Make A Scene Magazine October 2019

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MID-OCT 2019



MID-OCT 2019



Connect Palmer Inc. (907) 746-9675 Connect Palmer is a Christ Centered Training Center and Housing for Women located in downtown Palmer. Connect Palmer’s two primary programs are God’s Work Design, and LIFE Connect. We also have Sarah’s House, which a Safe and Caring place for ladies, without homes, to live while they participate in our back to work and life skills programs. We also offer different community assistant programs, such as The Locker, to provide personal care and basic house hold cleaning items and Scarlet Tapestries which offers basic sewing skills instruction. We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

OTHER Mat-Su Health Services, Inc. (907) 376-2411 Dedicated to improving the health of our community, one person at a time – through affordable medical, dental and behavioral health care.The clinic is a Federally qualified Health Care Center and we accept Medicare, Medicaid, and most other third-party insurances. For those who qualify, there is a sliding scale payment, based on household income. We offer early morning and evening appointments appointment. You can also contact our 24/7 behavioral crisis intervention line by calling the main number: 376-2411.


MID-OCT 2019

Alaska Animal Advocates (907) 841-3173 Alaska Animal Advocates is a non-profit group of dedicated volunteers who are devoted to enriching the lives of companion animals in Alaska. In order to do this, we will place homeless pets in loving environments, address medical concerns, spay or neuter, microchip, vaccinate, and offer training as is needed. We believe that every animal deserves a loving home, for his/her entire life and Alaska Animal Advocates will provide the resources to make this happen. In order to make this mission possible, we need the help of volunteers and foster homes.



Denali Family Services

Valley Arts Alliance

291 East Swanson Ave. Wasilla, AK 907-222-2331 or Denali Family Services provides therapeutic foster care to Alaskan children with mental health needs. If you are committed to working with a team, receiving training and implementing positive interventions to schoolage children and teens, we need your talents and skills. We are in search of professional, therapeutic foster parents who are willing to make a commitment to the children of Alaska by providing a stable home environment. For more information, please call or email our Foster Care Recruiter, Ernestina D. Olivares, at 907-222-2331 or Valley Arts Alliance, bringing the community together through the arts... We are a place for both new and established artists of all types— painters, sculptors, musicians, and those involved in the performing arts—to network and to experiment with new ideas and media. We work with local libraries, schools, museums, art councils, and music and art groups to create more venues for the arts, and to help promote art related events. Join us at our informal weekly meetings, every Thursday @ 11 at Sophia’s Cafe, 9191 E Frontage Road, Palmer-Wasilla Hwy. Check out our archives

Mat-Su Health Foundation

CONSERVATION: (907) 352-2863 The Mat-Su Health Foundation offers financial and strategic support to well-managed 501(c)(3) organizations that offer services and practical solutions to significant health-related problems impacting the citizens of the Mat-Su Borough. The foundation also offers academic and vocational scholarships to Mat-Su residents who wish to pursue health and wellness related careers.

COMMUNITY: Matanuska Electric Association (MEA) Charitable Foundation 907-761-9300 Since 2011, the MEA Charitable Foundation has given grants to fund projects impacting libraries, playgrounds, seniors, veterans, recycling, at-risk youth, and much more. In 2019, MEA Charitable Foundation reached over $1,000,000 in contributions to the community with Operation RoundUp® Program! Organizational grants are capped at $10,000, individual grants are capped at $2,500. Please remember to check our website for requirements and submit your completed application — including financials!

Valley Community for Recycling Solutions (907) 745-5544 RECYCLING: Be part of the solution. DROP OFF: The community recycling center is located at 9465 E Chanlyut Circle, next to the MSB Animal Shelter at the Central Landfill. Follow the smells. NEW HOURS: Drive through drop-off open Tues – Fri 9:30 - 5:00 and Sat 8:00 to 5:00. Recycle cardboard, aluminum cans, magazines, this newspaper and more. Remember to REDUCE, REUSE, and then RECYCLE! ONLINE: Visit our website for more details, follow us on FaceBook and Instagram. To learn more, visit our classroom. Volunteer opportunities available. Make a difference in your community!

EMPLOYMENT SERVICES: Mat-Su Regional Adult Basic Education (Nine Star) (907) 373-7833 Mat-Su ABE provides basic education in math, language arts and English as a second language (ESL), aiming to raise student skills beyond the high-school level in order to pass tests like the GED, enter training programs or college, and advance on the job. Enrollment is open to all adult residents of Alaska, year-round. Youth Employment for ages 16-24 not in school -- get a job, keep a job, advance on the job. Nine Star 300 N Willow 373-3006 (in the MYHouse building)

FAITH: Valley Interfaith Action (VIA) (907) 230-1006 
To address quality of life issues for all residents of the Mat-Su Borough, utilizing the faith values of our members, developing community-wide interest and mobilization around quality of life issues. Through training, leaders address community problems by providing forums for discussion, researching alternative solutions, and working as facilitators with residents and leaders for institutional change.

HOMELESS YOUTH: Mat-Su Youth Housing (MY HOUSE) (907) 373-4357 MY House is a homeless youth drop in center with two for-profit businesses that train and employ homeless youth. Gathering Grounds Cafe is a coffee shop with homemade soups, sandwiches, salads and baked goods. Steamdriven is a trendy thrift shop featuring Steampunk items made from repurposed donations by our youth designers. Fiend2Clean and Young People in Recovery offer support for substance abuse recovery with activities and events. We offer transitional housing for qualified 18-24 year olds, Outreach services to connect homeless youth, organizations and groups to services, and access to Public Health and NineStar job/education services on site.

SOCIAL ADVOCACY: Wasilla Homeless-Committee (907) 521-2949 Wasilla Homeless-Committee is a 100% volunteer organization funded by private donations and regular fundraising events. Our sole purpose is to assist the homeless, those at risk of homelessness, and others who do not meet the criteria for help that is required by other advocacy agencies in the valley. Wasilla Homeless-Committee provides case management, housing search assistance, move in assistance, job search assistance, clothing, furniture, help with transportation, and resource guidance for homeless and disenfranchised in the Mat-Su Valley. Visit our website for application, or call 907521-2949. Find us on Facebook wasillahomelesscommitteepage


EARLY CHILDHOOD PARTNERSHIP OF MAT-SU & PALMER PARENTS GROUP PLAY TIME Every Wednesday – 10AM Early Childhood Partnership of Mat-Su & Palmer Parents Group Mat-Su Borough Gym 350 E Dahlia Ave. Palmer FREE Event - (907) 745-5824 HAZMAT Days Every Wednesday – 10AM Every Saturday – 10AM MSB Solid Waste Division 1201 N 49th State St. Palmer FREE Event - (907) 861-7600 SOUP & SANDWICH SUPPER Every Wednesday - 5PM Lamb of God Lutheran Church 1221 N Church Rd. FREE Event - (907) 357-8077 PJ’S CRAFT CORNER GRAND OPENING 10/19/2019 – 10AM PJ’S Crafty Corner 1830 E Parks Hwy. Ste. #A102 FREE Event – (907) 841-9234 ST. HERMAN’S CRAFT BAZAAR 10/19/2019 – 10AM St. Herman’s Antiochian Orthodox Church St. Herman’s Antiochian Orthodox Church Fellowship Hall 6988 En Dove Rd. Wasilla FREE Event - (907) 230-8655 TAI CHI & QIGONG CLASS Oct. 19, 22, 26, 29 – 10:30AM White Feather Wellness Lazy Mountain 5150 Heidi Dr. Palmer FREE Event – (907) 854-6168

OLD TOWN AUTUMN FEST 10/19/2019 – 1PM City of Wasilla, Wasilla Museum Wasilla Historic Town Site FREE Event - (907) 373-9071 BACKYARD COMPOSTING CLASS 10/19/2019 - 3PM MSB Solid Waste Division 1201 N 49th State St. Palmer FREE Event - (907) 861-7600 OCTOBERFEST BRATS, BEER & WINE EVENT 10/19/2019 – 6:30PM Mat-Su Republican Women’s Club Palmer Moose Lodge 1136 Cobb St. Palmer Tickets: $50 Early-Bird, $60 @Door TRICK OR TREAT TOWN 10/25/2019 -5PM Primrose Retirement Community 889 N Elkhorn Dr. Wasilla FREE Event – (907) 373-5500 VOLUNTEER FOR HOSPICE OPEN HOUSE 10/25/2019 – 5:30PM Ancora Home Health & Hospice 2851 E Palmer-Wasilla Hwy. Ste. #7-#8 FREE Event – (907) 352-4848 THE ELMENDORF-RICHARDSON SPOUSES’ CLUB COUNTRY FAIR 10/26/2019 - 10AM The Elmendorf-Richardson Spouses’ Club JBER Buckner Fitness Center Cost: $1 General FREE Ages 0-12 years

FALL DRUG TAKE-BACK DAY 10/26/2019 – 10AM United Way of Mat-Su Fred Meyer (Palmer & Wasilla) Sunshine Community Health Center (Talkeetna) FREE Event – (907) 861-8557 TRUNK OR TREAT 10/26/2019 – 1PM King of Kings Lutheran Church 1601 N Lucille St. Wasilla FREE Event – (907) 376-7771 2019 MIGHTY MONSTER BOO BREWFEST 10/26/2019 – 6PM Alaska State Fair, Inc. Raven Hall, Alaska State Fairgrounds 2075 Glenn Hwy. Palmer Tickets: $35 Reg. $10 Designated Driver HALLOWEEN HALLOW 10/31/2019 – 3PM Mat-Su Special Santa Alaska State Fairgrounds 2075 Glenn Hwy. Palmer Cost: $6 or 1 Unrapped Toy PALMER ELKS ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BAZAAR November 2-3, 2019 – 10AM Palmer Elks Annual Christmas Bazaar 2600 N Barry’s Resort Dr. Wasilla FREE Event – (907) 232-4129 BREAKIN’ BACKWARDS: A CELEBRATION OF HISTORY, MUSIC & DANCE 11/2/2019 - 7:30PM Alaska Junior Theater & Soul Street Dance Company Atwood Concert Hall 621 W 6th Ave. Ste. #ACH, Anchorage Tickets: $24.75-$33.75

MAT-SU ORCHESTRA VETERANS DAY CONCERT 11/10/2019 – 3PM Mat-Su Orchestra The Glenn Massay Theater 8295 E College Dr. Palmer FREE Event MATTER OF BALANCE FALL PREVENTION WORKSHOP Nov. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2019 – 9AM Dec. 2, 9, 16, 23, 2019 – 9AM Wasilla Area Seniors, Inc. 1301 S Century Cir. Wasilla FREE Event – (907) 376-3104 ART SHOW & OPEN HOUSE 11/7/2019 – 1PM Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska Mat-Su Health Foundation 777 N Crusey St. Ste. #B101 FREE Event SURVIVING THE HOLIDAYS EVENT 11/9/2019 – 9AM Alaska Attachment & Bonding Associates 619 S Knik Goose Bay Rd. Ste. #J Tickets: $50, Bring A Friend FREE MAT-SU ORCHESTRA VETERAN’S DAY CELEBRATION CONCERT 11/10/2019 – 3PM Mat-Su Orchestra & Valley Community for Recycling Solutions (VCRS) The Glenn Massay Theater 8295 E College Dr. Palmer FREE Event Donations Welcome CONSIGN49 FALL/HOLIDAY 2019 CONSIGNMENT EVENT November 14-17, 2019 – 9AM Raven Hall, Alaska State Fairgrounds 2075 Glenn Hwy. Palmer FREE Event



Contributed by Nick McDermott Breakin’ Backwards: A Celebration of History, Music & Dance 11/2/2019 - 7:30PM Alaska Junior Theater & Soul Street Dance Company Atwood Concert Hall 621 W 6th Ave. Ste. #ACH, Anchorage Tickets: $24.75-$33.75

MID-OCT 2019

Alaska Junior Theater presents Soul Street Dance Company’s Breakin’ Backwards on November 2, 2019 at 7:30pm in the Atwood Concert Hall.

Fusing hip-hop styles of breakin’, poppin’ and lockin’ with modern dance and a spark of theatrical flair, Soul Street Dance Company’s (Houston, Texas) comic delivery and sheer physicality are a hit with audiences of all ages. Their technical and artistic skills, stage presence and wit blow away the competition and allow them to push the performance envelope to amazing new heights, just like their impressive hip-hop acrobatics. With Breakin’ Backwards, Soul Street’s dancers showcase impressive moves and choreography by incorpo-

rating different styles of street dance with traditional and classical styles of popular dance throughout the decades. Watch as they elevate and incorporate hip-hop elements including DJ, M.C., BBOY, GRAFFITI, Poppin’, Beat Boxing, Power Moves and Brazilian Capoeira. Great dancing needs great music and be ready for a soundtrack of the ages including Vivaldi, Jimmie Thomas, Count Basie, Elvis Presley, Henry Mancini, Debussy, the Temptations, Michael Jackson, Aerosmith and more.

Alaska Junior Theater presents Soul Street Dance Company’s Breakin’ Backwards on November 2, 2019 at 7:30pm. in the Atwood Concert Hall. Tickets are available at 907-263-ARTS or

Contributed by Melissa Keefe 2019 Mighty Monster Boo Brewfest 10/26/2019 – 6PM Alaska State Fair, Inc. Raven Hall, Alaska State Fairgrounds 2075 Glenn Hwy. Palmer Tickets: $35 Regular $10 Designated Driver Like Halloween? Love great beer? Then don’t miss the Mighty Monster Boo Brewfest (aka Mighty Matanuska Brewfest) at the Alaska State Fair! The popular annual brewfest, sanctioned by the Brewers Guild of Alaska and supported by KAYO, takes place Saturday, October 26th, from 6pm-10pm, at Raven Hall at the fairgrounds.

Matanuska Brewing Co. and Midnight Sun Brewing Co. In celebration of Halloween weekend, there will be a new, faster format for the costume contest with great prizes beginning at 8:45pm. Live music by Nervis Rex starts at 7pm. and a silent auction is also on the agenda for the evening. There will be beer-friendly food available for purchase. Tickets are now available on the Alaska State Fair website, as well as at Vagabond Blues, Three Bears on PalmerWasilla and at the new Palmer location and Purple Moose Espresso. Each $35 ticket comes with 20 3-ounce beer samples. Designated driver tickets are also available for $10 and includes a non-alcoholic beverage. Convenience fees apply. All attendees, including designated drivers, must be 21+ and show a valid ID. Brewfest patrons are reminded to plan in advance for a safe ride home by lining up a designated driver or planning to call a taxi. For more information, please visit or contact Melissa Keefe, Alaska State Fair marketing and communications manager, at or 907.745.4827.

MID-OCT 2019

There will be plenty of brews and Halloween fun at this year’s event, which will feature beers and brewers from the Mat-Su Valley, across Alaska and around the world. Among the featured local breweries are 49th State Brewing Co., Alaska Ciderworks, Alaskan Brewing Co., Arkose Brewery, Bear Paw River Brewing Co. Bleeding Heart Brewery, Denali Brewing Co., Gakona Brewing Co., Girdwood Brewing Co., Glacier Brewhouse, Kassik’s Brewery, Kenai River Brewing Co., King Street Brewing Co., Last Frontier Brewing Co.,





For Sandra Falkner Chandler it wasn’t a special revelation or anything terribly overwhelming that compelled her to constantly doodle with brush, pen or chalk. She simply had the desire to record the beauty that surrounded her. Originally from Florida, Chandler was surrounded with lush vibrant vegetation that drenched her senses and filled her sketch books. A move to Alaska simply intensified her desire to interpret those surroundings and increased her drive to record all that she experienced.

MID-OCT 2019

Chandler believes that art is an expression, an interpretation of that which the senses perceive. Art is method for giving placement to and making sense of one’s experiences and observations. Art can be healing, and to that end Chandler has spent time as an art therapist working with troubled individuals. Through artistic creation many clients are able to examine their interpretation of the world around themselves. The artistic results are often gratifying. Chandler’s own art runs the gamut, from iconic vistas of fireweed swaying in the breeze to a rustic trapper whose lined face and other worldly eyes reflect the joy, the pain, and the lonliness of living on the last frontier. In her composition “Old Dog” she vividly depicts the aging faithful sled dog that, though it can no longer pull the sled, still rises to its call. He rides, gently cradled, in the sled basket, a spot his musher has reserved for him alone. Then there is the “Running Wolf” who races to his den as a helicopter swoops low overhead and hunters prepare to shoot his comrades. While others

scatter to the safety of the brush, he dies trying to protect his young. His single-minded determination is etched in his face as he falls to the bullets from above. Chandler does not limit herself to a single medium, but works in pen and ink, pastel, acrylic, oil, charcoal and watercolor, giving her great versatility. Her pen and ink “Fly Fishing” captures both the excitement and grace of casting a line into a raging river. Her use of cross-hatching in many of her pen and ink compositions exhibits the complexity of her designs. “The Eternal Triangle” is one of her most popular compositions. In black and white, this unusual print focuses on three ravens at close range—just their heads. Ravens mate for life. The first two in this piece are a couple. Moving in from outside is the new suitor attempting to usurp the primary male’s position. The piece is stark and powerful, and must be seen. Chandler has also created a series depicting village life as viewed through the eyes of Alaskan Native women. Sandra Falkner Chandler’s prints are currently available at Matsu Senior Services Gift Shop. Drop by and make one of her prints your own. Several of her pieces are included in the shop’s annual Permanent Fun Sale that continues throughout the month of October. Located at 1132 South Chugach Street in Palmer across from Palmer Junior Middle School, the gift shop is open to both seniors and the public Monday through Friday from 10 am to 2 pm.



MID-OCT 2019



Contributed by Janice Downing Art Show & Open House 11/7/2019 – 1PM Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska Mat-Su Health Foundation 777 N Crusey St. Ste. #B101 FREE Event “Creativity makes life more fun and interesting.” – Edward de Bono

MID-OCT 2019

Creating art is an important part of our Art Links program sponsored by Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska. Each week, we enrich the lives of people living with dementia and their care partners, who often experience social isolation, by fostering their creativity and connecting them with others.

Dementia impacts a person’s life in many ways, such as their memory, communication ability, attention and judgement, but it does not rob a person’s feelings and experiences, their imagination and creativity. These qualities are always reflected in our weekly art projects. You are cordially invited to our Art Show and Open House on Thursday, November 7th, from 1:00pm-4:00pm. Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska is located in the Mat-Su Health Foundation building at 777 N Crusey Street, Suite B101. Refreshments and snacks will be available. Using art as a way to express feelings and experiences makes life interesting and fun! Come and celebrate with us!

Contributed by Randi Perlman, VCRS Board V.P. Mat-Su Orchestra Veteran’s Day Celebration Concert 11/10/2019 – 3PM Mat-Su Orchestra & Valley Community for Recycling Solutions (VCRS) The Glenn Massay Theater 8295 E College Dr. Palmer FREE Event, Donations Welcome Each year on Monday, November 11th, our nation joins together in honoring and remembering all those who have served in the United States Armed Forces. This year, on Sunday, November 10th,



the Matanuska-Susitna Orchestra (MSO) will join forces with Valley Community for Recycling Solutions (VCRS) to produce a memorable concert with a Veterans Day-theme. This special, heartfelt concert will take place at The Glenn Massay Theater on the University of Alaska’s Mat-Su campus. This beautiful facility is able to host a variety of events such as plays, lectures, conferences, competitions, movie screenings, benefits and concerts. The event on November 10th will partner the fabulous Mat-Su Orchestra with our Valley Recycling Center for a benefit concert that is free to the pub-

lic. The theater is a venue for education and entertainment that can help to strengthen, engage and empower the community, and what better way to utilize its unique features than to do that through the power, meaning and importance of music and recycling. The Glenn Massay seats 520 guests, and for the opportunity to hear this talented orchestra while supporting recycling in the Valley, we are hoping to fill every seat in the house!

friends with you, and come early to bid on your favorite items. Help sustain YOUR Valley Recycling Center while enjoying an afternoon of inspiring music and honoring our service members.

The concert begins at 3:00pm. Since proceeds from the concert will benefit VCRS, there will be a silent auction and bake sale in the lobby, and donations will be gratefully accepted after the show. Please bring your family and

With its building and new baler, VCRS is ready and able to handle much more cleaned and sorted material than the amount it now collects – so it can meet the demands of the Valley’s rapid growth for years to come, making it a great investment in our community’s economic future as well as its environmental health and beauty! VCRS is grateful for its partnership with the MSO, and proud to be a part of its Veterans Day-themed special presentation!

There is no cost for admission and this is an event for people of all ages.

concert will benefit Valley Community for Recycling Solutions.

The Mat-Su Orchestra will present musical selections for you to enjoy and celebrate our veterans. As always, the orchestra will be collecting donations to support a local organization. This

Come out to enjoy wonderful music and support recycling in the Valley!


Contributed by Stacy Dunleavy

The Mat-Su Orchestra is presenting a Veteran’s Day Celebration Concert on Sunday, November 10th at 3:00pm at The Glenn Massay Theater in Palmer.

MID-OCT 2019

11/10/2019 – 3PM Mat-Su Orchestra & Valley Community for Recycling Solutions (VCRS) The Glenn Massay Theater 8295 E College Dr. Palmer FREE Event, Donations Welcome

Are you looking for a free, fun, familyfriendly weekend activity that supports our local community?


Poetry & Prose

Contributed by Robert Jaro On a hot summer’s day They were making their way Up to the Pinochle Trail; The Packsaddle’s Horn, Looking far and forlorn, Was the goal they had come to assail.

Contributed by Charles Dean Walker Trapped in a cage, no escape. Tears beneath the skin. Ceaseless pain. Lord show me the light. Help to release me.

The slopes became steeper, The valleys were deeper, when what to their gaze should appear; But that fabulous Horn, Rising high in the morn, Declaring there’s not much to fear;

Is Heaven real? It is dark down here. Savior, do prayers reach you? Are you there? Is it dust to dust? Either way it will end. Have I failed you? To have honesty. I am trapped yet again.

Yet steep as it seems, And all beyond means, There’s a way up, the Pastor decried; A shimmering beacon was guiding the deacon, Towards the path up the slope he had spied; The Lord who led Moses, And never reposes Was there to act as a guide; He’s done all the labor Now like a good neighbor, The Lord meets you the rest at his side; It’s not by our trying, Or doing or dying, It’s just by the life that he gave He wants us to know, And just rightly so, It’s us that he wanted to save.

MID-OCT 2019

By Robert Jaro 7-11-2002

Am I speaking to the air? If there are ears, does the owner care?

Contributed by Robert Jaro (a.k.a. The Old Mountain Man) The call of many mountains, Was one that he must heed; Ne’er a day went by That they spoke not. Come be with us and Walk our slopes Gaze upon our beauty; We will always be here awaiting you.

When the winter snows clothe Us with their blanket, We still call you. When the days are short And the air is chilled We still beckon and greet you. When summer is nigh and Our blanket departs, We await our mantle of blossoms That grace our slopes. Our beauty is eternal and our Call is always there.

Contributed by Wendy Brooker The Wicked Witch of Wasillya Didn’t like the taste of vanillya Or sugar or spice Or anything nice She only liked stuff that might killya.

Contributed by Robert Jaro Once upon a time, long, long ago in a land far away, there lived two beautiful princesses. They were known through-out the land for their great beauty and their incredible valor. They had defeated entire armies with their trusty lances, and no one dared come up against them. They lived alone in the mountains and ate very special berries that gave them their enormous strength and courage. One day, they heard about an enormous bird which lived neat a waterfall in a hidden valley in the mountains. They were told that the bird had a huge head and a mouth filled with fearsome teeth and enormous talons on its feet, and that it killed and ate everyone who tried to come near the waterfall. There was a story about a huge amount of gold that was in a pool below the waterfall and no one could come near it. The princesses decided one day to go to the valley and defeat the dragon bird which guarded the treasure and take it for themselves. They asked an old mountain man who lived nearby to take them to the mysterious waterfall, but he told them that he was afraid of the giant dragon bird and would only take them to the waterfall if they promised to give him one half of the gold and protect him from the fearsome bird.


Poetry & Prose They both agreed to his requests. They sharpened their lances and checked their armor. They ate many, many berries to give them courage, and gave some to the old mountain man as well. The three of them departed for the hidden valley with the waterfall and the gold. As they neared the fabled falls no giant bird appeared, so they warily went to the pool and filled their packs with the heavy, precious metals. They were hurrying away when suddenly, out of nowhere, came the bird with a horrible rushing sound like a powerful wind and an ear-splitting shrieking sound with flames shooting out of its mouth. The Princesses, brave as they were, stood petrified for an instant and suddenly for the first time in their lives, they turned and ran back up the mountain in such haste that the dragon bird, quick as he was, was unable to catch them. And while they were running, they threw the gold out of the packs to hasten their flight. It is still there to this day. The giant bird suddenly diminished in size untill it became a little larger than a robin and huddled near the old mountain man, who was awed by all he had seen and heard, so he comforted the gallant princesses and led them to safety where they all lived happily ever after.

MID-OCT 2019


Music & Recycling

Contributed by Randi Perlman, VCRS Board V.P. On a fine fall Saturday in late September, at one of the most scenic venues in the Valley, a first-ever event became a magical moment in time and spread joy to all who attended. The 1st Annual Valley Community for Recycling Solutions (VCRS) Recycle Revival Music Festival at Settlers Bay Golf Course welcomed about 200 people from the Mat-Su, Homer, Anchorage, Denali and from out-ofstate as well. Guests were treated to a full day of some of the best music the Valley has to offer from seven fantastic local bands, with a choice of covered/ heated seating under the pergola or outdoor seats and blankets around the scattered fire pits. There was food and drink, of course, a silent auction, vendor tables, an education area with “make & take” recyclable arts and crafts, silent auction tables to peruse and kids’ activities, like a bouncy house and face-painting.

MID-OCT 2019

This family-oriented, dog-friendly event was the last music festival of another sensational season at Settlers Bay Golf Course, and instantly became a fan-favorite that will be one of their highly-anticipated annual events going forward. Funds raised at the Recycle Revival Music Fest will support the recentlylaunched VCRS Sustain Campaign

to raise money that will serve as a financial safety-net, covering operations when the markets experience a downturn (as they are right now), as well as when unexpected events occur, such as equipment failures. With its building and new baler, VCRS is ready and able to handle much more cleaned and sorted material than the amount it now collects, so it can meet the demands of the Valley’s rapid growth for years to come, making it a great investment in our community’s economic future as well as its environmental health and beauty! As many of you know, VCRS longtime executive director and founding member, Mollie Boyer, has recently retired. Throughout her 22 years in that position, Mollie has been the steadfast, determined, passionate face and voice of VCRS, guiding the organization through all of its phases to our permanent location and LEED Gold, fully-equipped and functional building, always keeping the ship on course towards fulfilling its mission and vision. In that same steadfast and determined fashion, Mollie is now battling cancer, responding well to recent surgery and treatments, and teaching her doctors, nurses, and therapists all about proper recycling…!  The outpouring of love and support for Mollie was palpable and clearly evident at the Recycle Revival Music Fest, adding that magical feel to a day of even more than support for the

worthy cause of, and growing belief in, recycling. Our new executive director, Steve Brown, was introduced and did a great job juggling the numerous challenges of orchestrating such a large event. In addition to the many VCRS friends and local supporters that turned out, 20 members of Mollie’s large, extended family from around Alaska and the Lower 48 descended upon the event to honor Mollie and her indomitable spirit by dancing as though no one was watching and bidding frequently at the silent auction tables. As Mollie would say, and as they all proved, “Life is an adventure…!” Thanks to the generous support of our host, sponsors, bands, attendees, donors and volunteers, $13,000 was raised for the VCRS Sustain Campaign, causing Mollie to flash one of her larger-than-life smiles. Plans are already in the works to make next year’s Recycle Revival even more incredible and well-attended, and of course, we hope Mollie can be there to dance with us. Please SAVE THE DATE of Saturday, September 26, 2020 and plan to join us as we celebrate recycling in the Mat-Su Valley, in Alaska, and around the world. Feel free to share this information far and wide. *THIS IS TRULY A MUSIC FESTIVAL FOR THE LONG-TERM GOOD OF ALL…!*

“As many of you know, VCRS long-time executive director and founding member, Mollie Boyer, has recently retired. Throughout her 22 years in that position, Mollie has been the steadfast, determined, passionate face and voice of VCRS...”

Cut off from the outside world by its remote location and shunned by all who know its forbidding and sinister reputation, Hill House has remained empty and silent except for the daily visits of its grumbling caretaker, Mrs. Dudley. It’s isolation is broken by the arrival of Dr. Montague, an investigator of supernatural phenomena who has been granted a short lease by the present owner.

Valley Performing Arts’ brings this spine tingling drama to life and it’s one that you won’t want to watch alone! Fans who are familiar with the various iterations of THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE will enjoy this presentation with scary glee. Come and be a part of the things that go bump in the night...or that scream in the night! THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE opens October 18th and runs through November 3rd. Ticket prices are $19 Regular Admission, $17 Seniors 65+/Students 18 and younger. The production will be at The Valley Performing Arts Theatre, 251 West Swanson Avenue, in Wasilla... Call VPA at 373‐0195, visit our website www. or come by the office, Monday through Friday 9AM to 3PM to purchase your tickets.

MID-OCT 2019

His mission is to delve into the morbid history of the house and to come to grips with the occult forces that have made it uninhabitable for many years. He is joined by three others, all unacquainted, but all having their particular reasons for coming to Hill House. Can they survive THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE?



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