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Formed 11 years ago, the Deutscher Chor London rehearses mostly in German, and the singers are made up of mostly long-term German expats, and several other nationalities. The choir has turned the crisis into something creative by launching the Corona Commissions project, which is supporting composers. The project was inspired by a tweet when musical director Barbara Höfling’s social media was flooded with stories from friends who lost all their work for the rest of the year within the space of a day or two. Consulting with the choir’s trustees they launched a fundraising campaign, and are using the £5,000 they raised to commission composers to write new choral pieces during the pandemic, for future Deutscher Chor concerts.
Music making a difference Member groups go all out to support key workers From rainbow drawings in windows to clapping and pot bashing on Thursdays, public support shown towards our NHS and key workers produced some of the most uplifting moments of the COVID-19 lockdown. Some of our talented member groups used music to help bring a muchneeded smile to people’s faces in these challenging times. Highlights included Blackpool Symphony Orchestra who created an impressive performance of ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow,’ arranged by their own Composerin-Residence, Edward Rugman. The orchestra used the video to launch a fundraiser for the local Blackpool Food Bank, which has so far raised £3,011, no less than 860% of their original target. As a special thank you to NHS staff and key workers, the Pandemonium Drummers put together a special lockdown performance of ‘And I Will Kiss,’ which they first performed together at the opening ceremony of the London 6
HIGHNOTES Autumn 2020
Olympics when they were first formed, eight years ago. Members of the City of Bristol Band created a special sociallydistanced version of the iconic ‘Wallace and Gromit’ theme tune to raise money for the Bristol Children’s Hospital Grand Appeal. The hospital charity shared the video with patients, families, and staff across the hospital to help spread a little cheer during these difficult times. Rainbow Chorus, guest-starring comedian Hannah Brackenbury, recorded a parody of TLC’s 1999 hit ‘No Scrubs,’ showing their members working together (via video!) to produce scrubs for the NHS as part of the For the love of Scrubs campaign. To watch the videos mentioned here, visit: uk/news/members-supportkeyworkers. Congratulations to these and to all of the many music groups across the UK that have been fundraising and supporting causes throughout the pandemic!
Did you know? Making Music’s Virtual Concerts starring member groups have been viewed over 11,000 times on our YouTube channel
The People’s Orchestra has been busy in lockdown with the first performance of its pilot virtual commonwealth orchestra, in celebration of the Commonwealth Games in 2022. Working alongside composer John Koutselinis in his latest commission for the orchestra, War Of The Titans, musicians recorded their parts from living rooms, bedrooms and kitchens across England. The orchestra invited L’Orchestre Philharmonia Mundi de Montreal in Canada and Orchestras Central in New Zealand to join them. The People’s Orchestra performed in the handover ceremony back in 2018 in Birmingham, and are looking forward to continuing their commemorative projects in the build-up to the games.