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Nowadays it seems like having an injury is in vogue, and I’m not talking about aserious injury such as torn rotator cuff, I mean those small twinges and painspeople get in their knees, shoulders and elbows.I’m sure you know what I mean and if you don’t, just carry out a littleobservation next time you’re at the gym. Watch somebody doing the chest press,after

they rack the weight watch them as the rotate their shoulder and stretch itout with a grimace on their faces. These little injuries are so incredibly common it’s ridiculous and they all stemfrom one of the following: trying to lift too much weight, poor form and underdeveloped stabilizing muscles from overusing machines. Bodyweight training helps to solve all these problems.You won’t be attempting to lift stupidly heavy weights that are purely to strokeyour ego. Instead you will be using strategically designed lifting time frames towork the muscles just as hard as if you had loaded the barbell with plate afterplate. As bodyweight exercises incorporate a huge number of your stabilizer muscles,you will be strengthening these every workout and preventing future injury, aswell as building muscle. The above points merge into the fact that with bodyweight routines you will notbe lifting under poor form. Most people give up good form in their attempts tocontinually stack plates onto the bar. With bodyweight training you won’t havethe opportunity to do this. Throw in the continued development of your stabilizermuscles and you will always be exercising under excellent form. Build Lean, Hard Muscle While Burning FatThere is a common misconception that in order to build muscle and lose fat youmust have a gym membership, INJURY CYCLE


along with this goes the fact that you must takeevery supplement under the sun. Well, guess what... this is just marketing doingwhat it does best, convincing you of something in order to extract money from you.


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and stimulate new muscle growth. can maximize the fat-loss process cardio workouts, and recovery, we meals around our strength training, we consume it. By scheduling our sume and, more important, when close attention to the food we con - AS BODYBUILDERS we have to pay

Dieting Nutrient Timing and the Phases of

The winner is not the one who is stronger, but the one who is ready to go to the end.

muscle-men did. about nutrition thanthose early But we now know much more or sixthat are common today. or four meals a day, never the five Bodybuilders of the past ate three hormones. muscle associated with catabolic of tissue and,more specifically, hormones and avoid the breakdown morenaturally occurring anabolic we can allow our bodies to utilize .Through the proper nutrient timing energy carbohydrate, fat, and protein for nesstimulate the breakdown of your muscles. Catabolic hormo - building and repair reactions in Anabolic hormonesstimulate re - against us in the dieting process. that caneither work with us or anabolic and catabolic hormones Our bodies naturally produce both




• R e d u c e s p r o t e i n d e g r a d a t i o n • S u pp r e s s e s t h e r e l e a s e o f c o r t i s ol • I n c r e a s e s m u s c l e g l y c o g e n s t o r a g e • I n c r e a s e s a m i n o a c i d t r an s p o r t i n t o t h e m u s c le • I n c r e a s e s gl u c o s e t r a n s p o r t i n t o t h e m u s c le • I n c r e a s e s p r o t e i n s y n t h e s i s

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