Coloring Page
Laretta, Age 6
Eleanor, Age 7
Riley, Age 11
Cooper, Age 12
Coloring Page
Send in your coloring page and you can win a gift card to a local business!
MID-DEC 2020
MID-DEC 2020
Coloring Page Send in your coloring page and you can win a gift card to a local business!
MID-DEC 2020
Contributed by Felicia Desimini Show Dates: January 25 - March 12, 2021 Deadline for Submissions: January 9, 2021 The MatSu College Art Department welcomes digital submissions for an Art/Word opportunity. Art/Word is based on artwork that incorporates visual art and literary art. Your art must contain text. Some artists choose to incorporate their own poetry or narrative alongside their visual art, as well. The theme of 2021’s Art/Word show is “Grace in the Time of A Pandemic.”
Eligibility: The show is open to all community members including students and faculty at MatSu College. All entries must represent original works of art or design, and must not have been exhibited previously.
Insurance: N/A
Media: Open to all traditional and nontraditional genre and media, including but not limited to: drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, printmaking, installation, video, etc.
Images: In an effort to conserve resources, the MatSu College Art Department accepts only digital images and entry forms for consideration. (See details below.) The Gallery will retain the submitted images of accepted artwork and reserves the right to use the images in publications and gallery publicity.
Delivery and Return of Work: All work accepted for the exhibition must arrive via e-mail. Works that do not exhibit good craftsmanship will not be exhibited. Entry Fee: N/A
Sale of Work: All work, unless indicated as not for sale (NFS), will be available for sale during exhibit. MatSu College will not retain a commission.
Image Format: Digital image of artwork must be sent via E-MAIL (email: The
image must meet the following specifications: File names = artist’s last name(underscore) first name, image number (i.e. Jones_Mike_1.jpg) Secondary images, such as details, installation, or alternate view images must include the word ‘detail’ in the file name (i.e. Jones_Mike_1detail.jpg). Images file should be in HIGH QUALITY JPEG format, image should be no smaller the 1000 pixels in any direction (about 13”) and 72 dpi. Images must be oriented properly (i.e. top of image is top of artwork) and must not include artist’s name, or other descriptive text within the page itself, nor contain borders, frames, or margins except as part of the actual work. Video work should be sent with similar naming conventions in quicktime compatible format. Please follow these specifications carefully. Feel free to contact Felicia Desimini ( for assistance if you have questions - Art/Word - Grace in the Time of a Pandemic in your subject line.) (The email and online submission process makes our process more efficient and saves postage and materials for the artists. Information and updates: matsu.
MID-DEC 2020
Best regards, Dr. Felicia M. Desimini Associate Professor of Art Art Department Coordinator 907-745-9755
Contributed by Winona Benson Join me, Winona Benson, in the kitchen making nourishing plant-based recipes! My years of instruction and teaching has made me passionate about teaching others to make delicious and healthy meals! If you are interested in learning how to make quick, easy, and tasty 30-minute meals, this series is for you! Join us each week for a new recipe. A fun interactive way to improve your cooking skills, your confidence, and your health! January 1, 8, 15, 22 5:30-6:30 pm
I provide the recipes, the shopping list, and the instruction. You meet me (virtually) in the kitchen and cook along! Meet other people in the group, share a meal together, and make meaningful connections! Cook with your partner, family members, or invite a friend! All sessions will connect through zoom. Once you have registered, you will receive all the information about the upcoming series and the zoom link invitation. $160.00 for the series
Arts United Way of Mat-Su is soliciting submissions from local artists whose work reflects the Valley’s rich culture and history. UWMS and its Art Advisory Board will select five (5) entries as finalists, which work will be installed in the spring of 2021. Entries are encouraged to display our area’s fabric of agriculture, Alaska Native heritage and culture, natural history, Mat-Su pioneers, Alaska wildlife, and to use an innovative approach to explore any or all of these within the context of the Mat-Su Valley. Installations are expected to be conducive to permanence and will be placed in and around the Palmer core area, creating a walk-and-bike friendly, accessible art walk that embodies the spirit of our community.
MID-DEC 2020
Artists must be: Must be Alaska state residents; preference will be given to artists who
reside in the Mat-Su. Must be able to attend meetings virtually and/or by phone conference. Artists unable to entirely complete their own pieces are expected to work in collaboration with another individual to successfully produce a final result for installation. Able to attend an installation site visit as scheduled by the Board, in and around the City of Palmer. Amenable to the final installation being partially or wholly in a medium other than as it was originally presented. Willing and able to transfer submitted work into a multimedia format, or onto a medium other than that upon which they might generally display work (for example, transfer of 2D media such as painting or drawing onto a 3D sculptural medium).
Entry requirements: Include a letter of interest no longer than one page, and a resume. If your work is permanently displayed elsewhere in the Mat-Su, please list where, and what types of art. Be original to the submitting artist. Artists must submit an abstract (1-2 pages) detailing their creative approach to determining alternative mediums which suit their original work and a process by which suitable collaboration will occur. Please also list existing partnerships and resources available to you. Artists MAY submit multiple entries. Submissions by a group of artists are acceptable; list a primary contact and the names of your group’s members in your letter of interest. (3) 11x17 horizontal format pages
that contain the artist’s conceptual illustrations of the proposed completed sculpture, any associated images and references to clarify artistic design intent and means of construction, and any images of previously completed works that qualify the artists sculptural entry. Be Creative! Arrive in digital form, either via the online submission portal, email, or on a thumb drive mailed to United Way of Mat-Su. Compensation: $1,000.00 stipend will be awarded to each of five (5) finished pieces. Artists are encouraged to identify and leverage resources for in-kind donations, particularly materials. Michele Harmeling Outreach Coordinator 907-745-5824 |
Arts Contributed by Felicia Desimini If You Can Draw Stick Figures Then MatSu College Has Art Courses For You Have you finally come to the realization that Art Stirs Your Soul? Has your passion for art been sitting on the back burner or needing a little guidance? If so, the MatSu College Art Department has just what you need! Come and explore art and improve your art-making skills with us. Are your paintings not catching your audience’s interest?’ If that’s the case, perhaps a beginning painting and/ or a beginning drawing class can help sharpen your technique, help define your work’s perspective and value and put some ‘POP’ in your style! Are your skills in painting and drawing good - but something still feels off?
Perhaps our Color Design course is just the course for you! Color Design is a great course for anyone who doesn’t truly understand how colors react with and entice your audience. In 15 weeks, if you apply yourself, you will learn this life-time skill for artists - color mixing. Our Intermediate Drawing and Intermediate Painting courses offer promising artists the opportunity to rethink their development and growth through exhibition. How do you turn a good drawing or painting into an exhibition-ready work of art? Mat-Su College’s Three-Dimensional Design is a conceptual course, where one truly learns how to “think” like an artist. This is the gateway course for visual artists - Thinking in 3D Absolutely Inspires your work as an artist, no matter your preferred
discipline. If music strikes a chord with you, or if you think Broadway is calling, Mat-Su College offers 3 courses in these disciplines during the spring semester. Music and theater are fundamental - the Greeks used music as the framework for the educational system and we all know about the great Greek myths and their playwrights. Does learning a bit about why visual culture is so important in our lives interest you? It is everywhere, influencing (almost) everything we think, do, and say. For this reason, an Art Appreciation course will help you navigate the art world, from prehistory to Banksy and the Global Art Market. Want to delve even deeper into the History of Art? Or even, perhaps learn the significance of and how we have
been influenced by cave paintings and the arts and artists of the 13th Century? Then the college’s offering of Western Art History I (from prehistory to the proto-Renaissance) is just the course for you. Seasoned artists continue their studies - forging ahead, working day to day to add new tricks and techniques to their skill sets. A pandemic is the perfect time to hone your skills. Apply yourself to art studies at MatSu College during the spring semester. Don’t sit still! Think about and Make Art. You’ll be glad you did. Questions? Contact Felicia Desimini at or by telephone (907) 745-9755. See you in the spring!
Course Number
Beginning Drawing,
ART A105
Felicia Desimini (P)
Jan 11-May 01
3 Credits
Color Design,
ART A112
Barbara Laucius 3.000
Jan 11-May 01
3 Credits
3D Design
ART A113
Felicia Desimini
Jan 11-May 01
3 Credits
Art Appreciation
ART A160
Felicia Desimini
Jan 11-May 01
3 Credits
Intermediate Drawing
ART A205
Jason Isley
Jan 11-May 01
*Online/Collaborate 01:00 - 3:45 pm 3 Credits
Beginning Painting
ART A213
Felicia Desimini
Jan 11-May 01
3 Credits
History of Western Art I
ART A261
Barbara J Laucius (P)
Jan 11-May 01
3 Credits
Intermediate Painting
ART A313
Felicia Desimini
Jan 11-May 01
3 Credits
Music Appreciation
MUS A121
Meghan Aube
Jan 11-May 01
3 Credits
Music Appreciation
MUS A121
Naomi Stamoolis
Jan 11- May 01
3 Credits
Theater Appreciation
Mattew Sale
Jan 11- May 01
3 Credits
MID-DEC 2020
Contributed by Dustin Bradshaw In her new book, Emily Higgenbotham, The Gift, author Jeannette Brown shares her legacy of a life of service to others where she learned the most valuable gift we can offer is our love, time, and attention. Emily Higgenbotham is a very little girl with lots of friends. Emily spends time with her friends daily.
MID-DEC 2020
One day, she decides she wants to give a very important gift to her friends. But being so small she wonders how she can really make a difference or give them the right gift. What special
thing can she do so they know how she feels? With her mother’s help, Emily learns the most important gift she can give is of herself. Emily learns SHE is the gift her friends needed most. Jeannette’s book was written for infants to early readers. Birth to 8 years old. However, parents and grandparents are also finding joy in this heartwarming tale. Jeannette’s story also resonates with the elderly, and those that are experiencing Alzheimer’s disease or any type of dementia. The book’s gentle and inclusive tone touches on: aging, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, arthritis, Down syndrome, loneliness, and
giving of oneself. Parents and grandparents have commented that the story prompts questions and conversations leading to teachable moments, as well as productive and healthy sharing, while empowering the young and old alike to realize their own infinite value. Jeannette enjoys connecting with her readers. And although it can be challenging due to her own diagnosis of Alzheimer’s/dementia, she daily and enthusiastically signs handwritten, personal messages, that go out to children far away. Her audiobook version has been recorded, and is presently in post pro-
duction. A release date has yet to be announced. The audio version is important to Jeannette because she would like to include the sight impaired and those unable to read. The Gift is currently in process of translation into Egyptian, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian. Others to come as well. Emily Higgenbotham, The Giftwill be available in al libraries soon too, within weeks. A portion of profits from Jeannette’s book sales are helping to raise charitable donations for Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska, an organization that she sincerely believes in, and appreciates immensely.
Contributed by Matt Rowley We are excited to announce that the Mat-Su Summer Festival will be held the weekend of June 25th, 26th and 27th at Alaska Raceway Park in Butte!
MID-DEC 2020
This event is the natural sequel to the Fall Festival held last August that many of you participated in, where we were able to welcome nearly 10,000 visitors. As you know, the fall event was the first ever held at Alaska Raceway… and there was a learning curve. We learned some things, we have listened to your suggestions, and we have made some changes to help make this upcoming festival an even better event! The Mat-Su Summer Festival will be held within the large oval track at Alaska Raceway Park. There are four full acres within the oval, giving everyone room to safely spread out. The music stage and the beer garden will both be in closer proximity to the vendors. Steps are being taken to make sure that internet service is available and reliable for you point-of-sale needs. With live music being an important part of the festival, three-day passes
and RV camping are available for visitors who wish to make it a fun-filled music, shopping, and food truck weekend. Weather for any outdoor event in Alaska is always the wild card, but we are hopeful that June will provide a favorable weather window. Information is online at matsuevents. com, and we’re accepting vendor reservations now. We hope to see you there in June!
Poetry & Prose Contributed by Nan Potts If darkness grows oppressive, Crushing soul until it cries And hope of joy returning Leaves you, squashed with its goodbyes… When, fire of the hearth and heart Hast dwindled into naught And spirit, in many pieces lay, Scattered, now are sought… When surrounding world lays lifeless, Either sere or tombed in white And loneliness taps at your door Chilling you with fright… But wait, the tap gains cadence, Tis no ghost but human hand Which knocks upon your barricade, Why for and what’s its plan? Something moves you to address it, An unexpected thing, A flutter of desire, lost, Poses now to ring… When the door has opened, A merry face appears, The sturdy dam of sadness cracks; Releasing grief with tears. A mere voice heralds greetings, Its tone is full of Joy, A surge of Hope rekindled, Tis such a glad-tide ploy… “It’s Christmas, Friend!” It claims, “Rejoice!” A smile spreads ‘cross your face. With a nod its entrance made, Your heart now fills with Grace…
MID-DEC 2020
Enter Light and Wonderment, Christmas Spirit dost arrive, To pay a call to one and all, Restores Hope for us to thrive. Now, tis the season to reflect And not for you to jeer, The time has come to offer Love, Because it’s Christmas, cheer!
Contributed by Katherine Baker Swirls of color, seductive glare, arousal in the midnight air.
Contributed by Wendy Brooker
Elusive grace, granted freely,
Bells say, “What on earth are you waiting for?” Bells say, “Fire!” “Hey!” “Pay attention to that!” Bells say, “Roll out of bed!” “Run to the door!” “Christmas is coming!” and “Here comes the cat!” There are bells on the hill. Hear them ringing? You’re either late or right where you should be. School bells, Church bells, Angels newly winging Cracked, silent, hope-filled Bell of Liberty Hell’s bells! Dead ringers, Bells on dancers’ hips Criers ring “All’s well!” Cooks ring “Dinner time!” Cow bells, Service bells, Bells on trains and ships Bells ding, dong, bong, clang, ting-a-ling, and chime When I pick up mine to give it a swing Does my bell darkly toll or brightly ring?
one of nature’s lively species. United souls, collide as one, when art we share denying none. Observing northern lights’ physique, partaking natures’ modest peak. It is as though we are transposed, erasing worries, ills & woes. Abandoning every care, enjoying life without despair. The night belongs not only these, for deeper still the mystery. Day is not to be forgotten, forever sky’s bow begotten.
Contributed by Robert Lyons Made slaves by deceit Peace freedom and liberty Taken easily
Coloring Page
MID-DEC 2020
Contributed by Michael B. Dillon
led to an amazing opportunity afforded them by Tim Felicity and his studio located in midtown Anchorage. Felicity also took on the task of arranging the newly released song from Bailey’s vision along with bandmates Greg White on bass and Greg Risch on drums.
soon as I got in there it turned out to be a pretty relaxed atmosphere, like I’d already known all these guys for a while. They started jamming and showing me the music they were trying to put together with my song and it really had a ‘meant to be’ feel to it all.”
“I’ve been daydreaming about poems and lyrics for over twenty years,” says Bailey. “I’ve been trying to get them made into songs, but it just never seemed to pan out until I met the guys the MoonDog Media and Felicity Studios. I stopped in at a show at the end of October. It was really just a coincidence. I met Mike (Producer Michael B. Dillon) and he gave me a card for MoonDog Media. In a month they were able to take voice recordings I’d made just singing into my phone and create the whole song. On top of all that, I couldn’t believe that they made me sound like that.”
“This last summer has been a whole lot of learning for all of us,” says Dillon. “It couldn’t have happened without the amazing community of artists that we’ve had the pleasure to work with over the years. It is with that community in mind that we launched MoonDog Media with the sole intent of creating an organization driven to bring all of these artists together to shine like the stars that they are while building helping to bring success to their brands”
MoonDog Media opened up operations in July of this year with owners Michael B. Dillon and Josh Firey. Dillon worked previously sixteen years as a sound engineer and emcee all across the state with Firey joining him in learning the trade two years ago. With the advancements in digital audio technology, the pair realized at the beginning of the summer that they had the ability to record their live shows and professionally master them. This
The newly released single presented a lot of firsts for everyone involved. When asked how it was to work in a studio for the first time, Bailey said, “It was very, very intimidating. It’s all kind of surreal when you’ve never really been on that side of the music process. You can daydream all you want about getting out there in the spotlight and being heard, but you still know there’s a chance for a lot of criticism and haters out there, so it was tough. As
Along with the release of the song on iTunes and Spotify on November 26th, Bailey also produced a video for the project, which was released the same day on MoodDog Media’s YouTube page to much success. When asked to respond on the video’s popularity, Bailey said, “I was completely blown away. I thought if I got a couple hundred views that’d be pretty cool. The fact that we hit over four thousand in just three days just blew me away. I was never expecting that kind of attention for that song. It’s just really humbled me. I never expected it.” As of this release, the video has passed 12,000 views.
MoonDog Media is excited to announce the launch of Thinkin’, a new single by Alaskan Singer/Songwriter Jamie Bailey.
MID-DEC 2020
In the midst of a year wrought with uncertainty, doubt and overall isolation; Alaskan songwriter Jamie Bailey has taken a leap of faith in joining forces with the Alaskan media startup MoonDog Media. Thinkin’ (a song very near and dear to Bailey) had its debut release on Thanksgiving Day, accompanied by a video created by the artist, which has reached over 16,000 views on YouTube since it’s posting.
This is only the beginning for the teamup of MoonDog Media and Jamie Bailey. When asked where he goes from here, Bailey said, “Were working on a couple more songs right now. I’ve got a really good feeling about these guys. They make me feel very creative when it comes to what I would like to do. I have a lot of good lyrics that I now
have the opportunity to produce and make real. Now with this great group of guys I can’t help but feel like, is there anything we can’t do?” Wanting to send a very clear message to his new fans, Bailey closed the interview in saying, “Don’t be scared. If you’ve got something you want to share with the world, then share it. Go for it. Jump! You can’t ever fly if you stay sittin’ in the nest.” The single is set for release on several other platforms in the coming weeks, with Bailey’s next song already in production. MoonDog Media has also been working on several other projects with Alaskan artists, promising many exciting things on the horizon including a new video podcast featuring live music right from the studio in an effort to keep working musicians working during these trying times. For more information on Jamie Bailey, his new single ‘Thinkin’’ or MoonDog Media and its partners, you can check out the MoonDog Media Facebook page. Links: Facebook: YouTube: watch?v=ivPWm61yFN0 iTunes: id1542303287?ls=1&app=itunes Spotify: album/0ZmB6la3EIsAiqGNU6FqBh
Poetry & Prose Contributed by Randi Perlman As winter solstice fast approaches, two giant planets will align To present a spectacular occurrence, me thinks it is a sign That Mollie shines above us, an authentic & bright North Star And smiles down her kindness, on believers, near & far Saturn and Jupiter will kiss up together, and delight the world’s star-gazers
Ten years in our new building, so much to celebrate Let’s revel in what’s yet to come, with a 2021 date Mollie will always surround us with her vision, strong and true She is celebrating with us, for the good work we’ll continue to do Happiest holiday wishes, may seasons’ greetings abound… Let’s ring this in together, ‘cause Together, We Are Turning it Around!!
The heavenly conjunction will appear on solstice day In an interstellar light show that will brighten our darkest day
Note: This poem was written for the Annual Recycling Center Blessing, which takes place every year on the Saturday closest to Winter Solstice. It’s a tradition started by Mollie Boyer, founding member & long-time Executive Director of VCRS who recently passed, and will be continued in her honor, and because it’s a great idea!
This double planet moment will produce a “Christmas Star” To illuminate the galaxy, visible wherever you are
Join us this year for our 10th annual blessing on Saturday, December 19, at 12 noon. Call 745-5544 for more information.
With a once-in-a-lifetime celestial sight that is sure to impress even non-fazers
Like the biblical Star of Bethlehem, proclaimed a miraculous sign Comes this blessing of our center at a very fitting time The likes of this great merger have been unseen for 800 years A reminder that the world keeps turning, in spite of all our fears The New Year is approaching, a new vaccine as well Good news on the horizon, a safer place to dwell Despite the spatial distance and the millions of miles away We do NOT feed our landfills, ‘cause there’s no such thing as AWAY