1 minute read
What’s the purpose of all this?
Suicide is the biggest killer of under 34-year-olds. We have lost too many of our young friends to suicide. It has felt like an epidemic of tragic loss. Despite this, mental health research is still significantly less funded when compared to physical health conditions.
Our group—a response
The group is made up of Mason’s mother, Jess, who chairs, minutes and organises the meetings. The core 5 young people, Millie, Alex, Isaac, Callum and Ben. Some attend different schools and we have a mix of genders. All of us were Mason’s friends and just starting into a new term in year 10 when Mason was lost to suicide. We all have an equal voice in the running and activity of the group. We fundraise in Mason’s name and are considering a range of different interventions to improve mental health wellbeing for others.
Our goals
Make Some Noise gather feedback and experiences about young people and mental health support services. We also try new experiences with the aim of improving our mental health and encourage a wider group of teenagers to get involved in the things life has to offer.
It is ver y impor tant to us that the feedback we collect is shared using exactly the same words as were used originally. All to of ten we have seen that people working with children and young people have interpreted comments, sometimes with devastating ef fect.
Ever ything we share has come directly from our group or from other young people.