Malden's Village Voice July 19

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KT3’s ONLY FREE Independent Community Magazine and Business Guide July ‘19 Issue 165



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Welcome to YOUR Village Voice from


The sun is shining and it’s been a great party weekend - lots of birthdays at this time of year. Wimbledon is about to start and we’ve got loads of fantastic events coming up in Malden Fortnight - full programme on page 20. Almost hidden in the middle is Murder Most Malden great fun and for a fantasic cause close to my heart- see you there!!

or buy your tickets from Suttles in New Malden High St

& Since ‘05

I hope you enjoy a good read please make sure you see what our local businesses and advertisers have to offer. If you’ve any feedback on how they’re doing, or have any ideas for future editions, news or views to share then please get in touch. Remember, we deliver to most homes every second month so if you’re not able to pick up a magazine on the months it’s not delivered to you, you can read it on your phone, tablet or PC. There are a limited number of copies available from Waitrose, New Malden library, The Methodist Church and the Malden Centre. The copy dates for the next couple of editions are below. If you’d like to advertise or have a local story to tell, please call or email. Until next time, best wishes,

Since ‘08

Published by Malden Media Ltd Editor Jenny Stuart 020 8336 2915 36 Rosebery Avenue KT3 4JS

Jenny Deadline for our August editions 18th July Deadline for our September editions 20th August

Please note that the opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily represent the views of the editor. All advertisements are commercial and not indicative of any endorsement by the editor who accepts no responsibility for any loss suffered directly or indirectly by any reader as a result of any advertisement or notice published in this magazine. All in-house artwork and editorial presented in this magazine remains the copyright of Malden Media Ltd. No part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored on any retieval system, or transmitted in any form - electronic, mechanical. recording, photocopying, or otherwise without prior permission from the Publisher.


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New Malden History The Queen Is Dead Love Live The King by Robin Gill The old Queen had died on 22nd January 1901. This was not totally unexpected, and she had been ill for a number of days. Her last entry in her journal was dated January 13th, the journal she had kept religiously since 1832 (nearly 70 years). In it, she recorded her only visit to Malden on Ascension Day, Thursday May 9th 1861. When she took a carriage ride “via Coombe House, Merton, Malden and the outskirts of Kingston” while staying at White Lodge in Richmond Park. Of course, she had visited Coombe on occasions, but this seems to be the only time she ventures further out. When I was a lot younger, I felt very sorry for the Victorians and the Edwardians. On film, theirs was a silent, mainly still world, with no colour, where all the working men wore cloth caps. Nobody ever smiled. Of course, it was nothing like that, and watching the newly discovered film of Queen Victoria in Dublin, she is wearing sunglasses, and actually smiling. In Victorian times mourning was an industry. Kingston’s Mourning Warehouse was in Fife Road operated by Madame Guittard where complete mourning outfits could be purchased for 1 guinea (£1 one pence) upwards. Traditionally dressed in black, Victoria went against convention being buried in white (her wedding veil). It was announced in the “London Gazette” that after March 6th it would not be desired or expected that the public wear deep mourning, but half mourning (grey, white, or purple) should be worn until April 17th. Saturday 2nd February the date of the funeral was to be observed as a day of general mourning, and that banks and shops should be closed. Life without the Queen New Malden had known nothing like this. The village had only come into existence in 1850 and Victoria had been on the throne then for 13 years. Longer than her two predecessors. So by the time, the community had become independent from Kingston, built five churches, had a railway line and station constructed, successfully fought off a bid from Richmond to turn it into a sewerage farm, built a police station, became an urban district by annexing Coombe and Old Malden, and started a fire service, they had only had one monarch. The news reached New Malden early evening and was met with profound regret.


The District Council were in the process of discussing the proposed tram system, but the meeting was at adjourned. The bell at Christ Church was tolled and the days event was the old topic of conversation. The following day, signs of mourning appeared. At the school Mr Cole the headmaster spoke to the boys about the glorious reign recently ended and read them articles from the national papers. The flag was flown at half-mast at Malden College and other flags in private gardens followed suit. With no computers, television, or radio, news was conveyed by telegraph and the public got to hear about it only from their newspapers. Notices about National events like royal births and deaths were not yet attached to the gates of Buckingham Palace (as there were no gates!), and the local newspapers; Surrey Comet and Surrey Advertiser, took it upon themselves to post regular telegrams in their office window for the public, regarding the health of Victoria. The Queen died at 6.30pm in the evening at Osborne House, and when the telegram appeared in the Comet window shortly after 7pm, “a great crowd quickly assembled”. “All classes showed profound sorrow”. Her reign had lasted 63 years, longer than many of her subjects had lived. It seemed no one could contemplate the end of a reign that had lasted so long. The stability of everyday life seemed in jeopardy, and people wept in the street worried with fear for the future. Confusion reigned about the funeral, the last monarch William IV had been buried 63 years previously, and most people who officiated in that ceremony had long gone. Victoria had asked for a full military state funeral. The coffin was made locally on the Isle Of Wight, and because the Queen refused to be embalmed, charcoal had to be placed in the casket. The cortege crossed the Solent to the mainland escorted by 11 miles of battleships and cruisers firing their guns in salute at one-minute intervals. Thousands of onlookers lined the route of her funeral procession both in London and Windsor. For the first time the body of a monarch was carried on a gun carriage drawn by eight white and cream horses through silent streets in a procession that took two hours to pass on its way to Frogmore to be laid to rest next to Albert.

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Back in New Malden, the black mourning shutters were fully down, and all flags at half-mast. Shops were shut and blinds were drawn. At the Norbiton Park Hotel (Fountain) the windows were draped with purple and white ribbons, and a wreath of ivy tied with purple ribbon was suspended above the main entrance. A well-attended memorial service was held at Christ Church led by the vicar Rev William Challacombe, and a united service was held at the Baptist Church. In the afternoon a special service was held for the children of the area at the Congregational Church (URC). The young people made an impressive sight as they marched from their various schools to the church where they learnt about the long life of the late Queen.

Long live the King It was announced in December that the Coronation of the new King would take place on Thursday 26th June at Westminster Abbey and that the 26th and 27th would both be declared Bank Holidays. At the first service held at Christ Church in January 1902, the vicar compared the two coronations; one of Christ, and the other to come of Edward. But it wasn’t until April, that steps were taken to arrange events in New Malden under the chairmanship of Alfred Streeter leader of the Council, and Headmaster of Malden College, who rose to tell the assembled that in a previous meeting it had been decided to form a committee of councillors, ministers, and leaders of local organisations. After a lengthy discussion it was decided that Malden would celebrate the Coronation on the day itself (June 26th). It was proposed that there be a sports event followed by teas for the children (under 15) and a separate dinner for the those over 60 in the Institute. The children would be presented with a book called “King Edward’s Realm”. It was also proposed to build a Coronation Bonfire on the council’s land (Waitrose car park today). There was to be a “Grand Parade” led by the Band Of Mercy. In the event of bad weather, a tent with a capacity of 500 was to hired. There were 1500 children to be catered for with special gifts

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of tea or tobacco for some of the poorer members of the community donated by the grocer Montagues. As with many of these types of events things change. Firstly, peace was declared in South Africa with the treaty of Vereeniging on 31st May. The good people of Malden wanted a bonfire with which to celebrate, so the Coronation Bonfire went up in flames at 9 o’clock the following night. Then two days before his coronation Edward was diagnosed with peri typhlitis causing the ceremony to be postponed. Nevertheless, after an operation, his health improved, and he gave instructions that the celebrations continue although he would be crowned at a later date (9th August). So, Malden saw a procession through the village, followed by the dinner for anybody older than King Edward (60) at the Institute and sports for the children. Later there was children’s tea followed by a hastily assembled bonfire with music provided by the Maldens and Coombe band. Attendance figures were estimated at 3,000, with many houses showing patriotic decorations.

The men’s sports held in the station estate meadow completed the celebrations on the Wednesday, together with the distribution of 1650 books to the children, a fine show of fireworks at dusk finished the event. The postmen raced, as did the police, firemen, employees of the council, and the railways, and the football team won the tug of war. Not to be outdone the inhabitants of Old Malden and Worcester Park celebrated on 19th July with children’s sports, tea and Punch and Judy. Adult sports, was followed by supper and dancing on the green. A display of rockets and fire balloons given by the District Fire Brigade closed the evening. Mrs Bridget Madden of the Market Place settled for compensation of 3 guineas from the council for injuries sustained when she fell over the fire brigade’s hose. This brought to a close the royal commemorations until 1910/11 with the end of the Edwardian era and European conflict on the horizon. Illustrations 1) Doctors’ note on Edward’s condition. 2) Coronation bonfire 3) Book presented to children “Edward’s Realm”




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Clubs Rotary Club Of New Malden We are now entering a new Rotary year. As of the first of the month we have a new President for the next twelve months. President Laurie has done the job before back in 2003/4. To finish off the last year we all enjoyed the celebration of our 90th anniversary as a Rotary club with a dinner and the company of some Rotary members from Surbiton and Kingston Clubs. Also at the end of May, Rotary the world over held their annual convention, this year in Hamburg. This event is always centred in a different Country and any full member may attend. It is a great opportunity for meeting members from other countries, back grounds , cultures and languages, all with the same objective— to help others On the 12th June we took part in one of Rotary’s special days—The Kids out Day. On this day once a year we take children in year 6 to a theme park, or similar, all over the country. On 17th June we had our annual club assembly where the various committees announce their programmes for the coming year. The final major



please contact our Secretary on 07946526783 or Barry Collins 0774025725 event of the year was on the 23rd June, the Presidents Swansong when our Club and the Ladies Club (Inner Wheel) have a party, organised by the Inner Wheel members where the current Presidents hand over to the New Presidents. Locally, readers will have noticed the arrival of the hanging baskets in the High Street. Hopefully the flowers will soon be in full bloom. Very soon now we will have the Malden Fortnight parade AND the ‘Beat Goes on Concert’ both on the 6th July. Some of our members are aiming to parade dressed as Charlie Chaplin. Then on the 13th July the Rotary Club will have a stall in the High Street. If you have an interest in our club you can always find out much more on line at David Powers - Club correspondent

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  

Tickets : £8.00 From New Malden Rotary @ Eventbrite

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19:00 - 22:00 (doors open at 18:30) Richard Challoner School

Net proceeds to local schools and charities

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Events Who Let the Dogs In? Stephen Kuhrt, Vicar of Christ Church, New Malden Pets have a very special place in the lives of many people in New Malden. Animals have always been popular within this country but psychologists are increasingly recognising the deeply positive effects that pets have upon the mental health of their owners, alongside the very obvious benefits in terms of physical fitness. Numerous people within New Malden have also reported the way in which gaining a pet has brought their families closer together with the care and responsibility involved in looking after them having a particularly positive impact upon children. Bailey and Cromwell are two of the dogs that already attend Christ Church with their owners and there is an increasing desire at the church to recognise more fully the vital place that pets have within God’s good creation.

On Sunday 7th July at 9.30 am, Christ Church New Malden will therefore be holding its first ever Pet Service. Everyone is welcome to come along with their pets, whether they be dogs, cats, guinea pigs, hamsters or parrots! The church will be divided into different areas for different types of pets with animal friendly refreshments provided. Another zone will be available for those people who may love animals but would rather keep their distance from them! Avid dog lover, Nathan Larkin will be speaking at the service on the special place that pets have in God’s creation and there will be the opportunity for all of the animals that are present to be brought forward to receive a blessing. Christ Church has a wooden floor so any ‘accidents’ won’t be a problem! If people feel that they cannot bring their pet, or if they have a pet that has died, they’re invited to bring a photograph instead and remember the pet in their absence. We want to make it a service that is inclusive of everyone in New Malden who loves animals and recognises the blessing that pets bring to our lives!

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New Malden Matters Trust If we think about it, which we probably don’t, our whole life is based on trust. From the time we are born, we trust our parents to take care of us, nurture and love us and do the best they can for us; parents trust the school to educate, encourage and keep their children safe, employees trust their employer to pay a decent wage for a decent day’s work and the employer trusts his/her staff to provide that decent day’s work. We all trust the Health Service to take care of us, or help us take better care of ourselves; and all of this is in addition to the countless organisations, bodies etc. that we deal with in everyday life. On top of this, we trust our M.Ps to work for the country and not for their own self interest (I know what you are thinking here, especially at this time!!) and our Councillors and Council to work in the best interests of our community. I would be the first to admit that these people have a difficult job. They have to balance different priorities, follow the party line and ensure what they are being asked to do does not leave us all in a financial mess. Unfortunately, as we have seen over the years, common sense is not always at the forefront of either Government or Council. We have at the present time, the “Local Plan” (Early Engagement (Regulation 18) May 2019). It is a very pretty document, lots of coloured pictures and words such as “vision” “create” “opportunity area” etc. etc. You can, I think, pick one up at the local Library. I have to say, if you’ve not already guessed, my faith in these documents is not very high. Sometimes, what is written is actually somewhat unbelievable. I am not sure how many meetings I have attended, mainly with the previous administration, where the residents have been asked what they want. This has been going on for years and we are still at the stage, presumably, where we are once again being asked “what we want”. I think that what “most” people want, other than winning the lottery or turning back the clock are quite basic: • A good infrastructure in their locality, i.e. access to good schools for their children, access to doctors and hospitals without a long waiting time; • able to feel safe in their community; • a sensible level of development • clean streets • spaces for kids and teenagers to meet and play • leisure centres, libraries etc.


Obviously there are other wants. I would also like a Council that not only “listens” as we are constantly told they are doing, but communicates and acts. Trying to get hold of the Council by conventional means is a herculean task in itself. Trying to get responses from some Councillors or Officers, can prove monumentally frustrating. Q.29 on Page 45 of our Local Plan asks “do you have any suggestions for the future of any of our local centres or shopping parades?” I have walked New Malden High Street almost every day for the past eighteen days, and every day there are piles of rubbish on the pavement. The first time I counted eleven piles of plastic bags, cardboard and junk. The last count was five. This is, I would suggest, not going to attract people to our High Street. On Page 18, there is a map of the borough, and “Scenario 2: Concentrated growth. I quote: (and this relates to New Malden) “Buildings in these locations would be at very high densities and include a mix of uses. ….building at these densities would significantly change the look and feel of these parts of the borough. However, there would be less immediate change in areas with a more residential character compared to the widespread growth scenario.” Now, I might be getting on in years and not as quick on the uptake as I might once have been, but I thought that with a population of around 30,000+ people, New Malden could be called “residential”. Surbiton and Malden Manor, are not included in the high density proposal because according to this scenario, they are are residential(!). So what makes New Malden “not” residential? In this respect, our present Council took power back in 2018 and one of their election promises was to ensure that we would not be subject to over densification. What has changed since then? A higher density of population means more traffic (just walk along our High Street at almost any time of the day), more air pollution (meaning more ill health and damage to children) and --- more rubbish. If this Council, or any Council, cannot take care of us now, they stand absolutely no chance when our population grows substantially.

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I do feel that I have now become Moaner of the Year – but I love New Malden, I think we have a great community, I think there are so many people here who want to get out there and do something for New Malden, and are already doing so, and I do not want to see New Malden become one vast high-rise housing estate with little thought of space and facilities. I do not want to see New Malden at the mercy of Developers with profit being their main motive. I don’t want to see children growing up with no place to play, high streets like ours full of rubbish, and more documents being issued asking us “what we want.”

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Trust is a great thing, with it we can do so much, but without it we flounder. And I feel that our residents are floundering now. Pretty pictures and meaningless words, don’t cut the mustard! If you would like to comment on the Local Plan, You can e-mail or by post to Strategic Planning Team, The Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames, Guildhall 2, High Street, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 1EU and the deadline for responding is the 31st July. Frances Marsh

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A more sustainable me The one where I take a long hard look at my wardrobe by Ali Warner The one about rubber rings, beach balls and pink flamingos Summer’s coming. The kids’ exams are over, even the teachers have got a spring in their step. You’ve started to look at Boots’ 2 for 3 on Factor 50 and have begun counting down the days on the calendar until your flight away from the daily grind. You can almost taste that Sangria. Two weeks in the Med, flat out on a sun bed with a good book, blue skies and sea around you, golden sand between your toes. More than 200 million tourists like you and me hit the Med to top up their tan each summer. Countries including Turkey, Spain, Italy, Egypt and France welcome 34 million of us Brits annually. But here’s a figure to be less proud of, these countries are also the largest contributors of plastic pollution to the Mediterranean sea. It’s home to only 1% of the world’s water but the Med also contains record levels of plastic pollution which accounts for 7% of the global problem. And according to one of the world’s leading conservation, the WWF, the region is responsible for a 40% increase in marine litter entering the sea, 95% of which is plastic waste. And the thing is, it’s the fun things that we don’t really think about because we’re on our hols. It’s the beach balls, the buckets and spades, the flip flops and disposal cutlery. It’s that inflatable pineapple rubber ring that looked so good on instagram and that seemed like a good purchase browsing the duty free in Gatwick. “We’ve found that 42% of people say they recycle on holiday versus 77% at home,” says Alice Macandrew, Corporate Affairs Director of holiday operator Thomas Cook. ‘While just over half of us limit our use of

disposable plastic at home, that drops to 35% when we’re away,” she adds. And that pineapple well it won’t be alone if it’s abandoned at the beach or resort before you head back to Blighty, 51,000 are left behind at Thomas Cook resorts each summer. There are ways around some of this pollution and some are really easy. You can avoid single use plastic items such as water bottles and straws and bring your inflatables and buckets and spades home. That’s a great start. But what about that pineapple? Will it make it back into your suitcase next time round? Or will it, like mine end up nibbled by mice or strangely developing a slow puncture that you try and fix with an ugly patch that takes that shine off it for you and the kids which means it sits abandoned at the back of the cupboard until your next clear out and trip to the tip. Even if it does get as far as the tip that plastic is not recyclable, but the good news is that it, along with flat beach balls, kiddie paddling pools, lilos, armbands, deck chair canvas and retired bouncy castles are now being cleverly upcycled into fun fashion bags and trendy totes by a UK company called Wyatt and Jack. You can check them out at Better still, they are currently holding an inflatable amnesty which means you can parcel up and send that pineapple or crocodile, or pink flamingo or odd armband to be turned into a fun beach bag that can be put to good use. You can send your items to: Wyatt & Jack Inflatable Amnesty, Unit 7, Weavers Yard, Lane End, Bembridge, IOW, PO35 5US and follow its journey from being your item to beginning it’s new life as a brilliant bag. Go on then. What are you reading this for? That pineapple won’t post itself and the ocean will thank you for it.

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Saturday 6th July


Malden Fun Runs Beverley Park 9am. Free to enter 5km run and 100m sprint for children, which will start after the last runner of the 5km event has crossed the finish line at 09.50am. The Malden Centre are kindly sponsoring medals for all 5k runners along with a gym pass and swim voucher. All 100m finishers will receive a medal and swim voucher. Register online by 6pm 4th July at , no entrants on the day, sorry! The Malden Community Farmers’ Market’s Summer Extravaganza High Street 9am-3pm - showcasing the best in local craft and produce from over 25 local traders. Come on down and get your hands on homemade pies, cakes, cordials, local honey, fruit and veg, gin, fish, as well as a plethora of local crafts. St James’ Summer Fete, 10.30am to 2pm: Celebrate Summer, enjoy a barbecue, tasty English and Korean foods, live music from Holt 45. Delicious home-made cakes and preserves, toys, books, plants, bric-a-brac. Games for all the family. Proceeds to support St James’ work in the community. Entry £1. Held at St James Church corner of Bodley and Malden Road, KT3 5QE. Buses 213, K1, 265. Grand Parade - Sponsored by Pearson Hards Solicitors New Malden High Street 2pm. This is one of the busiest days of the year in our High Street and promises to pull in the crowds. The theme of this year’s parade is a Celebration of Screen Heros. See you there! Charity Cream Tea Afternoon at Tadworth Scout Hut 2-5.30pm 1st Malden Scout Group’s ninth annual Scout Cream Tea and the event is now firmly on the Malden Fortnight calendar. Starting immediately after the Grand Parade and only a couple of minutes’ walk from the Fountain roundabout, our Scout Headquarters in Tadworth Avenue and its large garden will be transformed into a ‘pop-up’ café. Last year Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and their helpful parents served homemade cream teas with scones, jam and clotted cream to New Malden families over the afternoon. Once again we’ll have entertainment from a local ukulele group and there’ll be activities to keep the children busy. We hope you’ll be able to join us. It’s a great way to relax and catch up with friends after the parade. OrganFest19 Concert 7.30pm New Malden Methodist Church. Keith Hearnshaw (Concert Organist) opens our Organ Festival to celebrate the refurbishment of our three manual pipe organ with a programme of favourite, spectacular works including Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D minor. Close-ups on the big screen. Tickets £8 or £20 for a Festival Subscription (all three concerts) available from the Church weekdays 10am – 2pm or online from organfest19

Sunday 7th July

Community Celebration service 10.30am. Methodist Church, New Malden High St. A special service giving thanks for the life of the local community. This will be a special and fun occasion for people of all ages. We would like to invite as many representatives of any and all clubs and organisations and people from the community at large as possible. All are most welcome. 5-7pm Brass on Draught! Upstairs at The Royal Oak £5 on the door entry. West London Brass return with their unique blend of unashamedly entertaining popular music. It’s crowd-pleasers all the way: from Madness to movie themes and Carpenters to a little touch of jazz. So why not grab some refreshment at the bar, sit back and enjoy the music on a summer evening? All welcome.

Wednesday 10th July

1.30-1.50pm Free Lunchtime Concert featuring the Suri Duo: Harp and Flute at The Space, New Malden United Reformed Church. The Suri Duo consists of harpist Catrin Meek and flautist Meera Maharaj. Have a closet clear out and find treasures from other people’s at the ‘What the frock clothing swap’ from 7-10 in Room 5 of the Malden Centre on Wednesday 10 July. £3 entrance, all profits go to Lennox Children’s Cancer Fund. You can bring 10 items to swap, clothes can be dropped off from 5, swapping from 7. No kids clothes/lingerie/socks/nightwear/swimming costumes/bobbles/tears/stains or broken zips. Summer dresses, sandals and accessories welcomed. The Mikado Presented by Malden Community Choir at Malden Methodist Church 7.30 pm In one of the most popular of Gilbert and Sullivan’s operettas, both for its music and the sparkling dialogue, the plot is particularly `topsy-turvy’. The fictitious town of Titipu faces a massive downgrade, for omitting to have an execution for over a year. A victim is found, but he turns out to be the Mikado’s son, who is also in love with the fiancée of his reluctant executioner. The production will be semi-staged in full costume, and many of the principal singers will be familiar to those who have attended previous productions. Tickets are £10 from Malden Centre from June 17th, and include interval refreshments in the price.

Friday 12th

Malden Camera Club’s Annual Exhibition (also Saturday)9.30am-4.30pm on Saturday New Malden Methodist Church. Our members will be sharing a selection of the work they are most happy with in both printed and projected forms. For those interested in photography, or considering taking it up, this provides

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a window into what club membership can offer to all levels of competence in a really friendly and nurturing environment. Admission free, and refreshments available. This exhibition is also a competition for club members, so we will be asking you to select your favourite images to decide who will be our club’s “Photographer of the Year”. Murder Most Malden - fundraising for The Lunchbowl Network. Are you a closet Poirot, Marple or Holmes? Come test your sleuthing skills at this quite unique event which was a huge success last year. Location is Christ Church New Malden. 7-10pm. Children 12 and over welcome. Tickets £5 and £10 for adults. Buy them from Suttles in the High Street, or email events@

Saturday 13th July

Craft Fair all day New Malden High Street. Over 90 stalls will line both sides of the High Street. Come and enjoy this great day. Light Lunches served at the Methodist Church 12noon - 2pm. Adult Education Exhibition - Malden Centre 10am - 3pm FREE entry! Plus try some crafts for FREE! Exhibition of work from the Malden Centre Adult Education students and tutors. Paintings, Ceramics, Calligraphy, Floristry, Making Clothes, Quilting & Upholstery. Come and meet our tutors and students. Malden Golf Club Open Day. 10am-3pm, Traps Lane, KT3 4RS. Please drop in to find out more about us and the wonderful game of golf. It’s great fun and great exercise whatever your age, fitness level or sporting prowess. Players looking for a club, beginners and all the family are very welcomeChildren under 14 get free junior membership (with a full paying adult). The tennis will be on the TV, refreshments will be available and existing members will be on hand to show you around and answer any questions! Each adult who visits will receive a free voucher to play golf at Malden this summer (on a 2 for 1 basis) OrganFest19 Concert 7.30pm New Malden Methodist Church. Donald MacKenzie (Odeon Leicester Square) continues our Organ Festival to celebrate the refurbishment of our three manual pipe organ with music by Eric Coates, Cole Porter, Percy Grainger. Closeups on the big screen. Donald will accompany the silent film Call of the Cuckoo (1927) starring Laurel & Hardy. See 6th for ticket information.

Sunday 14th July

Heritage Walks 2.30pm-5pm Old Malden Heritage Walk (meet at pond edge of Plough Green). Join local historian Robin Gill (Village Voice) and tour guide Julian McCarthy on a fun informative but leisurely stroll, recounting the history of

various parts of Old Malden history with photos maps and anecdotes. Numbers have to be limited to 20 per walk, so please call 020 8395 4490 and leave your name contact details and number of people in your party. Walks are free, but a collection will be made at the end of the walk on behalf of The Maldens And Coombe Heritage Society.

Thursday 18th July

Tom Kelley Memorial Slide Show 7.30pm until 10pm. The MEFAS centre (Rear of the Malden Centre, Cocks Crescent). One of the most talked about features of the Malden Fortnight, for many years , was the evening slide show of old photographs accompanied by anecdotes presented by local historian Tom Kelley. In honour of the tradition set years ago by Tom, local history author, tour guide, and archivist for the Maldens and Coombe Heritage Society Julian McCarthy, once again presents the Tom Kelley Memorial Slide Show. There is no charge but a collection of behalf of MEFAS will be taken at the end of the evening. The show changes each year so will be fresh and new for all that come.

Sunday 21st July

Sports Club Open Day 10am to 4pm New Malden Sports Club, Somerset Close, New Malden KT3 5RG There’s something for all the family and its FREE. Try tennis, squash, racketball, badminton, exercise classes or even a workout with our gym instructors. All our coaches will be on hand to help. Special offers for new members joining on the day. New Malden Dog Show 1pm Blagdon Park (behind the Malden Centre). If you think that your dog is the greatest then come along to the Fun Dog Show. Entry is from 1 p.m. and judging starts at 2 p.m. There are ten classes at a £1 each including, dog with the waggiest tail, dog most like its owner, most appealing eyes and the best dog in fancy dress. You also have a chance to enter the owner and dog egg & spoon race, which is more difficult than you would expect! Dogs don’t need a pedigree, but they must be over 6 months old and be good with other dogs and people. Come along with or without your dog. It’s a great afternoon out for everyone and who knows, you may be taking home the cup to say that you own – The Best Dog in New Malden. Heritage Walks See Sunday 14th for more information. OrganFest19 Concert 3pm New Malden Methodist Church. David Goode (Eton College) closes our Organ Festival to celebrate the refurbishment of our three manual pipe organ with a programme including Bach’s Toccata, Adagio and Fugue and his virtuosic Concert Fantasy on themes by Gershwin. Close-ups on the big screen. Unreserved seats £8, Festival Subscription £20 available online from TicketSource or from the Church.

To advertise email or call 020 8336 2915


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Clubs Mondays

Christ Church Community Cafe (In the Lounge) Monday and Tuesday at 10:30 to 12 for Refreshments and Chat. Trained Listeners available. All Welcome! Katie Kuhrt 07449333123

New Malden Rotary Club Malden Golf Club,Traps Lane Monday evenings 6.15 for 7pm Secretary 07946526783 Barry Collins 07740 257 255

English Conversation Group meeting during term-time from 10.00 to 12.00. Chris & Elspeth Coke; telephone 0208-942-7388 mobile 07903618159

St James Players If you enjoy acting do come or help backstage. Mon and Weds 8pm St James Church Hall, Bodley Road New Malden. Weekly Peer Support for parents with mental health conditions. Crafty Mondays 9.30-12noon Hatha Yoga 1.30-2.30 53-55 Canbury Park Rd. KT2 6LQ Tel: 02085463258


Kingston and District Civil Service Pensioners’ Alliance meet on the last Tuesday every month except July and August, and December when we hold a Xmas Lunch. In addition to our main interest of keeping in touch with local and national issues affecting pensioners, we arrange a variety of speakers to entertain us on lighter subjects, such as 24th April, Round the World on a reclining bicycle, 29 May a Quiz and 26th June slide show on Central America. Venue: Marion House, Girl Guides Hut, Tadworth Avenue, New Malden KT3 DJ, from 2pm to 4.15pm. Mrs

Early Morning Running Group Hill training on The Hamptons, covering 6-8 miles. Mixed ability group. No fee. Meet: The gates of Sir Joseph Hood Playing Fields, Marina Ave, Motspur Park, KT3 6NE. (Three minutes walk from Motspur Park station). Time: 6.00am at the gates. Finish 7.30-7.45am. Olwen 07941 898896,

Arthritis Care New Malden Branch Arthritis Care Kingston and District Meetings 3rd Tuesday of the month 7.30pm in the evening at Alfriston House Berrylands Road Surbiton Jocelyn King 0208 942 6745

The New Malden Ladies Badminton Club When: Tuesday at the Malden Centre from 20.30 till 10pm We are a mixed ability club looking for new members. Lynda 020 8949 2673 or just pop in.

NHS Retirement Fellowship Are you retired or about to retire from the NHS? Why not join us on the 1st Tuesday of every month from 10am -12 at Royal British Legion, Hollyfield Road, Surbiton, KT5 AL. We have speakers, activities, coffee & chat. Other outings & activities are also arranged during the month. Lorna 020 8337 4121

Half Shares We are a group of widows who meet together on the 1st Tuesday of every month. We have a speaker and enjoy a cuppa and a chat. Come and join us at 1.45-3.15pm at Christ Church Centre, Coombe Rd Katie Kuhrt 07449333123 The New Malden Investment Club Our meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at the Grafton Club, Grafton Road, New Malden. Secretary 020 8942 1926

trafficking. We’ll discuss issues of forced labour, sexual exploitation and domestic servitude, raise awareness and fundraise.


Malden & Coombe Social Club For The Blind Alternate Wednesdays 2pm to 4pm Mike Ball 020 8942 0819 Volunteer drivers/ helpers VERY welcome Talking Of Trains In Surbiton Talks at the Surbiton Library Hall each Wed evening throughout the winter months. 1st meeting free, cost £50pa www.talkingof

Colouring Club A soothing and enjoyable pastime for adults with no skills needed. 10-11am at Cafe Galio. Royal British Legion, Malden and Coombe Branch meetings are held at the Grafton Club on the second Wed of the month at 2.30pm. New members welcome. Jan Feist:


The Malden and Coombe Townswomen’s Guild welcome new members. We meet at 10am on the third Thursday of the month at the United Reformed Church hall in New Malden. We are a friendly group of women of all ages and back-grounds. We have interesting speakers from various organisations; outings, clubs, bring and buy sales and competitions. We are currently offering a first visit free of charge. 020 8337 7423

Post-natal Coffee Morning. 10-11.30am last Thursday of the month. 53-55 Canbury Park Rd KT2 6LQ Tel: 02085463258 Chair Yoga 10.45am-11.45am at Avenue Hall (West Wimbledon Society), 70 Richmond Road, West Wimbledon, SW20 0PQ. Join Jackie (Jackie

Malden Bridge Club When: Tuesday evenings 7.30-10.30pm Graham Spicer Institute, by entrance to Fencing Club, every Tuesday from Waitrose car park. John 020 8942 7560 7:00 to 9:30 pm at Coombe Boys’ School, College Gardens, New Malden Act For Justice New Malden Baptist KT3 6NU. Children & adults, beginners church; Westbury Road. KT3 5BE. first Tuesday of every month, 8 - 9.30pm. & experienced fencers are all This group aims to combat human welcomed. Equipment is provided. 28 Please remember to mention the Village Voice when you speak to our advertisers Brenda Denby, 0208 398 6054

JJC Yoga) for accessible yoga in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Either sitting on a chair or using the chair as a prop, everyone can enjoy the benefits of yoga. No equipment or experience needed. £5.00 per class.

group. No fee. Meet: The gates of Sir Joseph Hood Playing Fields, Marina Ave, Motspur Park, KT3 6NE. (Three minutes walk from Motspur Park station). Time: 6.00am at the gates. Finish 7.30-7.45am. Olwen 07941 898896, 07940 St. John’s Hall is open between 2.00 575628; email: and 4.00pm for Tea And Chat. If you com or just drop in. are on your own please feel free to KINGSTON U3A SINGERS! 10.30 drop in for a free cup of tea and some - 12.30, Glenmore House, 6 The company. 411 Malden Road (between Crescent, Surbiton KT6 4BN. We Worcester Park station and The enjoy singing many different styles Plough). 213 Bus stops nearby. of music. There is no formal audition New Malden Women’s Institute but we are looking for the ability to Shiraz Miraz Hall Manor Park Hall sing in tune, a willingness to practice Malden Road New Malden KT3 6AV at home between rehearsals and, 2nd Thursday of each month except above all, an enthusiasm for making August at 7.30pm. 0208 9490694 or music. A quarterly charge is levied to cover choir expenses. Please ring Malden Camera Club Helga Randall 020 8397 8712 or New Malden Library, Kingston Road Roger Dench on 07759 020433. Thurs evenings throughout the year Early Morning Running Group at 7.45pm Speed work on tarmacked areas, totaling 6-8 miles. Mixed ability

Malden Centre Orchestra Malden Centre, Blagdon Road, 10am-12noon every Thursday (term time only). Come and enjoy great symphonic music in a friendly group of players under the leading of an experience conductor. Contact: Tolworth Badminton Club Tolworth Recreation Centre Thursday evenings 7.30-9.30 Intermediate/advanced level Pat 0208 395 9175 or just turn up

Malden Emergency First Aid Society (Mefas) Members meet each Thursday evening at 7.30pm for First Aid training. New members required. Everyone welcome. Hall available for hire. Christine 07966661015 Kingston Association for The Blind Lunch Club is held on the last Thursday of every month from 12.30 to 2.30pm at The Mefas Hall, Next to the Malden Centre, Cocks Crescent, New Malden. This is for people living

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with sight loss and their carers. A Sandwich lunch is provided at the cost of £3 per person. 020 8605 0060 or

Come and join our friendly local bridge club at the Shiraz Mirza hall (behind Norbiton station). We play 24 hands of duplicate bridge - with electronic scoring - every Thurs from 7.30pm.Host system so partners always available. £5 table money. Parking available outside the hall. Also buses and trains from very close by. Rosemary Vase 0208 5468719 or Pauline Finn 0208 549 3270 or just turn up

Malden And Coombe Flower Decoration Society St.James Church Hall Bodley Road 3rd Thurs of the month 7.30pm. Why not come along to these evenings and dazzle your family and friends with your expertise! Visitors £6 Alison Honor 020 8949 8036 Malden Wanderers Badminton Club 22, Cambridge Avenue, KT3 4LE When - 8.30-10pm We are a friendly club looking for new members. Bobby 07946 532 846 New Malden Women’s Institute Shiraz Mirza Hall, Manor Park Hall, Malden Road, New Malden, KT3 6AV. 2nd Thurs of each month at 7.30pm Barbara 0208 546 1495 or

Kingston Debating Society An evening of lively intelligent debate, where you get to have your say. Thurs7.45pm 10 March Kingston Methodist Church, Avenue Road, off Fairfield South, KT1 2UJkingston New Malden Youth Choir for children 7-15 years old 6.15-7.15 every Thursday in term time at New Malden Methodist Church Contact Jane on 07775654854


Craft Group We meet at New Malden Baptist Church on the 1st Friday of the month from 7.30pm - 10pm to knit, crochet, sew, papercraft, bead. Fiona on 0208 949 8269 or

RSPB Epsom & Ewell Local group 2nd Friday of every month at 7.30, apart from July and August, at All Saints Church Hall Fulford Road, West Ewell with guest speakers who illustrate their enthusiasm on a variety of natural history subjects. We also have several birding outings throughout the year which is arranged to suit all ages. There is a small charge for non-members of the RSPB. groups/epsom.

Over 60’s club St. James Church Hall. Bodley Road, New Malden from 1pm to 2:30 pm (Doors open at 12:30) We have musical entertainment, a raffle and refreshments. Sheila 0208 949 5118


their family and carers, Call 020 8942 8256 and ask for Cathy or Marion email Learn to sew and knit! Do you want to learn to sew or knit, improve your skills or just meet other knitters and sewers to work and chat? Join the Sew and Sews on the second and fourth Saturdays at 10.30 a.m. at St. James’ Bodley Road. Everyone welcome. 50p for refreshments.


Emanuel Rugby Shannon Corner, KT3 4PU Adults Tuesdays and Thursdays,7.30pm, Saturday 2-3pm. Children: Registration at the club is 1030am with training starting at 11am on Sundays Fergus McCarthy 0845 8338974

Malden Lime Grove Bowling Club, New Malden Both new and experienced bowlers are welcome at our friendly club with coaching on hand to guide and advise. We bowl outside from late April to the end of September, but social events for members are run throughout the year. For enquiries ring Sue on 0208 395 6778 or John on 0208 949 4315

Supreme Bowls Club

We welcome new bowlers of both sexes, all ages, and all abilities from late April to end of Sept. Come and try bowling for free. We are a friendly club with around 70 members on the Kings College Sports Ground close to Woodies pub at the junction of Thetford Road and Windsor Avenue, New Malden, KT3 5BF. Mick or Di on 020 8942 0294.

West Wimbledon Society Table Tennis Club

Friendly social table tennis club in Raynes Park welcomes new members (sorry not complete beginners). 020 8874 1654. Surbition Bowls Club Alexandra Rec, Tolworth. Roll ups Tuesday evenings from 5,50pm. Small friendly mixed club (35 players.) David 020 8224 2385

Surbiton Croquet Club

Where: Alexandra Drive, Berrylands. Croquet is a game for all ages and abilities. All welcome at very friendly club, including (especially!) complete beginners. Free introductory croquet coaching sessions. Chris Osmond 020 8330 6698 Malden Manor Bowls Club, Manor Park, Malden Road. Men’s Secretary Gerald 020 8949 4623 or Ladies’ Secretary Maureen 020 8337 5472

Kingston & District Branch Of The Embroiderers’ Guild Saturday, 20thJuly, at Kingston Museum, print a Sunflower Tote bag, Stitch Saturday (adults), 11.00am – 1.00pm, Young Embroiderers, (ages 5-17), 1.30pm 3.30pm, (small fee payable). Friday, 26th July 2019 – Mixed Media Textiles - a talk by Christine Chester 7.30pm, St Marks C of E Church Hall, Surbiton (nonmembers very welcome) Check website for contact &

Saturday Dementia Club staywell Services 2nd Saturday of the month 11am to 2pm in New Malden for people living with dementia, details: 30 Please remember to mention the Village Voice when you speak to our advertisers

Do you have jewellery you no longer wear? Is your jewellery “tired” and in need of a re-vamp? Adorn will repair or totally re-model your existing jewellery to create a beautiful new piece. Why not create your own custom designed jewellery? From bangles to pendants, rings to earrings, we will help you through the design process to create a totally unique piece.

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David Sutcliffe, your local Goldsmith and owner of Adorn Jewellers, will give you free expert advice on all your jewellery needs.

Visit Adorn Jewellers for friendly, expert advice 155 High Street, New Malden or phone 020 8942 8767 In-house Repairs & Commissions · Engraving · New & Antique Jewellery · Valuations · Watch/Clock Repairs · Trophies

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What’s On Beverley and Coombe Vale safer neighbourhood policing

Cuppa with a coppers 3rd July 11am-12 Village Cafe 7a,Coombe Road Street Briefing 10th and 26th July 5pm – 6pm The CUT entrance opposite New Malden BR Station Drop- in Surgery 20th July 2pm – 4pm New Malden Police Office, CI Tower, St George’s Square

Change one letter at a time (but not the position of any letter) to make a new word - and move from the word at the top of the ladder to the word at the bottom, using the exact number of rungs provided.


lock look loot soot shot



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Euphonix, Kingston’s Community Choir, presents “Sounds of Summer” a lunchtime concert at 1.00 p.m. on Wednesday 17 July 2019. The concert will be at All Saints Church in Kingston Market Place and the programme will include favourites like Sailing, Here Comes the Sun, Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes, Peace White Dove, An Acre of Land, Sunshine on Leith, and Walking on Sunshine as well as other summer songs. The concert is being given in aid of a local charity Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness. Information about the Euphonix Choir can be found on their website

Word Ladder

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Family and Divorce Mediation Services in the Wimbledon/Worcester Park/New Malden areas

CONFIDENTIAL PERSONALISED AFFORDABLE MEDIATION FOCUSED ON YOU Gillian Krajewski has 20 years’ experience providing financial and parenting mediation services in the London area. Gillian is the first choice for those who want to separate, divorce and parent amicably.


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Puzzle Time answers on page 44

not so easy

fairly easy

'PUT YOUR GARDEN MAINTENANCE IN TH HANDS OF SOMEONE WHO REALLY CARE - One off Tidy - Garden Maintenance - Decking and Lawns - Hedge Trimming - Landscaping


- Tree surgery - Stump Grinding - Strimming and Weeding - Garden clearance - Path and Patio Washing

4 words ESARHP

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TERM 4 words

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IN THE INTENANCE GARDEN MA CARES' 'PUT YOUR HO REALLY SOMEONE W F O S D N A H - Tree surgery g - One off Tidy - Stump Grindin nance Weeding - Garden Mainte - Strimming and ns Law and ce - Decking - Garden clearan g shing Wa o - Hedge Trimmin Pati - Path and - Landscaping

Contact us on: Tel: 020 8330 7787 or 07958 727 272

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Tel: 020 8330 7787 272 Mobile: 07958 727



1 Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a different number between 1 and 26. The codes for 11 three letters are shown. Once you have filled these throughout the grid 10 you can start guessing words and reveal other letters. As you find the letters enter them in the box below. 11





24 5


2 21



12 4 2 6







20 20




1 18














6 2


11 25


3 4







23 19













13 5



2 19







1 18 4 1



12 23


25 12

11 26




9 26



19 10



20 5

Quick Quiz Shapes and sizes 1. Which of the following paper sizes has an area equal to one square metre?... A0, A1 or A2? 2. What is the common name of both a bone in the hand and a geometrical shape that has four sides, two of which are parallel? 3. What name is given to the format of newspaper that is almost double the size of a tabloid newspaper, with sheets measuring around 75 by 60 centimetres? 4. What is the only standard road sign in the UK that is octagonal in shape? 5. How many feet wide is a mattress for a single bed?

7. With viewers being invited to guess which one would be chosen as the camera would zoom in on one for a section of each episode, what were the original three shapes of window on the children’s TV show Play School? 8. After complaints about gender inequality, which size of tissue did Kleenex announce it was phasing out in 2018 and replacing with the new name of “extra large”? 9. The Admiralty Pattern is the most common shape of what type of item? 10. 5 pence, 10 pence and 50 pence coins were all originally larger than they are today. Which of these was reduced in size first?

6. Perfecto, torpedo, robusto and toro are all shapes or sizes of what? To advertise email or call 020 8336 2915


Fitness Why not try Kookhak Ki Gong in New Malden for free! About 6 years ago I walked into the Body and Brain centre in Epsom. My wife and I wanted to find an exercise class that went a little deeper than the normal classes offered. I had been a professional rock musician for about 10 years, which was not conducive to healthy living , and needed to improve my health. I was so taken by this form of exercise, that eventually I decided to become an instructor and share what I had experienced with a larger audience. So what am I talking about here? Ilchi Lee has created the Brain Education System based on ancient Korean traditions and modern brain science. The two are actually unifying with each other with the deeper understanding we now have with quantum science. The Brain Education system has five steps. Brain sensitizing, Brain versatilising, Brain refreshing, Brain integrating and Brain mastering. This system has been recognised by the UN and is now being implemented in South Korea, America, El Salvador and Vietnam to mention but a few countries. It is now starting to be recognised here, a recent presentation was warmly received by staff at the Care Quality Commission in

London. In a recent study in the peer reviewed ‘Medicine’ journal, Brain Education meditation showed to have very positive effects on the body and state of mind. LDL cholesterol was reduced. Concentration, self confidence, relaxation and happiness were increased. Fatigue, anger and loneliness were decreased. So these are very good reasons to give Ilchi Lee's Brain Education system a try. Kookhak Ki Gong is under the umbrella of the Brain Education System. The good news is that you can try it for free. There are workshops happening in New Malden in August which are based in the ancient healing art of Ki Gong. Every Sunday in August at the Graham Spicer Institute from 10.50 am to 12.15 pm there will be Ki Gong classes. There are also places available in July but you need to book them. Please contact Peter on 07770 930949 or email if you require a space. We look forward to meeting you and helping you experience this wonderful healing exercise system from South Korea.

KOOKHAK KI GONG + BREATHING + MEDITATION With a brain oriented holistic approach to health, Kookhak Ki Gong not only improves flexibility and strength, but also gives tools for living mindfully and creating a more balanced lifestyle. The exercises are suitable for all ages and body types. The gentle stretching exercises increases flexibility and strength. The breathing exercises and energy accumulation recharges the body. The Meditation and Brainwave Vibration exercises help to unleash the body's natural ability to heal, and helps you begin to feel your own energy in and around your body. Kookhak Ki Gong is from South Korea and is part of the Brain Education system created by Ilchi Lee, which is recognised by the UN around the world.

Time : Sunday 10.50 am to 12.15 pm. Where : Graham Spicer Institute,

15 Dukes Avenue, New Malden KT3 4HL Free 4, 11, 18, 25 August, 2019 for Peter on 07770 930949 or All Contact


Epsom Body and Brain centre, 1 Depot rd, Epsom, KT17 4RJ for more Brain Education training options.

#Culture Seeds


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Love to Sing Sharing musical memories

Singing lights up the brain! Singing can help reduce anxiety and depression, help maintain speech and language and helps recall memories and emotions. Come and join our weekly singing session Lively and light-hearted singing with our experienced singing leader. A chance to share memories and a love of songs of all styles from jazz and show-stoppers to gospel and folk. Following the success of 4 years of supporting the Alzheimer’s Society’s ‘Singing for the Brain’ programme in Kingston, Home Instead Senior Care is bringing a singing programme to the Wimbledon area. Our weekly programme runs from Thursday 6th June 2019 at the Lantern Arts Centre, Tolverine Road, Raynes Park, SW20 8RA from 10.45am – 12.30pm. We will be serving refreshments on arrival We ask for a £5 contribution to attend Suitable for all who love to sing including those living with dementia and their carers. To book your place please contact Clare Jefferies on 020 8942 4137 or email To advertise email or call 020 8336 2915 “Each Home Instead Senior Care franchise office is independently owned and operated.” ®


Kids Play There’s lots going on for pre-schoolers Mondays

10am to 11.30am Tots In Tow St John’s Church, Kingston Road Contact Dave on 02089425643 Bumps and Babies under 1 NCT coffee morning, Mondays. 10am to 11.30am. The Glasshouse Pub, New Malden. All welcome. NCT members and non-members. For more information and to confirm the next meeting date please contact


9 to 11:30 Bumps and Babies at Christ Church in the new hall off the carpark. 10am to 11.45am St Joseph’s Toddler Group St Joseph’s R C Church, Montem Road 9.30am to 11.30am Sparkles United Reformed Church, Cavendish Hall, Cavendish Road Contact Peggy Cox 020 8949 3402 to visit. 9-11.30 Stay and Play New Malden Children’s Centre, Burlington Road 020 8336 1561


Parent and Toddler Play Sessions Dickerage Lane Adventure Playground Dickerage Lane, Daniel Slocombe 020 8942 1707,


10-12noon Who let the dads out is at Norbiton Children’s Centre, The Mount School, Dickerage Lane, New Malden Runs the third Saturday of every month. 10am-12pm Stay and Play - Dads group - - first Saturday of every month New Malden Children’s Centre, Burlington Road 020 8336 1561. Every second Saturday of the month, New Malden Library 10.30-11.00am. Free Saturday Rhyme Time for under 5s. Dads especially welcome. Join us for 30 minutes of rhymes, songs and instrument shaking! Men behaving Dadly is a group that meets on a Saturday morning once a month in the Christ Church lounge. Dads bring their young children to enjoy playing with the toys and relax together by eating bacon sandwiches and drinking coffee.


10am to 11.30am Tots in Tow (see Monday) 10am and 11.45 ST Joseph’s Toddler Group (see Tuesday). 12.30pm - Stay and Play (0 - 5 years) - New Malden Children’s Centre, Burlington Road 020 8336 1561


9:30 to 11:30 Toddlers in Tow at Christ Church, in the new hall off the carpark. 9.45 to 11.30am Methodist Church Parent and Toddler Group Methodist Church, High Street, Contact Julia Morton 020 8942 1288. 9.30am to 12.30pm 9.30 - 12 noon Childminders’ drop in including school holidays, Norbiton Children’s Centre, The Mount School, Dickerage Road, 0208 942 2559 10.30-11am Story Time for age 2.5+ at New Malden Library


9.45am to 11.15am Tadpoles Parent and Toddler Group New Malden Baptist Church, Kingston Road 020 8942 6912 – not a drop in session so call first. 10.30-11.00am Rhyme Time for age 0-3 at New Malden Library 9-12.Toy Library New Malden Children’s Centre, Burlington Road 020 8336 1561. Also at NMCC Breastfeeding Support Group - 10.00 - 12.00 - first week of the month Twins Support Group 10.00 - 12.00 - Second and fourth weeks of the month,

SWIMMING LESSONS For Babies and Kids Beginners to Advanced

BOOKING NOW FOR SUMMER CRASH COURSES Crash Courses available during the first two weeks and the last week of the summer school holidays. w/c 29th July, 5th August & 27th August You can also come for: l Family Fun Swims l Ladies Aqua Aerobics Daytime Pre­School Classes & Baby Water Confidence Our swimming lessons are taught in the water

Hook Aqua Centre 7 Hawkhurst Gardens, Hook, Chessington. KT9 1AH

Phone Cass on 020­8397­7731


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Classes every SATURDAY morning 10:00-12pm (Juniors and Adults) Graham Spicer Institute 5 Dukes Avenue, KT3 4HL First TWO Lessons FREE Families and beginners of all abilities welcome All classes are taught by male and female instructors What do Students Gain? • Self-respect and for others • Improved co-ordination and flexibility • Develop confidence & self-esteem • Self-control and discipline • Practical self-defence

To enrol your free sessions, please contact Vince & Alice: 07472 827847 To advertise email or call 020 8336 2915


Parkin’ some thoughts Vanity and me

by Nick Hazell

It’s hard to worry about how you look when you’re prone to dribbling. In a recent but thankfully private voyage of discovery on the (not so) good (and ever so slightly listing) ship Parky, I uncovered yet another unpleasant symptom lurking in the lower decks, cheating at cards and riffling through the luggage. Having experienced an involuntary out pouring sufficient to fill a small bird bath, I consulted my medical almanac and found the confirmation of my suspicions. “Excessive drooling is a common symptom of Parkinson’s”, it said. “Can cause awkwardness in social situations” it suggested. “You don’t say”, I thought. I’d not long woken from another restless night during which my sleep had been disturbed by a particularly surreal dream. In it I’d been secretly filmed during an appearance on Love Island being rude about Alison Moyet (with whom I’d been coupled) and who as a result swore she’d never again supply fish to the world’s catering industry. It was what could only be described as odd and took me a moment to realise this in fact hadn’t happened, but the brain power required to separate fact from fiction had distracted my oral concentration sufficiently so as to trigger a saliva tsunami. Another notch in the bedpost of indignity. We live in a world where appearance is often all. The pressure to be seen as perfect is paramount. Vanity for me though has long since hailed a taxi, arrived at the airport and taken a cheap one-way flight to Neverto-be-seen-agains-ville. There are times where I have to accept more than a passing resemblance to the hirsute members of ZZ Top rather than to literally put my life as well as a razor in my own shaky hand. I have also learnt that it is possible to go to work in a single cuff shirt and a pair of jeans without breaking into a sweat induced by the absence of cuff links, tie and a waste coat. I just can’t worry so much about such things when the bigger challenge is not falling over. That said, I was for a short while, less than amused upon seeing the cartoon version of myself which was created for a short animated film involving the two junior Hazell’s which was focussing on the way they handled my diagnosis. It was put together at the suggestion of Parkinson’s UK and hopefully conveys


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Again, as so often though, Victoria came to my rescue. Once she had overcome her own concerns about the identity of the woman in the picture masquerading as my wife, she reminded me of the object of the exercise. It wasn’t all about me and perhaps if I’m honest I do look that old, I am a little short of hair and my head is two sizes too small for my glasses. And “anyway” she said, “at least you’re not dribbling. You have to be thankful for small mercies I suppose…


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A Photographer Dreams... July by Hugh Griffiths It’s the time for Malden Fortnight – and the Malden Camera Club will be having our annual exhibition in the Methodist Church on Friday the 12th and Saturday 13th of July. Please come – and comment on (what we think) is our best work!

We were lucky enough to get to Wimbledon last year – and Centre Court at that. It wasn’t one of the big days, but, as you can see, we didn’t miss out on the big names. Rafael Nadal was playing Del Potro that afternoon, and we were able to watch the whole game and to enjoy the grunts and aces from the two men. Taking photos at Wimbledon is not the easiest thing to do: I had brought my longest telephoto lens and extender (effectively making it into a 200-800 mm telephoto lens), and felt a bit guilty every time I aimed it at the players … was I waving too big a gadget and stopping my neighbours from seeing what was happening? Well, I didn’t get any complaints, fortunately, and I am able to turn off all the click sounds that the camera makes when taking photos, so it was completely silent: not an interruption to the game or the watching. But part of the difficulty is catching the right moment for a good picture. As you know, everything happens pretty quickly on the court, so trying to catch a particular moment is really hard. This is another of


those times when a pricier camera can be useful; I can take photos at 10 frames a second for about 8 seconds, or forever at 6 frames a second … the only problem is later, when I am editing them and have to go through loads of very similar looking images searching for the one or two interesting ones. Worth it, though, as this picture shows. I have caught Rafa in mid-strike, just about to whap the ball across the net and win the point (actually, I can’t remember if he did win the point, but he usually does!). I love his expression: he is focused on getting the stroke right and is bounding across the court to get the hit. The ball is in the shot; in a lot of the photos that I took, the ball wasn’t – making the picture seem somewhat meaningless. I mean, you know it must be there somewhere, but because it isn’t visible it makes the photo seem a bit silly. I think he is just about to hit it, and in a millisecond or so, the ball will flatten and then bounce back to zip across the court. Some photography is fairly straightforward, but in this case, I had to make sure that Rafa was in focus (and he doesn’t stand around!), that I included the ball in the picture and that there wasn’t much distraction around him. I don’t think I really succeeded with that last as the covers behind are too bulky and distracting. Never mind, its one of my first (maybe) tennis photos. I wrote last month about a photo walk in the City; we repeated that walk for newcomers to the camera club in July, after our annual exhibition. Another interesting day, with quite a few chances to catch interesting scenes. One change in the City since I started working there – oh so very long ago – is that there are increasing numbers of flats in the middle of the offices and shops. Not just in the Barbican, but all over. And, just like the offices, they need their windows cleaned regularly. We were lucky enough to see this man, hanging down from the roof, with his bucket, squeegee and cloth, making sure that the owners of the flat would be able to see out of their windows without any unseemly dirt in the way. I think a number of us saw this operation going on, but I was first to notice, and took a number of photos of what was happening. Sometimes photographers can be nice and let someone get away with a scoop,

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but not always … I have a great photo of St. Pauls Cathedral reflected in the windows of One New Change. And I have seen loads of the same picture in competitions and in magazines since then. I wish I had had the courage to try and get it published before other people saw the opportunity! But this picture is fun and tells a story of a person at work. You can see where he has spread the soapsuds and has started to clean the dirt off with his squeegee. The way he is hanging at an angle gives some dynamism to the picture, and the appearance of hanging off the rope just adds to that. The picture works because of the story, not because of colour or prettiness; in my view, those are the photos that last longer in any case. Angles make a difference! This is not the normal perspective on a crow, and it makes me look at it twice to work out what is happening. Crows are not often seen as an attractive bird to photograph, although I have taken a number of them in the last year or so. The main interest is (clearly) not from their colourful plumage but is from the way they are acting or standing. In one sense, this is a dangerous picture, as the crow is almost vertically above me (the Animal Farm air force comes to mind here), and he has obviously noticed that I am there.

The eye is looking carefully, and slightly worriedly down at me and I suspect that he could just up and go within a second or two. The perspective makes most of his body disappear – leaving the tail feathers and the head as the primary things that you see. So, it looks a bit odd. But that is fine, as it makes you look twice at the picture. There are a number of good things in the composition (and since I just saw this and snapped, I can’t claim any great artistic planning) such as the patch of sky that frames the crow’s head, the trunk on the left that gives a frame to the picture, and the leaves which are clearly there, but don’t distract from the main point. Would I have done better if I had thought this one through? I’m not sure; and it is a fun picture. = The Malden Camera Club meets on most Thursday evenings at the Library in Kingston Road. We are a friendly group and love our photography. Come along one evening. You will be very welcome! Our website gives a lot more information …


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Royal British Legion Malden & Coombe Branch

We were all moved by the D Day commemorations shown on TV from Selsea and then the veterans of D Day and their families taken by ship to the landings in France. The Royal British Legion, as usual, organised and delivered these arrangements with care and perfection .The work and time it takes to make these massive commemorations come together must be saluted by us all. Thank you Royal British Legion for your care. Here in New Malden we held our own D Day service at the Memorial on 6th June and members of Malden and Coombe RBL and residents attended. Thank you to you all. We also attended the annual memorial service for Cyril Barton VC with his family in Kingston Cemetery. Members then also attended a service at Brookwood Cemetery and were so impressed with the cemetery that are arranging a visit and tour in the near future. Of course, the Malden Fortnight arrangements have also been high on the list of “to do’s “ for our committee and members. So come and give us a wave on 6th July along the High Street and visit our stall outside Wilko’s on 13th July. We also have a visit to Mais House care home to organise as well as a day at Lingfield races on 29th June and a BBQ at our ex Vice Chairman’s home ! So if you’d like to join us in the future don’t forget you can speak to our membership department on 0808 802 8080.Please state that you wish to be part of Malden and Coombe Branch. The cost will be £19 per year. This is also the number to report or ask assistance about a veteran in need. Please contact myself on 07900482379 or with any local queries. I am often asked where the Malden and Coombe Legion “club” is situated.. We actually don’t have a club (although we use the wonderful private members Graton Club for our meetings) Clubs are NOT part of Royal British Legion charity and RBL therefore has no

say in how they are managed. However they must be run in accordance with the law and the registered rules of the club. If you are a RBL member you may use any club under the heading “British Legion Club” as long as you have your membership card. There is even one in Florida USA! Please support the Malden Fortnight and help us and other charitable organisations in the area make this the best one yet!

h TecT ip

If you’re trying to get your kids to turn off their mobile devices, Apple and Google have introduced vastly improved parental control features for iOS and Android respectively. If your devices have the appropriate versions of iOS and Android these features can make a big difference.

Apple’s version is called Screen Time, and it’s already installed in any device running iOS 12 – you’ll find it in Settings. Google’s Family Link is a free download from the Google Play Store. Both systems enable you to: limit screen time for your kids; set an automatic ‘bedtime’ when everything shuts down; and block specific apps. On Apple devices you can limit specific kinds of apps too, so you might set one limit for games and a longer limit for creative apps such as art and design apps.

To advertise email or call 020 8336 2915


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