International Wolf Congress

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The LIFE08NAT/IT/000325 WOLFNET is a Life Nature Project cofinanced by the European Commission and promoted by the Majella National Park, Pollino National Park, Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona e Campigna National Park, Province of L’Aquila, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale di Lazio e Toscana, and Legambiente. Eight public entities such as natural reserves, national and regional parks and Apennine provinces co-financed the Project: Comunità Montana Esino Frasassi, Ente parco nazionale dei Monti Sibillini, Provincia di Salerno, Provincia di Genova, Ente parco regionale della Maremma, Parco naturale regionale Sirente Velino, Parco naturale regionale dei Monti Lucretili, Ente parco nazionale del Cilento e Vallo di Diano. All the Public Authorities interested by the Project activities declared their formal support to the Wolfnet actions: Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare - Direzione per la Protezione della Natura, ISPRA (Istituto Superiore per la. Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale), Regione Abruzzo, Regione Emilia Romagna, Regione Lazio.

Project objectives. The main objective of the project is to develop and apply, in a co-ordinated way, ideal models for wolf protection and management within the Apennines context. In particular, project’s significant aims are: 1. to reduce wolf-livestock conflict through the standardization, the co-ordination and the implementation of the damage-compensationprevention-mitigation assessment system based on the specific environmental realities; 2. to fight back the phenomenon of illegal mortalities by means of actions aimed at the reduction and/or the suppression of direct persecution on wolves; 3. to reduce the sanitary risks able to affect negatively the wolf population dynamics; 4. to minimize the impact of human activities that can cause disturbance at the reproductive sites, during the reproductive periods and the other

phases of the wolf biological cycle. Moreover, an important aim of the project is to export a management model, long-term sustainable and adapted to the local, ecological and social-economical characteristics, to other protected areas and/or nonprotected territories of the APE (Apennine Park of Europe) network.

Project main actions. ■

creation of an Institutional Network for the unification of decisionmaking procedures concerning wolf management and in order to realize wolf conservation measures shared by the APE (Apennine Park of Europe) members; ■ implementation of the assessment procedures for damages caused by wolf to livestock (actions A3, C1). This action has been carried out through the application of the standardized assessment procedure arranged and utilized successfully by the PNM since 2002 and has been adopted by the other management areas involved in the Project (PNP, PNFC, PA). ■ development of specific prevention strategies of the phenomenon of wolf predation on livestock, reduction of the wolf impact on breeding activities and improvement of the tolerance towards the wolf. These strategies have been planned and adapted to the local realities and not developed upon general criteria. ■ implementation of diagnostic, investigational and specialistic forensic activities contrasting the illegal persecution on wolves through the creation of specialistic investigation units (GOS - Operative Specialized Groups), constituted by properly trained Parks and Forestry Corp personnel, for the control and prevention of illegal wolf mortalities. This action is coordinated through a series of operative protocols and plans on wolf Crime Scene Investigation and surveillance and prevention activities on critical areas. ■ reduction of the sanitary risks for the wolf through the evaluation and management of sympatric canine populations and their interactions with wolf. The action will be carried out through the execution of activities as: sanitary surveys on captured wolves or on wolves found wounded, captures of free ranging dogs, necropsies on wolves and dogs. ■ protection of wolf reproductive packs and precocious survey of risk situations through the use of GPS telemetry intensive monitoring data.

Dear colleagues and friends, the Final Scientific Congress of the Life Wolfnet Project will be held in Majella National Park, at Caramanico Terme (Pe), on November 6-8th, 2013. The organizers look forward to welcoming you in Italy and hope that you will enjoy your stay in Majella National Park. The Park completely made by mountain, that the locals call ‘Mother Mountain’, lies only two hours East from bustling Rome, in the highest and wildest section of Abruzzo mountains Like the back of a giant whale the Majella massif rises majestically above the Adriatic Sea. More than thirty of its peaks are over 2000 metres. Further down dramatic canyons and ravines cut their way through the stone. Two thirds of the entire flora and fauna of Italy can be found here. This is the Holy Mountain of the hermits, the legendary mountain of the shepherds, this is the Park of the Wolf, the Marsicano Brown Bear, the Apennine Chamois, the vast plateaus of the high altitudes and of the wild and imposing canyons, but also the Park of the Retreats, the Abbeys, the dry-stone huts and the wonderful old town centres of the Municipalities which belong to the Park territory.

Here the Wolf never disappeared.

The International Wolf Congress aims to bring together biologists, veterinarians and other researchers from European and non-European countries, and will be an excellent opportunity to hear the latest experiences in various fields of Wolf conservation, to share research issues and expertise, and to create new and closer contacts with colleagues from different countries.

Do not miss the International Wolf Forum in autumn 2013! The Final Scientific Congress of the Life Wolfnet Project will be held, as networking activity, in cooperation with the Conference “Wolf Conservation in Human Dominated Landscapes” Postojna, Slovenija, September 25-27th 2013, organized by LIFE+ SloWolf project team. This Third Circular announces important information that participant will need to plan and arrange their participation at the International Wolf Congress.

■ The Congress participation is free and the registration is open! ■ The full schedule of registration and abstract submission are available. Please download the Form on www. or on ■ Accommodation rates and arrangements are also released in this circular and delegates can now reserve their accommodation in Caramanico Terme (Pe) to affiliated hotels with special room rates for Congress participants. ■ Social events and post congress tours information are now available. ■ Major progress has been made with a preliminary program with the announcement of the invited speakers in this circular. Information on contributed talk session will be available no later than October, 7th 2013. (the abstract submission deadline for contributed talks is September, 20th 2013).

We sincerely hope that you will be able to join us for the International Wolf Congress and we look forward to welcoming you to Majella National Park in November, 2013. Life Wolfnet Staff

The Congress will be held at the “Palasantelena” Meeting and Sports Center in Caramanico Terme (Pe), in the northwest side of the Park. The Congress venue is situated on the edge of the historic city center, and it is easily reachable by car and public transport.

Caramanico Terme, Pescara Province, Abruzzo, Italy. A land of water, pearl of the Majella mountain. Caramanico Terme, the most important Spa Village in Abruzzo, is located at the foot of the Majella mountain, plunged in the very heart of the Majella National Park, surrounded by enchanting sceneries which dress with new colours with the changing seasons, lives in perfect harmony with the green embrace of the woods, the wild beauty of the mountains and the roaring waters of the Orta and the Orfento rivers. Its purest air, the breathtaking sceneries, torrents and thermal therapeutic waters are the precious and spontaneous gifts of a generous territory, equally rich in history, art culture and nature. With its picturesque medieval structure, Caramanico Terme preserves its pearls of art and history together with the enogastronomical tradition, the treasures of taste which revive, now as in the past, the ancient flavors of Abruzzo. November daily average temperature oscillates from a minimum 5 ºC to a maximum 15°C . Autumn in Abruzzo might be rainy and foggy but there are still dry, sunny days.

How to reach the Congress Venue. Caramanico Terme is 50 km far from Pescara, 36 km from Chieti and about 200 km from Rome. It takes just 50 minutes from Abruzzo International Airport to Caramanico Terme by car. Visitors can reach Caramanico Terme by car through A25 Pescara-Rome motorway (exit tollbooth Alanno-Scafa, then SS 487 following the road signs to Caramanico). There are also daily ARPA bus connections from Rome, Pescara, Chieti, L’Aquila and Sulmona. The “Palasantelena” Meeting and Sports Center is close to the center of the town. As you arrive in Caramanico Terme, after crossing the bridge on Orfento Valley, at the first roundabout turn left, then drive about 300 meters and turn right at the next roundabout. After 500 meters you’ll find the Parking Area “Vallocchia” and the “Palasantelena”.

20th September, 2013. Abstract submission deadline for contributed talks.

7th October, 2013. Definitive scientific program released. Registration deadline.

4th and 5th November, 2013. Pre-congress Wolfnet Institutional Meeting in Sulmona

6th, 7th,8th November, 2013. Scientific Congress.

20th December, 2013. Congress Proceedings available.

Contact Information News and other information will be available at or The Life Wolfnet office is available to assist you with all Congress enquiries. Please contact: Simone Angelucci Ente Parco Nazionale della Majella E mail: Mob. Ph. 0039.348.6729632

Life Wolfnet Free Number


We hope you find the proposed program both interesting and exciting, and that the scientific sessions and the foreseen lectures will stimulate discussion and interest in your area of wolf study and beyond, recognizing the increasing need for multidisciplinary approaches to addressing contemporary issues in wolf conservation and management. Each session will have a 45’ Keynote speech and some 30’ invited talks followed by a number of contributed talks, lasting 20’. After a series of presentations, there will be a roundtable discussion with the audience and all invited speakers, in an attempt to focus on wolf conservation perspectives, and to trigger exchange and collaborations. Abstract Submission will close on September, 20th 2013. Contributed papers may be given orally in a 20-minute timeslot (15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions). Authors must submit an abstract, which briefly but accurately describes new scientific work. Please download the Abstract Submission Form on or

Session I.

Wolf monitoring for management and conservation purposes. Chairman and Keynote Speaker. Prof. Paul C. Paquet - University of Calgary, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Canada. Invited lecturers (in alphabetical order) and Proposed theme/provisional titles

Antonio Antonucci - Life Wolfnet Project, Majella National Park, Italy Wolf GPS monitoring and management implications in Majella National Park, Italy.

Djuro Huber - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia Telemetry research for Wolf monitoring and management in Croatia.

Ettore Randi - Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA), Italy Genetics and conservation of Wolf in Europe

Henryk Okarma - Institute of Nature Conservation Krakow, Poland Wolf monitoring and management measures in Poland

Juan Carlos Blanco - Consultores en Biología de la Conservación S.L., Spain Monitoring Wolf/Agricultural interface in Spain.

Marco Apollonio - Dept. of Natural and Environmental Sciences, Sassari, Italy Wolf monitoring and management issues. Experiences in Arezzo Province, Italy.

Miha Krofel - Wildlife Ecology Research Group - University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Wolf monitoring in Slovenia.

Paolo Ciucci - Dipartimento Biologia e Biotecnologie, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Italy Wolf monitoring and conservation in Italy.

Session II.

Wolf capture techniques and animal welfare/Health surveillance. Chairman and Keynote Speaker.

Prof. Jon Martin Arnemo - Hedmark University College, Norway Invited lecturers (in alphabetical order) and Proposed theme/provisional titles

Antonio Antonucci - Life Wolfnet Project, Majella National Park, Italy Wolf GPS monitoring and management implications in Majella National Park, Italy.

Emily Almberg - Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center (Norock), U.S.A. Dynamics and impacts of infectious disease in Yellowstone’s wolves.

Josip Kusak - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia Wolf captures and health monitoring in Croatia

Leonardo Gentile - Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park, Italy An outbreak of CDV in Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park Wolf population

Petra Kaczensky - Institute of Wildlife Ecology, University of Vet. Med., Vienna, Austria Wolf health monitoring in Central Europe

Raquel Sobrino - Inst. Recursos Cinegeticos University de Castilla–La Mancha, Spain Wolf serosurvey and mortality studies in Spain

Simone Angelucci - Life Wolfnet Project, Majella National Park, Italy Wolf captures and health monitoring experiences in Majella National Park, Italy.

Session III.

New perspectives in Wolf management. Chairman and Keynote Speaker.

Prof. Luigi Boitani - University of Rome, “La Sapienza”, Italy Invited lecturers (in alphabetical order) and Proposed theme/provisional titles

Antonio Antonucci - Life Wolfnet Project, Majella National Park, Italy Wolf GPS monitoring and management implications in Majella National Park, Italy.

Tabitha Viner - National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory, Ashland, OR, U.S.A. Forensic Investigation of Gray Wolf mortalities in the USA.

Rosario Fico - Centro Referenza Nazionale per la Medicina Forense Veterinaria, Grosseto, Italy Wolf Forensic Investigation and illegal killing in Italy.

Petra Kaczensky - Institute of Wildlife Ecology, University of Vet. Med. Vienna Livestock protection methods applicable for Germany.

Lorenzo Petrizzelli and Sabrina Manchi - Life Wolfnet Project, Majella National Park, Italy The Wolf/Human interface and the “Wolfnet” approach experience in Majella NP

Rok Cerne - Slovenia Forest Service Ljubljana, Slovenia Advantages and obstacles of wolf damage prevention in Slovenia

Umberto Di Nicola - Gran Sasso Laga National Park, Italy. Wolf/dog “intraspecific” interaction: evidence from necropsies findings

Valeria Salvatori - Istituto di Ecologia Applicata, Rome, Italy Wolf conflict and preventive methods across Europe.

Annette Mertens - Life Project Manager, Italy Engaging local communities in Wolf conservation.

Registration Inclusions: ■ Access to Congress sessions with simultaneous English – Italian translation; ■ Congress materials; ■ Tickets for coffee break. Coffee breaks are free for Congress attendee and offered in the exhibition area according to the scientific programme time schedule. During lunch breaks participants have the opportunity to enjoy light lunch at local restaurants and hotels (indicated in the following table), located very close to the Congress center. Lunch are not included with registration; must be purchased separately. We suggest to make your reservation early or opt for full board accommodation at the hotel.

Shuttles and Parking For participant convenience, there will be shuttle bus service between official Congress hotels and the Congress venue. Parking near the Conference venue: the car park area “Vallocchia” is right next to the “Palasantelena” Meeting and Sports Center.

Congress Hotels and B&B Discounted accommodation rates have been negotiated for the IWC delegates at an extensive range of hotels and accommodation establishments in Caramanico Terme. The selection of hotels, room types and rates are shown in the following table. Hotel reservations for the IWC are to be made directly between the attendee and the desired hotel property. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your hotel reservation, please contact the hotel directly. Be sure to mention your room will be reserved under the International Wolf Congress special rate.

Congress Hotel and other accommodations (in alphabetical order)

1. Angolo di Majella B&B

Contrada Scagnane 44 - 65023 Caramanico Terme (Pe)

Tel. +39 085 928172 - Cell. +39 327 4416491

E-mail: -

2. Antico Borgo B&B

Via San Maurizio, 7 - 65023 Caramanico Terme (Pe) Tel. +39 349 1240476

3. Cercone Hotel***

Via Torre Alta, 19 - 65023 Caramanico Terme (Pe) Tel. +39 085 922118 E-mail:

4. De Nardis Hotel**

Viale Roma 42 - 65023 Caramanico Terme (Pe) Tel: +39 085 92472 E-mail:

5. Ede Hotel***

Viale della Libertà, 59 - 65023 Caramanico Terme (Pe) Tel: +39 085 922121 E-mail:

WC accommodation rates

B&B=bed and breakfast HB=half board (with dinner) FB=full board (with light lunch and dinner)

■ Single Room: € 25,00 ■ Double Room: € 46,00 ■Triple Room or +: € 69,00 ■ Single Room: € 50,00 ■ Double Room: € 75,00 ■ Triple Room or +: € 75,00 + 20,00 for each supplementary bed. ■ Single Room: € 55,00 ■ Double Room: € 85,00 ■ Triple Room or +: € 110,00 ■ Light lunch: € 20,00 - Dinner: € 23,00 ■ Single Room: B&B € 55,00; HB € 65,00; FB € 70,00 ■ Double Room: B&B € 85,00; HB € 55,00; FB € 60,00 ■ Triple Room or +: B&B € 110,00; HB € 52,00; FB € 57,00 ■ Light lunch: € 18,00 - Dinner: € 28,00 ■ Single Room: B&B € 55,00; HB € 65,00; FB € 70,00 ■ Double Room: B&B € 85,00; HB € 55,00; FB € 60,00 ■ Triple Room or +: B&B € 110,00; HB -5%*; FB -5%* B&B prices are intended per room; HB and FB prices are intended per person; *- 5% on third bed. Restaurant (also for external guests)

■ Light lunch: € 18,00 - Dinner: € 28,00

6. La Baita B&B

Località San Nicolao - 65023 Caramanico Terme (Pe) Tel: +39. 339.5653911

7. La Conca B&B

Contrada Riga/Contrada Fonte Santa Croce 65023 Caramanico Terme (Pe) Tel: +39 085928462- Cell. +39 347/3341208 E-mail:

■ Double Room: € 60,00

■ Double Room: € 60,00 ■ Triple Room or +: € 75,00

Congress Hotel and other accommodations (in alphabetical order)

8. La Pagliarella Agriturismo

C.da Sant´Elia - 65023 Caramanico Terme (PE) Tel: +39 085 928474 - Cell. +39 338 8778946 E mail:

9. La Réserve Hotel*****

Hotel Terme. Salute e Benessere.

Località Santa Croce - 65023 Caramanico Terme (PE) Tel. +39 085 9239502/03 E mail:

WC accommodation rates

B&B=bed and breakfast HB=half board (with dinner) FB=full board (with light lunch and dinner)

■ Double Room: B&B € 25,00; HB € 35,00; FB € 45,00 Prices are intended per person. Restaurant (also for external guests)

■ Light lunch: € 15,00/18,00 - Dinner: € 18,00/25,00 ■ Single Room: B&B € 110,00; HB € 130,00; FB € 140,00 ■ Double Room: B&B € 85,00; HB € 105,00; FB € 115,00 ■ Triple Room or +: B&B € 70,00; HB € 90,00; FB € 100,00 Prices are intended daily rate per person, minimum 2 nights stay. Le Regard Restaurant (also for external guests)

■ Light lunch: € 20,00 - Dinner: € 30,00

10. Le antiche mura Agriturismo Via Majella, snc - 65023 Caramanico Terme Tel. +39 333 8022203 E-mail:

11. Albergo Maiella e Delle Terme *** Via Roma, 29 - 65023 Caramanico Terme (PE) Tel. +39 085 9230642 E-mail:

■ Double Room: € 60,00 ■ Triple Room or +: € 75,00

■ Single room CLASSICA:

B&B € 45,00/49,00; HB € 57,00/61,00; FB € 62,00/66,00

■ Single room CONFORT

B&B € 53,00/57,00; HB € 65,00/69,00; FB € 70,00/74,00

■ Single room ELITE:

B&B € 64,00; HB € 76,00; FB € 77,00/81,00

■ Double room CLASSICA:

B&B € 70,00; HB € 49,00; FB € 54,00

■ Double room CONFORT:

B&B € 96,00; HB € 57,00; FB € 62,00

■ Double room ELITE:

B&B € 100,00; HB € 64,00; FB € 69,00

■ Triple room CONFORT: B&B € 130,00; HB - 20%*; FB -20%* ■ Triple room ELITE: € 140,00; HB - 20%*; FB -20%* B&B prices are intended per room; HB and FB prices are intended per person. * On each added bed. Restaurant (also for external guests)

■ Light lunch: € 18,00 - Dinner: € 23,00

Congress Hotel and other accommodations (in alphabetical order)

12. Mazzocca Hotel***

Via Torre Alta, 15 - 65023 Caramanico Terme (PE) Tel. +39 085 922205 E-mail:

WC accommodation rates

B&B=bed and breakfast HB=half board (with dinner) FB=full board (with light lunch and dinner)

■ Single Room: B&B € 55,00; HB € 65,00; FB € 70,00 ■ Double Room: B&B € 85,00; HB € 55,00; FB € 60,00 ■ Triple Room or +: B&B € 110,00; HB -5%*; FB -5%* B&B prices are intended per room; HB and FB prices are intended per person; *- 5% on third bed. Restaurant (also for external guests)

■ Light lunch: € 18,00 - Dinner: € 28,00

13. Orsini Hotel ***

Viale Roma, 54 - 65023 Caramanico Terme (PE) Tel. +39 085 922161 E mail:

■ Single Room: B&B € 40,00; HB € 52,00; FB € 57,00. ■ Double Room: B&B € 30,00; HB € 42,00; FB € 47,00. ■ Triple Room or +: B&B € 28,00; HB € 37,00; FB € 42,00. Prices are intended per person. Restaurant (also for external guests)

■ Light lunch: € 18,00 - Dinner: € 25,00

14. Pietrantica Agriturismo

Località Decontra di Caramanico Terme (PE) Tel: +39 085 922188 - Cell. +39 338 4045008 Email:

15. Vincenzella Hotel***

Viale Roma 21 - 65023 Caramanico Terme (PE) Tel. +39 085 922104 Email:

16. Viola Hotel***

V.le della Libertà 9 - 65023 Caramanico Terme (PE) Tel. +39 085 922292 - Cell. +39 349 7882264 Email:

■ Single Room: B&B € 50,00; HB € 75,00 ■ Double Room: B&B € 40,00; HB € 65,00 ■ Triple Room or +: B&B € 35,00; HB € 60,00 Prices are intended per person.

■ Single Room: B&B € 55,00; HB € 65,00; FB € 70,00 ■ Double Room: B&B € 85,00; HB € 55,00; FB € 60,00 ■ Triple Room or +: B&B € 110,00; HB -5%*; FB -5%* B&B prices are intended per room; HB and FB prices are intended per person; *- 5% on third bed. .Restaurant (also for external guests)

■ Light lunch: € 18,00 - Dinner: € 28,00

■ Single Room: B&B € 55,00; HB € 65,00; FB € 70,00 ■ Double Room: B&B € 85,00; HB € 55,00; FB € 60,00 ■ Triple Room or +: B&B € 110,00; HB -5%*; FB -5%* B&B prices are intended per room; HB and FB prices are intended per person; *- 5% on third bed. Restaurant (also for external guests)

■ Light lunch: € 18,00 - Dinner: € 28,00

Congress Hotel and other accommodations (in alphabetical order)

17. La noce Restaurant

Viale della Libertà - 65023 Caramanico Terme (PE) Tel. +39 085 922101 - Cel. +39 333 7919561

18. La tana del lupo Restaurant

Contrada Scagnane - 65023 Caramanico Terme (PE) Tel: +39.085.928196

19. Locanda del Barone Restaurant

C.da Case del Barone 1 - 65023 Caramanico Terme (PE) Tel: +39 08592584 - Cel. +39 430 5104509 E-mail:

WC accommodation rates

B&B=bed and breakfast HB=half board (with dinner) FB=full board (with light lunch and dinner)

■ Light lunch: € 20,00 ■ Dinner: € 25,00 ■ Light lunch: € 25,00 ■ Dinner: € 18,00 - € 22,00 ■ Light lunch: € 25,00 ■ Dinner: € 35,00

If you want to visit and stay in other Park villages, please visit:

In these pages you will find a list, as complete and updated as possible, of the accommodation and restaurant facilities that you can find within the Majella National Park area.

Congress Dinner Congress Dinner will be held on Thursday evening, November, 7th, 2013, from 9:00 pm, at Albergo Maiella e delle Terme at an all-inclusive price of â‚Ź 30.

Do not miss this social event! In some ways, Abruzzese cuisine is the undiscovered treasure of Italian gastronomy‌ interact with colleagues and enjoy wine-tastings and traditional dishes. If you would like to join, please book your seat at

I Discanto

Closing concert.

Ancient popular songs, shepherds and wolves narrative poetry. Auditorium San Domenico, Caramanico Terme. November, 8th, 2013, from 9:00 pm, the band began with Michele Avolio who for thirty years has kept alive the tradition of popular music of the Abruzzo region. The sounds are re-proposed in an original form by putting together lyrics and expressions of the vocal traditions with sounds of instruments such as guitar, mandolin, violin, cello, accordion, percussions, traditional Italian bagpipes... The music includes: Traditional music from Abruzzo, Traditional songs from southern Italy, Saltarelli, Original songs in the Abruzzo dialect, Ethnic music from various areas.

Post Congress Field Trips Wolves, shepherds and hermits. Offert 1 Immersed in the silence of cliffs and woods of Maiella and Morrone, nameless hermits have often looked for the desert, symbol of natural life. There they have lived in solitude, sacrifice and worship. There they have left their hermitages to posterity. Timeless places of bare stone and ethereal spirituality. In the heart of Orfento Valley, the territory of “Orfento” Wolf Pack, we can find signs of the ancient presence of shepherds and hermits. Here, we will visit the undoubtedly more suggestive hermitage of Majella Mountain, the St. Giovanni of Maiella’s cave. It is formed by a natural cave, partly carved with a scalpel, placed above a natural rocky shelter. It is accessible by a staircase and a narrow walkway, which in the past had a fence on its external side to make the passage safer. Even though today the last stretch, only 35-50 cm high, forces to crawl to get in, making the cave even more striking, in the eleventh century a comfortable and safe wooden gangway was built. The hermitage consists of tree small and poor rooms: the first rectangular room, about 2 m high with two niches; an oratory with a little altar and a tabernacle carved in stone; a small space with some closets. The water supply was provided partly by rainwater and partly by the water dripping from the rocky shelter, below; the unique and ingenious hydraulic system is formed by an uptake system, a canalization system and a collecting cistern. In the shelter below a housing structure was built and formed by a church, cells for the monks and guest quarters.

■ Duration: 7 hours ■ Difficulty level: EH - Expert Hiking ■ Price: € 20

Il lupo, custode silenzioso del bosco - Offert 3 Descrizione: seguendo un itinerario che si snoda alle pendici della Majella, tra pascoli, praterie e fitte faggete, all’interno delle quali è segnalata la presenza dell’Orso bruno marsicano, del Gatto selvatico e del raro Astore, si visiteranno i luoghi frequentati dal più importante predatore dell’Appennino: il Lupo. ■ Duration: 7 hours ■ Difficulty level: T - Touristic ■ Price: € 20

Gli ambienti della Majella: attraversando la Valle dell’Orfento - Offert 3 La valle scavata dal fiume Orfento, nei pressi di Caramanico Terme, è senza dubbio uno dei luoghi più affascinanti e spettacolari dell’intero Abruzzo. Si estende su un vasto territorio che sale fino agli oltre 2600 m del Monte Focalone ed è caratterizzata da lussureggianti faggete, canyon, acque cristalline e fragorose cascate. Attraverso l’escursione su uno degli innumerevoli possibili percorsi che la valle offre, si scopriranno l’immensa biodiversità del luogo, gli scenari mozzafiato che i boschi e le pareti a strapiombo offrono, ambienti diversi ed incontaminati nel cuore del Parco Nazionale della Majella. ■ Duration: 7 hours ■ Difficulty level: E - Excursionistic ■ Price: € 20

Day Spa

Programs available The joy of getting back in form in a few hours . Recover tone, charme and energy, overcoming the most of a period of intense stress or simply take a short period of relaxation and pleasant attentions. These are the objectives of the proposed Day Spa La Reserve, for guests who want to take care of themselves just for a day, or even just for a few hours. Wellness packages to try to taste or according to the specific goal. Info and reservation:

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