Maldens village voice april 18

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KT3’s ONLY FREE Independent Community Magazine and Business Guide April ‘18 Issue 150



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April Contents History by Robin Gill 6 People - Our boy Vinnie 10 50sq m of nature for £15/ year! 12 New Malden Matters 16 Ready Steady for the Charity Walk for Peace 18 Malden Fortnight 20 View from the City 22 Sudokus 24 Recipe Spice - Crusted Baked Salmon Fillets 28 Gardening - Overhaul your lawn 30 Clubs 32 Quiz 36 What’s On 38 Codeword 40 Cooking with Elida 41 Kid’s play 42 Parkin’ some thoughts 45 A Photographer Dreams 46 Solutions 47 Royal British Legion Malden & Coombe Branch 48

Published by Malden Media Ltd Editor Jenny Stuart 020 8336 2915 36 Rosebery Avenue KT3 4JS Please note that the opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily represent the views of the editor. All advertisements are commercial and not indicative of any endorsement by the editor who accepts no responsibility for any loss suffered directly or indirectly by any reader as a result of any advertisement or notice published in this magazine. All in-house artwork and editorial presented in this magazine remains the copyright of Malden Media Ltd. No part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored on any retieval system, or transmitted in any form - electronic, mechanical. recording, photocopying, or otherwise without prior permission from the Publisher.


Welcome to Your Village Voice So it’s official, spring has sprung at last! The bulbs are sprouting up and at last we are awash with snowdrops and daffodils. The days are getting longer and the temperature just slightly warmer. Although come on…. we’re all far too accustomed to the British weather to be lulled into a false sense of security and to dare pack away our winter boots quite yet (let alone, bring out the flip flops!). We still need to be on our guard for those April showers (and a final flirtation with winter). A few years ago we spent Easter visiting my brother and his family in Dubai (otherwise known as the sandpit). We enjoyed a week of amazing hospitality and great fun for the girls to be spending quality time in the heat with their older cousins. From sun, sea, sweat and sand-dunes we flew back ridiculously dressed for the freezing weather that awaited us at Heathrow. brrrr.... And this is also the month where Husband and Daughters all celebrate birthdays within 30 days from first to last. Lots of surprises, to plan. Might even get them with an April Fool as well. Thinking cap on! Remember that the Village Voice is YOUR magazine so if you are helping to organise an event and would like some FREE publicity then please do email details. Likewise if you are part of an organisation that could benefit from attracting new local members next year then why not send in an article. In order to deliver the magazine to most of the KT3 postcode, we split the distribution over a two month period. So if you have had this edition delivered you probably won’t get the April one. There are a limited number of copies available from Waitrose, New Malden library, Tudor Willams and the Malden Centre but don’t forget that it is also published online - you can get the link from our website. Until next time, best wishes,


Jenny Stuart, Editor & publisher P.S. Please remember to mention the Village Voice when replying to adverts, and get in touch by 17th April if you’d like your business, Club or event to feature in the May edition, and 17th May for June.

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New Malden History Boys And Their Toys (2) by Robin Gill It should be remembered that back in wartime, some of the members of the Society of Model Engineers were indeed still boys. Master Brazier, who was not 16 years old in 1943, delivered a lecture of 75 minutes on steam locomotives to an enthralled audience of fellow pupils at Rutlish School in Merton. Always popular and always on time That year, the model railway commenced its popular programme of weekend rides on April 24th. The length of the track had been increased from 174 feet to 400 feet, and automatic signals, a turntable and three service roads were installed. A new train called “Beverley” was used, named in honour of the park. This train could easily deal with up to fifteen passengers, but the record went to Leslie Chandler’s train which on one journey, pusher another engine with its tenpassenger load, together with its own load of eight passengers back to the station. During the Easter holidays, five engines carried 1500 passengers, and the


attraction of a miniature station along the route added to the attraction for the many onlookers. It should be remembered that the facilities at the park had been built with the full co-operation of Malden Council. This helpful attitude was not only appreciated by the Society but had been widely welcomed throughout the borough. The council even helped build the station (records don’t show if it was modelled on any local example). Nearly 6000 passengers had enjoyed rides by Whitsun, but all records were broken that Whit Monday when 1500 were conveyed round the track. Since Easter over 8500 had enjoyed the ride which exceeded the number that had ridden during the whole of the 1942 season. The newly built water tower was an added attraction, and over £13 was taken in penny fares. This coupled with the 2 guineas collected in boxes for St Dunstans meant a very successful event. The total hit 14000 by August, which was double the total for 1942, plus the trains were watched by thousands of parents and well-wishers. Semaphore and colour light signals were an added attraction making the railway more realistic. By the end of the season 19000 children had enjoyed the sensation of miniature railways, and 12 scale model coal fired locomotives, all built by members of the society had been used. Any child that

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donated a pound of salvage, was given a free ride during the last weekend of operation. The grand total of rides given that summer was 20,030, of which 836 were adults! The final run lasted from early morning until the blackout forced operations to cease much to the disappointment of the children (and maybe some dads!). ÂŁ82 were taken in penny fares and given to Malden Council for charity. All this encouraged an increase in membership of the society of over 60% since the start of the war. Members were not just local, but from all over the home counties, and a constant supply of coal and oil keep the trains moving all summer. Going loco The Society decided to hold their first war-time exhibition over Whitsun (28th and 29th May) 1944 at the Graham Spicer Institute. On show, were 26 locomotives and a number of power boats. History was not left out with five beautiful old galleons. In

contrast, there were forty aircraft including a flying boat. Cannons covered the centre display stand. But it was not all train, boats, and planes, there was a model swimming pool, tools to build a bungalow, and a country inn in miniature. The children of Malden Parochial and Beverley also exhibited excellent examples of their work. Beware of doodlebugs By June of 1944, the railway (which that year had been opened by the Mayor Fred McGhee on April 8th) had carried over 9000 passengers double the number of the first year (1942), and more than double those carried in 1943 up to June. By the end of June, this had risen to over 12,000. As part of the “Salute The Soldier Week� for July 15th to July 22nd the society offered free rides to children when a 6d savings stamp was bought. This all went towards National (War) Savings which in the past had help Malden buy four motor torpedo boats, five Halifax bombers, and the greater part of a destroyer. Flying bombs caused a temporary halt to the weekend operations, but the society was soon back in business in August and September, with the first Live Steam Gala Day in the park. Model engineers from many miles flocked to Malden. This time the passengers were mainly adults, while others were interested in the workings of the trains. One

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absentee due to damage from a flying bomb was the “Beverley” loco damaged when Mr Pinder’s workshop was wrecked by the Germans. Each of the remaining trains however were capable of carrying 25 adults (about 1500 kilos). For those who wanted a change from railway engines, there was a model traction engine, which ran up and down alongside the track and into the actual park on occasions. Victory VE Day in May 1945 was celebrated on the miniature railway when 2500 passengers were carried over the two-day celebration. The coloured signals were used again, and one of the trains even sported headlamps, unthinkable during the dark days of the black out. The end of the season in September saw another Gala Day with two tracks of 400 foot each laid out. This attracted enthusiasts from far and wide. Over one hundred cars and vans made the trip to Beverley Park from places such as Worthing, Cambridge, Basingstoke, and Bournemouth. Half a hundredweight (ask the older members of the family) of cake was consumed, together with many gallons of tea and soft drink.

The year rounded off with another exhibition at the Graham Spicer Institute on 23rd and 24th November which was opened the Mayor Ald JG Sharp. The attendance broke all previous records and the entrance had to be closed on several occasions as the hall was full. A long queue formed outside and persons who had viewed the exhibits were asked to move on so others could get inside. The passenger carrying railway was operational for both days, as was a smaller electric railway.



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Malden movies An entirely original attraction was the Malden Miniature Cinema. It measured 3ft x 3ft and was 2ft in Depth. The organist (half inch high) rose from the pit, and as he played, moved in time with the music. Lights on the screen constantly changed colour, and on the wall of the cinema was a luminous clock hardly readable but kept perfect time. When the programme started, the curtain rose and moving pictures in technicolour were shown on the screen. There were only a few model members of the audience, with the rest still to be made. The model was made in just four weeks by Mr Francis Bontor assisted by Mr Robert Marshall. Other exhibits included a model fire engine two foot in length, with an extension ladder measuring ten feet. These together with the locomotives, aircraft, and ships made it the most popular exhibition to be held in Malden. Last train to Malden By 1946, unfortunately, time in Malden was running out for the society. An application to purchase land in Acacia Grove had fallen through, and the club, quite rightly wanted to expand on the success they had achieved in Beverley Park and have a permanent track layout. With no opportunities locally, the society looked further afield, and found somewhere suitable in Claygate Lane Thames Ditton with ample space for two tracks and club buildings. They must have been sad to leave the Malden area, but rather than cut ties completely, they decided to retain the name of “The Malden And District Society Of Model Engineers”. The final annual exhibition of the society took place at the Graham Spicer in November 1946 over three days to allow everybody to view the exhibits, and the final regatta took place in September 1947 on the Rushmore Pond on Wimbledon Common. The model railway was to return to Malden’s parks one more time. In 1961, the borough celebrated 25 years of its self-government, and part of that celebration was a children’s’ ride on the railway, but this time set up in Manor Park. Perhaps the Malden Fortnight Committee might consider inviting the Society to help celebrate the 75th Anniversary of these rides as part of Malden Fortnight in 2019? Maybe the Beverley won’t get up a head of steam, maybe thousands will not enjoy a nostalgic ride, and maybe just maybe that ride will cost more than a penny or a pound of salvage, but it would be lovely to find out. What’s the harm in being childish one final time?

Please go along to Thames Ditton for train rides the first Sunday of each month from April until November, and also Bank Holiday Mondays. Support your local railway!

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Instead of getting weaker Vinnie is gaining strength, he can move, drive a power chair and he is now off his ventilator 8 hours a day. Our little hero even starts school in the next few months which is amazing as SMA does not cause any developmental delay and he is above average in his learning. We are currently trying to raise £11,671 to purchase an Innowalk . This is a standing machine that moves Vinnie’s legs, kind of like a cross trainer. This will hopefully build Vinnie’s leg muscles up with movement through weight bearing.

Our boy Vinnie Vinnie has a life limiting condition called Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 1. He lives in Mount Pleasant Road, New Malden and soon will be attending Bedlesford School in Kingston Upon Thames. He lives with his mum Kelly, dad Luke and big sister Kaydee who is 8 years old.

This is their story…. The family are raising money via Vinnie's Our little boy Vinnie who was 3 facebook page “Our Boy Vinnie”. The money is to on the 24th March has a life limiting condition called provide Vinnie with everything that he needs to help Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 1. We were told back in him thrive including private Physiotherapy sessions. lucky a year ' P U T May Y O2015 U R that G AweRwould D E NbeM A Ito Nhave TEN A Nwith C E I N They T Hare E gathering loads of support from the local of H SMA H A N Dhim S asOthe F natural S O Mprogression EONE W O means R E Athat L Lthey Y CAR ES' community and many businesses have been helping lose the ability to move, feed orally and the ability to with donations for raffles and auctions. If you have breathe independently. a business that could donate any prizes to raffle off - Tree surgery - One off fortunate Tidy enough to enrol We were Vinnie in a clinical please get in touch. - Stump Grinding trial of a drug called Spinraza, this has since been - Garden Maintenance approved in many countries and hopefully in the - Strimming andUKWeeding - Decking and Lawns If you’d like to make an online donation you can do this year. - Garden clearance - Hedge Trimming

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New Malden Matters “Deeds – Not Words”

Votes for women: Pardoning suffragettes ‘complicated’? A few weeks past, I listened to “Any Answers” on Radio 4 following “Any Questions” one of which was “Should suffragettes be pardoned for their actions?”. This marked the 100th anniversary of the Representation of the People Act 1918, enabling all men and “some” women over the age of 30 to vote for the first time, paving the way for universal suffrage 10 years later. The first speaker hailed from New Malden and basically said “No they shouldn’t be pardoned because they had done nothing to be pardoned for”. In fact, she said, her Great Aunt Mary had been a suffragette. Intrigued by this connection to New Malden I managed to find the speaker in the phone book and we arranged to meet so that I could get some more information about her great aunt. Mary Jane Naylor – who became known as Marie- was

born in 1856 in Stepney and was shown in the 1861 census as a scholar, meaning she attended school. Marie then studied at the Royal Academy of Art in London and at some point went to Paris where she lived and worked as an artist and had a one woman exhibition at the Dosbourg Gallery in 1898. She returned to London, exhibiting at the Royal Academy, and in 1907 joined the National Union of Suffrage Societies. She was then arrested, but released, after the House of Commons demonstration and in February 1908, she spent six weeks in Holloway, refusing to have her fine paid for by her brother. In 1911 she broke a Home Office window. Although she doesn’t seem to have undergone the appalling humiliation of being force fed, nevertheless Marie, like other suffragettes, knew the risks she ran and probably counted on them for greater publicity. Marie probably knew Dame Ethel Smyth (1858-1944) –a composer of operas, orchestral, chamber and vocal works in a time when this field was dominated by men, who lived mostly in Surrey. Dame Ethel also served a jail sentence in Holloway (1912) for taking part in a window-smashing campaign across the West End of London. When the word “suffragette” is mentioned, most people, I would imagine, think of Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928) who was a founding member of WSPU

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(Women’s Social and Political Union) in 1903 and Emily Davison (1872 - 1913) who “appeared” to throw herself under the King’s horse at Epsom (I say “appeared” as a new study of the images taken of the race showed that she might well have been attempting to attach a scarf to the horse’s bridle). Whatever the truth, it was an extremely brave and ultimately a fatal act. These women were, of course, relatively well off and independent. However, there is another side to the story – working class women and their fight for equality. Working women’s activism was key to the foundation of the suffragette movement in the early 1900s. Dissatisfaction with the labour movement’s patchy support for women’s rights led to the creation of women’s trade unions, which organised for better pay and working conditions alongside political representation. One of the inspirations for the formation of the WSPU in Manchester in 1903 was a 1901 petition for the vote signed by almost 30,000 women working in the north-west’s textile mills. Women’s suffrage in the United Kingdom actually began after the 1832 Reform Act and the 1835 Municipal Corporations Act banned women from voting. Before this, women property owners had the vote. In 1872, the fight for women’s suffrage became a national movement with the formation of the moderate

National Society for Women’ Suffrage and later the more influential National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies (NUWSS). The militant campaign began with the formation of the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU). The first London branch of the WSPU was formed in Canning Town in 1906 by Yorkshire mill worker Annie Kenney and local activist Minnie Baldock. Most of the big marches and demonstrations in London over the next few years were populated by women from the East End, many of whom routinely gave up their only free day in the week to walk to Westminster and back. Over the next few years the London WSPU’s physical move west was mirrored by a move away from the interests of their first working-class support base, and many early members left. They set up women’s social centres and published a newspaper, “The Woman’s Dreadnought”, which shared women’s first-hand accounts of factory work, union activism and daily life at home. They offered public speaking lessons and encouraged all their members to speak at meetings and rallies, and join political delegations. During the war they ran community kitchens, a children’s health clinic, a nursery and even a cooperative toy factory. And, of course, they continued to protest. These women, and countless women across the UK, of all classes, showed a bravery and commitment for a cause that should not have needed to be fought. Instead of granting the suffragette movement a pardon, they should be held up as a magnificent example of the very best and bravest of protestors. And today, in 2018, they are still a shining example, not only to the women of this country, but to all of us. We have the vote today, and the freedom to run our lives as we want without the strictures that our forebears had, and this is due to these women who fought for their right to vote. And not to the parliamentarians and the ruling elite of this country, who simply withheld this right. So when elections are held at either the local or national level and we get sick to death of the constant and repetitive reporting that is our lot, just remember that women back in the 19th and early 20th century underwent horrific treatment in prisons to give us the right to vote. And remember to use your votes on the 3rd of May. In conclusion, I have to say a big thank you to “Great Aunt Mary” who prompted me to do some reading and some delving and to broaden my knowledge of the Suffragette movement and all women who took part in the fight for equality. Frances Marsh

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Charity Ready Steady for the Charity Walk for Peace The Charity Walk for Peace Charity Reception Dinner was held at The Guildhall in Kingston at the end of February where over 65 guests, including many charities, attended to show their support for the upcoming Charity Walk for Peace being held on Sunday April 29th in the Windsor Great Park in association with Runnymede Borough Council. Rt. Hon Sir Edward Davey MP graced the occasion and spoke at length about the incredible success of the annual Charity Walk for Peace and was followed by a number of Mayors from the Boroughs of Kingston, Epsom, Sutton, Elmbridge and Runnymede. The Dinner provided an opportunity for participants to meet the organisers and sponsors of the annual Charity Walk for Peace and brought together a host of charities and beneficiaries, MP’s, Mayors and local community groups, as well as representatives from the media, with the objective of introducing them to this year’s National Walk, its aims and objectives, and its fundraising efforts throughout the previous year.

All community groups, charities, school and supporting organisations are invited to join us and help raise funds for the many hundreds of deserving charities across the UK. It’s too late now to register your charity for this year here but you’d be very welcome to go along, join in and support the other charities taking part.

Her Worshipful the Mayor of Kingston upon Thames, Councillor Julie Pickering recorded a special video message prior to the Charity Reception where she said: "I’m really supportive of the Charity Walk for Peace, not only does it allow any organisation or charity to take part in it, but particularly for the Kingston charities to actually take part. It’s a 5 mile walk around Windsor Great Park in Runnymede on the 29th April and not only will it be a fun day out to raise valuable funds for whatever your organisation in Kingston is, but the Charity Walk for Peace also match fund whatever your organisation raises by £2,000.” The President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Elders Association, who sponsor the annual walk, Dr. Ijaz Ur Rehman, said: “I am so grateful to you all for taking time out of your busy schedules to attend this evenings Charity Reception. We are so fortunate that today we have Sir. Edward Davey amongst us, five Mayors of Boroughs and the Superintendent for Kingston Police. With your support, we are confident that this year’s Charity Walk for Peace will be best one yet, so let us work together towards the one million target.” As in previous years, similar Charity Reception Dinners are being held across the UK enabling communities and members of the public to engage with the Charity Walk for Peace.


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Malden Fortnight Attention All Secretaries And Organisers Of Clubs, Societies, Groups, Institutes And Guilds The theme for this year’s MALDEN FORTNIGHT Is “LET’S ALL CLUB TOGETHER FOR THE COMMUNITY”.

dressed in in the clothing of whatever sport or past time leisure activity you provide. This can be serious, humorous or factual. We will supply small to medium sized banners with your organisation name on to be read clearly by the onlookers The Annual Parade which last approximately 40 minutes will be properly marshalled and as usual, led by a band and is seen by approximately 7 - 800 members of the public. There will be a small judging panel and prizes given to various categories.

We are looking to highlight and showcase the fantastic amount of activities that exist in and around NEW MALDEN in which the residents can become involved. So, we are asking you to contact the Malden Fortnight committee on their website to supply your organisation’s details and contact information which There is also the opportunity for you to arrange will directory being PUT Y Obe U entered R G Ainto R DaEsmall N M AINT E Ngiven A N Caway E IN TH E a function during the Fortnight which can be 7thR July atL L Y C A R Eadvertised free in our “Diary” which is circulated H A N Dduring S O the F SANNUAL O M E PARADE O N E on Wthe HO EA S' 2 p.m. and at subsequent opportunities during the to 25,000 households in the KT postal area. There Fortnight is a very limited number of stalls available in THE

- Tree surgery - One off Tidy CRAFT FAIR to showcase your organisation on the - Stump We also offer you, totally free of charge, aGrinding chance to - Garden Maintenance 14th July. These are advertised on our website. enter some of your members in the PARADE suitably - Strimming and Weeding - Decking and Lawns - Garden clearance - Hedge Trimming - Path and Patio Washing - Landscaping

‘PUT YOUR GARDEN MAINTENANCE INTel: THE020 8330 7787 HANDS OF SOMEONE WHO REALLY CARES’ Mobile: 07958 727 272 - One off Tidy - Garden Maintenance - Decking and Lawns - Hedge Trimming - Landscaping - Tree surgery - Stump Grinding - Strimming & Weeding - Garden clearance - Path & Patio Washing IN THE INTENANCE GARDEN MA Y CARES' 'PUT YOUR WHO REALL E N O E M O S HANDS OF - Tree surgery g - One off Tidy - Stump Grindin nance Weeding - Garden Mainte - Strimming and ns ce ran - Decking and Law clea den - Gar g min Trim Washing - Hedge - Path and Patio - Landscaping

Contact us on: Tel: 020 8330 7787 or 07958 727 272


Please note our new address Unit 2 Chancerygate Business Centre Red Lion Road Surbiton KT6 7RA

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View from the City What do pork pies, Dutch cheese and peaches have in common? Justin Urquhart Stewart, Co-founder and Head of Corporate Development Let me start by pointing out that these groceries do not form part of a typical menu in my household and probably don’t for many of you in the New Malden area either. Instead it’s all to do with inflation. Each year, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) announces annual changes to the way it calculates inflation. They do this so that those aggregated price changes, regularly recorded and published across the UK, continue to be representative of what we as a nation buy. This, in turn, means that the end output – the various inflation gauges – should reflect how much more or less expensive our day-to-day lives are in general. Back to my question, the items in the article’s title are

all goods that this year have been removed from the 700-odd items in the official ‘basket of goods and services’ used to calculate inflation. The main reason for their exclusion is that people aren’t buying as many of these now as they did before. So pork pies and a type of Dutch cheese are no longer listed as people now buy a broader range of meat-filled pastries and other continental cheeses are more popular. Changes can also be for statistical purposes. For example, the goods should be available throughout the whole year – hence why peaches (and incidentally nectarines) have been removed as they are seasonal and only on shelves for some eight months of the year. Quiches have been included to help balance out the pizza sub category as apparently their prices fluctuated so much that adding in another product to the calculations should help balance out any vacillations – who knew! However, before I digress further into more of the new nuances behind these calculations, the changes highlighted should serve to show that this is not the way that I buy things and probably a lot more people beside! The issue with collating large tracts of data is that you have to create that representational data set. This is in much the same way that for quite a period in

Malden Lime Grove Bowling Club Lime Grove, New Malden • Founded 1904


Saturday 12th May 11am-4pm Why not come along to our friendly bowls club and give bowling a try? Our members look forward to meeting you. All ages and abilities welcome All you need is a pair of flat shoes (or trainers) and a sense of fun! Refreshments provided, no obligation, no fee, just a fun afternoon for all the family!

John: 0208 949 4315 or Sue: 0208 395 6778 22

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the past we talked about the emblematic family having 2.4 children. Have you ever met 0.4 of a child? The latest inflation numbers have the consumer prices index at 2.7%. But that doesn’t translate into your spending changing by the same percentage. If you are keen to dig into the detail, it’s not as difficult as you may think to get a better gauge as to how your spending patterns are changing. Taking the top 20 purchases in terms of money spent and looking to see what you paid for them 12 months ago will probably give you a better gauge. If your rough guess is higher than that level, you should then use it to have a look at your investments. If you have your portfolios delivering some 2-3% after all those charges and fees have been taken into account, it might mean that your investments are effectively losing money in real terms and your future spending power would be lower. And the effects of that difference is only going to continue if you don’t do something about it. As investors, we need to be aware of these facts and figures in order to understand how hard our investments need to work just to keep pace with the cost of living over the long term. Only then can you really calculate how much each ISA or pension pot is growing to meet all your long term goals and

aspirations. Yes of course the value of any investments can go down as well as up to the extent where you could lose more than you originally invested. However, typically, over the long term, investments should deliver the performance that the investment house set out to return to you. Meanwhile, if you’re a multi asset investor (which 7IM firmly believes you should be), you ought to already be benefiting from diversification. So, while fixed income and cash investments are likely to be negatively affected by inflation, any equity investments should help balance out such losses. In general, when inflation is up, equities rise too – even if their volatile nature means you need to step back to see that longer term trend upwards. And there are other investments that also are broadly supportive of portfolios in a rising inflationary environment. But if you’re invested in a multi asset fund, you don’t have to take care of rebalancing these investments as more figures and statistics continue to be released – the manager does it for you! Seven Investment Management LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Member of the London Stock Exchange. Registered office: 55 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 3AS. Registered in England and Wales number OC378740.


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Recipe Spice-Crusted Baked Salmon Fillets This salmon dish is ideal for easy weekend entertaining. Bake the day before and when cold cover and chill in the fridge overnight. Allow to come to room temperature for 30 minutes before serving. Serves 6 Ready in 1 hour 6 x 150g salmon fillets 2tsp mild chilli powder 2tsp ground coriander 2tsp ground cumin 1/2tsp freshly ground black pepper Squeeze of lemon or lime juice 2tbsp olive oil TO SERVE 6tbsp mayonnaise or soured cream 2 spring onions, trimmed and finely chopped Zest and juice from 1 lime Lime wedges and spring onion curls (see tip) to garnish 1 Preheat the oven to 200C, 180C Fan, Gas 6. Run your fingers along the top of the salmon fillets and remove any fine bones with tweezers. Mix together the spices and rub over the surface of the salmon fillets. Season with a little salt. 2 Place the salmon pieces in a foil-lined roasting tin. Whisk together the lime or lemon juice and oil and drizzle over the salmon. 3 Bake for 20-25 minutes until the salmon is just cooked to the centre. Remove from the oven and leave to cool completely. 4 Arrange the cold salmon fillets on a platter. Mix together the mayonnaise or soured cream, spring onions and lime zest and juice. Serve the salmon and mayonnaise garnished with lime wedges and spring onion curls. TIP To make spring onion curls use a sharp knife to thinly shred a few spring onions. Place in a bowl of iced water and leave in the fridge for about 1 hour until curled. Drain on kitchen paper before using.


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Gardening Overhaul your lawn Pippa Greenwood It has rained so much in recent months that my lawn has taken a battering, though the flower and vegetable beds are starting to pick up. Over-wet conditions can cause roots to die off and will reduce the oxygen in the soil. Worse still, any areas of the lawn you’ve walked on or moved a wheelbarrow over will have become compacted or squashed. Thus, the air spaces in the soil are dramatically reduced, and the heavier your soil is, the worse the problem is likely to be. So for green grass that’s ready for summer, it’s time to get to work. Check over your lawn mower and see to anything that needs sorting. If necessary, take it to a reputable outlet for a service as soon as possible. If your grass needs cutting, make sure you don’t set the blades too low for the first few cuts, as this weakens growth and makes weed invasion more likely. After mowing, you can relieve some of the soil compaction to allow air down to the roots, making for better growth and healthier grass. If only small areas are compacted, drive a garden fork into the lawn every 4-6 inches or so, getting the fork tines to a depth of 4-6 inches, then gently ease the handle of the fork back and forth to enlarge each drainage hole. Next, mix some sieved garden soil or loam with horticultural sand (about one part soil/loam to nine parts sand) and brush across the lawn and into the holes you’ve made. The result is a drainage system over those compacted areas. If the soil in the garden is quite heavy or contains a lot of clay, the whole lawn will benefit from aerating. I recommend you buy, borrow or hire a ‘hollow-time aerator’, either as a hand operated one, a machine or a mower attachment. This cuts cylinders of soil from your lawn and when filled with the ‘top-dressing’ mix above will result in longer-lasting drainage channels. Any moss should be removed, so apply moss killer and then rake it all out after the time specified on the pack. The lawn will look worse initially, but it allows more air to the roots of the grass plants and gives them more space to grow and spread too.


Lawns that have suffered from waterlogging benefit from a suitable feeding regime. Whether you choose a granular or liquid feed, make sure that it is a spring lawn food formulated to give the balance of nutrients lawns need now. Granular feeds must be watered in unless it rains shortly after application. Walking on a very wet lawn soon wears it out and kills off grasses. To repair bald or thin patches, roughen up the areas using a rake and then sprinkle a suitable seed mix on to match the existing grasses. If you’ve not got many patches to sow, you can buy small patch repair packs. Once all the work is done, keep off your lawn for a few weeks to allow it to take advantage of all that TLC and grow away really well. Visit Pippa’s website and you’ll find some great gardening things: ‘Grow Your Own with Pippa Greenwood’ (where you receive your chosen garden-ready vegetable plants in May accompanied by weekly advice and tips from Pippa) plus Nemaslug, biocontrols, gardening tools, raised bed kits, Grower Frames, signed books and more!

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Introducing The Moksha Thali

The Moksha ADVENTURE Thali which is available on Sundays is not A DELIGHTFUL CULINARY just a meal. It is the best example of our commitment to AT MOKSHA, NEW MALDEN fresh and homely food made with passion and with zero compromise. As if our Signature Thali were not enough

If you don’t already know, a wonderful new Indian restaurant is open in New Malden. The food, presentation styles and service are all getting rave reviews from residents and people travelling from further afield alike. The decor is modern and very pleasant and they serve traditional Moksha is a foodie Indian food with really sense. modern paradise in every presentation styles. We cover a plethora

of a treat we also offer an a la carte menu stacked with Please book your Christmas seasonal specialties. party with Moksha and get for Veg a glass£9.99 of bubbly for Thali each & £10.99 for Non-Veg Thali Our Thali dishes Change Every Sunday guest in the group (minimum 8 guests)

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of delicious cuisines, I thoroughly enjoyed the from flavourful Biryani, soft-shell crab which was delicious North Indian cooked to perfection, the food,We it all! Your pickling have chicken tikka was taste buds will have out of this world; awhat guaranteed party! was so good to see that Have complete fine chefthe created a delicious dining experience our vegetarian main incourse which is a jackfruit kofta elegant and pleasing curry!The food that decor. we create is not only If I lived anywhere near delicious appetizing, Moksha, and I would visit this but is visually pleasing as jewel in the crown of Indian food every week! well. - Mridula Baljekar

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To feature in this section email


New Malden Rotary Club Malden Golf Club,Traps Lane Monday evenings 6.15 for 6.45pm Barry Collins 07740 257 255

Fit For Life – Older adults fitness. Every Monday at 9:35am. Improve balance, strength and flexibility. No mat exercises. All exercises are seated or standing. Advanced Circuit Training suitable for those with good base level of fitness. Every Monday 10:30am Where: New Malden Library, KT3 3LY When: Every Monday during term time. Booking required. First session FREE. Contact Sabrina sqactive@ or 07739 147987 Monday Netball Club Mondays 8.30pm

Katie Leason 07910 256107

English Conversation / Lessons Christ Church Centre, Coombe Road. Mon 10am - 12noon Chris Coke 020 8942 7388

St James Players If you enjoy acting do come or help backstage. Mon and Weds 8pm St James Church Hall, Bodley Road New Malden. Mem Sec:


Kingston and District Civil Service Pensioners’ Alliance meet on the last Tuesday every month except July and August, and December when we hold a Xmas Lunch. In addition to our main interest of keeping in touch with local and national issues affecting pensioners, we arrange a variety of speakers to entertain us on lighter subjects, such as 24th April, Round the World on a reclining bicycle, 29 May a Quiz and 26th June slide show on Central America. Venue: Marion House, Girl Guides Hut, Tadworth Avenue, New Malden KT3 DJ, from 2pm to 4.15pm. Mrs Brenda Denby, 0208 398 6054


Early Morning Running Group Hill training on The Hamptons, covering 6-8 miles. Mixed ability group. No fee. Meet: The gates of Sir Joseph Hood Playing Fields, Marina Ave, Motspur Park, KT3 6NE. (Three minutes walk from Motspur Park station). Time: 6.00am at the gates. Finish 7.30-7.45am. Olwen 07941

forced labour, sexual exploitation and domestic servitude, raise awareness and fundraise.


Malden & Coombe Social Club For The Blind Alternate Wednesdays 2pm to 4pm Mike Ball 020 8942 0819 898896, Arthritis Care New Malden Branch Volunteer drivers/helpers VERY welcome Arthritis Care Kingston and District Talking Of Trains In Surbiton Meetings 3rd Tuesday of the month Talks at the Surbiton Library Hall 7.30pm in the evening at Alfriston each Wed evening throughout the House Berrylands Road Surbiton winter months. 1st meeting free, Jocelyn King 0208 942 6745 The New Malden Ladies Badminton cost £50pa www.talkingof Club When: Tuesday at the Malden Colouring Club Centre from 20.30 till 10pm We are a mixed ability club looking for new A soothing and enjoyable pastime members. Lynda 020 8949 2673 or just for adults with no skills needed. 1011am at Cafe Galio. pop in. Royal British Legion, Malden and NHS Retirement Fellowship Are Coombe Branch meetings are held you retired or about to retire from the NHS? Why not join us on the 1st at the Grafton Club on the second Wed of the month at 2.30pm. Tuesday of every month from 10am New members welcome. Jan Feist: -12 at Christ Church Hall, Christ Church Road, Surbiton, KT5 8JJ. We have speakers, activities, coffee & chat.Other outings & activities are also arranged during the month. Lorna 020 8337 4121

Half Shares We are a group of widows who meet together on the 1st Tuesday of every month. We have a speaker and enjoy a cuppa and a chat. Come and join us at 1.45-3.15pm at Christ Church Centre, Coombe Rd Lily 020 8949 1431 The New Malden Investment Club Our meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at the Grafton Club, Grafton Road, New Malden. Secretary 020 8942 1926

Malden Bridge Club When: Tuesday evenings 7.30-10.30pm Graham Spicer Institute, by entrance to Waitrose car park. John 020 8942 7560

Act For Justice New Malden Baptist church; Westbury Road. KT3 5BE. first Tuesday of every month, 8 - 9.30pm. This group aims to combat human trafficking. We’ll discuss issues of


Early Morning Running Group Speed work on tarmacked areas, totaling 6-8 miles. Mixed ability group. No fee. Meet: The gates of Sir Joseph Hood Playing Fields, Marina Ave, Motspur Park, KT3 6NE. (Three minutes walk from Motspur Park station). Time: 6.00am at the gates. Finish 7.30-7.45am. Olwen 07941 898896, New Malden Quilters Association is a not-for-profit group which meets on the first Thursday evening of each month at St John The Divine, Kingston Road, New Malden from 7.30 – Refreshments are provided during the evening. We enjoy a variety of speakers, workshops, meetings, friendship and welcome anyone interested in Quilting and its associated crafts. £6 entry for guests. We are lucky to have a number of

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talented members who are willing to share their knowledge and expertise with us. A warm welcome is extended to all visitors, especially beginners.

Malden Camera Club New Malden Library, Kingston Road Thurs evenings throughout the year at 7.45pm

Malden Centre Orchestra Malden Centre, Blagdon Road, St. John’s Hall is open between 10am-12noon every Thursday (term 2.00 and 4.00pm for Tea And Chat. If time only). Come and enjoy great you are on your own please feel free symphonic music in a friendly group to drop in for a free cup of tea and of players under the leading of an some company. 411 Malden Road experience conductor. (between Worcester Park station and The Plough). 213 Bus stops nearby. Contact: The Malden and Coombe Tolworth Badminton Club Townswomen’s Guild welcome Tolworth Recreation Centre new members. We meet at 10am Thursday evenings 7.30-9.30 on the third Thursday of the month Intermediate/advanced level at the United Reformed Church hall Pat 0208 in New Malden. We are a friendly 395 9175 or just turn up group of women of all ages and Malden Emergency First Aid backgrounds. We have interesting Society (Mefas) Members meet each speakers from various organisations; Thursday evening at 7.30pm for First outings, clubs, bring and buy sales Aid training. New members required. and competitions. We charge just Everyone welcome. Hall available for £3 for your first visit which includes hire. Christine 07966661015 coffee and biscuits. Deirdre Banks on 075785780726

020 89494743

Kingston Association for The Blind Lunch Club at The Mefas Hall, rear of Malden Centre, Cocks Crescent, New Malden - for people with a severe sight loss - for a sandwich lunch on the last Thursday of every month 12.30 to 2.30 pm. £3 per person and friends or family are welcome.Kerry at K.A.B. 020 8605 0060

Come and join our friendly local bridge club at the Shiraz Mirza hall (behind Norbiton station). We play 24 hands of duplicate bridge - with electronic scoring - every Thurs from 7.30pm.Host system so partners always available. £5 table money. Parking available outside the hall. Also buses and trains from very close by. Rosemary Vase 0208 5468719 or Pauline Finn 0208 549 3270 or just turn up

Malden And Coombe Flower Decoration Society St.James Church Hall Bodley Road 3rd Thurs of the month 7.30pm. Why not come along to these evenings and dazzle your family and friends with your




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expertise! Visitors £6 Alison Honor 020 8949 8036 Malden Wanderers Badminton Club 22, Cambridge Avenue, KT3 4LE When - 8.30-10pm We are a friendly club looking for new members. Bobby 07946 532 846 New Malden Women’s Institute Shiraz Mirza Hall, Manor Park Hall, Malden Road, New Malden, KT3 6AV. 2nd Thurs of each month at 7.30pm Barbara 0208 546 1495 or

Kingston Debating Society An evening of lively intelligent debate, where you get to have your say. Thurs7.45pm 10 March Kingston Methodist Church, Avenue Road, off Fairfield South, KT1 2UJkingston New Malden Voices for all adults 8-9pm every Thursday in term time at New Malden Methodist Church. New Malden Youth Choir for children 7-15 years old 6.15-7.15 every Thursday in term time at New Malden Methodist Church Contact Jane on 07775654854


Craft Group We meet at New Malden Baptist Church on the 1st Friday of the month from 7.30pm - 10pm to knit, crochet, sew, papercraft, bead. Fiona on 0208 949 8269 or

Friday Morning Running A mixed group, consisting mainly, but not restricted to, mothers with children in school, meet each Friday morning at 9.50 am in the Pembroke Lodge car park TW10 5HX, for a run of between 3 and 4 miles in Richmond Park. This is a social group of runners with no pressure on ability. New runners are more than welcome (everybody has to start somewhere) and time will be taken to accommodate them. Don’t feel inhibited, come and try us! Bob 07936 240937

RSPB Epsom & Ewell Local group 2nd Friday of every month at 7.30, apart from July and August, at All Saints Church Hall Fulford Road, West Ewell with guest speakers who illustrate their enthusiasm on a variety of natural history subjects. We also have several birding outings throughout the year which is arranged to suit all ages. There is a small charge for non-members of the RSPB. groups/epsom.

Over 60’s club St. James Church Hall. Bodley Road, New Malden from 1pm to 2:30 pm (Doors open at 12:30) We have musical entertainment, a raffle and refreshments. Coach outings are organised during the Summer months. Sheila 0208 949 5118


their family and carers, Call 020 8942 8256 and ask for

Cathy or Marion email Learn to sew and knit! Do you want to learn to sew or knit, improve your skills or just meet other knitters and sewers to work and chat? Join the Sew and Sews on the second and fourth Saturdays at 10.30 a.m. at St. James’ Bodley Road. Everyone welcome. 50p for refreshments.


Emanuel Rugby Where: Shannon Corner, KT3 4PU When: Adults Tuesdays and Thursdays,7.30pm, Saturday 2-3pm. Children: Registration at the club is 1030am with training starting at 11am on Sundays Fergus McCarthy 0845 8338974

Malden Lime Grove Bowling Club, New Malden Both new and experienced bowlers are welcome at our friendly club with coaching on hand to guide and advise. We bowl outside from late April to the end of September, but social events for members are run throughout the year.

For enquiries ring Sue on 0208 395 6778 or John on 0208 949 4315

Supreme Bowls Club

We welcome new bowlers of both sexes, all ages, and all abilities from late April to end of Sept. Come and try bowling for free. We are a friendly club with around 70 members on the Kings College Sports Ground close to Woodies pub at the junction of Thetford Road and Windsor Avenue, New Malden, KT3 5BF. Mick or Di on 020 8942 0294.

West Wimbledon Society Table Tennis Club

Friendly social table tennis club in Raynes Park welcomes new members (sorry not complete beginners). 020 8947 3564. Surbition Bowls Club Alexandra Rec, Tolworth. Roll ups Tuesday evenings from 5,50pm. Small friendly mixed club (35 players.) David 020 8224 2385 From The Ground Up local affordable organic box scheme - Kingston’s own - fresh organic veg, fruit, bread, cheese and preserves at exceptional price. Collection every Saturday from Kingston or Surbiton.

Surbiton Croquet Club

Where: Alexandra Drive, Berrylands. Croquet is a game for all ages and abilities. All welcome at very friendly club, including (especially!) complete beginners. Free introductory croquet coaching sessions. Chris Osmond 020 8330 6698 Malden Manor Bowls Club, Manor Park, Malden Road. New members will be made very welcome. Roll ups, league matches, internal and external competitions; we offer bowling for all levels of interest and ability. Men’s Secretary Gerald 020 8949 4623 or Ladies Secretary 020 8394 0877.

Saturday Dementia Club staywell Services 2nd Saturday of the month 11am to 2pm in New Malden for people living with dementia, 34 Please remember to mention the Village Voice when you speak to our advertisers

To advertise email or call 020 8336 2915



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What’s On Malden Wanderers Cricket Club Alec Stewart Returns to Malden Wanderers CC for “An Evening with Alec Stewart” - Saturday 21st April Malden Wanderers Cricket Club, the club he joined as a boy, has always remained close to the heart of ex-England cricket captain Alec Stewart. He will once again return to the club, located in the heart of the New Malden community, for a special fundraising event. At the event titled ““The Best of Times – Celebrating a Successful Career” – an evening with Alec Stewart” he will join guests for dinner after which he will give a relaxed & informal chat about his career, English cricket today and so much more. Dan Norcross from Test Match Special will also join the event as a special guest and take the opportunity to ask Alec some questions before opening the floor to other guests. Tickets are limited so booking is essential. For more details about this exciting evening please go to or email Re-launch of the New Malden Community Farmers Market Saturday 7th April 9am -2pmNew Malden High Street. To be officially opened by the Mayor of Kingston -Councillor Julie Pickering (tbc). The Market will continue to held on the High Street for the following 5 consecutive 1st Saturdays in the month, i.e. MaySeptember. Any interested traders who would like to have a stall, as from May onwards, please contact the Market Manager, Councillor Mary Clark Tel: 020 8949 3157 or email to: Old Malden Fund Raising Fun Day Saturday 14th April 2pm -5.30pm Risborough Green Open Space ,Kingshill Avenue Off Green Lane,Worcester Park. Bouncy Castles, Soft play, Candy Floss,Punch & Judy shows, Diddy Cars, Community Craft and Information stalls, Love Kingston, Music + DJ, Face Painting, McMillan Cancer Care Sale, Hog Roast with bun/apple sauce , Fancy Dress Competition (3yrs-8yrs) Free refreshments, and more: Fund Raising towards a Roundabout for the children on the Green- For entry forms for the Fancy Dress Competition and further details please contact: Mary Clark Tel 020 8949 3157 Christ Church Quiz Night A general knowledge quiz suitable for adults and late teens in teams of 6-8, with questions on just about anything! Saturday 21st April; first question at 7.30pm prompt. Held in the Lounge at Christ Church, (Coombe Road, New Malden). It’s free to take part, with a retiring collection for the social justice charity, Just Love If you’re in a group (a book club, a gang of ‘Ladies – or


Gents – who lunch’ or whatever) this is a perfect chance to take part in a different kind of social occasion. If you don’t have 6-8 people, come along anyway and we’ll put you in a team on the night: there’s no danger that you’ll be left out. You can bring a beer or bottle of wine or some soft drinks and anything you’d like to eat during the evening. Sunday 29 April Canbury Singers will be holding their first event of 2018 at St Luke’s Church in north Kingston from 17.00. They’ll be joined by the South London Military Wives Choir. Drinks and nibbles will be on offer. Tickets available on the door or from canburysingers. org/events/ Spring Fete We are organising a Family Spring Fete on Saturday 12th May here at The Triangle in Norbiton. All proceeds are to go to Love Kingston and Julie Pickering, the Mayor of Kingston, will be here as Mayor. Lots of activities here in The Willow (meet our suppliers, health talks, yoga...) and Irrefutable Health (meet our practitioners, health scans and assessments...) plus a market stalls on the street. The YMCA Community Centre will be holding an open day and sports day with Dr Bike, Go Cycle and Fulham Kicks FC here with activities. St Pius Church will also be having an open day. Hoping to have live music too! The local Fire Brigade and Police team will also be here with a fire engine and marked police car for kids to explore! .... so lots going on!

Are you interested in the local History of Maldens & Coombe? Please know that you are very welcome and are warmly invited to join us at the next meeting of

The Maldens and Coombe Heritage Society We meet each month at the New Malden Baptists’ Church Hall in Kingston Road, between 7.00pm and 9.00pm. At the meetings we discuss local history, share memories, have guest speakers, copy and archive memorabilia, etc. We also help with family history research. Why not come along one evening? For more details please contact us via:

2018 Meeting Dates March April May June July August September October November December

28 25 30 27 25 26 31 28 -


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Cooking with Elida

Roasted Cod with a creamy white wine and herbs sauce I love fish and so does my family! Our favourite is salmon but I have been trying to come up with new recipes using white fish and cod is such a great choice for its firmness and succulence of the flesh which allows it to be cooked in so many different ways, pan fried, roasted, steamed, poached, grilled... So, I came up with this recipe using very few ingredients that you can easily find in your fridge! I hope you enjoy it - my kids loved it!!! Ingredients: 6 fresh cod fillets Salt and pepper to taste Extra-virgin olive oil to drizzle A small pack of cherry tomatoes (halved) For the Sauce: 1 large onion (chopped) 3 big garlic cloves (chopped) 1 tbsp olive oil 1 medium glass white wine (from the nice bottle you are drinking from!!) 300ml double cream salt and pepper to taste A big handful of chopped parsley or coriander Grated cheddar (a handful)

Clinical Hypnosis

Method: Place the cod fillets in a roasting dish, season with salt and pepper and drizzle with the olive oil, scatter over the tomatoes, cover with foil and bake it in a preheated oven 180C for approximately 35 min. Uncover it and carry on roasting for another 10 min until the juices dry up a bit.

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For the sauce, in a large frying pan, fry the garlic and onions with the olive oil until soft, add the wine and let it reduce a bit (5 min), season well, add the cream, herbs and cheese, mix well and cook it for another 3 - 5 minutes. Ready! Pour the sauce over the fish and and serve it straight way with roasted or boiled potatoes!!


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Kids Play There’s lots going on for pre-schoolers


sing s


s ted

10am to 11.30am Tots In Tow St John’s Church, Kingston Road Contact Dave on 02089425643 Bumps and Babies under 1 NCT coffee morning, fortnightly Mondays. 10am to 11.30am. The Watchman Pub, New Malden. All welcome. NCT members and nonmembers. For more information and to confirm the next meeting date please contact



10-12noon Who let the dads out is at Norbiton Children’s Centre, The Mount School, Dickerage Lane, New Malden Runs the third Saturday of every month. 10am-12pm Stay and Play - Dads group - - first Saturday of every month New Malden Children’s Centre, Burlington Road 020 8336 1561. Every second Saturday of the month, New Malden Library 10.30-11.00am. Free Saturday Rhyme Time for under 5s. Dads especially welcome. Join us for 30 minutes of rhymes, songs and instrument shaking! Men behaving Dadly is a group that meets on a Saturday morning once a month in the Christ Church lounge. Dads bring their young children to enjoy playing with the toys and relax together by eating bacon sandwiches and drinking coffee.



10am to 11.45am St Joseph’s Toddler Group St Joseph’s R C Church, Montem Road 9.30am to 11.30am Sparkles United Reformed Church, Cavendish Hall, Cavendish Road Contact Peggy Cox 020 8949 3402 to visit. 9-11.30 Stay and Play New Malden Children’s Centre, Burlington Road 020 8336 1561



10am to 11.30am Tots in Tow (see Monday) 10am and 11.45 ST Joseph’s Toddler Group (see Tuesday). 12.30pm - Stay and Play (0 - 5 years) - New Malden Children’s Centre, Burlington Road 020 8336 1561


9.45 to 11.30am Methodist Church Parent and Toddler Group Methodist Church, High Street, Contact Julia Morton 020 8942 1288. 9.30am to 12.30pm 9.30 - 12 noon Childminders’ drop in including school holidays, Norbiton Children’s Centre, The Mount School, Dickerage Road, 0208 942 2559 10.30-11am Story Time for age 2.5+ at New Malden Library


9.30am to 11.30am Christ Church Parent and Toddler Group Christ Church, Coombe Road Contact Susie Gregerson 020 8241 9423. 9.45am to 11.15am Tadpoles Parent and Toddler Group New Malden Baptist Church, Kingston Road 020 8942 6912 – not a drop in session so call first. 10.30-11.00am Rhyme Time for age 0-3 at New Malden Library 9-12.Toy Library New Malden Children’s Centre, Burlington Road 020 8336 1561. Also at NMCC Breastfeeding Support Group - 10.00 - 12.00 - first week of the month Twins Support Group - 10.00 - 12.00 - Second and fourth weeks of the month,


Parent and Toddler Play Sessions Dickerage Lane Adventure Playground Dickerage Lane, Daniel Slocombe 020 8942 1707,


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Parkin' some thoughts by Nick Hazell

Differences It was a slightly surreal experience. At a recent dinner with friends, conversation turned to The Greatest Showman, the musical phenomenon with marmite qualities. On this occasion, those present were largely in favour of smothering their cultural toast with this peculiar topping. However, the sight and sound of two grown men reaching the high notes to “a million dreams” would have been enough to have inspired Salvador Dali to reach for his paintbrush. As if that wasn’t enough, I was then subjected to a Mothers’ Day prompted cinema visit to the sing along version of what has, quite rightly in my view, been described as a “completely and utterly, bibbly, bibbly, quack-quack insane” production. That said and aside from its inspirational effect on the singing capabilities of middle aged men, it contains within its big top a number of serious messages. One of these is that to be different is something to be understood and celebrated not judged or ridiculed. Whilst Parkinson’s itself is a politically correct condition, embracing diversity in the widening of its membership, some of its symptoms are differentiators I could do without. This is especially true at the moment as the medication is proving as effective as our Russian foreign policy. The lack of narcotic support is having an effect on my movement which would qualify me for employment in the Ministry of Silly Walks and, like the Minister of that department, I often find myself apologising for my late arrival on account of my walk becoming rather sillier recently. My way of dealing with this is to try and see the lighter side of my predicament and being objective, I suppose my efforts to transfer soup from hob to table without depositing the contents over my trousers make for an amusing spectator

sport. Then I’m old enough to handle the pointed looks and tutting from those who perceive my genuine attempts to walk in a straight line as drunken foolishness rather than a symptom of a physical difference between us over which I have no control. As a child though one is perhaps less able to rationalise in that way when confronted with others who choose to view you through a narrow lens. In my case, as a 9 year old, I felt the need to hide my short sightedness and resulting glasses at school for fear of being the subject of amusement for the speccists amongst my then peers, a fear that was heightened by the unfortunate design of said spectacles that made me look like I was wearing ear rings. When it comes to highlighting or exploiting differences, children have been and can often be the worst offenders, giving expression to views better left unspoken. The slightest imperfection (whether it be height, sight, size, weight, shape, skin colour or blemish) can be preyed upon in the playground and made to seem the most terrible of afflictions, discouraging the thought that being different is often just as good as being perfect. Sadly, this is something that we’ve witnessed a bit too often recently. I don’t know where it comes from. I just know that as parents, we try and protect our kids from being exposed to that situation and encourage them to tolerate and accept people for what and who they are. Everyone has something that can mark them out from the crowd. It may not be as obvious as a beard on a lady or an ability to ride an elephant while firing pistols into the air, but with a little encouragement rather than disparagement it can emerge as a source of strength rather than vulnerability. We are not all the same. It would be a strange place if we were. As PT Barnum (or at least Hugh Jackman) said, “No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.” You see, I was watching.

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A Photographer Dreams.... by Hugh Griffiths

It’s the bright colours of spring that make the flowers so lovely and add so much happiness to our lives. Bluebells and tulips are pretty much the brightest stars of this time of year (OK, daffodils are my favourite, but that is mostly because I am Welsh, and they are our national flower) and bring reminders of sunny skies and golden light that we hope will be coming in the next few months as summer takes over from spring. I took this picture very early in the morning (just before 6 a.m.) in Lancing, down on the south coast. I was out with my camera looking for sunrise pictures, and didn’t get any: but I did see a few photo opportunities of the low tide and sea protection groynes, and also of this group of flowers alongside the coastal path. At least, I think that was where they were: I know where I was that day because I have a picture of the beach at Lancing from a couple of minutes before these. And I know the time I took them as this is held in the file details on the computer. But I can’t be sure if it was on the path, or in someone’s garden that I took them. And maybe, if I had had a GPS positioning facility on the camera (and was using it) I would be more certain. My current camera does and it is on the whole time. But it was fairly dark, and the camera chose to use a very high ISO rating; fortunately, Adobe Lightroom was able to get rid of the limited amount of noise that was apparent in the original image. I then cropped it to bring the tulips into the thirds on the right, and to straighten it up. And a bit (quite a lot actually) of brightening to make it seem like they were in daylight. It sounds a lot, but actually this sort of editing only takes a few minutes in Lightroom – time that is not only well spent, but time that has to be spent to make the most of the original images.


Ahh, the Kruger National Park. It’s one of those places that I can never get enough of. I have been lucky enough to work in South Africa and have taken the chance of being there to go on safari on a number of occasions. I took this picture on my first visit. I was staying in one of the SANParks (South Africa National Parks) camps within the Kruger but with an organised tour. That meant that we had most of our meals cooked for us, and all the game drives provided, as well as the drive from Pretoria (where I was working) and back. The bungalows in these camps are fairly basic, but more than adequate for the short time you stay in them; we were out of the camp gate at 6 a.m. each day. On one of the evening drives, we were on our way back to the camp and passed a large troop of baboons on the side of the road. They didn’t mind us, and we all took the opportunity to photograph them. I think that this one was the leader of the troop; certainly, he had a couple of junior baboons grooming him top and bottom. This picture shows him after a grooming session, and I think he is showing aggression. He clearly needs to visit the dentist, but I doubt if there are any available to him. This is one of those rare pictures that didn’t need much editing. It simply needed to be a bit brighter than the original and that was it. I like the way that he is completely in focus with the hairs on his head and shoulders being sharp and clear. I

have another picture of him, a few seconds later, with his mouth wide open – roaring perhaps – but this one shows more character in my opinion. And now for somewhere completely different. North Cornwall in the summer is one of the most glorious places to go to. It’s pretty fantastic in April as well – with all the spring colour coming out. When we’re there we always go to the Bedruthan Rocks, where there is a National Trust café and shop and, much more importantly, fantastic views from steep and high cliffs. At this time of year, the gorse is a mass of these yellow blooms and there are acres of them all along the cliffs. The café and shop are about 150 metres away from the cliff edge but you can walk as close to the edge as you like: there are warning signs, but no fences. It’s always exhilarating to be on the edge, with the wind blowing in your face. The rocks which you can see in the distance are

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been flat grey clouds, the picture would have been far less interesting. It’s worthwhile looking at the whole picture as you take it, not just the centrepiece. The viewer sees the whole before the detail and that forms their impression of what you have done. The Malden Camera Club meets on most Thursday evenings at the Library in Kingston Road. We are a friendly group, and love our photography. Come along one evening. You will be very welcome!

the Bedruthan Rocks. It’s a medium sized beach, accessible only by some narrow and steep stairs cut into the cliff face. Don’t go down there when it’s wet! While it wasn’t wet this day, I decided to just wander along the top of the cliffs. And in fact, I didn’t wander very far. Most of my time was watching the gulls doing their acrobatics in the wind funnels around the edges of the cliffs. I had my ultra-wide-angle lens with me – 10-18mm – which allows me to take in very wide scenes, virtually all in focus and with the foreground emphasised. The gorse in the front of the picture leads you on to the rocks and beach in the middle and to the distant sweep of the land. The clouds add value: if it had been blue sky or if it had

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Organisations Royal British Legion Malden & Coombe Branch People often ask me who is entitled to get help from The Royal British Legion. Is it just old ex soldiers who have lived their lives as a service man or woman? Is it only those who have been injured whilst in action? Well the truth is any serving member of the Armed Forces and their families could be entitled to assistance. The first port of call is Gateway First Point on 0808 802 8080. This is a 24 hour service. But what may be little known is that those who took part in National service would also be entitled For those of you who aren’t acquainted with the National service here is a brief history… Following the end of World War Two, although Great Britain had commitments in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia, it was very hard to recruit regular soldiers. So it was decided that in 1947 the National Service act, all healthy males aged 18 and over (born between 1927 and 1939 ) were obliged to serve in the armed services for 18 months. After the outbreak of the Korean war in 1950 the length of service was increased to 2 years.

This was not a popular Act. Men were taken from their homes and jobs in a time when Britain was still suffering from economic depression and wartime bombsites. Every fortnight 6,000 youths were conscripted mainly into the Army where they were trained in Military drills and skills so that they could be deployed ,for example, in the decolonisation wars in Malaya, Kenya and Cyprus. However, it appears that these times were not all bad. A member of our Malden and Coombe Branch who was employed by the Railway and thought himself exempt was conscripted in 1954 until 1956 into the East Surrey Regiment. But he remembers his time with some fondness. He was sent to Brunswick in Germany from 1955 to 56. He also attended the Royal tournament in 1954. He has never forgotten his service number and says the Army made men out of boys.


I often wonder if it really was like the film “Carry on Sergeant”!!!The last conscripts were demobbed in 1963.


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We are always looking for new members to help us fundraise for those in need. Membership is open to all, not just service personnel, so come and join us at Malden and Coombe. Phone our membership secretary for advice in joining on 07572 390 203. TO THE MEMORY OF THE FALLEN AND THE FUTURE OF THE LIVING

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