Make A Scene Magazine May 2017

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MAY 2017



www. MAKEASCENEAK .com MAY 2017


Non-Profit Directory Families & Children: March of Dimes Alaska Chapter

Non-Profit Organization? Join our growing list for as little as $15.00/mo! Non-Profit’s Help Our Community! Families & Children: Family Promise Mat-Su (907) 357-6160 A community response for families without housing. Family Promise Mat-Su, “FPMS” uses area churches for shelter while providing meals and case management to help homeless families move back into housing and self-sustainability. In addition we provide state funds(BHAP) for homeless prevention.

OTHER Mat-Su Health Services, Inc. (907) 376-2411 Dedicated to improving the health of our community, one person at a time – through affordable medical, dental and behavioral health care.The clinic is a Federally qualified Health Care Center and we accept Medicare, Medicaid, and most other third-party insurances. For those who qualify, there is a sliding scale payment, based on household income. We offer early morning and evening appointments appointment. You can also contact our 24/7 behavioral crisis intervention line by calling the main number: 376-2411.

MAY 2017

Valley Fiber Arts Guild The Valley Fiber Arts Guild began in 1983. Our purpose is to provide educational and cultural enrichment for the community by promoting a greater interest in the fiber arts. Fiber arts include spinning, weaving, knitting, crochet, dying, felting, lace making, and more! Monthly gatherings are held at the Palmer Public Library on the first Saturday of the month from September-April at 10am-11:30am. Tuesday is UnFinished Objects Night. Join us every Tuesday night 5ish-8pm at Vagabond Blues Cafe in Palmer! Come spin, knit, crochet, or visit while having some coffee and getting some free instruction! (907) 276-4111 Join the March of Dimes for our annual High Heels for High Hopes this fall. To become a model or participant, call 276-4111. The March of Dimes helps moms have fullterm pregnancies and healthy babies. And if something goes wrong, we offer information and comfort to families. We research the problems that threaten our babies and work on preventing them. About 4 million babies were born in the United States last year, and the March of Dimes helped each and every one through research, education, vaccines and breakthroughs. The March of Dimes: working together for stronger, healthier babies.

ARTS: Valley Arts Alliance Valley Arts Alliance, bringing the community together through the arts... We are a place for both new and established artists of all types— painters, sculptors, musicians, and those involved in the performing arts—to network and to experiment with new ideas and media. We work with local libraries, schools, museums, art councils, and music and art groups to create more venues for the arts, and to help promote art related events. Join us at our informal weekly meetings, every Thursday @ 11 at Sophia’s Cafe, 9191 E Frontage Road, Palmer-Wasilla Hwy. Check out our archives

CONSERVATION: Mat-Su Health Foundation (907) 352-2863 The Mat-Su Health Foundation offers financial and strategic support to well-managed 501(c)(3) organizations that offer services and practical solutions to significant health-related problems impacting the citizens of the Mat-Su Borough. The foundation also offers academic and vocational scholarships to Mat-Su residents who wish to pursue health and wellness related careers.

Pets & Animals: Alaska Animal Advocates (907) 841-3173 Alaska Animal Advocates is a non-profit group of dedicated volunteers who are devoted to enriching the lives of companion animals in Alaska. In order to do this, we will place homeless pets in loving environments, address medical concerns, spay or neuter, microchip, vaccinate, and offer training as is needed. We believe that every animal deserves a loving home, for his/her entire life and Alaska Animal Advocates will provide the resources to make this happen. In order to make this mission possible, we need the help of volunteers and foster homes.

Valley Community for Recycling Solutions (907) 745-5544 RECYCLING – It’s not just for hippies anymore!! Everyone in the Mat-Su valley can recycle. Drop your stuff off Tues – Fri 10:30 to 6 and Sat 10:30 to 3:30. Recycle cardboard, magazines, this newspaper and more at your community recycling center. Remember to REDUCE, REUSE, and then RECYCLE! Your community recycling center is located at 9465 E Chanlyut Circle, next to the MSB Animal Shelter at the MSB Central Landfill. Volunteer opportunities available. Make a difference in your community! Check out our website for details, follow us on Facebook. - Call us at 907.745.5544 with questions or comments.

Families & Children: March of Dimes Alaska Chapter (907) 276-4111 The mission of the March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. About 4 million babies were born in the United States last year, and the March of Dimes helped each and every one through research, education, vaccines and breakthroughs. The March of Dimes: working together for stronger, healthier babies.

HOMELESS YOUTH: Mat-Su Youth Housing (MY HOUSE) (907) 373-4357 MY House is a homeless youth drop in center with two for-profit businesses that train and employ homeless youth. Gathering Grounds Cafe is a coffee shop with homemade soups, sandwiches, salads and baked goods. Steamdriven is a trendy thrift shop featuring Steampunk items made from repurposed donations by our youth designers. Fiend2Clean and Young People in Recovery offer support for substance abuse recovery with activities and events. We offer transitional housing for qualified 18-24 year olds, Outreach services to connect homeless youth, organizations and groups to services, and access to Public Health and NineStar job/education services on site.

SOCIAL ADVOCACY: Wasilla Homeless-Committee

EMPLOYMENT SERVICES: Mat-Su Regional Adult Basic Education (Nine Star) (907) 373-7833 Mat-Su ABE provides basic education in math, language arts and English as a second language (ESL), aiming to raise student skills beyond the high-school level in order to pass tests like the GED, enter training programs or college, and advance on the job. Enrollment is open to all adult residents of Alaska, year-round. Youth Employment for ages 16-24 not in school -- get a job, keep a job, advance on the job. Nine Star 300 N Willow 373-3006 (in the MYHouse building) (907) 521-2949 Wasilla Homeless-Committee is a 100% volunteer organization funded by private donations and regular fundraising events. Our sole purpose is to assist the homeless, those at risk of homelessness, and others who do not meet the criteria for help that is required by other advocacy agencies in the valley. Wasilla Homeless-Committee provides case management, housing search assistance, move in assistance, job search assistance, clothing, furniture, help with transportation, and resource guidance for homeless and disenfranchised in the Mat-Su Valley. Visit our website for application, or call 907521-2949. Find us on Facebook wasillahomelesscommitteepage

FRIDAY FLINGS 5/19/2017-8/18/2017 - 10AM Palmer Economic Development Authority (PEDA) Downtown Palmer Pavillion S. Valley Way, Palmer FREE Event - (907) 745-4577 Check us out on Facebook MERLE HAGGARD TRIBUTE CONCERT 5/19/2017 – 8PM Ben & Noel Haggard Menard Sports Center 1001 S Clapp St. Wasilla Tickets: $49 General, $99 VIP

$1 BOOK SALE May 20-24, 2017 - 10AM Annabel’s Books 695 E Parks Hwy. Wasilla FREE Admission - (907) 373-7273 TAIKAI-CON 5/20/2017 - 10AM Taikai Con Glenn Massay Theater E 8295 College Dr. Palmer Cost: FREE Children, $10 Students, $15 General “HELLO SUMMER” HAPPENING! 5/20/2017 - 10AM My Matanuska Marketplace Palmer Train Depot 610 S. Valley Way, Palmer

WASILLA CENTENNIAL BLOCK PARTY 5/20/2017 – 11AM City of Wasilla Downtown Wasilla FREE Event LOCAL AUTHOR SIGNING: KELLY MARRE 5/20/2017 - 1PM Annabel’s Books 695 E Parks Hwy. Wasilla FREE Event - (907) 373-7273 1ST ANNUAL PALMER PARADE OF PETS! 5/20/2017 - 3PM My Matanuska Marketplace Palmer Train Depot 610 S. Valley Way, Palmer FREE Admission, $5 Pet Registration Fee - (907) 354-3569 my.matanuska.marketplace@ Check us out on Facebook TUPPERWARE DEMO 5/21/2017 - 3PM Tupperware 12100 Coffee & Communitas 12100 Old Seward Hwy. Anchorage FREE Event MOAA - AK DINNER SOCIAL WITH LT. GEN DAN ATKINS, USAF (RET.) 5/25/2017 - 6PM Military Officers Assocition of America - Alaska, Captain Cook Chapter Coast International Inn 3450 Aviation Ave. Anchorage

Merle Haggard Tribute Concert 5/19/2017 – 8PM Ben & Noel Haggard Menard Sports Center 1001 S Clapp St. Wasilla Tickets: $49 General, $99 VIP

MARA GENERAL MEETING 5/26/2017 - 7PM Matanusaka Amateur Radio Association Wasilla Fire Station 61 101 W Swanson Ave. Wasilla FREE Event VALLEY GARDEN CLUB ANNUAL PLANT SALE 5/27/2017 - 9AM Valley Garden Club Boys & Girls Club 3700 E. Bogard Rd. Wasilla FREE Event - (907) 355-7465

WORLD’S FINEST BAND @ KLONDIKE MIKE’S 6/1/2017 - 7PM Hatcher Pass Discovery Booking Klondike Mike’s 820 S Colony Way, Palmer Cost: $10 MACHETANZ ARTS FESTIVAL June 2-3, 2017 Friday @7PM, Saturday @9PM Mat-Su College 8295 College Dr. Palmer 7TH ANNUAL COUNTRY FAIR 6/3/2017 – 11AM St. Herman Orthodox Church 6988 N. En Dove Rd. Wasilla FREE Admission

PLANT SWAP May 27-28, 2017 - 10AM Annabel’s Books 695 E Parks Hwy. Wasilla FREE Event - (907) 373-7273

INKLINGS (A DISCUSSION GROUP ON FAITH & CULTURE) 6/4/2017 - 7PM Inklings 8260 Duchess Dr. Palmer FREE Event - (907) 982-5609

WILLOW SPRING FLING ART STUDIO TOUR 5/27/2017 - 10AM Multiple Willow Art Studios 31391 Parks Hwy. Milepost 64.5, 66.5, 69.5 & Shirley Lake, Willow FREE Event - (907) 360-3696 Check us out on Facebook

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 5-9 - 9AM First Baptist Church of Palmer 1150 E. Helen Drive, Palmer FREE Event - (907) 745-4483

WISCONSIN LUTHERAN COLLEGE CHOIR CONCERT 5/29/2017 - 11AM King of Kings Lutheran Church Wasilla Aurora Cemetery 1096 Wasilla-Fishhook Rd. Wasilla FREE Event - (907) 376-7771

as well as a few of their own. The show starts at 8pm on May 19th. Tickets are available at and are $99 for VIP seating in front of the stage (these will include a meet and greet with the artists) and $49 for general seating. Get your tickets now and don’t miss this great concert with Ben and Noel Haggard!

SUMMER PERCUSSION CAMP June 5-9, 2017 Sessions 1 & 2 @9AM, Session 3 @11AM Percussion in the Valley Colony Middle School 9250 E Silver Spring Cir, Palmer Cost: $85 1st Session, $200 2nd Session, $250 3rd Session (907) 631-8079

It’s Never Too Late 6/10/2017 – 7PM Hillary Saffran Top Drawer 10927 W Big Lake Rd. Big Lake Tickets: $5 or $2+2 Canned Foods If you are in need of a bit of fun and inspiration, come on down to the Top Drawer at the corner of the Parks Hwy and Big Lake Road on June 10th at 7:00pm for the show “It’s Never Too Late.”

BARICKMAN & ASSOCIATES BLUEGRASS BLOCK PARTY 6/9/2017 - 3PM RE/MAX Dynamic of the Valley Barickman & Associates 125 W Evergreen, Palmer FREE Event - (907) 746-7890 LEMONADE DAY ALASKA 2017 6/10/2017 – 7AM University of Alaska Wasilla Chamber of Commerce 415 E Railroad Ave. Wasilla FREE Event 3RD ANNUAL ALASKA VINTAGE MOTORCYCLE SHOW 6/10/2017 – 12PM Alaska Vintage Motorcycle Show Matanuska Borough Building’s Grass Courtyard 350 E Dahlia Ave. Palmer FREE Admission, $10 per Bike Entry IT’S NEVER TOO LATE 6/10/2017 – 7PM Hillary Saffran Top Drawer 10927 W Big Lake Rd. Big Lake Tickets: $5 or $2+2 Canned Foods (907) 707-7556 COOPERATIVE EXTENSION CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION SERIES: WILD EDIBLES 6/15/2017 - 6PM UAF Cooperative Extension Service Matanuska Experiment Farm 1509 S. Georgeson Dr. Palmer FREE Event - (907) 745-3360

Tickets are $5.00 or $2.00 if you bring two canned goods for donations to the Big Lake Food Bank. Join Hillary Saffran for an evening of fun, entertainment and inspiration. For more information call 707-7556. Hillary Saffran is the star of her own living room and kitchen, where the acoustics are better than the bathroom. She is an entertainer and best-selling author among her five closest friends.

MAY 2017

Ben and Noel Haggard will be doing a tribute to the great legend, Merle Haggard, at the Menard Centre in Wasilla on May 19, 2017. Merle Haggard’s sons will be performing a lot of his old and well-known songs,

Cost: $30 - (907) 570-1027


OUTDOOR TOY & TOOL SALE 5/20/2017 - 9AM Good Shepard Mens Outreach Good Shepard Lutheran Church 501 E. Bogard Rd. Wasilla FREE Admission, Donations Welcome

FREE Event - (907) 354-3569 my.matanuska.marketplace@ Check us out on Facebook


Calendar of Events


Alaskan Film

PRESS RELEASE Last Frontier is ready for a close-up once again as the backdrop for Burnhouse Pictures’ new feature film, Peaks and Valleys. Director Michael Burns (Proper Binge 2015) has taken the reigns along with a stellar cast and crew made up of some of the top filmmakers Alaska has to offer for the drama written by Michael B. Dillon. The newly released teaser for the film is already making an impression on social media, leaving viewers chomping at the bit for the summer release. One of the latest offerings by the ever growing independent Alaskan film community, Peaks and Valleys holds a true dedication to highlighting the star power that the great state of Alaska has to offer. A slew of award winning professionals have come together for the production, as well as many local residents and businesses offering their support to make the bold project a reality. Featuring veteran character actor and Anchorage resident Kevin Bennett (The Frozen Ground 2013), the film also brings Wasilla’s Kitty Mahoney out from behind the camera in her first feature leading role. Wrapped in plastic and thrown from a plane into a rural Alaskan lake would usually mean the end of the story. For Bailey (Kitty

Mahoney), it’s just the beginning. Waking naked, battered and horrifically traumatized, she finds herself trapped in a secluded cabin somewhere in the wilds of Alaska. Her only company, Jack (Kevin Bennett), is a hard-nosed man of few words who makes no question of his desire to be left alone. With winter taking its grip on the surrounding wilderness, Bailey must overcome the aftermath of her ordeal and survive long enough to make it home. With Jack as her only aid, she soon suspects that his secrets were never meant to leave the cabin. Excitement for the project has proven instantly contagious, leading to local investors excitedly funding the film’s budget, as well as attracting some amazing Alaskan talent. It’s also gaining nods from other successful filmmakers across the state, showing the true sense of community in the Alaskan film industry. Peaks and Valleys is scheduled for a summer release with limited engagements to be announced statewide. Fans can view the trailer at www.vimeo. com/213645055 or through the link on Facebook @peaksandvalleysmovie. Like and follow the page for updates on the production as well as release and show time information.

Theatre two weeks, your camper will star in their very own stage showcase at the Glenn Massay Theater!

MAY 2017

Contributed by Kristen Clinkenbeard Theatre Arts Summer Camp (Ages 7-12) June 5-16, 2017Sonja’s Studio Babcock Fine Arts Building 5700 W. Pilgrim Ct. Wasilla Cost: $250 for 2 weeks FREE Camp T-shirt

Looking for a fun, educational and imaginative summer experience for your kids? StageWorks by Sonja’s Studio is a two week theatre arts camp designed with your child in mind!

The campers will get the opportunity to learn, through hands-on experience, the four elements of theatre: Acting, Dancing, Singing, and Design.

Our upbeat and quality staff, led by artistic director, Kristen Clinkenbeard, presents our campers with a professional-level experience.

Each camper will be in a group of new friends led by our trained interns, where they will get to experience each element every day! At the end of the


Contributed by Carmen Summerfield Art On Fire 10 x 100 6/24/2017 – 10AM Valley Arts Alliance Museum of Alaska Transportation and Industry 3800 W. Museum Dr. Wasilla Tickets: FREE Children, $10 Adults

We’re calling this year’s event 10 x 100 because it’s our 10th consecutive year, and the 100th anniversary of the City of Wasilla. In the weeks preceding this event, Pat Garley (441-6728) will be offering workshops in metal casting and mold

making at his studio in Palmer. During the event, artist Sandra Cook, who owns SL Cook Pottery and Fiber Werks in Palmer, will conduct her Raku pottery workshop, the Association of Alaskan Blacksmiths will demonstrate blacksmithing techniques, Judy Vars will demonstrate encaustic wax painting and other fiery arts, such as glass flame working, will also be demonstrated. Sahara Storm Tribal Dance Troupe will also perform. Live music and food will be available.

the airport) in Wasilla, from 10am until 5pm on Saturday, June 24th. The ticket price is $10, with children under 12 admitted free.

The 10 x 100 VAA Art on Fire Iron Pour Art Fest will be held at the Museum of Alaska Transportation and Industry, located at 3800 W. Museum Drive (near

Please join the fun! We hope to turn this day into an extraordinary Iron Pour Art Fest in the Valley!

Contributed by Carmen Summerfield

have wingspans from 6 to 8 feet, and they weigh 140-240 pounds.

Most of you have spent a lot of time at the airport. Why not spend some of that time looking at art?

Rachelle’s sculptures combine organic materials with concrete, industrial resins and recycled materials like nails, plow disc blades, scrap steel and wood. The combinations of images and materials address contemporary issues of life in the North, while putting a spin on popular Alaskan wildlife and motifs.

Airports all over the world have public art on display. At our Anchorage International Airport, take a look at Rachelle Dowdy’s “From Here to There and There to Here” and Ron Baron’s “North to the Future”, both located in Terminal B.

Ron made a three week visit to Alaska to explore the combination of urban Anchorage and the rural Cook Inlet region. He culled an array

And while at the airport, don’t forget the mezzanine level which has a large display of Native Alaskan art. Next time you’re travelling, take a minute to check out art at the airport.

MAY 2017

Rachelle’s sculptures feature oversized geese taking flight inside the airport terminal, suspended from the ceiling, flying the length of the concourse. Some remaining geese are nested or standing on the floor, where they can engage with the public. These geese

Ron Baron’s six bronze sculptures portray items and landscapes that are symbols and metaphors representing the spirit of Alaska.

of objects that he shipped back to his Brooklyn New York studio. Ron wanted to portray the Alaskan traveler from tourist to resident. He uses a combination of artifacts with hints of Alaskan wildlife.


It’s time for another hot, hot, hot Iron Pour! Yes, for the 10th consecutive year, the Valley Arts Alliance Art on Fire Iron Pour Art Fest will be held on Saturday, June 24, 2017 in Wasilla.






2nd Annual Government Peak Music Festival 2017 Saturday, July 29, 2017 Children’s Music Festival and Activities: 3pm - 4pm Music Festival: 4pm - 10pm Mat Su Trails and Parks Foundation Government Peak Recreation Area, N Mountain Trails Dr., Palmer Cost: $40 The Government Peak Music Festival is coming again Mat-Su! Come out and enjoy the music of Big Fat Buddah, Team Easton and Junior and featuring Hope Social Club on Saturday, July 29th at Government Peak Recreation Area (GPRA) located at the base of beautiful Hatcher Pass, off Edgerton Park Road (watch for signs) near Palmer, Alaska. Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation wishes to highlight and celebrate the connection between trails and parks in the Mat-Su Valley and the fabulous people who live here.

Mark your calendars for the Government Peak Music Festival, July 29th, 2017! This fundraising event for the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation will highlight our work supporting trails and parks projects throughout the Borough, featuring great music, local craft beers and food vendors. Don’t miss out. For more information and to purchase tickets for this wonderful event go online now at Children’s Music and Activities! Besides our great headliners, the festival will also host a special children’s concert with Fiddle Dee Dee from 3pm - 4pm the same day of the

event. Bring the kids, blankets and chairs, and enjoy fun and music!

join us as we raise funds to support our trails and parks grant programs.

No outside food or beverages are allowed at the music festival and with the exception of service dogs, this event is pet free. No pets please. Parking is limited at the GPRA facility and we highly encourage carpooling. Cyclists are welcomed!

The organizers of this festival, the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation (MSTPF), has been in existence since 2011.

Event tickets are available online for $40.00 (plus online ticketing fee) online though Mat-Su Trails, matsutrailsmusicfestival. and will be available locally at Lavender, Active Soles and Arkose Brewery. What could be more fun than great music and good folks, all surrounded by picturesque, endless trails for hiking and biking at this stunning venue? More information can be found at Please plan to

Arts Meet The Artist 6/2/2017 – 5PM Valley Fine Arts Association Bear Paw River Brewery 4605 E. Palmer-Wasilla Hwy. Wasilla FREE Admission

MAY 2017

Come sing, dance and join your friends on the grassy slopes at GPRA under the Alaska summer sun to the sweet sounds of local music while enjoying one of the most picturesque views the beautiful Mat-Su Valley has to offer.

Karen Crandall has been a resident of Big Lake, Alaska since 1975. “I started painting 46 years ago using acrylic paints on canvas, redwood slabs and various surfaces. I love to sculpt using gel mediums and organic natural objects to create a raised textural surface called acrylic relief.” “In 1998, I began to study watercolor and printmaking

at UAA. My art was seen at the Campus Center Gallery in several juried shows such as No Big Heads, invitational 3D and 2D shows and the Campus Center Gallery’s Show Stopper Exhibit of featured winners over the past 11 years.” In 2002, Karen joined the Alaska Watercolor Society where my art was selected for the 28th, 32nd, 33rd, 39th and 40th Annual Nationwide Juried Exhibitions. Her art piece, Seagull Menagerie, won a honorable mention and was displayed at the Blue Holloman Gallery in Anchorage. Baleen Exposed, a watercolor of

a humpback whale feeding in Fredrick Sound, Southeast Alaska was featured in the Art for the Park Show at Stephens Fine Arts in 2015. Karen is a member of VFAA and the Alaska Watercolor Society as Scholarship Award President. You can see her art at the Girdwood Center for Visual Arts where her art will be featured in the July Mini Show. “I am currently working on paintings that depict the various seasons of nature’s glorious colors at Hatcher’s Pass using watercolors, pastel chalk, acrylics and occasional oils.”

MSTPF, a non-profit organization, funds and supports quality trails and parks in the Mat-Su Borough to encourage outdoor recreational opportunities for all user groups. To date, MSTPF has provided over $300,000 in grants for trails and parks projects in the Mat-Su Borough. Their community minded work is guided by the 2013 Trails and Parks Master Plan. This music festival will be an annual fundraiser for the foundation. Contact: Stuart R. Leidner, Executive Director Mat Su Trails and Parks Foundation 907-746-8757


Contributed by Mary Beth Feldman 7th Annual Country Fair 6/3/2017 – 11AM St. Herman Orthodox Church 6988 N. En Dove Rd. Wasilla FREE Admission “Let’s all go to the country fair. There’s blossoms and ribbons and hope in the air… and the best place to be is the county fair.” (“Country Fair” by Anonymous) School is out and the children are reveling in newfound freedom to be outdoors! What better place is there for them to see friends and enjoy that freedom than the 7th Annual Country Fair at Saint Herman Orthodox Church in Wasilla?

This year, the fair will take place on Saturday, June 3rd from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. There will be plenty of traditional favorites including oldfashioned carnival style games, the ultimate cake walk, the petting zoo, the Country Store, Fizzywigs old fashioned sodas and the chuck wagon with its delicious food, including for the first time turkey legs provided by Bear Mountain Meats. Although we have always had great music at the fair, this year that music will be live! This is fantastic beginning summer fun for the entire family! See you there!

Event Bubbling Brook Farmhouse Vintage Market July 15-16, 2017 Saturday @9AM, Sunday @11AM Bubbling Brook Farmhouse Menard Sports Center 1001 Clapp St. Wasilla Cost: Saturday - FREE Children, $5 Adults, $25 VIP/Sunday – FREE Admission Make plans to spend a day at the Bubbling Brook Farmhouse Vintage Market, July 15th and 16th, at the Curtis D Menard Sports Complex. Our vendors will be offering antique, vintage, upcycled and locally handmade products for your family and home. Alaskan A’s Model A Club will be showing off their beautiful cars, and the Hannah Yoder Band will be entertaining

us on Saturday. Nursing moms will enjoy some down time in a special place set aside for them. Chalk wall and face painting for the little ones, when they need a break from shopping. Tickets are as follows: 17 and under free. $5 regular admission on Saturday. Sunday free. VIP tickets, $25, allows you to shop early – 8am-9am Saturday. Regular hours are 9am-5pm on Saturday and 11am-4pm Sunday.



Contributed by Debbie Filter, Trapper Creek Community Services Assoc. Inc.

MAY 2017


12th Annual Fireweed Festival 7/15/2017 - 11AM FREE Event Enjoy a day with us! Our 12th Annual Fireweed Festival here in Trapper Creek will be held on July 15th! We begin the day in the Community Center Park at 11:00 a.m. and will wrap it up around 8:00 p.m. This awesome, yearly event is family friendly, fun for all ages and free! Bring a blanket or a garden chair to sit on or choose a spot at one of the many picnic tables in the park, while your children enjoy the supervised children’s activity tent and romp on the playground equipment.

A delightful combination of local musicians, budding artists and seasoned performers will entertain you all day! Craft vendors will tickle your fancies and the food booths will satisfy any amount of hunger you may have. As if that wasn’t enough to excite you, we will also be conducting a silent auction, a split the pot and raffling off a brand new 2016 Salsa Bearcat X5 fat tire bicycle! So really, you don’t want to miss the 12th Annual Fireweed Festival! Come make some awesome memories with us! The festival is sponsored by the Trapper Creek Community Services, Assoc. Inc. a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization.

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Arts Contributed by Michelle Cornelius

Guest Instructors & Artists:

They will be offering three great miniworkshops to choose from. You may sign up for one, two or three of the workshops offered by the renowned artist/instructors listed below. Or just relax and enjoy the wonderful facility, food, friends and all the panoramic views that will inspire the plein air artist in you!

Jennifer Bowman 2-Day Workshop Acrylic Artist - Jennifer, an internationally renowned artist, will conduct a 2-day acrylic workshop. She is a master at helping artists understand light and shadow which is vital to a successful painting. She spent two years traveling the west coast in a sailboat studying the quality of light at different latitudes. Jennifer has an impressive resume which includes a wide variety of awards. She is represented by over 180 galleries worldwide. To see more of her work visit her website:

Contact Linda Peters at 907-982-9209, or register online at event?eid=141058712#/tickets

Karen Mattson 2-Day Workshop Watercolor Artist - Karen, a long-time Alaskan, is best known for her Alaskan scenes and floral paintings. Her work is

VFAA will be offering its 3rd annual three day artist retreat. This time, at Hatcher Pass in early September 2017.

influenced by her experience as a master gardener. She is a signature member of the Alaska Watercolor Society and one of the original founders of the Valley Fine Arts Association. She has received numerous awards. Karen’s painting, Bald Eagle, was selected as one of the 50 finalists from the state of Alaska in the coveted Paint America competition. Karen’s work can be seen at karen+mattson. Earl Rider 1-Day Workshop Oil Artist - Earl, an accomplished self-taught plein air painter, prefers working in oil. He is an award-winning artist who won first place at the Arctic Rose Art Center and Gallery annual Raven Show. Earl is a member of Anchorage Plein Air Painters, Alaska Artists Guild and V.F.A.A. His informative demonstrations have been a favorite with Valley Fine Arts Association members. We are excited that he is once again sharing his expertise with us.


3rd Annual Artist Retreat September 8-10, 2017 Valley Fine Arts Alliance 12 Mile Lake, Willow Cost: $60-$350

You can also stop by a VFAA meeting every other Friday at Mat-Su College, 2pm-7pm, room 212 to pick up a registration form.


MAY 2017

The Advanced Poem

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