The Cayman Reporter #91

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F R E E Issue 91

Friday, 17 July, 2015

Price: Free

UK navy ship calls on Cayman


n the bridge of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) ship Lyme Bay her Majesty’s auxiliaries maintain vigil over the bustling tourism traffic of George Town Harbour. Bridge watchman Jim Terry surveys the scene as tenders ferry boatloads of tourists between their cruise liners to the George Town waterfront. The crew of the Lyme Bay will be conducting drills on disaster relief and amphibious landings as part of the Royal Navy’s Atlantic Patrol Tasking North operation. In addition to delivering the governor’s new car, the operation provides year round disaster relief in the Caribbean and also assists governments in the region with counter narcotics operations. We will have more on this story in the next edition of The Cayman Reporter.

The RFA Lyme Bay is capable of maintaining position without anchors.

Bridge Watchman Jim Terry surveys tourism traffic in GT Harbour.

Concerned citizens band together in face of foreclosures risk of losing their homes and equity. The group consisted of a variety of educated, professional people with the consistent theme of having lost their homes, or at risk of losing them. The conversation became, at times, emotional as people described losing tens of thousands in equity to tight payment deadlines that they could not meet. Another member, who also wished to remain anonymous, stated that this small gathering was, “just the tip of the iceberg.” The group’s original intention was to address under employment and unemployment of Caymanians, with foreclosures of homes a related symptom of the problem they are trying to address. Complaints of foreclosures surface Many in the group had been re-paying these loans for a number people in the community for a of years, with no previous issues in ° By: Rory McDonough group that cared.” said one found- relation to their submitting their group of local concerned ing member over the phone, who payments on time. However, there was and is little going on in the way citizens have formed a wished to remain unnamed. committee with the intenThe group, consisting of more of negotiations between the banks tion of raising awareness than a dozen members, met under and the former homeowners with of the struggles facing Caymanians a cabana in the park by the airport regard to restructuring a payment with regard to underemployment Wednesday evening and discussed plan that could see them through and the foreclosure of their homes. the issues facing its members and their financial difficulties. “We came together as a collec- many local people struggling to keep For some, the personal financial tive to address the needs of the up with mortgage payments and at difficulty they experienced was likely


short term, but the stringent terms of the banks has led them to lose their homes – with a 90 day limit on falling behind on payments before the bank foreclosed the property. “We as a government, and the Ministers of Finance and Financial Services in particular, have had a series of meetings with reps of local banks to impress upon them the need to work with clients in difficulties. They have assured us they will and that they go the extra mile before taking that last punitive step, that is taking the home,” stated Community Affairs Minister Hon. Osbourne Bodden. “Of course full employment for our people is the goal we have in mind, and is the only real solution, where they earn a decent wage and can provide for their families while meeting their obligations. Our people also have to be responsible, and ensure they prioritize and pay their needs first and foremost, before addressing their wants,” he continued. Often members of the group, while still meeting their payments on time, had properties that had been valued by the banks with

notable equity. However, once payments had been missed and homes taken after around 100 days, they claimed banks significantly undervalued their property. Th is took place regardless of the previous appraisals of genuine value by the same banks as well as their equity becoming a meaningless figure, with the bank selling the properties at the original loans base. One community member explained his house was appraised at $550,000 CI - being affi rmed by his loan’s insurance premiums. After suffering from an illness that led him to fall into arrears for more than 90 days, he claims the bank auct ioned off his home and land for $380,000 CI. The emotion was palpable in his explanation of the story, but there was also an air of determination in the group. “Together we have the strength to reach out to our community and to ‘parle’ with government,” said the annonymous founding member. “When you are on your own struggling in the trenches, it’s difficult, but together we can raise awareness and get things done.”

Announcing Summer flights on

WEDNESDAYS Cayman to La Ceiba Now fly Wed, Fri & Mon

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Issue 91


Friday, 17 July, 2015

@caymanreporter •

Bush starts petition to combat SMCs

Hon McKeeva Bush

° By: Monique Spence


damant to keep the current electoral system in place, Leader of the Opposition, Hon McKeeva Bush has st arted a petition in an attempt o prevent Cayman from adopting the single member const ituencies (SMCs) plan that’s on the table. Th e debate has been extensive for elect oral reform which proposes changing from the present situation in which voters may elect a varying number of candidates to the Legislative Assembly, depending on the district in which they reside, to one where each elect or cast s only a single vote. M r Bush remains as resolute as he was since the referendum held in July 2012

which sought to answer the question of whether or not the electorate preferred an electoral system of single-member constituencies. Mr Bush is aiming to prompt another referendum to prove the change does not have majority of the islands’ support. His target is to gather over 4,000 signatures by August and he believes that he can get even more. “We want the government to put this thing to a vote, for the people to decide,” he st ated. “It is fundamental to democracy that people should have a clear yes or no, whenever they are going to change any part that services our democracy,” he said. The petition is currently available at Mr’s Bush office in West Bay, online and is circulating around Grand Cayman as well.

Election boundaries for 2013 elections Mr Bush believes that the petition has received well over 1000 signatures already. He told The Cayman Reporter that he will be holding several public meetings to discuss the One Man, One Vote –Single Member Const ituencies proposal and the current st ate of aff airs in the Cayman Islands. The meetings will be held in every dist rict; several in George Town and Bodden Town, as well as one in Cayman Brac.

Premier Hon Alden McLaughlin supports the voting system change aiming for it pass before the 2017 general elect ions. The current electoral proposal is currently with government to consider. The Cayman Islands is seeking to change its six multimember voting dist rict s, to 19 single-member const ituencies. It’s proposed to add another riding. OMOV plans to split Grand Cayman into 17 single-member dist rict s and Cayman Brac and

Litt le Cayman into two voting dist rict s. With the new system voters in George Town will be able to vote up to six times for various candidates, voters in Bodden Town and West Bay up to four times, while residents of the Sister Islands will only be able to choose two. The dist rict s of East End and North Side return one candidate each to the Legislative Assembly. The two Eastern dist ricts remain unaffected by the current proposal.

Cigars, drugs and phones thrown over prison walls Around $4,000 worth of drugs were apparently flung over Northward Prison’s fence and picked by the prison officials this week.


welve parcels in all are now being investigated by police. In them: three phones, four phone chargers, five bottles of liquid suspected to be alcohol, 20 packs of R izlas, five packs of double platinum cigars and over four lbs of vegetable matter resembling marijuana. It’s not the first time contraband has been hurled

ongoing threat that these illegal items represent.” The prison’s security unit acted upon intelligence to fi nd the illegal items. Mr Lavis said, “The Prison Service will continue its efforts to intercept drugs and other prohibited items as well as the persons responsible for throwing them over the fence, or bringing them in on their person. The penalty for delivering contraband to

Individual items contained in contraband package. surveillance cameras to prevent further breaches. Urging members of the public to give serious consideration to the penalties for Packages of contraband found at Northward Prison trafficking contraband into the Prison, Mr. Lavis noted over the perimeter of the incarcerated prisoners is there were also far-ranging prison. Her Majest y’s Cay- $15,000 and/or up to three effect s for inmates as well. man Islands Prison Service years imprisonment.” Those found to be in possesDirector Neil Lavis said, “It’s A few months ago, gov- sion of, or dealing in, contraa shame that goods are st ill ernment spent $1.3 million band face extended sentencflung over the prison fence. to enhance the security of es, potential confl icts with Th is was a significant fi nd. the fencing around the pris- other prisoners and the loss We work hard to batt le the on. It also sought to install of often hard-won privileges.

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Issue 91

Friday, 17 July, 2015

Webb believed to be extradited to United States


ay m a n i a n Je f f er y Webb is bel ieved to now be i n t he US a f ter ag reei ng to extradition, following the suspended FIFA top official’s high-profile arrest in Zurich, Switzerland in May. Mr. Webb is one of seven high ranking officials from the football governing body nabbed in a dawn raid at the five-st ar hotel. He is believed to be the fi rst of the 14 of FIFA’s officials and marketing executives indicted two months ago to be sent to the United States from abroad. “The fi rst of the seven FIFA officials being held in custody in Switzerland was extradited to the USA on 15 July,” the Swiss Office of Just ice said in a statement. “He was handed over to a three-man US police escort in Zurich, who accompanied him on the fl ight to New York. Neither US nor Swiss officials confirmed the identity of the



individual extradited on Wednesday up to press time. Until the arrest, Mr. Webb was president of Concacaf, the regional confederation representing Central and North America and the Caribbean, since 2012. He was also a vice president of FIFA. The indict ment charged that he asked for bribes in return for television deals for football games. It was revealed last week that Mr. Webb had agreed to be sent to the US. Six other people, who were also arrested in by Swiss authorities in May were said to be fighting extradition. At press time, it was not known when Mr Webb would make his court appearance. Mr Webb is now also wanted by the Cayman Islands authorities after he was charged in investigation. Th is pertained to a hospital contract for a card-swiping payment system. The charge came from the Anti-Corruption Commission. Reports Webb crossed Atlantic Thursday

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Issue 91


Friday, 17 July, 2015

Multi-cultural team assists with restoration of Cultural Heritage site The Cayman National Cultural Foundation (CNCF) gets a helping hand from a local construction company.

@caymanreporter •

National Trust Paradise Discovered: Manchineel Tree

T The work crew from Phoenix work on Miss Lassie’s.


hoenix Construction assisted the non-profit cultural organisation by working on areas of Miss Lasie’s house that needed immediate remedial work. Miss Lassie’s house was purchased by the Cayman Islands Government and vested in the Cayman National Cultural Foundation in 2009, with the promise that CNCF would restore and conserve the iconic Caymanian watt le & daub cottage, for future generations. The group says a substantial amount of very delicate architectural conservation work had to be carried out. CNCF Chairman, Martyn Bould, reached out to Steve Hawley, one of the founders of Phoenix Const ruct ion for assist ance. Mr. Hawley agreed for the work to be done at no cost to government. The company also provided some of the necessary materials. Restoration was completed and Mind’s Eye was opened to the public on 14th December 2012. CNCF says, “Because of the age of the building, conservation and restoration work is an ongoing process. Recently, when it was discovered that a number of areas needed immediate remedial work, Steve and the Phoenix team came forward with assistance and completed the work, at no cost to CNCF.” Mr. Hawley said that, “[The team] worked hard all week long

and you’d think that the last thing they’d want to do on a weekend is do more hot, grubby const ruction work, yet they all volunteered their free time to do this project for Mind’s Eye. I was surprised that, each time I went down to the house to check on the work, they were clearly enjoying the restoration.” According to CNCF Chairman Martyn Bould, “Our work at CNCF would be made a lot more difficult if members of the

community, like Phoenix and their dedicated volunteers, did not, so willingly, help us out.” CNCF Artist ic Director, Henry Muttoo added, “Without the tremendous amount of volunteer work, which takes place every single day, not only CNCF but most of Cayman’s social and community programming would grind to a halt. Thank you is the least we can say. We know it is never enough but it goes a long way to making people feel that their effort is worthy.”

he Manchineel tree is one of the most poisonous trees in the world. The name is derived from Spanish manzanilla or litt le apple, because of the resemblance of its fruit and leaves to an apple tree. The Manchineel tree (Hippomane mancinella) is the sole species in the genus Hippomane and a species of flowering plant in the family Euphorbiaceae. It is native to the Caribbean and Central America. It may be found near beaches throughout the Caribbean as it provides a natural windbreak and the roots help to stabilize the sand which assists in preventing beach erosion. It is important to know how to identify this tree as tiny droplets of sap often fall from these leaves and twigs and can severely irritate the eyes and skin of people underneath them. The following is taken from Wild Trees in the Cayman Islands by Fred Burton, with illust rations by Penny Clifford. Manchineel Hippomane mancinella Beware! The milky sap which springs from any broken part of this tree is highly irritant! If you are exposed to Manchineel sap, wash with water as soon as possible. You should avoid st anding under a Manchineel tree when it is raining. Manchineel has a pale brown trunk, with fairly fi rm bark grooved with erratic vertical fi ssures and many small horizontal cracks, giving the surface a ‘crazed’ look. It is usually colonized by grey and pinkish-white lichens. Manchineel grows into a large, sp reading tree, oft en heavily

colonized by bromeliads. One of the most dist inct ive features is the long leaf st alk, usually at least as long as the leaf blade itself, similar to the Wild Fig Ficus citrifolia, which also has white latex. The two can be told apart by the dangling aerial roots which are characterist ic only of the Wild Figs. Manchineel leaves are silky green, with the midrib noticeably yellow: the edges are very slightly toothed, and the leaf size varies considerably. Manchineel fruits are like small green apples, and fall to the ground where they may be dangerously tempting to children. Iguanas eat them happily,

but they are poisonous to people! Manchineel is widespread in the West Indies and tropical America: in Cayman it is found on all three islands, growing abundantly in seasonally flooded areas close to Buttonwood wetlands, where the flood water is never very salty. It also may grow by sandy seashores. Once dry, the hard, pale wood can be used in cabinet work, and in Cayman was considered an excellent material for the deck planking on wooden schooners. For more information, to share your knowledge or to get involved with the National Trust , please call 749-1121 or email education@nationaltrust.




Issue 91

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Friday, 17 July, 2015

Facelift for Brac library 4XDOLW\ -DSDQHVH 9HKLFOHV 2QOLQH 6KRS 6LQFH



° By: Quincy Brown








he Public Library on Cayman Brac is open for business. Located at the rear of the island’s Government Administ ration Building, the Library was was built by the Rotary Club of Cayman Brac in 1995. The one storey building is complete with a st udy area, a reference and research annex, an NWDA computer and work area for people in search of employment on Cayman Brac and a Biomode Film Scanner for viewing National Archive documents on fi lm. The Library on Cayman Brac is a project of Rotary, however is operated by Government’s library Services under the directorship of Romona Melody, who is based at the George Town library on Grand Cayman. Adults on Cayman Brac can sign up for library cards for an annual fee of $ 5 CI. Th is allows the customer to borrow up to ten items at a time. Students seventeen and under can sign up for free library cards. At the moment, the two computers in the office sect ion of the library is accessible to staff only. The public computer was dest royed by lightning st rike in 2014 and st ill hasn’t been replaced to date. When we contacted Library Services Director for comment roughly one month ago, we were told that public computers

would be sent to the Brac Library for installation within short order. The Library’s chief Librarian is Lizabeth Conolly on Cayman Brac who is at times assisted by Janice Webb. The original library on the Brac was located in the Creek. A small wooden st ruct ure housed both post office and library. Mrs Conolly has been the Librarian from the days of Creek starting her soon to be 26 years career in 1989. Mrs Conolly has seen lots of changes and marvels at technological advancements and the many opportunities st udents have today. “There is an on line book club and reading programme our kids participate in. Students are rewarded for the most books read,â€? said Ms. Conolly. There is also an annual Lions Club sponsored End of Summer Back to School Pajama Party. The Poets Society of Cayman Brac gathers on the last Friday of each month, at the Library organized by Kathleen Bodden Harris and Elton Michaels, both published authors. The saying goes, “Kids who read, succeed.â€? Those on this island hope there is much success ahead for Brac Students and The services provided by Cayman Brac Public Library. Opening hours vary from Monday to Thursday 8.30am - 5pm. Closed for lunch 12:00 noon - 1pm. Closed on Friday’s, Sunday’s and public holidays. Saturday’s 9am - 1:30pm. Telephone 948-0472.

NWDA visits the Brac

Unemployed residents had an opportunity to register for jobs

° By: Quincy Brown


he unemployed of The Brac utilized the opportunity to register with the NWDA this week. Employment Case workers from Grand Cayman assisted fi rst timers with the NWDA regist ration process and also held follow up sessions with those Brac residents already registered. With litt le to no new job creation on Cayman Brac, a substantial number of the Brac population is hired by Government, in various departments. Those registering

for jobs in tourism could have the option of moving to Grand Cayman where there are more hotels, bars and restaurants or should they remain on Cayman Brac, apply for jobs at condos or guests houses as Cayman Brac has only two hotels, The Brac Reef Beach Resort in West End on the South Side and La Esperanza Hotel in Watering Place. Divi Tiara Beach Resort and The Alexander Hotel are both closed. The NWDA held sessions open to the public July 15th to 17th on Cayman Brac. Participants received training in job preparedness, resume and cover letter application and internship opportunities, which are not as plentiful on Cayman Brac as compared to Grand Cayman. The Job Link programme has partnered with Cayman Brac’s Layman E. Scott Sr. High School to place st udents at the HSA Faith Hospital, The Dist rict Administ ration Building, MRCU, Police Services, Fire Services, Educational Services and in some instances, job placements at Liquor stores and supermarkets. Cayman Brac only has one bank, Cayman National Bank and a branch of the Credit Union. The NWDA in the Cayman Islands continues to offer workshops in communication skills, counter service, customer service, resume writing and preparing for the interview. The NWDA maintains a database of current employment opportunities on all three Cayman Islands. The people of Cayman Brac and Litt le Cayman can visit the Sister Island’s NWDA office at 256 Creek Road. The telephone number is 345 948 0626. The NWDA website is: email:



Cayman Brac’s library open to public


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Issue 91


Friday, 17 July, 2015

@caymanreporter •

VIEW P INT The Cayman Reporter seeks to promote social and economic development, better understanding and unity among all the people of the Cayman Islands. P O. Box 10663, Grand Cayman KY1 – 1006 Cayman Islands, BWI Tel: (345) 946-6060 Email:

Web: Letters to the editor and online forum policy The Cayman Reporter invites correspondence on all issues. In the interest of openness and transparency, we will not accept correspondence that is unsigned. We request that all letters be submitted with a name for publication regardless of content, and names and contact details of the writer be supplied. We will in special circumstances protect a writer’s identity only after we have established good cause for anonymity, otherwise we will not be able to publish the correspondence. Letters can be e-mailed to news@ Writers may also drop their letters into the Cayman Reporter offices at #222, Mirco Centre on North Sound Road in George Town.

The cover-up of them all


e, the people of the Cayman Islands are slowly waking up to the dark reality that the so-called mother country, the UK‘s government is a big cover up mill. Countless pieces of evidence swept under the rug that deal directly with embarrassing events and the hiding of facts, which are at the very core of basic and fundamental human rights. Whether it is the latest banking scandal of HSBC, the Bank of England, or the dirty deeds of the financial and parliamentary ultra elite many of these events have resulted in a series of lies and cover ups. A dedicated and special edition of the Encyclopedia would be required to do justice to the historically documented injustices perpetrated by the successive British governments upon its own people and the rest of the world. All the facts would be from what is already out in the public domain. This is not a claim but a harsh reality that needs no clarification if one wants to be ‘conscious’. In the commentary pages of this issue of The Cayman Reporter, a piece was done titled ‘Deportation and abuse of children- the darkest side of the British Empire’. This article points out the dark truths of how the British Empire deported its own citizen children to colonies. It further points out how these deported children were abused in every way and how those injustices had been covered up.

The historic evidence of such atrocious acts by the British government extends far and wide and is well documented around the world. It would not be realistic to detach any such acts from the past or present governments of the UK/ FCO nor does it absolve them of their responsibility to correct these wrongs.

How many resources have been devoted to assessing the amount of children within our society that have been physically, mentally and sexually abused? Research has shown that many adolescents and adults that have a history of criminality and or considered dysfunctional have suffered from some form of abuse as a child. Many of us would like to believe that child abuse is not prevalent withHow many resources in the Cayman Islands. However the harsh reality is that it does exist withhave been devoted to in our mist and more of our vulneraassessing the amount of ble children continue to be exploited children within our society as we seek to distance ourselves from the truth. that have been physically, We have seen reports piled up in our government archives by the mentally and sexually so-called experts from the UK and abused? elsewhere with no end in sight. The recent cases of lawlessness caught the attention of our lawmakers that seek We have seen a large segment of more stringent legislations and punthe Cayman Islands youth and gener- ishments but with little or no emphaal population criminalised and labeled sis to review the existing social secas dysfunctional by the powers that be. tor reforms and looking to remove We are constantly hearing about more colonial legislations that criminalise court room space and bigger jails, and the local population. Have our legisincreasing the budget of the RCIPS. lators considered child abuse as a root The ironic reality is that in the cause for many of the behaviours and presence of such a large law enforce- acts they are trying to curb? ment (per population) and legal We are rapidly moving towards apparatus, existing in such a close a legislative struct ure that would knit community, neither the crime give sweeping powers to the law rate nor the social woes of the local enforcement arm through the population seem to register any recent draft legislations being floatdecline. ed by our legislators. The proposal

to give arbitrary RCIPS powers to arrest, invest igate and detain because of suspicion due to a certain ‘appearance’ or the company you keep is a case in point. With our mother country suffering from so much of its own issues that stem from child abuse and its cover ups can we look to the UK or anywhere else to tell us how to deal with these issues? Are we going to stand up and defend our children? Would we stand for our rights and seek answers from those who sit in the ivory towers of power? Or are we going to write a few articles and raise a few lame motions that affect no real change? Just like the lost children of the Empire in the mentioned commentary piece, are we going to allow laws and sweeping police and judicial powers to push more of our youth and population towards delinquency and marginalisation, so that the ultra elite can continue to flourish while we remain on the fringes of social existence in our own country? Very litt le faith remains in the mother country’s credibility and the ability to suggest tangible solutions to our growing social challenges. It is a hard fact to swallow for those in love with the colonial euphoria and the pomp show at the surface that hides the darkest of truths, but the truth is the truth, no matter how deep it’s buried, it eventually comes out.

What New Horizons reveals about Pluto ° By Meg Urry (CNN)


nless you have been, well, on another planet, you know that July 14 was the date of closest approach to Pluto by the New Horizons spacecraft, which has now sent back unprecedented images from this historic encounter. Passing Pluto at barely 7,750 miles (or 12,400 kilometers for savvy metric readers), the seven experiments on the New Horizons spacecraft are busily gathering extensive data on Pluto and its five known moons, Charon, Styx, Nix, Kerberos and Hydra. It will be months before these data are fully transmitted to Earth, in part because, like many of us, New Horizons needs to focus all its effort on one essential task at a time. But even the bare-bones data that we’ve gotten so far have offered up several surprises. For one thing, Pluto is a litt le bit larger than previously thought, with a diameter of roughly 2,360 kilometers. Th is means it is slightly less dense than we thought, so it has more ice and less rock. Irregular icy regions (one in the shape of a heart) are visible on the surface, adjacent to reddish regions the color of Mars, both clearly cratered. Lest Pluto’s promotion in size reignite the is-it-or-isn’t-it-a-planet debate, let’s recap: Pluto was the only solar system planet discovered in the last century, by American ast ronomer Clyde Tombaugh.

For the next 80 years, millions of schoolchildren proudly memorized nine planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Then in 2006, to the dist ress of many, the International Ast ronomical Union coined a new term, “dwarf planet,” for Pluto and other similar objects in the Kuiper Belt, a vast array of rocky bodies that are the building blocks of future planets. The inner planets of the solar system probably formed out of similar material, albeit more rapidly because the densit y of blobs was higher closer to the sun. So studying the Kuiper Belt, which extends some 5 billion kilometers past Neptune (itself about 4.5 billion kilometers from the sun), may tell us a great deal about the origins of Earth. You see, Pluto is one of many similar objects. If it’s a planet, so are thousands of other Kuiper Belt objects. Absent a minimum diameter for a planet, look out: At least 70,000 Kuiper Belt objects are bigger than 100 kilometers across.

Hard to think of names for 70,000 would-be planets, much less schoolchildren memorizing them all! Pluto’s demotion to dwarf planet status was controversial but scien-

tifically required. The IAU requires bona fide solar system planets to meet three criteria: (1) they orbit the sun; (2) they are big enough that gravity makes them round; and (3) their neighborhood is not filled with

rival would-be planets. Pluto failed this last criterion; it is one of the biggest Kuiper Belt objects known so far, but it is not unique. Also, Pluto is unlike the eight solar system planets in several ways: It’s smaller; its moon Charon is nearly half its mass (the Earth’s moon is 1.2% of the Earth’s mass); its orbit is less circular and act ually crosses the orbit of Neptune, plus it’s in a different plane. And, in violation of the third criterion, it shares s pac e with thousands of other similar dwarf planets. New Horizons spacecraft took nearly a decade to reach Pluto. Th is sounds like a long time, but it’s moving much faster than earlier missions to the outer planets such as Pioneer and Voyager. Wouldn’t it be nice if, having arrived at Pluto, NASA could hit the brakes and let New Horizons linger for a while? Unfortunately, the physics doesn’t allow it. You see, there is nothing to brake against -- unlike a car’s tires against the road. If the

spacecraft had enough fuel, it could generate the power to turn left or right and insert itself into orbit around Pluto, but that much fuel would have weighed too much to launch with the requisite speed. The choice was between a brief but timely flyby or a trip too slow and expensive to fund. So New Horizons is snapping pict ures as frantically as any tourist on a five-day trip to 10 European capitals, repeatedly imaging the surfaces of Pluto and its five known moons. And it will continue taking data as it moves away from Pluto. By the way, Aust ralia, where I am a visitor to the University of Melbourne, is part of the Deep Space Network that collects signals from NASA spacecraft. As Australian television news noted with pride, the data from Tuesday night’s closest approach of New Horizons was seen here first. People of Oz, this American thanks you! The next phase of the mission, as long as spacecraft consumables and NASA’s budget permits, will be to explore further in the Kuiper Belt. There are more Plutos and Plutinos out there, some of them may be potentially short-period comets, all of them have material from which planets are made, and all never before observed up close and personal. Fast-forward a few billion years and who knows, maybe some of those lumps will have turned into a bona fide solar system planet. IAU of the future, here’s a suggestion: Why don’t you name it Pluto Veritas?



Issue 91

Friday, 17 July, 2015

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Deportation and abuse of children – the darkest side of the British Empire ° By: Deon Ebanks


he recent spate of revelations in the local media about the unsuccessful attempts by the powers that be to smother reports emanating from schools has st rongly suggest a possible abuse of power related to the wellbeing and safety of the most precious and vulnerable sect ion of society- children. Child abuse is not a new phenomenon and has existed during the peace and also during times of war. However, blatant acts of denial and cover-up by the government are a systemic behaviour of the British Empire’s legacy that continues to this day, in its present so-called democratic and ‘accountable’ form of government. It appears the United Kingdom (UK) government is ever so quick to lambast any and every action of the ex colonies, foreign nations and its overseas territories for human rights, the right to citizenship, gay rights and so forth, it has a dismal record to show for its ‘walk the talk’ manifesto. A respected British investigative journalist, Eileen Fairweather, on 10 December 2009, wrote a story about her own mother, who was a victim of forced deportation as a child to Australia. Her story had come to the surface after the Australian and British governments admitted to have violated all norms of civilised moral behaviour and had allowed forced deportation of ‘White English’ children to the colonies of Australia, Canada and South Africa from the late 1940’s till late 1970’s. According to the disclosed documents of the old Colonial Office, UK, ‘The child migrant scheme was responsible for sending more than 150,000 children to British colonies, starting with Canada in the late 19th Century, and later to Australia and South Africa. The aim was to provide cheap labour, relieve the strain on the public purse in Britain and increase the colonies’ white breeding stock.’ Eileen Fairweather in her research and the quest to find her mother’s family, stumbled upon an Australian genealogy website run by an Australian lady called Lil O’Rourke, who was working on something similar to unearth this ‘secret’ buried deep by the British government because she was a victim along with her three siblings. Lil O’Rourke wrote on her website that her father’s name was Hugh O’Rourke. Her father was a soldier in the British army went to fight for his country during the 2nd World War. Her mother’s name was Jane McGrory and the family had lived in Northern Ireland before her father went to war. Why did she, or her three other siblings end up in an orphanage in the UK while her father had not returned from the war front and her mother was still alive? Why were she and her three siblings then subsequently ‘deported’ to Australia? It was an anomaly she could not solve. Lil O’Rourke wrote further on her website:“‘We were shipped out with about 300 children as CHILD MIGRANTS. We were the lost children of the Empire. We were sent out as “good British stock” to populate Australia (to keep the “yellow race” out).

‘We left Nazareth House, Belfast, on 15 August 1947 (two days after my seventh birthday). We arrived in Fremantle, Western Australia, on 22 September 1947. Ellen, Hannah and I were sent to a place called St Joseph’s Orphanage in Wembley, Western Australia. ‘It was run by the Sisters of Mercy (What a joke! They certainly did not show us mercy!) Young Michael was taken away and put into Castledare and a few years later he went to Clontarf. Both places were boys’ orphanages run by the Christian Brothers (I’LL SAY NO MORE!!!) ‘I think I only saw Michael twice in nine years. We haven’t seen or heard anything about our parents.” Lil’s search for clues about what became of her and her three siblings was stymied because the marriage certificate of her parents could not be found. The absence of such vital documents left the child migrants entirely rootless. Eileen Fairweather, after reading the web post decided to help the Australian woman. Eileen Fairweather asked Lil to send her copies of every document she and her siblings had obtained from various authorities during the previous 30 years. The envelope she sent was pitifully thin, and its contents made Eileen Fairweather weep. Lil’s baptism certificate of August 14, 1940, even showed she was named Lelia at the time of birth. Lil wrote to Eileen Fairweather upon seeing her original birth certificate with a different name:“This is the first time I have come to know that I had a different name at birth!” The archives obtained from the Australian Government noted that, “All children were medically assessed before their journey as the Australian immigration department stated it only wanted ‘fine physical specimens’. Eileen Fairweather started her research on the Lil O’Rourke and found that a child migration consent form was signed by Hugh O’Rourke (father of Lil) on January 10, 1947, some seven months before the children left for Australia. The only problem, Lil noted, not only did they never see their father before they were sent off, it was a fact that her father could not write. So who did sign the form? That mystery remains to this date as the officials in both the FCO UK and the Australian Government remain silent and non-cooperative. A surviving ledger from the Belfast convent says the O’Rourke four children were received into care on 1 December 1942, and ‘dismissed’ in 1947. An earlier ledger observed: ‘Mother deserted.’ Finding out what became of their mother was, the only thing that Lil O’Rourke most longed for - if only, wrote Lil to Eileen Fairweather, ‘I could find her (my mother’s) grave and lay flowers there’. She spoke a lot about her sister Hannah but said little of her sister Ellen – who had died recently trying desperately to find their parents. Lil also spoke little about her brother Michael. Lil during a conversation with Eileen Fairweather, let it slip that her brother now lived in England, but she did not elaborate further. However, Eileen Fairweather knew what Lil O’Rourke meant when she had alluded to her brother’s traumatic upbringing with the Christian Brothers – the ‘Brothers’ were notorious for sexual abuse.

Since Lil hadn’t suggested that Eileen fair-weather met with her brother Michael, Eileen Fairweather assumed that Michael’s life was in some kind of turmoil. She could have never guessed that the reality would be unimaginably darker, a fact she came to know after Eileen Fairweather met Michael on her own initiative. The Castledare and Clontarf orphanages to which Michael was sent became infamous due to the inquest by the Lost Children of the Empire. Young boys were forced to undertake backbreaking work in the boiling heat. Many of the Brothers beat and raped their young charges on a daily basis. May children died due to disease and abuse during the time. Eileen Fairweather trawled through the birth, death and marriage records in Ireland, Scotland and even England, as it became clear that Lil’s Hugh O’Rourke, like her own mother, were ‘ forced travelers’. The Lil’s sister who was now dead, Ellen was haunted by her childhood all her life. She had been sexually abused in Australia by Christian Brothers who visited her orphanage. She was furious at the subsequent ‘cover-up’ by the Governments in the UK and Australia. Ellen later became active in the movement in Australia demanding justice for former child migrants till her death. Eileen Fairweather obtained copies of Ellen’s correspondence, including a letter she wrote to church officials in 1989, shortly before finding her brother Michael. The Belfast orphanage had claimed it had no records of her family, and advised her to ‘forget the mistakes of the past’. Ellen’s reply to the Belfast Orphanage to ‘forget the mistakes of the past’ is eye opener in this quoted report written by Eileen FairWeather in Dec 2009. It is the crux of this great human atrocity against its own defenseless children by the UK Government: Ellen wrote:‘I am still trapped in my efforts of trying to trace my family and identity. I have letters to and from Catholic agencies who tell me they know nothing of my past. I somehow ended up in Western Australia with the blessing of the Catholic Church, who decided to play God. And in their wisdom tore my family apart. Well done, you offered me two weeks’ holiday in Australia and after many decades, I’m still waiting to go home. LIES - WHY?’ I was told repeatedly that I was a war orphan by the nuns in the orphanage where you dumped me without any reason (More LIES. WHY?). No amount of counseling offered can make up for the trauma of losing one’s family and identity. The great plan to populate Australia with good Irish and British stock has failed. All they have achieved is heartache, rejection and misery, and one big cover-up. I won’t give up my search.” Shortly after this letter Ellen died without knowing the truth about her fate at the hands of the British government. She was no less a British than any other person, yet she was treated like an animal by those who were trusted with her care. She was a defenseless child like thousands of others who bore torture, forced labour, sexual abuse and unimaginable pain as children, all because of the

policy of the colonial office (now FCO) and its desire to reduce the burden on the economy. Truly the present day David Cameron’s and Osborne’s are no different than those heartless policy makers who perpetrated the worse crimes imaginable against their own children for achieving financial and budgetary austerity. British investigative journalist Nico Hines, in his 24 June 2015 investigative work wrote: “A current member of Britain’s House of Lords “violated, raped, and tortured” children inside the Houses of Parliament, it was claimed last night in one of the most shocking accusations yet to be heard in the country’s growing VIP sex-abuse scandal. Britain’s public prosecutor ruled earlier this year that similar cases of sexual assault should not be brought against the alleged perpetrator, Lord Janner, because he was suffering from dementia. Police recommended the Labour Lord must face trial on charges of six rapes and 16 sexual assaults alleged to have taken place between 1969 and 1998, but prosecutors decided the 86-yearold was unfit to stand trial. The alleged child-abuse victims, some of whom say they were attacked by (Lord) Janner , as boys, say they believe the politician is being protected as part of an establishment cover-up, designed to protect Britain’s rich and powerful from the full force of the law, which continues to this day. The horrific scale of sexual abuse against children carried out by powerful figures in British public life was laid bare last month, when police officers disclosed that they were investigating allegations against 76 politicians and almost 250 “persons of public prominence.” More than 100,000 alleged attacks have been catalogued by detectives since the police launched a series of inquiries into sexual abuse by people in positions of power. Despite the public inquiry and police investigations, campaigners argue that British leaders are still trying to hide the worst of the abuse that has been perpetrated against children and teenagers over decades.” No action has been taken against Lord Jenner to date. Mark Tran, a leading investigative journalist from The Guardian UK, wrote a detailed investigative report on 16 March 2015, about the criminal cover up of a child abuse investigation by the UK Metropolitan Police involving a pedophile ring of UK MP’s and Police Officers. He wrote: “The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) is investigating allegations of police corruption in London relating to child sex offences dating back to the 1970s, including that officers colluded in the cover-up of a high-level pedophile ring. The allegations, referred by the Metropolitan police, include suppressing evidence, hindering or halting investigations and covering up offences because of the involvement of MPs and police officers. “Th ese all egations are of historic[al], high-level corruption of the most serious nature,” said Sarah Green, the IPCC deputy chair, on Monday. “We will oversee the invest igations and ensure that they meet the terms of reference that we will set. All egations of this nature are of grave concern and I would like to reassure people of our

absolute commitment to ensuring that the invest igations are thorough and robust .” Parallel investigations by the Met into the original allegations of child abuse and the new criminal investigations looking at alleged police corruption are closely linked and well under way, said a spokesperson for the IPCC. “Therefore, after careful assessment, the IPCC will manage the investigations being conducted by the MPS’s [the Met’s] directorate of professional standards,” the IPCC spokesperson added. One allegation is that an inquiry involving an operation targeting young men in Dolphin Square, near Westminster, was stopped because officers were too near prominent people. Another involves a document found at an address of a pedophile, which originated from the houses of parliament and listed a number of highly prominent individuals (MPs and senior police officers) as being involved in a pedophile ring, where no further action was taken.” Despite criminal cover ups related to child abuse investigations by the UK Metropolitan Police involving cases such as pedophile rings of UK MP’s and Police Officers. The ex UK Prime Minister Tony Blair was awarded a Global Award by the USA arm of the charity Save the Children’s Fund. In her very focused article on this ironic award, Harriet Sherwood of The Guardian, UK in her 25 Nov 2014 article wrote: “The charity Save the Children faces a backlash from staff after it presented Tony Blair with a “global legacy award” in New York last week – despite privately acknowledging that he is a controversial and divisive figure. Amid widespread criticism on social media, many of the charity’s staff has complained that the presentation of the award has discredited Save the Children (STC). A letter, which gathered almost 86000 signatures – including senior regional staff – in the first six hours of dissemination, said the award was not only “morally reprehensible, but also endangers our credibility globally”, and called for it to be withdrawn. It said that the staff wished to distance themselves from the award and demanded a review of the charity’s decision-making process. “We consider this award inappropriate and a betrayal to Save the Children’s founding principles and values. Management staff in the region were not communicated with or consulted about the award and were caught by surprise with this decision,” it said. The move has also raised questions about Save the Children’s (STC) integrity and independence because of close links between the former British prime minister and key figures at the charity’s helm. Its UK chief executive, Justin Forsyth, was a special adviser to Blair for three years, and Jonathan Powell, Blair’s former chief of staff, is currently on the board of STC.” The historic evidence of such atrocious acts by the British government extends far and wide and is well documented around the world. A large segment of the Cayman Islands youth and general population has been criminalised and labeled as dysfunctional. With requests for more court room space, bigger jails, and increasing the budget of the RCIPS, it brings into question what resources have been allocated for child abuse in the Cayman Islands.

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Issue 91


Friday, 17 July, 2015

@caymanreporter •


ECB gives Greece thumbs up with funding boost REUTERS he European Central Bank increased emergency funding for Greek banks on Thursday, ending a freeze of almost three weeks and urging Europe to fi nd a way to cut the country’s debt burden. ECB President Mario Draghi underlined his assumption that Greece will remain part of the 19-member bloc, rebuffing suggest ions by Germany’s fi nance minister that Greece could leave, after Greek lawmakers approved a painful reform package. The ECB will grant a further 900 million euros in so-called Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) to Greek banks over the coming week, a small but important back-up necessary to reopen banks shuttered for nearly three weeks as Greece teetered on the edge of quitt ing the euro. The decision came even before Europe had fi nalised the details of a 7 billion euro temporary loan to Greece, money needed for Athens to repay the ECB 3.5 billion euros of bonds plus roughly 700 million euros of interest on Monday. That showed Draghi’s determination to act, despite the ongoing political uncertainty over Greece’s future. He said he was confident Greece would repay the ECB on Monday and pay the International Monetary Fund, to which it has already defaulted. In a rare move, Draghi also issued an explicit message of support for addressing Greece’s heavy debts, a long-standing demand from Athens


the agreement from Monday morning, the resulting improvement in the outlook for the Greek sovereign would make it possible for the ECB to do more for the banks,” Berenberg economist Holger Schmieding said. The modest increase in ELA indicates that banks could reopen with only reduced operations and cash withdrawal limits at least until a bailout package is passed and banks receive at least some of the 25 billion euros earmarked for recapitalization. Draghi said banks should reopen fast but that caution is required to avoid a bank run. Emergency funding has been held steady at around 89 billion euros since late June, hurting an economy that is already in recession and has shrunk by a quarter since the st art of the country’s troubles. The bank also kept interest rates steady and said that its 1 trillion euro plus asset buying program is working as planned boostGreek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras gets thumps up from parliament for austerity ing lending and lift ing inflation back toward the bank’s target of measures implementation. just below 2 percent. Draghi repeated that the banks but one that is opposed by Germany Schaeuble, the finance minister currency union was irreversible, he and others, who fear the political fall- who has said that even if a ‘haircut’ fully endorsed Greek membership, would fully implement the scheme, out from granting such relief. or debt writedown may be needed, it throwing his support behind its set to last at least until September “It’s uncontroversial that debt is not possible under European rules. bailout package that he said would 2016, and said the bank had more tools at its disposal if necessary. relief is necessary and I think that The IMF earlier this week said that help the country thrive again. “Recent developments in fi nannobody has ever disputed that,” Greece needs far more debt relief than “The ECB has acted within its Draghi told journalists. “The issue European governments have been mandate and will continue to do so cial markets, which partly reflect is what is the best form of debt willing to contemplate so far and that under the assumption that Greece greater uncertainty, have not relief within our framework, with- its debt is expected to peak at close to will remain a member of the euro changed the Governing Council’s area,” Draghi said. assessment of a broadening of the in our legal inst itutional frame- 200 percent of its national output. work. I think we should focus on Still, Draghi repeated that the euro area’s economic recovery.” GREECE STAYS this point in the coming weeks.” euro was imperfect and vulnerable. (Additional reporting by Those comments pit Draghi Though Draghi declined to “He (Draghi) clearly held out the car- Francesco Canepa; Editing by Jeragainst Germany’s Wolfgang repeat his earlier comments that the rot. If Greece continues to implement emy Gaunt and Paul Taylor)

Small chance of local tsunami after earthquakes shake Eastern Caribbean CARIBBEAN 360 R I DGETOW N, Barbados, Thursday July 16, 2015 – One of the six earthquakes that ratt led parts of the Eastern Caribbean today has triggered the “small possibility” of a local tsunami, but there is no major tsunami threat or tsunami warning in effect . That’s according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre (PTWC).


In a Tsunami Information Statement issued after the 6.4 magnitude earthquake that rocked several islands, including Barbados, St. Lucia, and Martinique, at 11:16 a.m., the PTWC said “a destructive widespread tsunami threat does not exist based on historical earthquake and tsunami data”. “However, there is the small possibility of a local tsunami that could affect coasts located usually no more than 100 km from the earthquake epicenter,” it added.

The epicenter of that quake – the second for the day – was located 125 km northeast of Barbados, Bridgetown; 234 km east of Castries, St. Lucia and 255 km east southeast of Fort-de-France, Martinique. The PTWC issues Tsunami Information Statements to inform about the occurrence of a large earthquake with little or no tsunami generating potential. A Tsunami Watch Statement is issued when there is potential for a destructive tsunami.

Prior to the 6.4 quake, a 5.7 magnitude tremor shook the islands at 7:01 a.m. the same distance from Barbados, 240 km east of Cast ries and 262 km east southeast of Fort-de-France, and a smaller one occurred at 7:52 a.m., according to the UWI Seismic Research Centre. Three others were recorded at 11:29 a.m., 11:36 a.m., and 12:23 p.m. While preliminary information had put all the quakes at a depth of

10 km – the depth assigned when data is too poor to compute a reliable depth for an earthquake – the Seismic Research Centre indicated that the actual depths ranged from 61 km to 111 km. Although experiencing six earthquakes in one day was unusual for Barbados, the Seismic Research Centre stressed that the Eastern Caribbean is seismically active and would continue to experience earthquakes.




Issue 91

Friday, 17 July, 2015

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7 Habits of Highly Fit People Ernest Ebanks – Body Sculptor Fitness Centre, Mirco centre your loved ones shouldn’t be eating that junk either. It’s called junk for a reason. Rid your home of chips, cookies, candy, baked goods, pre-packaged snacks and anything else that belongs in a vending machine. Replace the above with fresh fruit, veggies, nuts and other healthy whole foods snacks.

The next time you feel full, take it as a sign to stop eating. Yes, even if your plate isn’t empty.

food, then you’ll be less tuned in to what and how much ends up in your mouth. Eating in front of the T.V. is also very habit forming. Ever Habit #4: They Push Themselves notice how you crave munchies Not only do fit people make just as a reflex of sitt ing in front of time to go to the gym, they chal- the T.V.? lenge themselves during each Eat before or after your enterworkout. While it is easy to tainment and pay attention to simply go through the motions what and how much goes into your while exercising, you’re cheating mouth. Habit #2: They Have Priorities your body out of great results when Fit people make exercise a pri- you don’t push yourself. Exercise Habit #6: They Drink Water ots of people ask me how ority. Along with keeping a job, should make you sweat, make your Fit people drink lots of water. to quickly and easily get paying the bills and going to the muscles burn, and leave you with a And not just in addition to other beverages, but instead of them. fit. While I know they doctor, exercise is an important feeling of accomplishment. are hoping for a simple part of their lives. What I’ve found Find ways to make each work- Water is their main drink, while answer, the reality is that gett ing is that fit people put exercise before out more challenging. For compet- other drinks are occasional treats. and staying fit is a lifest yle, not a leisure time. Sure, fit people enjoy itive people, the best way to push Calorie-fi lled drinks are one of the leisure, but it is scheduled around yourself is to exercise with a friend quickest ways to consume excess quick fi x. So what do fit people do in their workout time. of similar st rength. Another great calories which quickly turn into fat. their “healthy lifest yle”? Take a Treat exercise time with the same way to challenge yourself is to set Consider water your beverage of peek with the following 7 Habits importance that you would a business small attainable goals. These goals choice. Drink plenty of it each day of Highly Fit People: meeting or trip to the dentist. could be to push heavier weight, to and drink other beverages only a sprint longer, or to do cardio at a few times each week. Habit #1: They Don’t Buy Junk Habit #3: They Stop When Full Habit #7: They Are Supported higher intensity sett ing. Fit people know that if they Fit people stop eating when Fit people don’t leave their keep junk food in the house it will they feel full. Sound simple? It Habit #5: motivation to chance. They know land on their waist sooner or later. is, but how many times have you They Don’t Eat and Watch that if their personal trainer, boot Fit people know that eating in camp inst ructor or workout partSo they don’t buy any. Even buying st uffed yourself simply to clear junk food for your kids or spouse your plate? Or how many times front of the T.V. is mindless eating. ner is waiting for them, then they is not advised since 1) you’ll like- have you eaten another piece of When your attention is on your are less likely to skip a workout. It entertainment and not on your is so easy to hit snooze or to talk ly eat some of it eventually, and 2) cake despite being st uffed?


yourself out of the gym as soon as your behind hits the couch after work. Fit people take the option of skipping out of the equation. Want instant support? Call Body Sculptor Fitness Centre 9395288 / 746-3432 or email me today to get started on your own customized fitness plan. I hope that these habits have inspired you to make a change for the fitter in your own life. If you already do some of these habits then congratulations – you are on your way to a better body. Make an effort to incorporate the rest of the habits to take your results to the next level. If none, or very few, of these habits describe your lifest yle, then I’ve got good news – you now have 7 effect ive new habits to start that will get you some awesome results. Don’t try to tackle all 7 at once – pick one or two to add each week and gradually work up to all 7. As always, you are welcome to call me at 939-5288 / 7463432 or email with quest ions or to get started on your own customized fitness plan. I look forward to hearing from you.

A HUGE Thank You to everyone that sponsored, participated, attended, and volunteered at the 2015 PiratesTrail Mud Run. What a great fundraising event this has been for the Pirates Week Festival. Only in its 2nd year, we strive each year to bring you the best event possible! Major Sponsors:

Other Sponsors, Partners and Supporters:

AI Rentals CUC Miller Lite Bacardi DART Radio Cayman Cox Lumber Davenport Star 92.7

Aquafina Cayman 27 Cayman Kayak Dolphin Cove Fire Dept. Island Taste Mitchell Forbes Bar Services Paul A. Bodden Heavy Equipment Quick Images The Turtle Farm

Cayman Airways Dept. of Sports DEH Flowers Water Company Island Waste Cleaners NRA Pepsi RCIPS World Gym

Cayman Islands Red Cross Dolphin Discovery Fast Signs Hazard Management Island Paving Parks and Recreation Public Works Dept. Red Bull Z99

Staff, Volunteers, Participants and Spectators: We certainly could not have had such a successful event without such gung-ho, mud lovers like yourself. You guys are fit, you’re funny, and you’re fearless!! This has been quite an experience and one the Pirates Week Office looks forward to doing all over again next year.

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Issue 91

Friday, 17 July, 2015


Brain Building: Blindness Treatment Affects More Than Eyes


reating people who are blind with gene therapy can not only restore their vision, it can also strengthen visual pathways in the brain, even in people who have been nearly blind for decades, researchers say. Since 2007, clinical trials using gene therapy have often dramatically restored people’s sight. Dozens of children and adults who were blind or near blind have become partially sighted, gaining the ability to navigate almost normally visually. “Seeing how their visual function has improved and how it affects their daily lives has been extraordinarily gratifying,” study co-author Dr. Jean Bennett, a gene therapist at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, told Live Science. The basic strategy for these clinical trials is to inject a harmless virus that inserts good copies of genes that are defective in the individual. These genes are inserted into cells in the retina, the tissue that lines the inner eyeball and senses light. “The results are amazing — a miracle,” study lead author Manzar Ashtari, a neuroscientist at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, told Live Science. [5 Crazy Technologies That Are Revolutionizing Biotech] But a quest ion dogging these clinical trials is how well the brain’s visual pathways can recover even if a person’s retinal function has improved. The visual pathways are bundles of nerve fibers that connect the retina in the eye to the visual cortex in the brain,

where visual information is processed. After years of near-total blindness, unused pathways inevitably weaken and shrink. The new fi ndings show that restoring a person’s sight with gene therapy also helps st rengthen the visual pathways of the brain. The researchers looked at 10 patients with a rare inherited disease called Leber’s congenital amaurosis Type 2 (LCA2), which causes the retinas to degenerate slowly. People with this disease typically have limited vision at birth and then progressively lose their remaining vision, becoming complete blind by midlife. The patients in the study each underwent gene therapy in only one eye, the one with the worst vision, as part of a study to test if the operation was safe. About two to three years after the gene therapy treatments began, the researchers used an advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique to scan deep into the participants’ brains. The investigators found that not only were the visual pathways of the patients’ treated eyes nearly as robust as those of people of the same age who had normal vision, but also that the patients’ untreated eyes had weaker visual pathways. This suggested that regaining sight helped rebuild visual pathways on the treated side, the researchers said. Th is capacity for the brain to renew itself is called brain plasticity. “We see with our eyes — and our brain, Ashtari said. “If brain plasticity did

Researchers used neuroimaging techniques to map patients’ visual pathways, which are nerve fibers that emanate from the retina and project into the brain’s primary visual cortex not exist, even though gene therapy happened in the retina, the patients would not be able to see,” he said. Contrary to old ideas that the brain does not change much, a growing amount of research shows that the brain constantly changes. Moreover, in this study, the changes happened even though many of the patients were adults in their 20s, and one was even 45. Scientists had thought the ability of the nervous system to rebound was greatly reduced in people of this age. “Brain plasticity is not just for kids — it is for all ages,” Ashtari said. “Certainly, plasticity is much more rapid in kids, but we can see improvements in older patients as well.”

Depressed? Your Smartphone May Tell ° by Rachael Rettner LIVE SCIENCE he way you use your smartphone may reveal if you are depressed, a new study suggests. In the study, 28 people ages 19 to 58 downloaded an Android app to their smartphones. The app, called Purple Robot, collected information about users’ location (using the phone’s GPS) and how often they were using their phone, based on whether the screen was on or not. The participants also completed a questionnaire intended to measure their symptoms of depression. About half of the participants had no symptoms of depression, while the other half had symptoms ranging from mild to severe. The researchers found that by using only the data from the participants’ phones, they could identify which participants had symptoms


of depression with 87 percent accuracy. The finding that behaviors related to depression can be detected by analyzing data from a phone “opens the possibility of a new generation of behavioral intervention technologies,” which could offer support to people or reinforce behaviors that may improve depression, the researchers said. The researchers also found that the people in the study who had symptoms of depression tended to spend more time at home, and visited fewer locations, than those without symptoms of depression. People with symptoms of depression also kept schedules that were less regular; for example, they might leave the house for work at a different time each day. People with depression often experience a lack of motivation or energy to go out and do things, which could partly explain the findings, said study researcher David

Mohr, director of the Center for Behavioral Intervention Technologies at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. The study also found that people with symptoms of depression also used their phones more — about 68 minutes a day on average, compared with just 17 minutes a day for people without symptoms of depression. The app could not tell what people were doing on their phones, but they were likely surfing the Web or playing games, Mohr said. Such activities may offer a way to avoid thinking about painful feelings or difficult relationships, Mohr said. “This can improve the identification of depression and the ability of healthcare settings to allocate resources to those in need,” the researchers wrote in their study. The researchers noted that the new study is small and more research is needed to confirm the findings.

The data also hinted that the patients’ visual pathways were typically in better shape after more time had elapsed since the person had undergone gene therapy. This suggested that the visual pathways continued to improve with use, while the visual pathways associated with untreated eyes showed a clear decline with time. “The more signals get sent through the pathways, the stronger they get,” Ashtari said.

The patients in this study have since gone on to receive the gene therapy in the eyes that were initially left untreated. Bennett and her colleagues are now working on a larger, phase 3 clinical trial to determine whether their gene therapy can be used more widely as a treatment. The FDA is expected to review results from this trial next year. “This could lead to the first approved gene therapy drug in the United States,” Bennett said.

Because the visual pathways of the patients’ treated eyes get better the more they get used, Ashtari suggested exploring whether eye exercises might help the visual pathways improve more quickly. “Just like rehabilitation can help speed up the process of healing with injuries to the shoulder, back or knee, I believe eye exercises for the eyes and brain right after gene therapy will help patients heal much faster.”


Water Authority - Cayman Updated Effluent Disposal Well Specifications Under the Water Authority Law (2011 Revision) the Water Authority is charged with the protec on of groundwater. This func on includes the licensing of well drillers and establishing minimum standards for installa on of effluent disposal wells. The Water Authority has issued updated specifica ons for the installa on of effluent disposal wells. The updated specifica ons will be effec ve on 1 August 2015. The updated specifica ons establish the minimum standard for installa on of effluent wells. The specifica ons are designed to minimize risks to public health and the environment from effluent disposal. The public is advised that the updated specifica ons require methods and materials that may affect the prices charged by the well drilling companies. For more details on the updated effluent disposal well specifica ons, please visit You may also contact the Water Authority’s office at 94WATER (929-2837) or “Suppliers of the World’s Most Popular Drink”

Classifieds The Cayman Reporter • Issue 91 Friday, 17 July 2015


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Join an unrivaled team. A team who knows that the perfect experience is in their hands. The Ritz-Carlton, Grand Cayman is selecting Ladies and Gentlemen for the following positions: Quality Coordinator This position is responsible for implementing quality assurance processes that meet the company’s mission and brand standards, target customer needs, ensure employee satisfaction, and focus on continuous improvement at the property level. Responsibilities also include assisting employees in understanding the basic concept of Total Quality Management through training and development on problem solving, root cause analysis, strategic planning, tracking and measurement tools, and basic statistical analysis. The ideal candidate will have: • Strong computer skills and knowledge of Microsoft Office (especially EXCEL and WORD). • Excellent written and verbal communications skills in English • Ability to resolve guest concerns, and speak in front of groups. • Assist with the management of Learning/Quality Coaches • Coach managers on adopting the Total Quality Management leadership style • Ability to track, measure, and analyze trends. • Understanding of the Hotel Industry. Hourly rate US$12.00 – US$16.00, plus a share of the gratuity pool (which may annualize to an additional $5 per hour, fluctuates by season.)

The Food & Beverage Sommelier will monitor inventory of wine cellar, ensuring appropriate quality and quantity, and proper storage and disposal of wines, create and update wine lists for outlets or restaurants, order and keep inventory of specialty wine equipment, meet with wine distributors and purveyors to ensure positive vendor relationships, and utilize suggestive upselling techniques while pairing and suggesting wines that will best complement each particular food menu item. This is a Seasonal position with a start date of November 2015. Requirements of the ideal candidate include: • In-depth wine knowledge • Sommelier Certification/diploma is essential • Must have good computer skills to update and maintain wine list and MICROS system. • Be flexible with schedule and willing to attend wine tastings and training sessions to continue self-education and development. • Familiar with decanting wines appropriately to the wine type. • Have knowledge of specialty wine equipment and glassware. • Excellent guest service and communication skills Hourly rate US$8.00-$11.00 per hour, plus a share of the gratuity pool

IT Manager Responsible for support of all IT equipment, applications, printers, phone systems, computers and computer users within the hotel. The ideal candidate will have 3-5 years previous management experience in this role in a luxury hotel or similar environment required. • Proficient in Windows 7, Microsoft Office Pro 2010, DOS, Microsoft Server 2008 and 2012, and Active Directory. • Proficient in LAN designs and implementation, including configuration of network switches with multiple VLANs. • Installation and configuration of PCs, printers and peripheral devices. • Experience with wireless networking required. • Experience with hotel systems including Property Management Systems and Point of Sale Systems including Opera and Micros. • Self-motivated and able to work independently with staff at all levels. • Able to meet deadlines and think ahead so the necessary steps are taken. • Good organizational and guest service skills. • Microsoft Certified Professional certification is very highly recommended. Cisco Certified Network Associate certification is a plus. Salary range: US$47,000-$60,000.00 commensurate with qualifications and experience

Activities Coordinator – Destination Services We are looking for outgoing, friendly, Ladies and Gentlemen to help our guests in all aspects of their stay, you must enjoy interacting with people, show care and comfort to our guests whilst working as part of a team in a fast paced environment. This position is responsible for handling group accounts, selling the destination, including transportation, activities, detailing the sales phase and turning the group over to the operational department/areas of Destination Services. This is a Seasonal position with a start date of November 2015. The ideal candidate have: • Ability to work flexible Shifts • Ability to work outdoors as well as indoors • Ability to stand for long periods of time, bend, twist, and have ability to lift 35-50 lbs • Excellent written and oral communication skills (in English) required • Microsoft Office and Excel experiences • Ability to work on their own and under pressure deadlines Hourly rate US$7.00 – 8.00 plus a share of the gratuity pool

AV Sales Manager Responsible for audio-visual presentations in the property’s meeting space, supports event technology sales and manages the event technology staff. The position ensures the highest level of service during events by executing all activities based on Standard Operating Procedures. The position strives to achieve and continuously improve both guest and associate satisfaction. Accountable for maintaining and securing all department equipment. Qualifications and Skills: • High school diploma or GED; 4 years managerial or Supervisor experience in the audiovisual operations or related professional area; technical training in audio/video/lighting equipment/OR 2-year degree from an accredited university in Communication, Computer and Information Science, or related major; 2 years managerial or Supervisor experience in the audio-visual operations or related professional area; technical training in audio/video/ lighting equipment. • Ability to deliver outstanding customer service while working under stress • Great communication & people skills • Ability to work with and lead a multi-cultural team • Must be able to work indoors as well as outdoors • Experience in a 5 Diamond/5 Star luxury property preferred Salary range: US$45,000.00-50,000.00 commensurate with qualifications and experience Food & Beverage Sommelier We are seeking a lady or gentlemen with the ability to provide the finest guest dining experience and train the restaurant service teams in wine knowledge. In-depth wine education and certification/diploma in hospitality is essential with years of experience in food & beverage in a high-end restaurant/hotel, plus fine dining restaurant sommelier experience preferred.

Business Center Agent Assist guests with their business center needs (e.g., making copies, sending faxes, typing) and bill services. Open and close the business center. Instruct guests on how to access the internet. Package, label, and ship items for guests and ensure that charges are applied to proper accounts, room numbers, or credit cards. Coordinate delivery of packages, mail, faxes, and/or boxes to the proper meeting room or guest room. Contact appropriate individual or department as necessary to resolve guest call, request, or problem. Process all payment types such as room charges, cash, checks, debit, or credit. Monitor inventory of supplies and equipment and order general office supplies. Notify Loss Prevention/Security of any guest reports of theft. Report accidents, injuries, and unsafe work conditions to manager. This position is also provides backup clerical and administrative support to meeting planners, hotel guests and banquet managers and supervisors. Must have strong knowledge and experience in Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, and Outlook. Start date for this position is October 2015. The ideal candidate will have: • Excellent written and verbal communications skills in English • Strong computer skills in Microsoft word, excel, power point,and Outlook • Ability to multi task and work in a fast paced environment Hourly rate US$10.00-$11.00 per hour, plus a share of the gratuity pool Audio Visual Technician Responsible for the daily set up, maintenance and strike audio visual equipment. This is a Seasonal position with a start date of October 2015. The ideal Candidate must have: • 1 year minimum experience in Audio Visual, theatrical, industrial hotel or entertainment environment required. • Through knowledge of all basic and specialize audio visual equipment to include staging and lighting. • Strong knowledge of audio visual including computers, LCD projectors, screens, audio • Strong communication and customer service skills required. Hourly rate US$7.00 - $9.00, plus a share of the gratuity pool

We invite you to learn more about these positions and apply at Join the Ladies and Gentlemen of The Ritz-Carlton. The Art and Soul of Hospitality. We are welcoming applications from Caymanians, Cayman Status Holders and Permanent Residents with the right to work. Positions require working a flexible schedule of day and /or evening shifts including weekends and public holidays. Each applicant must meet the minimum requirements and take an online assessment for most positions. Please submit application and resumes online at: by of July 24th 2015 If you need use of a computer, please contact our Human Resources department at 815-6083 to make an appointment to apply on our in-house computers. Our Benefits include but are not limited to: Uniforms laundered on property; Free Meal; Medical, Dental, and Life Insurance through Aetna Global; Over 200 hours of on the job training annually; Educational Assistance; Discount rates at The Marriott and The Ritz-Carlton properties around the world Please like us on Facebook The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company is an equal opportunity employer committed to hiring a diverse workforce and sustaining an inclusive culture.

Tel: 946-6060

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The Cayman Reporter • Issue 91 Friday, 17 July 2015



REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Review of Fire Service Staffing DTC/MHA-14-15-006 The Ministry of Home Affairs invites suitably qualified vendors to submit a firm price tender in relation to conducting a review/assessment of the Cayman Islands Fire Service and presenting a detailed strategy report and implementation plan with regard to identifying viable alternatives to the current organisational structure, appliance crewing practices, and duty scheduling/ rostering in order to achieve efficiency gains in the use of resources (particularly human capital) and the reduction of costs. This review is intended to equip the Ministry of Home Affairs with a strategy to surmount the key obstacles that are creating rising levels of overtime, compensatory leave, sick leave and annual leave accruals as well as transition to an organisational structure that more adequately supports succession planning, and improves delivery of Fire Rescue Services. To request a copy of the tender documents, email Acknowledgement of the request will be provided. Tender submissions must be delivered to the email address no later than 12 noon on July 28, 2015. Late submissions will not be considered. Stated evaluation criteria will be used to assess tender submissions against qualification requirements. *CIG is under no obligation to accept any tender. CIG shall not be bound to give any reason for not pre-qualifying an application and will not defray any costs incurred in the preparation of applications.*



Are you a creative, out-of-the-box thinker who pays attention to detail and works well under pressure? As a graphic designer at Tower you will be working at the Cayman Islands’ leading creative strategic communications agency with other like minded creators, designers, tinkerers, researchers, strategists, writers, developers and big thinkers. We are united by our love of good design, clever words and smart thinking. CANDIDATE MUST BE PROFICIENT IN


INDESIGN HTML, CSS & WordPress site development experience would be great too.




Delivery of work that is on brief and aesthetically pleasing • designing for web: banners, icons, social media, website layouts, etc. • designing for print: logos, corporate branding, brochures, ads, stationary, magazine layouts, etc. prepress knowledge • sharing ideas and working collectively with the Team • completing projects within a tight deadline.

To apply please e-mail CV, portfolio and cover letter to:

Director of Treasury and Operations DMS is a place where incredibly talented people are empowered to steer their careers towards greatness. We dare employees to become the best at what they do in a field they love. When they rise to that challenge, great business happens. Working closely with the DMS Bank & Trust (DB&T) team, the Director of Treasury and Operations will plan, organize, direct and develop this area of responsibility for the bank.

Responsibilities Oversees DB&T’s cash management, treasury desk, FX book, and trading desk; oversees activities of the trading team and ensure trading platform integration with liquidity providers and relevant counterparties. Manages all custody functions including onboarding of new trading and custody clients; reconciliation of security and cash positions, trade settlements, corporate actions, maintaining custody relationships etc. Assists in establishing account and revenue goals, client acquisition and marketing strategies for target customer base. Provides managerial oversight of banking operations to ensure full compliance with all local and international regulations. Establishes and maintains good operational control; oversees the adequacy and regulatory compliance of written policies and procedures to ensure that they are kept up-to-date.

Provides regular reviews and evaluations of issue resolution matters for quality program and product improvements as needed. Builds and maintains relationships with local and global business development teams and Business Unit leaders. Liaises with clients, auditors, regulators and any other third parties as necessary as a senior representative of DB&T and deal promptly and effectively with any issues.

Requirements A 4-year degree and a minimum of 10 years’ banking or financial services experience. CFA, CIM or other relevant investment management designation. TTC or other relevant securities trading course required. Solid understanding of derivative instruments and the FX market.

Develops and implements business strategies and new products as required by the business.

Thorough, demonstrated knowledge of KYC/ compliance and regulatory requirements.

Identifies risk, and sets up monitoring facilities to ensure quality and standards are maintained and that DMS Bank & Trust Ltd is safeguarded from financial and reputational risks.

Experience with multiple trading platforms and custody functions.

Meets with and reports to the Board of Directors as required. Reviews, controls and plans financials in partnership with the Finance team. Ensures knowledge transfer amongst staff in relation to risk and compliance.

Demonstrated wealth and relationship management experience. Excellent written and verbal communication skills as well as strong analytical skills. Customer service oriented with a mature, teamplayer attitude. Must be able to effectively manage a team.

A salary range of USD $80,000 to $100,000 will be offered, plus pension, health and vacation benefits. If you are interested in applying for this position, please visit to submit your application for the Director of Treasury & Operations role no later than July 21, 2015.

Call: 946-6060

Note: Salary will be based on experience

TENDER ADVERTISEMENT-THE CAYMAN ISLANDS MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND CULTURE INVITES QUALIFIED CONSULTANTS TO TENDER FOR THE PROVISION OF FINANCIAL & TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY SERVICES TO PREPARE AN OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE FOR A PROPOSED LONG TERM RESIDENTIAL MENTAL HEALTH FACILITY DEVELOPMENT IN THE CAYMAN ISLANDS TENDER NO CTC/15-16/MHC/LTRMHF OBC CONSULTANCY Tender Scope: The Cayman Islands Government – Ministry of Health and Culture, requests proposals from consultant teams which will include Financial Consultant, Mental Health Facility Consultant, and Construction Cost Consultant to prepare an integrated Outline Business Case for the proposed mental health facility. Eligibility: Interested firms are required to meet the eligibility criteria which are included as PASS/ FAIL issued in the evaluation section of the Tender Documents. Evaluation: The criteria for evaluation and the relative points weighting are included in the Tender Documents. Particular attention will be paid to prior experience and the consultant’s technical capability to complete the Work. Collection, Review and Return of Tender Proposals: Tender documents can be collected from 10 July 2015, at the Public Lobby Reception Counter, in the Government Administration Building, 133 Elgin Avenue between the hours of 9am and 5 pm. Alternatively, tenderers may apply to receive the documents electronically by emailing the Senior Responsible Officer: Proponents should carefully review the issued tender documents including the method of communications during the RFP period, the information and deliverables required to be submitted, and the assessment criteria and evaluation methodology. The Tender Forms, and all other documents forming the Tenderer’s Proposal, shall be returned in plain packaging, which does not bear the name of the Tenderer, by 12 noon on 10 August 2015. Tenders shall be returned to the Treasury Booths in the Public Lobby of the Government Administration Building; Tenders shall be addressed to TENDER NO CTC/15-16/MHC/LTRMHF OBC CONSULTANCY The Secretary Central Tenders Committee Government Administration Building 133 Elgin Avenue, George Town Grand Cayman, KY1-9000 Communications during Tender Period; Tenderers shall communicate with the Senior Responsible Officer SOLELY utilizing the Tender Administration Forms included in the Tender Documents (See Appendix B). Tenderers are required to submit any and all questions at least seven days prior to the tender return date utilizing the Tender Administration Forms. The requests for information, responses and addendums shall be transmitted by e-mail. Late Tenders will be received by the CTC and returned without assessment; H&C will not defray any cost incurred by Tenderers in the preparation of Tenders: H&C is not obligated to accept any or the lowest Tender; The Tender Process and the Tenders shall be subject to the Freedom of Information Legislation.

The Cayman Reporter • Issue 91 Friday, 17 July 2015


Page 13

The University College of the Cayman Islands

Applications are invited for the following civilian post:-

Fleet and Stores Officer

UCCI requires a suitably-qualified lecturer for the following vacancy, commencing 17th August 2015.

Salary range: CI$29,436 – 39,564 per annum Ref: FSO-062015

The University College of the Cayman Islands is a tertiary level institution offering a plethora of programmes in the Associate, Bachelor’s and Master’s levels as well as Technical, Vocational and Professional Education and Workforce Training. The University College operates on a twelve-month calendar and caters to both full-time and part-time students.

The Royal Cayman Islands Police Service (RCIPS) is currently seeking to employ an enthusiastic individual to fill the role of Fleet and Stores Officer. The successful candidate will be assisting the Fleet and Stores Manager with the procurement, storage, distribution and disposal of goods and services of specialized equipment and the management, administration and maintenance of the RCIPS vehicle fleet.

Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for appointment to the position of lecturer in biology beginning in the Fall 2015 semester. Reference #:

Senior Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Biology

The position covers the teaching of biology in both the associate and bachelor’s levels. Minimum Requirements: 1. Applicants must have a minimum of M.Sc. in Biology from an accredited university at the time of employment; demonstrated ability for outstanding teaching and running laboratory experiments with minimal assistance. A Ph.D. would be preferred. 2. Must be multi-tasking and possess the ability to effectively deliver a range of courses in Biology: General Biology; Anatomy and Physiology; Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases, etc. Ability to teach in more than one subject area would be a distinct advantage. 3. Knowledge of planning, implementation, management and evaluation of educational courses/programmes. 4. A track record in the maintenance of academic and professional excellence. 5. At least 3 years of proven experience in teaching at the tertiary level. 6. Excellent communication, interpersonal, problem solving and team building skills to establish and maintain positive and effective working relationships with students and colleagues. 7. Ability to work with students from diverse backgrounds and varying academic abilities and willingness to provide academic advice is an asset. 8. Computer proficiency in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook 9. Experience with using a Learning Management System (Blackbaud /Angel) would be an asset Accountabilities The faculty’s role is to professionally manage the learning process and to advise students in achieving and establishing learning objectives in accordance with their goals. The faculty is to make use of all available resources, methods, techniques and strategies, to ensure student success. The candidate is expected to work collaboratively with colleagues to create a learning environment, which is pedagogically sound, technically supported and innovative in nature. The successful applicant will be required to teach at both the associate and bachelor’s degree levels. Applications: Applications must include (1) cover letter with description of experience relevant to the position, (2) curriculum vitae including a list of references, and (3) a one-page statement of project and teaching interests and experience. This statement must also list the existing courses the candidate can teach and proposed new courses the candidate can develop. Application deadline is July 31, 2015. Benefits: Two year contract, medical and pension plan, annual leave. Senior Lecturer Salary Range CI$ 51 228 - $ 68 652 Assistant Professor Salary Range CI$ 55 752 - $ 74 988 Associate Professor Salary Range CI$ 60 972 - $ 81 996 (CI$ 1.00 = US$ 1.20) Additional information about UCCI can be found at

Responsibilities will include, but not be limited to: • Collecting, sorting and delivering large quantity of mail on a daily basis from police stations (on Grand Cayman), post offices, other government departments and establishments. • Procuring stock items ensuring compliance with Ministry procurement policy and appropriately storing until issued or delivered to all RCIPS locations including temporary and remote offices. Clearing and collecting equipment, goods, material and other items from Customs, Port Authority and local vendors. • Ensuring that police uniforms are made to correct specifications and advising employees on care and preventative maintenance for equipment and uniforms. Conducting regular stock counts and inventory movement; and where necessary, make recommendations or take action as it relates to excess or un-used stock. • Assisting with vehicle fleet maintenance and repair arrangements through both inhouse and through external suppliers and with monthly routine inspections of all vehicles and ensuring vehicles are inspected, licensed and has relevant insurance coverage. Skills, Experience &Qualifications: • A high school diploma or equivalent qualification; with at least five (5) years’ experience in a similar role, managing the operations of inventory or equipment catering to varying needs and demands. Previous experience in a police / law enforcement environment would be advantageous. • Sound IT skills and particularly in Microsoft Suite • Excellent organization, planning skills, interpersonal skills and strong writing skills. High motivation and willingness to work independently on own initiative. Good Procurement skills • A valid Cayman Islands driver’s license. Note: Applicants will be subjected to rigorous background checks above what is usually done and will be required to undergo an assessment prior to being interviewed. Benefits will be determined in accordance with the Public Service Management Law 2012 and Personnel Regulations 2012, the Public Service Pensions Law (2004 Revision) and the CINICO Health Plan. Detailed job description, benefits information and application form are available at: or the Please submit completed Government Application Form and, resume to: Human Resources Manager Ref: FSO-062015 Royal Cayman Islands Police Service PO Box 909 CAYMAN ISLANDS KY1-1103 Email: Deadline for receipt of applications: 24th July 2015

All applications should be mailed to:

Experienced Carpenter

HR Search Committee, University College of the Cayman Islands 168 Olympic Way, PO Box 702 GT, Postal Code KY-1 1107, George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands Or email to or fax 345-949-6781

• • • •

Little Cayman Property Management on Little Cayman is looking for one person who can fulfill the role of

D’ signs Quality Signage

Applicants must have at least 4 years of documented and relevant experience and must be able to do all necessary tasks unsupervised. This is a Part Time position only. Potential candidates will have to interview with Little Cayman Property Management’s customers as well as Management. Starting wage of $10.00 US per hour. Caymanians or those with Status need only apply. Please send resume to P.O. Box 48, Little Cayman, KY3-2501 or email


Part Time Cleaner.

Paradise Villas on Little Cayman is looking for one person who can fulfill the role of:

Housekeeper Applicants must have at least 5 years of documented and relevant experience and must be able to do all necessary tasks unsupervised. Starting wage of $5.00 CI per hour plus gratuities. Caymanians or those with Status need only apply. Please send resume to P.O. Box 48, KY3-2501 or email

Minimum 15 years solid proven experience in all areas of Finished Carpentry . Ability to read and interpret architectural drawings. Proven ability to supervise. Must be willing to work weekends and select public holidays to meet business demands. Solid work references, own tools + transport. Clean Drivers License & police record.


Pay rate: $ 12-14.50 P/H. Benefits per labour Law

with sign shop/ design experience Salary is $12.50/hr + all benefits as mandatory by law.

Apply with Detailed CV+ Work Ref to: Le Habitat Ltd, P.O. Box 30921, Grand Cayman KY1-1204 Application Deadline: 07/21/2015

email resumes to: NO PHONE CALLS

Call: 946-6060

Page 14

The Cayman Reporter • Issue 91 Friday, 17 July 2015


“Exceptional People Creating Exceptional Memories” Committed to high customer service and employee team work, Grand Cayman Beach Suites endeavors to always maintain a high standard of excellence. We invite Caymanians, Cayman Status Holders, or persons possessing Permanent Residence with the Right to Work to submit applications for the positions of:


The successful candidate must be able to operate heavy-duty laundry equipment, handle heavy flow of linens, towels etc. for the hotel and restaurants and assist with special projects as assigned while working closely with the Housekeeping Manager and Supervisor. This position is highly labour intensive and requires the applicant to be able to lift and pull weights in excess of 50lbs. Applicant must possess and maintain a clean and valid Cayman Islands Driver’s License. Applicant will be required to work days, nights, weekends and holidays. SALARY CI$5.00 per hour + gratuities


The successful applicant will have a minimum of three years experience in a similar position in a hotel/resort or commercial atmosphere and report to the Chief Engineer &/or Engineering Supervisor. Applicant must posses and maintain a valid Cayman Islands Driver’s License and will be required to work days, nights, weekends and holidays. THIS IS A TEMPORARY POSITION FOR SIX MONTHS SALARY CI$9.75 per hour + gratuities A comprehensive benefits package consisting of Pension, Medical, Dental, Vision and Life Insurance will be offered with all positions Application forms available in the Executive Office or Applicant should respond by JULY 13, 2015 Applicants selected for interviews will be contacted directly ***NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE*** ***ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH A POLICE RECORD FOR CONSIDERATION*** “PRIDE” certification recognized

~We support Cayman PRIDE~

Request for Proposal The Cayman Islands Health Services Authority is seeking proposals from contractors to carry out renovations works to an existing building annexed to the Main Hospital Complex to create office Fit-out accommodation for a HSA internal department of approximately 3800 sqft based on provided plans.

The Secretary, Central Tenders Committee 1st Floor, Government Administration Building Grand Cayman KY1-9000 Cayman Islands Attention: Mr. Nicholas Freeland

Tender #CTC/15-16/HSA/005 – Renovations IT Office Request for Proposal documents will be available at (Open Tenders, RFP Office Fit-out) and (Tenders, 2015) on 17th July 2015. All proposals must be returned no later than 12:00 noon on Wednesday, 5th August 2015. Proposals received after the specified date and time will not be considered. For additional information on this invitation, please contact Ms. Lisa Bell @ 345-244-2690 or email lisa.

Cayman Islands Health Services Authority 95 Hospital Road, Grand Cayman tel: (345) 949-8600 | fax: (345) 945-4957 |

REMINDER OF UPCOMING PLUMBERS EXAMINATION BOARD MEETING July 30TH, 2015 The next mee)ng of the Plumbers Examina)on Board is scheduled for Thursday, July 30th, 2015. All applica)ons for Plumbers wishing to write the examina)on for a local Journeyman or Master Plumbers Licence will be considered at this mee)ng. Exam Applica)ons can be found on our website at Applica)ons must include two employment references, proof of experience and qualifica)on and be forwarded to the aJen)on of the Plumber’s Examina)on Board Chairman. Please deliver completed applica,ons to Water AuthorityCayman Headquarters 13G Red Gate Road no later than Tuesday, July 28th, 2015. For Further informa)on please contact Alisha at 949-2837 ext. 2001.


CTMH is currently accepting application for the position of

Oncology/Chemotherapy Registered Nurse The successful candidate will possess certification in Oncology Nursing through OCN, CPHON, AOCNP, AOCNS or CBNC certification and be able to obtain Registration with the Cayman Islands Nursing and Midwifery Council. This post holder will possess recent experience of at least two years within the past three years, in the acute care and/or outpatient setting providing Oncology Nursing Care including but not limited to the administration of Chemotherapy, patient education/counselling and working with an Oncology team lead by an Oncologist. The Nursing Service at The Chrissie Tomlinson Memorial Hospital (CTMH) operates 24 hours/day, 7days/week. Registered Nurses will rotate through the various departments of the hospital that will include shift work of days, evenings, nights, weekends and public holidays as well as being on call. The post holder will be required to work within the policies and procedures laid down by The Chrissie Tomlinson Memorial Hospital. CTMH offers a competitive benefits package that includes Health Insurance and Pension in accordance with Cayman Islands regulations. Applications can be submitted to the Human Resources Manager, PO Box 273, KY1-1104, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands or NO PHONE CALLS, PLEASE. Deadline for applications is 14th August, 2015.

The Cayman Reporter • Issue 91 Friday, 17 July 2015


CAYMAN ISLANDS GOVERNMENT MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS Applications are invited for the post of: Chief Fire Officer SALARY: CI$100,236 – CI$122,124

This senior post presents an exciting challenge for an energetic self-motivated individual. The Chief Fire Officer is responsible for the strategic leadership, readiness and delivery of emergency fire and rescue services for the protection of life and property in the Cayman Islands. As a leader, the Chief Fire Officer must establish policies and set financial and programming goals for the fire service. He/she will be responsible for ensuring the success of current activities and seeking ways to improve upon them, basing decisions on changes in the industry, best practice, legislation and research. Dimensions: • • • • •

Responsible for five active fire stations which include 24/7/365 domestic fire and rescue service for the Cayman Islands Providing direction and leadership to at least 125 personnel – consisting of Deputies, Fire Fighters, Administrative and Support staff. Responsible for an annual budget of CI$12.7m Provide emergency fire and rescue services for three airports (two international and one domestic) Control and maintain a substantial quantity of emergency fire and rescue equipment, apparatus, buildings and other facilities.

Key Deliverables will include, but not be limited to: • Providing strategic leadership and support to resolve emergency fire and rescue operations in the Cayman Islands • Creating and implementing a detailed action plan to deal with issues highlighted in recent review by the U.K.’s Chief Fire and Rescue Advisor. • Leading on the delivery of and assuming direct responsibility for, actions resulting from the above. • Drafting a Strategic Plan/ Business Plan and corresponding Action Plan for the Fire Service in parallel with the above. • Managing the human resources of the organization to ensure effectiveness and efficiency in the delivery of services, through robust recruitment and training/professional development • Providing the Cayman Islands Government, via the Ministry of Home Affairs, with regular progress reports on the development of the Fire Service and on the implementation of the Fire Service’s Action Plan. • Leading in the modernization of the Cayman Islands Fire and Service, to ensure its continued effectiveness, while strengthening its contingency capacity and resilience in reaction to incidents. Qualifications, Skills and Experience: The post holder must possess: 1. Significant and recent fire service management experience at a senior level, with formal accreditation to be “In Charge”. 2. A minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in Fire Science, Fire Management, Public Administration or related field and 10 (ten) years at a management level OR a minimum of 15 (fifteen) years of management firefighting experience at a level which has afforded the opportunity to become familiar with all phases of departmental operations, supplemented by successful completion of supervisory courses in fire department administration and fire prevention and business or public administration. 3. Strong evidence of strategic management of the emergency planning and business continuity functions. 4. Track record of outstanding interpersonal skills and the ability to interact with and motivate a wide range of individuals. 5. Experience managing a multi-disciplinary team with a variety of skills and learning styles. Benefits will be determined in accordance with the Public Service Management Law (2013 Revision) and Personnel Regulations (2013 Revision), the Public Service Pensions Law (2013 Revision) and the CINICO Health Plan. Detailed job description, benefits information and application form are available at: Please submit completed Government Application Form and, resume to: Chief Human Resources Manager Ministry of Home Affairs 5th Floor, Government Administration Building PO Box 111 Grand Cayman KY1-9000, CAYMAN ISLANDS Email: Deadline for receipt of applications: 17 August, 2015

Page 15

Ministry of Community Affairs, Youth and Sports The Cayman Islands Cadet Corps is seeking to fill the following vacancy: ADJUTANT TRAINING OFFICER Cayman Islands Cadet Corps Ref: CICCV001/15 Salary: $49,428 – $66,480 per annum The primary role of the Adjutant Training Officer is to ensure that the Cayman Islands Cadet Corps (CICC) is achieving the aims of the training directive and that all training matters are managed in accordance with the Army Proficiency Certificate Syllabus (APC). Principal Accountabilities Responsibilities will include, but not be limited to: • Ensuring annual training and APC assessments are arranged in conjunction with Company Commanders at recruit and one - four star levels; • Developing and reviewing an annual training programme; • Direct Supervision of Commanding Officers in reference to training, inclusive of monthly visits to each detachment and liaising with Company Commanders • Conducting a minimum of two Star Level Assessment Camps annually; • Annually compiling, monitoring and reporting on the training needs to the Cayman Islands Cadet Corps. Qualifications, Experience & Skills The successful applicant should possess the following: • A Bachelor’s in Social Science degree in either Social Work, Education, Sociology, Physiology, or related field; • At least 3 years’ experience working in a training and administrative environment within a military/ paramilitary organization; • Be a Commissioned Officer at the rank of Captain, or above; • Excellent knowledge of drill instruction and military skills; • Experience working with adolescents between the ages of 11 – 19; • Excellent interpersonal, organizational, oral and written communication skills; • The ability to work on own initiative and within stipulated deadlines; • Proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint); • A high level of confidentiality in all matters relating to the business of the CI Cadet Corps and its recruits/ cadets. Benefits will be determined in accordance with the Cayman Islands Cadet Corps Law, Public Service Management Law, Personnel Regulations, the Public Service Pensions Law and CINICO Health Plan. Pension and Health benefits are non-contributory. PLEASE SUBMIT COVER LETTER, APPLICATION FORM & RESUME TO: The Commandant HQ Cayman Islands Cadet Corps James Manoah Bodden Civic Centre P.O. Box 61 |Grand Cayman KY1-1601|CAYMAN ISLANDS Email: For application form and job description, please visit or collect the documents from the main reception, 1st Floor, Government Administration Building. Application Deadline: 29th July 2015


Call 924-4019

Page 16

The Cayman Reporter • Issue 91 Friday, 17 July 2015


Hospitality Coordinator On behalf of our client, Wyndham Reef Resort, Baraud invites applications from suitably qualified applicants for the above position.

“Exceptional People Creating Exceptional Memories”

To provide our resort and its guests with the highest standards of service. Most importantly, to ensure the highest level of customer service possible to guests/owners.

Committed to high customer service and employee team work, Grand Cayman Beach Suites endeavors to always maintain a high standard of excellence.

The ideal candidate will have a positive attitude and be excellent at interacting with guests; their verbal and written English skills will be strong and they will be very adaptable, flexible and able to handle any situation. This role requires candidates to be able to work shift-work, including evenings, swing, day, weekends and public holidays. One must be comfortable with sales and being able to sell their products and have an overall upbeat personality to represent the Wyndham brand with excellence. This position is located in East End; for a full list of duties, please inquire below.

At this time we invite Caymanians, Cayman Status Holders, or persons possessing Permanent Residence with the Right to Work to submit applications for the positions of:

Qualifications: • Minimum of 3 to 5 years’ experience in a hotel, resort or vacation ownership facility with emphasis on guest services or alternatively, strong background either within a sales environment or strong customer service experience preferably within a hospitality/tourist environment. • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • • •

Excellent Customer Service & problem solving skills. Excellent presentation and communication skills (both verbal and written), notably fast and accurate typing and excellent written composition skills. Ability to work with accuracy and a reliable high attention to detail. Proactive approach to meeting guests’ needs and pre-anticipating requests along with exceptional follow through and follow up skills with meticulous organizational abilities. Be very comfortable approaching people both on property and off property to provide them with information on taking tours for vacation ownership opportunities and converting those approaches to qualified tours. Have reliable transportation to be able to work at remote locations around the island in order to fulfil quotas for obtaining qualified tours for vacation ownership opportunities. Self motivated and able to work with little supervision. Efficient & able to prioritize. Computer literate with emphasis on Microsoft Office suite of products and exceptional email skills and knowledge of social media tools. Proven ability to multi task in a fast paced environment and perform well under deadlines and to quotas. Be a naturally upbeat and positive individual who enjoys working with people from all walks of life. Have a guest services mindset. Mandatory be comfortable on the water with preference given to someone who is a strong swimmer, mandatory to be physically fit, able to lift a minimum of fifty pounds, and strong preference given to individual certified in first aid/CPR or who is willing to become certified upon hiring. Ability to easily walk up and down 1600 feet of beach in all types of weather and work in unfriendly environments such as information booths with no air conditioning and other remote locations outdoors and stand for 8 hours per shift if required while manning booth or outdoor location. Padi certified would be of benefit Previous vacation ownership or sales experience of benefit. Ability to interact with owners and guests of the resort by email, telephone and in person with a very hands-on warm, friendly and diplomatic approach. Be very comfortable acting as a key member of the team in an open plan office involving cross-trained roles to assist the Front Desk on an as needed basis Exceptional follow up talent and diplomatic skills to serve as the main follow up resource for all guest and owner enquiries and requests to ensure all requests are met within the timeframes set out in policies and SOP’s regardless of what department they are requested of and handle guest and owner complaints in a timely and diplomatic fashion creating a win-win situation. Professional and clean cut appearance in order to serve as the face of the resort.


A four year degree in Accounting, Finance or related field is required. Must have a minimum of four years experience in the accounting field, preferably in the hospitality industry. Responsible for assisting all accounting positions including payroll, accounts receivable and accounts payable, cheque batch printing, credit control , income journal balancing, general ledger reconciliation and month and year-end closing of books. Advanced knowledge of MS Excel and in depth knowledge of MS Word, MICROS and OPERA are required. The successful candidate must be self-motivated and flexible to work some weekends, holidays and evenings as necessary. This a temporary position required for a period of 6 months and to be evaluated at such time for continuance consideration. SALARY RANGE CI$35,000 – CI$42,000 per annum A comprehensive benefits package consisting of Pension, Medical, Dental, Vision and Life Insurance will be offered with all positions Application forms available in the Executive Office or Applicant should respond by JULY 27, 2015 Applicants selected for interviews will be contacted directly ***NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE***

Salary: USD$8 - $12/hour plus gratuities How to apply: Please send CV/Resume, Cover letter, three verifiable references, copy of police clearance certificate to The deadline for applications is July 31, 2015. *Only successful applications will be responded to. *All successful applicants will be tested. *Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

Call: 946-6060

The Cayman Reporter • Issue 91 Friday, 17 July 2015



INVITATION TO TENDER FOR CANTEEN SERVICES TO: School Layman Scott High School Bodden Town Primary School CI Further Education Centre George Town Primary School John Gray High School Prospect Primary School Lighthouse Schools & Red Bay Primary School 404 (RBPS)

Approx. No. of Students & Staff 137 230 375 272 1,048 356

104 (LHS)


Project Scope The Department of Education Services invites the submission of tenders from interested parties for the provision of Canteen Services to the above-mentioned schools. The Canteen Services required shall be to provide, for students and staff, on a daily basis throughout the school year, nutritious hot and cold lunches, beverages, snacks for morning break and prior to school commencing. Food provided for the Cayman Islands Further Education Centre and George Town Primary must be prepared off site. Description of Services Tender documents will be issued on application to interested parties. The contract will be awarded for a maximum duration of one school year commencing August 31st, 2015 and will be managed by the Department of Education Services. Eligibility for Tender In order for the tender to be considered it must include: 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6

Provide a copy of their current business license relevant to the service being tendered or appropriate evidence that such a license has been applied for as of July 17th 2015. Provide a letter from the Health Insurance Provider that: 1.2.1 states the bidder is in compliance with the Health Insurance Law as of July 17th, 2015, 1.2.2. and includes a plan statement showing employees covered under the plan. Provide a letter from the Pension Provider that: 1.3.1 states the bidder is in compliance with the National Pensions Law as of July 17th, 2015, 1.3.2 and includes a plan statement showing employees covered under the plan. Demonstrate that they have provided catering services for a minimum of three years. Provide proof of ability to obtain public liability insurance of at least CI$2,000,000.00 (CI two million dollars). Provide a bank reference letter. (Letter must be current and be dated no earlier than three weeks prior to the close of the Tender).

The successful contractor(s) will be required to maintain a current Trade and Business Licence and be compliant with all laws of the Cayman Islands throughout the duration of the contract. The successful contractor will be required to pay an annual rental, payable in ten monthly instalments, and the cost of utilities. Annual rental figures for the schools are: Layman Scott High School Bodden Town Primary School Cayman Islands Further Education Centre George Town Primary School John Gray High School Prospect Primary School Lighthouse & Red Bay Primary Schools

$ 4,750.00 $12,000.00 $ 7,500.00 $12,000.00 $24,000.00 $24,000.00 $24,000.00

Applicants may tender for one or more of the canteen services. Collection and Access to Tender Documents Tender application documents can be collected in Grand Cayman from the Department of Education Services, Room 201 – 2nd Floor, 130 Thomas Russell Avenue, George Town (Jenny Rivers at 244-1840/925-4107 or Racquel Parsons 2441843/925-4107) or in Cayman Brac from the Teachers Centre, 28E Student Drive, Cayman Brac (Tammy Banks-DaCosta Hopkins at 948-0356). Completed documents must be returned to the Department of Education Services, Room 201 – 2nd Floor, 130 Thomas Russell Avenue, George Town, Grand Cayman or Teachers Centre, 28E, Cayman Brac in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Tender Canteen Contract” before 12 noon on Friday 30th July, 2015. The envelope must not have any indication of bidders name. The Cayman Islands Government shall not be bound to accept the lowest tender, any tender; or to assign any reason for not accepting any tender and will not defray any cost incurred by applicants. All Bidders are requested to submit any questions they may have 5 days prior to the tender return date by contacting either Jenny Rivers at 244-1840/925-4107, or Racquel Parsons at 244-1853/925-4107 at the Department of Education Services.

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The Cayman Reporter • Issue 91 Friday, 17 July 2015


The University College of the Cayman Islands

The University College of the Cayman Islands is a tertiary level institution offering a plethora of programmes in the Associate, Bachelor’s and Master’s levels as well as Technical, Vocational and Professional Education and Workforce Training. The University College operates on a twelve-month calendar and caters to both full-time and part-time students. The University invites applications for the following positions starting August 17, 2015. REF ADM 1405: BIOLOGY ADJUNCTS Qualifications: Master's Degree in Biology (Microbiology) or related field. Higher education teaching experience is required and preference will be given to a candidate with a major in Microbiology and other biology courses. A clinical lab background is an asset. REF ADM 1406: BASIC NUTRITION ADJUNCTS Qualifications: Master's Degree in Nutrition or related field. Higher education teaching experience is an asset to the right candidate. REF ADM 1407: FINANCE AND ACCOUNTS ADJUNCTS Qualifications: Minimum of Master’s Degree in related field- PhD or Professional Qualification preferred. REF ADM 1408: LEGAL STUDIES ADJUNCTS Qualifications: Minimum LLB – ability to teach various areas of Law REF ADM 1409: ENGLISH/ CREATIVE WRITING ADJUNCTS Qualifications: Minimum of Master’s Degree in English or Creative Writing. Experience in teaching above the secondary level would be a distinct advantage. REF ADM 1410: TRADE DISCIPLINES ADJUNCTS Qualification: Suitably qualified persons to teach Auto-Mechanics, Plumbing, AutoCAD and Air Conditioning. REF ADM 1411: SOCIAL SCIENCE ADJUNCTS Qualifications: Minimum of Master’s Degree in Sociology, Political Science, Public Administration, Psychology. REF ADM 1411: LEGAL WORD PROCESSING ADJUNCTS Qualifications: Legal Secretary REF ADM 1412: ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY ADJUNCTS Qualifications: Minimum of Master’s Degree or Ph.D. in Engineering. The position covers the teaching of engineering courses, with preference being given to candidates who can teach engineering graphics, electro-mechanics, material science, and engineering technology (civil, mechanical, electrical) courses. The successful applicant will be required to teach at the associate degree level as an adjunct instructor. Minimum of 3 years’ relevant industry and post-secondary level teaching experience. A strong commitment to teaching is essential. Preference will be given to candidates with experience in course development and with accreditation processes. The ability to foster close relationships with relevant sectors of the community would be an asset.

Adjunct Faculty Responsibilities will include, but are not limited to: • Working with students of varying backgrounds and learning abilities to develop effective study skills and strategies for success in their courses of study; • Working with heads of department and other faculty to plan course instruction where possible; • Following course outline provided to assure course content and objectives are met; • Designing, administering, and grading essays, examinations, and other assignments to assess achievement of course objectives as identified in the syllabus; • Planning effectively for classes and student success; • Actively engaging students in the learning process; • Responding to student questions and concerns on a timely basis; and • Adhering to College policies and procedures. REF ADM 1413: Junior Helpdesk Technician This role is for an entry level IT technician who will have had some hands-on experience in IT, and who wishes to gain full-time work experience, learn the IT profession, with a unique opportunity to complete industry certifications while completing undergraduate studies offered at UCCI. This post reports to the Help Desk Supervisor. All UCCI approved coursework undertaken at UCCI towards an industry certification or an undergraduate degree will be fully subsidized by UCCI for the successful candidate. Qualifications • A+ or Network+ certification desirable • Associates Degree preferred Experience • All practical IT experiences including internship (s) will be evaluated and/or considered • Wireless Networking skills is essential • Experience with Audio & Visual solutions is preferred • Experience installing & supporting printers and multi-function devices is preferred • Experience with DELL and/or HP Notebooks, Desktops and Projectors is essential • Previous Helpdesk Experience is desirable • ID Card Systems Experience is desirable Educational Benefits • Two year contract, medical and pension plan, annual leave • Undergraduate study benefits at UCCI • Industry certification course benefits Salary Range: CI$ 18,324 - $ 24,672 per annum APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: Interested individuals should submit: (1)cover letter with description of experience relevant to the position (2) a curriculum vitae (for faculty positions: indicate specific teaching experience), (3) University transcripts, and (4) letters from three references sent to: no later than July 31, 2015.



CRICKET UPDATE 14-7-15 HAIL PARAMOUNT–T20 CHAMPIONS he wait was hard but the victory was worth every minute of it. It was the last tournament of a very competitive local season. Paramount is the 2015 Division 2 T20 Champions. The celebrations went on long into the night. It was not easy. Sol Cubs was the convincing League champions and on a high. Batt ing fi rst Paramount st ruggled losing the fi rst wicket with only 3 runs on the board. It took a masterclass innings from Paul Manning 72 and with partner Lawrence McIntoch 29 then featured in a 100 runs partnership followed by Conroy Wright icing on the cake of 26 runs from 15 balls. Paramount made 147 for 6. A run rate of 7 runs an over was not beyond the capabilities of a start st udded Sol Cubs. They came out in an attacking mood but lost wickets on a regular basis. Omar Willis 30, Bruce Jalim 20 and Wayne Cato 18n.o were the main contributors. Paramount won by 36 runs. Cayman Brac won the 3rd Place showdown with Supermix. Cayman Brac made 131 with Desrick Dawson 48. Supermix lead by Franklin Hinds 52 and Garth Bryan 42 fought all the way but the Cayman Brac bowlers held their nerves. Cayman Brac won by 11 runs.


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DIVISION 2 T20 FINAL PARA MOUNT – 147 for 6 Paul Manning 72, Lawrence McIntoch 29, Conroy Wright 26n.o Keneek Beckford 2 for 39, Wayne Cato 1 for 13, Ricardo Roach 1 for 15, Corey Cato 1 for 17 SOL CUBS – 111 for 5 Omar Willis 30, Bruce Jalim 20, Wayne Cato 18n.o Donald Carter 1 for 8, Adrian Wright 1 for 14, Andrew Blackwood 1 for 23 PARA MOUNT WON BY 36 RUNS 3RD PLACE CAYMAN BRAC – 131 Desrick Dawson 48, Hitram Sohan 16, Jermaine Carvalho 15 Kervin Ebanks 3 for 16, Franklin Hinds 2 for 28 SUPERMIX – 120 for 6 Franklin Hinds 52, Garth Bryan 42 Ian Morris 2 for 22, Desrick Dawson 2 for 32 CAYMAN BRAC WON BY 11 RUNS

Cayman Umpires excel on world stage


ports cannot exist without officials. Cricket is no exception. Even more so is excellent umpires and we got them. Courtney Young, Chabienauth Samaroo and Livingston Bailey were highly congratulated for their outstanding contributions in both regional and international tournaments in 2014. Mr. Young has been retained on the 2015 ICC Associates and Affiliates Umpires Panel after having another exceptional year which was completed with him officiating in the ICC World Cricket League Division 4 final. The best of the best!

Back row: (from left) Derrick Williams, Leon Watson & Zitroy Robertson Front Row: (from left) Courtney Young, Chabienauth Samaroo & Ezra Hewitt.

Moving up the ranks were Zitroy Robertson, Derrick Williams, Leon Watson Ezra Hewitt, and Fabian Hajarie who completed their final West Indies Umpiring examinations with flying colors. These Umpires along the President Chabienauth Samaroo will be attending the West Indies Cricket Umpires Association 2015 Convention which will take place in New York City from July 19-26, 2015, at this convention Zitroy, Derrick, Leon, Ezra and Fabian will be receiving their Certificates. The Umpires Association along with Cayman Cricket congratulates these Umpires on their achievements.

DIVISION 1 T20 JOINT CHAMPIONS – GREENIES 1 & BY RITE 3RD PLACE – CAYMAN BRAC DIVISION 2 LEAGUE CHAMPIONS – SOL CUBS RUNNERS UP – PARA MOUNT DIVISION 2 T20 CHAMPIONS – PARA MOUNT RUNNERS UP – SOL CUBS 3RD PLACE – CAYMAN BRAC WOMEN LEAGUE CHAMPIONS – PANTHERS RUNNERS UP – STRIKERS PRIMARY SCHOOLS CHAMPIONS – NORTHSIDE/EAST END RUNNERS UP – ST. IGNATIUS 3rd PLACE – PROSPECT SECONDARY SCHOOLS CHAMPIONS – ST. IGNATIUS RUNNERS UP – JOHN GRAY CAYMAN PREMIER LEAGUE CHAMPIONS – BY RITE RUNNERS UP – GOLD SHARKS Two teams are in preparation for upcoming tournaments. Cayman Islands Men National Cricket team will be competing in the ICC World Cricket League Division 6 in Essex, England September 7th to 14th. Cayman Women Select will be competing in the Legacy International tournament in New York, USA September 3rd to 8th. Both teams will continue training exercises during the week with practice matches scheduled for Sundays for the Men team at Jimmy Powell Oval starting at 10.00am and for the Women at Smith Road Oval starting at 2.00pm.

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Friday, 17 July, 2015


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