Fuel Catalyst Field Studies

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Fuel Catalyst Field Studies

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Xtreme Fuel Treatment Fuel Catalyst Field Study EC001 Trucking Company; Carbon Mass Balance Test Procedure Introduction: The active ingredient contained in Xtreme Fuel Treatment has proven to reduce harmful emissions levels and fuel consumption in numerous field tests, as well as recognized and approved EPA test facilities. These tests also prove that Xtreme Fuel Treatment chemistry is harmless to fuel properties and engine components, while reducing deposit formation. The test procedure summarized in this document outlines a rigorous study performed with a regional trucking company. This study further documents the fuel savings potential of the fuel catalyst chemistry.

Test Method: The procedure used to measure the specific fuel consumption of this trucking company test fleet was a test process known as the Carbon Mass Balance (CMB) test procedure. This method determines the fuel consumed while measuring the specific carbon in the raw fuel and comparing that to the carbon content in the exhaust stream. The CMB procedure is internationally recognized by all of the leading test facilities in the world. With this process, fuel consumption can be more accurately determined devoid of any outside influence from weather changes, driver changes, load differences, tire pressure differences, fuel density changes, etc.

Test Results: The test fleet consisted of 2005 Kenworth trucks, with 475 horsepower C15 Caterpillar engines. The test fleet realized a fuel economy improvement of 5.5% with a corresponding reduction in observable smoke levels, emissions levels and maintenance costs. Fuel Catalyst Field Studies


Xtreme Fuel Treatment Fuel Catalyst Field Study EC002 Trucking Company; Carbon Mass Balance Test Procedure and E-Cat Analysis Introduction: The active ingredient contained in Xtreme Fuel Treatment, has proven to reduce harmful emissions levels and fuel consumption in numerous field tests, as well as recognized and approved EPA test facilities. These tests also prove that Xtreme Fuel Treatment chemistry is harmless to fuel properties and engine components, while reducing deposit formation. The test procedure summarized in this document outlines a rigorous study performed with a large regional construction company with over 600 pieces of equipment. This study further documents the fuel savings potential of Xtreme Fuel Treatment chemistry.

Test Method: The procedures used to measure the specific fuel consumption of this trucking company consisted of the Carbon Mass Balance (CMB) test procedure, and an analysis of the data monitored by the onboard computer (E-Cat). These methods were employed as a means of verification to further substantiate the results of each test. The CMB method determines the fuel consumed while measuring the specific carbon in the raw fuel and compares that data to the carbon content in the exhaust stream. The CMB procedure is internationally recognized by all leading test facilities throughout the world. With this process, fuel consumption can be more accurately determined devoid of any outside influence from weather changes, driver changes, load differences, tire pressure differences, fuel density changes, etc. The E-Cat analysis utilized the data from each of the trucks on board computer to verify fuel consumption improvements derived during the CMB evaluation. Items such as overall fuel consumption, driving fuel consumption, idle gallons, average load factor, idle percentage, average driving speed and average vehicle speed were utilized to obtain the results during the E-Cat analysis.

Test Results: The test fleet consisted of 2003 and 2005 Peterbilt trucks, with 435 and 475 horsepower C15 Caterpillar engines. The test fleet realized fuel economy improvement of 6.35% (CMB) and 8.5% (E-Cat) with corresponding reductions in observable smoke levels, emissions levels and maintenance costs. Fuel Catalyst Field Studies


Xtreme Fuel Treatment Fuel Catalyst Field Study EC003 Trucking Company; Carbon Mass Balance Test Procedure and ECU Analysis Test Method: The procedure utilized to measure the fuel consumption of two (2) 2010 D 13 Volvo and one (1) 2009 D12 D Volvo tractors, is an adaptation of the US-EPA Federal Test Procedures (FTP) and the Australian Standards engineering method AS2077-1982 known as the Carbon Mass Balance. The method measures the fuel consumed by each engine while operating under steady-state or static engine conditions. The Bacharach True Spot Smoke meter was used to determine the change in particulate emissions (soot). Further fuel consumption verification was provided by documentation secured in the on-board truck computers.

Test Results: The combined test fleet realized a 5.5% improvement in engine fuel efficiency with the Carbon Mass Balance evaluation, after Xtreme Fuel Treatment. The same engines experienced a 20% reduction in particulate density (smoke reduction) with similar reductions in all other harmful emissions. Data provided by the on-board computer further documented a 6.25% improvement in fuel economy.

Fuel Catalyst Field Studies


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