
To relate to, involve or affect multiple generations

Within these series of photos

I want to highlight the importance of understanding both the differences and similarities between different generations; between grandparents and grandchildren, parents and children, neighbours, friends of friends and more.
It is often said to young people how we must ‘learn from our olders’ but here I want to look at that statement as well as against it; as older generations can learn as much as we can from them,as they can from us, despite our different lifes.

in a harvard study of adult development, which tracks 700 men in 1938 and continues to this day, its found that relationships are a critical ingrediant in the well-being, particularly as we age. Relationships, such as those then with younger generations, are able to help them adjust to the world around them which is always changing, as well as helping them have improved brain and cognitive funtion, which is shown within the study. Generativity is the prosperity and willingness to engage in acts that promote the well being of younger generations, in order to ensure long-term survival. A study around this took place in Judson Manor in a retirement community in Cleveland, Ohio. They invited graduate music students to be artists-in-residence who provide performances in exchange for free rent.

Another study was also taken in Westerly which matched older generation homeowners in Boston with room to spare with collage students, willing to help with chores in exchange for reduced rent.These studies aimed to create more oppurtunities for intergenerational friendships and to also be able to see how building these relationships help both groups of generations. From these it was shown how the older generations were brough more to their youth, becoming more creative, communicative and improving their brain and cognitive function- like it was suggested. Younger generations also became more aware of their surroundings and gained important perspectives from being in such different environments.

what is your favourite hobby?

(janet) I currently enjoy doing my ballet class once a week, a couple weeks ago we even did a small showcase. I also enjoy gardening, i find it really relaxing.
what used to be your favourite hobby when you were younger?
(janet)I used to love going out dancing, spending time with friends; but its very different nowadays to what it was then. they didn’t really id and we didn’t have phones at that time, so when we went out it was like we were immeidately by ourselves.
what was one of your favourite memories from any age which sticks out to you?
(janet) that’s a hard one...
(polly) i remember when i was really young gong to Dorset pretty much every year
(janet) oh yeah, me, you your cousins would go every year. i will never forget when you got too excited at the buffet, then felt so ill so your cousin was trying to comfort you and you just vomited everywhere. I thought something had gone so wrong haha.
i’d say those holidays stick out for me as memories in my later life. But when younger, once i had my second daughter i remember her being really ill with cancer and us being so carefull with her. Then one day, once she finally got the all clear and we decided to go to the beach, and i’ll never gorget how care free she looked running with her sister and dad.
what did you do/persue as a career?
After I finished school, i opened a company with my husband and also got into a little bit of modelling.
when you were younger what did you want to be when you grew up?
When i was about 14 I wanted to be an airhostest, but im frightened of flying i’m unsure of why I wanted to do that. but back then, its very diffeerent say from the 60s to the 90s. you became really encouraged to go to work, make money, instead of going into education like university. So I think i had my job made for me in a way. I went down a path I may not have usually chosen for myself.
what do you think is one of the biggest differences from who you are now and who you used to be growing up may be?
what are your current opinions/ views on the younger generation now?
I think many young people dont live in the moment anymore, more engrossed into technology within theIR DAY TO DAY LIFE; BUT THIS ISN’T NECESSARILYA BAD THING. I think people are able to communicate more frequesntly, where back when I was younger, I could only talk to my friends in person, or if need on a landline. More oppurtunities are present now.
do you think your grandchildren have influenced you and taught you anything here?
Yes. I’d like to think I have helped them as much as they’ve helped me. I have friends which have no grandchildren, and They seem so out of touch of the world around them and issues affecting young people. My grandchildren have helped me stay current i think and help keep me in the loop.

if you had any advice for your granddaugher, what would it be?
To do what makes you happy. Stay in education if you want to, and keep your opinions, dont let people change all your opinions and choices.

what is your current favourite hobby?
I like gardening, i never used to but its acomforting hobby right now. I also like going out for walks, meeting friends, going out for lunch things that help get me out of the house.
what used to be your favourite hobby?

Just going out really. I used to go out dancing at coffee bars and pubs, as we didnt really have places like clubs like you do now.
whats one of your favourite memories from both your childhood and adult life?
as a child getting my first record player, i was an only child so i was spoilt, often got my way. but in my adult life it would have to be having children and then having grandchildren.
what did you do as a career?
I left school at 15 and went to work for an insurance company in london, then back to southend and then once i got married i didn’t work. later on i went to work for a credit card company and then on the nhs reception.
how do you feel the world around has changed?
i dont know, you hear such awful things these days that you never used to hear when i was young, theres always arguements with politicians, stabbings; we never knew about all of that when i was a young person. children play differently, just different really; but as long as you are happy now, it doesnt really matter as much.
do you think you are quite culturally aware to the envionment around you?
i would say im more aware of different cultures but with my environment its not affected me as much.

do you think your grandchildren have influenced your opinion here? family, especially those of a younger generation. i also have those few close friends who i’m able to discuss things with, but i still have my own opinion.
how is it living with hannah?
it’s great, we are able to be individual while coming together at the end of the day when shes back from work and have a catch up..
do you think hannah has changed/ influenced your day to day life at all?
not much, she fits in really. it’s not changed our life but we are able to understand and work around one another. i would say she’s helped me communicate, she will sit and teach me how to use a phone, to stay in contact with other family and friends aswell.
would you say there is a large difference between your generation and younger generations? the internet and how it affects day to day communication really. can be annoying sometimes. but i’m okay now with it, i’ve got to grips with my phone and what i want to do i can do.

if you had any advice for your grandchildren, what would it be? that they’re all really happy, and its good for me to get that feedback. i like to see you all happy and successfull. i never knew anyone who went to university before having grandchildren so im very proud. i just want them to continue to do what makes them happy.