Veteran ‘Tribute” benefits Veterans Helping Veterans.8
A ‘Donut Dolly’ shares Vietnam story. 10
VOL 1 | ISSUE 8 | MAY 29, 2015
Feature Story
Hand to Mouth:
Alice Perez goes from promoting business to an ally for the hungry. Page 3
Garden of Hope: More Than Just Food By Melinda Russell Sun Correspondent
riving by the corner of Miyamura Overpass and Hassler Valley Road it’s hard to tell there is good work happening just to your side. The Jim Harlin Community Pantry is not just a distribution site for food for the hungry. The Garden of Hope is a living opportunity to learn about home-grown foods and healthy eating. The staff at the pantry took master gardening classes from New Mexico State University in an effort to become familiar with the best way to utilize the property around the pantry facility. Kenworth Jones developed a passion from the classes and has become the official gardener for the pantry. His knowledge about growing and maintaining a large garden is evident when he gives tours of the facility. Jones commented, “Working here totally opened up my eyes to a need in this community.” He added the gardening program is about “giving people dignity and self-worth.”
There are 60 individual gardening boxes on the west side of the pantry that are equipped with water faucets. These boxes are available for rent from April 1 through Sept. 30 for a rate of $60 each. Kendrick said all but five of the boxes are rented this season. Gallup Indian Medical Center rented 30 of the boxes. They use the gardening boxes to teach their patients about lifestyle changes and diabetes education. The grounds are open for gardening seven days a week. Jones said when people come to garden, they meet people; they talk to each other about healthy living and changes they are making in their lives. The garden helps to develop a community of healthier people. There are also 12 boxes that are dedicated to veterans. These boxes were built and are maintained by the Veterans Helping Veterans association. The veterans ran the pipes for water and added a bench where the gardeners can sit and visit. The group is responsible for installing the flagpole in the garden and provided the pantry with a flag.
Friday May 29, 2015 • Gallup Sun
Jones explains to new Executive Director, Alice Perez, the need to keep dragon Kenworth Jones, gardener, proudly explains the value of the box garden flies and praying mantises in the garden to keep the mosquitos under control. program at the Community Pantry. Photo Credit: Melinda Russell
“The veterans use gardening as a therapeutic tool to help them work their way back into society,” Jones said. Paul Talamante works with the residential treatment facility for veterans that use the gardens. He says, “It show them
how to care for other things instead of themselves.” The veterans facility is a 90-day residential treatment facility that helps veterans get free of drugs and alcohol. “The guys get something positive out of it because they gave something life,” he said. The vegetables that are grown are used in preparing meals at the treatment facility or are donated to others in need. Along the east side of the gardens, a rock wall was built by Karl Lohmann and his crew of college and high school students from Youth Conservation Corps. The wall was a two-year project that placed 75,000 tons of rock and soil in an artful, but useful design. At the top of the wall, Jones has planted blueberries and strawberries. To the west, at the top of the walking trails, asparagus grows in abundance. The field is alive with corn, squash, carrots and radishes among other vegetables. As you walk around the property to the south, Jones explains the need for brightly colored flowers so bees and humming birds will come to pollinate the garden. On the southeast corner, the staff has planted an orchard of apple and peach trees. The orchard is built over the old frontage road. Jones chuckled, “It’s interesting to see this place take on life.” The hoop houses or cold f r a me s a r e d e s i g ne d t o
extend the growing season. According to Hilda Kendall, vice president of the pantry, they are not greenhouses but do control the temperature enough that vegetables were grown from March through January this year. Jones has volunteers come in and help with weeding and sowing. He says some people hear “juvenile delinquent” and run. But, I hear “juvenile delinquent” and I’m there. “I try to teach them hard work is good work,” Jones said, adding that “listening is a must.” He believes helping with the gardens gives the youth responsibility. He has seen GPA’s go up and seen young people get involved with extracurricular activities after working in the gardens. He added that it is really great when they come back to volunteer. On each side of the pantry you see large, black water cisterns. Each cistern holds about 4,000 gallons of rainwater. The pantry depends on the water capture program to help water the gardens. They also help conserve city water and save the pantry precious money. New Executive Director, Alice Perez, hopes to continue to develop the gardens and use them as an added revenue source for the pantry. They are starting to provide vegetables to La Mantanita Coop and hope to develop business relationships with local restaurants. NEWS
NEWS Community Pantry’s new leadership: ALICE PEREZ AIMS TO INCREASE FOOD DISTRIBUTION By Melinda Russell Sun Correspondent
lice Perez will officially take over as director of the Jim Harlin Community Pantry on June 1. She hopes that with a “combination of passion, a great team to work with and community support it can turn into one of the best pantries in the state.” A 35 year resident of Gallup, Perez and her husband, Max, have raised four children here. They have four grandchildren and one on the way. Perez takes over a pantry that was started in 1999. The pantry has had its challenges, but has a strong foundation. With only nine employees, seven of whom are part time, the food pantry contributes to the needs of over 3,000 individuals or families each month. It depends on volunteers and the dedication of their employees to get the job done. Perez would like to see revenues increase so they ca n ser v ice a nother 3,000 needy families in the area and so her staff can become full time employees. Perez has worked in community ser v ice jobs most of her adult life. She has worked as a UNM Program Coordinator, secretary at the schools in Gallup, and most recently as a secretary for the GallupMcKinley County Chamber of Commerce. “Every position I’ve ever held has been a community-based position,” Perez said. She added jokingly, “I don’t see any reason to change that at this point in my life.” Perez worked with many non-profit organizations and special events while employed with the chamber of commerce. She started as secretary, moved into administrative assistant, was promoted to Vice President, COO, and then was moved into the position of office director when new NEWS
Community Food Pantry new Director Alice Perez. Photo Credit: Courtesy
chamber director David Hinkle was hired. W h i le work i ng for t he cha mber, Perez completed courses through the Institute of Organizational Management. Perez says the school is a four-yea r program that basically teaches you how to run a non-profit organization. W hen a ske d why s he decided to make the move, Perez responded, “I went into it (the new administration) with enthusiasm and the ability to work for somebody else. But I saw my vision changing. When I saw my vision was not on track, I knew it was time for a change.” Perez became a member of the pantry’s board of directors in January. In February she learned that Tim Kelly, the current director, would be stepping down. She says she started investigating the job at that point. “I investigated the position prior to applying for it,” she said. “At that point, I knew it could go nowhere but up.” When she takes her position on Monday, Perez will sit down with her staff and start the process of looking forward. “There are ways that we can reach out to more people, both clients and donors,” Perez said. “My passion for the community
is what inspired me to become involved with the pantry.” The pantry is a multi-layered organization. The staff is passionate about their responsibility to their clients. Hilda Kendall has been working for the pantry for 10 years. She says some of the greatest things she has seen is when families are able to get on their feet and no longer need the services the pantry provides. “I love my job,” she said. “It’s about the people in the community. Someone might not see, know or understand why people are in need – we know.” The staff sees many of their clients who have moved away from the system express their gratitude for the help
they received from the pantry. Kendall explained, a lot of people come back to volunteer, some even send donations with thank you letters. Our clients want to work. Many times, when they finally get jobs, they give back. The pantry has a data base that gives the pantry information about their clients and helps them serve the needs better. Not only does the data base help to prevent fraud and misuse of the system, but it also helps the staff procure the right resources for the people they are serving. Kendall explained some of the special programs offered by the pantry at this time. EMERGENCY BOXES Wit h a refer r a l, f rom
a not her a genc y such a s Ca sa Sa n Ma r t i ne, Work Force Solutions, or Catholic Charities, a family or individual can receive a 25 pound box of dry goods to help them get back on their feet. Emergency circumstances might include unexpected vehicle repairs or medical costs. FRESH PRODUCE Clients can pick up fresh produce every week between T uesday a nd F r iday. T he produce distribution does not have a n income ba se requirement. This program is designed to encourage a healthier lifestyle for all the pantry clients.
Gallup Sun • Friday May 29, 2015
LEADERSHIP | FROM PAGE 3 SENIOR CITIZENS Ma ny of the senior citizens taking adva ntage of t he food pa nt r y a re on a fixed income. Many of them a re on d isabilit y. Kenda ll explained that those on disability may be living on less than $800 per month. They have to pay rent, utilities and medical bills with that check. Most of their clients also receive food stamps but those benefits are minimal. To prevent them from having to choose between food and medication, the food pantry steps in. Another problem the pantry is seeing is grandparents, who are on a tight budget, suddenly needing to raise their grandchildren. These grandparents can’t send their grandchildren away, so the need for assistance becomes even greater. VETERANS If they qualify, the food pantry gives veterans a commodity box and fresh produce. They also supply Thanksgiving turkeys for them. FOOD FOR KIDS This is the elementa r y school back pack program t hat send s hea lt hy food s home with children on the weekends. Ma ny of these children live with parents who work multiple jobs. The foods that are sent with them are healthy, easy to open and need no preparation. Many
times these students don’t get a meal on the weekend. The only meals they eat are the ones prepa red by the schools. Unfortunately, there is no program that helps these children in the summer. Currently, there are 20 elementary schools taking advantage of this program. Each school is allowed to refer 24 students to receive the backpacks. The cost of the program is $3,500 per school, per year. Schools are responsible for picking up their food items from the pantry and packing the backpacks. The holiday breaks are always a concern for the pantry. The Gallup Lions Club has pitched in to buy extra food items to help students get through the Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks. Other special programs i n c lu d e t h e B a s ke t s of Brotherhood that is sponsored by the Gallup Rotary Club. In November, the Rotary Club fills boxes at the pantry with supplies needed to make a special Thanksgiving meal. These
boxes are distributed to pantry clients. Donations for the pa ntr y come from across the United States. Americans for Native Americans, based in Doylestown, PA and Meals From The Heartland in Des Moines, IA are some of the pantry’s largest contributors. There are local businesses and organizations that also donate to the pa ntr y a nd a l l t ho s e do n a t io n s a r e appreciated. One of the problems the pantry faces is that people are willing to donate food, but they don’t donate a lot of money. Overhead is expensive: salaries, utilities and building upkeep. Kendall explained the roof of the pantry is in need of repair or replacement. At this time, there are no funds to help with that problem. D u r i n g a t ou r of t he grounds, Perez observed and listened to the pantry employees. Each person was confident in their job and knowledgeable about how they fit into the system. Perez says her goal is “to take something good and make it 10 times better.”
RED ROCK AREA B e n t o n Yazzie, 42, of Thoreau, N.M. was arrested for his second driving while intoxicated charge on May 19 after he was involved in an automobile crash on Red Rock Drive near Susan.
FRONT ROW SEAT EAST Four adult males were arrested on May 23 for drinking in front of the business of Front Row Seat on East Highway 66.
FLAPJACK FUNDRAISER AT APPLEBEE’S Benefiting The Community Pantry June, 7 8 am to 10 am $10.00 Per Person
Darrell Livingston, 37; Emerson Yazzie, 45; Alvin Nelwoot, 42 all from Church Rock, N.M. along with Virgil Martinez Sr., 58, of Ft. Wingate, N.M. were all observed by police officers drinking a 24 ounce can of alcohol.
BIG CHEESE EAST On the same day, May 23, three more male individuals were arrested for drinking a can of beer in the parking lot of Big Cheese Pizza East. Earl Begay, 62, Church Rock, N.M.; Rick y Joh nson, 51, Crownpoint, N.M. and Patrick Lee, 41, of Gamerco, N.M. were all taken to the jail. Lee was also booked on an outstanding warrant.
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Memorial Day: Some Gave All Story and Photos by Tom Hartsock Sun Correspondent
emorial Day started w it h t he lay i ng of wreaths in the Veteran section of Hillcrest Cemetery on May 25 by VA nurse Consuela Smith, Cit y Cou ncilwoma n F ra n Palochak, and Mary Calderon, a recent widow of a veteran. With a multitude of American flags around the fenced off area, interspersed with those of the military branches of America as well as the MIA/ POW banner, veterans representing one local group,
Veterans Helping Veterans posted the colors, with Parade Grand Marshall Phillip Silva handling the red, white and blue flag. David Cuellar led the large audience in the Pledge of Allegiance and Dey&Nite repeated their effort with National Anthem, joined by more than a few of the crowd. Tooley Brown gave the invocation and then the speakers began. Mayor Jackie McKinney read some heart-clutching letters his mother’s family had received during World War II after his uncle had been repor ted missing in action, then confirmed as
Gallup Sun Publishing, LLC Publisher/Editor Babette Herrmann Correspondents Kim Gaona Tom Hartsock Melinda Sanchez Marley Shebala Rachael Merilatt Design David Tsigelman The Gallup Sun, published Fridays, is not responsible or liable for any claims or offerings, nor responsible for availability of products advertised. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. PO Box 1212 Gallup, NM 87305 Find us on Facebook and Twitter Phone: (505) 728-1640 Fax: (505) 212-0391 Letter to the editor/guest column ACCEPTED BY EMAIL ONLY. State full name and city/town. No pen names. ID required. All submissions subjected to editor’s approval. Guest columnists, email Sun for submission requirements.
Boy Scout Troop 40 has time to pose for a quick picture before lining up for the Memorial Day parade.
Members of Veterans Helping Veterans select the flags they will carry at the Memorial Day celebration inside the Veterans section at Hillcrest Cemetery.
This military family really looked the part for Memorial Day. Wilson Yazzie sat at ATTENTION throughout while his wife Nieves comforted her son Noah and daughter Sarah sat quietly, perhaps wondering about what was going on. Wilson served proudly with the 1st Medical Battalion of the 1st Marine Division in Iraq.
Veterans Helping Veterans, and the Knights of Columbus stood quietly and respectfully during the short service. Dey&Nite sang their rendition of the National Anthem and a 21-gun salute was offered as a remembrance to those who sacrificed their lives in the line of duty, or who have passed on since their term of service expired. A pa r a de wa s for med almost immediately after and members marched or rode down Aztec Avenue to the County Courthouse, where the ma in celebration wa s held. Ve t e r a n s C o m m i t t e e Chairman Joe Zecca opened with a brief message and
having been killed in action. State Rep. Patty Lundstrom, D - Ga l lu p, a nd McK i n ley Cou nt y Ma nager Bi l l Lee spoke as well. Cuellar introduced Grand Marshall Silva to the collected crowd for a few words and Zecca recited a roll call for all the veterans that had given all for their country. The high point, though, was another 21-gun salute and the playing of Taps, followed by a brief presentation of an American flag, tri-cornered during that almost-ending ceremony, that was presented to Esther Largo to remember her son, Calvin David Largo, who was killed in action in Vietnam.
Marines, past and present, marching in Memorial Day Parade. Semper Fi!
Decorated graves of two former military men at Hillcrest Cemetery.
Gallup Sun • Friday May 29, 2015
Miyamura High Graduates 197 Stories and photos by Tom Hartsock Sun Correspondent
iya mura High School graduated 197 students May 23, in a ceremony held at Public School Stadium. It was the final graduation for Gallup Schools but it was as
joyous as the first one over three weeks ago. In rows of four, the students filed into the area set for them, following the faculty. The Posting of Colors was handled admirably by two members of the American Legion. Ismael Fuentes and Victor Madrid took care of the welcome to the visitors packed into the
Graduates filing into Public School Stadium.
Hershey Miyamura, standing at attention during graduation ceremony in Public School Stadium.
Four graduates walking in unison toward the stadium.
The American Legion posted the colors prior to the start of the graduation ceremony at Public School Stadium.
Friday May 29, 2015 • Gallup Sun
Joe Menini, Frank Chiapetti, and Bob Rosebrough enter the stadium during graduation ceremony for MHS.
concrete-based bleachers on the west side. R a ch a el Eld r id ge a nd Nicole Atenciao led the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance and Andy Escamilla performed the national anthem. The invocation was given by Josiah Shank and Amber Antez. L aw r ence Ga rc i a a nd Toshio Herrera presented the Class Gift, the scoreboard at the MHS practice field. Salutatorian William Hubbard, an Valedictorians Sabrina Bhakta and Sean Campos gave a short speech to their classmates and the audience. Former Gallup Mayor Bob Rosebrough addressed the class before the Gallup-McKinley School District Governing Board presented the diplomas. Principal Jack McFarland presented the class of 2015 to the assemblage and Dr. Bruce Tempest gave the board’s acceptance of the class to those gathered here. Alivia Long had the toughest job in getting her class to turn their tassels, together, but then the recessional started to the sounds of the class song, “Yellow” by Coldplay. Hiroshi Miyamura, a Medal of Honor recipient for whom the school is named, was also on the stage for the ceremony. Congratulations to all the graduates, from the first to the last. As your class motto states: “Our lives are before us, our pasts are behind us, but our memories are always with us.” NEWS
Rehoboth Graduates 42
Story and photos by Tom Hartsock Sun Correspondent
he Rehoboth parking lot overflowed with cars and trucks, and the Sports & Fitness Center was jammed to the roof
for the graduation ceremony May 23. For t y-t wo student s, i nclud i ng 17 member s of the National Honor Society, filed into the auditorium to the stra ins of “Pomp a nd Circumstance” performed by a five-piece combo. Principal
Family and friends came out in droves to support Rehoboth High School’s Class of 2015.
Principal Chris VanSlooten prepares to address the crowd at the Rehoboth graduation.
Rosina Jones got all dressed up to watch her aunt graduate at Rehoboth.
Chris VanSlooten welcomed all the visitors with the help of Shannon Begay. Mikias Ippel, McKenzie Dunson and Nolan Johnny read the Class Bible verses and Superintendent Carol Bremer-Bennett addressed the graduates minutes later. Bobbi Padilla and Amanda Martin were recognized as the Valedictorian a nd S a lut a t or i a n of t h i s year’s class and a prayer of ma ny la ng uages wa s performed by: Kyrene Josafat (Taga log), Mat t hew Cope (S pa n i s h), I n g r id Pa t t en (Ger ma n), K id ist BremerBennett (Amharic), Temera Nahsonhoya (Hopi), Bethany Cody (Navajo), and Shelby Petrson (English). Special music, “My Life is in Your Hands” was performed before the presentation of diplomas and Bibles by: School Board Members Mar ylynn Harry, Ophelia Milford and Julia Mitchell, and by Class Sponsors Myron Postma and Steve Terborg. VanSlooten presented the class to the audience, Bob Ippel gave a closing Blessing, and the RCS Faculty Choir sang one last song before the recessional, and the world will benefit from the addition of 42 more high school graduates, ready to make their way in a variety of disciplines.
Rehoboth grads look around the packed gymnasium to see where family and friends are sitting.
Four Rehoboth grads stand during opening ceremonies at the Sports & Fitness Center.
Gallup Sun • Friday May 29, 2015
In Memoriam Private First Class David Ashley U.S. Army Dec. 7, 1942 – Nov. 7, 1945 Theater: European, African, Middle-Eastern Service Commendations of Valor: Bronze Star, Combat Infantry Badge
In Memoriam Manuel O. Bustamante U.S. Army 1942-45 Combat Engineer, Sgt. E-5 Pacific Theater of Operations
Frank Diaz U.S. Army 1992-95, including National Guard 1115/3rd Cavalry Transportation, Sgt. E-5 Theater: Taji, Iraq
Felix Martinez U.S. Air Force 1966-70 C-130 Air Crewman, SSG E-4 Theater: Okinawa, flying supplies into Vietnam
Tom Hartsock U.S. Army 1965-71 Army Security Agency, SP5 Theater: Saigon and Pleiku, Vietnam
In Memoriam Anthony Alfred Ortiz U.S. Navy 1965-71 Seaman’s Mate, USS Estes Pacific Theater, including Vietnam
Arthur E. Bustamante U.S. Army 1970-76 Military Police, SP4 Theater: Long Binh and Ben Hoa, Vietnam
Friday May 29, 2015 • Gallup Sun
Delfred Smith U.S. Marine Corps 1966-69 Tactical Data Communications, Sgt. E-5 Theater: Monkey Mountain, Vietnam
In Memoriam Larry Dean May U.S. Army 1965-66 Medical Discharge Honorable
First Sergeant Dennis Touchine U.S. Army 29+ years Theater: Operation Iraqi Freedom, Kosovo, Romania
OPINIONS Reduce your risk 100% for STDs Dear Editor: Thank you for running the article “A Test for Life” in your May 1, 2015 issue. Educating our community on the silent STD epidemic in our area is critical. McKinley County had the highest rates of chlamydia and gonorrhea in New Mexico in 2013. Statewide, 63% of reported chlamydia cases were among persons aged 15-24, and 48% of reported gonorrhea cases were also from the same age range. One of the most important sentences in your article was “According to the CDC and New Mexico Department of Health, not having sex is the only way to prevent STDs.” (That includes vaginal, anal, and oral sex.) Another way to express it is waiting to have sex until you are in a faithful, lifelong relationship (such as marriage) with an uninfected partner is the only certain way to avoid becoming infected sexually. Risk AVOIDANCE is a natural preference term to “risk reduction”. Your story featured a picture of a man and
woman holding a condom package. However, correct and consistent use of condoms only “reduces the risk”, it doesn’t eliminate the risk of getting an STD. Your story did mention this, but I wanted your readers to have that point re-emphasized. What is the risk when using condoms instead of just waiting to have sex until in a lifelong relationship (marriage) with an uninfected partner? If you use condoms correctly every time you have vaginal sex: • …you can cut your chance of getting Chlamydia or gonorrhea by almost 60%. • …you can cut your chance of getting HPV (Human Papillomavirus) by up to 70%.
• …you can cut your chance of getting genital herpes by about 30%. • …you can cut your chance of getting HIV by about 80%. But do people use condoms all the time? Short answer: no. And not everyone who uses condoms uses them correctly. Plus even then they are used correctly condoms can still break or slip off. I didn’t include all the possible medical consequences of getting one of the above mentioned STDs nor did I mention the emotional, social, and mental effects one can experience. Your article notes, “false assumptions about STD’s... are everywhere,” and, “it can be especially hard for people to get the facts.” I believe focusing your article upon condom use and frequent STD testing contributes subtly to these false assumptions and misinformation. Let us first emphatically emphasize the foundation of sexual health promotion: abstinence. To completely reduce your risk (100%) for STD’s, you must avoid sexual activity until you enter a monogamous, faithful relationship with an uninfected partner.
This has been the conventional wisdom of our ancestors, past civilizations, and spiritual advisors. It remains the strongest recommendation of the Center for Disease Control and New Mexico Department Of Health. If we truly desire health, sexual education must primarily rest upon abstinence as its foundation, not upon partner reduction, barrier methods, immunizations, and serial STD testing. To imply that SAFER sex is SAFE is just not genuine. To completely reduce your risk (100%) for STDs, you should avoid all sexual activity until you are faithful to one uninfected partner. If you’ve already had sex, see a doctor about getting checked for STDs. You can decide to postpone any further sexual activity until that faithful, lifelong relationship happens for you. Sincerely, Barbara Leslie Director Hands of Hope Pregnancy Center, Gallup, NM
ARIES (March 21-April 19)
CANCER (June 21-July 22)
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.22)
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Thinking of gold? Not in terms of taking it to get melted down, but as in “going for the gold.” You’re still reeling from Mercury in retrograde, but it’s time to end the meltdown right now and tackle your next project, even if it just means clearing your work desk of clutter. Next, take an uphill walk with a friend.
Relax Cancer, no need to worry about a thing. You seemed to be running for the ocean, but that won’t help fix your situation. Maybe your car keeps breaking down and you keep on fixing it, expecting that you can hold onto it a little longer. Maybe it’s time to trade it in for something new. This philosophy can apply to your entire life. Read between the lines, my friend.
With Memorial Day comes a four-day work week. Not exactly the sort of thing you like, although you would never tell your friends. Anything that slightly sets the scales off sends you into a tailspin. Well, don’t feel unique. All the worker bees out there gained a day of pleasure, while work piled up. Get caught up this weekend.
I know that Capricorn has a wild side. It’s time you take off the poker face and embrace that inner party animal. Now, I am not suggesting you go off and shirk responsibility, but try putting on a little makeup and fixing the hair. Call your girls/ guys. Do something fun. Take the night off
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
With Mercury in retrograde the previous week, you fell off your high perch. You’re good about landing on your feet and separating yourself from the crowd, but not so much lately. And yes, you can blame Mercury. But, not anymore. Knead those frisky paws and get ready to roar. I see a road trip in your future.
I think you’re still watching those reality shows a tad too much. Oh well, it’s your life. You can sit on the couch, pale and all and watch rich folks slap each other around with words. Or, you can opt to take a walk, hike or pick some wildflowers. The goal, Scorpio, is to spice up your own reality. Now, get out there!
Madame G here feels like you need to embrace the late Spring and go for an old-fashioned picnic, somewhere remote. You can always find a place in McGaffey. Tranquility awaits you. Go for hike while you’re out there. Because of your free nature, you like to frolic in the meadows,
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
Why always try to be the calm, sensible one? Try, stepping out and being the life of the party. Yes, trade those flats in for high heels or those loafers for cowboy boots. Begin a new life of adventure. Have fun looking good. Spending all your time working makes you a dull. Go to the rodeo or out dancing, you’ll feel better.
Does someone in your life cook you eggs and potatoes for breakfast every day? It’s monotonous to eat the same thing day in and day out. Read between the lines, Sag, and change things up a bit. Try some cereal one day, and yogurt the next. Yes, I am hinting that it’s time to embrace change … do it slowly, and you’ll love the results.
Like Aquarius, you love to frolic in meadows, and everywhere else for that matter. You just keep frolicking. A Spring weekend gives you the opportunity to meander all over the place. You’ll take it to the next level, as you’re a natural flower child. Yes, take those white flowers and make a flower crown. I know you want to.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) You claim to have psychic abilities, but it’s really good intuition. Someone’s eccentric behavior really bothers you, but everyone else considers him the life of the party. His life is one continuous episode of “Ridiculousness.” Lots of high risk antics, such as skateboarding down stairs. Do it Taurus - tell him he’s ridiculous.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Feeling nostalgic? Madame G has your number. I know you’re creeping’ on Facebook, looking for those old high school friends, ex-flame, or long lost cousin that you promised to say in touch with but never did. What a total waste of time. Chances are that they moved on with their lives and don’t have time for creepin’.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
from reading Popular Mechanics.
so be sure to use bug repellant.
Gallup Sun • Friday May 29, 2015
COMMUNITY Doughnut Dollies: in combat in Vietnam without a weapon By Marley Shebala Sun Correspondent
I N DOW ROCK , Ariz. – Mary Tsinna jinnieCohoe is a Vietnam War veteran but she will never receive federal veterans’ benefits. Tsinnajinnie-Cohoe served
Vietnam as an American Red Cross SRAO aide or “Doughnut Dolly.” “Many people don’t know about the SRAO program,” she said as she flashed a smile that could light up a room. SRAO is the acronym for Supplemental Recreational Activities Overseas. Tsinnajinnie-Cohoe
Dollies drove in “clubmobiles” to military bases, where they served fresh doughnuts and hot coffee and also welcomed back airmen from oversea missions by playing music over loud-speakers. They also created and operated recreational centers.
BOOSTING MORALE Tsinnajinnie-Cohoe said, “Our number one job was to boost the morale of the American G.I.” And she said they did by hopping on military helicopters or riding in military jeeps and trucks from the main military bases to where the soldiers were. And the soldiers were in combat areas. T here a re photos of Tsinnajinnie-Cohoe standing with soldiers in their field
Mary Tsinnajinnie-Cohoe served as Doughnut Dolly in the Vietnam War from 1968 to 1969. She proudly wore this pin on May 23, 2015. Photo Credit: Marley Shebala
in Vietnam in 1968 to 1969. And while she never carried a rifle or weapon, she wore powder blue culottes and served doughnuts and coffee with a smile – with the goal of raising the morale of combat-battered military personnel. Tsinnajinnie was one of 627 single young ladies between the ages of 21-24 years of age, and a college graduate, who went to
reca l led t hat du r i ng t he V i e t n a m Wa r, t h e U. S . Department of Defense asked the USO or United Service Organization to provide entertainment and the American Red Cross for its Doughnut Dollies, which is term that came from American service men that were stationed in England during World War II. At that time, the Doughnut
When Mary Tsinnajinnie-Cohoe decided to serve in the Vietnam War in 1968, she wanted to be an American Red Cross Doughnut Dolly. She is only Navajo Doughnut Dolly of the 627 that served during the Vietnam War. Photo Credit: Marley Shebala
bunkers at “LZs and fire bases.” She ex pla i ns that LZ s means landing zones. “One thing in training that we were trained never to ask
was, ‘How are you?’ We never asked that,” she said.
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DOUGHNUT DOLLIES | FROM PAGE 10 She said that as soon as they arrived at an LZ or fire base, they would start chatting and visiting with the soldiers and engage them in audience participation programs or “silly games.” Some of the games were competitive and involved knowledge about the United States and the world, she said. “The good stuff,” she said. “We didn’t really know that Vietnam was very unpopular back in the United States. We wanted to boost the morale about the American GI and so we talked about the United States in a positive way.” She said that her audience participation program focused on motorcycles because the soldiers were very young. They were between 18-20 years old, she recalled. “Our job was to get their minds off what happened and what will happen or may not happen to them,” Tsinnajinnie remembered. “We saw a lot. We met thousands of guys. And some, probably many of them never came back. And those that did come back are veterans now and they’re the ones expressing appreciation online to us.” On the website, Christopher R. Barnes of Palm Springs, Calif., wrote, “I was in Tay Ninh, Viet Nam in 1969-70. One of the highlights of my tour was the night a Doughnut Dolly came out to my post and said hi. It was at Christmas when our … my … spirits were at a low point. “I was a military police sentry dog handler guarding the ammunition dump at the Tay Ninh base and had been under a massive amount of stress for the last nine months and hadn’t seen a ‘round eye’ girl for at least that amount of time,” Barnes stated. He stated, “I just want to thank that Red Cross girl for risking her safety in order to spruce up my life and Christmas. I hope she has had a good happy and healthy life. God bless her and all those women who were there and risked their lives for the sake of our morale.”
NATIVE AMERICAN SERVICE Tsinnajinnie-Cohoe said that when the traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall came to Window Rock, she
finally met one of the Navajo service men that she had met as a Doughnut Dolly. She also met other Navajo service personnel from the Vietnam War. “It felt good,” she said. “We just chatted and we had a good time visiting.” And it was pleasant to visit without having to explain without any detail, which part of the states they were from. “I knew where they had been,” she said. “They knew that I knew. So we were just very trusting. And we’d just be talking terminologies. “Slang stuff that guys learned and that we also heard,” she said, letting out a little laugh and smile. “So that was fun.Yes. And that was at the Wall.” She recalled seeing and meeting some other Native American and Navajo service men when the Doughnut Dollies were out with their “mobile clubs.” “We’re out there doing out program and I would always look to the back,” she remembered. “And there they are. Not participating. Just watching. “So after our little program would be over with, I would excuse myself and go way to the back to where they were,” she said. “And we’d chat for a little bit and then just go on.” She said when the Doughnut Dollies were out in the combat zones, they were welcoming military personnel to the Red Cross SRAO recreational centers, where there were ping pong tables, pool tables, library books, music and “all kinds of activities, just like any recreational centers here [in the states].” She remembered that at Cam Ranh Bay military base that there were two recreational centers because the base was so large.
Her answer: “I haven’t.” But Tsinnajinnie-Cohoe said she wanted to become a Doughnut Dolly. “For me personally, like many Navajo families, we come from families loyal to the military,” she said. “My brother, Tom Tsinnajinnie, was with the Marines. Her brother and her nephew, the late Dennis Willeto, were serving in Vietnam, which she said was another reason she joined the Red Cross. She said her family didn’t support her decision, but her dad her dad finally gave in and signed the paperwork. But she was on her own from there. Her family wouldn’t take her from their home in Torreon, N.M., to Cuba, N.M., to catch a bus to Albuquerque. “I hitchhiked,” she remembered. “I asked for a ride from Torreon to Cuba to get on the bus. I asked for a ride. And I got dropped off. Got on the bus. Got to Albuquerque. Got on the plane to D.C. Got on another plane and went to Virginia. And met all the other ladies who were in my class.”
THE WOUNDED Cam Ranh Bay served several branches of the miltary, she explained. She added that the main bases were also where the military hospitals were located and so the Doughnut Dollies also took their smiles to the wounded, who most often had severe injuries. She said they had to focus on the faces of the wounded and not the wounds, unlike the military nurses. “We did fun stuff with them,” she said. “We still had to be smiling. We were still boosting their morale. We didn’t want to make them self-conscious. They were already very self conscience.” On weekends, which were their leisure time, the Doughnut Dollies would volunteer to go with the military medics to the orphanages, she said.
When Mary Tsinnajinnie was serving as American Red Cross Doughnut Dolly during the Vietnam War, she was photographed outside an American military bunker in Chu Lai in 1968. Photo Credit: Courtesy
And now, as the only Doughnut Dolly that is Navajo, Tsinnajinnie-Cohoe continues to take her beautiful smile and positive words and thoughts to veterans on the Navajo Reservation. She has also been involved with the annual Memorial Day “Run For the Wall,” which is focused on military personnel killed or missing in the Vietnam War. “I can recognize a combat veterans among other veterans,” she said softly with a faint smile. “Just from their faces and their posture and their walk.” She sighed and added, “We too had those experiences. Probably a lot of us got contact with Agent Orange. We don’t have VA benefits. This has been researched thoroughly. But we are Vietnam veterans and we participated at all levels as much as we could with the military.” When she returned home from the Vietnam War, she remembered how she felt. “I felt nothing,” she said. “Just numb. I wanted to go back.” Tsinnajinnie-Cohoe knows those were symptoms of PTSD or post traumatic stress disorder and so the Gallup Sun asked her how she dealt with her PTSD.
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Gallup Sun • Friday May 29, 2015
Gallup welcomes new postmaster By Melinda Russell Sun Correspondent “I’m grateful to work for the Postal Service. I’m excited to work in Gallup. Customer service is my No. 1 priority so I’m excited to get started,” said Dona Roberts, newly sworn in Post Master for the United States Postal Service in Gallup. Rober t s ha s been t he interim post master in Gallup since September 2014 but was officially sworn in May 22. Roberts was sworn in by Suzy Yarbro, manager of postal operations for the Arizona district, which includes Gallup. “I’m ver y plea sed. I’ve worked with her for about 3 years and she’s done a great job,” Yarbo said. “She is an asset to my area.” Rober ts is focusing on increasing the quality of customer service in her operations. Her goals are to get customers their mail on time, get the mail in the right box, streamline the lobby lines and have the right employees in the right places at the right times all in an effort to make the system work more efficiently and effectively. Since realigning routes, Roberts is more comfortable with the home and business deliver y systems. Rober ts will be responsible for the
USPS staff takes time for a photo before enjoying a celebratory meal after the official swearing in ceremony of their new Post Master, Dona Roberts. Photo Credit: Melinda Russell
management and operation of 26 postal employees in Gallup and five Contract Postal Units. CPU’s are the mini-post offices like the ones inside Lowe’s and T & R Market. Roberts was proud to have her mother, daughter and two grandchildren on hand to support her while taking her oath. Other postmasters from Bernalillo, Peralta and Window Rock were in attendance as well. The postal staff gave Roberts a warm welcome by hosting a pot luck for her, Gallup style. It was a full table with enchiladas, posole and ceviche. ote Prom r You s nes Busi
Linda Alonzo, a 20-year employee of the postal service and supervisor of customer services, said of Roberts: “She is dedicated to making a good working relationship with her employees.” They have added a route that will create at least one more full time career position with the area postal service. This will give all customers a constant mail carrier so they will receive their mail at a regular time and it will give them a chance to get to know their carrier. During the swearing in ceremony, there was a loud chirping in the air. A large shipment
USPS Post Master, Dona Roberts addresses her staff after her swearing in ceremony at the Gallup Carrier Anex. From left to right: Jason Gonzales, Charles Soto, Kevin Kerley, Andrew Thomas, Dona Roberts, Tom Benton, Lynny Ashike, Linda Alonzo, Roman Herrera, Matt Palacios and Bob Oakerson. Photo Credit: Melinda Russell
of chicks was waiting to be loaded and delivered. Alonzo said they get all kinds of products to deliver. Not long ago she found boxes of bees stashed under her desk awaiting delivery. But, Alonzo says the hardest animals to deal with are the roosters because they get so loud in the early mornings. Roberts comes to Gallup by way of Lehigh Acres, FL. But she was born and raised in Grants, so she is familiar with a rural based community. One of the programs she hopes to promote is that of “Move to Competition.”
This program is built for people who do not have access to UPS or FEDEX home delivery service. Rural customers can sign up for the service with the USPS here in Gallup. The only requirement is that they have a post office box. With this program, the post office will receive FEDEX and UPS shipments for their customers and will deliver to them through their post office boxes. “Every day I am blessed to work for the post office,” Roberts said. “I’m up for the challenge,”
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SAN ANDREAS Depicts A Tsunami of Cheesy Disaster Movie Tropes By Glenn Kay For the Sun
isaster films are a tricky business. The spectacle of nature wreaking havoc is always eye-catching, but most movies fail to compensate for the epic scale, resorting to a generic story with too many thinly drawn characters. San Andreas definitely falls into this category. The earthquakes and aftershocks are stunning to look at, but the humans suffer with generic interpersonal conflict and drab dialogue that at times approaches self-parody. Ray (Dwayne Johnson) is an LA Fire Department chopper pilot who struggles deeply with his daughter’s tragic rafting death. Unable to come to grips, Ray’s marriage to Emma (Carla Gugino) has fallen to ruins. When our hero learns that his estranged wife has found a new boyfriend in millionaire developer Daniel (Ioan Gruffudd), he believes all is lost. Until a
Carla Gugino and Dwayne Johnson headline the shaky flick, San Andreas, which opens in theaters May 29. Photo Credit: Courtesy of New Line Cinema.
massive earthquake strikes. Ray leaps into action, desperately attempting to locate Emma and his other daughter Blake (Alexandra Daddario), lost in San Francisco. Do you think Ray will get another chance at romance with his wife, or have an opportunity to make amends for losing a child? Well, if you’re ever seen a disaster film before, the a nswer is obv ious. W hile there are several suppor ting characters (including a seismologist played by Paul Giamatti, who seems to be in the film solely to deliver
exposition), the spotlight is on Ray reconnecting with his family. Actually, that’s not exactly true. Falling prey to genre tropes, the real focus is on depicting devastating destruction across California, brutally offing hundreds of background extras. The lead characters are as thinly drawn and ridiculous as they come. As written, boyfriend Daniel’s reaction to the situation is as expected, but is depicted in such an over-thetop manner that it borders on hilarious. As for Johnson, he’s a likable hero, but isn’t given too much to say, with each epic
action scene broken up by a steely gaze from our hero and a line like, “I’m just doing my job,” or a patriotic and motivational, “We will rebuild!” It’s all very hard to buy into. And that’s about as much story or character development as is written. Admittedly, the digital effects are impressive and fun, as our leads fly helicopters and race past collapsing buildings, or attempt survive a giant tsunami that throws cargo ships into the city to knock over whatever structures haven’t fallen yet. This all looks great, but we never feel any concern or threat towards the main characters. E v e r y a s p e c t of t h i s story is predictable, with the exception of the odd campy situation inspiring snickers rather than shock and awe. Particularly amusing is Ray’s attempts to navigate the lawless frontier of a post-earthquake Bakersfield, CA. Watch out people, apparently it only takes a few hours for complete chaos to take hold of the streets in that city. While daughter Blake character bucks some convention as a young and able female survivor during the crisis, every other aspect of the film
is liberally borrowed from disaster pictures of old. Its overpopulated with characters of various social backgrounds, there’s a heroic, sacrificial gesture that results in an incredibly violent end, a romantically estranged relationship that repairs itself amidst the violence, etcetera. Had someone stepped forward early on an belted out a “love theme”, you would swear you were watching a disaster movie from 1974 (I didn’t stay through all of the end credits, so maybe it’s there). To be fair, San Andreas looks slick and is easy enough to watch as it goes down. There are plenty of goofy laughs to be had from this incredibly silly and entirely unbelievable take on an earthquake flick. But shouldn’t a movie like this strive to pitch some curves into the formula and develop characters, instead of simply drawing laughs from its overthe-top approach? One hopes that should it spur a new wave of disaster titles, filmmakers try to focus as much on the people as they do on the big effects. Read more of Glenn Kay’s reviews at:
PETS OF THE WEEK JOURNEY & QUEST 6460 Journey is a female Border Collie mix, about 7 weeks old 6459 Quest is a female Blue Heeler mix, about 7 weeks old Adoption fee for puppies is $100.
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Visit and adopt one of these deserving furry friends at Gallup-McKinley County Humane Society: 1315 Hamilton Rd #B, Gallup, NM. Information: (505) 863-2616. COMMUNITY
Gallup Sun • Friday May 29, 2015
SPORTS 360 Kids Are Wonderful, Parents Not So Much By Tom Hartsock Sun Correspondent
he resignation letter of May 21 on Facebook is over 600 words long, and will not be repeated verbatim here, but the board members of the Gallup Amateur Baseball/Softball Association held a lengthy interview on May 26 to further explain their actions. Their comments were a reaction to a Letter to the Ed it or, publ i shed i n t he Independent newspaper, criticizing the efforts and actions of the board and/or coach toward her 10-year old son. Written by a parent, Cathy Covington, that slightly overstated her case, it became the straw that broke the back of the board members. “We had stated before last year’s season that we would
From left: Kevin Menapace, President; Christa Raney, Treasurer; Tammy Houghtaling, Safety Officer; Doctor Lawrence Andrade, Vice President. Not pictured: James Joines, Baseball President; Yvette Gustafson and Benina Maldonado, Softball Presidents; and Regina Keedah, Secretary. Photo Credit: Tom Hartsock.
only run the league for two years,” said Doctor Lawrence Andrade, the vice-president of the league, which serves over
1,100 boys and girls. “Some of the members thought they might serve longer, three or four years, but the actions of a
small minority of parents have changed their minds.” “Some of the parents have become very aggressive and belligerent and have indulged in personal attacks against board members, the schedule, coaches and umpires, and even to concession stand workers,” said Kevin Menapace, president of the league. “It’s not like we didn’t expect some opposition to certain rules, but not like this. Now we have five to ten complaints every night and some of them get ugly very quickly.” Everyone knows that some parents always try to shift responsibility from themselves and especially their children when it comes to unfavorable decisions, but face-to-nose confrontations are not the mature was to handle these problems. We have options written
into the by-laws that have not been used, three strikes and you’re out. Some parents have already been dealt with five or six times,” said Andrade. “It wears on you, but we don’t like to punish the kids for the actions of the parents, which the option would do.” The interview broke down to individual problems the b o a r d h a d e x p e r ie nc e d , including one that had an irate parent confront one of them at his job, where he was waiting on a customer. Others involved parents screaming obscenities at the umpires and the coaches, sometimes using the open portion of the dugouts to express themselves better. The players pick up on this sort of bad conduct, and
This Week in Sports SATURDAY – MAY 30 ROBERTO CLEMENTE (INDIAN HILLS PARK) 9am Twins vs. Dodgers 11am Red Sox vs. Yankees 1pm Tigers vs. Mets ROBERTO CLEMENTE (STAFIE PARK) 9am Angels vs. Cardinals 11am Reds vs. Padres 1pm Twins vs. Marlins U-8 SOFTBALL (FATHER DUNSTAN PARK) 10am Rockies at Nationals 12pm Dodgers at Padres WILLIE MAYS LEAGUE (STAFIE PARK) 6pm Yankees vs Rangers 8pm Giants vs Pirates U-12 SOFTBALL (F.C. SOFTBALL FIELD) 9am Yankees vs. Pirates 11am D-Backs vs. Braves U-14 SOFTBALL (F.C. SOFTBALL FIELD) 1pm Trojans vs. Yankees 3pm D-backs vs. Giants MONDAY – JUNE 1 ROD CAREW T-BALL (T-BALL FIELD) 6pm A’s vs. Rockies 7pm Braves vs. Yankees 8pm Cardinals vs. Astros ROBERTO CLEMENTE (INDIAN HILLS PARK) 6pm Angels vs. Indians 8pm Cardinals vs. Dodgers U-8 SOFTBALL
(FATHER DUNSTAN PARK) 6pm Dbacks at Angels 8pm Dodgers at Rockies WILLIE MAYS LEAGUE (STAFIE PARK) 6pm Pirates vs Giants 8pm Yankees vs Angels PEE WEE REESE LEAGUE (PEE WEE REESE PARK) 6:00 Yankees vs. Dodgers 8:00 As’ vs. Rangers U-12 SOFTBALL (F.C. SOFTBALL FIELD) 6pm Yankees vs. Giants 8pm Braves vs. Pirates SANDY KOUFAX LEAGUE MICKEY MANTLE PARK 6pm Giants vs. Yankees 8pm Reds vs. Tigers TUESDAY – JUNE 2 ROD CAREW T-BALL (T-BALL FIELD) 6pm Indians vs. White Sox 7pm Dbacks vs. Giants 8pm Cubs vs. Dodgers ROBERTO CLEMENTE (INDIAN HILLS PARK) 6pm Reds vs. Yankees 8pm Tigers vs. Red Sox WILLIE MAYS LEAGUE (STAFIE PARK) 6pm Nationals vs Rangers 8pm A’s vs D-Backs U-10 SOFTBALL (FATHER DUNSTAN PARK) 6pm Bruins vs. Grayhounds 8pm Wildcats vs. Seminoles PEE WEE REESE LEAGUE
Friday May 29, 2015 • Gallup Sun
(PEE WEE REESE PARK) 6:00 Braves v Rangers 8:00 Red Sox v Yankees U-14 SOFTBALL (F.C. SOFTBALL FIELD) 6pm Giants vs. Yankees 8pm Dbacks vs. Trojans MICKEY MANTLE LEAGUE (MICKEY MANTLE PART) 6pm Dodgers vs. Yankees 8pm Pirates vs. A’s WEDNESDAY – JUNE 3 ROD CAREW T-BALL (T-BALL FIELD) 6pm Angels vs. Tigers 7pm A’s vs. Red Sox 8pm Braves vs. Pirates ROBERTO CLEMENTE (INDIAN HILLS PARK) 6pm Twins vs. Padres 8pm Angels vs. Mets U-8 SOFTBALL (FATHER DUNSTAN PARK) 6pm Dbacks at Nationals 8pm Giants at Padres WILLIE MAYS LEAGUE (STAFIE PARK) 6pm White Sox vs Dodgers 8pm A’s vs Rangers PEE WEE REESE LEAGUE (PEE WEE REESE PARK) 6:00 Rangers v Dodgers 8:00 Braves v Red Sox U-12 SOFTBALL (F.C. SOFTBALL FIELD) 6pm D-Backs vs. Yankees 8pm Giants vs. Braves SANDY KOUFAX LEAGUE
MICKEY MANTLE PARK 6pm Reds vs. Yankees 8pm Tigers vs. Giants THURSDAY – JUNE 4 ROD CAREW T-BALL (T-BALL FIELD) 6pm Cardinals vs. Rockies 7pm Indians vs. Yankees 8pm Dbacks vs. Astros ROBERTO CLEMENTE (INDIAN HILLS PARK) 6pm Cardinals vs. Marlins 8pm Dodgers vs. Indians WILLIE MAYS LEAGUE (STAFIE PARK) 6pm Angels vs White Sox 8pm Yankees vs. Pirates U-10 SOFTBALL (FATHER DUNSTAN PARK) 6pm Ducks vs. Mustangs 8pm Horned Frogs vs. Wildcats PEE WEE REESE LEAGUE (PEE WEE REESE PARK) 6:00 Yankees vs. A’s 8:00 Dodgers vs. Red Sox U-14 SOFTBALL (F.C. SOFTBALL FIELD) 6pm Yankees vs. Dbacks 8pm Giants vs. Trojans MICKEY MANTLE LEAGUE (MICKEY MANTLE PART) 6pm A’s vs. Dodgers 8pm Yankees vs. Pirates FRIDAY – JUNE 5 ROD CAREW T-BALL (T-BALL FIELD) 6pm Cubs vs. White Sox
7pm Dodgers vs. Giants 8pm A’s vs. Tigers ROBERTO CLEMENTE (INDIAN HILLS PARK) 6pm Tigers vs. Yankees 8pm Twins vs. Reds U-8 SOFTBALL (FATHER DUNSTAN PARK) 6pm Rockies at Dodgers WILLIE MAYS LEAGUE (STAFIE PARK) 6pm Dodgers vs Nationals 8pm Giants vs D-Backs U-10 SOFTBALL (FATHER DUNSTAN PARK) 8pm Seminoles vs. G. Hounds PEE WEE REESE LEAGUE (PEE WEE REESE PARK) 6:00 Red Sox vs. Braves 8:00 A’s vs. Yankees U-12 SOFTBALL (F.C. SOFTBALL FIELD) 6pm Giants vs. Pirates 8pm Braves vs. D-Backs SANDY KOUFAX LEAGUE MICKEY MANTLE PARK 6pm Tigers vs. Yankees 8pm Giants vs. Reds Schedules ae only for one week at a time. Times and locations may change for a variety of reasons. Please contact your school to confirm the dates and times. ONLY the four schools from our coverage area appear in this schedule: Gallup, Miyamura, Rehoboth Christian, and Wingate, and these are color-coded for easier reference. The summer league games are included by age groupings, in red.
CLASSIFIEDS KIDS | FROM PAGE 14 see nothing wrong with using vulgar epithets on the field, against their own coaches, tea m mates, a nd u mpires. “Monkey See, Monkey Do” is the first adage that comes to mind. The extreme, very extreme, decision would be to ban ALL parents from the game, but that would hurt the players, too. Many of them delight in showing their baseball/softball skills to family and friends. “We have been getting a lot of support from most of the parents,” said Menapace. “We pay full attention to legitimate complaints.” “We worked hard to get baseball and softball back in Gallup,” added Andrade. “All of the board members have 40-hour plus work weeks to make a living. We added at least one team to every division this year and we have 200 more players on the field. The kids are wonderful. In Mickey Mantle (15-18 year olds) we have kids from the two public schools in some instances playing against others that they play with in the school year. They are having a lot of fun.” Recreation leagues in many sports across the nation are having to withstand assaults,
such as mentioned above, but that does not make the pill easier to swallow. Parents, quite simply, need to allow their children a chance to play and improve without embarrassing them in any manner. The only actions parents should indulge in is to smile, mutter an OK or yeah, or moan, depending on the action on the field. Occasional applause is also appreciated for your own child’s team. Kids learn every day, in ways that parents don’t always understand. But it is some parents who need to GROW UP! Registration dates and times are announced and it is the responsibility of the parents to respect those times and dates. If you expect to be the exception, you may be disappointed. Likewise, game times and dates are scheduled far enough in advance for parents to make the decision as to whether their child can or cannot play. Even more mature are the parents that volunteer to help in any way they can – not the screamers with no solutions except those that benefit their own kids – but ones that actually do what they can in a positive way. The season ends July 2 with a Regional Pee Wee Reese tournament here, from July 8-12; and a Regional World Series here from July 22-26.
CHURCH PEWS FOR SALE 10 feet wide, $250 each or $1500 for all 7 Cash and carry. Call 505-863-3088 to arrange meeting.
The library is offering free computer training throughout the month of May at the Octavia Fellin Public Library. Class size is limited to 10 participants per session. Registration is required, to register call (505)863-1291 or email libtrain@ or visit the front desk of the library. Today: Intermediate PowerPoint: 2 pm-4 pm.
Octavia Fellin Public LibraryChildren’s Branch is hosting a drop in film for all ages. Movie starts at 4 pm. This week’s feature: Finding Nemo.
West of 2nd St. to Munoz Overpass, South of Hwy. 66 to Nizhoni Blvd., South of NM 564 & West of NM 602. Includes Chihuahuita, Elva Dr., Gallup Housing, Cedar Hills, Cipriano St., UNM College. 8 am-5 pm. (505) 863-1212
Community members are invited to come and share their talents-sing, play an instrument, share a poem or joke, puppets, whatever! Church of the Holy Spirit 1334 Country Club Drive in Gallup 6:30 pm-9 pm. (505) 722-7206.
Albuquerque born classical guitarist, Gustavo Pimentel, will present a free concert at 6 pm
DELIVERY DRIVER Gallup Sun is hiring independent contractor newspaper delivery drivers for the following routes: -Grants/Milan-Acoma-Laguna -West Gallup-Navajo-Ganado Send work history/resume to:
FREE CLASSIFIEDS! Place a standard FREE classified in the Gallup Sun! Runs four weeks. Email classified to:
HOUSE FOR RENT Gallup, NM Great Downtown Location
Gallup Sun is looking for English or Journalism students and photographer interns. Must be deadline driven and detail-oriented. Email resume:
REPORTER Gallup Sun is looking for an experienced freelance reporter to cover Gallup city/county/ education news. Will consider candidates from outside of the area. Send resume and clips to:
SHOP FOR RENT 3 shops available for rent. Located in Allison (1/2 mi. west of WalMart) 1,000 sq. ft. each $500-575 Call Phyllis 505-870-0730
2 Bedroom, 1 Bath Call Patricia 505-879-7611
at the Westminster Presbyterian Church-Gallup, 151 State Highway 564, Boardman Drive. (505) 905-3247.
MONDAY JUNE 1 The City of Gallup’s Sustainable Gallup Board, meets on first Monday each month from 3-5 pm in the Mayor’s Conference Room at City Hall. Community members concerned about conservation, energy, water, recycling & other environmental issues are welcome. Call Bill Bright at (505) 722-0039 for information.
All ages are welcome to engage in craft fun for the whole family at the Octavia Fellin Public Library- Children’s Branch. The craft-making fun starts at 4 pm. This week’s project: paper caterpillar.
Residents of Cedar Hills, Debra Drive, Elva Drive and Chihuahita are invited to meet with Dist. 4 Councilor Fran Palochak at our neighborhood meeting beginning at 6 pm. Councilor Palochak will be there to listen to your concerns. It’s a great opportunity to share ideas and we welcome your compliments and complaints. Please join us and feel free to bring a friend or two. Gallup Fire Department Station #1, 1800 South Second St.
Interested in learning more about solar energy? Come to a Gallup Solar meeting, held the first three Wednesdays of the month from 6-8 pm, East Logan Ave. Email: or call (505) 726-2497.
Habitat for Humanity is in need of volunteers for one or more part day construction or support sessions. No experience required. Yard Sales are closed for Winter. If you have household items to donate or wish to volunteer, call Bill Bright at (505) 722-4226.
Dances take place every night through Labor Day, from 7 pm to 8 pm, at the Courthouse Square, located on Aztec between 2nd and 3rd streets. Free admission. (505) 722-2228. To post a non-profit or civic event in the calendar section, please email: or fax: (505) 212-0391. Deadline: Monday 5 pm.
Gallup Sun • Friday May 29, 2015
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Friday May 29, 2015 • Gallup Sun
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