Purchase the full issue at www.makemodern.com.au/issue26. In Issue 26, we MEET makers Kelly Liddle from Jeliquilts; rainbow lover Kristy Lea, Make Modern’s Creative Director and Quiet Play Patterns; and Cathy Victor from Cate Quilter. We MAKE curves with our stunning cover quilt, triangles become animals in the cutest baby quilt, and our notebook cover for the perfect place to jot down all of your new year plans. And we MOTIVATE you to join a quilting bee, with our guide to quilting bee etiquette and a gallery of Bee Hive quilts. ❤︎ Our rockstar quilter HollyAnne chats to special guest SuzyQuilts about hand-quilting, our math expert Alyce helps you work out how many pieces you can get from a fat quarter, and resident agony aunt Molli Sparkles discusses fabric on-trend, keeping your scraps under control, and being bombarded with fugly fabric by family members with subpar taste (no kidding)!