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The protection and safeguarding of the environment are key factors and essential business objectives for the Maire Tecnimont Group. The Group is continually committed in the control and mitigation of impacts on the ecosystem resulting from the projects and activities conducted at its head offices.

The Maire Tecnimont Group’s environmental policy is also defined in the engineering phase, which is an opportunity to propose technological modifications that can result in energy savings and cleaner emissions, leading to environmental and economic benefits for the client, stakeholders and for the whole community. construction sites and offices: we conduct a detailed analysis to assess the importance of environmentally-critical activities that have a negative impact due to energy consumption, harmful atmospheric emissions, soil or water spills, waste production or resource depletion. The introduction of smart working for our Italian and foreign companies is an important factor in improving environmental performance, as it helps to reduce traffic with all its implications in terms of noise, emissions of CO2 and particulates.


In order to measure the positive effects of their investments in climate change mitigation, which aim to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030 on direct emissions20 (Scope 1), indirect emissions21 (Scope 2) and before 2050 for value chain emissions (Scope 3), Maire Tecnimont considers extremely important not only to quantify the emissions related to its organization, but also those throughout the value chain.

ISO 14001 The ISO 14001 Multisite MULTI-SITE certification is confir- CERTIFICATION mation of our focus and ongoing effort to implement an environmental management

system at Group level. The Maire Tecnimont Group’s HSE Policy is implemented across all our companies and activities at all With this in mind, in 2020 Maire Tecnimont decided to continue its programme of improving its KPI reporting by developing – with the support of a specialized consulting firm – its own calculation methodology for value chain (Scope 3) emissions. It is based on the GHG Protocol, applied from 2019 data for certain categories more relevant to our business, such as “Purchased Goods & Services”, “Upstream Transportation”, “Waste generated in Operations”, “Business Travel” and “Employee Commuting”22. Maire Tecnimont’s emissions calculation methodology is aligned with the most important international standards on the calculation of atmospheric emissions.

The Group’s GHG emissions’ intensity factors are calculated using both direct and indirect emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions) as a numerator and man hours worked as a denominator. Hours worked have been recognized as representative of the Group’s overall activity.






2019 1.30

2020 0.85

Construction Sites




20 Produced directly by the Maire Tecnimont Group’s activities and operations from the use of fossil fuels such as natural gas, diesel and petrol. 21 Deriving from the Maire Tecnimont Group’s direct electricity consumption. 22 The Scope 3 categories “Business Travel” and “Employee Commuting” were already included in the 2020 CDP Climate Change questionnaire, while the remaining categories will be added to the report on the CDP Climate Change 2021 questionnaire.

The table below shows the aggregate volume of direct greenhouse gas emissions in tonnes of CO2 equivalent generated by Group activities (Scope 1 emissions), indirect emissions from electricity consumption (Scope 2 emissions) and value chain emissions (Scope 3 emissions).

With regard to Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions, in 2020 the Maire

Tecnimont Group significantly reduced the intensity of GHG emissions at its home offices and

construction sites, compared to 2019 and 2018. The reduction in offices emissions is specifically due to the reduced office usage following the Covid-19 emergency. For the construction sites, this reduced impact reflects on the one hand the decrease in the hours worked linked to progress on the various construction sites and the changes in the project phases and on the other the constant focus on environmental issues.

The decrease in Scope 3 emissions in 2020 compared to 2019 is mainly due to the different mix of bought-in materials and the vehicles used for their transport, different phases of the projects that affect the mix of waste produced by the construction sites in the year and the lower number of business trips and/or employee travel due to the pandemic.


Scope 1 emissions

[tonnes of CO2 eq.] Scope 2 emissions

[tonnes of CO2 eq.]

Year HQs Construction Sites Total HQs Construction Sites Total Scope 3 emissions

[tonnes of CO2 eq.]




2020 814 221,262 222,076 9,256 22,331 31,587


501 168,643 169,144 10,089 39,700 49,789 974,049

327 35,957 36,284 6,789 9,456 16,245 944,738


The Maire Tecnimont Group’s energy intensity factors are calculated using both direct and indirect energy consumption as a numerator, and man-hours worked as a denominator. Hours worked have been acknowledged as representative of the Group’s overall activity.

In 2020, the Energy Intensity indicator decreased compared to 2019 for both the home offices and for all our construction sites: from 10,253 kJ in 2019 to 6,785 kJ in 2020 for home offices, while for construction sites it was reduced by about half from 24,437 in 2019

to 14,203 kJ in 202023 . This testifies to a percentage reduction in environmental impacts, which is partially attributable to the changed working arrangements resulting from the pandemic restrictions, and the Maire Tecnimont Group’s attention to these issues.

The following main consumptions are monitored at home offices for continuous improvement:

natural gas for heating offices;

electricity for air conditioning, computer equipment, lighting, etc.;

fuel for power production related to emergency generators and heating units;

fuel for private and public transport for employees’ journeys to work;

fuel for the transportation of suppliers’ goods or services. In recent years, the Maire Tecnimont Group’s main headquarters have adopted a series of energy efficiency initiatives including:

Sittard (Netherlands): at the end of 2018, the offices of Stamicarbon switched from natural gas to a heat pump system. This resulted in a reduction of 74,423 kg of CO2. The introduction of LED lighting led to an additional reduction of 76,800 kg of CO2 during 2018/2019. In 2020, several measures were taken to reduce residual waste and carbon footprint. 80% of all paper was replaced by 100% recycled paper (FSC/EU Ecolabel), and all single-use plastic was eliminated. All these initiatives led to an energy performance label “A” (energy index 0.71-1.05) for the entire office.

Mumbai (India): during 2020 the headquarters of Tecnimont P.L. completely replaced their lighting system by switching to LED technology. This led to a 38% reduction in consumption.

Milan (Italy): Maire Tecnimont’s Headquarters in Milan produces about 30,000 kWh from the installed solar panels and the other energy-saving systems in the offices allow to reduce the impact in terms of local emissions of CO2 eq.

The Maire Tecnimont Group monitors energy consumption of temporary facilities at its construction sites, including operating and machine power consumption, suppliers’ materials and private vehicles used by sub-contractors24 .


In 2021, the Maire Tecnimont Group will launch the innovative Sustainable Sites project, to develop an ideal construction site model that optimizes environmental performance, minimizes energy consumption and the related CO2 emissions, water consumption and environmental impact, and maximizes the quality of life for people working on the construction site, particularly in extreme conditions or in very hot and very cold climates. The model will be tested at a real construction site during 2021 or 2022, before being rolled out extensively. The project will also consider aspects of circularity, with reference both to post-completion dismantling of the construction site and the possibility of reconvert construction site to serve the local community.


Maire Tecnimont has launched an Energy Efficiency and Carbon Footprint Reduction project applied to the EPC business, in order to evaluate possible implementations, in terms of energy efficiency and reduction of CO2 emissions, of traditional plant engineering pilot projects.

The aim is to measure the potential environmental impacts of different types of interventions and also to apply the model to other technologies. The pilot project will be configured for a petrochemical plant consisting of multiple process units, onto which the concepts of energy efficiency and CO2 emissions reduction will be applied.

Over a two-year period, the project will investigate works on furnaces, machines, compressors, buildings and electrical systems, in order to evaluate their benefits in terms of sustainability and economic impacts.

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