Wearable Art & Runway Fashion Show
Contributed by Paula Nance The fresh scent of Alaskan air and people jumping into freezing water! Say goodbye to cabin fever, it’s getting wild in Wasilla, Alaska. It’s the event people love! Mat Su Sertoma’s 12th Anniversary of the Original Valley Dip expects substantial numbers to join in the shenanigans! This year’s event is hosted by the Palmer Elks Lodge, on Saturday, February 19, 2022. Participants from all over the world dress head to toe in colorful costumes to help raise money for hearing health and the local community.
Elise Buchholz, the president of the Mat-Su Sertoma Club, said that although the event requires a lot of preparation and challenging work, the outcome is always worth it. “The weather usually cooperates, and the community at large turns out to support our annual event. Alaskan’s never stand for the status quo, that’s why the local plunge has been so successful,” said Buchholz.
most jumpers look to score the Annual Biggest Fund Raiser Iceberg Award. Sertoma has numerous scholarships available to local youth and young adults. Funds go to Mat Su Sertoma Summer Camp Scholarship Winners and sends successful candidates on what has become a life changing adventure for previous winners.
The event needs lots of volunteers and our sponsorships are second to no other.
Buchholz said “Life is short. So come on and join us! You’ve got to have a little fun! It something everyone should try at least once...”
To jump at the event, each participant must raise a minimum of $100 while
To jump, sponsor, or find out more info, visit
MatSu Foodbank Fundraiser February 25
Human Trafficking Awareness Month
Contributed by Randi Perlman Episode 1 left off with the brand new, universally familiar Reduce Reuse Recycle logo, crafted by Gary Anderson, who never realized the significance of his design until much, much later. Episode 2 begins with one of the biggest movements in the history of recycling and environmental awareness. In April of 1970, 20 million people took part in Earth Day marches around the country. U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson raised national awareness about the increase in waste and the need to recycle. April 22nd is still globally recognized as Earth Day. After the wars and marches, recycling began to change and become commercialized. In 1972, the first recycling mill was built in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, and 9 years later, the very first curbside recycling program was opened in Woodbury, New Jersey with the simple concept of collecting residential recycling at home for later processing. By 1988, there were just over 1,000 of these types of programs in the U.S.; by 1992, as the now popular city curbside programs grew, there were a bit over 5,000 of them; and by 1995, over 10,000 recycling centers existed in the U.S.! Two out of 3 cans were recycled in our country at this time… The year 2000 ushered in another critical point in the history of recycling. The Environmental Protec-
tion Agency confirmed the link between waste and global warming by declaring the best way to lower greenhouse gas emissions and slow climate change would be to recycle. Recyclers rejoiced! And in 2006, Dell Computers sparked the e-waste recycling movement by offering residents free recycling services for all their products. Over the next decade, laws were passed and innovations brought forward that improved the industry. Then, in 2018, China declared that America’s (and other’s) recyclables were too contaminated to accept any longer and banned 24 categories of recycling imports, essentially crippling the global recycling industry. With China’s new 0.5% contamination standard now in place, leaving
nowhere for recycling to go and no buyers, the system began to experience seismic shifts, breakdowns, and closures. The following year, 16 more materials from the China ban came into effect. Mass recycling program closures and plant shutdowns were reported. As programs became more expensive to run, municipalities were forced to severely limit or close them entirely. A recycling crisis was announced by industry experts – the U.S. recycling system had officially hit crisis point… Pick up next month’s edition of The People’s Paper/Make a Scene Magazine for Recycling Repeats Itself, Episode 3
a Department of Justice grant. This funding is the first of it’s kind for the Mat-Su Valley and is very important for stopping our youth from being recruited into trafficking.
Contributed by Michelle Overstreet January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month and MY House and many community partners are working together in a coordinated effort to raise awareness and stop trafficking here in the Mat-Su and across Alaska. MY House Human Trafficking Program Coordinator Staci Yates has engaged 12 groups and organizations from across the Valley and State to wear over 150 Human Trafficking Awareness shirts on January 11th. These groups are working in solidarity for raising awareness, sharing information and increasing knowledge about how to identify someone who is being trafficked and who to call/what to do if you see something. Shirts are sponsored by local organizations and business owners, including Northern Industrial Training, UMV, Northern Edge Physical Therapy, Bore Tide Construction, MVFCU, Wasilla Community
Church, Mat-Su Rotary Clubs, Crystal Clear Communications, Mat-Su Title Agency, and Good, Better, Best. Wasilla Mayor Glenda Ledford and her staff will be wearing the shirts at City Hall and support these efforts. The Mayor has been an outspoken advocate for raising awareness, coordinated law enforcement efforts and community engagement as prevention. Participating organizations are networked together through Alaska Stop Human Trafficking Alliance (ASHTA), hosted at MY House and working across the State to address needs in individual communities. Through relationships with law enforcement, schools, treatment organizations and service providers, information is shared and services coordinated for those at risk and in need of safe housing, treatment and counseling. Safe housing and funding for staff working with trafficked clients at MY House is funded through Alaska Housing and
In addition, Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy recently proposed statutory changes regarding human trafficking in the Omnibus Crime Bill that will clearly define human and sex trafficking. The Bill requires that sex trafficking is a registerable sex offense for those convicted of trafficking others. This statute change also allows victims of sex trafficking to expunge their record of charges related to trafficking. Furthermore, Governor Dunleavy will be issuing an Administrative Order reestablishing a task force focused on human and sex trafficking. To apply for a Board Appointment go here: Also if this bill passes, Law Enforcement will be increasing officer training to recognize signs of trafficking and interceptions. This is important legislation that should be supported by Alaskans! To get involved in ASHTA activities or learn more about human trafficking efforts in the Mat Su Valley and across Alaska email notrafficking@ and follow MY House on Facebook. ASHTA meetings are by Zoom and occur the third Tuesday of every month. Also, watch for an upcoming podcast discussing trafficking in Alaska and beyond linked to our website and facebook pages that will host a discussion on human trafficking on outreach, strategies and solutions around Alaska to stop trafficking. Please learn the signs of a person being trafficked and if you see something, say something!
COMMUNITY Contributed by Julie Cascio High winds, freezing rain, ice, snow and extreme cold... all of these occur in the Mat-Su. The beginning of 2022 has given us a good experience with this. Winter storms create a higher risk of car accidents, hypothermia, frostbite, carbon monoxide poisoning, and heart attacks from overexertion. A winter storm can last a few hours, or several days. As we experienced, it can cut off heat, power and communication services. It also puts older adults, children, sick individuals, and pets at greater risk. Take time to get reset for more winter challenges. Update your emergency supplies that have been used or forgotten to replace in the past. Stay Safe During Winter Weather Now is a good time to get back-up power sources to charge devices in case power outage occurs again. If you have optional power sources, practice using them. It is always best to be prepared. Avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. Only use generators and grills outdoors and away from windows.
Contributed by Cherime MacFarlane I have always hated the ‘cautionary tale’ thing. It means a lecture in disguise. In this case, it means exactly what I asked. Now to tell on me. Boy, did I mess up. Background here. I doubt many people know we get winds in Alaska to rival any category 1 or 2 hurricanes. On rare occasions we’ve had wind speeds that add up to a category 3. Saturday night, January 1, 2022, the wind went into howl mode in the Matanuskna-Susitina borough. Some of us felt it before others. I got lucky, and it picked up out my way on Sunday. This new year needs to know it isn’t necessary to outdo 2021.
Around 4 pm, give or take a few minutes, the power went off. I knew I’d delayed uncovering the wood pile after the last snowfall. The instant that high wind warning came around, I should have been outside with the snow shovel getting that job done and the woodbox full. Instead, I finished the bookwork. When the power went off, I glanced
Never heat your home with a gas stovetop or oven. Stay off roads if at all possible. If trapped in your car, then stay inside states When shoveling snow and walking in the snow do only some each time. Reduce the risk of a heart attack by avoiding overexertion. Limit your time outside when it is freezing. If you need to go outside, then wear layers of warm clothing. Watch for signs of frostbite and hypothermia. Frostbite causes loss of feeling and color around the face, fingers and toes. Signs: Numbness, white or grayishyellow skin, firm or waxy skin. Actions: Go to a warm room. Soak in warm water. Use body heat to warm. Do not massage or use a heating pad Hypothermia is an unusually low body temperature. A temperature below 95 degrees is an emergency. Signs: Shivering, exhaustion, confusion, fumbling hands, memory loss,
at the woodbox for my little stove and figured I had less than half a day in it. All my figuring went the wrong direction. The power company our member owned utility has been fantastic the last few years at keeping the lights on. To everything, there is a season. Sunday was the season my little wood stove needed a full wood box. It wasn’t.
slurred speech or drowsiness. Actions: Go to a warm room. Warm the center of the body first—chest, neck, head and groin. Keep dry and wrapped up in warm blankets, including the head and neck. Be safe this winter. Call Julie Cascio at 907-745-367 jmcascio@alaska. edu for more information. www.uaf. edu/ces
after the last add on to the house. When I finally checked, the supply pipe bringing the water from the well to the house had frozen at some point in the journey up through the ground to the pressure tank. I had it freeze on me once before. The man who came out and heated the pipe so the blockage cleared sold me on 40 feet of heat tape that goes into the line itself. For fourteen years, it has served me well. Until… the electricity was off for eight hours. I knew better. I should have been upstairs in my bathroom with the faucet set to dribble cold water until the lights came back on and the heat tape got hot again. Nope. Since the living area never got lower than 64, I thought everything was good. That, right there, is what I get for not thinking it through to the end. Praying for a miracle, I went to bed at 3 am when the stove finally died down. It’s hard to sleep when you know you’ve let something slide you shouldn’t.
This is a small stove. It’s more like a build-a-romantic-fire-and kickback-with-a glass-of-somethingand-watch-the-flames stove. It’s not a heat-the entire-three-stories, kind of stove. But it did the job. The temp never dropped below 64 degrees. I need to toss in another log, a lot. As a senior citizen, I take care of myself. I’m in good health and most of the time, I can manage. I took one look at the way the wind blew the spruce around and did an ‘oh, my’ and went back to getting end of the year business done.
It did its job, and I found myself headlamp on digging out the firewood and collecting a box of kindling from the garage stockpile in the dark with the wind almost impossible to stand against. With both dampers set, every time the wind gusted, I could see the flames soar up through the glass in the door. The wind sucked heat out of the house and blasted cold air in every crack and crevice in this old plywood box. Yes, the living quarters maintained a reasonable temperature given the circumstance. What I didn’t count on and should have was the water utility closet added on to the house when I got running water twenty-plus years
Monday morning, I called the cavalry, my son, and he came over to hold the door so it wouldn’t get ripped off the hinges when I went into the water room and turned the small heater on high. Where it is going to stay for probably all of January. I have vent holes to keep the heat circulating into the utility room from the inside of the house. Knowing this, I put the small space heater inside on high and let it rip. Praying hard, three hours later, I turned on the tap. “Hallelujah” being the first word from my mouth when dirty water spewed out of the cold line which had been dry before. I will keep watch; you can count on it. The next time the power is out for over thirty minutes, I’m going upstairs and fixing that faucet to make a thin little lead pencil sized drip. I’m not making that mistake again. Even old “been there, done that” types can learn from their mistakes.
found in June 2016.
entire US Ski Team sparking new energy and funding for the avalanche education mission. These young and promising athletes, along with their comrades, knew nothing about avalanches. They were completely unprepared and had no gear or knowledge about how to recognize and avoid the danger or how to respond if something did happen. The family of Keith Coyne and numerous other victims say the same about their children. Bryce and Ronnie’s parents, family and friends, like the Coyne’s, wanted to make sure that other’s do not have to learn this important lesson the same way.
Contributed by Debra McGhan Over the years too many parents have suffered the anguish of losing a child in an avalanche. In 1999 Keith Coyne was killed in Hatcher Pass on Christmas Day leaving his family devastated by the loss. As a result, they started BAART, a Backcountry Avalanche Awareness Training program. A few years later the organization stopped providing services due to a lack of resources and the organization’s ability to carry on the mission. That mission has been championed and continued by other groups including the Alaska Avalanche Information Center, Alaska Avalanche School and Alaska Safe Riders who
today offer many training programs in Alaska ranging from entry level awareness to professional courses. Still it’s not enough. Not enough funding and not enough people trained. In January 2015, two United States Ski Team members became victims while on a multi-week race and training trip in Sölden Austria. On the first day of their trip, a group of six skiers were free-skiing to recover from jet lag when they ventured off-piste (beyond the groomed and managed slopes) and set off a massive avalanche. Bryce Astle and Ronnie Berlack were caught, buried and killed in that slide. Their deaths crushed their parents, families and the
Supported by numerous high profile athletes, the American Institute for Avalanche Research and Education, the American Avalanche Institute, the American Avalanche Association, and the Utah Avalanche Information Center’s ‘Know Before You Go’ team, BRASS (Bryce and Ronnie Athlete Snow Safety Foundation) is now offering free awareness workshops available online at The importance of getting at least some awareness of the risks you could face when traveling or recreating in places like Hatcher Pass, Thompson Pass Valdez, Turnagain Pass or any other mountain venue cannot be understated. Less than a year after Bryce and Ronnie’s accident, Dr. Liam Walsh set out on a solo adventure in a snowstorm in Hatcher Pass on November 22, 2015 to make some fresh turns. His body was
Walsh’s family was shocked to learn that no signs warning of the danger existed in Hatcher’s Pass at the time. They helped to fund the ‘Are You Beeping Project’ through the Hatcher Pass Avalanche Information Center (HPAC) to install three avalanche warning and check signs. A collaborative effort by HPAC with the State of Alaska Parks, Fishhook Community Council and MatSu Parks and Trails, provided the signs which now greet visitors at three critical kiosk access points in the Pass. But signs and awareness lectures are only the beginning; the reminders that you need to be sure you carry the right equipment and get the training so you will know how to avoid trouble or what to do if everything goes wrong. The Alaska Avalanche Information Center, Alaska Avalanche School and Alaska Safe Riders are offering numerous training classes across Alaska this winter. Check them out or or If you don’t see a course that fits your schedule, contact these organizations to request a program for your community or school. Before you go, make sure you check the weather and avalanche forecast for the area you plan to travel or recreate. These are readily available in Alaska at Getting outdoors to recreate and bond with nature and your friends will help keep you healthy and happy. Just take the lessons from Ronnie and Bryce and so many others who have died in avalanches. Make sure you are fully prepared so that you can ‘live to ride another day.’
produce a much more durable coating that will stand up to abuse.
of the reason for the low solids content is to keep costs low. The other reason is the fewer solids in the product, the longer it will stay liquid. This makes it easier for inexperienced people to apply. A professional product will have 90% to 100% solids. What does this mean for you?
Contributed by Clayton Allison Epoxy floor coverings have become very popular over the last several years. A variety of Do-It-Yourself (DIY) epoxy flooring kits are available at most major retail locations. These kits attract people with their low prices. However, there are several disadvantages to kits that you will want to be aware of. DIY kits are designed for amateur installers because they are inexpensive and the epoxies included have a longer working time or pot life—which gives more time to apply the coating without it hardening up too fast. Unfortunately, that old saying, “You get what you pay for” applies. Low-quality kits can cause multitudes of problems, and do not offer the same benefits as professional epoxy coatings. The difference between professional products and DIY kits is extreme. One major disadvantage of kits is their recommended surface preparation.
Epoxy flooring requires correct surface preparation to succeed. A key is testing for moisture vapor transmission—high moisture content in concrete can cause epoxy flooring to disbond. DIY kits have no moisture tests—and only a diluted acid wash to clean concrete. This acid wash is highly inadequate to ensure successful bonding. Proper surface preparation requires the correct equipment. Diamond grinding is the best way to profile or open the pores of concrete. Opened pores allow epoxy to bond securely to concrete which is critical to the longevity of your floor. Then, prior moisture testing confirms whether or not an additional barrier epoxy primer needs to be applied before installing your epoxy system to prevent disbondment from moisture. Poorly bonded coatings will chip and peel over time. Another major disadvantage of DIY kits is their low percentage of solids. A typical DIY kit has around 30% solids. Part
The thickness of the flooring that remains after the epoxy has finished drying is the solids. This means the lower the percentage of solids in an epoxy product, the thinner the epoxy film is after curing. Low-quality epoxy floors produced by a kit will not last long. Additionally, kits typically do not have much square foot coverage. Homeowners often stretch the product to cover the floor completely, but it results in an even thinner coating. Low-quality garage epoxy kits are often not durable enough to withstand Alaskan vehicle studded tires and may fail in areas where vehicles are frequently parked. They also have poor resistance to spilled chemicals and fluids. Motor oil and brake fluid can degrade these coatings, causing the flooring to separate from the concrete. One of the main purposes for many people to install epoxy flooring in their garage is to protect it from oil, gas, chemicals, and moisture. High-quality epoxy can protect you from mold and mildew as well. Professional installers use 100% solids epoxy. These epoxies maintain the same level of thickness between the time they are applied and the time they are fully cured. Professional products
In addition to having less durability, these lower-quality epoxies have a much harsher odor. Epoxy products that are not 100% solids have been “cut” with a solvent. Solvents include Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) which cause the epoxy to be much harsher to work with and may require both ventilation and respirators. When choosing flooring to install in your home, always consider the final look and feel you will achieve from your efforts. DIY kits are very limited in color and texture options. At Alaska Resin Supply, we offer a variety of metallic color pigments, and vinyl chip/flake that will make your project look beautiful and unique. Are you concerned that your epoxy flooring will be slippery when wet? Most garage epoxy kits only provide a small amount of flake that provides very little coverage. A full broadcast flake is recommended for garage floors. This helps increase the anti-slip properties by adding plenty of texture. Additives can also be put into the topcoat to increase its anti-slip properties. At Alaska Resin Supply, we have the equipment, knowledge, and experience to get the job done right. Our installation affiliate, GH Alaska LLC, uses the highest quality materials on epoxy flooring installations. Contact us today for a free installation quote. If you would still prefer to do your own installation, Alaska Resin Supply also offers all the tools and materials you need to get a high-quality result. We provide a wide variety of concrete diamond grinders for rental or sale and have a full professional epoxy resin line available with all the colors and additives you could need. Call us at (907) 6719900 or visit us at 201 E. Swanson Ave. Suite #1, Wasilla.
COMMUNITY Contributed by Matt Rowley Living in Southcentral Alaska, you already understand how fortunate you are to be at the epicenter of the country’s largest outdoor playground. The Mat-Su Outdoorsman Show is your first opportunity every year to meet great vendors that offer products, services, and information guaranteed to help you get the most out of your Alaska experience. You will find every Alaska outdoor thing you need at the show, including ATVs, boats, RVs, fishing charters, adventure trips, raffles, drawings, sporting goods, outdoor toys, and informational seminars presented on a wide variety of subjects by Alaska’s outdoor experts. If you are a local business owner, consider the benefits of being a vendor at
the Mat-Su Outdoorsman Show! Folks come to the show because they want to find out how to get the most out of their Alaska outdoor experience. They want to know how your product or service can help them fulfil their Alaska dreams. These visitors are real people. Thousands of them, and they are right there in front of you – face-to-face and in person. They’re ready to learn and buy, and chances are you have what they need. Winter will be over before you know it. Save the date and be prepared to embrace Alaska’s fantastic outdoor opportunities by visiting the Mat-Su Outdoorsman Show at Wasilla’s Menard Sports & Events Center on March 25th27th! Information can be found at:
that the IEP be informed of this and that necessary steps be taken to assure your chosen firm follows the ANSI/IICRC S520 standards for the project to be capable of obtaining clearances. If you choose to complete the remediation process yourself it is just as critical that the S520 standards are followed to assure you can obtain clearances. Failure to follow the standards creates an inability to obtain clearances from the IEP, which has proven to be troublesome during a home sale process and can create postsale liability for the sellers and their representatives.
Contributed by Patrick Hartshorn If you were unable to read the first articles in the past three months of “the Peoples Paper”, please do to be sure you’re reading this as an ongoing discussion. You can go to and type in “mold” for the past articles. The last article talked about the steps leading into the remediation process for dealing with mold in your home (or any other building). The initial steps included the Baseline Documentation process by an Indoor Environmental Professional (IEP) to establish both the physical surface growth and the airborne spore count statuses. One point about air sampling I didn’t mention in the previous article was to be sure the IEP you choose utilizes a laboratory that reads 100% of your samples for ALL mold families present. Most indoor air sampling companies follow the minimum Industry practice that allows for
Contributed by Dori Cranmore, R.N. Okay, so you know better, but you’ve just over eaten a huge meal and now you are suffering from acid indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disorder), gas and bloating. Reaching for the antacids certainly doesn’t solve the real cause of “acid” problems. It is found that using these remedies actually can aggravate the problem, and may cover up or cause more serious underlying conditions. Let me explain why our stomach acid is so important to our overall health. Our stomach secretes a very potent acid called HCL (hydrochloric acid) with a pH of 2.2-2.6. It combines with the stomach enzyme pepsin to digest protein; otherwise, your body can’t utilize the protein in the foods you eat.
their laboratory to read as little as 25% of each sample and then multiply the results by 4. Obviously this process is very controversial and the data you are presented with is manipulated mathematically making it likely to be indefensible if ever challenged. The reports obtained from the Baseline Documentation process are forwarded to remediation companies to inform them of the pre-project conditions and initiates the process of obtaining bids for remediation. It is recommended that a remediation firm that is certified by the Institute for Inspection, Cleaning and Remediation Certification (IICRC) be used to complete any remediation project. These firms have committed to the time and expense of completing the required training, and are bound to following, the ANSI/IICRC S520 Standard for Professional Mold Remediation. If you choose to utilize the services of a company without the commitments of an IICRC Certified firm, it is important
Did you realize the acid in your stomach was part of your immune system? The HCL is needed to destroy bacteria, fungus, viruses and parasites that may be present in the foods you eat. When you neutralize or block the HCL production, you make yourself more vulnerable to infections. HCL is also essential for the absorption of calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper and iron. These minerals are important to keep your bones and joints strong, so blocking HCL can increase your risk for osteoporosis and arthritis. HCL production naturally declines with age and most people over 50 are deficient in HCL, causing food to stay in the stomach longer. Antacid’s “work” because they absorb acid and take the pressure off the stomach valve. The bloating and gas continue as the body tries to digest the food.
Remediation firms should provide you a descriptive bid, detailing the steps of their proposed process with inclusions and exclusions and any additional “put back” work they may provide. In most cases a descriptive bid can substitute for the costs of the IEP producing a detailed Scope of Work for the project. Once you have received your desired number of bids the IEP can review them to assure each company’s process is compliant to the S520 standard and that each bid is equal in content. This alleviates additional costs when a bid was selected that may not cover portions of the project that other bids had included. Regardless of the project size, discussions between the owner, IEP and Remediation firm need to include the description of activities and level of disturbances during the project. Some concerns are noisy equipment, contained areas inaccessible to occupants and entry/exit by workers from the home. On larger remediation’s some decisions by the homeowner include whether they feel they can occupy the home during the project. Some concerns can be possible risks of health issues, levels of noise from workers and equipment and if they will have access
Acidic bodies are full of inflammation which leads to pain and dis-ease. The body uses HCL as one means to keep the body’s tissues more alkaline. The body tries to create more HCL to lower the bodies pH thus creating an “over acid” environment requiring more medications and ultimately starting a vicious downhill spiral of digestive health. Yes, there are ways of permanently correcting the underlying causes of acid indigestion. Don’t overeat! Try to stop eating when you feel full. Eating 5-6 small meals takes stress off the digestive system. Avoid lying down after eating. A good rule is breakfast (high protein) like a king (or queen), lunch like a prince (or princess) and supper like a pauper. Don’t wear constricting clothing. Tight
to necessities, such as a kitchen or bathroom if remediation includes those areas. A very common mistake is the misunderstanding of the project end date. Remediation companies can give an idea of their last day on site, but there is typically about 3 days of HEPA air scrubbing following their exit and then the IEP performs the Post Remediation Verification inspection on the day after the last air moving piece of equipment is shut down, which is typically the 4th day after the remediators have finished the physical removal process. As long as the visual PRV process is acceptable the IEP will draw a set of clearance air samples to determine the post remediation airborne spore count status. These samples must be shipped to a laboratory in the lower 48 for analysis, which can take anywhere from 2 to 10 days for results, depending on the contractual agreement between the IEP and their laboratory. Next month I will talk about acceptable methods of remediation and the related activates that take place during different types of projects. In the following months I will discuss chemicals to help readers understand the facts about consumer chemical products and other methods not recognized by industry standards. Following that I will discuss the reasons behind increased mold growth issues in newer homes by comparing newer homes to older homes and pointing out the reasons for the increasing number of remediation projects in new construction. Questions or comments: 907-232-1007, Patrick Hartshorn, IH, CRMI, Advance Look Building Inspections & Environmental Testing pants or shirts can push on the stomach and intestines. Watch what you eat. Avoid foods that cause the most acid. Fried foods, greasy, starchy, overcooked meats, processed meats, highly processed foods, soda, coffee and black teas. Take digestive enzymes when eating to support proper digestion. (Especially if you’re over 50) Digestive bitters for gas and bloating helps keep food and acid moving downward in the body. Papaya, catnip, fennel, slippery elm and chlorophyll are natural supplements that can assist the body in digesting food and relieve gas and bloating. This information is for educational purposes and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or replace the advice of your health care provider. Dori Cranmore is a Registered Nurse and owner of All About Herbs in Wasilla 376-8327.
evaluate their relationship with alcohol by lessening or abstaining from alcohol consumption. By starting this year with intentional drinking choices, Alaskans can reclaim their energy, become more mindful, and live life to its most present and fullest.
Contributed by Tiffany Hall Month-long celebration focuses on health benefits of abstaining from alcohol As sober curiosity sweeps the nation, many Alaskans are kicking off 2022 by joining the annual Dry January tradition. Recover Alaska prioritizes wellness year-round and is looking forward to supporting Alaskans throughout another Dry January in sticking to their goals through interactive resources and activities. According to a recent survey, one in seven Americans participates in Dry January to promote intentional choices and break negative stigmas surrounding sobriety. The movement isn’t just about giving up something, rather it’s
a time to reflect on your relationship with alcohol to help maintain an overall healthier and happier year. As Alaskans look forward to 2022, the first month of the year is a great time for folks to start fresh by reassessing their alcohol use. “There’s a misperception that sobriety is boring or anti-social, but it couldn’t be further from the truth,” said Tiffany Hall, executive director of Recover Alaska, who is 10 years sober. “With resources like First Taste, Sober Lounge and our Zero Proof Recipe book for drinks, Recover Alaska has more creative measures in place than ever to help Alaskans stay dry this month.” Alcohol-free and low-ABV drinks are identified as one of the top food and beverage trends of 2022. Beverage brands like Lyre’s Spirit Co. and Seedlip
are keeping up with the sober curious movement and offering more spirit-free mixers and cocktail varieties than ever before. The latest season of First Taste, a video series normalizing sober and sober curious lifestyles through candid conversations, features a multitude of delicious alcohol-free drink recipes to make at home or indulge in at Williwaw Social downtown. For those who would prefer to stay home, or are looking for additional Dry January support, the Virtual Sober Lounge is a relaxing environment packed with sober resources and sobercurious inspirations. Statewide, Recover Alaska is encouraging Alaskans to work together and re-
About Recover Alaska Recover Alaska is a coalition with the goal of addressing the harm caused by excessive alcohol consumption in Alaska. It is an organization that is exclusively dedicated to combating the problem of alcohol misuse. Through various initiatives such as changes to systems, policies and social practices, we are focused on long-term improvements. But we cannot tackle this alone. Our partners include the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority, the Mat-Su. Health Foundation, Rasmuson Foundation, Providence Alaska, State of Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Southcentral Foundation, and University of Alaska Anchorage. For more information, visit recoveralaska. org.
From the Journal of Joshua Fryfogle
Liberty, Liberally Volume II - Issue I
January 2022
See As One
What’s In a Name?
By Joshua Fryfogle They move the masses, races, classes Problem, reaction, solution Their wealth amasses, each law that passes Provides them absolution For all the crimes they’ve redefined As somehow for the good We pay no mind to all their designs And who would think we would? We work away our workaday-weekdays till the weekend So we can say that we pay our way But this is how we’re weakened
January 1, 2013
without your input.
‘Pen Name’ - a fictitious name; esp. one used by an author.
All of the content you read in Make A Scene (Ed. Note: this piece was written before we began publishing The People’s Paper) comes from people just like you, people with opinions, causes, things they care about. For over five years I’ve found that many people with passionate ideas, derived from real-world experience, are reluctant to write their informed opinions so that the rest of us might benefit. Teachers, politicians, religious leaders, union members, corporate suits, many of these people are scared to speak, for fear of retribution that might affect their financial security.
Many famous and not-so-famous people have used ‘pen names’, for various reasons. Maybe their name was difficult to pronounce, or lacked a poetic quality. Other times they were protecting their other professional endeavors - controversial opinions can often affect someone’s workaday life. I’ve written many controversial political opinions, and received my fair share of scowls and snide comments from those who disagree. Good thing I’m thick-skinned and self-employed! My opinions often exist in a no man’s land, somewhere between the illusion of left and right. Because of this, I catch hell from both sides of the political paradigm. So, I can totally understand why some people don’t want to ‘put their name’ on their opinions. We live in a fickle world, where some folks are apt to punish you socially, or even economically, if you speak your mind. Still, not speaking our mind is exactly how the world around us has drifted so far from the will of the people. We’ve let a small group of people use public humiliation as a scare tactic to stop us from speaking up. Thank God for the ‘pen name’! Maybe you’re a musician, surrounded by progressive friends, who will reject you if you shared your secret liberal ideas. Maybe you’re a military member who is against war. Maybe you’re more than what society wants you to be. Maybe you’re a complex human being, not fitting into the pigeonhole that was prepared for you
They borrow on our future sorrows So we work harder still Then comes tomorrow and ends the embargo On who must pay the bill The plan for plunder becomes a blunder When all that they have done Is torn asunder with wit and wonder When we see as One
What is the loss to our culture and society when these words go unwritten? It’s a form of pre-censorship, selfsuppression. Future generations will suffer, and social wrongs continue, unchallenged. If you have something worth writing about, don’t let fear stop you! Don’t let social persecution prevent you from your freedom of speech and freedom of press! If we all shared our thoughts, without fear of what the powers-that-be might do to us, we would find that we’re all thinking the same things. Fear is not freedom.
“Citizens! When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of people in a society, over the course of time they will create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it, and a moral code that glorifies it!” - Frederic Bastiat
Don’t you think it’s time to right some wrongs? Isn’t it time to write what’s right? Send in your thoughts, with or without your real name. It’s up to you, whoever you are. Make A Scene! Content can be submitted through our website,
We’ve gotten a surprising number of donations from community members at The People’s Paper and Make A Scene Magazine over the years, and recently it’s increased with the publication of Liberty, Liberally.
You can respond to what you’ve read, or write what matters to you.
We’ve also received many requests for subscription services, requests to mail Liberty, Liberally, and our other publications to people near and far...
Thanks so much for your words of encouragement and financial support over the years. We take your trust very seriously, as we steward content from you and your neighbors onto the printed page.
So we thought, why not make it easier to donate, and get something
It’s an American tradition which we are blessed to uphold.
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Liberty, Liberally
in return, too? With a minimum $8 per month donation, you’ll receive a copy of each publication - and even special publications and other things that might fit in a Manila envelope!
From the Journal of Joshua Fryfogle
Volume II - Issue I
Liberty, Liberally
Pineapples, People and Politics
Vote Local
By Josh Fryfogle The thing about school It isn’t what you learn But that you learn that you can learn That’s the thing Your education is a tool It can help you earn But to make a living isnt living Like a king A king knows how to rule And how to so discern To learn to live and learn Anything
Decentralized economies, made up of millions of nodes - locally-owned businesses - are like walls around a city. The walls are there to protect the city, but keeping those walls solid and sure, stable and capable of repelling wild beasts, that’s a job for the people who live near that stretch of wall. The people who are responsible for the upkeep of that piece of wall ought to be the people who depend the most on that piece of wall. Local producers, production facilities, raw materials, and retail locations... with all of these we should at least maintain some foothold of local control. A centralized economy is quick and easy, but easily breached at any point along the distribution chain. Currently, we’re seeing how shipping containers are easily kept at sea by some bureaucratic BS. Macroeconomics finds efficiencies when the economic systems are seen as one whole system, and the result is surely abundance and increased quality of life. The idea that pineapples would be available year round in Alaska, for example, proves that free and open trade raises the quality of life and the quantity of goods and services in far flung places like our own Great Land. But at what cost? The reason why the macroeconomic centralization is so profitable is because pineapples don’t grow in the Arctic circle, but people live there, and people like pineapples. There is no doubt that a larger economy, with production of raw materials and resulting products being made where it is easiest to produce them, just makes sense. However, for a place like Alaska, where we are far and away from other populations, even those within our own state, it’s especially important that we secure our basic survival by investing in locallyowned infrastructure: producers of raw materials, producers of basic needs. Pineapples are nice, but food is necessary. How can we secure our own local supply chain? Awareness. Free markets are free because people can shop... freely. They tend to spend money where they want to spend money. We must show the people that their access to basic needs might not be met in times of crisis, and that they can invest in local sources and resources in order to sure up our section of the economic wall.
No, not at all. All we must do is shift our spending, just a bit. Do we need to replicate every product or service in the larger economy here at home? No, pineapple isn’t necessary to survival. We need to focus our local spending where it matters - food and farms, clothing and textiles, buildings and building materials, and the list goes on. Why haven’t politicians made this a topic of discussion? Because a handful of big businesses are easier to deal with than countless local business people. The path of least resistance is hard to resist. Politicians go with the flow, and the flow of goods and services has been overtaken by these trans-national corporations; inhuman entities, wild beasts... and they’ve been allowed to ravage our local economy, gobbling up mom and pop shops along the way. Politicians are upwardly mobile, political climbers by nature. They need the support of those power players to raise funds for future political campaigns. With each successful campaign, the cost increases. Local politicians like the tax revenue, and that the bulk of their funding comes from people who don’t live here. This disconnects the local constituents from local elected leaders, and gives that same power to outside interests, who rarely use it. They put little pressure on local elected leaders, they don’t complain about potholes or partisan problems. They are lowmaintenance, and local leaders like low-maintenance, like people like fresh pineapple.
- John Hancock
Alaskans are not in a position to Mad Max this thing. If the system collapses - as it has historically done - Alaskans are too far removed by rough terrain to go an find resources. What little we have would quickly be consumed in such a scenario. Our population is so sparse, and the weather so harsh most of the year, that should the system fail society, it will fail Alaskans first and worst. We live here. Our economic wall is non-existent. It’s foolish. Our leaders lack vision, and they’re obsessed with their partisan kabuki. So it’s up to us, People. Vote Local.
Do we need to reject the macroeconomy to do it? Liberty, Liberally
“The more people who own little businesses of their own, the safer our country will be, and the better off its cities and towns; for the people who have a stake in their country and their community are its best citizens”
“It is in the interest of tyrants to reduce the people to ignorance and vice. For they cannot live in any country where virtue and knowledge prevail.” - Samuel Adams
From the Journal of Joshua Fryfogle
POLITICS & OPINION Contributed by Minister Lynn
you thinking?
Religion still is relevant today. It directly applies to you! It affects you. If you decide to do nothing about it—you’re doing SOMETHING. No decision IS a decision. You yourself will be impacted spiritually after you breathe your last breath. SO, do you want to make a cognizant decision while you’re conscious or let nature takes its course? What are
You WILL STOP. You are 100% guaranteed to have a stopping point. You will end this game of life. We are all the same here: we are unified. Every person will encounter their last breath of oxygen. You will have that last one. You will stop. A proposed question is: Does this life influence your next life?
Do you have any control over what happens in your afterlife? Do you now and will you during the transitioning process have a mindful ability to think in the next existence? Would you want to contemplate it now or rather disregard it? The nice thing is: every way is a correct way. Whatever selection you chose to exercise on this matter is a good and viable option. Allow me to paraphrase this leaning toward an optimistic outlook: You WILL have a new beginning! You will be
Contributed by Nan Potts Have you ever had a book laying around with you having intention to read it, only to have it languishing, forgotten and gathering dust? My husband bought it five years ago. It’s been on my coffee table since. It has a catchy title. I’ve dusted it many times, browsed through it, because of its title, and set it back in place to be read at a future date. The other day such a book beckoned to me. This happened when my ten-year-old granddaughter and four of her classmates, were sent home from school. It seems one of her classmates tested positive for COVID-19. They all wear masks and distance, except at recess. The kids
Contributed by Wes Keller “Unsay” can really only mean “say more”! It’s an official and impossible word in Webster’s! We cannot retract words spoken! Words spoken do their job! We can only say more words to “double-down” on what has been said or to deny, “eat crow”, or humbly apologize. We are too often quick and careless with our words. It’s wise to analyze the power of the tongue and to wield words appropriately, keeping them honest, kind, wise, apt, and few. Freedom of Speech is arguably the ‘lowest common denominator’ of all inherent human rights! It’s “where the rubber meets the road” to confirm all men are created equal. “Speech” inevitably exposes every human being to being known/judged by others. Consider the scope of the commonly known introduction to the Gospel of John; “In the beginning was the WORD (“logos”). The Word was with God, and the Word was God”! This couldn’t be more profound! It’s stunning to contemplate how speech is part of the very definition of the beginning of all things and is associated with the very nature of man and God. Speaking and listening are foundational to all relationships. Unleashing the tongue, whether for good or bad, is an awesome power.
were mandated to home quarantine for five days. Both her parents work. Mom and dad are taking time off to be with her. Symptoms? Not yet, maybe never. Anyway, she’s at home and her teacher sent a packet of school-work with her. I received a sad faced emoji after she bemoaned the amount of content in the packet (Except for math, she loves math!). Being a good grandmother, I sent her some inspirational material from this book, Fart Proudly: Writings of Benjamin Franklin You Never Read in School, edited by Carl Japikse. I sent her the opening quote: “He that is conscious of A Stink in his Breeches, is jealous of every Wrinkle in another’s nose.” — Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanack,
It’s reprehensible to not listen to fellowhumans. Even worse, it’s downright evil to use power and influence to intentionally prevent speech, which is censorship! It’s arrogant to not listen, but a far greater insult to disdainfully use force to shut someone up. This is why it’s so shocking to see the blatant censorship of the big-tech online platforms unveiled. They show no remorse as they crassly continue to screen information as if they are above all law! Social media platforms have NO authority to use censorship to deliberately influence “We the People”! The deliberate censorship of reports of what was on Hunter Biden’s laptop; the reports COVID-19 may have leaked out of a Chinese lab; and the select cancelling of social media accounts reveal despicable arrogance – a disdain for freedom of speech! Yet, “We the People” (the sovereigns) are understandably torn. On the one hand, most of us demand protection of freedom of speech, but, on the other, we are repulsed by government overregulation of business – including social media platforms. Our elected government is not qualified to regulate these corporations wisely and constitutionally. Many so-called “statesmen” spend two-thirds of their time campaigning and are determined to stay “out of the weeds” on tough issues like this. Also, most voters are users of Twitter, facebook, You Tube, Amazon, Google!
Shortly after, she replied with a hysterically laughing emoji. What fifth-grader is going to pass up a title with what they consider bathroom humor? I couldn’t resist! I think most people who have read Franklin, especially Poor Richard’s Almanack, would agree with his wisdom, witticism and poignancy. Carl Japikse has collected and published 38 of Franklin’s satires. In his Introduction he describes the Franklin most of us grew up with, “Everyone knows Benjamin Franklin was one or the great statesman, scientists, and philosophers of his time. A successful printer and publisher in Philadelphia, he retired from active business in his forties and spent the rest of his life serving his community and nation.” You know our postal system? He founded it. Who led the protest against To become a user, “We the people” must click “I Agree” dozens of times, yet in the end, do you know what we’ve agreed to? We are all part of the problem! The remainder of this editorial is intended to call your attention to a question about a proposed solution appearing in a recent AMAC news report: “Could Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies Hold the Key to Defeating Big Tech Censorship?” ( I am neither endorsing or promoting the concept, but it may be an irresistible solution whose political moment has come! To understand, first review “Web 3.0”, or “Blockchain”; “computer science wizardry” designed to allow information to be stored and accessed on a completely decentralized basis – outside the control of any single entity”. It is being successfully used to avoid Federal Reserve system manipulation of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. It may ultimately even destroy the Federal Reserve’s power to inflate currency! The idea is to use the same wizardry to prevent any social media giant control of social media “speech”! Some emerging startup companies are suggesting the potential of eliminating both government and private sector censorship of free speech online! This is an amazing claim! Bitcoin has become mainstream, but so far, blockchain-protected speech systems.
Contributed by Doug Ferguson How To Bring Down America (And Make it Ripe for Revolution) If you had power over a large modern international Marxist movement or just were an elite who wanted to use it to take over the world, you would recognize that the free western world was the biggest obstacle in your way. This is especially true of the United States of America, with it’s dynamic entrepreneurial economy, democratic republic, capitalistic freedoms, and large middle class that has resulted in a powerful economy and history’s largest increase in human standard of living. Because of these factors, you would realize it might take a generation or two to weaken and eliminate it as an obstacle. Therefore there are various strategies you would use to break down America and create the chaos, fear and dissent necessary to foment the revolution required to weaken it. Here are a few of the more obvious ones: Start with their youth and by infiltrating all the educational institutions, teach them the poorest among them are victims and the well-off are guilty of privilege and prejudiced against the poorest. Also teach them that the very foundations of their countries and
societies were wrong and the cause of all this. Use whatever version of actual history works best for this, regardless of either truth or reality. Teach them that the older generation (including their parents, grandparents and older relatives) are part of this problem and that it is up to their “new” generation to change the situation. Also teach them “The End Justifies the Means” to do this. As the children conditioned by the above “education” mature into young adults, recruit the most dissatisfied of them and motivate them to your “social justice” cause. Have them infiltrate the various institutions outlined below to make their life’s mission to either change or destroy these. Teach them that fear and social intimidation are powerful tools to do this. Infiltrate and utilize movements that originally were started and have helped to correct real problems to keep the discord and controversy ongoing. Two that come to mind are first, the Civil Rights movement that can still be used to create the “victims” needed for the class conflict. Second is the environmental/”global warming” movement that can be used to neuter the industries that support the current western standards of living and defense
Push for uncontrolled immigration from the poorest countries into the United States. This does three things. First it creates more of the low wage “victim” class. Second it provides a cover for infiltration by revolutionaries from other countries. Third, it allows criminals and drug suppliers to enter and help to destabilize existing society. Encourage the dissatisfied young adult recruits you have found above to run for political offices in neighborhoods with the poorest and/or most immigrants. They can push for policies that help your cause under the guise of helping the constituents that voted for them. Running for city councils and school boards can be done as “independents” or “neutral” candidates without revealing one’s true intentions for revolutionary changes. Look for the most corrupt politicians in all levels of government, and find ways to bribe/lobby them for laws and policies beneficial to your cause. Those in office the longest are the most used to being “lobbied” and most have taken personal financial advantage of such opportunities in the past. By infiltrating our military colleges, indoctrinate future leaders that any form of discrimination, especially sexual, must be corrected with “social justice” policies. This will result in weakening of combat military unity and thus weaken
greeted with a new starting point! You will meet this first time. What will your newness be like? The level fader on a sound mixer is a good earthly tool to visualize the range of variables for all the options. On one farthest side, you will exist to being formless and obliterated. Toward the other extreme you will exist as another solid conscious entity. ARTICLE CONTINUES ONLINE: www.
Britain’s taxation? He did. Who assisted in drafting our Declaration of Independence? Yep, Ben. And, who served as our ambassador to France during the American Revolution, organized America’s first intelligence network, and help write the United States Constitution that continues to govern this nation? Why, Mr. Franklin! And, he is accredited with much more! Japikse concludes his Introduction with, “Above all, we cannot afford to think of Franklin as an antiseptic, prudish man. He was not. He was bawdy, roguish, and loved to play jokes on his friends. And when England grew oppressive, he was not afraid to rebel. Just so, when Nature called, he farted. And he wasn’t afraid to advocate that we do the same.” I had to keep reading… ARTICLE CONTINUES ONLINE at www.
is theory. It jolts the imagination to ponder the potential. It might be good for potential stock options? Could this have anything to do with the rumors of a Trump social media platform? Such an enterprise could even be designed from the ground up to be free of the toxic and addictive algorithms allegedly promoted by traditional social media platforms! The concept is new, and it is big! Granted, this seems futuristic, idealistic, and impossible hype – just as Bitcoin did not long ago! I suggest we keep our guard up! As we all know, anything that looks too good to be true, probably is. The “decentralization of media control” is not the same as ensuring the integrity of information – just as decentralization of monetary control policy does not automatically ensure a utopian economic system. The censorship we are observing is terrible; so bad in fact, we may be forced to take drastic action, but we do not want to jump out of the frying pan into the fire of anarchy either! At this point, neither a decentralized monetary system nor a decentralized social media system is time-tested. We need to move slow. Are you part of a committee or group decisions? Learn more about the value the gavel has to your freedom of speech, finish reading this article at Wes Keller the ability to defend threats to the nation. Use propaganda to convince those in our religious organization’s hierarchies that the role of the church needs include political action for “social justice” to address the class problems outlined above besides the traditional role of promoting individual faith and spiritual salvation. This promotion of “victimhood” over “salvation” will reduce support from the existing middle class “faithful” and eventually weaken or destroy these local family and community stabilizing institutions. Finally find ways to influence and utilize the oligarchies controlling today’s all powerful mainstream media to support your cause in all the above actions. For example, if there is a new health or weather crisis available to utilize for more fear and control, they can do the most to promote it. Develop methods of helping influence their markets to benefit your cause. With their instantaneous and world wide communication power provided by modern technology, they can be the most effective tools you can have. Isn’t that much of what we see happening today? If you and I can see this, why can’t our leaders, or don’t we have any? Doug Ferguson is a retired engineer living in Palmer who has had a life long interest in history and human behavior.
COMMUNITY Contributed by Sammy Taylor As recyclers in the Big Lake area may know, citizens can recycle for free at the Big Lake transfer site every weekend from noon till three. That’s when recycling bins are opened by local volunteers who accept all recyclables taken by Valley Community for Recycling Solutions. Currently, most materials gathered at Big Lake are compacted and shipped south to various remanufacturers that make everything from fleece to cement forms. Only locally-collected newspaper and corrugated cardboard is locally processed for insulation and
sold at our local Lowes as Thermokool Insulation. Volunteering can be a great chance to get some fresh air for a good cause in the middle of winter. A large proportion of the volunteers are retired folks putting their time to good use. Occasionally, younger members of our community take time from their busier work or school schedules to help out. One such volunteer is Emily Bitler. Emily is a junior in high school this year. At Mat-Su Career and Technical High School she is enrolled in the building
pathway. She stays fit and strong by participating in four school sports. Her plans are to become a mechanical engineer so she may be a problem solver for green buildings in the future. She says she and her family have always helped her church and community. She is involved yearly with the Meadow Lakes Community Cleanup. As a born and raised Valley Alaskan, a healthy community is important to her. That’s why she’s proud of the young climate activist Greta Thunberg for taking a stand when many adults are complacent.
For this retired Alaskan, it’s a joy to see Emily and her colleagues volunteer to keep useful materials out of our landfill. That means our current dump site will be useable for a longer time. Each person who recycles and composts can save up to ¾ of their trash bill. So Emily and all of Mid Valley Recycling volunteers are helping folks save money, too. So here’s a 2022 THANK YOU to Emily and all Mid Valley Recycling volunteers for doing their part for a better future!
COMMUNITY ACCESSIBILITY & MOBILITY 101 Mobility ........ 521-7101 ANTIQUES & VINTAGE The Estate Sale ........ 357-7050 APPAREL & CLOTHING All Seasons Clothing Co. ........ 357-0123 ART & CRAFTS The Gallery ........ 745-1420 AUTO REPAIR Fairview Loop Automotive .. 887-6137 BOOKSTORE Black Birch Books ...... 373-2677 Fireside Books ........ 745-2665 CANNABIS RETAILER Matanuska Cannabis Co. ...... 745-4211 COFFEE & CAFÉ Alaska Artisan Coffee ........ 745-5543 Gathering Grounds Cafe ........ 376-4404 Vagabond Blues……..745-2233
Contributed by Marilyn Bennett Do you have a 2022 Storm Story? In case you didn’t realize it, your local Toastmaster’s club is the ideal place to have an appreciative audience. A place to tell your own story of survival from the 2022 New Year’s Storm. We would love to hear what you experienced and what problems you might still be coping with. It is not necessary to join our club in order to tell your story. We are happy to have you come as a guest in order to regale us with your experiences. We are a group of area people who enjoy hearing new stories. In Toastmasters, we help each other by practicing our speaking in a non-threatening envi-
ronment. We evaluate each other’s speeches in order to help the speaker improve his or her delivery. As a guest you can have your speech evaluated or not, depending on how comfortable it makes you feel. The wind swirling around my house was frightening but we had very little damage. Yet I still had an interesting story to tell although not as exciting as many others in our community had. We will definitely welcome you as a guest, but would be thrilled if you would decide to join our club for six months and I am sure you would not regret it. In Toastmasters, we help each other by practicing our speaking in a non-threatening environment.
Discover more about Palmer Toastmasters at our website: https://palmer. Join one of our meetings in person on the 1st and/ or 2nd Tuesday of each month in the conference room at Turkey red (550 S. Alaska Street in Palmer) at 6 PM or online via Zoom every Tuesday night at 6 PM. We start on time. For the Zoom link, visit the meeting directions tab at our club website: We are a friendly group of positive valley people who meet to help each other grow and have fun together in the process. We invite you to get to know us better by joining us for a day as a guest.
EDUCATION Gille Learning Center ..... 357-1100 Learning Essentials ........ 357-3990 EPOXY SUPPLY & INSTALL Alaska Resin Supply ........ 671-9900 FOOTWEAR Northern Comfort Shoes ........ 376-5403 HOME DÉCOR Peak Boutique ........ 746-3320 The Wagon Wheel ........ 671-0189 MUSIC LESSONS Wood & Wire Guitars .... 745-7457 ONLINE CLASSIFIEDS PRINT SERVICES L&B Color Printing ........ 376-2081 REPAIR & RESTORATION Alaska Resin Supply ........ 671-9900 Comtronics ........ 373-2669 S&S Drilling ...... 746-0225 Steve’s Toyostove Repair ..... 376-9276 The Powdercoat Shop .... 841-1300 Wood & Wire Guitars .... 745-7457 RESTAURANTS Locals Pub & Pizzaria ........ 357-3100 Mekong Thai Cuisine ........ 373-7690 SNOW REMOVAL SERVICES Mr. Plow ........ 521-2376 SPECIALTY GIFTS Alaska Midnite Scents ........ 357-7364 Non-Essentials ........ 745-2258 The Wagon Wheel ........ 671-0189 TAXI & TRANSPORTATION Mr. Taxi ........ 707-6011 THRIFT SHOPS Steam Driven Boutique ........ 376-4404 Turn-A-Leaf Thrift Stores ........ 376-5708 TOOLS & WEAPONS Polaris Security & Conult ........ 764-7643 TOYS Just Imagine Toys ........ 357-1543 Learning Essentials .......... 357-3990
Contributed by Glen Butts (The Dude) Hosted by Midnight Son Riders (Chapter 801 of CMA), Mat-Su Alano Club, and Denali Harley Davidson. Event is happening January- till the end of February, this is a local food drive to benefit “Food Banks of Mat-Su” With the New Year comes a new hope, and beginning for all, but some families are in a tough spot, with Covid lockdowns to Winter storms, and could use all of our help to make ends meet thru the rest of winter. During the holiday months we tend to give or donate to others in abundance, but after that the local food banks fall way short with donations in the months between New Year till Easter, and our goal is to fill the gap in these months. We hope you “CAN” (pun intended) help us by continuing to donate to the food banks in the valley for the families still in need of help this New Year! Please donate at a bin, and/or coin jar in one of these locations - THREE BEARS ALASKA (Big Lake, Pittman,
Knik, Palmer-Wasilla), DENALI HARLEY DAVIDSON, PERFORMANCE YAMAHA, HOUSE OF YAMAHA, Q99.7, BODY PEIRCING UNLIMITED, SPENARD BUILDERS SUPPLY, PALMER CARRS, WASILLA CARRS, WASILLA FRED MEYER, PALMER FRED MEYER, EXTREME FUN CENTER, COMING ATTRACTIONS THEATRE and UPS STORE #2050 WASILLA. Other business are helping as well, with donating time, and/or supplies for this - ALANO CLUB OF MATSU, WALMART, TARGET, GREAT ALASKA PIZZA COMPANY, MATSU SUBWAY, THE TUB-HOUSE & TANNING, KALADI BROTHERS, MATSU WATER, WASILLA FLY TRAMPOLINE PARK… Also, there are “many” other businesses, and people jumping in all the time to help. There will be the annual BIKERS FIGHTING HUNGER- SPAGHETTI FEED dinner with all the fixings, to honor those who helped in the food drive. This event brings in a large part of donations that are gathered for the food pantries. Please bring a side dish, or desert, all help is welcomed! WHEN: Sunday- February 27, 2022 @
Matsu Alano Club WHERE: 901 Snohomish Ave, Wasilla AK TIME: 2pm till 5pm or so Also the DENALI HARLEY DAVIDSON shop will put on the annual HARLEY FOLKS FOR TACOS @ the Denali shop. Really AWSOME tacos served up by the friendly staff at the Harley shop, all to collect food for the drive. WHEN: Saturday- February 12, 2022 @ DHD WHERE: 1497 S, Hyer Rd, Palmer, AK 99645 TIME: 12pm to 4pm- call for further details, BOTH EVENTS COSTS ARE 12 canned goods entrance fee, or $12 at the door. Kids 10 and under free- 1 child per Adult Thank you, and may JESUS BLESS you and yours.
COMMUNITY a literary mainstay in the Palmer community. Our shared goal is to increase the number of readers locally and in this way, create a more literate community. I’ve often suggested to readers looking for a specific book, or another in a series, to go over to Fireside and have MaryAnn help them locate it. And she’s suggested to those with an overabundance of books to donate them to the Bright Lights Book Project.
Bill Schmidtkunz, owner of Matanuska Wood Works, makes bookcases and distributes books in Palmer and Sutton Contributed by Alys Culhane A question that I, the Outreach Coordinator of the Bright Lights Book Project (BLBP), am often asked is, why are the books you’ve salvaged from various local sources now free? My short response is that making books accessible to readers increases the likelihood that the books will be read and appreciated. I also have a more lengthy answer. I originally considered opening my own bookstore. However, I nixed this idea because I didn’t want to compete with area book sellers, who are dependent upon sales for their livelihoods. For example, I didn’t want to undercut MaryAnn Cockle’s Fireside Books, a bookstore that over time has become
I also considered opening a combination lending library/reading room. I’d then be taking businessman Andrew Carnegie’s brilliant idea one step further. Carnegie was a ScottishAmerican industrialist-philanthropist who funded numerous community libraries world-wide. His effort was (in his words) a way of supporting the “industrious and ambitious; not those who need everything done for them, but those who, being most anxious and able to help themselves, deserve and will be benefited by help from others.” A total of 2,509 Carnegie libraries were built between 1883 and 1929, including some belonging to public and university library systems. In the U.S., 1,689 Carnegie libraries were built, and the rest were constructed overseas. I realized that The Palmer Public Library fulfills Carnegie’s original vision locally. Plus, browsers would be more apt to take a book if they were freed of the responsibility of having to return it to the library in a timely fashion. I also considered securing space and
inviting readers to spend time in a non-secular reading room. Reading Rooms were established in 1899 by means of a by-law in the Manual of the Mother Church, the book which governs the Christian Science church. They were created to provide a quiet place for reading, study, and prayer. I couldn’t afford to purchase or rent space in Palmer, so after considerable deliberation, I abandoned this idea. I began envisioning myself as following in the footsteps of the Sophists, which were those who preceded the other, more well-known Greek Philosophers, Aristotle and Plato included. I identified with the Sophists, who were peripatetic; they taught while on the move. I surmised that they’d approve of my complementary stance, which is to make books accessible by situating them in bookcases, located in places in and around Palmer. The Bright Lights Book Project took off when area business owners supported my endeavor. Readily available books have been well-received locally and state-wide by young and old alike. A case in point. Last spring and summer, I took books to the Palmer Senior Center during the noon dining hour. The seniors were at first mystified as to why I was giving away books. I explained to them that the books in hand would otherwise have been recycled, which is sold as mixed paper and pulped. The seniors selected books for themselves and for their grandkids. I
one day looked out across the dining hall and saw books on every table. My friend Mario took me aside and thanked me, adding that many seniors could not afford to purchase new books. And last summer, I facilitated a children’s book day at the Sutton Library. The day began with my walking my Icelandic pony Hrimfara over to the shelter area. My dog Shadow rode on her back. Her pack was filled with children’s books. I explained to my captive audience that there are many different types of libraries, and that in the 1930s women traveled by horseback, passing out books to families in remote areas. Lois Liebing, a BLBP volunteer, then read the book, The Bibliographic Burro. After, the kids painted recycled Frontiersmen newspaper boxes. These little libraries, which are routinely filled with free books, are now mainstays at the Sutton Post Office and the Sutton General Store. The high point of my day was when a mother mentioned to me that that it was hard to feed her daughter’s insatiable appetite for books. A smile appeared on the little girl’s face when I told her that the books on the table were free. Mother and daughter then selected several books, which the child took home with her. Contact Alys Culhane at alysculhane@ if you wish to become a Bright Lights Book Project volunteer.
it is important that puppies are introduced to humans as well. Keep in mind, your puppy’s vaccination schedule and do not introduce too many people into your puppy’s life before they are fully vaccinated – about 3 months of age. Talk with your vet about this. Separating pups from their canine families too soon can cause problems such a weight loss, increased disease susceptibility, physical developmental problems, decreased ability to learn, and separation anxiety. During these formative months, puppies learn important social skills by interacting with mom and siblings. Puppies learn from their siblings that biting too hard or super rough play is not okay.
Contributed by Angie Lewis Anticipating including a new puppy into your family is one of the most exciting events you will ever experience. It is however important that you consider your puppy’s development and mental health above all else. It is absolutely imperative that the puppies stay together with their momma and siblings for early development. If
this is not taken into consideration, then the momma dog and puppies could miss important developmental and physical milestones. The puppies could develop problems later in life and the mother could experience medical issues. The recommended age for removing pups from a litter is approximately eight weeks. During this time period,
When you first bring your puppy home, be aware that you now take the place of his dog family, so be patient as your puppy adjusts. He will need a great deal of attention and contact from you. Be sure to build some “alone” time into your pup’s schedule so that he feels comfortable being alone on occasion as well. Angie Lewis – President of Alaska Animal Advocates Bombay Cats
dents and beyond, and the feedback from customers has been fantastic. Customers thank consistently thank Andrea for opening their eyes and taste buds to new and exciting, delicious artisan meats and cheeses – all of which are hand selected and prepared in beautiful arrangements for every occasion. We here at Alaska Charcuterie & Meats specialize in everything from our signature line of “evening” 2-6 person boards, to large gatherings including weddings, proms, holiday parties, and don’t forget the Super Bowl!
Contributed by Jay Magers A little over a year ago, my wife Andrea Magers decided to pursue a passion, and Alaska Charcuterie & Meats opened its doors to the unknown! Combined with a pandemic, global supply chain issues and, oh yeah, an Alaskan winter, it was a daunting task. It has been a year and we have made
over 2000 charcuterie boards for Valley residents! Alaska Charcuterie & Meats will be one-year young on March 12th, 2022. When I asked her what the first year was like, Andrea said: “Wow, it’s already been a year?”. We think our niche business has been very well received by Valley resi-
When asked what’s going to be new for year two, Andrea says “we will be expanding our line of Italian and Mediterranean specialty retail items, exciting flavors of charcuterie spreads, new artisan meats and cheeses, and having more theme boards for occasions.” She says people really enjoyed the Oktoberfest board, Thanksgiving, and December Holiday board. Alaska Charcuterie & Meats is located at 472 N. Main St in Wasilla across from the Post Office. We are online at www.akmeats. com and Facebook at Alaska Charcuterie & Meats. Stop by and wish us luck in year two!
COMMUNITY Contributed by Lauralynn Robison
Alaskan Events & Catering.
It’s that time of year again, wherein the MatSu Food Bank hosts their annual Hearts 4 Hunger Fundraiser.
We will be having Silent and Live Auction items for your selection! For tickets to this annual event, contact the Food Bank Office at (907)357-3769. Each year businesses and individuals within our community and beyond, donate goods and services for your bidding pleasure and we are very thankful for all donations received, to support our fund raiser. Should you wish to donate to our event, please contact the office or
This year our annual program is being held Friday, February 25th, 2022, at the VFW, 301 East Lake View Avenue, Wasilla, Alaska, 6:00pm until 9:00pm. Music and entertainment will be provided by G & G Sound & Light, our Auctioneer is Marty Metiva, catering provided by
email us at Proceeds for this event will be going to the Food Bank so that we will be able to continue serve our community. We are truly grateful for all the resources available to help our wonderful community. Remember: No One should go hungry! Please take a minute to visit our web page You can also follow us on Facebook,
See the many ways you can contribute, by volunteering and making donations, help us help our community. Please contact us at (907)357-3769 to schedule time to volunteer, or for more information concerning donations… Or for other questions call United Way’s 211. Thank you for all your continued support, we deeply appreciate our community!