Aveyron - Magazine

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The Great Natural Regions Culture and Heritage Outdoor Leisure and Activities Children’s Corner “Art de Vivre”

...We re all going to Aveyron !


Aveyron, a Land of Contrasts Along some 200 kilometres from north to south, Aveyron unrolls its contrasts, straddling torrents, breezing across prairies and breathing in air from all around, here at the crossroads of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Located just south of the Massif Central, the département (or county) has its heart divided between Aquitaine, Languedoc and Auvergne. It’s a place where the north and south winds meet, bringing influences from both the mountains and the Midi. But history’s alchemy has modelled a strong identity, as if to better marry the contrasts that show its wealth. Aveyron, a Land of Yesterday and Tomorrow Factories producing car parts have taken their place beside the more traditional industries of Aveyron, in recent decades. Laguiole forges its knives and makes the mouth water with its multi-starred cuisine, while Millau signs her name to high fashion gloves. From the crests of the Lévézou to the plateaux of Saint Affrique, the ewes make milk for Roquefort’s magical cheese. The calves of Ségala and the cows of the Aubrac graze on slopes and plateaux, whilst passing pilgrims’ follow ancestral paths towards Santiago di Compostella. Day after day, Aveyron prepares its future and anchors its renewed success, but with the utmost caution: a respect for its natural and architectural heritage. Aveyron, a Preserved Land The people of Aveyron have been able to protect their land from the devastation of development without hindering enterprise. They have opened up to modern ways by making very discerning decisions to do things right. Many outsiders covet the privileges of its silence and friendliness, and dream of exploring the four corners of this ever-inspiring land WELCOME TO AVEYRON, A LAND OF INSPIRATION

In the spotlight

The Aveyron Makes the News


Until fairly recently, the Aveyron was a little-known destination – even here in France Even today, its reputation is based primarily on a few household names, such as Laguiole, Roquefort and the viaduc de Millau.

Aveyron, And while these names tell of a rich variety of traditions and skills, they barely scratch the surface of what this extraordinary region has to offer.


t’s as if Mother Nature had singled out this part of the world for special treatment, showering the Aveyron with far more than its fair share of her riches. Natural riches that the people of the Aveyron have cultivated over the centuries; weaving them into the fabric of their cultural heritage. So don’t make the mistake of rushing through the Aveyron en route to the beaches of the south or the cities of the north. Instead, take the time to stop and catch your breath. Take the time to experience the rich flavours of the Aubrac and Larzac plateaux; the abundant plant life; the rich verdant valleys; the redearth lands of the Rouergue, charged with history. Relax beside its peaceful lakes and tumbling rivers. Run your hands over stones sha-

Take the time to discover the possibilities of Aveyron. ped by long-departed masons, and feel the marks that history has left on every châteaux, every farm, every village. Aveyronnais cuisine is world-renowned, and this is truly a gourmet’s paradise. The mouthwatering flavours of award-winning locally reared lamb, beef and veal, authentic cheeses and market stalls full of garden-fresh vegetables. Aligot: a rich creamy purée of potatoes, Tome cheese

and a hint of garlic prepared in enormous cauldrons by men armed with huge wooden paddles and even larger biceps. Signature dish of the Aveyron, its simple warming richness seems to define the spirit of the region and its people. And look out for stockfish or estofinado – a dish of salt cod that brought the taste of the sea so many miles inland in the days before refrigeration. Alongside this wealth of traditional dishes, the modern Aveyron menu has ample space for the innovative creations of its talented young chefs who understand that the best food will always be based on the best local produce. The perfect place for a gastronomic get-away. Aveyron is a land of a myriad of small villages and it is in their narrow streets and busy market squares that you’ll find the true spirit of the region – little wonder that ten of the ‘plus beaux village de France’ are here. As you travel across the Aveyron, you’ll notice that the roofs of the village houses change considerably from north to south bearing witness to changing demands of the elements. From the sturdy iridescent lauze of the north that changes colour with the light to the terracotta tiles of the south. A rich diversity of styles that has evolved over the centuries; where the medieval sits comfortably alongside the modern. Where the need to bridge a chasm becomes an opportunity to construct a thing of beauty. Perhaps you’re looking for a holiday in the great outdoors? What about fishing on the peace-

“un art de vivre” ful lakes and rivers or canoeing and kayaking through dramatic gorges and rapids? Chasing warm-air thermals aloft in a paraglider or feeling the icy blast on your face as you let your skis run downhill? Following walking trails across the hills or exploring the caves below their surface? For lovers of the great outdoors, there’s almost an embarrassment of riches.

And there’s so much to see and do between meals. The ancient religious route to Santiago de Compostella runs clear across Aveyron, and many of its modern-day pilgrims are drawn back time and time again. A chance for every soul to find its own rhythm, be it syncopated jazz or sacred anthem. Festivals for all the arts: on canvas, on stage, on celluloid. From here and from around the world. So what’s it to be? Relaxing break, cultural odyssey, outdoor adventure? It’s all here in this land of extraordinary contrasts. And next time someone asks you about the Aveyron, tell them to come on over. Because in this small corner of southern France they’ll be able to find just about everything they’re looking for. It’s a land that’s glad to be alive. Alive with possibilities.

Why I picked Aveyron for my holidays... Brigitte and Denis (Paris area): “We first discovered the Aveyron when we came to see the work on the Millau viaduc. We intended to stay a couple of days and ended up staying for a week. Since then, we’ve been back every year to rediscover this sublime countryside and the friends we’ve made here.” Nathalie (Lyon): “When I was a teenager I came here with a friend who spent her family holidays here. Some years later I brought my husband here and, just like me, he’s fallen in love with the region. Now we come back regularly with the children for our family holidays.”

... for my home Patrick and Catherine: “In 1996 we decided to do the pilgrim route (to Santiago de Compostella) and we were blown away by the section from Aubrac to Conques … magnificent! In 1998 we moved here and now we’re confirmed Aveyronnais!” Helene: “I came here on holiday in 1997, just as I had done so many times before. But when it was time to leave I just felt so heart-broken. I starting thinking that living here all year round would be better than my life in the city - an unbeatable quality of life. So, almost on impulse I decided to give it a go. I’ve lived here for 9 years now, and nothing in the world could make me leave.”

The Aveyron Makes the News



AIRBUS A380 OVER THE MILLAU VIADUCT Two modern-day giants come face to face in Aveyron What a moment! The world’s biggest airliner flies over the world’s highest bridge. The two glittering examples of French creativity, co-operation and endeavour are brought together at last here in Aveyron. This event symbolises the link between the two most popular technical tourist attractions in the Midi-Pyrenees: the A380 assembly line at Toulouse and the Millau Viaduct in Aveyron.

2 great attractions not to be missed! - Millau Viaduct: www.ot-millau.fr - Airbus A380 production line: www.taxiway.fr

2 driving lanes in each direction, skipping over the Tarn Valley touching down at only 9 points. It fits very nicely into the surrounding countryside, thus meeting the requirements of the architect and the local communities. To meet these requirements, however, highly advanced technologies were employed, including a streamlined steel bridge-deck supported by cablestays and resting upon 7 very slim piers constructed with highgrade concrete. It climbs a gentle slope of 3% from north to south, and has a slight curve on-plan.

Designed by the English architect, Lord Norman Foster, the Millau Viaduct cost some 310 million Euros (2.03 Billion French Francs), and is financed and constructed by the Eiffage group as part of a 75-year chartered concession.

Environmentally Friendly Technological Solutions

An exceptional piece of civil engineering

Apart from the aesthetic and environmental concerns associated with the project, the technology used to build the steel bridge-deck and concrete piers has several advantages. The first of these is quite simply the lightness of the streamlined bridge deck, which allows for a lighter support structure, as

This bridge sets world records for height, with masts reaching 340 meters (higher than the Eiffel Tower). The Millau Viaduct is multi-span, cable-stayed, 2,460 meters long, and provides

The Viaduct’s trajectory respects the area’s major natural sites and the exceptional landscapes of the confluence of the Dourbie and Tarn valleys, whilst providing convenient access to the greater Millau area.

Viaduc de Millau The Millau Viaduct in Numbers The bridge will be operated under a 75-years concession contract with the Eiffage group. It was built to specifications requiring perfect operation for a minimum of 120 years. Representing an investment of some 320 million Euros (2.1 billion French Francs) the project was financed with Eiffage’s own funds.

Maximum height, measured from the top of the masts: 343m (Eiffel Tower: 320.75m)

Height of bridge-deck relative to the river Tarn: 270m

Overall length: 2,460m Spans 8 individual spans, with 6 measuring 342m and 2 measuring 204m, resting on 7 piers and suspended by cablestays fixed to 7 masts rising 90m each.

The tallest concrete pier measures 240m from the bottom of the bridge-deck.

The decks contain some 36,000 tons of steel (7 times the Eiffel Tower).

The piers and abutments contain some

Airbus A380 well. The construction method was also beneficial. The factory pre-production of certain parts of the deck reduced the volume of material that had to be worked on-site, something which never would have been possible with an all-concrete structure. Less equipment, less construction material, fewer trucks going back and forth clogging up traffic... in all, it added up to less disturbance to the life of the local population.

85,000cubic meters of concrete, 50,000 of which are high-grade concrete (equal or superior to B60, for a sum total of over 250,000 tons of concrete.

Concrete pier section area: - at the foundation top 200m2 - under the deck bearings: 30m2

slope: approximately 3% (climbing to the south) Tollhouse: 18 lanes covered by a roof created using BSI concrete technology and ‘Ceracem’ (cold-moulded ceramic concrete), patented by Eiffage Construction.

The Millau Viaduct is the last link in the “Méridienne” (A75), a Workers present on the work site: free motorway linking 500 (Eiffage figures). Clermont-Ferrand to Béziers and Narbonne. The Méridienne is now the shortest, least encumbered and the least expensive route between Paris, the Mediterranean and Spain.

Grand Site du Viaduc de Millau Access : - A75 after the toll, exit Aire du Viaduc - A75 before the toll, exit Millau (n° 45) and follow Boulevard du Viaduc - D911, roundabout follow Boulevard du Viaduc


The Lot Valley

The Aubrac Plateau

The Grands Causses

The Tarn Gorges

The Great Natural Regions • The Aubrac • Carladez - the Truyère Gorges • The Lot Valley • From the Aveyron Gorges to the Lot Valley and Ségala • Rodez and the Aveyron Valley • Conques and the Vale of Marcillac • The Hills and Lakes of Lévézou • The Regional Nature Park of the Grands Causses

10 12 13 14 16 17 18 20



Aubrac Plateau

The never-ending pe At the heart of the mountainous region of Aveyron, stretching out towards distant horizons, the volcanic plateau of Aubrac unfolds towards the infinite. Across its 2500 km2, the plateau is a land of forests and pastures, where, during the clement months, the herds of cattle graze peacefully beside the innumerable bothies, known as “burons”. A magical land where the changing light dramatically sculpts the landscape and the rocks, creating an ambience that is at once unique and surprising for the visitor. In winter, the snow transforms this vast plateau into a Nordic landscape where downhill or crosscountry skiers can revel in the wide open spaces.

An exceptional flora and fauna “Maison de l’Aubrac” at Aubrac Discover and traverse the plateau, the countryside, the men, the traditions and the flavours of Aubrac. Contact: Syndicat des Communes de l’Aubrac Aveyronnais Tel: 05 65 44 67 90 Fax: 05 65 44 67 91 E-mail: maisondelaubrac@wanadoo.fr www.stchelydaubrac.com Open from Easter to Halloween

A floral diversity as rich as any in Europe with more than 1000 species, from common plants such as the yellow gentian or mountain balm, (known locally as “le thé d’Aubrac” - the tea of Aubrac), to rare species such as the drosera rotundifolia, a carnivorous plant, cover the plateau during spring and summer. There are numerous species of fauna as well; wild boar, foxes and stags, whose mating cry in the autumn resonates throughout the forest.

A land of character Traditionally a farming community, the local economy is based on rearing Aubrac cattle and the making of cheese. Thanks to the excellent quality of the local produce, the flavours of the local gastronomy have remained authentic and the traditional “aligot” finds its way onto every menu.

The Aubrac breed: an emblem These cows, with their dark eyes, their fine horns and their honey coloured hides, are the aristocracy of the Aubrac plateau. From the day of the transhumance at the end of May until the onset of cold weather in the autumn, they are to be seen grazing on the pastures of Aubrac.


rspectives of Aubrac From Laguiole cheese to “aligot”

La Transhumance in Aubrac

Cheese-making on the Aubrac plateau has a long and distinguished heritage, the monks of La Dômerie having started the tradition as far back as the 12th century. Today La Coopérative Jeunes Montagne collects all the milk of the region to produce tome de Laguiole which enjoys “Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée” status, “A.O.C. Laguiole”. This cheese is the essential ingredient in the creation of the local gastronomic “tour de force”, the famous “aligot”; no local fête or festive meal would be complete without it.

The “fête de la transhumance” perpetuates the ancient traditions of rural life and attracts many visitors. 2 Events are planned for 2008: In Saint Geniez d’Olt, the Fête de l’Estive is on May 24th, when the herds will pass through the village in the morning and you are welcome to join organised walks that will allow you to meet up with the cattle. Over the weekend of May 24th & 25th the association, ‘Traditions en Aubrac’ will host the ‘Salon du Terroir Aubrac’ – a shop-window for the riches, the tastes and the crafts of the region. On Sunday May 25th the village of Aubrac will host the traditional ‘Fete de la Transhumance et de la vache Aubrac’, a major annual event for the Aubrac cattlemen who proudly present the Aubrac breed, raised on a milk-feeding system. Quality-chartered producers of Boeuf Fermier Aubrac, Fleur d’Aubrac and Bio (organic) products will also be present, alongside Aveyron agricultural organisations. The village of Aubrac is the central rallying point of the festival. All day long, herds decorated with flowers, ribbons and bells will make a stop to be presented in the village, before continuing their way up to the summer pasturelands. Folk musicians will enhance the farming, tourism and crafts exhibits, meal of local dishes (sausage and prepared meats along with aligot and Aubrac beef and Laguiole cheese) and your discovery of the natural, historical and cultural heritage of the Aubrac. It is an occasion to be enjoyed amongst family and friends… Traditions en Aubrac - 12470 St Chély d’Aubrac Tel: 05 65 44 21 15 - Fax: 05 65 48 55 41 www.traditionaubrac.com

Laguiole, the knife

Created in Laguiole in 1829 by Pierre-Jean Calmels, the Laguiole knife is an indispensable tool for the farmer or the herdsman and now enjoys an international reputation. After a period of decline at the beginning of the century, the decision to re-launch production in 1981 has had a galvanising effect on the economy of the entire village. Laguiole now boasts a forge as well as a number of workshops where the knives are assembled, some of which can be visited throughout the year (see p. 56).

La Dômerie d’Aubrac Founded in 1120, la Dômerie was a hospital and refuge for pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostela. Today, a major part of the remains can be seen; the church of Notre Dame, the hospital and the Tour des Anglais. The village of Aubrac carries the clear marks of history and is itself listed as an historic monument. It is an important stop on the pilgrim route to Santiago de Compostela (GR65 – route from Puy-en-Velay) which is classified as a UNESCO World Heritage site and is also on the Council of Europe’s Cultural Itinerary. For those visitors who wish to follow in the pilgrims footsteps, the 17 km section Nasbinals – Aubrac – Saint Chely d’Aubrac is classified by UNESCO for the quality of the natural environment and authenticity of the countryside.

Aubrac: outward bound This vast area is ideal for outdoor pursuits, whether walking, horse riding or mountain biking. Across the plateau, an impressive network of footpaths, bridle paths and tracks has been created linking the villages; several guidebooks are available from the countryside GR ‘Tour des Monts d’Aubrac’, GR65 chemin de Compostela, and short walks (topoguides are available at Tourist Offices, Site VTT labelled FFC Aubrac – Vallée du Lot)

Aurelle Verlac: the smallest Romanesque church of its type (access on foot). Laguiole: 15th-16th century church, the botanical walk, the church of Alcorn, the chapel of Sainte Thérèse. Prades d’Aubrac:Gothic church (16th century). Saint-Amans-des-Côts: 15th century church, with its magnificent retable dating back to 1626, ruins of the château de Thénières, site of the Saut du Chien. Saint-Chély-d’Aubrac: Pont des Pèlerins (Pilgrims’ Bridge) along the Compostello trail (UNESCO). 2 exhibitions at the tourism office: “la Vache Aubrac, Je Craque” and “En Chemin vers Compostelle”. Ste-Geneviève-sur-Argence: the Chapel de Mels and its 15th and 16th century alterpiece, stone cross and fortified church, Orlhaguet. Vistas of the deep countryside. Contacts : TO - 12210 Laguiole Tél : 05 65 44 35 94 www.laguiole-aubrac.com TO - 12470 Saint-Chély d’Aubrac Tél : 05 65 44 21 15 www.stchelydaubrac.com SI - 12420 Sainte Geneviève sur Argence Tél : 05 65 66 19 75 www.stegenevieve12.com

The mating cry of the stag on Aubrac (mid-September - mid-October 2008) A stay of three days/two nights, with a walk through the ancient forest, discovering the natural habitat of the deer and in particular, the mating cry of the stag. Full board at weekends, in a 2 star hotel, including a guided walk and a meal in a buron: From 177 € /person. For more information and bookings: Loisirs Accueil Aveyron Tel: 05 65 75 55 50

Carladez - The Truyère Gorges


A land of lakes and dams A vast plateau situated between the gorges of Truyère and Goul, Carladez is a beautifully preserved region of wild landscapes and typical architecture, with houses roofed with traditional lauzes, the local stone. Nestling in the foothills of the Auvergne, with magnificent views of the mountains of Cantal, Carladez straddles Rouergue and Auvergne. Visit Mur-de-Barrez, a fortified village, ancient fief of the Princes of Monaco, with its narrow streets bordered by medieval houses and its square tower.

The presqu’island of Laussac on the lake of Sarrans

visit Entraygues-sur-Truyère At the confluence of the rivers Truyère and Lot, the dams of Couesque and Cambeyrac. Lacroix-Barrez Château de Valon. Mur-de-Barrez The 14th-15th century church, the town gates (Tour de Monaco), the renaissance house.

Great dams and lakes follow in quick succession on the river Truyère; the lake of the peninsula of Laussac at Sarrans, the dam and lake of Montézic, the Couesque dam. Here you will find lots of opportunities for bathing and options for water sports enthusiasts.

Contacts: OT-12600 Mur de Barrez Tel: 05 65 66 10 16 - Fax: 05 65 66 31 90 www.carladez.fr OT-12140 Entraygues sur Truyère Tel: 05 65 44 56 10 - Fax: 05 65 44 50 85 www.nord-aveyron.com OT - 12460 St Amans des Côts Tél / Fax : 05 65 44 81 61 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/ot-stamansdescots/ Cascade of Saut du Chien

Winner of the Prize “Accueil des Enfants” “Station Verte 2004” Trails of discovery and imagination in Carladez Walk along these unique, meandering trails punctuated by artistic works created by the people of Carladez, including wood, steel and light sculpture. Let Blaise the Dragon, Guilhem the Wall and the Water-Guarding Giant be your guides. Open throughout the year.

The Lot Valley


The “pays d’Olt”

Saint-Geniez d’Olt

Delineating the edge of the Aubrac mountains, “the pays d’Olt” stretches from Saint-Laurent to Entraygues, meandering through many picturesque villages, such as Sainte-Eulalie-d’Olt, Saint-Geniez-d’Olt, Saint-Côme-d’Olt, Espalion and Estaing. At Entraygues, at the confluence with the waters of the Truyère, the river regains the name by which it is better known, the Lot. Here, the river widens before flowing serenely downstream between Capdenac and Salvagnac. Espalion - Estaing - Entraygues - Saint Geniez d’Olt

Entraygues - Canoë on the Lot

This remarkably beautiful valley basks in a mellifluous calm which is reflected in the ambience of the pretty villages. From Saint-Geniez to Estaing, a succession of towns and villages offer a warm welcome, infused with the vibrancy of living traditions. The gastronomic specialities of

the “pays d’Olt” bear witness to this “art de vivre”: trout, tripous, cêpes, farçous, foie gras, cous farcies, confits, cheeses made from sheep’s and goat’s milk, without forgetting the beers and preserves of Saint-Geniez and the wines of Entraygues and Estaing.

• Where the fisherman is king

• Water Pleasures

Trout, carp and pike-perch give the river Lot an enviable reputation among keen anglers. With lakes, rivers and streams, a wealth of possible options are on offer, perhaps accompanied by an experienced local guide who will share his secrets with you (see fishing p. 48).

Apart from fishing, there are a number of other outdoor activities which can be enjoyed on the river Lot: canoeing, kayaking, rafting, hire of rowing boats... there are few better ways to discover the essence of a region than from the viewpoint of the river. The water sports centres are situated at Saint-Geniez, Espalion and Entraygues. (see water sports centres p. 46).

• The wines of Entraygues-Le Fel, the wines of Estaing The mildness of the climate in this sheltered valley have enabled vines to be grown here since the Middle Ages on the slopes of Entraygues and Estaing. Classed as AO-VDQS, (Vins Délimités de Qualité Supérieure), these well-made wines are only produced in small quantities by local producers.

• Santiago de Compostella (GR® 65) On the via Podiensis, the sections Aubrac - Saint Chély / Saint Côme, Estaing, the bridges of Saint Chély, Espalion and Conques, are listed as world heritage sites by UNESCO.


visit Abbaye de Bonneval: Open every day, diaporama about the life of the abbey. Hand-made chocolates are on sale, (shop closed on Sundays). Information: 05 65 44 01 22. Bessuéjouls: church whose belfry houses a “flying” chapel. Staging post on the pilgrim route to Santiago de Compostella. Bozouls: Discover the geological site of Bozouls, a canyon nearly 100 metres deep and 400 metres wide, and its Romanesque church Sainte Fauste. Visit Terra Memoria, an exhibit space presenting the geology of Aveyron’s landscapes. Tel. 05 65 44 69 27 - www.terramemoria.fr. Also visit the picturesque site of Rodelle, the village of Montrozier and Gabriac. Campagnac: village on the Causse with views over the Lot valley, Romanesque church of Canac, chapel of Saint-Sépulcre, exhibition of grain measuring equipment, Roman road. Entraygues:Castles, bridges, old houses, vault of the Pontet, view-points. Its wine “Entraygues, le Fel” VDQS (vin de qualité superieure), its way-marked footpaths, the mountain biking centre, the canoeing, kayaking and raftingcentreandthemanagedfishingcentre.

Le Don de Fel is a new European cultural centre for contemporary ceramics. Discover the beauty of the salt-glazed earthenware produced by world-renowned artist Suzy Atkins as well as the extraordinary creative diversity of international potters. Tel: 05 65 54 15 15. Espalion:its monuments of red clay, with the traditional image of the Renaissance palace and the old bridge; on the banks of the river Lot one can admire: the former tanneries where leather was once washed and tanned; the Church of Perse, with its 11-12th century edifice; the church Saint-Jean, home of the Joseph Vaylet museum (arts and rural traditions); the diving museum and the Penitents Chapel. Also, perched on a basalt outcrop, is the medieval park of the Château de Calmontd’Olt. Guided visits of the town and the romanesque churches. Estaing: Le College with its stone railed footbridge and the shield bearing the Estaing coat of arms; the 15th century church of St. Fleuret; the gothic bridge over the Lot alongside the statue of Francois d’Estaing and the famous wrought iron cross; the stone vases and crosses. The Château d’Estaing (11th-18th century). La Maison de la Vigne, du Vin et des Paysages d’Estaing (dedicated to the local vineyards winesandcountryside) Localpro-

duce: fouace, Estaing wines. Beautiful nearby villages: Le Nayrac, Coubisou, Le Monastère-Cabrespines, Campuac, Sébrazac, Verrières and Villecomtal. Lassouts / Roquelaure: the lava flow of Roquelaure, basalt screes called ‘clapas de Thubiès’. Romanesque chapel, depiction of Christ’s burial, panorama. Mandailles: village where the ruins of the château overlook the Castelnau-Lassouts dam. Pierrefiche d’Olt:visits of the Galnières dungeons. Tel: 05 65 70 75 11 Saint Côme d’Olt: classified among that élite club, “the most beautiful villages in France”, church with its unusual flambé belfry, renaissance château. Information Point (July and August): 05 65 48 24 46. Sainte Eulalie d’Olt: 3km from Saint-Geniez. Romanesque church, medieval village, another member of that élite club, “the most beautiful villages in France”, museum of the works of the painter Marcel Boudou. Sainte Eulalie d’Art (artists’and craftsmens’workshops) Visits of the town. Information Point: 05 65 47 82 68 Saint Geniez d’Olt: village on the banks of the river Lot cloisters and chapel of the

Augustins (14th century), chapel of the “Pénitents Noirs” (17th century), the baroque parish church (18th century), the Talabot monument, the Pierre Lenoir exhibition gallery, guided visit of the village, leisure activities, festivals. Saint Laurent d’Olt: village built in red clay, overlooking the Lot valley. Chapel Saint-Féréol and the museum Boudou. Saint Saturnin de Lenne:Romanesque church ruins of the Gallo-Roman baths, ruins of the château de La Roque-Valzergues.

Contacts : Tourist office - 12500 Espalion Tél : 05 65 44 10 63 - www.tourisme-espalion.fr Tourist office - 12190 Estaing Tél : 05 65 44 03 22 - www.nord-aveyron.com Tourist office - 12140 Entraygues Tél : 05 65 44 56 10 - www.nord-aveyron.com Tourist office St-Geniez-Campagnac 12130 St Geniez d’Olt Tél : 05 65 70 43 42 - www.st-geniez-dolt.com Tourist office - 12340 Bozouls Tél : 05 65 48 50 52 - www.bozouls.com

From the Aveyron gorges to the Lot Valley

The land of the



Covering a vast area to the west of the département, this is a mosaic of different landscapes. The lower valley of the Lot, the gorges and valley of the Aveyron, the “causses” and the stony plateaux.

Gorges and Valley of Aveyron

Sauveterre de Rouergue

In the heart of this region of contrasting landscapes, one finds some quite magnificent architecture: one thinks of the “Bastides de Rouergue” (fortified towns), Villefranche, Najac, Villeneuve, La Bastide L’Evêque, but also the many châteaux (Bournazel, Loc-Dieu, Belcastel...) and the many villages of character.

Aubin and Decazeville The only mining area in Aveyron, this area has a rich industrial heritage, as can be seen at the Mining Museum at Aubin, the Geological Museum at Decazeville the Musée de la “Mémoire de Cransac”. The open cast mine is currently being redeveloped. Coal has not been mined here since June 2001 (see page 56).

Toulouse-Lautrec at the Château du Bosc It was in the heart of Ségala, at Camjac, that Toulouse-Lautrec spent his formative years at the family home, the Château du Bosc. The château harbours many memories of the painter and his family background;to this day, visits of the château are conducted by members of the family Tapié de Celeyran: Tel: 05 65 69 20 83 www.toulouselautreclebosc.com

Another unique site, the thermal centre in Cransac-les-Thermes, here the hot gases of the “bur-

ning mountain” have been used for centuries for the treatment of rheumatism (see page 48).

Le Ségala - Pays du Viaur This region, which stretches from the Lévézou lakes to the valleys of the rivers Aveyron and Viaur is known as “the land of the hundred valleys”.

The Route of Farming Skills Craftsmen will open their doors in order to share with you their skills and help you learn more about local farming practices. Association Ségala Vivant, tél. : 05 65 72 03 50. Much loved by anglers, this region also boasts many lively and welcoming villages, notably the magnificent “bastide” of Sauveterre de Rouergue, with its half timbered houses. Guided visits by flaming torch-light, on Friday evenings in July and August.

Thursday morning Market in Villefranche de Rouergue There could be no better occasion to savour the delights of this bastide: on market day, the town square is brimming with delicious local produce: foie gras, confits, charcuterie, an abundance of different types of local cheeses, fouaces, rissoles… a vast panoply of local flavours and perfumes regales your senses in the Place Notre Dame. Here the visitor rubs shoulders with those who work the land, with the sounds of Occitan, the traditional language of these parts, resonating under the arcades...

“Welcome to Sauveterre” in 1577... an audiovisual spectacle with a model representing life in Sauveterre in the 16th century… Tel: 05 65 72 05 80.

Contacts: TO de Villefranche de Rouergue Tel: 05 65 45 13 18 www.villefranche.com TO du Pays Capdenacois Tel: 05 65 64 74 87 E-mail: office.de.tourisme.du. capdenacois@wanadoo.fr TO de Cransac-les-Thermes Tel: 05 65 63 06 80 E-mail: officedetourisme.cransac @wanadoo.fr TO de Decazeville Tel: 05 65 43 18 36 www.decazeville-tourisme.com TO de Sauveterre Tel: 05 65 72 02 52 E-mail: sauveterre.office@free.fr

A walking holiday discovering the landscape and the cuisine: from the Aveyron gorges to the Lot valley. (April to October 2008)

Start out on your journey to discover the region and its gastronomy, with an organised walking tour which lasts 6 days / 5 nights and takes you from Najac to the Lot valley. The itinerary, staying in carefully chosen hotels, ensures that your daytime exertions will be well rewarded by an excellent meal featuring the local delicacies and a comfortable night’s sleep. Price: 462 €/person Possibility of week-end stays: 202 €/person. Contact us. Loisirs Accueil Aveyron Tel: 05 65 75 55 50

visit Aubin: the churches ND (Notre Dame) d’Aubin Registered Historical Landmark (RHL) ND du Gua (RHL), ND de Combes (RHL), and also the fortress and Old Aubin (chapel-watchtower, dungeon, grain market exchange, Saracen houses), the school Jules Ferry (RHL), and the old forge chimneys. Tel: SI Aubin, 05 65 63 19 16. Belcastel: the history of the village and the château, visit of the church and commentary of the tomb and the old bridge, visit of the ancient bread ovens. Visit of the château. Tel: 05 65 64 46 11 www.mairie-belcastel.fr Calmont: 14th century tower, 17th church and cross at Ceignac. Capdenac: Capdenac-le-haut, set on a promontory overlooking the Lot valley, a medieval village with its dungeons and ramparts (thought to be Uxellodunum in the Julius Cesar’s “Commentaries”). Water

Villefranche de Rouergue

Sports Centre. Miniature port. Information: 05 65 64 74 87 Cransac les Thermes : History of the mine and thermalism at the Museum, visit of the town. Information: OT : 05 65 63 06 80. Decazeville: the church of Notre Dame, the route of the cross by Gustave Moreau, 14 canvases depicting the route of the cross, the only symbolist interpretation of this theme in the world. Visit lasts 1 hour. Information: 05 65 43 18 36. La Bastide l’Evêque: Visit with commentary of the Martinet de la Ramonde, a fully working hydraulic forge. Information: 05 65 29 91 97 La Salvetat-Peyralès: remains of the château de Peyrales, the la Bosse bridge, remains of the château de Castelmary. Tourist circuit through the Viaur gorge, the hydro-electric dam and installations on the river Jaoul.

Martiel: Cistercian abbey of Loc-Dieu, (12th century). Visit lasts 45’. Information: 05 65 29 51 17 or 05 65 29 51 18

collective accommodations for hikers. Information: OT Rignac: 05 65 80 26 04 www.pays-rignacois.com

Montbazens: former 16th century priory.

St-André de Najac: visit of the watermill. Tel: 05 65 65 76 74

Near Naucelle: Boussac Church, the chapel of Saint-Clair de Verdun, the Villelongue chapel at Cabanès and the Museum of the Resistance at Naucelle, the Château de Taurines, the Viaur viaducts. Château du Bosc at Camjac. TO de Naucelle: 05 65 67 82 96 Peyrusse-le-Roc: medieval village, with three circuits varying from 30’ to 60’. Evening visits by flaming torch-light once a week in July and August. Information: 05 65 80 49 33 Rieupeyroux: Guided visits. Church, fountain, chapel, panoramic view. The animal park at Pradinas Rignac: village, church, Site of Mirabel, (6 km from Rignac) former hamlet overlooking the Aveyron valley, adjacent to the GR® 62b. Former presbytery converted into

Saujac: the leap across the Mounine, between Ambeyrac and Saujac. Panoramic view. Saint Parthem: Maison de la Rivière Olt. Exhibition, multivision display of life on the river and the Lot valley. Tel: 05 65 64 13 22 Tauriac de Naucelle: the viaducts over the Viaur, both rail and road. With an interval of a century separating their construction, man’s ingenuity and engineering skills brought to bear to link the départements of Aveyron and Tarn. Touring the bastides: Sauveterre-de-Rouergue, Najac, Villefranche de Rouergue, la Bastide l’Evêque and Villeneuve. (see pages 34/35)

Rodez and the Aveyron Valley


The city

of Rodez The departmental capital of the Aveyron, this historic city will enchant you with its charm which dates back two millenia. Thanks to its location at the heart of the département, and also because of its range of accommodation and facilities, Rodez is the ideal starting point when setting out to discover the Aveyron. A masterpiece of gothic architecture built in the 13th16th centuries, Notre Dame cathedral looks down on the town from the commanding heights of its belfry (one of the most beautiful in France), 87m tall, from which magnificent views of the town and the surrounding countryside can be gleaned. In the evening the cathedral is magnificently floodlit. During the school holidays and throughout the summer there are numerous guided visits (the old city, the bell tower, the National Stud Farm). For bookings, contact the Office de Tourisme du Grand Rodez.Other key sites: the Fenaille museum with its menhir statues, and the Musée Denys Puech.

The cathedral of Rodez

Walk round the old quarter of Rodez A sign-posted walk which takes you round this historic city: the cathedral of Notre Dame (13th -16th century), the Episcopal palace, the chapel of the former Jesuit college, the Canon’s house, and the many fine residences, the museums Fenaille and Denys Puech. A leaflet is available from the TO of Rodez. Audioguide and iPOD hire at the Office de Tourisme.

Sévérac Castle

Sévérac Castle and the Aveyron Valley Sévérac-le-Château has been a stronghold since antiquity. Its illustrious castle (13th and 17th centuries) towers over the plain from which the Aveyron River takes source. It is open to the general public, and, in summertime, you can see a magnificent falconry show, or an amazing sound and light show in the “cour d’honneur”. The “little train” will open the doors of the medieval city, where houses from the 14th to 17th century await you, along with a cove-

red market and Romanesque fountain. Also to see in the area: tour the dolmens, visit the vaulted fountains or the “village fleuri” of St Grégoire.

Laissac, the cattle market every Tuesday. Guided tours at 8:30am in July and August and by appointment off season via the town hall on 05 65 69 60 45. The river takes you naturally to Rodez, where you can admire Notre Dame Cathedral, and walk round the old town. Onwards to Belcastel: a shamelessly picturesque village on the banks of the Aveyron, dominated by its château. Then visit the “bastides”: Villefranche de Rouergue and Najac, both well worth seeing.

visit Surrounding Rodez Inières: beautiful 14th century church with a belfry/dungeon complete with cells. Guided visits. Le Monastère: gothic church, 14th century murals, historic houses, old bridge. Onet-le-Château: imposing 15th century château. Sainte-Radegonde: 14th century fortified church, monument to the martyrs of the Resistance. Guided visits. Sébazac: 18th century château - site of “Tindoul de la Vayssière” (pothole 67m deep, in the middle of the “Causses”, with an underground river). Contacts TO Grand Rodez Tel: 05 65 75 76 77 www.ot-rodez.fr TO Sévérac le Château Tel: 05 65 47 67 31 www.severac-le-chateau.com TO Laissac Tel: 05 65 70 71 30 www.laissac-tourisme.com

Conques and the vale of Marcillac

The warmth

of the vallon

Situated at the foot of the “Causses”, Marcillac is blessed with a mild climate throughout the year, which allowed the monks of Conques to introduce vines into the region. Today, the wines of Marcillac enjoy the status of “Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée”. Marcillac: the “Route des Vins” To help you discover the wines of Marcillac and to give you the opportunity to talk in person to the people who make these characterful wines, the “Syndicat des viticulteurs” has produced a booklet with information about the properties to visit and the opportunities to taste and buy. You should also visit the village of Salles la Source, a listed historical landmark where the town’s 3 levels are built into craggy limestone cliffs and a cascade running through it all, falling 20 meters into an emerald grotto. It is also home to a traditional crafts and industries museum which also boasts a planetarium. Also to be seen: Muret-le-Château, Le Château de Pruines, Le Château du Colombier, Souyri, the fountain of Cayssac. The great site of Conques, listed as a World Heritage landmark by UNESCO

To Discover: The Romanesque Road, In the footsteps of the Abbots of Conques Conques, a major historic site, Mouret and Servayrie castle, Bozouls and Sainte-Fauste’s church, Clairvaux and Saint Blaise’s church, Salles-la-Source and Saint Paul’s church, Saint Austremoine and its church, Espalion and the churches of Perse and St Pierere de Bessuejouls, Rodez and the Musée Fenaille.

Tourism Office “Causse et Vallon” at Marcillac 12330 Marcillac Vallon Tél : 05 65 71 13 18.

Your journey will inevitably lead you to Conques, one of the most beautiful villages in France, tucked into a remote gorge, where old timbered houses with traditional roofs of “lauzes”, (the local slate), are huddled together in the shadow of the huge romanesque church, one of the finest examples of 11th century architecture. Inspired by its religious ori-

gins, Conques remains a place for peaceful contemplation and spirituality (see page 32). Information: Office du tourisme - 12320 Conques Tel: 0820 820 803 or 05 65 72 85 00 Fax: 05 65 72 87 03 - www.conques.fr

Mouret - Château de la Servayrie

Conques: The treasures of the mill (From March 15th to October 30th) Situated at the foot of the medieval village, this three star hotel, a former water mill, offers a warm welcome in pleasant, comfortable surroundings. A stay of 3 days / 2 nights half-board from 210 €/person. Information and reservations: Loisirs Accueil Aveyron: 05 65 75 55 50

visit Conques: Ste Foy Abbey and the Pilgrims’Bridge are integral parts of the Saint-Jacques Pilgrimage Trail, one of the most beautiful villages of France. (see image above, and page 32). Visit the Vinzelle site, as well. Laissac: Guided tours of the cattle market every Tuesday morning, starting at 8:30 am. Guided tours at 8:30am in July and August and by appointment off season via the town hall on 05 65 69 60 45. Local villages of character: Bertholène (13th century château, Domaine des Bourrines 14th century), Coussergues (church, romanesque belfry) Cruejouls (15th century château, 12th century church château du Cayla), Gaillac d’Aveyron (churches, châteaux, dolmens), Palmas

(picturesque site, 12th century church), Sévérac l’Eglise (fountain, wash-house, towers), Vimenet, once a fortified village, ramparts, towers, narrow streets). Mouret: the Château de la Servayrie represents 800 years of architectural history, 600 years of period furniture (medieval, Renaissance and Louis 14th). Tel: 05 65 72 82 97 Muret-le-Château: site, Château (15th c.) of the bishops of Rodez, church with retable and font, waterfall. Rodelle: site, 15th century church, Piétà. Rodez: the cathedral (13th-16th century), the belfry, floodlit in summer. Visit of the belfry. Duration of the visit: 1h30/2h. The chapel of the former Jesuit college (17th century), the masterpiece of baroque

architecture in the region. Free guided visits. Rodez, the old quarter, the cathedral, the church of Saint-Amans, the 17th century Jesuit chapel, a masterpiece of local baroque architecture. Unaccompanied visits free. Circuit of historic Rodez with or without a guide. Information: T.O. Grand Rodez, Tel: 05 65 75 76 77 - Fax: 05 65 68 78 15 Sévérac le Château: source of the river Aveyron, romanesque churches of St Dalmazy and Lapanouse de Sévérac, St Grégoire, renowned for its floral decoration, the dolmens route and vaulted fountains, the route through the “heart of the villages”. Château de Sévérac 13th-17th century (Medieval events in summer). Medieval village, beneath the dominating château, it was once protected by a large ditch and surrounded by ramparts. As one

wanders around, one can admire the splendid towers, the vaulted passageways, the half timbered houses dating from between the 14th-17th centuries, the grain market, the romanesque fountain, the quaint shops, the “maison de Jeanne”: medieval events and exhibitions. The Consular house. Information Tourist Office, Tel: 05 65 47 67 31 - Fax: 05 65 47 65 94 Villecomtal: on the banks of the River Dourdou, this authentic medieval village in red sandstone was founded by the Counts of Rodez at the end of the 13th century. Be sure to see the fortified gateway, ‘Lo Portal Bas’, traces of the city wall and the walls of the château flanked by three semi-circular towers, the 15th century Chateau and dungeon. For more information: 05 65 44 60 21.

The hills and lakes of Lévézou


Castle of Vezins

Le Lévézou, land of lakes: Pareloup, Pont de Salars and Villefranche de Panat On this vast plateau between the valleys of the Tarn and the Aveyron, Electricité de France has created a major hydro-electric scheme which has resulted in the creation of 5 lakes with a surface area of 1800 hectares (nearly 7 square miles in total). All forms of water sports are on offer, and anglers will particularly appreciate the two lakes which have been reserved exclusively for them. The hills of Lévézou create a picturesque backdrop of wooded hillsides and pastures, offering numerous opportunities for outdoor activities, a chance to discover this unspoilt landscape.

Camping Holidays (April-October) The lakes of Pareloup, Pont de Salars and Villefranche de Panat are a paradise for family holidays, or holidays with friends, weekend breaks, fishing… Take advantage of the special low season rates on offer at campsites, staying in chalets or mobile homes. Loisirs Accueil Aveyron: Tel: 05 65 75 55 50

Discovery through daily life

Discovery by going with the flow

The economy of Lévézou is essentially agricultural: this offers the opportunity to visit the farms and meet the farmers. Crafts are very much in evidence; here you can witness the craftsman’s skill and creativity. The hydro-electric scheme is also an important part of the local economy; the three principal dams can be visited (Pareloup, Pont-deSalars and Villefranche-de-Panat) as well as the generating plant Le Pouget at Truel.

For those in search of relaxation or intense thrills, all tastes are catered for. On the lakes of Pareloup, Pont de Salars and Villefranche de Panat, sailing, jet-skis and a boat ride are all on offer, as well as a boat trip on lake Pareloup with or without a meal. Equally, the beaches are ideal for bathing and soaking up the sun.

Lake of Pareloup

MICROPOLIS, the City of Insects in St Léons. Theme park - restaurant - gift shop. Set out over 2400 m2 MICROPOLIS gives you an intriguing insight into the mysteries of a magical realm, the fascinating world of nature and insects. Interactive and full of fun, the exhibition takes you through spectacular features as well as showing more than 50 species of living insects. Don’t miss the butterfly greenhouse, the giant anthill, tropical insect hall.

The Lévézou is also ideal for anglers with the lakes of Bage and Gourde reserved exclusively for their enjoyment. The surrounding villages all offer a warm welcome steeped in tradition. A rich cultural heritage lies awaiting discovery: fortified churches, half-timbered houses, gothic basilica, abbey fountains… The local gastronomy, renowned for its finesse, and the range of accommodation will serve to enhance your desire to discover this fascinating region.

Discovery through history and culture Just as Jean-Henri Fabre did when he was a child, you can embark on a nature trail rich in variety and unaffected by the ravages of modern-day living.

Coming in 2008: a new feature: thinking about biodiversity Outdoors, the adventure continues with the ‘Carnival of Insects’. Against the backdrop of the Monts de Levezou, this outdoor trail takes you on a true journey of the imagination. There are costume workshops, musicians, decorations, the grand parade and the fontaine demoiselles. Each of the 12 stages offers the chance to discover even more new things - like the giant insects which guide you on your way to the sound of their own original music. Panoramic restaurant and gift shop. Open from February 9th to November 11th 2008. Tel: 05 65 58 50 50 – www.micropolis.biz His acute powers of observation and his enthusiasm made him one of the most respected entomologists in the world. At Saint-Léons, visit the house where he was born, now a museum, and then follow the botannical walk and become initiated in the observation of nature. Fabre was also a writer and a painter. He particularly enjoyed painting with his illustrious friends Renaud de Vezins and Eugène Viala, natives of Vezins and Salles-Curan respectively. An exhibition of the works of these three comrades can be seen by visiting the château de Vezins, home of the Vezins family.


Agen d’Aveyron: cascade and forest of Palanges. Alrance: Peyrebrune tower (14th century), panoramic view over the lake of Villefranche-de-Panat Auriac-Lagast: the botannical walk. Educational trail describing the beech groves of the Forêt du Lagast. Canet de Salars: church and oratory. Castelnau-Pégayrols: romanesque churches of St-Michel and Notre-Dame. Dolmens. Remains of a Gallo-Roman sanctuary. Castle. Comps: church and Abbey of Bonnecombe. Gorges du viaur. Le Vibal: workshops and studios of artists and craftsmen, inventive exhibition. Pont de Salars: church of Saint-George, the old fortress of Camboulas, the chapel of Salars. Saint-Beauzély: castle, museum, 12th century priory, village full of character, remains of 8 gallo-roman temples. St Laurent du Lévézou: the mountain “Puech-Mont-Seigne”, panoramic view. Saint Léons: village, remains of an ancient monastery, Jean-Henri Fabre museum, Micropolis. Salmiech: museum of rustic carts. Salles Curan: historic village, 15th century Bishop’s castle, 15th century collegiate church, etc. Les Canabières: 15th century Templar cross (listed). Vezins: 12th century château. Information: Tourist office Pareloup-Lévézou 12290 Pont-de-Salars Tel: 05 65 46 89 90 Fax: 05 65 46 81 16 www.levezou-viaur.com

The Regional Nature Park of the Grands Causses 20


Millau, the Tarn gorges, the Dourbie gorges, Larzac New Discover the realm of bridges at ‘La Halle Viaduc’. Situated at the heart of Millau this new centre is dedicated to bridges across the world. In addition to the permanent exhibit, “Man’s Great Challenges”, there are numerous temporary exhibits and film presentations. It’s also the starting point for guided visit of the Viaduct in open top bus. Tel: 05 65 60 02 42.

And while you’re here, don’t miss… Viaduc Espace Info (Viaduct Information centre; from Millau follow direction Albi). Film shows and guided visits of the Explorers’ garden. Tel: 05 65 60 02 42.

Viaduct Exhibition at Brocuéjouls, at the Viaduct motorway service area. Tel: 05 65 62 16 79. Civil engineering model museum and the exhibit “Oser les Ponts” (daring to build bridges): Located at the heart of Millau’s old town, at the foot of the Belfry tower, discover this unique collection of models, including the Millau Viaduct, the Pont de Iéna of Paris, the Pont Neuf of Toulouse, the Pont Valentré of Cahors and the Pont de Montagnes in the Ain, etc. Relive the history of their construction. Open year-round. Tel. 05 65 59 01 08

A LAND OF “CAUSSES” AND VALLEYS The vast scale of the limestone plateaux, the magical light, the strange and wonderful rock formations, the limpid waters snaking their way through the gorges below, the “causses” have long fascinated and intrigued the visitor... Stretching way beyond the horizon, the plateaux of Larzac, Méjean, Sauveterre and le Causse Noir straddle the depths of the gorges of the Tarn, Dourbie and Jonte. These vast, arid, open spaces harbour unexpected riches, however: teeming with over 2000 species of flora; a variety of fauna including protected species such as the tawny vulture, re-introduced in 1981; an impressive cultural heritage with the villages on Larzac, built by the Knights Templar and Knights Hospitaller... the land where the ewe is queen, for it is here that Roquefort, the king of cheeses, has been slowly matured for centuries in the natural underground cellars in the eponymous village.

Millau, the city of gloves For more than a millennium, the economy of Millau has been linked to glove making and leather. The savoir-faire of the glove makers of Millau is recognised by the leading couturiers in Paris, who regularly commission the accessories that go to make up part of their collections. The museum in Millau has a remarkable exhibition of leather and glove-making through the ages, retracing the history and the developments in the techniques for treating leather. Some of the workshops where the gloves are made can still be visited. Information: Musée de Millau : 05 65 59 01 08 “Millau Ville et Metiers d’Art” (Millau: a centre of arts and crafts): More than 30 craftsmen welcome you into their workshops, while the Association Millau’Art et Savoir-Faire are proud to present a selection of bespoke works in their new gallery. Espace des Metiers d’Art, 10, rue de la Capelle, Millau. Tel: 05 65 62 39 73

The Régional nature Park of the Grands Causses Today, the region has been designated a national park, the “Parc naturel régional des Grands Causses”, and its riches are protected by law. A mosaic of different areas are included within the national park: Sévérac le Château, with its agricultural causses; Le Causse Noir and the gorges of the Jonte and the Dourbie - the causse of Larzac, home centuries ago to the Knights Templar and Knights Hospitaller, Roquefort and the surrounding countryside, Saint Affrique and le Rougier; The Raspes du Tarn, and the steppes of Lévezou, perfect for outdoor holidays communing with nature. The ideal terrain for outward bound activities. In the heart of the Parc Naturel Régional, a number of different outdoor activities offer a chance to come into close contact with this rich natural heritage: walking, riding or mountain biking on the paths and tracks on the “causses”, water sports in the gorges of the Tarn and the Dourbie, rock-climbing on the cliffs of the Jonte, caving and potholing, and especially hang-gliding above this enchanting landscape... (see p. 46 to 49).

The site of la Graufesenque During the Gallo-Roman era, Millau, then known as Condatomagus, was a major production centre for potter that The Gallo-Roman was exported throughout the Roman Site of la Graufesenque empire. The archaeological excavations at la Graufesenque have unearthed remains of pottery studios and, of course, their works, many of which can be seen displayed in the museum in Millau. Continued digging at the site of la Graufesenque suggests that only a small part of the site has so far been discovered and that further excavations will reveal yet more treasures. The site of la Graufesenque is open every day Tel: 05 65 60 11 37 E-mail: musee.millau@wanadoo.fr

The Larzac plateau

Canoeing n the Tarn

New Get a different view of the Viaduct!

visit Compeyre: a crafts village, perched high above the Tarn valley, with a variety of crafts and craftsmen (wood, leather, ceramics, jewellery, decorative arts) plus a number of exhibitions by artists and sculptors. Information: Les Amis de Compeyre. Tel: 05 65 59 83 11 Comprégnac: La Maison de la Truffe Tel: 05 65 59 41 45 Creissels: 2 km from Millau. Château, waterfalls, mills, village overlooking the Tarn. Millau: the church Notre-dame-de l’Espinasse, the belfry tower, the washhouse of Ayrolle, Place Foch, historic centre. Civil engineering model museum. Visit the site of the Millau Viaduct: by appointment with the tourist office for groups or individuals.

Discover the “Circuit Millau Découverte” (Millau Discovery Tour). An 18-stop journey into the town’s cultural history. Tel: 05 65 60 02 42 Mostuéjouls / Liaucous: Romanesque church of Saint-Pierre. Gallo-Roman stele, château de Saint-Marcelin, ancient château de Bombes. Paulhe-Aguessac: La Maison de la Cerise (cherries). Tel: 05 65 59 00 98 Rivière sur Tarn: Medieval Castle of Peyrelade (12th/16th centuries), village with troglodyte wine celars in Entre Deux Monts. Saint-Jean-du-Bruel: Noria, exhibition related to water, both fun and educational. Tel: 05 65 62 20 32 www.noria-espacedeleau.com Peyre: Picturesque village with its semitroglodyte church, listed as one of the “Plus Beaux Villages de France”.

In the Dourbie gorges: Cantobre: village on a rocky promontory. La Roque Ste Marguerite: Church, 17th century castle. Nant: Romanesque churches of SaintPierre, Notre-Dame-des-Cuns, St-Martinde-Vican, and St-Michel-de-Rouviac. Old market halls and bridge over the Dourbie (14th century). Source of the Durzon. Tourist Office, tel. 05 65 62 24 21 www.ot-nant.fr Saint Véran: church Notre-Dame-desTreilles, historic village, château. Montmejean: Nature trail, château. Templar and Hospitaller circuit: See p. 36/37.

Set out on an extraordinary voyage under the Viaduct by boat with the Bateliers du Viaduc. Tel 05 65 59 12 41 www.bateliers-duviaduc.com Guided visits in open-top buses. Tel: 05 65 60 02 24 “Special Viaduct” outings on quadbikes Parc des Bouscaillous. Tel: 05 65 60 33 78 www.parc-bouscaillous.com Fly over the Viaduct in a helicopter HELI 12 Tel: 06 09 30 52 51 www.heli12.com Canoe trip under the Millau Viaduct Roc et Canyon - Tel: 05 65 61 17 77 www.roc-et-canyon.com Take a flight around the viaduct by microlight Club ULM de Millau Tél : 05 65 59 40 53 ou 06 85 74 81 74 www.millau-ulm.com Information: Tourist Office 12100 Millau Tel: 05 65 60 02 42 - www.ot-millau.fr Tourist Office for the Larzac,Templier Causses and Vallées 12230 St Jean du Bruel Tel.: 05 65 62 23 64 -www.ot-larzac-vallees.fr Parc Naturel Régional des Grands Causse 71, bd de l’Ayrolle - B.P. 126 12101 Millau Cedex Tel: 05 65 61 35 50 - Fax: 05 65 61 34 80

The Regional Nature Park of the Grands Causses 22 Visit the cellars in Roquefort An absolute must, a tour of the cellars of Roquefort plunges you into an underground maze, created by the collapse of Mount Combalou. In the huge vaulted cellars, naturally ventilated through fissures in the rock, row upon row of truckles of cheese lie slowly maturing between the months of January and July, tended with loving care by the “maître-affineur” Visit the cellars throughout the year. Caves Société Tel: 05 65 58 54 38 www.roquefort-societe.com Caves Papillon Tel: 05 65 58 50 08 www.roquefort-papillon.com Roquefort Gabriel Coulet Tel: 05 65 59 24 27 www.gabriel-coulet.fr

The cellars of Roquefort


and the surrounding countryside South of the Parc Naturel Régional des Grands Causses between Albi and the Tarn gorges, this region is bathed in the warmth and ringing with the accents of the Mediterranean. From the foothills of the Lacaune mountains to the renown Larzac plateau, passing through the Rougier de Camarès and the Vallée des Raspes du Tarn the countryside around Roquefort, here is a land of contrasting colours, unified and linked by a myriad of streams and rivers: the Sorgues, the Cernon, the Dourdou, the Rance and the Tarn. This is the kingdom of the ewes, and has been for centuries; it is where the famous Roquefort cheese slowly matures in the village’s natural caves. The region also hides countless beautiful medieval villages, built of red sandstone, limestone and schist. They all preserve vestiges of its ancient fortifications, be it a gate, a tower, a rampart, if not an entire castle, of which so many can be seen in the areas of Roquefort (Montaigut, Brousse, Coupiac, Sylvanès

Abbaye de Sylvanès, internationally famous One of the first Cistercian abbeys to be founded in Aveyron, Sylvanès abbey has rapidly gained an international reputation since its restoration. A cultural and religious centre, the international festival of religious music, held each year in July, has become one of the main cultural events in the national calendar. The bbey runs courses in a wide range of arts and crafts; e.g. iconography, painting, flower arranging, bookbinding, theatre workshops etc. from June to September. (Festival and workshops programme). The abbey an be visited during the summer months. (see page 33). Abbaye de Sylvanès: 05 65 98 20 20 - www.sylvanes.com

St-Izaire, Fayet, Latour-sur-Sorgues, Versols, Esplas, Melac). The town of Saint-Affrique is an economic cross-roads, a town steeped in tradition.

Discovery on the river Tarn In the heart of the Tarn valley, the village of SaintRome-de-Tarn, with its tiled roofs, its narrow streets and its magnificent waterfalls, lives life at a sedate pace, as befits le Midi. Here the “Raspes” of the river have formed, schistose rocks covered with broom and chestnut trees which enclose the valley. The pleasure steamer “Héron des Raspes” leaves from Viala du Tarn for a trip down the river. Héron des Raspes: 05 65 62 59 12 / 05 65 62 52 49 www.raspes.fr.st

Roquefort land

visit Ayssènes: Roc St jean viewpoint with panorama of the Raspes. Belmont sur Rance: 16th century church, 12th century bridge. Visit of the Collegiate and the medieval village. Guided visits by appointment. Signposted historic tour, complete with map. Information: Tel: 05 65 99 93 66 or 05 65 99 91 80 Brusque: The Grotte des Baumes, often compared to the one at Lourdes, is carved out of a limestone cliff and contains numerous passages and galeries where the protestants of Brusque held their illicit religious services in the 16th-17th centuries. Old bridges, picturesque village. Vallée de Sanctus. Camarès: old bridge, museum. Farm visit. Naturel site: les Rougiers, a land of red soil. Combret: medieval village market hall, romanesque church. Coupiac: 15th century castle, museum, renaissance houses. Museum of wood and implements. Chapel with frescoes by N. Greschny and relic of the Holy Virgin’s veil. Marionnette museum.

Fayet: Renaissance castle, a well, classified as a historic monument, row of salons. Tel/Fax: 05 65 49 59 15 Fondamente: romanesque church and fountain. Gissac: Montaigut castle, rural house, plaster museum. Tel: 05 65 99 81 50 Martrin: Hospitaller tower, tomb of the commander of the order. Montagnol et Tauriac: Discovery trail (3 menhir statues) Montclar: sculptured tree and orientation table. Notre-Dame-d’Orient: 17th century chapel, a masterpiece of baroque art. Plaisance: romanesque church. Roquecézière: (alt. 930 m) views over the whole of Rouergue from Rocher de la Vierge, with orientation map. Saint Affrique: old bridge, Rocher de Caylus, view point, church, dolmen de Tiergues. Pastoralia (discover the rearing of ewes). Saint-Méen: Chapel and source of holy water with miraculous healing properties for those with skin ailments. The pilgrimage to St Méen 24th June, attracts 4,000 pilgrims.

Saint Rome de Tarn: Medieval village and renaissance buildings with towers, the former priory of Conques abbey. Waterfall, water sports centre. Saint Sernin sur Rance: 16th century bridge, town hall, church, old houses, modern statue entitled “l’Enfant Sauvage” (the savage child). 15th century Collegiate. Mould of the menhir statue entitled “La Dame de Saint-Sernin”. Saint Victor et Melvieu: town church (frescoes by Nicolas Greschny), 15th century watch-tower. Miniature railway to visit the Raspes. Site of Notre Dame du Désert. Centre of Mural Art and the Interpretation of Frescos. Tel: 05 65 62 58 21 Sylvanès: Former 12th century Cistercian abbey now restored. Orthodox church. Arts Centre. Visit lasts 1 hour. International Festival of Sacred Music and colloquiums. Information: 05 65 98 20 20 Vabres l’Abbaye: former cathedral, 16th century dwelling. Versols Lapeyre: romanesque tympanum; in the cemetery, the tomb of Medora Leigh, daughter of Lord Byron, and the castle.

Information: Tourist office 12250 Roquefort Tel: 05 65 58 56 00 Fax: 05 65 58 56 01 www.paysderoquefort.com


Understanding Nature whilst Having Fun • Theme Parks • Flora & Fauna • Geology and Archaeology in Aveyron

26 28 29

Understanding Nature whilst having fun


Man and nature Micropolis

Micropolis, the City of Insects in Saint-Léons

like the giant insects which guide you on your way to the sound of their own original music.

At the heart of the Aveyron, just 15 minutes from the Millau viaduct, MICROPOLIS invites you to discover an extra ordinary world.

Multilingual audio-guides (F, GB, SP, NL, D) During the school holidays, there are themed guided visits and daily shows led by Micropolis experts that let you get even closer to the insects (Reservation essential).

We live beside them every day. They play an essential role in preserving the natural world around us, but do we really know about insects? What is an insect? How do they live? How do insects interact with plants, and how do they interact with man?

Set out over 2400 m2 MICROPOLIS gives you an intriguing insight into the mysteries of a magical realm, the fascinating world of nature and insects. Interactive and full of fun, the exhibition takes you through spectacular features as well as showing more than 50 species of living insects. ➩ Don’t miss the butterfly greenhouse, the giant anthill, tropical insect hall. Coming in 2008 – a new feature: “Thinking about biodiversity.” A chance to learn more about the importance of a wide diversity of plant and animal species, and the effects of climate change on living organisms. Outdoors, the adventure continues with the ‘Carnival of Insects’. Against the backdrop of the Monts du Lévézou, this outdoor trail takes you on a true journey of the imagination. There are costume workshops, musicians, decorations, the grand parade and the fontaine demoiselles. Each of the 12 stages offers the chance to discover even more new things,



la cité des insectes

Practical Information Open from February 9th to November 11th 2008. Every day throughout April, May, June, July and August. Weekly closing on Monday and Tuesday during February and March; and on Monday during September, October and November. Please contact us for opening times. Admission: High season: Adults €11.10, Children (–15years) €7.45 - Low season: Adults €10.50, Children €7.15 - Children under 5 years are admitted free. Panoramic restaurant and gift shop. The restaurant ‘l’Empuse’ serves good-value food based on the best of local produce in its friendly dining room. Gift shop: a wide range of gifts and souvenirs inspired by nature and the world of insects. How to find us: In the village of Saint Leons on the D911, 15 minutes from Millau, 40 minutes from Rodez. From the A75 autoroute – take exit 44.1 and follow Pont de Salars, Vezins. MICROPOLIS City of Insects – 12 780 Saint-Léons Tel: 05 65 58 50 50 - www.micropolis.biz

Montpellier le Vieux

La Maison de la Rivière Olt Saint-Parthem Let yourself be swept along by the tales and legends which are embedded in the minds of those whose livelihoods depend on the river Lot. A voyage guided by the living memories of the Ribièrols in the romantic setting of the former convent at Saint-Parthem. Witness the cohabitation of man and nature through the ages, the river a source of food and work, of welcome and sometimes danger. Homage paid to this river that man has always tried to tame and fashion according to his needs. A fairytale spectacle, a permanent musical and visual feast. Exhibitions of the life of the river through the ages. Themed exhibitions (fishing, everyday objects and decorations etc). Tel: 05 65 64 13 22 Fax: 05 65 64 11 70 www.maison-riviere.com

Noria, l’Espace de l’Eau Saint-Jean-du-Bruel Saint-Jean-du-Bruel Noria was created at Saint-Jeandu-Bruel, on the Dourbie, within an old water mill, now restored, in association with the Parc Naturel Régional des Grands Causses. The Espace de l’Eau offers several exhibitions all centred around the theme of water, contemplative, interactive, fun, in galleries extending over 1000 m2

through which the river follows its natural course (20 rooms). This exhibition centre is open to universities, as well as schools and families. Interactive panels, reconstructions of hydraulic systems, games, explain the role of water and its importance to our ancestors, to ourselves and for the future of humanity. Shop and bar. Tel: 05 65 62 20 32 - Fax: 05 65 62 24 92 www.noria-espacedeleau.com

Maison de l’Aubrac Aubrac village A window on the Aubrac, with different display areas presenting the natural environment of the Aubrac, its history and culture, Aubrac cattle and local crafts and cookery. There are also shows and festivities as well as outdoor activities ‘Aubrac through the four seasons’. Accompanied walks will let you discover the region’s riches off the beaten track. For groups, guided visits focusing on themes such as: ‘Heritage’, ‘Botany’, ‘Stock rearing’ – complete with tastings of local produce. ‘Discover the Aubrac in all its dimensions’ Tourist space, permanent and temporary exhibitions; audio-visual space, shop with local products, regional library, bar and snacks. Maison de l’Aubrac - Village d’Aubrac 12470 St Chely d’Aubrac - Tel: 05 65 44 67 90 maisondelaubrac@wanadoo.fr www.stchelydaubrac.com Open from March 22nd to November 11th 2008. Closed on Monday, except July and August and bank holidays. Please contact us for opening times.

Understanding Nature whilst having fun


A land of fauna, a land of flora, a land of stone A land of fauna A Thousand years’ Traces at Condom d’Aubrac From the peasant life of the 11th century, the mills, the Maquis, all the way up to the last true prince of the forest: the stag. Tel: 05 65 44 27 11 or 05 65 44 21 15 www.stchelydaubrac.com The Mating Cry of the Stag Association des Boraldes aux Enguilhens Expeditions to listen to the mating cry of the stag during the rutting season. Explanations of the life of the stag and its natural environment. From mid-September to mid-October Reservations 05 65 44 27 11 OT: 05 65 44 21 15 - www.boraldes.clemp.fr

A Land of Flora Botanical Trail in the Laguiole Wood Located some 10km from the village, this ecological and botanical observation trail is open to all. Visit it alone or with others. Contact: 05 65 44 35 94 The Aubrac Botanical Garden Situated near the church of Aubrac, a garden richly endowed with species found on Aubrac as well as a peat bog with its insectivorous plants is open from May to October. Contact: 06 71 02 62 90 - www.stchelydaubrac.com

Permanent stag antler exhibition Over 250 antlers, butterflies, and insects local to Espalion. Tel: 05 65 44 11 63

Reading the Beech Groves Located in the Lagast Forest, near Auriac Lagast, this is a discovery trail for you to learn about the biological workings of the forest and the beech groves, thanks to its information tables. Contact: 05 65 46 89 90

Haras National Rue Eugène Loup at Rodez - Visits of the stables of the national equestrian centre. Exhibition of equine history and the different breeds. 16th century chartreuse. Tel: 05 65 73 84 03 E-mail: haras.rodez@haras-nationaux.fr

Nature walk – the Rauzes peat bogs. Situated in the commune of St. Leons, this countryside trail takes you into the world of a peat bog. The landscape, how it works, its value to the natural world, the plants and animals that live there and work being undertaken to protect it, such as the introduction of Highland cattle. Contact: 05 65 46 89 90

LPO Grands Causses à Peyreleau Discover nearly 100 pairs of tawny vultures, as well as many other species of birds. Ligue Pour la Protection des Oiseaux. Tel: 05 65 62 61 40 www.vautours.org

Other Botanical Walks La Couvertoirade, Bozouls, Foissac, St-Léons and Arvieu. Some organisations offer accompanied walks, based around the theme of the local flora and fauna and the discovery of the rich natural heritage of Aveyron. More information in “Guide Pleine Nature”.

Other things to see: Animal parks, see page 53

Botanic Garden of St. Xist As part of the restoration of the church of St. Xist in the commune of Clapier, it was decided to create a garden of medicinal plants and herbs, as in an ancient monastery garden. The garden contains almost 300 different species ranging from common aromatics to highly toxic plants. Developed with the support of the Jardin des Plants de Montpellier, this is a garden of great quality and wide diversity that lets us rediscover many of the plants we take for granted. Contact: 05 65 99 34 69 - www.ot-larzac-vallees.fr

La Maison et le Jardin du Bois. Castelnau de Mandailles Walks in the forest, wood and creativity shop, photographs, regional products, graffiti tree… Permanent photo exhibit. Games for discovering trees and bushes. Visit lasts 1 hour. Tel: 05 65 48 73 64 E-mail: aamjb@wanadoo.fr


The value of our Heritage (The Treasure Route) This summer, the cantons of Conques, Bozouls, Marcillac and Villecomtal launched a ‘route’ designed to remind visitors of the value of local heritage and the natural environment. The route is manifested through new panels and road signs designed to help people discover the natural and man-made heritage of the region, emphasising the value of well known and not so well known heritage sites. A leaflet is available at the Tourism Offices in Conques, Marcillac and Bozouls. Conques TO: 05 65 72 85 00

A Land of Stone Caves, Potholes, Dolmens and other Sites. Bozouls Geological site of Bozouls: a canyon measuring 400 metres wide and nearly 100 metres deep. This natural site hides an exceptional ancient river bend that is of great geomorphological interest, as well as inviting to walkers and flower lovers, who will enjoy the botanical trail. The erosive action of the Dourdou River and the progressive digging of rivers make for fascinating study and teach us about the origins of our landscapes and their particularities. Geology-oriented activities are offered during the “Festival des Sciences de la Terre” in August. Tel: 05 65 48 50 52 - www.bozouls.com Terra-Mémoria Discovery center presenting the Aveyron’s landscapes - designed for all publics. Along with models and films, Europe’s largest mural painting explains the formation and evolution of the Earth and Aveyron. To finish the visit, a special vista terrace offers dizzying views of the famous canyon of Bozouls and surrounding landscapes. Tel/Fax: 05 65 44 69 27 - www.terramemoria.fr Montpellier-le-Vieux A mass of dolomitic rock formations overlooking the gorges of the Dourbie and the causses. A small train makes the visit easier. Duration of the visit: 2 hours. Tel: 05 65 60 66 30 - Fax: 05 65 60 31 58 www.montpellierlevieux.com

The Prehistoric Caves of Foissac (Historical Landmark) This is a crowned-jewel of the underground world and a spectacular work of nature’s art, where water has sculpted gracious forms in tender colours over the millenniums, creating a scene that is mirrored in the calm pools of the winding river. Here you will find a very complete history of our ancestors of nearly 5,000 years ago, long before the advent of writing. Objects and human remains were all left there amidst an impressive decor that tells us much about their lifestyle, their work, their rites, and their prints in clay. The visit continues on the surface in the prehistoric park which includes a reconstituted scene of these men and women in their natural environment, including reconstructed habitat, crafts, and their surroundings: plants and animals, both wild and domestic. There is also an archaeology museum. Tel: 05 65 64 77 04 or 05 65 64 60 52 - Fax: 05 65 80 87 28 www.grotte-de-foissac.com Roquelaure - Lassouts Basalt rubble, known as “Clapas de Thubiès”. Lacroix - Barrez Labyrinth of basalt boulders. Roquesaltes Rocks in strange forms in the Dourbie valley. Sébazac Site of “Tindoul de la Vayssière”, a massive pothole in the middle of the causses; 47m deep, with an underground river.

Aveyron, 1st megalithic park of France The Dolmens Circuit of Foissac Mairie de Foissac Tel: 05 65 64 61 16 Circuit of the dolmens of the upper reaches of the Aveyron (17 dolmens) Circuit of vaulted fountains at Sévérac le Château TO de Sévérac le Château Tel: 05 65 47 67 31 - Fax: 05 65 47 65 94 Walking tour of the menhir statues in Camarès, Belmont, St Sernin sur Rance and Coupiac. Tl 6 8 6



Culture and Heritage • Conques, a Jewel of Romanesque Art



• Sylvanès Abbey • The Bastides of Rouergue • The Heritage of the Templars and Hospitallers • The Route of the Lords of Rouergue • The Most Beautiful Villages of Aveyron Bell-tower of Saint Côme d’Olt

Tympanum of the Abbey of Conques

• Follow the Museum Guide

32 33 34 36 38 40 42

Harmony preserved through time


Conques, a jewel of romanesque art Visit

The Treasure of treasures Two exhibition halls house the treasures of Conques, including the famous reliquary statue of Sainte-Foy, made of gold and studded with gems, an offering from pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostela. There are also a large number of exhibits of the medieval goldsmiths’ craft as well as tapestries, plus the magnificent vaulted ceiling of the former cloisters. Guided visits for groups throughout the year by appointment, for individuals during June-September. Contacts: 0820 820 803 / 05 65 72 85 00

Created by the faith, the minds and the hands of monks during the 10th-12th centuries, the site of Conques, a major staging post on the pilgrim way to Santiago de Compostela, is a masterpiece of romanesque art. The abbey and the cloisters rank among the most beautiful expressions of ornamental sculpture of the Middle Ages. The village of Conques has guarded its fabulous collection of gold treasures for 12 centuries, amongst which the jewel in the crown is the reliquary statue of Sainte-Foy, quite simply a masterpiece, a unique example of medieval art in the western world. The village itself, with its narrow streets and its old houses with their sloping roofs covered in “lauzes”, has remained little changed and retains its millennial purity. Festival « Conques, la Lumière du Roman » Each year, in July and August, Conques organises a festival of music, which takes place in the abbey and in the auditorium of the Centre Européen. This meeting of the historic with the contemporary is the occasion for travelling through time, from medieval to contemporary music. The concerts take place in the magnificent setting of the abbey with its outstanding acoustics, illuminated by the windows of Pierre Soulages.

The European Centre is the venue for musical workshops (choral works, contemporary vocals, chamber music...) during the summer as well as conferences and seminars, exhibits throughout the year, and classes in heritage and history. Information: Office de Tourisme de Conques 12320 Conques - Tel: 0820 820 803 / 05 65 72 85 00 www.conques.fr Centre European d’Art et de Civilisation Médiévale 12320 Conques - Tel: 05 65 71 24 00 www.conques.com

Exceptional Every evening at 9.30pm from May 1st to September 30th: a night-time visit of the Abbey tribunes with organ music and lights. For information contact the Tourist Office.

Conques, a major staging post on the pilgrim way to Santiago de Compostela. Thanks to the relics of Sainte-Foy, brought from Agen in 866, Conques became a major staging post, after Le Puy en Velay, on the pilgrim way to Santiago de Compostela. Today, many modern day pilgrims still follow in the footsteps of those who went before them on this historic journey, staying in the village, where they are offered food and shelter by the monks. The association “Sur les Pas de Saint-Jacques” has edited a leaflet about the route from Le Puy en Velay to Conques, which can be obtained from the CDT: 05 65 75 55 75.

Conques abbey: tympanum of the last judgement

Sylvanès Abbey Monastic architecture, witness to one of the major spiritual and artistic eras in the history of the western world.

visit Sylvanès The history of this rural commune is inseparable from that of the abbey. Founded by the Compagnons of Saint Bernard, in a fertile valley bordered by gentle wooded slopes, it was the first Cistercian abbey built in Rouergue in the 12th century, and witness to one of the major spiritual and artistic eras in the history of the western world. Despite the vicissitudes of the 100 years war, the religious crusades and the revolution which outlawed all monastic life, the majority of the buildings of Sylvanès abbey were preserved, notably the church, a jewel of Cistercian art, with its wide nave and chapels placed between interior buttresses, symptomatic of the transitional period between the Romanesque and the gothic styles of architecture; the cloistered gallery, with its ribbed vaults opening onto the chapter house, with its 12th century gemeled windows and the former sacristy with its sculpted tympanum; finally, the massive room with two naves, called the ‘scriptorum’, dating from the 13th century. Such an architectural masterpiece, one of the finest in the département and known to specialists of romanesque art throughout France and abroad, deserved to be saved. Thirty years ago, as a result of the efforts of the Friends of Sylvanès aided by local and national government plus private sponsorship, the abbey was restored to life and rehabilitated. Today, it has become a cultural centre of international renown.

Cultural events and the International Festival of Religious Music at Sylvanès abbey. The abbey organises a wide ranging programme of cultural, spiritual and musical events: an International Festival of Religious Music during the summer months, a programme of research, teaching and creation centred on the Liturgy and the religious arts, summer schools and concerts of choral music (soloists, choirs and religious chants), theatre and dance as well as pictorial art such as iconography and frescoes. Conferences, seminars and meetings are organi-

sed on culture, ecumenical and inter-religion dialogue. The abbey also serves as a centre for artistic education, organizing classes in heritage, culture and art for children and adolescents, as well as a programme dedicated to youngsters. A major centre for culture in Rouergue, it offers a very diverse programme lasting 9 months of the year, as well as hospitality of a very high standard, in a natural setting blessed with magnificent architecture.

Le Château of Gissac Le château of Gissac, former home of the local landowners during the 16th-19th centuries, has today been restored and converted into a comfortable hotel, thanks to the development of activities linked to Sylvanès abbey.

The 31st International Festival of Religious Music at Sylvanès abbey “Religious songs and dances of the world” “Sacred Song, Dance and Popular Traditions from around the World” July 13th-August 31st, 2008 This new festival has created a programme of music, song, poetry and dance that gives voice to the world’s great sacred traditions. It is the Sylvanès Abbey’s way of furthering its great cause: bringing together different cultures, religions and people for face-to-face meetings, where mutual respect and a dialogue between their rich diversities can begin to build a world of hope and peace, holding barbarity at bay. Some forty events will punctuate the summer at the Sylvanès Abbey, and also in several other sites within Aveyron and Midi Pyrenées. A programme guide will be available in May, 2008.

Programme of activities

Contact: Abbaye de Sylvanès - 12360 Sylvanès Tel: 05 65 98 20 20 - Fax: 05 65 98 20 25 www.sylvanes.com Opening hours: - guided visits during the summer months (10.30 am, 2.30pm, 4pm, 5pm) and throughout the year on request for groups. - unaccompanied visits every day from 15th January to 15th December from 9am to 12.30pm, and 2pm to 6pm, except weekends in December and January.

• Courses & workshops 2008 - Writer’s workshop: iconography, calligraphy - Singing: vocal technique, religious music, liturgical chant, choral and orchestral academy, masterclasses. - Conferences, meetings. Dates: from March to November 2008. • Artistic education projects 2008 - events aimed at the young throughout the Parc Naturel Régional des Grands Causses for school age children and families: spring and autumn 2008. - Classes in heritage and culture: architecture, choral works, occitane culture, theatre, calligraphy, modelling and sculpture...

For further information, please contact the secretarial service at the abbey: 05 65 98 20 20.

Harmony preserved through time


The “Bastides” of Rouergue Collegial of Villefranche de Rouergue

At the beginning of the 13th century, the increase in population, the need for efficient husbandry and the need to consolidate the social structures led kings, bishops and lords to invest heavily in developing their lands. Thus began a period of construction lasting 150 years (1222-1373) during which more than 300 bastides towns were built in south-west France, all designed to a grid-like geometric pattern which insisted on straight roads and plots of land of equal size. Aveyron boasts five such towns: Najac, Sauveterre de Rouergue, Villefranche de Rouergue, Villeneuve d’Aveyron and La Bastide l’Evêque. Villefranche de Rouergue


A ‘new town’ built in the Middle Ages, Villefranche was founded in 1252 by Alphonse de Poitiers, Count of Toulouse and brother of the king Saint Louis. His plan was typical of the bastides: very regular, with streets intersecting at right angles, converging on a central square bordered by arcades, the commercial heart of the town and today the venue for the colourful market. Guided tours of the Bastide Royale in July and August, with audio-guides available year-round at the Tourist Office. Explore the Baroque Chapelle des Pénitents Noirs and the Monastery Saint-Sauveur, open in may, june, July, August and September. Château de Graves. Free visit illustrated by a description of the cultural heritage. Self-guided visits in July and August, workshops for children aged 6-12, themed around the cultural heritage.

From a small hamlet in the shadow of the domineering castle, the village grew in the 13th century along the lines of the bastides, as seen where the narrow street widens to become the village square. Guided visit of the old hamlet, the bastide and the castle. In July and August, workshops for children aged 6-12, themed around the cultural heritage.

Information: TO of Villefranche 12200 Villefranche-de-Rouergue Tel: 05 65 45 13 18 www.villefranche.com Villeneuve d’Aveyron Surrounding a Benedictine monastery, this town was in succession a refuge, a ducal bastide then a royal bastide at the end of the 13th century. Visit the fortified towers built to defend the

Villeneuve d’Aveyron

town, arcades, 13th century houses, merchants’houses built in the 14th-15th centuries, the town gateway, the church of Saint-Sépulcre 11th-14th century, part romanesque part gothic. Rare murals depicting scenes of the pilgrim way to Santiago de Compostela. Preromanesque church at Toulongergues, with a rare collection of romanesque paintings from the 11th century. Guided visits. In July and August, workshops for children aged 6-12, themed around the cultural heritage. July: medieval fete at Villeneuve, events, medieval parade, market and feast. Information: TO of Villeneuve 12260 Villeneuve Tel/Fax: 05 65 81 79 61 E-mail: ot.villeneuve@wanadoo.fr

Information: TO of Najac 12270 Najac Tel: 05 65 29 72 05 E-mail: otsi.najac@wanadoo.fr La Bastide L’Évêque Founded in 1280 by Raymond De Calmont, Bishop of Rodez, as a rival to Villefranche, the bastide is constructed on a granite plateau which overlooks the Aveyron valley, where numerous smiths beat out their copper during the middle ages. Its isolated location explains the simplicity of the layout, with the market place occupying the central square, joined by a 14th-15th century collegial. Guided visit of the bastide and of the ‘Martinet de la Ramonde’. Contact: Syndicat d’Initiative 12200 La Bastide L’Évêque Tel: 05 65 29 93 01

The fortress of Najac

Sauveterre de Rouergue A medieval village classed as one of the most beautiful villages in France, Sauveterre is a magnificent 13th century royal bastide, built around the village square with its arcades and half-timbered houses and merchants’ houses.

Information Guided visits enable you to discover the history behind the development of the bastides, these medieval precursors of urban planning and development. From one bastide to another, opening doors and giving an insight into these prestigeous historic monuments…

Information: Tourist Office of Sauveterre-de-Rouergue 12800 Sauveterre-de-Rouergue Tel: 05 65 72 02 52

A regal feast in the heart of a bastide (April to December) In the heart of the bastide, a hotel full of character, complete with indoor swimming pool; here Michel Truchon weaves his culinary magic, a style which is both refined and creative, a chef who is highly rated in the guidebooks, such as the Michelin guide. Stays of 3 days/2 nights, half board, from 220 €/person. Discover cookery courses based on foie gras, starting at 310 €/pers. Information and reservations: Loisirs Accueil Aveyron 05 65 75 55 50 Sauveterre de Rouergue

Association des Bastides du Rouergue. A land of art and history of the Bastides of Rouergue. Maison du Patrimoine Anciens Bains-Douches 12200 VILLEFRANCHE DE ROUERGUE Tel/Fax: 05 65 45 74 63 E-mail: christophe@bastides.com

Harmony preserved through time


On the path of the Knights Templar and Hospitaller of the Larzac

La Cavalerie

The Knights Templar took posession of the immense Larzac Plateau in the 12th century. The revenue coming from gifts of land made to their Order were consecrated to supporting the Knights in the Holy Land. In order to protect the local inhabitants, they created a “commanderie” for Sainte Eulalie de Cernon, La Cavalerie, La Couvertoirade, and Le Viala du Pas de Jaux. These burgs were inherited by the Hospitallers after the dissolution of the Templars by the Pope in 1312, and fortified in the 15th century. The Hospitallers (aka Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem) managed the commanderie for five centuries. Now situated along the A75 motorway through southern Aveyron, these medieval sites represent a unique heritage, are remarkably well preserved, and wait for you here, on the “Circuit du Larzac Templier et Hospitalier”. Their stones tell a long, passionate history.

La Cavalerie Thanks to the patient approach to their restoration, the ramparts originally built by the Knights Hospitaller in the 15th century have slowly regained their dignity, after being ravaged by weather and war. Behind these thick walls, visitors will discover the traditional Caussenarde houses adjacent to the private homes of the 17th century, and their classic decor. Don’t miss the church, rebuilt in the 18 th century, for her walls hold traces of the last vestiges of the Templar era. For information, guided tours or audio-tours, call: 05 65 62 78 73

La Couvertoirade Like all visitors you will be surprised as you move through the chaotic, rocky landscape and suddenly come upon the proud, surging towers of this medieval fortress. Strolling the village streets, you will find it so close to the popular image of a medieval village that you will be virtually transported back in time. If you take the rampart walk, you will discover an indescribable

view of the limestone tile rooftops so particular to the Couvertoirade. Once here, you won’t think twice about climbing the crude steps carved into the rock so as to reach the conch shell basins and spring near the church. This imposing 12th century Templar castle towers over one of the most beautiful “lavogne” watering-pools of the plateau. For information, guided tours or audio-tours, call: 05 65 58 55 59 www.lacouvertoirade.com

Sainte-Eulalie de Cernon The Templars established their headquarters in the hollow of the “laughing valley” in 1159, and from here managed all of the Larzac’s farming revenue. A visit to La Commanderie will show you the successive modifications that were made here, effacing the original Templar austerity bit by bit, giving way to the softer style of the Hospiallers of Malta. Your curiosity will be rekindled by a walk through the village and into the church, where traces of the Templars’ simplicity can still be found. For information, guided tours or audio-tours, call: 05 65 62 79 98

Viala du Pas de Jaux There are no ramparts here, but rather a 27-meter fortified tower, capable of withstanding assaults. If need be, the village dwellers could take refuge here, along with their sheep, decidedly the most precious property of all, here, in this primarily pastoral farming land. From the top of this only recently restored tower, you will have an exceptional view of the plateau. For information, guided tours or audio-tours, call: 05 65 58 91 89

Saint-Jean d’Alcas This admirable 15th century fortification will take you back in time to meet the Cistercian abbess of Nonenque, who, along with the king of France, guaranteed the protection of the village people. With your very first steps into the fortress, you will be struck by the harmonious regularity of the layout which evokes the Cistercian rule of simplicity and rigour. For information, guided tours or audiotours, call: 05 65 97 61 07

discover Audio-guides are available for all of these sites, thus surmounting language barriers so as to bring you close to the history and heritage of the people constituting the wealth of the territory. Whether you speak French, English, German, Spanish or Dutch, there is an audio-guide to accompany you along the paths and discovery of the Larzac of the Templars and Hospitallers.

Also, trail-loops for families on foot or mountain-bike are described in “Randofiches” (walking files) which have been assembled in co-operation with the FFRP. They are on sale at all of the welcome stations of the Templar and Hospitaller Larzac.

For the enthusiasts among you who would like to know more, “privilège” visits can be reserved through the Conservatoire Larzac Templier et Hospitalier, at: 05 65 59 12 22. The services of a interpreter-guide are available to accompany you. Harmony preserved through time

La Couvertoirade

“Les Estivales du Larzac”: Summer festivities on the Larzac, or Living History from the Times of the Hundred Years War. As part of its mission to preserve and revitalize the Templar-Hospitaller heritage, the Conservatoire Larzac Templier et Hospitalier organises “Les Estivales du Larzac”, where live shows will help you better understand the extraordinary history of the knights and peasants of the time. Come and relive, for a summer’s day, the finest hours of the Middle Ages, with all the emotions, festivities and furies, by being both a spectator and an actor!

2008 Calendar ‘Estivales du Larzac’ Conservatoire Larzac Templier et Hospitalier Tél. : 05 65 59 12 22

The spectacular and educational shows You will see the many characters, from barbers to arquebusiers, and whose language and actions are sometimes spectacular and surprising. The demonstrations, shows and workshops in embroidery, calligraphy or even Medieval cuisine will make you authorities on the techniques and history of the people of the Middle Ages. The days are full, structured by cannon blasts using black powder. The youngest visitors can attempt the tests of strength, agility and bravery in order to become a knight. In this living space, you will experience strong emotions, and retain incredible memories to take back to the 21st century! Each summer, the Conservatoire invites you to enter into History through the “Estivales du Larzac”


LTH CODE 007 48 hours to find the key to the riddle and go back into history . A programme of discovery that uses new technology to combine culture and competition. You’ll need curiosity, intuition, logic and a taste for adventure if you’re going to complete the challenge through your exploration of the Templar and Hospitalier sites of Larzac … Discover GéOcache, the 21st century treasure hunt, and experience the challenge and the rewards … and also the fun of working with your team! Contact: Conservatoire Larzac Templier et Hospitalier Immeuble Jean-Henri Fabre Place Bion Marlavagne - 12100 Millau Tel: 05 65 59 12 22 / Fax: 05 65 60 63 24 E-mail: contact@conservatoire-larzac.fr www.conservatoire-larzac.fr

Harmony preserved through time


From left to right: Château de Brousse, Château du Colombier, Château du Bosc, Château de Bournazel, Château de Najac.

The “Route of the Lords of Rouergue” Booklet with information about “The Route of the Lords of Rouergue” available from the CDT and in the Offices de Tourisme.

Castles to Visit Château de Belcastel 12390 Belcastel. Built a thousand years ago on a rocky peak, this magnificent fortress towers over one of the ten “Most Beautiful Villages of France” listed in Aveyron. The renowned architect Fernand Pouillon restored it and then chose to live here. For the first time, five new levels are now open to the public. The castle offers stunning vistas and visitors will also enjoy a unique collection of works from the world of illustration, featuring Uderzo, Disney and Peanuts. Visits last 60 min. Tel: 05 65 64 42 16 www.chateaubelcastel.com Château du Bosc - Toulouse-Lautrec 12800 Naucelle-Camjac. Le Bosc was the family home of ToulouseLautrec, the painter. This feudal fortress of the late 15th century was modernised in the 19th century. Guided visits of the rooms and the bedroom of the painter when a child. A family owned museum featuring a variety of artistic styles, with temporary exhibitions in the gallery of the cellar. Permanent exhibition of postcards, tracing the life of the painter. Open throughout the year. Visit lasts: 60’. Tel: 05 65 69 20 83 www.toulouselautreclebosc.com Château de Bournazel 12390 Bournazel-Rignac. Inner courtyard built in the Florentine style, château with lake (natural or artificial, noone knows). One of the three major renaissance sites in the south of France. Visit lasts: 90’. Tel: 05 65 64 16 60 or 01 39 02 37 71 E-mail: martine.harlin@wanadoo.fr

The Castles on the “Route des Seigneurs du Rouergue” are signed to a charter that guarantees their visiting hours, the quality of reception and the wealth of information provided.

Château de Brousse 12480 Brousse-le-Château. Fortified château built in the 9th-17th centuries, set on a rocky outcrop, its elongated form giving it the appearance of the prow of a ship. The inner fortress is well preserved, as is the covered walkway. Exhibition of paintings, tapestries, photographs and old tools. Visits for children. Visit lasts: 60’. Tel: 05 65 99 45 40 - Fax: 05 65 99 21 25 http://brousse.le.chateau.free.fr Château de Calmont d’Olt 12500 Espalion. Château built during the 11th-15th centuries. Rebuilt medieval engines of war, reconstructions on the theme of the siege of a fortress. Archery demonstrations, archaeology, panorama. In July and August, archery, chain mail making, circuit for children in 12 stages enabling them to discover history, complete with a diploma at the end. Visit lasts: 2h. Château de Calmont d’Olt. Tel: 05 65 44 15 89 www.chateaucalmont.org Château de Castelnau-Pégayrols 12620 Castelnau-Pégayrols One of the oldest châteaux in Rouergue, overlooking the imposing countryside of the “Grands Causses”. Visit of the park which houses the main part of the Castelnau hydraulic system, the great hall, the stately appartments, the fortified terrace. Visit lasts: 60’. Tel: 05 65 62 00 94 or 05 65 62 05 05 www.castelnau-pegayrols.fr Château et Parc médiéval du Colombier 12330 Salles la Source/Mondalazac.

“Parc Médiéval du Colombier”: an enchanting stroll through the middle ages, reliving the golden age of the feudal

epoque. Château, Garden of Eden (350 beds filled with medicinal and aromatic plants make this a remarkable garden), living bestiary (lions, bears, deer, monkeys, aviary, mini-farm, fun at feeding time). Guides in full costume. Games from the Medieval epoque (pétanque, giant chess, croquet, quilles). Audiovisual. Half day or full-day visits. Tel: 05 65 74 99 79 http://colombier.thoiry.net Château de Coupiac 12550 Coupiac. At the heart of the land of the seven valleys, this imposing edifice protects the village of Coupiac. Here, the gentle pace of life still breathes life into the old walls. From banqueting halls to secret passages, kitchens to apartments, relive the existence of those who inhabited these walls during the Middle Ages. You will also discover the splendid 18th century rooms, the dining room; salon and bedrooms (rocaille chimenies and local furniture). Visit lasts: 60’. Games for children. Route of 15th-18th century architecture. 5 minutes from the château, museums of wood and implements. Puppet museum. Tel/Fax: 05 65 99 79 45 or 05 65 99 78 82 www.chateaudecoupiac.com Château de Fayet 12360 Fayet. Built on a knoll during the renaissance by Castelnau-Bretenoux, then embellished by Jean V d’Arpagon, the château was used as a summer residence where Henri IV stayed. Sculpted and adorned rooms with painted ceilings and decorated fireplaces. Visit lasts: 60’ Tel/Fax: 05 65 49 59 15 http://chateaufayet.free.fr

Commanderie Hospitalière de Lugan 12220 Lugan. 12th century commandery built by the Knights Hospitaller, now known as the Knights of Malta. Exhibition of the order with video. Visit lasts: 45’. Tel: 05 65 80 46 59 or 05 65 80 65 72 www.commanderie-lugan.fr.st Beffroi de Millau 12100 Millau. The medieval dungeon serves as the base for this octagonal tower built in the 17th century to house the communal bell. The edifice constitutes the Millau belfry. The square tower was probably built in the 12th century on the former site of the château built by the Comtes de Millau. A private property from the 13th century onwards, it was finished in 1613 by the Consuls and used as a prison, particularly during the revolution. Visit lasts: 45’. Tel: 05 65 59 01 08 or 05 65 60 02 42 E-mail: musee.millau@wanadoo.fr Château de Montaigut 12360 Gissac. Built in the 10th century, on a rocky promontory overlooking le Rougier de Camarès, the château boasts vaulted salons reached by a spiral staircase, cellars, guardroom, banqueting hall, kitchens and bedrooms, testimony to life in the Middle Ages. Recently restored, the château is now a lively centre for the arts. Visits for children. Visit lasts: 60’. Tel: 05 65 99 81 50 E-mail: chateau-montaigut2@wanadoo.fr

the world, a secret tunnel, a dungeon with vaulted gothic arches overlooking the Aveyron and the beautiful village of Najac. Visit lasts: 60’. Tel: 05 65 29 71 65 E-mail: forteressedenajac@wanadoo.fr

Château de La Servayrie

Château de Vezins

Le Beffroi de Millau

Château de Peyrelade 12640 Rivière sur Tarn. Built between the 12th and the 16th centuries, the Château de Peyrelade was one of the most important fortresses in Rouergue during the middle ages, thanks to its natural dungeon overlooking the Tarn valley. Today, the guided visit re-tells the dramatic history of the château, with its distinguished architecture, and explains the restoration work and archeaological digs which have been undertaken during the last 25 years. The visit ends by climbing out onto the rocky promontary, offering magnificent views of the Tarn valley and gorges. Visit lasts: 45’. Tel: 05 65 59 74 28 or 05 65 59 81 37 www.ot-gorgesdutarn.com/peyrelade.html Château / Museum of rural life at Saint Beauzely Le Château,12620 St Beauzély. Museum, a record of yesteryear, with over 3,000 objects, a collection of agricultural implements, of rural life in general and the art of the stonemason in particular. Saint Beauzély is renowned for the extraction and carving of stone and it was the local masons, notably Déodat Alaus, who built the ramparts of the Templar cities. Reconstruction of a school classroom at the turn of the century. Visit lasts: 60’. Tel: 05 65 62 03 90 www.saint-beauzely.fr

Château de Peyrelade

Château de Valon

Castles to Visit Château de La Servayrie La Servayrie 12330 Mouret. This family home is a listed historical monument, and its owners will welcome you at the doors of time to take you on a visit from century to century, including medieval dungeon, courtroom and kitchens, Renaissance grand salon and a series of Louis 14th salons. Visits are enhanced by a snack with music, and a food-tasting of savours of the different eras. Also includes period furniture and gardens. Visit lasts: 90’. Tel: 05 65 72 82 97 www.château-servayrie.com Forteresse Royale de Najac 12270 Najac. Royal fortress (12th-13th centuries) listed historic monument. An extraordinary example of military architecture. Archery slits at a height of 6.80 metres, unique in

Château de Saint-Izaire 12480 Saint Izaire. A bishop’s palace, built in the 14th century, documentary support to enhance your visit. Signposted tour, discovery games for children 6-12 accompanied. Museum of historic artefacts. Visit of an underground chamber discovered in October 1998. 20 different rooms to visit in all. Visit lasts: 60’. Tel: 05 65 99 42 27 www.st-izaire.monclocher.com Château de Sévérac 12150 Sévérac le Château. 13th-17th century château, ramparts, towers, renaissance façade, kitchen, chapel, children’s play area. Summer activities: falconry displays, demonstrations of cooking and entertainment from the middle ages. Duration: 1 hr. Also visit the Maison de Jeanne, the Maison des Consuls and the archeological museum. Tel OT: 05 65 47 67 31 - Fax: 05 65 47 65 94 www.severac-le-chateau.com Château de Taurines Association pour l’animation du Château de Taurines. 12120 Centrès. Château built during the 13th-14th centuries in a rural setting (110 inhabitants in the village). Restoration work in progress linked with the Compagnons du Devoir. Jazz and theatre evenings… Visit lasts: 60’. Walk departing from the château (1h30). Tel/Fax: 05 65 74 28 47 www.chateau-de-taurines.fr.st

Château de Valon 12600 Lacroix Barrez. The feudal château, built like a bird’s nest on a rocky promontory, overlooking the Gorges de la Truyère, dates from the 12th century. This medieval site is among the most picturesque in Aveyron: the houses built out of schist with their characteristic lauzes roofs, sit proudly above two wild, unspoilt valleys. In July and August, guided visits of the château based on the tales and legends of Titus the Good. Visit lasts: 45’. Tel: 05 65 66 18 99 ou 05 65 66 10 16 www.carladez.fr/ Château de Vezins 12780 Vezins-de-Lévézou. From the initial construction of the Vézian de Vezins fortress (1120) to the present day, the château has always remained in the same family. Today, the château is an outstanding example of the evolution of architecture through the ages. The Museum Eugène Viala (1859-1913), and Renaud de Vezins (1882-1932), their paintings, watercolours and etchings of Lévézou. Visit of the vaulted cellars and the rooms on the first floor. Visit lasts: 45’. Tel/Fax: 05 65 61 87 02 http://monsite.orange.fr/chateaudevezins/ Tour du Viala-de-Pas-de-Jaux 12250 Le Viala du Pas de Jaux. A vivid illustration of the role of the pastoral history of Larzac. Built in 1430, an uncompromising edifice erected by the Knights Hospitaller and used to shelter the local population and their food supplies in times of civil unrest. Currently being restored. Exhibitions and events. Visit lasts: 45’. Tel/Fax: 05 65 58 91 89 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/tourviala/ Château d’Esplas 12400 Rebourguil This castle-fortress is situated in the redearth zone of Camarès, and offers an excellent illustration of defense systems from the Middle Ages, including a dungeon and three corner-towers. The interior lays testimony to 5 centuries of history, with murder-hole windows and dungeon guard posts, a cistern dug into the rock, and monumental fireplaces from the 16th century, and classical architecture in the southern wing. Tel: 05 65 99 87 96 ou 01 39 02 37 71 www.chateau-esplas.fr Château de Melac 12490 Saint Rome de Cernon Fortified house built at the beginning of the 14th century and finished during the 16th century. Flanked by four towers, three of which remain, linked by buildings which formed a huge inner courtyard. Galery on three levels, 16th century tower, with three stories, renaissance architecture. 14th century guardroom. Tel: 05 65 62 31 38

Booklet with information about “The Route of the Lords of Rouergue” available from the CDT and in the Offices de Tourisme.

Other abbeys and châteaux to visit: Château de Larguiès 12410 Salles Curan. At less than two km from the commune of Salles Curan, home to the summer residence of the bishops of Rodez, rise the towers of the Château de Larguiès. Over the years, this wonderfully preserved 16th century residence has known numerous owners. Tel: 05 65 67 43 42 email: chateaularguies@hotmail.fr Château de Latour-sur-Sorgues 12540 Marnhagues et Latour. Greatly modified during the 12th, 15th & 16th centuries. In addition to the castle, there is a reconstruction of a monk’s cell (Nonenque Abbey adjacent, with a permanent exhibition), plus temporary exhibitions each year. A number of events are held throughout the year; concerts of classical and lyrical music as well as classic French songs. Visit lasts: 45’. Tel: 05 65 99 33 78 www.aveyron-sorgues.com Château de Pruines 12320 Pruines. Built out of red clay in the 15th and 17th centuries, the château is noted for its majestic Louis XIV staircase, as well as the vaulted kitchens with their vast fireplaces. Discover the furnished rooms and the 17th century painted ceilings as well as an impressive collection of everyday objects and more than 600 examples of French pottery dating from the 17th to the beginning of the 20th century. Visit lasts: 50’. Tel/Fax: 05 65 72 91 64 Email : chateaudepruines@hotmail.com Château du Bousquet 12210 Montpeyroux, Laguiole. Historic monument dating from the 14th century, fief of the lords of Montpeyroux. Tel: 05 65 48 41 13 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/chateau.du.bousquet/ Château d’Estaing 12190 Estaing. Château of the Counts d’Estaing (11th-18th centuries) is an architectural mixture of roman, flamboyant gothic and renaissance styles. Since 2005, the building has benefited from a programme of restoration carried out by the SCI of the Château d’Estaing, represented by Valéry Giscard d’Estaing. During the season, the restored parts of the building are open to the public. Tel: 05 65 44 72 24 http://pagesperso-orange.fr/estaing.12/ Château - Abbaye fortifiée de Loc-Dieu 12200 Martiel. A unique example of a 12th century Cistercian abbey, transformed into a park andchâteau, whilst still retaining its monastic character and its lands. Tel : 05 65 29 51 17 or 05 65 29 51 18 email: abbayedelocdieu@wanadoo.fr Château de Versols 12400 Versols et Lapeyre Discover its high, interior courtyard, its vaulted rooms and the old “aula”, remodelled in the Renaissance. Admission free. Tel: 05 65 99 08 84

Harmony preserved through time


The most beautiful villages in Ste Eulalie d’Olt


“The most beautiful villages in France” is a prestigious club of 139 villages throughout France which have been chosen for their character, their heritage and the desire of their inhabitants to protect their unique patrimony. With 10 members LES PLUS BEAUX VILLAGES in this elite group, the Aveyron boasts more of “the most beautiful villages in DE FRANCE France” than any other département. Sainte-Eulalie d’Olt, land of traditions, an angler’s paradise. Medieval village square, 11th century fortified church, 15th century château, renaissance residence, millwheel which governs the pace of life in this floral village, ideal for strolling around. Visit of the town. Welcome Office: 05 65 47 82 68 Town hall: 05 65 47 44 59

Saint-Côme-d’Olt, a Hospitaller village, secular by tradition... Medieval village, belfry, fortified gateway, impressive mansions… in the footsteps of the pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostela, you’ll discover a village little changed in centuries. Information: 05 65 48 24 46 (in summer) or Town hall 05 65 44 07 09

Sauveterre de Rouergue, 13th century royal bastide. Half-timbered houses with corbels sculpted out of stone, ornate doorways, remains of the fortifications, moats, towers, archway... drift back in time through the ages. Night-time market, with street entertainment. Guided visits by torch-light. T.O.: 05 65 72 02 52 E-mail: sauveterre.office@free.fr

Estaing: Medieval and Renaissance city. This most picturesque village, an important landmark on the pilgrim route to Santiago de Compostela shelters beneath the terraced hills at the entry to the Gorges of the Lot. The château, which dates from the 11th-18th centuries, the 15th century church, the College and the 16th century bridge make strong gothic statements that sit alongside the ancient local shale houses with their traditional roofs. Tourist Office: 05 65 44 03 22

Conques, twentieth century light shed on Romanesque art. A major cultural centre, the site of Conques, an important staging post on the pilgrim way to Santiago de Compostela, remains a jewel of romanesque art. The new windows in the abbey, designed by Pierre Soulages, are in harmony with and serve to enhance the austerity of the romanesque setting. T.O.: 0820 820 803 or 05 65 72 85 00 www.conques.fr

Brousse le Château, at the confluence of two rivers. Fortified châteaux dating back to the 9th-16th centuries, medieval bridge of romanesque design, church, oratory… an exceptional site. Town hall: 05 65 99 41 14 or 05 65 99 45 40



Belcastel, simply an emotional experience. On the banks of the river Aveyron, a picture-postcard village dominated by its 15th century château. In this unique setting, the architect Fernand Pouillon, inspired by the site, set his talents to work restoring the château. Tourist Office: 05 65 64 46 11 www.marie-belcastel.fr

Najac, bathed in sunlight The royal fortress, a masterpiece of 13th century military architecture, stands proud on a rocky outcrop at one end of the village, high above the river which loops round the château as it stands guard over the village. Tourist Office: 05 65 29 72 05 E-mail: otsi.najac@wanadoo.fr A leaflet giving information and details about the ten “most beautiful villages in France” in Aveyron is available from the CDT and the Offices de Tourisme.

La Couvertoirade, founded by the Templars, later to become a Hospitaller commandery. It is at the heart of Larzac, in an isolated spot, that the Templars erected this château, situated on a rock at the foot of which the medieval village was later to develop; the village is now surrounded by ramparts added by the Hospitallers in the 15th century. Town hall: 05 65 58 55 55 Reception: 05 65 58 55 59 www.lacouvertoirade.com

Peyre, near Comprégnac. Located some 7 kilometres downstream from Millau, this village was literally cut from the local rock. It is remarkable in many ways, especially its volcanic tuff houses, stone alleyways and the Romanesque troglodyte church, which was fortified in the 17th century. It is a most unusual site, sculpted right into the cliffs, also offering exceptional views of the Millau Viaduct, as well. Tourist Office: 05 65 60 02 42

Harmony preserved through time

Museum of the Laguiole knife

visit Aubin Musée de la Mine Lucien Mazars (mining museum). History of mining and industry in the ‘bassin d’Aubin-Decazeville’. Reconstruction of a scene at the pit face, the life of a miner, a gas explosion. Open throughout the year. Visit lasts: 1h30. Admission free, groups by appointment. Tel: 05 65 43 58 00 www.museedelamine-lucienmazars.com Aubrac La Maison de l’Aubrac. Discover the Aubrac in all its dimensions: its nature, its history, its culture, its economy, its food and its traditions through the passing of the seasons. Audiovisual. Tel: 05 65 44 67 90 www.stchelydaubrac.com

Follow the museum guide Cransac-les-Thermes Musée “La Mémoire de Cransac” (local history museum). 2000 years of mining and thermal cures. 5 exhibit models. Animations. Tel: TO 05 65 63 06 80 Tel Museum: 05 65 63 95 02 www.cransac.fr

Firmi Museum of Archeology, Popular Arts and Traditions. Exhibition: agricultural implements, interiors from the 19th century, archeological finds from the site at Girmou. Free admission. Tel: 05 65 63 43 02

Cruejouls Association of Sacred art. Library with ancient books, statues, paintings, cult objects, ancient furniture. Admission free. Tél : 05 65 44 90 69

L’Hospitalet-du-Larzac Musée de l’Hospitalet. Archeological centre. Exhibition of galloroman potery. Tel: 05 65 62 71 01

Decazeville Musée de Géologie Pierre Vetter. All the geological richness of the region (rocks, minerals, fossils) and the history of coal mining at Decazeville. Open throughout the year Tel/Fax: 05 65 43 30 08 E-mail: museevetter.decazeville@wanadoo.fr

Cabanès Musée de la Résistance à la Chapelle de Villelongue (commune de Cabanès). Museum dedicated to the Resistance in the area, with photos of the Maquis and sabotage carried out in the Aveyron. Open yearround by appointment. Visit is free. Tel: 05 65 47 03 49 or 05 65 72 05 66 E-mail: mairie.cabanes@wanadoo.fr

Durenque Musée François-Fabié, Moulin de Roupeyrac. A museum dedicated to the life and works of this local poet, set in a typical Rouergat room of the 19th century. Tel: 05 65 78 18 85 www.moulinderoupeyrac.fr

Camarès Musée de l’Automobile. Collection of vintage cars and motorbikes. Out of season by appointment. Tel: 05 65 99 51 15

- Musée d’Arts et Traditions Populaires Joseph Vaylet. Housed in a former church, dating from the 15th-16th century, a fascinating display of artefacts illustrating the domestic life of yesteryear. Tel: 05 65 44 09 18 or 05 65 44 10 63 (TO) www.tourisme-espalion.fr

Conques “Trésor de l’Abbaye” (the treasures of the abbey). Gold and religious art from the Middle Ages to the 18th century. The famous reliquary statue of Sainte-Foy. Open throughout the year. Guided visits for groups by appointment. Tel: 05 65 72 85 00 or 0820 820 803 www.conques.fr Coupiac - Musée Rural du Bois (rural wood museum). Open throughout the year, admission free. Tel: 05 65 99 77 22 E-mail: meublesbel@wanadoo.fr - Musée de la Marionnette Collection of over 400 puppets from some 30 different countries. TO Tel: 05 65 98 16 10 www.marionnettes-sans-frontieres.com



- Musée du scaphandre (diving museum). Two rooms on the ground floor are dedicated to diving and in particular the inventions of Rouquayrol and Denayrouze, with over 300 exhibits illustrating the conquest of the aquatic underworld. Tel: 05 65 44 09 18 or 05 65 44 10 63 www.tourisme-espalion.fr - Le Musée du Rouergue Customs and Dress. Located in the town’s old prison, this magnificent, neo-classical building. It houses the museum’s collection of objects relating to values and customs. There are also thematic exhibits. Demonstrations & events. For information, call: 05 65 44 19 91 www.averyon-culture.com

Laguiole - Musée du Haut-Rouergue (museum of the uplands of Rouergue). Traditional life in the mountains, artefacts illustrating family life, tools and implements found in the home, interior of a buron. Tel: TO 05 65 44 35 94

- Musée des maquettes des travaux publics. (civil engineering model museum) Exhibit: “Oser les Ponts” (daring to build bridges): Located at the heart of Millau’s old town, at the foot of the Belfry tower, discover this unique collection of models, including the Millau Viaduct, the Pont de Iéna of Paris, the Pont Neuf of Toulouse, the Pont Valentré of Cahors and the Pont de Montagnes in the Ain, etc. Relive the history of their construction. Open yearround. Admission free Tel: 05 65 59 01 08 E-mail: musee.millau@wanadoo.fr - Pottery workshops, ancient dwellings, gallo-roman sanctuaries. Circuit round the site. Open throughout the year. Tel: 05 65 60 11 37

- Museum of the Laguiole Knife Living museum, presentation of one of the most beautiful collections of old Laguiole knives. Hand forged collectors’ knives. Tel: 05 65 51 23 47 - Fax 05 65 51 51 38 www.musee-laguiole.com


Lanuéjouls Musée du Modélisme Ferroviaire (model train museum). Tel: 05 65 81 98 23 www.cfpa.asso.fr

Tel: 05 65 70 75 00 or 05 65 70 71 45

Laval - Roquecezière Musée Statues-Menhirs Abbé Bec Damien Folk arts and traditions. Visit the statuemenhirs and local crafts tools. Open all year round. Admission free. Tel: 05 65 99 61 57 Lescure Jaoul Musée de la forge et de l’ancienne vie rurale. Exhibition of the traditional tools of the blacksmith. Summer exhibition. Tel: 05 65 81 82 10 Millau Musée de Millau. - Museum of leather and gloves: presentation of tools used in leather working, classic and contemporary gloves. Museum of geology, prehistoric life on the Causses, gallo-roman archeology: production of pottery at la Graufesenque. Open Year-round. Tel: 05 65 59 01 08 E-mail: musee.millau@wanadoo.fr

Montrozier Musée archéologique du Rouergue. (archaeological museum). Themed exhibitions of local heritage. www.aspaa.fr Paulhe In the heart of the Tarn valley, discover the secrets of the ‘Or rouge’ variety of cherry. Admission free - Tel: 05 65 59 00 98 www.maison-de-la-cerise.asso.fr Pomayrols Museum of traditional tools. Contact M. Badoc. Tel: 05 65 47 45 21 Pradinas Musée des traditions agricoles du Ségala. Agriculture in Ségala, cultivation of hemp, chestnuts, potatoes, rye. Reconstruction of an 18th century village. Tel: 05 65 69 92 84 or 06 62 91 21 52 E-mail: musee.pradinas@voila.fr Réquista Museum Galerie d’Art du Manoir de Lincou. Relics from 20-30,000 years B.C. ‘A Unique Place’ Tel: 05 65 74 26 01 E-mail: savignyloisirsaccueil@orange.fr

Micropolis: The City of Insects

visit Rodez - Musée des Beaux-Arts Denys-Puech (museum of fine arts). Works of the sculptor Denys Puech (1854-1942), founder of the museum in 1910 and director of the Villa Medicis from 1921 to 1933. Also, works of Aveyronnais artists; temporary exhibitions of modern and contemporary works, featuring sculpture and painting. Open yearround. Tel: 05 65 77 89 60 www.mairie-rodez.fr - Musée Fenaille. Museum housing a rich collection of archeology, art and history. Its reputation is based on the outstanding collection of standing stones (menhirs) sculpted roughly 5000 years ago, they are the oldest sculpted stones known in western Europe. The visit of the museum retraces the history of Rouergue, from early mankind to the 17th century. There are four major themes; the standing stones, ancient Rodez, Rouergue in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Open year-round. Tel: 05 65 73 84 30 www.musee-fenaille.com La Roque Valzergues Mini-museum of local traditions. Contact M. Maurice. Tel: 05 65 70 44 70 Saint Affrique - La Maison de la mémoire (local history). Birthplace of Emile Borel (1871); former sous-prefecture (1881-1926), municipal archives, exhibitions. Admission free. Tel: 05 65 49 07 31 E-mail: maison-memoire.staff@orange.fr - Pastoralia. Shop window for the activities of those involved in rearing sheep for the production of milk for Roquefort. Presentation of the production of ewe’s milk. Interactive visit, ewes and lambs in the sheepfold. Tel: 05 65 98 10 23 www.pastoralia.com

Museum of Cransac les Thermes

Château de St Beauzély Memories of rural life. (Musée du Rouergue) Collection of 3000 exhibits concerning agricultural métiers, rural life and stone masonery. Reconstruction of a classroom at the turn of the century. Stone masonery is highlighted, for Saint Beauzély is renowned for its stone. Tel: 05 65 62 03 90 www.saint-beauzely.fr Saint Crépin Musée Statues-Menhirs Abbé Bec Damien. Museum of five exhibition galleries: Menhir statues, life of yesteryear, artisan tools, local life, an rural interior. Arts and popular traditions. Open throughout the year. Tel: 05 65 99 61 57 Saint Geniez d’Olt Salle des Illustres. Tel: 05 65 70 40 01 (town hall) Saint Laurent d’Olt Musée Jean Boudou (Occitan writer) and Lucien Girma (sculptor). Exhibition of the works of Jean Boudou and exhibition of statues and sculptures by Lucien Girma. Exhibitions of paintings. Admission free. Tel Town hall: 05 65 47 45 26 Saint Léons Maison natale de Jean-Henri Fabre (Birthplace and museum of Jean-Henri Fabre). Dedicated to the life and work of this world famous entomologist. Temporary exhibitions, insect breeding, illustrated discovery trail of the village and a botanical walk. Botannical walk. Traveling exhibit. Tel/Fax Museum: 05 65 58 80 54 www.maison-natale-jeanhenrifabre.org Saint Rome de Tarn Museum of Mines and Vines. Principal activities of mining and viticulture from 1900-1970. In two parts, one on viticulture and clog manufacturing, the other on mining. Admission free. Tel: 05 65 58 44 00 (town hall) Saint Victor et Melvieu - Centre of Mural Art and the Interpretation of Frescos. In the Château des Montcalm, Gozon, 300 m2 of exhibits tracing the history of mural art from ancient Egypt to the present day.

Fenaille Museum in Rodez

- Frescos of Nicolas Greschny Church of St. Victor. Chapelle Sixtine Rouergate (Sistine Chapel of the Rouergue) with 25 frescos developed in the Byzantine tradition. - Le village caussenard. Reconstruction of a caussenard village at Notre Dame du Desert. Tel: 05 65 62 58 21 or 05 65 62 54 92 E-mail: accueil-touristique-svm@orange.fr Sainte Eulalie d’Olt Galerie - Musée Marcel Boudou. Exhibition of paintings and temporary exhibitions. Admission free. Tel: 05 65 47 82 68 or 05 65 47 44 59 Salles la Source Museum of Rouergue Arts and Crafts. The museum is organised in four parts: man and machines, old mills and presses, man and nature, agriculture and wood, man and minerals, the working of metals, man and animals, hunting, shooting and fishing, animal husbandry. In addition, the museum presents a display of a traditional wine cellar and the art of spinning in the 19th century. Finally, the museum is also a planetarium. Tel: 05 65 67 28 96 www.aveyron-culture.com Salmiech Musée du Charroi Rural (museum of modes of transport before the internal combustion engine). The history of the wheel, horse-drawn and ox-drawn carts and carriages, crafts related to transport and animals, rural history in Ségala. Tel: 05 65 74 26 79 or 05 65 74 23 55 Sauclières - Domaine de Gaillac. A unique collection of horse-drawn carriages and wagons, and a 1900’s blacksmith’s shop. All situated on a horse-riding centre where you can visit the riding school, stables and paddock. Visit lasts: 45’. Admission free. Restaurant. Equestrian and musical show. Tel: 05 65 62 26 85 www.arnalgaillac.com

Museum of Arts and traditional Trades Salles la Source

- Musée d’automates. (museum of mechanical dolls). Reconstruction of daily life, through the use of mechanical dolls. Life in the village, with its traditional crafts, its steam train, its school, its church, itinerant vendors. Tel: 05 65 62 11 81 www.musee-automates.santons.fr Sévérac le Château Local archeological museum which includes objects dating from the 15th century to as far back as 180,000 years ago (arms, costumes and finery, ceramics, polished and cut stones). In summer, the ticket includes entry to the château plus events at the Maison des Consuls and the Maison de Jeanne, and curiosity exhibit (summer “Passeport”). Tel: TO: 05 65 47 67 31 Soulages Bonneval Le Grenier de Capou. Within their wonderfully laid out museum, the Capoulade family will relate the folklore and the history of their unique collection of wooden objects, from today and yesteryear. Also a collection of birds’ nests and an authentic winter sleigh, said to belong to Father Christmas. Yearround by appointent. Tel: 05 65 44 31 63 Tauriac de Naucelle Agricultural museum. With over 100 vintage tractors and some 70 different makes, discover the evolution of mechanisation in the countryside. Tel: 05 65 47 03 81 Villefranche de Rouergue Museum Municipal Urbain-Cabrol (local history). Archaeology, history and local traditions in Villefranche. Temporary exhibitions and exhibitions of painting, tribal art. Admission free. Tel: 05 65 45 44 37 musee@mairie-villefranchederouergue.fr Villeneuve d’Aveyron Museum: interactive exhibits about traditional knowledge and local arts. 6 halls – 3000 objects. Tel: 05 65 65 68 15 www.musee-mistral.com

Theme Parks: see pages 26 and 27


Canoeing and Kayaking in the Gorges and in the Valleys


Free flight in Millau



Outdoor Leisure Activities • Water • Air • Earth • Unusual • Fishing • Winter - hiking & rambling

46 47 48 49 50 51


Seminars Aveyron is an ideal place to organise wilderness seminars for professional groups to combine work with adventure courses. Specialists in motivational seminars will organise the stay for all your company’s participants. Complete information in the guide “pleine Nature”.

Outdoor leisure and activities


Water & well-being HARMONY & CONTRASTS Plateaux, gorges, valleys, cliffs, mountains, not forgetting streams, waterfalls, and lakes. The wide open spaces of Aveyron seem to have been created for physical activity as much as for reflection. ADALPA : Maison du Tourisme 17, rue Aristide Briand - 12000 RODEZ Tel. 05 65 75 55 40 www.adalpa.com - Flagnac • 12300 Flagnac Kayaking, canoeing. - Arvieu • Pareloup Sailing, wind surfing, quad, canoeing, archery, MTB, fishing, rambling. - Salles Curan Route de Vernhes - 12410 SALLES-CURAN Tel. 05 65 46 33 33 or 05 65 46 33 62 Sailing, wind surfing, quad, canoeing, MTB, fishing, rambling. - Villefranche de Panat Plage municipale 12430 VILLEFRANCHE-DE-PANAT Tel. 05 65 46 43 93 or 05 65 75 55 40 Sailing, wind surfing, canoeing.

Association Egalité sur l’Eau Moulin de Cantaranne - 12850 ONET-LE-CHATEAU Tel. 06 82 00 11 23 Courriel : egalitesurlo@wanadoo.fr Canoeing, sailing, boating,… Open to disabled people. On the Pareloup Lake from 15/06 to 15/09

Aigue Vive Saint-Pal - 12720 MOSTUEJOULS Tel. 05 65 62 63 13 www.aiguevive.com Canoeing, kayaking, rafting.

Benaventure 12510 DRUELLE Tel. 05 65 67 49 66 or 06 79 64 93 67 www.benaventure.com Canoeing, kayaking, canyoning, aqua hiking, rambling, rock climbing, speleology, Tyrolean traverse, Via Corda, Via Ferrata, high ropes course…

Alternative Les Basaltes 12720 MOSTUÉJOULS Tel. 05 65 62 62 24 or 06 84 38 23 20 www.basalternative.com Canoeing, kayaking, aqua hiking, canyoning. Antipodes Place des Halles - 12100 MILLAU Tel. 05 65 60 72 03 www.antipodes-millau.com Rock climbing, speleology, Tyrolean traverse, Via-Ferrata, high ropes course, canoeing, kayaking, canyoning, rafting.

ASV’OLT- Association sportive de la Vallée du Lot Base du Val de Saures 12140 ENTRAYGUES/TRUYÈRE Tel. 05 65 44 54 90 - www.asvolt.com Rafting, canoeing, kayaking. La Barbote 12720 MOSTUÉJOULS Tel. 05 65 62 66 26 or 05 65 62 66 88 (HS) Mob. 06 72 03 58 69 www.canoekayak-gorgesdutarn.com Canoe and kayak rentals from May to September.

Bouillac Aviron Club Base nautique Les Cambous - 12300 BOUILLAC Tel. 05 65 63 20 31 or 06 08 60 24 94 http://site.voilà.fr/aviron-bouillac Rowing, canoeing, aqua hiking. Causses Emotions 38, route des Gorges du Tarn - 12520 AGUESSAC Tel. 05 65 61 35 31 or 06 22 97 02 67 www.escalade-caussesemotions-12.com Canyoning, aqua hiking. Causse Evasion 12400 SAINT-AFFRIQUE Tel./Fax 05 65 49 41 51 or 06 81 20 22 96 www.causse-evasion.com Canoeing, kayaking, aqua hiking, canyoning.

Les Chemins de Traverse Base canoë au pont - 12480 BROQUIÈS Tel./Fax 05 65 99 44 76 - Mob. 06 88 96 69 08 http://canoebroquies.blogspot.com Canoeing, kayaking.

Oxygène 12 12310 SÉVÉRAC L’EGLISE Tel./Fax 05 65 70 67 73 or 06 81 23 22 23 Canyoning, speleology, rock climbing, aqua hiking.

C.Y.V.P. (Centre Yachting Voile de Pareloup) Affilié à la FFV Tel. 05 65 46 36 74 or 05 65 63 33 06 (HS) Wind surfing, catamaran, dinghy, canoeing...

AAGAC (Association pour l’Animation des Gorges de l’Aveyron et des Causses) Le Païsserou - 12270 NAJAC Tel. 05 65 29 73 94 or 06 84 39 08 65 Fax 05 65 65 89 62 - www.aagac.com Canoeing, kayaking, rafting, pedalos, hotdog, MTB, rambling, orienteering.

ELAN (Espalion Loisirs Aventure Nature) 12500 ESPALION Tel. 05 65 51 46 13 or 06 76 24 95 59 www.elan-12.fr Canoeing, kayaking, fishing, canyoning, rafting, rock climbing, speleology, ViaFerrata, Paint ball, angling. Escapade - Esprit Nature 12520 AGUESSAC Tel. 05 65 59 72 03 www.escapade-espritnature.com Canoeing, kayaking, aqua hiking, canyoning, rafting. F.O.L - 05 65 77 36 01 (HS) - Pont de Salars - L’ANSE du Lac Tel. 05 65 46 83 08 Wind surfing, sailing, canoeing. - Pareloup - SALLES-CURAN Tél. 05 65 46 01 11 Wind surfing, canoeing, sailing, pedalo. La forêt d’acrobates Base de Loisirs de Peyrelade 12640 RIVIERE-SUR-TARN Tel. 06 88 75 71 86 www.foret-acrobates.com Aqua hiking, canyoning. Kayak de mer Le Fraysse - 12290 CANET DE SALARS Tel. 06 16 82 28 46 Sea kayaking, canoeing, rafting. MTB’N CO 12100 MILLAU Tel. 06 15 21 24 66 - www.mtbnco.com Canoeing kayaking hot dog rafting

Sarl Pasielsky St-Martin des Faux - 12410 SALLES-CURAN Tel. 05 65 46 36 53 Pedalos, water skiing, boats, 4x4. Promo Rafting Nature Explo 12720 MOSTUÉJOULS Tel. 05 65 62 66 72 Roc et Canyon 55 avenue Jean Jaurès - 12100 MILLAU Tel. 05 65 61 17 77 - Fax 05 65 60 84 57 www.roc-et-canyon.com Rafting, canoeing, kayaking, aqua hiking, canyoning, hydrospeed, hot-dog. Les Sentiers de la Découverte 12430 VILLEFRANCHE DE PANAT Tel. 05 65 46 58 11 www.sentiersdecouverte.com Canoeing, kayaking. Sports et Nature les Rives du Prieuré 12200 VILLEFRANCHE DE ROUERGUE Tel. 06 07 9952 65 Email : albespy.gaetan@neuf.fr Canoeing, kayaking, canyoning, mountain biking. Vert Tea Jeu 12190 LE NAYRAC Tel. 05 65 44 44 50 or Tél./Fax 05 65 42 59 75 E-mail : vert-tea-jeu@wanadoo.fr Canyoning, archery, aqua hiking, adventure trails, canoeing, kayaking.

Air PARAGLIDING - HANG-GLIDING SKY DIVING A2 Parapente Route de Millau Plage - 12100 MILLAU Tel. 06 08 17 26 09 www.a2-parapente.com Paragliding Ailes Passion 12, av. Gambetta - 12100 MILLAU Tel. 05 65 61 20 96 or 06 80 26 56 75 www.ailes-passion.com Paragliding Antipodes Place des Halles 12100 MILLAU Tel. 05 65 60 72 03 www.antipodes-millau.com Bungee jumping Azimut Impasse du Colonel Emile Viguier 12100 MILLAU Tel. 06 81 26 55 02 http://azimut.sportsnature.free.fr Paragliding Centre International de Vol Libre 12520 COMPEYRE Tel. 05 65 59 84 44 or 06 88 54 18 40 www.cabrieres.net Hang-gliding Challeng’Air 18, rue de la Paulèle - 12100 MILLAU Tel. 06 32 61 46 33 www.challeng-air.com Paragliding Ecole de Parachutisme Aérodrome de Millau-Larzac 12230 CAVALERIE (LA) Tel. 06 08 54 23 13 www.absolute-sky.com Sky diving

Ecole Delta de Millau 407 Rue J. Libourel - 12100 MILLAU Tel. 05 65 61 38 27 or 06 74 28 49 26 www.ecole-delta.com Hang-gliding Evasion Parapente Chemin des Terrasses Route de Paulhe - 12100 MILLAU Tel. 06 09 14 46 94 www.millau-evasion.com Paragliding, kite Globetrot’Air 1344 Route du Causse Noir Le Hameau Fleuri - 12100 MILLAU Tel. 05 65 60 84 73 or 06 86 02 39 70 www.globetrotair-parapente.com Paragliding Horizon - Millau Vol Libre 6 Place Lucien Grégoire Place Foch - 12100 MILLAU Tel. 05 65 59 78 60 or 06 72 77 62 39 Fax 05 65 59 78 59 www.horizon-millau.com Paragliding, kite Joël HOUDOUIN Baptême de l’air en parapente et deltaplane 44, av. Gambetta - 12100 MILLAU Tel. 06 08 57 10 04 www.ifrance.com/pphoudouin Hang-gliding, Paragliding Roc et Canyon 55, avenue Jean Jaurès - BP 325 12100 MILLAU Tel. 05 65 61 17 77 www.roc-et-canyon.com Paragliding, bungee jumping

HOT AIR BALOON BDG Air Aubrac La Violette - 12210 ALPUECH Tel. 05 65 44 33 64 or 05 65 68 52 36 www.airaubrac.com Hot air baloon Patrick LEGENDRE Le Mas du Causse - Loupiac 12700 CAUSSE ET DIEGE Tel. 05 65 64 63 50 or 06 72 57 63 91 Email : patrick.legendre@free.fr Hot air baloon MBF Impasse Canaquet 12850 ONET LE CHATEAU Tel. 05 65 77 22 00 www.mbf-seminaires.com Hot air baloon Vol libre en ballon La Rouquette 12200 VILLEFRANCHE DE ROUERGUE Tel. 05 65 29 61 32 or 06 12 29 53 67 Email : n.rouzies@wanadoo.fr Hot air baloon MICROLIGHT - PLANE - HELICOPTER Aéro Club de Millau Larzac 12230 CAVALERIE (LA) Tel. 05 65 62 72 91 www.aeroclub-millau.fr Plane, air sightseeing Aéroclub du Rouergue Aérodrome de Graves 12200 VILLEFRANCHE DE ROUERGUE Tel./fax 05 65 45 05 27 or 05 65 45 09 36 Plane flying, plane, microlighting, air sightseeing Aéroclub du Ségala Caucart - 12120 CASSAGNES BEGONHES Tel. 05 65 46 75 26 - Fax 05 65 46 75 26 Email : aeroclub.segala@wanadoo.fr Plane, air sightseeing, microlighting, paragliding

Aéroclub Les Ailes du Carladez Douxalbats 12600 THERONDELS Tel. 06 11 81 88 50 Email : bbernadou@aol.com Microlighting, plane, air sightseeing Aérodrome de Belmont sur Rance Route de Fontneuve 12370 BELMONT SUR RANCE Tel. 05 65 99 94 29 or 06 86 03 43 03 Air sightseeing, plane flying, gliding Les Ailes Ruthénoises Aérodrome de Rodez Marcillac 12330 SALLES LA SOURCE Tel. 05 65 42 21 75 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/ailesruthenoises/ Plane flying, plane, air sightseeing Club ULM de Bozouls - Gapulm 24, route du Maquis Jean Pierre 12340 BOZOULS Tel. 05 65 48 83 42 or 05 65 48 86 52 Mob. 06 07 66 58 08 http://gapulm.free.fr Microlighting, air sightseeing Heli 12 M. Bruno RAULT Aéroport de Rodez 12330 SALLES LA SOURCE Tel. 06 09 30 52 51 www.heli12.com Helicopter, air sightseeing Millau ULM 11 Camp Redon 12520 COMPEYRE Tel. 06 85 74 81 74 or 05 65 59 40 53 www.millau-ulm.com Microlighting, air sightseeing Vert Tea Jeu 12190 LE NAYRAC Tel. 05 65 44 44 50 or 05 65 42 59 75 Email : vert-tea-jeu@wanadoo.fr Helicopter

Outdoor leisure and activities


Earth RAMBLING & MOUNTAIN BIKING AAGAC (Association pour l’Animation des Gorges de l’Aveyron et des Causses) 12270 NAJAC Tel. 05 65 29 73 94 or 06 84 39 08 65 www.aagac.com Rambling, MTB Philippe ABRAHAM 12850 SAINTE RADEGONDE Tel. 05 65 87 27 31 Rambling Allers-Retours 12100 MILLAU Tel./Fax 05 65 59 15 53 or 06 72 94 54 86 www.allers-retours.fr Rambling

Environnement et Paysage Mr & Mrs Sylvie and Alain MICHELIN 12140 ENTRAYGUES SUR TRUYERE Tel. 05 65 44 64 47 Rambling

MTB’N CO 12100 MILLAU Tel. 06 15 21 24 66 www.mtbnco.com Rambling, MTB

University Moto 12200 LA ROUQUETTE Tel. 05 65 29 63 86 or 06 14 93 49 68 http://universitymoto.com MTB

Escapade - Esprit Nature 12520 AGUESSAC Tel. 05 65 59 72 03 www.escapade-espritnature.com Rambling, MTB

Passion Sport Eric PRATMARTY 12450 CALMONT Tel. 06 17 14 40 42 or 05 65 45 52 96 MTB

VTT Marmot 12130 SAINT GENIEZ D'OLT Tel. 05 65 47 42 85 or 06 07 74 81 71 E-mail : vttmarmot@orange.fr MTB

Evasion Parapente Chemin des Terrasses Route de Paulhe - 12100 MILLAU Tel. 06 09 14 46 94 www.millau-evasion.com Paragliding, kite, rambling, MTB

André PIERRAT 12210 CURIERES Tel. 05 65 54 10 38 or 06 80 26 11 53 anpierrat@wanadoo.fr Rambling, MTB

Les Yeux Ouverts 12420 VITRAC EN VIADENE Tel. 06 86 41 90 08 or 05 65 51 69 10 www.lesaem.org Rambling

Promo Rafting NATURE EXPLO 12720 MOSTUEJOULS Tel. 05 65 62 66 72 Rambling, MTB


Antipodes 12100 MILLAU Tel. 05 65 60 72 03 www.antipodes-millau.com Rambling, MTB

Forêt d’Acrobates Base de loisirs de Peyrelade 12640 RIVIÈRE SUR TARN Tel. 06 88 75 71 86 www.foret-acrobates.com MTB

A.S.V’OLT - Base Canoë Nature 12140 ENTRAYGUES SUR TRUYERE Tel./Fax 04 71 49 95 81 or 05 65 44 54 90 www.asvolt.com Rambling

Manuel GARCIA 12400 SAINT-AFFRIQUE Tel. 05 65 49 31 71 – 06 20 26 54 39 manuel.garcia@lesaem.org Rambling, snow shoeing

Azimut 12100 MILLAU Tel. 06 81 26 55 02 http://azimut.sportsnature.free.fr Rambling, MTB

La Grange de Monteillac 12310 SEVERAC L'EGLISE Tel. 05 65 70 21 00 www.la-grange-de-monteillac.com Rambling, MTB

Benaventure 12510 DRUELLE Tel. 05 65 67 49 66 or 06 79 64 93 67 www.benaventure.com Rambling, MTB

Loisirs Loc VTT 12290 VIBAL (LE) Tel. 05 65 74 33 39 or 06 86 43 24 90 loisirs.loc.vtt@wanadoo.fr MTB

Christian BICHWILLER 12470 SAINT CHELY D’AUBRAC Tel. 06 72 30 72 67 Rambling, snow shoeing

Maison des Accompagnateurs 12520 AGUESSAC Tel. 05 65 61 24 33 or 06 82 84 94 78 www.maison-des-accompagnateurs.fr Rambling, MTB, geocaching

Bureau des Accompagnateurs 12520 VERRIERES Tel. 06 75 41 54 51 julien.melo@wanadoo.fr

Rand’Aubrac M Gonzalo DIAZ 48260 NASBINALS Tel. 06 07 08 66 04 www.aubrac-randonnees.com Rambling, snow shoeing, MTB Rand’ et Vous 12620 SAINT-BEAUZELY Tel. 05 65 61 24 48 or 06 72 38 91 67 randetvous@wanadoo.fr Rambling Roc et Canyon 12100 MILLAU Tel. 05 65 61 17 77 www.roc-et-canyon.com Rambling, MTB Les Sentiers de la Découverte 12430 VILLEFRANCHE DE PANAT Tel. 05 65 46 58 11 www.sentiersdecouverte.com MTB Sports et Nature les Rives du Prieuré 12200 VILLEFRANCHE DE ROUERGUE Tel. 06 07 99 52 65 Email : albespy gaetan@neuf fr

Manifestations, clubs et séjours : Comité Départemental de Cyclotourisme 210, chemin des Grisolles - 12100 MILLAU Tel. 05 65 60 66 95 www.cyclotourismeaveyron.org www.velo12.com ROCK CLIMBING, ABSEILING, SPELEOLOGY Accro Roc des Infruts Les Infruts 12230 COUVERTOIRADE Tel. 06 83 19 22 39 or 05 65 99 30 67 www.acrorocdesinfruts.com Rock climbing, speleology, adventure park, environment ADALPA - Activités de Loisirs et de Pleine Nature 17, rue Aristide Briand 12008 RODEZ Tel. 05 65 75 55 40 - www.adalpa.com Rock climbing, canyoning, kayaking, canoeing, angling Aloa Nature Route du Pont de Mels Benaven 12420 SAINTE GENEVIEVE SUR ARGENCE Tel. 05 65 66 48 19 or 06 30 06 47 32 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/aloa.nature/ Tyrolean traverse, adventure trails, rock clim-

Alternative les Basaltes Route des Gorges du Tarn La Jasse - 12720 MOSTUEJOULS Tel. 05 65 62 62 24 or 06 84 38 23 20 www.basalternative.com Accrobranching, Via Ferrata, Viacorda, abseiling, adventure trails, Tyrolean traverse, speleology, rock climbing

Horizon - Millau Vol Libre 6 Place Lucien Grégoire - Place Foch 12100 MILLAU Tel. 05 65 59 78 60 or 06 72 77 62 39 www.horizon-millau.com Speleology, Viacorda, Tyrolean traverse, rock climbing, abseiling, Via Ferrata, accrobranching

Antipodes Place des Halles 12100 MILLAU Tel. 05 65 60 72 03 www.antipodes-millau.com Rock climbing, speleology, Tyrolean traverse, Via Ferrata, tree climbing, Viacorda, abseiling, adventure trails

MBF Impasse Canaguet 12850 ONET LE CHATEAU Tel. 05 65 77 22 00 www.mbf-seminaires.com Rock climbing, adventure parcs, speleology, Via Ferrata

Benaventure 12510 DRUELLE Tel. 05 65 67 49 66 or 06 79 64 93 67 www.benaventure.com Tyrolean traverse, adventure trails, Viacorda, Via Ferrata, tree climbing, abseiling, rambling, rock climbing, speleology Causses Émotions 38 Route des Gorges du Tarn 12520 AGUESSAC Tel. 05 65 61 35 31 or 06 22 97 02 67 www.escalade-caussesemotions-12.com Rock climbing, Via Ferrata, abseiling, Viacorda, Tyrolean traverse, tree climbing Escapade - Esprit Nature Route des Gorges du Tarn La Barque - 12520 AGUESSAC Tel. 05 65 59 72 03 www.escapade-espritnature.com Rock climbing, speleology, MTB, adventure trails, Tyrolean traverse, Via Ferrata, AccroRando, accrobranching Grimpe & cimes 12410 SALLES CURAN Les Vernhes Tel. 06 71 57 78 81 www.grimpe-et-cimes.com Rock climbing, canyoning, Via Ferrata

Millau Sport Adapté BP 209 - 12102 MILLAU Tel./Fax 05 65 61 18 73 E-mail : millau-loisirs@libertysurf.fr Rock climbing, speleology, adventure trails, Tyrolean traverse… Activities adapted for mentally ill people Oxygène 12 264 Rue du Ségala 12310 SEVERAC L'EGLISE Tel. 05 65 70 67 73 or 06 81 23 22 23 Rock climbing, abseiling, accrobranching, speleology, adventure parcs, Via Ferrata Promo Rafting - Nature Explo La Muse - 12720 MOSTUEJOULS Tel. 05 65 62 66 72 Speleology, rock climbing, accrobranching, Viacorda, Via Ferrata, adventure trails Roc et Canyon 12100 MILLAU Tel. 05 65 61 17 77 www.roc-et-canyon.com Rambling, rock climbing, speleology, adventure trails, MTB, abseiling, Via Ferrata, accrobranching Les Sentiers de la Découverte 1 rue des Raspes - La Besse 12430 VILLEFRANCHE DE PANAT Tel. 05 65 46 58 11 www.sentiersdecouverte.com

Vert Tea Jeu Camping de Nayrac - 12190 NAYRAC (LE) Tel. 05 65 44 44 50 or 05 65 42 59 75 Mob 06 81 30 79 22 E-mail : vert-tea-jeu@wanadoo.fr Rock climbing, speleology, Tyrolean traverse, adventure trails, Viacorda, abseiling, Via Ferrata Villefranche Pyrénées 19 Rue Mailhes 12200 VILLEFRANCHE DE ROUERGUE Tel. 05 65 81 16 26 E-mail : jean-pierre.lulek@wanadoo.fr Rock climbing, Canyoning GOLF Association Golf Laguiole - Mezeyrac Mezeyrac - BP 6 12210 SOULAGES-BONNEVAL Tel./Fax 05 65 44 48 48 – 9 holes www.hotel-golfdemezeyrac.com Golf du Grand Rodez Avenue de Vabre - Route de Conques 12850 ONET-LE-CHATEAU Tel. 05 65 78 38 00 – 18 holes www.formule-golf.com/fr/visitez-lesgolfs/grand-rodez/ Golf du Totche L’Albenque 12200 VILLEFRANCHE DE ROUERGUE Tel./Fax 05 65 45 70 35 – 9 holes Email : golfdutotche@wanadoo.fr Golfun Parcours ludique Station de BRAMELOUP 12470 ST-CHELY-D’AUBRAC Tel. 05 65 44 21 15 or 05 65 44 27 08 MOTOR SPORTS Aveyron Quad Route de Gissac 12400 VERSOLS ET LAPEYRE Tel. 05 65 97 58 06 www.chateaudemontalegre.com Quad, Mini Moto, Paintball

Enduro Club des Vignes Tour de Ville 12330 MARCILLAC VALLON Tel. 06 81 40 26 85 E-mail : endurovignes@wanadoo.fr Kart’ Indoor Bel Air Rue des Artisans ZA Bel Air entrée n°4 12000 RODEZ Tel. 05 65 78 44 89 www.aveyronsport.com/kartindoorrodez Karting Karting 12370 BELMONT SUR RANCE Tel. 05 65 99 96 67 or 06 86 94 09 58 www.kartingplus .com Karting Parc de Loisirs des Bouscaillous RD 911 12620 CASTELNAU PÉGAYROLS Tel. 05 65 60 33 78 www.parc-bouscaillous.com Karting, Mini-kart, Quad Sarl PASIELSKY Saint Martin des Faux 12410 SALLES CURAN Tel. 05 65 46 36 53 4 x 4, Boats, water skiing Vent de Liberté M. Nicolas Charbonnier 19 rue de la Fauvette 12000 RODEZ Tel. 06 83 12 99 94 or T/F 05 65 68 83 64 www.ventdeliberte.com Children holidays, angling, golf University Moto Les Coutets 12200 ROUQUETTE (LA) Tel. 05 65 29 63 86 or 06 14 93 49 68 Mob 06 81 79 28 54 http://universitymoto.com Moto, Quad, Mini Moto, MTB

Unusual La Boîte à Rando François Petit Le Bourg - 12490 VIALA DU TARN Tel. 05 65 61 07 04 or 06 88 70 15 85 E-mail : boitearando@wanadoo.fr Recumbent bicycle touring, themed hiking.

Ferme de la Blaquière 12520 VERRIERES Tel. 05 65 47 69 52 or 06 82 57 31 96 www.lablaquiere.com Camel Tours on the causse.

Quilles de Huit Sport Emblématique des Aveyronnais Comité Technique et Sportif National des Quilles de Huit 8 rue des Coquelicots 12850 ONET LE CHATEAU Tel. 05 65 67 24 70

Vélo Rail du Larzac 12230 STE EULALIE DE CERNON Tel. 05 65 58 72 10 or 06 81 66 63 49 www.veloraildularzac.com Cycle rail, MTB.

Outdoor leisure and activities


nd Guide on dema


Beautiful catch

The Complete With 7000 kms of rivers classed in either the 1st or 2nd category, and 38 or so public lakes, the Aveyron boasts a huge variety of waters. With its superb lakes and major rivers, (the Lot, the Tarn), the Aveyron offers a challenge for all types of fishing. Pike records (1,37 m-19,6 kg to beat) perch in abundance, carp and many other fish are there to test the skills of the complete angler.

Information and detailed documents upon demand CDT B.P. 831 12008 RODEZ Cedex Tel: 05 65 75 55 75 Fax: 05 65 75 55 71

Fédération de Pêche de l’Aveyron

Aveyron Carpes et Nature B.P. 305 12003 RODEZ Cedex Tel: 05 65 68 41 52

Moulin de la Gascarie B.P. 305 12003 RODEZ Cedex Tel: 05 65 68 41 52 Fax: 05 65 68 50 20

Aveyron Carnassiers et Nature B.P. 305 - 12003 RODEZ Cedex Renseignements: 05 65 68 41 52

Water Cures Information and reservations Thermal center Tel: 05 65 63 09 83 Tourist Office Tel: 05 65 63 06 80 www.cransac.fr

Cransac-les-Thermes: The sulphurous vapours in the steam baths are unique in Europe and rare throughout the world. The underground combustion results in vapours which arrive at the surface at a temperature of 120°C. The steam cools naturally and trickles down to the cure-rooms at 42°C. Each cure lasts 10mn. Cransac’s thermal cures are used to treat rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis and post-traumatic pains. Thermal center open from March 10th to November 15th, 2008

Health Farm Health farm Natura Fitness Pleau - Brommat. 12600 Mur de Barrez Health farm and fitness centre: hydrotherapy, relaxation, swimming pool, hammam, massage, aerobics, gymnasium, weight training, sauna.

Open from the beginning of February to the end of October. Information: 05 65 66 22 11

discover CENTRES FOR FISHING IN AVEYRON The lakes Lévézou Pareloup: 1239 ha Pont de Salars: 190 ha Villefranche de Panat: 192 ha La Gourde: 16 ha (reserved for anglers) Bage: 53 ha (reserved for anglers). Vallée de la Truyère Sarrans: 1000 ha Vallée du Lot Lac de Cambeyrac (near Entraygues): 26ha, managed fishing zone Golinhac: 57 ha - Castelnau-Lassouts: 218 ha (pontoons for anglers at Cabanac, Lous and Alauzet). Vallée du Tarn Pinet: 128 ha - La Jourdanie: 73 ha Artificial lakes Bannac. Near Martiel, AAPPMA, Villefranche de Rouergue. Tel: 05 65 45 28 51 Fishing per day: bass, carnassials, carps. Major Rivers Le Tarn La Dourbie L’Aveyron Le Lot Le Viaur Le Dourdou La Truyère La Sorgue

Fish with the fly

Cross-country skiing

White coat of snow on the Aubrac

Winter Pleasures

A vast volcanic plateau situated in the north of the département, Aubrac boasts 170 km of marked trails for cross country skiing, linking the villages of Brameloup, Nasbinals, Aubrac, Saint-Urcize, and Laguiole. But Aubrac also offers numerous footpaths and tracks to be explored on foot or using snow shoes.

things to do AUBRAC (1300 m) Royal Aubrac: 05 65 44 21 15 Cross country skiing and ice rink. Tel: 05 65 44 28 41 - Fax: 05 65 44 20 55 At the cross-roads of the plateau, Aubrac is the ideal starting point for cross country skiing.

BRAMELOUP (1200-1390 m) Downhill and cross country skiing. Snow shoe expeditions Tel: 05 65 44 27 31 or 05 65 44 21 15 or 05 65 44 27 08 LAGUIOLE (1000-1400 m) Downhill and cross country skiing. Tel: 0825 801 406 or 05 65 44 35 94 (TO) Marked hiking/snowshoeing (3.3 km and 2.5 km).

Snow Racket Hikes on Aubrac (January through March) In the hands of a nationally certified guide, this winter break offers both the joys of nature and the discovery of a rich cultural heritage, walking across the virgin snow through beech groves.

Week-end full board from 190 €/person. A week’s stay, 7 days/6 nights with full board from 440 € /person Information and reservations Loisirs Accueil Aveyron Tel: 05 65 75 55 50

Hiking & Rambling Among ramblers, Aveyron is a favoured destination: with its 900 km of footpaths which form part of the national “Grande randonnée” network, plus a myriad of other footpaths and tracks 3000 km, the rambler is spoilt for choice. In this wonderful setting, nature reveals herself in all her glory and diversity; walks through the forests, walks along the river banks, botanical trails, walks on the corniche above the river Tarn, walks across the Larzac plateau, fell walking on Aubrac. Through stunningly beautiful countryside, ramblers of all ages and abilities will be enthralled by the rich variety of nature. The “Grande Randonnée” footpaths There are 8 “Grande Randonnée” footpaths which traverse the département (GR® a total of 900 km marked ) and 2 trails “Grande Randonnée du Pays” (GRP®)

things to do The GR®* Trails GR®65 The pilgrim way to Santiago de Compostela: Coming from Puy, passing through Aubrac, St Côme d’Olt, Espalion, Estaing, Golinhac, Espeyrac, Conques, Decazeville and onwards towards Figeac and Cahors. The pilgrims’ way to Santiago de Compostela has been listed as a World Heritage landmark by UNESCO GR®62 Causse Noir-Lévézou-Rouergue Descend from Aigoual, passing via the Causse Noir, Montpellier-le-Vieux, Millau, the Lévézou lakes, Rodez, Salles-la-Source, Conques, where it rejoins the GR® 6 and GR® 65. Variations: 62A pass via the corniche of the Causse Noir, and Dargilan. 62B from Rodez, follow the Aveyron valley as far as Villefranche de Rouergue. GR®71C The Templar and Hospitaller circuit: la Couvertoirade, la Cavalerie, SainteEulalie-de-Cernon, le Viala du Pas de Jaux;

GR®71D Tour of Larzac: Millau, Nant, la Couvertoirade, la Cavalerie. GR®36 Tour of the Aveyron gorges: from Laramière to Laguépie.

The GR® de Pays* • Tour of Aubrac: a circuit of 150km of easylevel trails on this upland plateau (alt. 1200 m) • Around Entraygues Lo Camin d’Olt: Circuits of 55 km and 62 km to discover the Vallée du Lot and the Gorges de la Truyère on foot, mountain bike or horse back, starting from Entraygues, also: 10 smaller trailloops. The ‘Topoguides’ are edited by the French Rambling Association and are on sale in bookshops and newsagents, from Tourist Offices and also the F.F.R.P.* and the Comité Départemental du Tourisme. www.ffrp.asso.fr *Registered trademark of the Fédération Française de la Randonnée Pedestre (F.F.R.P)

Beautifull hikes in Aveyron The “Topoguide” series of books suggest

• “En pays villefranchois” • “Aubrac”: Viadène, Truyère, Boraldes, Haut Plateau. • “Entre Causse et Dourdou”: Bozouls • “De Causses en Vallées”: Campagnac Laissac - St Geniez d’Olt - Sévérac le Château, • “Au Pays du Roquefort”: The country side around Roquefort • “Au Pays des cent Vallées”: Le Ségala • “Le pays ruthénois”: (Rodez Area) • “Les Monts et Lacs du Lévezou” • “Au pays de Conques Marcillac” • “Au pays du Réquistanais” • “Au cœur de la Vallée du Lot”: Aubin Capdenac - Decazeville • “Au pays de Rignac-Montbazens” • “Millau Grands Causses” • “Le Cardalez à Pied” • “En Pays Villeneuvois” • “Le Parc Naturel Régional des Grands Causses à pied” • “ Autour de Najac ” • “ Randonner à Laguiole ” • Beautiful hikes in Aveyron. “Les plus b ill d l’A à i d”

TOPO GUIDE “ 50 Promenades et Randonnées “ Aveyron 50 hikes winding through Aveyron, The Lot Valley, the steppes of Aubrac, from Larzac to the Gorges du Tarn, through villages and valleys… all for the greatest pleasure of nature lovers. For sale at 12,95 € in Tourist Offices, Syndicats d’initiative bookstores and newsagents from the F.F.R.P. or the C.D.R.P. 12 Comité Départemental de la Randonnée Pédestre Tel: 05 65 75 54 61 www.aveyronsport.com/cdrp12/ www.randonnee-midi-pyrenees.com

Brochure “Rambling and Outdoor activities” Comprehensive listing of the options for rambling in Aveyron including accommodation (gîtes d’étapes et de groupes) CDT - Tel: 05 65 75 55 75


Children’s Corner • Accommodations • Visits • Adventure Parks • Walks • Animal Parks • Holidays for Children

La Route du Sel

Fishing in family

Accrobranching opolis, the City of Insects

54 54 54 55 55 55

Children’s Corner


Family holidays In Campsites and Holiday Villages. ADVENTURE PARKS ACCRO-ROC DES INFRUTS Canals - 12230 La Couvertoirade Tel: 05 65 99 30 67 or 06 83 19 22 39 www.acrorocdesinfruts.com ALOA NATURE 12420 Sainte Geneviève sur Argence Tel: 05 65 66 48 19 or 06 30 06 47 32 ACCROBRANCHING COURSE Lac de bannac - 12200 Martiel Tel: 06 79 76 80 04 E-mail : nico.daniel@mac.com LA FORÊT ENCHANTÉE Les Vernhes - 12410 Salles Curan Tel: 06 71 57 78 81 www.grimpe-et-cimes.com LES IFERS, LES ARBRES DE L’AVENTURE 12130 Saint-Geniez-d’Olt Tel/Fax : 05 65 70 60 60 - www.ifers.net LA FORÊT D’ACROBATES 12640 Rivière-sur-Tarn Tel: 06 88 75 71 86 www.foret-acrobates.com ACROPARC DU MAS 12520 Aguessac Tel: 05 65 61 11 06 or 06 70 70 95 94 www.acroparc.fr ARBRES ET CIMES Avenue de Millau Plage - 12100 Millau Tel: 05 65 60 72 03 www.antipodes-millau.com PARCOURS AVENTURE DE REYCABROT 12120 Rulhac Saint Cirq Tel: 05 65 74 20 02 or 06 79 64 93 67 www.benaventure.com PARC AVENTURE LOISIR DE GAGES 12630 Montrozier Tel: 06 79 64 93 67 www.benaventure.com CAUSSE ÉVASION 12400 Saint-Affrique Tel: 06 81 20 22 96 www.causse-evasion.com NATURAVENTURE Parcours aventure du Causse Noir Tel: 05 65 59 78 60 or 06 72 77 62 39 www.horizon-millau.com ESCAL’ARBRE 12190 Pont-de-Salars et 12310 Sévèrac l’Église Tel: 05 65 70 67 73 or 06 81 23 22 23 www.oxygene12.com A complete list is available in the brochure “Rambling and outdoor activities”

Campsites, holiday villages, holiday residences, hotels... all offer a wide range of accommodation to suit all types. Most of the accommodations have been specifically designed to welcome families, and a variety of leisure activities and organised events are available. In order to help you plan your holiday and reserve the ideal accommodation, do not hesitate to contact Service Loisirs Accueil Aveyron, tel: 05 65 75 55 50.

A few suggestions for family outings


Some tourist offices and syndicats d’initiative in the Aveyron offer guided tours of specific towns for children, including visits discovery games and more. Find out more about these tours in the guide “Aveyron Junior”, or on the website: www.aveyron-junior.com

“The City of Insects” located in the village of Saint-Léons, Micropolis - the City of Insects offers a truly unique voyage into the world of insects in their natural habitat. Explore the 15 thematic discovery-spaces on the inside. Starting this year, the insects now invite you to continue the voyage by attending their carnival on the outside. Tel: 05 65 58 50 50

La Route des Seigneurs du Rouergue (see détail pages 38-39)

Noria What child has not dreamt of casting himself back into the realms of the imagination, to life in a medieval château. A fun way of understanding the history of the Middle Ages, the 23 castels have created the “Route of the Lords of Rouergue” and offer lively guided tours of these legendary castles.

At Saint Jean du Bruel, l’Espace de l’Eau offers an educational experience as you wander through the different rooms, all dedicated to the understanding of water, thought-provoking, interactive and fun, spread out over more than 1000 m2 of exhibition space, with the river acting as a common thread. Tel: 05 65 62 20 32

The Farms Musée des automates à Sauclières The farms of Aveyron open their gates to children. Children love to see the animals and hear the farmers explain their work. Today, the farmers are keen to share their knowledge and expertise, and offer guided visits for children, as well as the opportunity to taste their wares. To receive an information pack, contact “Bienvenue à la ferme” APATAR: 05 65 75 55 60

Of all the museums in Aveyron, this is the one that delights little children the most. A museum of figurines and mechanical dolls, at Sauclières, on Larzac, where they can discover the rural environment in miniature, traditional crafts, animals… Tel: 05 65 62 11 81

Vélo Rail du Larzac... In the magnificently preserved medieval commandery of Sainte-Eulalie-deCernon, discover the “vélo rail”..., pedaling along a disused railway. As a couple, as a family or simply with friends, these fun excursions will enable you to discover a former railway full of charm and mystery. Both circuits are feasible for everyone, young and old. Balade “Orchidées”: 2 hours there and back Balade “Papillons”: 2 hours there and back Children under 12 accompanied by their parents can travel for free. “I win!”

Rando-rail 12230 Sainte-Eulalie-de-Cernon Tel: 05 65 58 72 10 or 06 81 66 63 49

things to do Horse and carriage rides Les Chevaux du Ronc à Sévérac le Château Tel: 05 65 47 67 42 or 05 65 47 74 18 www.chevaux-du-ronc.com Ferme Equestre Daoudou à Najac Tel: 05 65 29 74 11 E-mail: ferme.daoudou@wanadoo.fr Les Roulottes du Pradal au Vibal Tel: 05 65 46 89 08 www.roulottes-du-pradal.com La Frégière Équitation in Clairvaux d’Aveyron Tel: 05 65 72 71 40 - www.fregiere.com Impulsion Equitation in Taussac Tel: 05 65 66 20 01 or 06 84 13 00 90 Ferme Équestre du Mas de Laval in Salvagnac Cajarc Tel: 05 65 29 49 12 or 05 65 29 42 32 Ferme Équestre du Griou in Calmels et le Viala Tel: 05 65 49 13 80 http://fermedugriou.free.fr Millau attelage à St Beauzély Tél : 06 82 83 81 46 http://millauattelages.com

To receive the brochure “Aveyron Junior”. Contact: CDT Aveyron: 05 65 75 55 75 - www.aveyron-junior.com

The Joys of Water (for details, see page 46) Lakes, artificial lakes, rivers, the département is blessed with numerous possibilities for safe bathing, some of which have been developed and offer play areas for children and picnic facilities. A boat trip on the Tarn or the Lot is fun for all the family.

Parc animalier du St Hubert à Gages

Animal parks Le Jardin des Bêtes à Gages Just 8 minutes from Rodez, towards MillauMende, in a natural setting, you will encounter more than 250 species of unusual animals such as marmosets, fennecs, artic foxes, prairie dogs, macaws… Children’s village with animals, western village, games area, mini-water garden. Essential Aveyron, a 30 minute son et lumière relating the history of the most beautiful villages in Aveyon, Picnic areas, one covered. Tel/Fax: 05 65 42 66 40 E-mail: JardindesBetes@wanadoo.fr Parc animalier de Pradinas 20 hectares of parkland, 50 different species (more than 300 animals: red deer, fallow deer, mouflons, bison, antilopes, lynx).Visit by miniature train possible (extra). Farm for children. Exhibitions, videos, interactive signage, picnic area. Museum of local agriculture nearby. Tel: 05 65 69 96 41 - Fax: 05 65 69 91 66 www.parc-animalier-pradinas-12.com contact@parc-animalier-pradinas.com

An animal park with over 200 different species of wild fauna (deer, mouflons, wild boar...). The visit is by cart drawn by a tractor, with the visitors joining in feeding the animals. Tel: 05 65 42 67 73 - Fax: 05 65 42 07 87 The Animal Park at the Château du Colombier at Mondalazac Back in time with bears, lions, birds of prey, game. On foot, through the park full of wild animals. Glass tunnel, mini-farm, garden of Eden. Tel: 05 65 74 99 79 - Fax: 05 65 74 99 78 http://colombier.thoiry.net E-mail: colombier@thoiry.net Le reptilarium du Larzac in Sainte-Eulalie-de-Cernon Travel across the continents, discovering chameleons, pythons, tortoise, caimans, iguanas, and more. Located at the entrance to the Templar City of Sainte Eulalie. Tel: 05 65 61 32 08 www.reptilarium-larzac.com

See also: Theme parks (for details, see pages 26-27) Adventure parks (for details, see page 54)

Take the family for a walk The brochure “Rambling and outdoor activities” offers a number of suggestions for short walks suitable for all the family. The brochure is available from the CDT Tel: 05 65 75 55 75

things to do Childrens’ Holidays A few examples of holidays offered by Loisirs-Accueil for children and teenagers.

La Vallée des dinosaures 8-12 year-olds (7 days/6 nights) Up on the Larzac plateau, “La Tour d’Aiguillon” is a spacious and comfortable centre set in a shady park, and perfect to welcome “paléontologues en herbe”, or “Jr. Palaeontologists”. The children will explore a nearby cave that jealously preserves the footprints of the most fabulous animals the Earth has ever known: dinosaurs. They will be able to perform a mould-cast sampling from the prints. Assisted by specialised counsellors, the children will research and identify fossiles which will then constitute their own, personal collectdion. They will discover new sensations during a session either on an adventurecourse, or caving. The preparation of an exhibition, swimming, a visit to the Roquefort caves, great games and camping fun will also be on the programme. Starting at 401 € / child. Information and reservations Loisirs Accueil Aveyron Tel: 05 65 75 55 50


The Roquefort caves

The “Transhumance” on Aubrac

The Laguiole knife

Marcillac Wine


Tradition Know-How • Visits for Food-lovers’ • Knife-Making Shops • Industrial Tourism • Farm Visits • Craftspeople and their Workshops

58 58 58 59 59

& savoir-faire

Tradition and know-how


Industrial Tourism The Millau Viaduct Visit the viaduct Information: Millau Tourist Office Tel: 05 65 60 02 42 Fax: 05 65 60 95 08 www.ot-millau.fr. The open-cast mine at Decazeville Decazeville Tourist Office Tel: 05 65 43 18 36 Fax: 05 65 43 19 89 www.decazeville-tourisme.com Open cast mine, still exploited, plus life underground down the pit. Open throughout the year.

visit The Roquefort Cellars Roquefort Société - 12250 Roquefort Tel: 05 65 58 54 38 or 05 65 58 58 58 www.roquefort-societe.com Visit the cellars used for maturing the cheeses. In a magnificent setting, discover the life-like reconstruction, the spectacular sound & light show of the museum, gallery of famous people. Open throughout the year. Roquefort Papillon - 12250 Roquefort Tel: 05 65 58 50 08 www.roquefort-papillon.com Traditional firm still making Roquefort “Le Papillon” according to time-honoured custom and practice. Visit of the cellars free, with video presentation. Open throughout the year. Roquefort Gabriel Coulet Place de l’Église - 12250 Roquefort Tel: 05 65 59 90 21 - www.gabriel-coulet.fr Visit to the cellars of Gabriel Coulet (admission free): Cellar rebuilt in its natural environment with its vaulted hall, fleurine (rock fissures) and oak bays. Exhibition, video explaining how Roquefort cheese is made. Free tasting of Roquefort and traditional Aveyron produce in the sales room (2 free gifts for every family). Individuals: admission free. Tel: 05 65 59 20 21. Disabled access to the boutique and tasting area. Visit free. Open throughout the year.

Coopératives fromagères Co-opérative Jeune Montagne Route de Saint-Flour 12210 Laguiole Tel: 05 65 44 35 54 E-mail: contact@jeunemontagne.fr Cheese making process, video presentation of the “Laguiole” cheese, visitors gallery, tasting and shop. Production of tome fraîche, Aligot from the Aubrac (regional dish). Visit free. Open throughout the year. Coopérative Laitière de Thérondels Tel: 05 65 66 02 88 Cantal au lait cru AOC. (Cantal cheese) L’Ecir en Aubrac - “Vergne Plaine” 12210 Curières - Tel: 05 65 44 36 44 E-mail: ecir-en-aubrac@wanadoo.fr Farm house cheeses made from unpasteurised cows’ milk. Free visit including video (daily) and panel presentations. Tasting.


Although farming and the food industry form the backbone of the local economy, the département boasts a number of successful industries in the fields of mechanical engineering, furniture manufacturing, electronics and information technology. Not forgetting the traditional crafts of Aveyron, the knives of Laguiole and glove making in Millau. Today, tourism complements the economic activity, as many companies now open their doors to visitors. Diverse Miellerie-de-Val-de-Serre 12130 Pierrefiche d’Olt Information: Tel/Fax: 05 65 47 49 02 Apiculture - Honey making, visit of the hives and tasting; diaporama of the life of bees, beehive viewed form behind glass… Les Ruchers du Val d’Olt Presbytère d’Estables - 12560 St Laurent d’Olt - Information: 05 65 70 45 77 E-mail: renon.m.d@voila.fr Discover the products of the hives, plus the highly original candles, made out of bees’ wax. Un-refined honey tasting. Organically produced honey, verified by Qualité France and labeled Parc des Grands Causses. Windowed bee hive. La Naucelloise R.N. 88 - 12800 Naucelle Tel: 05 65 69 20 20 - www.naucelloise.fr Free visit of a food factory by appointment. Video presentation, lasting 10’ of one of the local gastronomic delicacies, “le tripous Charles Savy”. Open throughout the year. Le clos d’Édouard Ardennes - 12430 Ayssènes Tel/Fax: 05 65 46 03 56 Make an appointment to visit the jelly & preserves workshop. Conserves made from long-forgotten varieties of fruits, vegetables and flowers. Come and snack the farm’s produce on-site. Le Manoir Alexandre ZA de La Bouysse - 12500 Espalion Tel: 05 65 48 05 01 - www.manoir-alexandre.fr Conserves based on duck products. Video of the entire process from rearing the ducks to preparing the dishes. Tasting and sales on-site. Les produits gastronomiques de Jean-Paul Lagriffoul Le Bruel - 12340 Bozouls Tel: 05 65 44 96 04 - www.lagriffoul.com Free visit by appointment throughout the year of the workshops where these specialities are made, tasting and opportunity to buy them. Brasserie d’Olt 28 rue Sannié - 12130 St Geniez d’Olt Tel/Fax: 05 65 52 75 03 or 06 71 00 46 95 www.bieresaveyronnaises.com A traditional local brewery, lemonade, cola. Admission free by appointment, opportuni-

Les Délices des Marmots 12130 St Geniez d’Olt Tel: 05 65 42 97 94 E-mail: lesdelicesdesmarmots@hotmail.com Fruit preserves, syrups and creams. Visits and sales year-round.

Wine Co-opérative Viticole de Marcillac Cave des Vignerons du Vallon 12330 Marcillac - Valady Tel: 05 65 72 70 21 - www.vigneronsduvallon.com Production of wine AOC Marcillac. Visit the cellars, presentation of the rôle of the cooperative, wine tasting. Open throughout the year. Teulier Philippe Producteur Vins de Marcillac Tel: 05 65 72 71 77 www.domaine-du-cros.com Free vineyards and cellars visit by appointment. Free wine tasting and opportunity to buy. Open all year. Vins d’Entraygues et du Fel Visit the vineyards, production and transformation with tastings. Visits are free Producers to visit: - Avallon François: 05 65 48 61 65 - Forveille Frédéric: 05 65 44 54 76 - GAEC Viguier les Buis: 05 65 44 50 45 ou 06 87 67 06 46 - Mousset Laurent et Olivier au Fel: 05 65 44 50 51 or 05 65 44 52 35 - Les Terrasses du Haut Minric au Fel Abeil Annie: 05 65 44 58 35 Maison de la Vigne, du Vin et des Paysages d’Estaing - L’Escaillou, 12190 Coubisou Welcome, visit and film show, “Coustoubis du vin d’Estaing” Tasting and sales. Tel: 05 65 44 04 42 Les Vignerons des Gorges du Tarn 12520 Aguessac - Tel: 05 65 59 84 11 Free visits of the vineyards, and the cellars, followed by a tasting. “Pottier-Vignerons” Domaine du Trescol - Craissac 12100 St Georges de Luzençon.

The Laguiole Knife La Maison du Laguiole Visit the forge and the workshops, open throughout the year. Benoit l’Artisan 21 Allée de l’Amicale - 12210 Laguiole Tel: 05 65 51 55 80 www.laguiole-benoit.com Workshops are possible. Free visit (contact for more info). Le Couteau de Laguiole Place du Nouveau foirail 8 chemin de Lavernhe - 12210 Laguiole Tel: 05 65 48 45 47 or 05 65 44 39 49 Free visit of the workshops, video presentation, possibility of courses in how to make your very own knife. The “Forge de Laguiole” Route de l’Aubrac - 12210 Laguiole Tel: 05 65 48 43 34 www.forge-de-laguiole.com Guided visit of the forge workshop to see the assembly of the knives. Open throughout the year, admission free. Coutellerie de Laguiole Artisan du couteau Espace les Cayres - 12210 Laguiole Tel: 05 65 51 50 14 - www.layole.com Artisan manufacturing of the Laguiole knife. Open throughout the year. Other cutlery workshops to visit, contact: Office de Tourisme de Laguiole Tel: 05 65 44 35 94 www.laguiole-online.com Laguiole Créations 12460 Montézic Tel: 05 65 44 83 88 Traditional knife making. Visits by appointment. Atelier de Sauveterre - Coutellerie Boulevard La Pérouse 12800 Sauveterre de Rouergue Tel: 05 65 72 04 83 - www.vialis.fr Workshops and boutique. Admission free. Open throughout the year. Coutellerie du Larzac «L’Âme du Causse» 39 rue Droite - 12100 Millau Tel: 05 65 60 66 65 Traditional knife making. Laguiole en Aubrac Coutellerie artisanale


Farms that are open to visitors: Label “Bienvenue à la ferme” La Ferme de l’âne heureux La Crestilie - 12210 Soulages-Bonneval Tel: 05 65 44 31 63 Visit of a working dairy farm. Exhibition of rural tools, furniture carts and anything else made of wood in the ‘Grenier de Capou’. Arboretum. Ferme pédagogique et d’animation de Prignoles - 12100 Millau Tel: 05 65 61 28 34 or 05 65 60 17 24 Discover life on the farm, the animals, the buildings, and the activities throughout the seasons, promoting awareness of animals and nature. Ferme Jacques Carles - 12200 Monteils Tel: 05 65 29 62 39 Duck farm producing local gastronomic specialities - foie gras, confit, saucisse de canard. Copper museum. Free visit and tasting. Parc Grand Gibier « Le Saint-Hubert » Lussagnes - 12630 Gages Tel: 05 65 42 67 73 Accompanied ride in a cart in a park full of deer, wild boar, and bison.

Farms in and around Roquefort The origins of Roquefort begin with ewes’ milk and the traditions of the shepherd. Four sheep farmers have opened their farm gates to visitors, offering a fascinating insight into their life and work. You can visit the sheepfolds, see the lambs, perhaps assist in the milking and of course taste the end product. Visits by appointment: Madame Annie Bernat Campalviès - 12360 Camarès Tel: 05 65 99 51 33 Magali Bec La Croix de Fer - 12380 St Sernin sur Rance Tel : 05 65 99 67 89 Madame Martine Fabregues Le Frayssinet - 12230 Ste-Eulalie-de-Cernon Tel/Fax: 05 65 62 76 19 Madame Alice Ricard Hermilix - 12400 Saint-Affrique Tel/Fax: 05 65 99 06 46 Madame Isabelle Anglars Le Bousquet - 12150 Sévérac-le-Château Tel: 05 65 47 69 40

Discover the other farms you can visit on the brochure-map

“Bienvenue à la ferme” Available upon request by telephoning: 05 65 75 55 60 www.bienvenue-a-la-ferme.com/aveyron/ - farm auberges - farm shops - riding on the farm - tastings on the farm - educational farms - campgrounds, gîtes, Farm B&Bs

M. Éric Picard Le bois de Ruéjouls - 12500 Espalion Tel : 05 65 48 07 32 Muscovy Ducks reared in the open. Visits by appointment.

Visit the Craft Workshops Artisans de la Vallée du Lot et du Carladez La Route des Potiers Association Teranga. Circuit of pottery. 12560 St Laurent d’Olt. Information: 05 65 47 42 63 or 05 65 81 88 52 Le Don du Fel A new European cultural centre of contemporary ceramics. Discover the beauty of salt-glazed earthenware produced by worldrenowned artist Suzy Atkins as well as the extraordinary diversity creative of international potters. Tel: 05 65 54 15 15. L’Atelier de Yann Valon sur Truyère. 12600 Lacroix Barrez en Cardalez. Creation of more than 300 pieces of jewellry in bronze, gold, silver vermeil, gold plate; individual pieces. In the gallery, exhibition of local ceramic art. Visit free. Courses on request. Tel: 05 65 66 26 04 www.atelier-yann.com Etains du Rouergue 12260 Villeneuve d’Aveyron Manufacturing of tableware in pewter (550 different articles) showroom and salesroom. Tel: 05 65 81 64 03 E-mail: etain-rouergue@wanadoo.fr

La Licorne - Bernard Larroque 12800 Sauveterre de Rouergue. Reproduction of ancient and modern tapestries (woven and embroidered)(stencil). Video presentation, explaining the production process, exhibition of the collection, opportunity to buy. Tel: 05 65 47 06 06 www.editions-larroque.fr/tapisserie.html Basket-making workshop “Le panier à chatons” (The kitten’s basket). Lydie Ayme, Tel: 05 65 47 09 57 at Sauveterre de Rouergue. Ceramic, pottery and Raku workshop at Monteils de Lax (Baraqueville). Anne Simonnet. Tel: 06 80 50 12 46. http:/www.annesimonnet.com/ Atelier Fée d’argile (The Clay Fairy Workshop) - Dany Hofer, ceramic artist. Avenue du Centre a Baraqueville. Tel : 06 15 93 49 59 http:/www.atelier-des-traditions.com Floral composition workshop “La Grange aux Fleurs” at Noyes (Camboulazet)Laurence Lacombe. Tel : 05 65 70 17 59. Ferronnerie d’art (decorative ironwork). Monsieur Thierry Jurado, Jouels (Sauveterre de Rouergue). Tel : 05 65 72 07 96. www.segala-ferronnerie.com Nativity modelling workshop, Mme Carole Dusserre at Tayrac. Tel: 05 65 81 49 78.

Artisans du Sud-Aveyron

Verconcept - Yann le souffleur de verre. 12130 Ste-Eulalie-d’Olt. Free tour of workshop with demonstration of glass-blowing techniques. Tel/Fax: 05 65 42 89 32

Meubles Bel 12550 Coupiac. Furniture manufacturing and design. Exclusive collections of furniture and chairs. Rural museum of wood. Visits free. Tel: 05 65 99 77 22

Lyseth Création Monnès - 12460 St Amans des Côts Jewellery crafted out of metals, notably silver and bronze. Visit free. Tel/Fax: 05 65 44 83 74

Poterie de Melvieu 12400 St Victor et Melvieu. Ceramic workshop. Open year-round. Classes possible for turning, modelling, jewellery… Tel: 05 65 62 59 66

Eulalie d’Art 12130 Sainte-Eulalie-d’Olt A former barn nicely restored, with 6 studios and the home of S.I. Bijoux d’Art, sculptures, wood turning, fine leather goods. Tel: 05 65 47 82 68 www.mairie-ste-eulalie-olt.fr

CapStyle 12400 St Felix de Sorgues Wood turnery workshop. Tel: 05 65 97 54 37

La Petite Ecole d’Art 12130 Sainte-Eulalie-d’Olt Free visit to the studios and exhibition space, with explanations of the exposed works and those in progress. Tel/Fax: 05 65 52 75 13 www.petite-ecole-art.com

Artisans du Ségala Along the craftsmen’s path Farmers, craftsmen, others who share a passion for our heritage have come together under the banner of ‘La vie en Ségala’(‘Life in Ségala’). They have opened their doors to share with you their skills and to let you learn more about local farming and its products. Group tours organised. for reservations call 05 65 72 03 50. www.aveyron-segala-tourisme.com Max Capdebarthes 12800 Sauveterre de Rouergue Saddle making, leather bags, leather shop, giftshop. Tel: 05 65 47 06 64

La forge André Debru 12400 Les Costes-Gozon. Exhibition of artistic creations in metal. Tel: 05 65 49 17 28 Catherine Maquart 12100 Millau.Visit of the workshop and exhibition. Wooden artefacts and furniture. Restoration of frame mouldings. Gilding. Tel: 06 81 97 02 67 Verre Jas 12230 La Couvertoirade Glass-blowing shop: vases, vials, lamps, hand-blown crystal… Tel: 05 65 62 20 87 http://verrejas.free.fr Le Sac du Berger Layrolle - 12540 Latour sur Sorgues A craft workshop, working with leather and inspired by the traditional shepherd’s bag, the form of which dates back to the 17th century. One person manufactures the bag from start to finish. Fine leather goods, wool, shoes, clothes… Tel: 05 65 99 36 60 www.lesacduberger.com

The Glove Makers of Millau Solé Mio 21 bis, bd de la Capelle - 12100 Millau Clothes, gloves, leatherwork. Tel : 05 65 62 84 09 Mégisserie Richard (Tannery) Parc d’Activités Millau Lévezou Les Fialets - 12100 Millau Guided visits: groups and individuals. Tel: 06 84 84 34 94 www.megisserierichard.com Causse Gantier 5 Bd des Gantières - 12100 Millau Visit the leather glove workshops. Traditional glove-making skills. Shop. Tel : 05 65 60 03 05 - www.causse-gantier.fr L’atelier du Gantier (Glove-production) 12100 Millau Take a free tour of the workshop, including a demonstration of the cutting of a glove and an explanation of Gant de Millau’s traditional production process. Tel: 05 65 60 81 50 E-mail: christian.canillac@wanadoo.fr

Artisans du Lévézou Maison Créative du Vibal Claude Villefranque - blacksmith 12290 Le Vibal - Blacksmith, repairer of farming implements, sculptor of characters in wrought iron, presented original, theatrical manner. Tel: 05 65 46 85 82 Chez Papily Wood turnery - 12410 Salles-Curan Summer demonstrations. Classes (except July & August). Tel: 05 65 42 12 88 E-mail: francedan.guillaudeau@wanadoo.fr

Visit a Working Mill Viviez: Water mill at Barry-Haut Tel: 05 65 43 12 06 St André de Najac Moulin le Moulinet Tel: 05 65 65 76 74 La Rouquette: Moulin de Castel Tel: 05 65 29 60 96 La Bastide L’Evêque Martinet de la Ramonde Tel: 05 65 29 91 97 or 05 65 29 92 67 Vabres l’Abbaye: Moulin de Vabres Tel: 05 65 99 08 02 Naussac: the Cavaillac water mill Tel: 05 65 64 85 20 (by appointment)


The Art of Living in Aveyron • The Cuisine of Aveyron • Farmers’ Markets • Traditional Festivals • Cultural Events • Practical Information

Living traditions

History in light

Market in St-Geniez d’Olt

62 63 63 64 66

Art de vivre in Aveyron


The art of gastronomy

in Aveyron From country auberges to grand restaurants, Aveyron is a never ending temptation to gastronomic indulgence. A style of cooking that is rich and varied, its reputation is widespread: people come from far and wide to sample the flavours of “la cuisine de Rouergue”. At whatever level, the restaurants in general offer good and often exceptional value for money. As an appetiser, here are a few of the local specialities. Bon appétit! In the north Aveyron: trout, fresh water crayfish, cèpes, tripous, fouace (a type of brioche) aligot, fourme (a local cheese), lamb, game, smoked pork. Tarte encelat at Carladez, picoussel (a type of cake with prunes). Les Cailloux de Valon (almond and chocolate). In the Lot valley:tripous, foie gras, trout, fouace, goats’ cheeses, the wines of Fel and Estaing, confit of duck and goose, honey, strawberries (Saint-Geniezd’Olt), raspberries, the cheese Bleu des Causses, and the renown estofinado in Decazeville (a traditional dish based on dried cod), prepared meats, Bonneval chocolates.

In and around Villefranche: cèpes, trout, hams, foie gras, tripous, Roquefort, estofinado, masse-pain, jams from Capdenac, l’Oulado (soup à l’aveyronnaise, fouace). In the Aveyron valley: trout, fresh water crayfish, tripous, foie gras speckled with truffles, ham, glazed pâtés, quenelles, game, charcuterie, wild mushrooms notably cèpes and morilles. The wines of Marcillac, soleil de Marcillac (a gateau), fouace, chickens, Roquefort, gateau à la broche, tourils, pompe at l’huile, échaudés. In the Lévézou: fish (sander), game, wild mushrooms, confit, sausages, sheeps’s cheese, régalou (local

The Aveyron is blessed with four wine producing regions, all tucked away in the heart of some of the most beautiful countryside. Gorges et Côtes de Millau Superior quality local wines; the vineyards stretch from Roquefort to the gateway to the Tarn gorges. Red, rosé and white wines are produced, made from the following grape varieties: Gamay, Syrah, Cabernet franc, and Cabernet sauvignon, for the reds; Mauzac and Chenin blanc for the whites. Fresh and fruity wines, best drunk young. V.D.Q.S. d’Entraygues - Le Fel and AO-V.D.Q.S. (Vin de Qualité Supérieure) d’Estaing Vineyards situated on the precipitous slopes of the Lot and the Truyère, giving red, white and rosé wines that are light and perfumed. Chenin and Mauzac are

bread), regal du Lévézou (pastry) In the Ségala: game, cèpes, trout, foie gras, tripous, hams, Roquefort, estofinado, masse-pain, rissoles, red label Aveyron and Ségala veal. In and around Millau: trout, saddle of hare, fresh water crayfish, liver pâté, thrush, trout quenelles. “Trénels”, a ewes’ milk cheese called le Pérail, Gatis (a brioche with melted Roquefort and Cantal), feuilletés de Roquefort, lambs’sweetbreads, flône (gateau made with ewes’milk), vênes, gimblettes, Roquefort, rabbit with thyme.

the grape varieties used for the whites, which are dry and steely; Gamay, Fer Servadou, Cabernet franc, and Cabernet sauvignon for the reds. A.O.C. Marcillac The vale of Marcillac enjoys a mild climate which first allowed the monks of Conques to plant vines on the sheer slopes in the red soil, a mixture of clay and limestone known as “rougiers”, which characterises the region. It is here that the red and rosé wines of Marcillac are produced from the Fer Servadou grape, called Mansois by the locals. Because of their slow fermentation, the wines of Marcillac are rich dark and tannic, with lots of body and a deep ruby hue. With keeping, they develop a refined bouquet with hints of raspberry and blackcurrant, whilst retaining some residual tannin, a reflection of the soil in which they were born.

For every taste

“L’Accueil à la Ferme” Could there be a better way of discovering the local traditions and folklore than by visiting a farm? Some farmers have now opened their gates to visitors, enabling them to discover rural life and savoirfaire. The label “Bienvenue at la ferme” guarantees a warm and generous welcome, with various formulae on offer; ferme auberges, tastings on the farm, Farm B&Bs, sale of farm produce and riding centres on the farm. For a complete list of the different types of activities on the farm, contact: “Bienvenue à la Ferme” APATAR-B.P. 831 12008 Rodez Cedex Tel: 05 65 75 55 60 - Fax: 05 65 75 55 61 E-mail: apatar@wanadoo.fr www.bienvenue-a-la-ferme.com/Aveyron

The three famous cheeses of Aveyron Roquefort: world famous, the ‘king of cheeses’ is matured in Aveyron in the natural cellars in the commune of Roquefort-sur-Soulzon. Made from ewes’ milk, collected from farms in Aveyron and the neighbouring departments of Tarn, Gard, Lozère, Hérauld and Aude. Visit the impressive cellars in Roquefort where the cheeses lie slowly maturing. Laguiole: made from the unpasteurised whole milk of the cows on the Aubrac plateau, a well-flavoured cheese with a hard rind. Visit the co-operative dairy. Bleu des Causses: a blue-veined cheese, made from unpasteurised cows’ milk, made by the same method as Roquefort, with its aging areas located in the cliffs of the Gorges du Tarn.

Colours and flavours

Foie Gras Fairs Baraqueville: Annual poultry-product fair, 3rd Friday in December. Villefranche-de-Rouergue: Thursday mornings from November to February, under the covered market.

Traditional Markets

to discover

Farmer’s Markets

Local farmers, producers and artisans offer their gastronomic goods at markets where all stallholders adhere to a strict quality charter drawn up under the aegis of the AGMP 12, and with the support of the Chambre d’Agriculture. Information: 05 65 73 79 01 www.marches-producteurs.com E-mail: infos@marches-producteurs.com Aguessac: Sunday morning (July & August). Arvieu: Wednesday morning (July & August). Aubrac:2 markets during the Fête de la Transhumance Baraqueville: Sunday morning (end June, July & August) Belcastel: Periodic markets during the summer, (Fridays, starting at 7pm). Camarès: Wednesday mornings (July & August). Capdenac-gare : Occasional markets in summer (Thursday starting at 7pm). Cornus: 3 evening markets in summer, starting at 6pm Cransac les Thermes: Occasional markets in summer. (Tuesday evenings, starting at 6pm). Entraygues: Wednesday 6pm - 8pm (July & August) Espalion: Periodic evening markets during the summer, (4 Wednesdays, starting at 6pm). Estaing: Friday evening starting at 6pm (July & August). La Fouillade: Saturday morning (July & August). Laissac: Periodic markets during the summer. 2 Thursdays, starting at 6pm. Millau: Occasional markets during the summer, (Mondays, starting at 6.30pm). Le Monastère: Periodic markets during the summer, 4 Fridays, starting at 6pm. Mostuejouls: Occasional markets in summer. (Tuesday evenings, starting at 6pm). Mur-de-Barrez: Thursday morning (July & August). Pont-de-Salars: Wednesday evening 5pm to 8pm (July & August). Rieupeyroux: Sunday mornings from June to September. Rignac: Tuesday morning, year-round. Evening markets (July & August) Saint-Affrique: Thursday morning, plus 3 evening markets (July & August). Saint-Amans-des-Côts: Thursday morning (July & August). Saint-Chély-d’Aubrac: Occasional markets in summer (5 thursdays starting at 5pm). Saint Geniez d’Olt: Saturday morning throughout the year plus Tuesday morning and 5 Evening markets (July and August). Saint-Léons: Fridays starting at 6pm (July & August). Saint-Parthem: Wednesday evening starting at 7 pm (July & August). Saint-Rome-de-Tarn: Tuesday morning (July & August). Salles-Curan : Tuesday evening starting at 7pm). Sauclières : Friday evening starting at 6pm. 13th July-mid-august). Sauveterre de Rouergue: Fridays, starting at 6pm (July & August). Valady: Occasional markets in summer (saturday evening starting at 6pm). Villefranche-de-Rouergue: Periodic markets during the summer, 4 Tuesdays, starting at 4.30pm. Consult the website. In November: “Produits et Saveurs du

Alpuech: 11 June - 6 October. Aubin: Wednesday & Friday mornings. Bozouls: Thursday mornings - July 26th: evening market. Brousse le Château: Tuesday mornings (July & August). Camarès: 4th Wednesday of the month (fair). Capdenac-Gare: Tuesday and Saturday mornings. Cassagnes-Bégonhès: Friday mornings. La Couvertoirade: Wednesday and Sunday mornings (mid-March to mid-November). Coupiac: Wednesday mornings (July-August). Evening markets on Mondays starting at 7pm from mid-July to mid-August August: bric-a-brac sale. Cransac les Thermes: Saturday afternoons. Decazeville: Tuesday and Friday mornings. Durenque: 1st Thursday of the month (fair). Entraygues: Tuesday and Friday mornings (in summer). Espalion: Tuesday and Friday mornings. Flagnac: Saturday mornings (July & August). Firmi: Saturday mornings. Grand-Vabre: Sunday mornings (July & August). Laguiole: Saturday mornings. Laissac: Tuesday mornings. Guided tours at 8:30 am by reservation. France’s 2nd largest livestock market; 3rd for cattle, and 5th for sheep. Lanuéjouls: Sunday mornings. La Primaube: Sunday mornings. Lédergues: Mini market on Sunday mornings Traditional evening festivities Wednesdays. (mid-July through mid-August). Marcillac: Sunday mornings. Millau: Wednesdays & Fridays. Last week-end in October: Autumn fair. Montbazens: Wednesday mornings. Montredon du Larzac: Wednesday (July & August). Mur-de-Barrez: Thursday mornings. Najac: Sunday mornings (from 15th June to 15th September). Antique fair 14 July and 15 August. Evening markets in July and August. Nant : Tuesday mornings durig July & August. Naucelle: Saturday mornings; evenings in July and August. “Garden-side” market on the 3rd Sunday in May. “Autumn flavours” market on Saturday 25 October. Onet-le-Château / Quatre-Saisons: Friday mornings. Réquista: Monday mornings, France’s largest sheep market. Saturday morning mini market. Fair: 2nd Thursday of the month. Rieupeyroux :Traditional market 3rd Wednesday in every month. Rignac: Tuesday mornings. Rodez: Wednesday mornings, Friday afternoons, Saturday mornings. Saint-Affrique: Saturday mornings. Organic market 1st weekend in April Saint-Amans-des-Côts: Thursday mornings. Saint-Chély-d’Aubrac: Wednesday mornings. Saint-Cyprien-sur-Dourdou: 1st Thursday of the month and Ascension Thursday: Donkey fair Saint-Félix-de-Lunel: 20 May. Saint-Jean-du-Bruel: Thursday mornings. Saint-Saturnin-de-Lenne: 4th Saturday in May. Saint-Sernin-sur-Rance: Wednesday evenings (midJuly to mid-August). Sainte Eulalie de Cernon :Thursdays during July & August 2-10pm. Sainte-Eulalie-d’Olt: Arts & Crafts fair: 3rd Sunday in August. Sainte-Geneviève: Wednesday mornings. Salles-Curan: Tuesday evenings starting at 7pm. La-Salvetat-Peyralès: First Wednesday of each month. “Payralès Market” 22nd July. Sauclières: Friday evening starting at 7pm (14 July to mid August).

Sévérac-le-Château: Thursday mornings. Farmers’ markets in July & August. Villefranche-de-Panat: Friday and Sunday mornings in July & August (except the 4th of each month). Villefranche de Rouergue:Thursday mornings. Periodic markets in summer (4 Tuesdays starting at 5pm). Villeneuve d’Aveyron: Sunday mornings. Viviez: Saturday mornings.

Other Markets 24-25 may: Potters’market in Millau 3rd Saturday in July: Potter’s market in Espalion. 2nd week in August:Art and Craft market at SallesCuran. Tel: 05 65 46 68 04 or 05 65 46 31 73. 2nd Thursday in August: Crafts market in Espalion, all day-long. Tel 05 65 44 10 63. 3 July to 21 August : Art and Craft market: every Thursday at Sainte Eulalie de Cernon. December: Christmas markets - contact Tourist Offices.

Traditional Festivals 16-17 March: Easter festival of the fatted calf in Laguiole. 24 May: Fête de l’Estive in St Geniez d’Olt. Saturday morning, local market with street entertainment. Walks. 24-25 May: Ewe fair in Réquista. 25 May: 27th Fête de la Transhumance on Aubrac. The herds of cattle migrate from the valleys to the lush pastures of the Aubrac plateau. Traditional festival with local market, folk music groups. Tel: Assoc. Traditions en Aubrac: 05 65 44 21 15 - Fax: 05 65 48 55 41 www.traditionsenaubrac.com Week-end of Pentecost: Fête de la Saint-Bourrou in Marcillac. Strawberry festival in Ayssènes. 6 July: Fête of Saint-Fleuret in Estaing. 8 July: Procession of Ste-Epine in Sainte-Eulalie-d’Olt 23 July: Medieval fair in Villeneuve d’Aveyron. Shows and parade in costume. Medieval market, banquet and antiques fair. Tel: 05 65 81 79 61 Beginning of August: La Buffatière (Dance of the bellows) in Fayet. 3 August: Medieval fair in Sévérac le Château: market and medieval banquet. 3 August: Aveyron potato & veal Festival in Rieupeyroux. Week-end after 15 August: - Fête de St Sever du Moustier: pyrotechnics show and buffatière 23, 24, 25 August: Fête de la St Barthélémy, Fête de la fouace in Najac. 3 September: Melon Fête in Jouels. 12, 13, 14 September:Fête of Sainte-Fauste in Bozouls. 13, 14 September: Medieval festival in Estaing. Costumed street entertainment. 8 October: Sainte Foy pilgrimage in Conques. End October/start November: Chestnut and Cider Fête at Sauveterre-de-Rouergue. Autumn market. Folk events. Tel: 05 65 02 52

Other Festivals 5, 6 April: Salon du Goût (Gastronomic fair) at Najac Easter week-end: “Fête des cornards” in Saint-Romede-Tarn (since 1688). 2nd Sunday after Easter: Pilgrimage of Saint-Voile in Coupiac. 30 April to 1st May : Fiest’a Ségur. Week-end of 1st May : Fête du muguet à Salles-laSource. (Lilly of the Valley fête). Thursday of Ascension: Expo-Fair at Laguiole. 25-28 May: Pentecostal festival in Sévérac-le-Château. 26-27 May: Salon du Terroir at Aubrac. Monday of Pentecost: Pilgrimage to hermitage St Thomas in Brusque. 24 June: Pilgrimage to the hamlet of Saint-Meen (district of Peux and Couffouleux). 27-28-29 June: Fête de la St-Jean à Villefranche de Rouergue (fair). 28, 29 June: Midiévafolies – Medieval Festival with banquet and entertainment at Sauveterre de Rouergue. 30 June & 1 July: Fête Votive of Recoules-Prévinquières. 1st week-end of July (inside) & during the week in mid August: (on the banks of the Lot): Antiques fair l

Mid-July: Antiques, attic sale and food fare in Lincou (Réquista). 12 July: Bread Festival at Durenque. 12-14 July: Festival of the lake at Villefranche de Panat. 14 July: Grand antiques fair in Tournemire. 14 July: River Festival at Capdenac. 14-15 July: “Brasucade”, fireworks, accordion band & dance in Naucelles. Multi-village events. 19-20 July: Fête at Rivière-sur-Tarn. 21-22 July: Wheat and Threshing Festival at Almont les Junies. 21-22 July: Village Festival of Belcastel. Fireworks on Sunday at 11pm 26-27 July: Fête of Ste Anne at Soulages Bonneval. 4th Sunday in July: - Fête of Saint Jacques at Lassouts. - Les Festifolies of Cabanès. 4th Wednesday in July: Medieval fête in Belmont. Tel: 05 65 99 93 66. 22 July: Sheepdog contest in Ségur. End of July: Peasant & Rural Traditions Festival at Lédergues - antiques and attic sale. End of July: Mountain Festival in Verlac. First Weekend of August: - Fête de la Rive Droite in Saint Geniez d’Olt - Trout festival in Camboulazet - Festivities at Rignac 2nd Saturday in August: Les Sentiers de l’Imaginaire – (country walks for the family) Mur de Barrez Tel: 05 65 66 10 16. Website: carladez.fr 4 to 9 August: Imaginary trail fête (Mur de Barrez). 2nd w.e August: Harvest festival at Tournemire. 8 August: Laguiole Fair. 9 August: Folk dramatics event in Naucelle. 10 August: Laguiole Festival. 2nd Sunday of August: Antiques fair, attic sales, local markets, exhibition, etc. in Sainte-Geneviève. Wine festival in Bruéjouls. 11,12,13 August: Fête de la St Hippolyte in Lavernhe de Sévérac. 13 August: Fête of the Aubrac breed in Saint Geniez d’Olt. 14 August:Medieval Market at St. Eulalie de Cernon with games for children. Tel. 06 08 27 82 80. 15 August: Fête of the 15 August at Lapanouse de Sévérac. 15 August:Trout festival in La Fabrèguerie (Lédergues). 15 August: St Voile Pilgrimage in Coupiac. 15 August: Antiques and regional products fair in Bozouls, fireworks… 16, 17 August: Fête de la Saint Félix, in Laissac. 20 August: Fête of Saint Roch at Castelnau de Mandailles. Threshing festival in Pousthomy. Last Sunday of August: - Village Fête in Buzeins - Pilgrimage to la Tour de Peyrebrune in Alrance. Last week-end of August: - Fête de la Saint-Barthélémy in Villecomtal - La Buffatière in St Sever du Moustier. End of August: Shepherds’Salon (Nant or Cornus). 1st week-end of September: Steel and blades in Sauclières. 12, 13, 14 September:Fête of the nativity in Decazeville. Mid-September: Antiques fare, attic sale, antique car clubs convention in Réquista. Last week-end of September: Autumn fair in Espalion. Sunday of October: Chestnut and cider festival in St Gervais. Mid-october : Grape harvest fête at Marcillac. 11 October: Donkey Fair at Thèrondels (morning). Around the 15th of October: (Sunday of the week of Saint Géraud). La Devalada: walk on the Aubrac, meal, visit to a buron… 1st week-end of november: Autumn fruit and occitan culture festival. 1st November: “Poule-un” poultry auction in Ste Eulalie d’Olt, 2.30pm. 1st, 2nd november: Autumn fair in Millau.

Art de vivre in Aveyron


Calendar of Shows & Events JULY 1st 2 weeks July: Histoire d’un soir: Free street entertainment across the communes of Grand Rodez. 21 to 26 July: Rodez “L’Estivada”: Occitan music festival Tel: 05 65 78 10 74 - Email: estivada.rodez@wanadoo.fr 22-23 July and 5,6,11,12,13 August: Spectacle de légende et de nuit; Evening show at Château de Valon.

JULY-AUGUST July & August: Estaing: Son et lumière: “1000 years of history” Sound and light show telling the history of the château and the family d’Estaing. Every Wednesday evening. Tel: 05 65 44 03 22. 24, 25, 26 July and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 August: “Hier un Village“ in Flagnac. Sound, light & theatrics. Local people put on a grand presentation of rural life at the turn of the century. Tel: 05 65 64 09 92 or 05 65 43 18 36 Mid-July and Mid-August: Medieval dramatisations & shows at the Château de Coupiac. Tel: 05 65 99 79 45

AUGUST End July - end August: Scène d’un soir at Rodez (Theatre, outdoor cinema...) 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11, 12, 13 August: Memories of Sévérac or the legend of Jean the Mad’ in Sévérac-le-Château. Light and sound show - From the Gallo-roman period to the Revolution: 2000 years of history in a Rouergat village. 1h40 of entertainment in the central keep of the château de Sévérac. 130 actors, emotion, action, fireworks. “Passport Estival”: Medieval dramatisations. Tel: 05 65 47 67 31 - Fax: 05 65 47 65 94 9 August: 23rd annual festival of light in Sauveterre de Rouergue. 5,000 candles will light the Square. Fireworks. Tel: 05 65 72 02 52 or 05 65 47 05 32 15th August: Lighting of candles at Estaing. Also, light and sound show, 1000 years of history. Tel: 05 65 44 03 22

23 to 25 may: Festival ‘Tango y Latino’ at Saint. Geniez d’Olt. Tel: 05 65 70 43 42

JUNE 13, 14 June: 11th annual festival “Derrière le Hublot” in Capdenac. Tel: 05 65 64 70 07 - www.derriere-le-hublot.fr 28, 29 June: Country music festival at Lescure Jaoul. Tél : 06 74 45 88 08 June: New Orleans jazz night in Decazeville. Tel: 05 65 43 18 36

JULY Mid-July: Festival of French songs in Villefranche-deRouergue. Competitions open to everyone. 200 musicians from around the world. Free concerts, under the patronage of Francis Cabrel. Tel: 05 65 45 41 12 - www.visa-Francophone.com 12-19 July: Millau Jazz Festival. Tel: 05 65 60 82 47 - www.millauenjazz.net 22 July-1st August: Festival of chamber music in the Vallée d’Olt at St Geniez. With the orchestra of the Opéra de Paris. Tel: 05 65 70 43 42 or 06 71 95 05 84 - www.festivalolt.com. 25 July: Intercontinental pyrotechnics festival. Site de la Découverte in Decazeville. Tel: 05 65 43 07 27 26 July: “Cap Mômes”: festival for young people in Caplongue (township of Arvieu). circus, theatre, music, game workshops. Tel: 05 65 46 89 90


19-23 march: Multicultural festival “Chaînon Manquant” For all information contact the TO in Capdenac. Tel: 05 65 64 74 87

Festival: “Les Anim’Argence”: Every Thursday evening: free street concerts in Sainte-Geneviève. Tel: 05 65 66 19 75. www.animargence.com “Conteurs de Pais” festival (tale-telling) in the 7-valley villages (Coupiac). Wednesdays at 9pm. Tel: 05 65 99 79 45. 13 July - 31 August: International festival of religious music at Sylvanès abbey. Classes & concerts. Tel: 05 65 98 20 20 - Fax: 05 65 98 20 25 12-13 July : Festival “Destination 2055” at Mur de Barrez. Artistic and cultural innovations. 26 July - 9 August: Music festival, “Conques la Lumière du Roman” in the Romanesque abbey in Conques. Concerts, courses, exhibitions. Tel: 05 65 71 24 00 - Fax: 05 65 71 24 09 E-mail: infos@ceacm.com “Les Estivales du Larzac”. The Templar and Hospitaler villages stage events, Medieval animations throughout the summer. For more information, call: 05 65 59 12 22 www.conservatoire-larzac.fr From 20 July through 11 August: Festival de la Vallée et des Gorges du Tarn. Concerts. Tel: 05 65 62 60 99 25 July - 2 Septembre: European ceramics festival at Don du Fel at Fel. Tel. 05 65 54 15 15.



Mine Jazz Festival in Decazeville. Association Clair et Net. Tel: 05 65 43 18 36.

Early August: Festival of song, ‘Bel Canto’, in Bozouls. Tel: 05 65 48 50 52

Festivals FEBRUARY Setmanas Occitanas del Vilafrancat. Concert, dance, exhibits presenting the Occitan culture. Tel: 05 65 81 17 15


1st half August: Theatre festival in Montaigut. Tel: 05 65 99 81 50 1st week August: Festival in the Bastides: Villefranche, Najac,Villeneuve. Tel: 05 65 45 13 18 or 05 65 45 76 74 5-10 August: 53nd International folklore festival in Rouergue. A week-long celebration of international folklore in Aveyron. FFIR, Hôtel de Ville - 12290 Pont de Salars. Tel: 05 65 46 84 27 - Fax: 05 65 74 33 46 7 August: International folklore festival in Rouergue in Laguiole. 6, 9 August: International folklore festival in Rouergue in Cransac les Thermes. 8-9-10 August: “Cap Festival”: rock festival in Laclau (township of Vezins). 3 days of concerts and entertainment. Tel: 05 65 46 89 90 3rd week August: Earth Science Festival in Bozouls. Discover and explore the geological site of Bozouls. Workshops, conferences, exhibits. Tel: 05 65 44 69 27 www.geopole12.org

SEPTEMBER 5, 6, 7 September: Rock Nights in Jouels. www.jouels.com 7 September: Aveyron Accordion Festival and Melon festival in Jouels. 11-14 September: “Rencontres à la campagne”. Arts festival in Rieupeyroux. Artistic expression, cinema, video, visual arts, events. Tel: 05 65 65 60 75 or 06 83 20 48 29

OCTOBER October: Workshop given by the BOULLE school in Conques. Centre Européen d’Art et de Civilisation Médiévale. Tel: 05 65 71 24 00 - Fax: 05 65 71 24 09 26 October: Chestnut and Cider Festival at Sauveterre-deRouergue. Autumn market. Folk events. Tel: 05 65 72 02 52

Music JANUARY - FEBRUARY - APRIL - MAY Musical season organised by the Association pour la Renaissance du Vieux Palais d’Espalion. Tel: 05 65 51 11 50 - www.vieux-palais.org Concerts as follows: 17 January: Onet le Château 19 January and 8 February: Espalion 9 February and 22 May: Rodez 18 January, 10 February, 4 April, 21 May: Villefranche de Rouergue. 27 February-6 March; 3-11 May: Comedy, theatre and music course. Espalion. Tel: 05 65 51 11 50. 3 April: St. Radegonde

Cultural Events


5 April and 23 May: St. Affrique 20-27 April: Académie de musique d’Espalion. Tel : 05 65 51 11 50. 20 May: Millau

JULY - AUGUST July-August: Sorgue Valley Festival “Itinerances”. Concerts, recitals, poetry readings. Tel: 05 65 99 35 60. Beginning of July : “Tout le monde chante pour le festival de l’Aveyron” at Villefranche de Rouergue. Series of concerts in aid of children’s cancer charity. Tél 05 65 45 41 12 or 05 65 45 13 18 22 July-1 August: Chamber Music in Vallé d’Olt. Instrument classes. Académie Instrumentale, chamber music, concerts. Tel: 05 65 70 43 42 or 06 11 95 05 84. www.festivalolt.com July: Musical Nights: Chamber music in the monuments of Villefranche de Rouergue: Chartreuse Saint-Sauveur, Chapelle Baroque des Pénitents Noirs and the theatre. Late July-early August: “Frères du Silence”, folk opera in Saint Eulalie de Cernon. Tel: 05 65 62 72 99 July-August: Fridays at 9pm. Concerts in the Place de la Mairie at St. Affrique. Tel: 05 65 98 12 40 July-August: Larzac chamber music festival at Nant, La Calvarie, St. Jean du Buel, Viala du Pas de Jaux and Millau. August: 4th Larzac Chamber Music Festival. Email: festivaldularzac@yahoo.fr. 1st Friday of August: Festival Baroque d’Auvergne at the Chapelle de Perse in Espalion. 9 August: An evening of classical music in the central courtyard of the Château de Bournazel. Tel: SI Bournazel: 05 65 64 16 60 Mid-August: Les Musicales d’Esplas - Baroque concerts in Rebourgil. Last week of August: Guitar in Entraygues: classes, recitals by young soloists in international renown. Tel: 05 65 44 56 10 or 06 77 09 68 37 Mid August: Organ course at St. Geniez d’Olt. Tel: 06 22 22 65 70

OCTOBER 28 October: “Roots’Ergue Festival” in Sauveterre de Rouergue. Salle polyvalente (events hall), 9pm

Other January: Gastronomy and Music at La Selve – with the participation of 3 leading chefs. February: Traditional dance and theatre at Rulhac St Cirq with La Pastourelle. 27 March: Theatrical evening with La Compagnie La Manivelle at St. Jean Delnous. 4-5 April: 11th Nuits de la Danse: National youth choreography contest in Millau. 12 April: Theatrical evening: ‘Les Clowns Municipo with La Compagnie La Manivelle at Requista. 27 April: Awards ceremony for the Concours International de Poésie (poetry) in Lincou (Réquista). April: Flea market at St. Geniez d’Olt. 1st May: Départemental Simmental breed exhibition and Cattle Festival at St. Amans des Côts 3, 4, 5 May: Festival des Très Courts in Millau. Short-film festival. Tel: 06 75 85 60 05 or 05 65 61 36 98. E-mail: ecrannomade@wanadoo.fr

10-11 May: Les Floralies (Flower Show) at the Salle de Fêtes at Millau. 11 May: Agricultural Fair at Laissac. May to September: Nocturnal visits to the galleries at Conques Abbey with organ music and light show 26 May: Mac d’Oc in Arvieu. Concerts, dishes prepared with local produce. Tel: 05 65 46 89 90 29, 30, 31 May and 1 June: Fan’z’art: biennial arts festival at Espalion on the theme: “Head in the stars”. Exhibitions, entertainment, arts and crafts, music ... Tel: 05 65 44 10 63. 30-31 May- 1st June: Les Rendez-vous aux Jardins: At the Garden of the Mairie on the Fantasy Trail (sentier de l’imaginaire) ‘Stories from History’ at Mur de Barrez. Entertainment - free of charge. Parc de Labarthe. Tel: 05 65 66 10 16. www.carladez.fr June: 11th Countryside Heritage Day at Mur de Barrez. Tel: 05 65 66 10 16. www.carladez.fr 1st Sunday in June: 3rd annual book fair in Réquista. 4 June: Environmental Day in Lescure Jaoul. 7-8 June: Knife and “arts de la table” fair in Laguiole. 15 June: 11th National Countryside Heritage day. “Lieux de Production” at Capdenac. Tel: 05 65 64 74 87. 28 June: Roq’Folies at Roquefort 28 June: Language Forum in Decazeville (Stands, exhibits, concerts...). Assoc: Mescladis: 05 65 43 44 03 July-August: Fairy-tale evenings in the Magic Forest on the Fantasy trail (sentier de l’imaginaire) at Taussac. Tel: 05 65 66 10 16. www.carladez.fr June-July-August: 16th Contemporary Art Exhibition. Galerie de la maison de la fontaine. Najac. Tel: 05 65 29 79 98 for information. 8 July - 30 September: “Art Contemporain au Ségala”, Contemporary art exhibition at the Château de Taurines (town of Centrès). Call for information. Tel: 05 65 74 28 47 13 July: Roupeyr’Oc: Occitan day at Durenque. 14 July: Fireworks, cycle race and ball at Rodez. 14-21 July: International Chess Open at St. Chely d’Aubrac. Tel: 05 65 44 21 15. 19-20 July: 37th Exchange forum for fossils and minerals in Millau. Tel: 05 65 60 21 71 26 July: Caplongue (Arvieu) Cap Mômes: Youth Festival circus, theatre, music, workshops, games. 26-27 July: Comic Book Festival (Fete de BD) at Lafouillade End July: International chess challenge in Saint Affrique. Tel: 05 65 49 37 94 1st week of August: Days of Antiquity in Millau (subject to change) Every Monday in July & August: Monday Festivals in Millau. Evening markets, concerts and street performances. 28 July-17 August: Ride the “petit train” and visit the site of Bozouls. 1,2,3,4 August: Exchange forum for fossils and minerals in Roquefort. 3 August: Antiques fair at Salles Curan. 3-4 August: Les Journees Coste – Days on the Coste. Conferences, childrens’ activities, lunch, guided visits; walks guided by botanists. Tel: 05 65 49 16 33. 1st weekend of August: Circus Festival at Viala du Tarn. 20-24 August: Scrabble tournament approved by the FF Scrabble at Capdenac. Tel: 05 65 64 74 87. (to be confirmed) 29,30,31 August: Aubrac Literary Meetings

6-7 September: Forum des Associations. Salle des Fêtes. Millau. 20-21 September: Matfred de Bonnecombe at Camps la Grand Ville. Journey back to the 12th century to discover the foundation of the abbey. End September: Painting Competition and exhibition at Lincou (Requista). 7-8 October: Mushroom Days around Sévérac le Château. October: Local competition of the Aubrac Breed at Laguiole. End of October: Nativity figures fair and creches exhibition at Mostuéjouls. At the Château du Colombier in Mondalazac: Easter Sunday (23 March): Grand Easter-egg hunt. 30th May to 1st June: Garden Rendezvous: olfactory and tactile promenades with guides in costume around the Medieval Garden of Eden. Friday 30th May: school special. Tel: 05 65 74 99 79 - Fax: 05 65 74 99 78. http://colombier.thoiry.net

For information about dates and locations of events throughout the year www.tourisme-aveyron.com Additional source of Information Mission Départementale de la Culture, Centre Culturel 25, avenue Victor Hugo - 12000 RODEZ Tel: 05 65 73 80 80 - Fax: 05 65 73 80 51 www.aveyron-culture.com

Art de vivre in Aveyron


Climate With the changing seasons, the three primary climactic factors are at play. In the springtime and fall, the climate is oceanic. In winter, the continental harshness is imposing. In the summer, the windows are wide open to Mediterranean influences. All of these tendencies are themselves affected by changes in elevation of the landscape. Total hours of sunlight, annually Average 1991-2000

2700 2600 2500 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 (C) IGN 1989


1400 1300 Heures Hours 160 km

Weather forecast: tel 3250

County of Aveyron: key statistics Surface area: 8,735km2 (5th largest French county) Elevation: varying from 144 m to 1,463 m Land Use (2003): Arable soil use: 59% - wood and forest 30%, others 11% Population: 271,000 inhabitants on 01-01-2005 Population Density: 31 inhabitants/km2 (Midi-Pyrénées 60 inhab. /km2, France: 102 inhabitants/km2)

Principal Communities: Communauté d’Agglomération du Grand Rodez: 52,852 inhab. Communauté de Communes de Millau Grands Causses: 27,641 inhab. Communauté de Communes du Bassin Decazeville/Aubin: 17,876 inhab. Communauté de Communes du Villefranchois: 16,861 inhab. Employment: Total Employment on 1 Jan., 2006: 107,883 (Farming 12.7%, Industry 16.1%, Construction 7.5%, Tertiary 63.7) Salaried Jobs on 1 Jan., 2006: 89,337 Unemployment rate in March 2007: 5% (Midi-Pyrénées 8.4% - France 8.3%)

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