rave culture has been around for years, famously so in the 9os; but recently has also started to return in the same sense- the 9os returning. but what is similar and different about rave (culture) between now and the 9os ? I asked ‘ravers’ from both the 9os and now they they felt and viewed rave; Did you mainly go to Legal or illeal raves? if both how do you think they differ? the 9os interviwee (9os) went to only illegal raves, as back then raves were connected more to a misconstrued view on much of the youth, whereas the current raver explains how although both legal and illegal raves are around, legal raves are much easier to find and offer much less risk of getting shut down and general safety risk aswell. How do you feel about rave culture?
9os raver ‘loved the rave culture.’ She described it as feeling apart of the youth movement,’meeting like minded people enjoying incrible new sounds’; which seems to continue into raves now, with the current raver seeing it as a ‘fun environment to escape and enjoy your favourite music.’ She further says how important this is as many peoples jobs dpened and thrive of this culture, even now. What do you think is a big distinctive between raves now and raves in the 9os?
Both descibr e9os raves being more ‘original’ starting a trend within the culture, the current raver explains how much of the music is similar ‘just more modern’ and further how back then ‘it was like a once in a lifetime experience’ which the 9os raver agrees with, explaining how ‘1ooos of people from across the country would try to get to a secret location’ which is on a much larger scale than raves now seem to be on.