Mar/Apr 12 Maintenance Sales News

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Circle 33


March/April 2012


SALES NEWS Exclusively Serving Professional Distributors

March/April 2012

Vol. 29, No. 2

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MSN FEATURE STORIES Empire Cleaning Supply Serving Los Angeles Area For 75 Years ........................6 Maintenance Sales News Exclusive Distributor Roundup

4 Distributors Explain How They Have Achieved Growth.......................................16 MSN Focus On Paper & Wipes

Paper Products Continue Strong Demand, Say Paper Executives ........22 MSN Focus On Paper & Wipes: • SCA Tissue 28 • Stefco Industries 29 • von Drehle Corp 30 • Diamond Wipes 32

From Lindhaus USA: The LW46 Hybrid Floor Cleaning Scrubber/Dryer ..34 Supply Line 2012 To Be Held May 2-3 In Atlantic City, NJ................. 42

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Industry News/Products 38 | Advertisers Index 46 | Classified Advertising 46 On The Cover: Empire Cleaning Supply President Robert Cronyn is shown at his Los Angeles, CA, company headquarters. Empire is a full-service jan/san distributorship with multiple locations in the LA-metropolitan region. See story on page 6.

Circle Number Replies Are Now Online @ Industry Calendar of Events May 1-3, 2012 — National Hardware Show, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV. For information: 203-840-5622. May 2-3, 2012 — New Jersey Sanitary Supply Association’s Supply Line, Taj Mahal, Atlantic City, NJ. For information: 973-283-1400. May 8-11, 2012 — ISSA/INTERCLEAN® - Amsterdam (NL) 2012, Amsterdam RAI Exhibition & Congress Centre. For information: 847-982-0800. May 19-22, 2012 — National Restaurant Association Restaurant, Hotel-Motel Show, McCormick Place, Chicago, IL. For information: 312-853-2525. October 16-19, 2012 — ISSA/INTERCLEAN® - North America, McCormick Place, Chicago, IL. For information: 847-982-0800.

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Maintenance Sales News (ISSN 1040371X) is published bimonthly by Rankin Publishing, Inc. 204 E. Main St., P.O. Box 130, Arcola, IL 61910-0130. Publisher assumes no liability whatsoever for content of any advertisement or editorial material contained herein. Copyright 2012, Rankin Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written consent of Rankin Publishing, Inc. Periodical postage paid at Arcola, IL, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Maintenance Sales News Circulation, 204 E. Main St., P.O. Box 130, Arcola, IL 61910-0130 Subscription Rates in United States: 6 issues $25 Single Copy rate: $5 plus postage/handling; Buyer’s Guide $15 plus postage/handling International rates: 6 issue annual Air Mail Subscription $60 U.S. dollars net

YOU CLEAN WITH IT... WE’VE GOT IT... Put our experience and extensive product line to work for you. Scour Pads U Scrubbers U Sponges Grill Cleaning Products Mops U Brooms U Brushes Floor Pads U Steel Wool Floor Pads One New England Way Lincoln, RI 02865 800-222-2880

Circle 1


March/April 2012

Empire Cleaning Supply Serving Los Angeles Area For 75 Years

Empire Cleaning Supply representatives include, sitting left to right, Jana Kimble, customer service; and Rosa Potcovaru, customer service manager. Shown standing, left to right, are Marisela Silva, customer service; DeeDee Conner, customer service; Nelson Sanchez, ISO 9000 coordinator; Karen Silva, accounts payable; Robert Cronyn, president; Christine Navarrette, president's assistant; and Leiloni Legaspi, receptionist.

By Harrell Kerkhoff Maintenance Sales News Editor


eventy-five years is a long time to do anything successful, especially if it’s a business. In order to remain relevant, a company must often reinvent itself to meet the ever-changing needs of its customer base. Empire Cleaning Supply, a full-service janitorial/sanitary distributorship located in Los Angeles, CA, is a testament to employees’ hard work, willingness to adapt, and their understanding that a company is never too old to grow and succeed. The wise words of one of Empire’s founders perhaps set in motion the distributorship’s success that has now stretched over seven decades. Frank Malet, who along with his brother-in-law, David Levan, started the

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Circle 27


March/April 2012

company in 1936, was quoted 75 years ago when discussing his business philosophy as saying, “The right product and right solution, as fast as the customer’s need arises.” When it comes to operating in the jan/san industry, perhaps no truer words can ever be said. The company’s founders, who were soon joined by Frank Malet’s brother, Wilfred Malet, also knew how to persevere. After all, the business was founded during the Great Depression and soon faced other major challenges brought about by World War II. “The company was started in Downtown Los Angeles and, over its first few years, was able to grow and gain a foothold. Then World War II came along,” cited Empire Cleaning Supply President Robert Cronyn.

Cronyn is a great-nephew of Frank and Wilfred Malet. “One of the problems with doing business during World War II was that much of the merchandise became rationed for the war effort. The government had first priority on merchandise from manufacturers. Once the government took its share, the rest could then be purchased by distributors,” Cronyn stated. “It was a very tenuous situation. Employees at Empire would continue to take orders, yet not knowing if they would get the full amount or even a partial amount. In other words, fully supplying customers at that time was unsustainable because of the lack of merchandise.” In the face of this challenge, Empire’s founders decided to focus on their largest customer during this time, which was Sears Roebuck and Co. “Empire pretty much did the same thing that the government was doing at the time. Whatever merchandise Empire officials would get, they would let Sears have first priority,” Cronyn continued. “When World War II ended and the rationing stopped, Empire was able to flourish. However, Sears never forgot what our distributorship did and continued ordering from us until the late 1980s.” In 1946, David Levan saw a need to reach out to other California jan/san distributors and helped start the Southern California Sanitary ÊV> Êà ÛiÊÞ ÕÀÊ ` ÀÊEÊ«>Ì }i Ê Supply Association (SCSSA). «À L i ÃÊµÕ V ÞÊ> `Êi>à ް Levan served as president of the association during its first two years of existence. “The organization is still around today, and I believe very beneficial to our industry,” Cronyn said. Along with serving the jan/san field as a full-service distributorship, Empire Cleaning Supply was also once involved in manufacturing products. The company produced a line of cleaning chemicals from the 1930s to the mid-1990s. “By 1996, the manufacturing industry was changing. More automation was influencing how products were produced. Therefore, Empire Mario Tresierras, President, Extreme Clean needed to either invest in that auOxnard, CA tomation to stay relevant or sell its An exclusive Airx Distributor since 1996 equipment and get out of manufacturing,” explained Cronyn. “As a ÃÊ> ÊiÝV Õà ÛiÊ ÀÝÊ` ÃÌÀ LÕÌ ÀÊÞ ÕÊV> Êà ÛiÊÞ ÕÀÊVÕÃÌ iÀ½ÃÊ ` ÀÊEÊ company, after 60 years, we decided «>Ì }i Ê«À L i ÃÊ> `Ê}> ÊÛ> Õ>L iÊÀi«i>ÌÊÃ> iÃÊv ÀÊÞi>ÀÃÊÌ ÊV i°Ê to take the second route and leave the manufacturing to other compaAs our exclusive Airx distributor you get: nies.”

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Airx Laboratories is a division of The Bullen Companies, Folcroft, PA. Circle 7

On The Move In Metropolitan Los Angeles nother major event occurred in 1996 for Empire Cleaning Supply, as the distributorship moved from its Downtown Los Angeles location to its current headquarters in Los Angeles, near Gardena, CA. Cronyn, who began with the distributorship in 1983 and became president in 1994, is lighthearted in describing the unique nature of the company’s prior location be-

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March/April 2012

fore the 1996 move. “The facility started as a little warehouse on company grounds. Then a second and third warehouse, all about the same size, were added. Soon some offices were added. Later it was decided to put a roof over all of these little buildings,” laughed Cronyn, as he recounted this part of the Empire story. “Needless to say, the building was terrible for distribution. The decision was eventually made in the mid-1990s to move, which we did to our current headquarters. Since then, we have added several other locations as well.” Along with its current headquarters, which includes a warehouse and retail store, Empire Cleaning Supply operates a warehouse and retail store in nearby Montebello, CA, and retail stores in Baldwin Park, Burbank, Oxnard, and Santa Barbara — all within proximity of the Los Angeles metropolitan area. “One of the great benefits of our Montebello (retail) facility is it’s operated 20 hours a day, 5 days a week — only closing from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. If a contract cleaner needs a product at 3 Robert Cronyn is shown inside his company’s retail store in Los Angeles, CA. The company has several stores located in the LA-metropolitan area. a.m. on Monday, he can come to Empire Montebello and buy that product. We have over $2 million in inventory at SKUs full of products. They also include a ‘green’ section where our customers Montebello. We are likely to have any product a contract cleaner would need, are assured that every item in that section is Green Seal or EcoLogo certified. “It is at these retail stores that a shopper can actually handle our products, and in virtually any quantity.” Cronyn said Empire’s retail stores mostly cater to contract cleaners, who find such as paper and dispensers, and look at all our price options before making a it convenient that the distributorship provides so many options when it comes to purchase decision.” Empire Cleaning Supply also services jan/san-related equipment, such as floor store locations within the Greater Los Angeles area. “They can have just one account with Empire and use any of our facilities at machines, from its Baldwin Park and Burbank facilities. Altogether, the comtheir convenience. Our main customers for the retail stores are contract clean- pany operates out of approximately 113,000 square feet of warehouse space. It ers, but a close second are in-house maintenance staffs. We do not advertise to uses modern technology, to not only keep track of inventory, but also to deterhomeowners,” added Cronyn. “Our stores include a showroom and thousands of mine which products are in greater demand and which products are not — thus influencing the future level of ordering for each item in stock. “The system we have in place keeps us flowing when it comes to our warehouses,” comments Cro nyn. “It’s also now in place at our retail facilities.” None of today’s latest technology and prime locations can help a company truly succeed, however, without quality employees. Cronyn firmly believes Empire Cleaning Supply has been able to stay in business over the past 75 years due to the dedication and ability of hard working employees. This remains true today. “We have 46 employees who are spread out over our different locations. When hiring, we look for people who not only can do their specific jobs well, but also are able to take on other tasks when the need arises. “In baseball, there are teams that look for utility players. We do the same thing; look for people with multiple skills. For example, we have employees who work in our warehouses who can also drive our

Circle 14






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March/April 2012 livery driver, a position that comes with its own set of challenges — especially in Los Angeles! “Traffic in L.A. is horrible. You really have to look at traffic patterns when delivering products in this environment,” emphasized Cronyn. “The way each truck is routed is so important because drivers must go with the proper flow of traffic. In addition, because there are so many congested areas where we make deliveries — including an abundance of vehicles and buildings — our drivers have to be extra careful not to hit things with their trucks. We also insist on helpful friendly drivers, as they are often the people that many of our customers see the most.”

delivery trucks. If a delivery driver calls in sick, a warehouseman can fill in. “Obviously, we seek to hire capable workers, but just as important are employees who possess positive attitudes ... It’s so much nicer having people smiling around you all day.” Although all positions found at a jan/san distrib-

Looking Out For The Wellness Of Customers


s the company proudly celebrates its 75th utorship are important, three are particularly vital anniversary, Empire Cleaning Supply rewhen it comes to direct customer contact — cusmains what Cronyn describes as “a general tomer service professionals, sales people and delivjan/san house.” He added that the business tries to ery drivers. stay clear of too much specialization in one cleanCronyn stressed that it’s imperative that those ing-related segment over another. working in jan/san sales are properly trained. “Our customer base has always remained about “You can’t just take somebody who has sold ofthe same as we service most industries. We do very Frank Malet, pictured above, along with his brother-in-law, fice supplies and have that person automatically little business, however, with restaurants at this David Levan, started the company in 1936. step in as a jan/san salesman without intensive trainpoint. There is an entire industry that services ing. Our customers are more sophisticated today. restaurants and many of these companies provide They know what is going on in this industry. If a salesperson or customer serv- jan/san. Aside from restaurants, I would say we remain open to anybody needice professional could not really help a customer and show value, then that cus- ing help with their cleaning supplies and programs.” tomer would view this as unacceptable. All of our sales people are properly He added that business as of late has been good for his company, but would trained on products and systems that are found within the jan/san marketplace.” be better if not for a slow economy still affecting Southern California. The other front line player when it comes to jan/san distribution is that of de“Our company experienced some very exponential growth in the 1990s and

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Circle 2


March/April 2012

into the past decade until the recession hit. We were able to hold our own dur- That customer is able to use fewer employees. The return on investment for that ing the recession, however, and are starting to see things improve as of late 2011. machine is very quick, and the customer is able to cut the bottom line when it When it comes to a strong economy, California is a little behind the rest of the comes to controlling costs.� Cronyn goes on to discuss “the stiff competition within today’s cleaning supnation, but our area is finally seeing some relief.� ply marketplace� that often comes from As far as Empire Cleaning Supply companies that are not true jan/san disitself is concerned, company officials tributors but still have stores full of suphave found success by meeting the “Our stores include a showroom and thousands plies. true needs of each customer rather of SKUs full of products. They also include “The problem is that there are custhan only seeking what is best for the tomers who simply see a low-priced distributorship. As a result, customers a ‘green’ section where our customers are cleaning product and will naturally have been able to cut labor expenses gravitate to that low price. They do not by using more efficient cleaning sysassured that every item in that section is take into account the best way to use tems and products. that product, the dilution ratios, and Empire officials help each cusGreen Seal or EcoLogo certified.� safety aspects, etc. At Empire, we altomer select a list of the top priorities — Robert Cronyn, Empire Cleaning Supply President ways like to focus on the environment in keeping a facility clean, and then of the building to be serviced. Is it a work with that customer to meet safe building? Is it being cleaned the every objective. “Many of our customers are having hard times, so they continuously need to right way with the right products? Are those cleaning the facility creating a ‘sick spend less. What we try to have them focus on is not the cost of a particular building’ because they have gravitated to the lowest price? We tell people, ‘Beproduct, but the overall cost of using that product,� explained Cronyn. “For ex- ware of the cost of the lowest price’ and the value of using a true jan/san disample, if a customer has five people mopping floors all day, we try to show the tributor.� Many customers are now realizing the value of using environmentally friendly advantage of using an auto scrubber, which requires just one person to operate. cleaning products and programs. This is a change that Cronyn has seen take place first hand over a seven-year period.

“In baseball, there are teams that look for utility players. We do the same thing; look for people with multiple skills. For example, we have employees who work in our warehouses who can also drive our delivery trucks. If a delivery driver calls in sick, a warehouseman can fill in.� “Empire saw that ‘green’ was coming and held a large seminar seven years ago to educate people about its value. We hired David Frank (president of the American Institute for Cleaning Sciences) to be our guest speaker,� continued Cronyn. “I spoke to a lot of people who attended that event and many felt ‘green’ was interesting but were not totally sold on the idea. When you look around today, it’s just not about being ‘green’ any more; it’s about ‘sustainability.’ Customers are using products that are Green Seal-, EcoLogo- or DfE- (Design for the Environment) certified. Virtually every company now has a green offering.

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Circle 39

“We have a classroom available at Empire, but more requests are coming from customers wanting us to go to their own facilities to conduct the training. They want us to be where the cleaning is actually going to take place. Training is not about telling customers what to do, but rather taking what they currently are doing, documenting it, and then showing improvements.� “We at Empire are happy to be part of the movement’s infancy and continue to be very green oriented. This is what our customers demand.� Empire officials focus on the Cleaning Industry Management Standard-Green Building (CIMS-GB) to help customers become more environmentally friendly. Continued on Page 37

Circle 6


March/April 2012

By Rick Mullen, Maintenance Sales News Associate Editor


2008,” Tipton said. “We had been in the industry long enough to see the downturn coming and understood that we had a different game and a different set of rules to play by as early as late 2008. We re-identified ourselves and changed some operational procedures to become a little leaner and meaner in order to be able to compete in a new environment.” Providing excellent customer service by way of establishing relationships with customers as their “partners” has been a successful strategy for 4 State.

ounded in 1985 by three partners, Tom Tipton, Bill Roberts and Tim Wiles, 4 State Maintenance Supply, of Coffeyville, KS, serves the sanitary and maintenance supply needs of customers primarily in Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri and Arkansas. “We are located in the southeast corner of Kansas. Our primary service area is a radius of a little more than 250 miles from Coffeyville,” said Tom Tipton. “We employ 29 people including myself and my partners. We represent a full line of cleaning and maintenance supplies and we also refinish around 130 gym floors every year.” As a full service jan/san house, 4 State’s product categories include absorbents, carpet care, floor care, chemical dispensers, deodorants, disinfectants, sanitizers, foodservice, warewashing, cleaning supplies, brooms, dust pans, brushes, buckets, wringers, mops, carts, dust cloths, dusters, floor pads, squeegees, storage containers, sweepers, window cleaning equipment, vacuums, ice melter, industrial packaging, liners, matting, Coffeyville, KS: 4 State Maintenance Supply partners are, paper, paper dispensers, trash receptacles, restfrom left to right,Tim Roberts, Tom Tipton, and Tim Wiles. room supplies and more. The partners rotate responsibilities and, cur“We grew our company in the past decade by going out rently, Roberts is the president. Wiles is involved in sales, while Tipton’s job description includes sales, personnel and and partnering with our customer base,” Tipton said. “We are truly trying to present 4 State Maintenance Supply in marketing. “All three of us worked for the same company prior to a light that allows our customers to see that we are true starting 4 State,” Tipton said. “We have had a pretty good long partners with them rather than just a supply merchant. “What we are trying to do is problem solve for them and run, thus far. We will celebrate 27 years in business on July take our years of knowledge and create opportunities for them 25.” Coming out of the depths of the recession in 2008 and to have cleaner environments. “One of the areas we are actively involved in is building a 2009, 4 State has achieved steady growth. “Like many other companies throughout the country, it was truly knowledgeable green identity, beyond the typical envitough to go through the worst of the recession,” Tipton said. ronmentally friendly programs common today in the jan/san “I spoke to a city group not long ago and shared with them market. For example, we are working with our customers on how our business has been up about 4 percent this year, fol- water and electric energy conservation. We are doing some things kind of outside the box. Our goal is to create good relowing 2.5 to 3 percent growth last year. “We have been in this business long enough that we un- lationships and show our customer base that we are really tryderstand what to do. Today, it is about growing your busi- ing to help them save their budget dollars. “We are a supply company and that is how we pay the ness and calling on new customers that you haven’t called bills, but beyond just selling products, we try to create on in the past. “We are in the process of expanding our territory. Located value for our customers. “In the economy that existed from 2000 to 2008, price wasin the extreme southeast corner of Kansas, we are extending westward and calling on customers along the Kansas/Col- n’t as much of an issue, which made long-term commitments orado state line. We dispatch two trucks everyday, with the easy to establish. Today, by human nature, people struggle exception of Friday, to make deliveries, mostly on looped with long-term commitments because they are conscious of the revenue situation. Therefore, it is more important than routes.” ever to be able to provide true value and a working partnerTipton recalled the “good times” before the recession hit. “We doubled the size of our company between 2003 and ship with customers at a level that transcends just price alone.”

As a part of establishing its green identity, 4 State has been working with a manufacturer of bio-based products. “Many cleaning products are made from fossil fuel derivative materials. We are now in a relationship with a company that has done well in producing bio-mass materials,” Tipton said. “One of the things that has been very successful is a biobased product that has extended strip and recoat cycles. “Many distributors have the green products that are out there. The key is educating customers on how they can use less chemistry, more economically-friendly chemistry and procedurally do their job so they will have a greener identity.” One of the biggest motivating factors in customers choosing environmentally friendly programs is the safety and health benefits associated with green products and practices. “The big selling point for green is the personal safety of the people in the building and especially the people who are on the front lines who do the cleaning,” Tipton said. “Today, there are products out there that are multiple times more environmentally friendly than what was available 25 years ago.” An important value-added service that many distributorships offer that the big box stores and retailers typically do not is training. “We were offering training back in the ’90s when many distributors did not,” Tipton said. “Today, we conduct open houses at our Coffeyville facility, but primarily our training is, and always has been, on site and hands-on.” In the 1990s, 4 State developed training strategies for its education customer base, one of the company’s largest market segments. “Some of the schools’ maintenance directors bought into our programs and actually came to work for us,” Tipton said. “Today these maintenance directors are in regional manager positions and they are involved in on-site training, not only in the education market, but also in health care and industrial segments.” 4 State’s equipment repair operation is also an important aspect of the company’s customer service initiative. “Equipment service and repair is a true customer service part of our business. We have a very accomplished service department,” Tipton said. “We have one main technician who is certified through several manufacturers. He is also a certified diesel mechanic. He is a very knowledgeable, mechanically inclined individual who has taken us to a whole different level. “We completed a 10,000 square-foot expansion here three or four years ago and built a very modern service department. For a lot years, while growing the business, whoever was here at the time worked on equipment. Today, we have two full-time staff people working on equipment. We also travel to the customer’s location in some cases to install new equipment in the case of a sizable purchase. “We also conduct machine service schools for some of our larger end-users, where we teach their staff how to main-

Circle 29

18 tain, service and perform light repairs on the machinery.” In addition to partnering with its customers, 4 State seeks similar relationships with its suppliers. “We seek suppliers that want to be our partners,” Tipton said. “I want suppliers that are committed to helping us to be profitable. “We have been fortunate over the years to have great suppliers that have been with us for a long time. We also have newer suppliers that have been a breath of fresh air.”

March/April 2012 4 State is also thankful, according to Tipton, for its dedicated staff comprised of a good mix of veterans and people relatively new to the industry. “Our sales staff is 12 members strong. One sales person has been here from the inception of the company,” Tipton said. “We have one who is in his 23rd year, and we have several who have been with us for more than 15 years. Three of our younger salesmen are in their first, second and third year, and they are making a big impact.

“Our company would not be here without our employees. You can’t have a successful company and grow over a quarter of a century without good people.” Managing the staff is also one of Tipton’s major challenges. “One of the tough parts is managing and creating opportunities for the staff, which goes with the territory as you grow. You can’t grow any business without staff,” Tipton said. “It is a challenge to convey to our people the knowledge that we have provided to our customers over the years. “The jan/san industry has been good to us. This industry is pretty recession proof. Here we are in a tough economy and I am talking about 3 or 4 percent growth.” Contact: 4 State Maintenance Supply, 503 North Cline Road, Coffeyville, KS 67337. Phone: 800-497-5707; Fax: 620-251-0391. Email: Website:


riginally founded in 1964 by Hercules Jefferson Sr. as a contract cleaning business, Hercules & Hercules, Inc., of Detroit, MI, is one of the leading full service jan/san distributorships in the Great Lakes region. The company services most of Michigan and operates warehouses in Cleveland, OH, and Durham, NC. Before founding the cleaning business, Hercules Jefferson Sr., the company’s current CEO, worked for many years as a custodial supervisor with the federal government, and with the city of Detroit as a maintenance superintendent. The company’s reputation for providing fair prices, friendly customer service and the ability

Detroit, MI: Hercules & Hercules President Belinda Jefferson.

to solve customers’ problems on a personal basis became the foundation on which Hercules & Hercules thrived. In ensuing years, because of the company’s stellar reputation and cleaning expertise, people began inquiring about what products, processes and procedures they could use to accomplish their cleaning goals. As a result, the decision was made to enter into the jan/san distributor segment. By the 1980s, Hercules & Hercules had evolved into a full-fledged distributorship, and, over time, the contract cleaning service was phased out. “Today, we supply a full spectrum of janitorial and maintenance products and supplies as well as cleaning equipment and equipment training,” said Hercules & Hercules President

Circle 15

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Circle 16


20 Belinda Jefferson, Hercules Jefferson Sr.’s daughter. “We offer sustainable products, some of which are designed specifically for health care needs. We offer products from many well-known manufacturers, as well as some privately branded products. Our customer segments include education, government, health care, industrial and building contractors.” Hercules & Hercules’ motto is “Big enough to meet all maintenance, janitorial and sanitary needs, small enough to really care.” Indeed, Hercules Jefferson Sr.’s original concept of offering personalized, one-on-one service is still the

March/April 2012 bedrock of the company’s philosophy. “I think our customer service unit is one of the best in the industry,” Belinda Jefferson said. “They are the nucleus of the team and do a terrific job. We always tell our drivers they are an equally important part of the team. Without our employees, the company certainly wouldn’t function as a cohesive unit, and we wouldn’t have had the success we have enjoyed over the years.” In describing doing business in today’s struggling economy, Jefferson said, “It has been a roller coaster, but we have just been holding on tight.”

Circle 18

Because of the economy, a major challenge has been the trend of people buying on price points alone and not considering the value-added services Hercules & Hercules brings to the table. “Our most severe competition of late has been the big box stores and retailers, not other jan/san distributors that one would expect to be our competition,” Jefferson said. “Furthermore, it has been competition in the form of just reduced pricing, not a better level of service. We offer an extremely high level of service that the big box stores can’t match.” In speaking of whether or not the economy is showing some signs of recovering, Jefferson said, “I can maybe see a little glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. However, I don’t know if ‘recovery’ is the right word; I think what is happening is more of a ‘realignment’ in the way some companies conduct business. “At Hercules & Hercules, we have realigned our sales force to function more closely as a uniform, collective team with everybody working together. The common goal for anybody in business is to offer clients the best possible service at a cost effective price and retain the business.” Hercules & Hercules offers a full line of environmentally friendly products — what the company calls its sustainable offerings — from leading well-known brands. “Our sustainable programs are really designed around the customer,” Jefferson said. “We offer moderate priced sustainable products on up. We tell customers, we just don’t offer a product. If they want to move toward sustainable cleaning, its not just about the products — it a process and a way of life.” Hercules & Hercules has a staff member with the expertise to help companies acquire points toward becoming LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified. “One of our strengths is training our staff members so they can best assist our customers,” Jefferson said. “In addition, we conduct training for customers at their locations, including classroom and hands-on instruction. We also conduct seminars at our facility with classroom and hands-on instruction. Our facility is equipped with a training area that includes a functional shower, urinals, toilet, many kinds of dispensers, etc., for hands-on instruction.” Hercules & Hercules’ expert staff includes three equipment service technicians. “We have two guys who work in-house and we operate a mobile unit,” Jefferson said. “We also have preventive maintenance programs for our larger customers. We go to the customer’s facility and perform the proper preventive maintenance tasks for the customer, such as checking batteries for water, etc.” In speaking of its relationships with suppliers, Jefferson said the company wants vendors that will make certain Hercules & Hercules’ employees are properly trained on the products they represent. “In the best relationships, vendors become an extension of our sales force,” Jefferson said. “The wonderful thing about this industry is each and every day you can reinvent yourself because companies are always coming out with new products and new processes. We owe our success to the leadership of our CEO, Hercules Jefferson Sr., as well as our

Maintenance Sales News employees. I love this industry and I am always optimistic.” Contact: Hercules & Hercules, Inc., 19055 W. Davison St., Detroit, MI 48223. Phone: 313-933-6669; Fax: 313-933-1801. Website:


ince 1988, family-owned and operated Superior Sanitary Supplies, of Oxnard, CA, has offered a wide array of jan/san products in the Southern California market. “We are located 65 miles north of Los Angeles in Ventura County,” said Superior Sanitary Supplies President Larry Gonzales. “We offer chemicals, foodservice supplies, bags and can liners, floor and carpet care items, paper products, dispensers, as well as a line of auto detail supplies.” Gonzales runs the distributorship with his son, Joe, who is the vice president of the company, and his daughter, Jennifer, who is in the accounts receivables and accounts payable side of the business. Like many distributorships and other businesses across the country, Superior Sanitary is dealing with a down economy in its service region. “We experienced a growth spurt in January and February,” Gonzales said. “However, now we are back to where we were prior to January. We are hanging in there and we are paying the bills, but business isn’t what is used to be. “The SBA (Small Business Administration in California) evaluated the way we run our business. They reported that, even in this economy, we will survive because of the way we operate.” Superior Sanitary has traditionally separated itself from the competition by offering quality name brand products, excellent customer service and quick deliveries. However, in today’s economy in Southern California, these value-added services are tending to take a back seat, in many cases, to just price alone. “Many people are looking for rock-bottom prices,” Gonzales said. “People are shopping around, trying to substitute products with the big box stores. The problem is, the big retailers typically do not offer the lines of products that cleaning contractors need to do the job. “We get calls from janitorial companies who have been using a product purchased from a retailer that is not doing the job. In many cases, the janitor had to do the job over using the correct product. What would normally have been a two-hour job ended up costing three or four days of lost time. You just can’t beat the performance of the brand name product lines we offer designed for the cleaning industry by major manufacturers.” Superior Sanitary offers a line of eco-friendly products; however, Gonzales reported that green prod-

21 ucts have been slow to catch on. One exception is the schools Superior Sanitary serves. “We offer a green line of chemicals that has performed well in the school districts,” Gonzales said. “Most school districts have been leaning toward green products because the state provides funding for entities that use environmentally friendly products.” Among Superior Sanitary’s offerings is floor equipment such as burnishers, wet-dry vacuums and scrubbers. The distributorship operates a service department that also includes service at the customer’s site. Superior Sanitary’s customer base includes supermarkets,

food and pharmaceutical plants, industrial and electronics manufacturing plants, schools, hotels and hospitals. Training customers in the proper use of products is an important part of Superior Sanitary’s customer service. “We go on site and conduct training for the school districts, as it is difficult for them to send 5 or 10 janitors or porters off site to receive training,” Gonzales said. “We do the same thing for other customers such as the Salvation Army and the rescue missions — places where they accommodate the homeless. We go on site there to train people how to the maintain the facilities.” Continued on Page 36

Circle 25


March/April 2012

Paper Executives See Economy Improving In 2012 Second Half By Harrell Kerkhoff Maintenance Sales News Editor


he commercial/away-from-home (AfH) paper/ tissue marketplace continues to be challenged by a slower-the-normal U.S. economy. However, signs are pointing toward greater activity for the remainder of 2012 and beyond. Paper company executives interviewed in March by Maintenance Sales News Magazine shared their thoughts about future opportunities and challenges facing the AfH marketplace. They also discussed the many new products and service their companies are providing for the marketplace.


y using a segment-driven approach to better understand different challenges and unique needs, officials at SCA feel they are able to provide a “better business” focus for the benefit of customers. The company applies these insights to exceed in product, service and tool developments. “At its core, better business drives profit for our customers,” Joe Russo, Vice President, Sales & Marketing, SCA AfH Professional Hygiene-North America, said. “To strengthen our better business foundation, SCA is committed to helping customers drive a strong business platform by prioritizing sustainability and hygiene, and fulfilling their needs as a strategic partner. “This strategy is about increasing the customer’s business through a stronger value proposition and overall relationship.” SCA is a global hygiene products company and maker of the global Tork® Joe brand of paper products and dispensing systems. Today, SCA is one of the three largest AfH product manufacturers in North America, supplying paper napkins, tissues, towels, specialty wipers, dispensers and skin care products used in commercial settings such as restaurants, office buildings, schools and healthcare facilities. Over the past 10 years, Russo said, SCA has grown by listening to customers and keeping the company’s core values of responsibility, excellence and respect at the forefront of everything it does. New product development is one way SCA remains a vital partner with customers within the AfH marketplace. For example, SCA launched the Tork Elevation line of restroom dispensers in 2009. Russo said these dispensers have provided effective solutions for facility managers who need efficiency, performance and cost-savings to come together

seamlessly. SCA has introduced four new dispensers to the Tork Elevation line of restroom products in 2012. The new Elevation additions broaden Tork’s selection of sleek and modern dispensers that decrease labor, waste, germs and the environmental footprint in the restroom. These Elevation additions are: n Tork Elevation™ Intuition® Electronic Hand Towel Roll Dispenser — Russo said this dispenser provides oneat-a-time, no-touch automated functionality for less waste, cost and clutter while improving hygiene and image. Inside the space-saving design is a high quality motor and state-ofthe-art electronics for a quieter and smoother delivery of each towel — with no special tools needed to adjust sheet length. Outside features include LED refill and low battery light indicators to simplify restroom maintenance. The Elevation line also offers a range of natural, 100 percent recycled to ultra-premium, two-ply toweling in various refill lengths; n Tork Elevation™ Folded Tissue Dispenser —A unique extension to the Elevation line, this new dispenser is designed to take up less space and time to install and maintain. Folded tissue offers a lower environmental impact because it has no core and offers a 25 percent guaranteed reduction in consumption when customers switch from conventional rolls. This upscale option also limits pilferage due to the lock that operates in key or keyless push button mode. The dispenser is also flexible as customers can use it as a bath or facial tissue dispenser and it’s designed to fit seamlessly with Elevation’s modern aesthetics; n Tork Elevation™ Exit Door Towel System —SCA has developed this sysRusso tem as a solution to bridges the needs of patrons and facility managers. The system keeps hands clean and germ free while patrons exit the restroom. By providing a small square of folded towel, users will use fewer paper towels and create less waste around the restroom. It includes a wall-mount 5-liter bin for easy disposal of towel waste. To maintain the clean image of the restroom, the bin retains the bag completely inside the dispenser so no bags overhang outside the waste bin; and n Tork Elevation™ Bath Tissue Jumbo Roll Mini Twin Dispenser — SCA has restyled and evolved this dispenser to decrease labor and maintenance for customers, particularly those with high-traffic restrooms. Originally introduced in 2009, this dispenser holds two high-capacity rolls and features a roll brake so people take only what they need, reducing waste, clutter and cost. The lock operates in key or

keyless push button mode. The reserve roll remains protected until the first roll is gone, ensuring it stays hygienic. The Elevation line of dispensers from SCA is not the only Tork product evolving. “We are continuously looking for ways to enhance our tissue and toweling products to increase value for customers, and will be growing our offering of Tork premium towel, tissue and napkin products over the next year,” he said. “Offering premium options provides highly desirable products that continue to drive value for our distributor partners and end-customers. The investment into premium products will help grow all levels of SCA’s product portfolios, meet customer needs and increase options for all our segments.” SCA also places high value on its environmental commitment. The company incorporates an environmental focus into all aspects of operations. “Here in North America, we have a number of ways that SCA incorporates sustainability into its solutions, operations and dialogue with stakeholders,” Russo said. This includes: n Sustainable solutions: By listening to customers’ needs and following trends across North America, SCA officials have found that composting has become a new focus in sustainability. Therefore, it was important for SCA to obtain independent verification on the proper degradability of its Tork paper product portfolio. “Starting with napkins, SCA became the first AfH manufacturer to attain compostable certification on its line of Tork napkins from the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI), one of the largest independent compost certification groups in North America,” Russo said. “This initiative ensures the napkin’s product lifecycle from development, production, use and disposal remains environmentally responsible. “When our napkin products were certified, the next focus was on toweling. We recently obtained acceptance of our paper towels from Cedar Grove Composting, a nationally recognized commercial composter and pioneer of compostable testing and product review. This verifies that Tork paper towels will properly break down in the commercial composting process.” Prior to certifications for composting, many Tork products and solutions have been certified by EcoLogoCM and Green Seal™. Tork is the largest AfH brand to offer products with both certifications in North America, Russo said. He added that 22 Tork products have received the Green Seal stamp of approval and 100 products are EcoLogo certified; n Sustainable Operations: In the area of operations, SCA focuses on reducing manufacturing and distribution center costs — with the underlying goal to solve many issues that ultimately add cost to the customer.

Maintenance Sales News “For instance, our Alabama and Wisconsin operations are the first North American AfH tissue mills to earn ISO 14001 certification. We’re pursuing this certification for our remaining mills as well,” Russo said. “ISO 14001 helps identify the environmental impact of products and processes and implements a systematic approach for continual improvement.” Another way SCA officials ensure the company’s operations are sustainable is through LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification. This third-party validation shows the sustainability achievements in the design and construction of a building to ensure the structure and its environment are healthy, productive and efficient. SCA’s Americas headquarters, located in the Cira Centre in Philadelphia, PA, is certified LEED-CI Gold. Meanwhile, the company's Dispenser Innovation Center, also located in Philadelphia, is a LEED-CI certified space. “Efforts also being made at our Service Excellence Center in Neenah, WI, are a prime example of supporting SCA’s global goal to reduce CO2 emissions from fossil fuels and from purchased electricity and heating. We focus on reducing energy consumption through a program called ESave, which began in 2003 and includes a variety of initiatives that reduce energy across SCA’s operations,” Russo said. “Specific to the Service Excellence Center, ESave has saved approximately 950,000 KWh or 644 tons of CO2 emissions thus far through the installation of energy-saving bulbs and motion-sensors for overhead lighting.” The Service Excellence Center also uses photovoltaic solar panels and four wind turbines to offset energy consumption; and, n Sustainable dialogue with stakeholders: SCA engages in sustainable dialogue by sharing industry insights. An example is The Tork Report: Healthy People, Healthy Planet. This report is a survey of North American adults and business professionals on the topics of hygiene and sustainability. Particularly around sustainability, this report gives stakeholders insight into what is driving buying habits, perceptions and trends. In addition to survey findings, SCA incorporates viewpoints from sustainability experts to enhance the message and thought leadership. Regarding the current availability of paper for the AfH marketplace, Russo stated that, across the globe, demand for recovered fiber continues to grow as new paper-making capacity comes on line in China and other developing economies. “At the same time, we’re seeing consumption of paper and paperboard in the developed world steadily dropping. This leads to less paper available for recycling worldwide,” Russo said. “As a result, we are facing increased volatility in the market and tight supply.” He added that SCA officials also keep close attention to current research and industry feedback in order to understand the latest in janitorial/sanitary (jan/san) industry trends. “SCA expects hygiene and sustainability will remain top priorities this year. As far as growth areas are concerned, office buildings and health care are expected to continue to develop,” Russo said. “Office building occupancy rates will likely continue improving through 2012, and higher occupancy will eventually lead to higher rent and the ability for property managers, etc., to spend more money on improvements, services and other facility needs.” He added that health care facilities are focusing on prevention/infection control as Medicare payments are increasingly tied to infection/re-admittance rates. SCA also places a strong emphasis on providing strong customer service, which Russo said begins by building partnerships with customers. “One size does not fit all, and we know each customer’s story is different, so we listen. We also identify the issues we can help solve through our Tork solutions,” Russo said. “This includes looking at the specific needs of each customer’s industry or segment to gain a better understanding

23 of different challenges. Director Jon Thomson said. “von Drehle is vertically in“We also ask such questions as, ‘How can we help the tegrated with two Metso paper machines in place as well customer become more sustainable? How do patrons per- as three converting facilities across the country.” ceive and interact with their restrooms? How can we imThe company’s corporate headquarters are located in prove not just the product in their facility, but the quality of Hickory, NC, with its paper mill in Cordova, NC. Contheir facility?’” verting facilities can be found in Maiden, NC; Memphis, Customer service at SCA also extends into how the com- TN, and Las Vegas, NV. pany makes and ships products. Looking at the remainder of 2012, von Drehle will con“Our regionalized manufacturing model aids our cus- tinue to bring new towel and tissue products to the market tomer service process. This manufacturing model ensures — such as its new Preserve Plus Multi-Purpose Household highly responsive and cost-effective shipping,” Russo said. Roll Towels — and will soon be announcing a new line of “SCA has made its supply chain a core hands-free, hardwound roll towel discompetency, and I communicate with our pensers. These dispensers will offer a in-house team regularly to collaborate on sleek European design, are simple to ways we can enhance this side of our load and install, and control usage, business. Thomson said. “As a best practice to improve the fill “The von Drehle Corporation will also rates of our trailer cubes, SCA runs all orfocus on cost savings and inventory ders through software to enhance the efmanagement, allowing it to pass these ficiency of each shipment. This results in savings to customers, and to remain freight savings and predictability, which competitive in the market,” Thomson means customers will unload their prodsaid. “Our company will focus as well ucts with less frequency and save time. on expanding distribution in areas where We estimate this optimisation reduces it’s currently under represented and can shipments by about 15 percent, and it also provide the most value for prospective adjusts pack configuration to reduce the customers.” chances of product damage during tranThomson said overall industry projecsit.” tions for the 2012 janitorial paper/tisJon Thomson Products are delivered from these resue business indicate several challenges gional locations with best-in-class fill rates. This regional will remain due to the economy. approach also reduces miles per case, diesel usage, trans“Customers will be looking for products that offer the portation emissions and road congestion. According to most value, and hopefully, not just cheaper case prices,” Russo, SCA is part of the U.S. Environmental Protection he said. “Paper is readily available in the market, and has Agency’s SmartWay Transport Partnership and continually been for the past several months. However, this looks to increases its percentage of intermodal shipments. be tightening as China re-enters the market. Furthermore, This all results in efficient sales and delivery, lowered the quality of the waste stream appears to be declining.” environmental footprint and reduced costs for the customer. Thomson added that helping jan/san distributors with “This also gives our customers a customer service expe- various changes found within the industry remains a cenrience that delivers much more than efficiency, delivery and tral focus at von Drehle. For example, he expects handsenvironmental footprint. It ultimately builds a relationship free systems will continue to grow in importance, along they value,” Russo said. “We’ll continue to develop re- with a greater push for sustainability. sources, such as the Better Business Center (www.better“Since the downturn in the economy, however, pricing, to help improve our customers’ has become more important. Unfortunately, this leads to knowledge of their segment and connect them to experts one of the most consequential trends in the industry: The and other facility management professionals. issue of cheating or ‘short-sheeting’ — especially for paper “This one-stop resource highlights business tips, tools products,” Thomson said. “Customers are looking to save and insights to facilitate open, engaging conversations and money, and when they see a lower case price, they may best practices sharing. Visitors can also easily access our think they are automatically getting a better deal. The probsocial media sites, including on Facebook, Twitter, lem with this is, they may actually be spending more than YouTube, SlideShare, Flickr and LinkedIn to gain and share if they would have purchased the other, more expensive additional content and resources geared toward improving case. businesses.” “Testing of the so-called ‘discount’ or ‘bargain’ prodRusso added that SCA officials are proud of recent ex- ucts revealed that, on average, they contained 9 percent ternal recognition, including SCA being named one of the less product than what was specified. And some contained world’s most ethical companies by the Ethisphere Institute less than 70 percent of the specified product,” Thomson for five years in a row. Ethisphere recognizes companies said. that go beyond making statements about doing business According to Thomson, the true problems with these “ethically” and puts those words into action. SCA has also practices are two-fold: The first is that towel and tissue been named to Fortune magazine’s 2012 list of “World's products are “performance” products. Most Admired Companies” for the third year. “By this, we mean they have a specific job or function Contact: SCA, Cira Centre, 2929 Arch St., to perform. If a company reduces the length or quality of Suite 2600, Philadelphia, PA 19104. their paper products, usage will have to increase for the Phone: 610-499-3700; Fax: 610-546-4036. product to perform its task,” he said. “If I buy a case of Email: product that only has half of what it should have, my usage Website: will automatically double. If that product is only 30 percent cheaper than the spec product, then that so-called ‘bargain’ eeting ever-changing customer needs and in- ended up costing me 20 percent more. “The second problem is that cheating or short-sheeting dustry trends remains a strong objective for the von Drehle Corporation, a nationwide manu- these products completely destroys the purpose for which facturer of towel and tissue products as well as dispensers. they were originally designed. Towel and tissue products “We offer a complete line of paper products — the ma- for the AfH market were designed for a specific purpose — jority of which are made from 100 percent recycled fiber, to reduce maintenance costs. “If I put shorter rolls — and/or inferior quality paper — and von Drehle meets or exceeds EPA guidelines for postconsumer content,” von Drehle Corporation Marketing into my dispensers, then the rate of change-outs increases,



March/April 2012

as well as my maintenance costs. In the end, without anahe continued development of three primary go-to- an abundance. Stefco Industries produces 70,000-plus tons lyzing the data, distributors and end-users alike think that market brand lines remains a vital focus for Stefco and also buys parent rolls to supplement what we make,” their paper costs have increased dramatically, when, in reIndustries, an integrated tissue manufacturer that Shapiro said. “We buy in the vicinity of 20,000 tons in parent rolls, Stefco Industries is quite familiar with the parent ality, their ‘discount’ products are costing them more is headquartered in Haines City, FL. money,” Thomson said. Stefco Industries’ Haines City paper making facility pro- roll market. It’s currently available and the price is stable. “As the year heats up, and as national GDP (gross doFocusing on the environment is also a key objective for vides 70,000 tons of tissue capacity. Converting facilities, the von Drehle Corporation. Thomson said the company meanwhile, are located in Haines City; Green Bay, WI; mestic product) grows, this might result in a little tightness by the middle of the year for parent roll availability. Howhas always been an industry leader in environmental re- Henderson, NV; and Shenzhen, China. sponsibility. Many of its paper products have received “We mostly cater to the AfH marketplace as 85 percent ever, this could all be mitigated in 2013 with the addition Green Seal certification with more expected to follow. of our tonnage is directed toward AfH towels and tissues, of a fair amount of new capacity coming aboard within the “Not a single tree is harvested to supply von Drehle’s while 15 percent is for private label retail,” Stefco Senior industry during the last quarter of 2012 and into 2013.” Shapiro remains optimistic about Stefco Industries’ level paper mill. Each and every parent roll that is produced is Vice President of Sales & Marketing David Shapiro made from 100 percent recycled fiber, and contains a min- said. “The company was started in 1988 by Patrice of growth for 2012. He said the company looks to improve imum of 50 percent post-consumer conMinguez and Marc Allegre. They re- upon the 20 percent growth rate in total business it expetent,” he said. “Also, our state-of-the-art main active owners with planning strate- rienced in 2011. “The total AfH industry, however, has been pretty anecleaning and de-inking facility does not gies for continued growth.” use any harsh chemicals or chlorine prodStefco Industries provides a broad mic since the start of the last recession. Total tons (of ucts for its processes. range of towel, tissue and dispenser paper) sold in the AfH marketplace during the last four “Meanwhile, von Drehle’s modern products for the AfH market. Major years has been somewhat flat. However, we expect the inconverting facilities adhere to the ‘Rebrands include Heavenly Soft®, Heav- dustry to grow somewhere in the vicinity of 2 to 2.5 perduce, Reuse, Recycle’ philosophy, and enly Choice® double-layer, and the cent in 2012,” Shapiro said. He added that consolidation continues to play a factor in energy audits have been conducted reConfidence® “no-touch” proprietary the AfH paper industry. Despite this, there remains plenty sulting in more efficient lighting systems dispensing system. and environmental control. All end-cuts “Our Heavenly Choice® double-layer of room for mid-size operators such as Stefco Industries or ‘cookies’ are also collected and recyconcept includes a unique product mix within the marketplace. “We offer a broad line of products and a real niche of cled, as well as cores, plastics, metals and of small roll bath, JRT and centerpull other scrap materials.” towels using double-layer technology to providing better products at valued prices,” he said. Placing a strong focus on the environment also has kept Keeping customers abreast with these reduce costs while providing high qualservices and others is another essential ity,” Shapiro said. “Heavenly Choice® Stefco Industries in a positive light with both its distribupart of the von Drehle Corporation’s is our fastest growing brand and is fol- tor base and the end-user community. “All of our products either come from recycled fiber or focus. Thomson said company officials lowed by our Confidence® proprietary David Shapiro Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) managed forests. believe that customer service begins with systems.” that very first call. He added that a major focus for jan/san distribution is We are very aware of our customers’ demands to use “When you call von Drehle, you never have to ‘Press 1’ the selling of differentiated products. That is why Stefco ‘green’ products,” Shapiro said. “Also, our tissue mill (in to speak to a live person. Instead, you will get an experi- developed its Heavenly Choice® double-layer concept as Florida) uses 70 percent less water than most conventional tissue mills. Our mill is not located on a river but uses well enced, courteous professional who is there to help. Most of well as its Confidence® proprietary system. our customer service personnel have been with the com“We are not focused on selling just on price, but rather water instead, which is pumped into a closed water system pany for many years, and know most of our customers by a ‘better’ grade of products to develop a ‘feature benefits’ at the facility. The paper making operation also burns natname. This enables them to react to our customers’ needs, story,” Shapiro said. “It’s important that our distributors ural gas, not coal or oil. “Our mill was built to be a green facility, located in the and quite often, anticipate their needs before they occur,” are able to talk about how these differentiated products Thomson said. from Stefco can offer customers savings, value and qual- middle of orange groves, while our converting facilities He added that von Drehle Corporation’s nationwide sales ity — all wrapped up into one brand. We are not just going also have little or no impact on the environment,” Shapiro and support team is dedicated to helping customers become to save end-users money by giving them inexpensive prod- said. Contact: Stefco Industries Inc., 1006 Marley Dr., more successful. These experienced professionals provide ucts, we are going to save them money by providing prodHaines City, FL 33844. Phone: 800-835-1854. product training, solution selling, conversions and estima- ucts that work better. Website: tions, environmental impact training, custom marketing so“We would prefer to have our distributor sales represenlutions and various sales tools along with participating in tatives develop this feature benefits story for end-users. This joint sales calls and ride-alongs. xcited about the recent acquisition of Merfin Sysis what Stefco Industries does best. Jan/san distributors “Our philosophy of true, personalized customer service want differentiated products, items that they can go out and tems, officials at National Tissue Company LLC has been very successful as many of our customers have sell the features and benefits. They also need a broad range are committed to taking the best products and servbeen with our company for many years,” Thomson said. of products to turn trucks quickly. This is why it’s important ices from each company in order to give customers an even “The success of this philosophy is also confirmed in the for us to keep adding to our differentiated products.” larger variety of options. awards we have received lately such as Best Customer “Our goal is to have a successful integration of the To further help tell the story and provide greater service, Service from ISSA, Supplier of the Year from NISSCO, and Stefco Industries’ customer service department was re- Merfin Systems and National Tissue lines to give cusan Excellence Award from Triple S.” cently merged with the company’s sales department. The tomers the choices they deserve, and to help support their Building up the paper supplier/distributor relationship customer service manager for Stefco Ingrowth,” National Tissue Company will remain another key goal for the von Drehle Corpora- dustries is Tracy Hunt. President Mike Graverson said. “The tion, Thomson said. private label programs we’ve offered for “Sales and customer service are pro“Our company motto, ‘Integrity is our most important ducing one product — getting our items a long time also continue to be popular asset,’ is our guarantee to customers that they will be treated to customers on time as needed. We all with customers.” honestly and fairly. Our products will meet or exceed ex- work together in this endeavor,” Shapiro National Tissue Company is a full line pectations, and our customer service will not be surpassed,” said. “Monthly meetings on customer supplier of towels, tissue, wipers and Thomson said. “By maintaining a high level of products service take place at Stefco Industries, napkins. from all of our manufacturing/distribution facilities, we are where our representatives receive prod“We offer standard universal products able to run to inventory — not to orders. We can usually ship uct training and understand how prodas well as proprietary dispensers and complete orders within 24 hours of receipt. This allows cus- ucts go to market.” high quality items to use in these distomers to carry less inventory as they know they will receive pensers. National Tissue also continues Along with customer service, another their orders in a timely manner.” to provide those hard to find products,” issue important to AfH paper manufacContact: von Drehle Corporation, Graverson said. turers, distributors and end-users alike is 612 3rd Avenue NE, Hickory, NC 28601. Working with customers to help with paper capacity. Shapiro reported that this Phone: 800-438-3631; Fax: 828-322-4145. solutions to different problems remains capacity within the industry was well Email: a central focus for the company. Graverbalanced as of the first part of 2012. Website: son noted that many products found in “There is paper available, but not in Mike Graverson



Maintenance Sales News the jan/san paper marketplace are so similar that customer service is often the only thing that distinguishes one paper supplier from the other. “Our people working in customer service and sales are very responsive and responsible. We take pride in being a company you can trust,” Graverson said. Concerning the outlook for the overall janitorial paper/tissue business in 2012, Graverson said the struggling U.S. economy will still influence business within the industry to some degree. However, National Tissue officials expect their company to continue to grow and offer products and services that distributors need. Graverson also feels there will be enough available paper to satisfy the overall AfH marketplace in 2012. “We do still see companies downsizing the size of products to create low case prices instead of staying with the original intent of industrial sized rolls. This is done to reduce maintenance costs and improve cost-in-use,” Graverson said. “We hope distributors and end-users are recognizing that a low case price doesn't necessarily represent a low cost case.” Graverson also discussed the importance of National Tissue’s ability to provide environmentally friendly products and programs. “We consciously use 100 percent recycled paper and boxes that meet, or exceed, EPA guidelines for post-consumer content,” he said. “We now offer Green Seal products for people who require third-party certifications. However, the vast majority of our products are 100 percent recycled with, or without, the third-party stamp.” Contact: National Tissue Company LLC, 3326 E. Layton Ave., Cudahy WI 53110. Phone: 800-962-9588 or 414-481-3300; Fax: 414-431-9634. Email: Website:


s one of the largest tissue manufacturers in North America, Cascades Tissue Group maintains 18 facilities found throughout the United States and Canada. The company is a provider of towel, napkin, tissue, and wiper products for both the consumer and Awayfrom-Home (AfH) markets. “Our products are manufactured with the highest sustainable standards in the industry. AfH brands include Decor®, North River®, Cascades® and Wiping Solutions®,” Cascades Tissue Group Vice President of Sales, Away-from-Home Division-USA, Dennis Lion said. The company is continuing its sales development of recently launched Cascades Elite™ TADe hand towels, bath and facial tissue products; and ServOne one-at-a-time napkin dispensing system. “We have also launched our Cascades® Moka™, the first premium bathroom tissue made with 100 percent unbleached recycled fiber,” Lion said. “This product provides all the benefits of a premium grade tissue, with a 25 percent reduction in carbon footprint. “Cascades is also continuing its regulatory approval process for an antibacterial hand towel to be available in the United States, and will be launching a series of new dispensers for the napkin, hand towel and bath tissue categories in the coming year.” According to Lion, Cascades Tissue Group had a strong 2011, growing unit sales by over 11 percent. The company’s goal for 2012 is to continue to expand in the double-digit range in unit growth. “We are also looking to continue the preliminary success of penetration in the premium category and increase sales of our value-added products,” he said. Lion also sees other positive signs for the remainder of 2012 as the overall janitorial paper/tissue business continues its recovery. He said the market will improve at a slow pace, but a rebound appears to be on the horizon.

25 “We are seeing improvements take place in foodservice as well as offsetting 100 percent of the electricity used in as well as with occupancy rates in hospitality. Cascades is production with Green-e™-certified renewable wind enoptimistic that this recovery will help the company in con- ergy. “We have further developed our environmentally susjunction with its development in the premium category and tainable products by offering the first unbleached bathroom to meet increased goals for 2012,” Lion said. tissue under the Cascades Moka™ brand. A strong focus on customer service and This high-quality, two-ply product is supply chain improvements that have equivalent to higher-end bath tissues continued for the past two years will rewhile reducing the overall carbon footmain true at Cascades Tissue Group, print by 25 percent. We questioned, Lion added. ‘Why does bathroom tissue need to be “We have reduced our lead times from white?’ This led to the development of 14 to 7 days, achieving this in 96 percent this product and the interest level has of orders shipped in 2011,” he said. “We been extremely encouraging, especially also have achieved a 98 percent fill rate throughout the lodging industry.” during the same period. Cascades Tissue Looking ahead to the remainder of Group is continuing to work toward re2012 and beyond, Lion said he believes duced lead times while also providing the number one challenge facing the best-in-class fill rates. jan/san paper industry is cost. End-users “Our complete supply chain has been are pinched by the economic downturn an emphasis of review, and we have and are looking for options to reduce added positions to enhance our forecast cost. accuracy to better predict customers’ “As an industry, we need to conneeds.” Dennis Lion tinue to develop ways to control conHe added that at the present time, there appear to be no real issues relative to the supply of sumption and help our distributors offer lower cost-in-use products,” Lion said. “Cascades has done this with its Tanpaper in the AfH segment. Last year, Lion reported that Cascades Tissue Group had dem towel and tissue system as well as its newly launched refined its corporate and sales structure. This year, he ServOne interfolded napkin system. Cascades has also added the company has continued development of the new launched its Flex® Wipes system that allows end-users to structure, giving it greater emphasis on the AfH business customize their liquid solution to the application and carry less pre-moistened wiper inventory. unit. “This dry wiper in a bucket can be utilized for many “We now have a structure that is dedicated to the success of the unit. We had very strong growth last year, and also cleaning and sanitizing solutions, enabling flexibility and, executed a strategic acquisition that has increased our pres- ultimately, a cost savings.” Contact: Cascades Tissue Group, ence in the AfH market significantly,” Lion said. “Cas148 Hudson River Rd., Waterford, NY 12188. cades acquired Papersource Converting, of Granby, QC, Phone: 1-800-246-0711. which is a leader in redistribution and private label in both Websites: and the United States and Canada.” Working to expand Cascades Tissue Group’s relationship with its distributor base is another key goal for the ruger Products L.P., a subsidiary of Kruger Inc., company. Lion said Cascades is well positioned to serve is a leading manufacturer of quality tissue products jan/san distribution. and system solutions in North America. Kruger’s “We offer a complete line of paper towels, bath tissue, napkins, and wipers — enabling us to be a one-stop shop consumer tissue products include well-known brands like White Cloud®, Cashmere®, Purex®, SpongeTowels®, for these distributors who wish to maxiScotties® and White Swan® and its AfH mize their turns yet fulfill their cusproducts include Embassy®, Esteem® tomers’ needs,” Lion said. “We recently and White Swan®. Kruger Products oplaunched our Cascades Elite premium erates five FSC® CoC-certified mills in products offered in towel and tissue forNorth America. mats. Our Cascades Elite™ TADe for “Our AfH Division is committed to enTandem premium roll towels, as well as suring that product quality, exceptional our stainless towel dispensers, are deservice and comprehensive business optisigned to strengthen our position in the mization solutions run through every fiber building service category along with of our business,” Jay Candido, Kruger Cascades’ Elite bath and facial products. Products Corporate Director, MarketThis enables us further penetration in the ing and Operations – AfH said. hospitality and medical industries, which “Through our integrated operations, manare two major focuses.” ufacturing and customer service teams, He added that these additions better we deliver the right mix of products and allow distributors to single-source Casservices that make sense and add value cades’ towel and tissue items. for end-users. Our approach enables us, Being a good steward to the environJay Candido our distributor partners and our cusment is also important to Cascades, tomers to focus on achieving excellence. Performance really something that has been true since the company’s inception does matter. in 1964. “You spoke and we listened. In an effort to satisfy cus“The Lemaire family recovered recyclables from land- tomer demands within the jan/san industry, in 2012 Kruger fills when they were young and decided to venture into re- Products is phasing in a new embossing pattern on all roll cycling paper products. Since that time, we have strived to and multifold towel brands— Embassy® Supreme, Embe the most environmentally conscious paper company in bassy®, White Swan® and Esteem® — to enhance towel the industry,” Lion said. “Our flagship brand, North River, performance,” Candido said. has the most third-party certifications of any brand in “This embossing pattern is engineered using a unique and North America. Most products in this brand carry EcoL- functional cross wave design that both enhances the look and ogo, Green Seal and Processed Chlorine Free certifications delivers increased absorption and strength,” he said. “And


26 the majority of these towels are Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) and/or EcoLogoM certified, two certifications we know our distributor partners and customers value. “We recognize the importance of the combination of functionality, performance and sustainability, so this new embossing pattern was designed to deliver against each element. But the biggest benefit of this product enhancement is our ability to offer even more flexibility and provide the custom solutions our customers demand because the Esteem® and White Swan® products are now compatible with our hands-free mechanical dispensers,” he said. “In addition, Kruger also has the longest roll towel in the market – a White Swan® 1,200 foot roll towel. Ideal for the jan/san industry, this product will reduce product runouts and requires less refilling of dispensers. It may seem minor on the surface, but this actually provides substantial labor cost savings, allowing maintenance staff to save valuable time and focus on more important tasks in building care. Some organizations are just beginning to understand and see the value of this business model.” According to Candido, Kruger Products is proud of the company’s longstanding leading position in the AfH tissue and paper market in Canada and its successful position as a strong alternative to the U.S. market leaders boasting a large, premium portfolio of products and more selective distribution. In 2012, Kruger Products is focused on maintaining its leading position in Canada while growing the U.S. market through partner distributors. “To achieve this growth, our efforts will center around our core strengths – ensuring that our products maintain the premium quality that customers expect, that our service continues to exceed customer expectations, and that we consistently work with customers to drive the right product and system solutions,” Candido said. When asked to comment on the overall 2012 outlook for the janitorial paper/tissue business, Candido said that although market conditions are showing some improvement, he believes that it will be a gradual process with little change in 2012. “In 2012, the janitorial paper/tissue business will remain relatively flat to slightly up. Like many industries, our customers in the jan/san industry will continue to be challenged with managing smaller budgets and finding new ways to reduce product and operational costs,” he said. “To this end, Kruger Products supports its distributors and customers by cautioning them to not only focus on product case price but rather to look at the overall cost of a product over its lifetime.” Kruger Products is focused on working closely with customers to provide solutions that are geared toward their individual businesses. Candido said cost-in-use has been a key concept for the company, but in 2012 Kruger Products will step up its communication with distributors and customers by focusing on further educating about the benefits of this approach. “Unfortunately, with the recent challenging economic times, businesses are overlooking cost-in-use and incorrectly focusing on price as the main factor in purchasing decisions, thereby missing opportunities for savings across multiple areas of their businesses,” Candido said. “To understand and leverage the returns possible through cost-inuse, we help our distributors and customers differentiate between the actual cost or price of a product in dollars and cents and the true worth of a product throughout its lifetime. This takes into account more than just the case price.” He added the elements that make up this value are unique to product categories. When considering tissue and paper products, this may include an intermingling of the following elements: n Premium products reduce overall consumption, thereby resulting in cost-savings over time; n An accurate and transparent measure of product quantity is imperative to longstanding customer relationships; n Indirect savings from longer roll towel and tissue impact other parts of a business, such as labor costs; n Dispenser solutions help control the use of napkins or

March/April 2012 “Being an integrated manufacturer that makes its own paper towels, thereby contributing to reduced shrinkage and parent rolls, we are not concerned about the supply of minimizing the amount of product used inefficiently; and n Inherent benefits from an improved image can reinpaper itself. In fact, Kruger Products is in the midst of installing a very large Thru-Air-Dried (TAD) machine at our force brand or corporate identities. Understanding these elements and applying them to pur- Memphis, TN, facility. This will assist with our growing chasing decisions will make substantial differences to the production volumes,” he said. “Kruger Products is known bottom line of end-users, “Which we are committed to for offering a broad portfolio of premium quality products, doing with our distributors and customers on an ongoing delivering exceptional customer service and providing effective business optimization solutions. basis,” Candido said. “We understand the dynamic relationship between manImproved sustainability is also a key driver for success in today’s AfH paper industry. In 2010, Kruger Products ufacturer, distributor and customer. Kruger Products belaunched Sustainability 2015, the company’s five-year ini- lieves in working collaboratively with distributors to address and satisfy end-user demands.” tiative to reduce its environmental footprint. Contact: Kruger Products L.P., 1900 Minnesota Ct, “In 2010, Kruger set nine measurable and actionable tarSuite 200, Mississauga, ON L5N 5R5; gets in such areas as fiber, packaging, water, energy, greenPhone: 905-812-6939; Fax: 905-812-6996. house gas emissions, transport and waste. We also launched Email: our first Sustainable Development Report in 2011 and Website: highlighted our first year of progress. This included significant energy and emissions reductions from award-winning biomass gasification technology in our New ew product development and distributor/customer Westminster, BC, mill, and a heat recovery system in our support remain key areas for Georgia-Pacific Gatineau, QC, mill,” Candido said. Professional as the company continues its focus In 2011, Kruger Products also became the first Cana- in offering cost-effective and environmentally sustainable dian tissue manufacturer to earn Forest Stewardship Coun- products and systems. cil® certification, and currently offers Vince Rountree, Senior Marketing one of the largest portfolios of FSC® Manager, Office Building Segment for certified tissue products across North Georgia-Pacific Professional, said the America, according to Candido. More company seeks out the primary needs of recently, the company became an offidistributors and customers while helping cial partner of Earth Day® Canada them receive the right solutions for each (EDC). Kruger Products has been acfacility. tively working with EDC to communi“Once we have a viable innovation cate the practical things the company that delivers the desired needs, we and its stakeholders can do to incorpodemonstrate that value with a combinarate sustainable solutions into everyday tion of product demonstrations, samlife and make meaningful changes. pling, teaching/presentation-oriented “We understand the value of sustainsales materials and, most importantly, able operations and product offerings — cost calculators that help demonstrate not only to our distributors and endand validate the potential savings for a users — but for the greater good of the particular facility,” Rountree said. “We planet. Kruger Products has grown to continue to focus our product developoffer one of North America’s largest Vince Rountree ment on items that have a solid portfolios of EcoLogoM and FSC®cost/value proposition for distributors and end-users. Our certified tissue paper products in the AfH category,” Candido said. “To that end, we actively investigate ways to sales force will demonstrate how Georgia-Pacific Profesmake our operations more sustainable. We take pride in sional’s solutions can help improve bottom lines by reidea sharing with like-minded organizations because we ducing waste and over-usage.” Georgia-Pacific Professional is a manufacturer and inbelieve this collaboration will produce more meaningful novator of products and services that provide sanitation, results.” The company has a number of initiatives underway and janitorial and foodservice solutions for facility managers in the pipeline through Sustainability 2015. Some of these across the country and in all industries — ultimately proare smaller, like lighting efficiency projects, and some of viding a better cleaning experience, according to Rountree. “We are widely recognized for our pioneering solutions these are larger, like additional heat recovery projects. But whether large or small-scale, each initiative is meaningful in hygienic dispensing systems, towels, tissues, soaps, and contributes to the company’s overall sustainability sanitizers, wipers, cups, plates, cutlery and napkins,” he said. goals, as well as the goals of many of its end-users. Two business groups operate under the Georgia-Pacific For more information on Sustainability 2015, visit Professional business. The Washroom and Wiper . Maintaining a strong sense of service is also imperative tions group provides a full range of products, such as the to the ongoing success of Kruger Products. Candido feels enMotion® family of touchless dispensers, Compact® that both sales and customer service are one of the com- coreless tissue products, Angel Soft® and SofPull®, to a pany’s core brand strengths, and, in fact, this has been val- number of market segments. This includes: office buildidated through surveys conducted in the marketplace. ings, healthcare, manufacturing and lodging facilities. “We believe in human relationships and appreciate the The Food Services Solutions group focuses on such powerful difference they can make to our business. We segments as restaurants, coffee shops and convenience know distributors and customers value our attentiveness, stores. Product brands include Dixie®, EasyNap®, Smartso at every step we strive to communicate with them and Stock®, PerfecTouch® and Brawny Industrial®. understand their needs. This helps us create unique busiSince the 1930s, Rountree said Georgia-Pacific Profesness solutions that make sense and deliver the results we sional, and its predecessor companies, have pioneered sysknow they want,” Candido said. tems that reduce waste. The company produces more than When asked to provide a current rundown on the avail- 200 Away-from-Home products containing 95 to 100 perability of paper within the AfH sector, Candido said avail- cent recycled fiber, and 40 products that can help compaability should increase in the coming years as companies nies earn LEED certification. In 2007, Georgia-Pacific continue to invest in new and advanced paper-making Professional began labeling the environmental benefits of technology. its products using the Green by Design® designation.


Maintenance Sales News


Green by Design-marked products follow the EPA’s 3 R ings was reported than LEED certification for newly constructed buildings. program of “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.” Among Georgia-Pacific Professional’s new products “This shows that LEED-certification as a whole, and and solutions are: particularly for existing buildings and operations and n SofPull® Twin Centerpull Tissue Dispenser, which maintenance, continues to remain top-of-mind during this contains two rolls of tissue and provides high-capacity time of economic instability,” Rountree said. “Georgiafunctionality with low-maintenance upkeep and fewer roll Pacific Professional provides cost-effective and environchanges. The SofPull line’s design and one-at-a-time dis- mentally sustainable products that help businesses to pensing helps reduce waste and overhead costs; reduce expenses and remain competitive. These solutions n SofPull® Mechanical Towel Dispenser, which fea- will continue to be of importance to our distributors and tures an enclosed roll with sheet-by-sheet feeding that end-users as facility managers seek LEED certification helps keep towels sanitary and prevents cross-contamina- and more efficient hygiene solutions for their buildings.” tion. With a gentle pull, the dispenser quietly releases one He added that most customers seek cost-effective solufresh sheet, helping to reduce excess waste; and, tions that are aesthetically pleasing as well as efficient and n Angel Soft ps™ Personal Size Facial Tissue, which environmentally responsible. features individual-sized packaging to help reduce waste. “We work to be a leader within the industry by being inIdeal for health care facilities, the compact box fits nicely volved in key initiatives that align with significant industry on a bedside table for easy patient access and includes 50 topics like sustainability, operational efficiency and hysheets of high-quality white tissue. giene/infection control,” Rountree said. “Also, Georgia-PaGeorgia-Pacific Professional is celebrating a special cific Professional and its products have earned numerous product milestone in 2012 with the 10th anniversary of the achievements and certifications in the area of sustainability, enMotion® family of touchless dispensing systems. For a including EcoLogo™ certification, Process Chlorine Free decade, the company’s enMotion® dispensers have con- (PCF), 100 percent Recycled Fiber Verification and the tributed to stylish, innovative and sustainable hand hygiene Sustainable Forestry Initiative®, among others.” solutions. Contact: Georgia-Pacific Professional “When first introduced to the market, enMotion® disat pensers improved upon touchless dispensing technology by creating a user-friendly and efficient solution that resith a continued focus on The Healthy Workonates with facility managers, tenants and their guests,” place Project, Kimberly-Clark Professional Rountree said. “The line has since grown to improve washofficials look to create exceptional work areas room and foodservice experiences by offering sleeker de- by bundling products, services and marketing materials tosign options for enhanced image, waste reduction benefits gether through its distributor partners. This focus is deand measurable maintenance efficiencies. signed to reach such end-users as those located in office “Today, the classic enMotion® automated touchless buildings, educational facilities, manufacturing plants and towel dispenser remains one of the most effective touchless health care facilities. towel dispensers on the market, offering reliable hygiene The Healthy Workplace Project is designed to be a comsolutions for facility professionals.” prehensive approach to hand hygiene aimed at increasing Rountree added that the success of the brand has led to productivity and reducing work place absenteeism and several line extensions to provide hand hygiene solutions business losses that occur from colds, the flu and other in a variety of settings. contagious ailments. “We are introducing this year a brushed stainless cabinet “Our products and services offered through this project for the enMotion™ automated touchless soap and sanitizer encourage people to wash, wipe and sanitize,” Kimberlydispensers. This helps enhance the washroom experience Clark Professional Marketing Director for North and complement our other stainless ofAmerica Andy Clement said. ferings — such as the enMotion® reThe Healthy Workplace Project 90cessed automated towel dispenser and Day Challenge, introduced in late 2011, the Compact® line of tissue dispensers,” allows end-users to compete for who has he said. “In addition to continued prodthe cleanest office facility. uct development and extension, Georgia“The Healthy Workplace Project has Pacific Professional will be celebrating proven to reduce absenteeism at work up this milestone with its distributors and to 40 percent. This year Kimberly-Clark customers across the country.” Professional is adding a number of new products for the project in addition to its In providing a 2012 outlook for the desk caddy, including an On The Go Hyoverall janitorial paper/tissue business, giene Kit for mobile employees, a door Rountree anticipates the continued handle sanitizer, a new moisturizing juxtaposition of image and cost-in-use hand sanitizer and our new MOD towel to take place, particularly for Class A dispensing system — all under The offices. Healthy Workplace Project product bun“Additionally, with the ongoing emdle,” Clement said. phasis facilities are placing on LEED Andy Clement In April, Kimberly-Clark Professional certification and implementing environmentally, socially and economically viable programs will launch The Healthy Schools Project, which is a cominto their operations, we expect to see innovations in paper bination of products and services designed to get students products that provide both sustainable and high quality so- to wash, wipe and sanitize while at school. The main goal lutions,” he said. “We are continuing to see an increasing is to reduce absenteeism and make sure students and teachtrend toward sustainability, especially in the office build- ers are healthier and more successful while in the classings segment, and many facility decision makers are room. Other new programs for Kimberly-Clark Professional choosing products that will help them achieve their susinclude a marketing campaign called The Dirt On Shop tainability goals.” He added that despite a challenging economy, the num- Towels, designed to raise awareness of safety risks assober of LEED-certified facilities has continued to grow. In ciated with laundered shop towels; and expanding the fact, according to the USGBC, by the end of 2010 more company’s distributor sales rep loyalty program called square footage of LEED certification for existing build- the KCPZone. This latter program compensates distribu-


tor sales reps who sell to new businesses and/or help create exceptional work places at end-use locations. “We have large growth expectations for 2012, especially with The Healthy Workplace Project platform. We also have a goal of launching a new company vision called ‘Exceptional Workplaces’ in the second quarter of 2012,” Clement said. When asked about the overall 2012 outlook regarding the AfH janitorial paper/tissue segment, Clement said that after a couple of years of no or slow growth within this market, there is optimism for modest growth as more people go back to work. “In the past few years, with higher unemployment rates, there have been fewer people at work. Therefore, requirements for more towels, tissue and skin care items have been seen at home rather than in the work place,” Clement said. He added there seems to be plenty of availability right now with the supply of paper in the AfH marketplace, but this could change depending on how the U.S. economy bounces back later in the year, along with possible job growth. Clement also reported that a focus on hygiene and keeping end-users healthier, safer and more productive at work continues within the jan/san industry. “I also feel many distributors are realizing that just competing on commodities is a race to zero, and that they need to partner with manufacturers like Kimberly-Clark that can provide distinctive products and messaging to end-use customers,” Clement said. Kimberly-Clark Professional also continues to drive its “Reduce Today, Respect Tomorrow” sustainability program. “We introduced a broad range of EcoLogo-certified products last year, and our company expanded its FSCcertified range of items to be the largest in the industry,” Clement said. Kimberly-Clark Professional also recently introduced its alternative wheat- and bamboo-based fiber products. The company expects to expand this range later in 2012. A strong customer service focus remains a vital part of doing business as well for Kimberly-Clark Professional. Clement said the company’s management team conducts monthly meetings to review customer service KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), and also solicit qualitative feedback from key distributor partners. “We listen to that feedback and make adjustments on the go. Additionally, Kimberly-Clark Professional continues to balance external sales resources with internal over-the-phone sales resources in order to maximize contact with distributor partners. Therefore, if a distributor can’t quickly reach an external sales person because that person is on the road making calls, we have added resources internally to meet a distributor’s needs,” Clement said. “A key objective is to have our jan/san distributors work with us to create Exceptional Workplaces in North America. In doing so, there will be a large demand of new and existing products and services, along with higher and long-term protectable margins for distributors.” Kimberly-Clark Professional reorganized its sales and marketing teams in 2011. This was done to focus more resources for distributor partners and end-user customers, especially in the target segments of office buildings, education, manufacturing and health care. “We believe this is starting to provide benefits, not only to Kimberly-Clark Professional’s business health but also for our distributors. They are going to see additional marketing programs and new products designed to grow our businesses together,” Clement said. Contact: Kimberly-Clark Professional, 1400 Holcomb Bridge Road, Roswell, GA 30076. Phone: 1-888-3464652; Fax: 1-800-654-8270. Email: Website:



March/April 2012

What’s New For Distributors At:

SCA TISSUE SCA’s Tork Brand Continues To Innovate Efficient, Cost-Saving Away-from-Home Products


CA, a global hygiene products company and makers of the Tork® brand of awayfrom-home (AfH) professional products, recently announced upgrades and additions to two of its most popular product lines, Tork Elevation™, Tork Xpressnap®, and its paper products. These products continue SCA’s focus on providing solutions that fit a variety of spaces and address issues to increase hygiene and efficiency but decrease costs and environmental footprint for janitorial and sanitation professionals.

Tork Elevation The Tork Elevation line offers dispensers in a range of sizes and applications to meet and exceed the needs of customers. The newest members to Tork Elevation include four sleek and modern dispensers that enhance the capabilities and performance of the current line. The styling of these additions, available in black or white, continue to support the awardwinning “functional design” of the dispensers, initially created by Swedish designer Thomas Meyerhoffer. Tork Elevation now includes the following four products: n Tork Elevation™ Intuition® Electronic Hand Towel Roll Dispenser — The newly designed Elevation Intuition Electronic Hand Towel Roll Dispenser uses one-at-a-time, no-touch automated functionality for less waste, cost and clutter while improving hygiene and image. Inside the advanced, space-saving design is one of the highest quality motors and state-of-the-art electronics for a quieter and smoother The newest members to Tork Elevation delivery of each towel — with no special tools needed to adjust sheet length. include four sleek and modern disOn the outside of the Intuition, features pensers that enhance the capabilities include LED refill and low battery light and performance of the current line. indicators to simplify restroom maintenance. The Elevation line also offers a range of natural, 100 percent recycled to ultra-premium, two-ply toweling in a range of refill lengths; n Tork Elevation™ Folded Tissue Dispenser — The all new Elevation Folded Tissue Dispenser is a unique extension of the Elevation line. It is designed to take up less space and less installation and maintenance time. Folded tissue offers a lower environmental impact because it has no core and offers a 25 percent guaranteed reduction in consumption when customers switch from conventional rolls. This upscale option limits pilferage due to the lock that operates in key or keyless push button mode. As an added benefit, the tissue and dispenser can be used for both for bath or facial tissue applications; n Tork Elevation™ DoorMate™ Towel System — The Tork Elevation DoorMate Towel System keeps hands clean and germ free while exiting the restroom. By providing a small square of folded tissue, users will use fewer paper towels and create less waste around the restroom. The DoorMate includes a wall-mount 5liter bin for easy disposal of towel waste. To maintain the clean image of the restroom, the bin retains the liner bag completely inside the dispenser so no bags overhang outside the waste bin; and, n Tork Elevation™ Bath Tissue Jumbo Roll Mini Twin Dispenser — The restyled and upgraded mini twin bath tissue dispenser decreases labor and maintenance in high-traffic restrooms. It allows two high-capacity rolls and a roll brake so people take only what they need, reducing waste, clutter and cost. The lock operates in key or keyless push button mode. The reserve roll remains protected until the first roll is gone, ensuring it stays hygienic.

Refills for all Elevation dispensers use toweling and tissue made from 100 percent recycled content that is EcoLogo™ certified to help keep businesses sustainable.

Tork Xpressnap™ The Tork Xpressnap line, North America’s best-selling napkin dispensing system according to SCA, is also continuing to grow in the janitorial and sanitation segment. The new Tork Xpressnap Signature family provides more stylish options and customizable promotional features. Xpressnap Signature incorporates cost-cutting efficiency, contemporary design including rounded edges and an enhanced color palette to make these dispensers versatile for almost any dining environment. There are four Xpressnap Signature models in the family, including the tabletop, incounter, stand and countertop. Available immediately, the tabletop model offers an improved lid opening for increased versatility and easier maintenance, while the in-counter dispenser is available in three depths and a universal cut-out size. Stand and countertop models will be available later in 2012. Features of the new Tork Xpresssnap Signature napkin dispensers include: • Streamlined design and contemporary colors — Xpressnap Signature dispensers offer a range of designer colors, with names such as blueberry, ice, licorice and chili. The high-end, smooth styling of the line seamlessly fits with the décor of any dining establishment; • One Napkin, Every Time™ dispensing system — Patrons touch and take only the napkin they use, which improves hygiene and reduces napkin usage by 25 percent — guaranteed. This waste reduction feature saves businesses money and keeps dining spaces clean and free of loose napkins; • Customizable, eco-friendly napkins — The Xpressnap line offers compostable and 100 percent recycled napkins that include custom printing as an option; • AD-a-Glance® display — The Xpressnap Signature AD-a-Glance display panel is non-textured and helps to create opportunities for customers to boost their brand, promote products and improve the bottom line; • Easy loading, high capacity — Dispensers can reduce labor and maintenance costs because they are easy to refill and hold more napkins, with less waste; and, The new Tork Xpressnap Signature • One Line. Two Families — Tork family provides more stylish options Xpressnap napkin dispensing system now features two families within one line: New and customizable promotional features. Xpressnap Signature and the original Xpressnap Classic, delivering a comprehensive product offering to best meet customer needs. In addition to being made from 100 percent recycled content, Tork paper towels and napkins have also been verified compostable by Cedar Grove Composting. This verification ensures Tork paper products can be safely disposed of, and biodegrade in, commercial and municipal composting facilities. This verification is part of SCA’s commitment to make sure the product lifecycle from development, production, use and disposal remains environmentally responsible. SCA’s innovation and enhancements of its dispensers and paper product solutions continues to make the company a leader in efficient, performance-based, and sustainable product solutions for janitorial and sanitation professionals. For more information on Tork products and sustainability practices, visit

Circle 41


Maintenance Sales News


What’s New

STEFCO INDUSTRIES Stefco Offers A Complete Line Of Paper Products With Exceptional Quality Equivalent To National Brands

Heavenly Soft® Heavenly Soft is our complete line of high quality tissue and towel products that are national brand equivalent. This Stefco flagship brand continues to grow and prosper, offering distribution “better than quality” at a value price. Soft, white, strong and absorbent are adjectives that describe the merits of Heavenly Soft products. Economical in use and consistent quality equal to national brand equivalents are the fuel that powers the growth of these products. • High-quality tissue, equivalent to national brands. • Biodegradable, making it safe to use in septic systems. • Made with fiber from sustainable sources.

Heavenly Choice® Made from two plies fused into one, this innovative double layer tissue offers the luxurious look, strength and softness of a two-ply at a competitive price. Competitively Priced: Double Layer enables distributors to offer a superior product to customers while realizing significant cost savings. Reduce operating costs without sacrificing quality and product satisfaction. • High-Capacity Rolls are sized with more sheets per roll and more content per case. When compared to traditional two-ply tissue, Heavenly Choice® Double Layer offers great performance by reducing the amount of roll changes and labor costs.


Toll Free: 800-835-1854 Fax: 800-835-1898 E-Mail: Website:

Our Confidence brand is a premium line of high quality towel and tissue products, dispensed through a variety of controlled use and universal dispensers. Under the Confidence brand we also offer a unique line of TAD towel products that are the best in their class. These versatile TAD towels offer high performance hand drying and are ideal for any wiping tasks. Confidence Proprietary Dispenser Systems: Stefco’s high capacity Confidence no-touch controlled use dispensers encompass the latest innovations in portion control and consumption reduction. • Confidence controlled use dispensers helps end users reduce costs by reducing usage and waste • With the Confidence no touch dispensers, the user touches only the towel that they need reducing the likely hood of cross contamination and the spread of viruses. • With an attractive and stylish exterior, our controlled use dispensers complement every washroom design.

“Be Responsible: Sell Only Certified Fiber Products” Stefco Launches New Website Stefco Industries has announced the launch of the Stefco Website. The newly redesigned website contains company and product information. Customers can now easily navigate thru the website and access all product information and download all Stefco marketing material. For more information about Stefco Industries and its line of quality tissue and towel products please visit their website at

Circle 40



March/April 2012

What’s New For Distributors At:










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March/April 2012

What’s New For Distributors At:

DIAMOND WIPES The Future Is Bright For Diamond Wipes International


iamond Wipes International (DWI), the original U.S. manufacturer of hot and cold disposable wet wipes, announces a bold leap forward in its green initiative. DWI has completed construction of its 3,360 panel clean energy solar installation, which is expected to generate 548,544 kilowatt hours of electricity per year for its Southern California manufacturing facility. "As business continues to grow, I've become increasingly attuned to the near and long term impact DWI may have on the environment," states Eve Yen, President and Founder of DWI. "As a good corporate citizen, I want to do everything I can to support eco-conscious behaviors and practices." DWI has already “As a good corporate citizen, begun utilizing its new clean energy system, offsetting on the average 86% of its primary factory's enI want to do everything I can ergy utilization away from traditional forms of energy. to support eco-conscious The annual CO2 reduction is behaviors and practices.” estimated at 200 tons. “As our distributing partners and customers, you can be confident that our wipes are not only high quality and price competitive, but proudly made in the USA, produced with solar energy, and being part of the sustainable initiative toward responsible management of available resources.”

New Product For The Cleaner, Easier, Summer Diamond Wipes International also announces the new addition to its highly popular canister wipes product line. Handyclean™ Rinse-Free Food Contact Surface Sanitizer Wipes (120 wipes/canister, 6 canisters/case) are EPA-approved, fast & effective, odor eliminating hard surface sanitizers, designed for use on food contact surfaces in homes, public eating places, restaurants, bars, institutional kitchens, food handling and processing areas, and food preparation lines, without the requirement of a potable water rinse after sanitization. The wipes kill 99.999% of bacteria that can cause food borne illness in just 60 seconds. The new product is scheduled for distribution starting in June 2012. Contact your Diamond Wipes representative or call toll-free 1 (800) 454-1077.

Eve Yen, President and Founder of DWI

“As our distributing partners and customers, you can be confident that our wipes are not only high quality and price competitive, but proudly made in the USA, produced with solar energy.” Diamond Wipes Int’l, Inc., 4651 Schaefer Ave., Chino, CA 91710 (800) 454-1077 toll-free (909) 230-9888 main (909) 230-9885 fax

About Diamond Wipes International Diamond Wipes International is the leading west coast manufacturer of disposable wet wipes in the United States. Established in 1994, DWI supplies wet wipes to major restaurant chains including Tony Roma's, Applebee's, T.G.I. Friday's and other leading foodservice distributors. DWI also produces wipes for private label and contract packaging customers in cosmetic, personal care, healthcare, automotive, household, and janitorial & sanitation industries. About Eve Yen Eve Yen, a first generation immigrant from Taiwan, is the owner and founder of Diamond Wipes International, Inc. manufacturing as well as La Fresh Group, Inc. consumer products. She has received numerous business awards, including 50 Outstanding Asian Americans in Business Awards (2006), Asian Business Awards (2010) and Spirit of the Entrepreneurs Awards (2010). Yen holds an M.S. degree in Management Information Systems from New York Institute of Technology. Circle 43

Scan QR code to access our website Contract packaging and private label services available Diamond Wipes Int’l, Inc., 4651 Schaefer Ave., Chino, CA 91710 (800) 454-1077 toll-free | (909) 230-9888 main | (909) 230-9885 fax |


much more wipes for all your needs

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Circle 10

minority & woman owned

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From Lindhaus USA: The LW46 Hybrid Floor Cleaning Scrubber/Dryer


he Lindhaus LW46 Hybrid revolutionary floor cleaning scrubber/dryer has arrived. It’s the world’s first Hybrid floor scrubber/dryer. Hybrid technology means the LW46 can operate in both the corded and cordless mode. This allows for less down time for the user. “While battery floor scrubbers offer a higher level of productivity than corded models, they can be frustrating when they lose their charge,” according to the company. Most times this is due to human error; by not plugging in the charger properly, you can lose an entire day of productivity. The Hybrid technology of the LW46 gives users the best of both worlds as it will operate for a full hour and a half in the battery mode and can be plugged in at anytime for simultaneous operating and charging. Utilizing breakthrough battery technology developed for the Hybrid automobile industry, Lindhaus delivers enough battery power to clean 24,000 square feet on a single charge. In the Hybrid mode the user will tire out before the LW46 ever does. Custom-made motors specifically for the LW46 were designed expressly to deliver the highest performance possible at 24 volts. Testing confirms that the Hybrid 24-volt system delivers more muscle than most 120-volt systems.

At 69 decibels, which is considered a conversational level, the LW46 is perfect for day cleaning. It is, n Quiet; n Cordless; and, n Instantly dries floors. Weighing in at a nimble 126 pounds, the LW46 was designed with agility and speed of cleaning in mind. “It provides over nine times the productivity of a mop and bucket, according to industry standards,” company spokespeople say. This means the return on investment for LW46 owners is immediate. The front end base height of only six inches allows the LW 46 to get under fixtures where the competition cannot. Designed to be compact and maneuverable with its 160 degree adjustable handle, the LW46 will “turn on a dime” and fit into places that users would never envision possible when using an auto scrubber/dryer. This is perfect for: n Bathrooms; n Kitchens; n Shower and sauna facilities; n Restaurants; n Convenience stores; and, n Storage rooms. While the LW46 offers dexterity, it is also excellent for speed and coverage, according to Lindhaus. With its 1200 RPM dual wave brush, the LW46 can clean up to 16,000 square feet in 60 minutes. This makes the LW46 perfect for: n High schools; n Hospitals; n Showrooms; n Churches; n Airports; and, n Any hard surface from 200 to 24,000 square feet, where the LW46 is the perfect machine. The LW46 has no limits when it comes to the cleaning of any hard surfaces such as: n Marble; n Granite; n Slate; n Wood; n Laminate; n Ceramic; n Concrete; n Tile; n Vinyl; n Rubber; and, n Stone, etc. The LW46 uses a high speed brush roller (1200 RPM) exposed in front for baseboard cleaning. The brush pressure is adjustable, and Lindhaus offers a large selection of brushes and abrasive rollers to handle anything from the delicate to the difficult. Small enough to be transported in most vehicles and big enough to clean a high school basketball gym in 15 minutes, the LW46 scrubber/dryer is the product you should be showing your customers in 2012.

1-800-498-7526 • •




Circle 19


March/April 2012

“With our largest industrial customer, we started with de“Jan/san, by far, is our largest segment,” Cooper said. “Our largest industrial customer is a local company that has a con- livering 10 cases of paper towels a week. We proved we Continued From Page 21 tract to build military vehicles for the U.S. government. We could deliver it when and where wanted. Now, they can When it comes to deliveries, most are made the same day offer paper goods, toilet bowl and bathroom cleaners, disin- order more than 40 items from us that we deliver the same or the next day after a customer places an order. fectants, floor care products, equipment, and more. Ninety- day or the next day. “We will make emergency deliveries as long as it is rea- five percent of our business is within Winnebago County, but “This has been our niche. We really deliver on the sonable distance from our warehouse,” Gonzales said. “For we ship our sweeping compound as far west as North and promise of quality products with great customer service small emergency shipments that are too far to drive, we will South Dakota, and east into Ohio and Pennsylvania.” at fair prices. We have been able to work with vendors as use UPS and the item will get to the customer in one or two Originally, the company was called Caswell Factory Sup- our volume has increased and they have helped us stay days.” plies and was the primary vendor competitive.” While it is obvious that a comPingry-Caswell offers environmentally friendly products, of industrial maintenance supplies pany must make a profit in order to for many manufacturers in the but green has been slow to catch on in the company’s servremain in business, Gonzales beice area, Cooper said. Oshkosh area. lieves that focusing on the bottom “I think people are beginning to try more eco-friendly In 1982, Jim and Mary Pingry line alone is not the best formula for were manufacturing and distribut- products. When I first bought the business, I thought green success. ing sweeping compound and seek- was going to be a great entree into obtaining some new cusIn speaking of what a company’s ing a new location. The Pingrys tomers,” Cooper said. “There was some interest, but people culture should emphasize when it purchased Caswell Factory Supply, were still more concerned about making sure germs were comes to its people Gonzales said: merging the two companies and killed rather than being environmentally friendly. I was a lit“I worked for 25 years with a grochanging the name to Pingry- tle bit surprised.” cery chain and everything revolved When it comes to repairing equipment, Pingry-Caswell Caswell, Inc. By 2009, the Pingrys around money. It didn’t matter were working toward retiring, and, uses an outside company. Cooper also relies on his equipOxnard, CA: Superior Sanitary Supplies, Inc. about people; it didn’t matter about subsequently, sold the business to ment vendor reps to help with demonstrating and training their families; it all was about the on equipment. Cooper in January 2010. bottom line. It really isn’t about just the bottom line. If Looking down the road and considering the state of the “Much of the company’s growth the past two years has you build trust and if you have cultivated a culture of been a result of a relationship with our largest industrial economy, one challenge Pingry-Caswell faces is to continue concern and caring, the bottom line takes care of itself. customer,” Cooper said. “We were able to solve an issue for its upward growth cycle. Once that trust and caring attitude is established be- them and they have been a driver of our growth. We have “After growing the business 66 percent in two years, the tween management and employees and between work also picked up some other medium-sized industries and challenge is to expand our customer base,” Cooper said. mates productivity will increase. businesses in the area that have become very good cus- “My experience has been it takes a long time to obtain a “If you treat people badly or like a number, they won’t be tomers for us. new customer. A lot of our growth has come from our esas productive. Treat people with trust and caring, and they “We have ratcheted up our marketing efforts. I have tablished customer base where we have been able to imwill perform 10 hours worth of work in an 8-hour workday. a customer service background and we kind of keyed prove and provide service that has helped grow the “The same goes for customers. We welcome people that up a couple notches. We are working with customers business. whether they spend $1 or $100. I try to make our business on the basis that if they need something, they need it “In this economy, people appreciate service and it is imlike the old hardware store on the corner downtown used to today. We are keeping products in inventory, so if a cus- portant, but price comes into play a lot. It is a challenge bebe. The old guy would smile when you walked in. At the tomer places an order at 8 a.m., we will deliver it before cause we are a smaller player.” store on the corner they would have a jar of pickles. They noon.” Being relatively new to the jan/san industry, Cooper unwould pull out a pickle and give you one, or they might have Pingry-Caswell runs deliveries five days a week, most of derstands there is much to be learned going down the road, a basket full of apples for the kids. and he is optimistic about the future. Having been able to which are within 25 minutes of the distributorship. “We sincerely care about our customers. We are thankful Drawing upon his prior experience in customer service, grow the company significantly during a down economy, for them. They are the ones who pay your rent, pay for your Cooper is committed to maintaining the company’s tradition Cooper is hoping even greater opportunities will present food and pay your bills. Without customers, you don’t have themselves as the economy improves. a business. “I am still learning a lot in this industry “I was taught when I was 15 years old, working in the and that is a challenge,” Cooper said. “When grocery business, the customer comes first. Don’t argue with you grow up in a business segment you or look down on your customer. Welcome him or her. If your know everything. It is tough playing catchcustomer is not knowledgeable, teach him or her about up. I had a call recently from someone wantcleaners, polishes, wipers, etc. ing to know something and I’m sure the “I was taught how to work by the old guys from World other owner could have just rattled the anWar II and the Korean War. As a 15-year-old boy, they had swer off the top of his head. I found the anme running. To this day, I am thankful for them, and I still swer for him, but I had to call him back. call those guys to thank them. “Getting to that next level of expertise is “As far as the future and the economy is concerned, we all certainly a challenge when you are trying to would like to see a little turnaround. I hope we can begin to run a business, learn an industry, while makconcentrate on investing our resources at home, such as by ing sure your customers are satisfied. building bridges and highways and figuring out other ways “I was in the corporate world running a to get some money circulating in our communities.” division before purchasing Pingry-Caswell. Contact: Superior Sanitary Supplies, Inc., There were decisions made from above that Oshkosh, WI: Left to right: Tim O'Halloran, delivery and warehouse, Tom 1730 Ives Ave., Oxnard, CA 93033. didn’t make any sense, but I was the one Cooper, owner, Maggie Hesebeck, office manager, and Mary Rowe, sales. Phone: 800-983-3550; Fax: 805-483-5152. charged with implementing those decisions Website: and programs. of distinguishing itself by offering the best service. “If it meant laying people off even though our profit mar“We are the small guy, and, while we are price competihile Pingry-Caswell, Inc.’s roots date back to tive, we are certainly not the cheapest,” Cooper said. “We gins were higher than the year before, that is what I had to 1924, the distributorship’s current owner, Tom offer high quality products, but it is really our customer serv- do, and that didn’t sit well with me. Having to lay people off Cooper, has only been in the industry for a lit- ice that sets us apart. who worked hard and were making the business successful tle more than two years, having purchased the business in “I guarantee to keep a certain amount of inventory in keeps a guy awake at night. Now, I sleep a lot better than I January 2010. stock so that when a customer places an order, we deliver did before. Despite Cooper’s short time in the distributorship mar- quickly. “Pingry-Caswell strives to provide customers a product ketplace, Pingry-Caswell’s sales have increased 66 percent “We have a customer who used to buy everything on- or service that they need at a fair price. This is where we are during the two years under Cooper’s leadership. Pingry- line but who would, nonetheless, regularly call us at 10 and what we do — and it works.” Caswell, located in Oshkosh, WI, offers products in four a.m., needing something by noon. We met that cus- Contact: Pingry-Caswell, Inc., 523 W. 11th Ave., Oshkosh, categories: jan/san; sweeping compounds, which the com- tomer’s needs and we have grown that account to nearly WI 54902. Phone: 920-231-3050; Fax: 920-231-7298. pany manufactures; material handling; and power transmis- 6 digits. It took a year to get the account, and we have Email: sion components. Website: proved that we can meet that customer’s needs.

Distributors Achieve Growth


Maintenance Sales News


Empire Cleaning Supply Continued From Page 14

“We are looking at the larger picture for our customers and using a more systematic approach. For example, if customers are looking to purchase a paper product, we see if they are also interested in choosing one with a stub roll feature. We tell customers about the value of microfiber in order to cut water usage and provide a cleaner environment. All of these initiatives are very green and sustainable.” Product training remains an important step when making sure customers know about their various green options. Empire officials can provide this training in-house as well as at a customer’s facility. “We have a classroom available at Empire, but more requests are coming from customers wanting us to go to their own facilities to conduct the training. They want us to be where the cleaning is actually going to take place. Training is not about telling customers what to do, but rather taking what they currently are doing, documenting it, and then showing improvements. Therefore, it’s actually more helpful when we are on the scene while conducting the training.” Cronyn is pleased to report that providing strong customer service is nothing new at Empire Cleaning Supply. In fact, it all goes back to his great-uncle Frank Malet’s words 75 years ago: “The right product and right solution, as fast as the customer’s need arises.” “A lot of the old things that were true back then are still true today. You find the customer’s needs and then you train that customer on how to use the right solutions so there is a great outcome. This is as relevant today as back then. My great-uncle really wanted each person’s building to be as clean as possible, and he worked hard to sell the right products and provide the proper training.” Officials at Empire Cleaning Supply also recognize the value of working with quality suppliers, another part of business that has led to the company’s success over the past 75 years. Cronyn said his distributorship benefits from many solid relationships with suppliers and he feels product innovation is essential. “You can always find a supplier that has a cheaper product to offer, but at the end of the day it becomes obvious why that product is cheaper. It doesn't work as well or is inconsistent. The right supplier may offer products that cost a little more, but again it’s not about the price of the bottle, it’s about the overall cost. We also like to align ourselves with innovators. Empire works with top manufacturers that innovate all of the time, which allows us to better assist our customers. “For instance, a customer can use a plain neutral floor cleaner, or a neutral floor cleaner that also is a disinfectant or has slip resistant properties for that floor. There is the same labor involved when applying that neutral cleaner, so why not in-

Scenes from Empire’s 75th Anniversary Celebration.

When asked what key factors have led to his company’s success over the past 75 years, Cronyn listed four main areas of importance — hard work, caring about the customer, honesty and integrity. He also noted that reflection on the past and hope for the future often comes during important milestones such as major anniversaries. This is certainly true for Empire Cleaning Supply. “We had a really nice party earlier this year to help us celebrate our 75th anniversary. We opened our Montebello warehouse to the public and also had our suppliers come over. We included great food and it turned out to be a successful event. We also have a new catalog available for 2012,” concludes Cronyn. “It is important to acknowledge our company’s management team that does a fantastic job. Our business couldn’t be successful without these hardworking individuals and that goes for the rest of our employees as well. They are all special.” clude anti-slip properties or a disinfectant? These are the type of innovations that are important for us so that we can continue to serve our customers.”

Contact: Empire Cleaning Supply, 12821 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90061. Phone: 310-715-6500. Website:

Defend Foam Hand Sanitizer From Warsaw Chemical Warsaw Chemical Co., Inc. Defend Foam Hand Sanitizer is a non-alcohol foaming hand sanitizer that decreases bacteria on the skin and kills 99.99 percent of the most common germs that pose public health concerns. Defend is formulated to be used without water or towels to supplement standard hand washing. Defend Hand Sanitizer produces a fast drying, non-sticky foam that contains conditioning and moisturizing ingredients which allow the sanitizer to be used throughout the day without irritation, drying or chapping. Perfect for use in hospitals, nursing homes, grocers delis, schools, day cares, Circle 44 offices, public restrooms and in many other applications. Defend is available in plastic gallons and in 1000-ml cartridges. For more information contact Warsaw Chemical Co., Inc., P.O. Box 858, Warsaw, IN 46581. Telephone: 800548-3396. Fax: 574-267-3884. Website:



National Tissue Makes Personnel Changes Mike Graverson, president of National Tissue Company LLC, has announced that Eric Bachhuber is now National Tissue Company’s vice president of new business development. Bachhuber comes to National Tissue with 30 years of experience in sales of paper disposable products. His previous background involved 12 years with Wisconsin Tissue and, most recently, 8 years with Merfin. Also, Brian Wilson has been promoted to production planner and inventory control. Wilson has been with National Tissue for 5 years, previously holding the position of customer service representative. Jeanne Harrison has joined National Tissue as a customer service representative. She joins NTC with 27 years in the printing industry, holding positions in sales and customer service. Visit

March/April 2012

Pro-Link New Employees Pro-Link, a national jan/san buying and marketing group based in Canton, MA, has added the following new employees: Al Hudson as member specialist and Maggie Davison as marketing manager. These additions were made as a result of the increasing number of Pro-Link distributor-Members and the need to further expand and enhance Pro-Link’s product and Al Hudson market programs. Al Hudson is an industry veteran with experience as both a distributor sales representative and an owner of a janitorial supply distribution business. Maggie Davison joins ProLink with over 15 years of marketing communications, program management, and branding experience with companies. Maggie Davison Visit Pro-Link at It has more than 70 members and over 100 distribution points throughout the United States.

Choose 1 Product... with 9 Uses!


Lindhaus Offers First Hybrid Floor Scrubber/Dryer The Lindhaus LW46 Hybrid revolutionary floor cleaning scrubber/dryer has arrived. It’s the world’s first Hybrid floor scrubber/dryer. The Hybrid technology of the LW46 gives users the best of both worlds, as it will operate for a full hour and a half in the battery mode, and can be plugged in at anytime for simultaneous operating and charging, an industry first. While the LW46 leads in dexterity, it is also a leader in speed and coverage. With its 1200 RPM dual wave brush the LW46 can clean up to 16,000 square feet in 60 minutes. That’s over 5 times more coverage than one of the leading competitors and 33% more than its closest competitor. 1-800-498-7526

Circle 66


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Circle 30


Circle 23

Custom Packager since 1943 AIROSOL COMPANY INC.

Airosol, located in Neodesha Kansas

ices, label development, and regulatory guidance.

in a 120,000 manufacturing and warehouse storage facility complete with multiple high speed aerosol and liquid packaging lines. This is a long way from our humble beginning in 1943, when we first developed the pressurized “bug bomb” used during World War II.

Airosol Company, Inc., as one of the leading contract packagers, offers thousands of formulas for insecticides, lubricants, refrigerants, cleaners, additives, undercoating and more. Through continuous investment in manufacturing and our technical center, Airosol has developed and produced individualized, quality products for hundreds of companies.

Airosol now packages in an extensive variety sizes of containers using aluminum, steel and plastic bottles. We have the capability to run small lots or truckload quantities. Airosol also offers direct ship services. Airosol is a fullservice, turn-key operation. We pride ourselves on individual service to meet each customer’s special needs.

Airosol circa 1943

Marketing support is also available to our customers that are developing tive, Jan San, Industrial and Consumer products to be offered to the Automo- markets. We offer label design serv-

For more information please call Airosol to talk to a product specialist. Visit us at NJSSA 2012 Supply Line Expo, Atlantic City, NJ on May 2 & 3 (Booth #206) Airosol Company, Inc. 1206 Illinois Street, Box 120 Neodesha, KS 66757 Toll Free: 800-633-9576 Phone: 620-325-2666 Fax 620-325-2602



March/April 2012

4th Consecutive Year

From Kaivac: Chemical-Free Cleaning

R.J. Schinner Announces Stefco Industries As 2011 Vendor Of The Year

Kevin Wehby

Aaron Humfleet

Kaivac Appoints 2 New Regional Sales Managers Kaivac announces the appointment of two new regional sales managers, Kevin Wehby and Aaron Humfleet. Both will be working directly with Kaivac’s distributors and manufacturers’ reps throughout North America. Former Kaivac Strategic Account Manager Wehby is being promoted in part, due to his work with his local market distributors to achieve sales growth exceeding 30 percent in 2011. Humfleet has a strong background in sales and management and worked for a large building service contractor before coming to Kaivac. According to Tom Morrison, vice president of marketing for Kaivac, Humfleet’s extensive sales experience and jan/san background will benefit Kaivac manufacturers’ reps and distributors.

Circle No. 45 With No-Touch Cleaning, pressurized water agitates and loosens soils on surfaces. Immediate vacuuming removes moisture along with the soil, say officials at Kaivac. Studies report that it is effective at leaving surfaces contaminant free. Kaivac says results from an independent NELAP-accredited lab confirm that Kaivac’s systems remove greater than 99.9 percent of five key targeted bacteria using only plain tap water. Visit or call toll free 800287-1136 for more information.

R.J. Schinner Co., Inc., a re-distributor to the commercial wholesale trade, has announced that Stefco Industries, a Cellynne Holdings Company, has been named the RJ Schinner 2011 Vendor of the Year. The award was presented in February at the RJ Schinner national sales meeting in Orlando, FL, by Ken Schinner, president and Michael Hunt, vice president of sales. Three members of Stefco’s management team were in attendance to accept the honor: Marc Allegre, vice president; David Shapiro, senior vice president of sales & marketing; and Scott Ourada, director of re-distribution. Michael Hunt stated, “It is exciting to recognize Stefco as our Vendor of the Year for the fourth consecutive time. They are definitely worthy of a Four-Pete!” Stefco is a fully integrated paper manufacturer and serves both the away-fromhome and consumer markets. Dave Shapiro expressed his delight about receiving the award, “RJ Schinner is an exceptional partner and we have experienced explosive growth over the last few years working with them. At Stefco Industries, our goal is to be a leading supplier of quality towel, bath tissue, facial tissue, napkins and dispensing systems. Our commitment is to


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Circle 5

maintain the highest standards of performance in every facet of our business and provide exceptional service to our customers.” Ken Schinner added, “Since 1951 RJ Schinner has been both sensitive to our

customer requests and flexible in meeting those needs. We understand that our customers’ customers are endusers who demand on-time deliveries. Therefore, we established our own truck fleet to guarantee timely deliveries throughout the Midwest. In addition, RJ Schinner provides a strong marketing presence unparalleled within the redistribution community with customized marketing for our customers. A website that has real time interactive search and ordering capabilities allows easy access to inventory and other valuable information.” Visit


Maintenance Sales News

New Commercial Vacuums From Hoover® Hoover’s new INSIGHT CH50100 and CH50102 upright commercial vacuums, the first to be introduced by the company in a number of years, incorporate advanced technology to help facilitate maintenance, maximize productivity and reduce costs. Features include powerful 10 amp AC motors and on-board LED diagnostic modules that notify users when the filters, bags and brush rollers need servicing. Available with both manual and auto height adjustment and 13 inch and 15 inch cleaning paths, they also feature HEPA filtration, auto-seal allergen bags, quick-change brush rolls, 50-ft. quick-change cords, patented WindTunnel™ technology and tool-less assembly. Get more insight at Circle No. 47

Spray Nine’s Odor Eliminator Has A New Design Spray Nine says its Odor Eliminator neutralizes offensive odors on contact by “caging” their molecules so they are no longer detectable to the nose. Odor Eliminator uses Ordenone®, one of Spray Nine’s patented chemicals, to encapsulate the odor so its molecular structure is changed and neutralized. It can also be used as a fabric freshener on upholstery, fabrics and carpets or as a cleaning solution additive to eliminate odors. For more information about Odor Eliminator, visit Spray Nine is manufactured by Permatex, a manufacturer, distributor, and marketer of premium chemical products to commercial, automotive, industrial and consumer markets. Permatex markets a range of products under ITW brand names such as Permatex®, Fast Orange®, Spray Nine®, The Right Stuff®, Gel Twist®, PermaPoxy®, Ultra Bond® and Dr Bond®, Ultra Cherry®, Grez-Off®, Grease Grabber®, and Earth Soap®. For more information about Spray Nine, visit Circle No. 46


von Drehle Corporation Offers New Multi-Purpose Household Towels New, multi-purpose household towels from the von Drehle Corporation feature advanced absorption technology. According to the company, the towels are more absorbent and stronger than regular household towels, and comparable to leading premium brand household towels. von Drehle’s multi-purpose household towels come in large 9-inch x 11inch sheets, 85 sheets per roll, 15 rolls per case and 48 cases per pallet. The company says the towels are for use just about anywhere, including: food service (processing, table side and prep areas); health (hospitals, nursing homes, medical and dental offices); office areas (restrooms, breakrooms and lunchrooms); hospitality (hotels/motels, lounges and restaurants); and fitness (health clubs, spas and salons). Towels are made in the USA. Visit or call 1-800-438-3631 for more information. Circle No. 49

ACS’s New Blush Burnisher From ACS, the Blush Burnisher is an all new specifically designed Floor Pad for today’s high speed Auto-Scrubbers. This pad contains a blend of synthetic fibers and resins to run at the highest speeds. The Blush Burnisher’s open weave design allows for the wax dust to move up into the pad and not spread around the floor surface. The company says, the burnisher works well with all of today’s floor finishes. Type 43 Blush Burnisher The Blush Burnisher is designed for Circle No. 48 Auto-Scrubbing at 1000 rpm and above on all types of UHS machines. This newest addition to the ACS Scrubble Floor Maintenance Pad Line rounds out the high-speed offering. Refer to Type 43. For more information, call 800-222-2880 or through the company website at

Circle 21


Supply Line 2012 To Be Held May 2-3 In Atlantic City, NJ S

upply Line 2012, the New Jersey Sanitary Supply Association’s (NJSSA) biennial convention, will take place Wednesday, May 2, and Thursday, May 3, at the Trump Taj Mahal Estes Arena in Atlantic City. This year, NJSSA is joined by the New England Sanitary Supply Association (NESSA) and the New Jersey Green Association (NJGA) in inviting distributors; facility service managers; hospital, school and institutional managers; and cleaning contractors to meet direct suppliers of the latest and most innovative jan/san products available. Supply Line 2012, which is the largest exhibition on the East Coast, is expecting distributors and cleaning professionals from Maine to Virginia. More than 1,300 janitor-

ial/sanitation industry members attended the two-day event in 2010 at the Taj Mahal Estes Arena. Featuring new products, improved ways to service customers and networking opportunities, the Supply Line 2012 show floor will be open to distributors Wednesday, May 2, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Thursday, May 3, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Also on Wednesday, there will be a Happy Hour on the show floor from 4 to 5 p.m. Cleaning contractors and facilities managers may attend Wednesday, May 2, from noon to 5 p.m. and Thursday, May 3, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Breakfast with exhibitors is scheduled on Thursday from 9 to 10 a.m.

Circle 28

On Tuesday, May 1, golfers will hit the links at the annual NJSSA Golf outing. The event will be at the Harbor Pines Golf Club and Estates in Egg Harbor Township, kicking off at 7 a.m. with registration and a continental breakfast. A shotgun start will begin at 8 a.m. Golfers will play a scramble format. To top off the outing, golfers can enjoy the company of friends and colleagues at the awards luncheon, with prizes and trophies, at 12:30 p.m. The reservation deadline for the outing is April 23. Also on Tuesday, from 6 to 8 p.m., NJSSA members and Supply Line exhibitors are invited to join NJSSA President Dan Josephs, of Spruce Industries, for a “can’t miss” networking event.

Maintenance Sales News


Attendees will hear an update on NJSSA activities and the will take place from noon to 1 p.m. on the show floor for and Procure Profitsâ€? will be presented from 7:30 to 9 a.m. on recipient of the prestigious NJSSA Bob Strader Lifetime distributors and cleaning professionals. David Frank will Thursday. This session will provide an overview of macro cleaning also be the speaker for this educational session. Achievement Award will be congratulated. The presentation will show by analyzing the key trends concepts including: The late Bob Strader was a respected member of the n Touch free systems; jan/san industry for more than 35 years. Strader began his reshaping the industry and by taking a hard business look at n Multi-use equipment; business career with 3M Corporation and then worked in what to expect in the coming year, how distributors and n Team cleaning; sales for Rubbermaid Commercial Products. He became cleaning professionals will be better prepared to identify n Restroom care; president of I. Edward Brown Company, the oldest janitor- possible courses of action and ways to take advantage of n Floor care; and new trends. ial/sanitary supply distributor in the country. n Adding additional services. Following the Happy Hour on the show floor Wednesday, Strader opened his own manufacturer’s representative firm, Robert Strader Associates, in 1975. He represented from 5:30 to 6 p.m., will be the inaugural Mid-Atlantic For more information on such firms as Market Forge, Cambro, Homer Lauchlin, Mi- Young Executives Society networking event. Supply Line 2012 and the golf outing, The educational session titled “Practical Advice for Takcrotron, and Milwaukee Brush, among others. visit or call 973-283-1400. NJSSA will host a CIMS (Cleaning Industry Management ing Advantage of Current Market Trends to Secure Contracts Standard) I.C.E. (ISSA Certification Experts) Workshop on Tuesday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., in conjunction with Supply Line 2012. I.C.E. certification provides information cleaning professionals can use to help customers meet demands from the highest management levels. According to NJSSA, the operational and budgetary knowledge that can be learned in this workshop will enable cleaning professionals to be indispensable resources, especially as custodial operations continue to reduce budgets in 2012. Visit On Wednesday, from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., an educational session for distributors, cleaning professionals, building service managers and contractors titled “Demystifying the Building Service Contractor Marketâ€? will be presented 3UPPLY ,INE IS THE MOST EFlCIENT AND EFFECTIVE WAY by David Frank, president of the American Institute for Cleaning Sciences (AICS). FOR YOU TO REACH DISTRIBUTORS AND CLEANING PROFESSIONALS According to Frank, the U.S. contract FROM -AINE TO &LORIDA AND EVERY STATE IN BETWEEN cleaning business consists of more than /VER OWNERS MANAGERS AND DECISION MAKERS 60,000 companies with a combined annual ATTENDED THE EVENT revenue of over $30 billion. The industry is highly fragmented and the building types it 9OU WILL SAVE TIME AND MONEY WITH 3UPPLY ,INE serves are very diverse. Fifty of the largest AND HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS ALL UNDER ONE ROOF AND companies control less than 30 percent of the market. Some local or regional contractors Incredible rrate for exhibitors and attendees may have 100 employees and annual revto stay in the new Taj Chairman’s Tower‌ enues of $1 to $2 million. s $119 for a Taj Chairman’s Tower Room Frank said the No. 1 trend in the cleaning s $99 for a Taj Standard Room industry for 2012 is outsourcing. Non-traditional accounts such as K-12 schools, universities, government, manufacturers and state agencies must seek lower-cost models if they are to meet their new budget standards. The session will identify the framework of the building service contractor market and s %XHIBITOR $ISTRIBUTOR s how the cleaning community can work to'OLF /UTING n -AY gether toward a common goal. Frank said those attending the session will s s President’s Reception & learn: .ETWORKING %VENT n -AY n SIC Code by numbers of employees; n Influencers; n What certifications are important to the contractors. Size and overview of the commercial building market by segment and square feet; “The NJSSA show has performed above “The NJSSA staff is to be congratulated n BSC types and market penetration; our expectations again. It is a nice mix for running a well organized show. n Segments that BSCs serve; between the U.S. ISSA show and the The traffic on Wednesday was n Average spend data; ISSA Interclean show for us as suppliers outstanding and all the events were n Determining growth segments for the to the jan/san market.â€? very well coordinated.â€? BSC market; — Scott Jarden, —Randy Starr, n Purchasing drivers of key decision makThe Bullen Companies Golden Star ers; and, n BSC organization chart and how to define key. &OR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON EXHIBITING OR ATTENDING 3UPPLY ,INE CALL THE .*33! OFlCE AT Also, on Wednesday, a special luncheon and keynote presentation titled “10 Trends OR VISIT That Are Reshaping the Cleaning Industryâ€?


Etess Arena in the Taj Mahal !TLANTIC #ITY .* !TLANTIC #ITY .* s -AY n


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Circle 24

1/28/11 1:24 PM



March/April 2012

How Online Presence Can Complement Distributor Marketing By Virginia Petru Distributors may want to consider improving their online presence to complement their marketing plans. Search engines are the most effective tool to find products and services. These searches are triggered by a stimulus, such as an article, ad, e-newsletter, or word-of-mouth. In a recent Google survey, 64 percent of senior executives were stimulated to search for a product or service online by a print article or ad. Clearly, the challenge for distributors has progressed from how to get a website to how to use online marketing to get their business found. Customers are not waiting for a sales call anymore, they are engaging directly online to find trusted resources. Shopping Carts Can't Engage Your website is perhaps your most valuable sales asset, as it acts as your receptionist, salesperson, calling card, product expert, reference guide, and order taker. For most businesses, it is literally the very first impression prospects have of your company.

And we all know there is only one chance to make that first impression. Your website needs to graphically reflect the image you want to project, be informative, and be easy to navigate. If it was built a few years ago by your nephew using a free template, it is probably dated by today's standards and should be updated. Beyond the initial attraction of your website, the site's content will make you a winner. A content-rich website satisfies the need of your visitors to find information while it positions you as the local expert. It provides them a reason to stay on your site and become more involved with your company. The more involved they become, the more likely they will purchase. People buy from people they know, like, and trust. Websites created solely as shopping carts are unable to engage customers the way a content-rich site captures them. Content-rich information also boosts your online visibility. Search engines look for the same elements that are appreciated by your customers, and consider the quality of a

site's content, as well as the time people spend on it. Content-Rich Pays Off Content marketing uses information to educate customers and prospects, resulting in strong business relationships and purchasing influence. It takes skill, time, and creativity to create solid content materials, however it pays off in big ways. According to Roper Public Affairs, 70 percent of business decision makers say content marketing helps make them feel closer to the company providing the information. Content can be provided in many forms informative web pages, case studies, videos, social media posts, blogs, and articles are just a few examples. Getting Found in Searches What good is your website if it is not getting found by people searching for your products and services? Your next customer is Internet savvy, using searches to find what he requires. Rarely will he click past the first few pages of a search return. No longer does he only search on Google, but use other sites as search engines, such as Facebook and YouTube. In today's online marketing, it is essential that you put your business where your next customer is looking. While the goal of every company is to land on page one of a search return, grabbing that prized piece of online real estate is not so simple. Although it would help to have the assistance of a SEO expert, there are a few basics that every distributor can implement. First, make sure your website is effectively using meta tags and page descriptions.$#It is#a SEO fundamental '!%$

that is surprisingly overlooked quite often. Take the time to complete information about your business on "places" sites such as Google places and local directory sites. Tweet This — Followers Converted To Customers Participation in social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, elevates your overall internet presence and is factored into search engine rankings. More importantly, social media allows your company to nurture relationships with key influencers, customers and prospects. Consider it a portal to your website, where the real sales conversation takes place. It is important to make regular postings on your social media sites, balancing social and business conversation. Daily postings are overkill, but once a month is not enough to stay top-of-mind. A good target is to post about twice a week Connecting With E-Newsletters Resources such as Constant Contact and Vertical Response make it easier for companies to regularly connect with customers using e-newsletters. Content and graphics are keys to capturing newsletter attention, as well as a catchy subject line. Be sure to include appropriate hyper-links to your content-rich web pages to further engage your recipients. How To Make It Work Using the right combination of online marketing resources can provide you the edge over your competitors. Take an honest look at your website and make sure it is accomplishing its job as your extra salesperson. Create content-rich material‌ interesting facts, case studies, news releases about your company, and manufacturer information. Use this information in a variety of ways such as Continued on Page 45


MANUFACTURED IN WICHITA, KS, USA Phone Number: 1-800-992-0181 Fax Number: 316-267-2930 e-mail address: website: P.O. Box 17082 Wichita, KS 67217

Circle 4

Circle 12


Maintenance Sales News

2012 Buyers Guide Addendum Trojan Battery Company 12380 Clark St., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 USA Toll Free: 800-423-6569 Web Site: Company Officers: Jeff Elder, President; Rick Godber, Chairman & CEO Products: In an industry where unexpected downtime can be costly, a reliable source of power is extremely important. Top floor machine manufacturers and maintenance organizations know Trojan Batteries deliver power for the most

demanding jobs. Follow their lead and replace batteries with Trojan Deep Cycle products. Trojan Battery Company delivers Trojan deep-cycle flooded batteries featuring T2 Technology™ for maximum sustained performance, longer life and increased energy. Trojan's deep-cycle gel batteries feature an exclusive gel formulation delivering consistent performance and long cycle life, while the deepcycle AGM batteries include an absorbent glass mat (AGM) and other design elements that provide maximum performance. 12

Gofer Parts Moving Ahead With Major Brands And New Facility Gofer Parts says it has a rapidly growing parts selection, its own three lines of exclusive products, and a custom portal which gives customers the ability to list overstocked or obsolete parts, Since its inception in 2010, Gofer Parts says it has become successful in the aftermarket floor care parts and janitorial industry, offering a wide selection of quality replacement parts for floor care machines at competitive prices. A knowledgeable team of customer service representatives is readily available to help customers quickly and efficiently, according to the company. Gofer Parts President John Grace III states: “We’ve seen significant growth since our doors opened. With our new userfriendly website and the tremendously positive response to our Edge, VMax and new VSeries brands, the sky is the limit.” At the helm of Gofer’s success stand three major brands sold exclusively by Gofer Parts: VMax Classic vacuum motors, a staple for the company, are durable and reliable vacuum motors that feature a twoyear warranty and American engineering. “VMax motors are definitely a cut above the rest for Gofer,” Grace said. “When paired with our Edge squeegees, its an obvious winning combination.” Edge Premium Squeegee Blades are another mainstay for Gofer, receiving a positive response. The blades are laser cut. Edge blades can also be custom created for any application. “We’ll draw out the blade and send a sample over to you within 48 hours. The technology we’re using to ensure we have precise angles every time is truly revolutionary to the industry,” Grace states. The newest addition to the Gofer Parts line of exclusive products is the VSeries vacuum motor. An economical option, the VSeries motor features the same quality and dependability as its predecessor at a lower cost. “Through the use of value engineering, we were able to bring yet another vacuum motor solution that attracts the cost conscious buyer. It’s still engineered on American soil, and has a one-year warranty,” Grace adds. In late April, the company will be relocating its headquarters into a new and larger facility in West Deptford, NJ. With this new space, the company says it plans to expand its product line even further and

Continued From Page 44 website posting, e-newsletters, local press releases, and social media posts. Look to your suppliers for material and watch for information from industry publications that can be summarized and hyper-linked to the source. Participate in social media sites on a consistent basis, providing links to your site. Look to your buying group for assistance. NISSCO (National Independent Sanitary Supply Companies) regularly posts content-rich materials from their supplier members for easy downloading and use by distributors. If you are short staffed, consider outsourcing these activities to marketing experts, such as AXIS Group Marketing Organization (GMO) (

This newly formed company provides comprehensive marketing services to the jan/san industry, from website building/enhancement to search engine optimization, from content creation to video marketing, and everything in between. Distributors who embrace the multitude of online marketing opportunities will have some snappy tweets to add about their next business conversation. Those who don't may find they have an increasingly quiet phone and equally quiet warehouse. Ginny Petru is the director of marketing for NISSCO and a partner in AXIS GMO. She is president of Petru & Associates, a marketing communications company that has provided services to the jan/san industry for 20 years.

From Airosol Company, Inc.: Bed Bug Treatment Kit add cost saving manufacturing processes which will allowing for deeper savings to distributors. Keeping its carbon footprint in mind, Gofer has taken the extra steps to ensure that the new facility will be energy efficient through the use of modern technology.

To find out more about Gofer Parts, visit Circle No. 51

Airosol Company, Inc. has introduced a low odor, low residue, fast acting kit that kills bed bugs and their eggs. The kit contains two 12 oz. aerosols, one 2.5 oz. travel size, application tubes, and detailed application guide. This is an effective and inexpensive way to control and eliminate bed bugs in the home or commercial setting. For more information contact Airosol at 800.633.9576 or visit

Circle No. 50

ALLBUY THIS AND MORE! NOW & SAVE BIG! Motors Batteries Bearings Brushes & Accessories Chains Chargers Cords Drive Components Electrical Filters

Gaskets Hoses & Plugs Propane Equipment Pumps Squeegees Tools Upright Vacuum Parts Vacuum Bags Valves Wheels & Tires

GOFER PARTS Quality Aftermarket Parts at Prices You Can Trust! 1-877-GOFER11 Circle 13


Circle 9


March/April 2012

MAINTENANCE SALES NEWS CLASSIFIEDS g f in r O at br ea ng ls le h Y ri ca Ce 37t actu emi f ur u Ch an lty ia ec O





22 Oz. Fill with Triggers Higher Fill — Lower Cost End User Value

Over Fifty Products. All Private Label — No Minimum Freight — No Problem Aldran Chemical, Inc. • 800-969-3378 •

Winning Manufacturers Reps. Are you seeking top income from chemical sales? Let Starco Chemical, an industrial leader in Jan/San, Foodservice, and Laundry Chemical sales provide excellent commission $$$$. We are seeking additional representation nationwide. Our ability to efficiently produce both liquid and powder products sets us aside from all the others. We manufacture quality products, attractively packaged, labeled and competitively priced. Our fleet of company owned trucks economically deliver our products nationwide. We offer top commissions on new and existing accounts and a bounty on new accounts. We will train you, work with you, and we will ensure your success! If you are currently calling on Jan/San, Paper and Foodservice distributors please contact Starco for full details. E-mail your bio, line card, and full particulars to:


To Receive Maintenance Sales News’ monthly enewsletter, please send your name, company & email address to

O B I T U A R Y Former ISSA President, Chairman Of The Board Of Haviland Corp. Randy Haviland Chairman of the Board of Haviland Corporation, Charles Randolph (Randy) Haviland, 62, of Westphalia, MO, died Wednesday, February 15, 2012. Mr. Haviland was born on September 25, 1949, in St. Louis, the son of Warren E. Haviland and Van Buschart Haviland. His mother survives in Jefferson City, MO. He is also survived by his wife, Jan, President and CEO of Haviland Corp., the couple married July 10, 1971 in St. Louis; other survivors include one daughter, Alice & (Marcus) Andrews, and two grandchildren, Mya and Xavier Andrews. She is Vice President of Strategic Planning at Haviland Corp., Jefferson City. He was a member of First Presbyterian Church in Jefferson City. Mr. Haviland was the third generation of his family to serve on the ISSA Board of Directors. His grandfather, Charles Buschart, was a distributor in St. Louis, and Warren Haviland, his father and founder of Haviland Corporation, both served on the ISSA Board of Directors. Randy Haviland served as District 6 Director, Treasurer, Vice President/President Elect, President, and Past President/International Director of the International Sanitary Supply Association (ISSA). During his board, he was an integral part of several committees including the Exhibitors, Membership Services, District Affairs, Membership Development, Executive, and Finance. As a former Coordinator of the Young Executives Society (YES), he was the group’s first recipient of both the YES Industry Special Achievement Award and ISSA’s John H. Plant Membership Development Award for member recruitment. Randy Haviland received the 2000 Jack D. Ramaley Industry Distinguished Service Award from ISSA. He was the second generation to receive this award (an Association “first”). His father, Warren Haviland, received this award in 1979. Randy Haviland served on the Board of the ISSA Foundation, the charitable arm of the ISSA. Randy Haviland also served as president, secretary and treasurer for the Manufacturers Association of Sanitary Supplies, and was a former director of the Sanitary Supply Wholesalers Association. He was an Eagle Scout and served as a Scout Master for Troop 17 in Linn, MO. He was a veteran of the United States Marine Corps. A memorial service with military honors was held February 18 at the Jefferson City, First Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Dr. Rob Erickson and the Rev. Dr. David Henry, officiating. Memorials may be made to the ISSA Foundation. Dulle-Trimble Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements. Those wishing to email tributes or condolences to the family may do so at

MAINTENANCE SALES NEWS ADVERTISERS’ INDEX ACS Scrubble.............................................5


Airosol Company Inc. .............................13

Lindhaus USA..........................................35

Away Chemical Corp. .............................44

Marcal Paper............................................11

Berk Wiper Converting & Packaging...40

Matguys ....................................................41

40 words for $40 per insertion

BISSELL BigGreen Commercial ..........15

National Tissue Company ......................38

Additional words - $1 per word (min charge)

Bro-Tex, Inc..............................................45

NJSSA Supply Line 2012........................43

Bullen Companies, The.............................8

RD Industries.............................................9

Clean Control Corporation......................2

SCA Tissue .................................................7

Diamond Wipes .......................................33

Sheppard Redistribution, Inc. ...............42

Classified Ad deadline date is 1st of preceding month.

Fullriver Battery Mfg. Co. Ltd ..............47

Spartan Chemical....................................17

Additional charge for blind classified advertising.

Gift Sales Company.................................44

Spray Nine................................................38

Please include Payment with order.

Gofer Parts ...............................................45

Stefco Industries ........................................3

Ha-Ste Manufacturing, Inc. ...................10

Tundra Equipment Company................12

Haviland Corporation.............................18


Hoover ......................................................19

von Drehle Corporation..........................31

Intercon Chemical...................................48

Zephyr Mfg. Co., Inc...............................14


Bold face headings - $5.00 • Blind Ad - $25.00 Display Classifieds $70 per column inch (2 inch minimum)

Maintenance Sales News 201 E. Main St. • P.O. Box 130 • Arcola, IL 61910 Ph. (217) 268-4959 • Fax: (217) 268-4815

Circle 11

Love Your Supplier. Get the spark back in your chemical supplier relationship. Visit us at, or call us at 800-325-9218.

You’ll flip head over heels for Opti-Pak, our newest product line. It’s the new standard of excellence in ultra-concentrated closed-loop cleaning systems. TM

Circle 17

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