The Exporter is a monthly publication of the Kenya Export Promotion Branding Agency
Capacity Building
The Kenya Export Promotion and Branding Agency is continuously engaging in resource mobilization initiatives to enable adequate funding for its programs.
www.brand.ke |
January 2021 ISSUE
a. Drafting Proposals
The Kenya Export Promotion and Branding Agency is continuously engaging in resource mobilization initiatives to enable adequate funding for its programs. In its efforts to achieve this, the agency organized a three-day workshop to build the capacity of its teams in drafting, negotiation and management of funding agreements with development partners. The workshop was facilitated by officers from the National Treasury and Office of the Attorney General and the Department of Justice. The agency also took this opportunity to appraise the team on the various partners they are engaging with a view of building a strategic relationship with them to enable the agency deliver on its mandate.
Participants during the capacity building workshop
b. EXPO Dubai 2020
In preparation for Expo Dubai 2020, members of staff from KEPROBA attended a three-day highlevel workshop in Naivasha. The theme of the expo is “Connecting Minds, Creating the Future”. The three sub-themes are Sustainability, Opportunity and Mobility. Kenya will be participating under the Opportunity sub-theme. The Kenya Pavilion will have eleven theme weeks covering a broad range of topics that are relevant to the expo. These theme weeks are as follows: 4 Space 4 Climate and biodiversity 4 Urban and rural development 4 Health and wellness 4 Tolerance and inclusivity 4 Golden Jubilee 4 Knowledge and learning 4 Travel and connectivity 4 Global goals 4 Water 4 Food, agriculture and livelihoods To learn more about how corporates and individuals can participate in Expo Dubai 2020, please click on the following link: https://www.brand.ke/index.php/ expo2020dubai/472-apply-to-exhibit-in-worldmarket-initiative-programme
2. STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT a. Made in Meru Products
A team from KEPROBA visited Meru county to profile the export potential of products made and grown in the county. The products profiled included Miraa, Bananas, Coffee, Purple Tea, Leather and Potatoes.
KEPROBA Team in Meru County during the product Profiling exercise
b. Thika SME Expo
The Kenya Export Promotion and Branding Agency participated in the Thika SME Expo that was held on the 29th and 30th of January at Mama Ngina Grounds. The theme of the Expo was “Harnessing SME Manufacturing Opportunities and Market Access. The agency gave advice to SMEs on export trade opportunities and value addition.
c. Product Development Program Phase Two
The Kenya Export Promotion and Branding 2020/2021 targeting twenty prioritized products Agency (KEPROBA) is rolling out the second (Tea; Fresh Cut roses and buds; Fresh or dried phase of the Product Development Programme Macadamia Nuts; Coffee; Manufactured tobacco and cigarettes; Goat Meat; Medicaments ; Men’s Clothing; Fresh cut flowers and buds; Preserved leguminous vegetables; Fresh or dried avocadoes; Pineapple Juice; Fresh or chilled vegetables; Iron and steel products; Food preparations; Salt; Preserved/canned pineapples; Soap detergents; Women’s clothing and Leather Products). The second phase is scheduled to begin on 1st February 2021 and will run for the duration of the month. It will cover enterprises in Bungoma, Kisii, Kisumu, Mombasa and Meru. To apply for participation, please use the two links below; https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI pQLSe2DxitH0ryFClHTHzBj9tDiMTl4eKzuzioJfyqDumQb3kJQ/viewform
“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” John Maxwell