Make A Scene Magazine July 2017

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JULY 2017



www. MAKEASCENEAK .com JULY 2017


Non-Profit Directory Families & Children: March of Dimes Alaska Chapter

Non-Profit Organization? Join our growing list for as little as $15.00/mo! Non-Profit’s Help Our Community! Families & Children: Family Promise Mat-Su (907) 357-6160 A community response for families without housing. Family Promise Mat-Su, “FPMS” uses area churches for shelter while providing meals and case management to help homeless families move back into housing and self-sustainability. In addition we provide state funds(BHAP) for homeless prevention.

OTHER Mat-Su Health Services, Inc. (907) 376-2411 Dedicated to improving the health of our community, one person at a time – through affordable medical, dental and behavioral health care.The clinic is a Federally qualified Health Care Center and we accept Medicare, Medicaid, and most other third-party insurances. For those who qualify, there is a sliding scale payment, based on household income. We offer early morning and evening appointments appointment. You can also contact our 24/7 behavioral crisis intervention line by calling the main number: 376-2411.

JULY 2017

Valley Fiber Arts Guild The Valley Fiber Arts Guild began in 1983. Our purpose is to provide educational and cultural enrichment for the community by promoting a greater interest in the fiber arts. Fiber arts include spinning, weaving, knitting, crochet, dying, felting, lace making, and more! Monthly gatherings are held at the Palmer Public Library on the first Saturday of the month from September-April at 10am-11:30am. Tuesday is UnFinished Objects Night. Join us every Tuesday night 5ish-8pm at Vagabond Blues Cafe in Palmer! Come spin, knit, crochet, or visit while having some coffee and getting some free instruction! (907) 276-4111 Join the March of Dimes for our annual High Heels for High Hopes this fall. To become a model or participant, call 276-4111. The March of Dimes helps moms have fullterm pregnancies and healthy babies. And if something goes wrong, we offer information and comfort to families. We research the problems that threaten our babies and work on preventing them. About 4 million babies were born in the United States last year, and the March of Dimes helped each and every one through research, education, vaccines and breakthroughs. The March of Dimes: working together for stronger, healthier babies.

ARTS: Valley Arts Alliance Valley Arts Alliance, bringing the community together through the arts... We are a place for both new and established artists of all types— painters, sculptors, musicians, and those involved in the performing arts—to network and to experiment with new ideas and media. We work with local libraries, schools, museums, art councils, and music and art groups to create more venues for the arts, and to help promote art related events. Join us at our informal weekly meetings, every Thursday @ 11 at Sophia’s Cafe, 9191 E Frontage Road, Palmer-Wasilla Hwy. Check out our archives

CONSERVATION: Mat-Su Health Foundation (907) 352-2863 The Mat-Su Health Foundation offers financial and strategic support to well-managed 501(c)(3) organizations that offer services and practical solutions to significant health-related problems impacting the citizens of the Mat-Su Borough. The foundation also offers academic and vocational scholarships to Mat-Su residents who wish to pursue health and wellness related careers.

Pets & Animals: Alaska Animal Advocates (907) 841-3173 Alaska Animal Advocates is a non-profit group of dedicated volunteers who are devoted to enriching the lives of companion animals in Alaska. In order to do this, we will place homeless pets in loving environments, address medical concerns, spay or neuter, microchip, vaccinate, and offer training as is needed. We believe that every animal deserves a loving home, for his/her entire life and Alaska Animal Advocates will provide the resources to make this happen. In order to make this mission possible, we need the help of volunteers and foster homes.

Valley Community for Recycling Solutions (907) 745-5544 RECYCLING – It’s not just for hippies anymore!! Everyone in the Mat-Su valley can recycle. Drop your stuff off Tues – Fri 10:30 to 6 and Sat 10:30 to 3:30. Recycle cardboard, magazines, this newspaper and more at your community recycling center. Remember to REDUCE, REUSE, and then RECYCLE! Your community recycling center is located at 9465 E Chanlyut Circle, next to the MSB Animal Shelter at the MSB Central Landfill. Volunteer opportunities available. Make a difference in your community! Check out our website for details, follow us on Facebook. - Call us at 907.745.5544 with questions or comments.

EMPLOYMENT SERVICES: Mat-Su Regional Adult Basic Education (Nine Star) (907) 373-7833 Mat-Su ABE provides basic education in math, language arts and English as a second language (ESL), aiming to raise student skills beyond the high-school level in order to pass tests like the GED, enter training programs or college, and advance on the job. Enrollment is open to all adult residents of Alaska, year-round. Youth Employment for ages 16-24 not in school -- get a job, keep a job, advance on the job. Nine Star 300 N Willow 373-3006 (in the MYHouse building)

FAITH: Valley Interfaith Action (VIA) (907) 230-1006 
To address quality of life issues for all residents of the Mat-Su Borough, utilizing the faith values of our members, developing community-wide interest and mobilization around quality of life issues. Through training, leaders address community problems by providing forums for discussion, researching alternative solutions, and working as facilitators with residents and leaders for institutional change.

HOMELESS YOUTH: Mat-Su Youth Housing (MY HOUSE) (907) 373-4357 MY House is a homeless youth drop in center with two for-profit businesses that train and employ homeless youth. Gathering Grounds Cafe is a coffee shop with homemade soups, sandwiches, salads and baked goods. Steamdriven is a trendy thrift shop featuring Steampunk items made from repurposed donations by our youth designers. Fiend2Clean and Young People in Recovery offer support for substance abuse recovery with activities and events. We offer transitional housing for qualified 18-24 year olds, Outreach services to connect homeless youth, organizations and groups to services, and access to Public Health and NineStar job/education services on site.

SOCIAL ADVOCACY: Wasilla Homeless-Committee (907) 521-2949 Wasilla Homeless-Committee is a 100% volunteer organization funded by private donations and regular fundraising events. Our sole purpose is to assist the homeless, those at risk of homelessness, and others who do not meet the criteria for help that is required by other advocacy agencies in the valley. Wasilla Homeless-Committee provides case management, housing search assistance, move in assistance, job search assistance, clothing, furniture, help with transportation, and resource guidance for homeless and disenfranchised in the Mat-Su Valley. Visit our website for application, or call 907521-2949. Find us on Facebook wasillahomelesscommitteepage


Contributed by Steve Levi An airplane with no pilot, crew or passengers lands at Anchorage International Airport. As the authorities are pondering the circumstances of the arrival, a ransom demand is made for $25 million in diamonds and precious stones. Chief of Detectives for the Sandersonville, North Carolina Police Department, Captain Heinz Noonan, is visiting his in-laws in Anchorage when he is called onto the case. For the next thirty-six hours, he pieces together the puzzle of how the crime was committed. But can he solve the crime, free the hostages and locate the perpetrators before the ransom is paid? Locally written, locally published: Buy it locally, for the local writer makes more money.

Community Contributed by Melissa Clampitt It’s a busy summer with the UAF Cooperative Extension Service. Though budget cuts continue to affect funding, we are committed to meeting the needs of the MatSu/Copper River District. We are offering a variety of classes this summer from preserving the summer’s fish harvest to preparing kids for fair

exhibits. Our monthly centennial celebration continues as well. Take a look at all the classes we have available. Don’t see what you are desiring? No problem, simply let us know your interests. We are here for you! Visit our website at matsu/ or come by our office at the Matanuska Experiment Farm. We’d love to hear from you! (907) 745-3360


Entertainment pardoned and being noble men who have gone wrong, return to their rightful stations - meaning they get the girls in the end.

Contributed by Nan Potts Pirates of Penzance July 20-22, 2017 – 7PM Glenn Massey Theater E 8295 College Dr. Palmer Tickets: $10 Kids, $20 Adults On July 8th, villainous pirates, lovely maidens, cowardly policemen, a handsome hero and a graceful heroine, all pranced, fenced and frolicked on the Glenn Massey stage in the opening of Gilbert and Sullivan’s comic opera, Pirates of Penzance! Also know under the name, The Slave of Duty, this Victorian period opera in two acts, charms and tickles the fancies of both young and the young at heart.

Directed by AJ Seims and produced by Joe Rizzo and AJ Seims of the Triumvirate Theater, this insanely silly and full of surprises, musical performance will have your feet tapping and your spirits lifted with Arthur Sullivan’s music and W. S. Gilbert’s libretto. Seims has brought together aspiring and veteran talent from around the Valley to make this production of Pirates of Penzance one which Sir Gilbert and Sullivan would be proud of, not to mention dazzle and delight Valley audiences. Just ask your neighbor if they’ve attended. If they have, they’ll tell you to go to to order your tickets today. Only three shows remain: July 20th, 21st and 22nd; start time is 7pm, sharp! Ticket prices start at $20 for adults and $10 for kids under twelve. This is a treat for the entire family and an excellent way to introduce youngsters to the theater in our area and let’s face it, who can resist pirates? Argh!

JULY 2017

Set in the late Victorian era of the 1890s, a delightfully naive Frederick attempts to leave his kind-hearted pirate band to whom he has been indentured as an apprentice since he was eight years old. Of course this was an error made by his beloved, hard of hearing nursemaid, Ruth. He celebrates his twenty-first year and finds his true love, young Mable, only to discover he is entrapped by his “sense of duty” to return to the pirates’ lair on a technicality - he is to be released of his contract on his twenty-first birthday. Since his natal day was the 29th of February, leap year, his birthdays only amount to five, binding him to his pirate comrades. Mayhem ensues when Mabel’s sisters and father, the Major General, get thrown into the mix with conspiracy and treachery (not the pirates doing). And when the Police Sargent and his constabulary troupe are sent to do away with the pirates, more insanity rules, only to be reined in once again by the sense of duty the pirates feel for their Queen Victoria. Surrendering, they are

Directed by AJ Seims and produced by Joe Rizzo and AJ Seims of the Triumvirate Theater, this insanely silly and full of surprises, musical performance will have your feet tapping and your spirits lifted with Arthur Sullivan’s music and W. S. Gilbert’s libretto.

Contributed by Michelle Cornelius Valley Fine Arts Association Artist Show 8/4/2017 – 4PM Valley Fine Arts Association Bear Paw River Brewery 4605 E Palmer-Wasilla Hwy. Wasilla FREE Event Bear Paw River Brewery will be featuring a new, local Valley Fine Arts Association artist show each month. It began during the summer with Maria Mckiernan. Come by first Fridays to check out the


Arts work and visit with the talented artists from 4pm-8pm. Patricia Steinmetz Jones is August’s featured artist. Come meet Pat on the first Friday of August, 8/4/2017, at 5:00 pm. About Patricia L. Jones: Patricia has been a resident of Alaska since 1976. After a career in nursing and motherhood, she was able to renew her love for art. She prefers oils, but has ventured into other mediums as well. Patricia is a member of the Valley Fine Art Association and the Portrait Society

Contributed by Terry Koch It’s back by popular demand! We will be displaying your unique garden art at our education booth this year at the Alaska State Fair. Fairgoers love to view your recycled pieces. Everyone is welcome to participate. Let your creativity flow while doing good for the earth! Garden art items displayed outside the VCRS Education Booth must be: 1. Made entirely of recycled or previously used materials.

3. Limited by height, width and length only for item’s stability and movability.

5. Self-supported and/or anchored to make it so. 6. Delivered to the VCRS Education Booth on Monday, August 21st between 2:00pm and 7:00pm or Tuesday, August 22nd between 10:00am and 3:00pm. 7. Picked up following the fair no later than Wednesday, September 6th before 6:00pm, unless prior arrangements have been made to donate the item to VCRS. 8. Released by its artist/creator to be photographed for VCRS marketing and/or publishing purposes by signing a printed release form.

JULY 2017

2. Light-weight enough to be moved for display purposes.

4. Weather worthy and/or anchored to make it so - able to withstand the wind and rain during the fair.

Her current focus is on portraits and figures, but she loves all subject matter. She does commissions and has sold her art through VFAA venues, art galleries and her home studio. Patricia continues to be excited about “what” or “who” will be her next subject. www. MAKEASCENEAK .com


of America. She continues her ongoing art education by attending workshops with nationally-known artists, and continues to add to her art library and reference materials. Patricia and her husband, Bob, have travelled across the United States and have spent time in Europe. They love going to see art whenever they can.


Arts Contributed by Carmen Summerfield


VAA and VCRS… Bringing the community together through the art of recycling! Last month, six artists volunteered to create a unique recycling sign for the outside of the Valley Community for Recycling Solutions (VCRS) Recycling/ Drop-Off Center, located at 9465 E Chanlyut Circle in Palmer. Each artist made one of the six panels of the famous Universal Recycling Arrow symbol. The artists are: •

JULY 2017

Nicolene Jordan made a mosaic out of used repurposed colored window glass, mirrors and slumped bottles. Colleen Wake used leftover cans from her 2011 wearable art creation “Recycled Egyptian Mommy” made out of 400 aluminum cans. Even the nails and screws were reused! Carole Henry told me Nicolene advised her how best to use curved glass pieces, to use them like a pistachio shell to make 3D mosaic artwork. Carole used blue glass bottles collected by Lucy Knight and other broken glass bottles in a Yin Yang design. David Dinkel used a fan blade from a car that will turn in the wind. He also used copper tubing,

parts of a hamper frame and handicapped shopping cart. Terry Matteucci Koch used bottle caps for the water and rainbow colored can tabs for the rainbow trout. (No, she didn’t blow out her flip flop, by stepping on a pop top.) Sandra Cook used CDs since they are very bright, but also to make us think about how many things from the past become obsolete so quickly.

Take a closer look the next time you go to the VCRS Recycling/Drop-Off Center! They are located next to the animal shelter, which is next to the central landfill. Follow the smells. You will see a big green building at the end of E. Chanlyut Circle, that’s it. There is a new large, artistic universal recycling arrow symbol on the building! Can you figure out which artist made what part of the symbol? Valley Community for Recycling Solutions (VCRS) is a non-profit organization, serving the recycling needs of the Mat-Su Borough and surrounding areas. They provide a community service as a drop-off facility, accepting clean, separated household recycling - paper, plastic, metals and more. To learn more about recycling, visit www.valleyrecycling. org.

Valley Arts Alliance (VAA) is also a nonprofit organization. We are a place for both new and established artists of all types - painters, sculptors, musicians and those involved in the performing arts - to network and to experiment with new ideas and media. We work with local libraries, schools, museums, art councils and music and art groups

to create more venues for the arts, and to help promote art related events. For more info, visit

VAA, bringing the community together through the arts!

Contributed by Judy Vars 3rd Annual Artist Retreat September 8-10, 2017 Valley Fine Arts Association 12 Mile Lake, Hatcher Pass Cost: $60-$350 The Valley Fine Arts Association is now twelve years old! We are growing and going strong. As a non-profit entity, our mission is to promote local artists and their work, teach art, create art and encourage fellowship among local artists, thereby promoting visual arts in the community.

Society and one of the original founders of the Valley Fine Arts Association. She has received numerous awards. Karen’s painting, “Bald Eagle”, was selected as one of the fifty finalists from the state of Alaska in the coveted Paint America competition. Karen’s work can be seen at Earl Rider: Earl, an accomplished self-taught plein air painter, prefers working in oil. He is an award-winning artist who won first place at the Arctic Rose Art Center and Gallery Annual Raven Show. Earl is a member of Anchorage Plein Air Painters, Alaska Artists Guild and V.F.A.A. His informative demonstrations have been a favorite with Valley Fine Arts Association members. We are excited that he is once again sharing his expertise with us. If you want to attend this retreat, then please visit our website,, and click the retreat button.

The 3rd Annual Artist Retreat at 12 Mile Lake in Hatcher Pass on September 8th-10th!

It’s easy to join VFAA. Visit us at our website or come to one of our biweekly meetings at the Mat-Su College when we resume them in the fall.

This retreat is designed especially for visual artists no matter where you are in your artistic journey. Outstanding and talented artists are ready to share their expertise:

If you have more questions about the retreat, please call Linda at 907 982-9209 or for membership questions, contact Judy Vars, President of VFAA, at907 355-2219.


With these goals in mind we have organized the 3rd Annual Artists Retreat on September 8-10, 2017. This is an inspired retreat where artists can come together to learn from celebrated artists and each other while also enjoying the beauty of Hatcher Pass and 12 Mile Lake. Attendees will have the opportunity to join a workshop or pursue their own projects. All will enjoy gourmet meals, campfires and the chance to commune with fellow artists.


Arts & Entertainment

Jennifer Bowman: Jennifer, an internationally renowned artist, will conduct a 2-day acrylic workshop. She is a master at helping artists understand light and shadow, which is vital to a successful painting. She spent two years traveling the west coast in a sailboat studying the quality of light at different latitudes. Jennifer has an impressive resume which includes a wide variety of awards. She is represented by over 180 galleries worldwide. To see more of her work visit her website at JULY 2017

Karen Mattson: Karen, a long-time Alaskan, is best known for her Alaskan scenes and floral paintings. Her work is influenced by her experience as a master gardener. She is a signature member of the Alaska Watercolor


Arts At the Mat-Su Fiber Festival, for two entire days, we will be concentrating on the entire process - from raising the various animals, to shearing, processing and spinning, weaving or knitting the wool. This year, we have added livestock demonstrations, a fiber goat show, a wool sheep show and a rabbit show! We are also accepting select handcraft vendors.

JULY 2017


Contributed by Becky Oviatt, MSVFF Co-Chair Mat Su Valley 2nd Annual Fiber Festival July 22-23, 2017 – 10AM Mat-Su Valley Fiber Festival Alaska State Fairgrounds Livestock Barn 2075 Glenn Hwy. Palmer FREE Admission, Class Prices Vary The Mat-Su Valley Fiber Festival is having its 2nd annual event at the Alaska State Fairgrounds Livestock Barn on July 22nd and 23rd, 2017 from 10am to 5pm. This is not merely a craft sale. It is a fiber festival with demonstrations and classes. Fiber enthusiasts around the area will be gathered to show each other and you - the public - what it takes to ply our craft. Have you seen the ladies spinning wool at the fair in the Irwin building? For ten days people walk by, fascinated, asking questions about what they are doing.

Learn what it takes to raise a fiber animal. Watch and interact with the folks as they clean the wool, spin it and weave or knit it into a scarf or shawl. Talk to the gentleman who creates fiber tools from wood, so we can have beautiful things to work with. There will be classes on showing animals, judging wool, processing, carding, spinning and knitting or weaving. And to top it off, you can learn how to turn the lovely wool into pretty colors via dying. How about felting the wool into a bowl? Or needle felting 3D sculpture? We will have all kinds of folks with brains to pick about fiber. Come see us on July 22nd and 23rd at the Alaska State Fairgrounds, in the Livestock Barn. Help us make the Mat-Su Fiber Festival something to talk about, so folks will come from all over the country to see what we do in Alaska. Admission is free with a small fee for some classes, which you can sign up for on the day of the Fiber Fest.




Contributed by Michelle Cornelius Terry Phillips has been a Valley resident for over thirty years and thrives on painting in both oils and acrylics. Her first love is capturing landscapes from plein aire (on location) or photos. She loves painting her grandchildren’s various escapades through the years. Terry thinks there are so many wonderful things in our world to capture on canvas.


She hopes to stir an emotion or memory with her work. She believes everyone should own an original and will not make prints of her art. She welcomes commissions. Other works may be seen on her Facebook page, The Pleasure of Art, and online at the Fine Art America website.

JULY 2017


Calendar of Events GET THE JUNK OUT OF THE TRUNK 6/17/2017 – 8/19/2017 – 10AM Kenda Huling Downtown Palmer Pavilion FREE Admission, $20 Booth Space (907) 770-3532


GEEKS WHO DRINK PUB QUIZ 6/20/2017-7/25/2017 (Every Tuesday) - 7PM Tailgaters Sports Bar & Grill 161 W. Parks Hwy. Wasilla FREE Event - (907) 376-1314 FREE COOKING DEMONSTRATIONS 6/21/2017 - 8/16/2017 - 1PMM Cooperative Extension Service Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 501 E. Bogard Rd. Wasilla FREE Event - (907) 376-3522 LIVE MUSIC WITH THE AK ACOUSTIC PROJEKT 6/22/2017-7/27/2017 (Every Thursday) - 7PM Tailgaters Sports Bar & Grill 161 W. Parks Hwy. Wasilla FREE Event - (907) 376-1314 JULY SUMMER CONCERT SERIES 7/10/2017-7/31/2017 (Every Monday) 5:30PM Crow Creek Mine 601 Crow Creek Rd. Girdwood Cost: $10 General, FREE Kids under 12

JULY 2017

NEIGHBORHOOD MEMORY CAFE 7/18/2017 - 1PM Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska Wasilla Area Seniors Inc. (WASI) 1301 S. Century Cir. Wasilla FREE Event - (907) 746-3413 SCBWI ANCHORAGE WRITING CRITIQUE GROUP 7/18/2017, 8/8/2017 - 6PM Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators Barnes and Noble 200 E Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage FREE Event

PINTS FOR PUPS 7/20/2017 – 5PM Alaska Animal Advocates Van’s Dive Bar 1027 E. 5th Ave. Anchorage Tickets: $25 – (907) 841-3173 VALLEY REPUBLICAN WOMEN OF ALASKA MEETING 7/20/2017 – 7PM Valley Republican Women of Alaska Matsu Family Restaurant 401 W Parks Hwy. Wasilla FREE Admission PIRATES OF PENZANCE July 20-22, 2017 – 7PM Glenn Massey Theater E 8295 College Dr. Palmer Tickets: $10 Kids, $20 Adults CARDBOARD CITY MAT-SU 7/21/2017 – 5PM Family Promise Mat-Su Alaska State Fairgrounds, Palmer 2075 Glenn Hwy. Palmer Cost: $50 Donation Minimum CLOTHING GIVEAWAY 7/22/2017 - 9AM Frontline Mission Wasilla Lake Church of the Nazarene 2001 Palmer-Wasilla Hwy. Wasilla FREE Event - (907) 357-8600 MAT SU VALLEY 2ND ANNUAL FIBER FESTIVAL July 22-23, 2017 – 10AM Mat-Su Valley Fiber Festival Alaska State Fairgrounds Livestock Barn 2075 Glenn Hwy. Palmer FREE Admission, Class Prices Vary Check us out on Facebook ASIAN CUISINE 7/22/2017 - 1PM Nourished Health Coaching Services NonEssentials 550 South Alaska St. Ste. 105 Cost: $20 - (907) 745-2258 SONGWRITERS WORKSHOP WITH TIM EASTON & BOW THAYER July 24-27, 2017 Campfire Propaganda & Tiny Raven Productions

36836 Long Branch St. Talkeetna Cost: $375 DYLAN LEE JOHNSTON & THE BAD HABITS 7/26/2017 - 7PM Hatcher Pass Discovery Booking Klondike Mike’s 820 S Colony Way, Palmer FREE Event 8TH ANNUAL MAT-SU FARM BUREAU FARM TOUR 7/27/2017 - 9AM Mat-Su Farm Bureau & Alaska Farm Tours 5 Farms in the Palmer Area Pick Up: Division of Agriculture Building 1800 Glenn Hwy. #12, Palmer Cost: $65 - (907) 519-7067 SCBWI ILLUSTRATOR GET TOGETHER 7/27/2017 - 6:30PM Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators Barnes and Noble 200 E Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage FREE Event WHOLE 30 COOKING 7/28/2017 - 6PM Nourished Health Coaching Services The Nourished Kitchen 6330 N. Britchenstrap Dr. Palmer Cost: $60 - (907) 982-9933 5TH ANNUAL BEER & BACON FESTIVAL 7/29/2017 - 1PM Fifth-Annual Beer & Bacon Festival The Lakefront Anchorage 4800 Spenard Rd. Anchorage Cost: $30 Children/Pregnant Women/ Designated Drivers, $50 Adults

Cost: $40 - (907) 746-8757 VALLEY FINE ARTS ASSOCIATION ARTIST SHOW 8/4/2017 – 4PM Valley Fine Arts Association Bear Paw River Brewery 4605 E Palmer-Wasilla Hwy. Wasilla FREE Event NOURISHING TASTES OF ALASKA August 4,11,18,25, 2017 - 4:30PM Nourished Health Coaching Services Palmer Fred Meyer 650 S. Cobb, Palmer FREE Event - (907) 982-9933 15TH ANNUAL RUNNING WITH THE BULLS 8/6/2017 - 11AM Musk Ox Farm 121850 E. Archie Rd. Palmer Cost: $15-$30 - (907) 745-4151 PUBLIC MEETING ON MAT-SU HOUSING 8/7/2017 – 7PM Trinity Lutheran Church’s Local Organizing Ministry Trinity Lutheran Church 10355 E Palmer-Wasilla Hwy, Palmer FREE Admission - (907) 230-1006 SETTLERS BAY COASTAL PARK FUNDRAISER 8/10/2017 – 6:30PM Great Land Trust Settlers Bay Golf Course 7307 S Frontier Dr. Wasilla FREE Admission, Donations Acceptable DERBY DOLL DASH FUN RUN 8/12/2017 – 10AM Denali Destroyer Dolls MTA Events Center 1317 S Kerry Weiland Ct. Palmer Cost: FREE Children under 5, $5 Children (5-12), $15 Teens, $25 Adults

2017 GOVERNMENT PEAK MUSIC FESTIVAL 7/29/2017 - 4PM Mat Su Trails & Parks Foundation The Chalet at Government Peak Recreation Area 10690 North Mountain Trails Dr. Palmer www. MAKEASCENEAK .com

Contributed by Lucas Fisher His expression ceased to waver at Clementine. She had heard in the torture cells that only children with powerful or formidable qualities could be testified. Unbeknownst to her, each sentry reported signs of individuality and unbreakable will power from her time in the prison and the cells. Each device had her scream but never conform to their commands as the others had. This drew the Practitioner from his studies in bitter haste. Most of the subjects sent to his care were broken beyond salvation.

No words were uttered, not a single vowel or form of syntax. She could feel his communication within. The hypnotic spell his eyes cast slowed her heart rate and absorbed her energy into a dreamful sleep. Unlike the others, her dream wasn’t a flash before waking. She became engulfed within

her own psych as the Practitioner communicated. Clem could move freely similar to the real world with the exception of no ground. She could walk, but not fly. It was a void that contained swirling doors, each more unique than the last. Lost in a transparent universe, the man forced one entrance to illuminate brightly. This is a dark door wrapped in chains and whip marks and smelled of cursed cinnamon; the worst torture of all. The Practitioner sent a gift through the dream world, her only belonging from within the prison, for comfort and courage of knowing there was an outside world awaiting her. Each door led to memories from getups to rags, but all were closed to her except the darkest entry-way shrouded in unpleasantries; a journey no other has returned from in the humans’ eyes/history. No child has retrieved it quite yet, they have always lost to temptation or madness. Clementine could feel the insane laughter of abandoned test subjects as she drew closer. She entered her nightmares. Alive but dead inside, at least not yet. She clutched to the umbrella within her fingertips in observance to the world around. The door was still behind her in this planet of oddities. In the

new void, landscapes metamorphosed around her. The door changed into an exit while walls and floors asserted themselves.

blue shining umbrella proceeded to brighten, the further her fears climbed. For once, her only desire was to return to the Cloud. Spiritually at least.

Clementine stood in a newly created passage with doors on either side of her down the hall. Each one leading to an exaggerated memory. Similar to human magic, her umbrella lit up blue, a light amidst dark and grew brighter as she paced quietly through. The blood velvet rug never faltered beneath her in the endless hallway.

There was a beat. A rhythm that soon pulled Clementine into conformity within her breaths and heart rate. For some reason, her umbrella quit growing in luminosity and stayed consistent. The beat pulsed louder and more powerful until it became a burden. Her pulses, beats and breaths thumped to the rhythm that invaded her ears. The threat quickly (and ironically) rose as the rhythm began to slow, bringing herself down with it. It kept dwindling and shrinking; breathing became difficult and any will to stray off beat produced a sharp pain. She begged for the Practitioner to send a sign, to guide her.

Her purpose was unclear as the item intensified with each door she passed. In a bright and sudden flash, a door to the right sprang open as ink seemed to cover her peripherals. Within, a cottage laid quiet to draw her curiosity and familiarity. The view flew to the grimy, stained window where she could relive only one of the few precious moments in her life. All Clem needed was to step in, let go of the umbrella and become absorbed in her mother’s eyes. She ceased inching forward. Something wasn’t right. Her mother spoke in a strange lure. With extreme effort, she slammed the door closed to escape temptation. Within the dream realm Clem may be immortalized, but her spirit wasn’t. The yellow,

A desperate final attempt for life drove her through a hellish door to the left. In the new reality, there was no beating. Everything seemed calm. Feeble and afraid, Clementine lifted herself up as the glow began to intensify once more. Twisted. That’s what this is. Curse the humans. Clementine despaired at the thought of them sending her into an evil abyss. Whatever the Practitioner desired, she wouldn’t give it up that easily.


Clementine was beckoned to the sofa. Humans had a saying (now null and void) that the spoken word is one of the triumphs of man. Now, their evolved deformities and monstrous abilities improved their understanding of the invisible vortex, a gateway to the dimensions beyond our third, and usage of its foreign laws.


Creative Writing

Poetry The Princess Denali by H. Platt

Monday night at 1:30 when comes she, tiptoeing down the rails, spikes and nails,

lit-up dome,

But the joints sound her wheels,

and she’s headed for home;

click of heels,

some weed between the ties,

something sticking, she squeals;

dares, defies,

light flickers down the track,

and she’ll make it before dawn.

coming back, and her crack pipe’s been drawn. Windowed-light honeycomb,

c/o Louis A. Breuer PO Box 512

Willow, AK 99688

JULY 2017

the Princess Denali,

and the tourists are gone.




Contributed by Kelly Marciales

Trinity Lutheran Church’s Local Organizing Ministry, a member of Valley Interfaith Action (VIA) will host

Please contact Rev. Diane Krauszer 907) 745-0726 or


Entertainment 2nd Annual Government Peak Music Festival 2017 Saturday, July 29, 2017 Children’s Music Festival and Activities: 3pm - 4pm Music Festival: 4pm - 10pm Mat Su Trails and Parks Foundation Government Peak Recreation Area Cost: $40

JULY 2017

Valley Interfaith Action Public Meeting 8/7/2017 – 7PM Trinity Lutheran Church’s Local Organizing Ministry Trinity Lutheran Church FREE Admission

a public meeting on Monday, August 7, 2017 from 7:00pm - 8:00pm to discuss housing concerns in the MatSu Borough and share their research report. The meeting will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church located at 10355 E Palmer-Wasilla Hwy, Palmer, AK 99645. A reception will follow with light refreshments.

The Government Peak Music Festival is coming again Mat-Su! Come out and enjoy the music of Big Fat Buddah, Team Easton and Junior and featuring Hope Social Club on Saturday, July 29th at Government Peak Recreation Area (GPRA) located at the base of beautiful Hatcher Pass, off Edgerton Park Road (watch for signs) near Palmer, Alaska. Mat-Su Trails and Parks

Foundation wishes to highlight and celebrate the connection between trails and parks in the Mat-Su Valley and the fabulous people who live here. Event tickets are available online for $40.00 (plus online ticketing fee) online though Mat-Su Trails, matsutrailsmusicfestival. and will be

available locally at Lavender, Active Soles and Arkose Brewery. Come sing, dance and join your friends on the grassy slopes at GPRA under the Alaska summer sun to the sweet sounds of local music while enjoying one of the most picturesque views the beautiful Mat-Su Valley has to offer.

Contributed by Nikki Lee, The Mug-Shot Saloon 8th Annual Big ‘M’ Memorial Benefit 8/19/2017 – 12PM The Mug-Shot Saloon 251 W Parks Hwy. Wasilla FREE Admission, Donations Accepted The Mug-Shot Saloon and Big M Inc. are excited to announce our 8th Annual Big ‘M’ Memorial Benefit. It is to be held on August 19th, 2017 from 12pm-10pm at the Mug-Shot Saloon, located at 251 W. Parks Hwy. in Wasilla.

The proceeds of this year’s event will be donated to the family of 13-year-old local resident, Lucas Dinsmore. Lucas was diagnosed with lymphoma at the young age of five, and after an extensive hospitalization combined with chemotherapy, was successful in beating the disease. He remained healthy for seven years. Sadly in 2016, he was diagnosed again with lymphoma. Not a relapse; he now has a completely

new cancer growing. Lucas’s father, T.J., is a single parent to Lucas and younger brother, Connall. The Dinsmore family are no strangers to cancer. Not only has Lucas had two unthinkable diagnoses, but T.J.’s oldest son, Garrett, was diagnosed with leukemia in 2004 (at age 3) and heartbreakingly passed away as a result. We hope to raise money to assist the Dinsmore family in whatever way we can. The Big ‘M’ Memorial Benefit is an all-day event which attracts hundreds of people each year. In 2016, our fundraising efforts raised over $20,000; the money of which was donated to local Valley residents, Lisa and Timothy Toothaker, a mother and son both battling stage 4 cancer. This all-day event will include a multi-prize raffle, live and silent auctions, live music on an outdoor stage and acoustic acts on our indoor stage, a vendor area, a potluck style meal and a dunk tank There will also be a fully-supervised kids’ area complete with a bounce house, face painting and carnival style games! Our intent is to reach a wide variety of people artists, musicians, all types of vendors, politicians, organizations, community groups, persons or businesses with auction item donations; there really is no limit to who can get involved or how. We tend to be able to draw a crowd, have a lot of fun and do a lot of good. We hope that inviting the community to join us in this endeavor is a mutually beneficial scenario. We would like to invite you to be a part of the effort this year. We are seeking volunteers to help with both the planning of the event and those who would like to

help during the event. We are also seeking donors who would like to provide goods or services to be included in our live and silent auctions. If you have items to donate or would like to be involved in any capacity, please contact us at or by calling our office at 907-376-1638


This inspiring annual event was created in honor of Marilyn Anderson, commemorating her lifetime of commitment to helping her neighbors, friends and patrons in times of need. Joining forces with Valley businesses, entertainers, friends and patrons creates a powerful combination of resources, generosity and enthusiasm, which has proven to generate amazing results at previous events.

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JULY 2017

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