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The Journey / 2017 Summer

The World Needs More Good Samaritans Join Samaritan’s Purse in answering Christ’s call to help those who are hurting due to war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine. See how we work around the world to relieve suffering and share the hope of the Gospel: Franklin Graham, President | P.O. Box 3000, Boone, NC 28607




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The Journey / 2017 Summer


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Introduction By Ben Cox

Local Roots, Local Perspective, and the Billy Graham Legacy By Ben Cox A Thousand Words and More From the Billy Graham Library Exhibit Flying Around the World & Telling People About Jesus An Interview with William Graham IV Motorcycles, Missions, & Medicine An Interview with Dr. Richard Furman Come to Jesus Moments More Secrets to Billy Graham’s Success By Ben Cox Rooted in Family and Faith By Kim Furches Embrace Your Journey By Terry Brewer Finding Life After Tragedy: God’s Story of Redemption Through Adoption

By Emily Mitchell

The Journey / 2017 Summer


INTRODUCTION You hold in your hands the first of a 2 volume 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY EDITION of The Journey!

What began as a once a year newsprint publication that was only distributed in Watauga County, is now published twice a year (6 months apart) and distributed in Wilkes, Ashe, Watauga, and Avery counties. I’m incredibly grateful for how popular and well received this magazine has become with our sponsors, at our newsstands, in churches, online, and with people that we hear from across the nation. I’m also humbled and amazed by how powerfully the Lord has used The Journey to build bridges of understanding among those of us who consider ourselves to be followers of Christ and those who don’t. One reason I chose to feature the ministry of Billy Graham is because I wanted to draw attention to a North Carolina resident, with High Country roots, whose life has impacted history in profoundly good ways. ​From the time that he came into the national spotlight at a 1949 tent revival meeting to now, the influence of his life still reverberates to the world. In fact, there’s so much to say about that, we’re saving some really good stuff for our November publication. In this edition, the first 27 pages will be devoted to honoring the legacy of Billy Graham. However, we’ve also included some other spiritual journeys that we think will inspire and encourage you as well. It was interesting to me, as these stories came together, to see some of the similar themes that overlapped between them. My prayer for all who read this magazine is that it will draw you closer to God, from whom all blessings flow!

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The Journey Magazine © Copyright 2017

Ben Cox - Owner/Publisher/Editor Deck Moser - Business Development Alex Stewart - Graphic Designer Hannah Maxson - HC365 Brand Manager Connie Cox - Distribution Manager Heather Cotten - Office Manager

This magazine is intended to present people’s stories about their personal relationships with God. We endeavor to have a diversity of viewpoints from people who identify themselves as followers of Christ. Each person who shares is encouraged to share their stories, uncut, as is. Because of this, it stands to reason that we are not always able to personally endorse all that is said, nor can we be held responsible for the total veracity of every story. The common denominator is that the people who share have experienced God’s love in real ways. The encouragement that we want for you, is that you too can experience His love wherever your journey takes you. Any type of reproduction of this magazine is prohibited without permission from Main Street Marketing.

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Cover Photo: Right to Left, William Franklin Graham II, III, and IV, at a 1994 Crusade Photo Courtesy of the Billy Graham Evangelisitc Association. Used With Permission. All RIghts Reserved.


The Journey / 2017 Summer

Local Roots, Local Perspective,

and the Billy Graham Legacy From the Publisher/Editor Ben Cox

Billy Graham, Mordecai Ham, and William Graham Sr. Courtesy of BGEA

William Franklin Graham Jr, better known as Billy Graham, was born in 1919 in Charlotte, NC. His childhood home has been preserved and moved to be a part of the Billy Graham Library, which is only a mile away from where he was born. According to his online biography at BGEA. ORG, “Billy Graham has preached the Gospel to more people in live audiences than anyone else in history—nearly 215 million people in more than 185 countries and territories—through various meetings, including Mission World and Global Mission. Hundreds of millions more have been reached through television, video, film, and webcasts.

But, you don’t need me or this magazine to tell you that. You can read them from the BGEA website yourself. Or you can do your own research online; or read books by or about Billy. There’s certainly no shortage of those. However, I want to recommend something else to you. I guarantee that if you took the time to actually tour the Billy Graham Library and do so with an open mind and heart it could literally change your life. I say this from personal experience because when I concluded my visit to watch the final video, I had a supernatural encounter with Christ that overwhelmed me in a way I had not anticipated. Something happened deep in my soul that has brought me a deeper peace than anything I’ve experienced in years.

I guarantee that if you took the time to tour the Billy Graham Library and do so with an open mind and heart, it could literally change your life!

“In the fall of 1934, at age 15, Mr. Graham made a personal commitment to Christ through the ministry of Mordecai Ham, a traveling evangelist, who visited Charlotte for a series of revival meetings.” Those dates and times resonate with me personally because my own dad told me several stories about Mordecai Ham meetings that he attended in the Spartanburg, SC area where he was raised.

“Mr. Graham’s counsel has been sought by presidents, and his appeal in both the secular and religious arenas is evidenced by the wide range of groups that have honored him, including numerous honorary doctorates from many institutions in the U. S. and abroad.”

Having laid all that groundwork, here is my threefold objective in our 2 part tribute editions to acknowledge how powerfully the Holy Spirit has worked through the life and ministry of Billy Graham: Local Roots: To draw attention to the fact that the local roots of Billy Graham’s spiritual influence run very deep in the High Country. Local Perspective: Will Graham’s perspective is local; Dr. Richard Furman’s perspective is local; the perspective I

EACH DO MO The Journey / 2017 Summer

write from is local. In addition to the 5 articles in this edition that are directly linked to Billy Graham, we will have more local perspective spin-off stories in our November edition.

Legacy: A synonym for legacy is inheritance. It’s what we leave behind for our relatives and friends when we die. It’s also what we receive from our own ancestors. People typically think about inheritance as receiving money or property, but there’s a lot more to it than that! Billy Graham’s life and ministry illustrates the power of legacy and a life well lived. I believe he has the kind of purpose, values and a way of carrying himself that our current culture desperately needs to learn from and embrace. Kudos to the Graham family, friends and associates for the outstanding job they have done in preserving and carrying on his legacy. Because of that we’ll be able to hear Billy’s story through the quotes and pictures that the BGEA has graciously permitted me to use. It’s been said that a picture is worth a 1000 words so may the Lord use the pictures and accompanying quotes to speak volumes to your hearts and minds. May we be inspired to consider our own legacies in the process.


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“My one purpose in life is to help people find a personal relationship with God, which, I believe, comes through knowing Christ.” - Billy Graham (Billy Graham God’s Ambassador)

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The Journey / 2017 Summer


A Thousand Words and More

From the Billy Graham Library Exhibit “On June 5, 2007, the Billy Graham Library first opened its doors. Now, 10 years late, more than 1.1 million visitors from around the world have walked through the foot of the cross to hear how God used a farm boy from North Carolina to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.”

The Journey / 2017 Summer


Dr. Graham has been looked to as “The Nation’s Pastor” especially during times of national crises. Here he tenderly delivers a message of comfort and hope in the midst of the nation’s leaders, including 5 presidents, in Washington’s National Cathedral, 2001, just days following 9-11. On May 31, 2017, the Billy Graham Library was dedicated in a special ceremony attended by many dignitaries including: (from left to right) President’s George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Billy Graham, Franklin Graham, and Jimmy Carter.

The reason I included this picture in our 1,000 word pictorial is because this was the last recorded public interview that Mr Graham did. It was 6 years ago, when he was 92 and it warmed my heart to hear it in it’s entirety, especially his answer to Greta’s question of what, if anything he would change about his ministry. He said something to this effect: “I would pray more and study more.” He went on to say that he would advise anyone in ministry to devote lots of time to prayer and study. “That’s the key!” he said with a deep conviction that was clear to me.

“May we feel the loving arms of God wrapped around us.” - Billy Graham

A crowd estimated at 150,00 greeted Billy in the public square outside the Orthodox cathedral in Timisoara, Romania. “I am a member of the human race. I am a world citizen. I have a responsibility to my fellow humans, whatever their religion. And I am convinced that only Christ can meet the deepest needs of our world and our hearts. Christ alone can bring lasting peace-peace with God, peace among men and nations, and peace within our hearts. He transcends the political and social boundaries of our world.” - Billy Graham Courtesy of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Used With Permission. All Rights Reserved.


The Journey / 2017 Summer

Will Graham IV’s Recent Visit with Billy Graham. Courtesy of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Used With Permission. All Rights Reserved.

The Journey / 2017 Summer


Flying Around the World

& Telling People

About Jesus An Interview with William Graham IV

In my quest to do a special tribute edition to honor the spiritual legacy of Billy Graham, with a High-Country emphasis, an interview with Will Graham IV was a logical necessity. Will is the grandson of William Franklin Graham II (Billy), son of William Franklin Graham III (Franklin) and Father to William Franklin Graham V (Quint). That’s right there’s now a 5th Graham who has already been cleverly nicknamed Quint to avoid as much confusion as possible at future family reunions. Will Graham was raised in Boone, NC, so his story is as local as it gets. As we settled into our interview at Will’s office at The Cove retreat center in Asheville, NC, I was immediately put at ease by his relaxed, personable demeanor and his great sense of humor. In fact, something he said in our interview about his grandparents made me realize that the ease I felt with him stemmed from his grandparent’s example. Here’s what he said: “My grandparents loved the unlovable. My grandmother could make a prostitute and a princess feel comfortable around each other at the same time. They were both real unique in helping people feel at home.” The personal perspective that Will provided intrigued me as he reminded me that his parents, Franklin and Jane, moved to Boone in 1977, which was the same year that my wife and I moved here. Thus, it brought back great memories to me as we reminisced about Boone and how much things have changed from then to now. Ben: Please share with us what is was like to grow up in the public spotlight as the grandson of Billy Graham in a small town like Boone. Will: Well to say public and then say Boone, back in the late 70’s and early 80’s, you know there wasn’t much public about it. I mean, Boone was so small everybody was neighbors and it seemed as if we all just knew each other. I knew my grandfather was Billy Graham, I didn’t know what Billy Graham meant though. I knew him as Grandad. That’s the only way I knew him. We call him “Daddy Bill” and that’s what the grandchildren, there’s 19 of us, that’s what we call him, Daddy Bill. I’m dead in the middle. Number 11. I’m about dead center of the pack birth wise. So, when I was a kid, I knew Billy Graham was my grandad, but I didn’t know how famous he was.


The Journey / 2017 Summer

Dr. Adams in El Beni, Bolivia Ben Cox and Will Graham at The Cove in Asheville, NC

I think the first time I remember it occurring to me how important my granddad was to people was at Blowing Rock Elementary school. I was in kindergarten and my teacher introduced me to some other teachers and put her hands on my shoulders and said. “This is Billy Graham’s grandson. I remember thinking then, “How do they know about my granddad?” That’s when I started realizing that my granddaddy was a little more famous than the average person. But I grew up a real normal life, at least what I feel like was normal. No one my age could care less about Billy Graham. I mean when they found out, okay, who cares. Will’s on the soccer team. He scored a goal, he helped us win. That was what was important, not that I was Billy Graham’s grandson. That did nothing for them. If you had the latest transformers gobot or the newest shoes, that was what kids my age cared about. They didn’t care about who your granddaddy was. So, growing up my life was real normal. I mean I went to public elementary school in Blowing Rock, I went to Watauga high school. Went to church on Sunday and played sports in the community. It was a great place to grow up. Ben: Do you think your parents, by design, wanted to keep you out of the public eye? Will: Yes. My dad never pushed us into it, because he didn’t like feeling pushed into it by the public who so admired my granddad. Because he was Billy Graham’s son, the day he was born he received letters in the mail. Now imagine, the day you’re born, because your dad’s already famous your first-born son is getting letters! “You’ve got big shoes to fill. Ohhhh we’re going to expect big things from you.” The day he was born the pressure was on him to be like his dad and to surpass his dad and stuff like that.

Will Graham at the Wiregrass Area Celebration in Dothan, AL (BGEA)

Now my dad’s parents, Ruth and Billy, never pressured him, but there was always external pressure and expectations. My dad rebelled against that. I never had that. Because dad had gone through that, he wanted to protect us even more. So even when we grew up, in high school or college, no one could talk to me about doing ministry without talking to him first. He didn’t want to push us. He loved his mom and dad, but he didn’t want that lifestyle. I never had my dad’s type of rebellion. We did experience the feeling of living in a fishbowl and being judged by a different standard than others, but I didn’t rebel against it. In other words, I was just used to the fishbowl and didn’t resent it. We had our privacy. We lived out in the country. Boone back then was a lot safer than it is now, so much so that we never locked our doors. We had privacy, but we knew we lived differently and were different in the eye of the public. Ben: Having moved here in 1977 and being in tune with the Christian community here, I remember noticing a time of significant growth for Samaritan’s purse. Please share with us your perspective about that. Will: As a typical kid, I didn’t pay that much attention to what my dad did for work. But in 1984 or 85, I can’t remember the exact year, but I was around 9 or 10 years old when it seemed to me like Samaritan’s Purse shot up overnight. Of course, it didn’t shoot up overnight. I know now that it started small in California by a man who was good friends with my dad and granddad named Bob Pierce. When he died the board of Samaritan’s Purse asked dad if he would consider taking Bob’s place. Dad told the board, “If I agree to take Bob’s place, I’ll need to move the

The Journey / 2017 Summer

headquarters to North Carolina, because that’s where I live and go to school.” So, the board agreed to that and dad moved the headquarters to Boone where he had already been living for 2 years. I also know now that before dad moved SP headquarters to Boone, he had already agreed to help Drs. Lowell and Richard Furman start World Medical Mission through connections he had with my grandad’s ministry and with Bob Pierce. In 1977 the Furman brothers built an upstairs office space in the new building where their surgical practice was so my dad could work there with World Medical Mission. Thus, when SP moved to NC, that’s where the original office was.


Ben: Please share with us about your own “defining moment” when you realized that you had to come to grips with your own personal relationship with God? Will: I gave my life to Christ in early January 1981. I was almost 6. My birthday is in January, but this was early January. Like the 11th. It was a Sunday. I was at Alliance Bible Fellowship and back then Alliance met upstairs at the old location on the corner of Depot Street and River Street. We were up there having church and because I was turning 6, I was too old for children’s church. I had to go to big people church. I loved going to children’s church with the other kids because they had snacks and you got to play. • TRUST THE PROFESSIONALS• 336-846-6285

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The Journey / 2017 Summer

In big people church you had to sit and be still and listen to some guy talk. I remember on this particular Sunday it was communion Sunday. These guys got a whole thing of bread up there. Look at that thing of grape juice. This is great. So when it came by, I really thought it was snacks so I went for it and dad smacked my hand and told me I couldn’t have it. I thought it was because my dad thought I was going to spill it on the carpet. After church I didn’t think anything about it. We went out to eat at, as we did most Sundays and then home. I was about to go out and play when dad said, “Son, I want to talk to you.” He took me up to my room and explained to me why I couldn’t have communion is because I hadn’t had Jesus living in my heart and I had to have Jesus living in my heart to take communion. Dad then explained the gospel to me, that I was a sinner. Even when I was 6 years old I knew I wasn’t a good kid all the time. I disobeyed, I knew I was a sinner and I didn’t want to spend an eternity in hell, so I asked Jesus to come into my life. It was a really childlike thing. I didn’t have a complete understanding. I couldn’t tell you the books of the Bible, but I wanted to be with Jesus and I gave my life to him. It was simple, childlike faith. From that time on I started living for Christ. I was a sinner, but I never had a rebellious time in my life like my dad did. I was actually a pretty good kid. My parents believe in welldisciplined children. They spanked liberally. (laughing). But when it came to spankings, we deserved it. To be honest we deserved it. There were three boys. We walked into Belk’s and they couldn’t wait for us to leave. Mannequins weren’t safe, clothes on racks weren’t safe. We weren’t trying to be rude or mean, we were just trying to have fun. We were just kids, little boys. I was the oldest and we were just a terror. I realized I was a sinner and needed Jesus in my life and dad explained that to me and led me to Christ. Ben: So, from that point on, you took that relationship seriously. I’m assuming then, that it was in the context of your own personal relationship with Christ that you felt the call to full-time Christian ministry for yourself. Tell us about that. Will: Yes, but there isn’t just one point. I look back and I see breadcrumbs. I see dots here, here, and here. I start to see a trail. If I had to pick one day it would have been right across this hill right here at camp. We used to have our own Cove Summer Camp. I remember distinctly a time when I’m about 15 years old, getting on my knees and saying, “Lord, I’ll do whatever you want me to do.” However, I also remember feeling a special calling on my life when I was at Blowing Rock Elementary in about the 2nd grade. The teacher told us to draw a picture of what we wanted to be in life. I drew a picture of David Clark headsets (what aviators used in their airplanes, an ugly 1970s green) and I drew a picture of an open Bible. I wanted to fly around and tell people about Jesus. I wanted to be like my dad: Fly in an airplane and go around and tell people about Jesus. I didn’t feel like it was a mission field, I didn’t feel like I was

going to be an evangelist. I just wanted to go tell people about Jesus. In addition to this, I also remember at Alliance Church they had a missionary come and speak and I got out of my seat and walked forward and the speaker had some of the elders come up and pray for the children standing. Ed Pilkington came forward and put his hand on me and prayed for my calling in life. After that I remember Ed continuing to encourage me in my faith, taking me out from time to time to get ice cream. I look back and I see these different points in my life. But I see that one night with Ed putting his hands on my shoulders and praying. I remember walking forward because I could hear God calling me. I was somewhere between 8 and 10 years old at the time. But again, I would say the strongest defining moment was right across here when I was about 15 and that’s when I got on my knees (about 1990). Ben: So, now let’s fast-forward to hear a brief synopsis of how you’ve now arrived at a time in your life of fulfilling your call to fly around and tell people about Jesus. Will: Because I was assured of my calling to preach the gospel, I was equally convinced of my need to receive more training than I received from growing up in a strong Christian home. So, I attended Liberty University where I got my Bachelor of Science Degree and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, where I got my Master of Divinity degree in 2001. It was there that I went from being on staff as a pastoral intern at Bay Leaf Church in North Raleigh when they asked me to help plant a church called Wakefield Baptist Church. At first, we were rotating the preaching duties (one every 4 weeks). It was taking me about a month to come up with a sermon. Then 6 weeks later the pastor at Bay Leaf said, “Will, I want you to do two services a month.” I was still a full-time student! Then he said, “Will, you just do all the services now” and so from that point on I really kind of ran the church. They called me pastor, I was named pastor of the church, but technically we were still under the authority of the other church. So, he was the one that hired me. The funny thing is I was never voted on as a pastor, I snuck through. We started this church in 2001, which is the same year I graduated from Seminary. So before I ever started doing crusade type ministry, I pastored that church for 6 years and was involved in a pastoral role for 8 years. In 2003 we moved from a high school to a more permanent rental facility. It was while I was pastoring there in 2004 that I got a phone call from a Canadian. He ran our Canadian office for Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. His name is Sean Campbell. Sean said, “Will, we’ve been working on this new youth initiative and have been training all these kids in how to show and share their faith. We want them to have a chance to practice and do it for themselves and lead their friends to Christ. We are going to book a youth outreach where they can invite their friends and have good music for young people and we want you to

The Journey / 2017 Summer

be the evangelist.” I said, “No that’s my dad and my grandad’s thing. I’m a pastor in this church full time now. I don’t have time for that.” But Sean persisted in asking, so I finally said, “Ok I’ll do it.” I went up there and that was the first time I’ve ever preached with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. It was in the fall of 2004. It went extremely well and so we started doing some others. Because I was still pastoring the church, they would give me a weekend away and I would go up there and preach and come back on Monday and get back in the office. I would do this twice or three times a year. It usually took me a day to get up there, a day to preach and a day to fly home. Then in 2005, after one of those events, a person came up and said, “Hey, we really like this. We want to do this in our neighborhood in Canada. But we don’t want to do it one day, we want to do it for three days and for all ages.” I told them, that’s a crusade. They asked, “Do you want to do it?” I was like, “Alright I’ll do it.” So, the Spring of 2006 I did my very first crusade in a place called Leduc, Alberta Canada, only they didn’t call it a Crusade like my granddad’s meetings were called or a Festival like my dad does, they called it a Celebration. So, I did my first one there and it went extremely well. The following April in 2006, God called me away from the church I had been with for 8 years. I left on July 9th, 2006 and still miss it today. I always pray that God will let me go back one day.

More Information about Will Graham IV “The first of Will’s crusade-style events – called Celebrations – took place in 2006 in Leduc, Alberta, Canada. His first Celebration on United States soil came later that year in Gastonia, N.C. Since then, he has held evangelistic outreaches on six continents around the world. “His 2017 schedule includes three-day Celebrations in Alabama and Indiana, as well as international outreaches in Canada, Mexico, China and Romania. “‘I’m not trying to be the next Billy Graham; I’m just Will Graham,’ says the ordained minister. ‘I have a burden in my heart to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If that’s to an arena full of people or one person on the street, I will do whatever God is calling me to do.’ “In addition to his evangelistic outreaches, Will also serves as vice president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and as executive director of the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove in Asheville, N.C. The Cove offers multi-day seminars on a variety of Christian subjects and features nationally-recognized speakers.” Courtesy of



The Journey / 2017 Summer

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The Journey / 2017 Summer


Missions, & Medicine An Interview with Dr. Richard Furman

Dr. Richard Furman, Bob Pierce, and Franklin Graham stand along Samaritan IV. Courtesy of Samaritan’s Purse. Used With Permission. All Rights Reserved

The Journey / 2017 Summer

When Will Graham told me his child-hood perspective about growing up in Boone, I was intrigued to hear of the role that Drs. Lowell and Richard Furman played in the founding of World Medical Mission and the growth of Samaritan’s Purse. Therefore, I pursued an interview with Dr. Richard Furman who is still very active with the ministry. 40 years ago, Drs. Lowell and Richard Furman were already well known in the community before World Medical Mission was founded and before Samaritan’s Purse was moved to Boone. Through their medical practice, church associations and citizenship of Boone, they interacted with hundreds of us locals. Though I knew and interacted with Richard and Lowell and was aware of their history with Samaritan’s Purse, my interview with Dr. Richard connected the dots for me in a that fits perfectly with our local roots perspective on Billy Graham’s High Country legacy. What follows is a recap of my interview with Dr. Richard Furman:


fruition, we redrew the plans to build office space above our practice for World Medical Mission. 2 years later, when Franklin was chosen as Bob Pierce’s successor, he moved Samaritan’s Purse from its headquarters in California to Boone and that office space. Many of us who live in the High Country have had reason to visit the Samaritan’s Purse campus, or at least see it when we’re driving around Boone. When you compare that to the 2nd story of Watauga Surgical office building at 965 State Farm Road in Boone, one gains a deeper appreciation of the significance of what the Lord has done. In fact, Dr. Furman told me that plans are being made now for a 40-year anniversary celebration of God’s faithfulness and favor to World Medical Missions as the medical arm of SP. *To read more about Bob Pierce and Samaritan’s Purse visit

Ben: Dr. Furman, please tell me what you can remember about the events that led to World Medical Mission and Samaritan’s purse being founded. Dr. Furman: When Franklin Graham was a senior at ASU, we were introduced to each other through a mutual friend who knew of our common interest in riding motorcycles. So, we began to develop a motorcycle riding relationship that has endured for 40 years now. In that same period, 1977, my brother and I were invited by a friend of ours, who had transplanted from Boone to Asheville, to be his guest at a Billy Graham Crusade being conducted in Asheville. Much to our surprise, we were invited to sit on the stage with others, which was quite an experience. After the meeting we were asked if we would help with a medical need in India that the Grahams were aware of. Of course, we said yes. In conjunction with our trip to help with the India mission, Franklin invited us to meet him in Papua, New Guinea on our return trip to the states. That’s when we first met Bob Pierce, who was the founder of Samaritan’s Purse.* Following that life-changing trip is when Lowell and I asked Franklin if he would use his Samaritan’s Purse connections to help us begin an organization that encourages doctors to serve short-term at overseas mission hospitals. He said he would look into it and contacted 29 mission hospitals to gauge their interest. 28 of the hospitals responded affirmatively and asked Franklin if he could send doctors immediately! With the need confirmed and the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we all knew it was time to move forward with the medical mission. Little did we know that the relationship which began with motorcycle rides on the Blue Ridge Parkway, would lead to us co-founding World Medical Mission with Franklin Graham. 1977 was a significant year because Lowell and I had also begun building our own office space for our surgical practice. Our original plan was to have a flat roof on the building, but when the medical mission plan came to Dr. Richard Furman and his Wife Harriet


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The Journey / 2017 Summer

Come to Jesus Moments More Secrets to Billy Graham’s Success By Ben Cox

Courtesy of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Used With Permission. All Rights Reserved

The Journey / 2017 Summer

I was born and raised in the South 62+ years ago as the 4th child and only son of a Southern Baptist pastor. My wife was born 60+ years ago in Michigan as the 4th child of 7 and her parents were devout Catholics. In other words, we were raised in Christian homes with traditional Baptist and Catholic values. However, neither of us were really serious about Christianity until 40 years ago in 1977. That’s the same year we were married (May 7, 1977) and then moved to Boone (October, 1977). I only reference all that in relation to Billy Graham because our parents and the Grahams were contemporaries. They raised us in a time where the pace of change picked up steam in ways that were breath-taking then, but were harbingers of the fast rate of change that we have now come to expect in 2017. Because I have determined to share Billy Graham’s legacy from my local perspective, I can’t help but run Billy’s story through the filter of my own dad’s similarities to him. My dad served the Lord in full-time pastoral ministry for over 60 years, including 3 years as a Chaplain during World War 2. He died (graduated with honors is what I prefer to say) in November of 2010 at the age of 94, which means he would have been 100 years old if he had lived. The words I’m about to use to describe Billy are words that could also describe my dad. The reason I say that, before we focus on the “secrets to Billy Graham’s success” is because success shouldn’t be defined solely on the basis of a person’s accomplishments. It’s the content of one’s character that determines true success and it’s what matters most to God.

He majored in setting the stage for millions of people to have their personal ​come to Jesus​moment no matter how unworthy we might think ourselves to be. But, he also reminded us that we need to come to Jesus daily so that we keep making it about him and not ourselves, our denomination, our politics, or our exalted view of our own opinions. Though he would be the first to acknowledge that he was far from perfect, the same man who preached Christ so effectively also modeled the importance of cultivating Christlike character. He didn’t want there to be a credibility gap between what he preached and how he lived. Billy Graham didn’t just try to reach the lost. He also encouraged those of us who are followers of Christ to demonstrate, by our very lives, the character, nature, and disposition of Christ. Furthermore, by staying true to his main calling to preach about having a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, he reminds us about the meaning we can find for our own lives as we learn to die to ourselves and find our life in Christ and trust Him to reveal His unique purpose for our lives.

“Jesus was either an egomaniac, a liar, or He was who He claimed to be. By faith I accepted Him for what He claimed to be, the Son of the living God.”

Billy Graham was faithful, humble and a rock of stability through times of great turmoil in our nation’s history. Billy, was willing and able to change with the times without compromising the powerful message of the Cross or the integrity of the teachings of Christ and the Holy Scripture. Psalm 115:1​says, “Not to us, Lord, not to us,but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.” I cite that particular verse as it relates to Billy Graham because he was always quick to give God all the glory. To miss that is to miss the whole reason such a humble man with a simple faith in Jesus as Lord and the Bible as the Word of God made the kind of national and international impact that has stood the test of time. By the grace of God, he faithfully kept the focus on Jesus instead of himself. By the grace of God, he returned to Jesus again and again as his source of inspiration and power. Every time he began to stray from that commitment to make it about Christ alone, he corrected his course. By doing this consistently, from the time he obediently responded to Christ’s call for him to be an evangelist, he set a timeless example that we need to be reminded of.


Before I share some final pictures and quotes to round out our Billy Graham feature stories, I want to share this quote and leave you with a challenge.

From Billy Graham God’s Ambassador, “Whether he speaks to a single individual or a television camera that reaches thirty million, Billy’s ministry is and always has been targeted to one goal-calling each person to make a decision to follow Christ, and do it today.” Here is one direct quote that the book cited to illustrate that point: “Jesus said, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man comes to the Father but by me.’ On the surface, that seems the most intolerant of statements. Think of any man on the stage of human history claiming to be the supreme embodiment of all psychological, scientific, and religious truth! He was either an egomaniac, a liar, or He was what He claimed to be. By faith I accepted Him for what He claimed to be, the Son of the Living God. That simple decision changed my life, and I have seen it change the lives of countless others across the world.” If you’re reading this and you’re not sure if you’ve had a come to Jesus moment that really changed you on the inside, you can talk to Him about that and tell Him that you want that and invite Him in. Jesus has made it clear in His teachings that God responds to those who humbly acknowledge their need! That principle applies to the need everyone has to come to faith in Christ, but it also applies to whatever your need might be. So my challenge and my invitation to all who read these words is this: Come to Jesus…... come to Jesus…... come to Jesus. Again... and again…... and again.


The Journey / 2017 Summer

The Moment That Changed Billy Forever “I had some young theologian friends who were expressing their doubts about the authority of the Bible. I began wondering if the Bible could be trusted completely. “I began to study the subject intensively. Paul had written to Timothy saying ‘All Scripture is given by inspiration of God.’ Jesus Himself had said, ‘Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but my Word shall not pass away.’ Jesus loved the Scriptures and quoted from them constantly. “I walked out in the moonlight, my heart heavy and burdened. I dropped to my knees and opened my Bible on a tree stump. If the issue were not settled soon, I knew I could not go on.” “‘O God,’ I prayed, ‘there are many things in this Book I do not understand. But God, I am going to accept this Book as Your Word by faith. I’m going to allow my faith to go beyond my intellect and believe that this is Your Inspired Word.’ “From that moment on, I have never doubted God’s Word. When I quote the Bible, I believe that I am quoting the very Word of God and there’s and extra power in it.” - Billy Graham At a Bible conference in California in the summer of 1949, one month before the Los Angeles campaign began.

Billy Graham and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

James 2:1​from the Bible says this to Christians: “​ My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism.” As a follower of Christ who took God’s word seriously, Billy Graham steadfastly refused any kind of pressure to segregate the crowds who came to hear him along racial lines. During the great civil rights movement of the 1960’s he stood in solidarity with Martin Luther King decrying the evils of racism. Furthermore, he worked with great intentionality to reach out to all people regardless of race, religion or political persuasion. These final pictures and quotes speak for themselves. “Had it not been for the ministry of my good friend, Dr. Billy Graham, my work in the civil rights movement would not have been as successful as it has been” - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. All photos are courtesy of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA). Used with permission. All rights reserved.

Ruth Graham, Billy Graham, and Muhammad Ali At the Graham’s Home in Montreat, NC

The Journey / 2017 Summer

Young Gang Leaders in East Harlem who had come to Christ and laid down their weapons.

Harry Truman and Billy Graham


Billy Graham and John F. Kennedy

Tipper & Al Gore, Ruth & Billy Graham, and Bill & Hillary Clinton

Billy Graham and Lyndon B. Johnson

“Everywhere I go I find that people-both leaders and individuals-are asking one basic question: ‘Is there any hope for peace and justice in our generation?’ The answer is Yes! Hope does not rest in the affairs of this world. It rests in Christ who is coming again as the King of Kings” - Billy Graham

Billy Graham Speaking to 1.1 Million People in Seoul, South Korea

“The greatest need in the world is the transformation of human nature. We need a new heart that will not have lust and greed and hate in it. We need a heart filled with love and peace and joy. That is why Jesus came into the world. He died on the cross to make peace, between us and God, and to change us within by His Spirit. He can change you, if you will turn to Him in repentance and faith.” - Billy Graham

The Journey / 2017 Summer


The Journey / 2017 Summer


Billy Graham and Johnny Carson, 1972 (BGEA)

“I always face the press and television with fear, anxiety, and complete dependence on the Lord. I think I pray as much about the press conference as I do about my sermons. It is so easy to be misquoted and misinterpreted. I have never believed that the success of our work depends on, or is the result of, publicity. However, I am convinced that God has used the press and TV coverage in our work, and it has been one of the most effective factors in sustaining public interest through the years.” - Billy Graham (Billy Graham God’s Ambassador)

Billy Graham and Larry King, 1994 (BGEA)

Billy had learned by instinct and experience that no evangelist makes news sitting in his hotel room - he needed the media to reach his people - so he regularly made time for interviews. (Billy Graham God’s Ambassador)


The Journey / 2017 Summer

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The Journey / 2017 Summer

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Graham Caddell, Mike Powers, and Nathan Roland

Rooted in Family and Faith

Written by Kim Furches with Taylon Hope Miller, Tara Miller, and Linda Young Psalms 1:3: He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season And its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers. Taylon Hope is a familiarity in Ashe and surrounding counties. However, more recently she is becoming a national sensation as an up-and-coming artist in the world of country music. God has endowed Taylon with the beautiful gifts of singing, song composition and a deep compassion for others, but she is quick to proclaim that her best gift from on high is that of her family. Taylon remembers standing alongside her maternal grandmother, Linda Young, at the piano when Taylon was a mere toddler. “Nana had me on the stool practicing scales. Nana can really sing, but she won’t admit it. She has a true opera voice,” beams Taylon. Linda was gifted with a love for music as well. She was a music student of Mrs. Cornelia Pugh for many years. It was with Mrs. Pugh that Linda received the training to be a part of singing solos in funerals,

weddings and most often, in church. Linda has precious memories of her grandmother singing hymns as Linda grew up, her most favorite being, “What A Friend We Have In Jesus”. Later when Linda became a mother she devoted her time to her family. Much of her singing after motherhood included duets with her daughter Tara, who is Taylon’s mother. Linda, or better yet Taylon’s Nana, continues to be a source of strength and continuity to Taylon and her parents. Linda shares that she always knew Taylon would have the ability to sing. In fact, it was Nana who actually encouraged the then seven year old Taylon to enter “Singing In The Foothills,” her first singing competition. Taylon won her age division, thus beginning various opportunities to travel and perform. It was also Nana who was instrumental in what is considered Taylon’s big break in the world of country gospel. Nana heard a song entitled, “Country Christian Girl” by Red Roots, a set of red-headed triplets. After meeting the sisters, Taylon was invited to open their show for them. It was there


The Journey / 2017 Summer

she met a radio personality who introduced her to other music industry professionals. Nana has always been the one who Taylon and Tara have looked to when challenges seemed overwhelming. Tara says that she can hear her mom say, “Keep the path. Move forward, just move forward.” These simple words are often the constant when life’s circumstances seem to be inflicting unrest upon them. It was quite obvious from a very early age that Taylon was musically gifted. She attempted guitar lessons at age five, but her fingers were just not long enough to ensure her success as a guitarist. On her eighth birthday, Taylon received a guitar and began taking lessons with Steve Lewis. Between her ability to sing and play the guitar, Taylon has soared in a world which she defines as her dream. She began singing at age four in church. It there when she realized her biggest blessing from singing -- being able to witness the audience’s reactions and emotions as she performs her various renditions of hymns. Tara believes that there exists a very precious gift within Taylon’s heart: her love for the elderly. Taylon had read that the last thing a person forgets as one ages is music. She enjoys performing at nursing homes and assisted living homes for this very reason. When she performs a familiar hymn, she can witness, first hand, the joy that the residents experience when a hymn is sang and recognized. It is at that moment that this precious population is reminded of past memories they hold dear. Linda, Tara, and Taylon all agree that the aspect they love most is the people they have met along the way and hearing their stories and how it all connects. The unexpected success of Taylon has proven time and time again that God is always intervening and blessing the next step. Her new CD entitled Showin’ My Roots features songs that she has co-written with seasoned writers. Tara and Chris, Taylon’s father, have been faithful to pray throughout Taylon’s journey. Thus, Taylon’s writers have been amazing, faith based folks who understand Taylon and her commitment to remain Christ-like wherever the journey may lead. With Taylon’s recognized success in music, one might conclude that it is her only involvement. However, nothing could be farther from the truth. She is a straight A student at Westwood Elementary School, a member of Miss Kitty’s Fleet Feet Cloggers and a very active member of Midway Baptist Church. These are amazing feats for a gal who is traveling for performances constantly! Taylon elaborated about her experience meeting the one and only, Dolly Parton. She admires Dolly for many reasons. According to Taylon, Dolly has never forgotten four vital life laws: where she came from, hard work always pays off, giving back to one’s community, and most importantly, being unashamed to speak out about God’s faithfulness in each and every journey. This description might just be a character sketch of Ashe County’s own, Taylon Hope. Thanks for making us proud!

A Mom’s Perspective Taylon started singing when she was 4 years old and in the next couple of years she began traveling

Taylon Hope with Her Mother (Tara) and Grandmother (Linda)

throughout her community and surrounding communities to perform at different churches. It became very clear that Taylon loved it when others would sing along or would express that they enjoyed her songs. Her church and her community has been instrumental to Taylon with her desire to pursue her music. As she began traveling to churches, local festivals and performing at numerous fundraisers, nursing homes and for non-profit organizations, Taylon realized her love for performing and truly enjoyed the outreach that she could provide to people through her music. The more Taylon had the opportunity to travel and perform, the news of her talent began to spread to her performing in other states and in the Nashville, TN area where she now has had the blessing of performing at many famous venues including the Bluebird Cafe, The Listening Room, the Schemerhorn Symphony Center, the Nashville Palace, and The Troubadour Theater. Alongside of that came numerous radio and TV appearances. Taylon began working on recording her first CD at the age of 7 and she just recently traveled to Nashville, TN to complete her third CD titled Showin’ My Roots. She also is now an ongoing performer at Dolly Parton’s DreamMore Resort. Taylon, of course, is a huge Dolly fan and often has said, “Wouldn’t it be cool to do what Dolly did for her community!” Her new CD project is, as she describes, all about faith, family, and sweet country! The songs include stories of people and places that have touched her life and the stories of her dreams. Basically songs about how important her roots are to her. She co-wrote all of the songs on this new album and has developed a great desire to write her own music. In the next few weeks, 12-year-old Taylon will be performing at CMA Week and will be interviewing with WSM out of Nashville, TN. She will then be touring this summer throughout the South and possibly out West. She hopes to write a lot this summer as well. Her goal remains to one day be an ongoing performer on the Grande Ole Opry.

The Journey / 2017 Summer

It’s been amazing to watch God work in this journey for Taylon. So many times I have seen God lead Taylon to performances where someone was there who would lead her to the next event or to the next resource that she needed to continue with her music. Many times an overwhelming presence of spirit existed so that I knew that this person was a part of her plan in pursuing her music. For example, random connections and contacts that would just come to her that we had nothing to do with or even be aware of. I knew in my heart it was something God had planned for her and Taylon will tell you that she felt the same as well. As I have stood behind the scenes and watched this journey unfold for Taylon. What I have observed is she has a great love for people and is so genuine in her relationships that she builds with other people. They each mean something to her and she truly wants her music to touch their lives. Taylon began performing at the Ronald McDonald House last year and this has been an experience that has become one of her favorites that she looks forward to. She goes several months out of the year to sing to children and families who are dealing with illness and are staying at the Ronald McDonald House. I see Taylon truly shine when she is there. She is in her element of giving back and using her music as a method of healing and bringing joy to others who are in need.

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Truly this adventure is about the journey now for us. It’s about continuing to follow HIS calling and helping others through that and also sharing that nothing is IMPOSSIBLE when GOD is in it. He truly can move mountains! Submitted by Tara Miller Facebook: Taylon Hope Music Twitter: Taylon Hope Music Website: Her album, Showin’ My Roots can be purchased via the website or it is available at numerous stores in downtown West Jefferson.


The Journey / 2017 Summer

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The Journey / 2017 Summer

Embrace Your

Journey By Terry Brewer

Editor’s Note: Because I’m a people person, one of the things that I love about my job is the huge number of folks that I would never have met, if not for what my company does to help folks promote their businesses. For the most part, our region is made up of honest, kind, considerate, hard-working people who give back to the communities they serve. In fact, those business owners who truly care about their communities more than just their businesses in the community, are a major contributing factor to why this region is a great place to live. The story you are about to read is written by someone who fits that description. I’ve known of Terry and Wayne Brewer for years through their businesses and as clients who have advertised with my company. But, by doing this story, it helps me understand and respect the successful business she and her husband Wayne have built together on a deeper level than I did before. With all that in mind, let me introduce Terry’s story with the story behind the story. As I was praying about other stories to include in this edition of The Journey, Terry Brewer’s name popped in my mind. Little did I know that she too was feeling prompted by the Holy Spirit to reach out to me to tell the story you’re about to read. It’s not a story about her personal journey as much as it is of how the Spirit of the Lord is moving her and other women together to spread the love of God.

The Journey / 2017 Summer

Embrace Your Journey This is a story of God working to strengthen the daily walk of women in Avery County. I would like to say that the Embrace story begins with seven women coming together to build the Avery Baptist Association Women’s Ministry in 2015, but that’s not the real beginning. In 2012, I was attending a Bible study with a group of wonderful ladies that I consider my mentors. During the meeting one woman asked another if she was still going to be the WMU (Women’s Missionary Union) director for our church. She answered with a yes, unless someone else might want to have the position. Out of my mouth came, “I’ll do it.” Looking back, I would suggest that I took “One Step Forward”, our theme for the Women’s ministry last year. I didn’t know very much about the WMU program other than our church always took up offerings for the Lottie Moon missions fund at Christmas and Annie Armstrong missions fund during Easter. I had been a part of the Baptist Young Women’s group since coming to Crossnore Baptist and had served as an Acteen Director for a couple of years. The WMU was well embedded in the church with monthly meetings which studied the state and national programs along with local missions. Boy did I have a lot to learn! As soon as our preacher found that I had taken the position he, Lander Heafner, approached me with a new program that the NC State Convention had established. Yet, one more step for my journey. With Lander’s help, we had a church wide women’s meeting to introduce the program. A challenge was handed out that very night as I presented everyone with a spiritual gift scale. It showed the women their strength in different areas of their Christian walk, helping all to realize that each person had something to give and DO. Programs were planned that would bring all the women of our church together, all ages united. Cooking classes with demonstrations started off the program then a devotional, Apples of Gold. From those meetings, we shared recipes and we were able to make a cookbook. Next, we started sewing classes. Our first project was to make pillowcase dresses. Women came together with


their talents and it was a huge success! It was suggested that if you didn’t sew, there would be things such as ironing and cutting fabric you could help with. The ladies came, enjoying every moment of our time together. It was a priceless time of fellowship. One of my favorite memories was seeing a grandmother teaching her granddaughter to sew. The next day our little girls put on the dresses and performed a fashion show for the whole church, but that’s not all. We were able to send the dresses to Africa and Jamaica. With members continuing to makes dresses at home, we had even more to donate. Within a few weeks a missionary from China visited our church and left with a suitcase of dresses.

The Team Comes Together As Crossnore Baptist was enjoying the new Embrace program, I was drafted into the same leadership position for the Avery Baptist Association. At that point I already knew the WMU program was strong throughout not only our county, but all North Carolina. I felt challenged to unite the groups so I took WMU to mean Women’s Ministries United. It’s not anything official but seems to work here in Avery County. In the beginning, the association seemed more difficult to get my foot through the door. I was struggling to spread the word past our church. Numerous calls were made trying to introduce myself to the different churches to present the new Embrace program from NC State Baptist Convention. Embrace was designed to get women more involved in ministry through evangelism, discipleship, and missions. There were a few churches that started to be interested, but it was a slow go. There was a lot of praying and thinking going on as I tried to find the right avenues to interest other women and get them to open their doors. As I prayed for direction it was clear that our county was divided into different areas and denominational barriers. God was giving me the clarity of how to be received. Then, I met Elaine Crain who had moved back to Avery County to help her dad with his business. Elaine shared that she missed being involved with other women and it was difficult to keep herself encouraged in her spiritual walk being all alone. As we talked I asked her to help build the women’s ministry with me, which really


The Journey / 2017 Summer

From Left to Right: Delaine Brown/Terry Brewer/Kim Phillips/Elaine Crain/Tracy Parker/Donna Burnop

seemed like an answer to both of our prayers. Long story short, it was truly an answer and God was working! Next thing I knew, we were building a team of women from around the county. Elaine Crane was from the Elk Park area and Rose Gates from Crossnore, Kim Phillips from Power Mill, Tracy Parker from Minneapolis, Donna Burnop from Cranberry and Delaine Brown from Newland also joined. All these women were well known and trusted in their community. Without them I don’t think this effort would be possible.

we find verses that instruct us how to have happier relationships, marriages, and homes. We are called to share His sweet Spirit in our daily walk.

Amazingly, we had a group of seven women, the number of completion, and we got to work. Together we would canvas the county with the new Embrace program. God was building a ministry and we had the energy and enthusiasms to get our county united.

Remember when your neighbors used to stop in to welcome the newcomers, bring a baked good and invite them to church? Maybe, inform them about resources in the area that would be helpful to them? We can at least greet them, welcome them to the area, and invite them to church. Anything helps, just show a kind heart!

The team started out by planning events such as a pray brunch in the Spring and then a conference in the Fall. Last year, Phyllis Elvington came to encourage everyone to read and know the Bible. It was a fantastic time as we realized directions for spiritual growth. We were also able to get the Embrace program out to the association churches during the Spring and Fall meetings. Even though our event speakers were wonderful and our mission projects were received generously, we still weren’t reaching all the churches. The team spent a lot of time questioning how to get the word out to everyone. It was still the largest obstacle. So, we embraced our journey! Although labor intensive, we continue to use many tools to get connected to others in the area. Our Embrace team believes that God wants us to reach out to all the women in our communities.

Sharing God’s Love with the Neighbors One thing the women’s ministry strives to provide is the direction to strengthen other ladies in their daily walk whether it is through our language or our attitude. There are so many families that struggle daily not knowing the Lord is the answer. Scripture tells us that the closer we walk with the Lord, the more we’ll care for others. In Ephesians,

There is no limit to those that you can help. One day as I was talking to a friend, I found out that my neighbor had surgery on her arm. I realized then that you don’t have to go far to reach people in need, they can be right under your nose. Just stop to think of how to reach the people surrounding your home.

Another idea is to host a get-together for some of the families surrounding your home. Get to know people, show concern, and invite them to events that they might want to attend. All our lives are so busy these days, but I believe if we will look for simple ways to show love it can make a big difference in the communities where we live. Sometimes we might have concerns about people that we meet, but remember GOD LOVES US ALL. A Bible verse that means a lot to me regarding all of this is found in Colossians 3 verses 12 and 14: “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.” As I end this story, I realize how much getting out of your comfort zone truly is a blessing. From building the Embrace program to the simple act of helping my neighbors, I’ve realized how much of an impact can be made with God’s guidance. I hope this story has encouraged you, please get outside your comfort zone, just a little, and you’ll begin to see how the Lord is moving you to reach someone He thinks is special.

The Journey / 2017 Summer


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The Journey / 2017 Summer

Jason English and Reggie Hunt

Finding Life After Tragedy God’s Story of Redemption Through Adoption By Emily Mitchell

As a Life Flight helicopter took off from the church grounds carrying her 4-year-old daughter Peyton, Sarah clutched her other daughter Lilly Grace and prayed over and over again, “Not my will but yours be done, not my will but yours be done.” It was a prayer she had been trying to teach her young daughters to pray and believe about the worries in their own lives. But it’s a prayer that’s nearly impossible to pray when you’re pleading about the life of your daughter. That night Sarah, Randall, and Lilly Grace Townsend said goodbye to their sweet Peyton following a tragic accident. In the months and years following Peyton’s death, they each worked through their grief in different ways. Even though they had prayed that His will would be done, the question of why God would allow this tragedy was at the forefront of most days. Some days, there was light and hope, but other times, the darkness and despair was overwhelming.

But God. He specializes in taking our stories of brokenness and rewriting them into songs of redemption. He takes our bleakest moments of despair and uses them to teach us the true measure of joy.

And in the darkness and hopelessness that surrounded Peyton’s death, He was quietly bringing to life a desire in Sarah and Randall that had been dormant. He was writing a new chapter of their story that would bring joy and life back to their family and give a little boy in Texas hope and a family.

A Seed of Hope Years before Sarah and Randall had children, God planted a seed in Sarah’s heart for adoption when she was on a mission trip in Atlanta, Georgia. After being confronted with abject poverty and the lack of resources that the parents had to offer their children, she felt God tug her heart and whisper to her that one day she would welcome a child into her home from these similar circumstances. Years later, Sarah gave birth to her first child, Lilly Grace. Peyton followed two years later and, with her birth, Sarah experienced a debilitating post-partum depression that later turned into a diagnosis of major depression. Her doctor advised her that she shouldn’t get pregnant again due to likelihood of another bout of depression. Knowing their family wasn’t complete, Randall and Sarah started to seriously consider adoption as a way of expanding their family. In May 2011, they committed to

The Journey / 2017 Summer

growing their family through adoption. But, barely a year later, Peyton was lost in a tragic accident, and Sarah and Randall’s plans for adoption were momentarily forgotten. In 2013, Randall went to the Dominican Republic with their church. Through his interaction with some of the local kids, God reaffirmed that adoption was part of His plan for their lives.

Faith Hurdles Removed After returning from his trip, Randall and Sarah began to research and pray about adoption and what it would look like for their family. Wrapping their minds around the financial aspects of how to pay for the adoption was one of the biggest hurdles they faced. “I knew God was calling us to adopt, but the thought of taking on so much debt was daunting and seemed impossible,” said Randall. “I was already working 3 jobs and Sarah had 2 just to make our current ends meet. But, after our first meeting with our consulting firm, the consultant told us a couple stories of seeing God provide the money-- for no reason, or explanation, but because people were faithful and stepped out when God was calling them.”


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Hearing those stories helped Sarah and Randall find the faith and trust they needed to forge ahead with the adoption, trusting that God would meet their faith with His provision. In November 2016, they signed paperwork to begin the adoption process to adopt domestically through Faithful Adoption Consultants.

God’s Perfect Timing, in Fast-Forward Mode God’s timing is perfect—and sometimes a little faster than our own. After starting the adoption process in November 2016, they were put on a waiting list on December 20 of the same year. Less than a month later, on January 14, 2017, they received a call that a birth mother had picked them. As Sarah remembers, “I was asleep when we got the call that we were picked. I never answer the phone when I’m asleep, but it woke me up and I popped right up. It was our consulting firm telling us we ‘matched’. I started yelling for Randall, who came running in. We were both grinning from ear to ear. I can only imagine if our joy was light, our house would have lit up from the glow coming out the windows, and woken up the whole neighborhood, we were glowing so much!” Though they woke up Lilly Grace that night to tell her that they were matched, it wasn’t until the next day that she really realized what was happening. “I asked her if she wanted a brother, and she covered her face and started wailing! She could not believe it. She’s been praying and dreaming for this opportunity and this part of our family since Peyton died.”

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The Journey / 2017 Summer

Watching Lilly Grace’s excitement to tell her friends and teachers and her joy in seeing God’s faithful answer to her prayers was a beautiful confirmation that this adoption was exactly what God planned for their family. They were told that the due date was February 9, so they quickly began making travel plans, gathering baby supplies, and readying their house for the arrival of their new baby boy. “The community was so amazing in helping us prepare for our baby boy’s arrival. We would meet friends at restaurants and gas stations who would happily offload their baby supplies and, before we knew it, we had almost everything we needed to bring him home,” remembers Sarah. On January 23, late in the evening, Sarah and Randall got some unexpected news: The mother’s water had broken, and their little boy was on his way. They hopped on a plane by 5a.m. the next morning, and he was born at 12:30a.m. on January 24. They arrived at the hospital in Houston at 9a.m. and, within a few minutes, were holding their sweet baby boy---Maxwell Houston Townsend. Every part of his name has meaning. On the day that they learned they had been picked, Lilly went to school and told a favorite teacher, “We got a match.” Her teacher misheard and thought she said, “We got a Max,” and the name just stuck. They decided to add “well” to honor Peyton, as the last song they played at her funeral was “It is Well.” Houston is a nod to the baby’s birthplace.

Saying Goodbye and Hello Sarah and Randall were able to spend time with the birth mother—Mama G—in the hospital and really fell in love with her. Though she was a successful woman with a strong support system and career, his birth mother realized she couldn’t offer him everything she wanted him to have – a mother and a father. “While we know she could have raised him, we are so incredibly grateful that she chose us as the parents who could offer him a home,” said Sarah. For two weeks, the family stayed in Texas. During the first 48 hours, Randall, Sarah, and Lilly Grace waited in the hospital until Mama G could legally release Max to his new family. In those first hours, Max was brought back and forth between the birth mother and the new adoptive parents, giving Mama G a sweet time to say goodbye and continuing to prepare Sarah and Randall’s hearts to welcome their little boy into their life. They spent nearly two weeks in Texas, waiting for the adoption paperwork to be cleared through both Texas and North Carolina. After spending a few days in Houston, the family decamped to Galveston on the coast for the remainder of the trip to avoid the Super Bowl traffic and spend time bonding as a family. They were all incredibly happy (and exhausted) when it was time to head back to North Carolina.


Randall (with picture of Peyton), Sarah, Lilly Grace, and Max.

Lilly Grace and Max

The Journey / 2017 Summer

Settling in and Seeking Help Settling into life with a newborn has been a new adventure. They expected the little things that are always hard with a newborn—nighttime feedings, bottle cleaning, random crying. One unexpected joy has been watching the bond between Lilly Grace and Max. Lilly Grace is smitten with little Max—and he with her. Sarah went back to work part-time after they were home for a week. Despite the tiredness that comes with a newborn, she was doing great and happy to be back in a routine. Then, at week 8, she started to feel the same post-partum depression that she experienced with Peyton. The signs were the same---exhaustion to the point of delirium, uncontrollable tears, the inability to perform daily functions, an overwhelming sense of wanting to disappear. Recognizing the familiar signs, Sarah went on medical leave to focus on getting better. She called her doctor and kept calling and seeing him until she saw herself coming back. “I knew that God had blessed me immensely and that I had so much to live for. But I couldn’t fight this on my own. I needed help, and sought it out until I got better. I hope other moms can know that these feelings are okay— but to seek help until you feel hope coming back to your life.”

The Constant: God’s Faithfulness This hope and God’s faithfulness continue to be the theme of the Townsend’s story. Sarah is quick to point out the ways that God keeps reminding her to trust Him and His goodness. “It takes years and lots of hindsight to see the way God is taking care of you. A year before Peyton’s accident, God orchestrated it so that our family could move from a hard situation in Winston to all live together again in Boone. After her death, He held me close and loved me and designed this incredible journey for me and Lilly Grace and Randall. He taught me amazing things, and He was active in my life in words and ways I can’t describe. Sometimes people don’t ever see God move, but I have, even though it was through the loss of my 4-year-old. “When it came time to adopt, I felt sure of His calling in my life. I knew if He held and led me through the worst moment of my life already, then he was going to do the same through this. So in the moments of stress, doubt, and fear during the adoption process, I kept reminding myself that He led me once, and He’ll keep doing it. Even when I can’t see through the fog of life, if I just keep trusting Him, He will show His face so brilliantly. And when I look at Max, I see God’s amazing face in my life!”

Want to Help? The Townsends took out personal loans in order to finalize the adoption. If you’d like to support them and help them with their ongoing loans, please consider giving online at:



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The Journey / 2017 Summer

We Live Here, Work Here, and are Honored to Provide Care to Our Neighbors. For 35 years, Caldwell Hospice has been on a mission to provide compassionate, respectful, quality end-of-life care regardless of one’s ability to pay. In today’s world,



alliative Ca d P re




focusing on patients and families first may sound a bit old-fashioned, but it has been and shall remain the guiding force behind our community, non-profit hospice. Your dedicated hospice care team lives and works in the High Country, based at a workstation in Boone, and considers it a privilege to be invited into a very special time in a family’s journey. Caldwell Hospice is the ONLY not-for-profit hospice care provider located in the High Country.

Ask for the care you deserve. Ask for Caldwell Hospice in the High Country. l


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Don’t let our name fool you, Caldwell Hospice is very much a part of the High Country community and has established relationships with Ashe Memorial Hospital and Appalachian Regional Healthcare System. To focus on the end-of-life care needs of High Country residents, we are also guided by an advisory council comprised of local representatives.

The Journey / 2017 Summer


Need to Dispose of Unused or Expired Medications?


Prescriptions and medications can be dropped off at the following locations by using the permanent medication disposal drop box Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm. Watauga County Sheriff’s Office 184 Hodges Gap Road Boone, NC 28607 Phone: (828) 264-3761

Boone Police Department 1500 Blowing Rock Road Boone, NC 28607 Phone: (828) 268-6900

Blowing Rock Police Department 143 Park Avenue Blowing Rock, NC 28605 Phone: (828) 295-5210

What is accepted?

Prescriptions, Cold & Flu Medications, Pain Relievers, Cough Syrups, Topical Ointments, Vitamins, Pet Medications and other medications

To learn more about Prescription Drug Abuse & Overdose Prevention, visit or

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