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Contents FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK FRESH OFF THE LAB Braving the Territory of Cancer Genetics Anti-Angiogenesis Treatment: How do They Work? ON THE COVER Reaching the Point for a Good Cause ON THE GROUND Celebrating the Winners of MCRA 2022 MAKNA and MSW Strengthen Collaboration for Cancer Patients 01 03 05 08 11 14 Merapatkan Jurang Untuk Masa Depan Lebih Baik Cycle for Cancer 2022: Membantu Pesakit Kanser Dengan Berbasikal Sharing, Celebrating and Appreciating Our Roots Menyantuni Pasakit Kanser di Tawau HEROES OF MAKNA A Burning Passion to Serve the Underserved LIFE GOES ON Semangat Waja Menentang Stigma 19 17 22 25 28 31 IMPORTANT MESSAGE: The content here is general in nature and is provided for information purpose only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your physician on any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health.


Penasihat / Advisors

Dato’ Mohd Farid Ariffin Farahida Mohd Farid


Shahril Shafullah Sophia Ivy Jo

Penyumbang / Contributors

Associate Professor Dr Oon Chern Ein

Adheena Munir Munirah ‘Izzati Ismail Shahril Shafullah Sophia Ivy Jo Wan Ainin Sofiya Zunnurin Zohri

Jurufoto / Photographer

Yuni Fardzuan Bakri Adnan Demitri Rohaizad

Diterbitkan oleh / Published by National Cancer Council (MAKNA)

BG 03A & 05, Ground Floor, Megan Ambassy, 225 Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur. T: +603-2162 9178 F: +603-2162 9203 E:

Rekacipta / Design

SG Global Support Services Sdn Bhd

Level 18, Axiata Tower, No. 9 Jalan Stesen Sentral 5, KL Sentral, 50470 Kuala Lumpur. T: +603-2260 1717 F: +603 2260 2211


President’s Desk




Dear friends,

I have always emphasised the importance of sound financial management. The past couple of years has taught us that anything can happen out of the blue. Indeed, it is during a time of crisis that you can learn whether you have been doing the right thing all the while. I am humbled that we have been able to weather the financial hurdle that arose amidst the global crisis.

We at MAKNA try to make the very best of our donors’ trust and funds with the highest accountability i.e., by being frugal. Undoubtedly, it has helped us tread the new normal’s uncharted waters. As we brave through the storm, we also learned new ways of doing things. At the end of the day, despite all the chaos, there is a silver lining. Coming out of the woods, I am proud that MAKNA has managed to continue giving fairly and uninterrupted aid.

I am filled with gratitude to our donors who have supported us in these trying times. It would not have been possible without your help. Together, we shall make the world a better place.

Take care of your health and my best wishes, always.


Thank you to the outstanding MAKNA team for the tireless contribution and admirable dedication that they poured throughout the years.


New Zealand, homing in on the use of sequencing technologies to decode the genetic underpinnings of unusual adverse drug reactions.

After several years of studying abroad, Dr Chua Eng Wee came back to Malaysia in 2015 and was set on resuming the research that he did for his doctoral degree. He completed his training in molecular genetics and attained a PhD from the University of Otago,

Throughout his study, it did not occur to him to brave the territory of somatic DNA variants. For him, the murky genetic landscape of cancers is terrifying, as cancer cells have typically unstable and highly mutable genomes – no thanks to their defunct DNA repair machineries. Nevertheless, everything changed following a discussion with one of his colleagues.

It is a terrifying field.
I never imagined that I would actually be involved in it.

“My colleague was developing an in vitro model that would better simulate the behaviour of cancer cells in vivo and help us to understand how cancer cells become resistant to treatments,” he remarked. “The model would be ideal for mapping out the progression of cancer cells into drug-resistant tumours and the mutational profiles at baseline would enable us to eliminate genetic ‘noise’ and pinpoint the true survival-enhancing DNA variants,” he added. Right away, it prompted him to consider going into cancer genetics.

Dr Chua came across the MAKNA Cancer Research Award (MCRA) through an email and was very impressed with the initiative launched by MAKNA (Majlis Kanser Nasional). Furthermore, the prestige of the award was appreciated by many of his colleagues. Hence, he submitted a proposal for an investigation of how changes in mitochondrial DNA, ascertained using a nanopore sequencer, would drive the development of cisplatin resistance in oral cancer cells. He won and was awarded with a grant amounting to RM30,000.

“The award had jump-started a project that would have been stillborn otherwise and for this, I am eternally grateful,” he said. According to him, getting adequate research funding in Malaysia has become increasingly challenging. The amount of funding received by researchers is not on par with other countries. However, despite the grim funding situation in Malaysia, he highlighted that many talented researchers he interacted or worked with have nurtured in him a resolute sense of optimism about the future of research in Malaysia.

he advised.

Dr Chua Eng Wee is currently serving as a lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

To the young, wouldbe researchers, the key to a fruitful career is by recognising your priorities. Also, fend off distractions in order to manage and complete your research project. Remember to not work in silos, choose your collaborators carefully and ensure that they contribute proactively to your projects.



1 Institute for Research in Molecular Medicine, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800, Penang

2 Keele University, Keele, Newcastle ST5 5BG, United Kingdom

Cancer and metastasis

Cancer is rapid and uncontrolled cell growth caused by the activation of oncogenes or deactivation of tumour suppression genes. Healthy human cells are carefully regulated to grow and divide in a process called cell division. However, when the cells grow old or become damaged, they undergo cell death, and thus, new cells take their place. Within a healthy cell, cellular mechanisms allow it to self-destruct if the cell begins to behave abnormally. When this mechanism is dysregulated, cells multiply more than they should or disregard the motion to self-destruct, evading cell death. As a result, abnormal cells can undertake cell division which causes the growth of tumours.

Tumours are large lumps or protrusions of tissue which can form in the body; they can be cancerous (malignant) or non-cancerous (benign). A benign tumour usually grows more slowly, possesses uniform borders and does not invade other parts of the

body. However, malignant tumours can spread and invade nearby tissues or distant body parts, known as metastasis. Metastasis occurs when abnormal cells infiltrate the bloodstream and then move and spread to other parts of the body.

Figure. 1: Aggressive cancer cells can invade the basement membrane into the extracellular matrix and enter the bloodstream, allowing the malignant cells to spread to distant sites in the body.


Disrupting angiogenesis with targeted therapy

Tumours must recruit vasculature to receive oxygen and nutrients to grow beyond 1–2 mm3 (1). Angiogenesis describes the development of new capillary blood vessels from pre-existing ones. This process is modulated by chemical cues and involves the migration and growth of endothelial cells, which line the inner wall of blood vessels. Cancer cells can secrete the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) protein which binds to the receptors on endothelial cells to stimulate angiogenesis. However, tumours cannot grow without blood supplies, so scientists have developed drugs to starve them by pruning the blood vessels to shrink or slow cancer growth. These drugs are targeted modalities known as angiogenesis inhibitors which hamper angiogenesis by two major mechanisms (Figure 2). Unlike chemotherapy which kills all rapidly dividing cells, targeted therapy interferes with specific proteins implicated in tumorigenesis and metastasis.

Tyrosine kinases are enzymes that trigger the signal transduction cascades to promote tumour growth. A tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) is a targeted modality to block the receptor tyrosine kinases or inhibit tyrosine kinases which help send growth signals in cells.

Figure 2: A) Growth factor binds to the receptor to trigger angiogenesis and cell survival during tumorigenesis. Antiangiogenesis modalities may function by B) inhibiting growth factor from binding to the receptor or C) blocking intracellular signalling [tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI)].

Some Anti-angiogenesis drugs work by impeding VEGF receptors on the endothelial cells (Ramucirumab). Some drugs sequester VEGF to prevent them from binding to their receptors on the endothelial cells (Bevacizumab and Aflibercept). This stops the blood vessels from growing.

Although anti-angiogenesis drugs can benefit patient survival, there is still some debate over their effectiveness as tumour cells can transform to tolerate hypoxia (oxygen deprivation). A growing tumour may quickly outgrow its blood supply, leaving parts of the tumour with hypoxic regions. Hypoxia may cause the tumour to become resistant to antiangiogenic drugs, leading to enhanced invasiveness and metastasis (2). Suppose the tumour’s blood supply is pruned. In that case, it may cause the cells that can tolerate blood deficiency to survive, meaning a population of cells may escape from the area which is being starved of oxygen until they spread throughout the body. Over time, escaping cells develop resistance to subsequent treatments. As a result, the anti-angiogenic modalities as a single agent may present potential benefits and drawbacks and may need re-evaluation.

Combination therapy as the way forward

Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have transformed the treatment landscape for selected advanced cancers by activating the host’s anti-tumour immune response. Appropriate anti-angiogenesis dosing could potentially reprogram the tumour’s immune microenvironment to become more immune-supportive (3). On the other hand, ICI could also reinstate the immune-supportive microenvironment and stimulate vessel normalisation to reduce tumour hypoxia and enhance drug delivery (4). In combination with an anti-angiogenesis regime, ICI is a

promising strategy to circumvent drug resistance. Nevertheless, numerous clinical investigations are currently being conducted to determine the efficacy of concurrently inhibiting immunological checkpoints and angiogenesis. The early results are encouraging, and data indicated that combination therapy outperformed singular drug trials (3).


Angiogenesis is critical for cancer to spread to other parts of the body. Antiangiogenic drugs function by starving the tumours of blood supply. However, patients may develop resistance to antiangiogenic drugs. Hence, combining anti-angiogenic therapy and ICI may be a suitable therapeutic strategy that enhances cancer immunity and overcomes drug resistance.


1. Folkman J. Tumor angiogenesis: therapeutic implications. New England journal of medicine. 1971;285(21):1182-6.

2. Haibe Y, Kreidieh M, El Hajj H, et al. Resistance Mechanisms to Anti-angiogenic Therapies in Cancer. Front Oncol. 2020;10:221. doi:10.3389/fonc.2020.00221

3. Hu H, Chen Y, Tan S, et al. The Research Progress of Antiangiogenic Therapy, Immune Therapy and Tumor Microenvironment. Front Immunol. 2022;13:802846. doi:10.3389/ fimmu.2022.802846

4. Matuszewska K, Pereira M, Petrik D, Lawler J, Petrik J. Normalizing Tumor Vasculature to Reduce Hypoxia, Enhance Perfusion, and Optimize Therapy Uptake. Cancers (Basel). 2021;13(17). doi:10.3390/ cancers13174444



When I first successfully reached the highest mountain in Malaysia, Mount Kinabalu, back in 2019, it was a surreal adventure. It gives you a sense of accomplishment like no other. Since then, I have been meaning to accomplish it again but this time, at the highest mountain in Peninsular Malaysia - Mount Tahan. So, when I found out MAKNA was organising a fundraising expedition to Mount Tahan, I immediately volunteered to join.

At first, I thought that since I have conquered Mount Kinabalu, Mount Tahan should not be a problem. Golly, I was wrong!

I was joined by nine other climbers who were also my fellow MAKNA colleagues and volunteers as well as six porters. Our trip started on 23 August when we departed from MAKNA Headquarters and headed to Merapoh for a one-night stay. The next morning, we travelled from our homestay to Taman Negara Merapoh around 9 a.m. and were welcomed by our forest guides, Abang Mail and Aiman. Before entering the forest, we had to declare all the things that we carried and lay them out to be accounted for. Once that was done, we commenced the journey by using four-wheel drive vehicles to Kuala Juram. From there, we started our hike on foot. Our destination for the day was Kem Kor which was 13.5 KM away. Although we had to wade through seven rivers along the way, I could say that it was fun.

We reached Kem Kor around 5 p.m. and set up our campsite near a creek. Dinner was unexpectedly sumptuous, considering the fact that we were in the middle of the forest. The funny thing was I forgot to bring my own plate! Luckily, my friend was willing to share his plate with me. Such a keeper, right? I spent the rest of the evening chatting with the others and went to bed early to prepare for the next day.

Morning came and we packed up our things to move on to the next checkpoint, Kem Kubang. Pak Lee, one of the porters, informed us that the track would be more difficult. They called it the “Good Morning Hill". I initially wondered why.

I thought to myself, “Hey this isn’t so bad at all”. Little did I know the hurdle that was waiting for me. We are the champion of the world.
Declaring our belongings before entering the forest.

Only then I understood. We literally had to climb uphill from the morning all the way to the evening! When we finished setting up the campsite, I was completely exhausted. To make matters worse, it rained heavily, and the wind was blowing ever so strongly that night. Quite scary if I was being honest. Thankfully, nothing bad happened.

We continued our adventure the morning after at 10 a.m. Our mission for the day was to reach Kem Botak and go for the last push towards the peak of Mount Tahan. We trod the track at a slower pace going through Mossy Valley, which was covered with thick mud due to the heavy rain the night before. The mud was so deep, to the point where my shoes were torn apart. Fortunately, I had a pair of spare rubber shoes. Dare I say, it was the most extreme part despite the terrain being level. It was around 4 p.m. that we arrived at Kem Botak. We set up the campsite and rested for a while before preparing for the final ascent at 5.30 p.m.

As we got higher, it also got harder to climb. Nevertheless, I gathered all my strength to carry on. It took us almost one hour and at last, we reached the peak. I was so thrilled as such majestic scenery welcomed me at the top. The nice weather paired with the cool air made it even more breathtaking. Right from the start of our trip, I was carrying a bottle of isotonic drink. It was so tempting but I abstained myself from drinking it on the way. I instead wanted to savour it at the peak as a celebration. And savoured it I did. After the sunset, we descended back to Kem Botak and called it a day.

Wading through one of the seven rivers.

Since descending the mountain is relatively easier than ascending, we managed to go all the way to the Taman Negara Merapoh entrance the next day. Following the procedure, we declared and laid out our things again to ensure nothing was left behind in the forest. After that, we headed home to MAKNA Headquarters. The whole thing was a truly priceless experience. The taxing endeavour, in a way, symbolically portrayed the difficulties faced by cancer patients in their fight for survival. It taught me to be more grateful and motivated me to give my all for the sake of our patients.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!


2022 marks 21 years of MAKNA’s collaboration with our country’s think tank, the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM), in accelerating research across cancer fields. With the objective to support high-quality research that will yield substantial findings, the partnership contributes to new understanding in the fight against cancer.

The MAKNA Cancer Research Award (MCRA) was launched in 2001 with the goal of encouraging young researchers to break new ground in Malaysian cancer research.

“Over the years, ASM has been committed to nurturing scientific talent, especially in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) nationally and internationally. Recognising the STEM talent that goes beyond research by

creating impact and delivering value to the nation and society is one of our main focuses,” said Professor Emerita Datuk Dr Asma Ismail FASc, the President of ASM, cum the Country’s Science, Technology, and Innovation Advisor.

“This aim synergises with MAKNA’s continuous efforts in providing funding opportunities to the young scientific talent in finding the solutions to cancer problems through Science, Technology, and Innovation. ASM is delighted to partner with MAKNA in this Award by providing our experts in the evaluation process as well as to encourage Malaysian young researchers to pursue a career in cancer-related research and recognise the related R&D work of local researchers in advancing knowledge and discovery to benefit humanity,” she added.


This year, three recipients have been chosen out of 50 participants who submitted applications for the award. The award was presented by Academician Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’ Dzulkifli Abdul Razak FASc, MAKNA Board of Trustee & ASM Senior Fellow accompanied by Professor Emerita Datuk Dr Asma Ismail FASc, ASM President & Science, Technology

& Innovation Advisor to the Nation and Pn Farahida Mohd Farid, MAKNA’s General Manager.

The recipients for this year’s MCRA are Associate Professor Dr Ooi Ean Hin from Monash University Malaysia with his topic of ex vivo investigations on the safety and effectiveness of gold nanorods photothermal therapy for liver cancer treatment, Dr Lee Sau Har from Taylor’s University researching on nanoformulation of Doxorubicin coloaded with miR-145 mimics in PEGylated liposome and conjugated with A6 peptide for tumour-targeted anticancer effects and Dr Phan Chia Wei from Universiti Malaya who focuses on oral microbiota diversity and metabolome analysis in oral cancer and periodontitis patients.

Since its establishment, MCRA has funded 66 young researchers with investments amounting to RM2.139 million.

I hope at the end of the day, MAKNA & ASM will culminate into something that is more than just science or treatment, something that is very humanistic, and this will also be another sort of a global venture moving forward. Many of these are required to move forward to reshape the world using the Malaysian model, said Academician Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’ Dzulkifli Abdul Razak FASc, MAKNA Board of Trustee & ASM Senior Fellow.

According to Dr Lee, cancer researchers should enjoy their work and never give up on the betterment of people’s health as well as the quality of cancer patients' lives. As for Dr Ooi, he hopes that there will be more awareness of different types of cancer research and of course more support and funding from the government and private institutions. Meanwhile, Dr Phan believes that to provide a better solution for cancer patients, scientists must work on developing a better drug as well as consider moving towards preventive and precision technology.

Datuk Dr Asma receiving a souvenir on behalf of ASM from Tan Sri Dzul accompanied by Puan Farahida.
Dr Lee Sau Har shares her research topic.


MAKNA and the Department of Medical Social Work (MSW) have been sharing a joint mission of aiding cancer patients since the establishment of MAKNA. With the theme ‘Leaving No One Behind’, MAKNA celebrated its MSW Appreciation Day as a token of gratitude for the hardworking medical social workers that have been supporting our cause. Over 90 MSW officers from government hospitals all over Malaysia attended the event held in Putrajaya.

MAKNA receives cases that are referred from government hospitals nationwide. During the inception of this collaboration, it only included one hospital which was Hospital Kuala Lumpur. Today, over 100 government hospitals are involved in the endeavour. The event was officiated by Farahida Mohd Farid, General Manager of MAKNA and Abdul Halim Hj Jamil, MSW’s Head of Profession.


Abdul Halim Hj Jamil, MSW’s Head of Profession.

Malaysian television host, Mr Amin Idris moderated a forum discussion during the event and was joined by three panellists, Muhd Rahfeecancer survivor, Khairil Naim - MSW representative and Amylia MustaffaMAKNA representative. The panellists each shared their involvement and experiences with cancer and helping cancer patients, along with what they hope to achieve in the future.

To acknowledge the outstanding service of MSW officers in helping cancer patients with MAKNA, Zaher Mirza Amin, Nur Azila Binti Muin and

Both MAKNA and MSW play a vital role in ensuring cancer patients, especially the underprivileged, are able to complete their much-needed treatment. Thus, I hope that this collaboration shall continue for years to come, said

Cleris Binti Mubin were selected for this award. MAKNA expresses our gratitude towards their dedication to making cancer patients’ lives better.

The track record shows that the MAKNAMSW collaboration is indeed necessary and beneficial. Now, our goal is to figure out how

can better serve

what might be the biggest fight of their lives.

At MAKNA, periwinkles are synonymous with cancer treatment as it produces two cancer - fighting medicines: vinblastine and vincristine. As such, the event concluded with the gifting of periwinkle flowers to the MSW officers as a symbol of our continuous effort in supporting cancer patients throughout their journey towards recovery.

“I hope MAKNA will stay committed to helping cancer patients in this country for the greater good.” Hj Omran - MSW officer.

cancer patients in
Farahida Mohd FaridGeneral Manager of MAKNA


Setelah tamatnya kempen “ I Am And I Will” untuk Hari Kanser Sedunia pada tahun lepas, Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) telah melancarkan kempen baharu untuk meneruskan usaha melawan kanser di peringkat global. Sebuah usaha berjangka masa tiga tahun bermula daripada 2022 sehingga 2024, “Close The Care Gap” yang juga bermaksud merapatkan jurang penjagaan, adalah kempen terkini yang memfokuskan

kesaksamaan, terutamanya dari segi akses perkhidmatan kesihatan.

Walaupun pelbagai kemajuan teknologi telah dikecapi sejak beberapa dekad yang lalu, namun amat mengejutkan apabila separuh daripada populasi dunia masih tidak mendapat akses penuh kepada perkhidmatan kesihatan yang amat penting. Realiti inilah yang mewujudkan jurang penjagaan kanser di seluruh dunia.

Oleh Shahril Shafullah

Dari lensa Malaysia, antara golongan yang amat terkesan dengan jurang tersebut ialah mereka yang kurang berkemampuan dan menetap di kawasan terpencil. Atas sebab ini jugalah MAKNA telah ditubuhkan; untuk merapatkan jurang yang wujud di samping memastikan nasib setiap pesakit kanser terbela. Justeru itu, tema kempen Hari Kanser Sedunia yang terkini amat dekat di hati MAKNA.

Inti pati utama tahun pertama kempen “Close the Care Gap” ini adalah tentang memahami dan mengenali ketidaksamarataan dalam penjagaan kanser di seluruh dunia. Sehubungan itu, MAKNA telah melancarkan sebuah usaha kesedaran gerila berkonsepkan pemberian belon di beberapa lokasi tumpuan di Kuala Lumpur. Menerusi inisiatif ini, pihak MAKNA dapat menyebarkan dan mendidik dalam usaha meningkatkan kesedaran tentang jurang yang kian melebar yang kita hadapi hari ini.

Setiap hari adalah hari kanser di MAKNA

Kesimpulannya, memetik kata-kata pengasas dan presiden MAKNA, Dato’ Mohd Farid Ariffin, “Setiap hari adalah hari kanser di MAKNA”. Oleh itu, MAKNA akan sentiasa berjuang sehabis baik untuk meringankan beban kanser dengan harapan bahawa suatu hari nanti kita dapat melahirkan sebuah dunia tanpa kanser.

- Dato’ Mohd Farid Ariffin .



10 penunggang basikal telah memulakan kayuhan merentasi jarak perjalanan sejauh lebih 1,100 km bermula dari Sandakan, Sabah ke Sibu, Sarawak, bagi mengumpul dana buat pesakit kanser MAKNA.

Walaupun terpaksa meredah cuaca panas terik dan hujan lebat, acara 'Cycle for Cancer 2022' anjuran Persatuan Perubatan Malaysia (MMA) telah berjaya mengumpul RM200,000, sepanjang tempoh 10 hari berkayuh dari pantai Sabah ke wilayah tengah Sarawak.

Dengan matlamat untuk menyokong pesakit kanser di negara ini, 10 penunggang basikal, 16 sukarelawan dan 4 kakitangan perubatan telah berbasikal

sejauh 1,100 km dari Sandakan, Sabah menuju ke Sibu, Sarawak pada kelajuan purata 25 km/jam dan jarak harian antara 100 km hingga 150 km.

Ketibaan mereka di pekan Sibu disambut oleh Timbalan Menteri Kesihatan Awam, Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan, YB Michael Tiang, yang turut merasmikan majlis penutup acara tersebut di Hotel Paramount, Sibu.

Oleh Sophia Ivy Jo


peningkatan jumlah


penyakit kanser

sebanyak dua kali ganda menjelang tahun 2040 amat menggerunkan, kata YB Michael Tiang.

“Penglibatan badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) seperti MAKNA juga penting dalam usaha meringankan penderitaan pesakit kanser, dengan penyediaan perkhidmatan saringan, bantuan rawatan, penjagaan kejururawatan dan sokongan emosi,” tambahnya.

Dalam satu kenyataan, Presiden MMA, Dr Koh Kar Chai, berkata bahawa MMA berharap melalui inisiatif ini, mereka dapat membantu meningkatkan kualiti hidup ramai yang terjejas oleh penyakit tersebut.

Sebagai permulaan, MMA telah menjanjikan sumbangan sebanyak RM50,000 kepada dana kanser MAKNA.

Tambahan lagi, dua orang daripada peserta acara berbasikal tersebut merupakan penerima bantuan MAKNA.

Encik Danny Goh, 56, seorang wira kanser dari Kota Kinabalu, Sabah juga

Encik Zaidi berkongsi kisah.

terlibat dalam pengurusan logistik dan sokongan untuk krew bagi acara tersebut. Beliau sedang melawan kanser tiroid tahap 4, yang didiagnosis pada tahun 2016.

Seorang lagi penerima bantuan MAKNA dan wira kanser, Encik Zaidi, 57, dari Johor telah melawan leukemia sejak tahun 1994 dan kanser mulut sejak tahun 2010.

“Sebagai penerima bantuan dan sukarelawan di MAKNA, saya memilih untuk berkhidmat kepada masyarakat dengan membantu dalam memberi galakan kepada pesakit kanser. Kehidupan mesti diteruskan dan kanser perlu terus dilawan,” kata Encik Zaidi dalam ucapan ringkas semasa majlis penutup tersebut.

YB Michael Tiang (enam dari kiri) mengiringi Encik Zaidi dan semua peserta di penghujung kayuhan menuju ke Pejabat MAKNA Sibu.


After over two decades of existence, MAKNA has never lost sight of its most crucial stakeholder; the people. The general public has been one of our strongest supporters, helping us to grow into the successful nonprofit organisation that we are today. Therefore, to further cement the mutualistic relationship between MAKNA and the public, we organised our first ever MAKNA Open Day.

Participants sharing their messages and support for cancer patients. Launching done by representatives of MAKNA top management together with invited cancer patients, cancer survivors and caregivers.

The event was held at AEON Mall Taman Maluri Shopping Centre for two days. It aimed to share with the public regarding the various efforts and initiatives carried out by MAKNA that were made possible thanks to everyone’s donations. Through the selfless contribution of our donors, we were able to ignite a spark of hope for many cancer patients, helping them to put up a good fight against the disease. The event not only served as an appreciation to MAKNA’s existing donors but also to attract potential new donors to join the cause.

MAKNA Open Day was also organised in conjunction with MAKNA’s 28th anniversary.

Since the idea of creating a cancercentred charity was first mooted back in 1994 by our founder, Dato’ Farid Ariffin, MAKNA has come a long way. We are now able to provide multifaceted services to help cancer patients, says Puan Imelda Suhanti Ishak, MAKNA’s Head of Department (Services).

“Take MAKNA Bursary Programme for instance. It is one of the core services that we provide, where underprivileged cancer patients can apply for essential needs such as financial assistance, non-formulary drugs, supplementary milk and prostheses among others. It helps to provide peace of mind and allow them to focus on their cancer treatment,” she added.


Various activities were available within the two-day event such as free clinical breast examination, yoga session, cancer awareness exhibition and virtual reality (VR) cancer education. One of the most awaited activities for the event was a special sharing session titled “Breast Cancer in Women & Men”. The session included panellists consisting of breast cancer patients, survivors and caregivers. The audience were very interested as they had the opportunity to learn about and look at breast cancer from multiple perspectives.

Since 1994, MAKNA has touched the lives of over 64,000 underprivileged cancer patients in their journey against cancer as well as raising awareness amongst the public regarding early detection of cancer.
Sharing session with cancer survivor Siti Rohani (second from the right), cancer patient Raymond (third from the right), and caregiver Nizam Laksamana (first from the left). Free clinical breast examination and cancer awareness exhibition by MAKNA staff. Yoga session with Isabella (centre) from Life Hot Yoga.


Setelah beberapa tahun ditangguhkan, program MAKNA Continuous Education (MCE) telah diadakan pada bulan Jun 2022. Untuk edisi kali ini, program MCE telah diadakan di Sabah selama empat hari. Seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, setiap peserta program ini telah melawat dan menyantuni para pesakit kanser di sekitar daerah Tawau, Semporna dan Kunak.

Seramai 43 kumpulan peserta yang terdiri daripada kakitangan MAKNA daripada seluruh Malaysia dan 43 keluarga pesakit kanser telah bersamasama menjayakan program ini. Antara

tujuan utama program MCE diadakan adalah untuk mengeratkan silaturrahim di antara MAKNA dan para pesakit kanser di samping menyelami cabaran serta liku-liku kehidupan seharian mereka. Sebelum berkunjung ke rumah pesakit kanser, para peserta telah menyertai acara “explorace MAKNA” di mana mereka dikehendaki menyelesaikan tugasan-tugasan di beberapa lokasi sekitar Tawau. Acara tersebut diadakan bagi memupuk semangat kerjasama sesama ahli kumpulan. Antara aktivitiaktiviti menarik yang dilakukan adalah mencipta bendera kumpulan, jualan


amal pelitup muka MAKNA dan memasak ambuyat. Setelah setiap kumpulan selesai melaksanakan semua tugasan tersebut, mereka kemudian bergerak menuju ke rumah pesakit kanser masing-masing.

Setibanya di rumah pesakit kanser, para peserta telah merancang pelbagai usaha untuk membantu pesakit dan keluarga, terutama sekali dari segi memperbaiki taraf kehidupan mereka.

Saya dan ahli kumpulan mendapati bahawa tangga rumah pesakit kami, Puan Sabdatul, berada dalam keadaan yang terlalu usang. Justeru itu, kami bersama-sama mengambil ikhtiar untuk membina sebuah tangga baru demi menjamin keselamatan Puan Sabdatul sekeluarga.

- Sukreejit, peserta MCE

Pesakit kami, Puan Zakiah, merupakan seorang peniaga kecil yang mengusahakan sebuah gerai kuih-muih di Kunak. Untuk membantu mempromosikan gerai tersebut, kumpulan kami telah menghasilkan sebuah kain rentang khas dan memasangnya di gerai beliau. Kami juga telah membaiki atap gerai beliau yang bocor.

- Hazirah, peserta MCE


Puan Tawasiah tinggal di perkampungan atas air di Semporna. Sebahagian besar lantai kayu rumah beliau sudah mulai reput, jadi kumpulan kami telah bersama-sama menukarnya dengan kayu-kayu yang baru.

- Hadi, peserta MCE

Itulah antara usaha-usaha yang telah dilakukan oleh para peserta MCE kali ini. Diharapkan semua usaha ini sedikit sebanyak dapat membantu meringankan beban pesakit-pesakit dan memudahkan perjalanan mereka dalam melawan kanser. Dengan bantuan para penderma MAKNA, program ini akan dapat diteruskan di masa hadapan dan akan memanfaatkan lebih ramai pesakit kanser yang memerlukan.




From attending a MAKNA cancer awareness session as a student at his university to becoming a team leader at MAKNA, Ravi Varman has come a long way in his journey of providing meaning to life. A charismatic leader, an amicable friend and a passionate altruist, his presence is always a pleasure to everyone around him. In this edition of Heroes of MAKNA, Ravi shares his story.

“I think it was back in 2008 when MAKNA held a cancer awareness session at UCSI University. I remember attending the awareness session and getting to know its role in helping people,” he said. In the higher education milieux, it is common for students to be involved with charity projects as their extracurricular activities. However, for Ravi, the cancer awareness session truly inspired him and ignited his passion in helping the unfortunate. Subsequently, he made the decision to undergo his internship at MAKNA in September 2011.

During his internship, he had the opportunity to attend one of MAKNA’s biggest events, the “Wira Kanser” event. It was a momentous event filled with a lot of emotions, where invited cancer patients from all over the country were celebrated for their triumph over their disease. It gave him some purpose and it prompted him to choose to become a part of MAKNA’s mission.

Following his internship, Ravi officially joined MAKNA in January 2012, thus kick-starting his career in the charitable cause. With the designation of Fund Development Officer, Ravi was given the responsibility of signing up new donors to raise funds for MAKNA. He admits that working on the ground, meeting prospect donors and pitching to people from all walks of life was tough. Nevertheless, it did not diminish his passion. To overcome the challenge, he underwent various types of trainings.

He was also once put in charge of a huge event that MAKNA was a part of, known as the Le Tour De Langkawi 2013. It was an international cycling event and MAKNA was one of the supporting partners. He coordinated the team’s movement and fundraised for the entire event duration of 10 days, travelling nationwide together with the cyclists.

It is not easy to convince someone to give to charity. Every now and then, I would get rejections, and honestly, facing it is the biggest challenge.

Leading that event


As time passed by, Ravi gained success and eventually reached the position of Assistant Head of Division. He is now more involved with managing and guiding the team in their effort of raising funds for MAKNA. He hopes that MAKNA can continue to create a meaningful impact and would like to convey his appreciation to everyone who made it all possible.

“To all supporters, MAKNA has grown and flourished because of all the support that was given and showered upon us. I would like to thank you all, and urge for us to keep helping those who are in need. Thank you!” He concluded.

one of the most unforgettable moments for me in MAKNA.
Ravi with his team during the Le Tour De Langkawi 2013 event.
Thumbs up! Ravi posing next to the Wira Kanser event bunting.


Rasa gatal yang dirasai oleh Ray Anthony Rajalingam ternyata bukanlah sekadar gatal yang biasa. Beliau baru sahaja menyambut ulang tahun kelahiran ke50 apabila ketidakselesaan di dadanya mula merebak. Tidak lama kemudian, isterinya menyedari puting kanan Ray masuk ke dalam dan kawasan sekitarnya mengeras kerana ketulan telah terbentuk. Hanya selepas ia mula menjadi luka, barulah beliau bergegas ke klinik kesihatan.

Setelah melalui ujian biopsi, ultrasound dan imbasan CT, beliau disahkan menghidap invasive breast carcinoma.

Pada awalnya saya bimbang akan kehilangan sebahagian anggota badan seperti lengan saya dan juga gusar dengan kemungkinan bahawa kanser tersebut boleh merebak, kata beliau.
Oleh Shahril Shafullah

Invasive breast cancer adalah kanser yang umum dan rawatannya bergantung kepada keadaan kanser tersebut di samping faktor-faktor lain. Seperti kanser-kanser lain, pengesanan awal dapat membawa perubahan signifikan. Sejak diagnosis beliau pada September 2021, Ray telah menjalani enam pusingan kemoterapi dan akan menjalani pembedahan dalam masa terdekat.

Tatkala badannya berusaha untuk kekal sihat dan kuat sepanjang rawatan, beliau menyedari bahawa kesihatan mental juga penting, lebih-lebih lagi kerana beliau terpaksa menangani stigma masyarakat tentang lelaki yang menghidap kanser payudara.

“Namun saya mengingatkan diri saya supaya berfikiran positif dan terus positif. Keadaan fizikal saya mungkin berubah, tetapi mental saya perlu kekal teguh. Saya masih lagi diri saya. Saya akan melihat ke dalam cermin dan berkata, ‘Kamu boleh melakukannya, kamu boleh!’ Saya akan cuba mengukir senyuman dan menarik nafas.”

Mengikut Ray, beliau perlu kerap mengamalkan rutin tersebut untuk memastikan insan di sekelilingnya mengetahui bahawa dirinya masih bersemangat dan bersedia. Beliau yakin dan percaya perkara ini secara tidak langsung akan menjadi tabiat atau rutin hariannya.

“Sungguh saya katakan, ada kalanya segalanya terasa terlalu sukar apabila saya berasa sedih atau murung,” ujar

beliau. “Tetapi saya perlu meyakinkan diri bahawa saya akan dapat hidup untuk melihat hari esok. Saya sentiasa memberi motivasi kepada diri sendiri meskipun keadaan menjadi amat suram.”

Untuk kekal bersemangat dan yakin dalam menjalani rawatan bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah, namun Ray menyeru para pesakit kanser agar sentiasa yakin dan percaya terhadap diri sendiri setiap masa.

Jangan putus asa, pesan beliau. Bak kata pepatah, berpantang maut sebelum ajal.


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There is so much we can do to fight cancer. Every step you take brings us all closer to a cancer-free future.

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