November/December 2014
The No. 1 requested brand for surgeons, OR managers, and purchasers for more than 30 years.
The Year’s Best in Surgery
The 2014 Excellence in Surgical Products (ESP) Award Winners pg. 22
Visum LED surgical light NDS Surgical Imaging
Next Generation Infection Control: Clean, Safe, Efficient pg. 8
“You need everyone to be demanding, every single time.” — Agustin J. Arrieta, MD Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Miami, Florida
staff trust the Bard-Parker operating suite, Bard-Parker®
. For this reason, he and his surgical . Arrieta has insisted on blades that meet the most exacting standards: his. In the . Arrieta have
Bard-Parker® Blade System Rev 1 ©2014 Aspen Surgical Products, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Surgimed Solutions Bytec Geni-Tec Surgimed Solutions offers their Bytec GeniTec battery operated monitor stand, which provides a wireless platform for all wireless video technologies in the OR. Features include: • Lighterweight and height adjustable. • Can be integrated with two Geni-Tec hot swappable batteries. • Although the batteries provide longer operating times under normal use, it is possible to swap out batteries for fresh units during surgeries. Batteries can be charged on the cart or with optional dedicated charging stations. • Large indicators on each battery show how much charge is left. For more information about this product, go to: Editor's note: This ESP Award Submission ran in the September-October issue. However, the website listing at the bottom of the product description was not correct. Surgimed Solutions is the product supplier. We apologize for the error.
TheraNova’s Canary Catheter The Canary Catheter is capable of continuously monitoring intra-abdominal pressure, relative stroke volume, core body temperature, respiratory rate, heart rate and urine output through the advent of powerful sensors. The combination of increased sensitivity with improvements in processor speed allow for rapid acquisition of large amounts of data; taking advantage of unique frequency domains to inherently separate them from a single data stream. This non-invasive catheter utilizes the urine drainage catheter found in all ICU patients to extract valuable clinical data; eliminating the need for additional body access. The advanced monitoring technology in this revolutionary new catheter has the potential to save lives by providing early warning detection of impending sepsis and the prevention of fluid overload during the treatment of septic patients; both potentially fatal if diagnosis is delayed. For more information, visit: 4 November/December | 2014 |
PDI’s Sani-Hands Instant Sanitizing Wipes PDI, a leader in infection prevention solutions, offers Sani-Hands Instant Hand Sanitizing Wipes, the No. 1 hand sanitizing wipe in healthcare and the only FDAapproved 70% alcohol-based hand sanitizing wipe following the FDA tentative monograph in the U.S. market. The new recommendations represent a long-awaited update to the 2002 Guideline for Hand Hygiene in Health-Care Settings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In the past ten years, clinical studies have reported alcohol-containing wipe formulations with at least 65 % alcohol are comparable to alcohol based hand rubs. The clinical effectiveness of Sani-Hands wipes has been proven by several independent clinical studies. One study in a Stem Cell Transplant Unit demonstrated significant reductions in both MRSA and VRE, and elimination of CRE in the unit. Additionally, patient satisfaction results identified: • 93% of patients received hand product instruction • 98% of patients understood how and when to use the alcohol-based hand wipes • 95% of patients felt their hands were clean after using the alcohol-based hand wipes • 75% of patients felt they cleaned their hands more often. For more information, visit: sani-hands.
Editor’s Note Stryk Stryker’s FLEXiS Boom Systems Syste Stryker F FLEXiS Boom Systems offer m modular solutions developed to p provide efficiencies in demanding modern hospital environments. FLEXiS is equipped with multifunctional rails that allow for freedom and flexibility in supp porting the needs of any equipm ment and setting. Designed for ergonomic management of ceiling supply units, FLEXiS Boom Systems offer versatility in room design and workflow by supporting the vast array of systems needed for efficient patient care. For more information, visit Editor’s note: This product ran in the September-October issue in the Spotlight on Surgical Booms section. However, the product name was misspelled. We apologize for the error.
Siemens Healthcare’s ACUSON Freestyle Ultrasound System Siemens Healthcare unveiled the Release 3.5 of the ACUSON Freestyle™ ultrasound system – the world’s first ultrasound system with wireless transducers – to enhance clinical and operational efficiencies at the point of care in October. With excellent image quality at the pixel level courtesy of Pixelformer image processing architecture, this updated version of the ACUSON Freestyle system covers a wide range of ultrasound imaging for diagnostic and procedural cases, including vascular, musculoskeletal, and nerve imaging. New enhanced needle visualization improves needle display during ultrasound-guided procedures. A new user interface offers improved ease-of-use with a larger clinical image display, autohide of imaging parameters, preset display customization, and an up-to-60-second clip playback feature. For more information, visit:
Hope In the Fight Against Cancer
t seems hard to believe, seemed as if cancer was but it’s been 15 years just a terrible disease and since I lost my dad to canwhoever got it had to deal cer. with it with little chance of A man who worked survival. hard every day, built a dairy That’s not the case farm, and supported his anymore. family not only had to deal Last month was Breast with the debilitating effect Cancer Awareness Month of Parkinson’s disease, but and pink was everywhere; Kevin Damask a cancer diagnosis in the on the labels of energy Editor summer of 1999 that gave drinks to the socks of NFL him six months to live. linemen. Even wrestling legend Hulk He held on for about four. Hogan scrapped his famous red and Dad was strong, but the grueling yellow attire and donned pink to raise combination of Parkinson’s and lung awareness. cancer was a burden too heavy to bear. I have friends who have lost mothFifteen years have gone by like a ers and grandmothers to breast cancer. blur, but cancer remains a deadly Hopefully, with more research and and cruel killer that strips us of loved innovations in medical technology and ones, friends, neighbors and relatives. surgery, breast cancer will be a distant Fortunately, the past decade has seen memory 30 years from now. groundbreaking strides in cancer On our website and in our daily research. There’s so many brilliant e-newsletter, I post not only the latest researchers, scientists, doctors and in surgical news, but breakthroughs nurses who are working tirelessly to in cancer research as well. I’m excited fight the disease. to share this news with you and hope Innovations in medicine and surmore good news is on the way. gery have saved lives that, 20 years It really is amazing how far medicine ago, would have ended with a cancer and medical technology has come in diagnosis. Cancer no longer has to be the last three decades. In about 30 a death sentence. There’s a glimmer of years, I will be my dad’s age when he hope for those battling the disease and passed away. I tend to be a “glass-halfthe loved ones who care for them. full” type of guy. I try to see optimism Cancer awareness has also improved in dire situations. I could be naive or greatly in the last two decades. When I full of false hope, but I believe, in 30 was a kid, I knew cancer was a disease years, cancer will be a thing of the past. with a grim prognosis, but I knew It’s an ugly disease, but with so very little else. Now there’s so many many brilliant people leading the fight outstanding programs that promote to eliminate it, cancer doesn’t stand a awareness, setting up funds that go chance. toward valuable cancer research. For more information about the latWhen I was young, there wasn’t est in cancer research, go to www.aicr. commercials or telethons with celebriorg. To donate to the fight against canties telling us to stand up to cancer. It cer, visit
What's your take? What's your take? E-mail E-mail: | November/December | 2014 5
Volume 34, Number 8
COVER STORY: Next Generation Infection Control
General Manager Tom Lynch, 973-920-7782
Operating rooms must cover all the bases when ensuring patient safety.
Editorial Director Jeff Reinke, 973-920-7784
15 Temperature Management Maintaining an ideal body temperature is one of the most important aspects of a successful surgery.
Editor Kevin Damask, 973-920-7773
20 Brainstorm: Electrosurgical Innovations in the OR Electrosurgery is essential in the OR, but safety must be as important as innovation. Two leading voices weigh in.
22 Excellence In Surgical Products 2014 Winners:
And the winners are. ... Surgical Products presents the best products to hit the OR this year.
Editorial Office Address: 199 E. Badger Road, Suite 201, Madison, WI 53713 Editorial Advisory Board Leonardo Claros, MD, FASMBS Homero Rivas, MD, MBA, FACS Susan Scott-Williams, MSN, RN, CWOC Lynda Ann Jayjohn, RN, BSN, MBOE, CNOR Christopher C. Rupp, MD William S. Cobb IV, MD, FACS Paul G. Curcillo II, MD, FACS
44 Outfitting the OR Industry leaders tell us what products are essential for an OR to function successfully.
51 Incisions Dr. Campbell takes us inside a risky surgery to save a Kenyan woman's face.
Production Manager Mary Jean Jones, 973-920-7151
4 Editor’s Choice
Advertising Representative Kelly McCullick, 973-920-7797; Fax: 973-607-5554
New OR technology and innovation from the editor's desk.
Web Production Specialist Matt Cassidy, 973-920-7063 Administrative Assistant Ali Bartoli, 973-920-7789 Audience Development Director Michael Bennett, 973-920-7198
14 Reader’s Choice
Audience Development Manager Barbara A. Benack, 973-920-7477
Our readers pick Zimmer's A.T.S. 4000 Tourniquete System.
Contracts Coordinator Pat Sikora, 973-920-7468
PRODUCTS 18 Product Spotlight: Apparel
46 Tables and Positioning Guide
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6 November/December | 2014 |
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What’s Trending On The Web
What’s new on
With numerous outlets for news and information on new developments in the surgical community, it can be easy to slip into the habit of relying too heavily on one format or another. Fortunately, as a reader of Surgical Products, you know about the print publication, daily e-newsletter, and website ( as individual outlets for news, articles, and product data.
The world’s leading surgical displays, featuring LED backlight, Color Correction Technology, and the widest range of sizes available.
e-newsletter It can be easy to dismiss how well all of these outlets work so well together. Every day subscribers to our e-newsletter from throughout the surgical and OR sector receive information that includes: • Late-breaking news, regulatory developments, and patient safety updates. Some of the most clicked upon items over the last 30 days included: -- Joan Rivers' Death Puts Spotlight on Surgery Safety -- Joan Rivers' Doctor Snapped Selfie During Surgery -- Rivers' Surgery Went Wrong After Doctor Performed Biopsy -- Baby Boy With Eight Limbs Recovering Well After Surgery -- Doctors Remove 55-Pound Tumor From Woman's Back
Now with nine-channel imaging to run more wireless systems simultaneously. ZeroWire® is the most adopted wireless surgical solution.
Our focus is medical. All the functionality of a rack mount video-integration system in a single appliance. ConductOR™ receives inputs from multiple sources for easy routing and IP streaming.
• Blogs and market data from industry experts and leading organizations. Some of the most clicked upon blogs and results over the last 30 days included: -- Out of Africa...again? Infection Control in the Age of Ebola by Dr. Douglas H. McConnell, Medical Director, OBP Medical
• Coverage on key industry trends. Some of the most clicked upon content, including videos over the last 60 days included: -- Virtual Backtable 3.0 Could Be Breakthrough in OR Efficiency -- Vasectomy May Increase Risk Of Aggressive Prostate Cancer -- Investigation Into GI ScopeRelated Infections Changes National Guidelines -- Quintero Talks About Hybrid OR Integration -- Obamacare Website Won’t Reveal Insurance Costs for 2015 Until After Election -- Bureaucracy Consumes One-Quarter Of US Hospitals' Budgets
Now you can easily connect equipment with incompatible video signals. ScaleOR™ simplifies video format conversion, supporting both analog and digital, HD and SD.
All of this information is housed at: By tracking what readers are clicking on, we can tailor the content of our print publication to provide more in-depth articles, like the following in this issue: • Infection Control, page 8 • Electrosurgical Innovations, page 20 • Outfitting the OR, page 44 | November/December | 2014 7
FOCUS ON: Infection Control
Covering All Phases Vital For OR Protection And Integrity Fast, efficient OR turnover is important in today’s surgical suite, but the challenge is maintaining the highest infection control standards possible. Hospitals are looking into new standards and breakthroughs in innovation and technology. By Kevin Damask Why is infection control so important to the integrity of the OR? For Susan Moeslein, it comes down to three elements: quality, integrity and outcomes. Moeslein, the Infection Prevention Nurse Manager at Riverside Regional Medical Center in Newport News, Va., says healthcare facilities both locally and nationally are measured against those three yardsticks. “This year, the CDC Prevalence Hudson Garrett study released in March regarding HAI incidence helped bring a new spotlight onto the importance of surgical site infection prevention,” says Moeslein. While facilities are always held to a high standard, infection control problems still persist in ORs across the country. Medical professionals have outlined several key areas that need to be addressed to assure patient and staff safety. Margie Kochsmier One of the biggest obstacles in infection control is tracking surgical site infections (SSIs). “Some surgical procedures are tracked for 30 days while others are tracked for 90 days with NHSN criteria and there are many other contributing factors, which can increase the potential for an infection and may not always be within the control of the surgical team, but still directly impact the result,” Moeslein says. “Also, some infections may be difficult to discover depending upon the resources available within the infection prevention department for specific surgical surveillance, monitoring and tracking.” Daina Joly, Director of Infection Prevention and Control and Employee Health Services at Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Gatos, Calif., says her state has 29 categories of SSIs 8 November/December | 2014 |
that must be reported. Her hospital carefully examines the root cause of each SSI for proper infection management. Despite the challenges, facilities are constantly looking for ways to combat infections. Not only can infections threaten the safety, quality and integrity of the OR, they can also be very costly. “Infections cost a lot of money for the hospital -- ranging from $25,000 to Daina Joly more than $100,000 per infection,” says Joly. Hudson Garrett, Vice President of Clinical Affairs for PDI, says hospitals are taking a proactive approach to safeguard against infections. “Because the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is no longer reimbursing for certain infections, healthcare facilities are now screening many patients prior to admission for elective procedures to rule out potenSusan Moeslein tially preexisting infections,” Garrett says. “Hospitals are deploying comprehensive approaches to cleaning and disinfection.” Facilities are using different approaches to fight against infection, using technology innovations and best practices to determine what plan is most efficient. Margie Kochsmier, Manager of the Infection Control-Clinical Quality and Professional Development at FHN Hospital in Freeport, Ill., says her facility protects against infections by educating the patient and using Pulsed Xenon Ultraviolet Disinfection. “We educate our patients at their pre-op visit about using CHG scrub the night before and morning of surgery,” Kochsmier says. “Our staff does the day-of surgery scrub.” Kochsmier says ultraviolet disinfection has helped her facility treat patients with MRSA more effectively.
We washed the complexity out of CHG skin cleansing. The new 2-in-1 skin cleansing kit — everything you need in one package.
Two single-use packs attached by a perforated seal — for two complete cleanses. Easy instructions (bilingual and waterproof) and patient reminder system encourage patient compliance.1
USE 1: Night before procedure
Designed to meet CDC and AORN guidelines for pre-procedural skin cleansing.2 Two convenient basins included for soaking cloths. Get a free sample* at USE 2: Day of procedure
*While supplies last. Limit one per customer. Business or institutional customers only. AORN does not endorse any company’s products or services. AORN is a trademark of AORN, Inc. 1. CE Edmiston Jr, et al., Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI; JACS, 2014, Vol. 219, No. 2., pp. 256–264. 2. Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) Recommended Practices for Preoperative Patient Skin Antisepsis (2012). Perioperative Standards and Recommended Practices: 445–463. © 2014 Clorox Professional Products Company.
Corporate Profile
Infection Control Solutions For Operating Rooms QUALITY FIRST, SERVICE ALWAYS
Advance Medical Designs, Inc. 1241 Atlanta Industrial Drive Marietta, GA 30066 800-221-3679
Infection Control Solutions for Operating Rooms
Advance Medical Designs, Inc. (AMD) is a manufacturer of disposable infection control products focused on hospital OR’s and ambulatory surgery centers. In business since 1984, our corporate offices and manufacturing facilities are located in Marietta GA. All our operations are certified in compliance with ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 and various other regulatory quality assurance requirements. We are a vertically integrated manufacturer and pride ourselves on the superior quality and economic advantages we bring to the healthcare market. The majority of product is marketed and sold under our own brand. Additionally we provide private label and OEM manufacturing to other strategically chosen healthcare companies. Approximately thirty sales representatives are strategically located throughout the U.S. Our sales team also works with our distribution partners and their sales teams resulting in comprehensive coverage of the US. We have relationships with nationally recognized med-surg distribution leaders to include Owens & Minor, Cardinal, Medline and other national and regional distributors to provide our high quality products with significant cost savings to the market in a timely and efficient manner. AMD product is CE marked for international distribution as well and is currently supporting an initiative to expand its international distribution.
Advance Medical Designs is contracted with many national and regional GPO organizations to include selection as the preferred vendor for GPO select programs. We also have numerous regional agreements with local IDN’s, aggregation groups, and health systems. Our superior performance has been recognized with awards received from our GPO partners.
10 November/December | 2014 |
AMD offers two major product lines: sterile/nonsterile disposable surgical equipment covers and nonsterile disposable operating room turnover systems/ components.
EQUIPMENT COVERS With one of the widest product offerings in the equipment covers market, we can address most manufacturers and models of surgical equipment. We are easily able to respond to the continually evolving landscape of the latest equipment models and technologies with new products launching regularly in both the AMD brand and through our private label partners. Our breadth of product line easily supports your supply chain standardization initiatives. Cross reference assistance and in-service support during both the sampling and launch ensures you get the right product and a smooth conversion process.
ADVANCE ROOM TURNOVER SYSTEMS (ART™) AMD’s Advance Room Turnover (ART™) Infection Control System was launched in 2004 and has grown to become a market leader through a combination of high quality product and an unmatched value added program. Each ART™ system is customized for your facility with an expansive selection of disposable linens, patient safety straps, waste bags, mops and other options from which to choose. The value added program offered in conjunction to the turnover kits provides a complement of hampers and SMARTGuard™ gel pads and positioners to the facility at no cost. Request an ART™ analysis to see how ART™ can enhance your infection control protocol and improve turnover times in your OR.
.T. of Room Tu rnover Im prove Infection Control Technique Im prove Turnover Tim e Minim ize Cross Contamination Enhance Fluid Management Red uce Cost Support Stand ard of Care
Cu stom Designed Kits To Includ e: Im pervious Disposable Linens Draw Closure Bags Disposable Mop H ead s: microfiber and standard Disposable Patient Safety Straps: various sizes Microfiber Wipes Blood Solid ifier: multiple sizes
Value Added Goods Program Provided in Support of T. System
Extensive line of SMA RT *XDUG JHO SRVLWLRQLQJ DQG FX VKLRQLQJ G HYLFHV Various styles of ham p ers Mop Sticks Storage Containers All value ad d ed prod ucts are installed , m aintained , and replaced as need ed at no ad d itional cost
Let us show y ou t he many w ay s a cust om A T. Sy st em can raise y our room t urnov er t o an art form w it h our comprehensiv e sy st em analy sis and free t rial 1241 Atlanta Industrial Drive Marietta, GA 30066 1-800-221-3679
Focus on: Infection Control
“For patients with MRSA, they would have to wait until the end of the day for surgery,” she says. “While we still like to have them scheduled last, if a patient with MRSA needs to go to surgery early in the day, the room is disinfected with a traditional method of cleaning, followed by using ultraviolet light technology (Xenex machine). We find this to be so useful that we have purchased a second machine.” Nancy E. Fellows, Senior Clinical Education Consultant with Advanced Sterilization Products, stresses the need for aseptic technique, a set of specific practices and procedures performed under carefully controlled condition, because it’s applied with the goal of protecting the patient from infection and preventing the spread of pathogens. “Aseptic technique is vital in preventing or minimizing postoperative infection and reducing morbidity and mortality associated with surgical infections,” says Fellows.
OR Turnover Crucial To Prevention For an OR to perform at peak efficiency, room turnover is of utmost importance. However, proper infection prevention methods must still be considered. “Fast, efficient turnovers lead to satisfied surgeons due to respect for their time,” says Tara Curtis, Nursing Operations Manager of Surgical Services at Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women and Babies. “Time is money, not only related to time saved by the surgeon, but in the OR minutes, productivity of staff and decreased anesthesia time.” Curtis said her staff in Orlando, Fla., is under constant scrutiny regarding the efficiency and turnover quality within the OR. Garrett believes the push for faster turnover times “can result in breaches of environmental cleaning and disinfection due to time constraints.” Adds Garrett, “patients can easily contaminate the operating room environment, therefore adequate time to clean and disinfect the room following each case and then for terminal cleaning is needed at the end of the day.” Garrett believes that collaboration with a hospital’s environmental services team is also crucial for staff and patient safety.
What Does The Future Hold? Preparation is another important aspect in the fight against infection. “New ORs are being designed differently and that will also help with infection control,” says Joly. “Decision makers are beginning to understand the advantages of new technologies, like Xenon UV room disinfection, especially as SSI 12 November/December | 2014 |
reduction data becomes available in published studies. When looking at a significant investment like an Xenex robot, sometimes it can be a challenge for hospital leadership to understand and appreciate the long-term savings they will achieve by reducing infection rates because they are so focused on daily challenges, including productivity.” Garrett says collaboration across disciplines and strong functional alliances with colleagues from Environmental Services, along with evidence-based practices to mitigate risk for HAI development, will all serve as important infection control elements going forward. “Also, patient engagement will become more measurable as a method to involve the patient directly in their own care,” says Garrett. As facilities continue to work on infection prevention, innovation, technology, guideline adherence, efficient turnover and patient education will be at the forefront of proper infection control.
Medical professionals are constantly looking for new methods and technology to combat dangerous infections within the OR.
Infection control
AORN Recommends New Ebola Guidelines The Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) recommends that airborne precautions be taken when caring for an Ebola patient in the surgical setting in addition to standard, contact, and droplet precautions. The AORN Recommended Practices for Prevention of Transmissible Infections in the Perioperative Practice Setting provides detailed guidance to perioperative RNs for implementing standard precautions and transmission-based precautions (i.e., contact, droplet, airborne). Airborne precautions are necessary in the OR because an aerosol-generating procedure is highly likely to occur. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) airborne precautions should be taken when an aerosol-generating procedure (eg, intubation and extubation, open suctioning of airways) is performed on a patient with Ebola. An airborne infection isolation room should be used if available during surgery and post-
operative recovery. If no airborne infection isolation room is available, a portable anteroom system (PAS)-high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) combination unit may be used. Use of certain air purifying respirators in the OR is under evaluation by OSHA and NIOSH, but the issue remains unresolved. AORN recommends that facilities conduct a risk assessment in consultation with the organization’s infection preventionist when selecting respirators to be used for the OR. According to Amber Wood, MSN, RN, CNOR, CIC, AORN, environmental cleaning team members should follow CDC recommendations when cleaning the OR after a patient with Ebola. The CDC advises higher levels of precaution toward potentially contaminated surfaces because of Ebola’s apparent low infectious dose and disease severity. Contaminated instruments should be placed in puncture and leak-proof contain-
ers and transported to the decontamination area as soon as possible after completion of the procedure. Sterile processing team members should follow standard precautions and wear personal protective equipment (PPE) including: • a fluid-resistant gown with sleeves • gloves (i.e., general purpose utility gloves with a cuff that extends beyond the cuff of the gown) • a mask and eye protection or a full face shield • shoe covers or boots designed for use as PPE According to Wood, all perioperative team members should limit the amount of surface contamination with blood and body fluids from the patient and follow AORN’s Recommended Practices for Sharps Safety to minimize the risk of injury from a contaminated sharp device.
Zimmer’s A.T.S. 4000 Tourniquet System Surgical Products readers have selected the A.T.S. 4000 Tourniquet System from Zimmer as the November/ December Reader’s Choice product.
Q: Ease of use seems to have been a focal point in the design of the PlumePort ActiV. What kinds of challenges did ensuring both effectiveness and simplicity create when developing the product?
The PlumePort ActiV has the ability to clear smoke from a surgical field rapidly. Other features include: • Ease of dial adjustability • One-handed flow adjustment • Filter functions for the longest of cases with minimal decrease in flow • Compact housing design • Built-in fluid trap
During every operation the operating room staff has numerous items to keep track of. The Buffalo Filter team set out to create a product that focuses primarily on ease of use and simplicity.
• Noiseless operation
Q: What are the product development priorities for Buffalo Filter going forward?
The challenge when developing PlumePort ActiV was to ensure that the filter functions for the longest of surgical procedures and be as compact as possible. The design requirements also included the following: non-intrusive on the sterile field; an adjustable flow dial that can be regulated easily and visible at all angles; and easily adjusted with one hand. The solution to these parameters were key to the overall design.
Q: The ability to handle greater moisture exposure is a key benefit of the PlumePort ActiV. Please offer some details on why this is so crucial for the OR personnel who will be using it?
A: PlumePort ActiV contains a moisture trap that captures and holds up to 6
A: ML of fluid, preventing fluid contamination of the filtration media. If fluid penetrates ULPA media, it allows the transport of viruses, bacteria, and particulate matter across the filter barrier, rendering it ineffective. If fluid penetrates the carbon media, it prevents the capture of hazardous gasses and odors, allowing them to pass through the media. By utilizing an integrated fluid capture system, PlumePort ActiV allows for safe, effective removal of surgical plume during laparoscopic procedures without the concern of fluid contamination.
Q: What are some additional features of the PlumePort ActiV that set it apart?
14 November/December | 2014 |
To be in the forefront of designing and developing new innovative technologies to manage surgical smoke plume. We also want to expand our product portfolio to include new products that impact patient/OR safety and surgeon visibility thus improving surgical outcomes. Another priority is to create systems and products that will make the OR a safer and more productive place to work.
For more information, visit
Focus on: Patient Temperature Management
Maintaining a patient’s core temperature during surgery could be the difference between life and death. By Kevin Damask
n recent years, OR technology has not only improved fluid that is colder than core body temperature can activethe fluids used to warm the patient, but also techly cool a patient,” Moore says. “AORN recommends that niques that allow for proper distribution while reducthe temperature of irrigation fluid used during surgery be ing traffic in the OR. measured using a sterile thermometer or a commercially The onset of hypothermia is one of the most available intraoperative irrigation warming bath to ensure feared dangers in patient temperature management. it does not exceed 37 degrees Celsius.” Karen Moore, marketing director for Ecolab’s Global In recent years, medical suppliers have developed prodHealthcare Division, feels that the onset of hypothermia ucts and instrumentation to properly control temperature, can often lead to additional complications. such as intravascular temperature management. “Clinical research shows that hypothermia leads to “Intravascular temperature management provides better adverse patient outcomes including increased oxygen control of the temperature with significantly less overdemand and risk of myocardial injury and surgical site shoot and undershoot compared to surface cooling techinfections,” says Moore. “Hypothermic patients take nology,” Palazzolo says. James Palazzolo longer to metabolize drugs given during the procedure, However, even with advances in body and fluid temspend more time in the PACU and experience longer perature management, problems may still occur. OR traffic hospital stays.” and patient infection are two areas of concern, according to Moore. Proper core temperature is vital to proper patient care during sur“The fluid warming protocols at some hospitals require nursing gery. James Palazzolo, President of ZOLL Medical Corporation, said staff to make multiple trips to and from a remote warming cabinet to too high or too low body temperature can result in severe injury or retrieve warm fluids during the procedure. This practice increases death. The process of keeping the patient cool, has been around for OR traffic, which not only takes key personnel out of the room, but centuries. also increases the risk of infection,” says Moore. “The therapeutic effects of namely applying ice, were recognized OR personnel must also be mindful when removing fluid from as far back as Antiquity,” says Palazzolo. “Hippocrates packed storage because temperature readings only show air temperature patients in snow to help wounded soldiers.” inside the cabinet, not of the fluid itself. Palazzolo states that proper core temperature can often vary “There is no way to know the temperature of the fluid taken from based on the patient’s condition. Serious consequences could occur a cabinet,” Moore says. “In addition, the fluid is likely too hot to if blood flow to the brain is interrupted. Even after circulation is use immediately without risk of burning the patient, but will then restored, reperfusion could set in. cool so quickly in the OR that it could have a cooling rather than “Reperfusion injury results from a chemical cascade that occurs warming effect on the patient. Systems that allow for active irrigaonce circulation is restored. Mild hypothermia mitigates the effects tion fluid warming within the sterile field offer solutions to some of of reperfusion and is proven in clinical studies to deliver better these challenges.” neurological outcomes,” Palazollo says. “Lives are saved and many What Does the Future Hold? patients can resume an independent lifestyle.” Looking ahead, body and fluid temperature management will conMaintaining Ideal Fluid Temperature tinue to be an important focus for OR personnel and medical supIn the OR, efficient fluid temperature management is important to ply manufacturers. not only the patient, but to medical staff as well. “New technology holds the promise to cool and warm patients “Actively managing the patient’s temperature throughout the perifaster, control temperature more tightly and improve usability,” operative continuum reduces risk to the patient and unnecessary Palazzolo says. cost to the facility,” says Moore. “There are several opportunities Moore says proper temperature management will remain a crucial before, during and after surgery to maintain patient normothermia, balancing act for medical professionals. which involve diligence by several members of the medical team.” “The future of fluid temperature management must provide soluDuring surgery, a body temperature that’s too hot or too cold tions which balance patient outcomes and OR efficiency and help could adversely affect the patient’s condition. to assure that maintaining and monitoring patient temperature to “In procedures using more than a liter of irrigation fluid, it is prevent inadvertent hypothermia becomes the standard of care,” important to assure that the temperature of that fluid is just right says Moore. – fluid that is too hot poses a risk of causing tissue damage, while | November/December | 2014 15
Corporate Profile
Cool Aids Win ESP #1 in Apparel Healthmark Industries Continues with Product Innovation in the Healthcare Workplace
Healthmark Industries Co. Health care product 800-521-6224
Founded in 1969, Healthmark Industries Co., a family run business, has long been a provider of personal protection equipment (PPE), primarily for use in the device reprocessing areas of healthcare facilities. The product development staff at Healthmark recently conducted one-on-one interviews with the sterile processing workers at healthcare facilities to learn how Healthmark could improve the design and utility of PPE. The answer was near unanimous, “help us stay cool!” With that in mind, Healthmark developed a product line that they refer to as “Cool Aids.”
the heat generated by the reprocessing equipment (washers, sterilizers, sinks full of heated water, etc.) and the result are workers that are very uncomfortable. Sterile processing is not the only area where staff are uncomfortable. Professionals working in the OR & Endoscopy can be on their feet for extended hours in a high stress setting. They are also challenged by excessive body heat trapped by PPE attire. Cool Aids are products designed to manage the body temperature from the head, neck, chest and core body. An ideal feature is that they can be worn under the PPE. The Cool Aids are available in beanies, skull caps, neck wraps and vests. The combination of unique fabrics create an evaporative temperature management system. Evaporation through the multi-layered material creates a cooling effect. It is the same technique the human body uses to cool itself. They are simple to activate: start by submerging in cool water for a minute or two allowing the material to absorb the water; then gently squeeze the remaining water from the Cool Aid, and don in the area it is to be worn (e.g., neck, head, chest). These products provide cool comfort for hours, and may be used many times. For more challenging environments, the Cool Aids vest has been designed with cooling inserts that are refrigerated before each use. They provide the perfect solution for extended relief where evaporative cooling alone is not enough. “Our department really liked the Cool Aids. They are comfortable to wear and kept us cool for hours under our PPE” shares Wayne Root, CS Director of a busy medical center located in Michigan. “Cool Aids are easy to care for by handwashing in mild soap and air drying after each use. And the vests are machine washable.” Keeping your staff comfortable allows them to focus on the task at hand and better able to perform at their best. Take time to monitor your department to see if there are steps you can take to provide a more comfortable, productive environment.
Cool Aids
Wearing PPE is a vital safety measure when working with surgical instruments and other medical devices contaminated with organic soils. Over the years, the attire worn has become even more impervious to contaminants, as the industry has realized the risk to workers handling these devices. The unfortunate feature of PPE that is effective in such environments is that they trap body heat and, as a result, are pretty darn hot to wear. Combine that with
16 November/December | 2014 |
Measure the temperature & humidity of your department with ease
TEMP-USB These two temperature and humidity data loggers are perfect for department rooms
where temperature and humidity control is crucial.
measures over 250,000 temperatures and humidity readings ranging from -22 to 176ยบF and 0 to 100% relative humidity.
TEMP-USB-Tp features dual temperature probes which can gather over 250,000 readings (-40 to 257ยบF) via two separate probes. Perfect for measuring the temperature of sinks, ultrasonic baths, warming cabinets, refrigerators and other applications where a probe is needed to measure the temperature.
More Shielding, Less Glare InTec Industries’ SAFEMARK Anti-Glare face shields and shield-mask combination product lines now offer shields that will significantly reduce the glare caused by a reflection of light on a surface. The shields are made from a high quality optical grade film that is treated with an anti-glare coating that blocks 97 percent of the glare. The face and eye shield-mask combinations are offered in a variety of designs and the shields for face masks can be attached to any style flat mask. As with all SAFEMARK products the anti-glare shields are made from high-quality materials that are latex free, hypoallergenic and meet or exceeds the CDC guidelines and OSHA 29 CFR part 1910.1030 requirements for protection against harmful pathogens.
Professional Comfort for Surgeons, Nurses & Technicians
•Provides necessary friction with surgical booties •Easy-to-clean •Compatible with hospital grade quaternary cleaners •NFPA 260 and CAL 117 compliant
3M’s Personal Safety Division has expanded its family of respirators to include the 3M VFlex 1805/1805S and Aura 1870+Healthcare Particulate Respirator and Surgical Masks. The VFlex 1805 boasts an innovative, pleated design that helps increase surface area for ease of breathing, offering wearers enhanced comfort and reliability. The Aura 1870+ features a flat-fold design that provides the highest level of fluid resistance, and is packaged individually to help ensure protection from contamination.
Improving Comfort & Infection Control
Masks Offer Easier Breathing, Enhanced Protection
DUAL-DENSITY CONSTRUCTION • Reduces discomfort and fatigue caused from long periods of standing
Medline Industries, Inc. offers their PerforMAX pOweR line of longsleeved scrubs to help reduce the risk of infection by providing a protective barrier between the patient and a healthcare worker's bare arms. The long-sleeves are sewn directly into the short sleeves of the scrub top to create a layered look. Made of the same material as high-performance apparel, the long-sleeves fit snug around the worker's arms and provide the comfort and breathability of athletic wear.
NON-SLIP BOTTOM •Certified for high traction by the National Floor Safety Institute
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18 November/December | 2014 |
Expanding Glove Options Tronex Healthcare’s evolving line of nitrile examination gloves now includes nine innovative styles plus NEW high-count packaging options. Manufactured in state-of-the-art ISO-certified and FDA-registered facilities from advanced material blends, Tronex nitrile exam gloves are offered in a variety of formulations, including seven chemotherapy-rated styles and two sterile options. All meet the highest industry, FDA, and ASTM standards for barrier protection and quality consistency, and are preferred by major healthcare providers nationally to deliver exceptional performance, durability, elasticity, and chemical resistance across all key facility applications.
From pre-op to post-op
Fit, Function, Style & Disposable Blue sky scrubs offers Disposable Scrub Hats. Both the company's Disposable Pony Hats and Disposable Pixie Hats are made from ultramodern, non-woven polypropylene, making them five times more durable than the conventional disposable bouffant hat. These hats are also designed with fit and function in mind.
WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED When it comes to fluid protection, Sloan Medical keeps you covered and keeps you safe with a complete range of disposable, impermeable products. From Jumpsuits to Knee-Highs and Shoe Covers, we make it easy for you to maintain your inventory by shipping most orders within 24 hours. Your satisfaction is always guaranteed.
THE SLOAN DIFFERENCE We focus on creating and maintaining superior personal protective equipment for keeping dry. Our Sta-Dri® line of medical garments is guaranteed to:
OR Comfort And Slip-Resistance Sloan Medical offers their Sta-Dri® Nonskid Knee-High Boot Cover for surgeons in keeping feet dry and protected during procedures. It is made from a latex-free, polyethylene blend with heat-sealed seams, and the foot portion of the boot features an anti-slip resin for stability. The boots are also one-size-fits-all to help simplify inventory concerns.
• perform in all types of environments • offer easy clean-up • provide total protection. Count on Sloan for full satisfaction on every product we offer.
See more at: Stay protected with Sloan. | p: 800-782-3742 | f: 888-323-8565 | September/October | 2014 19
BRAINSTORM: Electrosurgical Innovations
Essential and Safe Technology in the OR Electrosurgery has been an essential element of the operating room for more than three decades. And, with the advancement of minimally-invasive procedures in recent years, electrosurgical products continue to be a valuable asset in the OR. For industry experts, it’s all about innovation, efficiency and safety. SP: Why is electrosurgical technology so vital to the OR? Hedy Hashemi, Vice President, Worldwide Marketing, Symmetry Surgical: The ability to cut, coagulate and ligate tissue with a single instrument is a fundamental aspect of modern surgery. Electrosurgical products deliver that function in a simple and cost-effect manner, and are used in nearly all surgical procedures. Gabreille Hunter-Niffenegger, RN, BSN, CNOR, Manager of Surgery at TriHealth: Electrosurgery technology is essential technology in the OR. You simply must have it in order to do a case. In fact, at TriHealth’s Bethesda North Hospital we won’t start a case without electrosurgery.
SP: What have been some of the recent advances in electrosurgical innovations?
Hashemi: Although single use products have been a mainstay in basic monopolar and advanced energy products for years, the shift from reusable to single-use products has taken hold in bipolar products relatively recently. Additionally, application of coatings, such as traditional noble metals and the more advanced ceramic-metallic (Cermet) composites, allows the user to operate electrosurgical products at lower power settings, resulting in less thermal spread and minimized tissue damage. The focus on unique geometries in blade design has also advanced the ability to deliver effective procedures with Gabby Hunter-Niffenegger low adherence to tissues.
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SP: Have these products reduced costs in the OR? Hunter-Niffenegger: Overall electrosurgery is very affordable considering other technologies. When you consider the safety of the patient it is easily justified. Without it you are putting the patient at risk. With electrosurgery you are also looking at shorter recovery times, with less pain and risk of infection. We also see some cost savings in some of the resposable products we use. Hashemi: Yes, electrosurgical products have the potential to be highly cost effective from both an OR efficiency perspective and a cost per use perspective due to their ability to serve multiple functions, including cutting, coagulating, and ligating, all at various depths and tissues.
SP: What type of feedback have you heard from medical professionals regarding electrosurgical products? Hunter-Niffenegger: They love them and use them a lot. In our hospital they are especially used a lot in our general and vascular areas, and OB/GYN surgeries. Whether it is tubal ligation, hysterectomies, or appendectomies, they are in need of some type of electrosurgery. They actually become very passionate about electrosurgical products, and in turn, become very attached. So much in fact, that once they choose a particular product or vendor, it is very difficult to persuade them to consider another product or technology option that involves changing their mindset. They rely on these products as they become “the norm” in the OR. Hashemi: Consistent performance, safety and reliability are the most important aspects of electrosurgical products to medical professionals. Additionally, many surgeons are suggesting modifications to designs to allow these instruments to be used as cost-effective alternatives in minimally invasive procedures.
SP: What does the future hold for innovations in electrosurgical products? Hashemi: We expect to see further advancements in blade geometries, materials and coatings. Such improvements would enhance performance while considering environmental issues. Additionally, we anticipate enhancements in impedance control and in the programming of generators, resulting in the potential for greater efficiency and increased safety. As more minimally invasive procedures are performed, we expect more miniaturization as well as non-tethered devices as well. Hunter-Niffenegger: I think in the future you’ll see advancements in skin grafting and vessel sealing. As mentioned, there are currently products that allow you to simultaneously seal and transect different size vessels with minimal thermal damage, and I think you’ll see this expand into other areas with mechanisms for lung and bowl, etc. This technology would take place of where staples are used now. Also thinking futuristically, you might see advances in skin grafting. For instance with hemorrhoids they are talking about doing skin graft fusions that will be sealed through electrosurgery and hernias, that will be sealed with electrosurgery instead of using mesh. | November/December | 2014 21 |
| 2014 21
Excellence In Surgical Products 2014 Winners 3. Providing bright, consistent consisten white light 4. Slim profile and lightwei lightweight design Q: How do these feature features benefit patients and medical personnel? A: The Visum Blade LE LED is a sleek and simplified LED Surgical Lighting solution that benefits customers cu who need a light to turn on, stay on, and survive the everyday y y wear we and tear in the OR. The sleek and thin cons construction of the light head takes up very little footprint in the surgical room allowing it to be moved and maneuvered wherever the light is needed. ne The intuitive sterile control allows the user of the Visum Blade to t quickly articulate through the various levels of light intensity with a simple flick of the wrist. By rotating the light handle just a few degrees d the user can turn on the light, move from 1st minimum to maxim maximum intensity, as well as turn the light off. All of Place these functions happen hap incredibly quickly and with ease – and all from within the sterile ster field. This functionality also minimizes adjustment which allows for fo greater focus on the patient by medical personnel in the room. The Visum Blade provides prov excellent shadow resolution, consistent bright white light, and an intuitive sterile control, all allowing the user to maintain increased foc focus on the patient. Q: Why is LED lighting in surgery su an upgrade over Halogen lighting technology? A: Light quality, efficiency and lifetime are all benefits of LED (Light Emitting Diode) technology when compared to Halogen. Halogen lights produce UV and infrared rays that create unnecessary heat. LED lighting only produces visQ: Can you provide a detailed description of the Visum Blade LED Surgical ible light within the light spectrum, completely removing the undesirable UV Light and what it is designed to offer customers? and IR rays from the surgical field. Halogen lighting is not nearly as efficient, utilizing bulbs that last a fraction of the time when compared to LEDs and A: Stryker’s Visum Blade LEDTM provides exceptional surgical illuminarequire frequent maintenance and bulb changes. With the much improved lifetion in a sharp and sleek package, while focusing on great shadow resolution, time of the LED, there is minimal maintenance and no bulb costs. Longer life an intuitive sterile control, and providing bright, consistent white light – all cycles minimize interruptions in the OR work schedule and reduce waste. In within an incredibly lightweight design. The Visum Blade LED is constructed addition, reduced power consumption is an obvious benefit to LED technology. of strong rigid materials, and built to withstand the everyday tests in the OR. The more efficient lights can use little more than one watt of power per LED. Stryker’s slim and lightweight design of the light head allows it to glide through Unique lighting design allows LEDs to operate at peak efficiency, requiring far the OR airspace with superb maneuverability. Sterile control has never been less power than traditional halogen lights. easier to accomplish with the Blade LED’s light handle. With a simple flick of the wrist, the user has complete control over the brightness level as well as Q: How does the Visum Blade LED Surgical Light compare to similar prodthe power of the light head. Stryker’s mastery of optical design and output has ucts on the market today? resulted in the Blade LED achieving one focused energy point, which minimizA: The Visum Blade LED Surgical Light from Stryker is a truly simplified surgies adjustment and allows for focus on the patient. With various configurations cal lighting solution for the OR, Emergency Department, and other environments available, there are a multitude of solutions for the diverse needs of a typical requiring surgical lighting. The Blade features an intuitive sterile control that operating room. Every OR is different, every room evolves and the Visum Blade allows the user to manipulate the intensity of the light while still maintaining sight LED has the versatility needed for the changing needs of any environment. on the sterile field. With this enhanced control from the sterile field, a wall control Q: What are a few of the Visum Blade LED Surgical Light’s most notable is no longer a necessity. The incredibly slim profile and lightweight design also features? makes it one of the thinnest lights currently available on the market and gives the light excellent maneuverability for intra-operative positioning. The Visum Blade A: 1. Great shadow resolution LED: Surgical Lighting Simplified. 2. Simplified sterile control
Best of Show, Visum Blade LED Surgical Light, Stryker
2222November/December November/December | 2014 | 2014 | |
MAQUET USA will donate $250 to Make-A-WishÂŽ for any single purchase order of $50,000 or more (before tax, shipping and install) received between March 1, 2014 and February 28, 2015, with a minimum guaranteed contribution of $50,000, up to a maximum of $150,000. For more information about Make-A-Wish visit
Corporate Profile
Don’t Pause for the Gauze Every minute in an operating room costs an average of $661. Wrestling with tape & gauze is a waste of precious time. With 3M™ Tegaderm™ +Pad Film Dressings with NonAdherent Pad, in less than 30 seconds you can reduce the risk of dangerous SSIs for your patient. Applied in one simple step, the sterile, transparent, waterproof dressing is also a bacterial and viral* barrier. Save time and money with Tegaderm™ +Pad Film Dressings; don’t pause for the gauze.
Full-surround protection from surgical site infections.
In the fight against surgical site infections (SSIs), anything less than an all-in-one wound care solution is all but ineffectual. Unlike traditional sponge gauze and tape dressings, 3M™ Tegaderm™ +Pad Dressings are proven to provide a bacterial and viral barrier, helping to reduce the risk of infection. It is waterproof yet breathable, absorbent
Gauze: No Barrier to Bacteria Clinical studies have shown higher infection rates in wounds for which gauze dressings were used compared to wounds dressed with transparent films.4
Improved Infection Control 3M™ Tegaderm™ +Pad Dressings create a transparent, sterile, barrier that is impervious to liquids, bacteria, and viruses*, providing an effective barrier to external contaminants. The adhesive is gentle to the skin, yet has good adherence for extended wear. Less frequent dressing changes reduce the risk of skin trauma.
Simple Cost Control 3M™ Tegaderm™ +Pad Dressings save energy and expense wasted on cutting tape and gauze. The all-in-on dressing decreases the amount of nursing time spent on dressing application and changes. Less frequent dressing changes save time, supply costs and reduce the potential for site contamination. Visit us at: or call 1-800-228-3957 References: 1 Shippert R. A study of time-dependent operating room fees and how
yet non-adherent, and is easily applied. Better yet, it’s from 3M — a company you know has it covered when it comes to quality.
Impact of SSIs Surgical site infections (SSIs) are the second most common hospital-acquired infection1 (HAI) costing up to $29,000 depending on the pathogen and procedure.2 Patients who develop a SSI after hospital discharge are five times more likely to be readmitted to the hospital and are more than twice as likely to die as those who don’t.3 24 November/December | 2014 |
to save $100,000 by using time-saving products. Am J Cosmetic Surg. 2005; 22: 25-34. 2 Surgical Site Infection Toolkit, Berrio-Torres, CDC Division of Healthcare Quality Products, 2009. 3 Kirkland KB, Briggs JP, Trivette SL, et al. The impact of surgicalsite infections in the 1990s: attributable mortality, excess length of hospitalization, and extra costs. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 1999;20:725-730. 4 Hanging wet-to-dry dressings out-to-dry. Ovington LG. Advances in Skin and Wound Care 15(2):79-84, March-April 2002. * In vitro testing shows that the transparent film dressing provides a viral barrier from viruses 27 nm in diameter or larger while the dressing remains intact without leakage. ©3M 2014. 3M and Tegaderm are trademarks of 3M. All Rights Reserved.
3M Tegaderm PAD ™
Don’t Pause for the ©3M 2014. 3M and Tegaderm are trademarks of 3M. All Rights Reserved.
Gauze Every minute in an operating room costs an average of $66.* ™
Wrestling with tape & gauze is a waste of precious time. With 3M Tegaderm +Pad Film Dressings with Non-Adherent Pad, in under 30 seconds you can reduce the risk of dangerous SSIs for your patient. Applied in one simple step, the sterile, transparent, waterproof dressing is also a bacterial and viral** barrier. Save time and money with ™
Tegaderm +Pad Film Dressings; don’t pause for the gauze. Visit us at: or call 1-800-228-3957.
* Shippert R. A study of time-dependent operating room fees and how to save $100,000 by using time-saving products. Am J Cosmetic Surg. 2005; 22: 25-34. ** In vitro testing shows that the transparent film dressing provides a viral barrier from viruses 27 nm in diameter or larger while the dressing remains intact without leakage.
Best of Show, ExpandOR HD Video/Audio Device, NDS Surgicall Imaging Q: How does the ExpandOR HD Video/ deo/ de o// Audio Streaming Device help improve communication among medical personnel? A: With this device, medical collaboration between surgeons and medical staff anywhere in the hospital becomes extremely easy. Specifically designed and d cert certitified for patient vicinity use within the operating era ratiting ng rroom, oom, oo ExpandOR is a medical-grade HD video/ o// audio streaming 2nd appliance for use in healthcare environments ments allowing full duplex audio/video streaming between surgical staff, ff resulting l i iin iimproved d Place patient safety and increased OR efficiency. ExpandOR features a DVI-D input, DVI-D and S-Video outputs, as well as audio inputs and outputs. It allows secure bi-directional HD video/audio streaming up to 1080p@60Hz to multiple destinations simultaneously. The unit supports RTSP/RTP/UDP streaming protocols and can be controlled via web interface, RS-232, GPIO or Front Buttons Q: What are some of ExpandOR HD Video/Audio Streaming Device’s best features? A: ExpandOR is the only streaming appliance designed to be used in the patient vicinity. It also features Full Duplex HD-Video with Audio, which allows bi-directional communication, uni-directional (one way) communication, mutli-node communication, or broadcast communication. Also, the devices flexibility of set-up gives the user the option to configure the unit for a number of medical applications and with the simple touch of a button, the user can capture video and still images on any mass storage device, easily connected via USB. Q: Why is the ExpandOR HD Video/Audio Streaming Device an improvement over past OR communications systems? A: Current streaming devices are not specifically designed for patient vicinity use, and are not medical grade. Some of the features that differentiate ExpandOR from previous systems include: 1. Multi-Node HD Video/Audio Streaming up to1080p@60Hz – allows secure transmission of the video and audio to selected multiple destinations in a way that patient data is not compromised 2. It can be used in patient vicinity because it is a medical grade appliance, with design features including redundant circuitry and fan-less cooling. From a patient safety perspective, ExpandOR causes no hazard. 3. Unlike previous devices, ExpandOR has a very user-friendly interface allowing easy access to a variety of parameters. The unit can easily be set up as a receiver only or a transmitter only or TX/RX full duplex communication, uni-cast or broadcast or multi-node transmission of video/audio. 4. Unlike most previous devices, ExpandOR allows full duplex audio/video communication 5. High image and audio quality: Image resolution is up to 1080P@60 Hz, compared to previous devices which can provide only lower resolutions 6. Specifically designed to protect patient information (HIPPA compliant): It has Encryption and password protection that provides uncompromised patent data protection Q: Why is the device’s multi-node capability so vital to successful communication within the OR? A: Many of the previous devices allow only communication in uni-cast, or broadcast where everyone can receive audio and video. This can compromise patient data safety when more than one destination needs to receive the audio/video stream. In case of multi-node, multiple destinations selected by the user can receive encrypted video/audio without compromising any patient data protection safety standards. 26 November/December | 2014 |
Best of Show, Innovative SSterilization Technologies, g , ONE TTRAY Q How did manufactur-Q: eers at ONE TRAY come up with the idea for the u IInnovative Sterilization Technologies conT ttainer? 3rd A: The idea stemmed from A m the current SPD/OR challenges faced th f d Place oon a daily basis…most SPD/OR departments are expected to process d more sets (more complex sets) with the same or less manpower and equipment. The variable that had to change was efficiency. IST delivered a container that adds the much needed efficiencies (reduction in total processing time from 2-4 hours to 20 minutes) to these processes while also saving the facility needed monies. Q: How does the sterilization container improve efficiencies in the OR? A: The ONE TRAY® sealed container line is FDA cleared for a 4-minute Pre-Vac (standard 3 pulse cycle) requiring a minimum zero (0) minute dry/cool time and has a 30-day shelf life. ONE TRAY® utilizes new technologies that eliminates the dry times needed for current blue wrap and container technologies to perform correctly. Very simply, ONE TRAY® reduces complete terminal sterilization by 80+% to an efficient 20 minutes! Q: In what ways does the sterilization help medical facilities save money? A: Through ONE TRAY®’s efficiencies, facilities see dramatic autoclave processing cost reductions in energy, water expenditure, and wear and tear on the Autoclave. Disposal costs are further reduced versus blue wrap because of the size differences between our 3 small filters and a double ply blue wrap. The ONE TRAY® efficiencies allow a significantly reduced expenditure of new (need 2 versus 4 sets for a new MD/procedure) and redundant hospital purchased instrument sets…facilities usually have enough “stuff”, they just needed this technology to efficiently turn their current inventory. Q: Why is the ONE TRAY container unique in the OR sterilization market? A: ONE TRAY® is the first truly sealed container on the market, our proprietary filters do not allow “pathways” for bacteria to transfer from a surface during sterility maintenance (sitting on the shelf ). The ONE TRAY® technology is based on 3 industry unique factors: 1. High air flow patented container design – ONE TRAY® has a very high air exchange value 2. Utilization of a proprietary filter system that is both a particulate and a fluid barrier 3. Sealing capabilities of ONE TRAY® - SterObex Barrier Technology, siliconized/ridged filter covers and high pressure lid to base sealing capabilities
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Corporate Profile
Crosstex/SPSmedical Sterility Assurance Solutions Provider As a healthcare professional, you may not always consider how important a role everyday products such as face masks, sterilization pouches and environmental barriers play in protecting you, your staff, and your patients in high-risk exposure environments. Fortunately, Crosstex/SPSmedical does. Crosstex International, a division of Cantel Medical Corp., and SPSmedical Supply have joined forces to serve the healthcare community as global manufacturers of infection control and prevention products.
Crosstex/SPSmedical 6789 W. Henrietta Rd Rush NY 14543 800-722-1529 Fax: 585-359-0167
Crosstex/SPSmedical is also dedicated to providing education. Audio Seminars are available to healthcare facilities and medical device manufacturers throughout the year through the SPSmedical website. Programs are also available on CD-ROM. Each program is 60 minutes in length, includes a Q&A session and is approved for 1.0 CEU by both sterile processing organization (IAHCSMM and CBSPD). In addition to the two sterile processing organizations, educational programs are approved for nursing credits through CBRN. Program handouts are available prior to each seminar and each seminar is recorded to allow future access by staff who were unable to attend the broadcast. Finally, SPSmedical awards three CS Scholarships per month. The scholarships cover all educational materials required to complete an accredited self-study certification program of the applicant’s choice and the exam cost. Crosstex/SPSmedical is proud to be chosen as a winner in the 2014 Annual Excellence in Surgical Product Awards with its Rapicide® OPA/28 high-level disinfectant product. Rapicide® OPA/28 is a powerful, ready-to-use disinfectant that is FDA cleared and CE-mark approved, carrying an active ingredient of 0.575% ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA) and manufactured by MEDIVATORS, a proven market leader with one of the highest customer satisfaction ratings in the endoscope reprocessing industry. Rapicide® OPA/28 HLD offers a 10 minute disinfection time at 20°C minimum and 5 minute AER disinfection time at 25°C, and has up to twice the reuse period of other OPAs on the market. The introduction of Rapicide® OPA/28 high-level disinfectant clearly demonstrates Crosstex/SPSmedical’s ability to provide unique, innovative solutions for the healthcare field, further solidifying its position as a global leader in the infection prevention and safety market.
Rapicide® OPA/28 HLD offers a 10 minute disinfection time and has up to twice the reuse period of other OPAs on the market.
Crosstex/SPSmedical offers high quality, innovative products, the majority of which are manufactured in the United States in its FDA-registered manufacturing facilities. Sold in more than 100 countries, the range of products distributed to medical, dental, and veterinary practices include: Secure Fit® technology face masks (ASTM levels 1 - 3), Sure-Check® sterilization pouches, STEAMPlus® Class 5 Integrators, in-office and mail-in biological monitoring products and services, sterilization packaging, Rapicide® OPA/28 HLD, patient towels, surface disinfectants, hand sanitizers, gloves, sponges, cotton products, saliva ejectors, evacuator tips and the Crosstex Patients Choice® line of preventive products. 28 November/December | 2014 |
For more information on Rapicide® OPA/28 HLD, or any of Crosstex/SPSmedical’s other products or services, please visit,, email info@ or call 800-722-1529 for live support during business hours.
The Fastest and Longest Lasting OPA on the Market Today! The RAPICIDE OPA/28 Advantage
5 10 84 28 2 3 To order or for more information, please contact: SPSmedical Supply Corp. 6789 W. Henrietta Road Rush, NY 14543 Toll Free: (800) 722-1529 | 800.722.1529
MINUTE AER disinfection time at 25°C MINUTE MANUAL disinfection time at 20°C minimum
Reuse Cycles*
DAY reuse period, twice as long as other OPA brands Final Rinses needed in MEDIVATORS® AER
Final Rinses needed in manual applications
Rapicide OPA/28 / Cat. No. ML02-0127 Rapicide OPA/28 Test Strips / Cat. No. ML02-0137 * MEDIVATORS® International testing per EPA Reuse Test Protocol Specification. ©2013 MEDIVATORS Inc. MEDIVATORS® and RAPICIDE® are registered trademarks of MEDIVATORS Inc.
ESP Award Winners: OR Visualization
Sony’s 27-Inch Display Sony’s new 27-inch display features the slimmest chassis and the highest brightness of any surgical monitor available today. The robust he OptiContrast™ panel protects tthe screen while reducing glare and reflection. The 27-inch screen provides a larger viewing area and fits onto the same carts and boom arms that currently take 26-inch models. For more information, visit pro.
1st Place
NuBOOM N uBOOM S Compview Nu NuBOOM S is an affordable system for integrating equipment sy nt management, video, and ergom nomics inside cath labs, cysto, no and operating rooms. NuBOOM’ss patented cantilever design eliminates ceiling renov renovation costs while providing superior ergonomics, ergo visualization, light suspension w with available third boom, and equipment centralization. Features equipme include: Safety - NuBOOM S inc consolidates equipment to minimize cart clutter and cords as tripping hazards. 2nd Display - HD displays Place improve multi-modality visualization. Ease - NuBOOM S offers comfortable viewing ergonomics for the surgeon. For er m more information, visit www. n
2nd Place
Stryker SYNK Th SYNK platform The l tf ffrom St Stryker k iincreases OR ffreedom d and d efficiency ffi i bby allowing users to wirelessly view HD video from multiple sources on up to three LED displays. SYNK’s dual-channel functionality enables wireless transmission of a second Stryker or non-Stryker video signal in any specialty in your facility. The SYNK has improved safety and workflow efficiencies by eliminating tripping hazards and decreasing turnover time. Enhanced functionality allows facilities to easily retrofit integrated operating rooms. For more information, visit
Eizo RadiForce Monitor EIZO’s RadiForce LS580W monitor is a newly FDA 510(k)-cleared large monitor system bundled with the LMM0802 large monitor manager for interventional radiology and surgical suites. In the operating room and interventional suite, essential information such as X-ray, endoscopic images, and EP (electrophysiology) is typically displayed using several different monitors. The RadiForce LS580W is a large 58-inch widescreen monitor with 4K ultra HD display for viewing a variety of essential medical information on a single screen. This allows users to view important information consistently and conveniently in one location. With the LMM0802 large monitor manager, users can scale and position several source video windows to suit their preferences and working conditions. This flexibility allows surgeons and interventionalists to easily optimize their workflow. For more information, visit
30 November/December | 2014 |
3rd Place
ESP Award Winners: MIS Products
Minimally Invasive Devices Robotic FloShield
Bovie’s J-Plasma Helium-Based Based Technology
Robotic FloShield, is a new standard in maintaining unparalleled visual clarity 1st during laparoscopic surgery. FloShield proactively protects the laparoscope Place from condensation, debris and smoke. It is a sheath-based system that fits over the DaVinci laparoscope. According to FloShield, the device's unique design virtually eliminates the need to remove the laparoscope for cleaning, minimizing surgical interruptions and saving OR time. Features include: • CO2 is diverted from the surgical insufflator to the tip of the laparoscope, creating a barrier of dry gas over the lens that shields it from condensation, smoke and debris keeping the lens consistently clear. • If there is an abrupt loss of vision due to bleeding or rapid accumulation of debris, Flo-X in situ can be utilized. • Flo-x in situ is the first biocompatible, alcohol-free surfactant that flushes the lens intraoperatively without having to remove the laparoscope from the patient. • Proactively prevents the scope from becoming dirty. • Provides time sensitive, controlled vision recovery after an abrupt loss of vision in situ. For more information, visit
J-Plasma is a transformational, helium-based, gas plasma technology that offers remarkably ly low loow thermal ther th herrmal mal ma spread, a high level of precision with versatility acr across multiple cros o s mu os ultip lttip iple l surgical specialties. Other features include: • Produces an extremely low injury risk to surrounding oun unnding ttissue issue from from the minimized thermal spread, less smoke and no conductive currents through the patient • Reduced costs per case, streamlined inventory, fewer staffing requirements, improved patient outcomes, reduced procedural time, and minimal capital investment. For more information, visit
3rd Place
Encision’s AEM EndoShield Burn Protection System According to Encision, their new AEM EndoShield Burn Protection System provides advanced AEM monopolar energy with guaranteed elimination of stray energy burns to patients. Every 90 minutes in the United States, a patient is severely injured from a stray energy burn acquired during laparoscopic surgery. These completely preventable burns kill 1-2 people per day. Encision’s advanced AEM monopolar energy eliminates these burns, which are often caused by insulation failure and capacitive coupling. Encision feels 2nd that the AEM EndoShield Burn Place Protection System is the only way to deliver monopolar energy with guaranteed elimination of stray energy burns. For more information, visit
A Comprehensive Approach to Environmental Hygiene in the O.R. Ecolab’s EnCompass® Environmental Hygiene Program with CleanOp® Room Turnover Kits takes a focused approach to O.R. cleaning and turnover that provides healthcare facilities with a complete program designed to improve cleaning outcomes in the O.R. and comply with AORN, OSHA and Joint Commission guidelines.
\ Improve O.R. turnover time with streamlined cleaning procedures and tools \ Customize solutions with Mojave® super-absorbent linens and disposable PLFURoEHU FORWKV DQG PRSV
\ 3URYLGH WUDLQLQJ WR KHOS VWDII HIoFLHQWO\ WXUQ WKH 2 5 \ Objectively monitor cleaning outcomes with the EnCompass® Monitoring Program featuring DAZO® Fluorescent Marking Gel and real time reporting More informaiton: 800 824 3027 or
AORN does not endorse any company’s products or services. AORN is a trademark of AORN, Inc. ©2014 Ecolab USA. All rights reserved. | November/December | 2014 31
Corporate Profile
Scope Removal is a Thing of the Past Innovation Born of Frustration
Minimally Invasive Devices Inc. 1275 Kinnear Road Columbus, Ohio 43212 PH: 614-484-5036 Email: ccoffelt@ Website: www.
With over 20 years of experience as a practicing laparoscopic surgeon, Dr. Wayne Poll has had extensive experience in the frustrations of compromised vision during laparoscopic procedures for both traditional and robotic assisted surgeries. Through keen determination, foresight and true innovation, Dr. Poll has developed a unique laparoscopic visualization system which is very simple and yet highly effective. Dr. Poll founded Minimally Invasive Devices, Inc. (MID) with a mission to eliminate the need to ever remove the laparoscope for cleaning and defogging. At MID, we are committed to making scope removals a thing of the past and alleviating surgeon frustration during laparoscopic surgery. Our stated goal is to provide superior vision through the entire procedure by providing the only all in one, comprehensive solution in maintaining laparoscopic visual clarity. MID is an early stage, privately held medical device company which has its headquarters in Columbus, Ohio and its R&D / Manufacturing, 90 miles southwest of Columbus in Franklin, Ohio.
FloShield™ delivers a consistent, clear image during surgery while virtually eliminating the need to remove the scope.
The Problem Laparoscopic surgery involves the distention of the abdominal cavity with carbon dioxide to create a working space for visualization and instrumentation. The laparoscope is placed through a trocar and the image is displayed on a monitor in the Operating Room. • Fogging of the lens will frequently occur on the end of the laparoscope. Fogging is the result of the heavily humidified intra-abdominal air contacting the cold laparoscope lens. The shaft of the laparoscope is stainless steel, and heat will conduct up the length into the relatively cold OR which explains why fogging will sometimes occur even after lens insertion. • Aerosolized Debris is particulate matter that “floats” around the abdominal cavity and can easily settle on the lens of the laparoscope. This may include smoke from electrosurgery, mist and spray from the Harmonic Scalpel, or even cellular products from tissue dissection. Some energy cutting and coagulation instruments may even shoot fluid and debris from their tips onto the lens surface, requiring instant scope removal and cleaning before surgery can be continued.
The Solution FloShield has been shown to dramatically reduce and in many cases, eliminate the need remove the scope for cleaning and defogging. FloShield replaces all other products that keep the lens from fogging and/or cleans the lens after it gets dirty. FloShield saves valuable OR time and preserves the best possible image that HD video systems can deliver. FloShield is simple to use, actively protects the lens while providing instant/continuous defogging and eliminates the need to ever heat the scope. Since the original launch of the device, many advancements have been made to the overall design to improve function, reduce cost, and facilitate simple set-up and operation in the surgical field. FloShield is now available to be used in both traditional and robotic assisted laparoscopic surgery and comes in two models, FloShield Air and FloShield Plus. 32 November/December | 2014 |
FloShield was named a 2014 Annual Excellence in Surgical Products Awards winner by Surgical Products Magazine.
Why? Flo-X in situ Flushes lens intraoperatively
Vortex Barrier Technology
Because we developed a device that doesn’t just clean or defog the lens... it prevents the lens from getting dirty or foggy in the first place. FloShield takes a completely new approach to maintaining laparoscopic clarity. It actively protects your lens during surgery by blowing away condensation, smoke and debris. And it can flush the lens intraoperatively, providing rapid vision recovery without having to remove the scope.
Actively defogs and protects lens
Visit to see for yourself how FloShield maintains clear, fog-free vision during surgery, and learn why Surgical Products Magazine named it a 2014 ESP Winner.
See it in Use > Visit to watch FloShield in action.
with FloShield
without FloShield
FloShield is available for both traditional and robotic laparoscopes. Visit for more information and a complete list of specifications.
ESP Award Winners: Honorable Mentions
Steris SignatureSuite Steris offers their SignatureSuite with features that include: • A component of Harmony iQ OR Integration Systems, it transforms the OR into a serene environment through personalized images, as well as customized music and room settings. • SignatureSuite humanizes the OR experience for patients, reducing pre-operative anxiety and stress for both staff and patients - leading to better surgical outcomes. • Surgical professionals credit SignatureSuite with helping patients feel more calm, comfortable and cooperative before a procedure, while improving room organization, staff efficiency and patient satisfaction. For more information, visit
Aplicare Sterile Skin Antiseptic A Aplicare Sterile Skin Antiseptic povidone-iodine A products are available in p ssponge sticks, swabsticks, prep pads, and packets. They p meet key guidelines and pracm ttices recommended by the Centers for Disease Control C and Prevention (CDC), (CDC) the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN), and the Infusion Nurses Society (INS) to help improve patient safety as part of a comprehensive infection prevention plan. Aplicare Sterile Skin Antiseptics are sterilized after the product has been placed in the packaging, using a proprietary terminal sterilization process to achieve a 6-log assurance level. For more information, visit
mfPHD’s Custom Modular Medical Room mfPHD’s custom prefabricated stainless steel modular wall construction system and automatic sliding doors are specifically designed for ORs, Trauma and Central Sterile Processing and includes: • mFPHD’s system is durable, hygienic, adaptable and future-proof. Improve infection prevention. Build faster. • Make room modification and install new equipment with zero room downtime. • Elements are built to your specifications, but precision prefabricated to reduce onsite construction time. • Rooms produce revenue sooner and are never obsolete due to ease of new equipment installation. For more information, visit 34 November/December | 2014 |
IMRIS VISIUS Surgical Theatre IMRIS offers their VISIUS Surgical Theatre with intraoperative MRI. According to the company, the new offering: • Reduces re-operation rates. • Limits transport risk. • Preserves the sterile setup. • Provides critical decision support in procedure completion with diagnostic quality imaging provided during the procedure. • This latest generation high-field MRI, which moves to the patient on ceilingmounted rails, removes the need for transporting the patient for imaging, and limits repositioning. For more information, visit
Buffalo Filter’s Plume Pen Elite PlumePen Elite surgical plume evacuation pencil features a compact, ultra slim ergonomic design that is up to 46% smaller than competitive electrosurgical smoke pencils on the market. PlumePen® Elite is the only surgical plume evacuation pencil that features an over-molded design which minimizes the possibility of fluid ingress and provides the surgeon with a grip that is optimized for comfort. According to Buffalo Filter, the PlumePen Elite also features a complete reveal of the blade (both tip and insulator) that its competitors can’t match. For more information, visit Key benefits and featuress including: • Powerfully compact, ultra slim profile is similar in size to stanencils and significantly smaller than dard electrosurgical pencils rgical smoke pencils competitive electrosurgical • Over-molded grip design ign optimized for comfort ers excep• Full Blade Reveal offers tional visibility for thee surgeon • Over-molded button design limits fluid ingress
Perkins Heathcare Technology OR Vision OR Vision, an advanced IP-based OR integration system, provides control of displays, video sources, lights, audio, music, communications, video recording and an online timeout verification checklist. According to Perkins Healthcare Technologies, surgical teams improve efficiency by accelerating room set up with customized preferences. The system fosters collaboration and improves focus on patient care – all from a single touchscreen. What sets this product apart, according to Perkins, is that OR Vision is scalable for use enterprise-wide or in a single OR. Vendor neutrality allows best of breed equipment decisions. Forward/backward compatibility leverages existing and new equipment. For more information, go to:
ESP Award Winners: OR Products
Maquet Fusion Bioline
Buffalo Filter VisiClear Surgical Smoke Plume Evacuator 1st
Maquet offers their FUSION Bioline heparin-coated vascular grafts, which the company feels merges the benefits of ePTFE and PET with a unique heparin coating to enhance graft performance and address surgeon needs. The duallayer construction with heparin coating sets a new standard for open peripheral bypass treatment with enhanced handling, thromboresistance and minimal suture hole bleeding. According to Maquet, FUSION Bioline is the only FDA 510k-cleared peripheral graft with a RCT demonstrating improved patency and fewer graft re-interventions, when compared to standard ePTFE grafts, as shown in FINEST trial results. For more information, visit:
3rd Place
VisiClear Surgical Smoke Plume ume m Place Evacuator, Buffalo Filter’s most osst adv advanced d an a ced d ac aacute ute ca ccare re ooffering, ffffer e in er i g, g ffeatures eatu turres tu the latest in technology, resulting in a quiet, safe, and intuitive surgical smoke plume evacuator. VisiClear offers a color touch screen, closed filter ports to minimize the possibility of cross contamination, an occlusion sensor, and three customizable flow options. Features include: SafePort Technology – Unique port closure design reduces risk of staff coming in contact with a contaminated port. Intuitive Color Touch Screen – Easy to use; requires minimal training. Whisper Technology – Advanced sound control design ensures ultra-quiet operation with unprecedented sound quality. For more information, visit
STRIP-T’s Sterile Adhesive Organizer STRIP-T’s from Kapp Surgical Instrument, Inc. holds and organizes all surgical tubes, scopes, and instruments, attaching via self-adhesive backing to any location on the surgical field. STRIPT’s is the least expensive apparatus to secure “tethered” sterile implements to the surgical field and is less expensive and easier to use than tape, pouches, or drapes. STRIP-T’s reduces the cost of replacing tubes, costly disposable suctions, surgical operative scopes and bovies, which tend to fall from the operative field, rendering them unsterile. For more information, visit www.kappsurgical. com/documents.
Changing SterilizationONE TRAY® at a time
Sealed Sterilization Container
FDA cleared sealed terminal sterilization container
• 4 minute pre-vac (standard 3 pulse cycle) • 0 minute minimum dry/cool time • 30 day event related shelf life • 18-20 minute terminal sterilization results
Regulatory Compliance: Safety:
Complies with both AORN and AAMI recommendations for the safe handling, transport and delivery. Safety and assurance of FDA regulatory clearance and 510(k) validated protocol.
Convenient preparation protocols that are widely used for traditional À OWHUHG YHQW FRQWDLQHUV
ONE TRAY® DOORZV IRU XVHU GHÀ QHG capacities with various base and lid height options, as well as footprint sizes.
The innovative SterObexPM barrier technology assures long term sealing capabilities and increases sterility maintenance of the container.
Eliminates waste associated with the wrapping of surgical instrumentation and loaner/consignment sets.
Made in the USA
7625 Paragon Road, Suite A • Dayton, OH 45459 937.619.0138 •
Corporate Profile
Nuvo corporate Nuvo, Inc. is a US based manufacturer of surgical lights, surgical tables, equipment management systems, video integration systems and exam lights. Nuvo Vu LED Surgical Light – 2014 Excellence in Surgical Products Winner The newest addition to the Nuvo line of LED lights, the Vu brings back what has gotten lost in the transition from halogen to LED lights, SIMPLICITY. Turn it on, position the light head and operate. Simplicity doesn’t mean sacrifice. 5368 Kuhl Road Erie, Pennsylvania 16510 (800) 663-1152 – toll free (814) 899-1410 – facsimile
able LED surgical light that didn’t surrender performance. The result is the VistOR MS LED Surgical Light System. The VistOR MS LED was designed specifically to meet the needs of the ambulatory surgery center market. 130,000 lux produced by 60 high intensity LEDs provides superior illumination. Utilizing Nuvo’s exclusive Cross Focus Technology, the VistOR MS LED delivers outstanding shadow control. Available in a single, dual or triple ceiling mount makes it an ideal choice for operating rooms and procedure rooms. Add a high definition camera to record the procedure or a high definition monitor for minimally invasive cases.
Nuvo Verde LED Surgical Light – 2010 Excellence in Surgical Products Winner
Cross Focus Technology
The three most important factors in determining a quality LED surgical light are intensity, color and shadowing. The Vu offers its users 160,000 lux output at the highest intensity level. An optimal color temperature of 4300° k and the color rendering index of 95. The superior shadow control is a result of a unique technology… Cross Focus Technology. CFT enables the LED’s to move independently of each other while adjusting the pattern size. CFT provides consistent output on both the large and small patterns. By filling the entire light pattern with individual light beams, CFT offers users exceptional shadow control.
Nuvo VistOR MS LED Surgical Light – 2013 Excellence in Surgical Products Winner Historically, ambulatory surgery centers purchase refurbished halogen lights. Our goal was to design an afford36 November/December | 2014 |
In true NUVO tradition, the Verde comes steeped with unique features that deliver truly tangible benefits to surgical teams across the globe. The combination of red, green and white LED’s enable the Verde to maintain a constant CRI (Color Rendering Index) throughout the entire intensity range. Another exclusive feature of the Verde LED Surgical lights is a first in class “Green Mode”. The human eye can discern more shades of green than any other hue. Thus the reason why the color green is used for night vision goggles. At the touch of a button the red and white LED’s are turned off illuminating the surgical suite with a green glow. This enables surgeons and staff to visualize more clearly during laparoscopic/arthroscopic procedures while providing ambient light for ancillary staff. One of the benefits of LED surgical lights is not having to change light bulbs. However the intensity of the LED will decrease over a period of time. The Nuvo Verde has the ability to re-instate the original intensity of 160,000 lux for the NV4 or 130,000 lux for the NV3. Therefore the Verde will maintain a constant output throughout the life of the light. Visit our website to view our full product offering or contact us at sales@nuvosurgical. com to schedule an appointment with one of our clinical specialists.
Vu LED CROSS FOCUS TECHNOLOGY (CFT) enables the LED’s to move independently of each other while adjusting the pattern size. CFT allows the Vu to provide consistent output on both the large and small patterns.
Verdé LED 160,000 lux
Vu LED 160,000 lux
VistOR MS LED 120,000 lux
A member of the Medical Illumination International Group
5368 Kuhl Road • Erie, PA 16510-4703 • (800) 663-1152 (814) 899-4220 • Fax: (814) 899-1410
ESP Award Winners: Infection Control
Clorox Healthcare 4% CHG Skin Cleansing ing Kit The Clorox Healthcare 4% CHG Skin Cleansing Kit is an easyto-use kit for reducing bacteria on the skin prior to surgery. Two single-use packs, attached via a perforated seal, contain the essentials for the two pre-procedural CHG showers recommended by the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses. Each pack includes a four-ounce bottle of 4 percent CHG solution, three disposable washcloths, and bilingual, waterproof instructions that the patient can bring into the shower. Online tools such as a Patient Reminder System and Video Directions for Use (bilingual) help ensure the product is used and used correctly. For more information, visit
1st Place
Crosstex Rapicide OPA/28 High-Level Disinfectant 2nd Place
Crosstex offers their Rapicide OPA/28 High Level Disinfectant with features that the company describes as: • Providing a superior way to reprocess heat-sensitive, semi-critical medical devices that are unsuitable for sterilization. • Effectively inactivates TB, MRSA, VRE, HIV2 and Hepatitis. • Saves money. Works faster. Lasts longer. A 10-minute high-level disinfection time that’s faster than all other OPA high-level disinfectants. • Up to twice the reuse life of existing OPAs. • OPA/28’s faster disinfection time allows users to reprocess one extra instrument per hour and provides one extra disinfection cycle for every five instruments reprocessed. For more information, visit www.crosstex. com.
3rd Place
PCI Medical GUS Storage System Ultrasound Cabinet The GUS Storage System is an Ultrasound Storage Cabinet for vaginal, rectal, general purpose, and Transesophageal (TEE) probes. The GUS Storage System helps ORs stay compliant with vertical storage in a clean, dry location as recommended by probe manufacturers. Features include: • A continuous flow of HEPA filtered air protects probes from recontamination. 3rd • Specialty shelves protect delicate probes Place from cross-contamination. • Locking door for added security. • The GUS Storage System is unique because it comes in two versions with specialty shelves to accommodate transesophageal (TEE) or endovaginal and endo-rectal probes. For more information, visit:
38 November/December | 2014 |
Ecolab Healthcare Encompass OR Environmental Hygiene Ecolab’s EnCompass Environmental Hygiene Program with CleanOp Surgical Room Turnover Kits provides healthcare facilities with a complete solution to improve cleaning efficiency and effectiveness, and increase patient safety. Through training, standardized room turnover processes and the use of DAZO Fluorescent Marking Gel, staff can learn cleaning best practices and are able to objectively monitor and improve OR cleanliness. The program was designed to comply with AORN, CDC, OSHA and Joint Commission guidelines and has received the AORN “Seal of Recognition” for its training program. For more information, visit
ESP Award Winners: Lighting
MAQUET VOLISTA LED lights According to MAQUET, their VOLISTA LED lights provide a deep column of light with even distribution and true color clarity. They also feature: Easily maneuverable suspension arms that are integration-friendly and HD camera-ready. Features include: • AIM™ reduces light to obstructed LEDs while increasing illumination to surrounding LEDs. • FSP™ compensates for fluctuation, ensuring consistency. • LMD™ adjusts illumination levels for 1st 2nd reduced eye fatigue. Place Place • According to MAQUET, the longest LED life in the industry (60,000 hours). • BOOST™ increases illumination when needed. For more information, go to:
EEnova Ill Illumination i i surgical i l lilight h
3rd Place
The XLT-125 LED Surgical Headlight from Enova Illumination provides superior co-axial articulation with/without loupes and has an adjustable aperture to create a spot size ranging from 2” to 6” in diameter. The light itself is 125,000+ lux of pure white homogenous light for true tissue rendition and deep cavity illumination and comes with attachable lenses/filters to customize color temperature and polarization. It weighs 7 ounces, has an adjustable, padded headband, and the battery life ranges from eight to 24 hours. For more information, visit .com/pages/ EnovaXLT-125/.
NUVO Vu surgical light • The Nuvo Vu is an LED surgical light with features that include: A 160,000 lux, 4,300-degree K color or temperature and 95 CRI. • Cross Focus Technology enables the LED’s to move independently of each other while adjusting the pattern size from 9.5” – 14” (229 mm – 356 mm). • CFT allows the Vu to provide exceptional output on the large and small pattern. • Sterile handle controls. For more information, go to:
3rd Place | November/December | 2014 39
Bryton’s B ryton’s Stallion Elite surgical headlight
Bryton's Stallion Elite surgical headlight is a lightweight, cordless, high powered surgical light for professionals. This light incorporates great technology with ergonomics in mind for the surgeon’s comfort. Ergonomically balanced, this completely cordless surgical grade headlight, which features a high output LED light source of 200,000 Lux, gets rid of the fuss of leads or fiber optic cables. The headlight weighs only 11 ounces and utilizes 2 lithium ion batteries for 9 hours of runtime. For more information, visit www.brytoncorp. com/stallion/.
GEL POSITIONERS By Bryton Corporation
ALTRA GEL PATIENT POSITIONERS An estimated 750 million to 1 billion dollars are spent annually on treatment of patients for pressure sores and related complications.
Do your part today in stopping pressure sores and post-operative complications. Call Bryton, mention advertisement and receive 10% off your next $200 or more Gel order. | November/December | 2014 39
Corporate Profile
Megadyne Medical Products
Megadyne Medical Products, Inc. 11506 South State Street Draper, UT 84020 1-800-747-6110
This electrosurgical products company was founded in 1985 with the launch of the E-Z Clean® line of nonstick, eschar- resistant, PTFE-coated electrodes and is the recognized authority in electrosurgery. From the company’s beginning, its mission has been to provide the medical community with high quality, cost effective products benefiting surgeons, nurses, and hospitals. Approaching 30 years of innovation, its research and development team has continued to bring to market revolutionary electrosurgical devices and accessories to keep pace with the changing needs of healthcare professionals. Megadyne products have proven their effectiveness in the thousands of operating rooms throughout the world and have been the driving force behind Megadyne’s emergence as an innovative leader in the medical products industry. The company has moved from being an electro-
• The Mega Vac™ Smoke Evacuation System • The E-Z Clean® line of PTFE non- stick electrosurgical tips • The Mega Soft® Family of Reusable Patient Return Electrodes including the new Mega Soft Universal, adult single and dual Mega Soft, and the Mega Soft Pediatric • The E-Z Pen® 12 use resposable electrosurgical pencil • Resposable Laparoscopic Electrodes with MegaTip® and Indicator Shaft® technology • Other accessories including electrosurgical pencils, open procedure electrodes, laparoscopic electrodes, bipolar forceps, suction coagulators and many other electrosurgical accessories. To help ensure high standards of training, Megadyne provides grant funds to support continuing nurse and surgeon education through independent study courses.
Megadyne maintains a certified Quality System that conforms with the requirements of:
surgery tool provider to an end- to-end, full-solution electrosurgical equipment and accessory developer/manufacturer with a strong strategic vision to continue the expansion of the business.
Megadyne’s complete line of products include: • The Mega Power® Electrosurgical Generator with the patented and proprietary advanced cutting system (ACE) mode when combined with the ACE® blade allows scalpel like incisions with healing equivalent to a scalpel 40 November/December | 2014 |
• US 21 CFR Part 820 (The Quality System Regulation), • ISO 13485:2003, • Canadian Medical Device Requirements, • European Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC, and • Japanese MHLW Ordinance No. 169 Article 6-1-5. PRODUCTS: Megadyne’s products have been proven in thousands of operating rooms worldwide. Its flagship E-Z Clean® line of non-stick electrosurgical tips and electrodes come in a variety of sizes, shapes and configurations that can be easily wiped clean with a sterile sponge or washed clean with irrigation. USERS: Megadyne’s Mega Soft® technology has been used in millions of electrosurgical procedures worldwide and its active electrodes are used by hospitals in millions of procedures each year. In addition to hospitals and surgical centers, its customers include healthcare group purchasing organizations and supply companies in most regions of the world.
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all sizes and weights above 350 gms
The safety of the Mega Soft electrode is well known. The Mega Soft Universal adds an enhanced level of convenience. You can now use one return electrode for patients of all sizes, from neonate through bariatric without worrying about pad site placement or patient weight.
ESP Award Winners: Apparel
1st Place
2nd Place
Tronex Healthcare Healthmark Cool Aids Hospital staff are the reason for Healthmark Industries' new Cool Aids. Cool Aids are designed to manage one's body temperature from the head, neck, chest and core body. The combination of unique fabrics create an evaporative temperature management system. One simple submerges it in water, lets the material absorb the water, then put the Cool Aid on. Cool Aids come in beanies, skull caps, neck wraps, and vests. For more information, visit
Tronex Healthcareâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s evolving line of nitrile examination gloves now includes nine innovative styles plus NEW high-count packaging options. Manufactured in state-of-the-art ISO-certified and FDAregistered facilities from advanced material blends, Tronex nitrile exam gloves are offered in a variety of formulations, including seven chemotherapy-rated styles and two sterile options. All meet the highest industry, FDA, and ASTM standards for barrier protection and quality consistency, and are preferred by major healthcare providers nationally to deliver exceptional performance, durability, elasticity, and chemical resistance across all key facility applications. For more information, visit
3rd Place
undORwear Undetectable Thermal Undershirt undORwear, Inc. offers its undetectable thermal undershirt. The shirt is a warm base layer that is worn under operating room scrubs. It is designed to keep the wearer's core warm regardless of the OR temperature and will be unseen under scrubs with its undetectable design. The shirt is also moisture wicking, and its eco-friendly anti-microbial technology inhibits bacterial growth. For more information, visit 42 November/December | 2014 |
42 November/December | 2014 |
ESP Award Winners: Safety Products
New Pig’s Grippy Surgical Absorbent Mat New Pig offers their PIG Grippy Surgical Absorbent Mat with features that include: • An adhesive bottom that stays put to help keep OR floors clean and safe • Lies flat allowing easy movement of stands and carts • Disposable for fast cleanup and OR turnover, avoiding the need to launder heavy, liquid-soaked blankets • NFSI certified high-traction surface helps reduce slips and falls when used as part of a floor safety program. For more information, visit
Pro Reveal Protein Detection System The ProReveal, by Ultra Clean Systems, is a highly sensitive fluorescence-based protein detection test system for checking the presence of residual protein on surgical instruments. In contrast to cleaning methods currently used, the ProReveal’s test delivers highly accurate, visual, and measureable results in 3D. With the ProReveal, test results can be measured at the nano-gram level, increasing patient safety. For more information, visit
2nd Place
Megadyne Mega Soft Universal Patient Return Electrode
1st Place
3rd Place
Megadyne's Mega Soft Universal Patient Return Electrode is simply set on the operating room table, virtually eliminating the small disposable sticky pad that can damage the patient’s skin. It is approved for use on patients 350gms and up with no maximum weight, can be used either side up, and weighs only four pounds. According to Megadyne, Mega Softs have been used in 55 million procedures with zero pad site burns. Mega Soft Universal offers a hold-harmless indemnification against pad site burns. For more information, visit
Easy2Clean Kerrison Punch Opens quickly and easily for complete cleaning inside the main body of the shaft and slider prior to sterilization, helping to reduce the risk of infection.
closed position German stainless
open position TiAIN, ceramic coated German stainless
• One piece design - no loose instrument components • 1mm - 6mm bite sizes • Crafted in Germany • Precise cutting action • Full satisfaction guarantee For more 800.978.1119 information: | November/December | 2014 43
FOCUS ON: Outfitting the OR
Visualization Leads To Opportunities Cutting-edge innovation has been at the forefront of the OR for the last three decades. The latest in visualization technology and 3D imagery is stunning, but what does the future hold? By Kevin Damask For more than 30 years, ORs relied on one source for video signaling: composite video. According to Devon Bream, Vice President of Global Sales and Marketing for Black Diamond Video, simple composite video was the norm from 1955-1987. In the last 25 years, video has gone from S-Video and VGA signal types to computer generated images. In the late 1990s, HD-SDI and DVI systems became popular in the OR. “In today’s ORs, clinicians now have to deal with those legacy signals on
Dr. Brett Cohen
the older equipment, plus HDMI, 3G-SDI, Display Port, and soon visualization types that will generate Ultra HD 4K,” says Bream. “The management of all these different signal types from numerous devices which generate visualization is critical.” In the last 10 years visualization technology has changed dramatically, according to Bream. “Where there used to be only one source generating imaging, now there can be up to six different devices generating visualization data and imagery for surgical teams to utilize,” says Keith Evans Bream. The past 30 years has also seen the progress in minimally-invasive procedures, which has increased the need for upgrades in visualization. Keith Evans, Director of Marketing for Stryker Communications says, “MIS surgery has become more prevalent and complex, which has driven the need for improvements in resolution, lighting, consistency and control.” Adds Bream, “Cutting edge visualization technology is crucial to an OR today because of the advances in imaging and data sources, which allow clinical teams to perform more advanced procedures.” From Evans’ perspective, innovation in OR technology should be measured by how beneficial it is to the patient. For OR staff, simplicity is key. “From a patient’s perspective, innovation is only meaningful when it can definitively be tied back to improved outcomes or consistency in outcomes,” says Evans. “To further that thought, innovation is only important to the staff if the technology improves their ability to care for the patient, and is simple to use.” Bream believes visualization in the OR will continue to evolve, but at a much faster pace than it has in the past 25 years. With technology merging, the OR could become an exciting place. “With Ultra HD 4K images being generated, a new generation of routing and viewing solutions will need to be developed,” says Bream. “Medical imaging usually lags behind consumer (needs), but with the advances and merging of direct visualization with radiological visualization, the OR environment will become a fast-paced, exciting, technology innovation arena.” One of the most important aspects of integrating visualization in the OR is making sure all the new technology is easy to use. Technological confusion can cause havoc in the OR. “Seamless integration is critical for proper workflow,” Bream says. “It is unreasonable in today’s high technology OR for clinical 44 November/December | 2014 |
FOCUS ON: Outfitting the OR
teams to be running around trying to figure out what visualization connector plugs into which wall plate and then have to hope the video signal is compatible with the monitors the surgeons are utilizing.” However, cutting-edge visualization is expensive. Is all this new technology really cost-effective to medical professionals? For hospitals, knowledge is power. “Customers and manufacturers should work together to asses equipment needs, service costs, payment options, and the future plans of the facility,” Evans said. “This will allow the facility to invest in the right product, at the right time, with the right payment structure.”
Is 3D the Future? For Dr. Brett Cohen, 3D visualization opens the door to many opportunities in the OR. Cohen is the Medical Director of the Memorial Healthcare System’s Advanced Laparoscopy and Bariatric Service in Hollywood, Florida. Cohen says 3D innovations allow surgeons “to see things and in a way that we have never been able to see before in the operating room.” “While the images are fantastic, the addition of 3D technology has given us back that depth of field, making surgery more accurate, and in that way, safer for patients,” Cohen says. “The other advantage is taking the camera chip from the base of the laparoscope and putting it at the tip. This has allowed us the ability to look around the corners with the flexibility of the 3D scope.”
Adds Cohen, “For those of us that do laparoscopy on a regular basis, there is no question that the added benefit and visualization is unmatched.” While 3D technology presents many exciting opportunities, both Evans and Bream believe there are challenges to overcome before widespread integration. Currently, costs to implement 3D systems are high and ORs are waiting to see how beneficial the new technology will become. “The challenge with 3D laparoscopic or arthroscopic surgery is the relative cost of deploying such technology, in comparison to the expected benefit,” Evans said. “Most 3D systems require a 3D capable camera, 3D video integration systems, 3D recording systems, and 3D displays, all or which add significant costs to the procedure.” Cohen believes the benefits could outweigh the costs. “Small vessels are seen, muscular fibers visualized and planes that are appreciated in ways that we have never been able to before,” adds Cohen. “This makes for safer surgery and more successful operations with less blood loss and less time in the operating room.” Bream says 3D technology is still trying to find its niche in the OR. “3D technology has been struggling for years to find the correct application at the correct point in various surgical procedures,” says Bream. “Planning for the proper infrastructure and control systems will allow hospital administrators and clinicians to address 3D and all of the other exciting visualization technologies coming soon to an OR near you.”
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| 2014 45
Tables and Positioning Guide PATIENT HANDLING PRODUCTS
Patients Transfer Products Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787 D.A. Surgical 17800 Chillicothe Road, Suite 103 Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Phone: 800-261-9953 Fax: 440-809-8296 Encompass Group, LLC 615 Macon St. McDonough, GA, 30253 Phone: 770-957-1211 HoverTech International 513 S. Clewell St. Bethlehem, PA, 18015 Phone: 800-471-2776 Fax: 610-694-9601 Nuvo 5368 Kuhl Road Phone: 814-899-4220 Fax: 814-814-1410
Positioning Aids Action Products 954 Sweeny Drive Hagerstown, MD 21740 Phone: 800-228-7763 Fax: 877-733-2073 D.A. Surgical 17800 Chillicothe Road, Suite 103 Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Phone: 800-261-9953 Fax: 440-809-8296 HoverTech International 513 S. Clewell St. Bethlehem, PA, 18015 Phone: 800-471-2776 Fax: 610-694-9601 Innovative Medical Products, Inc. 87 Spring Ln. Plainville, CT, 06062 Phone: 800-467-4944 Fax: 866-459-1805 MAQUET Medical Systems USA 45 Barbour Pond Dr. Wayne, NJ, 07470 Phone: 973-709-7000
Nuvo 5368 Kuhl Road Phone: 814-899-4220 Fax: 814-814-1410
Surgical Tables Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787
MAQUET Medical Systems USA 45 Barbour Pond Dr. Wayne, NJ, 07470 Phone: 973-709-7000 Nuvo 5368 Kuhl Road Phone: 814-899-4220 Fax: 814-814-1410
Table Accessories Action Products 954 Sweeny Drive Hagerstown, MD 21740 Phone: 800-228-7763 Fax: 877-733-2073
Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787 D.A. Surgical 17800 Chillicothe Road, Suite 103 Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Phone: 800-261-9953 Fax: 440-809-8296 Dabir Surfaces, Inc. 24585 Evergreen Road Southfield, MI 48075 Phone: 885-478-0694 Fax: 248-354-6667 MAQUET Medical Systems USA 45 Barbour Pond Dr. Wayne, NJ, 07470 Phone: 973-709-7000 Nuvo 5368 Kuhl Road Phone: 814-899-4220 Fax: 814-814-1410
46 November/December | 2014 |
Beds Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787 Dabir Surfaces, Inc. 24585 Evergreen Road Southfield, MI 48075 Phone: 885-478-0694 Fax: 248-354-6667
Drainage Products/OR Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787
Mayo Stands Action Products 954 Sweeny Drive Hagerstown, MD 21740 Phone: 800-228-7763 Fax: 877-733-2073
Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787 D.A. Surgical 17800 Chillicothe Road, Suite 103 Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Phone: 800-261-9953 Fax: 440-809-8296
Stools Action Products 954 Sweeny Drive Hagerstown, MD 21740 Phone: 800-228-7763 Fax: 877-733-2073
Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787
Stretchers Action Products 954 Sweeny Drive Hagerstown, MD 21740 Phone: 800-228-7763 Fax: 877-733-2073
Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787
Warming Units Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787
Anesthesia Table Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787 Nuvo 5368 Kuhl Road Phone: 814-899-4220 Fax: 814-814-1410
C-Arm Nuvo
5368 Kuhl Road Phone: 814-899-4220 Fax: 814-814-1410
Clamps Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787 D.A. Surgical 17800 Chillicothe Road, Suite 103 Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Phone: 800-261-9953 Fax: 440-809-8296 Nuvo 5368 Kuhl Road Phone: 814-899-4220 Fax: 814-814-1410 Innovative Medical Products, Inc. 87 Spring Ln. Plainville, CT, 06062 Phone: 800-467-4944 Fax: 866-459-1805
Clark Sockets Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787
D.A. Surgical 17800 Chillicothe Road, Suite 103 Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Phone: 800-261-9953 Fax: 440-809-8296 Nuvo 5368 Kuhl Road Phone: 814-899-4220 Fax: 814-814-1410
Exam Tables Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787 Nuvo 5368 Kuhl Road Phone: 814-899-4220 Fax: 814-814-1410
Extensions Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787 D.A. Surgical 17800 Chillicothe Road, Suite 103 Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Phone: 800-261-9953 Fax: 440-809-8296 MAQUET Medical Systems USA 45 Barbour Pond Dr. Wayne, NJ, 07470 Phone: 973-709-7000 Nuvo 5368 Kuhl Road Phone: 814-899-4220 Fax: 814-814-1410
Fluid Trap Systems D.A. Surgical 17800 Chillicothe Road, Suite 103 Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Phone: 800-261-9953 Fax: 440-809-8296 Nuvo 5368 Kuhl Road Phone: 814-899-4220 Fax: 814-814-1410
Hand Tables Action Products 954 Sweeny Drive Hagerstown, MD 21740 Phone: 800-228-7763 Fax: 877-733-2073 Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787
Hand/Arm Positioners Action Products 954 Sweeny Drive Hagerstown, MD 21740 Phone: 800-228-7763 Fax: 877-733-2073 Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787 D.A. Surgical 17800 Chillicothe Road, Suite 103 Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Phone: 800-261-9953 Fax: 440-809-8296 Innovative Medical Products, Inc. 87 Spring Ln. Plainville, CT, 06062 Phone: 800-467-4944 Fax: 866-459-1805 MAQUET Medical Systems USA 45 Barbour Pond Dr. Wayne, NJ, 07470 Phone: 973-709-7000 Nuvo 5368 Kuhl Road Phone: 814-899-4220 Fax: 814-814-1410
Head/Neck Positioners Action Products 954 Sweeny Drive Hagerstown, MD 21740 Phone: 800-228-7763 Fax: 877-733-2073 Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787 | November/December | 2014 47
Tables and Positioning Guide D.A. Surgical 17800 Chillicothe Road, Suite 103 Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Phone: 800-261-9953 Fax: 440-809-8296 Innovative Medical Products, Inc. 87 Spring Ln. Plainville, CT, 06062 Phone: 800-467-4944 Fax: 866-459-1805 MAQUET Medical Systems USA 45 Barbour Pond Dr. Wayne, NJ, 07470 Phone: 973-709-7000 Nuvo 5368 Kuhl Road Phone: 814-899-4220 Fax: 814-814-1410
Imaging Tables Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787 MAQUET Medical Systems USA 45 Barbour Pond Dr. Wayne, NJ, 07470 Phone: 973-709-7000 Nuvo 5368 Kuhl Road Phone: 814-899-4220 Fax: 814-814-1410
Leg Positioners Action Products 954 Sweeny Drive Hagerstown, MD 21740 Phone: 800-228-7763 Fax: 877-733-2073 Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787 Innovative Medical Products, Inc. 87 Spring Ln. Plainville, CT, 06062 Phone: 800-467-4944 Fax: 866-459-1805 MAQUET Medical Systems USA 45 Barbour Pond Dr. Wayne, NJ, 07470 Phone: 973-709-7000
5368 Kuhl Road Phone: 814-899-4220 Fax: 814-814-1410
OR Restraints Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787 D.A. Surgical 17800 Chillicothe Road, Suite 103 Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Phone: 800-261-9953 Fax: 440-809-8296 Nuvo 5368 Kuhl Road Phone: 814-899-4220 Fax: 814-814-1410
OR Tables Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787 D.A. Surgical 17800 Chillicothe Road, Suite 103 Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Phone: 800-261-9953 Fax: 440-809-8296 MAQUET Medical Systems USA 45 Barbour Pond Dr. Wayne, NJ, 07470 Phone: 973-709-7000 Nuvo 5368 Kuhl Road Phone: 814-899-4220 Fax: 814-814-1410
OR Table Accessories Action Products 954 Sweeny Drive Hagerstown, MD 21740 Phone: 800-228-7763 Fax: 877-733-2073 Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787
48 November/December | 2014 |
D.A. Surgical 17800 Chillicothe Road, Suite 103 Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Phone: 800-261-9953 Fax: 440-809-8296 Dabir Surfaces, Inc. 24585 Evergreen Road Southfield, MI 48075 Phone: 885-478-0694 Fax: 248-354-6667 MAQUET Medical Systems USA 45 Barbour Pond Dr. Wayne, NJ, 07470 Phone: 973-709-7000 Nuvo 5368 Kuhl Road Phone: 814-899-4220 Fax: 814-814-1410
OR Table Pads Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787 D.A. Surgical 17800 Chillicothe Road, Suite 103 Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Phone: 800-261-9953 Fax: 440-809-8296 Dabir Surfaces, Inc. 24585 Evergreen Road Southfield, MI 48075 Phone: 885-478-0694 Fax: 248-354-6667 MAQUET Medical Systems USA 45 Barbour Pond Dr. Wayne, NJ, 07470 Phone: 973-709-7000 Nuvo 5368 Kuhl Road Phone: 814-899-4220 Fax: 814-814-1410
Obstetrical Tables Nuvo 5368 Kuhl Road Phone: 814-899-4220 Fax: 814-814-1410
Orthopedic Tables & Accessories Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787
Dabir Surfaces, Inc. 24585 Evergreen Road Southfield, MI 48075 Phone: 885-478-0694 Fax: 248-354-6667 MAQUET Medical Systems USA 45 Barbour Pond Dr. Wayne, NJ, 07470 Phone: 973-709-7000 Nuvo 5368 Kuhl Road Phone: 814-899-4220 Fax: 814-814-1410
Positioning Aids Action Products 954 Sweeny Drive Hagerstown, MD 21740 Phone: 800-228-7763 Fax: 877-733-2073 Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787 D.A. Surgical 17800 Chillicothe Road, Suite 103 Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Phone: 800-261-9953 Fax: 440-809-8296 HoverTech International 513 S. Clewell St. Bethlehem, PA, 18015 Phone: 800-471-2776 Fax: 610-694-9601 Innovative Medical Products, Inc. 87 Spring Ln. Plainville, CT, 06062 Phone: 800-467-4944 Fax: 866-459-1805 MAQUET Medical Systems USA 45 Barbour Pond Dr. Wayne, NJ, 07470 Phone: 973-709-7000 Nuvo 5368 Kuhl Road Phone: 814-899-4220 Fax: 814-814-1410
Shoulder Chairs/Supports D.A. Surgical 17800 Chillicothe Road, Suite 103 Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Phone: 800-261-9953 Fax: 440-809-8296
MAQUET Medical Systems USA 45 Barbour Pond Dr. Wayne, NJ, 07470 Phone: 973-709-7000
Side Rail Sockets
Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787 D.A. Surgical 17800 Chillicothe Road, Suite 103 Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Phone: 800-261-9953 Fax: 440-809-8296 Innovative Medical Products, Inc. 87 Spring Ln. Plainville, CT, 06062 Phone: 800-467-4944 Fax: 866-459-1805 MAQUET Medical Systems USA 45 Barbour Pond Dr. Wayne, NJ, 07470 Phone: 973-709-7000
Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787 D.A. Surgical 17800 Chillicothe Road, Suite 103 Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Phone: 800-261-9953 Fax: 440-809-8296 Nuvo 5368 Kuhl Road Phone: 814-899-4220 Fax: 814-814-1410
5368 Kuhl Road Phone: 814-899-4220 Fax: 814-814-1410
Urological Tables Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787
MAQUET Medical Systems USA
45 Barbour Pond Dr. Wayne, NJ, 07470 Phone: 973-709-7000 Nuvo 5368 Kuhl Road Phone: 814-899-4220 Fax: 814-814-1410
5368 Kuhl Road Phone: 814-899-4220 Fax: 814-814-1410 Innovative Medical Products, Inc. 87 Spring Ln. Plainville, CT, 06062 Phone: 800-467-4944 Fax: 866-459-1805
Orthopedic OR Table Accessories Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787 D.A. Surgical 17800 Chillicothe Road, Suite 103 Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Phone: 800-261-9953 Fax: 440-809-8296 Innovative Medical Products, Inc. 87 Spring Ln. Plainville, CT, 06062 Phone: 800-467-4944 Fax: 866-459-1805
Orthopedic Positioners/Immobilizers Action Products 954 Sweeny Drive Hagerstown, MD 21740 Phone: 800-228-7763 Fax: 877-733-2073 D.A. Surgical 17800 Chillicothe Road, Suite 103 Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Phone: 800-261-9953 Fax: 440-809-8296 Innovative Medical Products, Inc. 87 Spring Ln. Plainville, CT, 06062 Phone: 800-467-4944 Fax: 866-459-1805
Tables and Positioning Guide Kapp Surgical Instrument, Inc. 4919 Warrensville Center Rd. Cleveland, OH, 44128 Phone: 216-587-4400 Fax: 216-587-0411 Nuvo 5368 Kuhl Road Phone: 814-899-4220 Fax: 814-814-1410
Air Mattresses Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787 D.A. Surgical 17800 Chillicothe Road, Suite 103 Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Phone: 800-261-9953 Fax: 440-809-8296
Dabir Surfaces, Inc. 24585 Evergreen Road Southfield, MI 48075 Phone: 885-478-0694 Fax: 248-354-6667
D.A. Surgical 17800 Chillicothe Road, Suite 103 Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Phone: 800-261-9953 Fax: 440-809-8296
Dabir Surfaces, Inc. 24585 Evergreen Road Southfield, MI 48075 Phone: 885-478-0694 Fax: 248-354-6667
Chair Pressure Pads
Foam Pads
Viscoelastic Polymer
Action Products 954 Sweeny Drive Hagerstown, MD 21740 Phone: 800-228-7763 Fax: 877-733-2073 Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787
Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787 D.A. Surgical 17800 Chillicothe Road, Suite 103 Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Phone: 800-261-9953 Fax: 440-809-8296
Action Products 954 Sweeny Drive Hagerstown, MD 21740 Phone: 800-228-7763 Fax: 877-733-2073 D.A. Surgical 17800 Chillicothe Road, Suite 103 Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Phone: 800-261-9953 Fax: 440-809-8296
Foam Mattresses
Action Products 954 Sweeny Drive Hagerstown, MD 21740 Phone: 800-228-7763 Fax: 877-733-2073 Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787 D.A. Surgical 17800 Chillicothe Road, Suite 103 Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Phone: 800-261-9953 Fax: 440-809-8296 Innovative Medical Products, Inc. 87 Spring Ln. Plainville, CT, 06062 Phone: 800-467-4944 Fax: 866-459-1805
Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787
Gel Pads
Pressure Relief Table Pads
The Surgical Transfer and Positioning Experts With the HoverMatt® Air Transfer System, t Use 80-90% less force for lateral patient transfers t Facilitate easier turning and proning for Orthopedic, Spine and Gastroenterology procedures t Reduce friction and shear, while protecting caregiver safety Call 800-471-2776 for information on safe and efficient OR transfer and positioning techniques.
Action Products 954 Sweeny Drive Hagerstown, MD 21740 Phone: 800-228-7763 Fax: 877-733-2073 Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787 D.A. Surgical 17800 Chillicothe Road, Suite 103 Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Phone: 800-261-9953 Fax: 440-809-8296
Bassinets Bryton Corporation
4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787
Cabinets Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787
Cushions Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787
Stretchers Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787
Wheelchair Accessories Action Products 954 Sweeny Drive Hagerstown, MD 21740 Phone: 800-228-7763 Fax: 877-733-2073 Bryton Corporation 4011 Championship Dr. Indianapolis, IN, 46268 Phone: 317-334-8700 Fax: 317-334-8787
50 November/December | 2014 |
Will You Help Her? "Leaving home in a sense involve a kind of second birth in which we “We can help,” I say. I look at them. “We will operate tomorrow morning.” The next day, the young woman is anesthetized. Our surgical team starts give birth to ourselves.” slowly but picks up steam, building confidence -Robert Neelly Bellah as the case develops a flow. The lights and he looks at me hesitantly. The man who cardiac monitors flicker off, but the batterybrought her to the mission clinic on the powered headlights work just fine, and the back of his bicycle speaks to her in their anesthetist squeezes the bag while palpating the dialect and she carefully removes the scarf patient’s pulse until the power returns. Before that covers her left ear and neck. There are long, things feel familiar and safe. blood stains on the fabric. Thankfully, the tumor does not involve the She turns her face so I can examine the deep tissues or important nerves. Her tissues 3-inch ulcerated mass that overlies the angle are young and taut so we must undermine of her jaw, and extends to her upper neck. the skin extensively in order to pull the edges “How long has this been here?” I ask her together and close the defect without too much Bruce Campbell, MD, through the translator. tension. It is not exactly what I would do at Medical College “It started as a small spot about a year home, but it works. I wish we had a patholoof Wisconsin ago. It has been growing ever since.” gist so I would know what kind of tumor we Otolaryngologist I examine the mass, assessing its extent removed. while trying not to stir up any bleeding. I By afternoon, she is awake and both she and cannot be absolutely certain, but I believe it is arising from the skin rather her husband are beaming. She will not agree than extending up from a deeper structure. She sits stoically while I search to stay overnight because she cannot afford the for lymph nodes or other clues that it might be a cancer that has spread. local hospital’s $10 fee. Soon, they are back on “Are you healthy?” I ask. his bicycle, heading home. Before they leave, they are grateful and gracious. She responds through the translator. “They say I have HIV,” she says, I, too, am grateful for the team that is here. Far from home, I find I have dis“but I feel fine.” covered a place of comfort, after all. A non-profit organization, Kenya Relief, has brought us to Migori, Kenya for a surgical mission that will be wrapping up tomorrow. We have no COMPANY INDEX pathologists, CT scanner, or blood bank. We have very limited lab testing and supplies. “Will you help her?” the man asks me through the translator. Editor's Choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 ESP Award Winners . . . . 22, 26, 30-31 “She is my wife.” Reader's Choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34-35, 38-39, 42-43 She remains calm. I, on the other hand, realize I am far from my comfort Product Spotlight/Apparel . . . . . . . . 18-19 Tables and Positioning Guide . . . . . 46-50 zone. Back in Wisconsin, I would get a biopsy, contact the Infectious Disease Clinic, order a scan, and put her on the OR schedule in a couple of weeks ADVERTISER INDEX prepared for possible nerve grafting and reconstruction. My favorite OR 3M Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 25 HoverTech International . . . . . . . . . . . 50 team would help me with the surgery, knowing my preferences and having Action Products, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Innovative Medical Products . . . . . . . . 52 available all of the resources of a modern Western hospital. Advance Medical Designs . . . . . . 10, 11 Innovative Sterilization Technologies . . 35 This is different. Unexpected things can happen in operating rooms this Ansell Sandel Medical Solutions, LLC. . . 13 Let’s Gel, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 far from home. The electrical generator fails several times each day. The Aspen Surgical Products . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Lumalier / Tru-D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 operating room will be sticky and warm. My favorite technologies are missBlack Diamond Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 MAQUET Medical Systems USA . . . 2, 23 ing. This is the first time I have worked in an OR with two operating tables in the same room (“Just like on M*A*S*H,” someone comments). The OR Bryton Corp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Megadyne Medical Products, Inc . 40, 41 Buffalo Filter Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Minimally Invasive Devices LLC . . . 32, 33 team members come from all around the States and we barely know each other. And our patient, like many rural Kenyans, has no medical records and Clorox Services Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 NDS Surgical Imaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 little prior experience with medical care. Other than knowing she is HIVDabir Surfaces, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 New Pig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 positive, we have no information about her medical history. Dan Allen Surgical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Nuvo Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 37 In the best of situations, surgery is a complicated, dynamic, choreoEcolab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Sloan Medical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 graphed form of chaos. This unfamiliar environment magnifies the potential gSource . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 SPS Medical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 29 for catastrophe. Healthmark Industries Co . . . . . . 16, 17 USHIO America, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 “Doctor?” her husband asks.
S | November/December | 2014 51
Tri-Pull™ Secure Shoulder Solution A complete system for better access
Shoulder distraction with safety and control Now you have an option with precise positioning, maximum flexibility and controlled distraction, without compromising the sterile field. Ideal for shoulder or elbow arthroscopies.
Tri-Pull™ Secure Shoulder Solution combines three proven systems to secure and distract the shoulder precisely. Innovation from patient to positioner • Phase-4 Gel™ Splint increases comfort, protects skin, controls internal and external rotation while adhesion holds the arm securely in place • De Mayo RoTractor ® delivers complete patient control in the sterile field, holding fixed positions of rotation and allowing distraction of shoulder or elbow • Reznik Universal Shoulder Positioner™ provides controlled shoulder distraction with three planes of adjustment, and patented safety stops for patient protection
The operative word in patient positioning.
Distraction with precision in shoulder surgery De Mayo RoTractor ® holds the patient’s arm in rotation while maintaining distraction of the shoulder. Patent applied for.
Featuring the patented Reznik Universal Shoulder Positioner™ with three planes of adjustment
Stops on vertical plane for additional patient protection
De Mayo RoTractor ® adapts to most pole style shoulder positioners.
Phase 4 Gel™ Splint adheres to arm for secure positioning and features a natural wrist contour for increased comfort and patient safety.
Learn more about the unique features of the Tri-Pull TM Secure Shoulder Solution at or call 800-467-4944 for more information or to speak with a representative. US Patent No. 7,569,024
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