3D Printing and its positive impact on the world

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3D Printing and its positive impact on the world makenica.com/3d-printing-and-its-positive-impact-on-the-world May 2, 2021

Over the past few years, 3D printing services have made headlines worldwide, especially in India. To show some of the positive effects of 3D printing services worldwide, below is a list of few top examples (not in order of importance) that the technique makes a difference for the environment, health, society, and more.

Disaster relief The advantages of using 3D printing in Bangalore for numerous disaster relief activities have been abundantly clear in recent years. Field Ready, a tech-oriented NGO, used 3D printing services to render water pipe fittings and washers on the fly after the April 2015 earthquake in Nepal, which was perhaps the most effective application of 3D printing services for disaster relief. In other words, the ability of 3D printing services to provide spare parts can assist people in crisis zones in rebuilding facilities more efficiently. From another perspective, Japanese designers created the X VEIN, a 3D printed drone designed primarily for rapid disaster relief and search and rescue missions.


Similarly, a range of building 3D printing firms, such as Contour Crafting, have stated that their in situ 3D printing technology could be applied to disaster zones to restore homes at a low cost, time, and labor.

Affordable housing The disaster relief application for 3D printing in Bangalore can have an impact outside of disaster zones, as 3D printed housing has been touted as a viable alternative for lowincome housing. New Story and ICON made headlines for their $4,000 3D printed home. The 3DP method used for the build is capable of building a single storey, 600-800 square foot house in less than 24 hours. It is ultimately intended for manufacturing housing in developing areas. Framlab, a creative design firm, has suggested developing 3D printed pods to help house New York's homeless and, potentially, to tackle homelessness in all cities. The Homed pod project comprises a prefabricated exterior aluminum shell with 3D printed polycarbonate inner modules and a customized set of interiors.

Children's prosthetics that are affordable, fashionable, and functional Almost immediately after affordable 3D printing services became viable, scores of initiatives centered on using them to manufacture prosthetics at affordable prices for people in developed countries or infants. The e-Nable association was among the first, but there were several more who followed. In terms of difficulty and scope, projects like Open Bionics and businesses like 3D Life Prints brought it to the next level. OpenBionics, for example, is an open-source project dedicated to the creation of low-cost, lightweight, flexible robot hands and prosthetic devices that can be quickly replicated using off-the-shelf materials. Their robot hands are under $100 and weigh under 200g, while their new anthropomorphic prosthetic hand is under $200 and weighs under 300g. Glaze Prosthetics makes prosthetics cool by using 3D printing services. The corporation wanted to assist struggling amputees by using their situation to benefit by providing them with superhero apparel – truly amazing 3D printed prosthetics.

Less pollution = more effective transportation. Hundreds of pages may be written about the advantages that industrial 3D printing Bangalore offers to industries such as aerospace, aircraft, automobile, and even energy production. However, in terms of direct benefits to society, using 3D printing in Bangalore in advanced production can be beneficial in various respects.


Reduce waste, for example, and produce on-demand—one of the most significant advantages in weight reduction by part geometry optimization. Only with AM can this become cost-effective, and soon, it will cut pollution from airlines and vehicles by millions of tonnes. In addition, many new metal direct energy-based 3D printing technologies (powder bed fusion and directed energy deposition) use a lot of energy. This, though, is an entirely relative question of whether the energy used is derived from renewable sources located close to the manufacturing facility. Furthermore, emerging innovations such as production-level metal binder jetting can dramatically minimize energy consumption.

Coral reef conservation Coral reefs are some of the most abundant habitats on the planet, but they are still some of the most vulnerable. Growing water temperatures have wreaked havoc on aquatic environments in recent years, and they are not supposed to live for much longer. A series of new attempts to use 3D printing services to reinvigorate coral growth and sustain the numerous marine organisms that live in the reefs have helped alleviate the bleak reality of coral reefs. Emerging Objects, SECORE organization, and Boston ceramics are leading one such endeavor, consisting of 3D printing settlement substrates that fulfill the needs of coral larvae and the criteria for successful reef restoration. Fabien Cousteau (grandson of renowned oceanographer Jacques Cousteau) has also pushed to incorporate artificial 3D-printed coral into reefs. Real coral structures can be mimicked thanks to 3D printing services' ability to produce internal geometries and textures. The hope is that by releasing these coral lookalikes into the ocean, coral polyps will flourish around them, and species that depend on coral for defense will be able to survive.

Healthcare that is better and more affordable Though you might have known it, 3D printing in Bangalore is now being used to make medical and dental care more accessible and effective. Thousands of patients have now had custom, 3D-printed titanium and silicone implants inserted with outstanding performance. 3D printed spinal, hip, and knee replacements are becoming more popular as AM technologies enable lighter and more efficient structures. These facilitate bone integration (osseointegration) through complex trabecular and lattice structures. As scores of applications have been accepted by regulatory commissions in India, Europe, China, and the United States, almost all large implant manufacturing firms now offer them. 3/6

A similar condition is developing in the field of dental care. Orthodontic labs all over the world are using 3D technology to reduce the cost of dental treatment. 3D printing Bangalore can also create dental models, metal substitutes, and even temporary replacements. Soon, 3D printing in Bangalore will be used for permanent dental prosthetics made of advanced polymers, allowing anyone, anywhere, to have access to quality dental care. Furthermore, surgeons are gradually (though not nearly enough) using 3D printing in Bangalore to train for complicated procedures. Some of these procedures will be difficult to do without the ability for surgeons to plan for every eventuality by using realistic 3D printed models of the area (organs, veins, muscles, nerves) in which they would operate. There are several examples, but one that stands out from the others is the case of two conjoined twins that were successfully separated in 2017 with the help of 3D Systems technologies.

Organs printed in 3D. While 3D bioprinting is opening up incredible potential possibilities, the possibility of bioprinting organs like livers and kidneys is as far-fetched as criminals armed with 3Dprinted weapons taking over the planet. And some critical portions of the human body can now be 3D printed with biocompatible & bioresorbable materials. Thus saving patients' lives. Kaiba Gionfriddo, for example, was given a 3D printed trachea to help him recover from tracheobronchomalacia. Another widespread use of 3D printing organs is the production of implantable heart valves and bone grafts. In the not-too-distant future, 3D printing in Bangalore may be used to create cartilage implants, heart tissue, skin grafts, and even corneas. Bioprinting is now used in experimental drug production and research, and it is actively promoted in the cosmetics industry to eliminate the need for animal testing.

Preservation of cultural and archaeological sites The devastation of valuable pieces of art from humanity's history by ISIS and other extremist groups, such as the giant Buddhas in Afghanistan or the ancient city of Palmyra in Syria, stunned the world and inspired many artists, archaeologists, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to collaborate to restore, repair, or protect them from potential threats. 3D scanning and printing tools have been used to reconstruct and conserve priceless artifacts such as Tutankhamon's burial site and even the entire mummy and recreate portions of Palmyra city itself. Studio Factum Arte has worked on many of these incredible preservation programs.


Simultaneously, 3D printing can be used in education and make art and historical objects more accessible to people with vision or gesture impairments and those living in rural parts of the world. Giving a tangible shape to artwork or allowing people to touch replicas of objects that must be held under safe covers—and reproducing them virtually anywhere in the world— is dramatically transforming how people access and care about art and history. Materialize, a 3D printing service company recently went so far as to 3D print a full-size mammoth.

Health and laboratory equipment that is easily accessible On a global scale, additive manufacturing is assisting in the democratization of innovation. To design and test a product, you don't need a lot of money or access to industrial production equipment; all you need is a 3D printer and some imagination. This has shown itself in some remarkable ways, with numerous innovators designing medical products and lab instruments to assist patients who do not have access to cuttingedge medical facilities. Researchers from RMIT University in Australia, for example, recently created a 3D printable smartphone clip-on microscope that could aid remote and emerging populations in determining the quality of drinking water and diagnosing parasites or malaria. The low-cost and easily available device has also been made open-source, allowing everyone to replicate it. Another intriguing idea from UC Berkeley is a 3D printed oral delivery device for vaccines. Though still in progress, the 3D printed MucoJet technology could render needle-free vaccines possible within the next decade, making them simpler to deliver in areas of the world with insufficient skilled personnel and access to sterilized injection sites.

STEM education 3D printing is becoming increasingly relevant in promoting and encouraging STEM education among young students. Because of the capacity to create physical objects, the technology allows children to learn about and interact with a wide range of topics in a hands-on manner. With 3D printers designed especially for the classroom and initiatives like GE Additive's Education Program, an increasing number of children learn about 3D modeling, CAD, programming, and production processes through 3D printing. With kid-friendly tools and 3D printers, even young children will learn about the manufacturing and 3D modeling programs. In other cases, 3D printing is being used to create tactile models to help students learn about topics such as mental health, robotics, and more. Overall, the creativity afforded by 3D printing makes it an ideal technology for exposing students to various science, 5/6

technology, engineering, and math topics.

Read More : A quick guide to injection molding


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