The Passaic County
PULSE January - February, 2012 Vol. 6 Issue 58
Distributing in 13 Municipalities & Growing
This Is Not Your Mother's Tea Party see page 3
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Free Trolley Service Sponsored by the Paterson Urban Enterprise Zone Come and ride the Free Trolley to stores such as Lowe’s, Micro Center, Farmers’ Market, Center City Mall, Paterson’s Downtown Shopping District and other stops. The trolley will leave from Paterson’s Senior Housing Complexes and other various locations to provide free transportation for all of your shopping needs. The new routes will operate from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Please call the Paterson Urban Enterprise Zone (UEZ) for pick-up and drop-off times at (973) 321-1212 For more information on the trolley service, please contact the Paterson Parking Authority at (973) 977-3999.
3 1/2 % SALES TAX January - February, 2012
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ea Party is the name of a recent political party that is a new alternative to the more established U.S. political parties, like Democrat and Republican. Members of the Tea Party are closer in philosophy to the Republican right and are much less liberal than the Democratic Party. For instance, the Tea Party Express represents ‘no more bailouts, reducing the size, and intrusiveness, of government, stop raising our taxes and so forth. When we look at The Declaration of Independence, which was one of the cornerstones in the founding of America, it begins with: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” What does this really mean when we say ‘unalienable rights given by the Creator?’ It simply means that the above rights cannot be separated from a human being. These rights are given, and guaranteed, by God and cannot be taken away from you by any man. These rights form an inseparable bond and relationship between God and country. What happens to these rights upon incarceration? Sounds like a conflict of interest here, right? Not to digress, let us dissect the real meaning of the Declaration of Independence, which goes on to say….–“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter, or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.” The question becomes ‘are we now allowing the operation of a government that
no longer seeks to protect our God given unalienable rights?’ One could argue that the first offense of our government would be the acceptance of separation of God and country, when indeed the very laws of this fine nation are based on the Biblical laws of religion. How can we separate the Biblical undercurrent, without killing ourselves in the process as a God-fearing nation that operates one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice? By betraying the principles of our founding government we are now in jeopardy of losing those rights, due to the loose interpretations of these laws. This is the conservative focus and defense of the new Tea Party. Why now does the sexual preference and lifestyle of a particular group of people demand rights that were designed to protect ethnicity, religion and freedom of speech rights? Why the fiery urge to totally separate state and church, but then rejoin the two to address the issues of marriage? Oh yes, what about exercising the true definition of “capitalism” – the right to make as much money as you can, but now to have that money leveled off to compensate for the underachievements of others or just the less fortunate. Let’s confirm this is NOT the Tea Party of representation without taxation, but one that addresses the actions of government on every level of daily living, within government restraints.
With this all being said, maybe we can better understand the discontentment of the Tea Party Movement, the Wall Street Movement and the steady expansion of the Independent Party. The first two seem to profess their protection of these unalienable rights, but in significant ways lack the formula of either equality or the pursuit of happiness. They’ve already helped shape the debate over federal spending, pushing the House of Representatives to pass a balanced budget amendment, while rejecting Democrats’ efforts to raise new revenues to help close the federal deficit. “We’ve changed the discussion on Capitol Hill and we’ve let the politicians know we get the game they’re playing,” said Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder of the Tea Party
Patriots. “We always said last year that after the November election that our work was just beginning.” Despite fractures within the conservative movement, the presidential campaigns are courting Tea Party leaders, recognizing the potential political muscle of a grassroots movement that helped deliver the House to Republicans in November 2010. “I wish that we had coalesced behind one candidate earlier on. It’s not because of the Tea Party movement, it’s because there hasn’t been that candidate out there, so far, that has stirred the passion – the fire in the belly,” said Amy Kremer, president of the Tea Party Express. “Everybody wants to focus on presidential politics. I think we need to be focused on the Senate. That’s where we really, really need to be engaged.” According to an AP-GfK poll from December of 2011, 55 percent of Republicans consider themselves supporters of the Tea Party, including 20 percent who say they are strong supporters of the movement. By comparison, 22 percent of political Independents say they support the Tea Party, as do 10 percent of Democrats. “The Tea Party in Colorado has become more pragmatic,” said former Colorado GOP chairman Dick Wadhams. “There is such an urgency to defeat Obama…” With the Iowa caucuses having been held on January 3rd, which Mitt Romney narrowly won, and Tea Party support fractured, at best, some activists worry that the passion that defined the movement 13 months ago may become lost in the selection of the next president. In closing, we would like to encourage our readers to review the legal documents that govern our country, such as The Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence, The Declaration of Human Rights and The Constitution. In order to hold our government accountable, we, too, need to be aware of what those rights are. This will also allow us to decide what existing Parties best represent “we the people.” Remember, voting is a right and not a privilege, so rock the vote!
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January - February, 2012
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From the Publisher’s Pen
s owner of the Passaic County Pulse, I take great pride in having the opportunity to educate, inform and bring together our Passaic County readers. To say I am humbled by this opportunity would not be suffice. That is why when a person, or business, conveys untruthful, or malicious, statements about the Passaic County Pulse, I take it personally. Not because I am the owner of this newspaper, or because our team of professionals deserve to be protected for all of their hard work, but because we have made it our duty for 6 years to print the truth about the citizens of our great County. Highlight events, issues and concerns about our senior citizens, youth, businesses, politicians and, most of all, you! Our publication maintains, and will always maintain, the highest level of professionalism, and integrity, that our readers deserve. Every year we recruit individuals who are passionate and committed to bringing the truth to this publication, therefore making this publication the reader’s choice. Furthermore, The Passaic County Pulse will now be dedicating a section to law enforcement officers, firefighters and educators, in order to unite these professionals to our community. We, fully, understand the importance these professionals have in our present lives, and in our future stability. We are confident that the more you know about our local heroes, the more we can shorten the gap that exists, at times, due to the lack of understanding that these men and women are just like us. Bottom line, we are for the people of both Passaic County and New Jersey. We respect each one of you for your interest in our newspaper, and we are honored to have a law enforcement officer on our team, who will give more exposure to the public servants and educators who never receive adequate exposure in the media. With a team of professional writers, editors, photographers, marketers and consultants, we do not, and will not, allow small-minded, unprofessional publications, and/or individuals, to spread lies and negativity to our readers, and businesses, without, first, informing you of the facts. Thank you for your support. God Bless You & Our Troops. Charles H. Primus Jr. Publisher/Owner
CONTENTS THIS IS NOT YOUR MOTHER’S TEA PARTY .............................. 3 GRADUATING WITH HONORS: PASSAIC COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPT. .......................................... 5 TWO PATERSON COUNCILMEN PUSH FOR CONTROVERSIAL PARK AVE. NAME CHANGE ........................ 5 PRESIDENT OBAMA GEARS UP TO WIN ANOTHER TERM ... 6 PRESIDENT OBAMA REJECTS MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR PIPELINE BID ................................................................. 7 LITTLE FALLS MAYOR RESIGNING TO TAKE NEW JOB .............7 CONGRESSMAN BILL PASCRELL, JR. ENDORSED BY PATERSON FIREFIGHTERS’ MUTUAL BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION AND THE PATERSON FIRE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION ............ 7 LOOKING TO THE LEFT ................................................................ 8 WEST MILFORD EYEING SOLAR ENERGY FOR SCHOOL DISTRICT ............................................................... 8 SPEAK OUT! ..................................................................................... 9 AROUND THE COUNTY .............................................................. 10 HAVE WE FORGOTTEN THE DREAM? THE LEGACY OF MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.’S MESSAGE AND A “POST-RACIAL” AMERICA ........................................................................................ 11 COUNCILMAN GOOW LACKING SUPPORT FROM HIS COLLEAGUES ............................................................ 12 PASSAIC COUNTY ONE STOP CAREER CENTER BRINGING JOBS/TRAINING............................................................................ 13 MEMOIRS OF ASSEMBLYWOMAN ELEASE EVANS ................ 13 NEW 2012 LAWS TO LEAVE IMPACT ......................................... 13 BE CAREFUL WHO FILES YOUR TAXES.................................... 18 LESSONS FROM THE URBAN BLACKBOARD ......................... 19 PASSAIC COUNTY WOMEN’S CENTER OFFERING SEXUAL ASSAULT SUPPORT GROUP ....................................................... 19 WHAT IS ASTHMA? ....................................................................... 20 “FROM MOMMA’S KITCHEN” WITH MATTIE ARTIS .............. 20 MAKING DOLLARS OF YOUR CENTS ....................................... 21 LOVE, LIES, AND RELATIONSHIPS ........................................... 21 MICHAEL CIRELLI AND SHARA MCCALLUM TO READ IN PATERSON............................................................... 22 CALENDAR OF EVENTS ............................................................... 22 PIT BULL GETS A FRESH START WITH FBI AGENT ............... 22 PROVIDED BY AA FOR HEALTH AWARENESS ........................ 22 CALLING ALL PASSAIC COUNTY RESIDENTS: COME HAMMER FOR HABITAT ON SATURDAY, JAN. 28 ...... 23 SCARVES FOR N.J. SPECIAL OLYMPICS WINTER GAMES ATHLETES ................. 23 UNCLAIMED MONEY FOR REAL – WHERE DO YOU GET IT FROM .................................................. 24 BUILDING FRIENDSHIPS............................................................ 24 JOB PROSPECTS FOR VETERANS GET BRIGHTER ................ 24 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT .......................................................... 25 RUGGA RECORDS: A RECORD LABEL ON THE RISE ............ 26 GIANTS HEAD TO SB XLVI; JETS CRA SH & BURN .................. 26 PUBLIC SERVANTS & EDUCATORS........................................... 28 PUBLIC SERVANTS & EDUCATORS........................................... 30
The Passaic County
PULSE Charles H. Primus Jr. Star Williams Daniel Del Valle Ed Rumley Carmen Ledesma Patricia Tomlinson Roger Grier Sybastian Pea John Welsh John Plunkett Ivan Sutherland Knock Out Interprise p
Tel: 973 626-6144 973 782-5951 Please invite us. Send to Email: Write us @ Passaic County Pulse P.O.Box 642 Paterson, NJ 07543
Some of our favorite guests from the past
Candidate For Councilman-At-Large City of Paterson January - February, 2012
Owner & Publisher Contributing Writer Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Photographer Sales Director Marketing Representative Marketing Representative Legal Representation Distribution
AYNE – On January 9th, 2012 the formal swearing-in ceremony of the Passaic County Sheriff ’s Department commenced with a class of thirty-five, including: 20 corrections officers, 12 sheriff officers/IGTs and 4 sheriff ’s investigators. The ceremony was held at the auditorium of Passaic County Technical Institute, with the keynote speaker being the Honorable Congressman Bill Pascrell. The Congressman delivered a speech, as he always does, with passion and appreciation for the citizens he so, proudly, represents. His speech was about the need for protection in a extremely difficult economy.
Congressman Pascrell noted that too many people, who are out of the armed services, are now suffering from post-traumatic stress, and that the average stress is also high for those people who are protecting citizens at the city, state and federal levels. He added that he feels, personally, responsible for protecting the country, while, at the same time, expressing his respect for those people who take on the heavy responsibility of providing public safety to the communities, towns and cities. Congressman Pascrell praised the graduates and reminded the public about the sacrifices that these law enforcement officers will be making. “I want the public to also be watchful, because they need you to help keep them safe every day, as they help keep the civil peace. They have families that will be part of their sacrifice to do their duty. Remember that sacrifice,” said Congressman Pascrell. Congressman Pascrell also spoke about the $250 million from the “Cop Program of Public Safety,” which he spearheaded in Washington. These dollars are there for cities around the nation, who only have to go through an application process to receive the needed funds. He added that Paterson, which was hard hit by 125 police layoffs, would get funds to rehire 25 of those officers. But because there was a waiver issue in the filing done by Paterson city officials, the
funds were not released by Trenton, which is already receiving requests for those federal dollars from around the state. Sheriff Richard Berdnik concluded the ceremony by giving recognition to the veterans that have committed to Passaic County law enforcement. Sheriff Berdnik noted that the county is hiring at a much lower rate than they would like to, but that they are being very diligent in getting men on the ground. Freeholder Bruce James stated that $3 million of surplus money was transferred into the Sheriff ’s line item, so as to prevent layoffs at the Passaic County Sheriff ’s Dept. “As a result of that, the Sheriff was careful with the money and held on to it. He
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aterson Ward Councilmen Julio Tavarez and Rigo Rodriguez, along with others, petitioned the Council to rename a part of Park Avenue after a Dominican Republic separatist, Juan Pablo Duarte. The councilmen are believed to want the change because of the present day Dominican population that occupies the Park Avenue area in Paterson. To understand the opposition, or the confirmation of this request, a review of the Dominican Republic history is suggested: “A consequence of the treaty of Ryswick (1697) was to shape the mind-set of Haitians and Dominicans, causing them to view each other as irreconcilable enemies. Today, to be a Dominican is above all else not to be a Haitian. The Dominican definition of their identity as a people was based upon this. Schools and newspapers spread propaganda with the goal of dismissing the African heritage of the Dominican Republic and to distinguish between Dominicans and Haitians. The Dominican people are described as a White people of Hispanic descent. Trujillo, in the Dominican Republic, celebrated the waited for retirements to happen, and along concept of la Hispanidad (Spanishness). with some conservative spending, he was However, when a person’s skin left no doubt able to do this, without it being an addition- as to their Black heritage, a concept of “Indial burden to the tax payers. In fact, he is still anness” was quickly created to explain that running under-budget with his operation. Dominican’s complexion. Thus, a DominiI commend him on that,” said Freeholder can whose skin color is midway between a mulatto and a Black is identified as being James. Freeholder TJ Best was also in atten- of Indian origin. Countless dubious studies dance and gave his comments on the addi- were conducted to prove this “Indianness” of the Dominican people through analysis tional law enforcement. “I think it was a very good way for Sher- of blood types, facial features and varying iff Berdnik to capitalize on the talent within dental patterns. Of course, the definition of the county. Not only did he utilize his dol- the Dominicans’ identity as Indian is highly lars well, but he was able to re-employ 9, or doubtful since the first inhabitants of the more, of the police officers that were laid island were decimated in less than 50 years off in Paterson. We were able to save on the by the Spanish (see Tainos in History Page). training dollars by using those few officers; This obsession by the Dominicans to define they just needed to do the applications, re- themselves as something as not Haitian and ally. The officers were an asset that were not African stems from relationship with Haiti, being used. Even better than that, all of the going back to the colonial era.” (see Wikipeofficers hired were from the county. An infu- and other written works on subject) “From 1822 to 1844, the Dominican sion of diversity and talent was used. They Republic and Haiti were united. In 1844, are energetic, young and ready to serve. The range of officers were from the top to the the Dominicans took advantage of the fall of bottom of Passaic County. He recruited in President Boyer of Haiti, and regained their independence. The rebellion was carried many different municipalities.” The Passaic County Pulse also spoke out by the Trinitaria movement, founded by with Surrogate Bernice Toledo, who felt Juan Pablo Duarte in 1838. La Trinitaria was a secret society that good about the laid-off officers being picked led the struggle to establish the Dominiup. She stated that “during these economic can Republic as a free, sovereign and indehard times, crime is definitely on the rise. So, this is added protection that we will need.” pendent nation in the 19th century. They helped bring about the end of the Haitian occupation of the country in 1844. Duarte and his followers also founded the societies La Filantripica and La Dramatica a more visible organization than La Trinitaria, which spread its separatist ideas by staging theatrical events. Unfortunately for the revolutionary movement and for Duarte, he was forced into exile in August 1843, as a result of his dissident activities. La Trinitaria’s other members continued the fight in Duarte’s absence. One of them was Francisco del Rosario Sanchez, who corresponded with Duarte during the latJanuary - February, 2012
ter’s exile in Venezuela and Ramon Matias Mella, who along with Duarte and Sanchez became known as the founding fathers of the Dominican Republic. On January 16, 1844 La Trinitaria’s manifesto in favor of independence was released, and the fight for independence began to gain the necessary momentum. On the heels of La Trinitaria’s work, and after many battles and much bloodshed, the Dominican Republic was born on February 27, 1844, claiming independence from Haiti with a declaration at the Puerta del Conde. The involvement of La Trinitaria is also seen in the early formation of the new Republic. Yet, for the most part the society’s ideology, which was in sync with Duarte’s, was not implemented, as Pedro Santana forcibly took the reins of the newly-formed nation and exiled Duarte.” During the next 70 years, much civil unrest occurred. Later Trujillo was elected president he defined the Dominican Republic as a Hispanic nation, Catholic and White, as opposed to Afro-French Haiti which largely practiced “voodoo” as a religion. He portrayed Haiti as both a threat and the antithesis of the Dominican Republic. He dreaded the growing influence of Haitian culture in Dominican territory. His fear of Haitian “darkening” of the Dominican population led him to conduct a policy of “Dominicanness,” which ultimately led to the murder of more than 25,000 Haitians on the Haitian-Dominican border Years later, the Dominican president, and Trujillo’s ideological heir, Joaquim Balaguer, continued his policy of discrimination and racism against the Haitians. In his book, La Isla al Reves, he outlined his hopes and fears for the Dominican nation. Haiti is a threat primarily for “biological reasons”, its people multiplying themselves “nearly as rapidly as plants.” Although we must acknowledge that the Haitian-Dominican conflict stemmed from the occupation of the Dominican Republic by Haiti, it would be dangerous, and unfair to the Dominican people, to attribute Trujillo and Balaguer’s acts and ideology entirely to the same origin. To gain independence from another country is to be admired when it is done with the intent of creating a lawful society ruled by or for the people to provide economic stability. One of the strongest arguments for the separation of Haiti and Dominican Republic was to divide people based on skin color. This is somewhat reflective of the Hitler era. The history of government built on the annihilation of a people has been sublimely romanticized and made heroic. Many are of the belief that American street names should be reserved for Americans, who have fought and died in the efforts of making a positive contribution to society or societies. When we are naming our streets after foreign individuals the work needs to be done in providing a FULL account of that person’s life and contribution. Just the simple hints of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. being a womanizer almost prevented the national holiday in this name. You decide?
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PRESIDENT OBAMA GEARS UP TO WIN ANOTHER TERM Our Chief Executive must pull out all of the stops for another election success. A combination of like, virtue and character taken from our own Silk City clergy could well spell victory: wisdom and diplomac y-R ev. James A. Kuykendall (Agape Christian Ministries); street savvy-crime
By Ed Rumley
n 1937, the legendary and prolific blues artist, Robert Johnson, sang the tune, “Sweet Home Chicago.” Home is where President Barack Obama returned to campaign for what promises to be one of the most heated presidential races in recent history. In his Windy City tour, the President made a surprise visit to his reelection headquarters, and then spent the evening at three separate events, all raising money for the Obama Victory Fund, an account supporting Obama and the Democratic National Committee for 2012. The question arises, “What must the Commander-In-Chief, and the Democratic Party, do to ensure that a second term of service becomes a reality?” Simple default may be one partial answer. The Republican Party remains splintered, with one candidate after another gaining momentum, then falling, and another taking leadership. However, with a narrow win in the Iowa Caucus, and a more comfortable margin of victory in New Hampshire, the Republican nod for candidacy seems to favor Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. To be sure of a victory, President Obama must continue to focus on the themes that carried him to his initial victory. The economy remains the number one concern. The Columbia University and Harvard Law School graduate has, indeed, persevered in a position which many aspire to attain, yet few could succeed. Weathering constant resistance and, often, antagonism from political foes, several important emphases, (as listed in an excellent article,
fighting-Rev. James Salmon (New Missionary Baptist Church); fiery orator skills-Rev. Michael D. McDuffie (Mighty Sons of God Church); effective, diverse ministry-Rev. John Algera (Madison Ave, Christian Reformed Church); historical and contemporary lessons-Rev. Allan Boyer (Bethel A.M.E. Church); commitment to health and fitness-Rev. Alexander McDonald III (Second Baptist Church); and concern for the poor and homeless-Rev. Wayne Brown. All of the above are true of two elder statesmen, Paterson pulpit patriarchs-Rev. Albert Rowe (Calvary Baptist), and Bishop Franklin Pettiford (Greater Bible Way Church).
written by Deborah White on the website, have resonated: Empathy and genuine help for middle-class Americans, steady leadership and calm temperament, cost-effective health insurance and withdrawal of combat troops from Iraq. The President has displayed an understanding of the typical, hard-working American family. Refusing to pander to the rich, he has doggedly stayed the course to implement the Millionaire’s Tax. The President has not bowed to the angry, often bordering on comical, insults hurled by such groups as the Tea Party. He has also fought to balance the scales for medical care for every American. In addition, President Obama has continued to defend our country against international terrorists by continuing the fight against the Taliban in Afghanistan, while, at the same time, bringing home our brave men and women in a stabilized Iraq.
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resident Barack Obama rejected a bid by TransCanada, a Canadian energy company, to build a massive, multibillion dollar pipeline that would have stretched 1,700 miles from Alberta to the Gulf of Mexico. The Keystone XL project, which had been under review for several years, pitted various sides against one another, including President Obama, Congress, labor unions and special interest groups. It was estimated that the pipeline would have created thousands of jobs, but the State Department wanted to delay a decision on the pipeline last year to continue studying the potential environmental repercussions. Congress tried to force the president to make a decision within two months, by attempting to attach a mandate for it onto the payroll tax bill that the president signed into law. Obama rejected Congress’ deadline, because he believed that it did not allow for enough time to complete the study of the pipeline’s proposed route, which would extend through six states. The decision to reject the pipeline sparked a reaction, both negative and positive. Environmental groups praised Obama for putting the health and best interests of the American people ahead of the oil industry, following months of them putting increased pressure on the president to reject the pipeline. However, condemnation for Obama’s decision came swiftly, from Republicans and Democrats, since the pipeline had the support of members from both parties, as
well as from labor unions, Obama’s own jobs council and the oil industry. House Speaker John Boehner warned that delaying the pipeline deal would mean losing jobs to China. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce blasted Obama for “placing politics over policy” and “sacrificing tens of thousands of good-paying American jobs in the short term, and many more in the long term.” The Obama Administration denied playing politics, and pointed out that there is previous precedent for doing major reviews on projects that could present a huge environmental impact. While Obama’s decision to reject the pipeline hits the reset button on the process, it does not stop TransCanada from putting their proposal in again for reconsideration. Perry drops out of GOP race CHARLESTON, S.C. – Governor Rick Perry officially ended his five month presidential campaign on Thursday, after realizing that he had no viable shot at victory once polling in South Carolina and Florida showed him only in single digits. Perry, promptly, threw his support behind former House speaker Newt Gingrich, who is hoping to garner conservative support against GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney.
ITTLE FALLS – With a heavy heart Mayor Michael DeFrancisci announced at a council meeting that he will be stepping down to pursue a new job opportunity. DeFrancisci, a former police officer and agent for the federal Drug Enforcement Administration, currently works for the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, as the executive director for the Office of Consumer Protection. The Township Council will vote on his successor, from a pool of three candidates chosen by the Passaic County Republican Committee.
DeFrancisci, a Republican, has tackled numerous issues since he began serving his term in 2009, including securing grants for open-spaces, erecting and renting out billboards in the township and establishing a recreation program for special-needs children, to name a few. However, the biggest issue that he was forced to tackle was one
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he Paterson FMBA joined with the New Jersey State FMBA and various other statewide and local public safety unions to announce their support of Congressman Bill Pascrell, Jr. in this year’s Democratic Primary in New Jersey’s 9th District. Congressman Pascrell is recognized nationwide as an advocate for fire safety and emergency service preparedness. Since his earliest days in government, he has made public safety a priority. “Paterson’s firefighters know they have a friend in Congressman Pascrell. He loves this city and he is doing everything he can for us,” said Carlos Pagan, president of the Paterson Local FMBA. “Running away from a challenge is not the way to win the support of Paterson firefighters. We’re standing with him because, for 15 years, he’s been standing with us.” “As a lifelong Paterson resident, Bill Pascrell doesn’t back down from fighting for what he believes in. There is significant pressure in Washington right now and we need elected officials who will stay strong.
Firefighters don’t back down from a situation when things get hot, and Congressman Pascrell doesn’t either,” said Pagan. “Paterson’s firefighters and fire officers have always been able to count on Congressman Pascrell’s unyielding support. Now, we will do everything we can to support him in this fight,” said Chuck Onorato, president of the Paterson Fire Officers. “He has supported public safety at home as well as throughout America and we are proud to call him our Congressman. We are proud to stand, with our fellow firefighters from across the district and across the state in solidarity with Bill Pascrell.” Congressman Pascrell is the author of the FIRE Act, which created what is now the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) Program, and was instrumental in the establishment of the SAFER grant program. These programs provide vital assistance to fire departments across the nation, helping them to purchase equipment and vehicles, fund training, and keep staffing at adequate levels.
TEAGUE Paterson School Board 2012
that has plagued numerous townships in Passaic County, which is flooding. DeFrancisci helped to secure grants for the floodravaged township, many of which went toward elevating or buying out homes DeFrancisci has lived in Little Falls for nearly thirty years, where he has raised three children with his wife, Wilma. His 30-year law enforcement career included numerous commendations. His resignation was effective on January 20th. Following is a portion of DeFrancisci’s resignation message, which is posted on the Little Falls website: January 17, 2012 A little over three years ago I made a commitment to the people of Little Falls when I asked them to trust in me to be their next mayor. I worked hard during the campaign, listened to many and promised that I would do all I could to represent them to the best of my ability. I really had little idea what I was getting involved in but as I had pledged, my administration would be one of Leadership, Vision and Accountability. For many it was refreshing and for some threatening. Either way my goal has always been to Sheppard this Township forward with the confidence that was instilled in me by the people who chose to allow me to occupy this seat. Tonight I am announcing my resignation as Mayor effective Friday January 20, 2012. Approximately four months ago I was approached to take a position that will significantly limit the amount of time that I have been able to use to fulfill my obligation as Mayor. This decision has not been an easy one, as I truly enjoy serving the people of our community and as I reflect on these last three years I am proud of the people that worked with me and my accomplishments. January - February, 2012
“A candidate unlike and other” Dedicated father Community activist
Will cntinue fighting for our children of Paterson.
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edistricting! Many people do not really understand what has happened and what the ramifications are. But redistricting is important and you should know a little bit about it. The Process As pretty much everyone knows, the U.S. is required by the Constitution to take a census every ten years. Based on this census, new congressional districts must be drawn up reflecting the changes in population. In the 2010 census, New Jersey lost relative population. That is, even though New Jersey had an increase in population, other states grew more. Therefore, we lost one congressional district. In the old plan, each district had about 680,000 people. In the new plan, each district will have about 720,000 people. Many ask: Who determines the boundaries of these districts? In many states, the state legislature sets the districts. This means that the party in power, at the time of redistricting, pretty much controls the boundaries of the new districts. In New Jersey, we have a system which I suspect is better, but is still fraught with political intrigue. Each party, Democrats, and Republicans, appoint six members to a redistricting committee. (Note – this is not technically entirely correct – our Constitution lists specific positions such as majority and minority leaders who make the appointments, but the net result is 6 Republicans and 6 Democrats). These twelve members attempt to vote in a thirteenth member. If they cannot agree, the Supreme Court of N.J. appoints the 13th, or tie-breaking member, from the two top vote getters. Everyone got that! This year the tiebreaker and chairman of the committee was John Farmer Jr. If you are interested, the other members are: Michael Duhamel (Republican Delegation Chairman), Joseph Roberts, Jr. (Democratic Delegation Chairman), Michael Baker (Democratic Delegation Vice-Chair), Caroline Casagrande (Republican), Nilsa Cruz-Perez (Democrat), Sherine El-Abd (Republican), Edward Farmer (Democrat), Aubrey Fenton (Republican), Eric Jaso (Republican), Jeannine Frisby LaRue (Democrat), M. Susan Sheppard (Republican), and Philip Thigpen (Democrat). Fast forward over months of negotiations about maps and redrawn maps and, lo and behold, the Republicans won. While I have not seen the Democrat map, it is quite similar to the Republican map with a few tweaks within districts to give the Democrats more of a chance in some competitive districts. What the final map did was exactly as I had feared. The 8th Congressional District, in which I ran, disappeared. The old 8th District was split up between Payne’s Newark district (10th}, Rothman's Bergen Country district (9th), and Frelinghuysen’s Morris County district (11th). The specifics are: Payne’s Newark District (10th) needed 100,000 additional people in his district because of the decline in population in Newark. He received parts of Bloomfield, Belleville, Glen Ridge, another chunk of Montclair (everything south of Watchung Ave), a part of West Orange (areas east of Prospect), and the rest of South Orange from the former 8th district. Frelinghuysen’s Morris County District (11th) received the western part of Essex County including Verona, Cedar Grove, western West Orange, Nutley, the northern part of Montclair, and the rest of Livingston.
From Passaic County, he received all of the western towns, except Paterson, Passaic and Clifton. Paterson, Passaic, and Clifton went to Rothman’s Bergen County District (9th). Then they pulled something really cute. They carved Fairlawn out of Rothman’s Bergen County District (9th) --Rothman lives in Fairlawn – and included it with Scott Garrett’s highly gerrymandered district (5th) of northern Bergen County, northern Passaic County, Sussex County, and parts of Hunterdon County. According to the statements by the press, this was going to be the competitive district pitting Rothman against Garrett. Therefore, 11 of the incumbents were protected while Rothman and Garrett battled it out for the remaining district. Unfortunately for the Democrats, the Republican map gave a little bit too much of an edge to the Republicans in Garrett's (5th). Rumor has it that the Democrat map made this district more favorable to a Democrat candidate. Rothman, however, decided that running in what was for him a new Republican district was not a good thing. He immediately announced that he would run in his old district where most of his support and constituents were. He also announced he would move back to his original hometown of Englewood. (Note – you do not have to live in the district in which you run) As it stands now, there will be a primary fight between Rothman and Pascrell. Rothman appears to have a lead in number of voters from his original district, Bergen County over Pascrell who only has Paterson, Passaic, and Clifton from the original 8th. Totally clear, right!! And if you got this far great! Predictions What good am I if I do not make a prediction? I predict that the Obama administration will offer Bill Pascrell a deal to step aside. I am thinking something like Assistant Deputy Secretary of Commerce, if there is such a position. I also think that the Democrats will find a relatively strong candidate to run against Scott Garrett, but that Garrett will win. The Republicans, if they play their card right, should field a strong candidate against Rothman, but lose 55% to 45% setting up a great opportunity in two years. My next prediction is that Romney will win the Republican nomination. He will win South Carolina and Florida. After that everyone, except Ron Paul, will drop out of the race. Newt and Huntsman will actively support Romney, while Perry and Santorum will sit on the sidelines. Paul will talk about a third party run, but will not do it. South Carolina’s finish – Romney, Gingrich, Santorum, Paul, Huntsman, & Perry. Florida’s finish – Romney Gingrich, Huntsman, Santorum & Paul. (Perry will drop out before Florida) Romney picks Gingrich or Huntsman as VP (Chris Christie is offered the slot, but turns it down because he has committed to finishing his work in NJ). This ticket then beats Obama by 53% to 47% in the popular vote. (This may be more of a hope than a real prediction, but let’s see what happens.) I am also actively working on updating the website – it has not been changed since the election. I want to do a blog and change email to a much more professional looking email. There is still a link for donations and if you like what I am doing a small donation will help keep the website alive – I’d love to hire a professional to help me with it.
EST MILFORD– Recently, representatives from the Passaic County Improvement Authority (PCIA) attended the Board of Education’s December meeting to provide information on their renewable energybased shared services program. The 15-year plan would come with no up-front costs to the district and would include a promise of possible cost savings from the use of solar panels, which would be installed on school buildings and canopy panels over parking lot structures. The buildings and spaces proposed would have to meet key requirements to be used for the program. Areas are evaluated for southern exposure, condition of roof, parking lots and open space and shading. The equipment carries a 25-year warranty. The PCIA consultants did a preliminary report on possible viable structures and presented it to the school board.
How the program works The PCIA will send out Requests for Proposals (RFP) for developers to bid on the solar contracts. Contractors can receive public financing at a reduced rate, allowing them to pass on the savings to local municipalities and schools that house the solar panels through reduced energy rates. Consultants estimated that cost reductions from 15 cents-per-kilowatt to 9 cents-perHave a great 2012!! kilowatt were possible, but could not give a (I am curious, does anyone agree with definitive savings estimate for the district, at my predictions) this time, nor guarantee savings. January - February, 2012
Questions raised Trustees voiced some concerns about the district being able to utilize the program, as well as capitalize on the savings, since many of the schools have roofs that are older than the recommended age of 10 years or less and may not be able to be used. Concerns for liability, maintenance and possible contract issues with developers were also discussed, as well as who would be responsible for protection from vandalism, particularly for open-space and parking structure panels. The use of canopy systems over parking structures, particularly for the high school parking lot, was another issue discussed for special consideration since the band, and athletic programs, use the structure when the fields are snow-covered; would use of the area be restricted? Trustees also questioned the potential cost savings to be attained through the PCIA program, as opposed to them contracting with a private developer independently. The PCIA representatives said that, prior to installation, a complete structural analysis is done by the developer on proposed sites and warranty obligations, such as for roofs, are also considered. The equipment remains the property of the developer and is maintained and repaired by the developer, as per the contract, with access to the property granted by the school board as needed. Some security measures, such as fencing, must be taken to protect the equipment from vandalism, but the equipment will be insured by the developer, as the owner of the equipment. The Board can determine which sites it wants to use from the proposed areas, such as roofs, parking structures and open space areas.
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SPEAK OUT! Reply – Paterson Police Shooting What a way to start the new year. A controversial police shooting. First, they say the guy was shot in the stomach, and now the autopsy shows he was shot in the back. Now, I’m not somebody that hates cops. I hate some of the crap they do, especially against black and brown folks, but I’ve met some good cops, too. Keep in mind, the majority of them are not bad. But when you have these kind of police shootings, where the facts don’t add up, then you start to wonder how safe you really are. I’m no cop, but I know they deal with people who may want to kill them every day. I get that. More power to them for putting their lives on the line like that, because I wouldn’t do it. But as a person of color, I get tired of seeing minorities get shot in controversial police shootings, and then nothing seems to happen. It’s ridiculous. Cops are suppose to ‘protect and serve,’ and a lot of them do, but if they want people to trust them, then they need to, at least, get their stories straight when they shoot somebody. Hopefully, when the dust settles we’ll find out what really happened during that shooting on New Year’s Day. C.T.
For God and Country: Semper Fi A friend of mine taught high school Social Studies last year. What he found appalled him. What he saw truly horrified him. He found his students unable to distinguish between the Constitution of the United States and the Declaration of In-
dependence. When he broached this massive failure in the den of iniquity and leftism that is every teachers’ lounge, he was told that the Constitution is “irrelevant.” He, correctly, concluded that he was in a battle of wits with an unarmed man, and left the area; had he remained, the jury selection process would, no doubt, have figured prominently in ensuing events. But the image seared into his mind was that of a poster hanging in a Social Studies teacher’s room. The teacher, supposing that he was being radical, had posted the iconic Joe Rosenthal image of the flag-raising on Iwo Jima – except that in place of the Stars and Stripes, the flag featured a gasoline pump. The freedom of expression issue (and socialist commentary) aside, what my friend was looking at was just plain stupid. You can’t fix stupid. My friend’s Marine buddy, a Vietnam combat vet, was all set to march a company of fellow Marines into that school to discuss that teacher’s idiocy with him, and give him a much-needed history lesson. Neither WWII, nor this vicious battle memorialized in Rosenthal’s photo, had anything to do with oil (the only gas involved was the Zyklon B used by the Nazis to exterminate European Jews); even the merest suggestion of that connection bespeaks of a stupidity so pure that it defies description. As does Iwo itself. Iwo Jima was eight square miles of hell, where 6,800 American servicemen died, as they valiantly fought to put an end to WWII. Much of the fighting was done against an enemy that had incredibly complex fortifications that, in some places, were two-stories underground. At the time of the flag-raising, Easy Company (the Com-
pany of Heroes who raised the flag) had suffered 40% casualties. In other words, Iwo is not to be trifled with; freedom of expression doesn’t have to mean that you can make an ass out of yourself exercising it. Instead of a shameful and ignorant display, this poseur should have been teaching about the glory of America, and the greatest generation of veterans this country has ever known. Jack Patterson
Fed up with Donald Trump What’s going on with Donald Trump? First, he wants to pretend that he’s running for president, and then he thought he could moderate a debate? And don’t get me started on the way he keeps going after President Obama. First, he was demanding that Obama show his birth certificate and school records, and then Trump turns around and calls Obama ‘arrogant.’ Trump calling anybody ‘arrogant’ is a joke. He’s probably one of the most arrogant people around. As an Obama supporter, I know Trump hates Obama. And that’s cool. I hated George W. Bush for his policies. Now, I don’t agree with everything Obama’s done, but I agree with most of what he’s doing. But Trump’s hate has less to do with Obama’s policies and more to do with just hating Obama. I don’t think I can remember Trump blasting any other president the same way he goes after Obama. It’s like a personal grudge. Did Obama make fun of his comb-over or something? If Trump cared so much about the presidency, then why doesn’t he just run himself? Instead, he just wants to keep insert-
ing himself into the process and becoming nothing but a distraction. Picking a candidate to run for president is serious business and should be left to the people who are serious about it. Not the people who just want to find a camera to stand in front of, so they can treat our election process like it’s ‘American Idol’ or something. I used to admire Trump, but not anymore. He needs to stop wasting everybody’s time screwing around with our politics, and just go back to doing what he does best; collecting trophy wives and doing reality shows. Plus, doesn’t he have a business he needs to be running? If one of Trump’s employees was moonlighting the way he his, he probably would’ve fired that employee already. Luckily, he chose to fire himself as host of the GOP debate, after most of the SERIOUS Republican candidates gave him the brush off. And then he pouts and decides that he wants to leave the Republican Party and call himself an Independent. I’m sure the GOP is so hurt he doesn’t want to play with them anymore. But, maybe, if we’re lucky Trump will take the hint that he isn’t as important as he thinks he is, and then he’ll take a long vacation out of the spotlight. Yeah, I know. Fat chance that will happen. S.G.
If there is a subject that you wish to ‘speak out’ about....please e-mail us here at We want to know what you think. Indicate in the e-mail that you are writing in for the Speak Out section. Disclosure: The views and opinions expressed above are not those of the PCP.
AFRICAN HERITAGE PARADE COMMITTEE INC. 8 TH ANNUAL BREAKFAST JOIN US IN CELEBRATION OF BLACK HISTORY MONTH AND SUPPORT THE Paterson African Heritage Parade Committee Inc. Saturday, February 18, 2012 9:00 am to 12:00 Noon
Contact Chair:
The Brownstone 351 West Broadway Paterson, NJ 07522 $35.00 donation 2012 Breakfast Committee Chairperson
Ada Pugh @ 862-823-5483 for tickets Maurice Moore @ 862-6683166
January - February, 2012
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The Passaic County Pulse, Inc. would like to thank our Readers, Advertisers, and People of Interest who have contributed to our best year yet. And remember to keep your finger on the pulse! Pa ss ai c Co un ty C o u n ty Th e ic a s s a P The
The Passaic County
Th e Pa ss ai c Co un ty y
The Passa ic C o u n ty E P U L S E S L P U U P L E S E S L P ULSE PU May June 2011 Vol. 5 Issue 50
Dialing 911
Passaic County Under a New Watch
Who's to blame? SON SHAUN PATTER Youth Advocate
RT KENYATTA STEWA Advocate & Attorney
June July 2011 Vol. 5 Issue
NI KAMAU KHALFA Historian Activist & Black
LENNOX JACKSO Entreprenuer
CORNEL WEST hilospher Black Studies/P
Where Do We Go From Here?
July-Augus t 2011 Vol. 5 Issue 52
KAREN BROWN Municipal Judge
BILL SAPP "Change" Exec. Director of
see page 3 N MARY JOHNSO Organizer & Community
LY BENJAMIN WIMBER Councilman at Large
Civil Rights Worker
SR. H. LA GARDE FREDERICK Leader/ Minister Civil Rights
See page 3
y nttty un ou Co aii c C sa ss as Pa he P Th T
SE L U P E S L PU ic C o u n ty The Passa mber, August - Septe
Issue 2011 Vol.5
see page 3
Th e Pa ss ai c Co un ty
PULSE November - Decembe
October - November, 2011 Vol.5 Issue 55
The Collapsing of America
Does color still matter?
Roger Grier
The Passa ic C o u n ty
PULSE December, 2011
- January, 2012
Vol.5 Issue
see page 3
Christie in Trouble?
Gr Photography: Roger Grier
see page 3
ee page 3 see s see page 3
Dr. Hani Awadallah, advocate & teacher, mourned By Staff Reports
r, 2011 Vol.5 Issue 56
ATERSON – The Arab-American community, and the city of Paterson as a whole, lost a leading light when Dr. Hani Awadallah died unexpectedly from a heart attack. Dr. Awadallah led the city’s Arab-American Civic Organization and was a staunch fighter for the Arab-American community, particularly when Arab and South Asian immigrants were held at the County Jail following the 9/11 attacks. Dr. Awadallah was considered abrasive by his detractors, but loyal and passionate by his supporters, as he constantly worked to ensure that both children and immigrants had a better life. Never one to back down from a cause that was dear to him, Dr. Awadallah had no problem challenging powerful political figures, including Congressman Bill Pascrell, former Paterson Mayor Jose ‘Joey’ Torres, former New Jersey Governor Jim McGreevey and current Governor Chris Christie. In December, he led a group protestors at the Lowe’s in Paterson to protest the company’s decision to stop running advertisement on the reality show featuring Muslim families after pressure from a conservative, evangelical group. A chemistry professor at Montclair State University, where he was considered one of the founding members of the department, Dr. Awadallah was always a strong advocate of issues pertaining to schools, young people and education. He was a member of the Paterson Leadership Council, and he also taught classes on Arab culture and heritage. Throngs of people turned out to bid a final farewell to Dr. Awadallah, including Congressman Pascrell, Councilman Andre
IRTHDAY BASH FOR TRIO – Social status climbers: Susani Realtors – Lynda Gallashaw, Beverly Mack and Clarence Chambers Jr. celebrate their birthdays in “Chili Pepper” style at the Holiday Inn, in Totowa, NJ. Bringing in the year right with music, food and live comedy. Celebrate your next party with “Chili Pepper Production!
Sayegh, Sheriff Richard Berdnik and various city and school officials. Dr. Awadallah’s viewing was held at Omar Masjid, and he was later buried in Totowa at Laurel Grove Cemetery. Dr. Awadallah was 70 at the time of his death. Mayor Blanco backs Pascrell in 9th PASSAIC – Passaic Mayor Dr. Alex Blanco pledged his support for U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell via Facebook. Mayor Blanco stated: “I have tremendous respect for Passaic County Democratic Chairman John Currie and the county organization. Chairman Currie stood with me in my first campaign for Mayor, and I continue to stand by him today,” Blanco said. “Since becoming Mayor, I have campaigned along with many good Democrats. I have campaigned with Congressman Bill Pascrell and I have seen first-hand his commitment to Democratic values. Congressman Pascrell has fought hard for my constituents in the City of Passaic for years, and he has significant community support.” New mayor takes office in Woodland Park WOODLAND PARK – On January 1st, Democrat Keith Kazmark was officially sworn in as Woodland Park’s mayor. Kazmark, who was formerly a councilman and municipal clerk in Elmwood Park, has promised to review the borough’s budget, help businesses in the downtown area with a planned special improvement district, improve open spaces/recreation areas and push for solutions to the regions flooding problems. Mayor Kazmark replaces outgoing Mayor Pat Lepore. January - February, 2012
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uring a balmy August week in the summer of 2011 an event shook the Washington D.C. area and changed many people’s perspective on what they thought could happen in our nation’s capital. No, this is not referring to the earthquake that occurred in Washington on August 23rd of that same week, but rather it was the opening of the Dr. King Monument to the public. The Martin Luther King Jr. Monument was first opened, and originally scheduled to be dedicated, the same weekend the earthquake hit D.C., so it’s almost ironic that many people forget that the message that Dr. King was fighting for, near the end of his life, started its own political, and social, earthquake during that time. Fast forward about seven months and we arrive at another day remembering the legacy and life of Dr. King, and on the national level, much attention is being given to the beautiful monument in Washington that was dedicated as a memorial to him, and also a call by President Obama for a Na-
tional Day of Service. In spite of this, it may be easy to have a sense of dismay, or even apathy, at the current conditions in the African-American community, and in American society overall. According to the Bureau of Labor statistics for December 2011, Black unemployment, overall, is at 15.8 percent and Latino unemployment is at 11.0 percent, compared to White unemployment, which has dropped from 8.5 percent (December 2010) to 7.5 percent last month (December). Over 40% of the U.S. population lives off of an income of $22,000 a year or less, 25% of African Americans live in poverty, compared to 8.6% of whites, and the U.S. has the highest
number of billionaires, as well as the highest number of children, living in poverty (18.9%); 1.3 million of whom are homeless. Regardless of these disproportionate and disturbing numbers many people (in particular Republican Presidential candidates) seem to want to praise Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for “the passion of his vision,” while at the same time undermining, and watering down, his message to a kind of cosmic version of Rodney King’s “can’t we all just get along” after the Los Angeles Riots in 1992. While “getting along” was important and central to Dr. King’s message, it wasn’t in the absence of an underlying social equality and access to opportunity. Dr. King also said: “A riot is the language of the unheard.” and also, “A nation that continues, year after year, to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.” Thankfully, out of this mountain of despair there are those who continue to carve out stones of hope, not just in the form of the King Monument in D.C., but in continued social action. The Paterson Pastor’s Workshop held several events starting January 14th as part of its Dr. Martin Luther King Weekend of Empowerment, one at Panther High School, focusing on Youth and Young Adult issue (morals, effective education, and values). The Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, in coordination with Freeholder
TJ Best, Assemblyman Benjie E. Wimberly, Rev. Kenneth Clayton, Kenneth McDaniel, Mayor Jeffery Jones and many others organized a reenactment march from St. Luke Baptist Church to the Masonic Temple in Paterson on January 16th. Assemblywoman Shavonda Sumter was the Grand Marshal. Many of the people at the forefront of carrying on Dr. King’s Legacy, and working to accomplish his full dream, weren’t even born until decades after he was assassinated while he was working on the Poor People’s Campaign and supporting the Black sanitation workers in Memphis, Tennessee. Some people have in common that they were born to parents of the Civil Rights Movement era (like I myself am) and grew up hearing stories of marches and fire hoses, and how they, briefly, saw, or met, Dr. King in person. Many of the younger generation may not have any direct connection to Dr. King’s speeches, or marches, at all, but they may be moved by Dr. King’s words, and his works, and they understand how his dream and legacy still speaks to us today, and they are working to ensure that it continues to echo into the future.
“A healing place between hospital and home”
When selecting Barnert Subacute Rehabilitation Center as a healing place between hospital and home, you are choosing a center focused on the three R’s. Returning home, Regaining independence and Restoring your quality of life. BARNERT MEDICAL ARTS COMPLEX 680 Broadway- 3rd Floor, Paterson, NJ 07514 For further information on services we provide please call 973-754-0999 and mention this ad! Email: January - February, 2012
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n January 18th, 2012, the retirement celebration for retiring Assemblywoman Elease Evans, of the 35th District, finally arrived. An Honorable woman she is. Mrs. Evans walked into a room filled with love and affection, as well as appreciation, for both her and her many accomplishments during her time in the General Assembly.
Elease Evans and Family
Nellie Pou and Linda Smith
Photographyy byy Don Sherrill
Elease Evans and Planning Comm.
ATERSON – Councilman A. Goow has finally had enough. On November 30, 2011, Councilman Goow stormed out of a Council workshop, disgusted over the refusal of his colleagues to act as one body in addressing the actions of media. Ridding Paterson of the infamous newspaper publisher, photographer and writer, Sirrano Baldeo, owner of the now-defunct Paterson Pulse, which has now taken on another appearance, has become a task for Goow. “Why do you, as my colleagues continue to support a paper that presents nothing but untruths, and presents Paterson as a town of idiots. He continuously skews the truth to create sensationalism for his paper. We have had countless numbers of Paterson citizens coming down to the Council meetings stoning that paper, begging Patersonians not to pick up the Paterson Pulse. Obviously, to some level, Paterson responded, because the Paterson Pulse is no more,” said Councilman Goow. “Now, he has tried to re-invent himself with a new paper doing the same thing. I asked them, why do you continue to be involved with a media that exploits people based on Sirrano’s personal vendetta.”
Councilman Goow also mentioned SirWhen the sensationalrano’s alleged personal ridicule and defa- ism is removed, only one of mation he has had to endure through the the Councilmen, truly, faces headlines from month to month, attacking criminal charges, Rigo Rohis religion, family and leadership abilities. driquez, who is accused of Councilman Goow will now press for jus- “Voter Fraud”. Again, we betice. lieve that people are innocent Quite often, if not every month, some until proven guilty, which is Council members have been found to be what allows Mr. Rodriguez to allegedly making contributions to his news- maintain his Council seat. Let paper. Needless to say, Councilman Goow it be noted that of the alleged did not get the support he was seeking. criminal charges against all Because of the constant misrepresentation, of the ‘accused,’ apparently 95% percent of Councilman Goow has been seen emotion- them were placed by Baldeo, and some are ally upset, as arguments between Sirrano currently awaiting resolution. Because these and himself have taken center stage during people are “Public Officials” it becomes council meetings when Sirrano is in atten- a very difficult issue to prove harassment. dance. One city official remarked “I think Criticism comes with the job. Baldeo has most people cooperate with him in fear of also, falsely, publicized false allegations and becoming a target. I mean the man has more court victories against his former partner in than enough cases filed, costing the tax pay- the Paterson Pulse, Charles Primus. ers unnecessarily dollars.” “It is amazing how, and what can, be said Councilman Goow is not the only per- about a person when using the word “allegson that has allegedly found himself the edly” said Mr. Primus. target of Sirrano, because others have found All charges involving Mr. Primus, as a themselves being allegedly attacked in ink witness, were dismissed by the judge, as as well, including Council members Julio they were also dismissed against Sirrano. It Tavarez, Andre Sayegh, Rigo Rodriguez, was a “NO” win for both parties. The alleged and the School Board commissioner, Dr. harassment by this individual is non-ending. Jonathan Hodges. Allegedly, he has gotten a business associJanuary - February, 2012
ate to now send emails out, criticizing the Passaic County Pulse in hopes of discouraging advertisers. The business associate is allegedly a relative of Paterson Mayor Jeff Jones. By the looks of Sirrano’s paper, Jones seems to be a favorite. Councilman Goow intends to seek justice in the court rooms of Passaic County, hoping to open the door to others who are fed up and willing to stand up against the ‘paper man.’ Some people find it amazing that a publisher of a Christian newspaper (Christian Heritage), who publicly shouts ‘I am a Christian” can be accused of, relentlessly, casting stones at people for whatever their shortcomings he may believe they have. Amazing! With all of the alleged negative publicity that the now-defunct Paterson Pulse News has written on Councilman Goow, he still maintains a positive polled rating of 89% approval in his Ward as confirmed by a 4th quarter survey of 2011. He has been known to serve with a dedication that is, sometimes, overwhelming, but is perceived as a sincere passion for Paterson.
AYNE – Career Resource Event Job Fair Event, which was sponsored by the Passaic County One Stop System and William Paterson University and held at the university’s Center for Continuing and Professional Education. The director for the county’s One Stop, Mr. Charles Featherson, has been brainstorming to create venues that will not only draw the unemployed, but the necessary companies of employment to begin the process of re-booting the economy and lowering the unemployment numbers in Passaic County. Mr. Featherson has begun the process of promoting these type of events around the county. “My expectations for this job fair were no different than they were from the other ones. We just wanted to attract as many people as possible and be able to engage employers with job seekers,” said Featherson. “As long as we do these job fairs they inspire hope. So, when the job market gets better people will know that the train is running and they can jump on. And Congressman Pascrell has been a great partner in making sure that the businesses are involved with these job fairs.” The job fair included job applications with workshops for combining social media, job searches, resume writing, resume critiquing and veterans’ assistance. Some of the companies in attendance included, Apple, Inc., Chilton Hospital, DISH Network, Enterprise, Farmers Insurance Group, The Hertz Corporation, New Jersey Transit, Party City, Passaic County 4-H Youth Development Program, Prudential, St. Joseph’s Healthcare Systems, Inc., Valley National Bank, UPS and U.S. Cus-
toms & Border Protection. Congressman Bill Pascrell was the keynote speaker. Congressman Pascrell spoke to a packed auditorium of job seekers about the future of the economy and he urged them to continue fighting to find employment. “I’m asking you not to sell yourselves short, but there are no excuses. I know it’s tough out there, but you have to keep looking. Get to the library, jump on the computers, and just keep looking,” said Congressman Pascrell. “Because this isn’t heaven, and nobody is just waiting out there to hand you a hand. Sometimes you have to consider doing something that you may not have considered doing before. I have faith that this economy will bounce back,” said Congressman Pascrell.” In December of 2011, the nation added 200,000 jobs that helped to lower the unemployment rate to 8.5%, the lowest it had been in nearly three years. In total, the economy added 1.6 million jobs in 2011, and economists are predicting that there will be an additional 2.1 million jobs added in 2012. For those seeking further information on the Passaic County One Stop Career Center there are locations in the following cities: Paterson, at 52 Church Street, (973) 340-3400 (ext. 7200) and 370 Broadway, (973) 977-4350; Clifton, at 388 Lakeview Avenue, (973) 3403400 (ext. 7129); Passaic, at 25 Howe Avenue, (973) 916-2648; and Wanaque, at 1237 Ringwood Avenue, (973) 617-1480. You may also visit the following websites; Workforce Investment Board of Passaic County, www.; Passaic County One-Stop Career Center,; and NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development, www.
he night began with a reception of over 500 guests and Mrs. Evans did her best to meet and greet each guest, but it became, somewhat, of a daunting task. With tickets selling at $100 per-head, her Retirement Committee was still able to sell out the venue, but tables were prepared for the last-minute overflow of guests. At first glance, it seemed like a royal wedding was taking place, when taking a look at the distinguished guests list, which included senators, congressmen, assemblymen, mayors, professional singers and personal spokesmen on behalf of the President of the United States, Barrack Obama. The high achiever waltzed in wearing a beautiful golden, satin gown that polished off her glow. One of the master of ceremonies was Senator Ronald Rice. Some of the speakers included Assemblywoman Bonnie WatsonColeman, Congressman Bill Pascrell, Speaker of the NJ Assembly, Sheila Y. Oliver, Thomas P. Giblin, 34th District, and more. Evans also received proclamations from many government offices. One gift included a huge portrait of the President and First Lady Michelle Obama for her home. Many organizations were on hand to give certificates of achievement until the close of the night, when Rev. Alexander McDonald III, of Second Baptist, gave the final benediction. The event ended at Midnight. Mrs. Elease Evans began as a Paterson activist. At the same time, she worked as a social
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NEW 2012 LAWS TO LEAVE IMPACT By Carmen Ledesma
number of underage females getting the procedure continues to grow at the same speed that facilities are performing the procedure. Therefore, any minor female wanting to have an abortion must tell her parents or go before a judge for permission. Another restriction is contingent upon how many abortions a facility performs a month. So, if facilities perform more than 10 abortions per month, they must undergo state inspection and follow all the state and health guidelines.
EW JERSEY – At the start of this New Year, 2012, there are some new laws that were implemented from day one. There were 40,000 laws that passed in 2011 by the National Conference of State Legislatures that will affect every state. As community members, voters and consumers, we should educate ourselves and find out what is going on. We must recognize that some of these changes may not sit well with the public, however the change is happening. Meet Obligations on Breach Notifications The New Jersey Breach Notification Toll Hikes in NJ states that its consumer notification obFor instance, the hike in toll prices is ligations apply not only to residents of happening again! Remember the toll in- New Jersey, but to any individual whose crease that was put in place back in 2008, sensitive personal information was, or it recently went into effect on Sunday, is reasonably believed to have been, acJan. 1, 2012. If you are using the Gar- quired by an unauthorized person. Acden State Parkway and the New Jersey cording to Kristen Matthews from PriTurnpike, you will certainly notice the vacy Law Proskaur, “the law covers what increase in toll charges. Let us map it it defines as sensitive personal information, out for you. Say you are driving from the which includes (A) an individual’s name Delaware Memorial Bridge, north side to in combination with his (i) Social Sethe George Washington Bridge (which curity number, (ii) state driver’s license by the way happens to be the entire trip number or government issued ID numof the turnpike) the increase will go up ber, or (iii) financial account number from $9.05 to $13.85. along with credentials that would allow access to his financial account, and (B) New Laws Impact Voters personally identifying information relatA number of U.S. States urge and ex- ing to an individual’s physical or mental tend voting obstacles for those possible health or condition, health care provided voters that fall on the Democratic side, to such individual, or payment there of. explain Liberal critics. These obstacles The statute 56:8-163 constitutes the include the requirement of presenting Disclosure of Breach of Security to Cusa government-issued photo ID; which tomers. For more information about the will cut back on early voting abilities and New Jersey (N.J. STAT. ANN. § 56:8imposes further restrictions on votes by 163) visit convicts. The Liberal critics of the new laws assert that these reforms are merely New Hire Reporting a calculated measure to ensure that fewer Effective January 1, 2012, per state Democrats get to the polls. law, employers that employ more than According to recent studies done at 24 employees, at any time, need to subThe Brennan Center, “the new restric- mit new hire reports through an elections will impact young, minority and tronic Internet- based method provided low-income voters the most, and could by Child Support Enforcement. In adthus “sharply tilt the political terrain for dition, under a more recent federal law, the 2012 election.” The states that have all employers will need to report the emrecently altered their voting laws account ployee’s date of hire. The date of hire is for 171 electoral votes, or 63% of what is the first day an employee performs sernecessary to win the presidency, accord- vices for pay. It is anticipated this requireing to the report. ment will become effective during the summer of 2013. To learn more about Abortion Laws secure Web file transfer go online or conNo one likes to talk abortion, but tact the Employer Relations Administralet’s be clear; it is happening everyday, tor at 701-328-5440 or 1-800-231-4255 somewhere. Some laws have also been (Employer option), or visit http://1.usa. implemented to control the process. The gov/xd1STF for detailed information.
worker for the county social services for 33 years. Elease served on the local government level as a commissioner on the school board in 1985. She later became a Passaic County Freeholder in the years 2002 and 2005. From Freeholder to Assemblywoman, Elease never stopped serving the public. Mrs. Evans is the first African-American to serve as assembly person in the 35th Disth trict. The 35 District consists of Glen Rock, Haledon, Hawthorne, North Haledon, Paterson, Prospect Park and Totowa, all in Passaic County. She has belonged to Calvary Baptist Church, in Paterson, since 1979, under the teachings of Rev. Dr. Albert P. Rowe, whom was actually the person to initiate the retirement dinner. “I was happy to retire quietly, but my pastor thought differently, and I thank him for this wonderful send-off,” said Elease. Pastor Rowe, as chairperson, pulled together a handful of hard workers and was able to pack the house. “Through it all, my wife has been able to help sustain our family, and be there when she is needed, and I love her and respect all the hard work that she has put in,” stated her husband, Billie Evans. Elease has 3 children; Don, Patrick and Karen. She is also the proud grandmother of 14 grandchildren. The Passaic County Pulse wishes you much luck in your retirement. Enjoy, and thank you for the many contributions that you have made to providing community information. January - February, 2012
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rust only in tax experts that guarantee you the maximum refund legally possible. Taxes have always been a serious issue. However, this year, you have to be more careful because of the new and strict IRS rules. When you sign your tax return, you become responsible for all the information included. That is why you should have a professional tax preparer guarantee his work and make sure you can find the office open in case any problem happens in the future. Ceasar Malqui, a well known tax expert and President of Malqui Tax, which is cele-
brating its 36 Anniversary, recommends you “be careful and watch your back.” “There are places that close, other are there all year, but they do not have enough experience or expertise necessary to properly handle your taxes”, he tells us. During the summer, after an exhausting long tax season and when many take it easy, Malqui did not stop getting better. He passed a very difficult IRS exam and is eligible to apply to become an Enrolled Agent before the IRS. There are not many enrolled agents who possess this IRS license and that requires them to pass a tough three-part exam–6 hours in length a piece–and requiring around one month of serious studying for each part. “The exam is optional, but I decided to take it to expand my professional knowledge and experience to better serve What’s new for this tax season?...we my distinguished clientele”, Malqui proudly asked him. states. “We are proud having served over A Lot. Every time it is harder to file your 5,000 satisfied clients and look forward to taxes. Before, anyone could do it. But now keep serving them.” they can not. You have to be registered, sign the tax return, and be up to date with all the new requirements and regulations. So we can help our clients receive their maximum refund legally possible without causing them problems. Malqui is also President of the Malqui Foundation and now has a new and modern office, at 469 21st Avenue, Paterson, NJ, at which Mayor Jones helped cut the ribbon. Malqui tells us, “I am proud to have been part of the Malqui Tax tradition for the
January - February, 2012
past 14 years, a family place that my father founded 36 years ago. My father, Julio, who everybody knows and respects, came to this country from a very poor background in Peru. He worked hard and dreamed big reaching the American Dream. He is my inspiration as is my mom, Julia.” Malqui Tax has a great team of experienced tax professionals that are registered with the IRS. And have 20 work stations and 20 computers in his modern spacious office where you will be treated in a friendly manner. Malqui offers taxes for individuals, home owners and businesses of all types. They have convenient hours and are open 7 days a week during the busy parts of the tax seaon. Plus, Malqui has gifts and surprises for his clients. “Our new location is conveniently located in a more commercial and safe area a block from the Post Office at 469 21st Avenue, Paterson. My clients have told me my new office offers better privacy and comfort. Call or visit us. We will be very happy to be of service. Your taxes are backed by our “Triple Guarantee” and we guarantee your maximum refund legally possible and your satisfaction”, concluded Malqui, who also holds a Juris Doctor degree from Rutgers Law School.
By Jonathan Hodges, M.D.
he man reached the corner and looked around the darkened streets for a building that might house a small restaurant. The lateness of the hour had moved the sky well past the twilight of late afternoon and to the faded lights of early evening. This added to his distress as the strange street filled with all sorts of people standing and milling about, heightening his confusion. As he proceeded through the intersection, a quick glimpse over his shoulder found him the likely object of his search. The bright sign heralded the little restaurant that his friend had invited him to. But, as he crossed the intersection, he noticed a car stopped in the middle of the street, blocking what appeared to be the only available parking spot on his side of the street. The driver was engaged in a close conversation with a man in the street. Shortly thereafter, the man walked away from the car. Anticipating the
car’s departure, he inched his car in behind the waiting car, indicating his intention to claim the parking space when this first car moved. But it didn’t. It stayed parked in the middle of the street until the three minutes it took for the man to return. After a brief exchange, the man headed back to the house he came from and the car, with it’s Asian-looking driver, turned around and headed off in the opposite direction. The man, finally, pulled into the parking spot after clearly being witness to the underground economy at work. He shook his head and got out of the car to head back across the intersection to the restaurant and his waiting friend. He had no sooner than reached the door of the place when another car stopped and there was another street side transaction, complete with a man in the street, conversation and a car blocking traffic, all occurring right in front of the small restaurant’s door. He watched, from the restaurant lobby, the young male amble off to visit his stash and return to conclude the “exchange” before the car, with what didn’t look like a neighborhood resident driving, sped off down the road. One intersection, two different street entrepreneurs, two different “exchanges.” All within 5 minutes. He could see young kids walking by, uncurious and clearly not as surprised as he was. They paid no attention to the goings on, as it was routine
to them. The fact that he couldn’t help staring was the only thing apparently out of the ordinary. Many of them, no doubt, would soon be competing for those corners as the “business” notoriously had a high turnover rate, providing the best opportunity for employment in the area. He greeted his friend and the conversation started with what he saw and how awful it must be to raise children in an environment like this. It got to the usual point of someone saying that something should be done about this, especially for these poor children. Certainly the police could be called, the local council person, someone. The man briefly entertained the notion of calling the police himself, but feared getting that involved. Soon, the golden fried chicken platter with macaroni and cheese and greens arrived. The buttermilk biscuits with strawberry preserves followed and the scenes out the window, unabated by the discussions or the Blue plate special, continued on, unnoticed. The two friends turned their attentions to talk of better times, and other things, eventually departing on their separate ways. In a week’s time, one of the two street vendors lay dead in the street, a stray bullet, temporarily, dimming one the lights of the restaurant’s signs. But the traffic, after a brief period, like the restaurant meals, kept on flowing. Lessons on serving chicken from the urban blackboard....
,167,787( 2) )227 $1' $1./( 0(',&,1(
Dr. Anthony Enrico, Jr 579 Main Ave. Passaic, NJ 07055 Tel.: (973) 472 3000 FAX: (973) 472 5400 628 Broadway Paterson, HI 07514 Tel.: (973) 278 8001 Fax: (973) 742 6793 January - February, 2012
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PASSAIC COUNTY WOMEN’S CENTER OFFERING SEXUAL ASSAULT SUPPORT GROUP Passaic County Women’s Center will be facilitating a free, 8-week psychoeducational support group for female survivors of sexual assault. This group takes place on Tuesday evenings, and started in January 2012. If you have been affected by sexual assault and you are looking for a safe, confidential space to discuss the issue with those who have had similar experiences, please call Maria Pintar at (973) 881-0725, x 205 to set up an initial contact meeting. Outreach Office number is: 973-881-0725
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sthma is a long-term lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. Asthma causes repeated wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath and coughing. Asthma occurs in people of all ages, but it most often starts during childhood. In the United States, more than 22 million people are known to have asthma. Nearly 6 million of these people are children. Overview The airways are tubes that carry air into and out of your lungs. People who have asthma have inflamed airways. This makes the airways swollen and very sensitive. They usually react strongly to certain chemicals that enter the lungs. When the airways react, the muscles around them tighten. This narrows the airways, causing less air to flow into the lungs. The swelling also can worsen, making the airways even narrower. The airways may make more mucus than normal. Mucus is a sticky, thick liquid that can further narrow your airways. Asthma symptoms can be mild and go away on their own, or with a few minor medications. In many cases, symptoms become more intense, with more symptoms occurring, leading to an asthma attack. It’s important to treat symptoms when they first occur. This will help prevent the symptoms from worsening and causing a severe asthma attack. Severe asthma attacks may require emergency care, and they can be fatal. Asthma can’t be cured, but it can be
controlled. Treatments include taking steps to avoid your particular asthma triggers, using long-term control medications to prevent flareups and using a quick-relief inhaler to control symptoms once they start. Because asthma changes over time, you’ll work with your doctor to track your signs and symptoms and adjust treatment as needed. Causes It isn’t clear why some people get asthma and others don’t, but it’s probably due to a combination of environmental and genetic factors (inherited form your parents). Asthma triggers are different from person to person. Exposure to a number of different allergens and irritants can trigger signs and symptoms of asthma, including: airborne allergens, such as pollen, animal dander, mold, cockroaches and dust mites; respiratory infections, such as the common cold; physical activity (exercise-induced asthma); cold air; air pollutants and irritants, such as smoke and cigarettes; certain medications, including beta blockers, aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; strong emotions and stress; sulfites, preservatives added to some types of foods and beverages; Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), a condition in which stomach acids back up into your throat; menstrual cycles, in some women; and allergic reactions to some foods, such as peanuts or shellfish. Abdulmajeed I. Hozien, RPh Park Ave Pharmacy
ello, everyone. Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m Mattie Artis, owner of ‘Eleven of 12,’ “fast food with a little soul� Restaurant, located at 226 Rosa Parks Blvd., Paterson, N.J. My first article was to be about fish (i.e. purchasing, cleaning, cooking and serving), but I realized that Valentine’s Day is next month, so I thought it befitting to write about that instead. I went to the Internet and clicked on Valentine’s Day and here are some of the things that came up. One article states that Valentine was a priest in Rome, who secretly married couples after Claudius II ordered him not to. When caught, Valentine was sentenced to death. First, he was to be clubbed to death, and then beheaded. Prior to his death, it is alleged that he left a note to a prison guard’s daughter, who visited and befriended him, and he signed it ‘love from your Valentine’. Another article gave some former traditions of Valentine’s Day. One was of children dressing up as adults, going from house to house, singing; another was giving the gifts of carved wooden spoons; and another was drawing a person’s name from a bowl and wearing that name on your sleeve for a week. But the two that I love most are the exchange of cards and chocolate. Especially chocolate. This month, I’ll show you how to make chocolate strawberries, bananas and cherries, and I’ll even show you how to make a chocolate rose. Don’t eat the rose, but these items will be pretty and they will save you some money. I went to the local farmer’s
market and purchased strawberries, cherries, apples, bananas, oranges, a pineapple and a carrot. I purchased the chocolate coating from my local market and two long stem roses from the florist. I washed and air-dried the fruit and cut some into slices or pieces. The chocolate coating was poured into a small bowl. I spooned the chocolate over the strawberries, first. (I have to tell you that the local berries are not as large as the other ones, but they do serve the purpose.) I did the same with the other fruit, too. Instead of using fresh pineapple, you can also use the canned ones, but you should drain them first. After the chocolate has hardened, you can arrange it on a plate, or eat it anyway you want to. I’m sure you’ll be pleased with the results. You have saved time (didn’t have to stand in line), money (the total cost of all of the fruit and chocolate was about ten dollars) and energy (you’re not shifting from foot to foot waiting to be served). To view my video on the Internet, go to YouTube and type ‘fast food with a little soul chocolate’ in YouTube’s search box and view the video. Happy Valentine’s Day! Eleven of 12 Restaurant
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By Marc Lazarus
eed money to start a business? Since the banks are not lending one must look at other ways to finance a startup. I haven’t found money growing on trees around here, so I will present a few ideas. 1) Friends and Family. If you have friends or relatives who believe in you, and your vision, they are a great source of capital. Just be sure they completely understand the business cycle and that they will need to be patient until they get paid back. Do not borrow any money that they cannot afford to lose. You will have enough on your plate getting started and do not need family discord from somebody pressuring you to pay them back. 2) Owner financing. If you are buying an existing business, ask the owner to finance part of the purchase price. A motivated seller will do this because he knows that bank financing is tough right now. 3) 401K Money. Did you know there is a loophole in the IRS code that allows you to use your 401K money for your own
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business? It is a bit complicated, but there are companies that specialize in doing this. There are significant legal steps involved and you must form a C Corporation that invests in the stock of your company. If you do not do the paperwork correctly you can be penalized and pay early withdrawal penalties and fines. The costs to set up the C Corporation are rather high and there are annual reporting fees, but it may be the sacrifice you need to make to open your dream company. If you are still employed, you can borrow from your 401K, rather than start a C Corporation. The only catch is that you need to reimburse the plan before you leave the company. So, if you are using it to springboard from corporate America you must keep that in mind. 4) Angel Investors: Check out the websites of Prosper Inc. and Virgin Money. They have people who will lend money to fund businesses that they feel will prosper. It is a shot in the dark, but you must try whatever you can today. 5) Franchises: Since money is so tight, some Franchises will help with the financing--with a good credit score. Good luck in your pursuit of the ever difficult borrowed dollar. If you find a bank that doesn’t ask for your first-born, let me know. Marc Lazarus Transworld Business Advisors 201-203-2771
Consultant Karen Williams, M. Ed. I want to become a parent, but I don’t interest of the child to be able to experience want a marriage, or a relationship. I just life through the nurturing of a mother and a want to be a single parent! father. Please remember the mother and father provide the child with the first relationQuestion: ships with a male and female. Relationships are complicated and they There will be times when a female perrequire constant compromise. I want to be- spective is needed, and there will be times come a parent at a certain age in my life, and when a male perspective is needed, as parI will be that age later this year, but I don’t ents. Of course, everyone in life didn’t dewant a dual parent-ship. I don’t want to be rive from a household with two biological / married, nor do I want to be in a relation- foster/ or step-parents. There are masses of ship. I just want to become a parent and nur- successful, confident and productive people ture a child without limits, or interruption, who may have only had one biological parfrom another parent. Am I being selfish, or ent. Grandparent, aunts, uncles, brothers, inconsiderate, of the needs of the child? sisters, and good Samaritans have reared lots of great people also. “Life happens” Response: and we don’t have control over everything. Yes! You are being selfish! Review your Sometimes we are just handed an assignstatement and expression of words. Every ment, without the standard tools, so we statement was about what YOU wanted. learn to make the best of what could be You did not express any sentiments in favor viewed as a difficult assignment. But when of the child, or the other biological parent. It we as a people consider becoming parents is important to realize the effects of having we should want to do the things that are in a child, and rearing that child, intentionally the best interest of the child. without the nurturing of the other gender. Intentionally denying a child access to a Having two parents is the ideal situation two-parent childhood, for personal reasons when the two are in agreement and com- that aren’t based on true relationship conmitted to one another. It can be in the best flict issues as parents, is a selfish decision.
Call Mike Park for more information 278 River Street Hackensack, NJ
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he Distinguished Poets Series of the Poetry Center at Passaic County Community College is presenting a poetry reading by Michael Cirelli and Shara McCallum on Saturday, February 4, 2012. The readings will take place at 1 p.m. at the historic Hamilton Club Building, 32 Church Street, in downtown Paterson. The program is free and an open reading follows. Writing workshops, conducted by Cirelli and McCallum will be held from 10 a.m. to noon at the same location. Preregistration is required; the workshop fee is $15.00. The building is wheelchair accessible. Other services, such as large print materials and FM assistive listening devices, are available on request. Parking will be available in the Passaic County Community College parking lot on College Blvd., between Memorial Drive and Church Street. For further information, call (973) 684-6555 or visit Michael Cirelli is the author of Vacations on the Black Star Line (Hanging Loose Press, 2010), which was named in About. com’s Poetry Picks “Best Books of 2010,” and Lobster with Ol’ Dirty Bastard (Hanging Loose Press, 2008), which was a NY Times bestseller from an independent press. His work has appeared in The Best American Poetry, New York Quarterly, and Texas Review. He is the Executive Director of one of the nation’s largest youth literary arts organizations, Urban Word NYC, and has authored two poetry curricula, Poetry Jam (Recorded Books, 2010) and Hip-Hop Poetry & the Classics (Milk Mug, 2004).
Shara McCallum is the author of This Strange Land (Alice James Books, 2011), The Face of Water: New & Selected Poems (Peepal Tree Press, UK, 2011), Song of Thieves (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2003), and The Water Between Us (University of Pittsburgh Press, 1999). She is the recipient of a Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize, and an Academy of American Poets Prize, and has been a Cave Canem Fellow and a Walter E. Dakin Fellow at the Sewanee Writers’ Conference. She currently teaches and directs the Stadler Center for Poetry at Bucknell University. The Poetry Center at Passaic County Community College has been named a Distinguished Arts Project and is funded, in part by a grant from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/ Department of State, and made possible in part by a grant from the National Endowment of the Arts. Maria Mazziotti Gillan is the founder and executive director of the Poetry Center.
CALENDAR OF EVENTS Jan. 18 - Feb. 25 Clifton Art Center Gallery “Earth into Art Encore” (Exhibit and Sale) 900 Clifton Ave, Clifton; 1- 4pm – Call 973 472- 5499; $3.00 admission Jan. 23 Assemblywoman Nelli Pou /County Latinos host a rally in support of Congressman Bill Pascrell @ Bon Fire, 999 Market St. Paterson, 6-8pm. Contact 973 278-2400 Jan. 25 Special Meeting of Paterson Public School District. @6 pm, 90 Delaware Ave. Agenda will include discussion with the Acting Commissioner Cerf on the state of the district. Jan. 27 Winterfest in Wycoff Dinner – The Carl Pfeifer Performing Arts Center, 691 Wycoff Ave., Wycoff 7 – 11pm; Contact (201) 891-2081. Tickets $25.00 Jan. 27 Riverside Manor hosting the “Jersey Sound” Rt. 20 and Morlot Ave. Paterson. Call for 6 pm reservations, 973 689-6360 Jan. 27 United Way of Passaic County hosting the 2012 launch of the Financial Empowerment Zone for National Earned Income Tax Day @Paterson Community Technology Center, 218 Memorial Drive, Paterson. RSVP Leslie at 973-279-8900 or Feb. 2 5th Ward Community meetings will restart on February 2nd. They will take place at the Library, located on Broadway and as always will be from 6:30 pm to 8 pm. Afterwards, all meetings will take place on the 1st Thursday of the month. Feb. 4 Chili Pepper Comedy Night of Dinner and Entertainment – Holiday Inn, Rte 46- Totowa, 7pm Feb. 12 Tribute to Marvin Krivin, founder of William Paterson University’s Jazz Studies Program in Shea Center for Performing Arts on the campus, Wayne. 4 pm. Tickets are $8 to $15. Call Shea Center Box Office for tickets/info 973-720-2371 Feb. 18 Paterson African HeritageParade Inc. is sponsoring the 8th Annual Breakfast, 9 am – Noon@ the Brownstone, 351 West Broadway; $35 donation. Feb. 19 Board of Trustees & Stewards’ Annual Day – First A.M.E. Zion Church 326 Ellison Street, Paterson, 5pm
LOOMINGDALE – Second chances in life don’t come along too often, whether for man or beast. In the case of Sugar, the 4-year-old white pit bull, who was stolen from the Bloomingdale Animal Shelter, a second chance has come in the form of her new owner, an FBI agent. The Bloomingdale Regional Animal Shelter Society President Ellen Ribitzki announced Sugar’s new home in a humorous email stating: “Sugar will be living with an FBI agent, not a ‘witness protection program,’ but we are still positive she won’t go missing again. This was a great weekend for us.” Following a frantic search for Sugar after she went missing from her cage, shelter volunteers informed police that they saw a gray car driving away around the same time as the dog’s disappearance. They, fully, believed that Sugar had been stolen. Authorities, eventually, arrested the man who
allegedly took Sugar from the shelter and brought her to his home in West Milford. Sugar is not difficult to notice, as she has a deformed lower jaw and she is also missing her tail. Volunteers at the shelter stated that Sugar’s tail needed to be clipped because she would wag it so frequently between the bars of her cage, when she became excited, that the tail became irritated. Sugar had been residing at the shelter for nearly a year before being adopted.
Job Listings ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT – PARSIPPANY Network Infrastructure Solutions is a voice and data network integration and technology Service Company based in Parsippany, NJ. We currently have an opening for a Part-Time Administrative Assistant, Monday thru Friday, 9:00am – 2:00pm. Primary responsibilities include answering telephones, transfering calls, taking messages, creating and modifying documents using Microsoft Office, Excel and PowerPoint, as well as performing general clerical duties such as generating reports, photocopying, mailings and filing, will maintain hard copy and electronic filing systems, set up and coordinate meetings and conferences and support staff in assigned project work base. Please e-mail cover letter and resume to: or fax attn: HR Dept, 1-866-7488676. Requirements Must have a high school diploma or equivalent. At least 3 years clerical work experience with a working knowledge of all Microsoft Office Software (Word, Excel and PowerPoint). Professional verbal and written communication skills. Ability to work in a fast paced environment with teams and independently. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR – HOBOKEN CITY, (Hudson County) population 50,005 is seeking a high energy leader to oversee budget, purchasing, personnel and day-to-day operations. Duties include implementation of new personnel system, liaisoning with seven (7) labor unions, capital programming, revaluation, flooding and infrastructure issues. Requirements include: Strong negotiating skills, 5 years supervisory management experience and a BA degree, MPA preferred. Salary DOQ. Send resume with salary requirements to:
LEAD CLERK-RAIL UNION (POLICE DEPARTMENT) JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: Must be proficient in handling routine and confidential correspondence, (I.E. subpoenas, Police reports and other Police Record Unit duties as assigned). Must be experienced in computer programs such as Word, Excel and Access Database. Must be proficient in compiling statistical data for the Police Records Unit. Must have good communications skills with vendors and the public. Must have good writing skills and will be required to maintain daily, weekly and monthly reports as directed by the Captain of Administration. Assists in the preparation of other administrative functions related to this position. Must go through an extensive background investigation COMPUTER SKILLS Type 45 WPM Proficient in Word, Excel and Access Database HOURS: Monday through Friday – 7:45 A.M. – 4:15 P.M. COMPENSATION: Starting Salary – $26.63 Hourly WORK LOCATION: 1 Penn Plaza – Newark, New Jersey (Police Department) CONTACT: Send Resumes to: Gloria C. Vrabel – (Lead Clerk) 180 Boyden Ave. Maplewood, NJ 07040-9981 Phone: 973-378-6160 Fax: 201-708-8726 E-mail CLOSING DATE: 1/17/2012
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT/ SECRETARY – PT, FAR HILLS BOROUGH POLICE 20 flex hrs/week. Provide administrative support to Police Chief & department. Resp. incl office work, word processing, data entry, phone calls, receptionist report preparation, filing Exc computer skills, incl. Word & Excel. Strong communication skills & discretion required. No benNewark Public Schools are hiring efits. The Borough of Far Hills is an equal teachers in multiple areas, but have spe- opportunity employer. cial needs in special education, bilingual Send resume with salary history & reand secondary subjects for the 2011-2012 quirements to: Chief Ken Hartman, PO school year. We want and encourage all Box 722, Far Hills, NJ 07931 or by e-mail to: qualified professionals to apply. January - February, 2012
JAMES A. KUYKENDALL, D.D. Founder and Pastor
eople from all over Bergen and Passaic Counties will meet at the Paterson Museum Saturday morning January 28th for a fun half of a day where they will be raising walls, and making new friends,with Paterson Habitat for Humanity. The occasion is Paterson Habitat’s annual Hammering 4 Habitat event that will take place at the Paterson Museum, 2 Market Street, Paterson, from 9 am, to Noon. In this popular event, teams of friends, neighbors or co-workers typically sponsor a board as a group, with a contribution of $250. Teams then have the satisfaction of hammering their boards into modular wall units that will become part of Paterson Habitat homes to be built this year. Teams can bring their own pre-cut 2x4 Douglas Fir #2 boards, or have one reserved for them by Paterson Habitat. Individual participants are also welcome and are free to make contributions of whatever amount they choose. All participants have the opportunity to inscribe boards with personal messages of encouragement to the Habitat families whose new homes will include the wall modules built at Hammering 4 Habitat. In addition to the teams and individual donors, this year’s Hammering 4 Habitat has the support of four corporate sponsors: leading window covering manufacturer Hunter Douglas, the Home Depot home improvement chain, F3 Engineering
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Bus: (973) 278-4390 Fax: (973) 278-7210 E-Mail:
Agape Christian Ministries Church 76 Ward St. • P.O. Box 6903 • Paterson, NJ 07509
Website: Morning Worship ................. Sunday 8 am and 11 am Bible Fellowship ......................................Tuesday7pm Intercessory Prayer .................................... Friday7pm Cablevision - Channel 75... Sunday 8 am & 6 pm, Thursday 9 pm, Monday - Thursday 12 am of Paterson, State Farm Insurance and the Kuiken Brothers Company, suppliers of building and home improvement materials. Paterson Habitat for Humanity has been partnering with low-income families to build decent homes since it was founded in 1984. The affiliate has built over 230 houses and housed close to 250 families. For more information, or to reserve a board at Hammering 4 Habitat, please call 973-595-6868, x120,, or follow us at www.facebook. com/patersonhabitat.
or the second year the Clifton Recreation Department collected scarves for the New Jersey Special Olympics Winter Games athletes. This scarf project is a national program conducted in each state to provide scarves for the winter game athletes. These athletes compete in Alpine Skiing, Cross-Country Skiing, Snowshoeing, Snowboarding and Figure & Speed Skating. Knitters and crocheters are given specific color and size instructions however; from there they can let their creative juices flow. The scarves are then issued to each athlete, coach and volunteer attending the Special Olympics Winter Games as a symbol of unity, community and support within the Special Olympic Movement. Clifton’s citizens stepped up in full force to provide 174 handmade scarves. “I was overwhelmed with the response this year; they just kept coming in to the office with more scarves. Each time a new set of scarves were delivered our staff enjoyed looking at the scarves and talking about how amazing some of the designs were” says Debbie Oliver, Recreation Supervisor. Over 38 individual citizens and 4 groups worked together to make the 174 scarves that was delivered to the New Jersey
Special Olympic office in Lawrenceville, NJ. Some of the citizens made 10 or more scarves themselves. “I am so proud of Clifton and all the amazing talented people who stepped up to help this year. They should be proud of themselves for what they did for others.” Oliver says. For more information about the program go to January - February, 2012
Seminary Baptist Church 193-201 Haledon Avenue Paterson, New Jersey
Rev. Alfred E. Steele, Pastor
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Assemblyman Benjie Wimberly, Assemblywoman Shavonda Sumter and Senator Nellie Pou sworn into office
4th Ward C Council candidate Ruby Cotton opens campaign headquarters
4th Ward Council candidate Mark Fischer M opens campaign headquarters h
re you thinking that you could sure use that electric company security deposit you left behind the last time you moved? Or, maybe you found a safe-deposit box key in the bottom of a drawer but don’t have the vaguest recollection of where the box might be and what’s in it. There may still be a way for you to get your hands on those assets. For just about every category of unclaimed property, there is a government lost-and-found department. You can usually search for and retrieve your missing property for free by going directly to the agency responsible for its safekeeping. Based on a review of several government agency websites, the process typically involves looking for your name on a list, completing a claim form, having it notarized and presenting some type of documentation proving you are the rightful owner of the assets. Here are five examples of the kind of lost loot that might turn up when you start searching. Property Is Held in State Repositories All U.S. states and territories and the District of Columbia have programs that help owners of unclaimed property find those assets. According to the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators, there is at least $32.8 billion worth of unclaimed property in state custody. The list includes checking and savings accounts, stocks, insurance payments, annuities, utility security deposits, mineral royalty payments and a host of other things you may have forgotten you owned or didn’t know were worth anything. Besides assets that come directly from financial accounts, stateheld property also may include proceeds from the sale of stocks and bonds, or from safe-deposit box contents sold at auction when it became impractical to store them. The NAUPA website has links to every state’s department in charge of unclaimed property. It also links to, a national website in which most states participate. “If you’ve moved around a lot, that may be convenient, instead of checking several different states,” says NAUPA President John Gabriel. “But if you’ve pretty much been in one or two states only, it’s easier to
go directly to those states – especially if your name is common – so you don’t have to filter through a bunch of (unrelated) stuff.” Get Your Tax Refund Say your income tax refund check got lost in the mail or was returned as undeliverable because you moved. To find out how to get your unclaimed tax refund back, use the IRS search tool that’s aptly named Where’s My Refund? You can file a claim to replace a lost, stolen or destroyed refund check once after 28 days have passed since the IRS mailed the check. You may also be able to change your address online to get an undeliverable check resent. To get information about your refund, you’ll have to plug in your Social Security number, filing status and the amount of refund due. You may also be wondering about a state tax refund. In many states, unclaimed state tax refunds are handled by that state’s department of revenue. The database will only contain information from your most recent tax return. Your chance to claim an old undeliverable refund check expires once you have filed a return for the current tax year, according to the IRS.
y this point in your or a Saturday morning hike life, you’ve got plenty no matter what the weather. of friends, from the Trusting your friendships to mom you bonded with routine, rather than impulse, when your now-grown kids makes it more likely you’ll were in kindergarten to the actually get together and convivial neighbor you met reap the rewards of friendwhen you moved to your ship on a consistent basis. new condo. But how do you maximize the health-enhancing, stress-reducing, fun-in- Don’t Just Sit There, Do Something creasing potential of your friendships? Here are two ways to get more out of We don’t need research (though there’s relationships with friends: plenty of it) to tell us that women bond over talking. But you can get more out of your Make Your Friendships friendships if you pause the conversation a Priority and do something together, whether it’s sign Want to get more out of your friend- up for tennis lessons, go on a weekend anships? Then make your friendships a bigger tiquing trip or simply read the same book. Sharing activities is positive for all kinds of part of your life. Well, duh, as your kids might say. Yet too relationships, research shows, including maroften, we put friends behind marriage, chil- riages and adult parent-child relationships as dren, work, exercise and sorting the recy- well as friendships. The reason: Doing somecling. When life gets busy, the first thing we thing fun and novel together expands your offload is time with friends– ironic, since repertoire of common experiences, lets you see each other in new ways, plus adds another seeing friends is a key to relieving stress. How to make friendships more of a pri- dimension to the relationship. What if it turns out you both hate tenority? One tack: Build regular time with friends into your calendar, whether it’s an ev- nis? Then you can bond over that. (Notes from your AARP) ery-Wednesday lunch with your best friend
verification process to help assure their data privacy. The U.S. Department of Vetccording to President Obama’s Secre- erans Affairs – 810 Vermont Avenue, NW tary of Veterans Affairs, Mr. Shinseki, – Washington, DC 20420, is a very reliable both nationwide, and here in Passaic source of information for our veterans to seCounty, our veterans’ job prospects are get- cure job related and employment informating better everyday. Particularly across the tion online. nation, progress in veterans employment has shown real improvement; due to highly Meet Tom Miller effective leadership as it relates to “Veterans Tom Miller, who heads up Passaic Employment,” according to Dr. Peter L. County’s Division of Veterans Affairs OfLevin, Chief Technology Officer at Veterans fice, is a dedicated and committed public Affairs. This has been, largely, due to the fact servant who has, tirelessly, served our veterthat the White House has been instrumen- ans over many years within Passaic County tal in guiding this public/private initiative in and across the county. Whether it relates to meeting the employment needs of veterans. helping our veterans find jobs, or the nuParticularly, as it relates to the use of job- merous other veterans-related daily tasks promoting, web-based services and sites, he, selflessly, performs for our veterans, Mr. which enable our veterans to find jobs more Miller is a real hero, who champions the successfully, and efficiently, from home. numerous causes on behalf of our veterans. Notably, with the use of MOS codes, vet- He, along with the Passaic County Clerk’s erans can more easily substantiate that they Office and Department of Senior Services, possess the skills needed by employers. Also Disability, and Veterans Affairs are currently community industry partners are increas- working to provide “Veterans Identificaingly signing up to create – or have already tion” cards for our local veterans. implemented – third-party applications that As a form of identification, these ID can read military specialties, or classification cards will be useful in officially identifyFind Old Pension Benefits in Blue Button format, which auto- ing our veterans with the ability to receive If you had a pension plan with a compa- codes, matically translates those codes into civilian important discounts and other discounted ny that went out of business and you haven’t descriptions, and identify openings, as well benefits in stores, restaurants and shopping heard anything about what happened to as other resources for veterans, according to malls, as well as sundry businesses across your unclaimed benefits, check the missing Levin. In eff ect, he states that, overall, mili- the community. Often many of these busiparticipants’ listing of the Pension Benefit tary job information available to veterans un- nesses will offer discounts for as much as Guaranty Corp. der this program will depend on discharge or 10% to our veterans, exclusively, when they The PBGC is a federal corporation created to insure private employers’ defined- retirement dates as follows: All veterans dis- present a valid Veterans Identification Card benefit plans. Its database does not include charged after 1980 will see military specialty at the point of purchase. Veterans, simply, profit-sharing and 401(k) plans. For 401(k) or classification codes; some veterans dis- must present their Veterans ID cards and s, profit-sharing plans and IRAs, you might charged between 1975-1980 will see military their discounted transactions will be concheck the website of the National Registry or classification codes; some Gulf War vet- ducted smoothly. In order for veterans to of Unclaimed Retirement Benefits, which erans may see combat pay and deployment apply for these new Veterans ID cards they periods; and all post-9/11 veterans will see only have to present an official copy of their offers free searches of its database. Honorable Discharge DD 214 Military DisThe payoff for your search could come combat pay and deployment periods. charge Record, along with proof of ID and in the form of an annuity that your former their address in Passaic County. They can employer bought from a private insurance VA Healthcare Veterans enrolled in VA Healthcare can also register their DD 214 discharge papers firm – money the company deposited in a bank or benefits that PBGC pays you if the access their military service information with the Passaic County Clerk’s office, and company transferred its pension funds to through “My HealtheVet,” and local vet- there is no fee/ payment to secure a free Vetthe agency when it closed, according to the erans, who have not yet signed up for My erans ID card. Contact the Passaic County PBGC website. You may also file a claim if HealtheVet access, can register for a “My Clerk’s Office at (973) 513-9900, or Mr. you are the survivor of the worker who was HealtheVet account” at any VA medical Tom Miller, Division of Veterans Affairs Ofentitled to the benefits. center, by completing a one-time identity- ficer at (973)569-4090. January - February, 2012
By Pastor A. H. Bean
In Theaters
Rated: PG-13 Genre: Action/Adventure and War Release Date: Jan. 20th Running Time: ---1944. As the war in Europe continues to take its toll on Allied forces, the Pentagon brass has no recourse but to consider unorthodox options – including the untried and untested African-American pilots of the experimental Tuskegee training program. Just as the young Tuskegee men are on the brink of being shut down and shipped back home, they are given the ultimate chance to show their courage. Starring: Nate Parker, David Oyelowo, Terrence Howard, Brandon T. Jackson and Ne-Yo.
CONTRABAND Rated: R Genre: Remake, Action/Adventure Release Date: Jan. 13th Running Time: 1 hr, 50 min Chris Farraday long ago abandoned his life of crime, but after his brother-in-law, Andy, botches a drug deal for his ruthless boss, Tim Briggs, Chris is forced back into doing what he does best – running contraband – to settle Andy’s debt. Starring: Mark Wahlberg, Kate Beckinsale, Ben Foster, Giovanni Ribisi and Lukas Haas.
JOYFUL NOISE Rated: PG-13 Genre: Musical, Comedy/Drama Release Date: Jan. 13th Running Time: 1 hr, 58 min Two women, one a mother of two teenagers, the other a widow of the recently deceased choir director, join forces to save their small-town gospel choir. Starring: Queen Latifah, Dolly Parton, KeKe Palmer, Courtney B. Vance and Jeremy Jordan.
Rated: R Genre: Suspense/ Horror/Action Release Date: Jan. 20th Running Time: ---The vampire warrior, Selene, escapes imprisonment to find herself in a world where humans have discovered the existence of both Vampire and Lycan clans and are conducting an allout war to eradicate both immortal species. Starring: Kate Beckinsale, Stephen Rea, Michael Ealy, Theo James and India Eisley.
SudoKu puzzle
Rated: G Genre: Animation and Kids/ Family Release Date: Jan. 13th Running Time: 1 hr, 24 min Belle is a bright and beautiful young woman who’s taken prisoner by a hideous beast in his castle. Despite her precarious situation, Belle befriends the castle’s enchanted staff – a teapot, a candelabra and a mantel clock, among others – and ultimately learns to see beneath the Beast’s exterior to discover the heart and soul of a prince. Starring: Paige O’Hara, Robby Benson, Rex Everhart (II), Richard White and Jesse Corti.
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New on Blue-Ray/DVD REAL STEEL Rated: PG-13 Genre: Action/ Adventure Release Date: Jan. 24th Running Time: 2 hr, 7 min In the near future, a bot boxing manager and his son take their 2000-pound robot fighter to the box boxing championships. Starring: Hugh Jackman, Dakota Goyo, Kevin Durand, Anthony Mackie and Evangeline Lilly.
THEATERS: (Passaic County) Paterson: Fabian 8 (973) 754-1111 Wayne: AMC Loews Wayne 14 (888) AMC-4FUN Wayne: Clearview’s Wayne Preakness Cinemas (973) 694-4136 Clifton: AMC Clifton Commons (888) AMC-4FUN Clifton: Clearwood’s Allwood Cinema 6 (973) 778-9747 Hawthorne: Hawthorne Theaters (973) 427-2828 West Milford: Abby Cinemas (973) 728-9600
answers to the puzzles featured in the last issue
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he music industry is filled with the broken dreams of those who reached for the stars and fell short of their goals. However, Frantz David and Alvin ‘Mark’ Blake have no intentions of becoming part of those statistics. Each has been heavily involved in music for years, but it wasn’t until they decided to join forces that the Bronx-based Rugga Records was born. Started in 2010, the independent record label is quickly making a name for itself. David, 39, was born in Haiti and raised in Paterson. His brother was a bodyguard, and through that connection he became involved with club promotion, which he did for nearly 15 years, and he also worked as a DJ for four years. Blake, 35, was born in Jamaica, and moved to the States in 1986. He has been involved with rap, and other forms of music, since 1992, and doing recording and production work since 1998. “When we started Rugga Records, Mark was already doing his production work,” said Frantz. “We knew that we wanted to represent artists a little more honestly than, maybe, some of the other major record labels do. You know, explain their contract to them and to help bring them along. Ten years from now, I want us to be the next major record label, where we give out the deals. The people that we’re working with now are already on that level.” Blake also had an additional reason for starting the label.
“I worked for a guy for a long time, and then I realized that I wanted to invest my money into something. So, why not invest it into something that I love, which is music,” said Blake. David is an auto mechanic and Blake works for an environmental services company, but their true love is the music. The pair has worked on numerous projects and showcases around the country, and they are currently preparing another showcase entitled ‘Lost Talent,’ which is planned for March and would launch in Paterson and the Bronx. With the showcase
would come a planned reality show, which has garnered the interest of Source Magazine. Their hard work has caught the attention of more than a few in the industry, including Randy Fisher and Charles Fisher, former managers for rap icon, LL Cool J. The two also had a song, which they mixed, called ‘Education’ that was featured in the film ‘Think Twice Little Gangsta.’ The two aspiring record moguls also work with youth councils, and since 2011 they have worked with the New Jersey Nets to help coordinate talent shows, promotions and other events. They have also done the hiphop festival Summer Jam, and they will be doing the Fanta Festival in August. Both David and Blake understand that if you want to achieve your dreams, then you have to be willing to put in the work, and they advise all aspiring artists to follow that blueprint. “They have to enjoy the business, and understand that there is more to it than just the money,” said David. “You have to love what you do. So, my advice is to just remain focused.” Blake echoed David’s advice, and also had some of his own to offer. “If you’re an artist, then you have to be consistent. If you’re a singer, then continue to sing. If you’re a rapper, continue to rap. If you’re a producer, then continue to produce. Taking time off is a bad thing to do,” said Blake.
January - February, 2012
he 2011 NFL season ended in different ways for the New York Giants and the New York Jets. For the Giants, they won the NFC East and earned their first playoff berth since 2008. Meanwhile, the Jets collapsed and missed the playoffs for the first time since Rex Ryan became head coach. Both the Giants and Jets were mediocre, but Big Blue was just a little less mediocre than Gang Green. Not to mention, the Giants benefited from the fact that the entire NFC East was more like the NFC Least this past season. As for the Jets, they found themselves continuing to play second-fiddle to their arch-rivals, the New England Patriots, who, easily, won the AFC East again. However, the Giants did manage to do what the Jets couldn’t do, which was beat the Patriots. The Jets finished the season 8-8, after making it to the AFC Championship game for the last two years. Despite battling a slew of injuries, and dealing with the losses of key players like Steve Smith to free agency, the Giants managed to survive, carried, in large part, by quarterback Eli Manning. Manning was called upon to shoulder much of the load for the Giants, since both the running game and the defense were lackluster until late in the season. Many laughed when Manning said he believed that he was in the same elite class as Patriots’ quarterback Tom Brady, but he silenced many when he threw for 4,933 yards and set an NFL record with 15 fourth-quarter touchdowns. The Giants also saw the emergence of three playmakers; wide-receiver Victor Cruz, a Paterson native, defensive end Jason Pierre-Paul, who made the Pro Bowl, and tight end Jake Ballard. Manning was also selected to the Pro Bowl. Coach Tom Coughlin and the Giants ended the regular season with a 9-7 record, narrowly, avoiding another late-season collapse. The Giants defeated the Atlanta Falcons at MetLife Stadium, and then scored road wins against both the Green Bay Packers and the San Francisco 49ers to set up a Super Bowl rematch against the Patriots. The Super Bowl is Sunday, Feb. 5.
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January - February, 2012
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DEDICATED TO THE MEN AND WOMEN WHO DAY IN AND DAY OUT PUT THEIR LIVES ON THE LINE, AND/OR EDUCATE OUR KIDS, FOR A SAFER TODAY AND A BETTER TOMORROW have a personal and deep commitment to the work that ALL branches of law enforcement, as Ienforcement, well as firefighters and educators, do to serve, protect and teach. If you are a member of law a firefighter or an educator, and you have a story, or a message, that you would like
to share, feel free to e-mail me at You may also contact me through the owner & publisher of the Passaic County Pulse, Charles Primus, by sending an e-mail to If you are a civilian, (i.e. a non-member of the law enforcement,
firefighting or education professions) then I am still very interested in hearing from you, as well. We are all in this fight together, and I look forward to hearing your stories and messages. In addition to myself, I am joined by some great people from the publications, NJ Blue Now, NY Blue Now, NJ Education Now and Jersey Firefighters, and they are John Welsh, Editor-in-Chief of Jersey Firefighters and Mariat “Lucy” Kozrosh, Editor-in-Chief of NJ Education Now. Daniel Del Valle
s the Paterson Police Department continues to serve and protect the community of Paterson, with more crime and less officers, the question is ‘who is really paying for this shortage?’ As politicians justify layoffs by putting the budget deficit in the forefront, I ask ‘what cuts have they made, in order to lower the city’s budget debt?’ Has anyone in the City of Paterson’s Administration received overtime salary? Or requested to get a pay increase? If yes, shouldn’t that be labeled as a hypocritical move? While politicians in Paterson still have their buildings protected by officers, and some even have officers assigned to them for the majority of the day, I ask ‘are they cutting back on their protection?’ You, obviously, know that the answer is ‘no!’ No, they are not putting their own personal lives on the line, due to the shortages, so why should you? Understand this, less law enforcement officers on the streets means more probability that you may fall victim to a crime. YOU! Therefore, when you hear anyone say ‘we must lay off police
officers in order to save our budget’, please know it means that you are now going to be more at risk in this city. YOU! You, the person who commutes to work everyday. You, the person who lives in Paterson. You, the person who works in Paterson. You, the person who cannot afford to hire aroundthe-clock security. You, the person who has kids that go to school in Paterson. You, the person who has your kids walk to school everyday. You, the person who sees drug dealers on corners everyday. You, the person who sees empty crack vials, at times, on the ground. You, the person who has fallen victim to a crime, and now you need detectives to bring the criminal to justice. You, the person who now hears that you have to put your life at risk, while others request salary increases and file for overtime pay. YOU! Don’t be fooled by the political jargon, you are no zombie, or robot, who just nods and does what is told to them, while refusing to look beyond the smoke and mirrors. It’s time to demand these politicians fix their act, and fix the city’s budget, by cutting back
on what they spend to run these city buildings. Demand that they, first, fix the deficit by cutting their own salaries, or begin cutting the services that they demand to run these powerful positions, and then, only then, can they pass those fiscal shortages onto you. Stand up and question these people who say that they serve for the people, and remind them that, yes, they do serve the people! Maybe they should ask Mayor Bloomberg how much he gets to serve as Mayor of the City of New York? A DOLLAR! UN PESO! Of course, they will tell you the reason why Mayor Bloomberg only gets a dollar salary is because he is a billionaire! Regardless of his finances, people should take Mayor Bloomberg’s model and work from there. Don’t let these politicians continue to serve for themselves. They like to preach that they ‘serve the people,’ so it is up to the people to hold their feet to the fire and remind them who they really work for. YOU! TO ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS, FIREFIGHTERS, AND EDU-
CATORS, continue the great work you do, and remember that every person in NEW JERSEY must be informed, on a daily basis, about the great work that you do for them. We are all a team; OFFICERS, FIREFIGHTERS, EDUCATORS and CIVILIANS of this great state. IT’S TIME TO TAKE THE MESSAGE TO THE PEOPLE, BECAUSE YOU ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO COUNT! Thank you to the owner/publisher of the PASSAIC COUNTY PULSE, Charles Primus, who deserves nothing but respect for having the vision to understand the importance of uniting public servants and civilians. Daniel Del Valle
TUNE IN EVERY SUNDAY AT 1 p.m. on 970 AM RADIO. YOUR WORLD UNCENSORED! Pro-Law Enforcement, Firefighters and Educators, but with a humorous twist! CALL LIVE @ 866-970-9622
IN REMEMBRANCE: ROBERT STEVEN MEYERS NOVEMBER 4, 1940 TO JUNE 12, 2006 PATERSON FIRE DEPARTMENT (1966 TO 2006) By C. Meyers and B. Franciosi Dad. Anyone who knew him
y Dad was the rock of my family, the anchor. As I was growing up I always knew he was there. He was not a talkative man, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t talk. He was a hard working man, a man of principle and compassion always willing and ready to help a co-worker, friend, neighbor or stranger. He grew up in the fifties, served our Country during Vietnam, and spent 37 years as a Paterson Fiefighter before retiring – only to come back within months to serve as the City’s first Fire Director. He lost his brother in a fire at age 12. Dad was there – a 12 year old on his own trying to extinguish the flames that consumed his brother. He carried the scars his entire life – physical and emotional. This experience helped mold him into the fireman he would one day become. He was tough – I remember helping him work on a window in our house. I was standing inside holding something and he was outside on the ladder drilling a hole in the frame. The drill slipped and the bit went into his wrist. Deep. I cringed and then watched in utter amazement as this big man, without any reaction whatsoever, hit the reverse switch. He pulled the trigger and reversed the bit out of his arm. Came into the house and washed it with a brillo pad, then went outside and finished drilling the hole! Who does that?!? My
would say “that figures” if they hear the story. He has a soft heart. He always looked out for his family and his men. Had an issue with your driver’s license and need a ride to work? Dad was your man. Need a deck built at your house? A pizza and a six-pack was Dad’s payment for showing up and constructing the strongest deck money could buy. General Alarm roaring blaze? Dad is
there saying “follow me” as he runs into the building in front of his men – instead of standing back telling them to go on their own. He always did the right thing even when the right thing was not the easy thing – there were no shades of gray there. That is one of the
foundations of what made him the man he was; a man who led by example and never asked anyone to do something he wouldn’t do. As serious as he was he also had a quick wit and was not above playing ‘firehouse pranks’ on his family. A rubber band on the spray head by the kitchen sink or a cut off bottom of a cereal box carefully placed back in the cabinet, talk to anyone he ever worked with and they will have a great story to tell. I remember one of the best things about Dad coming home was the relief in my mother’s eyes... the second thing was the stories he told us....there were some doozies...I remember a story about a response to a water pipe bursting. They went into the apartment and saw water rushing from under a door. The woman wouldn’t let the fireman in and when they finally got the door open, there sat her husband on the toilet– holding an umbrella over his head as water poured down over him from the ceiling. I also remember when Dad got sick. The doctor told him it was bronchitis but a few years later it turned out to be Mesothelioma. That’s the cancer caused by asbestos exposure, and it is aggressive. I remember taking Dad for his treatments. One day we met the doctor on the elevator on the way to chemo. The doctor asked my six-footfour dad how he was handling it and dad
January - February, 2012
replied “you haven’t knocked me on my ass yet”. The doctor said, “we’ll fix that”; and he did. Dad never recovered. He got worse and the hardest part of my life was watching this big tough teddy bear physically wither away. But I was never more inspired by his character and strength. Not once did he complain. Not one single time. I sat with him as his oldest son and all he was worried about was his wife. My mom. He had a book in which he had written down everything. Life insurance, bank accounts, passwords, phone numbers. I made several promises to him that I will never go back on. No need for signed agreements or decrees in a will. Promises to man of such honor, dignity, and character can never be broken without losing your soul in the process! The day came for Dad to go home. He called out to his mother and he was gone. It was three days before my birthday, a week before father’s day, and a day that my family’s world changed, permanently. I remember bagpipes, Fire trucks, and hundreds of firemen from many Departments. I remember a fireman sticking a deck of cards into my Dad’s jacket; another bent and kissed his forehead; I remember being overcome with their affection for this man, my father. Firemen in Paterson still speak of him today with affection and funny stories. He was a “firemen’s fireman” they say. We knew we could always depend on him and I think his crew felt the same way. In those moments my father comes back to me and I realize even though my father was gone – he has left something behind. He had left his smile. He left his compassion. He left his heart.
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realized my dream job in the 1980s when I joined the ranks of the Essex County Police Department headquarters in Newark, New Jersey. Prior to that, I was a civilian employee of the Newark Police Department, first as an Administrative Secretary in the Legal Analyst’s Office, then as a 911 Police Operator in the Central Communications Unit. Working in a police force with over 200 police officers, I was one of four female Essex County police officers, and one of three bi-lingual Spanish speaking officers, working in the Patrol Division. Our patrol jurisdiction covered county roads, parks, reservations, properties and bridges in 22 Essex County municipalities, including the City of Newark. I preferred working in Newark, where I resided and where my maternal grandparents settled after their arrival to Ellis Island in the early 1900s. I was often called upon by municipal police departments to search females and provide interpreting for Spanish-speaking arrestees. I was proud to wear the badge of an Essex County Police Officer and to serve on our PBA Local’s Executive Board. Just when I was being considered for a spot on our Department’s mounted squad, my dream job turned into a nightmare. The Essex County Police Department was targeted for massive layoffs by the County Executive. Our PBA rallied, protested, and filed a lawsuit against Essex County. More than 100 police officers were separated from service and on the unemployment line, including me. I turned in my gun and badge. I was devastated. I overcame hurdles to become a police officer by legally challenging the New Jersey State Civil Service Police Officer Performance
Examination (Roman, et al. children. My father preyed vs. New Jersey Department of on his family; thriving on our Civil Service). vulnerability, compliance and For almost a year, I was fear. Sometimes the threat of separated from police service. violence felt worse than the The Caldwell Police Departactual perpetration. I would ment had given me another never know when, or how, it chance to work as an officer. would happen. Violence was There I was, the first female the oxygen that sustained my police officer hired by the father. His intentions were Boro, as well as the first fecruel and premeditated. I male promoted to the rank knew the odds were greater of Captain in the Caldwell for me to be killed by him than Police Department and West working as a cop in the streets. Essex area of Essex County, Unbeknownst to all my New Jersey. In 2007, I retired with 28 years police colleagues and personal of service. During my law enforcement ca- friends, I was hiding my famreer, I responded to hundreds of incidents ily’s 30-year-old secret of child of domestic violence and I arrested and abuse and domestic violence. prosecuted batterers. Law enforcement of- Parents are supposed to protect ficers are taught in the Police Academy that their children from dangers that domestic violence is a pattern of coercive threaten them, to ensure they domination and control based on, or sup- can grow up in a safe environported, by violence. ment, surrounded by love and It affects women and men, all socioeco- stability, and to lead by example. nomical groups, races, cultures and profes- Although I knew my father’s assions like law enforcement. No one knows saults were criminal and morprecisely how often domestic violence ally wrong, I also knew what his hair trigger occurs, or how many people are affected reaction would be, if I told anyone about the because of these incidents, like the ones abuse…he would kill my mother first, then I’ve experienced go unreported and misre- me. ported. Often times, it is hidden in divorce My father was a highly-decorated WWII statistics, medical reports, school records Navy veteran and post-war Constable with and police reports. What is known, how- the Sheriff ’s Department. He owned several ever, is that victims of child abuse and do- firearms. His preferred weapons of choice mestic violence are betrayed by the people to batter me with were his hands, his leather they love and trust? The generational and belt and my mother’s high-heeled shoes. I cultural cycle of domestic violence existed never felt responsible for my father’s rage, in my family for three generations. Growing but I was understandably embarrassed and up, I was forced to live in an abusive environ- confused during and after the abuse. I was ment, facing a journey not meant for young a victim, and I witnessed my mother and January - February, 2012
siblings’ victimization, as well. I wanted the cycle to stop, but didn’t want the fatherdaughter relationship to end. Love for family, and a biological sense of loyalty, are hard bonds to break. It’s difficult to hate the abuser, who is biologically connected to you. As odd as it sounds, I loved my father, but hated his behavior. My mother and I escaped that house of horrors we once called ‘home’ before my father could make good on his promise to hang us from the pipes in the basement. His last strangulation attempt to kill me ended with my pointing a firearm at his head, finger on the trigger, ready to gain my freedom by ending his life. My father’s violent rages nearly killed me, but I was determined not to allow those circumstances to define me. My mother died at the age of 73 and nine months later, my father died. When he was hospitalized, and close to death, I went to see him and whispered in his ear “I forgive you, but I will never forget.” I realized then that “I forgive you” were merely words that fell from my lips, but living in forgiveness and moving on would be difficult to do. Liberation from my personal demons came to me in my post-retirement career as an independent filmmaker. The first documentary I self-directed and produced, “The Ultimate Betrayal: A Survivor’s Journey” was my memoir that exposed the cycle of domestic violence in my law enforcement family. Understanding and accepting that journey transitioned me from a victim to a survivor. My spirit had been bruised, but never broken and I am no longer afraid to tell my story.
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January - February, 2012
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“Doctor, I can’t go on living like this!” If you are suffering from any of these SEVEN agonizing symptoms or have taken Lyrica®, Neurontin®, or Cymbalta® READ THIS. Dear Friend, Yeah, this isn’t the best thing to hear from my patient on a Monday morning, but that’s what I get. The problem is often misdiagnosed, or not diagnosed at all. This problem can cause: 1. Numbness 2. Burning pain 3. Restless Legs 4. Sharp, electric pain 5. Difficulty sleeping 6. Tingling feeling 7. Balance & walking difficulty If you suffer from one or more of these problems, you may have Peripheral Neuropathy and if you do, you’re not alone. Often, these good people have been frustrated by taking prescribed medication such as Lyrica®, Neurontin® or Cymbalta® for these terrible problems. Many are still seeking help. These problems may also be associated with: • Diabetes • Chemotherapy • Cholesterol drugs STATINS • Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia I have studied over 10 years of research on “peripheral neuropathies.” In fact, helping people with these problems has become our primary focus.
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Second Edition
M. T. Shahab, M.D.
January - February, 2012
January - February, 2012
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January - February, 2012