GlenSt. Sharon Hanley Augusta, ME04330 EuniceCotton 97 LincolnAve. 3 Lancaster Place Gardiner, ME04345 Augusta. ME04330 GaryBrown Bruce Hoosdon SECRETARY RFD#1, Box 1515 RFD1, Box 385 NormaArnold N. Monmouth04265 Augusta 04330 RFD#5. Box 243 Augusta, ME04330 AREA III Darryl Scholz RayDzialo 21BLindseySt. R.R. #3. Box 230G R ockland 04841 B id d efo rd , M E 04005 TREASURER BradRonco BobGalloupe BenConant RFD#1, Box460 66 HighSt. Box681 Hallowell. ME04347 S Brunswick 04011 o. Paris 04281 PRESIDENT Robert Ruhlin 52 Manners Ave Bangor, ME04401

T H E M A IN E S T A T E R Phil Merrill, Editor Don Matson, Managing Editor (USPS 709-700) is published monthly for $1.80 per year by the Maine State Employees Association, 65 S ta te S tre e t, A ugusta. ME 04330. Second-class postage paid at Augusta, Maine and ad­ ditional mailing offices. POSTMASTER. Send address changes to The Maine Stater. MSEA, 65, State Street, Augus­ ta. ME 04330. ______ ‘

RETIREE DIRECTOR Phil Goggins Cross Point Rd N. Edgecomb 04556

M e e tin g H ig h lig h ts November PAGE ENDORSEMENTS — Executive Director Phil Merrill informed the Board that 87% of the candidates for the Maine Legislature endorsed by PAGE (MSEA’s political action committee) won election. DIVESTITURE OF RETIREMENT —The Board voted to urge the Retirement Board of Trustees to change its policy concerning divestiture of stock with companies doing business in South Africa. If the Retirement Board doesn’t agree to reverse its previous decision, MSEA will support legislation requiring it to do so. (Per a resolution passed at the 1986 Convention). SOMSEA CONTRACT — The Board voted to approve the recently negotiated contract for the staff of MSEA. Term of the new agreement is November 1, 1986 to October 31, 1987. December MAINE LABOR GROUP ON HEALTH — The Board voted to spend $350 to purchase an ad in the program for the Maine Labor Group on Health Conference. SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE — The Board named the Scholarship Committee for 1987. This committee will meet in January. BASE PLAN — The Board voted to extend a car leasing benefit to the management staff. Under the terms of the arrangement, the employee pays for the car out of payroll deduction and receives reduced mileage allowances. The Board went on record as thanking Barbara Chaffee for her 22 years of MSEA service and wished her the best of luck in her retirement. Special Board Meeting, January SECRETARY & TREASURER NAMED — President Bob Ruhlin nominated, and the Board confirmed, the reappointment of Brad Ronco as Treasurer and Norma Arnold as Secretary. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS — The Board named the Standing Committees for 1987 to be published in the February Stater. (This year there were many more names for the committees than slots avalable!) The Board would like to thank all who volunteered.

D a te s to

R e m e m b e r

MSEA's annual Steward Conference will be held on Friday and Saturday, February 20-21, 1987, at the Augusta Civic Center. The 1987 Summer Institute, MSEA’s fifth, has a time — July 15-18, 1987 —but not a place yet. Further information will be printed when available.

STAFF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Phil Merrill ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS Stephen L. Leech, Collective Bargaining John Lemieux, Legislative Affairs CHIEF LEGAL COUNSEL RobertadeAraujo DIRECTOR, FIELD SERVICES Roger Parlin DIRECTOR, FINANCE &ADMINISTRATION Joan C. Towle INSURANCE ATTORNEYS Shawn Keenan COORDINATOR Eric Nelson Ethelyn Purdy ASS’T. NEGOTIATOR ACCOUNT CLERK Chuck Hillier CarmenGardner RESEARCH SUPPORT STAFF John Marvin Steven Butterfield COMMUNICATIONS Dons Petroski Don Matson SherryDudley Margaret O'Connor EDUCATION/TRAINING Carol Wilson Wanda Ingham Debbie Roy FIELD Cheryl Stoddard REPRESENTATIVES Crystal Hodsdon RonAhlquist AndyWing Roger Dunning Donna Davis John Graham KathyWeymouth MegCastagna RECLASSIFICA­ SandyDionne TION ANALYST TimWooten BettyRobinson Carol Webb

65 State Street, Augusta, Maine 04330 Tel. (207)622-3151 1-800-452-8794

Ja n u a ry 27, 1987 1




M aine S tater






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i t t e e s

AGING, RETIREMENT AND VETERANS Senators: Georgette B. Berube (D-Androsooggin), Chair Nancy Randall Clark (D-Cumberland) Edwin C. Randall (R-Washington) Representatives: Daniel B. Hickey (D-Augusta), Chair Francis J. Perry (D-Mexico) John McSweeney (D-Old Orchard Beach) Alexander Richard (D-Madison) John Jalbert (D-Lisbon) Lucien A. Dutremble (D-Biddeford) Dana P. Stevenson (R-Unity) Jean T. Dellert (R-Gardiner) Betty J. Harper (R-Lincoln) Kenneth L. Matthews (R-Caribou)

HUMAN RESOURCES Senators: N. Paul Gauvreau (D-Androscoggin), Chair John M. Kerry (D-York) Barbara A. Gill (R-Cumberland) Representatives: Peter J. Manning (D-Portland), Chair Neil Rolde (D-York) P. Kelley Simpson (D-Casco) Bradford E. Boutilier (D-Lewiston) Margaret Pruitt Clark (D-Brunswick) Jo Anne D. Lapointe (D-Auburn) Susan J. Pines (R-Limestone) Priscilla G. Taylor (R-Camden) Jean T. Dellert (R-Gardiner) Wesley Famum (R-South Berwick)

APPROPRIATIONS AND FINANCIAL AFFAIRS Senators: Michael D. Pearson (D-Penobscot), Chair Georgette B. Berube (D-Androscoggin) Jerome Emerson (R-Penobscot) Representatives: Donald V. Carter (D-Winslow), Chair Lorraine N. Chonko (D-Topsham) Laurence E. Connolly, Jr. (D-Portland) John Lisnik (D-Presque Isle) Gregory G. Nadeau (D-Lewiston) Patrick K. McGowan (D-Canaan) Linwood M. Higgins (R-Scarborough) Ruth S. Foster (R-Ellsworth) Leland C. Davis, Jr. (R-Monmouth) Judith C. Foss (R-Yarmouth)

LABOR Senators: Dennis L. Dutremble (D-York), Chair Thomas H. Andrews (D-Cumberland) Donald F. Collins (R-Aroostook) Representatives: Edward A. McHenry (D-Madawaska), Chair Antonio J. Tammaro (D-Baileyville) Ruth Joseph (D-Waterville) Mona Walker Hale (D-Sanford) Richard P. Ruhlin (D-Brewer) Anne M. Rand (D-Portland) Ralph M. Willey (R-Hampden) Jeanne F. Begley (R-Waldoboro) Michael F. Hepburn (R-Skowhegan) Stephen M. Zirnkilton (R-Mount Desert)

AUDIT AND PROGRAM REVIEW Senators: Beverly Miner Bustin (D-Kennebec), Chair Raynold Theriault (D-Aroostook) Mary-Ellen Maybury (R-Penobscot) Representatives: Neil Rolde (D-York), Chair Ruth Joseph (D-Waterville) Phyllis R. Erwin (D-Rumford) Norman O. Racine (D-Biddeford) Ada K. Brown (D-Gorham) Harriet A. Ketover (D-Portland) Donald F. Sproul (R-Augusta) John C. Bott (R-Orono) Eleanor M. Murphy (R-Berwick) Wesley Famum (R-South Berwick)

STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT Senators: John L. Tuttle, Jr. (D-York), Chair John E. Baldacci (D-Penobscot) Robert R. Gould (R-Waldo) Representatives: Donnell P. Carroll (D-Gray), Chair Dorothy A. Rotondi (D-Athens) Bradford E. Boutilier (D-Lewiston) Elaine Lacroix (D-Oakland) Robert E. Hussey, Jr. (D-Milo) Cushman D. Anthony (D-South Portland) Alberta M. Wentworth (R-Wells) Gary Bickford (R-Jay) Theone F. Look (R-Jonesboro) Barbara E. Strout (R-Windham)

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L e g i s l a t u r e

TAXATION Senators: R. Donald Twitchell (D-Oxford), Chair Charles G. Dow (D-Kennebec) Charlotte Z. Sewall (R-Lincoln) Representatives: John A. Cashman (D-Old Town), Chair Joseph W. Mayo (D-Thomaston) E. Michael Swazey (D-Bucksport) Guy R. Nadeau (D-Saco) Thomas A. Duffy (D-Bangor) Susan E. Dore (D-Auburn) Gennette M. Ingraham (R-Houlton) Philip C. Jackson (R-Harrison) Stephen M. Zirnkilton (R-Mount Desert) H. Stedman Seavey, Jr. (R-Kennebunkport)

JOINT SELECT COMMITTEE ON CORRECTIONS Senators: Beverly Miner Bustin (D-Kennebec), Chair Zachary Matthews (D-Kennebec) Barbara A. Gill (R-Cumberland) Representatives: Harlan Baker (D-Portland), Chair Peter J. Manning (D-Portland) Rita B. Melendy (D-Rockland) Joseph W. Mayo (D-Thomaston) Cushman D. Anthony (D-South Portland) •Dale F. Thistle (D-Dover-Foxcroft) Ernest C. Greenlaw (R-Standish) Kerry E. Kimball (R-Buxton) Priscilla G. Taylor (R-Camden) Barbara E. Strout (R-Windham)

P age Four M A IN E H O U S E District 1 FrederickF. Soucy (D)48'/* WilliamsAve., Kittery03904. 439-1335. District 2 Neil Rolde (D)Sewall’s Hill, Box304, York03909. 363-2843. District 3 OrlandG. McPherson (R) 142 State Rd., Eliot 03903. 439-1990. District 4 WesleyFamum(R) 42 UnionSt., South Berwick03908. 384-2670. District 5 Eleanor M.Murphy(R) 33 Rochester St., Berwick03901. 698-1355. District 6 AibertaM.Wentworth(R) R1, Box276, Wells 04090. 646-3295. District 7 Thomas W.Murphy, Jr. (R) Summer St., Kennebunk04043. 985-3904. District 8 H. StedmanSeavey (R) RFD2, Wildes Dist. Rd., Kennebunkport 04046. 967-5991. District 9 VintonT. Ridley(D) RFD1, Box261, Springvale04083. 636-2386. District 10 MonaWalker Hale (D)P. O. Box960, Sanford04073. 324-3946. District 11 NormanR. Paul (D) 23 MiltonAve., Sanford 04073. 324-5887. District 12 Carl F. Sheltra (D) 249 Granite St., Biddeford 04005. 282-9267. District 13 LucienA. Dutremble (D) 30 Green St., Biddeford 04005. 283-3058. District 14 NormanO. Racine (D) 43 HighlandSt„ Biddeford04005. 282-3496. District 15 WiHisA. Lord(R) Box 14, NorthWaterboro 04061. 247-5331. District 16 KerryE. Kimbaii (R) Box31, RFD3, Gorham04038. 929-4675. District 17 John McSweeney (D) 40 Miles Ave., OldOrchard Beach 04064. 934-5219. District 18 GuyR. Nadeau(D) 52 ClevelandSt.. Saco 04072. 284-7976. District 19 Daniel R. Warren(D) 54 ElmwoodAve., Scarborough 04074. 883-4167. District 20 LinwoodM.Higgins (R) P. O. Box231, Scarborough 04074. 883-6673. District 21 MaryClarkWebster (R) 10 Surfside Rd., Cape Elizabeth04107. 799-2626. District 22 Ear)G. Nicholson(R) P. O. Box2589, SouthPortland04106. 799-1294. District 23 CushmanD. Anthony(D) 165 Margaret St., South Portland 04106. 767-2419. District 24 HaroldM.Macomber (D) 29 KelseySt., South Portland 04106. 799-0073. District 25 Anne M.Rand (D)61 Melbourne St., Portland 04101. 772-7704. District 26 Laurence E. Connolly, Jr., (D) 82 SalemSt., Portland04102. 772-0202. District 27 HarlanR. Baker (D) 74 DeeringSt., Portland04101. 772-9640. District 28 GerardP. Conley, Jr., (D) 12 Cushman St., Portland04102. 773-0543. District 29 Peter J. Manning(D) 108 BrightonAve., Portland 04102. 775-1613. District 30 Harriet Ketover (D)31 Wayside Rd., Portland04102. 773-2375. District 31 Christopher Scott Gurney(D) 266 Maine Ave., Portland 04103. 797-2689. District 32 Annette M.Hoglund(D) 56 Lane Ave., Portland 04103. 797-8898. District 33 WtfamB. O'Gara (D) 29 Cardinal SL, Westbrook04092. 774-9467. District 34 PhiSpE. Curran (R) 222 DuckPond Rd., Westbrook04092. 797-2455. District 35 GeraldA. Hfflock(R) RR4, Box403A, Gorham04038. 839-2416. District 36 AdaK. Brown(D) 697 GrayRd., SouthWindham04082. 892-6385. District 37 BarbaraE. Strout (R) R1, WindhamCenter Rd., Windham04082. 892-4873. District 38 DavidG. Stanley(R) 13 Ledge Rd., Cumberland Foreside 04110. 829-3339. District 39 GaryW.Reed (R) 14 HamlinRd., Falmouth04105. 797-4809. District 40 JudithC. Foss (R) RR1, Box310, Cousins Is., Yarmouth04096. 846-5246. District 41 James Mitchell (D) RFD1, Box 122, Wolf Neck, Freeport 04032. 865-6516. District 42 Charlene B. Ftydell (D)3 BaribeauDr., Brunswick04011. 725-5803. District 43 Charles R. Priest (D) 3 Federal St., Brunswick04011. 725-5439. District 44 Donnell P. Carroll (D) P. O. Box 163, Gray04039. 657-4028. District 45 P. KelleySimpson (D) RFD1, Box 141, Casco 04015. 627-4544. District 46 PhiSpC. Jackson (R) 12 SmithSt., Harrison04040. 583-4503. District 47 Ernest CliffordGreenlaw(R) P. O. Box331, Sebago Lake 04075. 642-4862. District 46 WiliamF. Lawrence (R) Rte. 1, Box272, West Newfield04095. 793-8830. District 49 JefferyN. Mills (D)P. O. Box439, Bethel 04217. 824-3290. District 50 Joseph G. Walker (D) RustfieldVi. #2, Apt. 7, Norway04268. 743-9561. District 51 DanaC. Hanley(R) RFD2, Box3075, South Paris 04281. 743-2947 (h) 784-5441 (w). District 52 Francis J. Perry(D) 38 MiddleAve., Mexico04257. 364-8678. District 53 PhyllisR. Erwin(D) 633 WashingtonSt., Rumford04276. 364-4768. District 54 RichardW.Armstrong(R) P. O. Box481, Wilton04294. 645-2366. District 55 EdwardL. Dexter (R) Box470, RiversideSt., Kingfield04947. 265-4571. District 56 RonaldC. Bailey(R) P. O. Box392, Farmington04938. 778-3234. District 57 Gary Bickford(R) RFD1, Box5275, Dryden 04225. 645-3678. District 58 RichardH. C. Tracy(D) Box 1410, Nomdgewock 04957. 397-4171. District 59 John M.Nutting(D) Box3410, Campbell Rd., Leeds 04263. 524-3941. District 60 Daniel J. Callahan(R) RFD2, Box240, Mechanic Falls 04256. 345-9544. District 61 Jo Anne D. Lapointe (D) 985 Turner St., Auburn04210. 783-8143. District 62 Constance D.Cpte (D) 68 Highland Ave., Auburn04210. 783-2162. District 63 ' Susan E. Dore (D) 44 GoodrichAve , Auburn04210. 784-3100. District 64 John Telow(R) 825 MainSt., Lewiston04240. 783-8166. District 65 John A.AJiberti (D) 204 MonteiloSt., Lewiston 04240. 784-8080.

Jan u ary 27, 1987

M aine S ta te r District 66 Bradford E. Boutilier (D) P. O. Box3046, Lewiston 04240. 786-4108. District 67 GregoryG. Nadeau (D) P. O. Box621, Lewiston 04240. 784-0545. District 68 James R. Handy(D) 7 HiltonPlace, Lewiston04240. 784-5595. District 69 Roger M.Pouliot (D) 70 IrwinSt., Lewiston 04240. 784-6805. District 70 Margaret Pruitt Clark(D) 5 QuarryRd., Brunswick04011. 729-4378. District 71 JohnJalbert (D) Box303, Lisbon04250. 353-8882. District 72 Albert G. Stevens (R) P. O. Box431, Sabattus 04280. 375-6632. District 73 LorraineN. Chonko (D) NewLewistonRd., Pejepscot 04067. 725-8993. District 74 MariaGlenHolt (D) 115 HighSt., Bath 04530. 443-3588. District 75 MaryE. Small (R) 175 OakSt., Bath04530. 443-2220. District 76 James Reed Coles (D) Rte. 2, Box59, South Harpswell 04079. 729-9020. District 77 Muriel D. Holloway(R) Box53A, Shore Rd., NorthEdgecomb 04556. 882-6879. District 78 Marjorie L. Kilkelly(D) P. O. Box 180, Wiscasset 04578. 882-5410. District 79 Jeanne F. Begley(R) RFD1, Box29, Waldoboro04572. 832-5892. District 80 Joseph W.Mayo(D) 47’/2MainSt., Thomaston 04861. 354-6282. District 81 GuyG. Scarpino (R) Box 147, Port Clyde 04855. 372-8240. District 82 RitaB. Melendy(D) 59 Acadia Dr., Rockland 04841. 594-8254. District 83 PriscillaG. Taylor (R) 34 HighSt., Camden04843. 236-4808. District 84 Carol Allen(D) RFD1, Box 1980, Liberty04949. 845-2704. District 85 Paul Parent (R) RFD2, Waterville04901. 453-2274. Distrit 86 DonaldV. Carter (D) P. O. Box544, Winslow04902. 872-7583. District 87 HariandW.Bragg (R) RFD1, Box5860, Waterville 04901. 547-3585. District 88 DonaldF. Sproul (R) 76 NewlandAve., Augusta04330. 622-5785. District 89 r PatrickE. Paradis (D) 18 Laurel St., Augusta 04330. 623-9482. District 90 Daniel B. Hickey(D) 118 Sewall St., Augusta 04330. 622-1055. District 91 PollyReeves (D) RFD2, Box427, Gardiner 04345. 582-5236. District 92 Jean T. Dellert (R) P. O. Box67, Gardiner 04345. 582-3765. District 93 Norman E. Weymouth (R) RFD3, Box2890, Gardiner 04345. 724-3750. District 94 LeiandC. Davis, Jr. (R) P. O. Box296, Monmouth04259. 933-2600. District 95 Omar P. Norton (R) Narrows Pond Rd., Winthrop04364. 377-8122. District 96 Elaine Lacroix(D) R2, Box3870, Oakland04963. 465-3364. District 97 Paul F. Jacques (D) 49 OaklandSt., Waterville04901.873-4103. District 98 RuthJoseph (D) 7 AubreySt., Waterville04901. 873-1220. District 99 DanA.Gwadosky(D) RFD1, Box925, Fairfield04937. 453-9939. District 100 Michael F. Hepburn (R) 66 E. Leavitt St., Skowhegan04976. 474-6034. District 101 PatrickK. McGowan (D) Fite. 2, Box57, Canaan 04924. 474-3977. District 102 Alexander Richard(D) 210 MainSt., Madison04950. 696-3049. District 103 DorothyA. Rotondi (D) RFD1, Box4560, Athens 04912. 654-2891. District 104 Richard A.Gould(D) Star Rte. 249, Greenville 04441.695-2791. District 105 Robert E. Hussey, Jr. (D) 25 ParkSt., Milo04463. 943-7413. District 106 DaleThistle (D) 20 Monument Sq., Dover-Foxcroft 04426. 564-3450. District 107 Weston R. Sherburne (R) RFD3, Box3480, Dexter 04930. 924-6460. District 108 Robert J. Tardy(D) P. O. Box336, Newport 04953. 938-2308. District 109 DanaP. Stevenson (R) Stevenson Hill, Unity04988. 948-2515. District 110 Walter E. Whitcomb (R) RFD2, Box601, Belfast 04915. 342-5135. District 111 Francis C. Marsano (R) 11 Congress St., Belfast 04915. 338-2156. District 112 Nathaniel J. Crowley, Sr. (D) RFD1, Box924, StocktonSpgs. 04981. 567-3629. District 113 RalphM.Willey(R) 35 Stoneybrook Rd., Hampden04444. 942-9622. District 114 DonaldA. Strout (R) Box 167, Corinth04427. 285-7757. District 115 Catharine Koch Lebowitz (R) 116 Silver Rd., Bangor 04401. 942-5933. District 116 Thomas A. Duffy(D) 33 James St., Bangor 04401. 945-6756. District 117 Patricia M.Stevens (D) 251 Nowell Rd., Bangor 04401. 942-5894. District 118 Joseph A. Garland(R) P. O. Box964, Bangor 04401. 947-7319. District 119 John N. Diamond(D) 1860 Broadway, Bangor 04401. 947-4960. District 120 Richard P. Ruhlin(D) 115 ElmSt., Brewer 04412. 989-7333. District 121 Helen M.Tupper (R) RFD2, Box2, Orrington04474. 825-4060. District 122 E. Michael Swazey (D) RFD1, Box737, Bucksport 04416. 469-2454. District 123 SallyR. Rice (R) Box439, Stonington 04681. 367-2621. District 124 Stephen M.Zirnkilton(R) P. O. Box343, Seal Harbor 04675. 276-3242. District 125 RolandS Salsbury, Jr. (R) RFD1, Box 2500, Bar Harbor 04609. 288-5732. District 126 FrankH. Farren, Jr. (R) P. O. Box224, Cherryfield 04622. 546-7061. District 127 RuthS. Foster (R) 95 MainSt., Ellsworth04605. 667-2593. District 128 Eugene J. Paradis (R) P. O. Box273, Stillwater 04489. 827-4120. District 129 Stephen M.Bost (D) 158 MainSt„ Orono04473. 866-7083. District 130 John C. Bott (R) 6 NorthMainSt., Orono04473. 866-2447. District 131 John A.Cashman (D) 135 Prentiss St., OldTown 04468. 827-7460. District 132 ClydeA. Hichbom(R) P. O. Box39, LaGrange 04453. 943-2631____

District 133 BettyJ. Harper (R) RFD1, Box650, Lincoln04457. 794-6392. District 134 Michael H. Michaud(D) P. O. BoxW,West Millinocket 04430. 746-9069. District 135 Herbert E. Clark(D) 180 BowdoinSt„ Millinocket 04462. 723-5746. District 136 Theone F. Look(R) P. O. Box40, Jonesboro 04648. 434-2861. District 137 HarryL. Vose (D) P. O. Box215, Eastport 04631.853-2893. District 138 AntonioJ. Tammaro (D)P. O. Box 196, Woodland04694. 427-3479. District 139 FredW.Moholland(D) P. O. Box98, Princeton04668. 796-2258. District 140 Carl B. Smith(D) P. O. Box39, IslandFalls 04747. 463-2192. District 141 Gennette M.Ingraham(R) 45 Court St., Houlton04730. 532-2415. District 142 MaryH. MacBride (R) 63 HillsideSt., Presque Isle04769. 769-0421. District 143 John Lisnik(D) RFD1, Box 130, Presque Isle 04769. 764-0827. District 144 CarolyneT. Mahany(D) RFD1, Box 159, Easton 04740. 488-2741. District 145 SusanJ. Pines (R) 22 LongRd., Limestone 04750. 325-4821. District 146 Kenneth L. Matthews (R) 24 GardenCircle, Caribou 04736. 498-3317. District 147 Malachi Anderson(R) Fite. 1, Caribou 04736. 492-1771. District 148 HildaC. Martin(D) 20 Poplar St., VanBuren 04785. 868-2802. District 149 EdwardA. McHenry(D) 14 North6th Ave , Madawaska04756. 728-4365. District 150 Judy Paradis (D) RFD1, Box 1009, Madawaska 04756. District 151 John L Martin(D) P. O. Box250, Eagle Lake, 04739. 444-5556.



District 1 RaynoldTheriault (D) 1First St., Fort Kent 04743 District 2 DonaldF. Collins (R) 4 Dorcas Ave., Caribou 04736. District 3 Margaret G. Ludwig(R) 3 Rogers Rd., Houlton04730. District 4 Charles M.Webster (R) 111 PerhamSt., Farmington04938. District 5 Charles P. Pray(D) 101 Morgan Lane, Millinocket 04462. District 6 Michael D. Pearson (D) Box454, OldTown04468. District 7 EdwinC. Randall (R) P. O. Box26, East Machias 04630. District 8 Edgar E. Erwin(D). 633 WashingtonSt., Rumford04276. District 9 Jerome A. Emerson (R) P. O. BoxE, Corinna04928. District 10 John E. Baldacci (D) 79 PalmSt., Bangor 04401. District 11 Mary-Elen Maybury(R) 1111-3 NorthMainSt., Brewer 04412 District 12 Thomas R. Perkins (Ft), 15 MainSt., Blue Hill 04614 District 13 ZacharyMatthews (D) 41 SmileyAve., Winslow04901. District 14 Robert R. Gould(R) RFD3, Box464, Belfast 04915. District 15 R. DonaldTwitchell (D) 1Pikes Ave., Norway04268. District 16 Georgette B. Berube (D) 195 Webster St., Lewiston04240. District 17 JudyC. Kany(D) 18 West St., Waterville04901. District 18 Charles G. Dow(D) RFD3, West Gardiner 04345. District 19 Beverly Miner Bustin(D) 6 ColonyFid., Augusta04330. District 20 CharlotteZahn Sewall (R) HC60, Box91, Medomak04551. District 21 LindaCurtis Brawn(R) 59 ParkSt., Camden 04843. District 22 R. Peter Whitmore (R) 99 CedarwoodRd.. Auburn04210. District 23 N. Paul Gauvreau (D) 56 TampaSt., Lewiston 04240. District 24 Pamela Lee Cahill (R) RFD3, Box796, Wiscasset 04578. District 25 HenryW.Black(R) P. O. Box351, West Baldwin04091. District 26 NancyRandall Clark(D) RR2, Box37, Freeport 04032 District 27 Robert G. Dillenback(R) 197 Tuttle Rd., Cumberland 04021. District 28 Ronald E. Usher (D) 342 Saco St„ Westbrook04092. District 29 Joseph C. Brannigan(D) 168 ConcordSt., Portland04103. District 30 Thomas H. Andrews (D) 58 GraySt., Portland 04102. District 31 John M.Kerry(D) 55ARoss Fid., Saco 04072. District 32 Barbara A.Gil (R) 268 WestbrookSt., So. Portland 04106 District 33 John L. TuttleJr. (D) RR2, 86 JeUtsonRd.. Sanford04073 District 34 Dennis L Dutremble (D) 3 HaleyCircle, Biddeford 04005. District 35 Stephen C. Estes (D) P. O. Box4, KitteryPoint 03905.

Ja n u ary 27, 1987 M A IN E

Senate District 4 19 11 13 3 7 7 7 4 9 6 25 9 12 7 3 27 20 7 1

House District 58 85 129 109 139 136 136 139 55 107 114 15 101 124 139 140 38&3 81 137 148

8 20 3 31 7 12 12 15 4 7 9 9 8 9 5 20 3 26 3

55 78 139 14 139 122 123 48 103 139 108 107 54 113 106 74 133 70 140

2 12 7 5 3 7 11 20 6 35 12 4 6 3 9 4 6

151 28 136 134 144 137 129 77 132 3 127 55 132 142 108 55 114

13 27 18 4 17 3 1 14 12 14 26 12 1 20 15

99 39 93 56 95 144 150 112 126 109 41 124 150 80 48

C^irdiner —Kenn. Garfield Pit. —Aroos. Garland —Penob. Georgetown —Sagada. Gilead —Oxford Glenbum —Penob. Glenwood Pit. —Aroos. Gorham —Cumb. Gouldsboro —Han. Grand Isle —Aroos. Grand Lake Stream Pit. —Wash Gray —Cumb. Great Pond —Han. Greenbush —Penob. Greene —Andros. Greenfield —Penob. Greenville —Piscat. Greenwood —Oxford Guilford —Piscat.

18 3 6 24 8 6 3 28 12 1 3 27 12 6 16 11 5 15 5

92 151 106 76 49 115 140 35&36 125 149 139 44 128 132 64 128 104 50 106

Hallowell —Kenn. Hamlin —Aroos. Hammond —Aroos. Hampden —Penob. Hancock —Han.

19 1 3 9 12

91 148 140 113 126


A Abbot —Piscat. Acton —York Addison —Wash. Albion —Kenn. Alexander —Wash. Alfred —York Allagash —Aroos. Aina —Line. Alton —Penob. Amherst —Han. Amity —Aroos. Andover —Oxford Anson —Somer. Appleton —Knox Arrowsic —Sagada. Ashland —Aroos. Arundel —York Athens —Somer. Atkinson —Piscat. Auburn —Andros. Augusta —Kenn. Aurora —Han. Avon —Frank. B Baileyville —Wash. Baldwin —Cumb. Bancroft —Aroos. Bangor —Penob. Bar Harbor —Han. Baring Pit. —Wash. Bath —Sagada. Beals —Wash. Beaver Cove —Piscat. Beddington —Wash. Belfast —Waldo Belgrade —Kenn. Belmont —Waldo Benedicta —Aroos. Benton —Kenn. Berwick —York Bethel —Oxford Biddeford —York Bingham —Somer. Blaine —Aroos. Blanchard Pit. —Piscat. Blue Hill —Han. Boothbay —Line. Boothbay Harbor —Line. Bowdoin —Sagada. Bowdoinham —Sagada. Bowerbank —Piscat. Bradford —Penob. Bradley —Penob. Bremen —Line. Brewer —Penob. Bridgewater —Aroos. Bridgton —Cumb. Brighton Pit. —Somer. Bristol —Line. Brooklin —Han. Brooks —Waldo Brooksville —Han. Brownfield —Oxford Brownville —Piscat. Brunswick —Cumb. Buckfield —Oxford Bucksport —Han. Burlington —Penob. Burnham —Waldo Buxton —York Byron —Oxford c Calais —Wash. Cambridge —Somer. Camden —Knox Canaan —Somer. Canton —Oxford Cape Elizabeth —Cumb. Caratunk —Somer. Caribou —Aroos. Carmel —Penob. Carrabasset Valley —Frank. Carroll Pit. —Penob. Carthage —Frank. Cary Pit. —Aroos. Casco —Cumb. Castine —Han. Castle Hill —Aroos. Caswell Pit. —Aroos. Caswell Connor Dist. —Aroos. Centerville —Wash. Chapman —Aroos. Charleston —Penob. Charlotte —Wash. Chelsea —Kenn. Cherryfield —Wash. Chester - Penob.

P a g e Five

M aine S ta te r

Senate District 5 25 7 13 7 25 2 20 6 12 3 8 4 21 24 2 34 4 5 22 19 12 8

House District 104 9 126 85 138 9 151 78 128 128 140 53 103 84 74 151 8 103 106 59,61,62,63,70 88,89,90 128 49

7 25 3 10 12 7 24 7 5 7 14 17 21 3 13 33 8 34 4 3 5 12 20 20 24 24 5 6 11 20 11 3 15 4 20 12 14 12 15 5 26 15 14 6 14 28 8

138 47 139 115 thru 119 125 138 74&75 136 104 139 111 58 110 134 85 5 49 12,13,14 103 142 104 127 77 77 72 73&74 105 105 128 79 120 & 121 142 46 103 79 123 110 123 48 105 42,43,&70 51 122 132 109 16 49

7 9 21 9 8 32 4 2 9 4 6 8 3 25 14 2 1 1 7 2 6 7 19 7 5

138 104 83 101 57 21 103 146&1 114 55 132 54 140 45 123 151 148 148 146 151 105 139 91 126 134

Chesterville —Frank. China —Kenn. Clifton —Penob. Clinton —Kenn. Codyville Pit. —Wash. Columbia —Wash. Columbia Falls —Wash. Cooper —Wash. Coplin Pit. —Frank. Corinna —Penob. Corinth —Penob. Cornish —York Cornville —Somer. Cranberry Isles —Han. Crawford —Wash. Crystal —Aroos. Cumberland —Cumb. Cushing —Knox Cutler —Wash. Cyr Pit. —Aroos. D Dallas Pit. —Frank. Damariscotta —Line. Danforth —Wash. Dayton —York Deblois —Wash. Dedham —Han. Deer Isle —Han. Denmark —Oxford Dennistown Pit. —Somer. Dennysville —Wash. Detroit —Somer. Dexter —Penob. Dixfield —Oxford Dixmont —Penob. Dover-Foxcroft —Piscat. Dresden —Line. Drew Pit. —Penob. Durham —Andros. Dyer Brook —Aroos. E Eagle Lake —Aroos. Eastbrook —Han. East Machias —Wash. East Millinocket —Penob. Easton —Aroos. Eastport —Wash. Eddington —Penob. Edgecomb —Line. Edinburg —Penob. Eliot —York Ellsworth —Han. Embden —Somer. Enfield —Penob. E. Pit. —Aroos. Etna —Penob. Eustis —Frank. Exeter —Penob. F Fairfield —Somer. Falmouth —Cumb. Farmingdale —Kenn. Farmington —Frank. Fayette —Kenn. Fort Fairfield —Aroos. Fort Kent —Aroos. Frankfort —Waldo Franklin —Han. Freedom —Waldo Freeport —Cumb. Frenchboro —Han. Frenchville —Aroos. Friendship —Knox Fryeburg —Oxford

Senate District 8 9 24 7 15 15 9 3 15 9 3 4 15 3 11 25 21 3 6 6

Hanover —Oxford Harmony —Somer. Harpswell —Cumb. Harrington —Wash. Harrison —Cumb. Hartford —Oxford Hartland —Somer. Haynesviile —Aroos. Hebron —Oxford Hermon —Penob. Hersey —Aroos. Highland Pit. —Somer. Hiram —Oxford Hodgdon —Aroos. Holden —Penob. Hollis —York Hope —Knox Houlton —Aroos. Howland —Penob. Hudson —Penob. ■ Indian Island Voting District —Penob. Indian Township Voting District —Wash. Industry —Frank. Islesboro —Waldo Isle au Haut —Knox Island Falls —Aroos. J Jackman —Somer. Jackman, Rockwood Strip — Somer. Jackson —Waldo Jay —Frank. Jefferson —Line. Jonesboro —W&sh. Jonesport —Wash. K Kenduskeag —Penob. Kennebunk —York Kennebunkport —York Kingsbury Pit. —Piscat. Kingfield —Frank. Kittery —York Knox —Waldo L Lagrange —Penob. Lake View Pit. —Piscat. Lakeville —Penob. Lamoine —Han. Lebanon —York Lee —Penob. Leeds —Andros. Levant —Penob. Lewiston —Andros. Liberty —Waldo Limerick —York Limestone —Aroos. Limington —York Lincoln —Penob. Lincoln Pit. —Oxford Lincolnville —Waldo Linneus —Aroos. Lisbon —Andros. Litchfield —Kenn. Littleton —Aroos. Livermore —Andros. Livermore Falls —Andros. Lovell —Oxford Lowell —Penob. Lubec —Wash. Ludlow —Aroos. Lyman —York M Machias —Wash. Machiasport —Wash. Macwahoc Pit. —Aroos. Madawaska —Aroos. Madison —Somer. Madrid —Frank. Magalloway Pit. —Oxford Manchester —Kenn. Mapleton —Aroos. Mariaville —Han. Marshfield —Wash. Mars Hill —Afoos. Masardis —Aroos. Matinicus Isle Pit. —Knox Mattawamkeag —Penob. Maxfield —Penob. Mechanic Falls —Andros. Meddybemps —Wash. Medford —Piscat. Medway —Penob. Mercer —Somer. Merrill —Aroos. Mexico —Oxford Milbrdge —Wash. (Continued on page

House District 49 104 76 126 46 52 101 139 51 115 140 103 46 140 121 14&16 84 141 132 105





21 25 1 25 6 8 21 3 16 18 3 16 17 15 6 7 3 25

84 15 145 15 133 49 110 140 70 93 141 59 58 49 132 137 140 8

7 7 3 1 4 4 8 18 2 12 7 3 3 21 3 5 22 7 5 5 4 3 8 7 6)

136 137 133 149 102 55 49 95 143 128 137 144 151 81 133 134 60 138 105 134 102 140 52 126

P ag e Six M a in e

Jan u ary 27, 1987

M aine S ta te r C itie s

Milford —Penob. Millinocket —Penob. Milo —Piscat. Minot —Andros. Monhegan Pit. —Line. Monmouth —Kenn. Monroe —Waldo Monson —Piscat. Monticello —Aroos. Montville —Waldo Moose River —Somer. Moro Pit. —Aroos. Morrill —Waldo Moscow —Somer. Mount Chase —Penob. Mount Desert —Han. Mount Vernon —Kenn. N Naples —Cumb. Nashville Pit. —Aroos. Newburgh —Penob. New Canada —Aroos. Newcastle —Line. Newfield —York New Gloucester —Cumb. New Limerick —Aroos. Newport —Penob. New Portland —Somer. Newry —Oxford New Sharon —Frank. New Sweden —Aroos. New Vineyard —Frank. Nobleboro —Line. Norridgewock —Somer. North Berwick —York Northfield —Wash. North Haven —Knox Northport —Waldo North Yarmouth —Cumb. Norway —Oxford No. 14 Pit. —Wash. 0 Oakfield —Aroos. Oakland —Kenn. Ogunquit —York Old Orchard Beach —York Old Town —Penob. Orient —Aroos. Ortand —Han. Orono —Penob. Orrington —Penob. Osborn —Han. Otis —Han. OtisfiekJ —Oxford Owls Head —Knox Oxbow Pit. —Aroos. Oxford —Oxford P Palermo —Waldo Palmyra —Somer. Paris —Oxford Parkman —Piscat. Parsonsfield —York Passadumkeag —Penob. Patten —Penob. Pembroke —Wash. Penobscot —Han. Perham —Aroos. Perry —Wash. Peru —Oxford Phillips —Frank. Phippsburg —Sagada. Pittsfield —Somer. Pittston —Kenn. Pleasant Point Voting District —Wash. Pleasant Ridge Pit. —Somer. Plymouth —Penob. Poland —Andros. Portage Lake —Aroos. Porter —Oxford Portland —Cumb. Pownal —Cumb. Prentiss Pit. —Penob. Prentiss, Kingman District —Penob. Presque Isle —Aroos. Princeton —Wash. Prospect —Waldo nD Randolph —Kenn. Rangeley —Frank. Rangeley Pit. —Frank. Raymond —Cumb. Readfield —Kenn. Reed Pit. —Aroos. Richmond —Sagada. Ripley —Somer.

a n d

T o w n s Senate District 11 5 5 16 20 18 14 5 3 21 4 3 21 4 5 12 17 25 2 9 1 20 25 22 3 9 4 8 4 1 4 20 4 33 7 21 14 27 15 7 3 17 35 31 6 3 14 11 11 12 12 15 21 3 15 21 9 15 5 25 6 5 7 14 2 7 15 4 24 13 18 7 4 9 22 2 25 29&30 26 3 3 2 7 14 18 8 8 27 18 3 24 9

in H o u s e a n d S e n a t e House District Robbinston —Wash. 128 Rockland —Knox 135 Rockport —Knox 105 Rome —Kenn. 60 Roque Bluffs —Wash. 81 Roxbury —Oxford 94 Rumford —Oxford 109 104 s Sabattus —Andros. 142 Saco —York 110 Saint Agatha —Aroos. 103 Saint Agatha, Sinclair 140 T17 R4 —Aroos. 110 St. Albans —Somer. 103 St. Francis —Aroos. 134 St. George —Knox 124 St. John Pit. —Aroos. 95 Sandy River Pit. —Frank. Sanford —York 45 Sangerville —Piscat. 151 Scarborough —Cumb. 113 Searsmont —Waldo 151 Searsport —Waldo 78 Sebago —Cumb. 48 Sebec —Piscat. 44 Seboeis Pit. —Penob. 140 Sedgwick —Han. 108 Shapleigh —York 55 Sherman —Aroos. 49 Shirley —Piscat. 56 Sidney —Kenn. 148 Skowhegan —Somer. 55 Smithfield —Somer. 79 Smyrna —Aroos. 102 Solon —Somer. 4 Somerville —Line. 139 Sorrento —Han. 81 South Berwick —York 111 South Bristol —Line. 40 Southport —Line. 50 South Portland —Cumb. 139 South Thomaston —Knox Southwest Harbor —Han. 140 Springfield —Penob. 96 Stacyville —Penob. 6 Standish —Cumb. 17 Starks —Somer. 128&131 Stetson —Penob. 139 Steuben —Wash. 122 Stockholm —Aroos. 129&130 Stockton Springs —Waldo 121 Stoneham —Oxford 128 Stonington —Han. 128 Stow —Oxford 45 Strong —Frank. 81 Sullivan —Han. 151 Sumner —Oxford 50 Surry —Han. Swan’s Island —Han. 84 Swanville —Waldo 108 Sweden —Oxford 51 T 104 Talmadge —Wash. 48 Temple —Frank. 132 The Forks Pit. —Somer. 134 Thomaston —Knox 139 Thorndike —Waldo 123 Topsfield —Wash. 149 Topsham, Sagada. 139 Tremont —Han. 57 Trenton —Han. 55 Troy —Waldo 76 Turner —Andros. 101 u 91 Union — Knox Unity —Waldo 137 Upton —Oxford 103 108 V Van Buren —Aroos. 60 Vanceboro —Wash. 151 Vassalboro —Kenn. 48 Veazie —Penob. 25 thru 33 Verona —Han. 41 Vienna —Kenn. 133 Vinalhaven —Knox 133 w Wade —Aroos. 142&14 Waite —Wash. 139 Waldo —Waldo 112 Waldoboro —Line. Wales —Andros. 92&93 Wallagrass Pit. —Aroos. 49 Waltham —Han. 49 Warren —Knox 45 Washburn —Aroos. 95 Washington —Knox 139 Waterboro —York 72 Waterford —Oxford 104

D is tric ts Senate District 7 21 21 4 7 8 8

House District 139 80&82 83 58 136 52 52&53

16 31 1

72 17,18 150

2 9 2 21 2 8 33 5 31 21 14 25 5 5 12 25 3 5 17 13 4 3 4 20 12 33 20 20 32 21 12 6 5 25 4 9 7 1 14 15 12 15 4 12 15 12 12 14 15

149 107 151 81 151 49 9,10 104 19&20 110 112 46 106 134 123 9 140 104 87 99&100 99 140 103 84 126 4 77 77 22,23 81 124 132 134 47 102 114 125 148 112 48 123 48 55 126 52 127 124 110 46

3 8 4 21 14 3 24 12 12 14 16

139 54 103 80 109 139 73 124 124 108 59

20 14 8

84 109 49

1 3 19 11 14 17 21

148 139 87 129 122 58 81

2 3 14 20 16 1 12 20 2 20 25 15

149 139 110 79 64 151 128 80 147 84 15 49

House District 96,97&98 94 133 49 104 4,6&7 139 76 33,34&35 142 103 93 149 139 51 77 78 137 136 105 54 35,37&38 87 133 85S86 125 112 151 94&95 78 147 52 134 74

Senate District 17 18 6 8 5 35 7 24 28 3 4 18 2 3 15 20 18 7 7 5 8 27 20 6 13 12 14 2 18 20 1 15 5 24

Waterville —Kenn. Wayne —Kenn. Webster Pit. —Penob. Weld —Frank. Wellington —Piscat. Wells —York Wesley —Wash. West Bath —Sagada. Westbrook —Cumb. Westfield —Aroos. West Forks Pit. —Somer. West Gardiner —Kenn. Westmanland —Aroos. Weston —Aroos. West Paris —Oxford Westport —Line. Whitefield —Line. Whiting —Wash. Whitneyville —Wash. Willimantic —Piscat. Wilton —Frank. Windham —Cumb. Windsor —Kenn. Winn —Penob. Winslow —Kenn. Winter Harbor —Han. Winterport —Waldo Waterville Pit. —Aroos. Winthrop —Kenn. Wiscasset —Line. Woodland —Aroos. Woodstock —Oxford Woodville —Penob. Woolwich —Sagada. vI Yarmouth —Cumb. York —York

38&40 2&3

26 35

W o rk p la c e

In ju rie s a n d

D is e a s e

M a in e : S t a tis tic s

S h o w


V e ry

S lig h t

I m p r o v e m e n t in

1 9 8 5

O v er

1 9 8 4 Workers in Maine’s private sector have experienced a general increase in work-related disease and injury in the last several years, even as formter Governor Brennan and the Legislature attacked and weakened the State’s workers’ compensation laws in 1985. Maine’s Department of Labor has just issued its statistical report covering 1985 injuries and illnesses, indicating that one in eight private sector workers “suffered an occupational injury or illness” in 1985 the same as last year, which was the worst year in many. The total number of cases decreased about 3%, according to the report, from 1984 to 1985, although the number of workdays lost in Maine in 1985 — 416,200 — was slightly greater than the 1984 figure. Whether or not Maine’s public sector has an improving or deteriorating injury and illness rate is hard to tell, since comprehensive yearly statistics are still not available. The total number of workers’ compensation claims filed, including by public sector employees, was 63,721 in 1984, 63,692 in 1985, and about the same in 1986.




P a g e S even

M aine S tater

Ja n u a ry 27, 1987








The 1967 MSEA Scholarship Committee, chaired by Debbie Matson of Litchfield, is accepting applications for twelve annual scholarships and three scholarships for part-time educational programs. APPLICATIONS WITH ALL REQUIRED MATERIALS MUST BE RECEIVED BY APRIL 13, 1987. Applications for the twelve annual scholarships will be considered only from sons and daughters of MSEA members who are entering post-high school educational or vocational programs for the first time or MSEA members who are in or have been accepted into a degree program. Nine scholarships will be apportioned so that three will be awarded for each MSEA area. The Dr. Howard L. Bowen will be awarded for $1,000, the Murray L. Brown for $500 and the George A. Davala for $500. One $300 scholarship in each area will be awarded to a student attending a Vocational Technical Institute, provided there is an applicant. If there is no applicant from an area, that scholarship may be awarded to a qualified applicant from another area. The VTI applicants will first be considered along with the other applicants for the nine scholarships mentioned above; if not selected to receive one of those scholarships, they will then be considered for












the VTI scholarships. Each of the above scholarships will be payable one-half during the first semester or partial year, and one-half during the second semester of the recipient’s first year in post secondary school. All awards will be made payable to the treasurer or bursar of the school in which the recipient becomes enrolled. The members of the Scholarship Committee from each area will screen applications from other areas. Basis for awarding these scholarships will be: 1. Character 2. Leadership Qualities 3. Service to Others 4. Financial Need 5. Scholastic Ability and Initiative Each item will receive a numerical rating; the total of these ratings determines the success of the application. Personal interviews may be required by the Committee if needed. THREE PART-TIME EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIPS MSEA is also offering scholarships to MSEA members enrolled in part-time educational programs. Three scholar­ ships, one for each geographical area, in the amount of $250












each will be awarded. The selection process will be handled in the same manner and at the same time as the scholarships offered to sons an daughters of MSEA members who are in degree programs. REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL SCHOLARSHIPS (1) A transcript of your high school record; (2) a statement or personal letter indicating reasons for making application; (3) an itemized statement of your and, if you are a dependent, your parents’ or guardians’ financial resources and outstanding obligations, AND Page 1 of their 1986 Federal Income Tax statement (all to be held in strict confidence); (4) a description of your extracurricular activities; and (5) references as noted on your application. Items 4 and 5 should contain information on character, leadership, and service to others and any other information which indicates why this applicant should be considered. It will be the responsibility of the applicant to be sure all of the references required (one scholastic and one non-scholas­ tic, non-relative) are received by April 13, 1987. Applications must be mailed to Maine State Employees Association, 65 State Street, Augusta, Maine 04330, so that they will be received by April 13, 1987. Additional applications are available from MSEA Headquarters.


D R, H O W A R D

L. B O W E N , T H E







B R O W N ,


THIS APPLICATION FORM MAY A LSO BE USED FO R THE THREE PART-TIME EDUCATIONAL PRO G RA M SC H O L A R SH IPS AND THE THREE VTI SC H O L A R SH IPS FULL N A M E _________________________________________________________________________________________



J ______

ADDRESS _______________________________ OCCUPATION




YEARLY INCOME FROM ALL S O U R C E S _________________________________________ NAMES, AG ES AND RELATIONSHIP O F DEPEN D EN TS (if different from F a th e r’s)

*lf not a d e p e n d e n t, u s e a b o v e s p a c e s for ow n a n d s p o u s e ’s inform ation. INCOME FROM ALL S O U R C E S (if additional to p a re n ts)


TO WHICH M SEA CH A PTER DO YOU O R YOUR PARENT(S) BELON G. HAVE YOU BEEN A C C EPTED FO R PO ST-HIGH S C H O O L EDUCATION DATE O F A C CEPTA N CE________________ NAME O F S C H O O L __________ ADDRESS O F S C H O O L ________________________________________________ WHAT C O U R SE DO YOU PLAN TO T A K E ___________________________________________________________________ LENGTH O F THIS C O U R S E (y e a rs, m o n th s, e t c . ) ____________________________________________________________________________________ NAME O F HIGH S C H O O L FROM W HICH YOU ARE TO BE O R HAVE GRADUATED O R P O S T SECON DA RY S C H O O L LAST ATTENDED________________________ ____________ __________________ ___________________________________________________________________ NAME O F GUIDANCE DIRECTOR O R ADVISOR AND A D D R E SS_______________ __________ ____________________________ ________________? REQUIRED R E FE R E N C E S: O n e s c h o la s tic a n d o n e n o n -sc h o la stic (a non-relative). No A pplication will b e c o n s id e re d u n le s s re q u ire m e n ts 1 th rough 4 a re m et. A pplicants n o t m eetin g re q u ire m e n t 5 will still b e c o n s id e re d , h o w e v e r, their final rating m ay b e a ffe c te d . (N ote additional req u irem e n ts) PLE A SE NOTE: It will b e n e c e s s a r y fo r y o u to a s k e a c h of y o u r r e f e r e n c e s to s e n d h is /h e r le tte r of r e c o m m e n d a tio n to t h e C h a ir p e r s o n of t h e M SEA S c h o la r s h ip C o m m itte e . A pplication a n d a c c o m p a n y in g d a ta sh o u ld a lso b e m ailed to th e C h a irp e rso n of th e M SEA S c h o larsh ip C om m ittee, 6 5 S ta te S tre e t, A u g u sta, M aine 0 4 3 3 0 .

P ag e Eight

Jan u ary 27, 1987

S m o k in g Issu e

a t W o rk : T h e

is S till W h e th e r I t’s

N e g o tia b le In the spring of 1985, the 112th Maine legislature passed the Workplace Smoking Act of 1985, effective January 1, 1986. The Act mandated that Maine employers establish policies which would prohibit workplace smoking except in designated areas. When several state departments unilateraily imposed such smoking policies on their employees and refused to negotiate with the union, MSEA grieved those actions to arbitration, arguing that smoking in the state workplace was a change in working conditions that was not covered by contract, and its impact must be negotiated. The arbitrator eventually ruled that the state did have the authority — under the MSEA contract’s Health and Safety article — to issue such smoking rules. Recently, however, the Maine Labor Relations Board decided in favor of a teacher’s union local which also grieved the fact that the school district employer,had implemented a smoking ban at the workplace while refusing to negotiate over the issue. The Board ordered the employer to rescind the policy in place, reinstitute the previous policy of limited smoking areas, and negotiate with the union over any future smoking policy. In this case, the Board observed that the Smoking Act of 1985 “explicitly anticipates that public and private employers may be obliged to bargain changes.” The teachers’ contract did not specifically address the issue of smoking, and the Board also ruled that the contract’s management rights article did not mean the union had waived the right to bargain the change in working conditions created by the smoking ban. This decision indicates that smoking policies are indeed a mandatory subject of bargaining. Should MSEA wish to change the language of the current contract, the subject of workplace smoking can be raised in bargaining. A g ric u ltu re

Teachers at the table: On January 21, the MSEA bargaining team representing state teachers met with the state for the second time in an effort to set pay scales competitive with public school teacher salaries. (L. to R.) Gerry Stanton, Maine Correctional Center; Diane Berry, Baxter School; John Moran, Deoartment of Education; Bill Davis, Maine Youth Center; Becki Derry, Pineland; and Laurina Albert, Therriault School, Unorganized Territories.

B a rg a in in g

Last month, the Stater listed recently elected bargaining teams for statewide bargaining and judicial negotiations. Two other bargaining units are currently engaged in contract talks: MSEA members in the-Vocational-Technical Institute System; and members of Local 5, City Government workers in Lewiston. The Local 5 contract expired in December. Teams for these two units, who are working with MSEA Assistant Negotiator Chuck Hillier, are listed below.

D e p a rtm e n t

L a b o r-M a n a g e m e n t


B e

E ffe c tiv e , W e

N e e d

G e t A lo n g ”

In recent years, a number of state government departments have seen the establishment of committees to work on issues of concern to employees and management which generally fall outside the collective bargaining process. Some of these Labor-Management efforts have produced results, while others have been less valuable. A committee formed for the Department of Agriculture Food and Rural Resources has been meeting monthly during the fall of last year. The stated purpose is to discuss labor-management relations, personnel policy, and contract administration matters; the Committee, co-chaired by MSEA member Cathy Cotton, a lab technician, and management representative Richard Burnham, then “advises and makes recommendations” to the department’s Commissioner on issues addressed. The other two MSEA members representing labor are Gail McKenney and Shirley Burgoin. Committee members have just completed a survey of all department employees asking about the kinds of job training they’ve had or would like to see. Another upcoming issue will be building and office security for employees of the department. The Committee agreed that to operate successfully it would not address any issues appropriate for the grievance process. “It’s sometimes a slow process,” said Cotton, “but there's cooperation between the sides. In order to be effective, we need to get along.”

P l e a s e


o t e ...

Please note: The statewide scholarship application will be run again in the February 1987 Stater. All MSEA chapters offering scholarships to chapter members and wishing to publicize the fact in the Stater should contact MSEA with the appropriate information before February 20.


M a i n e ’s

M in im u m

W a g e

L E T T E R S T o h e

L ocal 5

Support Services Bargaining Team Frank Boone NMVTI 545-2144 Paul McTigue EMVTI 941-4633 Ella Boyd NMVTI 769-2461 Mark Parks NMVTI 769-2461 Anthony Provost EMVTI 941-4633 William Krider WCVTI 454-2144

As of January 1, 1987, the State of Maine’s — the lowest hourly wage that can be paid any full-time worker under the law — is now $3.65 an hour. According to the Bureau of National Affairs’ Employee Relations Weekly, that figure represents the second highest minimum wage in the country, with only Alaska higher at $3. 85 an hour, and Rhode Island due to rise to $3.65 in July. This at a time when the minimum wage nationwide is at its lowest real level in thirty years. Has the minimum wage increase, up 10 cents a year over the last three years following approval in the Legislature, had


a n d

VOCATIONAL/TECHNICAL INSTITUTES BARGAINING TEAM Supervisory Bargaining Team Daniel P. Hersey EMVTI 941-4600 Paul Rediker NMVTI 769-2461

LOCAL 5 BARGAINING TEAM Connie Levesque PBX Operator, Account Clerk Anita Dubois Caseworker Claire Benoit Dispatcher Aide Ken Jones Janitor Robert Auger Maintenance Person Lorraine Samson Principal Clerk

C o m m itte e : “ T o

T e a m s : V T I’s

E d i t o r

The Maine Stater w elcom es letters from MSEA m em bers on issues of general concern to the membership!

Retired: MSEA staff member Barbara Chafee retired in December after over 20 years of service to MSEA membership. She’ll be nearby in Augusta — we wish her all the best!

G o e s

U p

a detrimental effect on Maine’s economy? Not so you’d know it. Though many employers complained that hiking the wage would drive work out of Maine and create unemployment, the last three years have undercut that argument. Like the rest of New England, Maine now has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country, and an economy clearly stronger than it was three years ago. Even better, the State has successfully boosted the paychecks of its lowest-paid workers, who must make a living in what often amounts to the least rewarding kinds of employment.

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