Two Museums Project

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The Two Museums

Anthropological Art Museum of Amman

UJ,Design 3(2020-2021),Malak Mansour 0190669, Arch. Lamis Shaban

Table of Contents

2 3 4,5 6,7 8,9 10,11 12,13 14,15 16,17 18,19 20,21 22,23 24-25

Conceptual Statement Exploded View Scaffolding Morphology Conceptual Sections Site Plan Plans Elevations Sections Digital Model Digital Model-Elevations Exterior Shots Interior Shots

Page 1

Conceptual Statement

“Arts are ought to be able to support the arts.”(Hyde, 2008) This museum aims to introduce its visitors to the creative process, and embed them in the artistic community of Amman. There are two components of the museum typology, one that’s permanent and another that’s temporary, the museum exists as a symbiosis of these two states, one that’s understood as a mass, and the other as an ‘anti-mass’, one that’s fixed while the other as a modular interchangeable system. Two spheres of interaction were created, one that’s public and another that’s community based, the exhibition spaces are interconnected using a public cafe, the studios and library are interconnected by a ‘pre-exhibition’ space, one where the creative productions of the community can be displayed and subsequently moved to the main exhibition space. The museum aims to be experienced in various way, the exhibition spaces can be a kind of ‘Piano Nobile’ accessed by a grand stair, or they can be a experienced as a continuation of the public and semi-public studios and workshop spaces. The museum basement allows its visitors to access and interact with the museum inner- workings, and in that way it’s a meta museum, because it tries to explain the processes behind it by its organization. Visitors are invited into the workshop of the museum as well as the open-acess storage. The museum can be accessed by multiple entrances creating a hub space for multiple possible communities that interact together in order to make it function. the first access leads to the ground floor exhibition space, the second staircase leads to the ‘Piano Nobile’, the third to the staff lobby, the forth to the public library and the fifth to the studio spaces.

The Project examines the following representations of the Museum Typology 1- The Museum as a ‘plaza’, which is a reflection of the its ‘communally’ oriented spirit. - This was examined by providing a ‘central area’ that unites the museum organization as a whole. 2- The Museum as a ‘temple’, one of interpretation and reinterpretation. -This was examined by introducing ‘landscaped areas’ with quite niches connected to the library of the museum. -The Museum as a 'choreography of the visitor's movement and gaze'. “Art in parallel to Nature.” (Paul Cézanne) “Passing through the formative processes of nature and then stepping into the buildings, you will find the specifically human power of design – that is, ‘Art’.” (Erwin Heerich) 3-The Museum as an ‘impermanent space’, which is always in the process of ‘emerging and reemerging’. - This was examined by the ‘extruded grid’ connecting the museum scattered spaces. - This space was used as a temporary, ‘open-air’ exhibition space. 4- The Museum as a ‘Cabinet of Curiosity'’ and a ‘Repository of examples for Study'. - This was examined in the museum ‘exhibitions areas’ and in the ’museum processes areas’ also ‘by the Library and auditorium areas.’ “The art school must accept new methods of production without knowing them.” (Charles Renfo)

Page 2

Exploded View Diagram


Curtain Walls



Page 1 3

Exploded View Model

Page 4

Scaffolding Model

“The Modular – a recurring silhouette in Le Corbusier's art and buildings with wide shoulders and narrow waist. A proud human figure who puts an arm up and has been thought as a universal proportioning scheme that places human needs at the center of design and architecture.” Les Couleurs Suisse

The Modular measure was utilized as a proportioning device throughout the museum system as follows A- 0.048 m as the scaffolding unit thickness B- 2.26*2.26 m Scaffolding unit C- 2.26*1.13 m Scaffolding unit D- 1.13*1.13 m Scaffolding unit E- 2.26*3.39 m Scaffolding unit F- 1.13*3.39 m Scaffolding unit G- 3.39*4.52 m Scaffolding unit

These units were then used as proportioning modules to create the museum spaces accordingly with emphasis on the interaction and interdependence between solids(mass) and voids(anti-mass)

Page 5

Morphology Diagram

Page 6

Morphology Diagram

Dividing the program into Three main areas: A- Exhibition Space B- Auditorium C-Studio and Library

Subdividing the areas further and identifying a governing datum line cutting through the Exhibition Space

Connecting the two Exhibition Spaces using a cafĂŠ space and overlapping the studio and library spaces to allow inter-accessibility

Sculpting two vertical circulation means into the Exhibition Spaces and creating a 'Piano Nobile' type of space on the first floor by utilizing a grand staircase

Subdividing and interlocking the facade to elaborate the interactions between the various parts of the museum space and separating the three main areas on different levels

Creating a second museum a one that’s in the process of emerging in order to house the temporary collection of the museum which is achieved by adding modular scaffolding units that take the role of void signifiers

Studios Library Workshop

Exhibition Spaces Cafe Museum Storage


Page 7

Horizontal Section Model

Indirect Northern light is admitted though clerestory openings to provide intriguing possibilities to the showcase spaces

Two experiences are created by the introduction of a ‘Piano Nobile’ floor so that the ground floor becomes more of a social space while the first floor is more of an exhibition space

Section (2-2) Model

Page 8

longitudinal Section Model

The first floor leads to a glazed platform Overlooking the museum spaces

Scaffolding units are used to signify the museum main entrance

Section (1-1) Model

Page 9

General Site Plan

Location Program Areas

King Abdullah II StreetŘŒ Amman, Jordan Exhibition Spaces, Auditorium, Cafe, Studios, Library 1,182 Square meters (built area) 6,900 Square meters (land area) Page 10

Site Plan 1



3 6.78 m 6.78 m

7.91 m

7.91 m

4.52 m

7.91 m

6.78 m

4.52 m

2.26 m


3.39 m


5.65 m

6.78 m

5.65 m



3.39 m

5.65 m

1.13 m

6.78 m 9.04 m

6.78 m

5.65 m

5.65 m

4.52 m 1.13 m

0.00 m

2.26 m

18.68% 2.26 m 0.00 m




10 m


Page 11

Ground Floor Plan

First Floor Plan





2.26 m

Pre Exhibition 79 m²

Private Office 13 m²

W/C 8 m²

Artist in Residence Studio 62 m²

2.56 m





Studio 191 m²

Library Lobby 61 m² 2.26 m

2.26 m

Library 137 m²

2.26 m

Studio 98 m²

Service 22 m²

4.52 m

1.51 m

3.77 m

3.01 m

3.01 m

2.26 m

2.26 m

4.52 m

3.01 m

3.01 m

Public Workshop 152 m²

Studio 191 m²

Ceramic Studio 48 m²

2.56 m 2.56 m

2.26 m

2.26 m

1.13 m



Exhibiton Sapce 1 381 m²

Exhibtion Space 2 628 m²

1.13 m

1.13 m


1.88 m



2.64 m

Ͳ1.13 m


2.64 m

2.64 m

Cafe Lobby 53 m²

3.39 m

3.39 m

Ͳ1.13 m

Cafe 102 m²

Ͳ1.13 m Ͳ1.13 m

Ͳ1.13 m

4.14 m

1.13 m

Ͳ1.13 m

Exhibiton Sapce 1 381 m²

4.90 m

1.13 m

1.13 m

Security Office 18 m² 2.26 m

Managment Office 59 m²

Staff Lobby 37 m²

Gift Shop 42 m²

1.13 m

2.26 m

1.51 m

0.75 m

Information Desk 8 m²

1.13 m 1.13 m

0.00 m 0.00 m

2.26 m

2.26 m

Auditorium Gallery 38 m²

0.00 m

0.45 m

0.90 m

1.36 m

1.81 m

2.26 m

Auditorium 111 m²

Room Legend

18.68% 2.26 m 0.00 m

Auditorium Auditorium Gallery Cafe Lobby

Room Legend

Exhibiton Sapce 1 Information Desk

Artist in Residence Studio

Library Lobby


Managment Office

Ceramic Studio

Pre Exhibition

Exhibtion Space 2 Gift Shop

Public Workshop Security Office







Private Office

Staff Lobby





10 m



10 m


Page 12

Second Floor Plan

Basement Plan









Library Archive 125 m²

0.00 m

Stoarge 10 m²

Sto. 4 m²

Storage 15 m²

W/C 12 m²

2.26 m 0.75 m

CNC Studio 60 m²

29.69% Ͳ1.13 m

Mechanical Services 37 m²

Closed-access Storage 132 m²

Lab 9 m²

Storage 9 m²

Items Drop-off Area 93 m² Exhibtion Space 3 270 m²

Restoration Workshop 44 m²

5.65 m





Ͳ0.38 m

Ͳ1.13 m

Ͳ1.13 m Ͳ1.13 m

4.90 m

Cafe 282 m²

W/C 25 m²

W/C 25 m²

Ͳ1.13 m

Exhibtion Space 3 270 m²

Cafe Service 16 m²

Prep Area 66 m²

Ͳ0.38 m

Prep Area 86 m²

Ͳ1.13 m

Open-access Storage 112 m²

1.13 m

0.00 m

0.00 m

Auditorium 111 m²

0.70 m

Room Legend Auditorium Cafe Cafe Service ClosedͲaccess Storage CNC Studio Items DropͲoff Area Lab Library Archive Mechanical Services OpenͲaccess Storage Prep Area Restoration Workshop 1





Storage W/C

Exhibtion Space 3




Room Legend

10 m



10 m

Page 13


Northern Elevation

Western Elevation

Eastern Elevation

Page 14


Southern Elevation

Page 15


Section (1-1)

Section (3-3)

Section (4-4)

Page 16


Section (2-2)

Page 17

Digital Model View 1

Page 18

Digital Model View 2

Page 19

Digital Model View 3

Page 20

Digital Model View 4

Eastern Elevation

Western Elevation

Page 21

Exterior Shots

Right main public entrance fro, subsidiary street Left view form the ceramic studio overlook

Right staff entrance from the subsidiary street Left view from the library parking

Page 22

Exterior Shots

Right view form the ceramic studio overlook Left view of the inner courtyard between the libarry, studio and pre- exhibition space

Right view into the open cafe space between the exhibition spaces Left entrance of the studio from the main street

Page 23

Interior Shots

Right grand staircase leading to the ‘Piano Nobile’ Left view into the main studio space

Right view into the auditorium Left view of the vertical circulation running through the exhibition space

Page 24

Interior Shots

Right view form the first floor exhibition space Left view of the library on the fist floor

Right view of the exhibition space on the second floor Left view of the studio spaces on the first floor

Page 25

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