Mat-Su Plunge
House Fire Fundraiser for Local Family MORE ON PAGE 3 OF THE PEOPLE’S PAPER
Friendly faces, the fresh scent of Alaskan air, and people jumping into freezing water! Say goodbye to cabin fever, it’s getting wild in Palmer, Alaska.
Palmer Elks Lodge. The Plunge has been sponsored for more than a decade by the Mat-Su Sertoma Club. All funds stay right here in the valley.
Previous years saw as many as 100 people sign up to participate in the annual Mat-Su Sertoma Plunge.
Take the plunge, get a group together now and be a part of the “Original Valley Dip!” ... Check out for more information about this event.
The “frosty” plunge is set for Saturday, February 20, 2021, and will be held this year at the
Facebook Banned Me, and Mussolini. "FASClSM should more appropriately be called CORPORATlSM, because it is a merger of state and corporate power." - BENlTO MUSSOLlNl Contributed by Josh Fryfogle I was banned from posting from my page on Facebook, which is a corporation, simply for sharing this quote from a well-known fascist dictator. I added no commentary to the quote, because the current events provided all the necessary context. Why would a quote from a historical figure be so repugnant to facebook, a corporation? You would think with all the hubbub about the (definitely not organized) Anti-fascism movement, and how great a thing it is, that it would be impossible to justify denying us the history of fascism itself - denying a direct quote from Fascism’s founder! It’s important to note that I have never had this happen before. I use facebook (a lot) as an outlet for my own self-expression, mostly essays and thought provoking tidbits. I never violate their terms of service, so I never get got. Certainly, their terms of service ought not include any prohibition on quoting historical figures - that would definitely be fascist, right? And certainly they don’t prohibit the discussion of fascism, which is widely had by the current corporate-preferred political class on the left. In recent years, and more recently more so, we’ve seen social media corporations and corporate legacy media, in lockstep with certain government officials, demanding an end to free expression. They say it’s dangerous. It’s certainly dangerous to dictators and fascists, a fact history reflects.
In recent years, the internet has been used by the People to share information and organize - and the state and corporate powers are making moves to silence and shape this activity. Right now they’re coming for some of those who dissent, but as their continued fascistic trajectory finds it’s path, they will inevitably silence all dissent, finally targeting the left. That’s fascism for ya! Now would be a good time to review the First Amendment, which guarantees our freedom of expression of conscience. For 13+ years I’ve advocated for the individual use of the First Amendment’s freedom of the press clause, and created The People’s Paper expressly for that purpose. That publication facilitates for the individual their right to free press, but we can’t force people to use it. We print 10,000 physical copies per issue, in addition to our online blog, which are distributed far and wide - not only on the internet, but on paper, which can’t be simply silenced like the internet.
I’ve warned over these years that these institutions that we’ve grown to trust, to which we’ve been conditioned to deference, are actually liabilities for Liberty itself. Freedom of press belongs to the individual, and when the individual willfully hands it over to corporate media companies, they’ve simply surrendered their right. Now, we see more clearly the power of paper, as long as everyone has a right to use it, and everyone actually makes use of it. There is no lazy liberty! We must express ourselves, for the good of the whole. To sort out our differences, instead of fascistic suppression of the same. Social media giants have silenced a sitting president, using the internet.
Read that last line again. That’s a profound statement, with more profound implications. Do you think that the state and corporations, working together, are anything other than fascism? The founder of Fascism said that’s exactly what fascism is, and facebook doesn’t want you to know that. Facebook banned me because I simply posted that quote. You might ask, then, why have I use social media at all?
I used it for my own writing - even though I own a local newspaper because if I published all my own writing in the paper, readers might get the impression that this publication is ‘my’ publication. They might, because they’ve been conditioned to, think that I am a journalist - rather than a citizen expressing myself, and inviting them to do the same. So, while I’ve certainly written for this publication over the years, I haven’t published all of my writings in print. Not even close. I write daily, in fact, and prolifically. If I published in print everything I write each month, this publication would be mostly my own writing. See the problem?
Art Show at Bigfoot Gallery in Palmer
The real problem is that our People, individuals, rarely use their First Amendment rights to freedom of press. Social media allows us to express ourselves, within their rules, while creating a platform that encourages fallacies and shallow argumentation.
Win Painting & Support Local Non-Profit MORE ON PAGE 14 OF MAKE A SCENE MAGAZINE
I publish essays there, and I’m constantly surprised how many people openly express their distaste for what they perceive as “too much words”, or some other shameful embrace of ignorance. We’ve been dumbed down, folks. ARTICLE CONTINUES IN “LIBERTY, LIBERALLY” AND ONLINE AT
Human Trafficking Awareness Month
COMMUNITY Beginning January 1st until the end of February, this is a food drive that has been going on for the last 10 years now - set up to raise food for food banks in Matsu Valley.
Contributed by The DUDE, Midnight Son Riders Chapter 801 of CMA Bikers Fighting Hunger 2021 1/1/2021 – 2/28/2021 Midnight Son Riders Chapter 801 of CMA Various Locations Food Donations Roses for Tacos 2/13/2021 – 12PM Midnight Son Riders Chapter 801 of CMA Denali Harley-Davidson 1497 S Hyer Rd. Palmer Cost: 12 Cans of Food or $12 Spaghetti Feed 2/21/2021 – 2PM Midnight Son Riders Chapter 801 of CMA The Alano Club 901 Snowhomish Dr. Wasilla Cost: 12 Cans of Food or $12
Contributed by Ember Haynes Like most Alaskan gardeners, I usher in each new year with seed catalogs briming with promises of abundant blooms and detailed lists of carefully diagramed garden plans. Be it growing flowers, hay or potatoes; the almanac is nearby, and close attention is paid to weather forecasts, rainfall and temperature predictions. A set of unique plant enthusiasts are also planning their 2021 crops for Alaska’s first full-year of legal hemp production. Last year, my husband and I were able to see our dream of growing hemp to fruition and successfully participated in Alaska’s inaugural hemp program. The success of our maiden hemp crop is a victory for home gardeners and believers of sustainability. We do not consider ourselves farmers in the typical sense of the word; we did not plant large acreages or utilize heavy equipment. Under Alaska’s hemp program, we were able to sustainably grow hemp on our five acres. Off to a slow and unsure start, we were late getting our soil prepped and even later planting seeds into the ground. Despite all the ups and downs the year threw at us, we grew and harvested our first hemp crop in the 2020 season. We look forward to applying all that we learned last season for an abundant crop this fall that will sustain our family needs and provide for the future. Almost all 50 states have industrial hemp programs now, which is great to see. When Alaska legalized high THC cannabis back in 2014 (allowing for personal growing and retail sales), hemp was still considered federally illegal and not allowed to be grown in Alaska even though what de fines hemp is less than .3% THC. Although our state now has a legal hemp program, it is considered a regulated crop and a license is required to grow
Originally started by a bunch of caring bikers, this food drive has grown exponentially with volunteers - from government officials, to recovering drug and alcohol addicts, and everyone in-between. Business owners that give their time and services to help in the special events to the drive, to those in the media that put this drive out there for people to read and or see on TV to know where and how to donate, It is a combination of all this that keeps it going every year, all with one purpose to help others that need a hand-up in life throughout the Valley. And this shows that there is hope in our community with so many of us that are willing to do something to better ourselves and our neighbors out of pure kindness. There are multiple drop-sites for the food drives, pick-ups and or donation jars too, at all four Three Bears Alaska grocery stores in Valley, Denali Harley Davidson, House of Yamaha, Performance Yamaha, Spenard Builders Supply - Wasilla and Palmer, Extreme Fun Center of Wasilla, Coming Attractions Theatre and Q99.7 KMBQ Valley Radio. There are more companies that donate to the drive as well, with items
hemp. Contrary to what many might say, the Alaska Hemp “Industry” does not need to start out large and on a commercial scale. Hemp has been sown, cultivated and harvested by hand or small-scale farming for years. Small-scale farming of hemp is totally possible.... “But then there’s no one mode of hemp that fits every region. With its broad palette of fiber, seed and energy applications, hemp provides a wide agronomic tent that works from cottage industry to big ag.” Ryan Lo Flin actually harvested his first hemp crop by hand, not first choice but possible non- the-less! Although hemp currently is regulated with a license, growing hemp does not have to be complicated or expensive. If an Alaskan chooses to grow low THC cannabis at home, they have that option. All hemp is cannabis although not all cannabis is considered hemp.
of food, or supplies for the annual special events. So, another thank you to Carrs, Fred Meyers, Walmart, Target, Great Alaska Pizza Company, Matsu Water, Subway of Mat-Su, Body Piercing Unlimited, Clean Slate Tattoo, What Tattoo and Christian Motorcyclists Association’s - MIDNIGHT SON RIDERS CHAPTER 801. This year’s annual special events are as follows: Spaghetti Feed at The Alano Club, located at 901 Snowhomish Drive, starting Sunday, February 21st from 2pm till done - usually 5’ish. Entry fee is 12 cans of food, or $12, children (12 and under) free. Roses for Tacos at Denali HarleyDavidson on Saturday, February 13th, from 12pm to 4pm. Entry fee is also 12 cans of food or $12. Both events raise so much every year. And are the big reason this drive works. And there will be DOOR PRIZES at each event too. So, come down to one, or both and have some great food, good times, and great company while showing support for your community. And events’ times are subject to change due to possible COVID restrictions, and we ask you respect others if they are social distancing as well. Keep up to date on our Facebook site @BIKERS FIGHTING HUNGER. Thank you again and God bless. Sincerely, Glen Butts, aka The DUDE
Alaska’s Industrial Hemp program is accepting applications for the 2021 year. Licenses are available for growers, processors and retail sales through the Division of Agriculture.
COMMUNITY House Fire Fundraiser for Bekah Hilton & Family 1/23/2020 – 11AM Palmer Train Depot 610 S Valley Way, Palmer Cost: $10 Join us for a fundraiser dinner on January 23rd, where all proceeds will be donated to Bekah Hilton and her two daughters. Bekah and her daughters (ages 8 and 11) have experienced a devastating loss of their recently purchased home due to a house fire in December. They lost all of their personal belongings, Christmas presents, their precious pets and everything they owned.
Contributed by Lauralynn Robison “Blessed”, “Grateful”, “Thankful”, these are words we heard over and over again this past holiday season, as we served the families of our amazing community.
The fire has left this family of three homeless. Any way you can contribute will help soften the heartbreak and challenges they are facing during these cold Alaskan winter days. The House Fire Fundraiser for Bekah and her daughters is Saturday, January 23rd from 11am-7pm at the Palmer Train Depot. There will be a Spaghetti Dinner at $10 a plate, with live music by Tim Hall, a raffle and a silent auction provided by local businesses. We’ll see you at the Palmer Train Depot on January 23rd! For more information and to access the GoFundMe and Facebook event page, visit
donations, cash donations, monthly donations, PICK.CLICK.GIVE. and legacy donations. Each one is truly a gift, as No One Should Go Hungry! As you file for your PFDs this year, please consider choosing the MatSu Food Bank for your non-profit of choice.
This past year was a difficult and trying year for many families in our Valley. The MatSu Food Bank was able to provide much needed food for hundreds of families and we are Thankful for the many donations we received. We are equally as Grateful for our volunteers who donated countless hours of their time to help us provide this service. Your Blessings of donations brought healthy food to families who may not have had it otherwise.
Also, you can call our office and ask how you can be set up for a monthly donation too. We are very thankful and grateful for your donations, no matter how it is done.
There are so many ways to donate to the MatSu Food Bank:food drop off
Board, Staff and Volunteers MatSu Food Bank
Contributed by Trudi Mitchell We are happy to announce the opening of our new store, The Estate Sale.
Do you collect pins, patches, spoons, etc? We have military, law enforcement, Fur Rondy, and Iditarod collections.
Our store specializes in antique and vintage collectibles, with an emphasis on 1930-1960 era radios and electronics. We also have hundreds of LPs and some 8-track tapes if you still have your 8-track player handy.
Of course, we also have jewelry, china, dishware, vintage tools and kitchenware, as well as prints and artwork. Are you looking for unique clothing and accessories? We have a large selection of vintage clothing,
The MatSu Food Bank strives to provide healthy and nutritious food for our growing community and we appreciate all your help in assisting us in achieving this goal. Thank you for your support.
shoes and hats. Our inventory changes weekly, so come on by and check back often, and you can always catch us on Facebook. We are located at 951 N Hermon Rd #5 in Wasilla, next to Lowe’s, behind the Brown Jug Warehouse. We are open daily, 10am – 6pm, and closed on Mondays.
Contributed by Doug Ferguson
the Devil?
Back in the early ‘60s, I lived in rural upstate New York. New York City was only a few hours away and once-a-year a trip to sightsee, shop and take in a Broadway play was easy to do. The year was 1962 and we were lucky enough to get tickets to the hit play, A Man for All Seasons, by playwright, Robert Bolt. This classic play about King Henry VIII of England and his devout Catholic Lord Chancellor Thomas More made quite an impression on me at the time and I remember it clearly. It won a Tony Award and was later made into an Academy Award winning movie in 1966.
Roper: I’d cut down very law in England to do that!
It dealt with the complex and universal issues of laws, religion, politics, ethics, loyalty that surrounded King Henry and Thomas, played by then famous actor, Paul Scofield. The two grappled with the King’s desired divorce of Catherine and subsequent marriage to Anne Boleyn. Although friends with the King, More could not approve the divorce because of the oath to God he had made as a Catholic. He was eventually beheaded as a traitor for not approving.
(Quietly) Yes, I’d give the Devil the benefit of the law, for my own safety’s sake. (Emphasis mine, dkf)
I revisited this memory after re-reading a rather long article I had written back in 2010 about Saul Alinsky, the original “community organizer”, with his total endorsement of the “End Justifies the Means” philosophy and how its application causes the “means” to almost always corrupt the “end”. In this article, I had referred to this famous Broadway play and was again reminded how it applies to our chaotic world we see today around us.
Contributed by Stuart Thompson Why are so many people tolerating censorship, suppression of dissent, and forced submission to “experts” --- like medical demi-god Anthony Fauci or other promoted dictators of “what to believe”. Remember. Every graduate of American high schools is supposed to be 1) a basic level scientist; 2) literate enough to evaluate competing published views for adherence to openly verifiable reality; and 3) mathematically educated enough to convert state and national puzzles into easily understood numerical statements. Apparently, those that are even functionally illiterate and functionally inept at numbers/mathematics naturally turn to intellectual slave-masters to dictate their thinking and beliefs---something that true education is supposed to cure. Consider: Suppressing the airing of scientific dissent stops scientific advancement dead. Yet without scientific advancement that can be publicly validated, “science” is nothing more than intellectual slavery (a-la-the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages) that promotes the interests of those in power---rather than a springboard to improve the human condition and our environment. Consider: Censorship/suppression of dissent, forced indoctrination in concentration camps, and planting
More: (roused and excited): Oh? (Advances on Roper) And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned round on you---where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? (He leaves him) This country’s planted thick with laws from coast to coast--man’s laws, not God’s---and if you cut them down--and you’re just the man to do it--d’you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then?
While at the time, like many others who had reservations about the press, I still had no idea how really biased and corrupt most of our mainstream media actually was as we can plainly see today. Also at that time, like most Americans, I had faith in our system of elections and voting to reflect the will of the people. Fast forward to the chaos and anarchy that has surrounded our country and the world in the past four years leading up to the election of 2020. No average person could have imagined the current massive voting fraud being uncovered today during the recent presidential election.
particular sequence of dialog in Act I between More and William Roper, the young man who is courting his daughter, Margaret, and thinks a visitor (Rich) is a spy and should be prosecuted as such. I still remember this scene to this day, and it has a direct bearing on our question of ends justifying means.
Now to get back to the famous play, A Man for All Seasons. There was one
More: Yes. What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after
agitators for violence in dissenting groups (to justify government retaliation) are the historical tools of dictatorships and oppressive government (e.g. Soviet Russia and China). Yet elements of American society and its political leadership are now publicly and covertly supporting such methodology to achieve their ends. Common personal observations and locatable sworn testimonies widely exist to support this. Consider: our News outlets just focus on “reported” infections---rather than verified deaths---from COVID 19. By that criterion, where is the reporting of the greatest unresolved pandemic in human history---the mutating common cold? Or where is the reporting of Alaskan deaths related to alcohol---that has a yearly average that’s more than 50% greater than Alaska COVID deaths (by government published statistics)? Where is support for workable measures of disease control often known since the ancient Greeks (i.e. immune system enhancement, and the Hippocratic Oath)? Consider: rather than provably demonstrating the efficacy of universal “lockdowns” at disease control, the mistreatment side-effects are justified by insisting that one person’s health preserved is worth 100’s of people suffering to the point of suicide. Isn’t the mistreatment of a number of people to benefit one person the classic definition
The critical lines come as Roper, a very self-righteous young man, wanted him to arrest an evil person who had been visiting them and More refused: Roper: So now you’d give the Devil benefit of the law!
of discrimination and prejudice? Consider: is the First Amendment to be abolished to create the calm of population docility and mental control demanded by an elite consumed with self-interest? Consider: are humanity’s experiments with encouraging justice and liberty somehow failing from the involvement of common men and women and children? Should only elite-approved “experts” and “authorities” dictate what is just and proper for any human? Consider: our constitutions are intended to be the framework from which all government measures must spring--an essential part of Rule of Law suppressing the capriciousness of Rule of Men. Reread Alaska Constitution’s “Source of Government” language and the Declaration of Independence. What justifies people in government denying our Constitutions in order to hijack the power of We the People in order to “handle emergencies” (mostly brought on by official incompetence)? The reality is this: when government officials refuse to honor their oaths of office and the processes of Rule of Law---out of cowardice, ignorance, or blackmail/bribery---they provably abdicate (legally resign from) their granted powers. For example, ask any military person whether acting to defend and support the Constitution
As the play proceeds, as did the actual history the play is based on, More remains steadfast in refusing to approve the King’s divorce as he feels it is a violation of an oath he made to God as Lord Chancellor. He is tried as a traitor by the King’s court and is sentenced to death and executed. Do we still have leaders with the courage to rule fairly with our laws and still follow their moral compass no matter the personal consequences as Thomas More did, or will all resort to Alinsky’s Rules? History will tell. Doug Ferguson is a retired engineer living in Palmer, Alaska who has had a lifelong interest in science, history and, of course, politics.
takes precedence over obedience to presidential or superior officer orders. So it’s ultimately up to individual American citizens to enforce our constitutions on government officials with constitutionally based actions--not with violence (especially being tricked into it---that always violently stimulates government retaliation). These actions include 1)getting our states like Alaska to inforce the 9th and 10th Amendments on Federal government overreach; 2) standing firm against the bribery of federal money to sneak through state abdication of responsibility for defending citizen liberty and rights; 3) use civil disobedience to force into the courts any unconstitutional law or executive order violations; 4) use citizen jury nullification power to void the enforcement of unconstitutional/anticonstitutional exercise of government power---when the court system’s judges fail to defend the constitutions; 5) use the power of peaceful protest that includes submission of petitions; and 6) have the courage to withstand mistreatment and cruelty from people abusing their authority, and have friends vocally support you. Corrupt government doesn’t stand a chance against many citizens doing this. This is partly because available law enforcement personnel are your neighbors, and also respect our constitutions and the constitutional rights and powers enumerated above. Finally what’s political and citizen courage in America? It’s saying “give me liberty or give me death” and truly meaning it. Stuart Thompson
Contributed by Timothy Barto At a recent Kenai School Board meeting, an impassioned argument was made to get young students back into the classroom. By all accounts, the individual making the argument holds solid conservative credentials, but part of his statement belies a belief that government can best provide love and care to children. To be fair, the argument was not made that this was true of all teachers or all children; but it in his righteous zeal, the speaker allowed that the government – in this case, public school teachers – provides the most positive thing some kids get in their daily lives. This is not just a slippery slope towards big government, it is a tumble down
Contributed by Wes Keller First the bad news, because it is less significant to you personally than the good news, even though it is totally about you personally. The very bad news is, barring a miracle, we have done exactly what Ben Franklin tried to caution us about: We have lost our “republic”, the “republic” carefully defined in our constitution! The sovereign governing authority of America (“We the People”) is no longer in charge… We have been overthrown! Other than the horror of it, we have yet to feel the consequences, and maybe we won’t for a while until reality soaks in. We can no longer pretend government works for us because a tainted election was just brazenly certified in the face of hundreds of thousands of citizens demanding a transparent, fair investigation. Is there anyone out there who still trusts election results? The authority of “We the People” is utterly dependent on the credibility of the election process. The “rule of law” has no teeth without a verification of constitutional laws. This cannot happen without the power of “hiring” and “firing” politicians at the voting booth. The governing contract that begins with
Contributed by The Freedom Merchant An individual understanding of what value is, and how value is created is necessary to maintain a good society. The accuracy with which each person understands value will largely affect the choices that person makes. It will affect their personal “values” which is the basis for judgment. So, what is value? There are always many forces in life trying to make us believe that this or that thing is valuable. The salesman in always trying to convince us that what he has for sale is valuable. I was once recommended to visit a financial advisor. As someone who grew up in a very poor family with little knowledge of finance that I thought I could use all the help I could get. As I was visiting with this financial professional, I asked him
the slope that is sure to be greeted by the wide and welcoming arms of the nanny state. Collective theory wants us to believe it is government, not family, that is best suited to make our lives better, more complete. It is, in fact, the type of thinking upon which collective theory depends. It brings to mind a scene in The Killing Fields, a 1984 movie that revealed the atrocities committed in Cambodia by the Khmer Rouge, in which a group of children are being indoctrinated in the ways of the party. A young student is called to the blackboard to demonstrate what actions were needed to make the party and the state the ultimate providers to the children. On the blackboard was a stick fig-
the words “We the People” has been violated. It is a very cruel delusion if you thought the 2020 presidential election was about Trump… It was not! It was about you. Again, barring a miracle, the pending January 20, 2021, inauguration of Joe Biden will formalize the end of a 244-year era, begun in 1776. The great experiment, America, is over and we’ve lost. The election wasn’t about Biden either! He is just the “front man” for the replacement “conqueror” whose intentions go far beyond the justice and freedom we directed government to ensure. If you can convince yourself the election was legitimate and all the documented irregularities are coincidental anomalies, I am eager to be swayed by a transparent investigation! For now, I am convinced it is irrational and naïve to trust the veracity of the recent election in light of the credibility of the whistleblowers and presented evidence. What seems to be happening is so irrational, there has to be more to the story! Now the good news… You may totally reject before I can explain, if you do not first contemplate the nature and history of governing authority. Do you believe it is ever right for one
“What is value?” He told me that value is just perceived, then he added, “All I have to do is get people to trust me.” I was in disbelief! “Isn’t that a con?” I asked. “Exactly,” was his response. Is value only received? Let’s consider it. Gold is widely thought to be of absolute value. Some say that our money is of no value because it is no longer backed by gold. But imagine, if you and I were stranded on a desert island, you had a bag of carrots and I had a gold bar. I would quickly try to trade you the whole gold bar for some carrots. Gold only has value as long as there is food for sale. Value = Need Filled. Value relates directly to human need. Now before you began to say, “That can’t be totally true, everyone perceives value differently,” let’s remember that emotional needs are real needs too.
ure drawing of a family; a father and mother and their three children, all lined up with outstretched hands joining them. The student placed a large X through the parental figures, then physically erased the spot in which the mother’s hand grasped the eldest child’s hand. The goal was clear: the collective would nurture the children and attend to their needs. Parents were not needed in the Khmer Rouge family. Government entities should never be seen as the best providers of love and care for anyone. That is the responsibility of individuals and families. While it may, in fact and with great misfortune, be true that some kids get better treatment in school than they do at home, it should not be seen as an argument for getting the whole lot of them back into brick-and-mortar buildings.
human to enforce his or her will over another? Of course, you do! Parents must impose many things on children as they grow; acts of self-defense; incarceration of criminals; protection of others – are just a few examples of enforcing will of one over another. Is it ever right to restrain authority in respect? Yes, of course it is: In marriage, as a student, as a citizen to comply with government laws, as a religious person to comply with God’s laws. These are all valid reasons for one human to impose will on another or submit to defer to someone else’s will. Consider the priceless value of our universal highest moral/religious priorities when bending wills: selfless love and justice. In your contemplative analysis, do not avoid uncomfortable thoughts about human nature. Most of us restrain our pursuit of gratification of our will at some point for another. While we as humans are incapable of being totally selfless, some seem to be incurably evil and self-gratifying while others seem unreasonably generous and helpful; but we all need to understand our genetic faults in context of our potential. The point of asking you to ponder this topic is to cause “religious” thoughts.
A person will go without food to get recognition or love. So, value is created when need is filled. Money or any other currency is nothing more than a need token. The value goes into the currency when a need is filled, and the currency is accepted as compensation on the knowledge that it can be exchanged someplace else to fill other needs. Proof of this is the fact that if more currency is just printed the value of the currency in circulation drops even though I don’t know how much currency is in circulation. Value is an absolute. So, the value of currency = total need filled divide by total currency in circulation. In other words, my money is only valuable as long as other people are also doing their job. If no one is producing food, then I can have all the money in the world but when I get to the store my need will not be filled. This provides a bases for
Schools exist to educate, and that is what the focus should be: quality education, not surrogate parenting. According to the latest National Assessment of Educational Progress scores, Alaska’s fourth graders are dead last in the country in reading ability. With results like that, the focus has to be on learning, not simply getting kids back into their government-supplied seats. Admittedly, schools provide positive benefits such as socialization, athletics, structure and mentorship, but those are by-products. The main product should always be quality education. Tim Barto is the Vice President of External Relations at Alaska Policy Forum and the father of five Alaskaborn and homeschooled children.
Consider and face the question of whether you resent or embrace God’s authority, His supreme will! Do you consider yourself humble and needy before Him, or, do you pretend He does not exist or does not care what you do? The “good news” is that God Himself, in a human body (Jesus Christ) exists as both the Authority over all human authority (King of Kings) and, as the highest priest who advocates for us before God. He has promised to come back and has already paid the penalty for all of our shortcomings. He offers forgiveness to “whosoever will” (He does not force us) to believe in Him. The only reason we can even comprehend our highest values of selfless love, justice, and forgiveness is because it it was revealed in His act on the Cross. Executive and judicial actions and the associated politics are fine if chosen leaders are “under” good authority themselves. The “rule of law” is a very good source of authority – if the law is aligned with moral absolutes. Regardless, the Good news will always stand strong. Wes Keller
judgment as well, “Good” = need filled “Bad” = need created. All humans have basically the same physical needs, but we each have unique emotional needs, and we each have different preferences for how to fill our physical needs. We must always be sensitive to each other’s needs but remember, Value = Need Filled. Value is absolute, so instead of encouraging our kids to develop good values, let us teach them what value is and how it is created. Another point to consider is the fact that just because someone else has created quite a lot of value doesn’t necessarily limit my ability to create value. In fact, in most cases, others having created a lot of value aids me, in creating value. Increases in transportation aids me in filling needs of others. Now I can reach people whose need I can fill. Increase is communication enable me to fill needs of people who previously I would not have been able come in contact with. Value = Need Filled.
POLITICS / OPINION Contributed by Nan Potts The American people should be appalled at the event that took place at our Capitol on January 6th. A peaceful demonstration by Trump supporters took a wrong turn. Or, was it highjacked? I sat watching the “Save America Rally” on the news. Trump, in typical Trump style and candidness, reiterated his and many American voters’ beliefs of voter fraud and manipulation of our 2020 election. There was no hate speech. No whipping the audience into a frenzy. There was the plan to walk to the Capitol steps and have the voices of many disenfranchised voters’ voices heard. Then, something happened. Something I had not foreseen. The Capitol Police line was overwhelmed (they were unarmed at this time), the Capitol doors yielded to a relatively small group (what the mainstream media is calling a mob) and penetrated our House and Senate Chambers. Capitol Security stepped in. A female veteran was shot and killed. A Capitol Policeman was also shot and later died. Property was damaged and stolen. This event was abhorrent and unparalleled in my lifetime. With that said, this resembles a pattern of protests we’ve seen in big cities over the past months. More information will come forth in the following days. At the time of the publishing of this article, “We The People” do not fully
know what happened. This was a tragedy with questions: Who were the people who assaulted and defiled our Chambers? Who fired the shots? Why weren’t the Capitol Police armed? Mayor Bowser knew there was to be an extremely large rally yet, did she fully secure the Capitol to protect our elected representatives? It appears not. I have watched many of the Trump rallies from the safety of my television set. People were excited to see and hear our President. The mood has always been cordial, humorous, entertaining and compelling. What I observed and heard on the 6th was nothing more. The people attending were proud to be there and were anxious to be heard. When Congress reconvened after the Capitol breach, the contested Electors debate continued. I heard many Representatives and Senators scold Trump supporters and call them insurrectionists. This gave me pause. Trump supporters did put on a “Save America Rally”, but this violent behavior was out of the norm. Oklahoma State Representative, Markwayne Mullin, who remained in the House Chambers when gunfire was exchanged stated, “These were people with murder in their eyes . . . These were not typical Trump Supporters.” Was this an act of insurrection or Peoples’ frustration with our elected officials boiling over? Or, something else? Was this orchestrated? Let us all agree, 2020 has applied extreme pressures on “We The (American) People”. We deserve and should be
determined to know exactly what happened. With that said, the violence and death should not have happened — this is not who patriotic Americans are. The People wish their voices to be heard. Protests regarding the integrity of state and federal elections continued at state capitols around the country. Some peaceful, some not. Who are those who promote the violence? The following day, January 7th, D.C. saw more unrest. The question is still, by whom or who? I hope we discover the real truth. Participants who were interviewed during the storming of the Capitol mentioned seeing buses arrive with what they described as outside dissenters. They wore Trump paraphernalia, but donned helmets and backpacks, the typical gear worn by violent protesters who we have watched mar our cities over the summer and fall. News outlets have reported and proven that many of the recent rallies Trump supports had participated in were infiltrated by terrorist groups using violence and causing mayhem, giving these rallies and their participants marred reputations, including our President. What concerns me? Many of our elected representatives, now taking control of our government, are calling for the punishment of all those who disagree with their ideologies. Censorship on “Social Media” is becoming rampant
— this is NOT who true patriotic Americans are! Political power and population control appears to be in the forefront. If “We The People” step out of alignment, We will be punished. This is no exaggeration. It has been documented. We have seen this transformation over the past several years, using a weaponized Social Media, where employees have lost jobs, business owners have lost businesses and friends have turned against one another. Personal experience has proven repercussions in family relations. If you’ve ever been to a foreign country, and if you’re savvy, you abide by their ideology and laws, even if you disagree with them. You are a foreigner in their country. After what I’ve witnessed and experienced, I must ask myself, “Am I a foreigner in my own country?” This is a sad situation for any people to be in. Ask those who have flown from tyranny or lived under it. I remind ALL elected officials and American Citizens, this country has prospered when its leaders put their citizens first, not their personal power agendas. In a letter to the Massachusetts Militia in 1798, John Adams stated, “Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” — John Adams, Second President of the United States. Is our Constitution made for the incoming government?
ADULT PIANO LESSONS Hitchcock Piano Studio ........ 745-3134 APPAREL & CLOTHING All Seasons Clothing ........ 357-0123 D’s Tuxedo ........ 707-6585 Mila’s Alterations ........ 830-8339 ART & CRAFTS Artists Uncorked… 982-2675 The Gallery ........ 745-1420 BOOKSTORE A Black Sheep Shop ......... 376-8198 Black Birch Books ...... 373-2677 Fireside Books ........ 745-2665 CAFÉ & COFFEE Alaska Artisan Coffee ........ 745-5543 Gathering Grounds ........ 376-4404 Vagabond Blues……..745-2233 CANNABIS RETAILER Matanuska Cannabis Co. ...... 745-4211 CREATIVE ENTERTAINMENT Artists Uncorked ........ 982-2675 EDUCATION Learning Essentials ........ 357-3990 FOOTWEAR Northern Comfort ........ 376-5403 HEALTH & WELLNESS All About Herbs ........ 376-8327 Just Botanicals ....... 414-3663 Lone Wolf Aura ........ 631-0482 HOME DÉCOR Peak Boutique ........ 746-3320 PIZZA Humdingers Pizza ........ 745-7499 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES Valley Phlebotomy ........ 376-6435 PRINT SERVICES The UPS Store ........ 746-6245 REPAIR, RESTORATION Comtronics ........ 373-2669 S&S Drilling ...... 746-0225 Steve’s Toyostove Repair ..... 376-9276 The Powdercoat Shop .... 841-1300
Contributed by Marilyn Bennett Are you reading Dr Seuss to your children?
ger” a person is astronomical. Everyone who has ever ventured out into the real world knows that the “safe spaces” are few and far between.
Do you realize that in the book, And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street, a character described as Chinese has only lines for eyes, carries a bowl of rice and chopsticks and is wearing traditional Japanese-style shoes? However, it must be noted that the book was written in 1937 when people were not aware that they should be sensitive to images that show a person in a stereotypical way.
I believe that Dr. Seuss books are valuable for young readers, because they are fun, they help children to read and also the books have some great life lessons. What I really like about the Dr. Seuss books is they stress individuality and being proud of who you are. Some of my favorite quotes are: “A person’s a person, no matter how small.” Dr. Seuss, Horton Hears a Who!
In 1961, Dr. Seuss wrote The Sneetches, as the Civil Rights Movement was well underway. He wrote The Sneetches as a parable about equality. By using birdbeings, he transcended the pitfalls of using people and allowed all readers to relate to the characters and learn to treat everyone equally.
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seuss, Happy Birthday to You!
“The Sneetches got really quite smart on that day. The day they decided that Sneetches are Sneetches. And no kind of Sneetch is the best on the beaches. That day, all the Sneetches forgot about stars and whether they had one, or not, upon thars.” Dr. Suess, The Sneetches.
“You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So... get on your way!” Dr Seuss, Oh the Places You’ll Go!
But the book that has caused the most controversy and is being banned by woke libraries is If I Ran the Zoo. In this book, two men from Africa are portrayed as shirtless, shoeless and wearing grass skirts. Since the idea of the book was to portray people from around the world with their unusual animals, it did include many other ethnic stereotypes. The “Woke Crowd” is coming for anything that they deem offensive to anyone. The problem, as I see it is that the amount of things that can “trig-
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Dr Suess, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut.
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” Dr. Seuss, The Lorax. Seuss’ body of work, as a whole, encourages personal growth, shared values, tolerance, compassion and kindness towards others. These are great lessons for us to teach our children. Also, because the books are such fun with their rhyming phrases, made-up words and funny illustrations. Most kids love them. After all, the Whos are a species of small people who come in all sizes and colors.
They live in Whoville, which is a very cheerful place to live as everyone gets along and has lots of fun. The book about the zoo that caused the most controversy is likely a tribute to a child’s imagination. It ends with a reminder that all of the extraordinary creatures exist only in the head of a young boy called Gerald McGrew. The improvements he made to the zoo were both wondrous, ridiculous and impossible. Featuring everything from a lion with ten feet to a Fizza-ma-Wizza-maDill, That being said, I don’t think banning books is ever a good idea. If there is something objectionable in a book it could be turned into a teaching point. Children should be exposed to many different ideas so they can learn that in life there is good and bad, and we are guaranteed by our constitution the right to pursue happiness but not a guarantee that we will always be happy. I thought that growing up with Dr. Seuss was a good thing and banning one of his books will only tend to give more attention to that book. It has been my experience that young people love nothing better than to read a book that has been banned. So, parents and teachers and library folk - just sit back, relax and trust that young children need room to expand their minds in creative ways. These books help children enjoy reading and teaches them to imagine many good and fun things. In the words of Dr Seuss: “Look at me! Look at me NOW! It is fun to have fun. But you have to know how.” Dr Seuss, The Cat In The Hat.
SPECIALTY GIFTS Alaska Midnite Scents ........ 357-7364 Non-Essentials ........ 745-2258 The Wagon Wheel ........ 357-8980 THRIFT SHOPS Steam Driven Boutique ........ 376-4404 Turn-A-Leaf Thrift Stores ........ 376-5708 TOYS Just Imagine Toys ........ 357-1543 Learning Essentials .......... 357-3990
Contributed by Karen Robinette This is a letter to all reasonable community members who voted Democrat in the belief that you were supporting peace, kindness, fairness, and equality of opportunity. Now that the election is over and your party has won at the national level, I ask you to pay attention and watch what your elected leaders actually do. Don’t just believe what you hear on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC and PBS “news” shows. They are no longer any more honest than Pravda was in the Soviet Union. Listen to your leaders’ actual speeches, not the extracted moments on CNN. Listen to their actual statements in Congressional hearings, not the extracted moments on MSNBC news. Look at the actual laws they try to pass, not just the threeline summary described on PBS news. Please open your minds to seek facts honestly, question what you hear, and really think about what your leaders are doing. For four years, we’ve been hearing from the press and leading Democrats that Donald Trump was a tyrant comparable to Adolf Hitler. Ask yourselves honestly: what did he actually do to live down to that example? He fired some staff members who weren’t doing the job he wanted done. Last I heard, firing staff is within the legitimate authority of any executive. How many millions of people did he haul away to be executed in concentration camps? None. What new wars did he start? None. How many members of the press, who have attacked him mercilessly and constantly, has he jailed for doing so? None. What has he done to censor criticisms of him or his actions? Nothing.
Which ethnic groups has he declared to be scum and then rounded up for execution? None. When invited to lock all Americans in their homes in the name of COVID-19, did he? No. Joe Biden promises to do exactly that for 100 days after his inauguration. In what way can anyone honestly say that Donald Trump resembled Adolf Hitler? Think. Who has pushed to send more troupes overseas? Members of Congress, military leaders and members of the foreign policy establishment and military-industrial complex have fought for more U.S. military action overseas. President Trump made them furious by refusing. Who has actively attempted to censor speech they don’t agree with? That’s been members of the Democrat controlled press and woke cultural leaders. Watch Senate and House hearings on social media from 2020 and notice which members of Congress pushed those executives to censor speech even more aggressively. Is it the Republicans who copy fascist leaders in trying to censor speech they don’t like? No, it’s Democrats. Who used COVID-19 to force small businesses to close in every state and city in which they controlled power? It wasn’t Donald Trump. Who has acted more like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Chairman Mao? Is it those who have called their opponents liars but done nothing to shut them up or those who have censored opposing speech at every turn and are now threatening to make lists of every Trump supporter to “destroy them”?
America faces an existential threat. Major media and social media have conspired to divide Americans into hostile tribes. This is good for corporate media moguls looking for clicks and the advertising dollars they bring. This is good for the Chinese Communist Party. This is good for Vladimir Putin. This is good for Kim Jong-Un and the Iranian government. But it is tearing America apart. Please… If you are a well-meaning human being who wants your children to be able to walk the streets in safety, earn decent livings, and raise their children in freedom and prosperity, stop blindly listening to media. Start seeking out actual facts and thinking carefully about what they mean. Start listening to people who disagree with you and seeking common ground. If we don’t come together and rediscover our mutual humanity, we will lose everything we’ve come to value. There isn’t much time left. When you hear prominent Democrats in the media and elected office liken all Trump supporters to devils, remember that approximately half of Americans voted for Trump in the last election even if it is considered to have been honest. Do you really want to ban, blacklist, silence, and “destroy” half of America because they believe in freedom and prosperity? If yes, which side is acting like Hitler? It is time for all well-meaning Americans to step back from hate. Work to communicate with those who disagree with you. Look for common ground. Find out facts before you react to the claims made by a dishonest media. Stop letting radicals manipulate you into supporting tyrannical policies.
HEALTH & WELLNESS Contributed by Linda Meyers-Steele Senior Ed is directed toward adults who are interested in keeping mentally active, curious, learning and having fun. No tests, no grades and no homework! At this time, classes are being presented virtually. The instructors volunteer their time. WASI (Wasilla Area Seniors Inc.) hosts the classes. Each class has a separate ID number and passcode. For questions contact WASI at 376-3104 or SPECIAL NOTE: Book Club meets the third Tuesday of the month and will now be presented on the ZOOM platform. January 2021 Schedule: “I READ WHAT I WANT TO READ” BOOK CLUB Tuesday, JANUARY 19th, 2:00PM Facilitated by Andi Nations, Retired Educator ZOOM Meeting ID: 841 3115 0998 Passcode: 797795
ter who wrote special biographies of them so that everyone would know what good kitties they are. She knows they are wonderful! Hello, my name is Percy. I’m a little bit shy at first, but after a few days you can see my true personality. One of my favorite activities is curling up on your lap and watching TV (and sharing your snacks!). I also love to play with the laser pointer. I have a very sweet and laid back personality.
Contributed by Kelleigh Orthmann, M.S. Clear Creek Cat Rescue These sleek little panthers came to us so scared, and all they wanted to
do was hide and hiss. And now look at them! They love to snuggle and play with their people. They don’t mind the dog either. They are about 5 months old and have won the heart of their foster mom, and the daugh-
Contributed by Kelleigh Orthmann, M.S. Clear Creek Cat Rescue
cat in the house. She is able to tolerate the dogs who are mellow and leave her alone.
Tootsie, aka Toes, is a pleasantly plump 11 year old girl with special big thumbed tootsies. Short haired gray and white coat with taste and elegance.
She is used to hanging out on the patio and the special catio but seems to have little interest in going farther. A stroll through the yard with her favorite humans would be wonderful. But no more crazy wandering than that. If you’re looking for a sweet, loving and devoted family member, Tootsie is the cat for you!
Tootsie is ready to be the queen; the one and only cat in the house. The one who gets the lap and doesn’t have to share it with the younger naughty boys. She is ready to assume her rightful position as beloved only
Theo, Age 6
Hello, my name is Tyson. I’m pretty timid, but I am trying my best to trust people. I love playing with crinkly toys and cuddling up to you once you gain my trust. My personality is shy but loving. These sweeties would do best adopted together. They will need a safe yard to play in with their family come spring. To meet Percy and Tyson, please call 907-980-1730.
To meet Tootsie, please call 907-9808898.
Nillie, Age 12
Reema, Age 8
Maria, Age 9
Palmer Museum Historical Photo Series MORE ON PAGE 10OF MAKE A SCENE MAGAZINE
Contributed by Staci Yates, MY House Director of Human Trafficking Recovery Services January is recognized as Global Slavery and Human Trafficking Awareness Month. The US Senate declared January 11th, National Human Trafficking Awareness Day back in 2007. This is a day to bring awareness nationally of the silent crime of human trafficking. We at MY House will be bringing awareness all month long in January with different events. On January 11th, ASHTA (Alaska Stop Human Trafficking Alliance) had their first community meeting via zoom. We had a presentation on Human Trafficking Preventive 101, presented by Staci Yates, Director of Human Trafficking Recovery Services. Michelle Overstreet opened the meeting with speaking about her work here at MY House for the past 10 years and what we are doing collectively to combat human trafficking in the Valley. For the entire month of January, Gathering Grounds Café here at MY House will give a free “Stand Against Human Trafficking” button to every coffee purchased. So please stop by and support our mission for not only helping homeless and at-risk teens, but also bringing awareness to this silent, hideous crime of human trafficking that affects our youth here in the Mat-Su Valley and beyond. If you would like a “Help Stop Human Trafficking” Awareness Poster for your business, please reach out to Staci at and she will be glad to bring you one. We have 215 going out in the Valley this month in restaurants, bars, beauty
salons, nail salons, tattoo shops, smoke shops, urgent cares, etc. in hopes to bring awareness and help to those who are currently in human trafficking situations. Education and Awareness trainings will be going on this month and all
year long. If you would like to schedule Staci Yates of MY House to come and present the “Human Trafficking Preventive 101” Class, please call or email her at the info below. We truly believe that education is key to fighting human traf-
ficking. If we can teach our youth the signs of being groomed by a trafficker, then we are empowering them to not only save themselves out of a bad situation, but possibly save others. Also, by educating the public about the signs that indicate an individual may be trapped in human trafficking, we can alert the proper authorities and hopefully rescue them out of a bad situation. If you would like more information on local services or scheduling a training or obtaining posters and buttons, please contact Staci Yates at 907-631-2522 or email at