www. MAKEASCENEAK .com OCT 2016
Non-Profit Directory Families & Children:
Non-Profit Organization? Join our growing list for as little as $15.00/mo! Non-Profit’s Help Our Community! Families & Children: Family Promise Mat-Su (907) 357-6160 A community response for families without housing. Family Promise Mat-Su, “FPMS” uses area churches for shelter while providing meals and case management to help homeless families move back into housing and self-sustainability. In addition we provide state funds(BHAP) for homeless prevention.
OTHER Mat-Su Health Services, Inc.
OCT 2016 (907) 376-2411 Dedicated to improving the health of our community, one person at a time – through affordable medical, dental and behavioral health care.The clinic is a Federally qualified Health Care Center and we accept Medicare, Medicaid, and most other third-party insurances. For those who qualify, there is a sliding scale payment, based on household income. We offer early morning and evening appointments appointment. You can also contact our 24/7 behavioral crisis intervention line by calling the main number: 376-2411.
Families & Children:
March of Dimes Alaska Chapter
Valley Arts Alliance
March of Dimes Alaska Chapter (907) 276-4111 Join the March of Dimes for our annual High Heels for High Hopes this fall. To become a model or participant, call 276-4111. The March of Dimes helps moms have fullterm pregnancies and healthy babies. And if something goes wrong, we offer information and comfort to families. We research the problems that threaten our babies and work on preventing them. About 4 million babies were born in the United States last year, and the March of Dimes helped each and every one through research, education, vaccines and breakthroughs. The March of Dimes: working together for stronger, healthier babies. Valley Arts Alliance, bringing the community together through the arts... We are a place for both new and established artists of all types—painters, sculptors, musicians, and those involved in the performing arts—to network and to experiment with new ideas and media. We work with local libraries, schools, museums, art councils, and music and art groups to create more venues for the arts, and to help promote art related events. Join us at our informal weekly meetings, every Thursday @ 11 at Sophia’s Cafe, 9191 E Frontage Road, Palmer-Wasilla Hwy. Check out our archives
Mat-Su Health Foundation (907) 352-2863 The Mat-Su Health Foundation offers financial and strategic support to wellmanaged 501(c)(3) organizations that offer services and practical solutions to significant health-related problems impacting the citizens of the Mat-Su Borough. The foundation also offers academic and vocational scholarships to Mat-Su residents who wish to pursue health and wellness related careers.
Pets & Animals: Alaska Animal Advocates (907) 841-3173 Alaska Animal Advocates is a non-profit group of dedicated volunteers who are devoted to enriching the lives of companion animals in Alaska. In order to do this, we will place homeless pets in loving environments, address medical concerns, spay or neuter, microchip, vaccinate, and offer training as is needed. We believe that every animal deserves a loving home, for his/her entire life and Alaska Animal Advocates will provide the resources to make this happen. In order to make this mission possible, we need the help of volunteers and foster homes. (907) 276-4111 The mission of the March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. About 4 million babies were born in the United States last year, and the March of Dimes helped each and every one through research, education, vaccines and breakthroughs. The March of Dimes: working together for stronger, healthier babies.
CONSERVATION: Valley Community for Recycling Solutions (907) 745-5544 It’s not just for hippies anymore! Everyone in the Mat-Su valley can recycle. Drop your stuff off Tues – Fri 10:30 to 6 and Sat 10:30 to 3:30. Recycle cardboard, magazines, this newspaper and more at your community recycling center. Remember to REDUCE, REUSE, and then RECYCLE! We are located at 9465 E Chanlyut Circle, next to the MSB Animal Shelter at the MSB Central Landfill. Volunteer opportunities available. Make a difference in your community! Check out our website for details - Call us at 907.745.5544 with questions or comments. (907) 373-4357 MY House is a homeless youth drop in center with two for-profit businesses that train and employ homeless youth. Gathering Grounds Cafe is a coffee shop with homemade soups, sandwiches, salads and baked goods. Steamdriven is a trendy thrift shop featuring Steampunk items made from repurposed donations by our youth designers. Fiend2Clean and Young People in Recovery offer support for substance abuse recovery with activities and events. We offer transitional housing for qualified 18-24 year olds, Outreach services to connect homeless youth, organizations and groups to services, and access to Public Health and NineStar job/education services on site.
SOCIAL ADVOCACY: Wasilla Homeless-Committee
EMPLOYMENT SERVICES: Mat-Su Regional Adult Basic Education (Nine Star) (907) 373-7833 Mat-Su ABE provides basic education in math, language arts and English as a second language (ESL), aiming to raise student skills beyond the high-school level in order to pass tests like the GED, enter training programs or college, and advance on the job. Enrollment is open to all adult residents of Alaska, yearround. Youth Employment for ages 16-24 not in school -- get a job, keep a job, advance on the job. Nine Star 300 N Willow 373-3006 (in the MYHouse building) (907) 521-2949 Wasilla Homeless-Committee is a 100% volunteer organization funded by private donations and regular fundraising events. Our sole purpose is to assist the homeless, those at risk of homelessness, and others who do not meet the criteria for help that is required by other advocacy agencies in the valley. Wasilla Homeless-Committee provides case management, housing search assistance, move in assistance, job search assistance, clothing, furniture, help with transportation, and resource guidance for homeless and disenfranchised in the Mat-Su Valley. Visit our website for application, or call 907521-2949. Find us on Facebook wasillahomelesscommitteepage
CANDIDATE FORUM 10/18/2016 – 6PM Mat-Su College, Palmer FREE Admission CATHY TILTON FOR DISTRICT 12 FUNDRAISER 10/19/2016 – 5:30PM Cathy Tilton for State House Point Blank Firearms, Palmer FREE Admissions, Donations Accepted
VALLEY REPUBLICAN WOMEM MEETING 10/20/2016 – 6:30PM Valley Republican Women Mat-Su Family Restaurant, Wasilla FREE Admission – (907) 745-3388 WHO’S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF? October 21-November 6, 2016 Fridays & Saturdays @7PM, Sundays @2PM Valley Performing Arts, Wasilla Cost: $18 Students/Seniors, $20 General Admission LOCAL MOTION ACOUSTIC SHOWCASE 10/21/2016 – 5PM Local Motion Entertainment Gathering Grounds Café, Wasilla Cost: $5 Check us out on Facebook “BEER MEETS CHOCOLATE” TASTING 10/21/2016 - 6PM Arkose Brewery, Palmer Cost: $25 - (907) 746-2337
Raven Hall, Alaska State Fairgrounds Tickets: $35 - (907) 746-7153
LITTLE WOMEN: THE MUSICAL October 28-November 12, 2016 2PM or 7:30PM Glenn Massay Theater, Palmer Tickets: $12-$19
MONSTER BASH BOUT 10/29/2016 - 6PM Denali Destroyer Dolls MTA Events Center, Palmer Cost: $5-$125
HELLO DARLIN’ COSTUME CONTEST 10/28/2016 – 6PM Hello Darlin’, Wasilla FREE Event Check us out on Facebook
HALLOWEEN AT MOOSHEAD 10/29/2016 – 9PM Moosehead Saloon, Palmer FREE Event - (907) 746-2299
ALASKA STATE FAIR HOLIDAY BAZAAR 10/22/2016 - 10AM Alaska State Fair Alaska State Fairgrounds, Palmer Admission: $1, FREE For Children states/AK/
HOME MARKET 10/29/2016 – 9AM Alaska Laestadian Lutheran Church, Wasilla FREE Event akhomemarket
REINDEER FARM FALL FUN! 10/22/2016 - 10AM Williams Reindeer Farm, Palmer Cost: $10 - (907) 745-4000
HALLOWEEN HAVOC 10/29/2016 – 11AM Extreme Fun Center, Wasilla FREE Admission – (907) 376-7223
OCTOBER UPCYCLE 10/22/2016 - 4:30PM Magpie Clothing Exchange, Palmer FREE Event - (907) 745-5551 Check us out on Facebook FALL BACK FOLLIES 10/22/2016 – 6PM Big Lake Lions & Susitna Rotary Big Lake Lions Recreation Center Tickets: $60 Each, $700 Table Check us out on Facebook MOOSE THE MOVIE 10/22/2016 - 6:30PM Glenn Massay Theater, Palmer Tickets: $10 SOUP AROUND THE WORLD 10/23/2016 – 3PM The Alaska Boathouse Restaurant, Big Lake FREE Admission – (907) 892-8595 CANDIDATE FORUM 10/24/2016 – 7PM St. David’s Church, Wasilla FREE Admission - (907) 373-0625
BREASTIVAL 10/29/2016 - 12PM Valley Radiation Therapy Center Mat-Su Regional Medical Center, Palmer FREE Event - (907) 792-1521 KING OF KINGS FALL FESTIVAL 10/29/2016 - 2PM King of Kings/Creative Solutions By Britt King of Kings Lutheran Church, Wasilla FREE Event - (907) 376-7771 HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL 2016 10/29/2016 - 3:30PM Cottonwood Creek PTO Cottonwood Creek Elementary, Wasilla FREE Event - (907) 864-2100
THE LIGHTNING THIEF 10/30/2016 - 3PM Alaska Junior Theater Alaska Center for the Performing Arts, Anchorage Cost: $13-$29 - (907) 272-7546 NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM 10/31/2016 - 4PM Museum of Alaska Transportation & Industry, Wasilla Cost: $5 - (907) 376-1211 TRUNK & TREAT 10/31/2016 - 6PM First Baptist Church of Palmer FREE Event - (907) 745-4483 amanda.knighten@fbcpalmer. com HALLOWEEN SPOOKTACULAR ICE PARTY 10/31/2016 - 8:30PM Menard Sports Center, Wasilla FREE Event Check us out on Facebook
HALLOWEEN NEON BOWLING 10/29/2016 - 4PM North Bowl, Wasilla Cost: $16 Adults, $12 Children Check us out on Facebook
WILDLIFE WEDNESDAY 11/2/2016 - 7PM Alaska Department of Fish & Game, Alaskans for Palmer Hay Flats, The Nature Conservancy & Mat-Su Basin Salmon Habitat Partnership Matanuska Experiment Farm, Palmer FREE Event
MIGHTY MONSTER BOO FEST 10/29/2016 – 6PM Alaska State Fair
FREE HEARING SCREENING 11/5/2016 - 10AM Mat-Su Sertoma Club, Wasilla
FREE Event - (907) 841-6565 MAT-SU HOLIDAY BAZAAR November 5-6, 2016 - 10AM Little Shop on the Tundra Menard Sports Center, Wasilla Admission: $4 SNOW FEST 11/5/2016 - 11AM Alaska Avalanche Information Center, Inc. Anchorage Loussac Public Library FREE Event - (907) 255-2242 MAT-SU HOLIDAY MARKETPLACE November 5-6, 2016 Saturday @10AM, Sunday @11AM Menard Sports Center, Wasilla Admission: $4 Adults, FREE For Children states/AK/ MURDER AT THE MORGUE MYSTERY NIGHT 11/5/2016 - 7PM The Annex, Palmer Tickets: $35 - (907) 745-3900 7TH ANNUAL NEIGHBORHOOD TOY STORE DAY 11/12/2016 – All Day American Specialty Toy Retailing Association (ASTRA) Just Imagine Toys, Wasilla FREE Admission – (907) 357-1543 2ND ANNUAL HOLIDAY BAZAAR 11/12/2016 - 10AM Academy Charter School FREE Event Check us out on Facebook BEER MEETS CANVAS 11/12/2016 - 2PM Arkose Brewery, Palmer Cost: $35 - (907) 746-2337 4TH ANNUAL WARRIOR & RACING BENEFIT 11/12/2016 – 6PM Battle Dawgs Palmer Train Depot Tickets: $50
OCT 2016
PARENTS’ NIGHT OFF: SPOOKTACULAR ADVENTURES 10/21/2016 – 6PM The Alaska Club, Wasilla Cost: $25
NATIONAL PRESCRIPTION DRUG TAKE BACK DAY 10/22/2016 - All Day Drug Enforcement Administration, Mat-Su Borough Palmer & Wasilla Fred Meyers FREE Event - (907) 861-8557
CANDIDATE FORUM 10/25/2016 – 12PM Wasilla Chamber of Commerce Grandview Inn Grill, Wasilla FREE Admission (907) 376-1299
VOICELESS MOVIE SHOWING 10/19/2016 - 7PM Alaska Right to Life The Valley Cinema, Wasilla FREE Event - (907) 276-1912
PALEO COOKING 10/21/2016 - 6PM What’s Cooking With Winona? Nourished Health Coaching Nourished: Health Coaching Services, Palmer Cost: $60 - (907) 982-9933
FRESH MEAT PRACTICE Wednesdays 6PM-8PM, Sundays 4:30PM-6:30PM Boom Town Derby Damesr FREE Admission
Although the museum’s hours have changed, it still has plenty events planned this fall to keep those winter blues at bay. Read these words: “You don’t have a runner’s body.” “You would look so much prettier if you lost some weight.” “When are you going to dye your hair?” Horrifying comments heard on the latest episode of your favorite television sitcom? Dialogue taken from the latest novel you read?
The idea of pretty is subjective and women should feel comfortable looking the way they want to look without feeling like they owe anybody.
The images were taken by local up and coming photographer, Quentin Steinke. Each model was asked to bare their bodies and step out of their comfort zone by dressing in a black tank top and black shorts or underwear and be photographed. During their photography session, they were asked to write down something that another person has said to them at least once in their lifetime that negatively impacted their self-confidence. They were also asked to write down something that they believed was true about themselves that had nothing to do with physicality. The results are a unique collection of photographs that reveal just how altering words can be, and how when given a sounding board and being among other “victims” can be a healing and empowering experience. The Art of Self Love went on exhibit at the Palmer Museum beginning on October 8th and will run through November 18th with a special exhibit reception on November 12th. For more information about any of the Palmer Museum’s exhibits or events, please visit the museum website at www., or contact a member of the museum staff at 746-7668.
OCT 2016
Sadly, no. These are just some of the negative body image remarks that have been spoken to several of the Palmer Museum’s “models” for its upcoming exhibit, The Art of Self Love. Inspired by New Jersey professional photographer, Jess Fielder’s “Project: Self Love,” the museum’s exhibit addresses the issues of female body image and how amidst a world filled with an abundance of visual media and the growing trend of body shaming, it is important to remember that it’s not the packaging that matters, but rather the contents.
The Art of Self Love is comprised of several images taken of eleven local “models,” women who were selected because of the contributions they make to the Palmer community or the challenges they have had to overcome.
Now that the leaves have started to change from their luscious green to warm hues of gold, orange and red, the Palmer Museum has transitioned into its winter operational hours of Wednesday through Friday, 10:00AM to 5:00PM and every second Saturday, 10:00AM to 6:00PM.
Contributed by Deb Lestenkof The painting wasn’t going anywhere. Yes, it was a pretty scene of flowers, and yes, it looked good. Decent, even. But I wasn’t amazed. In the past, I’d played with many mediums to express my creativity and laughed off the term “painter”. I’d sewn sceneries with colorful fabrics, speckled patches of little flowers to add detail and larger, bold colors to make a statement. I’d crocheted for years and became skilled enough to read detailed patterns. I reveled in thick, lush handspun yarns and wooly textures. I played with paper crafts and enjoyed even hand pressing my own paper using recycled bits and pieces. Soaking the remnants of junk mail, bills and old homework in coffee, felt somehow therapeutic while transforming it into beautiful homemade cardstock that I could send out as cards to friends.
OCT 2016
But painting? I just didn’t get. Or better said, it didn’t get me. These flowers on canvas staring back at me looked cold, lifeless. I used every bright color and combination of my acrylics that I could find, but they still looked frozen in time. “Make me dance,” they said. So I tried. I started using watercolors to incorporate movement into my paintings. Water did help with what my art professor called “happy accidents” but still, the colors didn’t burst. I painted layer over layer trying to get a level of depth that would dramatically jump off the walls, but still it didn’t excite me. That’s when I found alcohol inks. My scrapbooking friends had used them in the past to alter smooth surface items like dominoes, dice and metals. The idea of using little droppers of deeply pigmented inks was intriguing, but I had no idea how they worked. A friend passed her collection of inks on to me, but I wasn’t sure how to use them. A few YouTube videos later, I noticed
that some people used the inks on jewelry or small ceramics that had been wiped down with rubbing alcohol. The brilliantly colored inks want to immediately spread off the surface, so you must take care in using small amounts and work quickly before they blend together and swirl right off. The challenge to get these mysterious and jewel-like colors to stop where you want them to seems impossible, and that’s what got me excited. Mission accepted. I went out and bought a very large, smooth ceramic tile from the hardware store. I wondered if I could use the inks as paint and created my own method of dripping them on the tile and moving them around with a paintbrush dipped in alcohol. I loved the effects! Colors swirled with excitement as if mischievously daring me to make sense of what they were doing. I chased the slick surface of luxurious tones across the tile and splashed more ink here to darken, more rubbing alcohol there to lighten. I began to use a straw to blow the spinning ink in the direction I wanted, while gently blowing it to dry in certain places. Using a tiny brush, I found I can control the flow and push it back in place where it needs to go. By the way, I also quickly learned that too much ink would quickly seize up on the tile, creating “mud”a thick, grainy pile of black grit. So I must contain uncontrollable ink that dances off the surface but not use too much, make sure the colors don’t overmix and work quickly so they don’t dry and cling to the tile? Gotcha, I can do this. Many thousands of hours (and weeks) later, I not only found my own painting style, but explored many methods to showcase these wonderful, multi-faceted inks. I experimented with high grain alcohol and added glycerin which made the inks flow even more and dry to a glass-like shine. I burned it while wet to evaporate the rubbing
Entertainment alcohol and leave the vibrant inks behind. I’ve begun using it on metals and aluminum to reflect the transparent hues and speckled effects.
changing settings around me. Endless summer skies and warm fall sunsets sizzle off the tile in a way no other medium could begin to compare.
I’m inspired by not only the effects that can be achieved by the (never-ending) attempts to control these vibrant inks, but by how they aptly depict my environment. Scenes of water and clouds bloom and spread like wispy featheriness, splatters from the tip of my brush create abstract, wild movement in animals and scenery. Since alcohol inks can create so much movement and transcendental feeling,
At long last, I found my kindred spirit. I’m not sure if it’s because this medium is as independent and stubborn as I am, or I finally found something as willful as I. Maybe like Alaska’s beauty and wildlife, it can’t be tamed. Perhaps it’s the heightened sense of fulfillment I get when I can make my piece take on a recognizable form. Whatever the case, I’m hooked and found my soulmate. It gets me and I get them. I might even go as far as to call myself a painter. Deb Lestenkof loves discussing art, teaching others how to use alcohol ink and finding their own creative voice. More of her work can be found at and debscreativepaws.
Contributed by Carmen Summerfield On my trips to Holland, I’m always amazed at the gable stones that I see in so many old houses in Amsterdam.
16th century, in the days before house numbers and when many people couldn’t read. To fulfill the need to locate the house for others, the owner affixed a gable stone with a picture or inscription to their house. If you needed to find someone, you had to know the name of the house. Therefore
Some gable stones illustrate the name or profession of the owner, for instance a quill pen as a badge for an author, a ship for a sailor or a coffee bale for a coffee merchant.
Currently over 800 buildings in Amsterdam have gable stones, and volunteers are busy restoring gable stones, such as de Witte Oliphant (the White Elephant), which can now be seen in the center of Amsterdam, on the façade of a school building of the same name.
Some gable stones act as talismans, quoting from Holy Scripture. A pious motto repeatedly found on Dutch gable stones is Nooit Volmaakt (Never Perfect), a testimony to the householder’s belief that only God can achieve perfection.
And the tradition of the gable stone remains alive and thriving, as new stones are still commissioned. Recently, the Rabobank in Amsterdam wistfully commemorated the introduction of the euro with a stone entitled “De eerste en de laatste gulden” (The first and the last guilder).
Going beyond practicality or superstition, some gable stones make a joke, usually a visual pun.
I’m thinking of adding a gable stone to my house, but I’m not sure what picture or inscription to use.
OCT 2016
Gable stones (in the Dutch language, gevelstenen) are carved and often colorfully painted stone tablets, which are set into the walls of buildings, usually at about 12 feet from the ground. They serve both to identify and embellish the building, and they may also tell us something about its previous owner. Gable stones came into use in the
if you were one of the many that couldn’t read, you could find the house by looking for the appropriate symbol or design on the gable stone.
I like to stray from visual distraction and instead focus on one subject as my focal point - the stoic stare of a bear or wolf eyeing you down, a moose coming out of a garden or a bird taking flight. My environment gives me rich inspiration to paint from; my inks perfectly help me capture the always
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Contributed by Jeff Gail, The YAK A yak can mean very different things to many different people. In Asia, for example, the yak is an animal that brings necessary food, milk and leather. It is also vitally important in farming, transportation and even used during yak races! A yak can also make a parent cringe and frantically look for towels while starting the bath necessary for clean up! Here in the Matanuska Valley, the YAK is starting to develop a very unique meaning that stands apart from others.
OCT 2016
The YAK, which stands for Youth of Alaska, is a faith-based, non-profit organization that is dedicated to serving the families and youth in our community by providing a welcoming, fun, and safe place for youth to come and hang out after school! Not only is it completely free and open to everyone in junior and senior high school, but it is a total blast! At the YAK, we offer something for everyone! We have tons of art supplies and tables for the artist, sports equipment for those youth looking to toss a football or play a classic game of ‘pig’ right outside, several musical instruments for those talented youth wanting to play chopsticks or strum a guitar, cabinets full of games ranging from monopoly to playing cards to chess and everything in between, an amazing
pool table, foosball, darts and to top it all off, an awesome snack bar! This is truly a “must see it in action” kind of place! Now, you may be thinking to yourself that this is great and all, but what’s it have to do with me? Well, I can speak from my personal experience of 2025 years ago here in Palmer, it has everything to do with you and the rest of this amazing community! When kids are out of school, they usually don’t want to go straight home and find themselves “killing time”, waiting for their parent(s) to get home from work. This often translates into groups of kids wondering aimlessly throughout the town looking for something constructive to do. The major problem is that there
isn’t much to do, especially during the cold winter months of Alaska! Boredom then inevitably sets in and poor choices are made, which affects businesses and individuals in our community, whether directly or indirectly. This is precisely where the YAK comes in! The YAK is strategically located right in the heart of Palmer, across from the skate park and within walking distance to most of the schools in the area. With a flashing ‘OPEN’ sign and the smell of popcorn, hot pockets and cup-o-noodles drifting down the street, the youth can’t help but pile in the doors to experience the welcoming warmth and compassion of the YAK, it’s fun and caring staff. After that front door is breached, comfort sets in and they don’t want to
which will fund the YAK through 2017. The more you donate, the more time can be spent investing in the lives of our youth, rather than planning spaghetti feeds, bake sales or other fundraising events.
Since we have been open for over two years now, we know that the youth and the community loves who we are and what we do, but it is now that time of year when it comes down to showing that support in a very tangible way. As I’m always telling my kids, “Actions speak louder than words,” now is the time for us parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, teachers and students to lead by example by helping financially support the YAK.
Become a part of the YAK family by investing in the youth of this community and donate today! You can mail donations directly to 16005 E. Shawn Dr, Palmer AK 99645, or look us up on Facebook (www. and donate directly online as a one-time gift or set up recurring monthly support.
We just kicked our annual fundraiser with the goal of raising $50K in 50 days
Find out more by stopping by our website ( or swinging by the YAK (105 S Valley Way) Monday through Friday, 2:00pm-6:00pm.
FREE Event Hey all you ghost, goblins and freaky monsters! There is going to be a Halloween event at the world famous Moosehead Saloon in Palmer, Alaska. October 29th, starting around 9PM until 2AM.
Contributed by Howard James Halloween at Mooshead 10/29/2016 – 9PM Moosehead Saloon, Palmer
So wear your best ghoulish costume, come in and do the Monster Mash. Music will be provided by the “Zombie Cowboys”. They will be playing Friday the 28th and Saturday the 29th.
OCT 2016
leave! Not only do the kids love it here for the fun, food and friends, but they often are surprised to become known by name and accepted and listened to, which has effects that far surpass that of a corn dog or candy bar.
Music, Entertainment
Entertainment MUSEUM OF AK TRANSPORTATION PRESS RELEASE Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? October 21-November 6, 2016 Fridays & Saturdays @7PM, Sundays @2PM Valley Performing Arts, Wasilla Cost: $18 Students/Seniors, $20 General Admission
Drama Directed by Grant Olson George, a professor at a small college, and his wife, Martha, have just returned home, drunk from a Saturday night party. Martha announces, that she has invited a young couple - an opportunistic new professor at the college and his shatteringly naïve new bride to stop by for a nightcap. When they arrive the charade begins. The drinks flow and suddenly inhibitions melt. It becomes clear that Martha is determined
Contributed by Elizabeth Maxson Every year I love to participate in school Halloween festivities as Mad Maxson the mad scientist! We’ve always tried to find new ways to engage the kids with fun, cool and tasty treats (we have five in K-5 this year!). This year, I thought I’d share some fun and simple recipes with you. Pumpkin Patch Dirt Cups: Package of Instant Chocolate Pudding 2 Packages of Oreos Pumpkin Candies Green Sour Punch Straws Clear Plastic Cup Prepare the instant pudding according to package instructions.
OCT 2016
Pulverize Oreos. Layer Oreos and Pudding in Clear Cup. Lay Pumpkin vine (Sour Punch Straw) in the center. Add 3 pumpkin candies around vine. Dig in!
to seduce the young professor, and George couldn’t care less. But underneath the edgy banter, which is cross-fired between both couples, lurks an undercurrent of tragedy and despair. This Tony award winning play provides a critical look at relationships and the negative effects of keeping secrets.
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Opens October 21st and runs through November 6th. Ticket prices are $18 for students/seniors and $20 for adults. This mature-themed drama will be appearing at Valley Performing Arts, 251 W. Swanson Avenue, Wasilla. Call VPA at 373-0195, visit our website or come by the office, Monday through Friday 9am to 3pm to purchase your tickets.
Kitty Litter Cake: 2 Cake Mixes, Chocolate and White or Yellow Green Food Coloring 1 Package Vanilla Pudding Vanilla Sandwich Cookies Tootsie Rolls Clean Cat Litter Box and Scoop Prepare pudding with package instructions. In kitty litter pan, add both cake mixes, half the cookie crumbs and package of prepared pudding. Heat up tootsie rolls to soften and roll into…well, cat poop and add most to litter (save some for topping). Take ¼ of remaining crumbs and add a light amount of green food coloring. Sprinkle all of remaining crumbs over kitty litter. Add the rest of the tootsie rolls.
Mighty Monster Boo Fest 10/29/2016 – 6PM Alaska State Fair Raven Hall, Alaska State Fairgrounds Tickets: $35 General, $10 Designated Driver
The Alaska State Fair’s annual brewfest is taking a Halloween twist this year. The Mighty Monster Boo Fest (aka Mighty Matanuska Brewfest) takes place Saturday, October 29 from 6 – 10 p.m. at Raven Hall on the fairgrounds.
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www. MAKEASCENEAK .com OCT 2016
Contributed by Chad Carpenter MOOSE The Movie 10/22/2016 6:30PM Glenn Massay Theater, Palmer Tickets: $10 Want another chance to see MOOSE The Movie on the big screen? Here it is!
OCT 2016
MOOSE will be showing Saturday, October 22, 6:30pm at the beautiful Glenn Massay Theater located at 8295 E. College Drive Rd. Palmer at the Mat-Su College.
supernatural chaos.
Gangrene Gulch, Alaska, on edge. In an attempt to restore the natural disorder to the quirky little town, newbie park ranger Zack Del Pollo and his crusty boss team up with beautiful librarian/coroner’s assistant Samantha Greene to solve the mystery. They soon find themselves hoof-deep in
Proceeds Go To Helping Make The Next Movie - “Sudsy Slim Rides Again” – Another movie made in Alaska, by Alaskans, starring Alaskans!
Tundra cartoonist and MOOSE cowriter, Chad Carpenter, will be there personally to meet and greet as well as hand out some fun and unique prizes before the movie! MOOSE DVDs, graphic novels and Tundra merchandise will be available for purchase. The first 100 people in the door will get a free “MOOSE The Movie” poster.
From the creators of Tundra the comic strip comes one of Alaska’s most successful independent films ever made.
To watch a trailer of MOOSE go to
A rash of bizarre moose-trampling incidents has the residents of tiny
Tickets ($10) available by going to or at the door. Rated PG-10ish – 113 minutes
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Entertainment ...One of the guests will be “killed” by one of the other participants, and the remainder of the evening will be spent piecing together clues to determine who the murderer is. Contributed by Jan Newman Murder at The Morgue – Mystery Night 11/5/2016 – 7PM The Annex, Palmer
Next month, The Annex, which is located in the old Palmer City Morgue (circa 1952) is holding its 2nd Annual Mystery Night Party! This year, Murder at The Morgue Mystery Night has been retooled to get everyone involved! Prepare to do your part as each guest will play a role in the mystery (playing an ‘Investigator” is an option for those more bashful types). At some point during the evening, one of the guests will be “killed” by one of the other participants, and the remainder of the evening will be spent piecing together clues to determine who the murderer is. You will do your sleuthing during this fateful evening and gathering clues as the night unfolds.
interrogate your friends and acquaintances as well. In order to identify the guilty parties, you will need to collect clues from as many people as possible. And stay alert - the suspects will be all around you and murder can happen at any time! Tickets are limited - get your character now!
The Murder at The Morgue - Mystery Night includes treachery, blackmail, intrigue and murder so make sure to
Tickets are $35 and are available at The Annex, or by calling 907.745.3900 between 10am3pm.
OCT 2016
As you work to solve the case, you may enjoy the delicious local foods appetizer buffet and a basic cash bar.