M Magazine #15

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It’s finally spring! After months of winter darkness, it’s nice to see the light and feel a new burst of energy. Make Up Store celebrates its 15th anniversary in 2011, marking another important milestone for the company and its founder Mika Liias. He had a dream about a world of colours, and his dream continues to become reality, with 200 Make Up Store boutiques now in 23 different countries throughout the world. You can read more about the Make Up Store success story on page 24. Spring also marks a time when you should update your makeup bag. So it’s out with the old and in with new products and colours suited to the new season. Did you know, for example, that you should have two shades of foundation? One darker and one lighter, which you should blend together depending on the season. Remember to always try out your foundation on your neck to find the the right tone. Visit one of our stores and our fantastic staff will help you negotiate the jungle of foundations to find the right one for you. The best thing about spring is the launch of our new look, Pixel. Fun and vibrant, Pixel’s artistic and graphical style is this season’s trend setter. Find out more about Pixel on page 2. It’s a look that requires some technique so I’m planning to sign up for a group course to make sure I can recreate it with no difficulties. A group course is a great way to spend time and have fun with some friends – why not make it part of a birthday party, night out or hen party? It’s a guaranteed evening packed with laughter and knowledge. That’s the reason Make Up Store exists – to pass on our knowledge and at the same time inspire you. Remember, knowledge is power! Enjoy! Maria Cederblom

PHOTO: Christopher Schmidt Makeupartist: Rikku Campo HAIR: Bertrand.W STYLIST: Jonas Hallberg MODEL: Katie Nauta/LA Models 2 6 8 10 20 24 26 32 34 44 46 54 56

Editor in chief Publisher Art Director Contributing Photographers

Pixel 65 66 The history of makeup 74 Dannii Minouge 76 Are You Game? 86 Grace 88 Mika Liias 98 Bohemian Chic 106 IMC Release Your Inner Animal 108 114 Cityguide - Berlin 116 Color Aquatic 124 Store of the year 126 Choose Your Own Path

Grooming Nail It Mika Van Leeuwen Dressage Black Vanilla Gallery Please, Please Me How to apply - Day makeup Peek A Boo Marcus Larsson City Of Angeles How to apply - Party makeup The Story Of Eve

136 138 143 144 145 146 148 156 157 158 160

Daniel Sobiesniewski Disco Delirium Courses How to apply - Bronzing Products in focus Joe Labero Bare Visuals Backstage Become a VIP World of colors Pricelist

Maria Cederblom Mika Liias Fanny Reinholtz Mårten Levin, Joakim Karlsson, Eric Satten, kambiz inanloo, dodz larysa, fotografgruppen.se, chris colls, joshua allen, johan augustin, kristian schmidth, lisa hasselgren, itti karuson, ulfman, nina merikallio, oskar gyllenswärd, christine bangsgaard, olof händén, christopher schmidth, caroline roosmark, sophie dreijer, daniel choinacku, magda zych.

Contributing Writers Translation Proof reading Contributing Makeupartists

Maria Cederblom, Charmaine Ertas, johan augustin, Ewa Hordynska Maria Cederblom keith moore, katarina gråberg, elin andersson Vadim Stepanov, Fredrik Stambro, PEERAPAT SAWASDICHAINANTHA, Daniel Sobiesniewski, Peter Díar, karin westerlund, rikku campo, deshawn hatcher, jeanette törnqvist, janne suono, therese eriksson, pari damani, kevon epstein, tarryn kelly, william värnild, olle johansson.

Contact Print

magazine@makeupstore.se Printall AS Printinghouse All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission from Make Up Store AB is strictly prohibited. M welcomes new contributors but can assume no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. © 2011 Make Up Store AB.


Pixel is the playful and colorful look of the spring. It´s graphical, artistic and explores new exiting shapes of makeup. Lead the way and define your eyes with vibrant colors of orange, green and yellow in futuristic silhouettes. Bring out the makeup artist in you!

PHOTO: Kambiz Inanloo makeupartist: Vadim Stepanov, Hair: Carina Finnström


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SPRINGlook PIXEL Makeup TIP, To create this graphical and artistic look you´ll need quality brushes. Great tools are first and last with makeup and to achieve straight lines you´ll need a thin eyeliner brush and a brush to blend the eye shadows.

used products, Nailpolish Lucia, Annelie, Kristel Eyepencil Seduced By The Dark Twingloss Lead Microshadow Fade, Beautiful Morning Eyedust Hectic, Dreamlike

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PHoto: Dodz Larysa



The history of m akeup

in different cultures.

From first being used for hunting and during warfare, to becoming the third most lucrative industry in the U.S.; makeup has evolved immeasurably in the last 7,000 years. TEXT: Johan AugustiN

The first colours: black and brown, were part of the nature, and used as camouflage during hunting. Different coloured mud meant that red and yellow were the shades that followed. In 5,000 B.C., men and women wore makeup while at war in Mesopotamia (now called Iraq). The Egyptians were one of the first to start wearing powder; using iron-rich yellow earth to protect against the sun. Egyptian women applied coal around their eyes, and used a mixture of green copper and lead to create a turquoise eye shadow. Blush was made from pulverized mud, and was used to colour lips and cheeks. Their hands and feet were made pink with henna.

”Egyptian women applied coal around their eyes, and used a mixture of green copper and lead to create a turquoise eye shadow.” At Egyptian excavations, archaeologists have found spoons, palettes, bowls and pounders, which were used to mix and grind the makeup. Mirrors, combs, curling irons, and boxes of charcoal pencils and eye

shadows have also been found. Higher society Egypti ans covered their bodies with scented oils, and Cleopa tra is believed to have bathed in ass’ milk. In ancient Rome, a thick layer of white lead was used on the face, throat and shoulders. Wealthy women had female slaves who managed their body and hair. And bear fat was used to create perfume, and colours were made from carbon compounds, ants’ eggs and squashed flies. Only the women of ancient Rome used makeup, whilst the men groomed their beards, hair and nails. In China, rice starch was used as powder – a custom later exported to Japan and Europe. Geishas made themselves up with layers of pink and white. In Tokyo the pink was applied first, and vice versa in Kyoto. To create the porcelain-look skin, a short-haired brush was used. Then blush was applied on the cheeks, eye lids, and nose. To finish, white rice powder was applied to the eyebrows and eyelashes. Queen Elizabeth I of England typified the pale look in the country during the middle of the 16th Century. She M | 7

used white lead and masks of egg white, ground ala baster, and mud to enhance her natural paleness. Women shaved off their eyebrows and painted blue veins on their temples; an influence from Venice. Pale skin was considered beautiful – it was only the common workers who were tanned. A lot of different tricks were used to try to block the sun’s rays, and the Queen encouraged questions about her appearance. She combined her pale skin with red lips and cheeks. Eye makeup was considered vulgar.

”Eye makeup was considered vulgar.” At the beginning of the 20th century, it was primarily theatre actors and actresses who wore makeup in the Europe and the U.S. France was the first country to embrace makeup, with lots of small businesses making mixtures in their basements. This was despite many of the mixtures damaging the skin. European and American consumers started to buy makeup at stores after the discovery of Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun in 1922.

Eyelashes, drama mascara, eye lash curler



Danniis favorite products



was a born entertainer and started working inshow business when she was just seven years old. She was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia, with her pop star sister Kylie Minogue. Dannii has released a number of albums throughout the years, including a greatest hits collection. More recently, she has come to prominence as a judge on the popular British TV talent show, The X Factor. TEXT: Charmaine Ertas, PHoto: CHRIS COLLS

Congratulations on winning the recent X Factor final with your act Matt Cardle. How did that feel?

heavy makeup everywhere.

I was so happy for Matt. He had been sick for the last three weeks of the series and had pushed his voice to the point we were worried he would do permanent damage to it, but seeing that winning smile on his face made all the stress worth it. He’s an incredible singer and I hope his first Christmas number one sets the scene for his forthcoming solo album.

2010 has been a busy year for you: the book launch; your clothing and fragrance line Project D; The X Factor; and becoming a mother for the first time. How have you coped?

Lots of laughter! The funny thing is, I try and do it all because I love what I do, but getting the balance of work and family is a constant juggle – not to mention splitting that over two hemispheres!

What advice would you give to budding pop stars?

You need to get out there and do what you do. You may get discovered doing a small gig, on MySpace or on a show like The X Factor. Your clothes, hair and makeup on the X Factor came under constant scrutiny from the press. How did you cope with the pressure of always having to look flawless with all eyes on you?

I was happy to just be able to get out on stage without a nappy stuck to my shoe and baby vomit down my shoulder! I love the fact that we get to wear beautiful gowns and call it work! Twenty amazing frocks in 10 weeks was just a slice of Cinderella heaven. Christian Vermaak is my stylist for hair and makeup for all the shows, and we love creating different looks to suit the dress. This year we felt it would be less about the hair and more about the makeup and jewellery. Our favourite was gold eye shadow with big chandelier-style earrings. What makeup rules do you swear by? Do you have any top tips for looking ultra glam that you could share with M Mag readers?

Firstly, keep your skin looking clear by drinking plenty of water. Keep makeup as thin and sheer as possible. Try and highlight your best feature, rather than putting

bitha; two girlfriends who love clothes and beautiful things. We believe there are enough dresses in the world to go around if all the manufacturers closed today and never made another dress, but we just design stuff we both like, and hopefully other girls like it too. We are different shapes and sizes so between both our designs, the label suits most shapes.

”I have always loved makeup and love applying it.”

Make Up Store is a Swedish brand available in all four corners of the globe. When you want to get away from it all, where do you go to relax and find peace?

If you only had 10 minutes to get ready, what makeup would you make sure you apply before leaving the house, and why?

I can always escape to my parents’ house to be spoilt. I love summer holidays in Ibiza, which is where I met (boyfriend) Kris, and we love holidaying in Queensland in Australia – snorkelling on the reef chasing sharks is wild.

Eyelash curlers and mascara. It really opens the face. Then I would always have a cover up and some super sheer foundation. How important is makeup to your look?

What made you want to write your autobiography, My Story?

I had done an in-depth interview with Piers Morgan and it was actually so liberating to go back over things that had happened in my life that I wanted to expand on that and put it all in a book. I cover my early days growing up in Australia, to the whole roller-coaster ride of the entertainment industry and lots of personal stories.

”I absolutely love the variety of lashes available at Make Up Store.” You’re always streets ahead in the style stakes; tell us about your clothing line Project D. What’s your inspiration for the brand?

Project D has been created by me and my friend TaM | 9

I have always loved makeup and love applying it – it’s kind of meditative. I get to work with amazing makeup artists and learn the tricks of application by watching their every move. Mostly, I wear very little in my day-today life away from all the cameras, but I love to get fully glammed up for an event. What are you favourite Make Up Store products?

I absolutely love the variety of lashes available at Make Up Store, it’s a great way to change up your look. A few single lashes add some drama to your makeup, which is great for an evening event. What’s next for ’Team Minogue’?

Australia’s Got Talent and then more Project D!

PHOTOGRAPHER: Joshua Allen, Makeupartist: Fredrik Stambro HAIr: Tuan Anh Tran MODEL: Valeria, Women

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MAKEUP TIP, Graphical makeup is hot this spring. You create this eye makeup by blending eye shadows with Blend & Fix. Apply with an eyeliner brush for precision.

USED produCTS, Cybershadow Ra Microshadow Toxic, White, Pink Frost, Beautiful Morning, Eyepencil Sparkling Beach Angled Eyeliner M | 12

MAKEUP TIP, Let your blush blend into your eye makeup. Apply with circular motions, getting more intense as you move towards the eye.

USED produCTS, Blush Must Have, Metal Cherry Microshadow Lemon Lipstick Crust Lippencil Sandstorm

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MAKEUP TIP, Do you find it hard to tone eye shadow? Good brushes are everything. Globe Blending Large makes creating smokey eyes a piece of cake.

USED produCTS, Microshadow Nox, Cotton Candy, Muffin, Deadly, Lemon, Blush Metal Cherry Lipstick Oh La La, Senorita, Exit Eyepencil Deep Blue Sea

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MAKEUP TIP, Be creative! Makeup is all about being artistic. Copy this look by using a blue eye shadow and a damp makeup sponge. Apply with different pressures depending on the intensity of the look.

USED produCTS, Lipstick China Red Microshadow Deep Blue, Bubble Eyedust Brilliance Finger Sponge Eyepencil Black Drama Mascara M | 16

MAKEUP TIP, Strong eye makeup is best suited to a natural base and bare lips. Leave the mascara and let the colours speak for themselves.

USED produCTS, Microshadow Lemon, Deep Blue Eyedust Bamboo Cybershadow Babydoll

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MAKEUP TIP, For the eyeliner, use colours other than black, grey and brown. Gold suits blue eyes and looks great during the summer with a tan.

USED produCTS, Eyepencil Czar Microshadow Deep Blue, Upper East, Bubble Blend & Fix Blush Ginger, Terra M | 18

MAKEUP TIP, Make your eyeliner last longer by applying black eye shadow over the top – it’s perfect party makeup.

USED produCTS, Eyepencil Black Sparkling Loose Powder Frosted Silver Micronized Compact Powder Milk Blush Must Have Microshadow Nox M | 19


Summerlook grace

She´s romantic, passionate and tender. She´s a true bohemian (chic) at heart and adores nature. Her makeup is sheer and inspired by the pastel colors of a summer meadow. Lilac, soft pink and green enhances her eyes and her lips have a luscious gloss. Her favorite flowers are peonies, roses and tulips. She´s Grace.

PHOTO: Kambiz Inanloo makeupartist: Olle Johansson, Hair: Carina Finnström

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Summerlook grace USED produCTS,


Lipstick Perfect Match, First Kiss Nailpolish Young, William Microshadow, Carpe Diem Cybershadow, Bordeaux, Sapphire Eyedust Fantasy Blush Lippencil Fabulous Rose Eyepencil Romantic Garden, Clouded Sky

To create the romantic Grace look you work with the same color of eye shadow but with different intensity. Use a brighter shade towards the nose and work your way towards the temples with stronger colors. Use eye shadows and eye pencils for contrasts on both color and texture. M | 22

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Summerlook grace


Mikas favorite products The Black Creme, Oriental Body Scrub, Prime & Protect



It started in a basement with a dream. Fifteen years later, there are more than 200 of Mika Liias’ Make Up Store boutiques in 23 different countries. TEXT: maria cederblom, PHOTO: KAMbiz

Your goal was to create a world of colour. How does it feel to be living your dream?

Amazing! The journey from my basement through to today has been educational and rewarding from the beginning. I started with nothing besides a dream. It proves you can make it with a positive outlook, stubbornness and faith in yourself. Even though we are one of the most successful and fastest growing companies in the Nordics, I think it’s dangerous to sit back and relax – you’re on thin ice as an entrepreneur then. My creativity, curiosity and strong will to improve continues to drive me and the company to new heights.

”..you can make it with a positive outlook, stubbornness and faith in yourself.” When you look back on the last 15 years, what are your best memories?

I have a lot of great memories, and many more to come. I remember the feeling when we opened our first store 15 years ago; it was an amazing experience. All of my colleagues who started on this journey with me are still a part of the company. As a successful entrepreneur yourself, who are your role models?

Ingvar Kamprad (IKEA founder) is an inspiration, but my colleagues and store employees inspire me just as much. What’s your driving force?

My colleagues: they give me so much in return. Finding solutions to problems also triggers something in me. Do you ever relax, or do you eat, sleep and breathe Make Up Store?

I relax on my travels, and I love my greenhouse at home. What are you most proud of?

I’m proud of the whole concept. We’re foremost an

educational brand, so our makeup courses are very close to my heart – if you haven’t tried a course yet, you have to! Everyone can learn how to apply makeup. You can take a course a number of times throughout the year to suit the season or occasion. I’m also proud of our inspiring staff who take care of our customers with the upmost consideration and service. Every day, I receive emails from satisfied customers that praise our staff for always going that extra mile.

”..together, we can improve the lives of many children” new products, and we’re expanding the company at mega speed. M-Magazine continues to inspire people all over the world; our club’s expanding; and the economy is starting to stabilise again after the recession. Anything’s possible if you only believe in yourself.

”I see a bright future for Make Up Store!” Your interest in others has led to your involvement in a number of different charity projects; tell us more about your current one, Project Playground.

In 2009, we developed the eye shadow ’Charity’ to help support Noaks Ark and their important research into HIV and Aids. That resulted in a donation of more than half a million Swedish kronor (about $75,000), which was great. This year, we’re working with Project Playground, which was founded by Frida Vesterberg and Sofia Hellqvist. The project is based in Langa, one of the many townships in South Africa. Most of the children living there don’t have anything. At Project Playground, the children are given a sanctuary from their poverty, and are given the chance to just be children. They can choose to participate in sports, arts, or play with other children. Project Playground also caters for handicapped children at the center. Together we’ve developed the lipgloss ’Playground’. Every penny goes directly to their important work, and and hopefully, together, we can improve the lives of many children. Finally, how does the future look for Make Up Store?

I see a bright future for Make Up Store! We’ve always been a cutting edge brand, and will continue to be. We develop constantly and have lots of exciting ideas. The range of products will be updated with thrilling M | 25

co worker, of the year goes to a person who´s been a part of the company since the beginning and was our first employee. Over the years she has gone from a makeup artist education at IMC to course leader, shop assistant, establisher to staff manager and in charge of new countries. I proudly present one of my inspiring co workers Melina Strand.


Chic photo: Eric Satten, Makeupartist: William Värnild Makeupartist assistent: Sara Stenevard, hair: Sara Widell MODELs: Astrid, bea, mikaela

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MAKEUP TIP, Are you blessed with freckles? Don’t hide them – use a thin, natural base which enhances them.

USED produCTS, Microshadow Sugarpink Cake Eyeliner Black Tri Brow Color Cybershadow Baby Doll Sport Foundation Leche Eyelash Miss Lipstick Naked M | 27

MAKEUP TIP, Use Eye Primer and a thin concealer to make your eye shadow long lasting and durable. Use a bright, pearly eye shadow starting at the inner eye, and follow your eye towards your temples with a dark blue eye shadow. Use a soft brush for a smooth look.

USED produCTS, Cybershadow Buzzer Microshadow Muffin Eyelashes Doll Eyepencil Cocabana Mascara Long Lash Black Duo Brow Color Lippgloss Virgin Lipstick Citrus

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MAKEUP TIP, Work white eye shadow under the eye towards the cheekbones. This will give you a fresh and lively look.

USED produCTS, Tri Brow Color Studio Foudation Cream Microshadow White, Deadly, Velvet Max Lashes Eyelashes Miss Lipstick China Red Twin Gloss Raspberry Lipencil Neutral Cover All Blue

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Inter national Make Up Center, IMC - The first International Make Up Center opened its doors in Stockholm 20 years ago. In addition to Stockholm, today the school also has locations in Gothenburg and Malmö, as well as other countries throughout the world. Here some of the IMC’s teachers and students share their thoughts about the school and the future of makeup. TEXT: Johan Augustin PHoto: Johan Augustin

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Emelie Lindberg,

M aria Baykal,

Emilie Lindberg has just completed a 10-week course.

Maria Baykal has just finished the 20-week course, and enjoyed her experience.

Olle Johansson, Make Up Store’s head makeup artist, and has been the IMC’s head teacher since the spring of 1991.

What are you going to do this spring?

”I would like to freelance as a makeup artist for TV and the theatre,” said Emilie, who has just been hired as a Make Up Store shop assistant. ”I didn’t need the character part since I’ll be focusing on beauty.” Emilie said that the course is intense, but opens up lots of opportunities for those who take it.

It was very educational,” Maria said. ”I think your should do the 20 weeks so you get the character part as well.” Maria added that the best things about the school were the teachers and the chance to make valuable industry contacts.

Do you have any special memories from your time studying at the IMC?

We were the first school. There wasn’t a makeup school in Sweden at the time.” Olle said. ”In the beginning, model agencies and photographers were suspicious of us – they didn’t think we were serious, but that changed with time,” Olle continued. ”Soon they were convinced about our seriousness.” Olle is one of four teachers at the IMC in Stockholm; he has two colleagues teaching in Gothenburg and three in Malmö. The schools run three classes a day during the week: one each in the morning, afternoon and evening. There are also classes every other weekend.

”Olle singing and dancing! Everyone that you meet that also has a degree from IMC asks the same question: ’is Olle still the head teacher?’ The teachers are the best thing about the course. They teach with passion, are committed to what they do and keep us upto-date with trends.”

Do you wa nt to become a makeup artist? We offer 10 and 20-week courses. For more information, please contact us: Head office phone: +46 (0) 8-588 322 02 info@internationalmakeupcenter.se, www.internationalmakeupcenter.se Stockholm Kungsholmsgatan 15 Göteborg Kungsgatan 48 Malmö Östra Rönneholmsvägen 5 Tampere Hämeenkatu 13 B Helsinki Annankatu 31-33 D 59

What are the differences between the school now and back in 1991?

Bangkok The Offices at Central World TALLINN Pärnu mnt 10/Väike-Karja 12 Vilnius Vokiečiu g. 13, Amsterdam Heiligeweg 9 Trondheim Dronningens Gate 20

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”I have improved my teaching skills over the years,” said Olle. ”You learn what’s important and you stick to the core principles.” Every now and again, men do attend the classes, often with the aim of learning to take better photographs of makeup, studying how to make masks or learning how to create scars and wounds. Three former IMC students have earned the prestigious makeup artist prize: The Elle award. Another former student, Linda Öhrström, was Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden’s makeup artist for her wedding day, which was watched by millions all over the globe. It takes 10 weeks to complete the IMC’s beauty course, which is extended to 20 weeks when the character makeup for theatre and film is included.

Producers: Justin Polkey and Kristian Schmidt, PhOTO: Kristian Schmidt, Makeup & hair: Kevon Epstein, Tarryn Kelly, STYLIST: Shin Ishizuka, STYLIST Assistent Glen Montgomery, MODELs: Max Models South Africa / Aniko Michnya, Maryke Pieterse, Natalia Aleksandrowa

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MAKEUP TIP, Natural eyebrows are trendy this spring. Let your own grow and enhance them with a matching colour. To avoid a harsh look, use a convertible brush when applying.

USED produCTS, Duo Brow Browcolor No 3 Brow Set Fix Clear Eyebrow Razor Tweezer Slant

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MAKEUP TIP, Do you easily get shiny during the day? Always fix your makeup with a transparent powder, which keeps your skin matte. Finish with Face Mist for a durable makeup.

USED produCTS, Sport Foundation Latte Blothing Powder Wonder Powder Gobi Face Mist Glosslips Puma Max Lashes Black

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USED produkter,


Blush Nut,Power Bronzing Powder Beam Wonder Powder Gobi High Tech Lighter Asteroid Rough Brush Angled

Enhance your contours with shading! Use a brown blush and an angled brush for the best result. Apply underneath the cheekbones for definition.

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MAKEUP TIP, Apply false eyelashes with Eyelash Applicator! Remember to always curl your own lashes before applying.

USED produCTS, Wonder Kit Lipstick Bare Lippencil Sandstorm Eyepencil Black Eyedust Goldglow Eyelash Foxy Lower

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MAKEUP TIP, Body Velvet is great during the summer! It’s mix of natural oils hydrates your skin and makes you smell fantastic. Mix with Wonder Powder Gobi for a wonderful fake tan.

USED produCTS, Body Velvet Wonder Powder Gobi Bronzing Powder Beam Microshadow Bronze, Old Gold, Rusty, Deadly

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USED produkter,


Microshadow Ashes, Deep Blue, Satin Eyepencil Deep Blue Sea Drama Mascara Wonder Powder Sahara Blush Power Glosslips Pink

Blue eye makeup with pink lips is both sensual and feminine. Apply a primer to the eyelid to make the eye shadow longer lasting. Use Microshadow Ashes on the entire eye, match with a blue eye pencil and lots of black mascara for flirty lashes.

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USED produCTS,


Powder Brush Ocean Blue Wonder Powder Gobi Bronzing Powder Tan Microshadow Old Gold, Bronze Eyedust 24 Carat Lipgloss Pot Sunglow

It’s easy to achieve a sun-kissed look. Use a big powder brush. Apply with circular motions to the forehead, cheeks, nose, chin and eyelids for a lovely look.



Since the fall of the Berlin Wall united the city in 1989, Berlin’s diverse, buzzing nightlife has made it a magnet for people interested in an alternative lifestyle and music. Famed for its tolerance and openness, and cheap compared to many other European capitals, Berlin’s attractions, history, shopping and party culture have made it one of the hottest cities in the world right now. TEXT: Johan Augustin PHoto: Johan Augustin

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Getting arou nd Walking is a great way to see Berlin, but remember that the distances between the districts can be huge. Locals use public transport, with the underground and overground train routes linking the city like a huge spider web. Buses are available round the clock and are an easy way to get around. Tickets are available at stations, as well as on the buses and the trains. Remember to validate your ticket before departure – the controllers can be as hard on tourists as Berliners. Travelling by taxi is another cheap way of getting around.

M AKE up store HAS OPENED IN BERLIN! Alexa Shopping Center Grunerstrasse 20

Weather The summers are hot, with temperatures reaching more than 30 degrees Celsius. The winters can be very cold with lots of snow. The many spectacular parks make Berlin a beautiful city in the spring and autumn.

Accommodation HOTEL ADELE Greifswalder Strasse 227, Prenzlauer Berg 030 443 243 10 Just a short walk from Alexanderplatz lies this cozy hotel inspired by 1920’s New York. With twelve specially designed rooms and two suites with marble bathrooms, you’ll find it hard to leave the comfort of this hotel, even for the nightlife just around the corner. MITART Linienstrasse 139-140, Mitte 030 283 90 430 Located in the heart of Berlin, a highlight of this this hotel is the constantly changing art exhibits. Shopping, clubs, restaurants and cafés are a stone’s throw away. Mitart is an environmentally friendly hotel, from the furniture and bedding, to the healthy breakfast. LUX 11 Rosa-Luxenburg-Strasse 9-13 030 93 62 800 A luxurious apartment hotel where you can cook your own food. Lies in Mitte, which is in the centre of the action. Renowned as one of Berlin’s most stylish hotels, because of its trendy interior full of colourful details.

Shopping The contrast between old and new is remarkable – from exclusive clothes to flea markets. Friedrichstrasse near Checkpoint Charlie is a new shopping street filled with

exclusive stores and malls, like Galeries Lafayette and Departmentstore Quartier. Kadewe in Charlottenburg is Europe’s second largest department store, where it’s easy to get lost, but a great place to stroll around and window shop. Every Sunday you can visit one ofthe many flea markets in Berlin. Try Mauerpark, Boxhagener Platz and Arkonaplatz for great second-hand shopping.

Night Life BERGHAIN Am Wriezener Bahnhof, Friedrichshain 030 29 36 02 10 The former power plant has become one of Berlin’s hottest night clubs, hosting famous DJs playing a combination of electronic and techno music. There are two dance floors, and the Panorama Bar has a reputation that anything goes. The queue outside the club is longest at two in the morning, but even a wait is worth it for a day or night in Berghain. The club closes when the last guests stop dancing and go home. Only open at the weekend. WATERGATE CLUB Falckensteinstrasse 49, Kreuzberg A small nightclub near the river Spree with amazing views. During the summer when it gets sweaty on the dance floor, a cool dip in the river is fantastic. The lights in the ceiling combined with the music help make it a cool visual experience.

Tourist attr actions BRANDENBURG GATE Pariser Platz 1, Mitte An iconic symbol of Berlin, which was once surrounded with guards protecting the border between East and West Berlin. Located at the marketplace Pariser Platz. M | 45

EAST SIDE GALLERY Mühlenstrasse, Friedrichshain A remaining 1.3 kilometre stretch of the Berlin Wall which tourists can visit. Covered in art and writing, it stands as a reminder of the city’s unique history. TIERGARTEN The city’s biggest park where Berliners come to relax and unwind. It was destroyed during the war but has been fully restored. SCHLOSS CHARLOTTENBURG Spandaur Damm 030 320 914 40 The largest palace in Berlin, and Countess Sophie Charlotte’s summer residence. It’s a magnificent building filled with 19th-Century art and has a beautiful park.

Eating It can be very cheap to eat out in Berlin. For just a couple of Euros you can pick up something to eat from one of the many Middle Eastern eateries in Kreuzberg. For those in search of something more luxurious, Berlin has countless nice restaurants. Remember, cash is king on the streets of Berlin; many places don’t accept credit cards. HUGOS RESTAURANT Budapester Strasse 2, Intercontinental Berlin 030 260 212 63 Considered to be one of the best restaurants in Berlin, with celebrity chefs and the winner of countless awards. It’s a costly establishment, where the good food is served in front of a panoramic view of the city. WHITE TRASH FAST FOOD Schönhauser Allee 6-7, Mitte 030 503 486 68 A favourite among both Berliners and tourists, with American food on the menu. Live music acts help to create a great atmosphere. VAIMO Danziger Strasse 18, Prenzlauer Berg 030 484 956 55 A cozy restaurant serving traditional Italian food. You’ll get four courses for less than 25 Euros. Be sure to reserve a table as it’s always fully booked.

photo: Lisa Hasselgren, Makeup & hair: Pari Damani/Agent Bauer MODELs: Saga R, Fredrika L/MIKAs

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MAKEUP TIP, If you want a look that pops, use contrasting colours like red and blue. As an alternative, match green shades with red lips.

USED produCTS, Day Time Liquid Foundation Milk Microshadow Toxic, Deep Blue Blush Frozen Daiquiri Cybershadow Ra Aroma Balm Eyepencil Metallic Sea, Crazy lazy

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MAKEUP TIP, An easy trick to create an amazing look is to use the same colour of eye shadow on, and beneath the eye.

USED produCTS, Sensitive Foam Cleanser Cybershadow Cosmic, Crash Treatment Mascara Micronized Compact Powder Milky Nailpolish Clarissa

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MAKEUP TIP, Cybershadows and Microshadows work great as blush as well. Apply with a blush brush and smile. Apply blush where the cheek is thickest.

USED produCTS, Cover All Mix Cybershadow Ra Eyepencil Metallic Sea Sparkling Loose Powder Magic Bronze Brow Set Fix Clear

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MAKEUP TIP, If you want a natural look, blend your foundation with moisturiser for a thinner texture. Only apply concealer near the nostrils and below the eyes. Finish with Micronized Compact powder to seal the makeup.

USED products, Reflex Cover Light The Velvet Crème Liquid Foundation Milk Foundation Brush Cybershadow Cosmic, Ra, Buzzer Lipgloss Pot Imperial

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MAKEUP TIP, Create a unique gloss by blending your favourite Microshadow or Cybershadow with Glosslips Virgin.

USED products, Eyedust Perfect Microshadow Brownie, Ghetto, Moss, Lemon High Tech Lighter Asteriod Max Lashes Black Lippencil Sunset Glosslips Puma M | 52

Make Up Store is one of the fastest growing companies in the Nordic Countries, with more than 200 stores in 23 different countries. Each year one store is honoured with the prestigious ’Store of the Year’ award. A combination of sales statistics, marketing activities, and service are used to judge the winner. Make Up Store’s flagship Swedish boutique on Norrlandsgatan has been awarded the prize this year. Store manager Lina Ekh is known for her commitment and customer service. TEXT: Maria cederblom

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MAKE UP STORE STORE OF THE YEAR, 2010-2011 Tell us about your background.

I’m originally from Småland in Sweden. I was really interested in sports when I was young, especially basketball, and I played in some of the best leagues in Sweden. After years of intense training, my interest switched to fashion, which I pursued alongside my school work for many years. That’s how my awareness of service, colour and shapes grew. How did you first come into contact with Make Up Store?

After high school, a family friend recommended that I go to the International Make Up Center to try to get my makeup artist qualifications. She said that no other school could compete; this was the school to go to if you wanted to become a good makeup artist. So I packed my bags and moved to Stockholm. A couple of weeks into the course we got to practice in shops and I got stationed at Make Up Store’s on Drottninggatan in Stockholm. One day we were fully booked with private makeup lessons and there were a lot of customers, but one of the shop’s normal staff didn’t show up to work. The store manager asked me to hold two lessons, and after that I was hooked! I’ve been working at Make Up Store since 2005 and running the shop on Norrlandsgatan since 2007.

What’s your driving force, and how do you run a successful store?

I’m incredibly happy to be able to pursue my passion full-time, together with people that I really like. It doesn’t matter how strong you are as a leader, if none of the other staff is at the same level, then you won’t succeed. To lead a group successfully takes teamwork. Good leadership is the key to success. We have an amazing team, which keeps getting stronger and stronger. We’ve never been as solid as now. We’re loyal to one and other and talk a lot about everything. We have regular meetings where everybody gets to contribute with thoughts and ideas, which constantly makes us better colleagues and makeup artists. Another key to our success, is that we do fun stuff together to improve our relationships.

I was artistic and creative from an early age. At school, art classes were the most fun; I’ve spent many hours in front of a sketch pad. I was always the one who did my friends’ makeup for parties. I’ve always known that I wanted to educate and guide people, so Make Up Store’s concept was the perfect fit!

Give us your best makeup tip.

Luxury peeling – blend Skin Serum with Cleansing Powder; you’ll get a velvety smooth peel which makes your skin read for makeup. What are your three favourite Make Up Store products?

The Velvet Creme is amazing to start with. Wonder Powder, which smooths out any imperfections. Finally, Mixing Liquid, which gives me the opportunity to vary the colour of my eyeliner, and fixes everything! Finally, what’s your best Make Up Store memory?

How do you succeed?

Drive, humility, team spirit, and joy are the biggest demands I make of myself and the team. That’s what it takes to create a successful store with returning customers. If you don’t have fun at work, you won’t give 120% of yourself to every customer who enters the store. What’s the best thing about running a Make Up Store?

Had you worked with makeup before? When did you realise that working with makeup was what you wanted to do?

see the possibilities every day. Set a good example for your staff and set goals; develop and encourage them. Remember to delegate; your staff will grow with responsibility. Lastly, remember to have fun!

The gratitude and response from the customers and my staff: Everything from finding a suitable lipstick for a customer who has been looking for the right products for years, to getting a thank you from your staff for inspiring and developing them. What advice would you give others who would like to start or run a Make Up Store?

Keep your feet on the ground, smile, be positive, and M | 55

I had an older lady for a private lesson a few years back. She had never used makeup before, and complained that she’d been told for her entire life she looked angry. Her coarse features led people to view her in a negative way. After some brow plucking and an hour of makeup magic, the result was a lady with a softer look. She looked both younger and happier. When I asked if she was pleased, she started to cry – she didn’t stop until all of the makeup was gone! There I was with a very happy customer with no makeup left on and long stripes of mascara running down her cheeks. She apologised and explained that she’d been so beautiful during those moments, that it made her cry. Today she’s a regular customer at Make Up Store and has everything from us!

PHOTO: Itti karuson, assistent: Tawin Mukdharakosa/Pattarawut Suknithipol, Makeupartist: PEERAPAT SAWASDICHAINANTHA stylist: Sirida Sarasri, HaiR: Yuthasil Silprasert, MOdel: Kadri E/ Fame Management Bangkok

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MAKEUP TIP, Match your lip makeup and your eye makeup for a trendy look, using dramatic false eyelashes. Make Up Store has a wide selection of eyelashes to choose from.

USEd produCTS, Body Velvet Sport Foundation Leche Microshadow Lemon Cybershadow Ra Blend & Fix

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MAKEUP TIP, Lace patterns are easy to do: Use a black eye shadow against a lace fabric to make the pattern pop – it’s spectacular at parties.

USED produCTs, Microshadow Pollution Powder Puff Cybershadow Silver, Crow Strazz Diamond Lipstick Black Orchid Glitter Hologram

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MAKEUP TIP, Use colour on your eyebrows! It’s an easy way of making your makeup more interesting. Fill them, as usual, with an eyepencil, and enhance the colour by applying an eye shadow on top.

USED produCTS, Eyepencil Metallic Sea Microshadow Deep Blue Lipstick China Red Lippencil Russian Blush Metal Cherry Loose Powder Milk M | 59

MAKEUP TIP, Party makeup: Clean your skin with a gentle cleanser for your eyes and a deep cleanser for your face. Make sure you moisturise afterwards.

USED produCTS, Dual Active Remover Intensive Foam Remover Cleansing Towel Night Time Studio Foundation Cream Cybershadow Silver Lipgloss Virgin Eyedust Latin Microshdow Deep Blue Eyepencil Metallic Sea, Deep Blue Sea Eyelash Edna

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MAKEUP TIP, Make your own eyelashes by cutting feathers and applying them like regular eyelashes.

USED produCTS, Cybershadow Ra, Babydoll Lipstick Oh La La Eyedust Amazonas, Bamboo Liquid Foundation Milk Sensitive Mascara Black

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USED produCTS,


Haircare Messy Hairspray Schampoo Conditioner Microshadow Toxic Eyepencil Crazy Lazy, Sparkling Beach Colored Mascara Turquoise

To create this hairstyle, curl your hair and use the styling product Messy for a wild look. Finish with hairspray and pin in the back.

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how to apply GROOMING

GROOMING There are a few shortcuts that can help you to start the day feeling fresh and looking awake. CK CREME THE BLA


STEP 1 Skin care is as essential for men as for women. Go with good quality products which are suited to your needs. Men tend to have more oily skin than women and therefore need a hydrating facial cream. A cleanser and a toner are other essentials.



STEP 2 A cooling eye cream is a perfect way to reduce dark circles after late nights and early mornings.


STEP 3 A concealer should be a part of every man’s toiletry bag; it can easily hide blemishes or cover up dark circles. Apply a dot of it under the eye, and then even it out with your fingers. STEP 4 Foundation is used for making the skin tone even. Use a foundation brush to achieve a natural look. There are lots of different types of foundation to suit everyone. Ask our excellent staff to find the right product and shade for you.


STEP 5 Your eyebrows frame your face. The painless way of keeping them neat is Make Up Store’s Eye Brow Razor. A tip is to have your eyebrows plucked by us, so afterwards you only have to follow the shape of the eyebrows already there.



STEP 6 Mens’ foreheads, noses, and chins are prone to become oily throughout the day. Apply a mattifying and transparent powder on those areas with a large powder brush and your skin will be matte all day.


STEP 7 Sculpt your perfect hairstyle with any of Make Up Store’s waxes. Muddy is recommended for a matte look which keeps your hair in place.


STEP 8 Ready to take on the world!

phoTO: Jkfphoto


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Don’t miss our men’s VIP evenings! You’ll get tips and advice from makeup artists and 20% off our range of products if you become a member. Contact your nearest store and sign up today!

nail it

functional sportswear, which let your skin breathe and helps make exercise easier. Previous collections featured classic underwear and jeans with a trendy twist. You’ll find everything on our website. www.liias.se.

PHOTO: Jkfphoto, STYLIST: Therese eriksson, MODELS: Simon, henrik, patrik, jesper, josefin

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USED products, Nailpolish Lea

clothes Brief Active M140 Men tend to have a more oily skin than women. Therfore is great to apply a mud mask once a week. Mud Mask work deep cleansing and remove dead skin cells.

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used products, Nailpolish Elin

clothes Sport Tights Spa Soap Mint helps cool your skin. With ingredients like mint, pepper, and lemon, you’ll have a refreshing shower.

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used products, Nailpolish Petra

clothes M130 Use Anti Fire after shaving. The smooth texture contains aloe vera which soothes and cools your skin.

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USED products, Nailpolish Vera

clothes T-shirt V-neck Boxer Active H100 Don´t forget to take care of your cuticles. Use Cuticle Care Oil to soften them.

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used products, Nailpolish Greta

clothes Brief Comfort Sleeveless Hoodie Nail polish is a must this season! This cool nail polish give your nails an extra dimension. Paint a layer of Aqua Fix and follow with two layers of Hologram Greta for this cool effect.

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Eye Cool Stick is perfect for those days when you need a little extra help to wake up. The eye cream gives a cooling sensation and reduces dark circles and puffiness, and hydrates the delicate skin below the eye.

USED products, Nailpolish Agnetha

clothes Sport Pants

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Muddy is a fibre wax which adds both texture and control with a matte finish. Warm the wax in the palms of your hands and use your fingers to create a ’messed up’ look.

USED products, Nailpolish Henric

clothes Sport Tights

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Mikas favourite favoritprodukter products Liquid Foundation, Penslarna, the brushes,Eyedusts Eyedusts

Mikas makeup tip gorgeous daytime look in five minutes a gorgeous daytime look has a nice natural base. Define your face with some blush on the cheeks and use a soft eyeliner on the eyes, lots of mascara, and a nice gloss on the lips. The quick and easy way to fake a tan The best way to fake a tan is to use a bronzing powder or gel. What I like the most is mixing a bronzing gel with a day cream: put a little bit of both in your hand, mix it and put in on your face. If you want more intensity you can use a bronzing powder. Apply it with a 30% covering brush for a soft effect. The more you put on, the more tanned you become of course.


MIKA van Leeuwen,

is a young talented hair and makeup artist from The Netherlands. Despite of his young age he´s already worked with the biggest shows and his career flourish. The stars line up to work with him and his driving force is his love of makeup. TEXT: Maria Cederblom

When did you know that you wanted to be a hair and makeup artist?

I started styling my girlfriends’ Barbie dolls at a very young age. A few years later I stole my mother’s makeup, and I touched and felt what it did. When I was 12, I knew what makeup was and I knew I was destined to make people more beautiful. At first I started trying makeup out on myself. I was like a big doll, and it looked awful of course, but it did give me the feeling, the love and the drive that I needed to be where I am now. What kind of education do you have?

I wasn’t very good at theory lessons at high school; I needed to be creative and do something with my hands and connect with people. It wasn’t really working for me at high school until one of my teachers said to me: ’Mika, what is it that you really like?’ I told her that I wanted to make people feel good about themselves. The teacher and I did some research and found that if I wanted to be an all-rounder, it was best to start with hair, before moving on to makeup later on. I started working at a beauty salon when I was 15. I became a successful hair stylist very quickly, thanks to what I learnt at the Rob Peetoom Academy. Within a few years I had eight qualifications, and on paper I was an all-round hair and makeup artist.

”I needed to be creative and do something with my hands and connect with people.” Would you recommend working as an assistant before starting your own business?

Absolutely. After education you need experience. I think that experience is the most important thing in this bu-

siness. You can have all the qualifications in the world but you need to work. You learn the most in practice and by observing experienced professionals at work. I’m a fast learner but I’m still learning every day and trying to absorb every experience. The best thing about being an assistant is that you get a taste of what it is like to be an artist. I watched and tried to use everything that I saw, and found that there’s always something new to learn.

”Live the life you love, and love the life you live.”

everything. I love soft lines, and to create those you need good brushes. Who do you dream of working with?

I would love to work with David La Chapelle. He’s the most amazing photographer. He steps out of the comfort zone and dares to do it all in his own way, no matter what people say about it. He always rocks his pictures no matter what the situation is. Which makeup artists inspire you?

How long have you been in the industry?

Chaz Dean. I love his ambition and I admire the love he has for doing makeup. I can relate to him.

I’ve been in the industry since I was 15 years old. At the moment I have eight years of experience.

Do you live by a motto?

What’s the best thing about being a makeup artist?

Making people feel good about themselves. Whenever someone has a bad day I can turn it all around. When you are comfortable in your skin, you feel that you can conquer the world. What are your three favourite Make Up Store products?

Eyedusts. Not a specific colour but just the product itself. It’s one of the most amazing products from Make Up Store; it’s shiny, it’s young and it works on everybody. It’s not just a shiny eye shadow, it gives a special touch to your eye makeup by making the whole look more intense. Liquid Foundation. It’s the thinnest foundation there is. Because it doesn’t give 100% coverage, you can get a natural look, meaning you only have to use a little to look radiant and shine. Make Up Store Brushes. Professional Brushes are the base for good makeup, whether you’re aiming for a basic look or something extra. The way you apply makeup means M | 75

Live the life you love, and love the life you live. I believe you control 90% of your own life. You decide where it’s going. Stand behind every choice you make and love whatever comes out of it. What exciting projects do you have coming up?

I will advise women how to look beautiful in just a few easy steps, on different platforms like television and in magazines. I’ll also be working backstage during Amsterdam International Fashion Week (AIFW). What do you like to do when you have a day off work?

My work is my passion. I love everything regarding fashion and beauty. On my day off I love to shop, even if it’s just window shopping. Also, looking at beautiful articles, seeing what’s hot and happening, reading magazines. I also love eating; I enjoy having dinner with friends in the finest restaurants. And last but not least, singing in the shower. I find it very relaxing and I think I sound so good in the shower!

DRESSAGE photo: Nina Merikallio, Makeup & hair: Janne Suono, Makeup & hairassistent: Annika Muukkonen STYLIST: Teri Niitti, MODEL: Annchristin/M4 Models, horse: Conquistador S

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makeup TIP, Eyeliner used below the eye is effective. Use glossy eyeliner for a wet, glossy look. Apply with an eyeliner brush for a sharp and straight line.

used products, Gel Eyeliner Black Angled Eyeliner Eyepencil Black Lipstick Pretty Blush Sand

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makeup TIP, Colourful lips are beautiful with a clean face. Purple shades flatter brunettes; blondes look good with shades of red.

used products, Lipstick Senorita Lipppencil Gorgeous Plum Matte Foundation Cream Dual Foundation Helsinki M | 78

makeup TIP, Use Studio Foundation for a base which can survive sweat and tears. Apply with a moist makeup sponge for a natural look, or with a Foundation Brush for more coverage. Seal with Face Mist and your makeup will last all day.

used products, Studio Foundation Cream Cover All Mix Foundation Brush Dual Foundation Stockholm Face Mist

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makeup TIP, Highlighters are used to enhance your features. Use a makeup sponge and carefully apply to the cheekbones, Cupid’s bow, and in the inner corner of the eye.

used products, High Tech Lighter Stardust Fingersponge Sport Foundation Leche Reflex Cover Light

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makeup TIP, Dry and lifeless hair? Your split ends will feel like silk with Silk Drops. Start by shampooing your hair, and use conditioner to lock in the moisture. Brush your hair carefully and apply Silk Drops to the damp hair. Avoid the scalp; use liberally on lengths and ends.

used products, Hairbrush Silk Drops Shampoo Conditioner Lipstick Devil Lippencil Burlesque M | 82

makeup TIP, Enhance the contours of your face with shading. Use a brown blush and an angled rouge brush to apply the blush under your cheekbones, jaw and chin.

used products, Eyepencil Black Max Lashes Black Microshadow Deadly Lipstick Mauve Berry Blush Sand, Nut Rouge Brush Angle M | 83

used products,

makeup TIP,

Microshadow Brownie, Velvet, Pollution Eyepencil Vanilla Blush Nut Lipstick Malibu

Are you interested in becoming a makeup artist? Apply for International Make Up Center’s twenty-week course, where you will learn both beauty and character makeup..

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Liquid Foundation, the brushes, Eyedusts

BLACK VANILLA When people in Thailand hear the name Black Vanilla they immediately think of the trendy pop band with the good looks and creative on-stage outfits. Blank Vanilla is made up of four brothers: Bank, who sings; Graph, who plays guitar and sings; Dome, who plays bass; and A, the drummer. They released their debut album in 2007, and first single ”Jeeb Chan Tee” was a huge success. Since then, they’ve released an album every year, and their popularity continues to increase with every release. TEXT: Marita Duangchantr, photo: RS Public company Limited.

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Black Vanillas favourite products

INTERVIEW PROFILE THAILAND Fashion seems to be important to you. Explain what modern pop fashion is.

Bank: Basically, it’s pop music converted into fashion. Dome: Music has a vision, so does fashion. It’s fashion that follows the feeling and the mood of a song. What can your fans expect from your latest album? Bank: This album is different because it has a new rhythm and we collaborated with an incredible rap artist, which was amazing. We really hope our fans will like it as much as we do.

”When I was younger I always wanted to take singing lessons but it was too expensive so I never got the chance.” What characterizes Black Vanilla?

Bank: Musicality and the fact that we like fashion. Good songs and handsome men with fashion interests. When it comes to your personalities, how are you similar and what are your differences?

A: We are very different; the love of music is what keeps us together.

Dome, as the oldest of the brothers, do you take responsibility for the others? Dome: No, I don’t have to. They are very responsible and mature so they manage without me. But I am responsible for gathering us all for creative meetings. Who cares the most about their appearance?

Bank: Graph – he’s our fashion guru. When someone has a question about clothes or trends, they turn to him. You’ve been successful since your debut single was released back in 2007. What ambitions do you have remaining for the future?

Bank: I’d like to start a music school where everyone can afford to participate. When I was younger I always wanted to take singing lessons but it was too expensive so I never got the chance. Dome: I’d like to embrace this opportunity I’ve got by continuing to work hard, because a career in music isn’t a given. You started your career whilst you were still teenagers. How would you say that has influenced you?

A: We definitely grew up fast and learned how to handM | 87

le and compromise with others. What do you do to continue to look good even when you’re stressed or under pressure?

Bank: I try to sleep as much as possible. Then I drink plenty of water and swim. Graph: I try to rest a lot and I’m very careful about getting my vitamins. I eat good food in general and exercise. A: Lots of water and sleep is important to me. Then I play golf whenever I can. Dome: I play soccer and golf since I love sports. I also use a facial cream to hydrate my skin, and I take vitamin supplements.

”...the love of music is what keeps us together.” What are your favourite Make Up Store products?

Graph: We love Face Mist, which reenergizes our tired skin during tours. The hair gel Wetty is great for shaping hairstyles with. And we always use Make Up Store’s shampoo and conditioner.


Let´s start our anniversary year! Make Up Store turns 15 which of course will be celebrated 2011. We will during the year celebrate with different offers, new products and an amazing event this fall!

phOTO: Mårten levin

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gallery Throughout the year a number of limited edition products will be released in luxurious gold packages. These products will become collector items for sure so make sure to put your name on the waiting list at your local store. Our pride and joy Cover All Mix is the first one to launch.

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gallery Covertible Powderbrush is second in line to launch as a golden product. Could you have a nicer brush in your makeup bag?

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gallery The Palette is finally here! To celebrate our anniversary this new product is launched. Create your own personal color palette with your favorites! The Palette has room for eight products which you place wherever you want. You can add or change products after your needs. Why not buy several of them and use one for eye shaodows and one for bases? Perfect to use as storage on your makeup table and it´s smart for travels as well.

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gallery bag, Twinkle launches this spring in three sparkling new colours. Twinkle Green Light can also be used as an evening bag.

product, Eye pencils are available in a wide range of colours. Not too soft or too hard, they’re the perfect texture to work with.

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gallery bag, My Precious comes in two new colours. Peach is one of the new vibrant colours, and gives you space for all the things you’ll need.

produkt, Sport Foundation has a light texture which gives a natural look with plenty of lustre. Perfect for your purse!

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gallery bag, Hook is the toiletry bag for the person who travels a lot. This smart bag fits everything and more. Great design with many compartments and hanger.

tip, Remember to clean your toiletry bag every now and then and it will last longer.

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gallery bag,


Flat Net is perfect for the person who likes to be in control. Its see-through fabric makes it easy to clean and ideal for trips.

Did you know we have 82 different kinds of nail polish? Our nail polish comes in many different colours and varieties. Make sure to try our new nail products Nailpolish Corrector, and Cuticle Care Oil.

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Flat Stud is a cool and trendy makeup bag which can also work as wallet or evening bag.

Dual Foundation is the perfect powder. Apply with a sponge for more coverage, or with a powder brush to mattify the skin. Always bring in your purse for touch ups during the day.

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Carry Mini comes in new colour combinations. This smaller makeup bag is great to store lip gloss, mascara or your powder. Can also be used as wallet.

product, Have you tried Make Up Store’s Glitter? We have glitter in a variety of colours. Combine with Mixing Liquid, and you can make your own glitter eyeliner.

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photo: Oskar Gyllenswärd / www.gyllenswaerd.se, photoassistent: Max Rovenko Makeupartist: Jeanette Törnqvist / www.jeanettetornqvist.com STYLIST: Sanna Friend / www.sannafried.se, MODEL: Ellen W /sthlmsgruppen

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used products,

makeup TIP,

Blush Mission Microshadow Nightfall Cake Eyeliner Black Eyelash Baby Eyepencil Snowflake Tri Brow Max Lashes Black Lipstick Prairie Cover All Mix Matt Foundation Milk Loose Powder Milk

The 60s are back, so try the Twiggy look! Choose a pastel or natural coloured eye shadow. Then use a darker one and apply towards the corner of the eye, helping to make the eye appear bigger and deeper. Apply lots of mascara, and enhance the lower eyelashes by painting some more with an eye pencil. Finish with false eyelashes.

makeup TIP, We all long for a natural, glowing, and fresh complexion. Use the oilbased Liquid Foundation in order to achieve that look. It hydrates your skin, creating longer-lasting makeup.

used products, Eyepencil Sparkling Beach Cybershadow Buzzer Eyedust Enigma, Victory Drama Mascara Cake Eyeliner Black Eyepencil Snowflake Eyelash Lady Lipstick Crust Nailpolish Lynn Tri Brow Blush Sand Reflex Cover Light Liquid Foundation Milk Loose Powder Milk

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makeup tip, Combine strong and dramatic eyes with bare lips to keep the eyes as the focal point. Use your foundation on your lips but make sure they are moisturised with a lip balm first.

used products, Microshadow Pollution, White Gel Eyeliner Black Eyepencil Black Eyelash Drama Drama Mascara Lip Care Mix Studio Foundation Ultra Blush Peach Cover All Mix Matt Foundation Milk Loose Powder Milk M | 102

makeup TIP, Before applying eyeliner, it’s easier to create the desired shape by first drawing it on with an eye pencil.

used products, Microshadow Vanilla Cake Eyeliner Black Eyepencil Black Eyelash Flash Lipstick Oh La La Reflex Cover Light Matt Foundation Milk Loose Powder Milk

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Used products,

Makeup TIP,

Cybershadow Metallic Wave, Blurr, Baby Doll Blush Must Have, Carmel Microshadow Lemon Cake Eyeliner Black Mascara Max Lashes Black Eyelash Lola, Peak Under Eyepencil Black Lipstick Dust Cover All Mix Loose Powder Milk Liquid Foundation Milk Mixing Liquid Eyebrow Razor

Blend your eye shadow with Mixing Liquid to make the most out of the colour. For best results, use a synthetic brush.

used products,

makeup TIP,

Microshadow Nightfall Eyelash Peak Over Nailpolish Markus Lipstick Obsess Lip Care Mix Blush Matt Glory Cover All Mix Liquid Foundation Milk Loose Powder Milk

The lips have a tendency to dry out and get chapped. Lip Care Mix is the perfect cure. Start by peeling off dead skin, apply the caring mask, and finish with the nourishing lip balm with a tint of color.

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how to apply DAY MAKEUP







step 1 For an even result, start by applying foundation with a foundation brush. After that, use concealer where needed on blemishes, red areas, and to hide dark circles. Finish by fixing your makeup with a powder that’ll keep your complexion matte throughout the day. STEP 2 Work a yellow eye shadow with a large powder brush onto your forehead, cheeks and chin. This will add warmth, lustre and liveliness to your skin.


STEP 3 Use colours such as brown, gold, and bronze to enhance the eye and give it depth. Apply with a brush made of natural hair, suited for eye shadows that are easy to blend.



STEP 4 Shade your cheekbones using a brown blush. Apply it under the cheekbone with a smaller blush brush to define your features.


STEP 5 Pluck your eyebrows and use a colour that matches your hair colour. Use a brow colour and an angled brush for the best result.


STEP 6 It’s time for blush. Colours such as coral and apricot flatter Asian skin. Smile and apply the blush at the apple of the cheek.


phoTO: Jkfphoto


STEP 7 An eyeliner which is applied on both upper and lower part of the eye gives depth to the eye. First, use the eye pencil and then blend it with an eyeliner brush to avoid sharp lines.

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STEP 8 To make the eyeliner durable all day, fix the eyeliner and apply some eye shadow on top. Black mascara that both gives volume and length is preferable. STEP 9 Finish with a coral lipgloss and you’ll have a great day look!

MAKEUP TIP, Blend eye shadow with Mixing Liquid, which you then apply onto a black eyelash. Dramatic yet playful.

USED produCTS, Cybershadow Babydoll Eyedust Latin Mixing Liquid Eyelash Doll High Tech Lighter Pandora

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MAKEUP TIP, For spectacular lips, use a dark purple lip pencil around the contours of the lip, continue with a brighter purple, and finish with a hot pink in the middle of the lips.

USED produCTS, Glosslips Virgin Lippencil Gorgeous Plum Eyedust Latin Cybershadow Babydoll M | 109

MAKEUP TIP, Use a primer to make lip makeup long lasting. Stay in Shape secures your lip makeup, helping it last for hours. Always use a lip pencil for an intense look.

USED produCTS, Stay in Shape Eyepencil Black Eyedust 24 Carat Lipstick Citrus Glosslips Puma M | 110

MAKEUP TIP, Use both warm and cold colours for a modern look. Gold, orange, and red on the eyelids makes a cool combination with blue, silver, and white on the lips.

USED produCTS, Microshadow Khaki Gold, Ruby, Sunrise, Satin, Upper East High Tech Lighter Stardust Eyedust Crystal Colored Mascara Blue

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MAKEUP TIP, Give the illusion of bigger lips, with a highlighter in the middle of the lip. Highlighters may also be used to enhance the contours of the lips, such as the Cupid’s bow.

USED produCTS, High Tech Lighter Stardust Eyepencil Deep Blue Sea Lipstick Peachy Glosslips Pure

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MAKEUP TIP, Be creative and work with the entire eye when applying eye shadow. Work with contrasting colours for an artistic and colourful look. There are no rules in makeup, only new ideas.

USED produCTS, Eyepencil Deep Blue Sea Long Lash black Eyedust Perfect, Spionage, Latin Microshadow Ruby Cybershadow Babydoll, Silver Blend & Fix

M | 113


Marcus favourite products The Velvet Creme, Bye Bye Puff, Muddy.



Four years ago Marcus Larsson started a clothing brand named after the small Swedish village where he was brought up. Now Ljung’s suave style and vibrant colours look set to take on the world. TEXT: Johan Augustin, PHOTO: Olof Händén

Where do you find your inspiration?

”Whilst I was creating one of my collections, I only listened to the Pet Shop Boys. I really like the breadth of their music. Even though they’ve turned 50 and sold millions of albums, they’ve never stopped developing, experimenting and have constantly delivered new material with new sounds to their fans.” ”Commercialism and art don’t have to be at opposite poles. In the same way the Pet Shop Boys create music, I want to create clothes,” said Larsson. While Ljung’s autumn collection featured uniforms, tweed and knitted garments, the spring 2011 collection will be a total colour explosion. ”Think lego and billiard balls and you’ll get the picture,” Larsson said. Ljung is owned and controlled by Larsson and Christoffer Nyberg, who handles the administrative part of the company. The clothes are designed for young, fashionable men. There are now about 70 Ljung resellers in Sweden, Norway and Germany, and Larsson said he dreams that one day Ljung can grow into a global brand. ”Right now we’re planning a big launch in England. It’s an exciting market and it seems to have a huge interest in young, stylish brands. ” When you do fashions shows, how do you like your models to look?

”I always want my models to look somewhere between natural and unnatural. It’s important that the guys’ characteristics doesn’t disappear.” ”I always work with the makeup artist Sara Denman.

”In the same way the Pet Shop Boys create music, I want to create clothes.” She makes the guys look as fresh as possible – no matter what they did the night before. ” Do you have any good grooming tips?

”Use a good moisturizer and sunscreen in the summer. Ask staff in the shops for advice and tips.” If he could choose anyone in the world to dress, it would have been The Beatles, Larsson said, because their jackets weren’t well fitted. Larsson always wears his own designs, which he decribes as casual stylish. ”I have a pretty large wardrobe and it’s constantly changing. I test the whole collection myself. I want to know how the fabric feels against my body, and how it looks after washing and everyday use.” What do you typically wear on a Sunday afternoon?

”At home on a Sunday I look the same as usual but maybe my hair is a bit more wild.” When the first collection was released in 2007, shirts and trousers were the focus. Today there’s more variation. ”Each collection includes over 130 pieces with everything from t-shirts, shirts and sweatshirts, to suits and outer garments.” You said: ”Everyone should be able to afford our clothes.” Do Ljung live up to your statement?

”No, my clothes aren’t cheap. Everyone can’t afford to M | 115

buy everything in my collection, but most can buy something. It’s important for me that you don’t have to be loaded to buy my clothes.” ”I want a guy wearing a garment from Ljung to feel more handsome than he really is. A guy emailed me the other day and told me that he got more women wearing my clothes than other brands – but he used more controversial language than that! I’m not sure it’s statistically accurate but I’ll take it as a compilment.” Is your biggest dream to win the prestigious ”Guldknappen” award, or for Ljung to be available to buy in 100 countries?

”Guldknappen is a prestigious prize that I would be proud to win, but if I had to choose, without a doubt I’d prefer to be launched in 100 countries. But I’ll never prioritise money over designs. If we sell for hundreds of millions or a couple of billion, it’s not important to me. But of course I want Ljung to become huge – really huge. ”

”At home on a Sunday I look the same as usual but maybe my hair is a bit more wild.” Do you use makeup? If so, what are your three favourites?

”I hardly ever wear makeup, but I’ve found a great product called Bye Bye Puff. It’s an eye cream, that reduces puffy eyes; I use it every day. I always buy three at a time: one for the bathroom, one for the office and one for my bag – it’s a miracle worker! I also use a facial cream, The Velvet Creme. I also recently tried a new hair care product Muddy – it rocks!

the city of angeles PHOTO: Christopher Schmidt, Makeupartist: Rikku Campo/ Artists by Timpthy Priano, LA. HAIR: Bertrand.W/ Tracey Mattingly, LA, STYLIST: Jonas Hallberg, MODEL: Katie Nauta/LA Models

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MAKEUP TIP, Use birds, butterflies and everything around us to inspire your makeup. Use a black eye shadow all the way to the eyebrow. Make it metallic by blending Eyedust Demon with Blend & Fix for a creamy texture. Follow with sharp lines from the eye towards the temple with an eye pencil for a cool look.

USED produCTS, Microshadow Pollution, Nightfall Eyepencil Black Blend & Fix Eyedust Demon Dual Foundation Helsinki Reflex Cover Light M | 117

MAKEUP TIP, Use a Mud Wax for a ’messed up’ look. Back-comb your hair, set aside some hair for a fringe, and separate every piece of hair. Fix the rest of the hair with hair pins and finish with hairspray to complete your look.

USED produCTS, Haircare Messy, Muddy Hair Spray Styling Comb

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TIP, Do your feet hurt after a day in high heels? Foot Spray cools them and leaves a scent of fresh menthol.

MAKEUP TIP, Forget dry legs this summer! Spray your entire body with Body Velvet for a sensual glow.

USED produCTS, Body Velvet Nailpolish Jennifer Lipstick Senorita Lippencil Gorgeous Plum

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MAKEUP TIP, Leopard print is hot this summer. To create these sassy nails, paint two coats of the nail polish Olle, let it dry and dip a thin eyeliner brush in black nail polish and paint small circles. Finish with a glossy or matte top coat for a trendy look.

USED produCTS, Nailpolish Olle, Mika, Vadim Top Coat Matt, Top Coat Gloss Lipstick Black Orchid Eyepencil Black Body Velvet

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MAKEUP TIP, A sharp eyeliner with colourful lips is a hot combo. Use a thin eyeliner brush and black eyeliner to enhance the eyes. Start in the corner of the eye and work your way towards the temples. Finish with a sharp angle up against the eyebrow. Do half an eye first if you’re unsure. Be careful with your makeup and only use mascara to create this look. The emphasis is on the lips and nails, which are matched with the same colour.

USED produCTS, Cake Eyeliner Black Angled Eyeliner Lipstick Oh La La Lippencil Hot Pink Nailpolish Ebba

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Nailpolish Mika Eyepencil Black Drama Mascara Lipstick Bare Haircare Shiny

Black eyebrows with fair skin and blonde hair is a cool look. Use a black eye pencil and colour the eyebrows carefully, following the shape of your brows. Complete the look with black nail polish.

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how to apply PARTY MAKEUP

Micronized Compact Powder Beige






PARTY MAKEUP Going straight from work to a party? No problem. Add a few steps to your day makeup and soon you’ll be ready to party! STEP 1 Make your makeup playful by using two different eyelashes. Match the lash to your eye, making sure they’re not too long in the corners, cut, apply adhesive along the edge, and put in place. Use a turquoise eye pencil for a modern look. STEP 2 Enhance the party look further by applying a dark grey eye shadow under the eye.


phoTO: Jkfphoto


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STEP 3 For a party, dark lips are nice. Start with Stay in Shape to make the lip makeup last all night. Always use a lip pencil before lipstick. Work your way from the Cupid’s bow and around the contours of the lip. STEP 4 Time for lipstick! A cold shade of pinkish lilac suits the eye makeup. Apply with a lip brush. STEP 5 Finish by putting lipgloss in the middle of the lips to complete a great party look!

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MAKEUP TIP, Mix different shades of lipstick to find the one that suits you best. Always apply with a lip brush.

USED produCTS, Lippencil Russian Lipstick Devil, China Red Eyelash Curler Max Lashes Brown Body Velvet

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the story of eve PHOTO: Sophie Dreijer, PHOTOAssistent: Morten Underbjerg Olesen RETUSCH: Green Lemon, Makeupartist: Karin Westerlund, MIKAs LOOKs STYLIST: Elin Bjursell, MODEL: Eva Voorhes, Mastersmodels

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USED produCTS,


Lippencil Russian Bordeaux Lipstick Black Orchid Microshadow Dramatic Blush Lust Liquid Foundation Milk

Blush can be used as eye makeup as well. Apply with a brush for a soft look.

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MAKEUP TIP, Open your eyes with a white eye pencil, which you apply to the inner rim of the eye. Use one with a bit of shimmer in it which reflects the light.

USED produCTS, Eyepencil Metallic Sea Microshadow Deadly Lipstick Exit Blush Complex Drama Mascara M | 129

MAKEUP TIP, Mix matte and glossy surfaces in a French manicure. After painting your nail with the nail polish Anna, apply a layer of the nail polish Mika to the tip of the nail. When dry, paint the black tip with Top Coat Matte, which makes every nail polish matte. Trendy and cool!

USED produCTS, Nailpolish Anna Nailpolish Mika Top Coat Matte Wonder Powder Sinai Lipstick Bare

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MAKEUP TIP, For smokey eyes, it’s often better to not use concealer all the way to the lashes beneath the eye. Instead, enhance your own natural darkness with a grayish eye shadow like Velvet. The result is a soft and natural look.

USED produCTS, Blush Peach Microshadows Dramatic, Velvet, City Jungle, Eclipse Long Lash Dark Brown Lipstick Prairie

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USED produCTS,


Lipstick Endless Time, Black Orchid Microshadow City Jungle, Eclipse, Velvet Wonder Powder Sinai

Keep a mirror under your mouth in order to see if you painted it symmetrically. Always use Lipstick Sealer to secure lipstick.

MAKEUP TIP, Apply a shimmery highlighter to your nose and cheeks. It sculpts your face in a natural way and gives you a glowing complexion.

USED produCTS, Cover All Mix Blush Lust High Tech Light Platina, Stardust Eyedust Dream Nagellack Tina Brow Color No2 Eyepencil Vanilla

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Daniels favourite products Face Mist, Lip Care Mix och Oil Blothing Paper



Meeting celebrities is a dream come true for many people, but for 25-year-old makeup artist Daniel Sobiesniewski working with famous actors and musicians from all over the world is a normal day. TEXT: Ewa Hordyńska, PHOTO: Daniel Chojnacki

Tell us about your background as a makeup artist.

I consider myself to be very lucky. Often I’ve just been in the right place at the right time. To be talented and hard working is a huge part of your success but a little luck never hurts. As an art student I was interested in how to combine painting with makeup and how to use it artistically. Creating with colour and different shapes quickly became an interest, and I replaced canvases with faces. My interest developed into a great passion and I wanted to learn more about makeup and improve my skills. My mother and my sisters were my first models and I quickly started a makeup course at one of the makeup schools in Warsaw. During that time I was offered the chance to do my first photo session, which made it possible for me to start my portfolio. If you want to become a makeup artist your portfolio is important; it helps your clients to see your experience, technique, style and taste.

”Each woman is unique and that’s what I like to bring out.” What element of your job fascinates you the most?

I’m fascinated by how magical it is to enhance a woman’s beauty. The personal influence you get as a makeup artist when you create a new look for a client is amazing. Each woman is unique and that’s what I like to bring out. My work gives me the chance to create something new every day, and I love to see how a woman’s face can transform with makeup.

Store store here in Poland. Later on I heard that a store was about to open in Warsaw and they were recruiting. I went for an interview, and today I’m very happy to be working for Make Up Store.

”Let it be natural, you should shine through”

I discovered Make Up Store when I was looking for beauty inspiration online. I saw something remarkable on Make Up Store’s website: a wide assortment of products in every colour. I wished we had a Make Up

What are your favourite Make Up Store products?

I’ve got lots of favourites! If I had to choose, I’d pick Drama Mascara, which gives lashes both volume and length. I can’t imagine good makeup without it. Blush Fresh and Microshadow Velvet are also two of my favourites.

What difficulties have you encountered as a makeup artist?

Sometimes elderly women approach me with photos of Jennifer Lopez or Christina Aguilera and tell me that they would like to look like them. I then explain that you can transform and change a lot with makeup, but everything has its limits. In those situations I always tell them it’s a brush and not a scalpel that I work with. Good makeup should complement your personality, temper, style and hair style. Your makeup should enhance your best features and natural beauty.

What are the most common makeup mistakes that you see?

One of the most common is wearing the wrong shade of foundation. Foundation that’s too dark looks very strange against your neck and exaggerates wrinkles. Many women forget to apply foundation on their neck as well which makes the face look like a mask. Another problem I’ve found is that a lot of people pluck their eyebrows too much and some completely remove them. Your eyebrows frame your face like a picture frame , so you should pay to have them plucked professionally.

Who or what inspires you?

I get inspired by different seasons and their colours. Colour is at the core of everything I do. I’m also inspired by people who aren’t afraid to experiment or express themselves with clothes or makeup. A person I’m particularly inspired by is Ewa Gil; I think she’s the best makeup artist in Poland. She works with all the biggest artists, including Justyna Steczkowska and Edyta Górniak. Her signature is always perfection, colour and style. I identify with her work. Your best makeup tip?

When did you discover Make Up Store?

like. Let it be natural, you should shine through.

First and foremost, a good cleanser and a great facial cream, that help make your face fresh and clean. Remember to use makeup only to enhance your best features and not for coverage. You should try to bring out your what’s beautiful and cover up what you don’t M | 137

What Make Up Store products don’t you leave the house without?

Face Mist, Oil Blothing Paper and Lip Care Mix – that’s enough for me. What are your plans for the future?

I want to rule the market for professional makeup artists and publish my book, “Magic of Makeup”. The book would give a step-by-step guide to different types of makeup and application techniques using illustrations. It would also include information about the makeup profession, and advice on how to apply work, evening and stage makeup. I think the book would help women to discover the art of makeup, teach them to be bolder and strengthen their self confidence.

USED produCTS,


Wonder Powder Sahara Brow Color No 2 Microshadow Lemon Tri Brow Lipstick Blush

Enhance your beautiful freckles with a matching eye pencil. Be careful with thick foundation; let them shine through instead.

BUBBLETIP, Your Valentine is a romantic blend of piones, lilies and pomegranate.

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USED produCTS,

BubblE TIP,

Dual Foundation Stockholm Eyedust Fantasy Blush Blush Power Tri Brow

Twenty Forever is a romantic scent of apple blossom, freesia and white orchids.

Disco delirium This spring we launch new limited edition scents from Fragrance Library as bubbles.

photo: Jkfphoto, STYLIST: peter diár, MODEL: fillipa hägg retuch/art work: Peter Diár M | 139

MAKEUP TIP, You’ll achieve a modern look by using the same shade of eye shadow over the entire eyelid. Use a pink lip gloss for a trendy colour combination.

BUBBLE TIP, Fashionable Lifestyle is a luxurious blend of pear, violet and amber.

USED produCTS, Microshadow Beautiful Morning, Ruby Cybershadow Bloom Glosslips Park Sensitive Mascara Black

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MAKEUP TIP, Mix a pink eye shadow with Blend & Fix for a creamy texture, and apply in unexpected places for an exciting look. Use a wet sponge for an even result.

USED produCTS, Microshadow Lemon Cybershadow Ra Glosslips Park Sensitive Mascara Black Blush Must Have

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MAKEUP TIP, Green shades bring out blue eyes. Mix dark and bright shades of green for a playful look, and match with pink lips.

BUBBLE TIP, The Trophy is a tropical blend of plum, guava and freesia.

USED produCTS, Eyedust Bamboo, Amazonas Microshadow Forrest, Regent Eyepencil Tropical Matte Foundation Vanilla Blemish Concealer Light Glosslips Vide

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Everyone can learn how to apply makeup! Make Up Store is an educational brand, and we offer a range of different courses for you to learn more about the art of makeup. Contact your local store to find out more about Make Up Store’s course line up.

Private COURSE


Anyone can learn to apply great makeup! A professional makeupartist will show and explain how to best highlight your beauty, teach you different makeup techniques and suitable skincare after your preference. It is educational and above all an inspirational experience that can be repeated according to season or occasion. When the course is completed, you get to choose products worth the full course fee. Add 9 GBP and you also get a nourishing face mask before the makeup is applied. Time: 50 minutes

On the big day, you will naturally be the focal point, and this is a course tailored tobrides. During the first consultation, a makeup artist will go through makeup styles and colours according to your wishes. You will also be advised on makeup for bridesmaids and groom for a nice entirety. On your wedding day, the same makeupartist will apply your makeup just as agreed during consultation. Time: 120 minutes


GROUP COURSE This inspiring course is held for 6–12 participants who want to learn how to apply makeup for day as well as evening wear. A makeupartist will share with you all their knowledge of makeup and skincare. The course begins with a demonstration showing two different makeup styles. After that, you apply your own makeup with guided support from the makeupartist. After the course, you get to choose products worth the full course fee. Time: 180 minutes

Private GROUP COURSE Book the perfect experience for your group of friends, for the hen party or the birthday celebrations! The concept is the same as for group courses and provides inspiration as well as the perfect opportunity for you to try out new looks. We will organize an unforgettable evening according to your wishes and requirements, and you all receive a 20% discount on our entire makeup range. Time: 180 minutes

Get glamorous evening makeup where the eyes are the focal point. The makeupartist will help you highlight them with eyebrow plucking, eye makeup and false lashes, and share their best tips and advice for a great look. After the course, you get to choose products worth the full course fee, including the cost of the false lashes. Time: 50 minutes

SPA AND SKINCARE – FACIAL Take care of your skin the best way possible by having a facial every six weeks. During this relaxing lesson you will receive a thorough skin examination. Your skin will be analysed and we will customize the treatment to suit your needs and desires. You get to choose products worth the full course fee from our wonderful Skincare & Home Spa range which is full of products for both body and mind. Time: 50 minutes


This course is for those who have a minimal amount of time but who want their makeup to have the maximum impact. We apply day or evening makeup according to your wishes, all the advising makeup techniques, colours and products just for you. Time: 30 minutes

This personalised course is tailored to suit those who have a great interest and want to work in the industry in the future. During four sessions, a professional makeupartist will give you in-depth demonstrations of various makeup techniques and share knowledge about colours and shapes. Great tools are paramount when it comes to makeup, which is why we have included a choice of brushes worth 45 GBP in addition to the skills and knowledge you acquire during this course. Time: 50 minutes x 4


Note that local differences may occur.


Well-shaped eyebrows frame the face, and a quick reshape is the fastest facelift around. All you need is a good basic shape and clever products. We will pluck your eyebrows into a nice, even shape that suits you and afterwards we shape and apply makeup to the brows.

Book a makeup course FOR PRICE INFORMATION CONTACT YOUR LOCAL STORE www.makeupstore.se

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how to apply Bronzing








The sun-kissed look can be achieved away from the harmful rays of the sun. Use good products and you’ll like you just got home from a vacation in the sun. STEP 1 Apply a moisturising facial cream and use the mineral powder Wonder Powder Gobi as a base. STEP 2 Luminous Bronzer is a product which will give your skin a look of lustre; Apply it to the highest points of your cheekbones and on your forehead, nose and chin.



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phoTO: Jkfphoto


STEP 3 Bronzed and golden eyes flatter this look. Use a gold eye shadow towards the inner part of the eye, and use a darker shade of bronze to achieve depth. Towards the eyebrow you should apply a bit of gold powder to highlight the eye makeup. Curl your lashes and apply mascara. STEP 4 The lips are given a golden shade as well with the help of a highlighter and a golden lipgloss. Apply with a lip brush. STEP 5 Vóila! With these four simple steps you’ll have glowing, sun-kissed skin. Remember to protect your skin during the summer with sun screen. Use Prime & Protect for great protection.

PRODUCTS IN FOCUS Here we highlight the return of our golden oldies as well as our most recent news.

Primer – the solution to flawless skin

BASE prep A smooth, equating texture to erase small skin defects, redness and brown spots. Skin Prep provides the skin with a mild pearly reflection for a radiant and transparent complexion.

LIPgloss wand,

HAIR care,

A new lip gloss enters the stage! A new design with smart applicator, available in three fruity colors.

Try our haircare series! Shiny, Messy, Sticky and Wetty make hair styling a piece of cake.

nailpolish corrector

NAil it!

An acetone-free nail polish corrector to easily erase nail polish mishaps in one stroke. Apply saturated tip over troubled spot to remove excess nail polish.


cuticle care oil,

Perfect for appliance of nail polish for the toes to avoid mishaps.

Premium cuticle treatment with rich natural oils to nourish and smooth nails and cuticles. Apply around the cuticle and gently massage the oil into the skin. M | 145

Spa soap red berries The latest edition to the Home Spa series. Cleans your skin gently and has a wonderful scent of red berries.

All our brushes are made of the best quality

mixed brown,

Brush smudge,

is the new addition to our popular Powder Brushes.

is perfect for smudging eyeliner and creating smoky eyes.


Joes favourite products The Velvet Creme, Oil Blothing Powder, Intensive Foam Remover .


JOE LABERO It was as a 12-year-old boy in Alvesta, Sweden that Lars Bengt Roland Johansson got his first magic kit. Today, as Joe Labero, he’s one of the world’s greatest magicians, captivating audiences all over the world with his illusions. He’s currently starring in a casino show in Australia’s Gold Coast. TEXT: Johan Augustin

Labero’s big break came in 1991 with his show ”A Magic Night” at Berns Salonger in Stockholm. After the success of that act, Labero toured in Sweden, before packing his bags for Australia, where he performed a new show called “Mystique“.

When you’re on stage, how important is makeup for you and your fellow performers?

you experience a few bumps on the road.”

”It’s essential. It’s crucial to be able to enhance your look on stage. You can see the difference just by looking in a mirror with makeup on and off.”

Is it possible to perform magic with makeup?

”Mystique” proved successful and ever since Labero has toured the world, pursuing a career he says its not just a job, but a passion. ”I think you never can feel totally satisfied as an artist, there are always things to improve. You can make it better, you just need to look for the next step,” Labero said. ”It’s a never ending learning process.”

”I like cities and window shopping – that’s where I’ll find inspiration.”

Where do you find inspiration for your shows?

”I get inspired by my travels. Bangkok, for example, is a vibrant city with amazing scenery. I like cities and window shopping – that’s where I’ll find inspiration.”

Do you have any grooming advice? What kind of products do you use to maintain a fresh look?

”I exercise and drink lots of water. After using thick theatre makeup for more than 25 years, your skin tends to feel a bit used. It’s important to use good cleansers that hydrate the skin and lots of moisturizing facial creams!”

What do you do in your free time? Tell us about a Sunday at home.

”I like to play golf, enjoy nature and experience the rainforest. When I’m in Sweden I like to see a movie or eat a nice Sunday dinner with my friends.” Do you use makeup daily?

”No, I don’t. If I’m doing a TV show I use some powder to reduce shine, though.” What are your three favourite Make Up Store products?

What’s your biggest accomplishment?

”Makeup can have magical powers.”

”Makeup can have magical powers. It’s cool to see how makeup can transform a person; makeup artists are magicians as well.”

”My daughter Nicole,” Labero said. ”I’m stubborn and dedicated. As a person and artist it’s all about the details. Hang on to your profession if you enjoy it, be persistent and you’ll succeed. Don’t give up or move on if M | 147

”I use Intensive Foam Remover to cleanse my skin after shows. Moisturisers like The Velvet Creme or Night Time are good for when the skin needs to recover. I also use a light powder to reduce shine, such as Oil Blothing Powder.”

Makeup TIP, Make your own eyeliner by blending our eyedusts with Mixing Liquid. You can add glitter for a party feeling. Apply with an eyeliner brush for perfect precision.

used products, Mixing Liquid Eyedust Moist Glitter Taurus Microshadow Velvet, Plum Cybershadow Meteor Nailpolish Mika

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BARE VISUALS PHOTO och stylist: Magda Zych, Makeupartist: Daniel Sobieśniewski, hAIr: Sebastian Kaźmierczak / atelier HenryHymon, MODELS: Ewa, Karolina / Hook

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used products,

makeup TIP,

Nailpolish St Tropez Top Coat Matte Body Velvet Nailpolish Corrector

White nailpolish is hot this season! Paint two layers, let it dry and finish with a matte top coat.

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used products,

makeup TIP,

Liquid Foundation Milk Reflex Cover Light Microshadow Toxic, Rusty Eyedust Enigma, Moist High Tech Lighter Energy Blush Power Drama Mascara

Finsh your eye makeup towards the temple for a modern and strong look. Use multiple colors.

makeup TIP, Give your lips an extra dimension by using an extra color to your lip makeup. Gold enhances the warmth in orange.

used products, Lipstick Alarm Lippencil Read My Lips Eyedust 24 Carat Nailpolish Mika Cybershadow Ra Microshadow Plum, Toxic, Beautiful Morning M | 152

used products,

makeup TIP,

Lipstick Devil, Vamp Lippencil Burlesque Blend & Fix Microshadow Lemon, Ashes, Dita, Under the Sun, Hyacinth

Don´t shy away from color! Match your lip makeup with the eye brows and do strong colors on the eyes. You´ll make a great first impression for sure. M | 153

used products,

makeup TIP,

Eye primer Microshdow Toxic, Vanilla Eyedust Moist Eyepencil Black, Sparkling Beach Long Lash Black Lipstick Dawn, Black Orchid

Combine a strong eye makeup with dark lips for a dramtic look.

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makeup TIP, Make your own personal lipstick by mixing a favorite eyeshadow with Blend & Fix.

used products, Sport Foundation Leche Eyepencil Sparkling Beach Eyedust Moist Glosslips Virgin

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Photoshoot please, please me

Photoshoot Choose your own path



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Become a VIP Do as 50.000 others and become a member of Make Up Store Club! Our membership club rewards our loyal customers with exclusive offers and you always shop with a discount. Apply for your membership in the nearest store today!

Themes for the spring and summer of 2011 is: PIXEL


Pixel is the playful and colorful look of the spring. It´s graphical, artistic and explores new exiting shapes of makeup. Lead the way and define your eyes with vibrant colors of orange, green and yellow in futuristic silhouettes. Bring out the makeup artist in you!

She´s romantic, passionate and tender. She´s a true bohemian (chic) at heart and adores nature. Her makeup is sheer and inspired by the pastel colors of a summer meadow. Lilac, soft pink and green enhances her eyes and her lips have a luscious gloss. Her favorite flowers are peonies, roses and tulips. She´s Grace.

Club evenings


One evening a month, a club night is organized to which you as a member are invited, and you’re always welcome to bring a friend. During these events, new looks, trends and products are introduced. Professional makeupartists are at your service to give you tips on different makeup look and demonstrate how to apply them. You can even ask for personal tips on makeup and skincare. We always serve refreshments to make the events as pleasurable as possible. The best part, however, is that we offer you 20% discount on our product range during the club nights.

On our website you’ll find pictures and news, as well as information about our products. As a member, you’ll also get exclusive access to our members club page. To log in, simply use the last 8 digits that appear on your unique club card. The club site offers exciting interviews, makeup tips, and new products. You’re also invited to ask one of our talented makeupartists about makeup and skincare.

You’ll find current themes and dates on our website. To reserve a space for you and a friend, give us a call. The minimum age to attend is 18 years. www.makeupstore.se. 1/3 PIXEL 4/4 LIPS 3/5 GRACE 4/5 MENS EVENING 1/6 NAILPOLISH 1/9 LASHART Please note that local variations may occur.

Every month, we run a competition where great prices from Make Up Store or one of our associated partners are up for grabs. You can ask a makeupartist directly online anything you’d like to know about Makeup. The website features clear illustration with instructions on how to apply makeup looks such the perfect red lipstick, smoky eye or eyeliner.



Interviews appear with makeupartists offering tips on makeup, and celebrities revealing their favourite products. Apply for a membership today.

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extreme, event östermalmstorg stockholm sweden

extreme event malmö, sweden

we know mascara Club evening fisketorvet, norway

Extreme event oslo, norway

hanna korsar fashion show estonia Frozen diamond event estonia

frozen diamond Club evening carnaby, uk

A world of colors

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frozen diamond, event thailand

frozen diamond, event stockholm, sweden

Extreme, event stockholm, sweden

PRIceLIST Country Productgroup
















Dubai AED

















182 000



3 290





360 000

17 100













182 000



2 990





360 000

13 700













172 000



2 490





325 000

12 000













205 000



2 990





360 000

13 700













188 000



2 890





320 000

13 300













215 000



2 990





430 000

17 100













232 000



3 290





430 000

14 500













270 000



3 290





440 000

16 400













259 000



3 290





440 000

16 400













305 000



3 290





520 000

18 800













305 000



3 290





520 000

21 400











199 000






420 000

17 100

55 49




3 490

Gloss Lips











188 000



2 890





380 000

13 700












188 000



2 690





360 000

12 800













188 000



2 890





320 000

13 300













160 000



2 890





320 000

11 100













369 000


1 100

4 990





690 000

27 400













315 000


1 200

4 290





670 000

23 300













385 000


1 295

4 990





670 000

24 000













305 000


1 100

4 990





550 000

21 400













699 000


1 700

6 990





890 000

33 400













385 000


1 100

4 290





650 000

18 800













348 000


1 100

4 290





650 000

18 800













502 000


1 250

7 690





870 000

38 500













228 000



3 490





420 000

16 300













315 000


1 000

3 690





450 000

22 200













429 000


1 245

4 290





620 000

25 700













220 000



3 490





430 000

17 100













259 000



3 490





480 000

19 700


*) Territories not open at time of print – prices might be adjusted. All prices incl VAT except for USA. All prices are correct at time of going to press but subject to change. The prices are recomended. For more information visit us on www.makeupstore.se.

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