Portfolio_Maisuda Khotpae

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Southeast Asia Gems Bussiness Centre, Vietnam This is a project in Hanoi a city in Vietam, famous for its precious stones like Ruby. Going through their cultural heritage we got influenced from this precious stone and used it as an inspiraion to create the structure and the form of the project envelope and facade. The fractals of the stone and the way the light gets reflected helped me translate this into schetches/diagrams and later on into the external structure of the project. Main facilitates of the Southeast Asia Gems Bussiness Centre consist in business facilities, retail offices, musem of the precious stones from the region, workshops with classrooms and a fashion runway.

Phang-Nga Airport, Thailand Phang Nga Airport Project is a project that accommodates travelers from both domestic and international. The airport is designed using concepts derived from lines, forms of mountains, and movement of the sea. The context around is mainly build environment. Adapting the architecture emphasizes the context. The project is arranged in a user-friendly way.

The right to share, London

Co-project with Jusik Lee, Viktor Nadjinski The rising in prices is due to the lack of houses and competitive economy which operates with natural selection will make the city not livable. Viewing the future condition of London as a ‘’rental city’’ where people can only rent for a small period of time and need ‘’permission to share’’ to use the public areas. For this purpose, we experimented with few scenarios revealing the future dystopian view of London. Project focues on the concept of 5.0 Future - Personalisation , The fifth industrial revolution, or Industry 5.0, will be focused on the co-operation between man and machine. Through the usage of the latest AI technology (3D printers), people will be able to produce what they want in their homes, therefore increasing the production by a massive rate and merging the residential and industrial functions.

Immigration shaping London. This project purpose is to create functional spaces that would develop skillset of low skill emigrants. The space were the project is proposed would serve as workshops for construction related immigrants to learn and develop by building these facilities that they and other people will use after. The chosen location is Kensington where the phenomenon of 1800 abandoned houses is occurring. The goal is to design series of communities and collectives that develop specific alternative methods of : Construction / Alternative medicine / Agriculture. Spaces in between the houses and the neighbourhood will accommodate new spaces by healing and evolving the area to have a positive impact in the city. Short Term City are spaces within the existing empty buildings where the construction background immigrants improve/evolve their techniques and skillset. Long Term Collective are gardens that not only serving the space by producing medical plants/herbs from agricultural skilled immigrants that come during the seasons. At the same time it is a garden that is fully functional for other people of the neighbourhood to use this Self Sustainable Space.

Short term city/ Long term collective, London

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