Queens DA, NYPD Confiscate 24 Scooters in Latest Seizure Operation

By Michael V. Cusenza
The Queens DA’s Office and City Police Department on Friday confiscated two-dozen scooters outside a borough migrant shelter.
While DA Melinda Katz did not reveal the exact location of last week’s operation, Queens Media NYC, which posts to social media via the account @ViralNewsNYC, reported that it occurred near a migrant shelter. Queens Media NYC was on site, recording footage of cops and DA investigators taking illicit scooters and loading them into a box truck in front of a large group of people. The video was posted to Twitter on Monday.
“Illegal scooters ridden by migrants have become the primary mode of transportation
to commit crimes,” City Councilwoman Joann Ariola (R-Ozone Park) commented on Twitter. “This is what happens when law enforcement works together for the protection of their citizens.”
Katz noted that that her continued seizure operation has resulted in more than 500 scooters being removed from borough streets since February.
The use of an illegal scooter to commit a crime garnered headlines last year when a Brooklyn man was charged in a 14-count indictment after allegedly randomly firing from a motorbike at pedestrians and a fellow motorist during a shooting spree in Queens

that left an 86-year-old man dead and two others wounded.
According to the charges, on July 8, 2023, at approximately 11:26 a.m., Thomas Abreu was seen on video surveillance cameras and by an eyewitness on 108th Street and Jamaica Avenue in Richmond Hill riding a scooter and wearing a green shirt and with a fanny pack on his shoulder. He approached Hamod Saeidi, 86, and shot him in the back. Saeidi was rushed to a hospital where he later died.
At approximately the same time and at the same location, Abreu, 26, still riding a scooter, fired at two pedestrians, one walking a dog on the sidewalk and at another crossing the street. Neither was struck. Moments later, video surveillance showed
Abreu on 126th Street and Hillside Avenue. He pulled up his scooter next to a parked minivan and shot the driver at close range once in the head. The victim was taken to a hospital and survived.
Abreu was observed on video surveillance riding his scooter on 134th Street and Jamaica Avenue. He approached a pedestrian crossing the street and shot the victim in the shoulder. The victim was treated at a local hospital and released.
At approximately 1 p.m., Abreu was arrested after NYPD officers saw him at Sutphin Boulevard and Archer Avenue riding his scooter. Police recovered a loaded pistol with an extended magazine, as well as a fanny pack containing additional ammunition.
Ariola Hosts Hero Story Time Beach Party in Belle Harbor
By Forum Staff
City Councilwoman Joann Ariola (ROzone Park) on Sunday organized a “Hero Story Time Beach Party,” bringing members of the City Fire Department, EMS, and the City Police Department, as well as military veterans, down to the sand on Beach 137th Street to teach kids about virtues like bravery, heroism, and sacrifice.

“There is this recurring theme from some sections of the media that our heroes are somehow the villains. This is something we need to push back against,” Ariola said. “That’s why it’s so important to reach these children at a young age, and let them interact meaningfully with those who keep us safe day in and day out. In doing so, we can build foundations that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives.”
“It’s a pleasure taking part in Councilwoman Joann Ariola’s Hero Story Time events,” added Thomas Sullivan, a retired U.S. Army Reserve colonel who took part in the day’s festivities. “I can’t think of too many more important opportunities to engage our youth than reading and answering questions about public safety and patriotism. Their questions are precious and a reminder that we have a duty to protect them. Look for more events in the future!”
“Hero Story Time allows us to connect and strengthen the relationship between first responders and the community,” said FDNY EMS Lieutenant Robertson Marc, who represented the emergency medical services during the event. “It also offers a time to answer any questions and or con-
cerns someone may have. I'm so happy to see how invested Councilwoman Joann Ariola is in the community she serves.”
To cap off the day’s fun, after a reading from the book “Fireboat” by Maira Kalman, the attendees were treated to a water display from a real-life FDNY fireboat.

Photo Courtesy of DA Katz
Cops and DA investigators on Friday take scooters into custody.
Photo Courtesy of DA Katz
DA Katz’s crackdown on scooters has netted more than 500 illegal motorbikes this year alone.
Photo Courtesy of Councilwoman Ariola Councilwoman Ariola with some little ones at her Hero Story Time Beach Party this weekend.
Photo Courtesy of Councilwoman Ariola
U.S. Army Reserve Col. (ret.) Tom Sullivan addresses the kids and parents at Sunday’s event.
Mayor Touts Citywide Crime Stats
By Michael V. Cusenza
Mayor Eric Adams recently lauded the latest citywide crime statistics, noting that over the past six months overall crime has decreased in the Big Apple.
“This administration inherited a 40-percent increase in crime when we took office; we saw everything from shootings to illegal mopeds, dirt bikes, ghost cars,” Adams said last week. “We have had a full frontal assault on disorder. When you have six straight months of a decrease in crime, it says that the initiatives that we have put in place, they’re working. We know that if it bleeds, it leads, that some of the cases that take place would be on our front pages, but in reality, New York City is the safest big city in America.”
After an increase in transit crime in January, Hizzoner said the City Police Department responded—especially to the trains.
“We put 1,000 officers in the system after the January bump. You saw February, March, April, May, and June, a decrease in our subway crimes,” Adams said. “A real operation, 1,000 new cops in the system; a partnership to deal with those with severe mental health illnesses and going after those habitual repeaters and focusing on something that was ignored for eight years—those who refused to pay their fare—and it became just so routine that we said, We’re not going to allow it to happen in our system because taxpayers should not have to pick up the cost of those who have money and refuse to pay. That led to the six straight months that we are seeing.”
The mayor also addressed the issues of protests and migrants committing crimes in NYC.
“Over thousands of protests that we're witnessing in the city, particularly after Oct. 7, you’re seeing the presence of dangerous people who have arrived in our city,” Adams said. “A small proportion of those who are part of the migrants and asylum seekers that have arrived here are participating in gang behavior. It is not a representation of the large number of migrants and asylum seekers who are here to pursue the next step on their dream to be in America. I want to really thank First Deputy Commissioner [Tania] Kinsella and Deputy Commissioner [Rebecca Ulam] Weiner, who traveled to Colombia to do an investigation on the presence of a group, a dangerous small element of gang behavior that we were not allowing to take foothold in our city. They’ll continue to investigate and look into this.”
Adams, a retired NYPD captain, made a point to show gratitude to Commissioner Edward Caban, his team, and the members of the NYPD.
“They have one mission and that is to go after the bad guys so they don’t do bad things to good people in this city. They have been really addressing the issue of violence and disorder in our city, and we cannot thank them enough,” the mayor said. “I say it over and over again, heroes don’t wear capes. They wear blue uniforms, and they are continuously providing the service that we expect with the level of professionalism that we want.”

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Photo Courtesy of Ed Reed/Mayoral Photography Office
“I say it over and over again, heroes don’t wear capes—they wear blue uniforms,” Mayor Adams said.
Help Me Repeal the Sanctuary City Laws op-ed:
By Joann Ariola
Sanctuary City laws are destroying the Big Apple. It’s no secret that the misguided legislation – first implemented during the Koch administration and then reinforced by de Blasio’s calamitous decision to limit cooperation with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) – has allowed an unchecked flow of migrants to pour into our city and forced our taxpayers to foot the bill.
Together, however, we can take the steps necessary to repeal this disastrous piece of legislation, and help get New York City back to a state of normalcy. On Monday, July 22, the NYC Charter Revision Commission will be at the Queens Public Central Library in Jamaica at 89-11 Merrick Blvd. from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. to listen to public testimony on the impact sanctuary city laws have had on New Yorkers. Based on what they hear, those officials have the power to put a referendum on the ballot on
Nov. 5 – a referendum which will let voters decided whether or not we want to remain a sanctuary city going forward.
The courts have failed us. The state and federal governments have failed us. It’s time that we finally get a say in what is going on in our communities, and
a referendum allows for exactly that. This is the opportunity for all of you to get in there and really make your voices heard to make a difference.
I know that getting to Jamaica is not the most convenient thing to do. Of course, it would be much easier to simply type up and email and send it off, but what we really need is a show of manpower. We need city leaders to physically see the amount of people who are willing to travel and go out of their way to take a stand for our city. Emails are great, but they lack the “umph” that a packed room full of people – all united together for a common cause – has. By showing up in large numbers, we send a powerful message that we are serious about wanting change.
This is our big chance to make a difference. One night of your time can help to change the course of the city’s trajectory. So I ask all of you to join me in Jamaica on July 22, and let’s all do our part to make these sanctuary city laws a thing of the past. Your presence at the meeting is crucial. We must demonstrate that the citizens of New York City are no longer willing to accept policies that compromise our safety and burden our resources. Let’s come together and make our voices heard loud and clear. This is our city, and we have the right to shape its future.

Ariola (R-Ozone Park) is a City Councilwoman representing the 32nd Council District, which includes Howard Beach, Lindenwood, Glendale, Forest Park, Woodhaven, Ozone Park, Broad Channel, Rockaway Beach, Rockaway Park, Belle Harbor, Neponsit, Roxbury, Fort Tilden, and Breezy Point.

NY AG Cracks Down on Idling School Buses

According to AG James, data provided by the fleet management system that the City DOE has installed on all City school buses indicated that the companies had all repeatedly exceeded idling limits.
By Forum Staff
State Attorney General Tish James on Monday announced settlements with four school bus companies to stop illegal excessive idling at their bus yards in communities of color and low-income communities in Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx, and on Staten Island. The companies—Consolidated Bus, Inc., Logan Bus Company, Pioneer Transportation Co., and Total Transportation Corp.— will each be required to invest up to $2 million to purchase new electric buses or electrify some of their current fleet.
The Office of the Attorney General alleges that these four companies violated New York laws by allowing school buses to idle for extended periods of time at their bus yards. Emissions from buses and cars are the largest contributor to air pollution in New York, and excessive idling endangers the health of surrounding communities. By contrast, the new electric buses will not emit any air pollutants. The companies will also install automatic idling shut-off timers on their remaining traditional buses and implement anti-idling training for drivers.
Data provided by the fleet management system that the New York City Department of Education has installed on all New York City school buses indicated that the companies had all repeatedly exceeded idling limits. The data revealed thousands of instances of excessive idling by Consolidated, Logan, Pioneer, and Total at their bus yards. Most of these bus yards, which are in Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx, and on Staten Island, are located in areas identified by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation as potential “environmental justice areas,” or neighborhoods that
are disproportionately impacted by environmental harms such as air pollution. The companies’ bus yards are sometimes clustered together in these neighborhoods, which exacerbates their negative impacts on the surrounding community.
New York law prohibits idling for over five minutes, while New York City law prohibits idling for more than three minutes, or one minute when the vehicle is near a school building. The OAG investigation focused on instances of idling for periods of more than two hours in the early morning to rule out instances where extended idling might be allowed under the law due to other circumstances, such as traffic or picking up and dropping off students.
Emissions from cars, trucks, and buses are one of the leading sources of air pollution in New York state. Idling is a significant source of these emissions, with an estimated 130,000 tons of carbon dioxide emitted in New York City alone each year. Emissions from diesel-powered vehicles like buses are particularly harmful to the communities surrounding bus yards because they emit fine particulate matter that has been linked to numerous problems, including asthma, cancer, and heart disease. The health impacts of air pollution are disproportionately felt in low-income communities and communities of color in New York City, which are often home to bus yards and other high-emission facilities like power plants located in close proximity to residential neighborhoods. Children in Central Brooklyn, the South Bronx, and Upper Manhattan—which are predominantly low-income communities and communities of color—are three times more likely than children in other areas of the city to be diagnosed with asthma.

A few weeks ago, we talked about how to use sunscreen to protect your skin. This week we offer some other hints to saving your skin in summer.
1. SELF TANNER-WHY NOT? Instead of lying for hours in the sun, get that sun kissed glow with a self-tanner. You can purchase an inexpensive self-tanning lotion at your local pharmacy. Just remember to exfoliate before you apply selftanner to remove any dry skin that could lead to an uneven appearance.
2. MOISTURIZE AND NOURISH WITH OILS Elbows, feet, and ankles can get very dry, so try avocado oil to keep them healthy and smooth.
3. GIVE ’EM LIP SERVICE Use a lip sunscreen with SPF agent even if you’re putting lipstick on, too.
4. REMEMBER HAIR CARE The beating sun will hit your hair hard, but there are a number of sprays containing SPF that you can put on after you wash your hair.
5. EXFOLIATE HEAD TO TOE If you’re on a budget, you can do just as
Presented by Frank Pantina, R.Ph
good a job using an exfoliation mitt or glove and your regular body wash. Gentle exfoliation is essential if you’ve had any area waxed, particularly in the bikini area, as it can help prevent ingrown hairs.
6. BE KIND TO YOUR FACE Chemical peels, creams, scrubs, and other products containing glycolic acids and retinoids should not be used if you spend a lot of time in the sun. Try Mineral Makeup available in your local pharmacy.
7. YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT Your skin needs lots of vitamins and minerals to stay healthy--summer fruits and vegetables have many beneficial components. Foods rich in antioxidants and protein, such as fresh produce, fish, and eggs, can stimulate collagen growth, which keeps the skin elastic and helps prevent wrinkles.
8. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER The sun can dry your skin and make you sweat more, so keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Just be careful you don't drink too much.
Until Next Week…
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Ariola, DOT Combine to Care for Lindenwood Intersection

City Councilwoman Joann Ariola (R-Ozone Park) this week reached out to the City Department of Transportation regarding an overgrowth of weeds as well as a break in the fencing along S. Conduit Avenue and 89th Street.
DOT personnel were out early Tuesday morning to trim the overgrowth. The fencing will be replaced, according to Ariola.
“If you have an issue to report, please contact us at 718-738-1083 or 718-318-6411,” the councilwoman posted on Facebook. “Delivering for you in District 32!”
Photo Courtesy of Councilwoman Ariola
DA Handling Several Open Investigations into Card Skimming

By Michael V. Cusenza
Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz on Friday revealed that her office is currently handling several open investigations into card skimming—a type of theft that occurs when illegally installed devices on ATMs, cashier terminals, or fuel pumps capture card data and record PIN entries for purposes of fraud.
Criminals use the data to create fake
payment cards and then make unauthorized purchases or steal from victims’ accounts, the DA noted.
Katz said it is important to be aware of this type of card fraud, which affects debit, credit and electronic benefit transfer (EBT) cards, “so that you are better equipped to avoid becoming a victim.”
These devices can look similar to legitimate card swipe machines. Consider the below guidelines every time you use your
• Quickly scan the machine you are about to use. Do not use the machine if the card reader seems damaged or crooked or if the keypad numbers are hard to press or feel thick.
• Use a bank ATM, as opposed to privately-owned ATMs inside convenience stores or restaurants, to withdraw cash and a mobile wallet as payment whenever possible.
• Cover the keypad with your hand when entering your PIN in case a tiny camera is recording your number.
• Check your accounts regularly and immediately report any suspicious activity to your financial institution.
If you or someone you know has been a victim of skimming, reach out to the Frauds Bureau in Katz’s office by emailing frauds@queensda.org or calling (718) 286-6673.
City Unveils First-Ever Official NYC Bin for Trash Pickup
By Forum Staff
Mayor Eric Adams and City Department of Sanitation Commissioner Jessica Tisch on Monday symbolically set Gracie Mansion’s trash and recycling out at the curb. This waste was the first to be set out in the first-ever official NYC Bin, now available at bins.nyc/?utm_medium=email&utm_ name=&utm_source=govdelivery.
The new official NYC Bin is equipped with wheels and a secure latching lid, and is the cheapest bin of its quality available, with prices below $50 for the most common size.
Additionally, Adams on Monday announced that DSNY has put forth a proposed rule requiring that all buildings with one to nine residential units and all specialuse buildings that receive DSNY collection (e.g. city agency buildings, houses of worship, and professional offices located within residential buildings) put their trash in containers, effective Nov. 12, 2024.
“Today, we are tossing even more black bags into the dustbin of history and taking the next step forward in our ‘Trash Revolution,’” Adams said.
The new official NYC Bin is the cheapest bin of its quality available; similarly durable
bins with wheels and a secure, latching lid are sold in retail stores for almost three times the price, Adams noted. These savings were achieved through an innovative contracting mechanism in which one vendor is held to a low price in exchange for exclusivity.
Many lower-density residential buildings and special-use buildings already use bins to set out their trash, and the rule
provides a period of more than 18 months during which they may continue to use bins they already have, provided those bins are 55 gallons or less and have a latching lid to keep rats out.
Effective June 1, 2026, those buildings will be required to use the official NYC Bin to facilitate faster, safer, cleaner mechanized collection with rear-loading “tipper” garbage

trucks. Any property owner or manager covered by the rule who does not currently have a bin is encouraged to purchase the official NYC Bin, as this bin is far cheaper than anything of its quality sold in retail stores. While the requirements of this new rule only cover trash and compostable material, matching green (paper) and blue (metal, glass, plastic, cartons) NYC Bins are also available for purchase for any property owner or manager who prefers a matched set. Bins should be ordered by Oct. 1 to guarantee delivery before the new containerization requirement goes into effect on Nov. 12.
Implementation of the rule will include a warning period extending through the end of 2024, with issuance of fines to commence on Jan. 2, 2025. As with existing commercial containerization requirements, the fine for leaving trash on New York City streets rather than in a secure bin of 55 gallons or less is $50 for a first offense, $100 for a second offense, and $200 for a third offense and each thereafter. DSNY will engage in substantial outreach this summer around these new rules, including through mailers, door to door canvassing, community and ethnic media outreach, and work with community boards and civic associations.
Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia/Basile Morin
Card skimming is a type of theft that occurs when illegally installed devices on ATMs, cashier terminals, or fuel pumps capture card data and record PIN entries for purposes of fraud.
Photo Courtesy of DA Katz
DA Katz said it’s important to be aware of such fraud, which affects debit, credit and EBT cards, “so that you are better equipped to avoid becoming a victim.”
Photo Courtesy of Ed Reed/Mayoral Photography Office
Mayor Adams on Monday showcases the new NYC Bin outside Gracie Mansion.
Addabbo Senior Job Fair to Return to Kew Gardens

By Forum Staff
State Sen. Joe Addabbo, Jr. (D-Woodhaven) is once again hosting a free, senioronly job fair in Kew Gardens at the end of the month.
On Friday, July 26, residents aged 55 and older are invited to visit the Kew Gardens Community Center, located at 80-02 Kew Gardens Road, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. to ap-
ply for jobs with companies that are specifically looking to hire senior workers. Attendees are asked to use the 80th Road entrance.
“With the cost of living in New York City continuing to rise, many people over the age of 55 are finding that they are having a difficult time meeting their financial needs and have to re-join the workforce to make ends meet. Other seniors may still want to continue participating in the workforce,” Addabbo said. “That is why I am hosting this senior

job fair so residents aged 55 and older can come and look for jobs in companies that are looking to hire. Seniors are a valuable part of our population, and we need to ensure that they have the necessary tools to find the work they may need or want, in order to sustain independent and healthy lives.”
Addabbo has invited businesses and organizations from a wide range of career fields. Representatives from each company will accept resumes and meet with poten-

tial job candidates to discuss openings within their organizations.
This job fair is free, and interested jobseekers are asked to dress professionally and bring several copies of their résumés to hand out to companies to which they would like to apply.
For information about the job fair, contact Addabbo’s district office at (718) 7381111.

Photo Courtesy of Google
The senior job fair will be held on Friday, July 26, at the Kew Gardens Community Center, located at 80-02 Kew Gardens Road.
Photo Courtesy of Sen. Addabbo
“Seniors are a valuable part of our population, and we need to ensure that they have the necessary tools to find the work they may need or want, in order to sustain independent and healthy lives,” Sen. Addabbo said.



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New State Department Pilot Program Allows Travelers to Renew Passports Online
By Forum Staff
Congresswoman Grace Meng (DFlushing) announced on Tuesday a new pilot program launched by the U.S. State Department that allows travelers the United States to renew their passports online.
Beginning at midday each day, the program will allow applicants to submit information to renew their passport as long as they meet the stated requirements, which can be found at travel.state.gov/content/ travel/en/passports/have-passport/renew-online.html#Step%20One. The application window will close each day once the system reaches its daily limit. The cap is designed to allow the State Department to monitor and test the beta program in real time, while addressing any issues and making improvements where necessary. This pilot program is part of the agency’s plans to launch a full online renewal system, but the official date has not yet been announced. It aims to reduce the lengthy process many travelers experience when trying to renew their passports.
“Getting a passport renewed should not be a headache for U.S. travelers including those in Queens and across New York,” said Meng. “After months of back-
logs and delays following the COVID-19 pandemic, I am pleased to see the State Department taking steps to simplify and modernize the renewal process. This online platform will reduce delays caused by the often-drawn-out bureaucratic processes and facilitate travel, which will make it easier for my constituents to see their loved ones, travel, and conduct business around the world.”
Renewing a passport online involves a six-step process:
1. Create a free MyTravelGov account.
2. Log in and start a renewal application by clicking on the "Renew Your Passport" button.
3. Fill in all the boxes on the form with the information currently printed on your passport.
4. Enter your plans to travel internationally if your departure is within the next eight weeks.
5. Upload a photo of yourself.
6. Pay the passport renewal fee and digitally sign the application.
The number of Americans with valid passports has grown exponentially over the
past 30 years. In 1990 just five percent of Americans had passports. Now, that number has grown to 48 percent.
In 2023, the State Department fielded half a million passport applications a week and issued a record 24 million passports. Standard processing times for a passport ranged from 10-13 weeks and expedited requests took about 7-9 weeks. In calling for the passport backlog to be addressed, Meng pushed the State Department to decrease the long wait times, and that included questioning Secretary of State Antony Blinken about the problem during a congressional hearing on the State Department’s Fiscal Year 2025 budget request in May 2023. According to the State Department, standard processing times have since been reduced to 6-8 weeks and expedited processing is down to 2-3 weeks.
Meng’s office helps those in her district fulfi ll passport requests, especially for those with emergency and last-minute travel plans. Last year, her constituent services team assisted with more than 400 passport requests from constituents who were seeking help booking limited appointments at U.S. Passport Agency locations throughout New York.

Constituents needing assistance with applying for or renewing a passport, can contact Meng’s team for assistance. For emergency requests, constituents should reach out within 14 days of their date of travel by calling (718) 358-MENG with any questions.
JFK Airport Used in Multi-Million-Dollar Export Scheme
By Forum Staff
On Tuesday, in Brooklyn federal court, Canadian national Nikolay Goltsev and Brooklyn resident Salimdzhon Nasriddinov pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit export control violations for their roles in a global procurement scheme on behalf of sanctioned Russian companies, including companies with Russian military contracts, prosecutors said.
Some of the electronic components shipped by the defendants were later found in seized Russian weapons platforms and signals intelligence equipment in Ukraine.
According to the court filings and statements made during the plea proceeding, the defendants used two Brooklyn companies, SH Brothers Inc. and SN Electronics Inc., to unlawfully source, purchase, and ship millions of dollars in dual-use electronics from U.S. manufacturers to sanctioned end users in Russia. Some of the electronic components and integrated circuits shipped by the defendants through SH Brothers have been found in seized Russian weapons platforms and signals intelligence equipment in Ukraine, including the Torn-MDM radio reconnaissance complex, the RB301B “Borisoglebsk-2” electronic warfare complex, the Izdeliye 305E light multipurpose guided missile, the Vitebsk L370 airborne counter missile system, Ka-52 helicopters, Orlan-10 unmanned aerial vehicles (“UAVs”) and T-72B3 battle tanks.
Some of these components were critical to Russia’s precision-guided weapons systems being used against Ukraine. During the period charged in the indictment, SH Brothers made hundreds of shipments valued at over $7 million to Russia.
To carry out their criminal scheme, Nasriddinov, 53, and Goltsev, 38, purchased the electronic components from U.S. manufacturers and distributors under the auspices of SH Brothers and SN Electronics, and arranged for the items to be shipped from those manufacturers and distributors to various locations in Brooklyn. Nasriddinov and Goltsev then unlawfully shipped the items via John F. Kennedy International Airport to a variety of
intermediary front companies located in other countries, including Turkey, Hong Kong, India, China and the United Arab Emirates, where they were rerouted to Russia.
The defendants were aware of the potential military applications of the electronics that they exported to Russia. For example, in a message exchange on or about and between Nov. 8, 2022 and Nov. 15, 2022, Goltsev commented on how shipping to Russia had become “dangerous” and discussed a shipment of electronic components that had been detained by U.S. officials at JFK Airport. Nasriddinov responded that “Ukrainians alleged that they’re being bombed from parts from

there [the U.S. manufacturer], maybe that’s why they started investigating everything?” Goltsev responded that, “we need to figure out why they keep holding the package . . . I don’t really understand how they figured [it] out.” In a subsequent message, Goltsev commented that, “in the future we will need to load from several companies, not to attract attention . . . for now large packages will be dangerous until we understand what they figured out . . . we will need to think of diversifying the load . . . so that not everything is moving from the same deck.”
The government seized $20,000 in cash from the New York hotel room in which Goltsev was arrested. In total, the government has seized approximately $1.68 million in connection with this export scheme.
A third co-defendant, Kristina Puzyreva, 32, pleaded guilty in February 2024 to conspiracy to launder the proceeds of the export scheme. She is awaiting sentencing.
When sentenced, Goltsev and Nasriddinov each face up to 20 years in prison.
Additionally, 24.7 percent of new members are parents or guardians of a school-age child, while 17.9 percent are immigrants. In terms of LGBTQIA+ representation, 10.3 percent of new members identified as such, up from 3.4 percent of community board members as of 2020 prior to Richards taking office.
File Photo
A new pilot program allows travelers from the U.S. to renew their passports online.
Photo Courtesy of JFK Airport
Six People Indicted for Allegedly Beating Two Cops outside LIC Hotel

By Forum Staff
Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz on Tuesday announced that six people have been arraigned on an indictment for an attack on two City police officers who were checking on the welfare of three unattended children riding bikes before dawn near a hotel in Long Island City last month.
Juan Munoz, 25, Alejandro Munoz, 42, and Karina Navarro-Chavez, 42, all of Long Island City; Miguel Chiluisa, 23, of Corona; Cristian Taipe, 30, of Astoria; and Natali Iza, 27, were arraigned on Tuesday on an indictment charging them with two counts of attempted assault in the first degree; two
counts of attempted gang assault in the first degree; four counts of assault in the second degree; two counts of attempted gang assault in the second degree; two counts of endangering the welfare of a child; and riot in the second degree. Chiluisa is also charged with both escape in the second and third degrees and he and Iza are additionally charged with two counts of criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree.
According to the charges:
On June 17, at approximately 4:20 a.m., two police officers observed three young children riding bicycles unattended on the sidewalk near a hotel at 38-70 12th St. in Long Island City.
The officers followed the unattended children to 38-70 12th St. and approached the defendants, who were standing nearby. Iza began yelling at the cops, pushing and striking one of the officers, while the others surrounded him.
Chiluisa allegedly picked up a children’s bicycle and threw the bike at an officer, striking the officer on the body, while Navarro-Chavez allegedly struck the officer on the back of the head with an unknown object. Iza struck another officer with a children’s bicycle, while the group began to punch, shove and kick the officers. Chiluisa then ran across the street, while handcuffed, and fled in an unknown direction.
Chiluisa was observed by another cop inside the 21st Street-Queensbridge subway station at approximately 5:15 a.m. and was placed under arrest. Chiluisa allegedly had a broken handcuff around one of his hands.
The officers were taken to a local hospital where they were treated for their injuries including shoulder pain and abrasions.
“My office will vigorously prosecute those who harm members of law enforcement, and we will hold these defendants responsible for their alleged actions,” Katz said.
If convicted of the top count, the defendants face up to 15 years in prison.
Flushing Woman Charged with Using Hitman-For-Hire Website on Dark Web to Order Murders
By Forum Staff
On Monday, at the federal courthouse in Brooklyn, Yue Zhou was arraigned on an indictment charging her with murder-forhire, according to prosecutors.
Zhou, 42, of Flushing, was arrested on June 5 in the Eastern District of Virginia and removed to the Eastern District of New York last Wednesday.
As alleged in the indictment and other court documents, between March 25, 2019 and April 4, 2019, Zhou sought to hire a hit-
man through a murder-for-hire website on the dark web (Website) to murder Victim-1, the spouse of the defendant’s then-romantic partner. Using an alias on the website, Zhou placed an order to have Victim-1 murdered.
To pay for the murder, Zhou contracted with a Bitcoin exchange service in Ukraine to make a $5,000 payment in Bitcoin on her behalf to the Website. Zhou provided approximately $5,000 in cash to a middleman in Brooklyn and then communicated with the Website administrator to confirm payment.
After sending payment, Zhou provided a de-

tailed description of Victim-1, including her home, her work schedule, and the best times to target Victim-1, so that Victim-1’s husband would have an alibi for the murder. Zhou later tried to use to the Website to secure the murder of Victim-2, her romantic partner’s adult daughter. In February 2021, Zhou also sent a text message to a neighbor of Victim-2
seeking to hire that neighbor to kill Victim-2. Zhou offered the neighbor $10,000 and sexual favors in exchange for killing Victim-2 and disposing of the body in a lake.
Zhou was not aware at the time of her scheme that the Website was a scam operated by a third party and there was no actual hitman for hire.

Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia/GeneralPunger
One of the defendants tried to escape after being cuffed and placed under arrest. He was discovered by another officer inside the 21st Street-Queensbridge subway station about an hour later.
Photo Courtesy of Google
The alleged assault took place outside this hotel in Long Island City.
Photo Courtesy of PrivadoVPN Blog Zhou allegedly sought to hire a hitman through a murder-for-hire website on the dark web.
Photo Courtesy of Google She was arraigned on Monday in Brooklyn federal court on an indictment charging her with murder-for-hire.

Legal Notices
Notice of Formation of FOUR LEAVES GROUP LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 5/21/2024. Office location: Queens County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process to: 53 14 94th street, ELMHURST NY, 11373 Purpose: Any lawful activities.
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Notice of formation of Senjun Pilates LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York SSNY on 5/16/2024. Office located in Nassau. SSNY has been designated for service of process. SSNY shall mail copy of any process served against the LLC 43 Glen Cove Rd Ste B #171, Greenvale, NY 11548 Purpose: any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of KOOBASE LLC Arts of Org filed withSecy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 04/04/2024. Office location: Queens County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to ZENBUSINESS INC., 41 STATE STREET, SUITE 112, ALBANY, NY, 12207, USA. General Purpose
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Notice of formation of Senjun Pilates LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York SSNY on 5/16/2024. Office located in Nassau. SSNY has been designated for service of process. SSNY shall mail copy of any process served against the LLC 43 Glen Cove Rd Ste B #171, Greenvale, NY 11548 Purpose: any lawful purpose.
Notice of formation of EDC MAX CLEANING SERVICES LLC Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York SSNY on 01/20/2024. Office located in Nassau. SSNY has been designated for service of process. SSNY shall mail copy of any process served against the LLC to:EDWIN ROSENDO RIVEROS CHAPARRO, 112-15 76TH ROAD APT 2, FOREST HILLS, NY, 11375, USA. Purpose: any lawful purpose.
2821 30TH AVENUE, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 03/15/24. Office: Queens County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, c/o
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1-47 126 LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 6/6/2024. Cty: Queens. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to Devi Lisa Hariprasad, Navindra Ramsaran, 111-47 126 St, South Ozone Park, NY 11420. General Purpose
57-01 Northern Boulevard Realty LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 4/23/2024. Cty: Queens. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to Hochheiser & Akmal PLLC, 910 Franklin Avenue, Ste 220, Garden City, NY 11530. General Purpose
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WHITEPOINT VALET LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 5/13/24. Office in Queens Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to The LLC 16309 29th Ave Flushing NY 11358. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
KETONE RECORDS LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 06/04/18. Office: Queens County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to : Zenbusiness Inc.41 State Street, Suite 112 Albany, NY, 12207, USA Purpose: Any lawful purpose.

MANSTA’S CARD HOUSE LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 06/04/18. Office: Queens County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to : Zenbusiness Inc.41 State Street, Suite 112 Albany, NY, 12207, USA Purpose: Any lawful purpose.
Pretect Solutions LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 6/7/2024. Cty: Queens. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to Mr. Angelo Mottola, Claddagh/Pretect, 10-21 47th Rd, Long Island City, NY 11101. General Purpose
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FENIX DESIGN CONSULTANTS LFG, LLC, filed articles of organization with the NY Secretary of State on MARCH 10,2024. Office: QUEENS COUNTY. SARA NGAN is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. NY Secretary of State shall mail copy of process to SARA NGAN at 5-11 47TH AVENUE, APT 4Y, LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11101. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.
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KAKES BRANDS LLC. Filed 10/5/2023. Office: Queens Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 54 STATE STREET, STE 804, ALBANY, NY 12207. Purpose: General.
Notice of Formation of ASSETACE LLC Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 06/24/2024. Office in Queens County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Zenbusiness Inc.41 State Street, Suite 112 Albany, NY, 12207, USA Purpose: Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of TN CONSULTING LLC Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 06/21/2024. Office in Queens County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Zenbusiness Inc.41 State Street, Suite 112 Albany, NY, 12207, USA Purpose: Any lawful purpose.
Notice of Formation of PARADIES LAGARDERE @ JFK T1 RETAIL, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 06/25/24. Office location: Queens County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
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