APRIL 2015
–PAGE 14
DUNCAN Residential or commercial heating or cooling Exchangenergy Inc. in Duncan does it all.
Hardware Software
Vancouver Island
Overseas visitors resulting in more ‘heads in beds’ PAGE 12
NANAIMO Greenrock Liquor Store location beside Country Grocer on Bowen Road is prime
INDEX New Update Cowichan Valley Inventing Sales Nanaimo Comox Valley Parksville Tofino Campbell River Who is Suing Whom Movers and Shakers Opinion Law
2 4 8 9 10 30 32 32 33 34 35 38 39
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National Tourism Increase has Regional Impact
ANAIMO - Vancouver Island hospitality proper t ies a re b enef it i ng from a substantial increase in international tourism. The federal government recently announced that overn ig ht a rriva ls to Ca nada by non-residents reached 17.1 million in 2014. This is a 3% year over year increase, meaning that more 537,600 additional people visited Canada last year. T he increase was more than double the rate of growth in 2013. “We h ave seen good nu mbers through 2014, with strong g row t h f rom t he US,” s ay s Tourism Nanaimo Executive Director Lesley Anderson. She adds “This is thanks to favourable tourism conditions caused by a strong US dollar, lower gas prices and pent up demand.” “There has also been an increase in British and German v isitors, who l i ke BC due to due to the outdoor recreation opportunities that are available. They travel from Europe
Lesley Anderson, Executive Director of Destination Management of Tourism Nanaimo
Paul Nursey, President & CEO of Tourism Victoria
to Calgary, and connect directly through to Nanaimo.” I n add ition to i ncreases i n American and European travelers, visits from China increased by 29%, visits from India increased by 19% and Mexico by 14%. “China is a huge growth area for Ca nada rig ht now, more
Chinese travelers coming in t h roug h t he l a rger a i r por ts like YVR, and we’re seeing a trickling down effect for Nanaimo and Vancouver Island from these large transportation hubs,” says Anderson. She also noted that Tourism Nanaimo and other representatives from the city went on a
regional promotion mission in China in September last year. A contributor to the increase in tourism numbers has been “an alignment of initiatives through regional, provincial and federal partners, like Tourism Vancouver Island, Destination British Columbia and the Canadian Tourism Commission,” says Anderson. An example would be a promotion effort in conjunction with Tourism VI, focused on promoting the region and ease of access through direct Seattle to Nanaimo flights. The flights are offered by Kenmore Air. Targeting Seattle residents is not a new strategy however, “we were the first ones to directly target Seattle four years ago and now that’s one of our top markets,” says Paul Nursey, President and CEO of Tourism Victoria. V ic tor i a h a s s e en a “m i rroring of the overall Canadian trend,” said Nursey. “We have SEE OVERSEAS VISITORS | PAGE 33
Top commercial buildings to be announced April 23 in Nanaimo 8th Annual gala celebration of the best of the best features 35 properties from across the island
A NA I MO – “A nd t he winner is. . .” T he bla n ks i n that statement will be filled in Thursday, April 23 at the Coast Bastion Hotel, as 35 of the top commercial and industrial buildings north of the Malahat will vie for top honours in the 8th Annual Vancouver Island Real Estate Board
Commercial Building Awards. The team of independent judges have completed their work, assessing each of the projects in 11 categories that were completed Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2014 “Each and every year, these awards include astounding examples of innovative thinking, great planning, amazing designs
and construction work that is the envy of anywhere in the province,” says Mark MacDonald, President of Business Examiner Vancouver Island, which coordinates the event. “The judges have had a very difficult time making decisions on the winners this year, since the competition is so keen.”
Re/MAX Commercial is the Platinum Sponsor for the event, with Colliers International and Coastal Community Credit Union signing on as Gold Sponsors. Category sponsors include the Business Development Bank of Canada, Canadian Western Bank, SEE TOP COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS | PAGE 23
2 NANAIMO Parkbridge Acquires Crest Estates
NANAIMO E&N Rail Trail Ongoing
Alberni Municipality Prepares to Pass Budget Property tax rates within the city of Port A lberni are proposed to increase by three percent, following the budgetary meeting on Monday, March 30. The decision will be finalized pending the passing of the financial plan and property tax bylaws at the end of this month. T he cit y b e ga n w it h a 2 .8 percent increase when budget discussions began in January, dipped the rate to 2.2 percent and are now hovering around 3.0 percent. This decision is due to a number of planned spending increases by the municipal government. At t he M a rch 30 meet i n g, the manager structure pay review was approved for a cost of $50,000, despite concerns raised since a review has been done four years ago. Digitizing the city’s GIS system was approved at a cost of $40,000, w h i l e a $ 3 0, 0 0 0 e x t e r n a l marketing contract with the Chamber of Commerce has been deferred until discussions with Alberni Valley Tourism can be held. Council stood against spending $250,000 on Canal Beach, citing it’s expensive price tag.
Parkbridge Lifestyle Communities Inc. announced the acqu i sit ion of t hei r newest properties in Nanaimo, which a re k now n as Crest Estates. Parkbridge is a leading owner, operator and developer of residential and recreational land lease communities. Both 55+ Communities, Crest Estates I a nd II offer people transitioning into retirement, or those a l ready reti red the opp or t u n ity to b e pa r t of a community offering social activities, affordable housing and a variety of managed services and amenities. The combined 180 home com mu n it ie s a re nearing regional retail, health and transportation services in Nanaimo. With the addition of Crest Estates I and II, Parkbridge now owns a total of seven properties with 727 operational sites on Vancouver Island including five residential communities and two RV resorts. Under Parkbridge’s model, homeowners own their home, but lease the la nd that it resides on. T h is model often allows for a more f le x i ble a nd a f ford a bl e a lternative to traditional home ownership.
Stakeholders are working to complete the section of the E&N Rail Trail that passes through Nanaimo. In March 2014, council supported the development o f t h e E & N T ra i l f ro m t h e downtown train station to Seventh Street by 2019. The city is currently in the process of undertaking preliminary design for cost estimates and routing work. Andre Sullivan, rail trail partnership chairman, estimated it would take about $2 million to complete the section of track. Thus far, the City of Nanaimo h a s a g re e d to m a t c h u p to $100,000 of money raised by the Nanaimo Region Rail Trail Partnership, an aggregate of community groups dedicated to moving the trail forward, and commit $50,000 for the design work. The partnership has contributed $25,000, while the Regional District of Nanaimo pledged $300,000. Since the project is not quite h a l f way t h ro u g h so u rc i n g funding, they will likely resort to seek i ng out g ra nts either provincial or federal. The City’s general manager of community services Tom Hickey is aimed to make a presentation to the city council in early May.
APRIL 2015
PORT ALBERNI Port Alberni Port Authority Appointment T he appoi ntment of Ms. Rhonda Marie Johnson to the board of directors of the Port A lbern i Por t Authority wa s announced for a term of three years by Honourable Lisa R aitt, Minister of Transport. Ms. Joh nson has l ived a nd worked in Port Alberni since 2001: first as General Manager of Batsta r Adventu re Tou rs from 2001 to 2010, and then as a lawyer since 2010. She also taught Micro and Macro Econom ics at North Island College’s Port A lberni Campus, from 2009 to 2012. She is also involved in the following: Teaching Employment Law at Pacific Coast University/ the National Institute for Disability Management and Research; Serving as President of t he Na na imo Cou nty Ba r Association; Sitting on two Canadian Bar Association BC com m ittees: Legal Aid and Court Services; Sitting as a board member of North Island College; and Acting as Vice-president of the Alberni Valley Hospice Society’s Board of Directors. Ms. Joh nson holds a Bachelor of Laws (LLB), a Bachelor
of Arts (Honours) in English, and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Alberta. She was a member of the Law Society of Alberta from 1991 to 2001, and has been an active member of the Law Society of British Columbia since 2010. “I am very pleased that Ms. Johnson will bring her vast experience in law, business and governance to the board of the Port Alberni Port Authority,” says Lisa Raitt.
CAMPBELL RIVER Campbell River Smile music video – get your grin from the City website Campbell River Smile, a music video featuring quality of life in Campbell River, is now live on the City’s website. The video mimics scenes and dancing from Gangnam Style, the most-viewed music video on YouTube. “We greatly appreciate that local musician and Spirit Square events coordinator Jim Creighton donated his time for the voice-over, and two City employees volunteered to lipsync and dance through a daylong video shoot at several local parks and recreation hot spots
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APRIL 2015
late last summer,” says Ross Milnthorp, general manager of parks, recreation and culture. “While we were shooting this, a number of residents and visitors caught the fun spirit and volunteered to appear in the video as well, helping us showcase the many great locations and activities that Campbell River has to offer.” View Campbell R iver Smile at this link: http://goo.gl/m61Irm or click on the Parks and Recreation video tour in the Image Gallery at www.campbellriver.ca. Ca mpbel l R iver Sm i le is t he f i f t h (and last) in a series of minute-long online promotional videos shot and ed ited t h a n k s to a prog ra m prev iously offered through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and CGI Communications. The promotional videos were produced at no charge to the City in partnership with Rivercorp, Tourism Campbell River & Region, North Island College, School Districts 72 & 93 and Volunteer Campbell River. Along with a “welcome” video, the series promotes local economic development, education and tourism. An additional, generic video provided to all municipalities participating in the program promotes community involvement. Other BC communities that previously participated in the program include Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Langley, Victoria, White Rock, Parksville, New Westminster and Williams Lake.
NANAIMO Appointment to the Nanaimo Port Authority, Three-year mandate for Ms. Audrey C. Cope The Honourable Lisa Raitt, Minister of Transport, announced the appointment of Ms. Audrey C. Cope of Qua l icu m Beach, to the board of directors of the Nanaimo Port Authority for a term of three years. Ms. Cope has more than 27 years of experience with a small boat building and design business. She also has almost 30 years in travel consulting and management for organizations such as Atlantic Fellowship Foundation, Qualicum Beach Cruise and Travel, Orca Travel and Marlin Travel. Ms. Cope holds a B.S. in Languages and Linguistics from Georgetown University in Washington, DC. The Nanaimo Port Authority has the
mandate to administer, control, and manage the harbour, waters and foreshore of the Georgia Strait in an area adjacent to Nanaimo.
BC New and Improved Tax Relief Important facts for Canadians of new or i mproves ta x rel ief measu re a nd online services available for the 2014 tax-filing season: Children’s fitness amount - The maximum amount of eligible fees for each child has increased to $1,000. Search and rescue volunteer amount - As a search and rescue volu nteer, you may be able to claim an amount of $3,000. Family Tax Cut - A proposed non-refundable tax credit of up to $2,000 is available to eligible couples with children under the age of 18, and is effective starting with the 2014 tax year. Universal Child Care Benefit (UCCB) - This benefit is being increased for children under age six. Effective January 1, 2015, parents will be eligible for a benefit of $160 per month for each eligible child under the age of six—up from $100 per month. Under proposed changes to expand the UCCB, parents may also receive a benefit of $60 per month for eligible children ages six through 17. Payments of the additional amount and expanded amount will start in July of 2015. Emergency services volunteers - Rules for the $1,000 exemption for emergency services have changed. Adoption expenses - The maximum amount of eligible expenses for each child has been increased to $15,000. Medical expenses - Amounts paid as salary for designing of personalized therapy plans for persons eligible to claim the disability tax credit and costs for service animals used to help manage severe diabetes are now eligible as medical expenses. Investment tax credit - Eligibility for the mineral exploration tax credit has been extended to flow-through share agreements entered into before April 2015. GST/HST credit - You no longer have to apply for the goods and services tax/ harmonized sales tax (GST/HST) credit. When you file your return, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will determine your eligibility and will advise those who are eligible to receive the credit.
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APRIL 2015
WHAT IS THE VALUE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT? Our organization develops promotional brands, print and electronic marketing materials and identifies markets to target.
t is a question we are often asked a nd one t hat has a complex set of answers. In genera l, most com mu n it ies engage in economic development and their activities are based on thei r cu rrent economic conditions, priorities set by local government, input from appointed Boards, Commissions or other stakeholders and the region’s competitive advantages. To determine the economic development priorities for the Cowichan Region, Economic Development Cowichan (EDC) works with local government and the Economic Development Commission, guided by a Sustainable Economic Development Strategy.
Economic development encompasses th ree genera l themes; attraction of new businesses and investment, retention and expansion of existing businesses and sector development. T he Susta inable Economic Development Strategy identifies opportunities and strategies for EDC to pursue. New investment brings outside dollars to the region and creates jobs. Our organization develops promotional brands, print and electronic marketing materials and identifies markets to target. EDC compiles statistical data and business intelligence on the region and provides this information to investors and potential residents. Most economic development organizations have investment attraction activities, and as a consequence, our existing companies may be attracted away from our region by offers of incentives, a better labour pool or other considerations. Businesses want to be appreciated and have opportunities to grow and in this world of global competitiveness, programs to ensure our companies are growing and thriving becomes key to the economic success of a region. We know that 80 percent of new jobs come from existing businesses. They provide much
needed employment, generate wealth, have closer connections to the community and in many cases, their existence provides an incentive for other businesses and individuals to relocate to the region. We would not have a vibrant economy without them. Fundamental to our mandate is the offer of assistance to any business that is looking to solve a problem, expand their business or any other support that we can provide. EDC attends a number of trade shows throughout the year to promote the region. We invite local businesses to attend the shows w it h us to help t hem ex pa nd t hei r pro ducts i nto new markets. We also facilitate meetings between local businesses and potential distributors a nd i nvestors a nd work with existing businesses to connect them to provincial and federal programs and ministry staff. A g r i c u lt u re, to u r i s m a n d value-added manufacturing have been identified as important sectors within our economy and we focus efforts on ensuring those sectors are strong and have the capacity to grow. Specific sector development initiatives have been developed with the CVRD Area Agricult u re Pl a n a n d t h e To u r i s m
Marketing Strategy. The value of an economic development organization can be hard to measure. We are often asked how many jobs we have created. Economic development do e s not cre ate jobsbusinesses create jobs. It is in everyone’s interest to support businesses and business development so that we have a healthy economy. Kathy Lachman is the acting Economic Development Manager for Economic Development Cowichan, a division of the Cowichan Valley Regional District. She can be reached at 250-746-7880 ext 248.
APRIL 2015
id you own foreign i nvestments w ith a total cost exceeding $100,000 at any point in 2014? If so, you may need to complete the newly revised Form T1135 “Foreign Income Verification Statement” when you file your tax return this year. Here’s what you need to know to stay onside with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and avoid costly penalties: W hat is “Foreig n Property”? The reporting requirements for the T1135 is based on “specified foreign property”, which includes foreign bank accounts, tangible property outside of Canada, and investments in non-resident corporations. Notably, it also includes foreign investment portfolios that are held through a Canadian broker. It does not include property used in an active business, personal-use property, or foreign investments held in registered accounts such as an RRSP or TFSA. Who needs to declare and what is required? Canadian residents (including individuals, corporations and certain trusts and
Alanna McLennan, CPA, CA of MNP partnerships) who owned specified foreign property with a total cost base exceeding $100,000 at any time during 2014 need to file a Form T1135 with their tax return. The information required varies depending on the type of property. Generally, you need to provide a description of the property, the country where the investment is held, gross income or loss incurred during the year from the property, any gain or loss on disposition, and the cost/fair market value of the property (depending on the type of property owned). When do I have to submit
the T1135, and what happens if I don’t? Form T1135 is due at the same time as your income tax return, so April 30 for most taxpayers. You don’t want to miss this deadline, as there is a substantial penalty for failure to file - up to a $2,500 for each instance. If you have not filed the form in prior years but think you have met the requirements to do so, you may be able to file the form(s) under the Voluntary Disclosures Program and have the penalties and interest waived. To read the full version of this article and other useful tax articles and insights from MNP’s Vancouver Island Tax Team, go to www.MNP.ca/ islandtax Alanna McLennan, CA, CPA is a Taxation Specialist with MNP LLP | Accounting > Consulting > Tax. Contact Alanna at 250.734.4346 or alanna.mclennan@mnp. ca to learn how tax laws surrounding foreign-sourced income apply to you. Please consult a tax professional for advice on how the above information should be applied.
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APRIL 2015
I D N E Y - T h e w o r l d ’s cleanest gasoline could be produced in British Columbia in a matter of years. Sidney-based Blue Fuel Energy’s (BFE) experienced team plans to use a process combining established and proven technology that converts natural gas into gasol i ne. T he pla n to leverage this ‘low carbon intensity gasoline’ in BC was birthed in 2008 by Juergen Puetter, a serial entrepreneur with a history of converting scientific innovation into profitable businesses. “The economics of the project are very compelling, this project is ideal for BC, and takes advantage of the low cost of clean electricity and the significant access to natural gas the province has,” says Puetter. “I believe we have the social licensing aspect of the project in spades”, he added, referring to the recent overwhelmingly positive reception the project has received from District of Chetwynd residents a nd the surrounding community. He contrasted Blue Fuel’s positive experience with the current challenges being faced by natural resource projects such a s t he T ra ns Mou nta i n a nd Northern Gateway pipelines. “We have been working on obtaining this ‘license’ from the area for 8 years” he added, with the compa ny hav i ng ga i ned public support from both the District and nearby City of Dawson Creek, and a memorandum of understanding with the West Moberly First Nations. “Blue Fuel Energy will be an excellent corporate citizen and this project will be a huge asset to Chetwynd and Dawson Creek. We welcome the opportunity to work together to facilitate sustainable development,” said Mayor Merlin Nichols, District of Chetwynd. The project consists of two separate plants on one 1,055acre site. T he natural gas to ga sol i ne pl a nt, c a l led Sundance Fuels, is cu r rent ly i n t he p er m it t i n g s t a ge, w it h
Juergen Puetter, Chairman and CEO of Blue Fuel Energy construction expected to begin in 2016, depending on funding availability. BFE is seeking $50 million to advance to the next phase, and would like to maintain control of the project following the investment, as well as to keep the primary i nve s t ment Ca n ad a-ba se d . Constr uction completion is expected in 2019. The natural gas to methanol plant, built by the Canadian Methanol Corporation, is expected to start construction about a year and a half after completion of the Sundance project, sometime between 2017-2018 with completion coming in 2020-2021. Puetter has had several previous successes in business, including Bionaire Inc., Hyd rox yl Sys te m s a n d A e ol i s Wind. Aeolis will play a role in supporting the BFE project, to further reduce the carbon intensity of the output products. Power from wind farms, and other renewable electricity from BC Hydro, will be used to power electrolyzers to produce hydrogen and to operate the plant. The hydrogen will be combined with carbon dioxide and natural gas to produce syngas, which is then converted to produce methanol. The methanol will then be dehydrated to create dimethyl ether (DME). Finally, the DME will be dehydrated to produce gasoline.
Blue Fuel President Michael Macdonald in front of a methanol plant he developed for Methanex, it is similar to what the Chetwynd project will look like Bridging the gap between renewable energy and fossil fuels is important to the BFE team. W hen completed the project w i l l produce the “least ca rbon intensive gasoline in the world”. The focus on reducing the carbon footprint doesn’t end with the gasoline conversion, as the project also plans on harnessing waste heat from the plants for use in organic greenhouses and fish ponds. The project will also provide an alternative for BC’s abundance of natural gas reserves. At the moment, the allure of liquefied natural gas exports has companies investing in pipelines and refinement factories, which has created significant controversy th roughout the p r o v i n c e . H o w e v e r, B F E ’s project would not require new transportation infrastructure,
as the proposed site would have rail access to transport their product from the facility. Currently in British Columbia, fuel producers are subject to certa in ca rbon fuel reg ulations, this becomes a comp et it ive a dva nt a ge for BF E says Puetter. The company’s Blue Fuel Gasoline will exceed regulation requirements, while competi ng products have to be modified in order to meet them. The renewable elements of BFE’s products also don’t d raw off of food sou rces, as c ompa re d to e x i s t i n g f u el s that are required to incorporate ethanol into their blends to meet regulations. California and Oregon have similar standards in place, and Washington is planning on followi n g s u it i n t he ne a r f ut u re, meaning that BFE’s market is
not limited to just BC. At full production, the facility is expected to produce around 1 billion liters of gasoline per year, which is approximately 20% of the gasoline consumed in BC, but only around 1% of what’s consu med i n the west coast jurisdictions with carbon fuel regulations. BFE will use 130 m illion cubit feet of natu ral gas per day, and 150 megawatts of electrical energy as inputs to generate the 1 billion liters. O f t hose 150 megawatts, 50 will be used for the electrolysis process, and 100 will be used to run the plant. BFE recently added Michael Macdonald to t hei r tea m a s president, he comes with significant executive experience from industry giant Methanex. For more information please visit www.bluefuelenergy.com
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APRIL 2015
Strong Sales Kick Off the Spring Housing Market
trong consumer confidence among Canadians continues to bode well for the housing market in the VIREB coverage area, with 420 single-family homes selling last month compared to 282 in February 2015 and yearover-year sales up 19 per cent. “It’s been some time since we’ve seen these sort of numbers so early in the year in British Columbia,” said Cameron Muir, BCREA’S chief economist. “Sales levels are healthy, and we’re expecting an excellent year overall for real estate.” Muir stated that although lower oil prices are causing a downward sales trend in other parts of Canada, paying less at the pump has a net positive effect on the housing market in BC The U.S. economy remains stable, albeit growth south of the border has slowed somewhat. Furthermore, the weaker Canadian dollar is also good news for Vancouver Island tourism as we head into the summer months. In addition to a positive increase in the number of single-family homes sold, other markets in the VIREB area
continue to do well. Sales of apartment condominiums rose by 49 per cent over last year, with units sold up from 43 to 64. In March 2015, 34 patio homes sold compared to 28 in March of last a year, a 21 per cent increase. The number of townhouse units sold increased by 20 per cent, with 49 homes selling last month in comparison to 41 in March 2014. Year-over-year sales of acreages and waterfront properties also rose, with 50 acreages selling in March 2015 compared to 30 last year and sales of waterfront properties up from 10 to 18. Active listings in the VIREB area are down approximately eight per cent, yet buyers in some markets are finding their choices are somewhat limited. “Our inventory levels are lower than last year, but they haven’t dropped enough to cause the dramatic price increases we’re seeing on the Lower Mainland,” said VIREB President Jason Finlayson. “However, we’re pleased and encouraged by the statistics. Our housing market remains healthy and balanced, which is excellent news for home
buyers and sellers.” In March 2015, the benchmark price for a single-family home in the VIREB coverage area was $326,800, up approximately three per cent over 2014. Benchmark pricing tracks the value of a typical home in the reported area. The average price of a single-family home was $351,361 compared to $346,606 in March 2014, an increase of one per cent. The benchmark price of a single-family home in the Campbell River area was $274,500, up just under five per cent from March 2014. In the Comox Valley, the benchmark price was $323,800, down slightly from last year. Duncan reports a benchmark price of $287,000, up just over one per cent compared to 2014. Nanaimo’s benchmark price was $346,200, up 4.81 per cent compared to last year. The Parksville-Qualicum area posted a benchmark price of $356,300, which is a 3.87 per cent increase over last year. The price for a benchmark home in Port Alberni was $187,500, down a little over one per cent from March 2014.
Ladysmith Heritage Building Undergoes Facelift
A DYSMIT H - Major scaffolding now enc a s e s t h e f ront of a well-known heritage building on Ladysmith’s historic 1st Avenue as the home of one of Ladysmith’s newest restaurants, Stelur Eatery, undergoes a brick façade facelift. T he work is desig ned to restore the face of the building to a closer proximity of the original structure and involves significant scaffolding and bracing to ensure the work progresses smoothly and efficiently. But that has not stopped Stelur Eatery – a new and popular Ladysmith restaurant open for just two months – from carrying on with the business of serving up tasty meals in a 50’s-style diner setting. “We have only been open since mid-January, but we’re fortunate to already have lots of regulars,” says co-owner/ chef, Steve White. “Hopefully, the work outside will not prevent folks from coming in to dine with us. There have been rumours around town that bricks were falling. I’m happy to say quite emphatically, that is completely untrue!” Residential tenant, Linda Delcourt, who resides in one of the top floor apartments
agreed. “This building is completely safe,” she stated firmly. “I have kids coming and going all day long. There are absolutely no safety concerns!” The building is also home to the Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce and Visitor’s Centre on the Roberts Street side as well as two new businesses which are opening soon on the main f loor: Arts & Minds School, an art school owned by one of Stelur Eatery’s co-owners, Lurene Haines, and Active Solutions Health & Sport, a practice with a team app ro a c h to c o m m u n i t y healthcare which includes chiropractic, physiotherapy, massage therapy and naturopathic medicine. It will be opening on the site of a former coffee shop, The Printingdun Beanery. Both the school and the healthcare practice are in the midst of renovations with plans to open as early as May. “We’re excited about strong, viable businesses making this corner a vital part of the business community again.” says Mark Drysdale, manager of the Ladysmith Chamb e r o f C o m m e rc e a n d Visitor’s Centre. “It’s been a while and it’s great to be
part of that. It’s great for Ladysmith.” When asked about the bu i ld i ng work, A r ts & M i n d s o w n e r, L u re n e Haines, added “There’s a lot of renovation work going on, both inside and out, but the building will look fantastic when they are done and I’m excited about the facelift in time for my school to open! On top of that our restaurant, Stelur Eatery, is about to launch a fantastic milkshake contest that is also a fundraiser for the community, so I can’t image a bit of scaffolding would stand in the way of our restaurant patrons!” Work on the building is estimated to take about six weeks, but workers have suggested it may be completed in less time if all goes well. “We are looking forward to o u r n e w, i m p ro v e d façade,” said White, from Stelur Eatery. “Our revitalized building will be ready in plenty of time for the start of the summer season and great town events like the Ladysmith Maritime Festival and Ladysmith Show ‘n Shine. And, of course, Stelur Eatery will be here to keep the crowds well fed!”
APRIL 2015
Benefits Made Easy
DO I FILE IN CANADA OR AMERICA FIRST? Until the change in the US system from first to invent to first to file, we did not promote filing first in Canada if there was to be a US filing.
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any inventors need to secure an early filing date and turn to the US provisional patent application as the way to do so. The reasoning is that they can file early, it is inexpensive and they can add new matter or amend the matter in the existing provisional to be filed as a non-provisional patent application. There is also a mechanism to obtain the same net end in Canada. Until the change in the US system from first to invent to first to file, we did not promote filing first in Canada if there was to be a US filing. This is because in disputes over who was the first to invent, the applicant who filed first in the US was often favoured.
Frank Allen
Now there is no reason to file a US application first. If we keep in mind that any application that is filed should be as complete as possible, then there is little d i fference between the content of a US provisional patent application and a Canadian patent application. Failing that, in Canada, all that is required is an indication that a patent is being sought, a description of what appears to be an invention, an inventor’s name and address and the filing fee. In the US, the minimum requirements are a description of the invention and any drawings needed to understand the invention. However, if you want the patent office to know how to correspond with you, you will have to identify yourself and provide an address! And if you don’t pay the filing fee, there will be a surcharge assessed. After filing the Canadian application, the inventor can decide whether file a second
application claiming priority to it or to continue to prosecute it. If they continue to prosecute it, the patent term will be 20 years from the first filing date. If they use it as a priority document, the patent term will be 20 years from the second filing date (no later than one year after the first filing date). The US provisional patent application will die on the first anniversary of its filing date. If it is used as a priority document, the second application will have a patent term of 20 years from the second filing date. With the US exchange rate as it currently is, a Canadian filing may be a better way to go. Anne Flanagan is the principal at Alliance Patents. She works with a cadre of highly skilled professionals and can help you build the team you need to succeed. She can be reached at anne.flanagan@ alliancepatents.com
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Under Contract News Stand Departure Bay Ferry Terminal, steady year round traffic. Nanaimo l $295,000
Greenhouse Operation Successful seasonal wholesale operation, established in 2005. Lantzville l $295,000
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APRIL 2015
Most sales and sales management training is technique driven.
n his book, The Power of Intention, Dr. Wayne Dyer talks about people who have a never-give-up attitude; who have an internal picture that propels them toward fulfilling their dreams. He goes on to note that intention is something greater than a determined ego or individual will. He suggests the power of intention must also be accompanied by inspiration. All inspiration comes from a field of energy that flows within us and around us. At Sandler we call this Attitude and it’s one of the three points in the Sandler Success T ria ng le. It may be the most important aspect of all success. Most sales and sales management training is
technique driven. Without question technique is i mporta nt, but w ithout attitude training as well it may serve only to educate the person. But will they turn their knowledge into behavior and do it? At Sandler when we interview people for sales positions, we often find people who can sell but we want to know if they will sell. They have the intention to sell but they may not be inspired to sell. Developing our attitudes is as important as developing
our selling skills. Have you ever met someone who had a fear of cold calling and prospecti ng, ask i ng for the money, asking for referrals, or asking the tough qualifying questions? These may be technique issues but they are definitely attitude issues that manifest themselves as fear of failure, lack of confidence and call reluctance. The result is procrastination, longer selling cycles and being busy rather than being productive. Sales is a high-rejection business. It takes a strong g ut system f uel led by a positive attitude to actually do what you intend to do. It’s not unusual to h ave t he se fe el i n g s, i n fact it’s tota l ly nor m a l to find yourself in a rut. The difference is successful people know how to pull themselves out of the rut quickly. John Glennon is the owner of Insight Sales Consulting Inc, the authorized Sandler Training Licensee for the Interior of British Columbia. He can be reached at jglennon@ sandler.com, toll free at 1-866-645-2047 or visit www. glennon.sandler.com
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APRIL 2015
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e’re proud to point out that one of our core services at the Greater Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce is “community and government advocacy”. But what are we advocating for, who are we advocating to, and what are the outcomes and benefits for businesses and the community? Sometimes it can be as simple as solving a licensing or permit problem by working with an individual member on a specific issue. More often than not, it is at a higher strategic level, more proactive and less visible. There is significant community value in what your Chamber does at each level of government, and the voice it expresses for the community. In the past year we have helped
for the community. host several senior federal government cabinet ministers visiting our community. Our communications goal is to create awareness around infrastructure needs for our community and impress upon them the essential importance of Nanaimo to the mid and north Vancouver Island communities. Between the Airport, Port Authority and VIU we have identified the need for over $150 million of funding to help grow our economy in the next two decades. If we didn’t bring these Ministers to town, they’d never understand the importance of the mid-Island’s projects or have enough familiarity with our community to being to motivate their future support. Our latest Ministerial visits included Ministers of State Michelle Rempel and John Duncan as keynote speakers at the Nanaimo Chamber luncheon on April 8, 2015.
We’ve also hosted numerous senior provincial cabinet ministers to seek their support for projects and give Nanaimo’s business community a bit of an advantage in Victoria. In the past few weeks we’ve hosted the Minister of Transportation, Minister of Advanced Education and Minister of Social Development and Social Innovation to Chamber events and closed-door meetings with civic and community leaders. Meanwhile at City Hall, we are promoting conversation around a freeze on commercial tax increases, have started high level work on our ‘Green Tape’ Policy Review Committee with its goal of cutting bureaucratic barriers (and needless expense) for business, and finally talking on the issue of Food Trucks in our community. Our members support this work through their annual membership dues. Stay tuned and see what else the Chamber is doing with government to make it easier for the business community to prosper and build a better community through better business. Kim Smythe is CEO of the Greater Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce. Reach him at 250-756-1191 ext. 1 or ceo@nanaimochamber.bc.ca
20 under 40 Event a Success
he winners of 2015 Vancouver Island 20 Under 40 Awards were recently announced: Alison Belbin (Franchise Owner - 1-800-Got-Junk?), Matt Peulen (Vice President - Metropolitan Capital), James Coleman (Associate Lawyer - Coleman Fraser Whittome Lehan), Chris Cathers (Owner –Evolution Business Media Group and Van Ventures), Drew Bradley (General Manager – Jim’s Clothes Closet), Rahim Khudabux (Owner, General Manager - Max Furniture), Stew Young Jr. (Manager - Alpine Group), Jenn Houtby-Ferguson (Chief Strategist with Twist Consulting), Derek
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Lamb (Partner – Chan Nowosad Boates Chartered Accountants – Campbell River), James Edwards (Executive Director - Huu-ay-aht First Nations). Rebecca Baich (Owner – Original Joe’s Nanaimo and Duncan), Jason Cole (Director of Programs – Power To Be Adventure Therapy), John Cooper (Principal – Cooper, McLintock & Assoc. – RE/MAX of Nanaimo), Angela Zumbo (Owner, Accredited Mortgage Professional – The Mortgage Centre – Your Island Mortgage Team), Binda Thind (General Manager – Futu re Shop Na n a i mo), K a m a Money (Teacher – Vast, SD70,
MosaiCON Gaming Conventiion Vendor Opportunities
Social Media Marketer, Great Central Social Media Co.), Kristin Pronick (President - Axis Heating + Cooling Ltd.), Christina Kashmis Dhesi (Associate, Valuation and Advisory Services – Director, Community Investment – Colliers International), Morgan Carey (Owner – Real Estate Webmasters), Ben Mazzei (President - Mazzei Electric). The judges for the Awards this year included: Roger McKinnon (Chairman), Michael O’Connor, Keith Dagg, Shelly Jensen, Edd Moyes, Bruce Carter, Lynne Henderson, Hon. IDA Chong, Al Hasham, Murray Presley, Dale Pateman, Richard Deluca, Judy Gray, Wayne Coulson, Adrian Legin, Troy-Anne Constable, Ed Mayne, Paris Gaudet, Rod Dewar, Ken McRae, Peter Baljet and Greg Adams. The award competition judges represented five different regions on Vancouver Island (North Island, West Island, Cowichan, Nanaimo and Victoria). T he nominees for the award had their names submitted based on their business skills, but also in large part because of their individual contribution to the communities in which they live. Congratulations to all of the award winners, and to the 120 additional nominees who were recognized for their outstanding contributions to the different regions they represented.
APRIL 2015
VIU MBA students shine The VIU team placed in the top 10 in annual MBA games BY GOODY NIOSI
A NA I MO - A tea m of 30 Master of Business Administration (MBA) students from Vancouver Island University (VIU) in Nanaimo did the institution and the community proud this past summer. For the first time VIU sent a full team to the annual MBA games, held this year in Hamilton Ontario. There they competed with 780 students from across Canada in a number of disciplines including their school, sport and spirit skills. They were also judged on their ability to create a community of partners, inspire change and work together to leave a positive impact on individuals, businesses and communities across Canada. The sporting events included dodgeball, volleyball, basketball and water polo. The spirit section included engaging the community and raising funds for this year’s charity, Ronald McDonald House. They also competed in building a cardboard castle for children. The third part was a rigorous case study competition where they were given three hours to analyze an original case study and vie with the other schools
to analyze, solve the case and present a solution. At the end, the VIU team was rated in the top 10. MBA instructor Paul Kurucz said the experience was eye-opening for the students. “They got so excited about the potential they have for the future and they also saw the benchmarks that they need to work towards. They were pleased to see what the best of the best look like and now they have something to work towards.” The strategy presentation took place in Hamilton City Hall to the councilors, business people and economic development professionals. Despite the pressure, they did extremely well. “It made them aware of the impact and scope of what they have to do in order to be very successful,” Kurucz said. “I’m incredibly proud and humbled by their effort, dedication, commitment and by their success. VIU began offering its MBA program in 2001 as an MBA / MSclB, a dual degree program in partnership with the University of Hertfordshire, England. It is an intensive 14-month fulltime program that includes a four month internship and an Applied Business Project. Kurucz noted that the program is now full each year, which means that students have to be highly qualified to enter it, which
“It made them aware of the impact and scope of what they have to do in order to be very successful. I’m incredibly proud and humbled by their effort, dedication, commitment and by their success.”
VIU sent a full team to the MBA games this year
also means that the business community in the mid-island area has the opportunity to work with highly qualified interns. Most students are international, coming from China, Nigeria, I nd ia, Saud i A rabia, Russia and other countries around the world. Local students also attend. They come from fields such as finance, marketing and human resources. When the students graduate they are able to handle business projects, professional tasks and managerial roles.
“They set a professional benchmark that shows that they’ve got the academic rigor, the discipline, the critical thinking skills and the acumen move a business forward in its strategy and development,” Kurucz said. MBA program director Brock Dykeman said that the partnership with the business community is invaluable in the success of the program. “Internships are a big part of it but we’ve also developed relationships with employers here in Nanaimo and employers elsewhere. There have been some companies and non-profits that have hosted a lot of interns and they give the interns a good experience. Some of them are good
at giving them projects they can sink their teeth into and demonstrate some of what they have learned.” Kurucz noted that the business community also assisted with sending the team, headed by team captain Omar Karim, to the MBA games. “These students are incredibly eager to contribute to the Nanaimo business community in the form of internships,” Kurucz said. “They are anxious to help a company grow and we want to tie them in to the business community. At a very modest cost, businesses can access a student to work on something that will really give it a boost.” www.viu.ca/mba
APRIL 2015
HEATING, COOLING AND VENTILATION DONE RIGHT “Many of the most Exchangenergy has a stellar reputation in the Cowichan Valley
U N C A N - N o m a t te r what k i nd of heati ng, cool i ng or venti lation system – residential or commercial – Exchangenergy Inc. in Duncan does it all. The highly regarded company installs high quality heating systems, and has its own sheet metal shop, enabling it to cater to the most i nt r ic ate c h a l l e n ge s i n t h e trade. “We put all our energy into e f f i c i e n c y!” s a i d c o m p a n y president Will Atkins. “A lthough radiant f loor heating and geothermal are becoming ever more popular, the most common heating systems we install are ducted heat pump systems. It’s the best way to heat your home in this temperate West Coast climate.” Exchangenergy is well known in the construction industry in the Cowichan Valley, and the company’s reputation is keeping it busier than ever. “We ser ve a la rge sha re of custom homes in the Valley,” Atkins said. “Many of the most reputable custom home contractors conti nue to rely on us for thei r cl ient’s com fort levels.” The houses Exchangenergy has been involved with have won multiple awards for homebuilding from the Canadian Home Builder Association, including Georgie and CARE Awards. Asked why his company is so popular and in such high demand, Atkins said, “We deliver top quality systems, from design to install, to commissioning, all the way to handing over the finished product to our clients. It’s the full package. Our systems are well thought out and consistent. But overall, the value of each system we produce is what keeps
reputable custom home contractors continue to rely on us for their client’s comfort levels.” WILL ATKINS PRESIDENT, EXHANGENERGY INC.
Will Atkins (with his family) says the company makes sure that every job is done right
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APRIL 2015
A beautiful copper gutter system installed on a Salt Spring Island home
Exchangenergy carries top brands including Carrier us performing at the level we do. Dollar for dollar, it just has to make sense.” He added that Exchangenergy is also known for working on deadlines, even when they are challenging. “We have a good sized, well trained and dedicated crew, and because of that, we can make sure that we meet these deadlines on budget.” Today, people’s needs vary from house to house. Some might be concerned with allergies, others air conditioning, filtration, or specific heating requirements. Listening and u ndersta nd i ng t he ow ner’s needs is pa ra mou nt, Atk i ns said. The company takes the time needed to ensure that all the rooms are evenly heated and cooled, and that the right air filtration for each person has been met. Exchangenergy designs and i n s t a l l s H VAC s y s te m s fo r c o m m e rc i a l b u i l d i n g s to o. Projects in the last year have i ncluded private schools, farmers markets, chiropractic, doctors and dentist offices, nurseries, breweries, computer labs, multi-story professional buildings and food manufacturing plants, each with their specific needs. At k i ns bega n work i ng i n the H VAC industry in 2003. I n 2007, he boug ht i nto t he new Exchangenergy company fou nded by two former colleagues. A few years later he became sole owner. In the beginning, Exchangenergy focused on geothermal energy. Over time, the company evolved to meet the demand for alternate heating and cooling
systems. The demand for air source heat pumps grew in particular. Exchangenergy installs the h ig h ly-rega rded bra nds Daikin, Carrier and Rheem. Atkins noted that he and his technicians are rigorously trained on all the brands they carry. From its roots in geothermal, Exchangenergy has always been adamant that its systems are of the highest efficiency, from the greenest facilities, and that its business structure represents a clean and sustainable company. The Exchangenergy team consists of journeymen refrigeration and sheet metal mechanics, each with their appropriate apprentices. Atkins said that it’s important that everyone is up to date in schooling and training, as well as staying ahead of the curve in regards to new technology and code changes. “T he field is constantly changing. We are always taking
courses, continuing education, updating certificates, and applying the new information to the way we do business.” T he compa ny is tra i ned, qualified and proficient in the following systems: heat pumps, ductless split systems, in floor heating, geothermal, boilers, heat recovery ventilation (HRV) systems, gas furnaces and airwater heat pumps. The majority of systems insta l led i n wel l-const r ucted houses across the Cowichan Valley are ducted heat pump systems. Heat pump systems historically have been twice as efficient as electric baseboard heat, but with recent technolog ica l adva nces, they have become almost three times as efficient. This results in an even quicker payback period. New technology helping the heat pump industry, like inver ter d rive compressors, communicating thermostats and variable speed fans have increased the comfort levels and air quality in homes, while shaving utility costs down to the bare minimum.
Exhangenergy works on every kind of heating, cooling and ventilation system Atkins said that every product used is well built, while quality is top of mind in every job the company does. EnergyStar products and sustainable material is always first on his list. As Exchangenergy moves into the future it will continue to define its strengths.
“We a re a lways look i ng at keeping prices suppressed, while producing ever finer packages for our clients,” Atkins said. “We spend a lot of time making sure things are just right.” Exchangenergy Inc. is at 5150 Lee Road in Duncan. www.exchangenergy.ca
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APRIL 2015
AGRICULTURE & AQUACULTURE Land and sea produce a bounty for BC Production is up for agriculture and aquaculture BY GOODY NIOSI
“I think that people want
to see where their food
tatistics show that Vancouver Island has a three-day supply of food – and farmers are doing their best to change that. I n the forefront of the movement is the Southern Vancouver Island Direct Farm Market Association (SVIDFMA). Farmers like association president Dan Ponchet often farm year-round, sell their produce at farm markets or from the farm gate. Ponchet noted that more and more people are looking for farm fresh produce rather than processed foods found in grocery stores. “I think that people want to see where their food comes from,” he said. “And they want to know what’s in their food. They’re thrilled to get something that’s fresh and local. That kind of food means a lot more to people and I think that’s why we’re being supported by a lot of the local population.” He added that farm markets are not only busier than ever but they’re growing in number. Some farm markets, like his own farm, are also open all year. He said that local farms are good for the economy. They employ people, often year round, and local farmers also buy locally, everything from seeds to all their local household and farming needs. If there is any one thing standing in the way of even greater expansion of fruit and vegetable fa rms, it’s the cost of la nd. Ponchet noted that he only owns five acres of his 50-acre farm, leasing the remaining 45 acres. Although he makes a good living – and many farmers do – it can be hard for a young person to get a foot in the door. “I wish there was a way to make it easier for young people,” he said, adding that young people also have to know that during the growing season, they can’t expect any time off and they have to be prepared to work very hard. “I still really enjoy it,” he said. “Some people can do well if they want to but in those first years you have to be motivated – forget about everything else. You have to be dedicated, but it’s also satisfying and it can be rewarding
comes from. And they want to know what’s in their food. They’re thrilled to get something that’s fresh and local.” DAN PONCHET PRESIDENT, SOUTH VANCOUVER ISLAND DIRECT FARM MARKET ASSOCIATION
in many ways.” According to the BC Salmon Farmers Association, aquaculture, and specifically salmon farming, is the second highest valued agriculture product in British Columbia after dairy. Salmon is also BC’s number one agricultural export product. Lisa Stewart, communications officer at Creative Salmon Company Ltd. in Tofino said that while her company accounts for a very small piece of the salmon farming pie, the industry as a whole has changed and grown, with industry certifications becoming more important. Creative Salmon is celebrating its 25th anniversary – and it has always done things differently. It has always farmed indigenous Chinook salmon and put its focus on natural and sustainable farming methods. In May 2012 the Canadian General Standards Board published the Canadian Organic Aquaculture Standards. In Dec. 2013, Creative Salmon was certified organic. But that is not the on ly certi fication available.
Kevin Boon says there is much more capacity for beef ranching in BC
Lisa Stewart says the salmon farming industry is hoping for more growth
“Having a third party certification has become very much a part of the industry,” Stewart said. “The other salmon producers in British Columbia are Atlantic producers and they have all been pursuing certifications of their own – Best Aquaculture Practices, for one.” For Creative Salmon, growth will be moderate and controlled, she said. The larger producers are hopeful that they too will be
allowed to grow in the future. But even small growth will make a big difference. Stewart said. “They’re hopeful there will be some movement – and if there is, I think the projection for growth would be about two or three new farms per year, but even that can have a really significant job spinoff plus economic benefits.” She added that organic certification
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APRIL 2015
Salmon Farming is the second highest valued agricultural product in BC
is new. Creative Salmon is still the only certified organic salmon farm in the province. However, with the United States about to publish its organic aquaculture standards, the demand for organic salmon
is likely to grow – and that too, will bring change to the industry. The latest report from the International Salmon Farmers’ Association (IFSA) shows that salmon farmers are producing 14.8-billion meals each year and creating 121,000 jobs around the world. According to the report, the global salmon farming
industry produces $10 billion (USD) worth of salmon each year and stimulates economic growth in a wide variety of other sectors. Gail Shea, Canada’s Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, said the ISFA report marks a significant milestone in the development of the salmon farming industry. “This report confirms Canada’s aquaculture industry has come of age. It illustrates the critical importance of salmon farming globally and how Canada’s coastal
communities are uniquely positioned to benefit. Our government is proud of our commitment to grow the aquaculture industry sustainably and create much needed jobs in rural, coastal and Aboriginal communities.” said Shea. It’s not just the demand for salmon that is growing – there is also a growing demand for beef. BC may not be the largest cattle growing province in the country – in fact, it accounts only about five per cent of the the national herd – it is an industry that is on the move and one that plays a big role in the BC economy. Kevin Boon, general manger of the BC Cattlemen’s Association, said that most of the herd is located north of Kamloops and is divided between more than 11,000 producers. Due to BSE (mad cow disease) the herd diminished considerably starting in 2003 but has been growing again and thriving. An economic impact analysis done in 2010 estimated the direct and indirect economic impact of cattle ranching in BC at $660 million. However, Boon pointed out that in the last few years prices have almost doubled. “As an estimate – and this is nothing more than an estimate – I would say that we contribute more than a billion dollars into the economy,” he said. “And the other really important part is that we utilize a lot of crown land for our grazing purposes. Of the agricultural land available for production, we use about 85 per cent.” He added that that land is shared with forestry and mining companies as well as with guide outfitters. It is estimated that a growing world population means food producers will have to double their output by 2050. B o on s a id t h at B C c at t l e ra nc h e rs SEE LAND AND SEA | PAGE 17
High density planting means a bigger yield for tree fruit farmers in the Okanagan
A part of coastal communities Farmer Dan Ponchet says that people want to know where their food comes from
Funding to attend the 2014 China Fisheries & Seafood Expo led to a 10% sales boost for Pacific Rim Shellfish, while a trade mission to Vietnam is helping the Vancouver-based company create a new market for BC seafood.
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APRIL 2015
Creative Salmon is the first salmon farming company in BC to achieve organic certification
a re wel l positioned to ma ke a n enor mou s cont r i b ut ion. The land that is used for cattle ranching, particularly on the sides of mountains, can’t rea l ly be u sed for a ny t h i ng else. Boon also noted that the cattlemen are working with the forest industry to avoid clear
cutting. Selective logging is far more conducive to foraging for cattle. In 2005 the breeding cattle herd in BC numbered 320,000. Today that number is down to 200,000,meaning there is significant room for growth. Three other things point to a growing future for BC cattleman. “Our cold climate really helps in livestock production because it
kills a lot of the bacteria so we can raise very healthy cattle at a lower cost with less medications. We have the availability of water and that is probably our most valuable resource. And one thing that is important to British Columbians: ranching is the one stable in rural BC. It keeps our towns and small cities going. Mining and lumber will come and go. Ranching and food production has been there
for 150 years and will remain there and that’s what adds the stability to rural BC. Farther south in the province, rural BC is doing very well in the tree fruit business. The re-plant program was announced this past fall by the BC Fruit Growers Association and the provincial government. The program supplies $8.4 million over seven years to re-plant old orchards to
grow with us in the
Alberni Valley
For information about farm properties for sale and the work being done to promote our agricultural sector, please contact
Alex Dyer at 250.720.2708 or adyer@acrd.bc.ca
17 high density high value crops. In an area that might have yielded 35 bins an acre, 50 bins will now be harvested. Association president Fred Steele said that the tree fruit industry is worth $550 million to the economy in direct and indirect business – and that number is set to increase. Cherries are becoming a huge export to China and other countries in Asia. Steele noted that the association owns a company called Summerland Varieties that partners with government, private i ndustries a nd the resea rch stations to handle propagating and intellectual property rights around the world. “Most people don’t realize that 80 per cent of all the new commercial varieties of cherries being grown around the world come out of Summerland,” Steele said, adding that the association is not resting on its successes. It is now working on finding programs that will help farmers plant new trees on bare ground. He also pointed out that another reason Okanagan fruits are in such high demand is the low use of pesticides and its integrated pest management programs. “Optimism is infectious,” he said. “The industry has come together. We’re working together with the cherry growers and the co-op packing houses. We’re working for the good of the industry – there are a lot of things that we can do.”
SHRED WISELY ...protect your identity
Rosalind Scott, BBBVI President & CEO
Contrary to popular belief, the overwhelming majority of identity theft occurs when a thief has direct contact with the victim’s personal information. Although online hackers and phishing scams dominate media headlines, a report by Javelin Strategy and Research notes that more than 89 percent of all identity fraud happens through stolen bank statements; lost or stolen wallets, checkbooks or credit cards; or other off-line means. To protect yourself, your business and your customers from identity theft, BBB offers the following tips when it comes to shredding confidential documents.
1. Canceled cheques with no long-term significance for tax or other purposes can be destroyed after one year. However, canceled cheques that support tax returns, such as charitable contributions or tax payments, should be held for at least seven years. BBB advises that you indefinitely keep any canceled cheques and related receipts or documents for a home purchase or sale, renovations or other improvements to a owned property.
a special thanks to our
Community Partners
2. Credit card and bank account statements with no tax or other long-term significance can be discarded after a year; remaining statements should be kept for up to seven years. 3. Credit card contracts and loan agreements should be kept for as long as the account is active in case you have a dispute with the lender over the terms of the contract. 4. Always save credit, debit and ATM receipts until the transaction appears on your statement and you have verified that the information is accurate. 5. Investors should retain documentation of a purchase or sale of stocks, bonds and other investments or as long as you own the investment and then seven years beyond that time. Monthly retirement and monthly investment account statements can be shredded annually after being reconciled with the year-end statement. 6. Monthly bills should be shredded the year after being received unless you need them for tax purposes. This way, if it is a power bill, for example, you can compare this month's bill to last year's bill for any major changes before shredding it. 7. The following is a list of “other items” that typically contain confidential information and should be stored carefully or shredded regularly: • Documents that include Social Insurance Numbers (SIN), birthdates, PIN numbers or passwords; • Banking documents and other financial information; • Leases, contracts or letters that include signatures; • Pre-approved credit card applications; • Medical or dental bills; • Travel itineraries; • Used airline tickets. For more information about protecting yourself or business from scams and frauds be sure to visit: bbb.org/vancouver-island. Join us at our annual COMMUNITY SHREDDING EVENT in Victoria on Friday, May 1, 2015 (see ad on the right of this page for details).
*Trade-mark of the Council of Better Business Bureaus used under license.
BBB COMMUNITY SHREDDING EVENT Friday May 1, 2015 10 am to 2 pm @ Tillicum Centre Parking Lot (Victoria) SHREDDING BY DONATION All proceeds will go to the Rainbow Kitchen Visit bbb.org/vancouver-island for additional details.
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Carson Roofing Ltd. (Port McNeil)
Premier Roofing (Victoria)
Esso Car Clinic (Victoria)
Re-Bath of Vancouver Island (Parksville)
Expedia CruiseShipCenters Victoria (Victoria) Go Dog Go! Dog Training (Black Creek)
Become an Accredited Business
Integral Wealth Securities Ltd. (Nanaimo)
The Bay Street Broker (Victoria) Toulmin Construction & Excavation (Courtenay)
APRIL 2015
BUDGET GLASS ADDS EXCITING NEW PRODUCT TO ITS LINEUP Four Seasons Sunrooms are new to Budget Glass
A NA I MO - Com muters driving by know it as the “Glass Shop with the Sign,” the place that always attempts to amuse them with a clever quip or one-line joke. Employees are frequently asked who is responsible, but so far, it remains a trade secret. After 31 successful years in business, Budget Glass in Nanaimo is still growing. To handle that growth, partners Brian Dusch and John Anderson have recently brought Andy Hrytsak on boa rd to h a nd le sa les of specialty products like patio covers, solariums, railings and sunrooms – in particular the Four Seasons Sunrooms, one of the most advanced and respected in the industry. Dusch explained that bringing Hrytsak into the company was a bit of serendipity. Hrytsak was a wholesaler of solariums and sunrooms and was looking for a change. At the same time, Budget Glass was looking to expand its residential and commercial sunroom sales department. Budget Glass brought H r y tsa k on boa rd to spea rhead the new sunroom sales department. Budget Glass’ Four Seasons dealership covers most of the mid island area from Duncan north to Bowser but excluding Parksville. “As the name suggests, the company builds a sunroom that can be used all four seasons of the yea r,” Dusch sa id. “T he glass and the frame are very high quality. T hey will keep you warm and cozy during our cold damp winter days. They are also designed to keep things cool when the sun shines in our beaut i f u l Va ncouver Isl a nd paradise.” Four Seasons Sunrooms is a North America wide company that has been operating since 1975 and has built sunrooms i n over 1 m i l l ion homes. Its standards are the highest in the industry; all products and construction methods are tested rigorously to make sure that they meet the strictest building codes to protect the homeowner’s investment. Four Seasons offers a w ide variety of sunrooms including studio or cathedral roofs and Victorian or Georgian designs – all in hundreds of sizes. All are available in strong or efficient vinyl-clad aluminum or warm wooden interiors depending on requirements. “It’s a specialty item,” Dusch said. “But it’s also a very high quality item. We’re proud to be part of that large group.” He
Four Seasons Sunrooms can be added to any size house added that Hrytsak has already become an invaluable member of the team for his superior knowledge of the Four Seasons product and for his experience w ith all th ings glass. Dusch noted that he a nd A nderson wea r a nu mber of hats from customer relations to administration and human resources. They are assured that adding Hrytsak to the team provides an even higher level of service t h at genu i nely ser ves t hei r customers. “He is someone who can really focus on solariums and sunrooms,” Dusch said. “He will also be doing a lot of patio covers and deck railings. It also takes a fair bit of follow-up. It’s n ice to have someone as SEE BUDGET GLASS | PAGE 20
Pheasant Hill Homes Ltd. Congratulations to
Budget Glass
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“We feel that we’re filling a need by expanding the sunroom aspect of the business.” BRIAN DUSCH PARTNER, BUDGET GLASS
Brian Dusch says Budget Glass is proud to offer the Four Seasons Sunroom products
John Anderson is one of the partners at Budget Glass
Sunroom Additions Add Space & Natural Light... Anytime, Anywhere 250-758-3374
APRIL 2015
orga n ized as A ndy is a nd to build those relationships with the customers.” He added that service has always been a big and important part of Budget Glass’ success. Hrytsak will definitely extend those already high service levels to sunrooms and solariums. He noted that one thing that sets Budget Glass apart from the rest is its large variety of serv ices. W h i le other shops might focus on one or two aspects of this industry, Budget Glass does it a l l a nd does it exceptionally well, including commercial installations, residential work and auto glass. “We feel that we’re filling a need by expanding the sunroom aspect of the business,” Dusch said. “You’re most likely not going to see big box stores selling solariums. Over the years we’ve seen them dip into our market share selling everything from windows to mirrors so we are confident that this is a market worth exploring, especially because we’ve got the talent in our six journeymen glaziers to merge with the high standards Four Seasons has set out. It’s exciting for us.” B u d ge t G l a s s i s a l s o w e l l known for its thick 10mm glass frameless shower doors, selling three or four or more every week to people doing new home builds or renovations. Dusch noted that it’s impossible to watch a renovation show on telev i sion w it hout seei ng a heavy glass shower door being installed – and they are a beautiful item. Budget glass also provides all the different types of mirrors including plain mirrors bevelled mirrors, mirror walls and mirrored closet doors. Moving on from there, Budget does thermal windows, new vinyl windows and screens. It is a preferred shop for home renovators when they want to replace old, single pane glass with new thermal or vinyl windows. The company also has window parts and if they’re not in stock, they can get the parts
Four Seasons sunrooms can be used all seasons of the year
John Anderson and Brian Dusch celebrate 31 successful years in business very quickly. Budget Glass can also replace thermal windows if the seals brea k. W hen homeow ners wa nt to replace w i ndows, Budget Glass gives free estimates a nd does a l l the work including measuring and installation. The company also gives discount pricing to local
contractors and builders. Budget Glass does it all from ca r w i nd sh ield s to RVs a nd boats. T hey a re a l so prou d to b e a n IC B C E x p re s s S h op a n d that’s a tough designation to achieve. Budget Glass meets SEE BUDGET GLASS | PAGE 21
Budget Glass is well known as the “Glass Shop with the Sign.”
Proud to Support Budget Glass
Best Wishes from the crew at Westmark
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APRIL 2015
Andy Hrytsak specializes in products like patio covers, in particular the Four Season sunrooms
Budget Glass offers a wide variety of services including installation of Four Seasons sunrooms
Four Seasons sunrooms can be an elegant addition to a home
all of ICBC’s strict criteria from the front desk to the installers. Service is also very fast – windshields replaced within a day or by the next day – but Budget Glass service goes beyond quick installation, Dusch said. “We’l l d rive them home or pick them up and we vacuum and clean their windows inside and give them windshield wipers. And if we can’t get the windshields in town, we can get them from the Mainland within a day.” The reason for the company’s diversity goes back to its beginnings in 1983. It was a time when the economy in BC had taken a big downturn and to specialize in only one aspect of glass could have been a disaster. As long as the company remained diversified, business was good.
difference! the
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Dusch said that the bottom line for Budget Glass is service. “We’ve been doing this for 31 years and we have a very knowledgeable staff. We do try to focus on the service and make sure that we deliver on what
we prom ise. We return your calls and do what we say we will do. With that type of longevity we’re there to back it up.” He said that Budget Glass will continue to grow, keeping up to date on whatever new technology in glass comes down the pike. But mostly, he said it’s all about getting even better and more efficient at what it has been doing so well over the past 31 years. Budget Glass is at 3900 Island Highway North in Nanaimo www.budgetglass.com.
From one Islander to another… thank you and congratulations for over 30 great years.
Wishing Brian & the Staff at Budget Continued Success Phone: 604-420-4527 Website: www.garibaldiglass.com
APRIL 2015
Corporate memberships now at the Nanaimo Golf Club New memberships allow even more flexibility at Nanaimo’s iconic club BY GOODY NIOSI
ANAIMO - Ash Chadha, general manager of the Nanaimo Golf Club wants people to know one essential thing: “We’re more than what you think we are. Come and visit us and you’ll see that we can fulfill some very diverse needs.” One of those needs is for corporations, where a demand has been met by re-instating the corporate membership category, which allows businesses to have membership in the golf club in the corporation’s name. That allows the corporation to assign someone within the company to be the designated golfer. “It allows business to entertain, to do business and to do networking,” Chadha said. “That’s a huge benefit to businesses in town. That’s why we re-opened the category. We want to go out to the business community and share with them that they can become members and hopefully grow their business with the help of our facilities.” He noted that the Nanaimo Golf Club has always been immensely popular with business people in Nanaimo. Its central location in the city is key but the club’s
Ash Chadha says that the Nanaimo Golf Club is the perfect place to network and do business improved infrastructure and new clubhouse are also a big draw. “We have a lot of members who are business people in town who use the club as a venue to do business,” Chadha said, citing the many advantages the Nanaimo Golf Club offers such as an excellent year-round course that is known as the best golf course north of Victoria. The club also has a variety of meeting rooms and superb cuisine that Chadha calls “second to none.” He added that the employees are also a big asset. “We have wonderfu l sta ff. They’re service oriented and they’re here to make sure that the member’s experience is the best possible. We have a combination of things going for us. We’re very versatile in terms of how we can satisfy our members and their
New corporate memberships give businesses flexibility at the Nanaimo Golf Club
The Nanaimo Golf Club has superb meeting and event facilities guests.” The meeting rooms at the club are in big demand and can handle groups from 12 to 200. The large banquet room is often the site of
celebrations, staff parties and big dinners. Boardrooms and smaller meeting rooms are also in high demand. Business meetings are
frequently held at the club as are networking sessions and town hall meetings. The club offers full audio-visual equipment and Wi-Fi throughout. “If you want to do business, we have all the tools you need to do it,” Chadha said. “Since the construction of the new clubhouse, our business has grown. We’re doing more, and now with the changing of our bylaws and the opening of new categories, we will surely be welcoming new members. We are in a growing stage right now.” At the same time, he noted that the club is diversifying its revenue stream such as food and beverage and retail. He said that more and more people realize that the Nanaimo Golf Club is much more than a golfing venue, even though the greens and fairways are superb and the views unmatched. T he Na na i mo G ol f Club is a family as well as a business destination. “You can come here and do business and your kids can play gold,” Chadha said. “You can have lunch, play golf, and have a business meeting – and then bring your family on the weekend and spend some quality time together. We are very diverse in what we have to offer.” Nanaimo Golf Club is at 2800 Highland Boulevard in Nanaimo. www.nanaimogolfclub.ca
APRIL 2015
DTZ Barnicke, RBC Royal Bank, MNP LLP, and the Nanaimo Economic Development Corporation, Invest Comox Valley and the Vancouver Island Construction Association (VICA). Business Examiner Vancouver Island coordinates the event. By category, the participating buildings are: Community Institutional: DFO Search & Rescue Station, 8540 Shipley Street, Port Hardy, K’omoks First Nation Administration building of Courtenay, and the Uplands Walk Supportive Housing building in Nanaimo. Community Institutional – Renovation: Vancouver Island Regional Library, Nanaimo. Office: 1825 Bowen Road, Nanaimo; Broadstreet Properties/Seymour Developments, Campbell River; Millstone Medical Centre, Nanaimo; Pacific Station Phase II, Nanaimo; Portsmouth Professional Centre, Nanaimo. Mu lti-Fa m i ly: Berwick by the Sea, Campbell River; Oak Manor, Campbell River; Ridge View Phase III, Courtenay. Retail: Campbell River Hyundai, Island Optimal Health/Moksha Yoga, Nanaimo; Oyster Bay Quay, Ladysmith; Van Isle Ford Sales, Port Alberni. Commercial Renovation: Cabela’s Canada, Nanaimo; Community Farm Store, Duncan; Real Estate Webmasters, Nanaimo; Storey Creek Trading Ltd., Campbell River. Industrial: Industrial Plastics & Paints, Nanaimo, McGregor Thompson, Nanaimo; Port Posh Wash, Port Alberni. Industrial Renovation: Tilray, Nanaimo; Trojan Collision Centre, Nanaimo. Community Recreational: Alberni Athletic Hall, Port Alberni; Comox Valley
Professional Administrative Assistants Week April 20 – 24 It’s the perfect time to show your assistants how much you appreciate them. We can select the perfect floral gift & deliver it directly to your business. Child Development, Courtenay. Hospitality: Carlos O’Bryan’s Pub & Liquor Store, Nanaimo; McDonald’s Bowen Road, Na na i mo; McDonald’s Crown Isle, Courtenay; Qualicum Beach Inn, Qualicum Beach. Mixed Use: Hilltop Professional Building, Duncan; Parksville Co-op Gas Bar, Parksville; The Rossco Building, Duncan. For fu rther i n formation about the awards, contact Mark MacDonald at 1-866-758-2684 Ext. 120, or email mark@ businessexaminer.ca Tickets for the event, which sold out two weeks in advance last year, are $95 and are available at www.businessexaminer.ca.
60 Terminal Ave.
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Wednesday May 13
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To succeed the construction community must collaborate. This one day conference focuses on building a collaborative business model. Owners, consultants and contractors all agree we can do these things better together: Communicate effectively Demolish silos Generate better outcomes Attendees will experience excellent learning opportunities and through conversations with colleagues - consider the value of different perspectives.
“We are creating a vision.” ONE FEE. ONE DAY.
CONNECTIONS CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING! $99 plus applicable taxes covers a dynamic professional development and community building day. Price includes: breakfast, lunch, nutrition breaks and a hosted conference reception at the end of the day. To register visit vicabc.ca or call 1.877.847.6471 Supported by
rom day one construction community stakeholders who came together to form Construction Council of Vancouver Island report the group has exceeded their expectations. Regular Local Discussions More than twenty consultants, contractors and local government representatives attended a Mid Island Local Government Sector Round Table coordinated by the Council and all ranked the session and content very high. Discussion topics included leveraging market timing of project solicitations for enhanced economic return and how to overcome capacity bottlenecks and various procurement option experiences – what worked, what didn’t, and why. Attendees reported a desire to be results focused and a commitment to action. Bigger Picture And CCVI is committed to action. Building on those smaller, round table discussions will be an annual forum and the inaugural event is set for May 13 at the Nanaimo Conference Centre. The Construction Council of Vancouver Island is hosting the one-day event with the support of VICA and an impressive line-up of committed industry sponsors (Diamond sponsors are: Fortis BC, Herold Engineering and RBC). The topics will be relevant and the speakers knowledgeable so organizers are expecting a sold out event. Only 150 registrations
Greg Baynton, CEO Vancouver Island Construction Association are available and there is great value with all meals and a hosted reception included in the $99 fee. Leading Proponents Ken Peacock, Chief Economist and VP for the BC Business Council, is deliveringthekeynoteaddressingBuilding BC for the 21st Century. Peacock is expectedtotacklethecriticalnatureof infrastructure, and the internal and external facts shaping the demand for infrastructure. Often the unseen foundation of a healthy economy, infrastructure supports quality of life, commerce and competitive position. It is a vital ingredient to our economy and wellbeing. Spotting the Trends The May 13 event will provide the ideal forum for discussing how collaboration will support successful projects. Our future infrastructure requirements demand developing
greater capacity in BC and Vancouver Island to finance and build it. Social, economic and environmental aspects are key considerations in infrastructure planning and delivery, and the provincial government has a high degree of control over it. Quality infrastructure is essential to developing human capital and facilitating business operations and trade to succeed in the market place. P rom i se d Com m it m ent to Construction The Construction Council of Vancouver Island has evolved partly because of all the changes taking place in the economic landscape the diverse members from owners, consultants and contractors recognize just how important it is to support wellbeing and prosperity of our island communities. About VICA Vancouver Island Construction Association supports the construction industry and builds community. The united voice of the Vancouver Island Construction Association promotes island wide communication and representation on key industry issues, services and education. VICA serves the industry from two locations, Victoria and Nanaimo. As one of Canada’s oldest not-for-profit construction associations, VICA has been an industry voice and champion since 1912, providing an array of comprehensive services, education programs and resources.
APRIL 2015
MOKSHA YOGA PAIRS WITH OPTIMAL HEALTH & FITNESS IN LARGER LOCATION “Our motto is that we Facilities in Nanaimo are growing exponentially
want to help you get better so that you don’t have to keep coming back.
A NA I MO - W it h t he opening of its new Dufferin Crescent facility this past January, Moksha Yoga and Island Optimal Health & Performance in Nanaimo has begun the next chapter in a startlingly successful enterprise. T he stor y of Moksh a Yoga Nanaimo and Island Optimal Health & Performance begins back in 2007 when Dr. Kristen Butler a nd Dr. Abe Avender, freshly graduated from chiropractic college in Toronto, came to Nanaimo. Butler and Avender had met at college and came to the latter’s home town to open their practice in February 2008. “We opened up a humble little yoga studio and clinic on Bowen Road,” Butler said, noting that yoga definitely had to be part of the plan. She had discovered Moksha Yoga in Toronto. “It not on ly helped me get t h rou g h scho ol w it h a l l its stress and exams, but it also h e l p e d m e p h y s i c a l ly w i t h its focus on balance and core st reng t h. I t houg ht, wh at a wonderful thing to incorporate that with chiropractic. To me it was all the same thing – it’s about health and encouraging people to be the best they can be physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.” In those early days it was just the two of them; when they weren’t helping their patients, they were being each other’s secretaries, supporting each other any way they could. Their practice grew quickly and they brought on more staff, health practitioners and yoga teachers to help out. But a year later, it was clear they had outgrown t hei r Bowen Road locat ion. They scouted around, bought land on Rutherford Road and began building a much larger studio and clinic. However, as
I think that people put their trust in us because we really want to see them get back to their life.” DR. KRISTEN BUTLER CO-OWNER, MOKSHA YOGA AND ISLAND OPTIMAL HEALTH & PERFORMANCE
they were building and watching their practice continuing to grow, they also decided to keep the Bowen Road location, bringing in Dr. Joe Foglia, one of the top of his recent graduating class in Toronto, to run the smaller location. They also staffed that location with a naturopath and a registered massage therapist. In 2010, they opened the much larger yoga studio and clinic on Rutherford Road. “A nd then the whole th i ng happened again,” Butler said. “A year went by and we were bursting at the seams again – and we had to expand again.” Why the unprecedented success? Butler attributes it to a number of reasons. “Maybe it was a little bit of luck, but I think we just really relate to people. We treat them the way we would want to be treated if we were patients. And the yoga helped as well. People fell in love with Moksha Yoga and all its benefits. Just in the first two months of this year, we had 600 new people coming to try it out.” She added that she and Avender also approach chiropractic with a strongly client centred approach.
An Association of Law Corporations and Lawyers
Congratulations Moksha Yoga & Island Optimal from your friends at Bartlett Storey Law 225 Vancouver Avenue, Nanaimo, B.C sandy@bartlettandcompany.ca rick@bartlettandcompany.ca T:
People in Nanaimo are turning out for Moksha Yoga in record numbers
Dr. Abe Avender and Dr. Kristen Butler founded the studio and clinic in 2008 “People are all coming in for different reasons and with different injuries; we work with a lot of athletes and sports teams. Our motto is that we want to help you get better so that you don’t have to keep coming back. I think that people put their
trust in us because we really want to see them get back to their life.” In 2011, while Butler and Avender were looking for land to build another studio and clinic, they were also on the hunt for a strengthening and conditioning
coach to help work with the athletes they were treating. Such a coach was the missing piece between treatment and getting them back into the game T h e y fo u n d Cu r t i s Vi zz a , owner of Over the Hurdle Athletics, a strengthening and conditioning gym. It turned out to be a great match. Butler and Avender bought the business in 2013 and Vizza came on staff to run the new Optimal Performance Centre. The centre specializes in personal training for individuals and also for athletes and teams. The centre works with many sports teams including the Vancouver Island University Varsity Athletics and is a proud partner with Pacific Sport in training and treating these up and coming elite athletes. In 2014, Foglia came on board as a partner in the Island Optimal part of the business – at about the time when construction was well under way at the location for the new clinic and yoga studio on Dufferin Crescent, wh ich opened Ja nua ry 5 of this year. The new larger clinic plus the clinic on Rutherford Road employ a host of
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Congratulations to Island Optimal Health & Performance Centre! Powering Sport
APRIL 2015
Dr. Kristen Butler recently received the BE Vancouver Island Health Company of the Year Award
Members of the Moksha Yoga Nanaimo and Island Optimal Health & Performance team at the “Party for a Purpose” fundraiser gala they hosted which raised over $25,000 to build a Children’s Village in Uganda CREDIT: CONCEPT PHOTOGRAPHY
The new Moksha Yoga Nanaimo and Island Optimal Health & Performance Building on 1881 Dufferin Crescent in Nanaimo CREDIT: RON KIRK PHOTOGRAPHY
health professionals including physiotherapists, chiropractors, registered massage therapists, strength training coaches, a laser technician and a naturopath doctor. Butler said that a big part of their success is the people who
supported them and encouraged them along the way, including family and friends as well as the team of professionals including accountants, lawyers, realtor, lenders, and more. Key to success have been the practitioners, yoga teachers and reception
staff who have shared the vision about giving the best service to the community and making a difference in the world. “W hat’s so nice about having so many people in so many p ro fe s s i o n s i s t h a t w e c a n refer within our team,” Butler
said. “It takes out a lot of the guesswork. We can talk about a specific injury or problem. We k now we ca n t r ust each other and I think that leads to the best professional care.” She added that every member of the team is constantly striving to do better. Ongoing education is important as the staff stays on the leading edge of new techniques in their field and new technology. As the business has grown, so has its commitment to the community. Moksha Yoga and Island Optimal Health & Performance are known for giving to charities both locally and around the world. For Butler, giving back started while she was still in school. “Yoga really helped with that,” she said. “It makes you aware of the importance of giving.” The studio does Karma classes that are by donation – and all donations go to charity. “When you start, you want to keep going because it feels so good. It also builds community when people rally around a goal.” As the mother of a twoyear-old and a one-month-old baby, Butler said she has become even more aware of the need to contribute. Recent examples of their charity work include hosting a fundraising gala which raised over $25,000 to help build a children’s village in Uganda, a commitment to feed breakfast to an entire
orphanage in the Congo for one year, and a Moksha Yoga wide community initiative called ‘ G r o w Yo u r Yo g a’ t o r a i s e $200,000 in the month of May for Big Brothers Big Sisters in Canada. Looking ahead, Butler admits that the couple does have plans for the future. “W hen we first started, we had it i n ou r m i nds t hat we wanted a multi-disciplinary pract ice,” she sa id . “B ut it has turned out way bigger and better than I could ever have imagined. If we just continue looking for ways to improve, the future will fall into place. We’re open to expanding.” She added that it probably won’t include another building in Nanaimo, but it could include an arena with a track for athletes or a place for hockey player to train. It could also mean growing its list of health professionals. Certainly, Butler wants to continue to spread the message of Moksha Yoga, particularly as she sees it from the viewpoint of a chiropractor. “We really encourage people to go at their own pace,” she said. “People are allowed to relax a bit and not have it be scary and competitive. A lot of people come for a workout but then they get into the space of feeling better and having better relationships and feeling less stressed at work. People get so many more benefits than just the physical part – and that’s where it becomes a l i festyle for them.” She added that the entire philosophy in the clinic and the studio is all about helping people improve their lives, from physical to mental and emotional. “We want to get you better and living your life optimally,” she said. “We want to make sure that everything we do, helps.” Moksha Yoga and Island Optimal Health & Performance is at 5271 Rutherford Road in Nanaimo and 1881 Dufferin Crescent in Nanaimo. T he O pt i m a l Per for m a nce Centre is at 1111 Dufferin Crescent in Nanaimo. www.islandoptimal.com www.moksahyogananaimo.com
MOKSHA YOGA NANAIMO! We are so grateful for your leadership and care for this community. Sweaty hugs and love from your family at Moksha Yoga.
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Proud Supporter of Island Optimal & Moksha Yoga Aulds Road Nanaimo • 250-933-1729
APRIL 2015
GREENROCK, NANAIMO NEWEST LIQUOR STORE, ABOUT TO OPEN Store’s location beside Country Grocer on Bowen Road is prime
ANAIMO -After years of work, planning, setbacks, expenses and more planning, The Greenrock Liquor Store is almost set to open. Located on Dufferin Crescent right by Country Grocer on Bowen Road, the new store will be the largest privately owned liquor store in Nanaimo. The idea for the store really began back on January 1, 2010 when the provincial government made changes to its liquor laws, allowing a pub to operate a liquor store not attached to its premises. Until then, Dean Gaudry, owner of Windward Pub & Liquor Store had been running his wine and beer outlet under a Retail Liquor License (LRS) that was restrictive by today’s standards. The biggest regulatory change allowed pubs to have much larger stores not attached to the premises. For Gaudry that was good news and bad news. Having built to the old regulations, his store was small and couldn’t offer specials or the variety that it may have wanted to. And, because his pub was located in the Beaufort Centre, his retail store didn’t generate the traffic other liquor stores did. On the other hand, he could build a new, bigger store in a more prominent location. Construction on Greenrock began August 14 2014 and opening day is scheduled for the first week in May, followed a few weeks later by a Grand Opening. The new store, totaling 8,600 sq. ft. is in a prime location. “We’re right beside Country Grocer, which is turning into one of the busiest grocery stores in Nanaimo and there’s great parking,” Gaudry said. “Right now we have two parking spots and over there we’ll have a total of 32.” In terms of actual retail space, Greenrock comes in at 5,100 sq. ft. with a lower level 2,500 sq. ft. warehouse. At the behest of the
Dean Gaudry says his focus is on the success of the new Greenrock Liquor Store CREDIT: JOSH PATIENCE
“And there we are, right next to Country Grocer with a really excellent selection of everything
The Greenrock Liquor Store is considerably larger than the old Windward Liquor Store CREDIT: JOSH PATIENCE
city, Greenrock also offers a 1,100 sq. ft. community room that is free to non-profit groups. The room has handicapped washrooms, a kitchen and enough room to seat 48 people for dinner. Gaudry said he can also use the space when groups are not present for events such as cooking classes, beer or wine tastings and dinners. T he com mu n ity room a lso i nspi red the store’s sloga n: Greenrock Liquor Store: Your Community Liquor Store. “And Country Grocer is quite exceptional in its support for community groups,” Gaudry said. “So we intend to work with them to be part of that same helping philosophy.” Gaudry noted that even as long ago as 1990, when he opened his store beside the Windward Pub,
Greenrock Liquor Store project foreman Daryl Marklinger, manager Amy Hanson and owner Dean Gaudry anticipate the opening of the new store at the beginning of May CREDIT: JOSH PATIENCE
Proud Supporter of the new Greenrock Liquor Store
Wide Selection of Quality Wines/Beer & Spirits OFF BOWEN CLOSE TO COUNTRY GROCER
APRIL 2015
Greenrock Liquor Store is located next to Country Grocer on Bowen Road CREDIT: JOSH PATIENCE
he was intent on offering a good selection of wines, particularly Canadian and local brands. He purposely named it a wine and beer store, rather than beer and wine. The Windward store’s sales of wine was generally at 25 per cent, considerably more than most other stores. That tradition will continue at Greenrock, but with far more space and varieties. While Gaudry managed to pack in an amazing 1,800 items at Windward, Greenock will carry about 4,000 items. It will also bring in wines and beers by customer request. Gaudry also noted that he plans to offer a good selection of craft beers. The old Windward store will become a “corner store” that will offer all the items people expect to find at a neighborhood store, plus some they might not, like the
The new Greenrock Liquor Store is taking shape on Dufferin Crescent CREDIT: JOSH PATIENCE
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Windward Pub’s justly famous home-baked bread. Gaudry also plans to do renovations to the Windward Pub over time. Meanwhile, the countdown is on to opening day in May for Greenrock and all the convenience the new store will offer. “If you’re planning to have some friends over, you look at your shopping list for your dinner and then you think, well you’ll have a bottle of red and maybe a bottle of white to go with it – and maybe some beer,” Gaudry said. “And there we are, right next to Country Grocer with a really excellent selection of everything you might need.” Greenrock Liquor Store is at 1860 Dufferin Crescent in Nanaimo. Greenrock will be open and ready for business the first week of May. www.greenrockliquor.kimstewart.ca
APRIL 2015
he 2014 Federal Budget introduced an important change to how dividends are taxed. The change mostly i mpacts sma l l i ncor porated businesses and their owners, and will affect their decision to take compensation from the corporation by either wages or dividends. In 2014, there was a reduction to the dividend tax credit system. This measure was taken in order to better integrate the tax system which was, in the Government’s view, overcompens a t i n g p e o p l e w h o o p e ra te their small business through a corporation. Effects of dividend rate changes Pl a n n i n g a ro u n d O l d A ge Security (OAS): T h e a m o u n t o f OA S p a ym e n t s a p e r s o n a ge d 6 5 o r older is entitled to receive is partially based on his or her i ncome f rom other sou rces. Past a certa i n i ncome level, which is adjusted each year for inf lation, OAS payments are reduced at a rate of 15% of the marginal other income earned. This reduction is referred to as “claw back”. I n 2014, t he ch a nge i n t he dividend tax credits means that recipients of OAS can receive more regular dividend income f ro m p r i v a t e c o r p o ra t i o n s that they are shareholders in,
In 2014, the change in the dividend tax credits means that recipients of OAS can receive more regular dividend income from private corporations that they are shareholders in, without having their OAS payments clawed back without having their OAS payments clawed back. This is especially relevant if you will be soon receiving OAS payments. T he new change to dividend g ross-up factor may a lso be relevant if you decide to dissolve a small corporation you own, or if you sell all or part of your business. I mpact for sm a l l bu si ness owners: T he re duct ion i n g ross up rate of reg u la r, non-eligible d iv id e n d s re s u lt s i n a n e ffective increase in the ma xi mu m m a rg i n a l i ncome ta x rate of individuals. It can now be less beneficial to compensate shareholders of small incor p orated bu si nesses t h at earn active business income
Joyce Smith, President and CEO of JA Smith & Associates via regular, non-eligible dividends, compared to compensation by salary. Professional accou nta nts’ adv ice shou ld be followed when determing d iv idends or sa la ries to ensure the mix is appropriate. Eligible vs. non-eligible and how to choose what to pay: E l i g i b l e d i v i d e n d s– C o rporations ca n desig nate a
d iv id end a s el i g i ble i f t hey have a balance in their General Rate Income Pool (GRIP) accou nt. T he GR I P accou nt is a way of t rack i ng i ncome earned and taxed at the high cor p orate rate, rat her t h a n the low corporate rate paid by most small corporations, and is discussed in greater detail below.
GR I P is a ba la nce genera lly ref lecting ta xable income that has not benef ited f rom the small business deduction or any other special tax rate. The GRIP is calculated at end of the tax year. However, the corporation can pay eligible dividends over the course of the year as long as, at the end of the year, the eligible dividends paid do not exceed its GRIP. Ineligible dividends/ regular/ ordinary dividends: Non – eligible or ordinary dividends are any dividends issued by a Canadian corporation, public or private, which are not eligible for the enhanced dividend tax credit and not designated as eligible when declared. D e c i d i n g t h e b e s t w a y to ta ke compensat ion f rom a small incorporated business is complex, and the changes to taxation of dividends means busi ness ow ners shou ld review their plans today. Talk to your professional accountant to ensure your remuneration mix makes the most sense for you. J.A. Smith & Associates Inc. is a team of dedicated professionals who provide reliable accounting, financial management and tax services to businesses and individuals. They can be reached at 1-800-343-6133.
Fairwinds Powers-Up Community Electric Vehicle Zone
ANOOSEBAY–Local residents and regional politicians were on hand recently at Fairwinds Community and Resort to unveil new signs marking the neighbourhood as British Columbia’s newest Net Zero Emission Vehicle zone. “We’re all looking at ways to reduce pollution and find alternative methods of transportation, especially when we are just travelling within our neighbourhoods,” says Parksville-Qualicum MLA Michelle Stilwell. “Allowing licensed electric vehicles to be legally driven in the Fairwinds area will cut back on greenhouse gas emissions and save money that otherwise would have been spent at the pumps.” Under this new designation, Net Zero Emission Vehicles (NZEVs), also known as Low Speed Vehicles or Neighbourhood Vehicles, are now able to be driven legally on designated roads within the Nanoose Bay and Schooner Cove area. To be road legal, the NZEV must be built to travel at speeds of 40 km/h or less and bear Transport Canada’s National Safety Mark. The vehicle also needs to have
From left: RDN Nanoose representative Bob Rogers; Jim Olsen, Fairwinds general manager of operations; Parksville-Qualicum MLA Michelle Stilwell; RDN board chair Joe Stanhope; Fairwinds Real Estate Manager Dave Scott; and Russell Tibbles, Bentall Kennedy VP for Development and Operations, unveil signs that will denote the new Neighbourhood Zero-Emission Zone in the Fairwinds Community ICBC registration and insurance, operate in compliance with the Motor Vehicle Act, and drivers must have valid driver licenses. NZEVs can only be operated on roads under the jurisdiction of the provincial Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure where authorized by permit, or on municipal roads with a speed limit of between 40 and 50 km/h if authorized by a municipal bylaw. G ol f c a r t s c a n n o t b e
registered as NZEVs as they fail to meet minimum safety design standards. BC has been an early adaptor of neighbourhood NZEV zones, and the provincial government continues to work with municipalities and industry stakeholder to explore opportunities for use of NZEVs in areas they are well suited for, such as parks, university campuses, and resort communities like Fairwinds.
APRIL 2015
CUTTING EDGE TROPHIES & ENGRAVING IS A COMMUNITY FIXTURE IN OCEANSIDE “Everyone who comes Local company fills community need for awards, trophies and more.
ARKSVILLE - Since taking over ownership of Cutting Edge Trophies & Engraving in Parksville four years ago, Mark Chase has taken the business to even greater heights. With his background in IT, he has modernized systems, and with his eye for good business practices, he has grown the company every year. Describing the business in one word, Chase would say it’s all about variety. With an inventory of well over 1,000 items and several catalogues, Cutting Edge creates signage, door and desk name plates, name tags and all kinds of trophies including plaques, glass awards and traditional column trophies. “Everybody wants something a little bit different and particular to their sport or to their corporation,” Chase said. “Consequently we stock a huge variety of different plaque styles. Some are more elegant and upscale for corporate recognition while others are more traditional for minor sports and recreation groups. What I really like about it is that no two jobs are the same.” The business was founded in about 1970 and was known as
to our shop always says that they really like the way things are laid out. And we have a great selection.” MARK CHASE OWNER, CUTTING EDGE TROPHIES & ENGRAVING
Victory Trophies. At that time it was located on the east side of the Inland Island Highway. When the highway was widened to four lanes in the 1980s, the business moved to its present location on the Alberni Highway. Chase purchased it in 2011 after doing considerable research. “I’d been in IT as a software developer for about 25 years and it was time for a change,” he said, adding that during those years he had also done considerable investing. His experience with the latter gave him excellent research skills. Of the businesses he looked at, Cutting Edge not only seemed viable, but also interesting. He also discovered that the business had a large return customer base and it had room to grow. Cutting Edge was strongly supported by the local community as well. He said that his decision to buy Cutting Edge was a good one.
Cutting Edge has an enormous variety of items for engraving
Cutting Edge has been serving the Oceanside community for many years “”There’s never a dull moment and there’s definitely creativity involved, which I like.” He added that people come to Cutting Edge for a number of reasons – first because the business is local and second, because the shop can do almost anything. “A nd we have a rea l ly n ice showroom,” Chase said. “Everyone who comes to our shop always says that they really like the way things are laid out. And we have a great selection. We can show you all the products that we have in one place. You can touch them and feel them and see how different thing go together. It’s a consultative process – one that really doesn’t lend itself to shopping on the web.” He added that Cutting Edge also offers a price guarantee. If the customer gets a better quote elsewhere, Cutting Edge will match it. The shop also has exceptional experience, creating awards for prestigious events and groups such as all the Oceanside car shows including the VI Shriners Show and Shine and the Vancouver Island Real Estate Board awards. Making an award starts with determining a client’s budget and what the needs are: a keeper trophy? A perpetual trophy? Perhaps both are needed. What material is wanted? Cutting Edge has a laser
Cutting Edge has a showroom that allows people to see a vast variety of items and rotary machine that can engrave a wide variety of materials from glass to brass, aluminum and more. It also does full colour sublimation printing, a full colour printing process that allows the shop to reproduce images on plates or mugs. On any given day, any community leader, like the mayor or the fire chief, might walk into the store. Unique requests are just another challenge for Cutting Edge to undertake. Chase recalled a project where a mining company wanted its logo engraved on gold plated tools. It was definitely a challenge, Chase
said, but certainly one that the company conquered. Cutting Edge also sells British darts and dart supplies from Duncan to Comox. And while Chase is setting up an e-commerce site to market the dart supplies, he plans to keep offering his trophies and engraved products from his storefront. “Trophies and engraving are a more consultative process,” Chase said. “And we absolutely plan to keep doing that – onward and upward for years to come.” Cutting Edge Trophies & Engraving is at 3 – 120 Alberni Highway in Parksville. www.cuttingedgebc.com
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APRIL 2015
COMOX CHAMBER HOSTS BOARD ELECTIONS These individuals are leaders in their industry, ranging from a variety of backgrounds and experience.
n Thursday, March 26, 2015 the Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce held its board elections at Crown Isle Resort for 3 available positions on its 2015/2016 Board of Directors. By acclamation, we are pleased to announce our newest Directors. These individuals are leaders in their industry, ranging from a variety of backgrounds and experience. Adil Amlani, Graphic & Web
Designer, Owner of Sure Copy (Courtenay) Over the past nine years, Adil Amlani, alongside brother Adam, has worked continuously to ensure that Sure Copy is the go-to destination for the Comox Valley’s design, print and web needs. With many successful branding campaigns under his belt, including that of local Olympian Martin Reader, his skills have only continued to develop. Making the Comox Valley a better place is Adil’s passion. He has worked tirelessly to develop and promote cultural events and initiatives including the Big Timeout, Community Way Currency, World Community Film Fest, VI Music Fest,
200-457 Cliffe Avenue, CourTENAY s !CROSS FROM THE 3ID 7ILLIAMS 4HEATRE
Elevate the Arts, and the BC Seniors Games to name a few. Adil currently serves as President for the BNI (business networking international) Olympic Gold Chapter, working with other local entrepreneurs to maximize their exposure and potential in the community. Truly a man about town, Adil always knows what is going on in the Comox Valley. Just ask the man himself—he might be providing the music for the event. Chrissie Bowker appointed Publisher of The Comox Valley Record Prior to her appointment as Publisher of the Comox Valley Record, Chrissie was working with Kwantlen Polytechnic University as director of development. In her role as director of development, Bowker managed KPU’s major giving programs, including overseeing program goals and implementing university-wide priorities. Bowker created several new partnerships at the university and is proud to be a part of the team who saw the 2014 awards ceremony, hosted by the KPU Foundation, as the biggest awards night in the university’s 31-year history, with the most dollars donated and awards received. Bowker previously served as publisher of the South Delta Leader for six years and was deeply involved in the fabric of the Delta community. Under her leadership, the paper enjoyed considerable success and built strong ties with the community. The South Delta Leader was
recognized in 2010 as one of the top community newspapers in its circulation category in North America. Bowker has also served on Delta’s Business Improvement Association board, Peninsula Community Foundation board, Delta Tourism committee, Delta Chamber of Commerce committee for the Chamber’s annual awards gala, and Chaired Project Bloom, an annual fundraiser in support of International Women’s Day. Bowker and her husband Rob, have one young daughter and are based in Courtenay. Randall Heidt, Vice President Strategic Initiatives , North Island College Randall Heidt has served on several boards and community organizations, including as a vice-president, treasurer and director on the Prince George Chamber of Commerce for several years. As VPSI at NIC, Randall is responsible for several areas including: Applied Research, Continuing Education and Industry Training, Marketing, Communications, Fundraising, Business Development, Alumni and Community Relations. Randall has earned volunteer of the year awards with the Prince George Youth Soccer Association and the Prince George Minor Hockey Association before moving to the Comox Valley in November 2014 with his wife and two children. He is currently an Assistant Coach with the Comox Valley United Soccer Club. R a nd a l l h a s a bachelor of
communications degree and a master’s degree in leadership and more than 20 years of media experience. Thank you to Board Directors John Gower and Margaret Szafron, whose term with the Board has ended. Special thanks goes to our past-Chair Tracey McGinnis, whose ability to model the way and inspire a shared vision has been the key to our success during her 6 year term with the Board. We will also be bidding farewell to Director, Andrew MacMillian who has relocated to Campbell River. You all have been an integral part of the team and the success of the Chamber could not have been without the help and support of this team. To see the official swearing in of our new members and to attend the Chamber’s AGM at the White Whale on April 16th, please register on our website. Welcome to new members A warm welcome goes to our new members joining the chamber family as of March. CIBC – Comox, Hesseling HR Services, Mary Cowley Coaching, Mr. Lube 177, Re-nu-it Home Improvements, Scoville Financial Planning and Tree Island Gourmet Yogurt. We look forward to supporting you and the future of your businesses. Dianne Hawkins is president and CEO of the Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce. Reach her at dhawkins@ comoxvalleychamber.com
CONSTRUCTION UNDERWAY FOR COURTENAY UNITS “Let us take the stress out of buying and servicing your next car, deal with a local family dealership you can trust!”
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onstruction is well underway for the first of two identical four-storey buildings, each contacting 47 units at 355 Anfield Road in Courtenay. These units will be built as apartments for rent. The third floor is currently being framed for Building A, and the roof is expected to go on in the next few weeks. The building is scheduled for completion on August 1, 2015. This property is located at the south end of Cliffe Avenue, across from the Anfield Mall where Walmart is located and is being built by Crowne Pacific Developments. Courtenay Council has approved a development variance permit to allow for 117 parking stalls for the project. A building permit with a value of $3.75 million was issued in January. Work on the 1,600 sq. ft. addition for the adult day program at Glacier View Lodge is currently
ahead of schedule, and is expected to be completed by the end of April. Electrical and mechanical work is complete, while dry walling, flooring and finishing work have begun. Once complete, the existing adult day program will move into the new space. The Lodge will likely hold an open house to showcase the new space in late summer or early fall, to coincide with the City of Courtenay’s 100-year anniversary Following feedback from residents on the proposed scenarios for the south region liquid waste management plan, the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) has recommended scenario C (Cape Lazo at a cost of $56 million) to south sewer project partners K’omoks First Nation and the Village of Cumberland. This scenario will see secondary treatment at a facility in the south region, connection to outfall at the Comox Valley Water Pollution Control Centre (CVWPCC), and discharge into the Strait of Georgia off Cape Lazo. The CVWPCC currently plans to undergo an expansion/replacement. This scenario was selected through triple-bottom line analysis, assessing each option based on social, environmental and financial considerations. Project partners K’omoks First Nation and the Village of Cumberland must now review the scenario. Once a preferred scenario is selected by all the project partners, final reports
will be completed and planning will begin for construction. Construction must be complete by September 30, 2018 to qualify for Gas Tax funding. Park Place Seniors has met with the City of Campbell River to present conceptual drawings for the construction of a new residential care wing on its existing facility. This new wing will house 40 new publicly-funded care beds, and five new private-pay beds for a total residential care capacity of 126 publicly-funded and 13 private-pay beds. Park Place Seniors expects to submit its application for a development permit in the spring, and to start construction on the foundation and building envelope this summer. Tenders are expected to be released in the late spring, and construction is expected to take 21 months. This project will be coordinated with the opening of the new Campbell River Hospital in 2017, as this is when funding for the beds will become available. Construction costs of the new facility will be in the range of $9 million, with annual operating costs for the 40 beds, funded by Island Health, in the range of $2 million. Clarice Coty is the editor and publisher of Building Links, a North Island Construction Report. Go to www.buildinglinks.ca to receive four FREE issues.
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APRIL 2015
Familiar with Dropbox, Sugarsync, etc?
he topic of power s upply, cos t a nd reliability is not a new topic for the Parksville & District Chamber of Commerce. We have been beating this drum for some t i me. W hy i s it important? Power is a business cost and while BC boasts the cheapest power i n Ca n ad a, it i s still a cost. Availability is a key determinant to attracting new business. C u r r e n t l y B C Hyd r o produces about 58,000 gigawatt hours annually and is meeting consumpry tion needs. It is anticiust ind ionthat the addition t pated c u r t y s r ustr f r o m S i t e C othfe conp o w nde ni in tio n (i c e u f t h is needed project r m wo nst
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he Tofino-Long Beach Chamber y of Commerce rsit ive un is extremely lucky he t to ent to operate in such a vibrant i ti m m I com business community. Thanks ong ria str o a t i sto all those who attended our e s Vic res exp Annual General Meeting, els ass C e i ary held Jam ion Tuesday, March 24th. t u l as well to Andre ey t W revo Our rythanks all rV ninaen s McGillivray and Nick NutVI se o i roer im a r t o r t l F n oislmuoolortiss ntand staff at Wolf in the ey i qvu dting all ley e e e r V s n o g r s i se an rer for hosting—and feeding! rporase rat d Fog Fra inditt tis en molo issim im iunsaga quis olort y n e g m —our nearly 100 members gla si ka se o d anM pprasoesn-Oit praess erat d and staff of the Chamber and i d st om Th gnim m iu Tourism Tofino. Mayor Josie Ma aessi pr Osborne gave the keynote address, and shared the fact our i ratio of business licenses to residents is more than one V in four. This is impressive ary for iaoncommunity of less than t u l y o 2,000 residents. e l v t al en re rV in se er os Congratulations to our new lor im Fra ntr mo rtiss i s i y qu dolo of Directors members se Board o gle s d e n t ra a a it p tis er elected for 2015, including d s nim iu V
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Kim Burden is Executive Director of the Parksville & District Chamber of Commerce. He can be reached at 250.248.3613
Vancouver Island | Victoria | Thompson-Okanagan | Fraser Valley
tradespeople. The Parksville & District Chamber of Com merce has been generating a portion of our power needs through solar panels for two years now. We produce enough p o w e r f ro m o u r e i g h t panels to run our computers and offset the cost of a i r c ond it ion i n g i n the summer. On a sunny spring day like today we will produce eight kilowatt hours, not enough to ge t u s of f t he g r id , b ut enou g h to say it’s possible. Solar options and other green energ y solutions will be on display at the Q u a l icu m Beach Civ ic Centre on April 26th at Flou rish i ng i n a Green Economy, a trade show sponsored by Communities to Protect our Coast, The Parksville Qualicum Beach News, the Mid I s l a n d C o-o p a n d t h e Parksville and District Chamber of Commerce.
Vancouver Island | Victoria | Thompson-Okanagan | Peace Cariboo Skeena
goes forwa rd) w i l l add 5 , 10 0 g i g a w a t t h o u r s and there is an expectation that there will be some Independent Power projects that will help to fill the gap between projected demand and projected supply. The most relevant piece of information provided by BC Hyd ro is the expectation that conservation efforts will result in a reduction of demand by 9,800 gigawatt hours. T h i s i s more t h a n t h e add it ion a l product ion from Site C and the independent power producers combined and means that business especially must prepare to conserve or produce. There are a number of opt ion s, t he most obvious being solar power through the installation of rooftop photovoltaic panels. T he price on these units continues to drop, although be cautious about purchasing internationally, as there is the possibility of huge tariffs to combat dumping. Installation is easier also as the increase in popularity increases the availability of qualified
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Duane Bell of Rhino Coffee House (vice-president), Krissy Montgomery of Surf Sister Surf School, Mathieu Amin of Crab Apple Floral, Bryan O’Malley of Tofino Brewing Company, and Michelle Hall of Cedarwood Cove. Returning board members are Jennifer Steven of Eagle Aerie Gallery (president), Jay Bowers of Pacific Surf School, Don Travers of Remote Passage Marine Excursions, and Rhonda Graham of Studio One Aveda Hair Salon. Another area that many are talking about in Tofino, and one mentioned before in this column, is seasonal worker housing. One of the challenges of a seasonal economy is stressed infrastructure at peak times, and housing seems to be the issue of the moment in Tofino. The Chamber hopes to play a role in bringing the business community to the table to discuss possible solutions to the gap in seasonal employee housing. The Chamber is moving! We are looking forward to our new office space, shared with Tourism Tofino, located behind Long Beach Surf
Shop and next to Trilogy Fish Company at 630 Campbell St. Along with our regular Chamber events, we have a special event planned for May 14th with Aaron Vissia of Aaron Vissia Financial in Port Alberni. Join us for an evening mixer with Aaron, who will be giving some details about the Chamber Benefits Plan. We will also have benefit service providers on hand, including Epic Pharmacy/ Pharmasave Tofino and Arbutus Health Center, to answer any questions regarding use of your benefits. Please visit our website at www. tofinochamber.org for more details regarding this event. Our April Mayor’s Breakfast is scheduled for April 16th at Jamie’s Rainforest Inn. Join the Chamber and Mayor Osborne for an informal discussion, and bring your questions and concerns. See our website for details. Jen Dart is the Executive Director of the Tofino Chamber of Commerce and can be reached at jendart@ tofinochamber.org
APRIL 2015
First-Ever Global Socio-Economic Report On Salmon Farming Released
AMPBELL RIVER – Salmon farmers are producing 14.8-billion meals each year and creating 121,000 jobs around the world, according to the first socio-economic report on the salmon farming industry that was released today at Seafood Expo North America in Boston, Mass. The report was prepared by the International Salmon Farmers’ Association (IFSA) and outlines some key statistics about the planet’s growing population, and the need to find innovative ways to feed the world. It also includes overviews of the industry for every country where salmon is farmed, as well as examples of coastal communities that have been revitalized through salmon aquaculture. “ Fa r m i n g t h e o c e a n s i n a t r u l y
responsible way has so much power to feed a growing population,” said BCSFA Executive Director Jeremy Dunn. “In British Columbia we produce less than 5% of the annual global harvest, however our farming sector is worth more than $1-billion (CDN) towards the provincial economy and provides stable, good paying jobs in rural communities.” The report, entitled Salmon Farming: Sustaining Communities and Feeding the World, found that global salmon farmers produce 14.8 billion meals every year from only .00008 per cent of the world’s oceans. Gail Shea, Canada’s Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, said the ISFA report marks a significant milestone in the development of the salmon farming industry. “This report
The initiative will be
focused on using targeted
experienced growth from the a merica n ma rket a nd i nternational travel, the growth has been strong especially in January and February, and we’re expecting it to be stronger in the coming years.” Growth in Victoria is good for the Island says Nursey, who adds “we view ourselves as a gateway, if we do well, all of Vancouver Island benefits.” Looking forward, Nursey and his team have a “strategic focus on the United States, working together with Tourism Vancouver Island and our provincial and federal partners.” April marks the launch of their Victoria, Beyond Words destination marketing campaign. The initiative will be focused on using targeted media and trade activities to promote the area to prospective visitors in Va ncouver, Seattle a nd Sa n Francisco. “In 2014 we saw a 19.6 per cent increase in the California market,” says Nursey. “We feel it’s a smart business decision to build brand equity into this important source market.” Campbell River Tourism saw results similar to their regional counterparts. “We were up 2% in 2014,” says Rhonda Harper, Visitor Centre
media and trade activities to promote the area to prospective visitors in Vancouver, Seattle and San Francisco.
Manager. She adds, “local operators in the accommodation and adventure recreation sectors have reported increases from european destinations, especially the Netherlands and Germany. T hey’ve a lso seen a merica n visitors already start booking whale and grizzly bear watching tours for the summer months.” The provincial government couldn’t be happier with the results, as the tourism industry is a significant economic contributor, injecting $13.9 billion into the province in 2013. “British Columbia is a worldcl a ss dest i n at ion for i ntern a t i o n a l v i s i t o r s w i t h 4 .7 m i l l ion p eople v i sit i ng ou r province in 2014. That’s nearly a
confirms Canada’s aquaculture industry has come of age. It illustrates the critical importance of salmon farming globally and how Canada’s coastal communities are uniquely positioned to benefit. Our Government is proud of our commitment to grow the aquaculture industry sustainably and create much needed jobs in rural, coastal and Aboriginal communities,” said Shea. According to the report, the global salmon farming industry produces $10 billion (USD) worth of salmon each year, creates 121,000 direct and indirect jobs, and stimulates economic growth in a wide variety of other sectors. B.C. salmon farmers grow 58% of all salmon raised in Canada and account for 60% of the total landed value of seafood
quarter of a million more people who came to BC in 2014 compared to 2013. Our work with the federal government and our tourism partners, as well as our focus on the tourism sector in the BC Jobs Pla n, mea ns we expect even more visitors will come experience our beautiful province,” said Naomi Yamamoto, M i n i ster of State for Tourism and Small Business, for the Government of British Columbia. From the federal perspective t he nu mb ers a re even more significant. In 2014, the tourism industry provided nearly 628,000 direct jobs, and tourism revenues in Canada reached $88.5 billion. The government acknowledged the strength of the partnerships between industry and government as key contributors to success. “Canada has a reputation as one of the best places in the world to l ive, work a nd i nvest, and continues to attract visitors from across the globe. T he govern ment recog n izes that tourism is a significant grow th driver for our country, a nd we w i l l conti nue to work with industry and other levels of government to support an internationally competitive sector,” said Maxime Bernier, Minister of State for Small Business, Tourism and Agriculture.
in British Columbia, generating more than $1.14-billion towards the provincial economy. The BCSFA represents the province’s vibrant and diversified salmon aquaculture sector, inclusive of companies raising salmon, as well as the businesses that proudly provide services and supplies.
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34 WHO IS SUING WHOM The contents of Who’s Suing Whom is provided by a third-party resource and is accurate according to public court documents. Some of these cases may have been resolved by publication date. DEFENDANT Advanced Property Management Inc. 5463 Headquarters Rd, Courtenay, BC PLAINTIFF Normand Cote CLAIM $58,820 DEFENDANT Bietel Contracting 1527 Juniper Dr, Campbell River, BC PLAINTIFF Normand Cote CLAIM $58,820 DEFENDANT Black Creek Auction Mart Ltd. 8571B Reinhold Rd, Black Creek, BC PLAINTIFF Caroline Lakeland CLAIM $9,033 DEFENDANT Cellular Baby Cell Phones Accessories Specialists 6th floor 844 Courtney St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Fido Solutions CLAIM $309,345
DEFENDANT Coastal Construction Ltd. 1986 Mills Road, North Saanich, BC PLAINTIFF Shibusa Pond & Landscape Services Ltd. CLAIM $12,000 DEFENDANT Condor Properties 200-931 Fort St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF KWMM Investments Inc. CLAIM $7,596 DEFENDANT Double T Developments 547 12th St, Courtenay, BC PLAINTIFF Emile Bernard CLAIM $21,120 DEFENDANT Emerald Isle Plumbing and Heating Ltd. 201-467 Cumberland Rd, Courtenay, BC PLAINTIFF McLeod Construction Management Ltd. CLAIM $18,979 DEFENDANT Habitat Natural Cleaning Services 15-1594 Fairfield Road PLAINTIFF Warren Dick CLAIM $7,733 DEFENDANT
Hemsworth Master Builders Inc. 6-7855 East Saanich Road PLAINTIFF Gwendolyn Page CLAIM $158,496 DEFENDANT Island Dream Builders 40 Cavan Street, Nanaimo, BC PLAINTIFF 0885538 BC Ltd. CLAIM $774,905 DEFENDANT Lucy’s Place Café Ltd. 26 Bastion Square, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF 1005649 BC Ltd. CLAIM $25,366 DEFENDANT Marmak Dental Ceramics Ltd. 111 Wallace St, Nanaimo, BC PLAINTIFF Coast Realty Group Ltd. CLAIM $25,256 DEFENDANT MOH Vehicle Sales and Rental Inc. 32-1400 Alberni Way PLAINTIFF Melody McNaughton CLAIM $25,216 DEFENDANT Naked Naturals Whole Foods Ltd. 201-156 Morison Ave, Parksville, BC PLAINTIFF Isabella De Rooy
APRIL 2015
CLAIM $25,196
$11,487 DEFENDANT St. Troy Resources Inc. 200-1808 Bowen Rd, Nanaimo, BC PLAINTIFF National Leasing Group Inc. CLAIM $45,028
DEFENDANT North and South Saanich Agricultural Society 1528 Stelly’s Cross Rd, Saanichton, BC PLAINTIFF Kevin Davenport CLAIM $19,423
DEFENDANT Top Quality Painters Ltd. 104-9717 3rd St, Sidney, BC PLAINTIFF General Paint Corp CLAIM $21,965
DEFENDANT Palladian Developments Inc. 210-3260 Norwell Rd, Nanaimo, BC PLAINTIFF 0852148 BC Ltd. CLAIM $8,072 DEFENDANT Palladian Developments Inc. 210-3260 Norwell Rd, Nanaimo, BC PLAINTIFF Modern Aluminum and Vinyl Products Ltd. CLAIM $9,078 DEFENDANT Quantotech Solutions 4th Floor 1007 Fort St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Gaia Photonics Inc. CLAIM $25,216
DEFENDANT Triple Bar Holdings Ltd. 1986 Mills Rd, North Saanich, BC PLAINTIFF Shibusa Pond and Landscape Services Ltd. CLAIM $12,000 DEFENDANT Victoria Tank Service Ltd. 3rd Floor 612 View St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Gavin Edwards CLAIM $25,216 DEFENDANT Whites Diesel Power and Marine 2-2705 North Island Highway, Campbell River, BC PLAINTIFF David Troy CLAIM $6,205
DEFENDANT Robson Roofing and Contracting 66-3560 Hallberg Road, Ladysmith, BC PLAINTIFF Ian Mchale CLAIM
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APRIL 2015
2014 thanks to a mix of building and vehicle upgrades and other measures. The reductions equate to saving 11,508 litres of oil and 11.3 million kilowatt hours of electricity.
COWICHAN VALLEY Coldwell Banker Slegg Realty agents Jim Johnson and Jay Deleskie have sold the 42-suite Best Western Cowichan Valley Inn for $4.6 million. West Coast Pre Fab has broken ground on its new premises in Chemainus, where its mill maintenance and structural steel company will be operating from this summer. Nicon Developments Ltd., located at 2922 Allenby Road in Duncan, has welcomed Nadine Gendall to its team as its new Marketing and Sales Manager. Gendall will be overseeing the company’s new division, Nicon Homes. The finalists have been announced for the 2015 Black Tie Awards. Finalists include: Ken Holack, Sheila Service and Colleen Marsel in the Volunteer of the Year category; Paul King of Hangaaar, Adrian Southern of Raincoast Aquaponics and Melissa Steers of Steers Meat Shop in the Young Entrepreneur of the Year category; Jean Cardino of Cardino Shoes, David and Sandra Beggs of Cycle Therapy and Brenda Burch of Social Media is Sumple in the Business Achievement, one to 10 Employees category; Fatima Da Silva of Bistro 161 and Vinoteca on the Vineyard, Ian and Jennifer Woike of Farmer Ben’s Eggs and Dave Prangley of HB Electric Ltd. in the Business Achievement, 11-19 Employees category; Randal Huber of the Chemainus Theatre Festival and Janet Docherty of Merridale Ciderworks Corp. and Peninsula Co-op in the Business Achievement 20-plus Employees category; Robin Round of Botanical Bliss, Marilyn and Giordano Venturi and Michelle Schulze of Venturi Schulze Vineyards and David and Diana Pink of Warm Land Irrigation in the Best Green Business category; Don Bodger of the Cowichan News Leader Pictorial, Ashley Mulholland of London Drugs and Scott Robertson of Unsworth Vineyards in the Customer Service category; John Lore of Live Edge Design, Arnim Rodeck of Shama-Wood Find Woodworking and Hilary Huntley of Trial by Fire Pottery in the Art in Business category. Winners will be announced at the awards banquet held April 11. Somenos Medical Clinic has welcomed Dr. Simon Glaude and Dr. Jamie Pighin to its practice, assuming the patients of Dr. Karen McIntyre, as well as accepting new patients.
The Coast Capital Savings Nanaimo Branch has welcomed Kevin Scarsbrook as its new Financial Planner.
throughout the Canada Avenue/ Ingram Street upgrade, which is set to be completed by June 10. Revitalization of the Mill Bay waterfront by the Malahat Nation is expected to reach completion by December 2015, with an estimated cost of $1.85 million. Work will include building a new boat launch and parking area, as well as a waterfront board walk and enhanced waterfront recreation areas. Bill Howich Chrysler, RV and Marine congratulated Ron May on achieving top sales for the month of February. Low Hammond Rowe Architects is celebrating 30 years in business. The firm opened for business in 1985 as Chow & Fleischauer Architects Inc. and today includes partners Jackson Low, Paul Hammond and Christopher Rowe.
NANAIMO The Greater Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce announced the winners of its 15th annual Business Achievement Awards. Winners were: R.W. (Bob) Wall Ltd. for the Built Environment – Design, Architecture and Engineering Award; Westmark Construction Ltd. for the Built Environment – Construction and Development Award; Code Brew at NRGH for the Social Considerations – Social Enterprise Award; Harbour Air for the Natural Environment – Tourism Award; Kenton Dick and Gina Mowatt for the Youth Initiatives Award; Woodgrove Centre for the Economic Development – Stalwart Award; Tilray for the Economic Development – Start-up Award; Wellington Jazz Academy for the Cultural Vitality – The Arts Award; Dog n’ Suds for the Cultural Vitality – Innovation Award; Nanaimo Community Hospice Society for the Social Considerations – Institutional Award; M.C. Wright and Associates Ltd. for the Natural Environment – Sciences Award.
and Jeff Coulombe as its new Territory Sales Representative.
celebrated its grand opening, located at 6261 Hammond Bay Road.
Woodgrove Centre Manager Mark Fenwick has announced that he will be relocating to Tsawwassen Mills upon its opening on May 18.
The Nanaimo Parkway will be getting two new dual turn lanes to reduce traffic delays, as part of a range of improvements to improve traffic flow on Vancouver Island.
The following realtors have been recognized as recipients of REALTORS Care Awards: Brian Godfrey of ReMax of Nanaimo, Aaron Nicklen of Coast Realty Group and Wendy Shaw of Sutton Group. Ray Francis of Coast Realty Group was a recipient of the REALTOR of the Year Award, while Barry Clark of Royal LePage Nanaimo has been named a new honorary member. George Kulai, owner of Smokin George’s BBQ, has put his food truck up for sale after three summers of business. Kulai said that although they broke even, they were unable to find a location that generated enough business to justify the venture. Green Thumb Garden Centre
Helijet celebrated the official opening of its helicopter service between Vancouver and the Nanaimo Port Authority cruise ship terminal. The garden centre portion of Green Thumb Nurseries, located at 6261 Hammond Bay Road, is back under the control of the Gerke family (which has owned and operated the business since 1959). Calais Spas and Billiards is celebrating its 21st anniversary this year, located at 4000 Corunna Avenue. The City of Nanaimo has managed to cut its energy costs by a total of $1.95 million between 2009 and
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The team at Cooper McLintock & Associates group under the ReMax of Nanaimo banner has announced that it is moving to a new office at 301 Franklyn Street.
The merchants of Downtown Duncan and the City of Duncan are informing customers that all Downtown businesses will be fully open
Superior Propane has announced the appointment of two new management representatives: John Bennett as its new Market Manager,
Classic Care Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, located at #3-4131 Mostar Road. WestCoast Shutters Blinds & Closets is celebrating its 15th anniversary, located at #3-4341 Boban Drive. Realty Executives has welcomed the addition of Karen Craig to its team, located at 503 Comox Road. An increase in daily flights from Nanaimo to Calgary with Air Canada is presumed to increase business opportunities for Nanaimo according to the company’s senior managers. Four new members have been appointed to the Nanaimo Port
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Jenn Houtby-Ferguson, Chief Strategist with Twist Consulting, was among the award winners at this year’s Top 20 Under 40 Awards.
Pemberton Holmes congratulates its top five producers for the month of February, which includes: Catherine Hobbs, Shannon Roome, Nick Brown, Ken Neal and Ray Little.
Best Buy Canada, which owns and operates Best Buy and Future Shop stores, has announced that it will be closing 66 Future Shop locations for good, while 65 others will be converted into Best Buys. The move will result in the loss of 500 fulltime and 1,000 part-time jobs.
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PARKSVILLEQUALICUM Nanaimo CarShare director Ken Walker has voiced plans to start a car-share service in Qualicum Beach.
opened a fourth location, in Nanaimo. The new store is located on Aulds Road across from Woodgrove Shopping Centre.
Authority board of directors, which includes: Donna Hais, Moira Jenkins, Audrey C. Cope and Chris Badger.
The Vancouver Island Better Business Bureau congratulated Wallace Driving School on being a dedicated BBB accredited for 5 years.
Parksville’s Home Hardware location is celebrating its 30th year in business.
Seaspan Ferries is considering closing its downtown Nanaimo commercial truck ferry in downtown Nanaimo and re-locating those operations to its second terminal in Duke Point.
Winners of the Parksville and District Business Awards have been announced, and include: Paul Drummond of Tigh-Na-Mara Seaside Resort and Spa for Business of the Year, more than 15 employees; Ron Chiovetti of Isle Golf Cars for Business of the Year, less than 15 employees; Kristy Lotzien of Soak Essentials for Entrepreneur of the Year; Dave Paul of The Beach Club for Outstanding Customer Service.
The City of Nanaimo’s operating budget was $3.55 million over budget for 2014. Waterfront Suites and Marina has reached out to 250 members of the False Creek Yacht Club to assist with a move to Nanaimo. Approximately 100 boats will have to relocate from the Downtown Vancouver yacht club. Hayes Stewart Little & Company, Chartered Accountants has introduced Kendra Bajkov, Jonathan Kasper and Jessica Venables as its three newest successful writers of the 2014 Uniform Final Exam for the Chartered Accountants of British Columbia. Charity Holling has also recently qualified as a Certified General Accountant. Diamond Optical & EyeCare, with two Victoria locations and one in Duncan, has recently
The Parksville Downtown Business Association has appointed its officers for its 2015-16 term. They are: President Sandy Herle, Vice-president Melisa Beatty, Secretary-treasurer Michelle Jones, and directors Cindy Craig, Randy Henson, Kristy Lotzien, Tony MacAulay, Heather Taylor, Judy Evans, Mercedes Lane, Carol Ormiston, Neil Watson and Arthur Wong.
Native Ancestry. Duncan also announced $1.5 million to support Canadian Coast Guards assets that contribute to maritime safety: the Search and Rescue Station in Campbell River, and eight lighthouses on Vancouver Island and BC Central Coast. Mayor Andy Adams was one of two of the municipal representatives elected to the board of the Island Coastal Economic Trust at the North Island Sunshine Regional Advisory Committee meeting. The ICET is guided by a board of directors and two regional advisory committees, which include more than 50 locally elected officials and MLAs and five appointees to set regional funding priorities.
PORT ALBERNI Gone Fishin’ is in the midst of celebrating its 22nd year in business, as well as the opening of its new, larger location at 4985 Johnston Road. Please send any business news to Shawn Bishop. shawn@businessvi.ca 250-758-2684 ext. 130
Port Alberni congratulated Kama Money, James Edwards and Drew Bradley on being named among the Top 20 Under 40 Business and Community Achievement Awards. Van Isle Ford is celebrating its 5th anniversary in the Alberni Valley, now located at 4831 Beaver Creek Road. A former coffee shop that has been sitting vacant on lower Argyle Street will be opening soon as Heather Mallory has taken over Canvas Cup Coffee Bar, with plans to open the doors on May 1. Royal LePage has opened its new Port Alberni office for business at Victoria Quay. Tsawaayuus Rainbow Gardens has proposed a large-scale expansion of its facility onto the adjacent park. The West Coast Native Health Society, which runs the facility, has reached a tentative agreement with the city to purchase the municipal land for $163,000.
CAMPBELL RIVER Island Funeral Service/Elk Falls Crematorium has announced the completion of its niche wall at Elk Falls Cemetery. Swicked Cycles is celebrating its 5th anniversary, located at 1791 Spruce Street.
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APRIL 2015
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MP John Duncan has announced that 22 organizations will be receiving a total of $437,238 for their projects from the New Horizons for Seniors Program. Some of the organizations include: Immigrant Welcome Centre of Campbell River, Tahsis Senior Society, Campbell River Royal Canadian Legion Branch #137, Merville Hall, Village of Sayward, Campbell River and District Adult Care Society, Black Creek Old Age Pensioners #126, Quadra Island Literacy Now, Willow Point Lions Club, Upper Island Women of
Bill Kelly Bill Kelly, head Professional at Glacier Greens Golf Course in Comox, has been named the PGA of British Columbia Board of Directors’ 38th President. Finneron Hyundai congratulated Jan Vandenbiggelaar on being named salesperson of the month for February. Comox’s Avenue Bistro is under the new ownership of Gregor and Michelle Mowatt. Former owners Sandra Viney and Trent McIntyre will be focusing more on their Atlas Café restaurant in Courtenay. Nanaimo RCMP’s Operational Communications Centre will be moving its operations to Courtenay as of November, in order to make daily operations more efficient. The 21 employees from Nanaimo will be offered jobs at the merged Courtenay centre, or given the option to commute. The Comox-Strathcona Regional Hospital District has approved a $122 million financial plan that will see no increase in tax for residents in the upcoming year. Island Honda has welcomed Brad Russell to its sales department, located at 1025 Comox Road. The Comox Valley Curling Centre renovation is scheduled to begin sometime this month. Bruce Carscadden Architecture has been hired as the consultant for the project. Kinetic Construction has been selected to oversee the $1.9 million renovation. Construction of the new Adult Day Program space at Glacier View Lodge will be completed some time this spring. The program provides a social and stimulating day for the client in a safe environment, while the caregiver has some respite time to themselves.
APRIL 2015
At the 15th Annual Nanaimo Chamber Achievement Awards M.C. Wright & Associates, left, was recognized for the Science Award in the category of Natural Environment. M.C. Wright & Associates is a biological consulting and software development firm. The presenter was Adrian Legin, CEO of Coastal Community Credit Union. PHOTO COURTESY OF HEYDEMANN PHOTOGRAPHY
In the category of Natural Environment, Harbour Air was honoured in Tourism as being Canada’s first carbon neutral airline at the 15th Annual Nanaimo Chamber Achievement Awards. The presenter was Adrian Legin, CEO of Coastal Community Credit Union. PHOTO COURTESY OF HEYDEMANN PHOTOGRAPHY
To all of our Sponsors, Partners, Fans & Supporters for joining us in celebrating Nanaimo!
Bob Wall of W.R. Wall Ltd was the winner of the Built Environment Award, presented by Kevin Gillanders of RBC Royal Bank, and left is Donna Hais of R.W.Wall Ltd. The award was presented at the 15th annual Business Achievement Awards put on by the Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce. PHOTO COURTESY OF HEYDEMANN PHOTOGRAPHY
APRIL 2015 A division of Invest Northwest Publishing Ltd. Vancouver Island Office 25 Cavan Street,Nanaimo, BC V9R 2T9 Toll free: 1.866.758.2684 Fax: 1.778.441.3373 Email: info@businessexaminer.ca Website: www.businessexaminer.ca
PUBLISHER/EDITOR | Lise MacDonald, lise@businessexaminer.ca SALES | Shawn Bishop – shawn@businessexaminer.ca, Josh Higgins – josh@businessexaminer.ca, Joanne Iormetti – joanne@businessexaminer.ca WRITERS | Goody Niosi, Julia MacDonald, Beth Yim, Ezra MacDonald WEBSITE | John MacDonald – john@businessexaminer.ca
opping-up government wages & benefits costs taxpayers $20 billion per year; Urban transit workers in BC make 37% more, one of highest gaps in country. If you work in the private sector, you’re making up to $8,500 less per year, and working up to six hours more each week, than someone doing the same job for the government. This is one of several key findings from the latest Wage Watch report released today by the Canadian Fe d e rat i o n of I n d e p e n d e nt Business (CFIB), pointing to a huge wage and benefits adva ntage for publ ic sector workers over thei r cou nterpa r ts i n t he pr ivate sector. W hen salaries, benefits and working hours are factored in, the average federal, provincial or municipal employee makes 1837 per cent more than someone doing the same job in a private business. Canada Post workers and federal government employees are the biggest beneficiaries. Urban transit in BC also had one of the biggest gaps in the country,
with workers making 25.6 per cent more in salaries than their private sector counterparts, and 36.7 per cent more in salaries and benefits. The report compares private sector employees to those at various government employers, and offers clear solutions to close the earnings gap between these workers, such as capping taxpayer-funded contributions to
is the elephant in every room when it comes to setting the publ ic pol icy agenda i n th is country,” said Ted Mallett, chief economist and vice-president at CFIB. “Public sector earnings have been allowed to drift well above market-tested norms, and cash-strapped governments are looking for ways to invest in infrastructure and other prior-
Public sector salary and bene-fits % advantages over private sector, Canada
Public sector salary and benefits % advantages over private sector, British Columbia
Salaries only -BC -Vancouver -Victoria Salaries & benefits - BC - Vancouver - Victoria
Federal Government
Provincial Government
Municipal Government
Education Institutions
Healthcare Institutions
Urban Transit Authorities
5.8 2.1 10.0
2.0 0.3 8.1
6.8 5.6
2.9 0.8 3.6
-0.6 0.2 -1.1
20.7 16.5 25.5
17.4 15.3 24.3
16.7 15.4
17.9 15.4 18.6
13.9 14.8 13.3
* salaries only are adjusted for occupation, age, education ** salaries and benefits include pensions and working hours
government pensions. If government workers were paid at the same rate as their private sector equivalents, taxpayers would save $20 billion each year. “The public-private wage gap
ities. Closing the gap is not just what’s fair, it’s what is needed.” Ba sed ch ief ly on Nat ion a l Household Survey (NHS) returns from 2011, the findings represent average full-time employment earnings for more than 7.2
million Canadians. Occupations that don’t exist in both sectors are excluded. In British Columbia, it was pretty much the same story as the national picture: a continued and substantial gap in salary and benefits in favour of public sector employees, even after adjustments for differences in occupational mix, age, and education. “It comes down to a basic issue of fairness. Since these jobs are supported by taxpayers, it is completely appropriate to ask questions about these salary and benefit gaps, and the impact on the public purse’, said Laura Jones, Executive Vice-President
for CFIB. “This is particularly true since people in the Metro Vancouver region are voting, as we speak, i n a plebiscite to add a new municipal sales tax to pay for infrastructure. Yet, even a small narrowing of the compensation gap over time could produce savings that would completely nullify any arguable need for new tax revenues”, concluded Jones. CFIB is Canada’s largest association of small- and medium-sized businesses with 109,000 members across every sector and region.
osses say ‘Go’; Leaders say ‘Let’s Go’. T hat’s one of the best descriptions of leadership I’ve ever heard, boiled down into one sentence. It says everything about what good leadership is, and should aspire to. It’s not about telling people what to do – it’s showing and demonstrating what should be done - so that others come along for the journey. There is perhaps no place where this is more important than in the corporate world. The adage: “Do as I say, not as I do”, works
as effectively at home as it does at the office, which is to say, it doesn’t. People are looking for leaders who lead by example. One of the benefits of entrepreneurial start-ups is that the person who starts a company has obviously had a vision they’ve had the courage to follow to implementation, taking the necessary risks along the way. During the journey, the leader has had to do a number of tasks as revenues rise and staff are added, giving them first-hand experience of what is required. Then, when employees come on board, they can be shown how the owner wants it done, and, of course, add their own expertise to the process once they’ve grown accustomed to - and appreciate - the corporate structure. In business, it is the leaders’ job to set the vision for the company and chart the course. Obviously mission statements are important. They are, in their most productive forms, collaborative efforts with staff and other team members. But before it gets to
that point, the leader has to decide that this course of action needs to be taken, and sets the parameters for the exercise. It is, after all, his or her ‘baby’. Once the vision is established, then it is the owner/president/ manager’s job to stay the course, and repeat the vision often so that everyone on the ship remembers what the purposes and goals of the company are. That’s easy to do when things are going well, but much tougher when storms arise within the firm, or in the economy. It’s in difficulty that the strength of the vision is tested and steeled. In other words, when things are at their darkest, vision and level-headed leadership are the most vitally important. Successful business owners recognize the importance of having a positive mindset. Although when things look bleak some may view having a “glass half-full” outlook as unrealistic, it is exactly that mindset that will ensure the team stays engaged until the company successfully
navigates rough waters. A friend often explained his vision of leadership with respect to results: W hen there is success, good leaders share the credit. When there are mistakes, they own them and take responsibility. Sharing the credit is a wise recognition that company success is due to the sum of its parts, and team members will appreciate not just the acknowledgement, but also the humility of a leader who knows he/she wouldn’t be where they are without the hard work and input of others. Some may doubt the validity of shouldering the blame for problems created by staff, but there are some very positive benefits for doing so. Firstly, staff respects the fact that the leader/ owner takes responsibility for the error, and shields them from exposure. Really, this should be the case – the buck has to ultimately stop at the one who signs the cheques. Secondly, customers and clients respect the owner/leader for
standing and being accountable – and for doing what needs to be done to make it right. We’ve all had situations where we’ve purchased goods or services and something has gone wrong. How annoying is it when the company representative gives an explanation that justifies their actions, yet doesn’t present an offer to “make things right”? It’s amazing how fast we can “put the fire out” by quickly asking the complainant: “What can I do to make it right?” It’s disarming and engaging all at the same time, and the answer is, almost always, a reasonable request. The ensuing positive, satisfying solution to a happy, satisfied client can sometimes be more valuable in terms of good will than the original transaction itself. Leadership, obviously, starts at the top. An investigation of any solid, successful company will reveal great ownership and ma nagement, wh ich a lways translates into happy, productive team members carrying out their responsibilities the same way.
SUBCRIPTIONS | $45 PER YEAR (12 ISSUES), $80 FOR 2 YEARS (24 ISSUES), SUBSCRIBE ONLINE: BUSINESSEXAMINER.CA. DISTRIBUTION: SECOND WEEK OF EACH MONTH VIA CANADA POST AD MAIL. The publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited submissions. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Produced and published in British Columbia. All contents copyright Business Examiner Vancouver Island, 2015. Canadian Publications Mail Acct.: 40069240
APRIL 2015
The ‘duty of honest performance’
n November 13, 2014 the Supreme Court of Canada published its decision in Bhasin v. Hrynew. This case has attracted attention as it has created a new “duty of honest performance” which applies to contracts undertaken here in Canada. There is now a new legal duty of honest performance that applies to all contracts. This duty requires all parties to a contract to be honest with each other in relation to the performance of their contractual obligations. You cannot lie or mislead the other party about your contractual performance. For example, if you are asked how far along you are in the production of a customer’s product, and you lie about it, causing a loss to the customer; you may be liable for damages. If you are asked if you are going to renew a lease as may be allowed in its terms, and you lie about it, you may be liable for damages. There remains a fundamental commitment in the common law of contract on the freedom of contracting parties to pursue their individual self-interests. But it is tempered by a requirement to act
James A. S. Legh, Partner with Stevenson Luchies & Legh in good faith. Some may suggest that this duty of good faith will affect everyday commerce and cause uncertainty. However it should be the opposite. You might still expect some lack of candour in commercial settings and we understand that other people will have interests different from our own. Now you can expect that there will not be (at least in the performance of a contract which is different from the negotiation of the contract), blatant steps by those you have contracted with to undermine your interests. We must all perform our contractual duties honestly and reasonably and not capriciously or arbitrarily. T he principle of good faith
requires that when one is carrying out his or her own performance of a contract, they should have appropriate regard to the legitimate contractual interests of their contracting partner. The idea of “appropriate regard” for the other’s interests will vary depending on the context of the relationship. It does not require that you must act to serve the other’s interests in all cases. It merely requires that when working within a contract, a person cannot seek to undermine those interests in bad faith. The common-law legal system had historically been uncomfortable with imposing a requirement of good faith, instead embracing a theory of “freedom of contract.” Parties are free to enter into any contract they desire by mutual agreement, and are free to break their contracts – if they accept the legal and financial consequences. This new duty of honest performance is now a general doctrine of contract law and imposes a minimum standard of honesty in contractual performance. It operates irrespective of the intentions of the parties. Parties are free to contract out of the requirements of the doctrine, so long as they respect its minimum core requirements. However it may be hard to convince people that they should sign a contract when one of the terms is that the other side is not
required to be honest with you. There can be an even higher duty of good faith in certain types of transactions. This generally applies in situations where there is unequal bargaining power, or a special relationship of dependence. Provincial and federal legislation has established a duty of good faith or fair dealing in areas such as franchise agreements and labour law. Insurance contracts impose a duty of “uttermost good faith” to disclose all material facts. Where a fiduciary relationship exists between the parties – a relationship of trust, such as between a real estate agent and a client – the law imposes a high standard of care and loyalty, regardless of what a contract might say about the relationship. In Bhasin v. Hrynew, the Supreme Court of Canada has stated that a duty of good faith applies to all contracts, even ordinary ones which do not fall into any special category. The factual situation in Bhasin v. Hrynew illustrates the nature of the duty that applies. An investment services company (Can-Am) attempted to force a merger of two of its retail agencies which Bhasin did not want to occur. Can-Am repeatedly misled Bhasin and responded equivocally when asked whether the merger was a “done deal”, while at the same clearly
planning to merge the agencies. The contract for Bhasin’s agency would renew automatically unless notice was given by either party not to renew. Can-Am then gave notice that they would not renew. Can-Am was found to have acted dishonestly with Bhasin throughout the period leading up to its exercise of the non-renewal clause with respect to its intentions and was liable for damages calculated on the basis of what Bhasin’s economic position would have been had Can-Am fulfilled its duty. In general, this duty of honest performance should not be a surprise. The sort of behaviour which will breach this duty would probably be seen as objectionable and dishonest in a commercial setting. Sometimes, however, the best business decision will not be seen as perfectly “honest” by everyone affected by it. If you find yourself unsure whether taking an action would be considered a breach of your duty of honest performance by a court, this is an indication that you should proceed with caution. In making an unpleasant business decision, you should consider all the consequences, both personal and legal. A legal advisor will be able to help determine whether the proposed action may constitute a breach of contract, and can advise on possible legal consequences and ways to reduce your risks.
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