Tevet 5777 January 2017
Is This New York’s Next Mayor?
Michel Faulkner
is ready to fix your problems.
The Sephardic Heritage Museum: Saving Lives, Preserving Souls Kelly Jemal Massry
Grabbing Onto The Tree of Life Words of Rabbi Eli J. Mansour
Volume XVI Number 4
Travel Savvy: How To Avoid Getting Scammed > Page 32
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Bad breath is full of unhealthy (and potentially-dangerous!) chemical compounds. They are all extremely smelly, and combine to produce the odor we recognize as bad breath. There are five main reasons why the VSC-producing bacteria in your mouth can increase to the point of giving you bad breath.
1. DRY MOUTH: Saliva is
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medications such as blood pressure medications, anti-depressants, antihistamines, etc., all cause dry mouth.
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Advanced Solutions for Bad Breath Tongue Scraping – Scraping the tongue with a teaspoon can help get rid of VSC bacteria. Oxygenate – Bacteria hate oxygen, so flood them with it. The least expensive way to do this is to use peroxide mouth rinse (about $2 from your local pharmacy). Home-made mouthpaste – A mix of peroxide and baking soda can be very effective. Mix three teaspoons baking soda with one teaspoon salt in the palm of your hand, add peroxide and brush.
If none of the solutions here provide adequate relief, then it’s time to see your dentist for a complete exam and consultation. Once the specific causes of the condition are determined, a custom program can be designed to control your bad breath once and for all.
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COMMUNITY Tevet 5777 January 2017 Volume XVI Number 4
Words of Rabbi Eli Mansour: Grabbing Onto The Tree Of Life
Travel Savvy: How To How Avoid Getting Scammed
to Avoid DAVE GORDON GettinG ScAmmed
Now that winter is upon us, many families start planning their winter vacation get away – a time when, free of worry, they can finally take a load off, and recharge. Unfortunately, it’s also the time of year when scam artists (as if what they do is an ‘art’) come out in full force, preying upon innocent tourists, who may not realize they are victims of rip-offs until it’s too late.
Selecting The Right P3 Provider For Your Child
ou will likely begin planning for your trip by looking for the best airline deals. Sadly, that might be the first place you get scammed. Not exactly a great start to the perfect vacation…. Trust your gut: Beware of online sales that seem too good to be true, especially from so-called “discount rate” websites. Don’t be like one person interviewed for this article, who believed that she was hoodwinked by a travel website that promised to find her the lowest fares. In concordance with what appeared to be a routine purchase, the site warned that there would be no refunds, no exchanges, no transferable tickets, and no changes possible. The customer clicked “yes” and moved on to the next page. Then the customer was asked whether they might want to pay less, by broadening the search to include stopovers and plane transfers that could mean up to six hours between flights. Again, the customer clicked “yes,” and moved on to the next page. Payment was processed, and the site spat out a return ticket for the requested travel days – but there was just one problem. The agreed-upon stopover would land precisely fifteen minutes between flights – in a different terminal altogether.
The Sephardic Heritage Museum: Saving Lives, Preserving Souls
Is This New York’s Next Mayor?
You Be The Judge! Double Crossed?
62 64 66 67
While the presidential race is the main attraction in the November 8 elections, we remind you to please also vote for candidates running in all local elections.
Voting is one of the easiest things that you can do to help our community!
The political strength of our community depends on how many of us come out and vote. With today’s technology, elected officials know exactly who votes How To Enjoy Winter Break and who does not. A large turnout at the polls would send a strong message in political circles that our community takes The voting seriously. This will help Without Breaking Bank ensure that politicians continue to take our community’s needs seriously.
How to
72 74
Voting gives us the power to determine who represents our community, which can ultimately make a difference on critical issues like taxes, support for private schools andonsafety issues. By voting, we have the ability to Following the influence decisions and programs that directly affect our community. coattails of Hanukah is
Without Breaking the Bank
76 We need to High show our gratitude and appreciation to those elected officials who MDY School’s have continuously supported our community year after year. the winter break given by our Yeshivot. While our children greatly look forward to this time Not Convinced Yet? off from school, for parents it If you want your children to have a fabulous vacation without can create both financial and spending more than you can afford and without taking ten days off from work (and incurringth boss’s wrath), please read on. work-related anxiety. don’t forget to vote on TUESDAY, November 8 your. Together we can prove
78 79 80
Sephardic Heritage Trip Please
Presenting a staycation as a win-win situation and modeling a positive outlook will translate into huge returns on investment for your children. Before you know it, the positivity will be contagious. As an added bonus, your children will learn how to remain optimistic in the face of challenges and view the glass as half-full versus half-empty. Be ready for the push back from your children if/when they start to compare and tell you about the expensive and exotic vacations that their friends are taking. One of the best ways to help ourselves and our children avoid the comparison trap is to express and list on a daily basis the things in our lives that we are grateful for. This helps us replace negative thoughts with positive ones and ensures that we don’t dwell on what we don’t have.
to elected officials that our community is a major force to be reckoned with. FRIEDA HABER
llow me to share some ways we our children a Polls are open from 6 AM tocan9give PM. wonderful winter break without breaking the bank and – hopefully reduce our stress levels in the process.
You canStaycation easily find your polling site by visiting www.vote.nyc.ny.us or by The concept of a staycation has become popular in the last ten years. The term was actually added to Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate calling (866) VOTE NYC
Michel Faulkner
Dictionary in 2009. A “staycation” is a vacation spent either at home or nearby, doing enjoyable activities or visiting local attractions. I thought my mother invented the “staycation” in the mid-1960’s! Staycations will not only save you money but can also help you avoid long lines at airports and the anxiety and frustration associated with long distance travel (packing, security concerns, delayed flights, passports forgotten at home, etc.). We’ve all experienced vacations that were expensive, and perhaps not as restful and enjoyable as we would have hoped for. The need to make every minute count on a pricey and faraway vacation sometimes takes away from the relaxation and bonding we want to experience.
From The Files of The Bet Din Case Closed? Rabbi Max Sutton
The Top 10 Kavanah in Tefilah Intention During Prayer Rabbi Daniel D. Levy Ask Jido Mabrouk Community M.D. Dr. Jaques Doueck Healthy Homelife Mozelle Forman How “Essential” Are Essential Oils? Alyssa Elbogen Community Highlights Exploring the Wild World of Animals The Chameleon Professor Noe Ital The Lighter Side Riddles
Dave Gordon
Shaare Torah’s Boys Junior High Shabbaton
48. woman to woman
An Exclusive Interview with Selene Schweky
50. Positive Parenting Implementation of Positive Parenting Strategies
DAY 52. Keeping It Organized FOR THE WOMAN OF TO How To Pack A Suitcase
French Mush
From Dairy Made Easy by Leah Schapira and Victoria Dw
Classifieds / Real Estate
Plan and Prepare, Enlist and BOND
Put your tweens and teenagers in charge of searching out activities and attractions that will appeal to everyone in the family. Make sure the little ones are consulted too! Then, have a family meeting and agree on an itinerary that works for everyone. Allowing our children to be involved in the planning and decision-making process will get them engaged and invested in making the staycation a success. It will also build their self-esteem and teach them how to collaborate, compromise, resolve conflicts, and bond.
is ready to fix your problems.
What if the initial plane was late? Wouldn’t it take more than fifteen minutes to disembark from the first plane? How would she get to the other terminal before the second plane took off? Those were the questions the customer was now infuriatingly asking herself. Without a doubt, she’d be stuck at Chicago’s O’Hare airport with no way to make it to St. Louis. So she did what anyone might do in her situation; she wrote an email of complaint to the company to rectify the problem. Unfortunately, in a twelve-line letter, “customer service,” curtly reminded her that she did, after all, agree that there would be no refunds, no exchange and no changes. There was nothing they could do about it now. She wrote another email, insisting that her ticket was unusable, but another version of the same letter was issued. Taking it a step further, she complained to MasterCard, through which the purchase was made. The credit card company agreed that the “economic contract” she’d signed with them was built upon the concept that they’d always sell her a usable product. Her flight en route to St. Louis was null and void if she wouldn’t be able to follow through with her plans. Luckily, she received a full refund from MasterCard. But the service agent there had sobering words for her. Apparently, she was one among many who had been bamboozled by the same th company by way of problems just like this. She hadn’t been the only one to demand a refund for an unusable ticket. Admirably, this customer persisted in the quest to get her moneyEllEn Kamaras back, despite getting rebuffed by two letters from the website. One can only wonder how many people never bothered to report the scam to the credit card company, deterred by the same correspondence. As for the website itself – those who ran it may have been counting on their “no exchanges, no refunds policy” to scare away any complaints. Perhaps they thought frustrated customers might shrug, believe issues like this were a freak occurrence and purchase the other part of their ticket elsewhere. The seat for the second leg
14 44
2 tablespoons butter
1 large sweet onion, cut into thin strips 8 ounces baby bella mushrooms 5 cups pareve “beef” broth 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon salt 2 cups croutons 4 slices mozzarella cheese (fresh mozzarella cheese works best)
Don’t swap the butter for oil!
The Discovery of Auriculotherapy
54. Shaatra Does It Miriam Sasson
56. taste - with victoria dwek French Mushroom Soup
58. One Smart Cookie! Tiramisu Two Ways
60. The Little Things in Life Powering Down
Community Magazine is published monthly by Bnei Aram Soba, 1616 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11223. Periodicals postage paid at Brooklyn, NY, USPS Number 0021-802 (ISSN 1552-809X). Copyright 2017 Bnei Aram Soba. Subscriptions $18 or $3 when included in membership dues. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Community Magazine, 1616 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11223. Advertising and sponsorship proceeds are used exclusively for charitable purposes. Advertisements do not necessarily carry the endorsement of the Publisher. Readers should verify kashrut status independently. Ads for Internet and related services are intended for those who have a heter for use of such services. Printed in Canada.
This Publication contains messages of Torah and halachot. please handle it appropriately. Community Magazine
1 Melt bu and sauté mushroom minutes. A Stir in mil
2 Add cro croutons. S melted (so will remain crouton/ch
Yield: 6 se
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For the For suits the that suits travel. that travel.
Tevet 5777 January 2017
Volume XVI Number 4
Travel Savvy: How To Avoid Getting Scammed > Page 32
Is This New York’s Next Mayor?
Michel Faulkner
is ready to fix your problems.
The Sephardic Heritage Museum: Saving Lives, Preserving Souls Kelly Jemal Massry
Grabbing Onto The Tree of Life Words of Rabbi Eli J. Mansour
At HCTNY, we know the journey is as important as the handshake. That’s why we take care of every detail AtsoHCTNY, wecan know that you staythe focus journey is as important as on securing every deal. the handshake. That’s why we take care of every detail so that you can stay focus on securing every deal.
a publication of
Bnei Aram Soba
a non-profit organization
1616 Ocean Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11223 Telephone: 718-645-4460 Fax: 718-504-4246 email: cm@communitym.com www.communitym.com
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Executive Mashgiah Rabbi Eli David Executive Publisher Jack Cohen Editor-in-Chief Freddie Harari Associate Editor Kelly Jemal Massry Operations Consultant Alan Epstein Contributing Writers Rabbi Max Anteby Dr. Jacques Doueck Victoria Dwek Mozelle Forman Dave Gordon Ellen Kamaras Rabbi Eli J. Mansour Miriam Sasson Esther Sassoon Tammy Sassoon Rabbi Max Sutton Marie Torgueman Graphic Designer Nadia Ase Cover Design Nadia Ase Photography Morris Antebi Account Executives Frieda Elbaz Barbra Panigel Lauren Shamula 12
Community Magazine
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You Ignore. They suffer. Failure to test for genetic diseases can be the difference between health and SICKNESS!
Genetic diseases are not biased. The often overlooked truth is that Sephardim are as susceptible to genetic diseases as Ashkenazim. Over the past few years, many Sephardic families stricken with a genetic disease have reached out to Dor Yeshorim in panic and regret to help restore order in their now severely rattled lives. Heart-wrenching tragedies, yet more importantly, they could have potentially been avoided – with one easy confidential test. Dor Yeshorim recently introduced an all-new panel to test for genetic diseases most prevalent among Sephardim. Don’t wait until it is too late! A genetic disease can be responsible for destroying families e"g and ending generations! Please, do what is right for your family.
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President-elect Donald Trump
Of particular concern to Jewish people is the threat of mass deportation and restricting I agree with the message immigration…look no further of last month’s cover story; than President Coolidge and I think that Trump will be a the Immigration Act of 1924… great president – especially specifically targeted against for the Jews. Donald Eastern Europeans and Asians…based on the theory Trump speaks a language I of Eugenics….you know, racial understand and appreciate – one of strength. He believes in purity…Coolidge’s slogan was “Keep America American”…oh, being supportive of our allies I forgot, this Law was actually and NOT rewarding those used as justification by Hitler… nations that would do us and read about it in Mein Kamph…. our allies harm! Once Trump how many Jews could have been places conservative judges on saved during the War if it were the Supreme Court, the Court not for this law?... Richard L. will rule justly once again. What’s more, we now have Thank you for covering a chance to receive vouchers Donald Trump becoming the rather than paying through President-elect. He was also just the nose for our children’s named Time Magazine’s Person of The Year. Trump is already yeshiva educations. Mark C. changing attitudes in the United States; it seems to me, people are Your attempt to rationalize more hopeful and more careful the election of a demagogue is in their actions. I believe he will devoid of the ethical, moral, and manage and take down the spiritual foundation of what the anti-American and terrorist Jewish People believe and what groups, grow our economy, and Torah teaches us. A “wait and create more jobs. Furthermore, see” position is not an option in he will give money to our Yeshivot and Israel. So, I’m very this case. In our history, Jewish People happy he was elected president. have never, ever been safe Within the next four years, I under a political or religious want to see more police on the leader or administration that streets, more jobs across the encourages and owes its board, and changes that only existence to promoting hatred, Donald Trump can make. Raquel B. racism, misogyny and fear of “the Other”, that claims falsely the I am appalled by Trump’s election is rigged before it takes election. I am distraught that the place…that after the election, people I share America with claims millions of people voted welcome the racist and sexist illegally and threatens to not views he has espoused. He accept the results “unless I win” and to jail the opponent…that will be a fuse ripe to explode does not forcefully repudiate and in his relations with countries condemn acts of anti-Semitism whose policies he disagrees and racism against other with. His admiration of Putin minorities…that encourages betrays any respect for an violence of supporters against open society. His proclaimed opponents and the Press…I could “love for Israel” buys him no go on, but there’s no point in grace in my eyes. Ronald K. doing so. 14
Community Magazine
Kislev 5777 December 2016
Volume XVI Number 3
l tters
The Sassoon Children Education Fund: Easing the Tuition Crisis > Page 24
Moms On A Mitzvah
Endorsed by the Klan, widely derided by the media as a racist, and having lost the Jewish vote by 50 points
May yet turn out to be one of the best presidents ever for Jews
SAVE THE BEAT Turning Illness Into Action Dave Gordon
The Miracle of Nature Words of Rabbi Eli J. Mansour
DECEMBER 2016 ISSUE Last month’s article about the Shabbat Project / Moms On A Mitzvah Challah Bake was beautifully written. Due to space constraints, however, we were not able to thank all the amazing ladies that helped out! Special thanks to Maggie Bawabeh, Jennifer Tawil, Golda Bekhar, Miriam Shammah, Elyse Tebeli, Rachel Safdieh, Malky Zangi, Shelly Hidraye, Mary Setton, Rena Ishay, Pamela Massri, Maggie Sagiv, Vee Dayan, Fortune Mizrahi, Lily Ovadia, Kayrobin Ashkenazi, Tina Imani photography, Margo Levy, Mr. Esses (for the butcher paper!!) Wonder Bar / Kitchen Project, Blosseum Bleu, Wishing Well, Cured Olives by Leslie Chera, Sephardic Specialties, Eileen’s Treats, Floral Fantasies, St Cuisine, and Baked by Bibi’s. Also, a big thanks to Esther J. Safdieh for her amazing graphic design, Ouris, and the SCC for all their help especially Sari Setton and Norman Mandel for their professionalism and patience! Linda S.
An incorrect bio of Dr. Henry Hasson was given in last month’s Community MD column. The correct bio is: Dr. Henry Hasson, MD is a Child Neurologist in Brooklyn, NY. He is board certified in Neurology with special qualifications in child neurology by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN). He is also board certified in Clinical Neurophysiology.
Tell us what you really think!
Send us a letter!
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Community Magazine 1616 Ocean Pkwy Brooklyn, NY 11223 Letters submitted become the property of Community Magazine and will not be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. Letters may be edited and revised for length, style and grammar before publication. All submissions are considered for publication unless otherwise requested.
Words of
Rabbi Eli J. Mansour
Grabbing Onto the Tree of Life
esach is still several long, cold months away, but this does not mean we cannot take some time to study the story of the Egyptian bondage and learn the lessons it conveys. In fact, it seems that this is precisely what we should be doing this month. Our Sages instituted our annual Torah reading cycle, which has us reading the first section of the Book of Shemot, which tells the story of our ancestors’ enslavement and the Exodus, during this time of year. So although we are still months away from Pesach cleaning, it is appropriate already now to examine these chapters of the Torah and extract some of the practical lessons they have to teach us.
out of the country and did not even allow them time to prepare proper provisions. (This is why Beneh Yisrael ended up baking their dough before it had time to rise, thus resulting in matzot.) The Arizal commented that if Beneh Yisrael had remained in Egypt even a moment longer, they would have fallen from the 49th level of impurity to the 50th, and they would then have been unable to recover.
For this reason, it was necessary for Moshe, and only Moshe, to lead Beneh Yisrael from Egypt. The Arizal taught that the lower one sinks in the depths of impurity, the higher the level of sanctity needed to lift him from his quagmire. Just like a strong magnet is needed to draw a heavy piece of metal, similarly, the highest level of kedushah (holiness) is needed to pull somebody from the lowest Moshe, Rabbi Akiva, and the 50th Level There is a well-known Kabbalistic tradition that describes Beneh depths of spiritual contamination. Moshe Rabbenu reached the Yisrael’s spiritual deterioration during their period of enslavement 49th level of sanctity – just one rung before the 50th and final level. in Egypt. Submerged in ancient Egypt’s culture of paganism and Actually, the Arizal teaches, the moment when Moshe Rabbenu decadence, our ancestors plummeted to died, he reached the 50th level which the “49th level of impurity.” Had they he was unable to attain during his Gd sent Moshe to rescue fallen any further, they would have lifetime. This is why he was buried on sunken to the 50th level, from which they a mountain called Nevo, which could our ancestors from the would have been unable to recover. be read as a combination of the letter abyss of exile. Whom has nun and the word “bo” (“in him”). The Arizal, the renowned Kabbalist from Safed (1534-1572), explained When Moshe died, he had achieved He sent to rescue us from that this is the reason why Beneh Yisrael nun – which represents the number were rushed out of Egypt and needed the dangers of the 50. Only somebody on this level, to leave so quickly. As we read in the who achieved the greatest heights of 21st-century? Biblical account of the Exodus (Shemot sanctity, could extricate Beneh Yisrael 12:39), the Egyptians forced the slaves from the lowest depths of impurity.
Dedicated in memory of the pure neshamot of the Sassoon children 16
Community Magazine
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Rabbi Akiva. He was the one whom Moshe wanted the Almighty to send to Pharaoh and lead Beneh Yisrael from bondage. This comment seems very peculiar. Although it should not surprise us that Moshe had prophetic vision and foresaw the emergence of Rabbi Akiva, why would he nominate a future sage for the position of leader? Did Moshe really want to extend the Israelites’ bondage for another thousand years, so that Rabbi Akiva could lead them to freedom? The explanation is provided by one of the greatest Sephardic luminaries, the Hida (Rav Haim Yosef David Azoulay, 18th century). The Arizal, as the Hida cites, made a remarkable statement about Rabbi Akiva, teaching that he surpassed even the exalted stature of Moshe Rabbenu. Astoundingly, Rabbi Akiva, who until age 40 was a simple, ignorant shepherd who did not even know the Hebrew alphabet, reached heights that even the greatest prophet of all time never reached in his lifetime, climbing to the 50th level of sanctity. And this, the Hida writes, is why Moshe recommended that Rabbi Akiva come and redeem Beneh Yisrael. In essence, Moshe was saying to Gd, “Why do you want me? The people have sunken so low, why not find somebody even greater than me to pull them out of the abyss? They are on the brink of the 50th level of impurity, so they need somebody on the 50th level of sanctity. Why, then, are You choosing me, somebody who is only on the 49th level?”
This concept helps explain an obscure and enigmatic Midrashic passage relevant to the Exodus story. When the time came for the process of redemption to begin, Gd appeared to Moshe at the burning bush and commanded him to return to Egypt, assume the mantle of leadership, and approach Pharaoh to demand that he release Beneh Yisrael from bondage. Moshe initially refused, giving several reasons why he felt he could not accept this responsibility. At one point, Moshe said to Gd, “Shelah na beyad tishlah – Send, please, whomever You send” (Shemot 4:13). This verse is interpreted differently by different commentators, but a particularly perplexing explanation appears in Midrash Peli’ah, a collection of enigmatic commentaries by the ancient rabbis. The Midrash Peli’ah explains that Moshe refers here to a figure that would be born many centuries later – the great sage,
The response to Moshe’s question is that Gd’s plan was to rescue the people before they fell to the 50th level of impurity, and so he, who stood at the 49th level of holiness, was the one chosen to lead them along this process and bring them out of exile.
The Final Generation While this might sound like nothing more than a matter of historical intrigue, or obscure Kabbalistic concepts, it is actually very relevant to our life in 21 st-century America. In fact, it might be the most vital message for us living in 21st-century America. As mentioned, when the Jewish People find themselves submerged in the depths of spiritual contamination, we need to be pulled up by the highest level of holiness. The Or Hahaim (Rav Haim Ben-Attar, 18 th century) warns that in the final generation before the arrival of Mashiah, the Jewish Nation will fall even lower than it did in Egypt, and will sink
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We have expanded our Mcdonald Avenue and Avenue U location Alex Auto no longer owns the Neckroad location
The Or Hahaim explains that there is one way to climb up from the 50 th level of impurity, and that is through Torah learning. Torah is the source of sanctity, and thus it has the ability to lift us up from even the 50 th level of impurity. Indeed, the Torah was given on Shavuot, the 50 th day of the omer, signifying that it exists on the 50 th level of kedushah (sanctity) and thus can extricate us from even the 50th level of impurity. Beneh Yisrael’s enslavement in Egypt occurred before the Torah was given, and thus they would not have been able to be saved had they fallen to the 50 th level. But in the generation before Mashiah, the Or Hahaim writes, we will have the Torah as our “lifeboat” that can and will save us even after we’ve sunken to the 50 th level.
The Illness and the Cure
There can be little doubt that we are now living in the final generation. And frankly, I wonder if the Or Hahaim knew just how bad the 50 th level of impurity could be, if, even with his Torah-inspired foresight, he could envision the depths to which society would fall.
One by one, long-standing norms of decency and acceptable behavior are being discarded, and the trend 1663 coney island avenue Brooklyn NY 11230 continues steadily and unabated. Monday–wednesday 9am–5:30pm thursday 9am –7pm sunday 11am–5pm Standards of dress, speech and conduct have been consistently declining, and Valet Parking just when we think they can sink no appointments welcome lower, they do. We have an entire 718.787.1000 generation of people who carry in www.homeandstone.com their pockets all day, every day, more impurity than an average person just a generation ago would be exposed to the 50th level of impurity. As spiritually contaminating as to over the course of an entire lifetime. As much as technology the environment was in ancient Egypt, it will be even worse has helped mankind progress, it has, to at least the same extent, in the final generation. In fact, it has been noted that the spurred mankind to unimaginable moral decline. It is consuming word “hageulah” (“the redemption,” referring to the final enormous chunks of time that could be used for productive and redemption) has the numerical value of 50, alluding to the meaningful endeavors, drawing people’s attention to gossip, fact that our nation’s redemption will arrive only after we’ve slander, immorality, and all other forms of sin. Materialism sunken to the lowest possible depths – all the way down to continues to dominate as our generation’s chief religion, with the 50th level of spiritual contamination. The situation will people prostrating themselves before the newest fashions, become so dire that some might assume there is no hope, that the most cutting-edge gadgets, the fanciest cars, and the most Am Yisrael would never again be able to rebuild itself. luxurious vacations. One shudders to think that the impurity The obvious question then arises, how will we be able to be of ancestors in Egypt was mild compared to what we have to redeemed after sinking to this level? contend with in today’s day and age. Fixtures
Dedicated in memory of the pure neshamot of the Sassoon children 20
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“Saving a Jewish child is the greatest merit one can have” Maran Harav Ovadia Yossef zatzal
For decades, the Gedolim have given EFRAT their blessing and have supported the organization with their advice. EFRAT, under the leadership of Dr. Eli Schussheim, helps Jewish mothers make the choice to keep their pregnancy and have their baby. In this way EFRAT establishes families and builds Am Yisrael.
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these shores was a long, difficult and grueling one, an achievement owed to the Herculean efforts of our parents and grandparents, but the process succeeded and the foundations were set in place just in time. Thanks to their hard work and sacrifice, and with the help of Gd’s unmistakable assistance, the explosion of Torah learning in our generation was well underway by the time we found ourselves mired in the shocking (let’s hope we still find it shocking…) abyss of decadence and immorality in which society finds itself.
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On the other hand, just as the Or Hahaim predicted, we are also witnessing an equally stunning resurgence of Torah. With every new level of impurity to which society falls, a new yeshiva, or several new yeshivot, open. With the launch of every internet site promoting decadence, there are dozens of new Torah books published, and new Torah lectures made available online. For every soul that is lost to our culture of unrestrained indulgence, countless new chairs and desks are added to religious schools. For every Jewish youngster who falls prey to the secularist forces that abound in contemporary society, untold numbers of students enroll in institutions of advanced Torah learning. As He always does, Gd sent us the cure even before the illness. The process of forming the foundations of Torah learning on
It is no coincidence that the number of Daf Yomi participants has grown exponentially specifically in the last two decades. It is no coincidence that the Talmud was translated into a readily accessible English format – and into other languages – specifically in our generation. It is no coincidence that the internet, the same tool that is used to spread the very worst aspects of mankind, has also been instrumental in spreading Torah throughout the world and inspiring Jewish souls far and wide. It is no coincidence that the same technology that is luring people off the path of Torah is being harnessed to learn, teach and disseminate Torah at the very highest levels. It is no coincidence that specifically our generation boasts yeshivot consisting of thousands of students diligently and passionately poring over sacred texts day and night. And it is no coincidence that specifically in our generation we are blessed with an unprecedented level of affluence that has enabled generous donors to support Torah study and dissemination on a scale that the world has never before seen.
This is not some quirk of history. There is no irony whatsoever. This is precisely what the Or Hahaim foresaw: a generation that has fallen to the 50 th level of impurity, saving itself by hanging onto its “lifeboat” – its sacred Torah tradition. Just as Gd sent Moshe Rabbenu to save our ancestors from the spiritual quagmire of Egypt, He has facilitated a remarkable resurgence of Torah to save our current generation from the spiritual quagmire of contemporary society. He has given us precisely what we need to rescue ourselves and bring the final redemption. 2/10/16 9:13 8/31/16 6:28 AM PM
King Shlomo famously called Torah an “etz haim – tree of life” (Mishle 3:18). When a person is being swept away by a powerful current, and as he feels himself starting to lose strength, he suddenly sees a large log floating in the water, he will use every last bit of energy he can muster to reach that log.
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Mattressesbyfor Less Sandra Mansour
The Wonder of Torah King David pleads in Tehillim (119:18), “Open my eyes that I shall see wonders from Your Torah.” Yeshiva students to this day recite this prayer each day when they begin studying. The word “niflaot” can be read as a combination of the letter nun and the word “pela’ot” (“marvels”). King David prays that Gd should show him the wondrous effects of Torah, its ability to rescue students from even the 50 th level of impurity. I myself have been privileged to witness this phenomenon firsthand. I have seen many disaffected youths who had lost their way, who had fallen into the lowest depths of sin, make their way back through the power of Torah. It may have been one class, one speech, one recording, or one book – but just a brief exposure to Torah triggered a process that resulted in their return to their roots. Of course, like all medication, Torah must be “administered” properly and with professional guidance. Each individual must be taught the right way, by the right people, and in the right “doses.” Torah is most certainly not a “one-size-fits-all” solution. But there is a Torah solution for every soul. There is something for everybody. No matter where a person currently finds himself, on any level he or she is, Torah can do wonders.
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He knows that as long as he grabs hold of that piece of wood, he can survive the raging waters. This is precisely the function which Torah serves. We are in a raging current of secularism, materialism, and decadence. We need to muster every bit of strength we have to grab hold of our eternal “tree of life.” Even if this means making difficult sacrifices, such as by denying ourselves certain comforts to which we’ve grown accustomed, we have no choice. Living as we do in the turbulent waters of 21st-century immorality, we need our “tree of life” now more than ever. Whatever time, energy and resources we can muster for supporting and learning Torah must be used for this purpose. There are no legitimate excuses.
The aforementioned verse in Mishle concludes, “vetomecheha meushar – those who support it are fortunate.” There is no greater satisfaction than saving lives. Fundraisers will tell you that the easiest campaigns are for ambulances, hospital wings, and medical equipment. People rush to generously donate to life-saving causes, and we should feel very proud of the extraordinary generosity shown by our community members for these causes. We must remember, however, that spiritual life is no less important than physical life. The “tree of life” must continue to be supported to allow more and more Jews throughout the world access to Torah so they can protect themselves from the turbulent cultural waters that rage all around them. Let us strengthen our “tree of life” so it can strengthen us, and allow us to withstand the hostile pressures that abound and usher in our long-awaited national redemption, speedily and in our days, amen.
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Community Magazine
The Sephardic Heritage Museum: Saving Lives, Preserving Souls
As a community, we so value the Sephardic Heritage Museum because of its role in preserving our history. But what many of us neglect to realize is that the museum, pioneered by Mr. Joe Sitt and Rabbi Raymond Sultan, is urgently trying to preserve our present as well.
like “dirty Jew” or see us as sub-human. Their influence is particularly strong in the cities of Raida and Sana’a, the latter of which is Yemen’s capital. Jews live under house arrest there and are routinely jailed, kidnapped or worse. The government of Yemen is no match for these terrorists and all hope seemed lost – until the Sephardic Heritage Museum’s personnel got involved. (R-L) Cabinet Minister and Knesset Member Zev Elkin and Israel Council General to NY, Danny Dayan.
“When we heard about what was going on, we made efforts to get these Jewish families out,” says Rabbi Raymond Sultan. “It was not easy. The airports were being bombed and there was no access – but be’ezrat Hashem we were successful.” Ultimately, the men of the Sephardic Heritage Museum managed to safely and clandestinely get 32 Jews out of Yemen. Working with the Satmar community and both the American and Israeli governments, they brought some Jews to the United States and some Jews to Israel to begin again.
Recently, Cabinet Minister and Knesset Member Zev Elkin visited from Israel and expressed his appreciation to the staff of the Sephardic Heritage Museum for the life-saving work they are doing on behalf of Syrian and Yemenite Jews. Not only have they helped two Jewish families leave Aleppo, they’ve also aided Jews amidst the turmoil in Yemen. A February 2015 New York Times article entitled Persecution Defines Life for Yemen’s Remaining Jews Joe Sitt presenting Zev Elkin with a plaque thanking him for the assistance details just how unfortunate the he provided with Sachnut, an immigration organization in Israel. situation in Yemen has become. The museum also proved to be of tremendous help in “The last of Yemen’s once numerous Jews…have seldom been so preserving the Jewish cemetery of Gallipoli, Turkey. Just when threatened and had so few protectors,” the article states. the cemetery was on the brink of destruction, Rabbi Sultan of The threat comes from the Houthi militants who rule the the Sephardic Heritage Museum intervened. He met with Turkish territory where these few Yemenite Jews live. Driven by hatred, emissaries and got guarantees that the graves would not be these rebels do not hesitate to employ Holocaust-era language overrun and decimated. 26
Community Magazine
A similar scenario was unfolding within the city of Algiers. As Rabbi Sultan tells it, there are 31 Jewish cemeteries in Algiers, dating back 500 years. Very holy rabbis are buried there – the Ribash, the Tashbatz, and Rabbi Efrayim Alkaya being just a few. Still, because Algiers is an Arab country many of the Jews who were born there moved to France, which controlled much of that Middle Eastern area, including Algiers.
Stone houses of Yemen that Jews abandoned when fleeing persecution.
In 1960, the French pulled out of Algiers but promised to continue to pay for the upkeep of the Jewish cemeteries there. In 2015, the French, however, reneged on that vow and neglected to supply the money needed to maintain these holy sites. The Algerian government got fed up with the situation and issued a proclamation: If the bones were not moved in six month’s time, the cemeteries would be demolished. In response, the French government offered to make room for these graves in the cemeteries of France, guaranteeing those who did move the bones that the deceased would have plots there. Of course that didn’t help at all because, according to Jewish law, transporting bones is not allowed. Even if the demand was carried out, with the rationalization that the government was giving no other choice, it would be impossible to move over 4,000 graves to France! Backed into a corner, the Asra Kadisha, an organization in charge of taking care of endangered graves around the world, asked Rabbi Sultan for his help.
Ultimately, the men of the Sephardic Heritage Museum managed to safely and clandestinely get 32 Jews out of Yemen.
Not long after, Rabbi Sultan had the opportunity to attend a meeting in Manhattan at which the French President, Francois Hollande, would be speaking. He planned to make the most of their shared space and beseech the President to influence the situation. But before he could do so, the French Ambassador to the United States, Gerard Araud, approached him. The Chief Rabbi of France would make a decision about what to do with the bones, he said. This did not sit comfortably with Rabbi Sultan. “Right away, I sent a message to the people of Israel to put pressure on the Chief Rabbi of France to make the right decision,” he said.
Rabbi Sultan did get a chance to speak with the French president that night. He told him: “Mr. President, Algiers is a big problem.” “I know,” Hollande reassured him. “We are going to help.” “Help?!” Rabbi Sultan retorted. “You are the cause of the problem! The French has backed out, and that’s why we have this problem to begin with!” Unfazed, the French President again promised him, “We are going to help.” Before leaving, he came over to Rabbi Sultan again to say goodbye with a handshake and a smile. And be’ezrat Hashem, two weeks later, the French government announced that they would indeed take back the responsibility for these Algerian cemeteries. Rabbi Sultan and his team at the Sephardic Heritage Museum see the turn-around as nothing less than a miracle. Of course hishtadloot– human participation – was involved as well. If not for the concentrated effort of the people heading the museum and if not for the focused pressure exerted at Rabbi Sultan’s request, such a drastic reversal of fortune may not have occurred. “These are some recent efforts of the Sephardic Heritage Museum,” says Rabbi Sultan. “We came across these situations while preserving our community’s history and we could not ignore them – so we got involved. It’s all thanks to the community and Hashem’s support that these missions were able to be successful.” Tevet 5777 January 2017
Is This New York’s Next Mayor?
From neighborhood security to traffic patterns, Faulkner has become intimately familiar with the biggest issues facing our community – and is committed to improve them.
Michel Faulkner
is ready to fix your problems.
generation or so ago, tourists visiting Manhattan were told to “be careful out there.” They were instructed to keep their purses tight to their chests, not to look other pedestrians in the eye, and never to walk in unlit areas at night.
Fast-forward to today, when the results are even more manifest. Each year, some fifty five million tourists come through New York City – more than six times its number of residents. Once again, New York has become attractive to outsiders coming in, as well as to those who live and work there daily.
Times Square, at the time, was a well-known but seedy area, rife with unsavory characters. It was not a destination people visited on purpose.
Many envision riding this wave of success indefinitely, but one New York Republican isn’t so sure this positive trend will continue. In fact, he believes that NYC may be on a downward trajectory, due to consistently poor decision-making by Democrat policy makers. This man is Michel Faulkner and he is running for mayor of New York City.
This was a time of rickety race relations and spikes in the crime rate – a time in which we saw the city’s decades-old infrastructure disintegrating, with no remedy in sight. Then, with the mid-1990s, came what is now known as a legendary revitalization of New York City. During Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s tenure and later Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s, the problems that plagued many of our boroughs were finally met with serious solutions. Businesses were set up for the long term, jobs increased and the economic forecast climbed upwards with each passing year. Other benefits to the infrastructure: Tenements were reshaped and rebuilt for high-end residents, law enforcement became more prevalent and efficient, and a city that, years earlier, had been frighteningly close to bankruptcy was teeming with tourists again. 28
Community Magazine
Michel Faulkner wants to put a halt to higher taxes and crime rates – and he wants the change to happen from the top. The 59-year-old has spent the better part of thirty years dedicating himself to the citizens of New York, with an exhaustive list of attributes that attest to his outreach abilities, can-do attitude, and common touch. An active Christian clergyman for three decades, his work has included helping the homeless, running after-school programs, organizing job fairs and job placement programs, and manning educational initiatives. His efforts have had life-changing effects on New York City’s every age group and demographic, demonstrating his uncanny aptitude for problem solving and community care across the spectrum.
Faulkner #88 was a defensive end for Campaigning for Congressman Dan Donovan Pictured here with Jets with State Senator Marty Golden. the New York Jets in the early 1980s. quarterback Geno Smith, Faulkner continues to provide support to his home team. Last year, when a cold front hit the city, Faulkner held a protest in one of the housing projects area. Within a day, Mayor de Blasio was on the phone with the TA President of the buildings, seeking assistance. Sixty workers came to the housing projects inside of a week to improve the situation. In a very tangible way, New York has benefited from thegrassroots support Michel has enjoyed, which continues to this day. “I’m not coming from a political background,” Faulkner says.“I have been helping communities and people, year in year out, trying to make a difference.”
Though he is a pastor in Harlem, Faulkner has deep ties to Brooklyn’s Jewish community.
An entrepreneurial spirit has been present in Michel Faulkner since he was quite young. Reared by a single mother, his passion and determination led him to play a season of pro football with the New York Jets. Afterwards, armed with a Master’s degree in education and career counseling from Virginia Tech, he’d go on to put theory into practice in both fields of study. Specifically, he’d provide
educational outreach within the religious arena, leading several congregations over his career, while counseling thousands experiencing distress in their lives. Currently, he is the leader of the New Horizon Church, which he founded in 2006. Not content with clergy work alone, Faulkner also involved himself in an array of boards, committees, and organizations, lending his expertise, and a much-needed hand, to those in need. In the past decade and a half alone, his community work has been legion. He has joined the Giuliani-appointed Police Community Relations Task Force and founded Over the Hump Resources, which provides working capital and management assistance to small and medium business worldwide. From 2002 to 2004, Michel served as World Vision’s Director of US Programs. A year later, he served as Regional Chaplain for New York State Office of Children and Family Services. In 2005, Faulkner founded the Institute for Leadership, a non-profit organization that develops leaders and leadership programs. The institute brings leadership principles to the attention of teachers, business leaders, government officials, public servants, sports coaches, and ministers. In 2010, the mayoral-hopeful made an unsuccessful congressional campaign to unseat Democrat Charles Rangel. Along the way, he amassed political experience and began the coalition building and canvassing necessary to reach for the mayoral position a half dozen years later. Also in 2010, Faulkner authored Restoring The American Dream, a book outlining how this country could – and should - change course in years to come. “I have always believed that my highest calling in life is to serve the powerless and to speak for the voiceless,” he writes in its pages. “We all see the unraveling the fabric of our society, and the pervasive corruption that is choking our nation.” For Michel Faulkner, these are “critical times with a critical need” to bring a new leader to Gracie Mansion – one who has the credibility, reliability, community experience, and understanding necessary to change New York City for the better. Tevet 5777 January 2017
Q&A with Michel Faulkner Community Magazine had the opportunity to interview Michel Faulkner on his vision and platform. CM: What inspired you to run for Mayor of New York City?
I feel like the far-left progressive agenda has bullied New Yorkers, particularly the poor, by engaging them in the politics of division. Currently, there’s no way for the poorer of New York to have a pathway to the middle class. We need a leader who can help.
CM: Can you elaborate on your support for school choice?
MF: I have supported school choice, vouchers and charter schools since the early ‘90s. In 2007, I sued the State of New York on behalf of my church, to overturn the Blaine Amendment, which prohibits state funds for schools with a religious foundation. Overturning that would help the Jewish community. Why can’t my church sponsor a charter school? A lot of people look at this law and say they can’t believe it was ever written. It was an anti-Catholic law. It really needs to be stricken from the books. De Blasio has reversed a lot of the work that Bloomberg did in terms of school progress.I want to do everything possible to make sure that families have the freedom of educational choice. CM: Speaking of education, New York kids are slipping academically. Can you recommend creative solutions that might address the problem?
MF: In every community that’s undergoings
a problem, I believe there’s a community leader with the solution; he simply lacks the resources to bring those solutions to market. We’re going to replicate best practices to come to his aid. I’ll give you an example. We ran an after school homework assistance program in our church, with ten kids as members. They were failing, destined to repeat the grade. All of their teachers said they were below standard, and wouldn’t be able to pass the standardized test given each year. After four months, all ten passed the grade and passed the standardized test. In fact, three were offered special placement because they had excelled so much.What did
Community Magazine
we do? We gave them homework assistance. It’s not rocket science. That’s one solution. One size does not fit all, but if we did that hundreds of times, we could make serious changes. And by the way, we didn’t get any government money to run the program. We got a little help from a not-for-profit that assists churches; they matched what we put in.We have to make sure our children are equipped to compete on a global scale, to meet academic standards, to compete at college, to eventually compete in the workplace.
CM: Let’s suppose de Blasio is appointed for another four years. What can people expect?
MF: Excellent question. Higher crime, CM: What, in your opinion, is a big higher taxes, lower graduation rates for concern for New Yorkers? high schoolers. It’s a shame that in spite
MF: A huge problem is affordable housing.
of the amount of money we spend on our We’ve got to crack that code. We’ve got to educational system – nearly $23,000 per student year,Faulkner irrespective of level to – Pictured here withtoJets quarterback Genoper Smith, continues have a methodology. We have do something about 30%, on average, don’t finish school. to bring real affordable housing to as many We have to find a more efficient way to people as we can. spend our tax money.Right now, the high I do not believe the government should create, school drop out rate is high. That’ll lead to or manage, housing. There has to be market- more crime and unemployment. driven solutions. For about a dozen years The city spending for administration has property taxes have spiked, which has caused doubled in recent years to over $80 billion. the middle class in New York to leave for other All of the good that this city can do isn’t parts of the country. We have to control taxes. being done, because we don’t have a leader. The problem has been that high taxes Four more years of de Blasio would be a were imposed to pay for out-of-control total train wreck. government spending. You can’t attract or CM: In your opinion, what aspect retain businesses with punishing taxes. The consequences have meant a loss of business of your resume should be most growth, a loss of tax collection, and a loss of appealing to voters? jobs in New York. There is too much of a high cost to doing business in, and living in, New MF: I have a thirty-year track record of helping the disadvantaged and downtrodden. York. This has to change. I’ve created jobs as an entrepreneur. I’ve done a significant amount of work in my community. CM: What about crime and No other mayoral candidate can say they’ve law enforcement? dealt with the same nitty-gritty in New York MF: We need more police-community City. No one else has the roots, coalitions, relations. We started the Blue Ribbon message and work ethic that I do. That has Campaign nearly two years ago. We been my mantra, my acumen – my service. wear a blue ribbon to signify our support That will be what communicates to voters. in three ways: affirmation, appreciation CM: Where do you stand and accountability. When crime dropped in the 90s, it wasn’t on Israel? just Rudy Giuliani’s bravado or the Broken Windows theory. Citizens of New York MF: Israel has no greater ally than the embraced the fact that their quality of life had Evangelical Christian community, of which I am a part.There are three flags in my house: to be better. And there was a total buy-in. I will lead the city to a total buy-in, to a total The American flag, the Puerto Rican flag, and the better relationship with our law enforcement Israeli flag. I’ve attended or spoken at every Israel officers.The system isn’t broken. What we rally that has taken place in the past ten years – need is a mayor who affirms and appreciates and I have visited Israel too.I’m very mindful of the cops.One of my first orders of business will fact that the Jewish people are under global threat. be to redo the police station houses. Some of their workplace conditions are just horrible. I learned this when I was on the Police Community Relations Task Force.
Wherever there is hate in New York City, we will stomp it out. In New York City, our diversity is our strength, our heritage.It would be an honor for me to serve this city.
Corner of Avenue N and East 10th
Michael Tabbouche Executive Director
How to Avoid Getting Scammed
Now that winter is upon us, many families start planning their winter vacation get away – a time when, free of worry, they can finally take a load off, and recharge. Unfortunately, it’s also the time of year when scam artists (as if what they do is an ‘art’) come out in full force, preying upon innocent tourists, who may not realize they are victims of rip-offs until it’s too late.
ou will likely begin planning for your trip by looking for the best airline deals. Sadly, that might be the first place you get scammed. Not exactly a great start to the perfect vacation…. Trust your gut: Beware of online sales that seem too good to be true, especially from so-called “discount rate” websites. Don’t be like one person interviewed for this article, who believed that she was hoodwinked by a travel website that promised to find her the lowest fares. In concordance with what appeared to be a routine purchase, the site warned that there would be no refunds, no exchanges, no transferable tickets, and no changes possible. The customer clicked “yes” and moved on to the next page. Then the customer was asked whether they might want to pay less, by broadening the search to include stopovers and plane transfers that could mean up to six hours between flights. Again, the customer clicked “yes,” and moved on to the next page. Payment was processed, and the site spat out a return ticket for the requested travel days – but there was just one problem. The agreed-upon stopover would land precisely fifteen minutes between flights – in a different terminal altogether. 32
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What if the initial plane was late? Wouldn’t it take more than fifteen minutes to disembark from the first plane? How would she get to the other terminal before the second plane took off? Those were the questions the customer was now infuriatingly asking herself. Without a doubt, she’d be stuck at Chicago’s O’Hare airport with no way to make it to St. Louis. So she did what anyone might do in her situation; she wrote an email of complaint to the company to rectify the problem. Unfortunately, in a twelve-line letter, “customer service,” curtly reminded her that she did, after all, agree that there would be no refunds, no exchange and no changes. There was nothing they could do about it now. She wrote another email, insisting that her ticket was unusable, but another version of the same letter was issued. Taking it a step further, she complained to MasterCard, through which the purchase was made. The credit card company agreed that the “economic contract” she’d signed with them was built upon the concept that they’d always sell her a usable product. Her flight en route to St. Louis was null and void if she wouldn’t be able to follow through with her plans. Luckily, she received a full refund from MasterCard. But the service agent there had sobering words for her. Apparently, she was one among many who had been bamboozled by the same company by way of problems just like this. She hadn’t been the only one to demand a refund for an unusable ticket. Admirably, this customer persisted in the quest to get her money back, despite getting rebuffed by two letters from the website. One can only wonder how many people never bothered to report the scam to the credit card company, deterred by the same correspondence. As for the website itself – those who ran it may have been counting on their “no exchanges, no refunds policy” to scare away any complaints. Perhaps they thought frustrated customers might shrug, believe issues like this were a freak occurrence and purchase the other part of their ticket elsewhere. The seat for the second leg
of the journey could then be resold to another customer, and then another customer, as the algorithm of the website endlessly sold off the same stopover seats, as programmed. As shady as it sounds, companies like these dodge the legal bullet by providing just enough full tickets to look legitimate, and few enough “errors” to make it look like a blunder. Then they simply hope that the number of customers who fall for the scam far outnumber those who report it. The truth of the matter is, any place of business can hoodwink a customer, and hotels are no different. According to an Economist article from June 17, 2016, online reviews of hotels are “rarely honest.” The article urges readers to ask: “Is the person writing the review who he says he is, and not the owner of the hotel boosting its rating?” Keep in mind, any business – and that includes hotels and airlines – can boost their profiles by paying to be at the top of Google searches. They can also pay bloggers to insert glowing reviews of their establishments. Finally, companies can pay aggregator sites – websites dedicated to listing accommodations, among other amenities – to place them on the top end of their list, or at least within the first few clicks. Those with little time, patience or motivation will be quick to jump to the links that first catch their eye. Remember, an aggregator site may not necessarily be run by a kind-hearted soul with time on their hands, eager to tell you about some of the wonderful hotels in their city. Rather, it may simply be an advertorial site, where all content is approved and fine-tuned by the company paying for it. Watch out for shady discount coupons, too. The naïve tourist, believing they’ve scored a deal, might visit the place of business only to find out there are invisible asterisks to the “special.” Whether the coupon is handed out on a street corner, or found in a newspaper, magazine or tourist brochure, it’s best to call the company to find out what the “catch” is, before giving them your business. One anonymous hotelier conceded that there is hidden fine print underneath a discount coupon of ten percent that was placed in a regularly published tourist guide of Los Angeles. The vaguely worded “based on availability,” written in tiny lettering at the bottom of the ad, is rarely seen by excited customers. And if it is seen, it’s misunderstood or inadvertently forgotten. The phrase basically means that the concierge can choose at his own discretion when to grant the discount (i.e.: almost never). Though they’ve been hoodwinked, once the tourists are at the door, luggage in tow, after a long drive or long flight, they invariably shrug, too fatigued to go elsewhere. Instead, they cut their losses
and check in. Few indulge in any quibble over the twenty dollars they may have saved – just as the hotel had counted on. Investigative journalist Conor Woodman is no stranger to scams – he’s seen these and much worse take place. Recently, he spent five months in ten major cities, going undercover to film scam artists for National Geographic Channel’s Scam City show. With hidden cameras, he caught garden-variety street criminals red handed, store proprietors trying to pull a fast one, and a myriad of other cheats. His findings cement one of the obvious, but oft forgotten rules for a tourist: Hold your purse tight to your body, or tuck your wallet deep into your front pocket, to minimize theft. Don’t, for one second, take your eyes off of your belongings. Looking for a guided tour of your destination city? Best to leave it to the experts, and not be taken in by someone advertising himself on a street sign, no matter how professional it looks. As Woodman notes, in Rome, many of the tour operators overcharge ridiculously, and fake their way through a “history” lesson that Google could have done better. A similar scam happens in Israel, where the tour guide, usually a local Arab, will tell the tourist a certain (otherwise reasonable) price for a walking tour. At the end of the tour, the guide will insist that the tourist pony up a “tip” that’s usually much larger than the initially agreed-upon tour fee – to take back the otherwise lost tourist back to where they started. Like tour guides, cab drivers have their own way of stealing from tourists. In his documentary series, Woodman showed a Rio de Janeiro taxi driver using a quick-switch slight of hand to try to convince the passenger that they paid a smaller currency denomination, and still owed more for the ride. According to the driver – who later fessed up when caught by the hidden camera – nine out of ten dumbfounded passengers fall for the trick, believing they inadvertently gave the cab driver the wrong bill. Of course, this trick isn’t confined to Rio. Tourists should always count their change, and examine it carefully to make sure that it matches the amount they are due back, to avoid any counterfeit schemes. And finally, there’s the scam that happens when you’re not even around, while you’re 25,000 feet up in the air or while you’re checking into your hotel room. It happens because criminals have been tipped off that you’re on vacation for a long period of time. They see an empty, car-less driveway, piled up newspapers on the porch, an uncut lawn, a stacked mailbox, and house lights turned off. Safeguard yourself by making sure these items aren’t overlooked. Have a friend or relative visit your home each day to deter break-ins. Because even though you may enjoy an incident-free vacation in which you build a lifetime of memories, you do not want to return home regretting the trip. Tevet 5777 January 2017
Selecting the Right P3 Provider for your Child
Thousands of children struggling readers, including those who al race is the main attraction the November have dyslexia. 8th in yeshivot across thein city you to pleasefree alsospecial vote foreducation candidates running alllearned local that dyslexia “While we in have receive affects individuals differently, depending
services from the New York on the degree of their condition and City Department of Education. the effectiveness of instruction or asiestParents things that youthat can dowhen to help community! have learned even their our remediation they have received, we have
child is granted services, choosing the right also found that we can successfully teach provider is important. No parent on wants to many of our community depends how of us come outto read. Early individuals with dyslexia experience the frustration of watching their identification is ideal, but s technology, elected officials know exactly who votes it is never too children try to improve and end up with late. Appropriate assistance is critical, and largefew turnout at the polls would send a strong message in gains when the school year is over. The explicit, multisensory language instruction our community takes voting are seriously. helpWilson uses teaching truth is that some P3 providers more is aThis key towill success. qualifiedto andtake experienced than others and needs methodsseriously. that are effective with students s continue our community’s achieve better results because of it. with dyslexia to meet our goal of helping these individuals to become independent Here’s what happens your child our ower to determine whowhen represents community, is diagnosed with dyslexia or has fallen readers, allowing them to achieve success make a difference on critical issues like taxes, support behind her peers by two or more years in both in school and in life.”
nd safety issues. Byskills: voting, we have abilitya to reading and writing The New York City the Becoming Wilson Level 1 Certification Department that of Education Committee for requires nd programs directly affect our community. a major commitment of time
Special Education (CSE) will give your child and effort. At least 160 hours of training at least five of free help each involved. Only anwho approved trainer r gratitude andhours appreciation to week thoseare elected officials with a P3 provider. However, getting the within the Wilson Company can observe pported our community year after year. services is only half of the challenge. Going if a teacher has successfully acquired and forward, you want to make sure the mastered the Wilson Level 1 skills – and actually helpNovember your child improve. thereby confer o voteservices on TUESDAY, 8th. Together we certification. can prove How do you know your P3 provider has the Thereckoned Sephardic Community Federation at ourprofessional community is a major force to be with. background and experience (SCF) has devoted its resources to to successfully help your struggling child the issue of securing high quality and a strong and confident reader? 6 AM become to 9 PM. well-trained providers. P3 providers
Regarding reading programs, what works have told us that they want more and what doesn’t? There has been so in-depth training our polling site by visiting www.vote.nyc.ny.us oronbyhow to help a child much new and encouraging research on struggling with reading, writing and NYC this issue. One thing that almost all experts spelling. We went down to Washington to agree on is that children will improve with get a change in the Federal law so that P3 an Orton-Gillingham based multi-sensory providers could receive free professional TheEMPOWER Wilson Language development to improve their skills, just as U FORintervention. VOTING TO OUR COMMUNITY! Company is a national leader in this area, other teachers do. One major development providing training to teachers wanting to we have helped to bring about is Wilson learn a multi-sensory approach for helping Reading Level 1 Certification training 34
Community Magazine
opportunities for educators. Over the past three years in New York City, 100 yeshiva teachers, many of whom are P3 providers, have completed, or will be completing within the year, the Wilson Reading Level 1 Certification. Back to your struggling child. Now that he has been approved for an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), your most important job is selecting a P3 provider for him. How do you choose one? What are you supposed to look for? What kind of questions should you ask? One very important qualification to look for is the professional credentials and/or training background of the provider. If a P3 provider has a Wilson credential (or certification from another Orton Gillingham program), you are on the right track. It’s very important to make sure that the P3 provider has successfully completed Wilson Level 1 certification – and not just attended a few random workshops of an Orton-Gillingham program. The decision of which P3 provider to hire can only be made by the parent. A school can recommend a provider, but only the parent can approve the provider their child will be working with. For more resources, I encourage you to visit our Parents Education Resource Center website at http://advocacy.ou.org/teachnys , a project of the Orthodox Union and TeachNYS.
with Purpose
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Ellen Kamaras
How to Following on the coattails of Hanukah is the winter break given by our Yeshivot. While our children greatly look forward to this time off from school, for parents it can create both financial and work-related anxiety.
Without Breaking the Bank
llow me to share some ways we can give our children a wonderful winter break without breaking the bank and – hopefully reduce our stress levels in the process.
The concept of a staycation has become popular in the last ten years. The term was actually added to Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary in 2009. A “staycation” is a vacation spent either at home or nearby, doing enjoyable activities or visiting local attractions. I thought my mother invented the “staycation” in the mid-1960’s! Staycations will not only save you money but can also help you avoid long lines at airports and the anxiety and frustration associated with long distance travel (packing, security concerns, delayed flights, passports forgotten at home, etc.). We’ve all experienced vacations that were expensive, and perhaps not as restful and enjoyable as we would have hoped for. The need to make every minute count on a pricey and faraway vacation sometimes takes away from the relaxation and bonding we want to experience. 36
Community Magazine
Not Convinced Yet?
If you want your children to have a fabulous vacation without spending more than you can afford and without taking ten days off from work (and incurring your boss’s wrath), please read on. Presenting a staycation as a win-win situation and modeling a positive outlook will translate into huge returns on investment for your children. Before you know it, the positivity will be contagious. As an added bonus, your children will learn how to remain optimistic in the face of challenges and view the glass as half-full versus half-empty. Be ready for the push back from your children if/when they start to compare and tell you about the expensive and exotic vacations that their friends are taking. One of the best ways to help ourselves and our children avoid the comparison trap is to express and list on a daily basis the things in our lives that we are grateful for. This helps us replace negative thoughts with positive ones and ensures that we don’t dwell on what we don’t have.
Plan and Prepare, Enlist and BOND
Put your tweens and teenagers in charge of searching out activities and attractions that will appeal to everyone in the family. Make sure the little ones are consulted too! Then, have a family meeting and agree on an itinerary that works for everyone. Allowing our children to be involved in the planning and decision-making process will get them engaged and invested in making the staycation a success. It will also build their self-esteem and teach them how to collaborate, compromise, resolve conflicts, and bond.
If you can afford to splurge on one night at a hotel There are so many free or wallet-friendly in Manhattan or downtown Brooklyn, it might be attractions and landmarks to check out in New worth it. Your family will have a blast and it can York City. Tourists come from all over the feel like a two-day vacation without the hassle world to see museums and venues that we, of traveling. Find a hotel, request early check as native New Yorkers, have never stepped in and late check out, and enjoy! There are foot into. We take for granted that they’ll so many hotels and booking websites to be there for us always, ready to explore choose from – booking.com, Kayak and at the next available opportunity. Expedia are just a few. Well, now is the time! Plan an activity around a topic your child is learning It may be cold in New York City during about in school. Imagine how proud winter break, but you can always run in to your child will feel when he or she shares the many kosher restaurants throughout what they experienced with their teacher the Big Apple for a tea or hot chocolate. If you and classmates. need a minyan during the day, there are lots to If you like wildlife, check out WCS.org for family choose from, displayed at this handy web address: memberships to the four NYC Zoos and the Aquarium. www.minyanmaps.com. The variety of minyanim The New York Botanical Garden also has family New York Botanical Garden makes it easy to rejoin your family in NYC when you’re memberships, indoor exhibits, and special events. done praying. Have you walked across the Brooklyn Bridge? First stroll through historic Brooklyn Heights and visit the new Brooklyn Bridge Park HOP ON AMTRAK AND LEAVE NYC ALTOGETHER or walk along the promenade and enjoy the beautiful NYC skyline. Have your children ever been on an AMTRAK train? Taking a train While you’re in downtown Brooklyn, don’t miss the new exhibits at ride to historic Philadelphia can be an exciting adventure. The train the New York Transit Museum. ride is fun and only two hours long. Attractions include the Liberty Have you ever traveled on the Staten Island Ferry (SIF)? On July 4, Bell, Franklin Institute, Independence Hall, horse-drawn carriage 1997, Mayor Giuliani eliminated the 50-cent round trip fare and the rides, and much more. SIF became free. Some of my fondest childhood memories date back to that big orange boat. You can choose to tour historic Staten Island RELAX, UNPLUG AND DO NOTHING AT ALL or get right back on another ferry to Manhattan. The best perk of winter break is having unadulterated leisure time. In Lower Manhattan, visit the Fraunces Tavern Museum, During these two weeks, the whole family can sleep in, with kids where you can take a free walking tour and follow in not having to wake up early to catch the school bus and the footsteps of General Washington and his troops parents not having to do the same to drive car pool. celebrating the British evacuation. There’s also If you and your husband can’t take the whole day off to enjoy with your kids, give them a lazy the Museum of Jewish Heritage, Battery morning with a baby sitter or grandparent or Park, a ferry ride to the Statue of Liberty arrange play dates with friends. You might or Ellis Island (which can be booked at also consider taking one or two children to statuecruises.com) or a walk around work with you. They’ll enjoy experiencing South Street Seaport. Other free tours by what their parent’s job entails and they foot include one of the Lower East Side, may even be of help. In case they get Chinatown, and Brooklyn Heights. When restless, have them bring along books or you get hungry, stop to enjoy a kosher art supplies for entertainment. lunch at Bravo Pizza in the Financial District Back at home, how about bonding at 17 Trinity Place. over a big puzzle or planning and cooking a Going further uptown, how about a meal together? Engaging together in leisure walk on the High Line – an elevated urban activities is a smart investment that leads to linear park running from the Lower West Side/ greater emotional bonding within the family. Gansevoort Street to 34th Street? The High Line was an abandoned railway and is now a promenade and As adults, we value the benefits of relaxing and Staten Island Ferry aerial greenway. Don’t worry about getting kosher unplugging. Our children, too, need to relax, take a food in the 34th Street area – there are plenty of establishments break and totally unplug from technology. During this time off, their minds and bodies refuel, recharge and get ready for what’s ahead. to choose from! Have you ever skated on the ice rink known as “Winter Village” Wishing you all a wonderful winter break! in Bryant Park on 42nd Street? Winter Village is NYC’s only free admission rink. It’s open daily from 8 AM to 10 PM through the Ellen Kamaras, CPA/MBA, is an International Coach Federation Associate month of March. While you’re there, hop on the charming French Certified Coach. Her coaching specialties include life, career and dating coaching. Ellen also supports individuals redefine who they want to be as merry-go-round called Le Carrousel. their circumstances change, whether it’s due to layoff, empty nesting, loss of Not a fan of cold weather? Another fun way to play tourist (while a spouse, divorce, change due to illness or retirement. Ellen can be contacted staying a bit warmer) is to get on a hop-on hop-off bus tour of the city. at ellen@ellenkamaras-lifecoach.com. Tevet 5777 January 2017
Frieda Haber Magen David Yeshivah High School’s Sephardic Heritage Trip: A First-Hand Account
The synagogue of the Crypto-Jews in Belmonte.
The view from the zip lining ropes in Toledo.
Three countries in eight days: Spain, Portugal, Gibraltar.
Getting up close and personal with monkeys in Gibraltar.
difference being that the older members of the community pray in Portuguese. The second day ended with breathtaking views from a 14th-century castle, followed by a long bus ride to Spain. The time spent in Spain was the highlight of the trip. The girls That was the plan when 28 girls and four chaperones from toured both the Santa Maria la Blana Synagogue and the El Transito Magen David Yeshivah High School boarded the plane on Sunday, Synagogue in Toledo and marveled at the interiors: The walls of these November 13th. The goal, during the Sephardic Heritage trip, was to synagogues displayed intricate plaster craftsmanship containing experience the history of our ancestors in a unique and memorable way. perakim of Tehillim. The first stop was the Sha’are Tikva Synagogue in Lisbon, Portugal. Following that, students had an impromptu zip lining experience There, the girls had a chance to hear from the leader of the Portuguese across a breathtaking river. Then, they visited Plaza de Mayor where Jewish community of Lisbon, Isaac Assor. He spoke about the rich they said a perek of Tehillim in honor of all our ancestors whose lives history of the Portuguese Jewish community, as well as what current were cut short there. Afterwards, they had the opportunity to shop in life in the Jewish Portuguese community is like. Sadly, there are many the Times Square of Madrid. Shabbatot when the synagogue is short a few congregants and can’t The next day, the girls returned to their spiritual roots, visiting the form a minyan for prayers. It’s also a tremendous challenge to keep house in Cordoba where Rambam grew up. Then they were challenged kosher in Lisbon. The Jews of Lisbon only get kosher meat once every to a hike around Medinat al-Zhara – ruins from a hidden, ninth-century two months and have to spend extra time while grocery shopping, royal city. All of this was accomplished searching for foods that contain certain before crossing the border to Gibraltar on kosher ingredients. Hearing this, MDY Thursday night. students were so appreciative of what we Gibraltar, a small country connected to have in our Syrian Jewish Community in Europe, was memorable in and of itself. Brooklyn: full synagogues on every block Gibraltar was built upon a huge rock and the and a kosher grocery store on every corner. girls had the chance to take a bus up to the Next, students visited two pre-Inquisition top of the rock. This was followed by a visit synagogues – buildings with beautiful to Europa’s Point, the only spot in the world structures and complex histories. They even in which a person can see three continents had the opportunity to pray in one of these at once. Next, the girls had a chance to take shuls, elevating their tefilot. Overall, the first part in classic Gibraltarian life: They shopped day of the trip was steeped in both history Tehillim on the walls of the El Transito Synagogue in Toledo. around the country’s main street and even and spirituality. saw the kosher grocery store and bakery. The next day, the girls had the chance to On Shabbat, the girls were lucky enough meet with a Crypto-Jew, otherwise known as a Morano. Crypto-Jews to pray in two different synagogues in Gibraltar. As it turns out, pretended to be conversos during the Spanish Inquisition but still kept Gibraltarian Jews pray the same words as us Syrian Jews do, but with Judaism in hiding and passed it down through the generations. As this different tunes. Shabbat was spent walking around the small country Crypto-Jew told students, when he was growing up, he and his family and enjoying the sights. believed that they were the only Jews left on earth. He grew up in By Sunday, with the trip nearly over, the girls sought to take in fear of practicing Judaism in public. As he got older, he and his family more beauty. The scenic palaces and plazas did not disappoint. At last, Monday afternoon arrived, and it was time to fly home. grew more exposed and less sheltered. They learned that there were indeed many other Jews in the world, and converted to Orthodox The girls boarded the plane with not only gifts in hand but also Judaism. They now practice Judaism as we Sepharadim do, the only experiences and memories that will last a lifetime. 38
Community Magazine
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Tevet 5777 January 2017
Shaare Torah’s Boys Junior High Shabbaton
he sleepy Catskill town of Ellenville, New York, will never be the same.
This past Thursday night, as the buses pulled in to the circular driveway in front of Honor’s Haven Resort, there was a palpable sense of excitement. Shaare Torah’s Boys Junior High Shabbaton was finally here. One by one, the boys filed into the hotel’s dining room, where they were treated to a festive dinner. At that point, the boys had already returned from a jaunt to the Palisades Mall where they attempted to master the world’s tallest indoor rope, and enjoyed the excitement of Dave & Buster’s. It was obvious that the yeshiva had pulled no stops and this gorgeous venue was the icing on the cake. The boys were buzzing, just waiting to discover what the next 48 hours would hold. This weekend wasn’t only about the students. The Shabbaton was host to eleven Rabbanim, joined by many of their wives and their children, rounding off the attendees. The Shabbat meals were enjoyed together in a palatial, private dining room. Through heartfelt pizmonim and scrumptious food, all present were fused together in an experience of tremendous ahdut. Some of the highlights included poignant Divre Torah shared by a selection of talmidim as well as the Rabbanim. Our Menahel, Rabbi Kuessous, skillfully conducted the speeches, acting as the meals’ master of ceremonies. He spoke about the uniqueness of Shaare Torah boys, which this Shabbat typified. Rabbi Shlomo Haber, the Menahel of the Boys’ High School, talked about the value of doing a mitzvah with no ulterior motives. Rabbi Yosef Abboud spoke about the tremendous power generated by a Jew’s will to do good, as evidenced by Yaakov Avinu lifting the rock off the well to help Rahel Imenu. Rabbi Jacob Bijou electrified the audience, demanding that as the children of Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov, we each recognize our inherent greatness, and embrace the responsibility that follows having that lofty DNA and prestigious pedigree. Rabbi Isaac Mezrahi implored the boys to take the Shabbaton, and the Aliyah they were experiencing, with them, by identifying one specific growth objective and committing to it. Rabbi Mansour echoed this sentiment, sharing that the secret behind Yaakov’s Avinu’s steadfastness in the wicked Lavan’s house was 40
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his ability to keep with him throughout his long exile the ideals revealed to him in his dream of the ladder. Shabbat’s crowning event was the beloved annual showdown known as the “Torah Bowl.” Year in, year out, this lively competition to master Parasha and Gemara brings out the best in talmidim who have been preparing from the previous month. This year was no exception, and the tension was rising as Rabbi Mezrahi’s 8th grade class attempted to dethrone Rabbi Debbah’s two-time-winning 7th grade class. Ultimately, the dramatic finale ended in a draw with the Torah Bowl victory being awarded to both teams. New for this year, was the “Ask-the-Rabbi” session for 8th graders, hosted by Rabbi Shlomo Haber and Rabbi Kuessous, and attended by Rabbi Bijou, Rabbi Abboud, and Rabbi Mezrahi as well. This was a deep and meaningful exchange between the talmidim and the Rabbanim about many of life’s most important issues. Showing impressive maturity, the boys treated the discussion with the gravity it deserved, imbibing the words of wisdom that the Rabbanim so graciously shared. Spending this Shabbaton together with the Rabbanim and witnessing the way they interacted with their regal families was a great opportunity for Shaare students. Not to be outdone, our students were also well-behaved, and took responsibility for treating the property and staff with the appropriate respect. This behavior was most befitting of a Shabbaton where the mission was to rise beyond our individual needs, forge together, and make a Kiddush Hashem. Indeed, it is the ability to do so that makes a Shaare Torah boy a “Shaare Torah boy.” May Hashem grant us all many more opportunities to be mithazek together and elevate His name.
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Tevet 5777 January 2017
Rabbi Mota Frank, . לד- :תמורה כה Yosef Hershman, . מא- .גיטין לב AUSTRALIA Ezra Goldberg, : כא- .בכורות יב BALTIMORE Ephraim Spero, : יב- .בבא קמא ב Ahron Leib Wealcatch, . מא- :בבא קמא לא BENSONHURST R’ Yisroel C. Bromberg, . קמח- :שבת קלט BORO PARK Ephraim Ausch, : עב- :מנחות סג Jacob Banda, . עא- .בבא בתרא סא Yanky Baum, : כב- .שקלים יג Avrohom Berger, : נד- :כתובות מו Benyomin Hillel Berger, : פה- .עירובין עו Chesky Blau, : קכ- .זבחים קיב Chesky Braver, : יז- .תמורה י Fishy Cohen, : יח- .נדרים י Moishy Cohen, : יח- .נדרים י Simcha Czin, : קכא- :בבא בתרא קי Yecheskel Drezdner, : מו- .כתובות לח Eli Dyckman, . כז- :נדרים יח Yisroel Chaim Eiger, : נד- :כתובות מו Chaim Fasten, צוות Avigdor Follman, : יא- .פסחים ב Berish Freund, . לד- :ערכין כה Tzvi Friedman, : ל- :נזיר כ Pinchas Geller, : יז- .תמורה י Mordechai Gold, : ס- .בבא בתרא נא Sruli Gold, : קנז- .שבת קמח Chuni Goldberger, : ל- :נזיר כ Yonah Goldman, : צג- :שבת פד Burech Dovid Goldstein, . פג- .פסחים עד Yanky Gutman, . יג- .שקלים ב Yumi Haas, : קלח- .בבא בתרא קל Herschel Halberstam, . י- .נדרים ב Yanky Hartman, : קלח- .בבא בתרא קל Shloime (Sol) Heller, . י- .קידושין ב Dwight Hershman, : סג- .נדרים נד Gabriel Hershman, . מא- .גיטין לב Simchi Herzog, : ס- :עבודה זרה מט Tovia Hollander, : יח- .קידושין י Heshy Israel, . עד- .נדרים סד Shulem E Kiwak, צוות Chesky Klein, : כ- :כתובות י Ushi Klein, : עה- .זבחים סו Mordche Koenig, . מח- .נדה מ Shaya Kolman, : מט- :עירובין מא Yanky Krausz, : כא- .יומא יב Sholem Kushner, . יא- .מועד קטן ב Issac Landau, : כח- :כריתות כ Yoely Lebowitz, : פה- :סנהדרין עו Yoel Tzvi Leifer, : קכב- :יבמות קיד Naftuli Leser, צוות M. Lichtenstadter, : קכא- :בבא בתרא קי Sruly Meisner, : כא- :גיטין יא Yossi Mohadeb, : כח- :כתובות כ Heshy Mondrowitz, : לה- .נדרים כז Mechy Morgenstern, . עד- .נדרים סד Yoel Yitzchock Nissen, : עג- :פסחים סה
Rabbi Yakov Reichmin, . י- .נדרים ב Nuta Retek, : יא- .עירובין ב Moshie Rosen, . יא- .נדה ב Rabbi Shaul Rosen, : ט- .ברכות ב Menasha Rosenberg, . לד- :ערכין כה Chesky Rosenfield, : קיט- .בבא קמא קי Mendel Rottenberg, : עג- :פסחים סה Elimelech Rubin, : נג- :נדרים מה Moshe Salczer, : כט- .עבודה זרה כב Chesky Schwartz, . יא- .נדה ב Eli Schwartz, : יח- .קידושין י Yossi Sigall, . קיג- :חולין קג Avrumi Singer, . קי- :מנחות ק Nosson Spira, . צג- .כתובות פג Zorach Binyamin Spira, . צג- .כתובות פג Yossi Tessler, . קיג- :חולין קג Yoel Waxler, צוות Zacharia Waxler, . קי- :בבא קמא ק Suchy Weinberger, : כח- :כריתות כ CHICAGO Yisroel Gluck, . ק- :בבא מציעא צא Harvey Zupnik, : עח- .יבמות ע CROWN HEIGHTS Yitz Goldberg, : ק- .בבא בתרא צב Avi Webb, : עו- :סנהדרין סח DEAL Moshe Gindi, : סד- :נדה נז Mark Mishanieh, : כו- .חולין יח Rabbi Mordechai Nahem, . נו- .חולין מו Joseph Safdeye, . סב- .גיטין נב Yaacob Safdieh, : כו- .חולין יח Yaakov Shwekey, . כא- :מגילה יא FIVE TOWNS Eli Berkovsky, . כו- .יבמות יז Berel Daskal, : קעו- .בבא בתרא קסז Yitzi Daskal, : קעו- .בבא בתרא קסז Asher Diamond, : יט- :שבועות י Elie Dickstein, : י- .שבועות ב Avrumi Farber, : לט- .נדה ל Avi Feldman, : כב- :סנהדרין יב Michael Fruchter, : קמו- :בבא בתרא קלח Berish Fuchs, : כ- .בבא בתרא יא Shabse Fuchs, : כ- .בבא בתרא יא Menachem Gewirtz, . יב- .מעילה ב Yoel Goldberger, . לט- :סוכה כט Michael Harary, : כז- .זבחים יט David Jacobowitz, : נא- :יומא מא R’ Mordechai Kamenetzky, . מה- :נדרים לה Zev Karasick, : לט- .נדה ל Meir Krengel, : כט- :סוכה כ Yoni Mendlowitz, : קכא- .פסחים קיב Jack Paneth, . מו- :קידושין לו Avromi Robinson, . צה- :עירובין פה Chaim Rothstein, . כו- .יבמות יז Moshe Shonek, . סט- :עבודה זרה ס Dov Singer, . יז- :יבמות ח Reuven Singer, . יז- :יבמות ח Leiby Zupnik, : עח- .יבמות ע FLATBUSH Yossi Abadi, . מא- .בבא בתרא לא Rabbi Yizhak Abayei, . יח- .מנחות יא
Moshe Adelman, . כא- :מגילה יא Ronnie Adjmi, . קב- :שבת צג Victor Alfieh, : סא- :יבמות נג Chaim Leibie Alter, . נה- :מנחות מה David Ani, . כב- :עבודה זרה יא Shmuel Askarinam, . נא- .בבא בתרא מא Judah Balasiano, . ס- .בבא קמא נא Mordechai Basch, . קיט- .בבא מציעא קט Willy Beer, . לט- :סוכה כט Victor Bibi, : צ- .מנחות פב Yaakov Bojman, . עו- :עירובין סז Jack Braha, : קיא- :שבת קב Avromi Caller, . צג- .זבחים פג David Cameo, : פז- :יבמות עח Shaul Chamoula, : עו- .עבודה זרה סט Shlomo Chamoula, : עו- .עבודה זרה סט Charles Chehebar, : קיב- .כתובות קג Joey Chehebar, . נז- .נזיר מז Joseph Chehebar, : נז- :פסחים מח Morris Chehebar, : קיב- .כתובות קג Sonny Chehebar, . נז- .נזיר מז Marc Chemtob, : צ- .מנחות פב Mayer Chemtob, . סא- .בכורות נא Albert Choueka, : קיא- :שבת קב Raymond Cohen, . מא- .בכורות לא Benjamin Cytryn, . כב- :עירובין יא Rabbi Eli David, : נז- .זבחים מז Eliezer Dayan, . ע- :יבמות סא Ralph Dayan, . סא- .בכורות נא Avrohom Diamond, : יט- :שבועות י Chaim Drebin, : קג- :חולין צג Albert Dweck, : קלט- .שבת קל Ezra Dweck, . כב- :עירובין יא Yechiel Eisenstadt, : לא- .יומא כב Eliezer Elbaz, . פא- .בבא בתרא עא Ezra Erani, . נט- :סנהדרין מט Nathan Escava, . יא- .שבת ב Albert Esses, : צב- .פסחים פג
Eddie Alan Esses, . כט- .מועד קטן יט Edward Esses, . קמב- .חולין קלב Isaac Esses, . קמב- .חולין קלב Leo Esses, . ס- .בבא קמא נא Raymond Falack, : קיד- .יבמות קז Ikey Fallas, . לב- .מגילה כא Sammy Fallas, . קיב- :פסחים קב Avrohom Farkas, . יא- .סוכה ב Heshy Feder, : צד- :סנהדרין פה Yisroel Feldman, . כא- .נדה יא Chaim Fertig, : כא- :בבא קמא יב Meir Flakser, . קי- :בבא קמא ק David Franco, . עב- :גיטין סב Jake Franco, . קג- .כתובות צג Mark Friedman, . מו- :קידושין לו Mark Gadeh, . עב- :גיטין סב Albert Gammal, . י- .חגיגה ב Eliezer Garfinkel, . עו- :עירובין סז Avi Giladi, . כו- :ברכות יז Eitan Giladi, . לב- :גיטין כא David Gindi, : סד- :נדה נז Harrison Gindi, : נז- .זבחים מז Yonatan Goldenberg, : מט- :שבועות לח Ronny Grazi, . יט- :מועד קטן יא Shaul Greenwald, : פב- :כתובות עב Yeshaya Greenwald, : פב- :כתובות עב Burry Gross, : מט- :סוטה מ Henry Guindi, . כו- :ברכות יז Ray Haber, . מט- .סנהדרין מ Henry Hayfaz, : כא- :ביצה יא Joseph Hayfaz, : כא- :ביצה יא Markdavid Hayfaz, : עב- .כתובות סג Moise Hayfaz, : עב- .כתובות סג Isaac Hidary, : צב- .פסחים פג Avrumi Hirsch, : ח- .יבמות ב Chanoch Hirsch, : ח- .יבמות ב Yochanan Itzkowitz, :לז-. לד- .כה-.מעילה כב David Jemal, . קמח- :שבת קלט
Elliot Jemal, . כז- :חגיגה יח Saul Jemal, . כז- :חגיגה יח Dani Keradnam, : קי- :בבא בתרא ק Eli Khafif, : סג- .מנחות נה Nissim Khafif, : סג- .מנחות נה Avraham Yaakov Klein, . מא- :בבא קמא לא Moishe Kofman, . קל- :בבא בתרא קכא Pinny Kofman, : כט- :סוכה כ Avrohom Leffel, . מה- .ברכות לה Ralph Madeb, : יא- .עבודה זרה ב David Maekitan, : כ- :כריתות יא Elliot Maleh, . י- .חגיגה ב Zev Mandel, : לט- :עבודה זרה כט Aaron Massry, . סה- .חולין נו Jimmy Mishan, . כב- :תענית יב Max B Mizrachi, : יא- .נזיר ב Albert Mizrahi, : לג- .מעילה כה Uri Morris, . יא- .מנחות ב Dovid Muller, . יז- .ערכין י Moshe Mustacchi, . מא- .בבא בתרא לא Moshe Nahum, : פג- .חולין עד Albert Nakash, . לא- .תענית כב David Nakash, . סב- :יומא נא David Nakash, . כא- :פסחים יא Ezra Netanel, . יא- .מועד קטן ב Yossi Neuman, : צד- :סנהדרין פה Rabbi Yosef Ozeiry, . יט- :מועד קטן יא Barry Picker, : ל- .בבא מציעא כא Eli Rakower, . מז- .נזיר לט Howard Rhine, . סה- .חולין נו Schneur Ringel, . יג- .שקלים ב Eli Roberts, : יא- .גיטין ב Sruly Rosenbaum, : לה- .נדרים כז Yerachmial Rosenblatt, : כה- .ערכין יז Nathan Rudy, . כב- :תענית יב Aslan Safdeye, . סב- .גיטין נב Stephen Safdeye, . לב- :גיטין כא Joseph Safdie, . נא- .בבא בתרא מא
LOS ANGELES Yonatan Weiss, . צז- :יבמות פז MANHATTAN Yoni Danzger, : י- .כתובות ב Gabriel Edelman, : קכט- .שבת קכ David Hazan, . מח- .סוכה לט Micha Mandel, : לט- :עבודה זרה כט Baruch Schaulewicz, : נג- .יבמות מד Akiva Schreiber, . כב- .מעילה יב Eli Zicherman, : לו- :זבחים כז MONROE Usher Friedman, . יב- .יומא ב MONROE Joel Leifer, : כא- .יומא יב MONSEY Baruch Abramoff, : סז- .שבת ס Abraham Ausch, : נח- :עירובין מט Yidel Bodansky, : לא- .עירובין כב Yoel Yitzchok Bodek, : צג- :שבת פד Nusi Friedman, . קט- .בבא מציעא ק Shimmy Goldberg, : כא- .בכורות יב Chaim Grunwald, : נח- :עירובין מט Yossi Hartman, . עד- .חולין סה Amrom Herzog, : לא- .סנהדרין כג Eli Herzog, . לא- :בבא בתרא כ Michi (Michael) Herzog, : ס- :עבודה זרה מט Moshe Herzog, : לא- .סנהדרין כג Reuven Herzog, . לא- :בבא בתרא כ Yoichi (Nathan) Herzog, : ק- :מנחות צ Binyomin Kahan, : יח- .חגיגה י Yidel Kahan, : יח- .חגיגה י Moishe Kalmanowitz, : סז- .שבת ס Mendel Klagsbrun, : כט- :שבועות יט Usher Lemel Klein, . לט- :נזיר ל Shulem Lebowitz, . ע- .יומא סב Chaim M. Lefkowitz, : פ- :בבא מציעא ע Jacob Lefkowitz, : פ- :בבא מציעא ע Leiby Lefkowitz, . מא- :שבת לא Yakov Yosef Lefkowitz, : ק- .בבא קמא צ Yossi Lefkowitz, : מ- :בבא מציעא ל Herschel Leiner, . יב- .בבא מציעא ב Yissochor (Barry) Lichter, : פד- :שבת עו Isaac Mayer, : נג- :נדרים מה Avi Moeller, : יב- .תענית ב Levi Moeller, . צ- :בבא קמא עט Srully Neiman, . קיט- .בבא מציעא קט Sruly Neiman, . סו- .זבחים נח Lipa Perl, . יג- .מכות ב Sruly Perl, . לט- :נזיר ל Michael Rausman, : סז- :עירובין נח Yosef Dov Rosenberg, : לא- .עירובין כב Akiva Rudner, . י- .קידושין ב Menachem Schlesinger, . נב- .גיטין מא Yehuda Schuster, : לט- .סנהדרין לב Mayer Schwartz, : כ- :נזיר יא Hershy Shtasel, . מא- :שבת לא David Sobel, . צ- :בבא קמא עט Dr. Joseph D. Sutton, . נט- :סנהדרין מט Aron Betzalel Turnheim, : סה- .פסחים נח Moshe Webster, . סו- .זבחים נח Ruben Werczberger, . יט- .זבחים י MONTREAL David Elbaz, . פא- .בבא בתרא עא PASSAIC/CLIFTON Yakov Brachfeld, . יד- :הוריות ח Moshe Danzger, : י- .כתובות ב Avi Einhorn, : לו- .קידושין כח
QUEENS Avram Block, . נז- .נדה מח Shmuel Cohen, : קו- .יבמות צז Yisroel Cohen, : קו- .יבמות צז Ari Elbogen, . קנז- :בבא בתרא קמו Aaron Gordon, : קב- :פסחים צב Herman Hertzberg, : נא- .שבת מא Ari Hoch, : צ- .גיטין פב Nechemiah Hoch, . פח- :יומא עח Rabbi Menachem Katz, : קג- :חולין צג Chaim Kurz, : מא- :יומא לא Dovid Kurz, : מא- :יומא לא Yoni May, : כ- .סוכה יא Avery Niman, : כ- .סוכה יא Eytan Rosenbaum, : עח- .יומא ע Moshe Steinberg, . לה- .יבמות כו Sruli Tratner, : עח- .יומא ע SEA GATE Nachmi Friedman, . פג- :זבחים עה Zvi Rosenberg, . י- .חולין ב Avrumi Waldman, . פג- :זבחים עה Joel Wolhendler, . קה- .עירובין צה Yosef B Wolhendler, . קה- .עירובין צה STATEN ISLAND Moti Binet, : לא- :בבא קמא כא Tzvi Drebin, : פג- .נדרים עד Shua Katz, . נא- .בבא קמא מא Zisha Kohn, : פג- .נדרים עד Rafi Merl, . יב- .בכורות ב Yitzy Newman, . נא- .בבא קמא מא TEANECK Jackie Feigenbaum, . ע- .בבא קמא ס Jason Finkelstein, . ע- .בבא קמא ס Harvey Grossbard, . פב- :מנחות עב Adam Hertzberg, : נא- .שבת מא Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg, : ח- .הוריות ב WILLIAMSBURG Usher Moshe Blum, : ל- .פסחים כא Avram Brach, : מ- :ביצה לא Solomon Feder, : כ- :כריתות יא Cheskel Feldman, . נא- .בכורות מא Meilech Fischer, : מח- :פסחים לט Moshe Fisher, : סו- .נזיר נז Yaakov Friedman, : לא- :ביצה כא Shimon Gertner, . י- .תמורה ב Mordy Getz, . לח- .מנחות כח Levy Gold, . נא- .בכורות מא Levi Yitzchok Gross, : מח- :פסחים לט Joseph Jacob, : יז- :ברכות ט Yoneson Lefkowitz, : צא- :בבא מציעא פ Shloma Lieberman, : קכט- .שבת קכ Yoel Zev Lowy, . י- .ערכין ב Moshe David Perl, . יג- .מכות ב Chaim Perlstein, : מ- :בבא מציעא ל Zevi Posner, : לח- .שבועות ל Joel Rosenberg, : ל- .פסחים כא Yoely Samuel, . לז- .חולין כז Hersh Schwarcz, . ס- :שבת נא Yanky Silberman, : לא- :ביצה כא Chaim Yoel Spitz, . לז- .חולין כז Mordechai Trieger, צוות Yoel Tyrnauer, : יז- :ברכות ט Rabbi Chaim Unger, . לח- .מנחות כח Zalman Leib Weichbrod, . לא- :בכורות כא Chaim Weichman, צוות Binyomin Weiser, : יא- .מגילה ב Chaim Arye Weiser, : יא- .מגילה ב
LAKEWOOD Yaacov Bendayan, . ל- .נדה כא Avrumi Berger, : יא- .כריתות ב Azriel Berger, : מא- :עירובין לא Mendel Bernath, . סח- .סנהדרין נט Colev Brody, . כא- .סוטה יא Yehuda Davis, . סג- :כתובות נד Zalman Drew, : יא- .ביצה ב Dovid Eisdorfer, . קג- .זבחים צג Yosef Eisen, . קכג- .חולין קיג Moishe Fisher, : צג- :חולין פג Yoel Friedman, : יא- .עירובין ב Mordechai Geller, : עט- .בבא קמא ע Shimon Geller, : עט- .בבא קמא ע Ari Glovinsky, : צא- :נדרים פג Rafael Goldberg, : כה- :תמורה יז Pinny Goldstien, : יא- .ביצה ב Mordy Gross, : יב- .סנהדרין ב Chaim (Charles) Herzog, : ק- :מנחות צ Jack Judowitz, . יא- .בבא בתרא ב David Kassin, : יא- .נזיר ב Chananya Dov Krausz, . פג- .פסחים עד Yisroel Leiner, . יב- .בבא מציעא ב Yossi Lipschitz, . קג- .זבחים צג Yisroel Meir Maidi, : מט- :עבודה זרה לט Yoni Morgenstern, . יא- .בבא בתרא ב Yeshaya Moskowitz, : לט- :פסחים ל Sasson Ouzer, . ל- .נדה כא Tzadok Picker, : ל- .בבא מציעא כא Yosef Portnoy, . יח- .חולין י Zev Portnoy, : ס- .בבא מציעא נא Shimon Prag, : כב- :סנהדרין יב Ari Rosenberg, . י- .חולין ב Avrumy Rosenberg, : יא- .כריתות ב Duvid Rosenberg, . י- .זבחים ב Pini Rozenberg, : כט- .עבודה זרה כב
LONG ISLAND Sammy Banilivy, . מא- .בכורות לא
Dovid Einhorn, : קד- :סנהדרין צד Neal Einhorn, : לו- .קידושין כח Yaacov Feit, . סד- .ברכות נד Dovie Friedman, : לד- .ברכות כו Duvy Gross, . כא- .בבא מציעא יב Jonathan Kessel, . קכ- :שבת קיא Eytan London, : קיג- :סנהדרין קד Chaim Moeller, : יב- .תענית ב Dovid Selengut, : לא- :שבת כ Dovid Sukenik, : ע- :בבא מציעא ס Eli Weissmann, : לד- .ברכות כו
FRANCE Yaakov Yosef Yudkowsky, . כח- .מנחות יח
Yonason Schlesinger, . נב- .גיטין מא Yehudah Selengut, : לא- :שבת כ Schulem Sonnenblick, . מה- .ברכות לה Yanky Spero, : יב- .בבא קמא ב Yitzchok Spigelman, : צג- :חולין פג Yehoshua Stavsky, : מה- .מנחות לח Zecharyah Stavsky, : מה- .מנחות לח Naftoli Stern, . מז- :זבחים לו Moshe Wadiche, . קב- :שבת צג
Morris Safdie, . נו- .חולין מו Alan Safdieh, : קיד- .יבמות קז Charles Safdieh, . פב- .גיטין עב Joseph Jeffrey Safdieh, : ט- .ראש השנה ב Moses Safdieh, . קיב- :פסחים קב Sonny Safdieh, : נג- .ברכות מה Sammy Saka, . ע- :יבמות סא Albert Sardar, : פג- .חולין עד Edmond Sardar, . מו- .חולין לז Samuel Sasson, . מו- .חולין לז Chaim Scharf, . יא- .סוכה ב Aryeh Schonfeld, . קיב- .זבחים קג Aron Shloime Schwartz, : כא- :גיטין יא Eliezer Selengut, : צא- .בבא בתרא פא Rachamim Semah, : פז- :יבמות עח David Shammah, . לא- .תענית כב Rabbi David Shelby, . לב- .מגילה כא Yehudah Sokel, . לח- .כתובות כט Tzvi Spero, :לז-. לד- .כה-.מעילה כב Benny Srour, : סא- :יבמות נג Joey Stavrach, . קג- .כתובות צג Albert Steinberg, . כט- .מועד קטן יט Dovi Steinberg, : כד- .מכות יג Rabbi David Sutton, . מט- .סנהדרין מ Steven Sutton, : עו- :שבת סז Aron Tessler, : מ- .סוטה לא Kalmy Tessler, . יא- .סוטה ב Mendel Tessler, . לא- .סוטה כא Shloime Vogel, . מד- .יבמות לה Yehuda Wadiche, : עו- :שבת סז Michael Wahba, . נא- :בבא מציעא מ Solomon Wahba, . נא- :בבא מציעא מ Tzvi Weill, : נו- .סוכה מח Aryeh Weiss, . קלב- .חולין קכג Shlomo Weissman, : כ- .שבת יא Moshe Wolfson, : קנז- .שבת קמח Yosef Chaim Yafeh, : לג- .מעילה כה Yosef Zaafarani, . כא- :פסחים יא Charles Zami, : נז- :פסחים מח Yitz Zanziper, . קסז- .בבא בתרא קנז Yossef Zayat, . יא- .שבת ב
:סו-.נזיר נז
:יז-:ברכות ט
Moshe Fisher $12,600
Yoel Tyrnauer $10,970
.יא-.סוכה ב
Chaim Scharf Avrohom Farkas
:עו-:שבת סז
Steven Sutton Yehuda Wadiche
:עח-.יבמות ע
Harvey Zupnik Leiby Zupnik
.י-.נדרים ב
Herschel Halberstam Rabbi Yakov Reichmin
:י-.כתובות ב
Yoni Danzger Moshe Danzger
.לט-:סוכה כט
Willy Beer Yoel Goldberger
.לד-:תמורה כה
Rabbi Mota Frank $7,318
:נא-.שבת מא
Adam Hertzberg Herman Hertzberg
71+29 29+� +71� 2,711
סדר זרעים
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סדר מועד
סדר נזיקין
לרפואת חיים יהודה מאיר בן דינה
סדר קדשים
סדר טהרות
of From The Files the BET DIN
Case Closed?
Rabbi Max Sutton, Rosh Bet Din Aram Soba, Jerusalem, Israel
Alan resided on a university campus and shared a room with Bobby and Sam. Bobby and Sam were each independently in the used cell phone business and they both supplied phones for the student body. One afternoon, Alan left his phone in his room to charge. Upon his return some two hours later, the phone was missing. Since he’d locked the room before he left and found the door still locked upon his return, he accused Bobby and Sam of stealing his phone. Alan immediately reached out to our Bet Din to help resolve the matter. Upon brief investigation, it was apparent that either Bobby or Sam had stolen the phone; the room’s lock had recently been changed and all of the keys were safely in Alan, Bobby, and Sam’s possession. When questioned, however, both denied entering the room during the two-hour period Alan had been gone. Each held the other person responsible for stealing the phone. With no concrete evidence of who the culprit could be, our Bet Din was compelled to dismiss the case. That same evening, Bobby was expelled from school on severe charges unrelated to the theft. Having lost the customer base for his business, he sold all of his cell phones to Sam at a discounted price. Immediately thereafter, Alan reopened his claim against Sam, demanding the return of his phone, which he felt was clearly in Sam’s possession. Alan reasoned that Sam had either stolen his phone or purchased it from Bobby. Sam reinstated that he did not steal Alan’s phone and that his purchase of Bobby’s stock came after the Bet Din had absolved Bobby of blame. Sam further claimed that he lawfully purchased Bobby’s stock, which had no charge upon it. Is the Bet Din to reopen the case against Sam or not? How should the Bet Din rule and why?
TORAH LAW According to the ruling of the Shulhan Aruch, in instances in which a claimant is suing two separate parties for damages only one party inflicted, he can only recover his loss if the guilty party comes forward and takes responsibility. If, however, both parties deny liability by blaming the other for damages, they are both absolved from payment. Each is not required to make even a partial payment since no evidence exists as to who inflicted the damage. Hence, in the absence of an absolute claim, a plaintiff cannot recover his loss. A decision submitted by a Bet Din to absolve a defendant of liability due to the lack of evidence against him is valid and effective like all other verdicts submitted. In a classic ruling in the Shulhan Aruch, four parties were absolved from returning a strip of property to a claimant since he could not prove which of the four originally sold him their land. Thereafter, the four sold all of their properties to one party, thereby creating a situation in which the claimant’s lost strip of land was now inevitably in the possession of one new owner. Although the claimant opened legal proceedings against the new owner, his attempt to retrieve his strip of land
was nevertheless rejected. The logic behind this ruling is that a buyer purchasing property is entitled to all the rights and benefits of the seller that existed at the time of sale. Since the new owner purchased the rights of each of the four sellers’ abilities to deny the claimant of a strip of their land, the claimant is once again rejected. The abovementioned ruling is applicable in instances in which a buyer purchases a legal right of a seller. If, however, an item is stolen by one of two parties, and both deny all accusations, and thereafter one of the two purchases all of the other’s stock, the above ruling does not apply. Since the item was stolen, the buyer did not purchase a legal right which belonged to the seller. Hence, the buyer of the stock is either guilty of stealing the item himself or of knowingly purchasing stolen merchandise from a thief. One who knowingly purchases stolen merchandise is obligated to return the stolen goods to its rightful owner. He is not entitled to collect from the owner any reimbursement for the purchase he made. As a matter of fact, some halachic authorities absolve the thief from reimbursing the buyer, since the buyer was aware that the merchandise was stolen.
Endnotes: Tractate Yebamot 37b, Tractate Ketubot 109b, Shulhan Aruch Hoshen Mishpat 148:1, 2, Shach end of tokfo Cohen, Netivot Hamishpat 25 Dinei Tefisah:25, see also Netivot Hamishpat 148:1, Shulhan Aruch Hoshen Mishpat 356:2, Shach 356:7.
VERDICT An Illegal Purchase Our Bet Din ruled that Sam is obligated to return Alan’s stolen phone to him. Even if Sam believes that he is not the thief, nevertheless, he knowingly purchased the stolen phone from Bobby. Hence, Sam is required to return the phone to Alan without reimbursement of his purchase price. Although originally our Bet Din absolved both Sam and Bobby due to the lack of incriminating evidence, once Sam purchased all of Bobby’s stock, it became inevitable that he possessed stolen merchandise. Sam complied with our ruling and presented before Alan the entire stock of phones in his possession. Although the information on the phones was deleted, nonetheless Alan claims to have clearly recognized his phone and collected his loss. Our Bet Din further chastised Sam and Bobby for their foul business dealings, especially since neither of the two was willing to confess to the crime. In all publications of the Files of the Bet Din, the names and details of the case are changed in order to protect the privacy of the parties involved.
Community Magazine
Be the
Judge! EASY Double Crossed?
Harry, a real estate developer, agreed to become partners with Steve, who would provide the financial backing for the building of a new shopping mall. The two decided that Harry’s corporation would offer their bid on the property for sale and, if their bid was accepted, Steve would arrange the payment. At first their bid was rejected but, months later, when the highest bidder was disqualified, Harry’s corporation ultimately purchased the property. Steve pressed charges against Harry in Bet Din claiming that he swindled the deal from him.
Since 1972 Elegant Linen has served thousands of kallahs with attention to detail and personalized service. You deserve royalty. You deserve Elegant Linen. You deserve great prices. Stunning new winter styles in stock!
Harry, the winner of the auction, sold 50% of the shares to another investor for five million dollars upfront. Steve not only demanded that half of that sum be forwarded to him, he also claimed to be owed half the anticipated revenue once the shopping mall was complete. Harry confirmed that he sold half the shares for five million dollars to an outside investor, but defended that Steve left out a very important detail in his story. Harry asserted that Steve phoned him to back out of the deal almost immediately after they offered their bid for the property. Harry said, that the explanation Steve gave him for reneging was that another opportunity came up which would tie up most of his available credit line. Steve responded by denying that any such phone call took place and that Harry used him to secure the purchase and later dumped him. Is Steve entitled to the proceeds of the shares sold by Harry? How Should The Bet Din Rule And Why?
YOU BE THE JUDGE and send your response to
YouJudge@CommunityM.com Verdicts – and the accompanying rationale – will be reviewed by the Rosh Bet Din. The first three correct submissions received before the deadline will
win a $50 gift certificate to a Community Magazine advertiser! Correct entries will receive honorable mention in the next issue when the Rosh Bet Din’s verdict is printed.
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Tevet 5777 January 2017
The Top
Questions & Answers Regarding Customs and Laws of
Kavanah In Tefilah – Intention During Prayer 4
What is the basic kavanah (intent) one should have when praying? The Shulchan Aruch in Orach Chaim (O.C. 98:1) states that one who is praying should: a) Have kavanah in regards to the simple interpretation of the words he is praying by thinking of their meaning before saying them. The Kaf Hachaim (O.C. 98:2) emphasizes that one should be particularly sure to enunciate and pronounce the vowels of each word correctly. b) One should also envision, to the best of his ability, that Hashem is in front of him. In that vein, he should be mindful of the fact that he is standing in front of Hashem. To ground his understanding, he should remove all other thoughts from his head and visualize himself standing in front of a human king. In that situation, how much would he take care with his words so as not to stumble? All the more so, then, would he act respectfully in front of Hashem the King of Kings. The Mishnah Berurah (98:1) says that one shouldn’t focus on the deep mystical meaning of the words or on connecting Hashem’s names to them, unless he is on an extremely high level, as more damage than benefit can come from such actions if any average person were to attempt them.
We know that the act of prayer has replaced bringing a Korban (sacrifice). What important halachot are gleaned from this comparison? The Shulchan Aruch (98:4) states prayer serves in place of a sacrificial offering to Hashem. Therefore one should be cautious to: a) Focus while praying, without allowing intruding thoughts to enter his mind. After all, entertaining other intruding thoughts while performing a sacrifice rendered it invalid. b) Stand during Amidah, just as the service of the korban was done standing. c) Have a set place to pray just as a korban had a designated place in which it was slaughtered and its blood sprinkled before the sacrifice. d) Allow no separation between oneself and the wall, just as a chatzitzah (separation) between a person and the vessel of service disqualified the korban. e) Don special, respectable garments for prayer, just as the Kohen wore special garments when performing his service in the Beit Hamikdash. Even if one cannot afford a whole special wardrobe for prayer, he should at the very least wear a clean pair of pants in honor of standing in front of Hashem.
Assuming one does have kavanah, is there an other kind of mindset that would prevent one’s prayers from being accepted? The Shulchan Aruch (98:5) states that one shouldn’t think to himself, “Since I had kavanah it is befitting for Hashem to fulfill my request,” as such thoughts cause Hashem to analyze whether this individual is truly worthy of receiving his heart’s desires. Rather one should humble himself and think, “I am a poor simple creation standing in front of the King of Kings. Please Hashem, although I may not be worthy of this desired request, in Your abundant kindness and mercy, please fulfill my request.”
What actions can one take to prepare himself for praying? The pasuk says “Hikon LeKrat Elokecha” – prepare yourself before coming in front of Hashem. Just as meticulous preparation before a wedding enhances the pleasure of the wedding itself, so too, the more one prepares himself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to converse with Hashem, the more enjoyable and powerful his praying experience will be. Here are some recommended ways to prepare for prayer: a) When possible, one should arrive early to minyan in order to spend time clearing his mind before beginning to pray. His mind should be clear and pure for tefilah. (Shulchan Aruch 98:1) b) Before praying, it is advisable not to engage in trivial matters or idle speech. Rather one should pursue spiritual actions such as dipping in a mikveh, doing netilat yadayim, learning Torah, or giving tzedakah (Shulchan Aruch O.C. 92:10). As it says in Tehilim, “Ani Betzedek Echezeh Panecha” – I (Hashem) will come in front of your face with righteousness” – meaning when one behaves righteously. c) One should prepare himself physically by blowing his nose and using the restroom before beginning his prayers. He should also clean his physical surroundings so that he can maximize his kavanah during tefilah (S.A. O.C. 92:3 and 2:6). d) It says of one who has a set place to pray “The Gd of Abraham will be to his aid.” (Berachot 6b, Shulchan Aruch 90:19)
What is the minimum required for one to fulfill his obligation of praying the Amidah? At a bare minimum, one needs to have kavanah in the first berachah of the Amidah, concluding with the words “Magen Avraham.” Although it does state that one who didn’t have this minimal kavanah on any blessing must repeat the Amidah, numerous Halachic sources concede that since the average person’s kavanah today is not stellar, it is advisable not to repeat the Amidah, as this might constitute saying a blessing in vain if proper kavanah is not executed the second time. At the very least, one should face eastward and have in mind that he is standing in front of Hashem in the direction of the Kodesh Kodashim in the Beit Hamikdash.
What is a person allowed to hold while praying? The Shulchan Aruch (O.C. 96:1,2) explains that one should not hold any object that he fears may fall out of his hand, (such as tefillin, a holy book, a full plate, a knife, or money), so that he doesn’t become distracted while praying. Additionally, the Aruch Hashulchan (O.C. 97:7) says that one should not hold a tissue or a cane during tefilah. However, holding a lulav during tefilah on Sukkot is permitted, since one is involved in a beloved mitzvah while using it. Also, a Sefer Torah may be held during prayers at the appropriate time when the Torah is taken out. Likewise, one may hold a siddur in which to pray from, since he is using it to enhance his praying.
For the Hatzlacha of Michal and Sivan Bat Tovah 46
Community Magazine
Rabbi Daniel D. Levy
Is it advisable for one to pray at a wedding, or wait until later and pray in a minyan at shul? The Shulchan Aruch (98:2) states one should not pray in a place or at a time that will counteract one’s kavanah. The Mishnah Berurah (98:4, 5, 7) specifies such a place to be one that has a strong fragrance that might hinder one’s focus. So, too, it specifies an inappropriate time to be one where concentration is difficult due to pain, anger, or lethargy from traveling. Although most people today struggle to stay focused when praying and don’t maximize their kavanah, nonetheless one should do his best to foster the most ideal mindset and external conditions necessary to having kavanah. If one is not needed for a minyan at the wedding and can pray later in a shul minyan with better focus, then it is advisable for him to pray later. However, if the wedding guests are his only minyan option and he won’t have a feasible opportunity to pray later with kavanah, then he should pray at the wedding.
What is the minimum kavanah one needs in order to fulfill his obligation of the Keriyat Shema? The Shulchan Aruch (O.C. 63:4) goes with the lenient opinion (expressed in the Gemarah Berachot 13) that at a minimum one should have kavanah in the first pasuk of Shema Yisrael. If one did not have kavanah there, he must repeat it. The Mishnah Berurah (O.C. 63:12) proclaims that one must have kavanah when saying the pasuk of Baruch Shem Kevod... otherwise he must repeat it. Tosafot in Berachot 13a says that during the first few pesukim of Shema one should have the following intentions: a) To emphasize the oneness of Hashem. Ein Od Milvado: He is the source and only powerful force behind everything that happens in this world. b) To love Hashem with one’s whole heart, realizing that everything, whether it seems good or bad, is done ultimately out of love from Hashem, with our best interests in mind. c) To fear Hashem and feel the proper reverence for Him. The Shulchan Aruch (63:6) states that during the whole first paragraph of Shema one should not wink, mouth words, or motion with his fingers, as the theme of the first paragraph is accepting the yoke of Hashem’s kingdom and exhibiting these inappropriate actions during Shema is clearly in contradiction to that.
Is it preferable for one to pray in a minyan that has kavanah if he will only be able to pray part of the prayers with them? Or is it better for him to pray the full length of the prayers in a different minyan where kavanah is not emphasized? Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Aurebach (Tefilah Kehilchatah Ch.2:28) says that even if he will need to it’s preferable to pray in a minyan with leave before the completion of the prayers. This holds true because Tefilah is “Avodat Halev” the service of the heart. Even if he will miss Keriyat Hatorah on Monday or Thursday, he should pray in the minyan that has more kavanah. Of course, best of all would be for him to pray the full prayers in a minyan that is conducive to having kavanah.
What should one do if inappropriate thoughts enter his mind during prayers? The Shulchan Aruch (98:1) states that one should wait until the inappropriate thought passes. Then, one should think of things that humble his heart to his Father in Heaven.
s'xc Sanz Medical Center-Laniado Hospital Netanya, Israel
The Gabriel Cabra Bildirici Diabetes Center The administration of Laniado Hospital and the staff of The Gabriel Cabra Bildirici Diabetes Center mourn the passing of our dear friend and founder
YEHOSHUA HACOHEN (CHARLIE) BILDIRICI, z”l Who worked tirelessly to build the Diabetes Center Our heartfelt condolences to the distinguished Family Mother: Sarah Nina Wife: Miriam and the Children Brothers: Avraham Moshe (Morris), Joseph, David and Nissim Bildirici
מן השמים תנחמו American Friends of Laniado Hospital 261 West 35th Street, Suite 803, New York, New York 10001 Tel: 212-944-2690 Fax: 212-944-7512 E-mail: laniado@laniadousa.org www.laniadohospital.org
and Rachel Bat Adele Tevet 5777 January 2017
miriam sasson
An Exclusive Interview with
Selene Schweky of SM Stitches
Lisa* threw her carry-on into the overhead compartment and sank into her seat, smiling. True, she wasn’t fond of lengthy plane rides, but she couldn’t wait to lose herself for the coming few hours in her favorite pastime: needlepointing. She lifted a green cloth bag onto her lap and removed a large canvas splashed with various hues of blue and gray. Lisa began to stitch in delightful monotony until a strange “ahem” jolted her back to her senses. “Excuse me, Miss,” a stewardess addressed her, pointing to the green needlepointing bag. “I hope you don’t mind my asking, but I see so many travelers with these bags! What are they?” Lisa held up her SM Stitches bag and showed the curious stewardess its contents. She had a good laugh as she realized she was just one of hundreds with a needlepointing hobby.
SM Stitches, a Needlepoint Oasis
Selene Schweky – the woman behind the trademark green needlepointing bags – is the owner of and brains behind SM Stitches, along with her son, Morris Schweky. SM Stitches is your start-to-finish custom needlepointing shop and second home to hundreds of needlepoint enthusiasts. From the classic tallit bag (kuracha) to wristlets, challah covers and pillow cases, SM Stitches has it all. In fact, Selene states, “You think of anything that can be needlepointed, and we will do it! Anything!” The options are endless, as Selene has made canvases for book covers, backgammon sets, belts, table runners, silverware caddies and more. SM Stitches has executed people’s more unusual needlepointed visions too – rocking chair cushions, baby photos, lulav covers and even a Monopoly board. Amazingly, each needlepoint canvas is hand-painted. SM Stitches boasts thousands of canvases, patterns, colors and threads, as anyone who has visited the place can attest. There are eight staff members on hand, friendly and patient, to walk 48
Community Magazine
Style SPIRIT &
customers through their stitching experience. What is found at SM Stitches cannot be found elsewhere.
It All Began with a Challah Cover
Selene Schweky reflects upon the founding of SM Stitches. She relates, “My artistic abilities are inborn; as a child, I drew, needlepointed, and created mosaic. My mother always nurtured my talent and encouraged me, as well.” (Selene’s five children, all of whom are, or at one point were, on staff at SM Stitches, have inherited Selene’s artistic flair, too.) Selene continues, “Thirteen years ago, I purchased a canvas to make a challah cover for when my son got married.” However, the one she bought simply didn’t do it for her. Naturally artistic, she decided to design her own. She purchased a blank canvas and some markers from a local fabric store – “never mind that both were the wrong kind of equipment for the job!” – and began to draw. She was pleased with her design and, after much trial and error, grasped which tools she needed to do the job properly. Selene, along with her son Morris, designed several canvases until her friend, Caren Rishty, informed her, “You are bringing those designs and presenting them at the [upcoming] boutique show.” “I came with around twenty canvases and a selection of just forty cotton threads,” Selene recalls. “But it was a huge success!” Before they knew it, mother and son were in business fifty-fifty, and the orders began to trickle in. “People wanted something different than what was out there,” Selene muses, and they were after the Schwekys’ intriguing geometric patterns. Eventually, the two of them were busy selling needlepoint paraphernalia out of their house from the morning until as late as 11pm. It was high time the home-based business advanced to the next level. Did Selene envision the giant storefront that SM Stitches is today?
“My mother always nurtured my talent and encouraged me, as well.” “Never in a million years!” she says. She’d married and had her children at a young age, and was content being a homemaker. “I never worked a day in my life!” she exclaims. “If anything,” Selene says, “I thought that maybe one day I’d open a cute, little home-based business.” Today, though, SM Stitches continues to expand, branching out in different directions.
Keeping up the Good Work
Things can grow hectic at SM Stitches, but Selene and her crew always come through in what she calls “crisis moments.” Customers call with last minute emergencies. They might require that a needlepointed item be ready for a swanee, which “oh, by the way, is in two days.” Selene relates, “we’ll get a phone call from a customer several nights before her son’s Bar Mitzvah, saying that she wasn’t able to finish needlepointing her son’s bag and can we please help.” Of course, SM Stitches does. Tension reaches its zenith before intersession, Selene’s busiest season, as everyone wants something to needlepoint while on vacation. “We’ll be up until five am painting to have canvases ready in time,” says the needlepointing dynamo. What helps Selene make it through during high-pressure moments? “Coffee!” is her instant reply. Selene Schweky also revels in the satisfaction her work gives her. “It’s nice that you can see anyone in the world with our green bag,” she comments. Additionally, Selene loves the opportunity to meet so many new and interesting people. After all, her needlepoint fans hail from all over the world, whether Sephardic, Ashkenazic, or altogether outside of the Jewish community. More often than not, SM Stitches receives phone calls from happy customers expressing their appreciation, which also keeps Selene going in her work. “And, of course, my whole staff is great!” Selene exclaims, referring to her staff members as her second family. “I couldn’t do it without them.”
Selene Reflects
“You look at the world with a different eye,” Selene, with her artistic eye, states. Selene sees everything around her as a potential design for a needlepoint canvas. She is constantly shooting photos of everyday items around her: a skirt, a fence, a carpet, and stones of a building. “Once, in California, I snapped a photograph of an interesting stair rail that I thought would make an interesting canvas,” she says. Selene firmly believes that anyone can learn the art of needlepointing. “Even people who start out with no interest in it realize it’s for them and grow addicted,” she states. Relaxing, fun, and therapeutic are some of needlepointing’s most common descriptions. When SM Stitches was in its infancy, co-owner Morris Schweky declared: “We need to see a change in the needlepoint kuracha (tallit bag) industry. Selene and her son have embarked on the journey that rendered that vision into a reality – a reality from which hundreds are benefitting today. Tevet 5777 January 2017
Tammy Sassoon
Implementation of Positive Parenting Strategies
ecently, I’ve been receiving a lot of phone calls and emails from parents. They tell me that they’ve learned so many parenting strategies, yet have such difficulty implementing them! Some of these parents even say that they’ve attended multiple parenting classes and read scores of parenting books and yet can’t seem to apply what they have learned. These struggling mothers are less alone than they realize. Though they believe their child-rearing problems to be unique, the remedy is actually universal. Below is the answer I repeatedly offer: I very much identify with what you’re saying. While raising my first few kids, I also found that though I knew so many parenting strategies, something was stopping me from being able to implement them. And so I read more, and attended more courses but even these additional efforts were still not producing results. I came to the realization that all the knowledge and education in the world would only be so valuable. Along with it, I needed to maintain my inner state of serenity. I needed to stop trying to change my kids, and start working on changing me.
Why was I unable to use calm language while the kids were fighting? Why was I unable to use strategies that I knew would be effective when the kids struggled to listen? The resounding answer I came to was that I was not calm inside. But I still wondered: What do people who don’t yell at their kids do to achieve that state of serenity?
Givers and Takers
They accept life on life’s terms. They don’t expect, they accept. There are two possible ways to conduct your life. The first is as a “taker,” and the second is as a “giver.” The “taker” spends much of his or her day figuring out what he or she can get out of life. (I want to find a good parking spot, I want a raise, I want my kids to behave, I want my kids to do their homework quickly, I,I,I,I,I, etc.) The “taker” has a long wish list of all the conditions necessary for him or her to live a fulfilling and productive life. Of course, many of these things do not materialize, because often Gd has a different, smarter, better plan in mind. And because of that, one who views life from a taker’s perspective experiences repeated disappointment.
The giver’s perspective is the exact opposite. The “giver” asks himself: “What can I bring to life today? How can I be of service to those around me?” Such a person achieves a true state of inner peace, because he or she is focused on fulfilling their purpose in this world. When her children go off to school, a mother who is a “giver” reflects, “I am so lucky to have had this opportunity to help my kids get ready for school.” So, too, when this same mother finds her kids fighting, she asks Hashem, “How can I be of service to You and Your children right now?” With this sense of inner peace, she separates the kids without any distress. In case you’re concerned that you have been a taker for much of your life, don’t worry too much. The fact of the matter is, that’s the state we were all created in. Hashem meant for us to be takers and enjoy the bounty of His world. Throughout our lifetimes, though, our goal as parents, and as human beings, should be to move away from the selfish state that we were created in and towards the selfless mentality of a “giver.” This transition may happen slowly, and it’s okay to take it one day at a time. On a practical level, you can start by doing two things: 1. Upon waking up each morning, ask Hashem to aid you in being a giver that day. Ask for the understanding and foresight needed for you to take just the right steps to help others. 2. When you find yourself struggling to parent well, ask Hashem to remove your own will from the situation, so that you can better figure out what He wants from you in that moment. If you’re like me, you’ll find that this inner work will give you the ability to implement the strategies that you once found so difficult to use.
Tammy Sassoon is a behavioral therapist and parenting coach. She gives live workshops as well as “train by phone” telecourses to teachers, principals, therapists, and parents, in order to help them gain compliance from even the most oppositional children. She can be contacted through her website, www.tammysassoon.com.
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How To Pack A Suitcase If you’re like me, you don’t enjoy packing for a trip. Figuring out how to get everything to fit compactly into a suitcase, keeping it within the airline’s weight limits, and hoping nothing gets ruined inside has always been somewhat of a challenge. With that being said, I do believe I’ve pretty much mastered the task. Use these tips for a well-packed suitcase: The first thing I do before packing a suitcase is stock up on plastic dry cleaning bags, Ziplock bags, and compression “space” bags. I pack all clothing between the dry cleaning bags to ensure nothing gets wrinkled. Ziplock bags keep everything secure and compression bags save tons of space.
Place toiletries in Ziplock bags or toiletry bags. Never fill bottled liquids to the top because the reduced air pressure can cause the liquids to expand and overflow. Place plastic wrap under the bottle caps to prevent spills and leaks.
Pack shoes first at the bottom of the suitcase. Roll belts and socks into the shoes to save space. Pack shoes in either dust bags or shower caps to keep the heels from touching your clothing.
Pour small amounts of lotion or cream into empty contact lens cases to save space. Pack small earrings, rings, and cuff links in pill cases with compartments. Stud earrings can be fastened into button holes before packing them to ensure they don’t get lost.
Roll or fold heavier clothing, such as jeans and sweaters. Keep rolls tight to save space and prevent wrinkles. Pack your sweaters in compression bags as another means of saving space.
Place necklaces in between two sheets of ‘Press and Seal’ plastic wrap to prevent tangling. Chargers and cords can be stored in a soft glasses case or a Ziplock bag.
Pack folded undergarments inside handbags. You’ll save space and the bag will keep its shape too.
Pack a lightweight, collapsible mesh laundry bag to collect and keep dirty clothes together while away. Bring a compressor “space” bag and a few dryer sheets in which to pack all the dirty laundry for your return. This way it won’t take up too much space and the odor won’t ruin everything else.
Pack lighter clothing on top of heavier items. You can fold or roll. I like to fold as little as possible and separate clothing between dry cleaning plastic so that everything stays completely wrinkle-free. Turn suit jackets inside out before placing them inside a dry cleaning plastic bag. Place them on the top layer with the dress shirts. Roll belts inside shirt collars to maintain their shape.
Make a check list of the items you’re packing and keep it in your suitcase with all of the plastic bags to use again for your next trip.
Marie Torgueman is a Professional Organizer and the owner of Hangers Plus. If you would like more information or need professional organizing services, call 917-797-3057.
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Tevet 5777 January 2017
Shaatra DOES IT
spotlight on:
You can forget about throwing food products haphazardly into your shopping cart. Check the labels first to compare the sugar content and note the presence of dyes (Red #40 and Yellow #5 being the most notoriously damaging to your health.) We’re not merely referring to the stuff in the junk aisle here – that’s already old news. You may be surprised to discover that sugar and dye demons lurk inside children’s medicine, vitamins, yogurt, bread, canned goods, soup mixes, crackers, and sauces too. We may not be able to convince our kids to prefer Craisins over cherry Oodles, but they surely wouldn’t discriminate against a can of beans that is lower in sugar. When we can, we should preserve our children’s health by carefully selecting what they consume.
Some food trends come in with a bang and disappear just as quickly. The kale fad seems here to stay, though, and for good reason: Kale is ultra-high in nutrients. (The word itself has a fresh, healthy ring to it, doesn’t it?) Kale ranks number one among greens for its fiber content, topping even spinach. Ditto for Vitamin C. The green stuff comes in second as far as carotenoid content is concerned. (Carotenoids are what make carrots so good for your eyesight.) Kale is also a decent source of iron for all those iron-deficient folks. Perhaps the best part is that kale is tasty, crisp, and gives that perfect crunch to your lunch. And with bug-free kale now readily available, you can officially have your kale and eat it, too.
How can I free my brown sugar of solid clumps?
Ice cream is a treat enjoyed both in the heat of the summer and the dead of winter. Gather the kiddies and allow them to assemble cones with their favorite ice cream flavors and toppings. Don’t let your heart hammer over the thought of melted ice cream drip-drip-dripping out from the bottom of the cone in a trail along your floor, for the solution that will please both you and your kids is here! Simply stuff a miniature marshmallow at the bottom of those cones to act as a plug, and the concept of leaky cones will become obsolete.
Brown sugar tends to lose its moisture quite rapidly, resulting in firm lumps. The good news is that there is a way out. Try microwaving the sugar with a slice of bread or half of an apple for fifteen seconds. The bread and apple will release just enough moisture to soften the sugar without ruining it. Adding several drops of water to the (microwave-safe) container of brown sugar and microwaving that for a few seconds should do the trick, too. Keep in mind that brown sugar doesn’t live forever and you may eventually need to toss it. In general, the ideal storage spot for brown sugar is in your freezer. “Astringency.” Add this useful word to your lexicon. If you’ve ever eaten a lemon or a fruit not yet ripe, you’ve probably experienced “astringency.” Astringency refers to the reaction that takes place after eating sour foods. You know, the dry sensation in your mouth that causes your lips to pucker and constrict? Astringency occurs due to the presence of “tannins” found in many fruits. Tannins are phenolic compounds (A.K.A. thingies) that affect the secretion of proteins in the mouth. Astringency may also occur when drinking red wine, as some varieties also contain tannins.
Do onions make you cry? That means they have retained their nutrients. But with these amazing onion goggles, you can bid your tears farewell. The goggles have a lightweight yet durable structure with a foam rim for ultimate comfort and no irritation to your skin. With these sleek goggles, you no longer need to procrastinate chopping those onions.
(Source: 10,001 Food Facts, Chef’s Secrets and Household Hints by Dr. Myles H. Bader)
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1616 Ocean Parkway (corner of Avenue P) Tevet 5777 January 2017
French Mushroom Soup From Dairy Made Easy by Leah Schapira and Victoria Dwek 1 Melt butter in a medium pot over low heat. Add onion and sauté until golden and caramelized, 12-15 minutes. Add mushrooms and continue to cook until soft, about 5-7 additional minutes. Add stock and bring to a boil. Simmer for 20 minutes. Stir in milk and season with salt.
2 tablespoons butter 1 large sweet onion, cut into thin strips 8 ounces baby bella mushrooms 5 cups pareve “beef” broth
2 Add croutons over the top of the soup. Layer cheese over the croutons. Simmer for an additional 10 minutes, or until cheese is melted (some of the cheese will melt into the soup and the rest will remain on top). Serve by ladling the soup and some of the crouton/cheese topping into each bowl.
1 cup milk 1 teaspoon salt 2 cups croutons 4 slices mozzarella cheese (fresh mozzarella cheese works best)
Yield: 6 servings
Don’t swap the butter fo r oil!
Community Magazine
Style SPIRIT &
This Mo My Faminth: Favorite ly’s Soup “Most so u the menups hop onto weather when the tu This onerns cold. s all year.” tays -V.
This isn’t a traditional French onion soup. There’s no flour, wine, and I add mushrooms for heartiness. There’s also milk for creaminess and there’s more that makes it untraditional. Yet, this is how I love it! And it’s super simple too. When I was newly married, I tried many recipes for French Onion Soup, trying to get it just the way my husband liked it. It was at one of my niece’s bat mitzvahs, which was being held in a restaurant, that my husband took a spoon of soup and immediately signaled to me to taste it. This soup had the ingredient mine was missing. I could immediately taste that the onions had been caramelized in butter, not oil. Butter it is! Although there is not a lot of butter in this recipe, it makes a big difference. In Dairy Made Easy, this recipe calls for vegetable stock because we can’t tell people to use “beef” stock in a dairy recipe, even if most versions available on the market today are pareve. When people ask me what I use for beef stock, I hold my finger up to my lips and quietly reveal my little favorite secret weapon: Telma beef cubes. They’re pareve. They do have MSG, but all in moderation…. (I do use one extra cube in this recipe specifically). I don’t top my soup with a piece of bread. I love having a spoon of broth, onions, bread, and cheese in every bite, so I use croutons instead. They soften up in the soup to a bread-like consistency and I skip the extra step of melting cheese in individual soup crocks. Gooey cheese ends up all over each bowl, not just on top. I use Osem’s Onion and Garlic flavored croutons in this soup. I don’t like using croutons with herbs as I feel the flavor clashes. Tevet 5777 January 2017
Esther Sassoon
Tiramisu Two Ways This cool and light dessert is delicious dairy or parve, large or small. It is super easy to prepare and can be made in a minimal amount of time.
Ingredients: • • • • • • • • •
2 packages lady fingers 1 cup water 2 tbsp. instant coffee grounds 2 tbsp. coffee liqueur 1 large Rich Whip 1/2 cup confectioners’ sugar 1 tbsp. vanilla extract 1 package cream cheese (parve or dairy) 1 chocolate bar
Refrigerate cream cheese mixture for 20 minutes before piping stars. Don’t leave ladyfingers dissolving too long in the coffee. This will result in a very soggy cake layer.
Directions For Mini Cups:
Chocolate curls beautifully on baking chocolate at room temperature.
(Square, 3-inch cups work beautifully with this dessert.) 1. Whip up cream in an electric mixer. 2. When fully whipped, add vanilla, confectioners’ sugar, and cream cheese. Set aside. 3. Dissolve coffee and coffee liqueur in water and place in a wide bowl. 4. Place lady fingers in coffee mixture for ten seconds, then remove. 5. Place two lady fingers at the bottom of the cup. 6. Pipe cheese mixture over. 7. Continue layering lady fingers dipped in coffee and cheese mixture until cup is full. 8. At the top of the cup, pipe cream cheese mixture with a large star tip to give it a professional finish. 9. With a vegetable peeler, scrape the side of a chocolate bar. This will form chocolate curls. 10. Place chocolate curls on the top of the cups for garnish. 11. Freeze cups and thaw 30 minutes before serving.
Directions For Large Tiramisu: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Follow previous instructions 1-4. In a spring form pan, layer lady fingers and cream cheese mixture. Pipe numerous large stars at the top of the tiramisu. Sprinkle with coffee powder (Elite). Sprinkle with chocolate curls. Freeze and thaw 30 min before serving.
Esther Sassoon, professionally trained event planner and pastry chef, has been sweetening events for the last 6 years. She is available for dessert demos and classes. Esther can be reached at esthersassoon1@gmail.com or by phone – 347 421 5739.
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L. Azar L. AZAR
Powering Down
Community Magazine
he tall glass doors opened wide as my husband and I entered the oasis of cherry red that characterizes the décor at Santander Bank. We hovered near the seating area as we awaited our turn, all the while staring at red-framed banners featuring smiling faces and slogans promising wealth and happiness – for free, of course. Before I could even read the fine print following the asterisks, my husband and I were beckoned forward. “Welcome to Santander of Lakewood. How can I help you today?” a teller in a cherry-red blazer greeted us warmly. My husband and I settled into the plush red armchairs facing her. “Marla,” read her nametag, beside the crimson logo unique to Santander Bank. We asked Marla to close our bank accounts. For good. “Hmm.” She seemed genuinely deflated. “May I ask if your request is due to the new three-dollar paper statement fee?” I almost felt sorry for her. “As a matter of fact, it certainly is a contributing factor,” I replied truthfully. We slipped our licenses onto the desk, which Marla lifted with (red) manicured fingernails. As she typed busily at her computer screen, she spoke. She chatted about the high number of customers from the Lakewood community who were banking elsewhere because of the new paper statement fee. She explained how the bank was aware that “your community members” did not have the same access to online banking as the rest of the world. She assured us that Santander respected our desire for insularity. In fact, Marla explained, a request for a waiver had already been submitted to exempt “08701 residents” (08701 being Lakewood’s zip code) from paying the fee! She added that the only other waiver requests submitted in the United States were for the Amish and the 65+ population. My husband and I stared at each other, wonder splashed across our faces. Could it really be? I mused. It was finally happening: As of January 1, 2017, paper was becoming practically extinct at Santander! I realized that I, Leah Azar, would one day tell my children that bank
Style SPIRIT &
transactions were once recorded on something called paper. What?! they’d exclaim. You got papers in the mail that you could touch and rip and write upon? Weird! I also realized that, while the advancement of technology was inevitable and here to stay (although I am still awaiting the machine that will fold my laundry for me), I had to stop and make a conscious decision about the extent to which I would let it take over my life. I recently attended a women’s gathering where Rabbi Ephraim Wachsman, shlit”a, related an incredible story. Rochel, a Holocaust survivor, once announced that the most joyous day of her life was the day the Nazis, may their names be erased, burst into her home in Poland and tore her away from her family. The most joyous day of her life?! “You see,” Rochel explained, “I had a sister right above me in age who always shined and was more successful than me. I always felt inferior and unloved because of it.” On the day the Nazis burst into her home, Rochel’s mother threw herself at the feet of the Nazi monsters and shouted “Not my Rochel! Don’t take my Rochel! I cannot survive without my Rochel!” And on that day, Rochel finally knew without a doubt that she was loved, rendering it the happiest day of her life. Rabbi Wachsman concluded the story with his message: “Do our children know we love them, or do they see us spending more time with our Smartphones than with them? “The day we power down,” the rabbi added, “will be the happiest day of our children’s lives.” After the rabbi’s class, I challenged myself: Am I perhaps overdoing it? How easily do I shut my phone or avoid peering down at it in order to give my family the attention they deserve and crave? When my son chirps, “Mommy! Mommy!” eager to show me his Lego tower, do I perk up with the same alacrity as when I hear the blips and jingles of my phone? (If you don’t mind, I’m not going to answer that here….) I know that finding the courage to disconnect would reconnect me to my family in the most beautiful way. By powering down, I may miss out on a text message or two, but I’ll gain something a whole lot better – their appreciation and love.
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Tevet 5777 January 2017
Dear Jido,
I very much respect the shadchanim working in our community – for the most part, they are trying to help, and sometimes do so with no pay. So please understand this is not against them in any way or form. However, whether we realize it or not, we have a crisis in our community, in that many young people are getting divorced, or not married at all. I have a theory that this failure to match up our singles stems from an all-around lack of objectivity. Parents as well as the shadchanim are not letting their children go out with great prospects either because of a) family image b) money concerns c) lashon hara they’ve heard from others d) selfishness or e) all of the above. The system may work for the rich or for those who come from a rabbinical family – but it seems to go south from that point onwards. I also believe the shadchanim sometimes get swept up in image. Why should they help a no-name family when they can help a well-known family? The problem is that many shadchanim hold back the names of girls and boys because they believe that only certain families deserve to be matched together. This is just plain wrong and unfair. The Prosecutor
Dear Prosecutor, Phew! Even Hillary didn’t get such an indictment! Perhaps we should start a campaign to “Make Shadchanim Great Again.” Fortunately, those dedicated to helping our young men and women get married are doing an important job in service of Hashem. They deserve our thanks. Is the system perfect? No. Are there pitfalls? Yes. Have there been mistakes? Yes, and they hurt deeply and last a long time. But the responsibility does not rest solely on the shoulders of the shadchan. Everyone brings baggage to a marriage and a good shadchan must be diligent in fleshing that out when suggesting a match. From where can they get such information? From the parents, the boy’s rabbi, the girl’s high school or seminary principal, as well as the boy and girl themselves. If those involved are not honest and open, it is only the couple that will suffer down the line. To place that blame squarely on the shadchan is unfair. As far as favoritism in whichever way it manifests itself — rich and famous, rabbi or prominent member of the community – it is sometimes very difficult to look beyond that. In fact, status is sometimes a very important factor in a match. Our rabbis say a girl from a rich family should not marry beneath her station because she will not be happy (Rachel and Rabbi Akiva being the notable exception). First-born males and baby-of-the-family girls naturally expect to continue to being treated the way in which they are accustomed. It’s likely that neither would be satisfied if they should marry each other. There are numerous factors that go into making a good match and a healthy marriage. According to Rabbi Avigdor Miller, one of the most important factors to remember when looking for a mate is to be realistic. Often, girls, and boys have very unrealistic ideas about what it takes to make a marriage work. They also sometimes misjudge the type of person who would both mesh with their own personalities and compensate for their shortcomings. No one likes to wash their dirty laundry in public, but in the interest of having our children establish strong, sturdy marriages, perhaps everything worthy of being known should be disclosed confidentially to the shadchan. We must trust that the shadchanim are acting l’shem shamayim and with the best of intentions. Be’ezrat Hashem, with the honest disclosure of all parties regarding the prospective couples’ pluses and minuses, we will see our children and grandchildren build batim ne’emanim b’Yisrael.
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Tevet 5777 January 2017
#mabrouk Births - Baby Boy
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Births – Baby Girl Harold and Lorraine Sherr Moshe and Sylvia Faham
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What you don’t know about Walk-In Tubs can hurt you. The Walk-In Tub reinvented... by Jacuzzi Inc.
Myth #1- Walk-In Tubs are only for safety. While having a door on your tub can prevent bathroom falls, a great Walk-In Tub does so much more. Only Jacuzzi® Walk-In Tubs feature the patented PointPro® jets that provide the optimum mix of water and air to provide strong yet gentle hydrotherapy. Myth #2- Walk-In Tubs make you wait a long time while they fill and drain. Most do, but the innovative engineers at Jacuzzi Inc. have spent years perfecting the FastFill™ and FastDrain™ Technology that enables you to spend more time bathing and less time waiting.
can even increase the value of your home. Quality craftsmanship and innovative design are worth every penny. Myth #5- All Walk-In Tubs are the same. They aren’t. And only one of them is made by the company that’s known worldwide for its bathtubsthe company that practically invented hydrotherapy. Now that you know a little bit more about Walk-In Tubs, why not take the next step. Call now for more information on the WalkIn tub that’s revolutionized the bathing industry. Jacuzzi® Walk-In Tub… there’s only one.
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Tevet 5777 January 2017
This month, Dr. Jacques Doueck interviews Solomon Rosenberg. Solomon Rosenberg is a program director at Montefiore Medical Center and acts as a liaison between the Jewish community and the hospital. He handles many types of emergencies. This interview focuses on heart attacks, strokes, flu, and pneumonia. Dr. Jacques Doueck
Is this an Emergency? Or Am I Overreacting? How can I tell the difference between an emergency that requires immediate attention and symptoms that can wait until tomorrow?
Solomon Rosenberg is a program director at Montefiore Medical Center and acts as a liaison between the Jewish community and the hospital. He primarily assists patients in scheduling expedited appointments, choosing appropriate medical professionals, and navigating their medical care in the hospital in many different ways. Additionally, he is there to help hospital personnel in addressing concerns specific to our community and making our medical interactions as pleasant and efficient as possible. Solomon Rosenberg is also a New York State certified emergency paramedic and a volunteer Hatzolah member for the past 24 years. He is often called on to speak to the community regarding health, medical, and emergency issues. For any help at Montefiore Medical Center, you may reach him at 917-744-50.
With a heart attack, why is it so important to call for help as soon as possible?
Because in this specific situation, as time passes the muscle becomes damaged. At the onset of a heart attack the damage is reversible and Don’t be afraid to insist on going the heart muscle can repair. But to the hospital. Even if your parent if you wait too long, the muscle or spouse will be really upset with damage goes deeper and spreads. you for calling Hatzolah, don’t let it hold you back – because if you don’t What about a stroke? make that trip it may haunt you for With a stroke, some part of the the rest of your life. Of course, it’s brain is not getting enough oxygen. important to know what to look out This may be caused by a blockage, for. A list of signs and symptoms is bleeding, or a tumor. Neurologists the most powerful tool you can have. say every minute that a person undergoes a stroke, 1,000 brain What are the signs and cells are destroyed. However, within symptoms of a heart attack? the first few hours, a stroke can Chest pain or discomfort from be reversed with clot busters that the upper part of stomach to will allow the circulation to return. the jaw. Sometimes people think Thanks to this procedure, a stroke they are having a toothache and victim can often get back to normal it’s really a heart attack. The with no residual side effects. sensation may be akin to stabbing, crushing, burning, (which is why What are the signs and many think they are simply having symptoms of a stroke? heartburn), or even just an inkling Someone experiencing a stroke of strangeness in the chest. Women is often confused or unresponsive. have heart attacks without chest They may sleep longer than usual. pain. Simple shortness of breath or In that case, you must wake him breathing more quickly than usual up immediately. They also may fall are also indications. The skin color or lose their balance. You may of someone experiencing a heart notice weakness on one side of attack is often ashen grey. If you have the body, droopy lips or eyes, or your suspicions about someone you slurred speech. Severe headaches know or love, ask yourself, ”Is this may also be an indication that a his normal color?” Heart attack stroke is occurring. Additionally, victims sometimes feel a strange the person may randomly have a sense of doom. Simultaneously, seizure when they have no history they may be nauseous, sweaty, or of seizures. Memory loss may experiencing palpitations. Fainting also be at play – for example if needs immediate attention – they’ve crashed their vehicle and people don’t faint without a reason. can’t explain how it happened.
Community Magazine
Why is it so important to take action to prevent flu and pneumonia? Illness can take root so quickly - even with young healthy people. There is no real way to know in advance if the bad flu or the “good flu” is the strain this season. In the USA each year, there are 200,000 cases of flu and 36,000 deaths. Twenty to thirty percent of people with the flu carry the flu virus without displaying symptoms, so it’s important to immunize.
What are the important signs and symptoms of the flu? High fever and a rapidlyprogressing illness are common. The symptoms may go away but then quickly return – and that’s a sign that it could be serious. Other symptoms include: difficulty breathing, a sickly coloring and general feeling of illness. Chest pain, dizziness, a widespread ache of the joints and muscles, body temperature that vacillates from hot to cold, headaches, chills, a dry hacking cough, and soreness behind the eyes are also indicators of the flu.
Why we should take this seriously? The “watch and wait” mentality can be dangerous. Don’t be quick to say, “It’s nothing. It will pass!” There’s no such thing as being too careful. Calling Hatzolah and getting prompt medical attention could save a life so please – don’t delay.
Healthy Homelife Mozelle Forman
Ever wonder why some people behave like Teflon, letting all of life’s worries slide right off of them, while others remain stuck in a rut of anxiety? The key to bouncing back when life throws you a curve ball is resilience – the ability to recover from life’s challenges. If your capacity for resilience is low, you might dwell on problems, feel victimized, become overwhelmed, or turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms. Psychologists have identified a number of qualities that make someone resilient. Among them are a positive and optimistic attitude, the ability to regulate one’s emotions, and the ability to see failure as an opportunity for learning and self-growth. Here are some tips from the American Psychological Association that you can use to strengthen your resilience. Make connections. Enjoying good relationships with family members, friends, and coworkers are important. Accepting help and support from those who care about you is not a weakness. In fact, it strengthens resilience. Avoid seeing crises as insurmountable problems. You can’t change the fact that highly stressful events happen, but you can change how you interpret and respond to these events.
Be proactive. Don’t ignore your problems. Instead, figure out what needs to be done, make a plan and take action. Learn from experience. Think of how you’ve coped with hardships in the past. Consider the skills and strategies that helped you through rough times. You might even write about past experiences in a journal to help you identify positive and negative behavior patterns. Then, with this new level of understanding, you can alter your future behavior. Nurture a positive view of yourself. Trusting your instincts and your ability to solve problems builds resilience. Maintain a hopeful outlook – one that encourages you to expect that good things will happen in your life. Try visualizing what you want, rather than worrying about what you fear. Take care of yourself. Pay attention to your own needs and feelings. Engage in activities that you enjoy and find relaxing. Exercise regularly. Taking care of yourself helps to keep your mind and body primed to deal with situations that require resilience. Make every day meaningful. Do something that gives you a sense of accomplishment and purpose every day, like volunteering or offering help to others. While becoming resilient won’t make your problems go away, it can give you the ability to see past life’s challenges, better handle stress and find more enjoyment in life. Mozelle Forman is a clinical social worker in private practice for 20 years. She welcomes your comments at mozelle.relationshipsbydesign@gmail.com.
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Tevet 5777 January 2017
How ‘Essential ’ Are T
o understand essential oils, also known as volatile oils, we must first discuss herbal medicine. Under the auspices of herbal medicine, the medicinal aspects of various plants (roots, berries, leaves, bark, etc.) are extracted and administered to respective patients. Usually, herbal medicine is administered in teas, tinctures, or capsules. Tinctures, the most well-known way of administering herbal medicine, may be extracts in a medium of alcohol, vinegar, wine, or glycerin. The practice of herbal medicine is widely practiced throughout the world. Its meticulous nomenclature has allowed botanists worldwide to categorize and better understand herbs, their families, and usages. At this point, countless herbs have been categorized. A true herbalist is one who knows how to combine various herbs to just the right effect in order to create customized medicines for each person. For example, one may suffer simultaneously from a dry cough in the upper lungs, dry skin, watery eyes, and a foggy mind. An herbalist will take pains to create a well-blended tincture that serves as personalized medicine for that person. True, it can be difficult to find a proper herbalist these days – those willing to put in the time it takes to truly get to the bottom of a person’s issues and create fresh tinctures for him. Still, this is a wonderful form of medicine and we should be encouraged to reconsider it. As we know, the antidote to a poison can be found near the poisonous plant itself. So, too, even in the cities, there are medicinal weeds and trees that creep into our communities as the antidotes to many of our problems. If we learn to recognize and associate with the plant world around us, we are sure to find free, bountiful medicine just waiting to be discovered. Essential oils are a very pure form of herbal medicine because there is no medium into which the medicine is extracted. Rather, the volatile oils of the herb are extracted in a number of possible ways, each being a complex and delicate process. Just like with tinctures, there are many levels of purity, strength, and freshness within the plants, and their respective therapeutic essential oils vary.
Community Magazine
Alyssa Elbogen
There are many, many brands of essential oils claiming to be pure, organic or therapeutic-grade, however, only when tested in a laboratory and compared with other oils, are their true potency revealed. Still, as I remind my customers here at Organic Circle, “It’s better to have frozen wheatgrass than none at all!” Meaning, as long as the product is organic and pure, it is better to use that than to use nothing at all. The best course of action, though, is to find responsibly sourced, organic, dependable essential oils. To clarify, I do not recommend the ingestion of these essential oils, which are incredibly potent. Instead my suggestion is that they be used in one of the following ways in order to reap the medicinal aspect of various herbs: Bath/Inhalation – Use in the bathtub or dispense a few drops in a bowl of very hot water and inhale deeply. This is excellent for mental or emotional issues, as the volatile oils will reach the brain when inhaled. Massage – Blend a few drops with a carrier oil such as olive, almond, or grape seed and massage into the skin. The oil will get absorbed into both the muscles and the bloodstream. This is especially effective for internal issues such as muscle pain. Perfume – Because your goal is to inhale the oil, try using it as a perfume, smelling it throughout the day for relaxation purposes. Diffusers – Electrical, candle, and other types of diffusers can fill the immediate environment with the smell of essential oil, giving off the medicinal aspects of plants. Wishing us all blessings and guidance on the path toward vibrant health. Alyssa Eliza Elbogen is a certified Holistic Health Practitioner specializing in Detoxification. She holds a B.A. from U. Haifa in Jewish Thought and English Linguistics. Alyssa began her career in Israel, organizing and teaching on Detox Retreats. She currently works at Organic Circle in Brooklyn, NY as a Resident Health Coach.
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Tevet 5777 January 2017
The Discovery of Auriculotherapy
uring a session, the practitioner of auricular healing diagnoses the source of disease by examining the patient’s ear, and treats the disease by inserting needles into the appropriate parts of the ear. This impressive technique is used for treating various conditions – from muscle and skeletal pain to asthma, allergies, and cigarette addiction.
Dr. Paul Nogier (1908-1996) Dr. Paul Nogier, recognized worldwide as the “father of Auriculotherapy,” was a medical research scientist. He practiced acupuncture, psychotherapy, homeopathy, and manipulative medicine. In 1951, his expertise in these techniques led to his discovery of Auricular therapy.
Historically, the person who most convincingly proved a connection between the parts of the ear and the parts of the human body was Dr. Paul Nogier (1908-1996) of Lyons, France. In 1951, Dr. Nogier began to take interest in the connection between the ear and the rest of the body after he learned about a woman named Madame Bronne, who was able to rid her patients of lower back pain by creating small, repeated burns on specific points of their outer ears. (Today, auriculotherapists use electrical stimulation, needles, laser, or massage). Dr. Nogier investigated this matter extensively, testing every portion of the outer ear, and ultimately coming to the conclusion that each part of the body is linked to a specific point on the ear. This connection is so sensitive that when a certain part of the body falls sick, treatment of the ear at the corresponding point can restore a person to health. Though he is given credit for it, Dr. Nogier was not the first person to make this remarkable discovery. Amazingly, our Torah sages were well aware of these truths thousands of years before Dr. Nogier! 70
Community Magazine
One of the most fascinating medical techniques developed in recent years is auriculotherapy. Auriculotherapy is based on the concept that the human ear is a microsystem of the entire body, as represented on the auricle, the outer portion of the ear. Ailments across the entire body are assumed to be treatable, solely by stimulating the surface of the ear.
The Ear as the Gateway to the Body
The Midrash Rabbah speaks of the centrality of the ear to the rest of the body and, at the same time, reveals the spiritual basis of this relationship. First, the Midrash discusses the spiritual importance of the ear: Our Rabbis said: Do you wish not to have pains in your ear nor in any of your limbs? Then bend your ear to Torah, and you will inherit life, as it is said: “Incline your ear and go to Me; listen, and give life to your soul.”(Midrash Rabbah Devarim, Parshah 10) Further on, the Midrash is more explicit in describing the centrality of the ear to the other organs. Here are the words of our Sages from Midrash Rabbah: “The ear is to the body like a clothesline is to clothes: Just as all of the clothes hanging on a line receive a nice smell from incense burning beneath them, so a person’s two hundred and forty-eight limbs depend upon the ear, which gives them all life.” Just as a clothesline scents all the clothing hanging upon it, so too, the ear provides a means for treating and healing all of the parts of the human body. As we’ve learned, this spiritual relationship has a physical parallel as well, a connection utilized by auricular healing.
Word Analysis
Interestingly, the Hebrew word for ear, “ozen” (spelled alef, zayin, nun sopheet), has the same three-letter root as the word “izun”, meaning balance. Physiologically, too, man’s ability to maintain physical balance depends upon the health of the malleus, incus, and stapes – the three miniscule bones located in the inner ear. If you think that this is just a coincidence – think again: Science has only discovered in the last few centuries that the human ear serves two functions – hearing and balance. Hearing occurs in the outer and middle ear, whereas our balance is a function of the inner ear. The ear’s first role was always known, but not so for the second role, balance. How was it established so early on that the ear should be called an ozen, a name that indicates its role in balance, izun? Why wasn’t it called something that hints to the capacity to hear, rather than balance?
Science has only discovered in the last few centuries that the human ear serves two functions – hearing and balance.
Auriculotherapy is a health care procedure in which stimulation of the auricle of the external ear is utilized to alleviate health conditions in other parts of the body. A microcosm of the human body exists in the ear – each part of the ear corresponds to a different part of the body.
Various verses in the Torah mention the ear, for example in Shemot 29:20: “You shall slaughter the ram, take [some] of its blood, and put it upon the cartilage of Aaron’s right ear and upon the cartilage of Aaron’s sons’ right ears.” Additionally, anyone familiar with Hebrew literature knows that the usage of the word moznaim for balance scales is very ancient; in fact, it predates the discovery of the ear’s mechanism of balance by thousands of years. As it is written in Vayikra ( 19:36): “You shall have true scales and true weights, a true eifah, and a true hin. I am the L-rd, your Gd, Who brought you out of the land of Egypt.” We learn from these pesukim that the reason the Torah calls the organ of hearing ‘ozen’ is because of the mechanism of balance (izun) located within it! Compilation of writings from Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson, Rabbi Adi Cohen, and Rabbi Zamir Cohen.
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Tevet 5777 January 2017
community HIGHLIGHTS
SBH’s Autumn Marketplace
BQE To Finally Be Repaired The Brooklyn Queens Expressway is an essential part of New York City traffic, transporting more than 140,000 vehicles daily. Still many drivers do all they can to avoid it, considering the potholes that line the highway and the narrow lanes that often cause accidents. At long last, these hazards are going to be repaired. The city has planned at 1.7 billion dollar project to revamp the BQE – the most expensive project ever launched by the Transportation Department of New York City. By all accounts, the money spent will be worth it. “This is one of our most vital corridors in all of New York City,” says Polly Trottenberg, the city’s Transportation Commissioner. “The city relies on it.” Construction, resulting in 21 concrete-and-steel bridges over local roads, is expected to last about 5 years. All the while, at least part of the BQE will remain open with the same number of lanes in each direction.
Ready for Winter: The Department of Sanitation Devises A Better Way To Clean Streets After Snow Storms This winter, The Department of Sanitation will implement a new way of clearing streets during and after winter storms. Instead of primary, secondary, and tertiary streets, your street will be classified as “critical,” “sector,” or “haulster.” Critical routes are the highways, main travel thoroughfares and bus routes that contain emergency services and facilities such as hospitals, fire stations, police stations and schools. Sector routes encompass all streets that are not designated as “critical” but are wide enough to accommodate a Department of Sanitation collection truck, with an attached plow. Haulster Routes will service dead ends and streets that cannot be cleared with a collection truck or salt spreader and plow because they are too narrow. This new classification system will hopefully improve efficiency. Now that snowplows will operate on defined routes, they can get to your street sooner! For more information go to PlowNYC at maps.nyc.gov/snow/. 72
Community Magazine
On December 8th, a committee of dedicated and creative volunteers transformed the home of Miriam and Manny Haber into a Middle Eastern-themed shop for SBH’s annual Autumn Marketplace. Over a dozen vendors and community-owned businesses showcased their foods and cookware, with products ranging from fresh salts, spices, teas, and Syrian delicacies, to challah, maaza, olives and candy. New Jersey’s poplar vegan restaurant, Juice Theory, even opened a pop-up at the event, as did lox and truffle vendor Black Diamond Foods. In addition to the stunning marketplace, the event featured a Chinese Auction with highly coveted prizes. They included a trip for four to the Disney Half Marathon with Team SBH, designer accessories, a MacBook, a fur, and more. Proceeds from the Marketplace benefited the Sarah Sutton, A”H, Food Pantry at SBH, which feeds thousands of people every year.
First Colon Cancer Awareness Night Hosted By Medstar
Many people don’t know this, but colon cancer is one of the most preventable forms Panelists Dr. Jack Braha (L) of illness when detected early. and Dr. Joseph Shehebar with evening moderator Dr. Khaski (center). Through routine screenings, a healthy diet, and a bit of genetic background testing, there are many steps one can take to prevent getting the disease. On November 21st, Medstar hosted its first Colon Cancer Awareness Night to explain to the community just how important it is to stay informed and be proactive about this kind of cancer. Over 75 people filled Medstar’s headquarters at SBH to hear lectures from four speakers, all of whom were loaded with life-saving insights. Dr. Jack Braha, D.O., spoke about the latest advances in screenings, a key to early detection. Dr Josef Shehebar, MD, FACS, FASCRS, discussed the importance of knowing your genetic history and the symptoms to look for when planning a screening. Vanessa Chalme, RD, went over the foods to shy away from, such as cold cuts, which can increase the risk of colon cancer by 18%! During the evening, attendees also heard from community member and colon cancer survivor Sherry Tawil, who shared her personal journey through the disease and the importance of getting screened early. The event was an overall success! The evening’s moderator, Dr. Khaski, did a wonderful job funneling questions from audience members to each of the speakers, questions that helped them better assess their individual risks for colon cancer and make a solid game plan for monitoring their health in the future.
community HIGHLIGHTS
Mark Your Calendars! Beth Medrash Govoha-Shivti Yarchei Kallah – Jan 14th-16th 2017
Beads of Love: The Charitable Project Of An MDY Third Grader In October, 8-year-old Jacqueline Dana brought a Chai Lifeline pamphlet home from school. Students who sought out sponsorships and collected money for the organization could choose from a variety of prizes. Alas, the prize Jacqueline wanted cost $400 in charity money. Rather than telling her the amount was unfeasible, her parents encouraged Jacqueline to collect the money herself – to do something to earn that prize. One night, Jacqueline’s father came home with a tub of beads, and inspiration struck. What if she made bracelets and sold each for a dollar in order to raise the money she needed? Jacqueline began at once and her mother Vicky, of YoursTrulyByVicky, announced the project on her Instagram page. The feedback was incredible! Everyone loved Jacqueline’s bracelets! A project that initially only benefitted Chai Lifeline branched out to involve the Mitzvah Man, who distributed 200 of her bracelets to the children of Monmouth Medical Center. SBH became a beneficiary, too, when Jacqueline donated hundreds of her bracelets to an auction of theirs. This project has had a boomerang effect and through it all Jacqueline keeps on giving. Making the bracelets gives her a sense of purpose and she is so inspired by the motivation she gets from others. “She’s very creative,” Vicky Dana says of her daughter. “She’s a perfectionist, she’s artsy and she loves designing things with her hands. She’s really making all of these bracelets out of love.” Only months later, Beads of Love has grown to such an extent that the “model” of it has changed. Now every $400 raised via these $1 bracelets will go to a different charitable organization. The number is apropos – remember, 400 was the dollar amount for the material prize that Jacqueline initially wanted. But since then she has discovered the real “prize” – how good it feels to make people happy and give back using her talents. Follow Jacqueline on Instagram at beads_of _love_ by_J or place an order for bracelets with her mother, Vicky Dana, at 917-916-9087.
Beth Medrash Govoha-Shivti, a Lakewood yeshivah, would like the community to know about a two-day learning program they are hosting from January 14th-16 in Princeton, NJ. This Yarchei Kallah covers the topic Work Responsibilities and Dispute Resolution: Hiring, Firing, Cancelling and Quitting. Participants will delve into when it is allowed and who is responsible during law suits. Under the cost of the program, learning materials, the hotel stay and food are provided for. The price is $425 for single room at the Hyatt Regency Princeton and $325 for a double room shared with a roommate. Those interested can visit www.shivtiyk.com to gather source material and more information.
Hearts Ignited, Minds Empowered: Peninim Sephardic Seminary Open House Peninim Sephardic Seminary’s open house amounted to a nonstop expression of gratitude from its students. Each of Peninim’s seminarians related what sustained growth they now enjoy in all areas of Jewish observance. Can students feel that seminary high without going to Israel? Indeed they can! Check out their website at Sephardicpeninim.org for a gallery of pictures and more information.
New Bnai Yosef Late Arbit Guarantee The Bnai Yosef Synagogue, on the corner of Avenue P and Ocean Parkway, is one of the busiest synagogues in our community. Still, although there are nonstop minyanim during the day finding an Arbit minyan used to be difficult, as most congregants preferred to pray minha and arbit back to back in the late afternoon. In May of 2012 that all changed when Bnai Yosef instituted the Arbit Guarantee, ensuring evening minyanim every half hour between the hours of 8 and 10 PM with minimal wait time. Now, Bnai Yosef has extended the availability of these minyanim with their late arbit guarantee. “Find an arbit minyan at 10:30 and 11:00 PM Sunday-Thursday,” the guarantee reads, “or instantly receive a $10 gift certificate to Dougies!” The partnership with Dougies on Ave. J should prove an effective incentive. Congregants won’t arrive at the shul only to wait around for a minyan indefinitely; Bnai Yosef prides themselves on these minyanim routinely occurring. Now, night owls won’t have to despair over finding an after-hours minyan – they can turn to Bnai Yosef Synagogue as late as 11 PM! Tevet 5777 January 2017
Exploring the Wild World of Animals Efraim Harari
The Chameleon The chameleon is a very distinctive and well-known species of lizard that possesses exceptionally unique features. Some of its more striking features include peculiar protruding eyes; a long, sticky tongue; crests and horns atop their odd-shaped heads; and of course their ability to change the color of their skin (although not all chameleons have this capability). There are over 180 different species of chameleons, and they come in all different shapes, sizes, and colors. Sizes range from less than one inch long to over two feet long. Skin colorings vary by species and can be quite bright and funky. Their colors include pink, blue, red, orange, green, black, brown, light blue, yellow, turquoise, and purple. One of the most noticeable features of the chameleon is its large, protruding eyes. It probably will come as no surprise to you that chameleons have an excellent sense of sight. Their eyes are very unique, as each eye can move independently from the other, meaning that the chameleon is able to rotate each eye separately and focus on two different images at the same time! This ability gives the chameleon a full 360-degree view around its body. It is this unique trait that allows chameleons to detect predators and prey from afar. Indeed, chameleons are able to spot tiny insects that are over thirty feet away from them. Chameleons like to dwell in warm environments such as jungles, rainforests, deserts, and savannas. Their natural habitats are in India, Africa, Southern Europe, Asia, Madagascar, and Southern Europe. Chameleons spend their lives in trees and bushes. Like most lizards, they have five toes, but the five toes are divided into two groups. On each forefoot, the two outside toes are joined as one group and the three inside toes are joined as another, while on each hind foot, the three outside toes form one group and the two inside ones form another. This makes it easier for the chameleon to grasp branches and achieve stability while walking or climbing trees. Another tool that most chameleons use while climbing is their long prehensile (able to grasp things) tail. The chameleon is able to wrap its tail around tree branches to help itself keep balanced. Chameleons generally eat insects, crickets, worms, and snails. Some consume berries and leaves. Some of the larger species also hunt small birds and reptiles. Due to the generally small size of the chameleon, it is often a prime target for hungry predators (when the chameleon can be seen, that is). Other tree-dwelling animals such as snakes and birds, as well as some mammals, are the most common predators of the chameleon. Chameleons can survive between five and eight years in the wild, and over ten years in captivity. 74
Community Magazine
Chameleons can even sleep upside-down! Torah Traits
Another impressive feature of the chameleon is its long and sticky tongue. The chameleon’s tongue can be one and a half to two times longer than its body (excluding its tail). The chameleon uses its elongated tongue to capture prey. A chameleon on the hunt may remain still and wait for an insect (or other prey) to come near, or it may move slowly and quietly along a branch or on the ground. When the chameleon sees its prey, it takes careful aim – and bam! In the blink of an eye, it shoots out its tongue and captures its victim instantly. The chameleon’s tongue has a sticky tip called a tongue pad, which is used to capture prey. Just when the chameleon unleashes its tongue toward its victim, the tongue turns inside-out and actively reverses to form a pouch. Immediately after, the chameleon’s tongue makes contact with the prey. Once the prey is stuck to the chameleon’s tongue, the chameleon draws it back into its mouth. This sequence of events happens at an incredible speed, as fast as 3.5-10.5 meters per second – which is faster than the human eye can follow! Once the chameleon consumes its prey, the tongue is kept bunched up at the back of the chameleon’s mouth, until it is needed again.
Marvels of Creation from a Torah Perspective HARARI
The zikita, which many commentaries describe as the chameleon, is mentioned in the Gemara (Sanhedrin 108b) that discusses the difficulties Noah experienced while in the teivah. The Gemara details the following discussion between Avraham’s servant Eliezer and Shem, the son of Noah: Eliezer asked Shem about life in the teivah during the Mabul. Shem replied, “It was very difficult. Some animals eat only by day, while others feed in the middle of the night. All twelve months in the teivah, we never got to close our eyes. “My father (Noah) did not know what the chameleon likes to eat and so was unable to feed it. Then one day, my father was cutting a pomegranate, and a worm fell out of it. The chameleon immediately lunged at the worm and ate it. My father then learned what to feed it. After that, we would put aside wet bran and allow it to become wormy; then we would feed the worms to the chameleon.” Noah and his family acquired great merit for their hard work in feeding the animals at the proper times while in the teivah. The Midrash (Tehillim 37:1) describes the famous meeting between Avraham and Malki-tzedek (Parahat Lech Lecha 14:18-21]). Chazal teach that Malki-tzedek was in fact Shem, the son of Noah. “Tell me,” Avraham said to him, “in what merit did you deserve to leave the teivah?” “In was in the merit of the tzedakah that we did,” replied Shem. “But there were no poor people there!” Avraham said. “It was just you and your family. To whom did you give tzedakah?” “To the animals and the birds,” Shem answered. “We did not sleep at night. We would go from one animal to the next, making sure they had enough to eat.”
Tongue Twister
Excerpts from Exploring the Wild World of Animals, by Efraim Harari, published by Israel Bookshop Publications. Be sure to check out the newest book in this animals series, Exploring the Wild World of Animals & BIRDS. Now available at all Judaica stores and on Amazon. Tevet 5777 January 2017
Professor Noe Ital has the answers to ALL your questions...
Entomology This Month’s Topic:
(The study of insects)
Do insects have blood? Insects do have blood, but it is very different from human blood. Insect’s blood, referred to as hemolymph, contains various nutrients and hormones. Unlike human blood, it is not red in color; it is clear. Sometimes, though, insect blood does appear to have a yellow or green color to it – this comes from the pigment of the plants that the insect has eaten. Our blood is red because it has hemoglobin, which is used to carry oxygen to where it is needed in the body. Insects do not have any red blood cells or hemoglobin. They breathe through their skin and get oxygen from a complex system of air tubes that connect to the outside air through their spiracles. So instead of carrying oxygen, their blood carries nutrients from one part of the body to another.
Professor Noe Ital [AKA: Know-it-all]
Is bee hone
y kosher?
unicate Can insects comm er? ound with one anoth a swarm of ants ar ve you ever seen
Ha w did the ant Yes, they sure can! ow it was there? Ho kn y the did w Ho a piece of food? its friends? with members of who found it tell all tion insects have is ica un mm co nt rta ent signals to give The most impo ers, they use differ mb me ir the ith W . er and the same species warnings about dang urces. to tell about food so ls to ward They also use signa t prey. off predators or attrac unications These signal comm ects’ are based on the ins , ell sm , ch tou of senses ht. sig d an sound,
Strange as it may seem, be e honey is a ko We say it may sher food. seem “strang e,” because th rule is that “w e general hat comes ou t of an unclea is unclean.” In n (tamei) thin other words, g according to an animal is no halachah, if t kosher, then anything it prod not kosher ei uces is ther. For this reason, milk fro a camel is no m a horse or t kosher, beca use the horse are non-kosh and camel er animals. N ow , the bee is a insect, yet its non-kosher honey is kosh er! How can th at be? The reason is due to the fact that a bee do not really prod es uce honey fro m its body. It collects the ne m er ely ctar from blos soms and stor honeycomb. es it in the The Creator ha s given the ho two stomachs neybee . One is its “p ersonal stom digests its ow ach,” where it n food. The ot her is really just a sac for honey. It is a “honey st omach” where the bee collects th e nectar it sips from the blos soms, in orde r to carry it off to th e hive, where it will regurgitate (“throw up”) th e nectar. Event ually it will de po si t the nectar into the honeycom b, and that’s whe re the substa nce turns into real honey. This is why bee hone y is kosher.
QUESTION OF THE MONTH: Excerpts from “Exploring the Wisdom & Wonders of the Universe with Professor Noe Ital”, by Efraim Harari, published by Israel Bookshop Publications. Available for purchase online and at all fine Judaica stores.
Community Magazine
Q: A:
This month’s question was submitted by Nechama G. of Lakewood, NJ
Dear Professor, What is the fastest flying insect? The dragonfly is arguably the fastest flying insect in the world. Some say that the male horsefly is faster, but either way, the dragonfly is quite the speed demon, as well as a very skillful flier.
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Tevet 5777 January 2017
Airplane Humor Occasionally, airline attendants and pilots try to make their announcements more entertaining. Here are some real examples that have been heard or reported: 1. Pilot: “Folks, we have reached our cruising altitude now, so I am going to switch the seat belt sign off. Feel free to move about as you wish, but please stay inside the plane till we land. It’s a bit cold outside, and if you walk on the wings, it affects the flight pattern.” 2. “Your seat cushions can be used for flotation. In the event of an emergency water landing, please take them with our compliments.” 3. “As you exit the plane, please make sure to gather all of your belongings. Anything left behind will be distributed evenly among the flight attendants. Please do not leave children or spouses.” 4. From the pilot during his welcome message: “We are pleased to have some of the best flight attendants in the industry.... Unfortunately none of them are on this flight...!” 5. On one particular flight, an airline pilot hammered into the runway really hard. Upon exiting the plane, a little old lady asked,”Sonny, mind if I as you a question? Did we land or were we shot down?” David D. Life Underwater Jeff calls his brother, Sam, and asks how his vacation went. Sam responds that he had a great time scuba diving. “What did you see?” asks Jeff. “Two swordfish were having a duel. Goldfish were being sold for $1,200 per ounce!” “That’s so interesting,” says Jeff. “What was your overall impression of life underwater?” “There’s something fishy about it,” responded Sam. Daniel Balsam Running From the Cure Three men are out fishing when an angel appears in their boat. When the first man has gotten over the shock, he humbly says to the angel, “I’ve suffered from back pain for years. Is it too much to ask that you help me?” The angel touches the man’s back, and he feels instant relief. The second man points to his glasses and asks if the angel could cure his poor eyesight. The angel tosses the man’s glasses into the lake. When they hit the water, the man’s vision clears, and he can see everything distinctly. The angel now turns to the third man, who throws his hands up in fear. ‘Don’t touch me!” he cries. “I’m on disability!” Jack V. Grazi
Community Magazine
Regrets Ikey was attending a workshop on how to improve relationships with family members. During the class, the instructor asked, “When we reach the end of our lives, will we say ‘I wish I’d spent more time on the job?’” He persisted. “Has anyone ever wondered that?” “Yes,” said one man “Right after I got fired.” Abhu Cohen
The Innocence of Children A woman rolled an elderly man in a wheelchair into the doctor’s office. As she went to the receptionist’s desk, the man sat there, alone and silent. Just then, a little boy slipped off his mother’s lap and walked over to the wheelchair. Placing his hand on the man’s, he said, “I know how you feel. My mom makes me ride in the stroller too.” Joseph S.
Murphy’s Laws on Work Everything can be filed under ‘miscellaneous.’ To err is human; to forgive is not company policy. If you are good, you will be assigned all the work. If you are really good, you will get out of it. If it wasn’t for the last minute, nothing would get done. When you don’t know what to do, walk fast and look worried. No one gets sick on Wednesdays. The longer the title, the less important the job. Daniel S.
The Best Deal of All Recently Bill walked into a barbershop and asked how much it would cost for a haircut. “Eight dollars,” the barber told him. “And how much is it for a shave” Bill asked. “Five dollars.” “All right,” said Bill, settling in the barber’s chair. “Shave my head!” Jack V. Grazi Play On Words If money doesn’t grow on trees, then how come banks have so many branches?” Isaac F.
EVER WONDER... Why the sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin? Why women can’t put on mascara with their mouth closed? Why ‘abbreviated’ is such a long word? Why the man who invests all your money is called a “broker?” Why they sterilize the needle for lethal injections? Why they are called “apartments” when they’re all stuck together? If “con” is the opposite of “pro,” is Congress the opposite of progress? If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the “terminal? SCA Hearing Loss A man feared his wife wasn’t hearing as well as she used to and thought she might need a hearing aid. Not quite sure how to approach her, he called the family doctor to discuss the problem. The doctor told him there was a simple informal test the husband could perform to give the doctor a better idea about her hearing loss. Here’s what you do,” said the doctor. “Stand about 40 feet away from her, and in a normal conversational speaking tone see if she hears you. If not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet, and so on until you get a response.” That evening, as his wife was in the kitchen cooking dinner, and he was in the den, the man said to himself, “I’m about 40 feet away; let’s see what happens.” Then in a normal tone of voice he asked, ‘Honey, what’s for dinner?” No response. So, the husband moved closer to the kitchen, about 30 feet from his wife and repeated, “Honey, what’s for dinner?” Still, no response. Next he moved into the dining room where he was about 20 feet from his wife and asked, “Honey, what’s for dinner?” Again he gets no response. So, he walked up to the kitchen door, about 10 feet away. “Honey, what’s for dinner?” Again, there was no response. So, he walked right up behind her. “Honey, what’s for dinner?” “Clyde, for the fifth time... CHICKEN!” Sally J. You Don’t Say A husband read an article to his wife that specified how many words women use a day: 30,000 to a man’s 15,000. The wife replied, “The reason has to be because we have to repeat everything to men.” The husband then turned to his wife and asked, “What? Nathan M.
Send us your most hilarious jokes, anecdotes, or observations. Top picks will appear in this section with the name of the contributor. email: jokes@communitym.com post mail: 1616 Ocean Parkway online: go.communitym.com/jokes Brooklyn, NY 11223
Riddle: Common Denominator SUBMITTED BY: E.K.
Right now, everyone in the world, no matter where they are, is doing the exact same thing. What is it? Last Month’s Riddle: How Is It Possible? Three doctors say Joey is their brother. But Joey says he has no brothers. How is this possible? Solution: Doctors don’t necessarily have to be male! Joey has three sisters who are doctors. Solved by: Shua Harary, Rachel Freue, E.K., Paula Sardar, Sherly Sardar, Raymond Habert, Rina Mamrout, Rachel Shamah, Simcha Hazane, Daniela Blum, Yosef Blum, Eliezer Blum, Esther Blum, Yael Blum, M.C., Jojo Levy, Sheryl Levy, and Elliot Hazzan.
Junior Riddle: Wintery Mix SUBMITTED BY: Francine Massry
Why did the girl wear one mitten and one boot? Last Month’s Junior Riddle: What goes up and down but does not move? Solution: Stairs Solved by: E.K., Simcha Hazane, Daniela Blum, Yosef
Blum, Eliezer Blum, Esther Blum, Yael Blum, Jenny Mamrout, Ezra M. Haber, Lucy Allaham, Elliot Hazzan, Nadia Hazzan, and Yehuda Maslaton.
Send your solutions! online: go.communitym.com/riddle email: riddles@communitym.com post: 1616 Ocean Pkwy, Brooklyn, NY 11223 Correct solutions received by the 18th of each month will be noted in the next issue.
Tevet 5777 January 2017
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Investment Property 13th Ave/Mid 40s Building with 3 stores on 42x100 plus offices. No leases. Zone C4-3. Great value! Call Salomon 718-415-5910. FOR APARTMENTS AND HOUSES FOR RENT CALL RIVKA – 917-699-2365 Ave L/Ocean Ave 3 bdrm, 3 baths. Washer/dryer. All renovated. Ave P/Mid East 1 bdrm Homecrest Court + Ave S Prvt house. 2nd floor 3 bdrm apt. Kings Hwy/Mid 20s Junior 4 Washer/dryer included. Ocean Pkwy/Foster 3 bdrm 1.5 bath.
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Call Shalev sales@communitym.com 052-611-2344 Tevet 5777 January 2017
Partnering For Positive Changes In The Shidduch Process > P. 46
Kislev 5777 December 2016
Tevet - Shevat 5776 January 2016
Volume XV No. 1
Volume XV Number 12
Volume XV No. 4
Volume XVI Number 3
Volume XVI Number 1
Words of Rabbi Eli J. Mansour > P. 16
Elul 5777 October 2016
Tishrei - Cheshvan 5776 October 2015
Elul 5776 September 2016
Volume XIII No. 12
Don’t Get Stuck With A Lemon – How To Pick The Right Etrog > P. 36
Elul 5774 September 2014
Hacham Yom Tov Yedid זצ״ל Last Chief Rabbi of Halab
For 25 years, the Flatbush Shomrim Safety Patrol has been safeguarding our community from crime. Recently, a number of volunteers from our community have joined the ranks, and the force is focusing even more on our neighborhoods.
A Local Call… to the Heavens Rabbi Eli J. Mansour
Lessons From The Honeycomb Words of Rabbi Eli J. Mansour Rabbi Eli J. Mansour Words of The Honeycomb Lessons From
The Miracle of Nature Words of Rabbi Eli J. Mansour Rabbi Eli J. Mansour Words of The Miracle of Nature
The High Holiday Shopping List Fallacy Rabbi Eli J Mansour
Sefer Torah Dedicated in Honor of Three Sons of Israel Sarina Roffé
In the Face of Terror: Protecting Our Yeshivot and Securing Brooklyn Community Facilities Sarina Roffé
A Community Grows in Brooklyn: 1945 - 1965 The fifth of seven documentary films produced by Joseph J. Sitt and the Sephardic Heritage Museum.
The Hand of Hashem: A 9/11 Survivor Shares His Story Special High Holiday Features Achieving Serenity Through Faith Page 36
Page 36 Through Faith Achieving Serenity
Sarina Roffé Brooklyn Community Facilities Protecting Our Yeshivot and Securing In the Face of Terror:
best presidents ever for Jews May yet turn out to be one of the
have joined the ranks, and the force is focusing even more on our neighborhoods. community from crime. Recently, a number of volunteers from our community For 25 years, the Flatbush Shomrim Safety Patrol has been safeguarding our
SAVE THE BEAT Turning Illness Into Action Dave Gordon Dave Gordon Into Action Turning Illness SAVE THE BEAT
With the community’s ongoing support, the Renewal organization has continued to save the lives of those in desperate need of a kidney transplant.
Why Does the Torah Require us to Get Married? Rabbi Eli J. Mansour
Combating the High Costs of Tuition Dave Gordon
Grateful for Every Blessing: The Long Life of Rosette Kassin Kelly Jemal Massry
the Gift ofof LLife
In an exclusive interview, Nazi hunter extraordinaire, Steven Rambam, reveals what has been done, what could have been done, and what is currently being done, in the hunt for Nazi war criminals.
May yet turn out to be one of the best presidents ever for Jews
Kelly Jemal Massry of Rosette Kassin Blessing: The Long Life Grateful for Every
Endorsed by the Klan, widely derided by the media as a racist, and having lost the Jewish vote by 50 points
Joseph J. Sitt and the Sephardic Heritage Museum. The fifth of seven documentary films produced by A Community Grows in Brooklyn: 1945 - 1965
Dave Gordon Combating the High Costs of Tuition
Sarina Roffé Honor of Three Sons of Israel Sefer Torah Dedicated in
Rabbi Eli J. Mansour A Local Call… to the Heavens
Rabbi Eli J. Mansour Why Does the Torah Require us to Get Married?
Special High Holiday Features Survivor Shares His Story The Hand of Hashem: A 9/11 Rabbi Eli J Mansour The High Holiday Shopping List Fallacy
desperate need of a kidney transplant. organization has continued to save the lives of those in With the community’s ongoing support, the Renewal
the Gift ofof LLife
and what is currently being done, in the hunt for Nazi war criminals. Rambam, reveals what has been done, what could have been done, In an exclusive interview, Nazi hunter extraordinaire, Steven
racist, and having lost the Jewish vote by 50 points Endorsed by the Klan, widely derided by the media as a
Last Chief Rabbi of Halab
Hacham Yom Tov Yedid זצ״ל
Elul 5776 September 2016
1 .oN VX emuloV
21 rebmuN VX emuloV
Tishrei - Cheshvan 5776 October 2015
Words of Rabbi Eli J. Mansour > P. 16
Partnering For Positive Changes In The Shidduch Process > P. 46 Don’t Get Stuck With A Lemon – How To Pick The Right Etrog > P. 36
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Elul 5774 September 2014
Tevet - Shevat 5776 January 2016 4 .oN VX emuloV
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Kislev 5777 December 2016 Elul 5777 October 2016
3 rebmuN IVX emuloV
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