Nan Village
Nan, Northern Thailand
Nan project aims to promote local architecture in a rural area, creating a good foundation for youth generation. It promotes itself by learning the identity of the community. The project explores the community and observes the community identities, Creates technical and rational construction specific patterns for the area. studied. Architectural design is good for the community development and old community conservation within the new creation without destroying the original identity. The location is in Nan province, Thailand.
The harbour hotel Kanchanaburi, Western Thailand
The design of the hotel at Kanchanaburi province, begins with developing a concept of history for the WWII. It is a concept by drawing interesting stories in the design of architecture in combination with the local identity. The main users are tourists who are interested in the world war history, and everyday people to benefit of its architecture facilities and functions.
Phang nga Airport Phang nga, Southern Thailand
Phang Nga Airport Project is a project that accommodates travelers from both domestic and international. The airport is designed using concepts derived from lines, forms of mountains, and movement of the sea. The context around is mainly build environment. Adapting the architecture emphasizes the context. The project is arranged in a user-friendly way.
The right to share
London, United Kingdom Co-project with Jusik Lee, Viktor Viktor Nadjinski
As one of the biggest cities in the world, London experienced economic and public growth especially from the 1980s onwards. People coming to the city for work and other opportunities found the lodging and boarding houses as a decent solution for a reasonable priced accommodation. However, the accommodation prices have been rising (250% for rental and 400% in house prices) respectively since 2005 until today. The rising in prices is due to the lack of houses and competitive economy which operates with natural selection. The drastic difference in accommodation and salary rise is also a big part of the handicap of people not being able to possess their own home. This is evident if we see that the number of 60% of Londoners owning their own house has fallen to 50% in 10 years and will continue to go down in the next 5 years to 40%. Nowadays, this phenomena leaves many people without a home, alienating others from its centre and pushing them to the periphery. Moreover, big parts of the city as well as its public spaces are being overtaken by a small percentage of people restricting the right to the city. The city have become a reference to the Metropolis movie where the workers are the machine which work for the city but live in poor conditions neglected and pushed away. Another reference is the Exodus, or Voluntary Prisoners of the Architecture, but in this case the workers serve as the prisoners of the city and the city is being swallowed by privatisation. Our involvement in this matter is viewing the future condition of London as a ‘’rental city’’ where people can only rent for a small period of time and need ‘’permission to share’’ to use the public areas. For this purpose, we experimented with few scenarios revealing the future dystopian view of London.
‘’PERMISSION TO SHARE’’ As most of the land gets privatized, the people would be ‘’allowed’’ to use the public spaces using special ‘’permissions’’. However, this space will no longer be green and enjoyable, but Desert like, because the owners will have no need of it. The city will turn into a strip (referencing the Exodus, or Voluntary Prisoners of the Architecture) where it will be entirely owned by very few people controlling and directing the conditions where the people live.
‘’RIVER AS A BOARDER’’ The river would become a ‘’border’’ where people will be given ‘’permissions’’ to enter and work. This is already happening movements like Brexit where people are selected (as the ones that are very good workers) and the permissions here are work visas for a short time stay.
‘’LONDON METROPOLIS’’ The workers that would come to work will serve as the machine for the city (referencing the Metropolis film) meanwhile the ‘’utopian’’ city on the service would become deserted.
‘’THE RENTAL CITY’’ Due to certain events in time, the workers found the city too expensive to live in. They only experienced it as a sleep in hotel, as minimized catacombs used only to store people and maximize the all too expensive space. As Mata Clark used to cut the buildings and look inside, we see the position the workers are in. After their work time, they would go to their homes far away from the central of London out in the periphery using new and faster ways of transport.
We suggest a change in the usage of land in London. The intense competition for property prices has resulted in large differentials in land values between industrial and residential land (residential being 3.2 times more expensive reaching near ÂŁ100 million per hectare in Westminster). The current 36% of Residential and 1% of Industrial and Office usage individually, could merge in a total of 38% of mixed function usage. By doing this, the land value will get an average estimate price between these functions which will result in more affordable land prices available for more product-increasing purposes. This will be viable due to the 5th generation of Industrial revolution (focused on the co-operation between man and machine). (Landuse) Here, through the usage of the latest AI technology (3D printers for example), people will be able to produce what they want in their homes, therefore increasing the production by amassive rate and merging the residential and industrial functions. As one of the leaders of the 4th Industrial generation (automatic orientated) London and the UK have great potential in this field, and by doing so unlocking a hefty amount of jobs and funds in the future. (Production)
5.0 Future - Personalisation , The fifth industrial revolution, or Industry 5.0, will be focused on the co-operation between man and machine. Through the usage of the latest AI technology (3D printers for example), people will be able to produce what they want in their homes, therefore increasing the production by a massive rate and merging the residential and industrial functions. As one of the leaders of the 4th Industrial generation (automatic orientated) London and the UK have great potential in this field, and by doing so unlocking a hefty amount of jobs and funds in the future.
1) Section of the proposed space where users are cohabiting and socialising while they live in an afford able and self-sustained space, where they produce their goods through 3-D printing/ manufacturing. 2) Section of a scenario where this proposed structure it has been funded/created by government for the users to produce/3D print/manufacture. 3) Urban farming is shown in this section where habitants use it to produce their essential food products and more. 4) Production machine/ 3D printer, a key feature of this proposal. 5) People control in this case the robotic arms that are helping produce through technology the desired product. 6) Mass production for a major market that gives the opportunity of creating a business that would allow to have a better income to allow for growth of the individuals in this model of economy in the future.
This is the timeline of the whole processes from the first analysis and study cases, the dystopian possibilities to our proposal of ‘Right to Share’.
Short term city/Long term colletive London, United Kingdom
“Short Term City / Long Term Collective� Immigration shaping London. This project purpose is to create functional spaces that would develop skillset of low skill emigrants. The space were the project is proposed would serve as workshops for construction related immigrants to learn and develop by building these facilities that they and other people will use after. The chosen location is Kensington where the phenomenon of 1800 abandoned houses is occurring. Analysing immigrant impact in the society, even though they do have skills, the biggest con-tribute is through their intellectual skills or simply said, the mind. The goal is to design series of communities and collectives that develop specific alternative methods of : Construction / Al-ternative medicine / Agriculture. That would serve as part of integration of this category of immigration as a valuable part of London society. Spaces in between, within this houses and the neighbourhood to accommodate new spaces by healing and evolving the area to have a positive impact in the city. Short Term City by creating this spaces within the existing empty buildings with the Con-struction background immigrants so they can introduce and improve/evolve their techniques and skillset. At the same time they are part of this new space created as well with the focus of Agricultural skilled immigrants to come in specific season to cultivate plants. And this will serve as the main supply of products for the Alternative Medical Practices. By providing con-ditions where they can construct this collective spaces in the most effective way to accommo-date this alternative medical practise and use a garden within to produce the needed herbs for this practices. Long Term Collective through gardens that not only serving the space by producing medical plants/herbs. But at the same time it is a garden that is fully functional for other people of the neighbourhood to use. By doing this it has been created a Self Sustainable Space.
Creating this spaces within the existing empty buildings with the Construction background emigrants so they can introduce and improve/evolve their techniques or skills. At the same time, they are part of this new space created as well with the focus of Agricultural skilled emigrants to come in specific season to cultivate plants. And this will serve as the main supply of products for the Alternative Medical Practices. By providing conditions where they can construct this collective spaces in the most effective way to accommodate this alternative medical practice and use a garden within that helps by producing the needed herbs for this practices. By doing this it is created Self Sustainable Spaces. By keeping the facade and only the external wall all the space inside has been changed to accommodate this idea where Alternative Medical Practices can give their service.