Once the silvers are delivered to the center, a team of seniors goes to work gutting and prepping the fish for consumption. The job includes removing all the pin bones, a tedious task. This year there was a problem.
The crew that had performed this task for as long as most could remember, had fallen prey to the hazards of old age: too many injured shoulders and rotator cuff replacements sidelined the Ingroup.true
During the last fiscal year, Palmer Senior Center has provided 12,400 nutritious congregate meals in their community dining facility. Additionally, 7,250 meals were delivered to home bound seniors and eligible individuals during the same period.
“We have the honor to serve this vulnerable population with food, for which there is no greater honor. Our seniors have spent so much of their lives giving to others, and now we can have the privilege of giving to them, “ said CEO Brandi Burchett of the Silvers for Seniors program.
“We have the honor to serve this vulnerable population with food, for which there is no greater honor. Our seniors have spent so much of their lives giving to others, and now we can have the privilege of giving to them...” - Brandi Burchett, CEO of Mat-Su Senior Services
Alaska Home Companion 2022 ON PAGE 5 OF MAKE A SCENE MAGAZINE
Soon steaming mugs of coffee dotted the tables between bright orange fish fillets and volunteers. Two seniors appointed themselves as quality control and were seen sending several fillets
back with a few more pin bones to be removed. With over a dozen volunteers working together; in less than two hours the fillets were ready to become memorable dinners and clean up was nearly complete.
This year’s Slivers for Seniors donation will be put to good use. According to Head Cook Yossi, the Center will be able to provide nearly 140 salmon dinners to local seniors and an additional 110 meals to home bound seniors and eligible individuals through the Meals on Wheels program. Additional silvers will be used for other salmon based dishes throughout the fall season.
Alaskan style, the call went out for help, and by nine o’clock in the morning on delivery day over a dozen volunteers had arrived to work on the fish. Meg Forrester was entirely new to the process and came to learn how salmon were gutted and prepped. She had cut up chickens in the past, so she was sure that she could learn to cut up fish. She was right. After a bit of instruction and observation, she was wielding her knife like a pro. Taylor York had trouble standing for long periods of time, so he brought his needle nose pliers and several friends to work as pin bone removers.
Silvers for Seniors. Is the brainchild of fisherwoman Page Herring. With the help of husband and fellow fisherperson, Bob Cellers, Herring convinced her fellow members of Northern District Setnetters to donate a portion of one day’s catch during the summer fishing season to the senior center in Palmer. They enthusiastically
Contributed by Charice Chambers
The oohs and aahs could be heard throughout the room, and soon the fish stories began: the one that got away, the memories of youthful family fishing trips, the tales of smoke houses filled to the rafters with bright red salmon strips. It was clear that this dinner evoked many memories for folks who might not share such meals, if it were not for this annual event.
a tote with ice in which to collect and transport the fish.
Friday is fish day at the Palmer Senior Center! Seniors lined up early because it marked the highly anticipated annual Silvers for Seniors dinner. Head cook Yosef Assis didn’t disappoint with beautiful red fillets topped with thinly sliced lemons and capers. There was even an optional lemon butter sauce.
a decade they have annually participated in the event with the exception of last year, when seas were simply too dangerous to attempt to fish on either day chosen for the catch. Each year Copper River Seafoods provides
Taegge loved to travel, exploring new countries and out of the way hidden gems. His latest adventure took him backpacking across Indonesia and Bali, by himself at the age of 20 years old. He loved art, poetry and music. He has many beautiful art pieces, as well as music he has written. His favorite Poet was Edgar Allen Poe. One of his favorite Poe quotes being “There is no beauty without some strangeness”.
Submitted by Alaska SCTP Staff
local youth shooting sports, with many enthusiasts not realizing that the facility has yet to be built. Lorinda Moss said that they received over 100 applicants for the 6 Mat-Su teams the most of which will be turned away until the facility is up and running. Once operational, 7th Summit will have 7 combo trap and skeet fields, 2 sporting clays walkthroughs, and three 5-stands, accommodating approximately 200 youth with a wide range of outdoor and shooting
state tax dollars are going to fight the covid pandemic but where is the help for our young people who are being murdered every day? Our young children need to be educated, not only on the dangers of using illegal street drugs but the everincreasing counterfeit pills that are being sold on social media sites and readily available within minutes.
He was an adventurer, a loving son, compassionate brother, uncle, and a
Alaska is now the second state that has drafted a Bill and submitted it to Congress to make education and resources mandatory in high schools and other public education facilities in Alaska. Please reference Bruce’s Law for more information on that Bill. Alaska Senator’s Murkowski & Sullivan are behind this law and have been big
impetus for their dogged pursuit of 7th Summit Shooting Park. This facility will serve more than 19 clay target sports teams across the state, and eventually archery, biathlon, and indoor rifle teams as well. Archery teams are welcome to the fold, along with various other shooting clubs, including biathlon, in order to grow the facility’s appeal to shooting enthusiasts in a variety of disciplines, and the folks at Alaska SCTP are building those community connections now, at the ground level.
NARCAN kits are free through Project hope and MY House in Wasilla. Please consider having these life-saving kits on hand. For the future of America, we must stop this senseless murder of our children!
is made up of a dozen athletes from all over the state that travel to collegiate and regional competitions for the purpose of gaining scholarships on university clay target sports teams.
The new shooting club, 7th Summit, won’t have an official address until the road is built, but it will be located at Mile 8.5, second right after Settlers Bay, at the end of Carmel Rd. Having a facility like this will allow for a wide range of shooting sports that cannot currently be accommodated in the Mat-Su area. Word is already getting out about this triumph for
Local high school and youth teams outgrew their previous two facilities years ago, which served as the
I lost my son Taegge on July 15, 2021 to fentanyl poisoning; in other words, he was murdered! He had almost 4 times the lethal amount in his system, according to state toxicology reports. He went to bed and never woke up. We never got to say goodbye, never got one last hug or to tell him just how much he was loved. I was so proud of him! Taegge was not a “junkie”, he was working in Talkeetna, had his own cabin and was working on his next adventure for the winter.
Let me introduce you to my amazing son, Taegge Lee, born in Palmer, Alaska on November 19,1999. Taegge attended various schools in the Mat-Su Borough and later went on to graduate from the Alaska Youth Military Academy.
faithful friend to all who were blessed to know him.
He was a productive member of society, he was not a thief, he had many friends and close relationships with Therefamily.iscurrently
will have more than 20 athletes shooting for their collegiate team, most on scholarship! For the first time, we will have a club at UAAour very first collegiate team here in Alaska, as a direct result of this program,” said Lorinda ‘Lindy’ Moss, head coach of the academically-elite leadership team AlaskaYESS Varsity
All children are at risk today, it only takes one pill to kill! Consider writing your local government officials and urging them to take this pandemic seriously and allocate money for education, prevention, and treatment. If you have a substance abuse problem, please get help!
“7th Summit was first conceived as a place where high school teams and young shooters in Alaska would have an opportunity to shoot at lower cost, to be able to shoot more targets, more disciplines, more often, and to be more competitive on the national level, with more kids going to university on scholarship through this sport. With the size of 7th Summit, we will be able to accommodate more types of outdoor activities. Our focus is primarily on developing the character of youth in a positive direction,” said Neil Moss, President of Alaska SCTP (Scholastic Clay Target
fentanyl in the last 12 months across America. In the USA, every 7 minutes, another family gets the call that their son/daughter is gone! Alaska saw the largest increase at 253 deaths! Fentanyl poisoning is the leading cause of deaths in young people today, more than car accidents, firearms or illness combined.
a police investigation open to see if they can find where he got this deadly drug. Illegal fentanyl is being brought into our country by the truck loads. Someone is getting rich off our grief. Recently a bad batch of drugs killed at least 7 young people in the valley over the last month or so and who knows how many others were affected. Our children matter! We want accountability and justice!
7th Summit is a dream come true for Neil and Lindy Moss, and for countless families who have needed an accessible facility for their sport shooting purposes. 7 years in the making, 7th Summit Shooting Park & Outdoor Experiences hosted a groundbreaking ceremony, on Tuesday, August 30, with local leaders and dignitaries, including Governor Mike Dunleavey in attendance. The facility will accommodate many outdoor opportunities for local youth, with a focus on shooting sports, and is estimated to cost roughly 3.5 million dollars. It will be the largest club of its kind in the state, one of the largest in the United States, and is likely the only one owned by a youth shooting
ForProgram)additional information, interested parties should contact Lorinda “Lindy” Moss at 907-354-5344.
gun ownership starts with training and practice,” said Governor Mike Dunleavy. “I am pleased to see a new facility open that allows all Alaskans, young and old, to safely learn about and approve their shooting skills.”
You see, I am writing this with a mother’s broken heart, an article no mother should ever have to write! With tears in my eyes, I am writing to share his story in hopes that is spares just one family from this utterly devastating grief!
Taegge had a unique fashion style! He loved putting crazy prints together and expressing his uniqueness through the many, shoes, vintage and odd fashion labels he had collected from various thrift shops around town. He had a signature brown button up sweater which his family dubbed his “Mr. Roger’s sweater”.
Contributed by Julie Bouchard
Dunleavey attended the recent groundbreaking, along with a list of local dignitaries like Representative Kevin McCabe, MatSu Borough Mayor Edna Devries, Borough Manager Mike Brown, Wasilla Mayor Glenda Ledford, several local Mat-Su Assembly members, and
Please talk to your young children about these dangers!
Fentanyl does not care about your neighborhood, family status, social status, gender, race or sexual orientation. Fentanyl, as well as other illegal street drugs have ZERO discrimination criteria. With that being said, over 110,000 young people have been murdered by
Included with admission: Costumes Contests
Sleepy Hollow Golf Course employs people of all “abilities.” Employees with special needs work alongside their job coaches and help run the golf course and our new pizza restaurant The Headless Horseman.
“No, I have too many books at home,” she
She reminded me of poet Mariann Moore, who too was a knowledgeable reader and writer of poetry. In fact, she was very familiar with Moore’s work and, as well, that of Theodore Roethke.
Join us on October 29th for a day of fun as you wander through our candy
Hollow Golf Course is that it is owned by an agency NFH (Nadon Family Home) which provides group home, day habilitation, and supported employment opportunities to adults with intellectual disabilities.
having a t-shirt made. Instead of having Dr. Suess’s Thing One and Thing Two on it, I’d instead have Hoarder One and Hoarder Two emblazoned on the front. Hoarder. I considered joining a twelvestep program and hoping up onto the
see us! You’ll always get the best customer service from the guys at Sleepy Hollow Golf Course!
it, I wondered, that they call those who have more books than they will ever read hoarders? Those who own used bookstores and have stacks of books everywhere aren’t called hoarders. Nor are those who have a multitude of bookcases in their homes called hoarders. I suppose that if I had more shelf space that I’d be called an erudite
a good day and she made a beeline for the Vagabond Blues Café. I remained deep in thought... Did this woman, like me, have hoarding
Contributed by Danielle Sherrer
They learn skills in everything from marketing, to mechanics, carpentry, maintaining the greens, cooking in the kitchen, planning these big community events, and so much more.
Theretendencies?arenumerous boxes of books in our main cabin, our goat shed, and my writing cabin. They contain kid and young adult books that I’m going to send to villages later this month. Our main cabin contains books that I either have read or am going to read.
Get your tickets at:
Cheryl was indeed a kindred spirit. I say this because we talked books for several hours. She also dropped off some very good literature books that she brought up with her when she moved up to Alaska from Dallas, Texas.
fourth step. Yes, I’d say, “I’m Alys, and I have a problem.”
When, on Saturdays, my husband Pete and fellow Bright Lights Book Project volunteer Bill Schmidtkunz salvage books at the recycling center, I take books for future reading. The problem is that I go home with a box of books a week, and part with three books a
Treat and shop at vendors booths along the trail! Admission is FREE! We encourage you to pre-register so we can serve you better!
guys busy with work throughout the year. They are all eager to meet people within our wonderful
one day came by the Meeting House on Bailey Street in order to pass on books. I met her previously, when I went to Anchorage to pick up books that she wanted to donate to the BLBP.
“I have a book I want to send to you,” she said before we parted company. “It’s called, ‘The Girl who Read on the Metro’, and it’s about those who, like us, pass books on to others.”
A cloud lifted as I realized that I was not a book hoarder. Rather, I was a passeur who too was adept at finding the right book for the right person. I was sorely tempted to hang onto Richardson’s book. However, I knew that it was one that other passeurs might enjoy. So I’m passing on The Girl who read on the Metro to an individual who I am sure, when she’s done, will pass it on to yet another kindred spirit.
I was stocking books at the Vagabond Blues/Koslosky Center first floor bookcase when a woman came up next to me and began examining books in the nonfiction bookcase.
A self-related definitional change came about in a serendipitous fashion. And with it came a much-welcomed change in Anchorageperspective.residentCheryl Chapman
Our goal is to educate and encourage the individuals we serve so that they can live as independently as possible and live their lives to the fullest.
Contributed by Alys Culhane
VendorsZoo Extras available for purchase: Hair Feathers & Face Glitter
“Interested in taking a book?” I asked.
Actually, I read it in the car late at night because heavy rains put a damper on the backpack trip. In this fictional account, the central characters stay true to their main mission in life, which is to pass on books to others. Such individuals, as defined by Feret-Fleury, are called Passeurs, which is French for “those who impart books to Thisothers.”includes
By attending our free community events, your support helps keep our
Martin’s central character, who owns a bookshop in Paris, and Richardson’s central character, who delivers books by horseback to those on her WPA route.
I placed it on my bedside stack of books to read, and a week later, moved it to the top of the pile. Anne Fadiman’s Ex Libris, Madeline Martin’s The Last Bookshop in London, and Kim Michelle Richardson’s The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek (all books about women who get books into the hands of appreciative readers) would have to wait. I read The Girl who Reads on the Metro while backpacking in the Yukon’s Tombstone Range.
Snacks What most don’t know about Sleepy
“Not “Suretoday,”youdon’t want a book?” I asked.
A week later, the book appeared in the mail along with a thank you card. I opened the package and examined it. Author Christine Féret-Fleury’s hardcover book was compact, and approximately 100 pages in length.
Hoarder. Hoarders don’t limit themselves to books, or do they? I don’t collect anything besides books. I do not save baloney strings, tin cans, plywood, or puppies. Recyclables do go VCRS.
In 1967, to celebrate the centennial of the Alaska Purchase, several Mat-Su residents banded together to form the Wasilla-Knik-Willow Creek Historical Society. They were an ambitious, hard-working group, determined to preserve the history of the area. Some of the charter members were LeRoi and Margaret Heaven, Joe and Vi Redington, and Dorothy Page.
support our local economy, visit us at to find out about newspaper and all the other material categories we accept.
Facebook or online at
Contributed by Randi Perlman
blood pressure, check out, health educators, and most importantly those that can draw blood. We are an approved organization towards nursing hours. Head to our website, fill out an application, and select the events and duties you would like to volunteer for. Exhibitors are very important too.
later a dessert auction was added to the event as a way for the society to raise money to support its projects. Members vied with each other to create the tastiest desserts which were sold to the highest bidder. Cookies were great favorites, with bakers delivering them to the auction in decorative cookie jars, usually returned empty to be refilled and auctioned off the following year. Eventually candy, jams, pies and cakes were added by the large membership. Margaret Heaven always supplied several jars of her homemade apple butter which were hugely popular with bidders. Marian Romano’s ricotta cookies were a big hit, and Vivian Teeland’s famous coconut pie usually drove bids past $1000.
Clean & sorted recycling is also creating new businesses and jobs in our community. Did you know that ALL the newspaper (and some cardboard) recycled at VCRS stays local?!? It’s turned into cellulose insulation, hydroseed mulch, and stable bedding at Thermo-Kool of Alaska, right here in the Mat-Su Valley.
Contributed by Jodie White
improved morale, increased productivity... AHF worksite health fairs are “turnkey” solutions customized to meet your needs. Unlike virtual and out-of-state fairs, AHF events are curated by hundreds of local medical and non-medical volunteers and health, wellness, and safety professionals. Your employees will deepen their relationship with the local community while connecting with locally available health and wellness
Contributed by Linda Frey
moved to the Herning-Teeland-Mead Mercantile, now home to the Krazy Moose Sub Shop, and eventually to the Elks Lodge on Finger Lake. The WasillaKnik Historical Society welcomes historical enthusiasts old and young to this year’s Alaska Day Dinner and Dessert Auction on Saturday, October 15, at the Elk’s Lodge.
Chef Marian Romano, proprietor of Nonna’s Osteria, will again be catering the event. Dick Mackey, one of the original Iditarod mushers and subject of One Second to Glory: The Alaska Adventures of Iditarod Champion Dick Mackey, will be the guest speaker. And of course, all bakers are invited to bring your favorite confections for the Dessert
a baker, you’re always invited to raise a bid paddle to support the efforts of the historical society!
In turn, the enormous support, participation and community buy-in for the ‘clean & sorted’ model have allowed the state-of-the-art recycling center to grow, add staff and expand its offerings over the years. Manufacturers are making something new with the
are an integral part of our health and wellness fairs. We need both non-medical, and medically trained people. With positions ranging from foot traffic, meet and greet, cashiers,
Site. In 1993, the original HerningTeeland Mercantile was moved from the corner of Main Street and the Parks Highway to its current location and restored by the historical society when the Parks Highway was widened. It now houses Krazy Moose Subs upstairs and the office of the historical society
As the invitation to the event was extended beyond the membership to the community, the Alaska Day Dinner and Famous Dessert Auction was
The Wasilla Museum is owned and operated by the City of Wasilla, and is open Tuesday-Friday 10-3pm year round. Both of these museums continue the mission to preserve and share the history of the Wasilla-Knik area.
At VCRS, everything is viewed as a resource, and different resources are sought after by different end-users. Another word for resources could be commodities. As long as they are clean and sorted, each recyclable material dropped off at your local recycling center is baled separately and sold to end-users around the United States seeking that particular commodity. When those businesses purchase those
We view our Health Fairs as a way for Alaskans to get in touch with their local healthcare and wellness providers, receive useful information on topics they care about, and access affordable preventative screenings and tests. You are welcome to distribute promotional information about your practice, business, non-profit service or a govern-
The Dessert Auction happens first at 6:00 with doors open at 5:00 for baked goods to be delivered, followed by dinner and the program at 7:00.
ment program; host a free class or demonstration; distribute free product samples—as long as it helps Alaskans maintain a healthy lifestyle. Collecting information from participants is allowed, but only with explicit consent. If you work in health care or wellness, our events can help you grow your practice, connect with the local community, and raise awareness about your cause. Our Health Fairs are designed to benefit the entire community: people, businesses, non-profits, and agencies – all working together to ensure great health for all
commodities, it creates a sustainable and economically viable loop by diverting tons of material from our landfill while providing businesses with the products they need, and revenue to continue operation and expansion of our recycling programs.
Sometimes, all it takes to change the world is one person, a great idea, a little support. Since its founding in 1998, VCRS has been determined to make an
The quest to recover as many resources from the local waste stream as possible is the conviction behind their beliefs. The support of our caring community is greatly and gratefully appreciated!
On October 18, 1867, in a ceremony held at Fort Sitka, the Territory of Alaska was formally transferred from the Russian Empire to the United States of America. Alaska had been purchased on March 30 of that year for $7.2 million dollars - less than 12.3 cents an acre. Although many recognized the potential of this addition to the United States, many did not and called Alaska Seward’s Folly or Seward’s Icebox, after President Lincoln’s Secretary of State, William Seward, who had negotiated the deal. In 1917, the territorial legislature declared October 18 to be Alaska Day.
has a passion and purpose for what they do, and along with over 400 like-minded volunteers, this formidable team works together tirelessly to make recycling convenient and available six days a week.
and beyond. The Wasilla Museum was also opened in the old Community Hall, and buildings from around the area were moved into the Historic Town
Tickets are $45 and reservations must be made by October 10 by contacting the Wasilla-Knik Historical Society by email at, leaving a message on the phone at 907376-2005, or by contacting any board
Today,downstairs.theKnik Museum, located at 10524 S Knik Goose Bay Road, is run by the Wasilla-Knik Historical Society and is open Wednesday-Sundays from 1-6pm, May through October.
This type of economic growth and development is continuing to make the Mat-Su the fastest growing area in the state. If you are looking for a way to be more environmentally responsible, save money on your heating bills, and
conducted by appointment, you can make your appointment online. Just head to our website to schedule your appointment. Please call the office at (907) 278-0234.
More than fifty years ago that newly formed Wasilla-Willow-Knik Historical Society held their first Alaska Day Dinner in the old Wasilla school house. The early potluck dinners were attended by the board and members of the new society with guest speakers and Gold Pan awards for members who had made special contributions over the years. Marian Romano, then owner of the popular Deli in Wasilla, soon started catering the event, making the Alaska Day Dinner an annual treat
recyclables you bring to VCRS. You can help provide them with great material to work with by making sure your recyclables are empty, clean, and put in the right place when you drop them off. Volunteers and staff are on hand to assist you in doing that. VCRS is a drop off facility for your sorted recyclables. Your time and effort to sort is what makes this program possible.
From the very beginning way back in 1998, when Valley Community for Recycling Solutions (VCRS) first formed with the goal of collecting recyclables in the Mat-Su Borough, the model and mantra of ‘clean & sorted’ was put in place. VCRS was fortunate to have a strong, passionate and inciteful group of early grassroots leaders who understood that a successful recycling operation would have to move forward in a sustainable way while still making good business sense.
Another important reason VCRS has been able to grow and continue serving our community is: our COMMUNITY! By educating Valley residents about the reasons it makes good sense to clean and sort their recycling, and welcoming one and all to come, learn, and help spread the word, VCRS has become a vital hub of our community and an integral part of the Valley’s boroughwide infrastructure.
Pick up next month’s edition of The People’s Paper/Make a Scene Magazine for Recycling Repeats Itself, Episode 10
AHF is considered an essential service by the State of Alaska with an approved COVID-19 mitigation plan to ensure the safety of clients, volunteers, and staff. We work with the largest clinical laboratory in the nation to bring you high-quality blood tests at nonprofit prices. Thousands of Alaskans take advantage of AHF services each year. We host both Community and Worksite events. Worksite health education has many benefits: reduced absenteeism,
A dog race was held that year, on the historical Iditarod Trail, as part of the centennial celebration. The Knik Museum was opened by Vi Redington and Dorothy Page to preserve the history of Knik, home to the Dena’ina people, and later a booming port community at the turn of the century, serving miners in Hatcher Pass, Iditarod
Alaska Health Fair is a nonprofit serving Alaskans for over 40 years. We currently have events in the Houston, Wasilla, and Talkeetna areas as well as Anchorage.
Alaska Family Services seeks to address the vaping epidemic proactively and can offer a variety of resources to assist with the development of smoke free policy, hosting smoke free events, and providing education and resources for tobacco prevention as well as cessation. To learn more about how your school can join the Vape Free movement in the Mat-Su, please contact Tobacco Prevention & Control for Alaska Family Services 907-746-6131 and join the Vape Free Movement.
Do we feel anxious, worried or fearful more often than not? Do we have difficulty relaxing or sleeping more often than not? Do we find ourselves thinking of all the worst-case scenarios more often than not? Are we feeling over-
Please contact us and we will reply in the next edition, or directly, while keeping you anonymous. We look forward to hearing from
Vaping devices are designed to be easily concealed from parents, in forms that appear to be basic items such as USB drives, flashlights and pens. Parents may not realize their youth’s exposure to this epidemic and the peer pressure faced by students each day. The Alaska Quitline has developed a free online learning program focused on supporting caregivers and other adults concerned with the vaping conceptionsexposesionsstudentsofferingtheAlaskaTobaccoLVFAK&clientId=11501445,funandinteractiveandmanyofthemythsandmis-aboutvapingandsmok-
ing. Students are taught about EVALI which stand for e-cigarette or vaping use-associated lung injury; a serious medical condition resulting from vaping Studentsproducts.arealso
If we answer yes to many of these, even if this is our normal, we may want to talk to a counselor in order to learn some new skills to help us gain some much-needed self-care. Living under the constant pressure of stress and anxi ety is exhausting for anyone and we are not alone in feeling this way. Stress and anxiety are becoming more common in society and asking for a helping hand does not make us weak or crazy.
smoker and other difficulties they are facing. This is opening dialogue with students and providing a forum for students to talk about pressure they face each day. ALL Mat-Su students and educators are invited to join this cause!
My dearest brother Johnny, It’s been 34 years. 34 years since the day you decided that your life didn’t matter. 34 years since the morning you decision forever darkened my world, and our mother’s world, and your 7-year-old niece’s world, and our brother’s world, and all your friends’ world. 34 years since you left a mark that influenced five more young men in our small community to take their own life. 34 years since the families and friends of those five young men were forever darkened like ours has been. Six families, and who knows
Contributed by Heidi Pace
age of 18, it has become imperative to educate our youth about the risks of smoking, the long-term addiction, and health issues that follow.
yond being a little irritable with those closest to us. It can disrupt our sleep which can lead to depression. It can cause stomach upset to the point we develop ulcers. We can develop severe tension head aches stretching down our back or even migraines. Sweating, shakiness, eye strain and racing heart rate can all be symptoms. Long term stress and anxiety can lead to heart disease and a lowered immune system. Here at HOW we would like to make ourselves available to you in answering some of your questions and concerns.
There are many misconceptions about vaping amongst students and parents who do not realize the risks and harms associated with e-cigarette use. Vaping products have historically targeted youth with colorful packaging and candy flavorings to increase appeal and appear to be unharmful. Some even believe vaping to be less harmful than smoking cigarettes and even go as far as to support the use of vapes as an alternate tobacco source. With 90% of smokers beginning smoking before the
Are you a drug user? Do you think your life doesn’t matter? Do you think that if you take your own life, no one will miss you? I you answered yes to any question, please read on.
There are often times in our lives where we may feel the need to ask ourselves if what we are feeling is normal. And normal can be a fairly subjective term since some of us feel the keen edge of anxiety more than others. This doesn’t make us crazy.
The vaping epidemic has become an increasing concern amongst educators and parents in the Mat-Su Valley. This crisis has led to many schools installing vape detectors in efforts to decrease the presence of vaping activity in our valley schools. Schools are seeking and utilizing alternative disciplinary programs to educate students who are caught on campus with vaping products as this becomes an increasingly common infraction.
heart of yours that was bigger than you are. I miss seeing what you’ve made with your talented hands. I miss arguing opinions with you. I miss you so much it hurts—my heart still hurts. Some days, like today, I hear a song that was popular when you died, and I turn into a
a way out of your hell. I want to believe that had you seen in my daughter’s eyes, in my eyes, in our mother’s eyes, in your friends’ eyes, how much we loved you and wanted to help you, you would have waited one more day. I want to believe that you were bigger than the drugs that twisted your mind, numbed your feelings and white-washed your memories. I want to believe that, given one more day, you would have eventually found a place where you were content without trying to escape. Just one more day…
They say that time heals all pain. That’s a lie! Whoever said that never lost someone they loved to suicide. Time does not heal all pain. I have simply learned to live with its constant dark shadow hanging around my heart. There is a Johnny-shaped hole in my entire world. Some days are OK--no tears, just an emptiness in my life where you once stood. I miss you. I miss your quirky smile. I miss your bear hugs. I miss the way you— my little brother—somehow felt the need to protect me--your older sister. I miss your face. I miss that kind
Living under heavy stress and anxiety can cause a variety of health issues be-
how many people have been forever saddened because of the strangle hold the drugs had on you. 34 years since the State Trooper I had pleaded with to arrest you and get you off the street and into rehab was the first responder to your suicide. 34 years since that Trooper openly wept over you--a young man he never met. 34 years since that Trooper hung up his badge. So many lives were permanently impacted by your decision to end your life. You’ve now been dead longer than you were alive. I miss you. Every day, I still miss you.
I want to believe that had you waited one more day, you would have figured
Students across the valley from Talkeetna to Palmer are zealously joining this movement. This cause has gained momentum amongst teens in the MatSu as they expand their understanding about the harm of vaping and become more empowered in their choices for a smoke free lifestyle and learning environment. Following these educational sessions, many youth share their personal struggles with peer pressure, the challenges of living at home with a
MAT-SU VALLEY, ALASKA PAGE 5,don’,butpeoplehavetoquitalone.Freecoach-supportandnicotinereplacementareavailableforAlaskaadultsAlaska’sTobaccoQuitLine.1-800-QUIT-NOWortextREADY200-400.VisitAlaskaquitline.comor
This is my letter to my younger brother Johnny, written to him on what would have been his 61st birthday. On the morning of April 20, 1989, still drunk and high from the night before, Johnny died by suicide. He was 27.
raw. It is always there. I look at the beautiful spring day unfolding before me and wonder what you would see if you were looking at it with me. Would you notice the pussy willows? Or would you focus on the dry highway pavement calling you to ride your Harley? Would you turn your face toward the sky as I do, relishing in the warmth of sun? Would you be anxious to ride the road and hike the hills of Hatcher Pass? Would you be planning your fishing trips?
differs from those around us. Some people have a higher tolerance than others or may have more experience in handling stress. So, how do we measure if we are having a problem. Counselors have a nifty little tool to use to help individuals gauge how much stress and anxiety a person is feeling and how difficult it is for that individual. It boils down to just a few things.
Just one more day. Johnny, I want just one more day. Each day, every morning, I would then ask you for another day…. and maybe, some 12,163 days later, you would be here enjoying a beautiful day with me, and with your niece who adored you. 34 years have gone by, and I still miss you... so very much. Your sis, Vicki.
encouraged to make a commitment to themselves and to their peers to choose to be smoke free and vape free and take a stand at their respective school. Students are demonstrating their courage and commitment to the cause as they arm themselves in matching wrist bands with the logo “Vape Free is the Way to Be!”
What is a normal amount of anxiety for a person? Am I crazy? Is anxiety a mental health issue?
Contributed by Vicki Randolph
34 years. 1,737 weeks. 12,163 days. 291,912 hours. 17,514,720 minutes. 1,050,883,200 seconds. Not one of those seconds has been better without you. Not one of those minutes has been complete without you. Not one of those hours has been spent without a sense of loss. Not one of those days has gone by without me missing you. Not one of those years have gone by without tears…. still missing you.
Like any other ability, skill or talent, our ability to withstand stress and anxiety
Contributed by Jason Goldsmith, Hats of Wisdom
whelmed by our current circumstances? Are our friends and family asking why we are so irritated?
I am thrilled to announce I have joined the wellness team at Altair Integrative Wellness Center on the Palmer Wasilla Highway near the Post Office Annex. Now you can schedule appointments for skincare services with me on Fridays and continue using your favorite Mary Kay skincare products or select from other available choices.
technique allowed me to know that everything was okay, everything always had been, and everything always would be. It changed my whole life,” remarks
are available on the City website at, or by emailing the Clerk, Rebecca Rein,
Locally, if you would like to experience a complimentary Access Bars session, there will be two public “You Are Not Alone” Access Bars clinics, where Alaskans who are Access Bars practitioners are volunteering their services and welcome you to a session!
The City of Houston is accepting to vacant from October of to October
and to find your nearest practitioner, visit Facilitator,Elisabethcom/youarenotaloneaccessconsciousness.orlocallycontactHolmgren,
fill one
Who Would Have a Microdermabrasion
Firmer, tighter
they could leave work during lunch, have the treatment and return to work before lunch was over.
Contributed by Elizabeth Holmgren
September and October include two dates that raise awareness around mental health challenges: World Suicide Prevention Day is September 10 and World Mental Health Day is October 10.
youarenotalone907, which features a video series to inspire others and invite them to experience a different Spearheadedpossibility.
by Dr. Dain Heer, the Stories of Change series featuring Access Consciousness facilitators was launched in an effort to break the stigma around showing vulnerability and shed light on feelings of unworthiness and mental health challenges such as depression, anxiety and PTSD. In addition, positive stories of those who have found support and relief in Access Bars will be shared.
Scientific research by Dr. Terrie Hope PhD, DNM, CFMW, published in the Journal of Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment, has revealed the results of one 90-minute Access Bars session indicated a significant decrease in the severity of depression and anxiety.
An Access Bars session usually lasts for roughly 60 minutes and is a process you can undertake as a one-time session, or a monthly, weekly or even daily
Superficial scaring
Two local businesses have generously offered to host. The first is Life Family Chiropractic in Wasilla on Sunday, September 25, 10-4. The second is Joule Wellness in Anchorage on Saturday, October 1, 12-5.
Other body areas
Council Seat
Autumnonly. is the time to prep your skin for the coming weather: wind, dropping temperatures, dry air and snow are all contributing factors to uncomfortable and inflamed skin. September and October are a good time to meet with your Aesthetician,
Microdermabrasion treatments because the treatments address a variety of specific skin conditions, including:
Physician, or Dermatologist for a facial, microdermabrasion or even a chemical peel for an appropriate level for your skins condition.
Karin Chapman the “Waxing Queen” has also joined the Altair Integrative Wellness team. Karin will be providing all aesthetic services, but if you have been missing the “Wax Queen” this is where you will find her on Wednesdays
There is something occurring globally and locally to offer assistance. In response to the global decline in mental health, Access Consciousness, a global personal empowerment movement present in over 176 countries, announced the return of its mental health support initiative “You Are Not Alone” for OctoberNovember. Practitioners of Access Bars,
are more comfortable with your appearance, you are more confident.
Why is Microdermabrasion called the “Lunchtime Facial”? Business men, women, began calling this treatment the “Lunchtime Facial“ because this service can be provided in as little as 30
build up
Dr. Dain Heer, an internationally renowned speaker, author and cocreator of Access Consciousness explains how Access Bars saved his life. “Soon after setting the date of my suicide, I discovered Access Bars and one session of this simple energy
Bars has assisted thousands of people to improve many aspects of their body and life including insomnia, anxiety, depression, stress, panic attacks, PTSD and OCD. The effects of Access Bars are individual to each person and differ from session to session. In addition to improved physical health, recipients have reported greater intuitive awareness, more gratitude, ease, kindness, peace and calm. At worst, people feel like they have just had a pleasant rest, at best their whole life can change into something greater with total ease.
a fast-growing and light touch gentle treatment, will offer complimentary Access Bars sessions, opening their doors to anyone seeking hope and some ease, especially with the increase in anxiety and depression in the wake of Covid 19. Access Bars has been shown to help with the feelings of isolation, overwhelm and depression. This treatment utilizes points on the head to release the electro-magnetic components of stress, thought and emotion, and has brought relief to thousands internationally.
between September 9th, 9am, and September 23rd, 5pm. The City Council will interview qualified applicants at a meeting in October and vote to appoint an individual to the seat. Applications
Contributed by Diana L. Straub
Enjoy a “lunchtime” or Pumpkin facial during the months of September and October at Altair Integrative Wellness on Wednesdays or Fridays by calling 907-357-1818 to schedule your appointment.
of 2023. Interested persons must be a registered voter and resident of the City of Houston and file a completed application accompanied by a letter of with the Office of the Clerk
According to Dustin Morris, Area Director for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention- Alaska Chapter, “Alaska has some of the highest suicide rates in the nation; connecting individuals with mental health services and resources is a vital component in suicide prevention.” In Alaska we have a youth population that is particularly vulnerable to suicide. ADN reported 12/15/21: “Alaska’s average annual adolescent suicide rate from 2016 to 2019 was about three times higher than the national average.”
Remember! This treatment can be added to your favorite 60-minute facial for maximum comfort and enjoyment.
In addition to offering complimentary Access Bars sessions, there is a “You Are Not Alone” website with Stories of Change,
Contributed by Rebecca Rein
Treatment? Men, women, and teens are candidates for successful
The Aesthetic Benefits of Microdermabrasion: A single Microdermabrasion treatment provides temporary results lasting several weeks with a good at home skincare routine. A series of treatments with a good at home skincare routine will provide much longer lasting results such as: Faded scars
What is a Microdermabrasion Treatment? Microdermabrasion is a service provided by an Aesthetician, R.N., Physician, or Dermatologist to gently resurface the top layer of skin. Microdermabrasion is achieved with a minimally abrasive wand that scrubs your skin with fine crystals gently sloughing off the dull, lifeless, damaged and/or flaking skin. The Microdermabrasion wand vacuums away the debris while the vacuum encourages the production of collagen, restoring a finer texture and improved firmness to your skin. A perfect treatment to jump-start any skincare routine.
There is no ‘capitalism’, only capital. ‘Capitalism’ is Marxist terminology, meant to reduce the Free Market to something less profound. It’s a rhetorical trick to avoid reminding people that he and his philosophy are opposed to a free market, and freedom in general. Communism is, after all, a controlled everything.
In the above graph, we can see that the word “capital” was used since before the 1800s, when the N-Gram starts
When right-leaning folks affirm this terminology by using it, it always reminds me how wrong the political right has been about so many things. I think about the endless war on terror, I look at the state of Afghanistan today, and I am appalled by it all. The Patriot Act? C’mon, man. And when I hear them affirm Marx’s derogatory renaming of the Free Market, I’m reminded that the conservative faction of American politics, which claims ‘fiscal responsibility’, ‘no new taxes’, and all these talking points, they talk like Marxists. And worse, they’re oblivious to it, even as the word games of Marx and his intellectual descendants have become the obvious battleground for the American mind.
decide the Lemon vs Kurtzman case, and future cases regarding religious
THREE - Must not foster excessive government entanglement with religion - Since the proposed moment of silence doesn’t mention religion at all, and requires silence from the students, there is no reasonable interpretation of it as entangling the public schools with any religion. Just the opposite.
Liberty, Liberally
The Supreme Court ruled on a case called Lemon vs. Kurtzman in 1971. The lemon test is a good measuring stick for the school board as well as the Supreme Court.
such as it is, has spread across the earth since then - along with this new word that he coined to replace ‘free market’ from our political vernacular.
N-Gram viewer has been a reference I’ve used many times here in Liberty, Liberally. It allows the user to type a word or phrase, and then it creates a graph of it’s usage over time. This calculation is based on Google’s data gathered from all available literature from their searchable database. It’s a powerful resource that past generations of word-researchers couldn’t have imagined.
I believe the proposed moment of silence passes all three of these benchmarks. Here’s why:
We have a Free Market, meaning we are free to buy and sell. The role of a free market in a free society cannot be
Haiku, like silence Is perfect in the moment Of profundity
graph, we see that the ‘-ism’ wasn’t attached to ‘capital’ until sometime after the year 1880. Karl Marx died in 1883, and his philosophy,
It’s amazing to me, but not surprising, how often my writing focuses on words and their root meanings. My interest in words and their etymology came at an early age; it’s a sincere interest. What’s amazing is that this lifelong pursuit of mine would be such a useful tool in sussing out sociopolitical bullshit.,proclaim it. It’s your right.
ONE - Rule must have a secular purpose - The moment of silence allows for students to remember that religious toleration, including the tolerance of atheists, agnostics and minority religions, is a bedrock principle of a secular society. It’s of the ultimate secular purpose, in our free society, to create space for different people with different beliefs. Just as the first amendment creates space for religious tolerance without endorsing any religion, so too would this proposed moment of silence.
(Writer’s Note: This was written in advance of a public meeting at the local school board, regarding a proposed change to the daily schedule. It was proposed that each day the school begins with a moment of silence. On social media, where discourse goes to die, I saw some complaining that this was a workaround for religious zealots to include prayer in school. Of course, it’s obviously the opposite, but rather than waste words on the local Facebook group, I wrote this public statement and read it at the school board meeting.)
The Supreme Court has ruled that because of the first amendment, the government cannot define what is or is not religion. Any definition of religion by the government would violate the First Amendment’s establishment clause. Essentially, they determined that it is a matter of individual conscience alone. However, this created a deliberative challenge for the Supreme Court. How could they defend religious liberty and decide on cases about religious liberty if they couldn’t lawfully define religion?
I saw some public discussion on social media regarding the proposed moment of silence. I am not involved in any organized religion myself, and I greatly value a society that doesn’t force religion on the people.
During their deliberations, they came up with three questions that would help guide them in their effort to
TWO - Primary effect must not advance or inhibit religion - The moment of silence doesn’t contain any overt support for or against any religion, and in fact does the opposite, mandating silence for a minute or so.
What does that have to do with
Amendment’s primary clause is the establishment clause. It guarantees a lawful protection for all religion, creating space in our society for religious toleration. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.”
It’s primary effect must neither advance OR INHIBIT religion
It’s important that our students learn about religious tolerance, a secular concept that runs parallel to the First Amendment’s establishment clause. In this way, the moment of silence would serve as a reminder of this foundational principle of a secular would like to communicate with the Mat-Su School Board, go to the below web address and click “Email All School Board
A Haiku
From the Journal of Joshua Fryfogle Volume II - Issue IX September 2022 Liberty, Liberally Liberty, Liberally From the Journal of Joshua
Word games abound in this modern, media driven world. We think we know things because we were told things. Words themselves are being misused so overtly, so commonly, so as to sow confusion for future legal scholars and their deliberations.
Religious tolerance also protects the non-religious, as much as minority religions that might otherwise be overwhelmed by the culture of the
It mustn’t foster excessive government entanglement with religion.
That’s the word we’re working with here. It’s a made up word. It’s a Marxist word. I’m not being hyperbolic, it’s a word that was coined by Marx. All we need do is use the modern tools available to us, to those of us who are interested in
“The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.”
Defending ‘capitalism’ is the problem. You are being an unwitting Marxist - a useful innocent - every time you repeat such propaganda.
by Joshua Fryfogle
Religious Toleration is a secular concern, not a religious concern. The first amendment limits the government’s ability to infringe on religion, creating the possibility for a tolerant society that makes space for all religions, even and especially those that the majority might not practice.
must have a secular purpose.
Call 907-373-2698 for more information. Joshua Fryfogle
While I touch on some political issues in Liberty, Liberally, I write about them from a philosophical perspective, rather than the partisan pontification that is the norm in newspapers and on nightly news. In order to keep the spirit of Liberty, Liberally front and center,
With your help, I can shine the light of Liberty that much brighter!
Volume II - Issue IX September 2022Liberty, Liberally
by Joshua Fryfogle Click
We’ve gotten a surprising number of donations from community members at The People’s Paper and Make A Scene Magazine over the years, and recently it’s increased with the publication of Liberty, Liberally.
with either party, I’m sure I’m not alone in my doubts.
Liberally’sLiberty, Future
Thanks so much for your words of encouragement and financial support over the years. We take your trust very seriously, as we steward content from you and your neighbors onto the printed page.
“Voting is the most precious right of every citizen, and we have a moral obligation to ensure the integrity of our voting process.”- Hillary Clinton
There is only one way to end this debate, and one way to assuage the doubts in our election integrity that have been undeniably introduced into the electorate. That is to do a thorough, forensic, and complete examination of the election systems, including electronic voting machines and the ballot counting process as a whole. This examination process should be developed by public input, so that the outcome of this process puts these matters to rest, rather than adding to the lack of trust that has grown as a result of Democrats and Republicans making their collective doubts in our election integrity a public talking point for the last 7
You can respond to what you’ve read, or write what matters to you. www.LibertyLiberally.comWWW.MAKEASCENEAK.COM
We’ve also received many requests for subscription services, requests to mail Liberty, Liberally, and our other publications to people near and
I’ve decided to partner with my other two publications, and also with 95.5 The Pass, in a cross-promotion effort.
September 21, 2020
It’s an American tradition which we are blessed to uphold.
It’s a simple enough equation. But Liberty, Liberally, has its own spirit. It’s more of a literary effort, with poetry and philosophy as its main purpose. It doesn’t seem right, to place advertisements in what is ultimately something non-commercial.
Election Integrity Doubts Persist for 6+ Years
Liberty, Liberally From the Journal of
The damage that has been done to public trust cannot be allowed to remain in disrepair. As Assembly members, you have the power to end this debate (at least at a local level), by listening to those who are concerned, to their separate issues, and formulating a plan with those same people to satisfy their concerns.
We will be promoting Liberty, Liberally on the radio, in Make A Scene Magazine and The People’s Paper - with sponsorships available to local businesses who wish to show their support for the cause of Liberty. The local businesses that are included in that ongoing ad campaign will be who the public sees as supporting Liberty in our community!
in return, too? With a minimum $8 per month donation, you’ll receive a copy of each publication - and even special publications and other things that might fit in a Manila envelope!
Liberty isn’t given to us by the state. Liberty is something that we already have, upon birth. It’s the free will that we’re born with, and with thoughtful education Liberty can blossom upon the earth. Liberty, Liberally, is my effort to contribute to that education, and a culture of learning about Liberty.
the local level, we need to do all that we can to assure voters (and potential voters) that the process has been tested and proven to be secure, and that ALL of the concerns of interested parties over the last 7 years are dealt with in a way that is sufficient for those who are so concerned.
Sofar...we thought, why not make it easier to donate, and get something
I’ve been thinking about how to fund this newest publication, Liberty, Liberally, alongside my other two monthly publications. Make A Scene Magazine and The People’s Paper are funded though paid advertisements from local businesses and organizations.
(Writer’s Note: I was made aware by community members, concerned fortheIintegrityMat-Sulevel,aboutelectionintegrityattheBoroughthattheywouldbeattendingaBoroughAssemblymeetingtoadvocateforincreasedelectionassurancesatthelocallevel.couldnotattendthemeeting,butIdidtakethetimetowritealettertoAssembly,andI’veprinteditherethepublicrecord.)ToMat-SuBoroughAssemblyMembers:Electionintegrityisnotapartisanissue.Infact,from2016until2020,weheardoneparty,adinfinitum,demandthatweasanationquestionthevalidityofourPresidentialelection.Then,since2020,we’veheardtheothermajorpartydemandsame.Idon’tcareforeitherparty,andIdonotassociatewitheither.Neitherofthesepartieshasbeenabletogettheotherparty’ssupporterstosupportthem,buttogetherthey’vedoneafinejobofintroducingalotofdoubtaboutourelectionintegrityatanationallevel;thesedoubtshavepredictablytrickleddowntothelocallevelallacrossthecountry.Furthermore,becausebothHillaryClintonsupporters,andthenDonaldTrumpsupporters,haveintroducedtheirdoubtsintothepublicdiscourse,it’snowonderthatpeoplelikemyselfwhoassociatewithneitherwouldsimplywanttoputthismattertorest.TheDemocratsandRepublicanshavegottenthisthirdpartyvotertoquestionelectionintegrity,andsincemostpeopledon’tidentifystrongly
I don’t smoke, dip or vape but that’s my choice. If someone else chooses to what business is it of mine? As long as they are not bothering someone and re spect others, for example not smoking in a confined space, why do people feel the need to tell others when, or even if, they can?
as long as most communities in our state have no law enforcement at all.
Cottage food laws are another way the government can control a startup’s sale of food and beverages. These laws regulate how individuals or businesses—usually small ones—can prepare relatively “safe” food in a home or other atypical business environment. Cato uses the 0 to 6 scale (with 6 being the most lenient) to rate cottage food laws, and Alaska receives a score of 3. Many states are less restrictive on this issue, and Alaska could easily help startups by retiring some of these Alaska’s certificatelaws.
Which is it?
None of this, however, convinces me to give up more freedom, even for younger Alaskans. They can join the military, vote, pay taxes, be tried in court as an adult and everything else that comes with the “privilege” of being legally of age – but they can’t buy a pack of cigarettes until they’re 21? They either have those rights and freedoms and are adults at 18, or they are not.
politically divisive period the nation has been in for over 60 years. We have political leaders calling parents domestic terrorists for asking questions about what the schools are presenting to our children in the public schools. We have school boards and school districts that are hiding and deceiving parents about what is happening behind the walls of the Public Schools.
I introduced another amendment to delete forward funding of education (K-12). It failed to pass the senate.
Contributed by Aubrey Wursten
I understand the emotional arguments of “protecting” our youth, and the unquestionable impacts these products have on our health and safety. I’ve lost friends and family to smoking, drugs and drinking.
InIndustry-specificmetric. Barriersadditiontolookingatthe overall number of restrictions, Cato ranked states by examining regulations on specific industries.
According to a report by Cato Institute, Alaska’s political friendliness toward entrepreneurship is roughly average among the 50 states. Citing their Entrepreneur Regulatory Barriers Index, which uses 17 variables to rank the states on their obstacles to startups, Cato found that Alaska is 25th on the list of best states for entrepreneurial freedom. This obviously indicates that Alaska could do far worse, but also has much room for improvement.
tion that protects our students while a final resolution is devised that protects all our children. In one of our communities, we had some elected officials who violated the state’s open meeting laws and were recalled by the people. Instead of showing any kind of remorse or responsibility for this violation of the public trust, these people are trying to subvert the will of the people by engaging in a write-in Campaign, hoping the people of the community do not notice this attempt so they can be voted in by their supporters in typical low turnout
the people are negligent in their duty on keeping tabs on the government, history has proven that governments will tend to go destructive towards the rights of the People. So that is why we the people being the final say in our government must be informed and engaged citizens, we have to know what is going on in our communities, and how the government is reacting to the changes.
There have been several successful ones of late in all 3 branches, doesn’t happen often but sometimes you get wins in the most unexpected places.
for their country at 18 but can’t vape, dip or smoke? There was no exception for this. Second, it raises taxes. Alaska already has some of the highest taxes on alcohol and tobacco in the nation, do we really need more?
Mike Dunleavy is making a last-ditch effort to try and convince Alaskans that our communities have never been safer and that things have never been better for our state and economy. People in villages, cities, and everywhere in between, however, recognize that his campaign spin is just another lie intended to distort reality for his own
Our Matsu Borough is rapidly expanding in population, and with that comes problems, challenges, and potential growth that will impact most if not all of the people in the Matsu Borough.
At the same time, Alaska experienced a 71 percent increase in fentanyl deaths. That is four times the national average,
The governor just vetoed SB45 which would raise new taxes on, and the age at which someone could buy tobacco products in Alaska to 21. I opposed the bill on the senate floor and voted against it. I didn’t expect a veto, but I’m pleased he did. First and most troubling is the freedom aspect, how do we tell a young service member they can be sent to a foreign land to fight and die
Ensure that all regions of Alaska had support for grant writing and application, administration of those
Bill Walker served as Alaska’s 11th governor. He is a lifelong Alaskan and he and his family spend most of their free time at their cabin in Willow.
past year, Dunleavy vetoed state funding for drug dogs, failed to get the state to focus on seizure efforts that block dangerous drugs from making it into our state in the first place, and wasted time contributing to an extreme, false national narrative that blames all of our struggles on the U.S.Mexico border.
Contributed by Dana Raffaniello
We are lucky in the Matsu that our school board reacted very quickly to an issue that recently came up that affected the safety of our female students in one or more of our schools. After the parents made their voices heard, the school board addressed the issue and implemented a temporary solu-
Many battles are waged in the legislature, and most are rarely seen by the public – who has time to watch that?
Ourelections.Declaration of Independence declares that government gets its power from the consent of the people. Well, if
If the government is not working on behalf of the citizens, it is our right and duty to elect people to the borough assembly, school boards, and our state legislature who will work for us the people.
has more relaxed occupational licensing legislation than many states. Cato gives Alaska an A+ for its overall business licensing laws. But Cato also notes that 18% of workers in Alaska are required to hold an occupational license, and the average cost is $488 for the license and a renewal. Some states go as low as 14% and $274, so Alaska is not the most accommodating by either
Contributed by Senator Mike Shower
Heidi and I can and will do better for people struggling with addiction, beginning with these five steps: Reinstate the Opioid Response Structure, disbanded under Dunleavy, including the Incident Command System to once again create a unified approach across all departments to utilize opportunities for funding, public communication, law enforcement, and providers to coordinate on prevention and Reinstateresponse;robust grant programs for diversion, treatment, and therapy in all regions of Alaska;
Ensuregrants; robust federal funding outreach
and opioid deaths have now increased more than 400 percent on his watch.
For example, business proprietors who want to sell alcohol have to worry about local liquor laws. Alaska is not an “alcohol control state,” so the state government does not have a monopoly on the sale of any specific alcoholic beverages. However, certain jurisdictions in Alaska do have those restrictions, so Alaska
Alaska a disheartening D+ on “ease of starting a business,” despite giving it an A on labor and hiring laws. One final factor in this is Alaska’s minimum wage of $10.34, which is significantly higher than many states.
has mixed results on this issue. Unlike some states, Alaska also has a liquor law quota. This means that the government has a limit on the number of liquor licenses it will issue, so if a new business comes on the scene after that number has been reached, it will not be able to get a license, thus capping the number of possible businesses in Alaska.
Policymakers in Alaska could do much to improve their friendli ness to entrepreneurs. They could easily remove cumbersome licensing laws—including occupational licensing laws, food and alcohol laws, and CON laws—many of which do not even pertain to the safety or effectiveness of the products and services. They could also lower minimum wage to a level that would allow more employers to hire employees, which would create more jobs. Alaska has avoided some of the restrictions on new businesses to which some states have fallen victim, but the state has a long way to go before it can be considered a place of great opportunity for entrepreneurs.
I also understand the federal government raised the age to 21 in 2019. Yet, just like marijuana, which the federal government still holds as illegal, people in states like Alaska, voted to legalize it anyway. The federal government relies on state and local agencies for enforcement by and large. I’d argue the state has a duty to resist federal overreach in such cases and enact & protect the will of its people, another reason local control matters.
Recently however, the AK Supreme Court struck down forward funding as unconstitutional, which was my contention. I fully support education funding, just not doing so a year ahead of time. I didn’t expect that win but it’s nice to have your position backed up by the highest court in the land.
Contributed by Bill Walker
Finally, in a partnership with the late Senator Johnny Ellis, we got a lifesaving drug, Narcan, into the hands of more Alaskans. As a result of this work, during my administration, we saw a 36 percent decrease in overdose deaths.
I introduced the amendment in the senate this year for a full statutory PFD – it passed! The house voted it down to a lower amount a week later but was pleasantly surprised as my amendment set the bar so high the finance conference committee had no choice but to leave you the highest PFD on record. It’s still not following the law as my amendment did, but it’s a step in the right direction after 7 years of not following the statute.
Because startup companies play a major role in driving the economy, discouragement of new business creation has a ripple effect on the rest of Alaska’s market. Startups create most net new jobs and encourage competition and innovation, so restrictions on entrepreneurial endeavors negatively impact the overall economic health of Alaska. Furthermore, these restrictions too often involve corruption, with government licensing agencies playing favorites and refusing to issue licenses to competitors of their cronies.
Occupational Licensing: Occupational licensing laws mandate that employers and potential employees pass a test and buy a license for the privilege of running a business and accepting cer-
of need (CON) laws— comprising a book of regulations that is 28 pages long—cause difficulty for people trying to enter the health care industry. These laws effectively require that new health care businesses obtain permission from existing competitors to open. Alaska’s use of CON laws obviously lowers its score on Cato’s list.
Minimum Wage: Overall, Cato gives
We can’t say our state is healthy while we are leading the country in overdose deaths. We can’t roll out a mission accomplished banner on public safety
Behind every statistic is a family whose lives are forever impacted by the loss of their loved one to opioids. Alaska deserves a governor who will confront this crisis head-on with meaningful solutions, not with meaningless soundbites in an election year.
tain jobs. Ostensibly, these laws prevent “unqualified” people from producing sub-standard services. But despite their possibly good intent, occupational licenses largely just succeed in protecting existing wealthy businesses and pricing new sellers (and buyers) out of the
Although many people see this as a boon, the truth is although many wealthier and more established businesses can handle this burden, startups can often barely afford to hire anyone at all. Despite the proprietor working long hours for what often amounts to a financial loss per hour, many businesses will never get off the ground if they are held to minimum wage laws, and the jobs they would have created will never
This is a heart-wrenching reversal from where my administration left off. I was one of the country’s first governors to declare a statewide opioid emergency, charting a course for people impacted by addiction and those working on solutions to reduce overdose deaths to come together and find solutions. I also aggressively pursued more than $36 million in grant funding to combat the opioid epidemic.
We are fortunate to have very good people in the valley who value tradition, family, community, and Neighbors. But with growth comes some growing pains. Are our roads keeping up, is city and Borough planning keeping up with the growth, do we have enough schools and is our Borough Government responsive to the residents and communities in the Borough? On top of this, we are probably in the most
for all Re-institutelevels;the Community Assistance Program for municipalities and cities, so that adequate municipal-level response is Alaskapossible.isexperiencing crisis levels of opioid deaths on Mike Dunleavy’s watch. As Dr. Jay Butler, former Health and Social Services Commissioner, has said, “Statistics are just numbers without the tears attached.”
Administrator of the Great Lakes Region, after 34 years of service. Work experience included Personal Labor Relations, Civil Rights- EEO investigator, logistics, accounting, budget, Air Traffic Control Facilities, and flight standards. I worked in Alaska – Regional Office, Seattle, Denver, Oklahoma, D.C., and Chicago.
I was home for my 50th class reunion when mom passed but I got to tell her that I was moving home- she was thrilled. Locally I have three brothers, nieces and nephews, stepsisters, and brother. I am happy to be “HOME” with family, friends, classmates, etc. Currently I am on the Board of
Caring for others and listening are strengths I will bring to the position. Being objective, collecting data, and having the ability to compromise and find creative ways of achieving end objectives, by working with others, are strengths I’ve learned through my life and work experiences.
Thank you for consideration and voting.
schools need to be encouraged. We are failing to ensure that an aging work force will be replaced. Skilled labor is hard to come by these Givendays.
are no longer safe.
the hard things and stand up and be heard in Juneau to protect our children.
Unfortunately, MSSD has now joined with Anchorage, Fairbanks and other school districts in making Alaska’s children less safe with school staff promoting the LGBTQ agenda without parental knowledge or consent.
Why in the face of this failure is the teachers’ unions pushing an LGBTQ and openly communist agenda to turn Alaska’s schools into perversion factories and communist indoctrination centers?
Why am I running? I have always been involved with the communities I have lived in. Palmer is different because this is the community that raised me, the people who helped me and showed me how important it is to be involved and to give back.
Directors for my Credit Union and my church. I am a member of Rotary, Moose and Elks, I actively support their community projects. I have long been a member of “Quilts of Valor” and fully support our local group.
My name is Jacob Butcher and I’m running for School Board, District 5.
ACCESSIBILITY & MOBILITY 101 Mobility ........ 521-7101 ANTIQUES & VINTAGE The Estate Sale ........ 357-7050 APPAREL & CLOTHING All Seasons Clothing Co. ........ 357-0123 ART & CRAFTS The Gallery ........ 745-1420 AUTO REPAIR Fairview Loop Automotive .. 887-6137 BOOKSTORE Black Birch Books ...... 373-2677 Fireside Books ........ 745-2665 CANNABIS RETAILER Matanuska Cannabis Co. ...... 745-4211 COFFEE & CAFÉ Alaska Artisan Coffee ........ 745-5543 Gathering Grounds Cafe ........ 376-4404 Vagabond Blues……..745-2233 EDUCATION Gille Learning Center ..... 357-1100 Learning Essentials ........ 357-3990 EPOXY SUPPLY & INSTALL Alaska Resin Supply ........ 671-9900 FOOTWEAR Northern Comfort Shoes ........ 376-5403 HOME DÉCOR Peak Boutique ........ 746-3320 The Wagon Wheel ........ 671-0189 MUSIC LESSONS Wood & Wire Guitars .... 745-7457 ONLINE CLASSIFIEDS PRINT SERVICES L&B Color Printing ........ 376-2081 REPAIR & RESTORATION Alaska Resin Supply ........ 671-9900 Comtronics ........ 373-2669 S&S Drilling ...... 746-0225 Steve’s Toyostove Repair ..... 376-9276 The Powdercoat Shop .... 841-1300 Wood & Wire Guitars .... 745-7457 RESTAURANTS Locals Pub & Pizzaria ........ 357-3100 Mekong Thai Cuisine ........ 373-7690 SNOW REMOVAL SERVICES Mr. Plow ........ 521-2376 SPECIALTY GIFTS Alaska Midnite Scents ........ 357-7364 Non-Essentials ........ 745-2258 The Wagon Wheel ........ 671-0189 TAXI & TRANSPORTATION Mr. Taxi ........ 707-6011 THRIFT SHOPS Steam Driven Boutique ........ 376-4404 Turn-A-Leaf Thrift Stores ........ 376-5708 TOYS Just Imagine Toys ........ 357-1543 Learning Essentials .......... 357-3990
District receives a vast majority of our Borough property tax dollars regardless whether the residents are utilizers of the school system. These residents deserve fiscal responsibility, accountability, and transparency to the greatest extent
Finally, I have experienced firsthand the harm caused to our children’s educational progress over the past years due to school closures, remote learning options, masks, and a myriad of other mistakes.
Our schools have been coopted by the Left and literacy is no longer the mission of education.
Contributed by Jacob Butcher
As a “Palmerite”, I want to represent ALL of Palmer. Our incredible seniors, our hard-working families, and our proud women and men in the military. We also need to ensure a strong focus on our youth - the leaders of Itomorrow.wasborn in Anchorage, raised in the Butte and educated in Palmer, Class of 68’! I attended University of Alaska after 2 years of Alaska Methodist University (now APU). Married and has one son, Dennis Hunziker. I started work at the FAA with temp work and as a typist, and retired at the highest level: Senior Executive, Regional
Contributed by Lawrence Wood
NEA should be barred from any influence in the classroom and restricted to wages, benefits and working conditions. NEA’s PACs should be barred from contributing to Alaska’s politicians and voter initiatives. The individual teacher is not restricted from supporting or voting for whom they
Competition and mandatory physical fitness are standards that must be restored to our school curriculum. Physical fitness is necessary to a healthy lifestyle and for the national Lifedefense.isabout
When I retired, my husband was diagnosed with cancer, so we moved to his home state in PA. I was involved in community programs and taught quilting classes for 8 years. When Jim passed, I moved to Alabama to see my last two grandsons’ graduate.
Children lack maturity and judgment to make life altering decisions. They are easily influenced by adults they
hold these failing schools to a higher standard to prevent these moves in the first place. If alternative options are consistently outperforming traditional public schools in this School District, it would demand a reevaluation and consideration at how to emulate that success in the public
We cannot change the past, however, we need a leading board that is willing to take on the challenges, and not shy away, but to hold our future to the highest standard possible while maintaining accountability, and fiscal responsibility. I am willing to be that driving force and take on the leadership role necessary to see it
who have been in office more than one term will not buck the system. Education funding is sacrosanct, untouchable, no accountability required on the part of the school district or the teachers’ unions. So, “Rome” continues to “burn”. Rep. DeLena Johnson has voted consistently to let our education system
that is our Republic. No state tuition loan for college should issue without this academic requirement being met. No state funds should issue to the U of A if there is one woke CRT, 1619 or other communist inspired, racist, divisive class as a requirement for a degree or as an elective.
Contributed by Cecilia Corbin-Bradford
curriculum by informing the school board and parents about the basic education and skills an employee should have.
I believe that parents must have the choice where they send their children to school. We need to hold schools accountable for academic results, instituted policies, and extracurricular programs. If the school is not producing consistently high results, parents should have the right to move their children to a school that is performing better. As a School Board, we need to take responsibility to
test scores for our children are questionable at best. I will work with my colleagues and the district administration to create means of decreasing spending while maintaining focus on increasing test scores.
hard work, learning, proving your worth and competing with others for a job or in business. Literacy, character, integrity and patriotism are the foundation for making a responsible, productive citizen. These attributes need to be encouraged, not Fordisparaged.toomany
Our children need to be able to compete globally once they leave Mat-Su School District; they are capable of much more than we give them credit for.
The attempt to remake society through our schools needs to end. I propose the following solution to end this purposeful and ongoing failure of our state education system. Bar the school districts from taking federal funding. The money is not needed and does not provide tools or teachers for the classrooms.
The liberal siren call of easy money is hard for the school superintendent and school board to resist. Now, you know why homeschooling works. Little or no federal interference. Parents and the school board should be in charge of curriculum, budget, and goals, not the union, and not the federal or state governments. Alaska business should influence the
Hello! My name is Cecilia CorbinBradford. I am running for a seat on the City Council in Palmer. I need your help to win, and I truly appreciate your vote.
Ihappen.wouldappreciate your vote on November 8th.
Alaska’s education system has failed our children. Alaska is 47th and our 4th grade is abject failure (50th). How can this be with all the money spent?
I’ve lived in the Mat-Su Valley for over twenty-five years with my lovely wife of fifteen years, and our five incredible
the increasing “extra-deaths” in the working age groups, this situation will get worse. This will have severe repercussions for the economy and national defense in the coming
Until DoEd funding is barred, I recommend that you homeschool your kids. We can thank our legislators and governor for their lack of moral courage for allowing this cancer into our schools. FL’s governor stopped the LGBTQ and communist agenda cold. We need an Alaska Governor DeSantis and legislators who will do the hard
Thechildren.direction of our educational systems, specifically here in the Valley have greatly concerned me, and are a driving factor in my decision to run for School Board.
should be the primary mission of education, not anti-American political and anti-family sexual indocThetrination.Constitution, our government system, our traditions, history, law and culture free from communist distortion should be taught from elementary school through high school to give the student a firm foundation of the country and governmental system
It is the federal Dept. of Education (DoEd) funding that imposes over 66% of the classroom regulation and policy that stops good teachers from teaching literacy. It is the DoEd funding that brings with it the failed paradigms reflected in Common Core, CRT, 1619, “feelings” over competition and physical fitness, and now, through the NEA, the most divisive attack on the family, the LGBTQ agenda. An agenda that raised its ugly head again at Colony High School.
children, the school is the only safe place available to them.
public. If you are looking for some or can’t find them, reach out to me and I will assist you.
Flexible-grade epoxy floors are much stronger than their rigid counterparts, especially in terms of wood flooring. Wood subfloors require a flexible grade epoxy because they move and shift which can cause a rigid epoxy to crack.
worker my whole life,
6. UV Resistant Epoxy is Needed for Direct Sunlight Exposure
Compounds (VOCs) to the epoxy, which makes the products more toxic and smellier to work with. Professional products are typically 90% to 100% solids, leaving you with a better final product, and fewer VOCs.
While a DIY approach to epoxy floors may work for your home garage, mistakes can be very costly. It is essential to make sure you understand your product data completely before beginning any installation. It may also make sense to hire an experienced crew to install your epoxy floor, so the final product looks beautiful and
epoxy floors can come in a stunning variety of shades, colors, and effects. Metallic epoxy floors can look threedimensional with beautiful shimmering pearlescent colors. Several different colors may be applied at once, creating unique patterns that light up your floor.
Ifprofessional.youhaveany questions, get in touch with the experts at Alaska Resin Supply. We provide the highest quality materials and are located at 201 E. Swanson Ave, Suite #1, in Wasilla. Give us a call at (907) 671-9900 and check out our website at www.AlaskaResin. com.
7. Epoxy Takes Time to Cure Epoxy appears to “cure or harden” quite quickly, but just because it appears cured, does not mean it is safe. It takes a minimum of 24 hours before it can be safely walked upon. It can take epoxy 7 days to fully cure. Within those 7 days, the epoxy can be easily damaged or scratched. Cooler temperatures can slow this process. Check your product data carefully for its specific information regarding curing times. There are some rapid curing epoxies available that can offer much quicker cure times.
In a few short weeks, our Borough and the State of Alaska will be holding elections. We will be faced to make decisions regarding our choice for various government officials. Election day will be on November 8, 2022.
While epoxy is most commonly applied
How do we Equip ourselves? How do we then Engage in the progress? In equipping yourself, I am providing some guidance for equipping – preparing – yourself for voting in the November 2022 election.
platform is direct and unambiguous. I stand for safe communities supported by a strong criminal justice system; fiscal conservatism that recognizes our need for a balanced and sustainable budget; a stable, diversified economy that attracts new investment through reduced regulation and predictable business policy; increased access to trade and tech schools; and educational excellence for every student in an accountable, results focused
election will not be Rank Choice – you will vote for one. The Mat-Su Borough election will be for five school board members and two assembly candidates. 38 of the 40 precincts in the Borough will be open for voting. Equip yourself about your borough election by visiting the candidate list and contact information:
8. Epoxy Flooring Can Be Stunning
MATTER! So, reach out, do the research, ask the questions, take notes, be equipped come November 8 then engage in the election by voting. Remember you are the boss, your vote will be electing someone to represent you for the next two to four years. As always, I am available.
1. Epoxy’s Strength Comes from Its Chemical & Mechanical Bond
An epoxy coating is made up of two parts—a Part A Resin and a Part B Hardener. They are mixed immediately before they are applied to the floor, and the chemical reaction causes them to bond to one another and to the floor. Epoxy is extremely durable and won’t peel or chip away from the flooring surface—if it was tested for high moisture and prepared properly beforehand.
3. Surface Preparation is Key
of the Legislature to strengthen our District’s voice across Alaska. I learned in a long public safety career to listen to people, to choose my words carefully, to cautiously assess situations involving strong disagreement and turmoil, and to act with courage, self-control and decisiveness. I will bring this same approach to my work representing you in Juneau and throughout Alaska.
During the equipping stage, become familiar with the candidates. The State of Alaska Election Website has information on candidates and their contact information is listed. Reach out to them and ask about their position on issues that you care about. Remember you are the boss, you are interviewing them for a job. The job is representing you!! Reach out to candidates via email or phone number.
The phrase “industrial floor coatings” does not invoke beautiful images, but
Depending on the type of flooring you are installing epoxy on, you will need to use different equipment to prepare it. Wood flooring requires a floor sander. Concrete flooring requires diamond grinders or shot blasters. Acid etching is NOT recommended. It creates an inconsistent surface for bonding, is toxic, and is often difficult to clean up safely. The best Concrete Surface Profile (CSP) is created by mechanically grinding the surface. Check your product data carefully for information on surface preparation steps and the required CSP for a good bond.
Yours in service, Doug Massie
Mayor Edna DeVries, 907-861-8682 or
10. You Get What You Pay For Cheaper epoxies are “cut or diluted” with harsh chemical solvents which means they are typically less than 80% solids. The solvents add Volatile Organic
gave me the privilege of serving and protecting Alaskans and the natural resources they depend on every day to sustain their families and communities. Today I continue to serve the people of the Mat-Su region in the hospitality industry feeding hungry residents and travelers alike, and coaching youth
Contributed by Doug Massie
Anti-slip additives can be added to the topcoat epoxy layer for safety. Colored quartz sand or flake can be broadcasted to add traction, texture, and hide imperfections. Glitter can be added to your colors or clear topcoat to make your floor shimmer. Specialty glass or “Terrazzo” can be embedded to create stunning decorative flooring. Epoxy works with a wide variety of materials. There are many options for both functional and artistic needs.
4. Epoxy Can Be Applied to
Many organizations are holding candidate forums which are open to the
Contributed by Clayton Allison
Moisture vapor is one of the most common causes of failure in epoxy floors. High humidity or vapor in the concrete can prevent the epoxy bonds from forming while slowing the curing process. This is why it’s critical to get a moisture test done first and have any problems dealt with before applying an epoxy. There are epoxy products that are designed to handle high moisture.
Next step is engaging in the voting progress. Don’t question yourself about not knowing enough, fear of making a bad decision (if you have equipped yourself, you are ready), or repeating the worst saying – it doesn’t matter anyway. Yes, your vote does matter. We are presently living under the choices that voters made in the last
My name is Doug Massie, and I am running to serve as your next District O State Senator. This vast area represents the heart of Southcentral Alaska extending north beyond Denali Park, through the Eastern Mat-Su region, and on south to Valdez. This is my home, where I was born and raised, met my beautiful wife Misty, raised our three children, and built our family business. I am so grateful for the incredible support of District O voters in the Primary election and am working each day to increase this support as I meet new friends in all areas of our District.
I recently retired as Director of the Alaska Wildlife Troopers after a 25-year career in public safety. My mission was always straightforward, to protect our people and our natural resources. And from Kotzebue to Homer, and Bristol Bay to Juneau my public safety service
Most Flooring Surfaces
5. Flexible-Grade Epoxy is Better for Wood Floors
2. Moisture Testing is Critical for Success
One big difference between the MatSu Borough election and the State of Alaska election. The Mat-Su borough
Direct sunlight exposure can cause chemical reactions in epoxy floors that make them appear to turn yellow or off-colored over time. You can avoid this problem by applying a UV-resistant coating, or simply limiting the surface’s exposure to direct light. Check your product data for its UV properties.
9. Epoxy Can Be Customized with Other Materials
I am blessed and thankful to have a strong and diverse team of volunteers in the Mat-Su, and from Denali Park to Valdez. The message and spirit of our campaign is resonating with people, and it shows in support and at the polls. I can be reached at, and would love to hear from you.
to concrete floors, it can also be used to provide a protective layer to any hard surface including metal, tile, and wood flooring. But again, these surfaces must be prepared carefully to ensure the epoxy bonds properly to the floor. Check your product data carefully for information on the surfaces it can be applied to successfully.
other races will have 3 or 4 candidates. How do we equip ourselves for Rank Choice Voting? The division of Elections for the State of Alaska offers some assistance. Also review their Ranked Choice Voting Counting Guide.
As your Senator I promise to faithfully represent you, to show up for work, every day without excuse, and to reason, debate and vote on the important matters facing our District and State. I will support only laws that serve our people, and not ones that constrain our liberty or ability to enjoy the fruits of our labor. I will strive to be a bridge builder with other members
I look forward to continuing to earn your vote and trust in the days ahead, and I will be honored to serve District O as your voice in the Alaska Legislature.
Contributed by Ednie Devries Mat-Su Borough Mayor
this past Labor Day weekend I reflected with gratitude and thanks for all the men and women who serve our communities in so many ways. Whether as teachers, retail clerks, mechanics, truck drivers, fishing guides or public servants, ‘thank you’ for choosing to fill these jobs that help make our communities safe, strong, and prosperous. You show each of us the dignity and humanity of people pulling together to serve the common cause of our District, taking care of our neighbors and our shared concerns.
You should have recently received a new voter’s card. If not, please call them at 907-270-2700.
NIA classes are at 2:15 each Thursday
Every class offers a unique combination of 52 moves that correspond to the main areas of the body such as the base, the core, and the upper extremities. Beginners and elite athletes alike can adapt NIA to meet their needs.
Contributed by Michelle Overstreet
This has a huge impact on the success for youth with goals and dreams in our
Live and Silent Auction items featuring outdoor adventures like a Denali Car Train Trip with the Alaska Railroad (special private train car to Seward with both dining/Board table seating and social seating for 12 people), weekend at the Alpine Creek Lodge, artwork from Holly Gittlein and James Havens, spa packages and handmade items from the Valley Quilters Guild and local woodworking talent... and a live auctioned fire pit that will knock your bobby socks off!
except for the first Thursday of the month at which time the class starts at 3pm. Stop in an enjoy a free class!
a program based on the practice of movements that draws from dance, martial arts and healing arts, such as yoga. Classes are done bare-foot and with very upbeat music. More than 45 countries participate in this lively class weekly! Every class can be designed to your individual needs and fitness level.
All our programs are designed with the health and welfare of seniors in mind. We have various pieces of workout equipment to fit most physical therapy needs as well.
Linda Volkman who holds a certification as a Nia Blue Belt Instructor. In addition to NIA, Linda is also a certified Foot Reflexologist, having graduated in 2013.
Take your time sampling the different offerings from each vendor while you peruse the live and silent auction items. Visit with friends and after the festivities stay and dance the night away to the best music from the 50’s and 60’s.
Are you afraid to exercise? Do you feel stuck and limited due to the use of a wheelchair, walker, or cane? Do you feel like there is nothing you can do in the way of exercise? Think again!
This is a fun community event for a great cause. Go to www.rotaryuncorked. com for tickets or call your favorite Rotarian for the hook up!
For more information, contact Club50 at 907-206-8807.
This month’s profile is on our NIA52 classes. What is NIA, you ask? Nia is
Last year this event supported $30,000 in Local College and Vocational Scholarships for youth as well as $30,000 in funding for the MY House programs, designated to provide job training to homeless youth.
NIA was created with the belief that a community of healthy people will grow to do great things. The belief is that every person can discover, unleash, explore, and enhance their potential to live a fulfilling and meaningful life by listening to their bodies and engaging their senses. This class is taught by
a who’s who of restaurants and beverage providers from across the Valley, featuring tapas from all the best restaurants, like Grape Tap, Settlers Bay and Everetts, paired with beer and wine from all the BEST brewers and distributors in Alaska.
Contributed by Sally Barnes
Here in Club50 at the Wasilla Area Senior Center we have classes to fit all ranges of mobility. All our classes can be modified to fit your needs. From chair yoga and Strong Seniors, to Bingocize, Tai Chi and NIA52. We even have hula hoops and 3-wheel bicycles!
The 14th Annual Rotary Uncorked is coming to the Menard Center on Saturday October 8th, 2022 starting at
is Sock Hop so grab your bobby socks and slick back your hair for a night of food, fun and fundraising for youth in our community.
If you love to ski, board, sled, hike, ride snowmachines, dog mush, fish, climb, boat or otherwise get out to explore this beautiful state, you owe it to your family and friends to make sure you are
FOZIE: There is a lovable seven-year-old retired sled dog who is in need of a good home! Meet Fozie, an Alaska Husky who trained for the Iditarod Sled Dog Race, and who has ran thousands of miles in harness. Fozie now seeks a home where he can get more human interaction. He is good with other dogs and people. He is in great health and is current on his vaccinations. He has been microchipped.
the Alaska State Troopers, Alaska Mountain Rescue Group and other professional agencies and
organizations respond to dozens of search and rescue calls when people find themselves in situations they are not prepared to handle.
In the spring of 2019, Agosti and his pals set out on the Kenai Peninsula for a day of snowmobile riding. They were familiar with the area and Agosti felt confident he could handle anything that might come their way. But he put off checking his survival supplies and ended up forgetting to do that all together. His in-action nearly cost his life and those of his friends.
National Emergency Preparedness month. And we know, Alaska truly delivers a land of big adventures, wild open spaces and vulnerable to a host of potential disasters and emergencies. Ask yourself, are you ready? Do you have an up-todate emergency kit in your car? Do you have enough food and water for yourself and your family for at least three days? Are you prepared to treat a medical emergency if you are the only one there to help?
The popular youth Poster Contest, for everyone 5 to 18 years-old, invites youth to draw a picture and show what being prepared for disasters and emergencies means to them. All entries receive a free ice cream thanks to McDonalds. People’s Choice Award top winner in five age groups receive a gift card thanks to the Mat Valley Federal Credit Union, a threeday emergency back pack thanks to American Red Cross and a community service award presented by the MatSu Borough Assembly.
If you enjoy exploring Alaska or just want your home to remain a safe, cozy haven even in the worst of times, don’t put off getting prepared. Mark your calendar for the 14th annual Emergency Preparedness Expo on Saturday, September 24, 2022 from 10 am to 3 pm at the Menard Sports Center in Wasilla. Learn more at
Contributed by G.B. Jones
understands the decisions you make when out riding with others will affect everyone in your group and potentially your family and community. Having a positive attitude is critical.
PERRY: Meet seven-year-old Perry, an Alaska Husky who trained for the world renown Iditarod Sled Dog Race, and who has raced thousands of miles throughout Alaska’s vast trail system. Perry seeks a home where he can get more one on one human interaction. He is great with other dogs and good with people. He is in great health, and is current on his vaccinations. He has been microchipped.
Iron Dog champions Tyler Aklestad and Chris Olds, along with
other professionals, will be on hand to share tips and tricks to help you enjoy great experiences exploring Alaska. Scouts 2359/359 will be demonstrating how to put together a safe campsite. Or go on a scavenger hunt to learn, get prepared and earn a chance for two round-trip tickets on Alaska Railroad.
If you would like to meet these incredible dog, send us an email to:
We want Fozie to be the member of a new forever home. Fozie is not house trained, but with some patience, he could be! Fozie would be a great dog to go jogging or biking with! He is high energy and a very strong dog! Fozie would be great to go on walks with, but needs more leash training!
Agosti realized they survived only because they are a strong team. “We kept encouraging each other and we kept a positive attitude. When I was ready to give up, Ben kept me going. Mark knew some arctic survival skills and we were able to improvise with the few things we did have to stay
Contributed by Debra McGhan
“We got through this because we helped each other and we stayed focused on surviving. I hope we all learned something from this so we never have to spend another night out like this again. I know for sure I’ll check my survival gear from now on. And I’ll be prepared with the simplest things like a flint and steel, hot packs and a survival blanket for each
There is a $100 rehoming fee to get Perry or Fozie, and that goes back to the dogs. If it does not work out for any reason, the rehoming fee is refunded.
In 2020 we all watched our country shut down completely. The supply chains are still a mess. Our food security remains at risk. And indications remain strong, this can easily happen again. Living in Alaska means preparedness is even more vital than in other parts of the US. Procrastination is not your friend. Ask Lawrence Agosti and his riding partners.
This is someone’s opportunity to get a new family member, and although Perry is not house trained, you can house train older dogs. Perry is the dog to go jogging or biking with! Although somewhat squirrely on a leash, he can and will adapt to your pace on your walkabouts.
If you answered no to any of those questions, or maybe you’re not sure, you should plan to attend the free 14th annual Emergency Preparedness Expo at the Menard Sports Center. This event is made possible thanks to Mat-Su Borough Emergency Services, Alaska Safe Riders, Local Emergency Planning Committee, American Red Cross, AARP Alaska and the City of
This event is completely free and the first 100 guests will receive an emergency preparedness gift bag thanks to AARP Alaska and other great sponsors.
During The Perfect Storm, Dr. Josh will dive deep into the science and neurology behind your child’s struggles, from
regulate their emotions a bit easier, and get sick less often? If this sounds like you, then the Perfect Storm Workshop is perfect for you!
Parents, maybe you’re worried about how a label (anxiety, sensory, ADHD, or even autism) will impact your child’s life? ... But what if they didn’t have to be confined by a label? What if what you really need is to help them sleep through the night, have less meltdowns each day, handle transitions easier,
Dr. Josh is making a BIG impact on the wellbeing of families in our community
emotional regulation and behavioral challenges, to focus and concentration issues, and more. This event is important because it touches on the impact of stress and isolation in the lives of the children in our community, both of which have run rampant over the past year or so.
For more info visit
Get your HOPE back, your questions ANSWERED, and ACTION STEPS that are easy and effective!
and giving them tangible HOPE, ANSWERS, and ACTION STEPS.
Contributed by Ashley Graham
Dr. Josh at Bee Well Chiropractic is hosting an event for parents who are interested in learning more about ways to regulate the emotions and behaviors of their children.