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VOL 1 | ISSUE 10 | JUNE 12, 2015

NURTURING ECONOMIC GROWTH: Has Gallup planted the seeds? Page 3



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Friday June 12, 2015 • Gallup Sun

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Hope for economic recovery discussed at forum By Melinda Russell Sun Correspondent


ome of the top business minds in Gallup and McKinley County met three days this week to look over plans for economic development, discuss the pros and cons of doing business in the immediate area and become more informed with regard to the possibilities of growing this community. The training session, that took place June 8 -10, was sponsored by the Greater Gallup Economic Development Company in downtown Gallup. Sectors represented included city, county, tribal and chapter governments, hospitals, schools, universities, utility companies and many local business owners. Kent Wilson, retired owner of Fou r Cor ners Weld ing and Gas Supply and current Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission for the City of Gallup said, “For

many leaders and concerned busi nes s people work i ng together for the benefit of Gallup and McKinley County. The top three concerns identified by the group were: leadership development, creative economic development strategies and infrastructure. This forum was the first step in addressing the leadership development part of the concerns. City Councilor Linda Garcia said about the first day of training, “It was intense. It’s like taking an economics class.” A small part of the infrast r uct u re problem wa s addressed with the passing of the Capital Outlay Projects bill, which allocated $4.5 million to Gallup for the Allison Road Bridge project. In tota l, the bill a llo catesnearly $12 million to the Gallup and McKinley County area. Rep. Patty Lundstrom, D - Ga l lup a nd E xe c ut ive Director of the GGEDC, was pleased that all parties were

Representative Patty Lundstrom and City Manager Maryann Ustick listen intently while attendees discuss Gallup business concerns. Lundstrom was recognized with The Excellence in Economic Development Award for 2015 by the Site Selector’s Guild. Photo Credit: Melinda Russell

the first time in over 50 years, Gallup has an opportunity to grow because it has land and resources.” He was excited to see so NEWS

able to work together to get the bill passed. “We were able to do 60 days worth of work in four and a half hours,” she said.

Barbara Brazil Deputy Secretary of the New Mexico Economic Development Department talks with Mayor Jackie McKinney before her presentation in Gallup, June 10. Brazil painted a hopeful outlook for New Mexico business. Photo Credit: Melinda Russell

Lundstrom further explained that with the completion of Highway 491, and the $1 billion Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project, Gallup is ready for economic development. “Hav i ng wat er i s l i ke gold now, especially in the Southwest,” she said. Adding to those resources is Interstate Highway 40 and the BNSF Railroad. In a handout addressing the planned Gallup Energy Logistics Park, the GGEDC lists future opportunities that could be available: natural resource transloading, cross-docking and light manufacturing. All of these opportunities are dependent upon the quality and quantity of transportation resources available. The Gallup Energy Logistics Park is planned for the west side of Gallup on the land purcha sed from Ga merco Associates by the Gallup Land Partners. Transloading is the process of bringing resources into Gallup by truck and transferring them to railcars or viceversa. Direct truck-to-train transloading is scheduled to

begin in the fourth quarter of 2015. Cross-Docking is a logistical plan that transfers products from one source to another whereby little or no storage time is required. Loads received from various sources would be directly transferred i nto a not her t r a n spor t a tion medium with the same destination. As a result of her work w it h t he log i s t ic s pa rk , Lundstrom was honored with The Excellence in Economic Development Award for 2015 by the Site Selector’s Guild. The guild is a group of international site selection consultants who provide education, networking and services to those involved in the industry. They are some of the top advisors who will be sending potential businesses to look at Gallup for new industry.

STATE SUPPORT As a part of the event, Ba rba ra Bra zi l Deput y Secretary of the New Mexico Econom ic Development Department gave a presentation

regarding incentives available to New Mexico businesses. Brazil said the department is in good shape. They are working with a 28 percent increase in funding that is allowing them to work with Main Street programs, job development and new technology. Br a z i l r epor t e d t her e are five business incubators around the state that are partnering with localities to ensure success with their new businesses. One such partnership is that of Santa Fe and the Zuni Pueblo. She said the Santa Fe incubator runs an extremely successful program. One of the things that makes New Mexico very competitive in attracting new or relocating businesses is the fact that the state is run with a balanced budget. This gives new companies confidence they will benefit from the incentives they are promised. Other positive aspects of doing business in New Mexico include the reduced corporate income tax, workforce training programs and extremely low property taxes. Brazil said manufacturing is growing in New Mexico. Ernst and Young recently ranked New Mexico as the best state in the west to develop manufacturing businesses because of the incentive package the state offers. Two programs that are av a i l a ble t o Ga l lup a nd McKinley County businesses are Job Training Incentive Program and Local Economic Development Act. Both will pay up to 70 percent of training fees for employees in rural areas for the first six months of their employment. Restrictions apply, but the savings can help ensure success to a new business. LEDA funding is available


Gallup Sun • Friday June 12, 2015


Landavazo suggests putting a cork in Ceremonial wine tasting event The event, features an array of wine, gourmet foods and desserts. Christiansen explained that it’s one of the ways the board thanks volunteers for their hard work. “If this would have come up at all we would have discussed this,” she said. “If a few people are unhappy with it they should come and talk to us.” Neither the council nor Christiansen got into details on the cost of the event, but Christiansen said they break even. She added that moving forward the board can address whether to hold the wine tasting event in 2016. Councilor Linda Garcia

By Babette Herrmann Sun Editor


a r y J e a n Christiansen most likely wasn’t expecting to defend a wine tasting event when she came before the City Council June 9 to discuss the 94th Annual Gallup Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial request of $50,000 in lodgers tax money for use of advertising the four day event. However, Councilor Allan Landavazo saw it as an opportunity to address the opening night wine tasting event. La ndavazo, who ma nages Castle Furniture in Gallup, said “100 percent of the people I talk to don’t want it.” He also said that the individuals he spoke to are primarily Native Americans and informed him that alcohol wasn’t a part of their traditional culture. “Ceremonial is a celebration of Native culture and traditions,” he said. “Wine has nothing to do with the celebration

Allan Landavazo

of their culture.” Christiansen, a Ceremonial board member and local business owner, said that to date,

no one on the Ceremonial board – Native and non-Native alike – has come forward in opposition of the event.

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Friday June 12, 2015 • Gallup Sun

said that she voted against the event, as a board member representing the city. A nd it wa s clea r a fter Cou ncilor F ra n Pa lochak spoke, the majority of the council, opposes the event. “I have concerns about this,” Palochak said. “It makes me uncomfortable. This is a cultural event … alcohol is not part of their culture.” Christiansen explained that the wine tasting is separate from the cultural events and thanked the council for their feedback. There were no votes on the non-agenda issue. The wine tasting event is scheduled for Aug. 5.

Lawmakers brace for Liquor Excise Tax decrease By Babette Herrmann Sun Editor


oth City of Gallup Council and McKinley Cou nt y B oa rd of Commissioners passed a joint resolution to budget and to closely monitor how they allocate Liquor Excise Tax dollars. Despite the tax being raised from 5 to 6 percent this past fiscal year, both county and city officials said they expected the projected the tax revenue would bring in $1.1 million, but now expect that amount to be in the ballpark of $900,000 when the remaining receipts for fiscal year 2015 filter in. This predicted shortfall is based on the nearly $718,000 that filtered into coffers from July 1 - April 30. “We really are a little perplexed about the the numbers,” City Attorney George Kozeliski said. T he j oi nt r e s olu t io n , “Directing the Allocation and Distribution of the Fiscal Year 2016 Projected Liquor Excise Tax Revenue,” states because of the lower than expected revenue, both city and county officials decided to take a

more conservative spending approach moving into fiscal year 2016. For st a r ter s, $50 0,0 0 0 has been set aside for future allocation. Here’s fiscal year 2016 Liquor Excise Tax allocation: • Gallup Detox Center will receive $220,000. About 10 percent will come from the city and 10 percent from the county. • The City of Gallup will receive $300,000 to go toward their Community Service Aide program. These are the vans, and officers, that retrieve intoxicated people from the streets and take them to detox. • McKinley County to earmark $200,000 for the Juvenile Substance Abuse Crisis Center and $100,000 toward the DWI program. City and county officials will meet toward the end of the calendar year, which is about halfway through the 2016 fiscal year, to discuss allocation of the remaining $500,000. Officials won’t know the final dollar outcome for fiscal year 2015 until the state submits the Liquor Excise Tax report to the county and city, which could be as late as August. NEWS

McKinley County’s new look By Babette Herrmann Sun Editor


t didn’t take much discussion for McKinley County Board of Commissioners to vote in a new logo, in essence, a fresh brand for the county at their June 9 meeting. Gone is the hard to make out graph ic of the cou nt y building encased in a circle a nd welcome to a st rong, Nat ive A mer ica n f ig u re holding a torch, inspired by the Manuelito sculpture on the county building’s first f loor. Artist Theo Bremer-Bennett read from a statement on what he feels the new logo symbolizes: “After studying what other counties in our area are using as logos, we concluded that many try to visually say absolutely everything and end up with an often colorful but undecipherable blob,” he said. “In order for McKinley County to stand out, we decided not to

Commissioners voted to accept a new Chief Manuelito inspired logo June 9. Photo Credit: Babette Herrmann

try and say absolutely everything that McKinley County is, but aimed for a a simple, more

iconic representation.” Commissioner Genevieve Jackson said she’s pleased

that the Native figure was not donning the stereotypical “feather.”

“I think it’s very well done,” she said. In a statement, BremerBennett said the silver-patterned armband on the figure “represents his refinded skill and trade. The torch he bears is Romanesque in design, signifying democracy, justice and equality. And the fire he bears is that which warms and provides insight to all of humanity.” During a slideshow presentation, Bremer-Bennett showed the logo in both the earthy brown, gold and tan tones, in addition to black and white. He showed what it would look like on the entrance to the county building as well on vehicles, letterhead and more. “The simplicity of this logo is easy to copy and reproduce,” he said. Commissioners didn’t discuss in the public meeting the launch date of the logo or go over the costs associated with the numerous changes that will need to be made.


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AM Gallup Sun • Friday June 12,6/10/15 201510:095

McKinley County commissioners snub fireworks ban By Babette Herrmann Sun Editor


“proclamation declaring extreme or severe drought conditions w it h i n McK i n ley County” failed to get any recognition from the Board of Commissioners at their June 9 meeting. Cou nt y At tor ney Doug Decker brought before the commission, as he does annually, for their consideration.

It was also a public meeting, and one resident spoke in favor of allowing all legal fireworks be fired off this July 4 holiday. Gallup resident Sabor Biggs said the lush landscape due to recent rainfalls should be an indicator of why most fireworks should not be banned this year. O f f i c e o f E m e r ge n c y Management Director Anthony Dimas provided a packet to commissioners that cited that

the county has seen the third wettest May on record since 1992 and that conditions in the area are “normal.” He said the county faces “little to no risk of a large fires” in the coming months. “We’re normal, right where we should be,” he said. The proclamation, now dead, if passed would have banned the sale of “misslety pe rockets, helicopters, aerial spinners and stick-type rockets.”


These beautiful paintings were on display at the June 6 Spanish Market. Photo Credit: Tom Hartsock


Friday June 12, 2015 • Gallup Sun

The Spanish Market featured many carvings of Sanctuarios. Photo Credit: Tom Hartsock

Castle Furniture – 24 TravelCenters of America – 2 Rico Auto Complex – 5 Baskin Robbins – 9 Cash Cow Tires & Service – 12 First American Credit Union – 4 Thunderbird Supply Co. – 6 Cowtown Feed & Livestock – 19 Butler’s Office Equipment & Supply – 13 Go Team Go – 8 Pinnacle Bank - 16 Richardson’s Trading – 10 Coal Street Pub – 7 Cocina de Dominguez – 7 Pee Wee’s Kitchen - 7 Rocket Cafe – 7 Sammy C’s – 7 Bella’s Fashion for Less – 11 Bill’s Reloading – 11 Bubany Insurance – 11 Mr Teez – 11 Tip Top Nails – 11

Gallup Sun Publishing, LLC Publisher/Editor Babette Herrmann Correspondents Kim Gaona Tom Hartsock Melinda Sanchez Marley Shebala Rachael Merilatt Design David Tsigelman The Gallup Sun, published Fridays, is not responsible or liable for any claims or offerings, nor responsible for availability of products advertised. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. PO Box 1212 Gallup, NM 87305 Find us on Facebook and Twitter Phone: (505) 728-1640 Fax: (505) 212-0391 Letter to the editor/guest column ACCEPTED BY EMAIL ONLY. State full name and city/town. No pen names. ID required. All submissions subjected to editor’s approval. Guest columnists, email Sun for submission requirements.




By Kimberly A. Gaona S o p h i a Endischee, 43, Window Rock, Ariz. Endischee was booked into McKinley County Adult Detention Center June 2 after she struck another vehicle and left the area. The victim of the hit and run followed Endischee to a residence on Belle Drive and called police. Gallup Police Department O f f icer DeWay ne Holder charged Endischee for DWI, immediate notice of an accident and open container in a motor vehicle. John A. Garcia, 43, Gallup, NM Garcia was arrested June 6 by GPD Officer Jessie Dia z

when he was found speeding on Highway 66. Garcia readily admitted that he had come from a bar and ended up blowing a .17, .16 on the breathalyzer machine. Garcia was charged with Aggravated DWI, not having insurance and speeding. R y a n B a r b o n e , 2 7, Thoreau, NM Barbone was arrested Ju ne 4 by GPD Off icer Je s s i e D i a z Ju ne 4 a nd charged with Aggravated DWI and open container in a motor vehicle. Diaz stopped Barbone after he was called in as a reckless driver. Diaz caught up with Barbone and the complainant at Arrowhead Lodge on East Highway 66 at about 1:45 am. His breath test results were .19, .18.


EAST SIDE BUSINESS DISTRICT Three individuals were arrested for robbery after they took a bag from a male while all four were walking from the Gallup Detox facility June 3. According to the police report, filed by GPD Officer Andrea Tsosie, 67-year-old Tommy Youngbear called police after his Wells Fargo bank bag was taken from him. Youngbear asked Tsosie to take him to the bank so that he could cancel his bank c a rd. On t he way, Tsosie and Youngbear spotted the individuals who took Yo u n g b e a r ’ s items, and they w e r e fo u n d in possession on most of Yo u n g b e a r ’s belongings. E r i c Emerson, 26, of Window Rock, A r iz. , Nicole Thompson, 21 o f To h a t c h i , NM and Rose

Cadman, 44, of Tseyatoh, NM were all taken to the jail and charged with robbery. Emerson was also charged with resisting an officer.

NORTH SIDE Fer n a ndo Ke e A sh ley Dedman, 26, Fort Defiance, Ariz. was arrested on burglary charges June 2 after a Church’s Chicken North employee saw Dedman get into his truck and go through his belongings. The employee confronted Ded m a n a nd had him wait on the curb for police. Nothing

ECONOMIC RECOVERY | FROM PAGE 3 for land, building and infrastructure. A project must be attached to the allocation of these funds. This incentive requires the private sector to invest in the project. The State negotiates performance measures such as job creation goals and project completion dates that will be attached to the funding to safeguard a solid return on the investment. Any business interested in these

was taken from the truck. GPD Officer Chaz Troncoso arrived at Church’s Chicken and arrested Dedman for burglary to a vehicle. Gallup Police Department bike patrol units responded to the Playground of Dreams area June 5 in reference to people drinking inside a vehicle with a child present, according to the report filed by Officer Kelvin Akeson. Akeson, Sergeant Billy Padavich and Officer Dominic Molina found the vehicle, found the occupants to be intoxicated and did find a 6-year-old child in the vehicle. Tracey Begaye, 26, and Ramsey Lee, 35 were both arrested for abandonment of a child. incentives can refer to the New Mexico State Economic Development website. Bill Lee, county manager, said it takes collaboration between agencies and the private sector to make economic development happen. That is happening during this training session. “Economic development is not an overnight process,” he said. “Five percent of all deals across the country get done. It is a long process. You have to be patient and stay the course.”

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Gallup Sun • Friday June 12, 2015


Legislators pass infrastructure bill, two others in just hours By Andy Lyman NM Political Report


ANTA FE, NM–The New Mex ico L eg islat u re did in four hours what couldn’t be done in 60 days earlier this year: pass legislation to fund infrastructure projects throughout the state, as well as two other bills. While there was some debate among lawmakers, lawmakers easily passed legislation with few dissenting votes June 8. A bill that proved cont rover sia l du r i ng t he regular session was the capital outlay bill. SB 1, sponsored by Sen. Ca rlos Cisneros, D-Questa, aimed to authorize $295 million help pay for about 1,000 projects around New Mexico. After a brief debate, the Senate passed the capital outlay bill in a committee of the whole and shortly thereafter the full Senate. Capital outlay did not move as fast through the House, though. The House Ways and Mea ns Committee passed

the legislation with minimal debate, but the measure came up against much more criticism on the House f loor. Those who criticized the bill voiced their concerns and said they would still vote for the bill even though they viewed it as flawed. Ultimately, the House voted unanimously in favor of the bill. A not her cont rover si a l measure held up in the last minutes of the regular session

was a bill full of various tax incentives. This time, the bill started on the House side and also quickly made its way through the committee process. The tax package, sponsored by Rep. Tim Lewis, R-Albuquerque, will allow a certain amount of out of pocket med ica l ex penses t o be deduc t ed f rom a n individual’s state tax returns. HB 2 also prov ides a ta x

break to companies that work with cer tain technologies a s soci a t ed w it h t he U. S D e pa r t me nt of D efe n s e. The House Ways and Means Committee voted unanimously to pass the bill. On the floor, Rep. Matthew McQueen, D - Ga listeo, attempted to amend the bill to include a solar tax credit. The House voted 33-29 against amending the tax bill. The tax legislation passed the House floor with only two dissenting votes, both from Democrats. In a committee of the whole, the Senate ultimately voted in favor of the tax package through a voice vote. HB 1, sponsored by House Majority Leader Nate Gentry, R-Albuquerque, served two purposes. The bill intended to fund the special session as well as appropriate money to the Department of Health and the Administrative Office of the Courts. The legislation earmarked $4 million for DOH and $300,000 for the Office of the Courts.

The bill, known as the feed bill, passed the House Ways and Means Committee with some debate, but ultimately unanimously. It passed the House with no debate and another unanimous ‘yes’ vote. The feed bill also swiftly moved through the Senate. After the special session, Gov. Susana Martinez told reporters that she was happy with the results of the day and pleased to see the bipartisan effort put forth by lawmakers “Today is a good day for New Mex ica n s a nd t hei r families,” she said during a news conference. She credited the br ief session to prev ious negotiations made between her and legislators. Of the process leading up to the special session she said, “We worked really hard before we called a special session to come to agreements that we would walk in and have those agreements in hand.” Visit: nmpoliticalreport. org

Navajo Head Start partners with Diné College to help teachers obtain degree


INDOW ROCK, Ariz. — Sharon H. Singer, assistant superintendent of the Navajo Nation Department of Diné Education, is pleased to announce a new partnership between Navajo Head Start (NHS) and Diné College to help paraprofessionals obtain their associates degree


Friday June 12, 2015 • Gallup Sun

in early childhood education, and Navajo language and culture. Singer explained NHS and Diné College established this partnership to further the mission and vision of both institutions, which is to make higher education and a highly-qualified workforce a priority for NHS. “We are excited with our new partnership with Diné College, who will be working with our para-professionals in obtaining their A.A. degrees in early childhood education, and Diné language and culture,” Singer said. “This partnership will further promote our initiative to have a highly-qualified workforce.” Diné College entered into the memorandum of agreement (MOA) with the Navajo Nation, which was signed by Navajo Nation President Ben Shelly in April. Per the agreement, the Navajo Nation and the Navajo Department of Diné Education (DODE) will be committed to supporting NHS and its staff in attaining Associate of Arts degrees in early childhood education from Diné College for the next three years. In 1995, the Navajo Nation, under the leadership of then-Navajo Nation President Albert Hale, made a promise to develop the capacity for Navajo language and culture immersion in NHS centers. Dr. Daniel McLaughlin, chairperson for the

Center for Diné Teacher Education, explained that Diné College is preparing future teachers to become respectful and effective teachers utilizing Navajo-Diné teachings with all students. He described the partnership as a “win-win-win.” “It’s a win-win-win. It’s a win for Navajo Head Start, it’s a win for Diné College, and it’s also a win for the teacher candidates, not to mention communities and Head Start centers across the Nation,” McLaughlin said. “We like to beef up our enrollment and have our faculty busy doing what they do best—that is train teachers.” McLaughlin said their lessons will be based on Sá’aqh Naagháí Bik’eh Hózhóón, developing their students according to Navajo teachings and traditions. The partnership begins this summer and more than 25 NHS staff plan to attend classes at various Diné College sites across the Navajo Nation. Navajo Head Start recently established a partnership and cohort program with Arizona State University, which recently graduated three NHS teachers with master’s degrees in instruction and curriculum with an emphasis in early childhood education. “We look forward to working with Diné College in getting our staff into their classrooms and on the road to earning their bachelor’s degrees,” Singer said. NEWS

Navajo Nation to discuss sacred sites with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Staff Report


T. MICHAELS, Ariz. – In March 2015, the Navajo Nation filed a petition with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights against the U. S. Federal Government for violations of Navajo Human Rights. The petition addresses the violation of rights to religious, cultural, and judicial protection from the desecration of Doko’o’słiid, also known as San Francisco Peaks, through the continued use of reclaimed wastewater to produce snow for a commercial ski operation that is located on the site that is sacred to the Navajo People and 13 other southwest Indigenous Nations. The IACHR is a principal and autonomous organ of the Organization of American States, whose mission is to promote and protect human rights in the Western hemisphere. The IACHR consists of 31 Countries from North, Central, and South America. As part of the ongoing petition effort, the Navajo Nation invited IACHR Commissioner Rose-Marie Belle Antoine, who serves as the Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous People for an academic event to the Navajo Nation. Antoine will visit the Navajo Nation in her official role as a professor with the University of West Indies.

Photo taken at the Oak Flat recreation area, near Superior, Ariz. Resolution Copper secured the green light from the federal government to drill for copper on the site considered sacred to Apache people. Photo Credit: Babette Herrmann

On June 18, Antoine will be visiting Doko’o’osłiid Tsoodził, also known as Mt. Taylor, and Oak Flat. Commissioner Antoine will be meeting members of the Navajo Nation Council’s Sacred Sites Task Force and San Carlos Apache, Havasupai, and Pueblos of Laguna and Zuni. During Antoine’s tour of the sacred sites, she will be informed of the each sacred site and their meaning to Indigenous peoples. On June 19, a panel discussion with Antoine and Indigenous leaders will take place at the Navajo Division of Transportation in Tse Bonito, New Mexico beginning at 8 am. During the meeting the Navajo Nation and other Indigenous Nations will present information on various issues that focus on the desecration of Indigenous sacred sites and the importance of protecting such sites. The meeting is open to the public. For more information regarding the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the role of the Rapporteur, please visit: For additional information about Commissioner Antoine’s Academic Event contact the Navajo Nation Human Rights Commission at (928) 871-7436 or visit the NNHRC website at www.nnhrc.

NM Livestock Board Vesicular Stomatitis update premises are under quarantine. Appropriate bio-security orses on a premises measures are in place at this in Grant County are time. There is a history of under quarantine fol- recent travel and commingling lowing private prac- of the “suspect” horse with titioner notification to Animal other horses on a trail multiHealth Officials of the finding of day ride; notification of the three horses with lesions com- “suspect” horse is being given patible with Vesicular Stomatitis. to other trail ride participants. Samples from the affected Producer and private prachor se s were sent to t he titioner vigilance for evidence National Veterinary Services of vesicular lesions in livestock Laboratory for VSV testing; and immediate reporting of results are pending. The such findings to state and/or “suspect’ horses and all other federal animal health officials equines on the premises are is essential for prompt diagunder quarantine. Appropriate nosis and control of disease bio-security measures are in spread and initiation of bio-seplace at this time. curity measures to protect Horses on a premises in other livestock. Grant County are under quarA Ju ne 8 New Mex ico antine following private prac- Livestock Board update, states titioner notification to Animal there are three horses susHealth Officials of the finding of pected to have the virus. One one horse with lesions compat- each in Eddy, Dona Ana and ible with Vesicular Stomatitis. Grant counties. The “suspect’ horse and Visit: www.nmlbonline. one ot her equ i ne on t he com Staff Report



Gallup Sun • Friday June 12, 2015


Code Talker Bahe Ketchum honored Staff Report


INDOW ROCK, Ariz.—The Navajo Nation is in mourning. President Russell Begaye ordered flags across the Navajo Nation to be flown at half-staff from sunrise on June 9 to sunset on June 12, in honor of the late Navajo Code Talker Bahe Ketchum. Ketchum passed at the age of 96 at in Flagstaff June 8. “The Navajo Nation sends its deepest condolences to the family and friends of Bahe Ketchum. As a Navajo Code Talker, he defended not only the Navajo Nation, but the United States of America against tyranny and oppression,” President Begaye said. “We salute his bravery, sacrifice and determination for the Navajo people,” he added. Vice President Jonathan Nez said, “Bahe Ketchum honored the Navajo people, not only through his service as a Navajo Code Talker, but by his willingness to help people throughout his lifetime.” “Bahe Ketchum was an American hero and he will be honored by the generations to come for his service to his country. We salute his life and his military service,” said Vice President Nez. Vice President Nez was the former council delegate for the chapters of Inscription House, Navajo Mountain, Oljato and Shonto. Ketchum reached the rank of private first class and served with the 6th Marine Division from 1944 to 1946. He saw combat in the Battles of Guadalcanal,

Okinawa and Tsingtao. He was born in Kaibeto, Ariz. and grew up at Inscription House. He was married to Estelle Ketchum, who passed in 2006. The couple had 10 sons, two daughters, 29 grandchildren and 18 grandchildren. Marvin Ketchum, his son, said his father received a “whole slew of medals,” including the Congressional Silver Medal for his service as a Navajo Code Talker. The funeral date has not been set and the family will be meeting at the Navajo Mountain Chapter House on June 9 at 5 pm to plan arrangements, including establishing a bank account for monetary donations. Marvin Ketchum said his father often talked of working for the headquarters during the war, transmitting and translating messages for generals, commanders and top brass. He said his father also saw action on the battlefield. “He said he was in Phoenix, about to catch a train, when he ran into a U.S. Marine Corps officer who recommended that he enlist,” Ketchum said. “My father was with a friend he was working with and the officer said, ‘You guys aren’t doing anything, so you should enlist.’ ” His friend, Willard Nez Tsosie, joined Ketchum and enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps to become Navajo Code Talkers. Ketchum said of his father, “He did a lot of services for the community of Navajo Mountain and people in general. He served his country. He was a positive role model. We ask the public for a lot of prayers for the family.”

Flags are flown at half staff in honor of Bahe Ketchum, a decorated Marine and code talker. Photo Credit:

UNM to undergo some sprucing up Staff Report


he UNM-Gallup campus will be receiving some much-needed infrastructure improvements during a nine month project that begins this week. The first part of the

construction will involve the installation of new water lines which will increase the volume and flow of water into and out of the campus, and will provide the additional water needed for the second phase of the project which involves the installation of fire sprinklers in several

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Friday June 12, 2015 • Gallup Sun

campus buildings. The current utilities infrastructure has almost reach its water capacity and requires a pumping station to boost pressure within the campus. The benefits of this project are far-reaching and will allow for anticipated campus growth. As with any construction project, however, there may be some minor inconveniences that campus employees, students and visitors should be aware of. There will need to be some digging and trenching to expose and replace existing water lines. Safety will always be the top priority so as the pipe

replacement occurs there may be instances of traffic re-routing or reduction to a single lane in some cases. All construction areas will be clearly marked so please allow for slight delays as you enter and exit parts of the campus. As with any utility project, there is always the slight chance that there may be water or power outages. We will do our best to let everyone know with plenty of notice. Construction started this week in the area in front of Gurley Hall. As early as next week, work will begin in the i nter section between the gymnasium and Calvin Hall

Center. Again, please use caution and patience when approaching these areas and refer to signage and/or traffic officers in construction zones. A few parking spaces in the Calvin Hall lot and the Nursing lot have been designated as staging areas for the construction trailers. Once the water lines have all been replaced and capacit y ex pa nded, the second phase of sprinkler installation will begin in the following areas: Calvin Hall Center addition Zollinger Library Early Childhood Family Center Lions Hall Gurley Hall – oldest section Gymnasium Every effort will be taken to minimize the impact of this project on operating functions but there may be inevitable minor disturbances. As the project progresses we will give regular updates and let you know in advance which sections will be impacted each week. Visit: NEWS

Martinez campaign vet to run Jeb Bush’s campaign So far, ten Republicans with national profiles have announced that they are running for president. Another four or five, including Bush, will likely put their hat in the ring making for an unpredictable primary battle. Diaz’s selection is considered a surprise move by national pundits and reporters. David Kochel, who was part of 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s team, was previously tapped to run Bush’s campaign.

By Matthew Reichbach NM Political Report


campaign strategist that worked on both successful Susana Martinez gubernatorial campaigns will head a Republican presidential campaign.The Wall Street Journal first reported on the shakeup that has Danny Diaz as the campaign manager for Jeb Bush. The change took place even before the former Florida governor officially launches his presidential campaign. Bush is expected to join the crowded field seeking the Republican nomination soon. T h is isn’t t he f i r st or only con nection between Bush and Martinez. In 2014, Bush headlined a fundraiser for Ma r t i nez’s reelect ion campaign. But the ties go even deeper between Martinez’s world and Bush’s world. Public Education Department Secretary Hanna Skandera was a high ranking official in Bush’s administration when he was governor of Florida. She moved from a role as deputy commissioner of education to being nominated by Martinez to head up the New Mex ico P ublic Education Department. Teachers and


Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush. Photo Credit: Courtesy

teachers unions have vigorously opposed Skandera. The opposition to Skandera’s nomination was fierce enough to hold up her confirmation until this year—more than four years after she was first nominated — on a narrow 22-19 vote.

NATIONAL PORTFOLIO Diaz is a founding partner of FP1 Strategies. In addition ote Prom r You s nes Busi

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to working as an adviser to Martinez’s gubernatorial campaigns, he also was a senior adviser on the Mitt Romney presidential campaign and the Mark Kirk U.S. Senate campaign in 2010. Fox News welcomed Diaz to the national stage by referring to him as a «Beltway insider.» Bush has already essentially been campaigning, with appearances in key early states and a substantial fundraising effort.

The Washington D.C.-based political website Politico cited sources in the campaign saying that it had the marks of key Bush adviser Sally Bradshaw. It was Bradshaw who ultimately made the call to install a relatively young political operative, Danny Diaz, as campaign manager, instead of the more seasoned David Kochel, who was widely expected to get the job. “The leading cause of professional death in the Jeb Bush entourage is Sally’s inability to control you,” said a political operative who has worked with Bradshaw in the past. “But she is fiercely loyal to Jeb, the point of the spear, no nonsense.”

In fact, it was Bradshaw who sent out the statement to a number of media outlets announcing the change. “David can best position us for success by playing a key leadership role focusing on how Jeb wins primaries, caucuses, and ultimately the general election and Danny’s skill at rapidly moving content and campaign organization makes him perfectly suited for running the dayto-day operations,” read the statement that first appeared i n repor t i ng by t he Wa l l Street Journal. Diaz had joined the Bush team earlier this year when he worked on Bush’s Right To Rise Leadership PAC. B r a d s h aw m a d e t h a t announcement as well. As for whether the move presages a run for national off ice a s Vice P resident, Ma r ti nez ha s stead fa stly denied any interest in national office over the years. Jay McCleskey, Martinez’s top political adviser, told the Albuquerque Jour nal that Martinez is keeping the powder dry and not making an endorsement. In 2012, Martinez waited until after the New Mexico primaries to endorse Romney, well after Romney had sewn up the nomination. Visit:

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Gallup Sun • Friday June 12, 2015


New VA building officially opens

Princess Naomi Starr Sandoval in full regalia before singing the national anthem in both English and Navajo during the dedication of the Gallup Community Based Outreach Center on June 5.

Story and Photos by Tom Hartsock Sun Correspondent The new 7,000 square-foot

Andrew Welch, Director of the NM VA Health Care System, makes opening remarks as the Master of Ceremonies last Friday at the dedication of the Gallup Community Based Outreach Center.

building that will house the VA Community Based Outpatient Clinic in Gallup is now officially open after a dedication ceremony June 5. Just west of

Tooley Brown, the spiritual leader of Veterans Helping Veterans, leads the many guests in prayer during the dedication of the new Gallup Community Based Outreach Center last Friday.

the old clinic, at the corner of Second Street and Highway 564, the new facility has plenty of patient parking – eight handicapped spaces and 48 regular

Medal of Honor recipient Hiroshi Miyamura, left, and Gallup Mayor Jackie McKinney relax before the start of the Gallup C.B.O.C. dedication last Friday.

The Honor Guard of Veterans Helping Veterans – from left: Jack Graham, Anthony Madrid, Mike Schmaltz, and Tooley Brown – posts colors for the dedication of the Gallup C.B.O.C. last Friday.


Friday June 12, 2015 • Gallup Sun


Kathleen Fogarty, the Acting Network Director for the VA Southwest Health Care Network, gave opening remarks to the large crowd before the main speakers took their turns last Friday in the dedication of the new Gallup C.B.O.C.

From left: Andrew Welch, Ken Riege, Martin Heinrich, Hershey Miyamura, Jackie McKinney, Ben Ray Lujan, Perry Shirley (behind Jackie’s hand), and Cal H. Curley all celebrate as Hershey make one clean cut into the ribbon last Friday.

From left: Cal H. Curley, Field Representative for Senator Tom Udall; Senator Martin Heinrich; and U.S. Representative Ben Ray Lujan, wait their turn to speak at the dedication of the Gallup C.B.O.C. last Friday.

Medal of Honor recipient Hiroshi ‘Hershey’ Miyamura was the featured speaker last Friday during the dedication of the new Gallup C.B.O.C.

slots. Approximately 1,155 veterans from the Gallup area use this facility on a regular basis. Services include primary care, primary mental health, and laboratory. Other services are being expanded at this new location through Tele-medicine, a new approach to primary and continuing care. The Director of the NM VA Health Care System, Andrew Welch, was on hand, as was a large contingent from Veterans Helping Veterans. One of the latter’s members, Tooley Brown, gave the Invocation and then led the Honor Guard in Posting the Colors as the ceremony began. Honor Guard members carrying the flags were Jack Graham, Anthony Madrid, and Mike Schmaltz. A sparkling performance by Princess Naomi Starr Sandoval captured the attention of the audience, as the young lady sang the national anthem in both English and Navajo. Genaro Colon-Velez led the NEWS

Senator Martin Heinrich, left, and U.S. Representative Ben Ray Lujan, listen to the speakers at the dedication of the new Gallup C.B.O.C. last Friday.

Pledge of Allegiance and the Acting Network Director for the VA Southwest Health Caqre Network, Kathleen Fogarty, gave the opening remarks. An honored list of speakers was on hand to deliver their words to the ceremony, including Medal of Honor recipient Hiroshi Miyamura, Senator Martin Heinrich, Congressman Ben R. Lujan, and Gallup Mayor Jackie McKinney. Perry Shirley spoke on behalf of the Navajo Nation and Cal Curley spoke for Senator Tom Udall. Almost all of the speakers spoke well of the return of health care provider Eunice Muskett, and received applause each time they did. The veterans have waited for what seemed a very long time for her to be reinstated. The building does not have a name other than the official title, and several veterans were surprised that it wasn’t named after Miyamura, a local man that proved his character in Korea and who has been honored by similar actions previously. The explanation given is that the Federal govrnment does not name buildings that are merely leased, though Lujan did comment that maybe that rule should be changed, at least in this case. The final act before Closing Remarks was the Ribbon Cutting which almost 90-year-old Hershey pulled off in one clean swipe of the scissors. The crowd than went inside for tours of the new facility as well as cake and coffee, and got out of the threatening rain clouds that surrounded the area. Gallup Sun • Friday June 12, 2015


OPINIONS Sen. Munoz: the ‘Economic Freedom Index’ is a valuable resource

By Joe Schaller Guest Columnist


u r loc a l S en at or George Munoz made it clear last year that our myriad of local vagrancy, alcohol and poverty problems, which have only become worse after decades of the same progressive statist approach, should not be a “blame game”but should be about solutions. His solution is to keep the status quo. The voters of New Mexico spoke in November sending the clear message they are fed up with democrat

solutions, which keep our state economically trailing our neighboring states as well as nationally. Yet, Munoz and his fellow senate democrats insist on economy killing tax hikes to finance capital outlay funding thus obstructing passage of the bill. That may be just as well t houg h con sider i ng New Mexico appears to be the only state that allows lawmakers to divide a set amount of money in a method often known as “pork-barrel politics.” Rather than tax hikes or borrowing money for “public investment” projects, policy-makers now have an opportunity to turn their attention back to tax reform, deregulation and a right-to-work law – cost free and proven economic development measures in line with the Economic Freedom Index. The Economic Freedom Index measures the fundamental right of every human

to control his or her own labor and property based on the number and intensity of government regulations on wealth-creating activity. The EFI is a valuable tool for entrepreneurs and businesses seeking to establish or relocate. It is no coincidence that regions with lowest EFI ratings such as Cuba, Venezuela, Greece, Italy, North Korea, China, Russia, Africa and the Middle East have dreadful economies, extreme poverty and massive social problems. Our own dismal ranking in McKinley County provides

little incentive for businesses to establish or relocate here. George Munoz a nd his grumbling union flunkies had no knowledge whatsoever of the EFI at a city meeting in February and showed little interest in exploring its merits. Rather than address our region’s constraints of economic liberties as Governor Martinez is doing for New Mexico, our local elected officials choose to maintain the status quo, rejecting conser vative reforms to taxation, property rights, welfare, government regulation and

right-to-work legislation, as well as needed assurances of availability of traditional energy production, all of which keep our EFI rating at the bottom 1% for the North American continent. It’s as if they are content to keep us mired in poverty, social disorder and despair while propping up their own interests as well as their bureaucratic buddies and affluent crony unions in Chicago. There will be no solutions in Gallup until we see major changes in our politically correct establishment of elected officials, government bureaucracy, media and academia – the blame is on them. Progressive statism has failed Gallup just as it has failed around the world throughout history. It is time for free market solutions. Google search “economic freedom index Fraser Heritage Cato” for more information.

Time to man up and get your check up NEW MEXICO DEPT. OF HEALTH


act: We guys tend to try being too manly for our ow n good. Remember a couple of weeks ago when singer Enrique Iglesias sliced his hand on the blades of a drone flying over his concert stage? Consider that Exhibit: A. The man actually continued to perform for half an hour with a blood‐soaked t‐shirt wrapped around his hand before deciding maybe he needed to see a doctor. Turned out it was more than a cut. Iglesias broke his hand and required reconstructive surgery from the blade slices. H e r e ’s a n o t h e r f a c t : according to the Agency for Hea lthca re Resea rch a nd Quality (AHRQ), men are 24‐ percent less likely than women


to have visited a doctor within the past year. That’s Exhibit: B, and, frankly, that’s enough for me to rest my case. The truth is if men would only make their health a priority, if only they would take some kind of action every day, they’d likely live a stronger and healthier life. Next week will be National Men’s Health Week. It’s celebrated each year the week leading up to and including Father’s Day, which this year is June 15th‐21st. During this week, individuals, families, communities, and others work to raise awareness of ways to promote healthy living and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys.

Friday June 12, 2015 • Gallup Sun

Fathers particularly are encouraged to lead by example. Eat healthy, be physically active, have regular checkups, get vaccinated, be smoke‐free, prevent injuries, sleep well, and manage stress. Talk about a tall order, but it can be done. For exa mple, the New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) offers help for residents wanting to quit smoking. Smoking is still the number one cause of preventable death and disease in the United States. To learn how to kick the habit for good, dial 1-800-QUIT-NOW or for Spanish 1-855-DEJELO-YA. These free quit lines offer a lot of resources, including free quit coaching, a free quit plan, free educational materials, and referrals to other resources.

As for getting regular checkups, they can assure trouble is caught early. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), thousands of men and women in New Mexico die every year from heart disease and stroke, and thousands of new cancer cases are diagnosed annually. The top three cancers for men in the state are prostate, lung and colorectal – and all of it is readily treatable when caught early or outright preventable when you take better care of yourself. So before getting your check‐up, NMDOH and the CDC, bring you this short list of things to do: • Double check your family history: Family history might influence your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, diabetes, or cancer. Are there any

new conditions or diseases that have occurred in your close relatives since your last visit? If so, let your health care provider know. • Find out if you are due for any general screenings or vaccinations. Have you had the recommended screening tests based on your age, general health, family history, and lifestyle? Check with your health care provider to see if it’s time for any vaccinations, follow‐up exams, or tests. • Write down a list of issues and questions to take with you. For example, have you noticed any body changes, including lumps or skin changes? Are you depressed? Are you experiencing any new aches or pains? For more information about Men’s Health Week visit the National Men’s Health Week website. OPINIONS

Dear Editor:


hank you for your publication of the valuable stories about the Jim Ha rlin Community

and paid youth workforce recruited from our community. Corps members are appropriately proud of all their work Pantry. –adventure trails, safe routes The first story about the to school, gardens, restoration HOPE Garden grants credit projects. Gallup YCC built the to Youth Conservation Corps. Brickyard Bike Park alongside I am the long-time director of City Parks & Recreation workthat excellent City of Gallup ers and removed 500 tons of sponsored youth workforce trash and glass from our open program. Over 15 years, Gallup spaces. Gallup YCC is a stateYCC has completed a number funded program and enjoys of worthwhile projects of dura- financial support from the City ble community benefit with a and McKinley County. trained, equipped, supervised, However, The Pantry Wall

File Photo

– we call it the Ziggurat – does not contain 75,000 tons of stone but merely 1,000 tons (estimated). YCC completed the Ziggurat in one year with significant support from the Boys & Girls Club of Gallup. The Ziggurat is


up-wind of the HOPE Garden i n s t a l l a t ion s a nd , t her e fore, on the west side of the Pantry. The Community welcomes Ms. Perez to her new job and YCC is grateful for the oppor tunity to work w ith

the Pantry to support its wonderful work in our regional community. Karl Lohmann, Director City of Gallup Youth Conservation Corps 13 Kestrel-Coal Basin, Gamerco


ARIES (March 21-April 19)

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.22)

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Blame the stars! It’s roasting outside and you’re still ordering your lattes extra hot. You’re still sporting leather riding boots and a lightweight coat. You feel great, but your friends look at you a bit oddly. I call it the contrary star and you’re under its spell. No need for concern though, but gently push yourself into summertime before you get heatstroke.

You smile as you look at the lush green flora carpeting the ground, thanks to the recent rainfall. But, something is a little off. There’s a man who at first glance causes you to recoil. He has on glittery and eccentric attire, plus he’s wearing blue latex gloves on an 80-degree day. He’s not to be judged by you. He is a sage. Listen and you will learn.

Capricorn wants some outdoor time, although you’ll make an itinerary. You plan on printing out a schedule and handing it to your family members to keep them on schedule. Well, you mind as well go take that hike up to teapot rock on your own. Most people enjoy spontaneity. Ditch the schedule, and let go and be wild and free for a few hours like a 60s hippy.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

She sells seashells by the seashore. Say it fast 10 times and you’ll get tongue twisted for sure. The point here is not to recite old, alliterative rhymes, but to let you know that a tropical destination awaits you. It’s time to restore personal balance, not just work, work, work. Can’t make it to an isle? Find Whiskey Lake … write a letter to the editor if you find it.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Feeling naughty this week? It’s okay to have an edge, to have a little fun by playing practical jokes on those closest to you. Perhaps you convinced your young nephew Tommy that monsters in the TV really exists. You feel like you’re the fun uncle or aunt, but the joke could backfire on you. So, if you wake up with toothpaste in your hair, chalk it up to karma.

So, you’re looking at a home alarm system? Something in my crystal ball reveals to me that you’re concerned about personal security. An alarm could be a good thing as you don’t like bars on your windows. You immediately think of your kindred four-legged pal, a Leo lion sitting in a zoo. Meanwhile, be stealthy and sure-footed as you shop for personal safety items.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Scorpio’s star map reveals a struggle with the need to control. For instance, pale legs in shorts. You’re just dying to color everyone with pale legs and dark arms with some bronzer so they look even-colored. It’s unlikely you’ll be able to pull this off without being arrested. I know, it’s just a funny fantasy. But, focus on your own bod and bronze your own legs.

What does Aquarius and Triple Crown winner American Pharoah have in common? Nothing at this point. It takes hard work to win three races in a row, if you’re a horse. As a human it’s tough as well. But in the rat race of life, it’s easy to get stampeded by rude and inconsiderate people. Rise above the rats and ride like a champion jockey on American Pharoah.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Gemini has your daredevil twin reared its scrappy head lately? Madame G won’t tell anyone about your shopping spree or bungee jumping from the Snake River bridge in Idaho excursion. It was far away, and you cried so hard, but there’s no need to tell anyone. The point is that you’re bound to do more zany things. Be sure to visit your Capricorn friend for a slap back to reality.

Virgo constellation shows a shift upwards, which means some higher thinking is going on with you these days. But, you’ll take the new sense of insight, as time to try something new, such as a wheat grass fasting regimen. Think about what the intake of a grass only diet will do to your tummy. You’re not a cow. Transition slowly into health freak mode or you’ll be in udder trouble.

Be careful when outdoors and watch out for the Tarantula Hawks. You don’t want to be a moving target for those aggressive wasp-type things. They pack an nasty sting. Something in my crystal ball shows you spending a lot of time outdoors, on the lake, river or somewhere else bug infested because you like being in nature and wearing your short shorts and what not.

Pisces, you have got to love all of this rain. It’s soothing to the inland fishy being that longs daily for the smell of salty sea air. Take advantage of this weather to do something fun in nature, such as a trek to Zuni Mountains and explore the wonder of nature and the fun things that mountain folk do. The trees blowing in the wind will remind you of the ocean waves.


Gallup Sun • Friday June 12, 2015


COMMUNITY Thunderbird Supply’s humble beginnings “Thunderbird is in a really good place, he said. “We’re strong in the market here locally, as well as in the region.” After 44 years in business, a few things have changed at Thunderbird. They have added beading and stringing supplies to their long list of items for sale. They no longer design and print a catalog. Everything is online now. They have moved from a small building into the large one they occupy today and they have added two stores. They currently have about 10,000 items in the store. Torrez says that is one of the harder things to train because there is so much for a new employee to learn. Naomi Chee, on her second day at work, said she has a lot to learn but “everyone is really helpful when I have a question.” Thunderbird also makes an effort to give back to the community. This year alone, Torrez said they have donated to the Community Food Pantry, Big Brothers Big Sisters and

By Melinda Russell Sun Correspondent


hu nderbird Supply C o m p a ny s t a r t e d in a motel as a side job. There was down time in the motel season, so Don Cosper, owner of the Thunderbird Motel would buy turquoise, cut and cab it and sell it out of the motel. Since then, Thunderbird has grown into a thriving business with locations in Gallup, Albuquerque and Flagstaff. The operation includes retail, wholesale and mail order for local silversmiths and crafters as well as for jewelry dealers around the United States and countries around the world. Danny Thomason, general manager, has been with Thunderbird for 37 years. He says he worked in all areas of the business before he became the general manager. He speaks fondly of the business as a family owned business. “Don has always stressed that customer service, you go the extra mile,” Thomason said. Cosper has also taught him that the success of a business are employees. How employees are treated makes a difference in how they treat their customers. Thomason says Thunderbird excels in customer service in all areas: retail, wholesale and silversmiths. Leo Torrez, front sales manager, is also a long-timer. He has been with the company 21 year and said his staff has very little turnover. Many of his



The newest member of the staff, Naomi Chee, is excited to learn everything there is to learn about Thunderbird sales. Photo Credit: Melinda Russell

employees have been with the company more than five years. “Thunderbird is a good company to work for,” he said. T homa son a nd Tor rez have both seen three generations of silversmiths shop at Thunderbird.




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Thomason proudly said, “One of the things I’ve seen, because I’ve been here since 1978, our customers children grow up and they actually become silversmiths. They’ve gotten into the same trade and these are the same kids that were on the counter, they brought them in in their bassinets and you see them grow up.” A sked about bu si ne s s t rend s over t he yea r s, Thomason said, “Since 1978 we’ve seen the spike of silver in the early 1990’s. When we saw $50-$55 silver. We’ve seen the highs of the Southwestern style jewelry and turquoise through the years.” But 2007 was a bad year for the industry and it has taken a long time for business to come back. Thomason said just like any business there are highs and lows.

Friday June 12, 2015 • Gallup Sun


Veterans Helping Veterans. Their next fundraiser will be for the benefit of the National I nd ia n Yout h L ea der sh ip Project. A big part of Thunderbird’s marketing includes a calendar highlighting Native American models. In one weekend, they can give out up to 400 calendars. There were 83 applicants for the six spots on the 2015 calendar. The models must be beautiful, but they must also be able to relate to people and help promote the Thunderbird S u p ply bu s i ne s s mo d el . Thunderbird will start the process of selecting their 2016 calendar models in September. A sked about his pla ns for staying with the company, Thomason said, “I still find it exciting. I still find it a challenge.” When asked why the public should shop at Thunderbird, Thomason said, because we are competitively priced. He jokingly added, and because they have the best popcorn in town.

Now general manager, Danny Thomason started his career at Thunderbird Supply Co. in 1978. He worked in all areas of the company before earning the management position. Photo Credit: Melinda Russell

COMMUNITY 5/7/15 3:05 PM

Summer Reading Program inspires young imaginations By Dee Velasco Sun Correspondent


ere’s a n interesting question: When was the last time your child sailed on the high seas with cutthroat pirates in search of sunken treasure? Or, go back in time when dinosaurs roamed the

Pellington explained that they invite whole families to events, not only to support the kids in their reading, but hopefully help them to achieve academic success. “When the kids see their parents reading, they become a role model to their kids,” she said. “It also creates a bonding for families when parents read

a Rainforest presentation – and all “interactive”. “We want the public to know the library is a fun place to be, you don’t have to be quiet as well, we offer Gameboys, board games, and this is not your old school library where you have to be quiet. The Octavia Fellin Children’s Branch really rocks!” Pellington said.

Jenny Thurman - Manager of Youth Services of the Children’s Branch.jpg: Jenny Thurman, manager of youth services of the Children’s Branch library. Photo Credit: Courtesy of Delray Damon

Children enjoying themselves at the Children’s Branch. Photo Credit: Courtesy of Delray Damon

earth, or perhaps taken a trip a thousand leagues under the sea? If the answer is no, then this summer head to the Octavia Fellin Public Library Children’s Branch and let them explore adventures like this and many more. The Children’s Branch, located at 200 West Aztec, has numerous activities for kids to engage in this summer, and in fact for the entire family. This summer, the library, has kicked off the, Summer Reading Program 2015, June 6 - July 25. Library Director Mary Ellen Pellington said, “Our goal is to focus on all age groups and the family, we want it to be interactive so as to continue to engage students with reading. “We all learn differently, we want to encourage kids, strike different interests, and help them learn different formats of learning with outside activities as well and include cultural interests,” she added. COMMUNITY

to their kids, and thus, reading becomes a positive building block.” The Children’s Branch has activities coming up such as: puppet shows, theater groups,

She also invites the public to visit the main library, located at 115 West Hill Ave, They offer free libra r y ca rds, free access to the computer and the Internet,

free passes to the National Museum in Albuquerque, free computer training classes, Excel training and soon we will be offering job training classes. “We also offer DVD rentals at both library’s for only one dollar,” she said. “And our many of the activities are sponsored by local businesses & organizations, as well as local individuals.” So much activ ities are planned and its all for the entire family. The season kicked off with a, “Family Superhero Carnival,” with the theme, “Every Hero has a story.” Children were encouraged to dress up in their favorite superhero costume and engage in fun activities.

Octavia Fellin Public Library Director Mary Ellen Pellington caught enjoying her job. Photo Credit: Courtesy of Delray Damon

“We like to create a theme for all ages, whether it be a story, crafts, special performances, we want to make it fun and encourage kids to stretch their mind,” Children’s Branch Youth Services/ Manager Jenny Thurman said. “Children tend to slip backwards when out of school, and thus, spend more time renewing and are unprepared when school starts up again.” The Children’s Branch has activities for all ages, Tuesday is teen movie night with craft time afterwards. Toddlers engage in music and movements to build motor skills. “We have all ages story time from pre-school to elementary,” Thurman said. “The staff gets involved and we all have a great time.” Prior to summer, Thurman, goes out to the public schools and promotes the Summer Reading Program. “We do this for kids who normally don’t come here, those are the ones we try to reach,” she said. “We like to be creative, to showcase new items such as our new tablets, new learning computers, and to help the kids use their imagination. In fact we have something coming up that will definitely get the kids imagination rolling.” A complete schedule is on hand at the library regarding the activities coming up. Visit: www.galluplibrary. org or call (505) 863-1291. Children’s Branch: (505) 726-6120.

Gallup Sun • Friday June 12, 2015


DVD/Blu-Ray Roundup for June 12, 2015 can decide for themselves. It stars Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper, Rhys Ifans and Toby Jones.

By Glenn Kay For the Sun


elcome once again to the highlights of what is coming your way on Blu-ray and DVD. There isn’t a large quantity of films this time out, but several of them sound interesting. As always, be sure to click on any links to read detailed reviews. So if you can’t make it out to the movies this week, be sure to give one of these titles a try!


T h e DUFF - This high school set comedy follows a teen who decides to reinvent herself after learning that she is the “designated ugly fat friend” of the popular kids. Along the way, she decides to take down her uppity classmates. Reviews were solid for this youth-oriented effort. While some found it a bit too familiar to other films of its genre, the majority felt that the performance of the star and the clever dialogue earned the movie a pass. It stars Mae Whitman, Robbie Amell, Bella Thorne, Ken Jeong and Allison Janney. Kingsman: T he Secret Service - A young ruffian in London finds himself recruited by his uncle into a secret spy organization. Together, they attempt to stop a criminal mastermind from wreaking


run and look forward to revisiting it with a new Kino Lorber Blu-ray.


havoc around the world. This surprise hit (based on the comic book) from earlier in the year scored with both audiences and critics. A few called it rude and off-color, but more found it to be a fun and eccentric effort with plenty of unexpected twists and some unique performances from its leads. The cast includes Colin Firth, Taron Egerton, Samuel L. Jackson, Mark Strong and Michael Caine.

Serena - Here’s a star-studded drama that lumbered to find a release (it was shot way back in 2012) and ended up barely coming out at theaters. It’s a depression-era story about newlyweds who attempt to establish a logging empire, the strains of which cause their personal lives to splinter. The press hated it, describing the film as slow-moving with stiff performances and a ponderous tone that leaves its impressive cast floundering. Now viewers

Friday June 12, 2015 • Gallup Sun

Once again, Olive Films have some great new Blu-rays coming your way featuring strong female leads. Pam Grier starred in several early seventies drive-in classics, most of which are being released in high definition today. The titles include Hammer (1972), Coffy (1973), Foxy Brown (1974) and Friday Foster (1975). Foxy Brown may be the most famous of the films listed, but Coffy is pretty strong too. Additionally, Olive Films are distributing a new Blu-ray of the comic revenge tale She-Devil (1989), starring Rosanne Barr and Meryl Streep. Shout! Factory have a couple of noteworthy discs as well. Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers (1988) is the follow-up to the successful 1983 low-budget slasher. It picks up several years later, with the Angela character returning to camp after the events of the first movie. Characters start getting dispatched in all sorts of violent ways, with the returnee as the prime suspect. The movie comes with a commentary and documentary in addition to other extras. Those who enjoy it can also pick up Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage Wasteland (1989). Along with a similar set of extras, it comes with a workprint cut that features a lot of lost gore footage. It may not be as well remembered today, but F/X (1986) was a thriller from Orion Pictures starring Bryan Brown and Brian Dennehy that became a surprise success at its time of release. The plot involved a movie special effects technician who uses his skills to help the government fake an assassination - however, he finds himself set-up and must use his special skills of illusion to survive. I remember enjoying the movie during its original

Here’s one that I missed last week. Warner Archive recently put out a Blu-ray of Wolfen (1981) an eccentric thriller about a pack of supernatural wolves stalking through the streets of Manhattan. The only people who can stop them are a detective and coroner, played by the always entertaining Albert Finney and Gregory Hines. It’s a slightly silly but stylish effort that may appeal to horror fans. F rom Wa r ner Brothers proper comes a box set of Blu-rays called The Golden Year - 5 Classic Films From 1939: Dark Victory, Dodge City, Gone With the Wind, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Ninotchka. It’s an impressive set that contains several studio classics all in one package. Twilight Time have the cult musical Absolute Beginners (1986). This f lashy Julien Temple effort set in the 50s about two Soho teenagers in love stars Patsy Kensit and features musicia ns Dav id Bowie, Ray Davies and Sade in supporting roles. It’s being released in a limited run, so if you’re interested in the Blu-ray, pick it up fast. Speaking of underground movies, horror fans will also be excited to see a couple more oddities headed to Bluray. Arrow is delivering the creepy satire Society (1989). It comes with tons of extras,

including a new audio commentary, featurettes and a director interview among many others. They’ve also got the Lon Chaney Jr. flick Spider Baby (1967), and it’s loaded with just as many, if not more bonuses than their other release.

Finally, VCI have The Giant Spider Invasion (1975) coming to Blu-ray, and Troma are putting out the campy action effort Troma’s War (1988) on high definition.


And here are some releases that should interest youngsters. Barney: It’s Showtime With Barney! Daktar i: The Complete 4th Season (Warner Archive Collection) The Last Unicorn Power Rangers: Super Megaforce Sky Strike Teenage Mutant Ninja T ur t l e s: T h e S e ar c h fo r Splinter COMMUNITY

JURASSIC WORLD Delivers Plenty of Dinosaur Thrills By Glenn Kay For the Sun



t has been over 20 years since the original Jurassic Park, but feverish fandom for the film and all things dinosaur haven’t ceased. In fact, the property appears to have grown in popularity - those who enjoyed the original as kids are high on the nostalgia for the adventure, and the series has added new young fans courtesy of its frequent airings on TV. Thankfully, Jurassic World is a sequel that generally works. It’s simple, escapist entertainment with plenty of thrills and chills that are guaranteed to impress most viewers. In the decades since the original tale, the Costa Rican island where the dinosaurs were created has been developed into a fully operational theme park, with rides featuring all sorts of prehistoric creatures. However, in order to spark new interest in the old hat attractions, the park’s latest top secret creation

Jurassic World seaside stadium during the Mosasaurus Feeding Show. Jurassic World opens in theaters nationwide June 12. Photo Credit: Courtesy of Universal Pictures

is super-predator Indominus rex, spliced together with DNA from a few mysterious sources. Of course, it’s a really bad idea. When the beast gets loose from its pen, it creates massive problems for the park manager, Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard). Not only is the menace killing everything in its path, but it is headed directly for the heavily populated tourist zones, where Claire’s nephews Zach (Nick Robinson) and Gray (Ty Simkins) are vacationing. The manager and park employee/ dinosaur trainer Owen Grady

(Chris Pratt) desperately attempt to search for the kids and solve the even bigger issues before everything gets out of hand. What follows are a series of creatively shot action scenes that place characters in all sorts of dangerous situations. The young boys become trapped in a Gyrosphere (a giant “hamster ball” of sorts), where they are attacked and bounced around. Cages are breached and attendees are picked off in wild fashion by all kinds of land, sea and air predators. And even the dinosaurs themselves fight each other.

All of these sequences are fun and excitingly rendered, taking full advantage of the dramatic potential. The finale, involving a melee of species going toe-to-toe, is an absolute blast to witness. For those who love the original, there are plenty of nods to first film, both in the background and in the way events play out. The script does a clever job of showing viewers a familiar situation and then putting an interesting new spin on it. Grady’s work onsite involves training the Velociraptors to follow his lead. In the process,

these creatures begin communicating with both humans and dinosaurs. Over the course of the film, their alliances flip and change, adding an extra unexpected element of drama. As for the characters, they’re not particularly deep but they are likable enough to follow. Pratt is fine in the straight-man hero role, although there are a few brief moments that left this reviewer questioning if the intent of a few lines was to be tonguein-cheek or serious. Pacing wise, are a few lulls early on and anyone watching will be able to guess from the get-go which characters are destined to be dinosaur dinner. There are also a couple of brief subplots (one involving the parents of the kids) that don’t seem to go anywhere. And while one wishes the movie had made a little more of the themes it raises (like the queasy relationship between science and commerce), the omission doesn’t take too much away from the overall experience. Minor quibbles aside, Jurassic World gives audiences exactly what they want from a summer popcorn film. Not only is it a worthy follow-up, but it actually stands as the strongest sequel in the series.

PETS OF THE WEEK SPOT 6582 Spot is a cute cuddle bug, male heeler mix puppy that is looking for a loving forever home that can teach him the doggy ropes. Come see our fabulous selection of puppies and grown dogs needing a new lease on life! Adoption fee for puppies is $100.

Nappy Time!

TWILA AND SHELLIE Twila (96642) is a female Siamese and Shellie (6643) is a female Tabby. These friendly and regal girls are each looking for a home to call their own. Come check out our fine selection of felines looking for a second chance at life. Special: Adoption fee for cats and kittens is just $25!

Greetings Humans!

Visit and adopt one of these deserving furry friends at Gallup-McKinley County Humane Society: 1315 Hamilton Rd #B, Gallup, NM. Information: (505) 863-2616. COMMUNITY

Gallup Sun • Friday June 12, 2015



Boxing Never Left Gallup

Story and Photos by Tom Hartsock Sun Correspondent


K, I admit there was an error in a previous column when I announced that boxing had returned to Gallup. It turns out it never left, it just didn’t generate much publicity. The Gallup Police Athletic League has been training and working with young boxers, from age six to the young 20s, for a number of years. Located in the old jail behind the Gallup Police Department, the gym has been furnished with a boxing ring and several sets of equipment to help in the training. Coached by Chuck Padilla, a for mer boxer who won Golden Gloves twice as a teenager - back-to-back as a 15 and 16-year-old – and Frank “Pancho” Diaz, GPAL accepts both boys and girls in a very in for ma l ma n ner. Padilla

fought in the ring from ages 10-17. “On some evenings we have 20-25 show up, other nights just a handful,” Padilla said. “All they have to do is sign in and start working out.” Pancho is a former Army veteran who has spent about two and a half years helping the youngsters to train. His previous experience included about eight years with fighters like Larry Estrada and George Lujan. Padilla is also a veteran, of the Navy, and has been with GPAL as an unpaid volunteer since the club opened under former coach Jimmy Montano, forced into giving up this discipline because of medical reasons. Montano is currently the head coach of the Miyamura Patriots softball team. “It keeps these kids off the street, and out of trouble,” Padilla said. Padilla also informed The Gallup Sun that two of his

Twelve-year-old Hannah Torres gets her hands wrapped by trainer Frank ‘Pancho’ Diaz before working out on the heavy bag.

Enrique Diaz, 16, works up a sweat on the ropes during training last Monday.

George Collins, 16, makes a blur of the speed bag and his hands as he works out at G.P.A.L. last Monday evening.

20 Friday June 12, 2015 • Gallup Sun

fighters, nine-year-old Saleem Gilchrist and 10-year-old Elijah Gilchrist, will be fighting in Farmington this Saturday in an scheduled event. Neither was available Monday for an interview as their mother was out of town on vacation and had planned to take her sons to the meet before returning home.

Other local fighters have participated in matches around the state over the last few years. GPA L i s open Monday through Thursday at 5:30 pm for more information or for training. To get there, enter the GPD south entrance and drive around to the east side

of the parking lot. A high chain link fence has an opening to walk through to get to the only door in the building. Do not park in the lot as it is reserved for vehicles belonging to GPD. Get f it , get you r k id s involved, and we’ll see you in the bleachers! SPORTS

This Week in Sports June 13, 2015 ROBERTO CLEMENTE LEAGUE (Indian Hills Park) 9am Cardinals vs. Yankees 11am Dodgers vs. Angels 1pm Indians vs. Twins WILLIE MAYS LEAGUE (Stafie Field) 9am Angels vs Pirates 11am Dodgers vs Nationals 1pm A’s vs Giants 3pm Rangers vs D-Backs U-14 SOFTBALL (F.C. Softball Field) 9am Yankees vs. Giants 11am Trojans vs. D-Backs June 15, 2015 ROD CAREW T-BALL LEAGUE (T-Ball Park) 6pm Cardinals vs. Tigers 7pm Indians vs. Braves 8pm D-Backs vs. A’s ROBERTO CLEMENTE LEAGUE (Indian Hills Park) 6pm Marlins vs. Tigers 8pm Mets vs. Reds U-8 SOFTBALL

(FATHER DUNSTAN PARK) 6pm Angels at Giants 8pm Padres at D-Backs WILLIE MAYS LEAGUE (Stafie Field) 6pm Yankees vs. D-backs 8pm Angels vs. A’s PEEWEE REESE LEAGUE (PeeWee Reese Field) 6pm A’s vs. Braves 8pm Dodgers vs. Red Sox

6pm Padres vs. Red Sox

8pm Indians vs. Tigers

8pm Dodgers vs. Yankees

ROBERTO CLEMENTE LEAGUE (Indian Hills Park) 6pm Indians vs. Cardinals

WILLIE MAYS LEAGUE (Stafie Field) 6pm Rangers vs. Giants 8pm Pirates vs. Dodgers U-10 SOFTBALL (Father Dunstan Park) 6pm Horned Frogs vs. Seminoles 8pm Grey Hounds vs. Ducks

U-12 SOFTBALL (F.C. Softball Field) 6pm Yankees vs.D-Backs

PEEWEE REESE LEAGUE (PeeWee Reese Field) 6pm Rangers vs. Yankees

8pm Braves vs. Giants

8pm Braves vs. A’s

SANDY KOUFAX LEAGUE (Mickey Mantle Field) 6pm Giants vs. Yankees

U-14 SOFTBALL (F.C. Softball Field) 6pm D-Backs vs. Yankees

8pm Reds vs. Tigers

MICKEY MANTLE LEAGUE (Mickey Mantle Field) 6pm Pirates vs. Yankees 8pm A’s vs. Dodgers June 17, 2015 ROD CAREW T-BALL LEAGUE (T-Ball Park) 6pm White Sox vs. Rockies

June 16, 2015 ROD CAREW T-BALL LEAGUE (T-Ball Park) 6pm Cubs vs. Angels 7pm Dodgers vs. Red Sox 8pm Giants vs. Pirates ROBERTO CLEMENTE LEAGUE (Indian Hills Park)

8pm Trojans vs. Giants

7pm Astros vs. Yankees

8pm Marlins vs. Angels U-8 SOFTBALL (Father Dunstan Park) 6pm Nationals at Dodgers 8pm Padres at Angels WILLIE MAYS LEAGUE (Stafie Field) 6pm Nationals vs White Sox PEEWEE REESE LEAGUE (PeeWee Reese Field) 6pm A’s vs. Dodgers 8pm Yankees vs. Rangers U-12 SOFTBALL (F.C. Softball Field) 6pm Pirates vs. Giants 8pm D-Backs vs. Braves SANDY KOUFAX LEAGUE (Mickey Mantle Field) 6pm Reds vs. Yankees

8pm Red Sox vs. Rangers U-14 SOFTBALL (F.C. Softball Field) 6pm Yankees vs. Trojans 8pm Giants vs. D-Backs MICKEY MANTLE LEAGUE (Mickey Mantle Field) 6pm Dodgers vs. Pirates 8pm Yankees vs. A’s June 19, 2015 ROD CAREW T-BALL LEAGUE (T-Ball Park) 6pm Giants vs. Angels 7pm White Sox vs. Red Sox 8pm Astros vs. Pirates ROBERTO CLEMENTE LEAGUE (Indian Hills Park) 6pm Red Sox vs. Reds 8pm Indians vs. Yankees

7pm Cubs vs. Braves

U-8 SOFTBALL (FATHER DUNSTAN PARK) 6pm Rockies at Giants WILLIE MAYS LEAGUE (Stafie Field) 6pm D-Backs vs. Angels 8pm A’s vs. Pirates PEEWEE REESE LEAGUE (PeeWee Reese Field) 6pm Yankees vs. Braves

8pm Dodgers vs. A’s

8pm A’s vs. Red Sox

ROBERTO CLEMENTE LEAGUE (Indian Hills Park) 6pm Mets vs. Twins

U-12 SOFTBALL (F.C. Softball Field) 6pm Yankees vs. Pirates

8pm Padres vs. Tigers

SANDY KOUFAX LEAGUE (Mickey Mantle Field) 6pm Tigers vs. Yankees

8pm Tigers vs. Giants June 18, 2015 ROD CAREW T-BALL LEAGUE (T-Ball Park) 6pm D-Backs vs. Cardinals

WILLIE MAYS LEAGUE (Stafie Field) 6pm Giants vs Dodgers 8pm White Sox vs Rangers U-10 SOFTBALL (Father Dunstan Park) 6pm Mustangs vs. Wildcats 8pm Ducks vs. Horned Frogs PEEWEE REESE SPORTS

LEAGUE (PeeWee Reese Field) 6pm Braves vs. Dodgers

8pm Giants vs. D-Backs

8pm Giants vs. Reds Schedules ae only for one week at a time. Times and locations may change for a variety of reasons. Please contact your school to confirm the dates and times. ONLY the four schools from our coverage area appear in this schedule: Gallup, Miyamura, Rehoboth Christian, and Wingate, and these are color-coded for easier reference. The summer league games are included by age groupings, in red.

Gallup Sun • Friday June 12, 2015


‘Looking Fierce’

Gallup Martial Artist Dylan Vargas puts on a Rope Kama demonstration last Saturday at the Spanish Colonial Art Market outside of the Family Center. Photo Credit: Tom Hartsock

‘Swing batter batter’

Maya Ross of the Braves looks for help from the umpire lat Saturday, but it wasn’t there and she had to take the called strike.

22 Friday June 12, 2015 • Gallup Sun

Marlins’ clean-up hitter Wayon Trevino and Indians’ catcher Adam Abdeljawad wait for the pitch last Saturday during a Roberto Clemente game at Stafie Field. Trevino had an inside-the-park home run in his previous at bat, but the Marlins were forced to forfeit the game when only eight players showed up for the game. Photos by Tom Hartsock


CLASSIFIEDS CHURCH PEWS FOR SALE 10 feet wide, $250 each or $1500 for all 7 Cash and carry. Call 505-863-3088 to arrange meeting.

DELIVERY DRIVER Gallup Sun is hiring independent contractor newspaper delivery drivers for the following routes: -Grants/Milan-Acoma-Laguna -West Gallup-Navajo-Ganado Send work history/ resume to: gallupsun@

FREE CLASSIFIEDS! Place a standard FREE classified in the Gallup Sun! Runs four weeks. Need to add photo/logo, highlighting or bold text? Call 505728-1640 for rates. Email classified to: gallupsun@

NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALE Saturday, June 13th at 8:00 A.M. 1100 Block of Boggio Dr. Antiques, Furniture, Household items and lots of miscellaneous. Green St. Treats will be present selling coffee, cupcakes and other yummy sweets. Mark Your Calendars!!

ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE Looking for a career minded individual that can gain new accounts and manage existing ones. Sales experience preferred. Commission & Mileage. Email resume:



Gallup Sun is looking for English or Journalism students and photographer interns. Must be deadline driven and detail-oriented. Email resume:

Gallup Sun is looking for an experienced freelance reporter to cover Gallup city/county/ education news. Will consider candidates from outside of the area. Send resume and clips to:

DROP-IN FILM The Children’s Branch library will be showing a free family movie. This week’s feature: «Spy Kids.» 200 W. Aztec. SATURDAY JUNE 13 HISTORIC GALLUP HOUSE REACHES 100! The Plateau Sciences Society is extending an invitation to all the oldtimers (and others, too) in the Gallup community to help celebrate the 100th anniversary of the historic Morello Home, located at 105 West Hill St. The open house will be held from 2-4 pm. For more information, contact Martin Link at (505) 863-6459. MONDAY JUNE 15 The library is offering free computer training throughout the month of May at the Octavia Fellin Public Library, 115 W. Hill. Class size is limited CLASSIFIEDS

to 10 participants per session. Registration is required, to register call (505) 863-1291 or email or visit the front desk of the library. Today’s class: *Windows 8.1 Training. (*Space limited, call for details.) THURSDAY JUNE 18 FREE COMPUTER CLASS The library is offering free computer training throughout the month of May at the Octavia Fellin Public Library, 115 W. Hill. Class size is limited to 10 participants per session. Registration is required, to register call (505) 863-1291 or email or visit the front desk of the library. Today’s class: Microsoft Word 2010: A Beginner’s Course 2pm4pm. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING We invite residents of the Western Skies and

SHOP FOR RENT 3 shops available for rent. Located in Allison (1/2 mi. west of WalMart) 1,000 sq. ft. each $500-575 Call Phyllis 505-870-0730






Sky West areas to meet with Dist. 4 Councilor Fran Palochak at our neighborhood meeting beginning at 6pm. Councilor Palochak will be there to listen to your concerns. It’s a great opportunity to share ideas and we welcome your compliments and complaints. Please join us and feel free to bring a friend or two. Gallup Fire Department Station #4, 707 Rico St. ONGOING BEDTIME STORIES On Wednesdays at 6 pm end the day with an amusing and entertaining story time. This interactive program includes a puppet show, stories, and songs for the whole family. A craft or activity will also be included. Children’s Branch library, 200 W. Aztec.

GALLUP SOLAR MEETINGS Interested in learning more about solar energy? Come to a Gallup Solar meeting, held the first three Wednesdays of the month from 6-8 pm, East Logan Ave. Email: or call (505) 726-2497. HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Habitat for Humanity is in need of volunteers for one or more part day construction or support sessions. No experience required. Yard Sales are closed for Winter. If you have household items to donate or wish to volunteer, call Bill Bright at (505) 722-4226. SUMMER NIGHTLY INDIAN DANCES Dances take place every night through Labor Day, from 7 pm to 8 pm, at the Courthouse Square, located on Aztec between 2nd and 3rd

streets. Free admission. (505) 722-2228. SUMMER READING PROGRAM The Octavia Fellin Public Library’s Summer Reading Program kicks off in June at the Children’s Branch. Children who register for the Summer Reading Program may earn prizes by reading books and engaging in educational activities. The Children’s Branch will also host programs daily throughout the summer, including special performances and events each Saturday. This year’s Summer Reading theme is “Every Hero Has a Story.” 200 W. Aztec. To post a non-profit or civic event in the calendar section, please email: or fax: (505) 212-0391. Deadline: Monday 5 pm.

Gallup Sun • Friday June 12, 2015


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24 Friday June 12, 2015 • Gallup Sun


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