Malden's Village Voice October 2019

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KT3’s ONLY FREE Independent Community Magazine and Business Guide Oct ‘19 Issue 168



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Welcome to YOUR Village Voice from

October What a fantastic month September has been. While we’ve been settling into old, and getting heads around new routines.... Chez Stuart girls are now Year 10 and Year 12 (how did THAT happen!?) .... we’ve had absolutely gorgeous sunny and warm weather and I’m still in my flip flops. Hoorah!! Mission for next week is to do some cupboard clear out and ‘literally’ (I know, very over used expression) excavate my collection of winter boots and give them a permanent home actually in the same location before I actually need them. It might not seem like rocket science to most of you but, trust me, this is going to be a big project and I feel slightly nervous these days when I can only find one of something (shoes and socks mainly) and its friend is missing, in case our beloved, bouncy, still a little naughty doggy may have taken it on an adventure.....

& Since ‘05

In the lead up to Christmas remember that we’re here to promote your local Christmas fairs, concerts and shopping events – just email the details through Finally… don’t forget that the clocks go back at the end of this month (27th October). I hope you enjoy a good read please make sure you see what our local businesses and advertisers have to offer. If you’ve any feedback on how they’re doing, or have any ideas for future editions, news or views to share then please get in touch. Remembchier, we deliver to most homes every second month so iyou’re not able to pick up a magazine on the months it’s not delivered to you, you can read it on your phone, tablet or PC. There are a limited number of copies available from Waitrose, New Malden library, The Methodist Church and the Malden Centre The copy dates for the next couple of editions are below. If you’d like to advertise or have a local story to tell, please call or email. Until next time, best wishes,

Since ‘08

Published by Malden Media Ltd Editor Jenny Stuart 020 8336 2915 36 Rosebery Avenue KT3 4JS

Jenny Deadline for our November editions 21st October Deadline for our December editions 20th November

Please note that the opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily represent the views of the editor. All advertisements are commercial and not indicative of any endorsement by the editor who accepts no responsibility for any loss suffered directly or indirectly by any reader as a result of any advertisement or notice published in this magazine. All in-house artwork and editorial presented in this magazine remains the copyright of Malden Media Ltd. No part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored on any retieval system, or transmitted in any form - electronic, mechanical. recording, photocopying, or otherwise without prior permission from the Publisher.


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New Malden History Blagdon Road (Part 3) by Robin Gill The first properties that were built on the track that was to become Blagdon Road were the cottages attached to Benjamin Lookers pottery. These buildings were originally numbered 1-4 Potteries Villas and were renamed 53-59 Blagdon Road in 1912. The properties stood opposite present day numbers 56-62. until they were demolished in the early 1970s, and the site is presently occupied by the Malden Centre. They were originally built for the employees at the works some of the first occupants being clay miners, brick makers, carmen, and engine drivers. The last original tenant was William Futcher Adams an engine driver (Stationary) who died just before the end of World War Two in 1945, having lived in the same property for nearly 50 years. Further up on the junction with was originally Malden Road stood Oakside (roughly where Shoe Zone is today). It was a significant property owned by a New Malden family (Stanford).

The house continued in private hands until it became the dental surgery of Leonard Gardiner in the 1920s and it was here that the first meeting of the Rotary Club of New Malden was held in 1929. Then in the early 1960s the then Malden and Coombe Council felt that the shopping area and town centre should undergo some drastic changes. “New Malden House” at the corner of Blagdon Road and Malden Road (now High Street) saw the operation of the first tower crane used in the district in 1963, as shops, and offices rising to 12 storeys were constructed. A supermarket (Safeway’s) covering 15,000 square feet was the main retail outlet, while the offices (now to become flats) behind totalled over 60,000 square feet. As part of the scheme, the developers agreed to pay £30,000 to establish 100 parking spaces in the car park in Blagdon Road.

Road works Family fun? I am reliably informed that Blagdon Road was “laid Stephen Stanford had arrived in Malden around 1860 out” in 1896, and a new lamp erected in 1902. Eleven after the death of his wife. He remarried, and the union acres became available in 1903 “ripe for immediate produced three sons, the eldest of which Frederick, development”, though heavy rain caused flooding was born in the village. Stephen was a carpenter by putting a temporary halt on building, with water trade, but his son decided to enter the law profession, covering the road for a considerable distance., another becoming a solicitor’s clerk. Frederick married Adela eleven acres was sold off the following year, with a Lyndon at Christ Church in March 1888, and moved valuable area of brick earth and potter’s clay, Sewers into the newly built Oakside. Five sons were born in and drains for the road and the making up of the New Malden between 1888 and 1903. But by 1911 the road were disputed by the occupiers in 1906 as the couple had separated, Adela living in Richmond and council wanted the road to be the first in the area to Frederick on Kingston Hill. A separation agreement had have footpaths and curbs but Mr Stanford and others been entered into by both parties in November 1906 objected on the grounds that the road was a cul-deafter twenty years of marriage, where she received sac. He also stated that there were no decent houses in an allowance of 30 shillings (£1.50) a week, and had the road, and there never would be! custody of one child, and the others stayed with the father. She had accused him of not giving her enough I’m not a number entertainment, his response being he was a busy man. Named houses do not appear until 1905. The first She wrote a letter saying she was glad to be away from house mentioned was Achilles (number 98) where the “scum around Kingston” and warned her son not to the occupant Robert Anderson was prosecuted for let her husband borrow off him. A court case followed being drunk in Kingston Road. He was found on a with the result that the father gained custody of the Sunday morning in August lying across the footway. other child, and the wife’ allowance was lowered to When roused, he became violent and abusive on the 25 shillings (£1.25 a week). They divorced some years way to the police station and was subsequently fined later (1925) after the husband discovered his wife 10 shillings (50 pence). Anderson was back in court staying at a London hotel with another man. Adela three days later charged with assaulting his wife. There married George Herbert Knowles (Dickie to his friends) was a dispute concerning an organ which Anderson the following year, Knowles had been named as cowas removing from the house. His wife Eliza claimed respondent in the divorce case, but the marriage only the instrument was hers. There had been a history lasted seven years before Adela died. 6 Please remember to mention the Village Voice when you speak to our advertisers

of drunkenness and violence in the family and the magistrates agreed upon a separation with Eliza receiving 10 shillings (50 pence) a week from her husband. Most of the houses in the road had names, and were only converted to numbers in 1912. The prices on average were £250, or rental of 10/6 (52 ½ pence) per week, and of course not all the houses were sold individually. For example, a block of six houses (nos 135-145) were auctioned off in 1910. These properties named Cheshunt, Potterne, Lynwood, Clanville, Enadale, and Hedgeleigh all came with bathrooms at 10/6 per week. As the buildings were occupied the risk of accidents rose and a fire broke out in the property on the corner of Blagdon and Howard Roads in July 1906. This building was called West Dean (Dene) Howard Road or, 14 Blagdon Road, even 1 Blagdon Road. The fire broke out when the lamps were being trimmed, and the oil drum being used was knocked over, exploded, and set fire to the room. The fire brigade, called by a neighbour arrived promptly, but the whole house was soon ablaze. The supply of water from the hydrant was very slow, and it wasn’t until the turncock arrived that the hose could be connected to the main in Malden Road providing a decent flow. Most of the furniture

and fittings were destroyed, but the next-door house (Laburnum No14) owned by Mr Charles Keeping (a plumber) suffered little damage except to his furniture removed from his house by willing neighbours, though this involved some being thrown out of the upstairs windows and broken! Sadly, Mr Keeping who was away, lost his wife’s engagement ring and his daughter’s money box in the general melee. Drinks are on me Maurice Ronayne had moved to New Malden from Kingston in 1909, setting up his general grocery store at 120 Blagdon Road. By 1910 he wanted to incorporate an off licence into his premises. It was stated that there was only one other off licence in the


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area (Burlington Road) covered by a quarter of a mile with an estimated population of 2,000. A petition in favour was submitted with 170 signatures wit 74 from Blagdon Road itself, there had been 324 houses built in the area since 1906, and that figure would grow. The road was covered with houses, only three unoccupied. Ronayne stated that his shop was at the centre of the 106 houses already built and there was a brickwork employing 70 men just opposite. The licence was refused by the committee. Later information confirms he was successful in gaining his licence. Educational needs Between 167 and 169 Blagdon Road is the back entrance to the Burlington Schools (Infants and Juniors), formerly the County Council School and East Central County Council School. In 1905, £1450 was borrowed by Surrey County Council for the purchase of land to build a school in Burlington Road for the parish of New Malden. The first meeting of what were to be the Managers of New Malden Council School took place in September 1905. Head Teachers were appointed for the proposed Infants’ and Juniors’ Schools, viz Miss Cora Holt for the former and Mr George Honey for the latter and it was

agreed to advertise for a Caretaker for 12/- per week. Children, usually referred to as ‘Scholars’ were taught in temporary accommodation. The Junior School building was constructed under a contract with Surrey County Council – and was completed £23 under estimate, at £6, 568 19s. 8d. A formal opening took place in April 1908. Plans for the Infant School were agreed in February 1909; work being regarded as urgent, to cope with increasing numbers of children. The building, when completed a year or so later, cost £23 over estimate at £3,941. 17s. Fifty-four years later, I was fortunately able to attend this school (both infants and juniors), and was honoured to be invited back for the centenary celebrations in 2008.

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Clubs Rotary Club Of New Malden Following the huge success of the Summer concert ‘The Beat Goes On’, which brought together the 4 New Malden senior schools; Richard Challoner, Holy Cross, Coombe Girls’ and Coombe Boys’. we are delighted to have been able to give each of these schools £350 to their respective music departments. We are delighted with this outcome and are very grateful to our sponsors and to the public for their support. Watch this space for details and the date of next Summer’s concert! Our District Conference in Torquay looms on the horizon when a number of our members will attend. This year the Falklands war hero Simon Weston has been invited to give us a talk. He was a guest 20 years ago at our Conference in Jersey and was excellent. We have a fairly busy month at the club itself when we discuss and decide on nominations for our District team. We also welcome two visitors, one being a visit by the Mayor and the other our District Protection officer. Over many years the four local secondary schools have entered teams in the Rotary Youth speaks competition. Each school enters one or more teams comprising a

If you have interest in joining our club please contact our Secretary on 07946526783

Chair person, a speaker and a vote of thanks. They may choose any subject they wish. Each speaker following his/her speech, has to answer three questions from an appointed Questioner. In the past a local school has won the National competition. A new format is planned now, where each team of three will form a debating team comprising a chairman and one speaker for their selected subject and one against. Also in October the whole club has been invited to visit our Inner Wheel club when they have a speaker who will tell us something about the Titanic. Inner Wheel was formed in 1924 and New Malden club in 1953. Originally the members were wives of Rotary Club members but now membership is open to all women over 18 years of age. They meet once a month in a Worcester Park Restaurant. Finally, planning is in progress for our Club Race Night in November which is one of our major fund raising events. David Powers - Club correspondent.

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216 Kingston Road, New Malden KT3 3RJ

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We at Moshka have a passion for excellent, high quality fresh food, for dining in or delivery and our proud of the service that we offer to New Malden residents and beyond. Come and try us for yourselves! Street foods in India have an irresistible characteristic of bringing out people to their actual selves from the civilised state. Come and try our new Street Food Menu.

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Community Wesley’s – not your average coffee shop! You may have noticed the new sign in the window of the Methodist Church coffee shop: “Wesley’s – at the heart of the High Street”. No, we have not been bought out but we wanted to give ourselves a new identity and make sure people know that everybody is welcome. We still sell Fairtrade drinks at unbeatable prices and have a team of friendly volunteers ready to give you a warm welcome. We don’t sell food but you are welcome to bring in your own sandwich and you always get a free biscuit with your coffee! Did you know that all of our profits go to charity? Each year we choose two charities and this year, thanks to all our customers, we have raised approximately £9,000. This will be divided equally between WaterAid, who work internationally to improve access to clean water and toilets, and to Action for Children to go towards a new sensory playgroup at Warren Park, a local residential care service for young people with disabilities. For the coming year our focus is on refugees and our new charities are Gift Wellness

Foundation, who help preserve the dignity of women in refugee camps by supplying sanitary pads directly to them, and Refugee Action Kingston, who provide advice and support for refugees and asylum seekers in the local area.

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Community Care Speirs House nursing care home Last month, a delegation from the Senior Citizens’ Welfare Department in South Korea visited Speirs House nursing care home in New Malden. During the visit, the delegation was keen to understand admission procedures, how the residents were cared for and what training was given to care home staff. The visitors praised high staff ratio at the care home, employee benefits for staff working at Greensleeves Care and were also nicely surprised that one of Speirs House residents is still driving at the age of 88. As a token of their gratitude, delegates gave Speirs House a Certificate of Appreciation. One of the visitors, Chunmin Lim, said: “Speirs House is getting very famous in South Korea following the previous visit, this is what made us want to pay Speirs House a visit. This visit gave us a good opportunity to learn from the care home’s advanced policies as well as promote friendly relations between our two countries.”

“Very happy with the wonderful service at this difficult time. Great service, most helpful staff. Really appreciate all staff and the service.” Son of Resident

Kathleen Liang, Home Manager at Speirs House, added: “We were delighted to welcome another international delegation at Speirs House. As at other Greensleeves Care homes, one of our objectives at Speirs House is to have a wider impact in the communities we serve, we are glad that we are in this journey together to act as an agent to shaping future health care.”

Speirs House Care Home

Speirs House Care Home with Nursing provides excellent nursing care to residents in New Malden and surrounding areas. For more information and to arrange a visit, contact Kathleen Liang, Home Manager on 020 8949 5569

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Community The power of Live music - A Community Project by Carole and Alan Munday Music has long been considered an uplifting, mood-changing, soothing or happiness-inducing experience in our lives. Sometimes a song conjures a special memory or can add a back drop to certain periods in our life which the mind remembers for years after the events. The opportunity to move to music by any means, creates a feeling of euphoria and well-being. Hearing a favourite tune can make you smile and lift your spirits. Highlighted in the media these days are the concerns that people are becoming more isolated, a lack of community, depression on the rise, lack of exercise and emotional unwellness etc. All leading to a general feeling of people, especially those at home for long periods, needing support and aids to well-being physically and particularly emotionally. With all this in mind, we created a community project called Tunes’n’Tea. It started in a small way, renting a

church hall in Stoneleigh, Epsom. Just a handful of friends who were musicians and a couple of friends who agreed to help with running a tea kitchen. A monthly commitment on a Thursday afternoon. It was very important that it was an afternoon as some people, especially older members of our community, found it easier to go out in daylight hours. We wanted it to be open to all and anyone who was free on a Thursday afternoon, whatever age, who might enjoy live music would be welcome. Live music was the key. We perform a mixture of music styles and genres each month including pop, rock, blues, folk, country, jazz and standards ranging from the 1920’s to the present day. Each time there was something that would get your feet tapping and within the programme some of your own musical tastes. Live music brings a life of its own and engages with people. Music has the power to reach parts that

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other forms of communication cannot reach! Some of the comments that have been made to us were:

adds a sense of anticipation and excitement to the afternoon! We know when it’s all going well when the audience spontaneously start dancing in the aisle! It’s been so successful over the last few years that we hope other communities could pick up the idea. Every community has musicians that may be around during the day. Tap into the wealth of people who play and sing, especially over 60’s. They are still talented, still active and have the willingness to share their gift with a wider audience. It’s not only the audience that gets a buzz from the afternoon but the performers and helpers too.

“Tunes’n’Tea is very important for our well-being. It’s sociable with music that brings back happy memories. At the end of each time, everyone leaves happy and smiling - breathless from dancing and jigging about!” “There is too much pleasure and sheer enjoyment to pick any single comment. It’s all too good!” “Even on a bad day, music will not only give you happiness, but it is a healer. The people who do not usually interact, get involved and you can see the change it makes for people. A tonic that you cannot get on prescription. I thank God for these people who give their gifts and time for the pleasure of mostly elderly people. It’s fun and laughter and you go home refreshed and feeling happy and lighter. Making people happy is priceless.” “A really feel-good afternoon. Joy from their music radiates from the musicians.”

If anyone reading this article fancies giving it a try, we would be happy to share our experience and help to get a Tunes’n’Tea started in your area.

“Nice to listen to some live music. Great community spirit. Keep up the good work. Wouldn’t want to miss it, great fun.” “A fantastic afternoon, full of fun helping everyone to forget any troubles. A good entertaining show performed by talented musicians with a wide and varied programme and very much appreciated by the local community. Home made cake, tea and coffee offered to complete a most enjoyable time.” Of course, whilst the music is the focus, the drinks and cake breaks create an informal and friendly atmosphere. People come to talk and meet regularly - perhaps with people that they wouldn’t see at any other time across the community. Word spread quickly and after a couple of months we were getting roughly 60 people each session - at times rising to almost 100. There’s no paying in advance or booking a place, it’s just come when you feel like it and no pressure to keep coming - with the result that we have a loyal following. Whilst there is a high percentage of retired people, we also have mothers, babies and toddlers which creates a lively family atmosphere. Some of our musicians are able to rehearse together but others have to turn up and play “by the seat of their pants” which always

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Gardening The Rock Garden Is Alive… by Pippa Greenwood If you have ever dreamed of Sound of Music landscapes, then create your own! A garden mountain range might not be possible, but you may have space for your very own rock garden. So what do you need to do? You’ll need to choose a fairly sunny spot, ideally away from overhanging deciduous trees – most alpine plants like a fair bit of light and detest becoming clogged up with deteriorating leaves. Even if space is limited, make the rock garden on as large a scale as possible, for more impact and planting opportunities, and a more realistic feel. If possible include gullies running down the rock garden, perhaps ending in a pond or pool, by arranging rocks so that water can over or between them. Where the water runs beneath rocks (rather the over them) you should use guttering or drainage pipes that are hidden by soil or rock outcrops. Get yourself a good selection of rock from local or mail-order suppliers and don’t be tempted to use old chunks of concrete – the end result will look like a rubble pile with plants! Use a pile of rubble or broken bricks to create the classic mound shape – this will be hidden by the good-looking rocks. The rubble pile also ensures good drainage; alpines typically hate being too wet. Use upturned turves on top of the mound, laid grassy side down. Then add a layer of sandy soil, to a depth of about 30cm (12in), over the top of the turves; these prevent the soil from slipping down amongst the rocks. Then, using string and pegs, mark out where you want each outcrop of rock. Once the soil is well-firmed, use a spade or a trowel to dig out a hole for each rock; this keeps the rocks securely embedded so they won’t shift even in heavy rain.


Use smaller bits of stone beneath the rocks to wedge them firmly. Add more soil over these bits of stone and then more soil between the rocks when they are in position. Water well to settle the soil, topping up if necessary. Alpine plants are available in nurseries and garden centres now, but just choose a few – buying more throughout next spring and summer will give you an array of alpines to provide flowers and interest throughout most of the year. Arrange your plants, still in their pots, on the surface of the soil. When you are happy with how they look, use a trowel to make a planting hole, then remove the pot, pop the plant in the hole, and fill in around it with some compost. When you have finished planting you can top-dress the soil surface with good-looking horticultural grit or gravel. Visit Pippa’s website and you’ll find some great gardening items: Nemaslug and controls to sort out lawn infestations and other great natural pest controls, stylish cloches, practical and pretty plant supports, the fantastic SpeedHoe, gardening tools, planters, Grower Frames, signed books and more! Or why not book Pippa for a gardening talk at your gardening club?

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Do you ca DoCould you care? you be our next

At Home Instead Senior Care our CAREGivers com shapes ages, colours and Jackie? At Home Instead Senior Careand oursizes, CAREGivers come in allcreeds. But th shapes and sizes, ages, colours and creeds. Buttothey ♥ Have a huge heart and want make all… a difference to our cl Since leaving school, Jackie knew she wanted to use her

naturally to help others. She lovedEnglish the idea of ♥ Have a huge heart and want to caring make nature a difference to ourperfect clients’ lives ♥ Speak

bringing people happiness, and helping in their time of need.

♥ After Speak perfecther English exploring options, Jackie♥ felt nursing was the role Live locally

for her. She began her 3-year training course and became a ♥ Live locally ♥ Are reliable, responsive and trustworthy qualified nurse. Jackie loved her role – it was busy, exciting and, most of all, ♥ Are reliable, responsive and trustworthy CouldShe you commit topatients a few regular hoursshe a had week to ca rewarding. loved both her and the ability whohours needs totostay living make someone’s day just that little bit better. Could you commit totoasomeone few regular a help week care for independently a

someone who needs help living independently at home? We all the training andwhere support you need Afterto30stay years as provide a nurse, Jackie reached a point she felt it was time to slow down. She still enjoyed seeing her patients We provide all the training and support Come and beyou partneed. of the Home Instead family. and colleagues, but the long hours and stressful demands

the of hospital environment become too Jackie life is Come and be of part the Home Instead family. To make ahad difference tomuch. someone’s decided to retire from nursing. of the most To make a difference toone someone’s life isrewarding jobs you can do.

Home is where the heart Home is where the heart is!

Jackie then saw an advert forthe Home Instead Senior Care. Sheyou got can in touch, one of most rewarding jobs do. met the team, and was soon invited to attend an Induction Programme. The Programme gave Jackie a detailed insight into the role of a CAREGiver. The role felt just right, and seemed to encompass all the aspects of Jackie’s career that she so missed.

Since her visit to the Home Instead office, Jackie has never looked back. She completely identifies with the ethos of the company, “To us, it’s personal”. She loves her clients who she visits daily, and says her schedule works perfectly around her family. Jackie commented that she feels she’s found an exciting second career. Becoming a CAREGiver means Jackie can continue to make a difference to people’s lives, and leave with a smile on her and her clients’ faces at the end of each visit – the parts of her nursing career she missed! Jackie says this job offers her greater rewards even than nursing, as she not only helps people but she becomes a part of their life, too.

We are looking for people with kind, compassionate hearts to join our team of CAREGivers in For more information please contact Laura on 020 8942 Wimbledon & Kingston.

For more information please contact Lauralaura.hillier@homeinstead on 020 8942 4137 or “Each Home Instead Senior Care franchise office is independently owned and operate ®

“Each Home Instead Senior Care franchise office is independently owned and operated.” ®

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A more sustainable me The one where you get fit while you give back by Ali Warner

Life - there’s a lot to fit in isn’t there - food, family, eating well, getting fit - it doesn’t leave a lot of time for making room for doing your little bit to keep planet earth in good nick for the next gen. But the good news is you don’t have to be Hermione Granger to fit more things into your day. There are some easy ways to fit in doing a bit of good for your community with having fun and a bit of exercise at the same time. It’s not a new concept - in fact it’s been around for at least 10 years thanks to the founder of Good Gym ( who combined a daily run with grabbing and delivering a newspaper to a neighbour who couldn’t make it to the shops anymore. Turns out exercise and doing good gives people a double dopamine hit - and hence the idea of Good Gyms in local communities around the UK was born. There’s one in Kingston run by Personal Trainer Mark Barun, they meet at 6.45pm every Tuesday. He also runs the Richmond Good Gym on Mondays too. Tasks include plogs (litter picks and jogs), helping with local community projects such as gardening or painting. They usually involve a 5km run - 45 mins on the project and a 5km run back to the meeting point. If running’s not your cuppa - then why not help keep The Thames clean enough to swim in with a 1.5hr paddle board and river clean combo with the lovely Leah from www. The session cost £40 but half that fee goes to Surfers against Sewage. “I feel an obligation to look after the river as it’s such an important part of my life, I get so much joy from it I want to give back to it,” she explains. “No previous experience is necessary,” says Leah “we are collecting rubbish everyone is on their knees on the boards and it’s quite slow going as we pick litter up along the way so it’s very beginner friendly. Also any first timers will get a land lesson before we go onto the water so they know what to do.


“We paddle down to Kingston and as we collect any rubbish floating on the river or on the riverbanks or stuck in trees. Normally on the return paddle home we find something delicious in the riverbank foliage to forage as a reward for the hard work.” Food wrappers, bottles, polystyrene, half an oar and a support boot for someone with a broken foot have been amongst the finds, which are curious and comic but better off in the bin than in the water. “Everything in the river ends up in the sea as micro plastics and eventually gets into the fish we eat and our drinking water. Already 2 out of 3 fish have plastic in them and if it doesn’t kill them or the seabirds, it will end up in our food chain, either outcomes not great.” But the good news is river cleans are doing their part with other initiatives to keep The Thames healthy. “It’s the cleanest it’s been in 150 years. “The ecosystem within it is thriving and it’s evident in the water lilies, fish and birds we see out there enjoying what is now really clear water. Theres even colonies of seals, seahorses, 2 types of shark and dolphins living in the Thames Estuary now,” says Leah. The date for Leah’s next River clean is Sunday 27th October at 3pm so why not learn a new skill and do your bit of the River too.

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Folk Law from Pearson Hards The Most Common Pitfalls to Avoid as a Private Landlord Whether you’re a complete novice or an old pro, owning an investment property can be very rewarding but even more costly if you don’t do your homework. Chances are (1) you’ve either done your due diligence and have had a positive experience (2) you’ve taken short cuts and lived to tell the tale, or (3) had a bad experience that’s left you regretting your decision to become a landlord. Legislation affecting residential tenancies is ever evolving and keeping up can be a tedious task. It may be beneficial to become part of a ‘Landlord’s Association’ as these can provide advice, support, access to legal documents and analysis of current UK legislation. If there is one piece of vital knowledge we can impress on you this is that you should embark on your tenants referencing and ensure that you do it properly. Better yet, employ someone experienced to do this on your behalf as finding the right tenant can win you half the battle. Of course this is not a bullet-proof system but finding a tenant with a good record is like buying a second-hand car with a full service history – it’s less likely to cause you hassle in the long run. How you handle things prior to your tenant occupying the property is equally important to how you deal with situations that arise during the tenancy. Create a checklist or to do list and make sure you complete all that is necessary prior to your tenant(s) occupying the property. When things go south, the most commonly overlooked areas we experience are as follows: 1. Deposit Are you taking a deposit from your tenant? If so, you are required by law to place the deposit in a Tenancy Deposit Protection Scheme (TDS) within 30 days of receiving the monies from your tenant as well as providing the prescribed information about the TDS to your tenant in writing. You may be wondering why this is so important, but imagine a situation where your tenant brings a claim against you as the Landlord for failing to do so and this results in damages being awarded in favour of the tenant for up to 3 TIMES THE DEPOSIT. Yes you read that right, with the recent developments in legislation this is entirely possible and one lesson best not learnt through experience. 2. Electricity Performance Certificates (EPC) This does not only relate to a rental property but home ownership in general. These have a lifespan of 10 years but whenever a new tenant moves into the property you must supply them with a copy of the EPC. 3. Gas Safety Certificates


It is a legal requirement as a landlord to have a gas safety check EVERY YEAR on all gas appliances and installations within the property. A copy of this should be provided to your tenant prior to the tenant moving in and should follow annually when the gas safety check is carried out. 4. How to Rent: the Checklist for Renting in England This is a government document explaining the rights and obligations of both Landlords and tenants. The Landlord should provide a copy to the tenant and this should be done preferably before the tenant moves into the property to avoid any doubt. This document may be found at The above is a minimal non-exhaustive list of issues that may arise during any tenancy which normally only rear their head when things go south. This is typically when solicitors are instructed to pick up the pieces and start the Possession Procedure. Having your paperwork in order makes life a lot easier. Possession may be sought by the Landlord in 2 different ways – the first is the ‘Section 21’ procedure and the second the ‘Section 8’ Procedure. In short, the Section 21 Possession route is a no fault based approach where the landlord wants possession of the property back and does not contend that their tenant has done anything wrong. A notice seeking possession must be served on the tenant which gives them 2 months’ notice to vacate the property, failing which the landlord would need to apply to Court to get an order for possession and finally evict there tenant (if necessary). The Section 8 route is most commonly used where there is substantial rental arrears. A notice is served on the tenant requiring them to update their rental arrears, failing which the landlord can apply to Court to obtain possession and if necessary instruct a bailiff to evict their tenant. From a Landlord’s perspective you are looking to move swiftly and more importantly correctly, the longer the property is unoccupied or the tenant is not paying rent, the more you are losing out on your investment. At Pearson Hards we have an experienced and dedicated Dispute Resolution Team to assit you with all Landlord and Tenant issues. For a competitive fixed-fee no obligation initial appointment please do contact us for further information on 0208 949 9500 or visit our website www.

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Pearson Hards Solicitors LLP Fountain House 2 Kingston Road New Malden Surrey KT3 3LR 23 To advertise email or call 020 8336 2915

Spiced pumpkin cheesecake Rich, creamy and spiced with cinnamon, this autumnal cheesecake is best baked the day before serving.

Ready in 2 hours, plus cooling and chilling | Serves 8


200g digestive biscuits, finely crushed 85g unsalted butter, melted 500g full-fat soft cheese, at room temperature 100g caster sugar

75g light soft brown sugar 3 large eggs, beaten

425g can pumpkin puree 2 tsp vanilla extract

1½ tsp ground cinnamon


Raspberry sauce, to serve (see TIP)


Grease a 20cm round spring-form tin and line the base with baking paper. Mix together the crushed biscuits and melted butter and press into the base of the tin. Chill in the fridge whilst making the filling. Preheat the oven to 160C/140C fan/gas mark 2.

Beat the soft cheese, caster sugar and 55g of the light soft brown sugar together in a large bowl until creamy. Gradually beat in the eggs. Place the pumpkin puree in a separate bowl and beat with the vanilla extract and ground cinnamon until smooth. Fold into the cheesecake mixture until thoroughly combined. Spoon the mixture over the biscuit base and gently level the surface. Sprinkle over the rest of the brown sugar. Bake the cheesecake on a baking sheet in the preheated oven for 1¼ -1½ hours until the filling is just set. Turn off the oven and leave the cheesecake inside until cold, then chill in the fridge for 2 hours or overnight. Serve sliced drizzled with raspberry sauce.

For a quick raspberry sauce, push 200g fresh raspberries through a fine-holed sieve (discarding the pulp left in the sieve). Stir in 25g icing sugar and a squeeze of lemon juice. Please remember to mention the Village Voice when you speak to our advertisers

Inspired by two 90 year old D Day veterans who each did a tandem parachute jump in June this year, Sarah Parker, a New Malden mother of four and a mere 58 years old, is planning to jump alongside her sister Karen Jones. They will jump from up to 12,000ft attached to a qualified instructor reaching speeds of around 120mph in freefall, followed by a canopy ride lasting approximately five minutes. The jump is in aid of a local charity Crossway Pregnancy Crisis Centre. Sarah’s Sister Karen is the Director of the charity and was looking for volunteers to fundraise and that is where sisters come in handy! Crossway was set up in 1999 to support those facing the trauma of an unplanned pregnancy or pregnancy loss. Crossway works predominately in Kingston and Richmond Boroughs. Small charities are under great financial pressure so any sponsorship will be greatly appreciated and will go directly towards helping those in need of support. Thank you!!

h TecT ip

Dead in the Water

Many phones, most tablets and almost all laptops aren’t water resistant, so take action if they get wet. First of all, turn them off and don’t turn them back on until you’re certain everything is bone dry, or you risk shortcircuiting the electronics. Dry any visible water with a clean paper towel. If it’s a laptop, remove the battery and turn the laptop upside down so the water will drip out; if it’s a phone or tablet, submerge it completely in a bag of thoroughly dry uncooked rice and leave it somewhere warm for two days. The rice will effectively suck the moisture out. Don’t rush this process – while your device may look dry after a few hours, it may still be wet enough inside to make turning it on a really bad idea.




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Free estimates • No call out charge TEL 02087739837 • MOB 07897363669 To advertise email or call 020 8336 2915


Clubs Mondays

Christ Church Community Cafe (In the Lounge) Monday and Tuesday at 10:30 to 12 for Refreshments and Chat. Trained Listeners available. All Welcome! Katie Kuhrt 07449333123

New Malden Rotary Club Malden Golf Club,Traps Lane Monday evenings 6.15 for 7pm Secretary 07946526783

English Conversation Group meeting during term-time from 10.00 to 12.00. Chris & Elspeth Coke; telephone 0208-942-7388 mobile 07903618159

St James Players If you enjoy acting do come or help backstage. Mon and Weds 8pm St James Church Hall, Bodley Road New Malden. Weekly Peer Support for parents with mental health conditions. Crafty Mondays 9.30-12noon Hatha Yoga 1.30-2.30 53-55 Canbury Park Rd. KT2 6LQ Tel: 02085463258

The Broadway Sequence Dancing Raeburn Hall, Tolworth from 8 to 1015pm. Those who have learnt ballroom dancing should have little difficulty in mastering sequence. No charge for the first ‘taster’ and then it’s just £5 per night.


Kingston and District Civil Service Pensioners’ Alliance meet on the last Tuesday every month except July and August, and December when we hold a Xmas Lunch. In addition to our main interest of keeping in touch with local and national issues affecting pensioners, we arrange a variety of speakers to entertain us on lighter subjects, such as 24th April, Round the World on a reclining bicycle, 29 May a Quiz and 26th June slide show on Central America. Venue: Marion House, Girl Guides Hut, Tadworth Avenue, New Malden


KT3 DJ, from 2pm to 4.15pm. Mrs

Secretary 020 8942 1926

Fencing Club, every Tuesday from 7:00 to 9:30 pm at Coombe Boys’ School, College Gardens, New Malden KT3 6NU. Children & adults, beginners & experienced fencers are all welcomed. Equipment is provided.

020 8942 7560

Brenda Denby, 0208 398 6054

Early Morning Running Group Hill training on The Hamptons, covering 6-8 miles. Mixed ability group. No fee. Meet: The gates of Sir Joseph Hood Playing Fields, Marina Ave, Motspur Park, KT3 6NE. (Three minutes walk from Motspur Park station). Time: 6.00am at the gates. Finish 7.30-7.45am. Olwen 07941 898896,

Arthritis Care New Malden Branch Arthritis Care Kingston and District Meetings 3rd Tuesday of the month 7.30pm in the evening at Alfriston House Berrylands Road Surbiton Jocelyn King 0208 942 6745

The New Malden Ladies Badminton Club When: Tuesday at the Malden Centre from 20.30 till 10pm We are a mixed ability club looking for new members. Lynda 020 8949 2673 or just pop in.

NHS Retirement Fellowship Are you retired or about to retire from the NHS? Why not join us on the 1st Tuesday of every month from 10am -12 at Royal British Legion, Hollyfield Road, Surbiton, KT5 AL. We have speakers, activities, coffee & chat. Other outings & activities are also arranged during the month. Lorna 020 8337 4121

Half Shares We are a group of widows who meet together on the 1st Tuesday of every month. We have a speaker and enjoy a cuppa and a chat. Come and join us at 1.45-3.15pm at Christ Church Centre, Coombe Rd Katie Kuhrt 07449333123 The New Malden Investment Club Our meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at the Grafton Club, Grafton Road, New Malden.

Malden Bridge Club When: Tuesday evenings 7.30-10.30pm Graham Spicer Institute, by entrance to Waitrose car park. John Act For Justice New Malden Baptist church; Westbury Road. KT3 5BE. first Tuesday of every month, 8 - 9.30pm. This group aims to combat human trafficking. We’ll discuss issues of forced labour, sexual exploitation and domestic servitude, raise awareness and fundraise.


Talking of trains is steaming again! The regular weekly meetings of Trains resume on Wednesday 18th September at 7pm in the Library Hall of Surbiton Library. The programme has a wide variety of topics as diverse as the Railways of Derbyshire area and rail preservation in France! We also welcome a senior Rail Freight manager for an overview of freight on Britain’s railways from the 19th to the 21st century. The first meeting is free and then it is just £50 covering all of the 20 meetings. www.talkingoftrains.

Malden & Coombe Social Club For The Blind Alternate Wednesdays 2pm to 4pm Mike Ball 020 8942 0819 Volunteer drivers/ helpers VERY welcome Talking Of Trains In Surbiton Talks at the Surbiton Library Hall each Wed evening throughout the winter months. 1st meeting free, cost £50pa www.talkingof

Colouring Club A soothing and enjoyable pastime for adults with no skills needed. 10-11am at Cafe Galio. Royal British Legion, Malden and Coombe Branch meetings are held at the Grafton Club on

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the second Wed of the month at 2.30pm. New members welcome. Jan Feist:


The Malden and Coombe Townswomen’s Guild welcome new members. We meet at 10am on the third Thursday of the month at the United Reformed Church hall in New Malden. We are a friendly group of women of all ages and back-grounds. We have interesting speakers from various organisations; outings, clubs, bring and buy sales and competitions. We are currently offering a first visit free of charge.

Chair Yoga 10.45am-11.45am at Avenue Hall (West Wimbledon Society), 70 Richmond Road, West Wimbledon, SW20 0PQ. Join Jackie (Jackie JJC Yoga) for accessible yoga in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Either sitting on a chair or using the chair as a prop, everyone can enjoy the benefits of yoga. No equipment or experience needed. £5.00 per class. 07940 575628; email: com or just drop in.

KINGSTON U3A SINGERS! 10.30 - 12.30, Glenmore House, 6 The Crescent, Surbiton KT6 4BN. We 020 8337 7423 enjoy singing many different styles New Malden Quilters’ Association of music. There is no formal audition First Thusday of the month at but we are looking for the ability to 7.30pm in St John the Divine Church sing in tune, a willingness to practice hall, Kingston Road, KT3 3RX. at home between rehearsals and, Post-natal Coffee Morning. above all, an enthusiasm for making 10-11.30am last Thursday of the music. A quarterly charge is levied month. to cover choir expenses. Please ring 53-55 Canbury Park Rd KT2 6LQ Helga Randall 020 8397 8712 or Roger Tel: 02085463258 Dench on 07759 020433.

Early Morning Running Group Speed work on tarmacked areas, totaling 6-8 miles. Mixed ability group. No fee. Meet: The gates of Sir Joseph Hood Playing Fields, Marina Ave, Motspur Park, KT3 6NE. (Three minutes walk from Motspur Park station). Time: 6.00am at the gates. Finish 7.30-7.45am. Olwen 07941 898896, St. John’s Hall is open between 2.00 and 4.00pm for Tea And Chat. If you are on your own please feel free to drop in for a free cup of tea and some company. 411 Malden Road (between Worcester Park station and The Plough). 213 Bus stops nearby. New Malden Women’s Institute Christchurch New Hall, 91 Coombe Road, New Malden, KT3 4RE 2nd Thursday of each month except August at 7.30pm. 0208 9490694 or

The Urban Gardeners are an experienced local gardening company who are passionate about plants and creating beautiful gardens. • Seasonal Tidy-ups • Regular Maintenance • Planting • Garden Design • Landscaping services • Professional, friendly, reliable Contact us for a free consultation and transform your garden this year:

T: 07971 9000 64 E: To advertise email or call 020 8336 2915


Malden Camera Club New Malden Library, Kingston Road Thurs evenings throughout the year at 7.45pm

Malden Centre Orchestra Malden Centre, Blagdon Road, 10am-12noon every Thursday (term time only). Come and enjoy great symphonic music in a friendly group of players under the leading of an experience conductor. Contact: Tolworth Badminton Club Tolworth Recreation Centre Thursday evenings 7.30-9.30 Intermediate/advanced level Pat 0208 395 9175 or just turn up

Malden Emergency First Aid Society (Mefas) Members meet each Thursday evening at 7.30pm for First Aid training. New members required. Everyone welcome. Hall available for hire. Christine 07966661015 Kingston Association for The Blind Lunch Club is held on the last Thursday of every month from 12.30 to 2.30pm at The Mefas Hall, Next to the Malden Centre, Cocks Crescent, New Malden. This is for people living with sight loss and their carers. A Sandwich lunch is provided at the cost of £3 per person. 020 8605 0060 or

Come and join our friendly local bridge club at the Shiraz Mirza hall (behind Norbiton station). We play 24 hands of duplicate bridge - with electronic scoring - every Thurs from 7.30pm.Host system so partners always available. £5 table money. Parking available outside the hall. Also buses and trains from very close by. Rosemary Vase 0208 5468719 or Pauline Finn 0208 549 3270 or just turn up

Malden And Coombe Flower Decoration Society St.James Church Hall Bodley Road 3rd Thurs of the month 7.30pm. Why not come along to these evenings and dazzle your family and friends with your expertise! Visitors £6 Alison Honor 020 8949 8036 Malden Wanderers Badminton Club 22, Cambridge Avenue, KT3 4LE When - 8.30-10pm We are a friendly club looking for new members. Bobby 07946 532 846 New Malden Women’s Institute Shiraz Mirza Hall, Manor Park Hall, Malden Road, New Malden, KT3 6AV. 2nd Thurs of each month at 7.30pm Barbara 0208 546 1495 or

Kingston Debating Society An evening of lively intelligent debate, where you get to have your say. Thurs7.45pm 10 March Kingston Methodist Church, Avenue Road, off Fairfield South, KT1 2UJkingston New Malden Youth Choir for children 7-15 years old 6.15-7.15 every Thursday in term time at New Malden Methodist Church Contact Jane on 07775654854



Craft Group We meet at New Malden Baptist Church on the 1st Friday of the month from 7.30pm - 10pm to knit, crochet, sew, papercraft, bead. Fiona on 0208 949 8269 or

RSPB Epsom & Ewell Local group 2nd Friday of every month at 7.30, apart from July and August, at All Saints Church Hall Fulford Road, West Ewell with guest speakers who illustrate their enthusiasm on a variety of natural history subjects. We also have several birding outings throughout the year which is arranged to suit all ages. There is a small charge for non-members of the RSPB. groups/epsom.

Over 60’s club St. James Church Hall. Bodley Road, New Malden from 1pm to 2:30 pm (Doors open at 12:30) We have musical entertainment, a raffle and refreshments. Sheila 0208 949 5118


Saturday Dementia Club staywell Services 2nd Saturday of the month 11am to 2pm in New Malden for people living with dementia, their family and carers, Call 020 8942 8256 and ask for

Cathy or Marion email Learn to sew and knit! Do you want to learn to sew or knit, improve your skills or just meet other knitters and sewers to work and chat? Join the Sew and Sews on the second and fourth Saturdays at 10.30 a.m. at St. James’ Bodley Road. Everyone welcome. 50p for refreshments.


Emanuel Rugby Shannon Corner, KT3 4PU Adults Tuesdays and Thursdays,7.30pm, Saturday 2-3pm. Children: Registration at the club is 1030am with training starting at 11am on Sundays Fergus McCarthy 0845 8338974

Malden Lime Grove Bowling Club, New Malden Both new and experienced bowlers are welcome at our friendly club with coaching on hand to guide and advise. We bowl outside from late April to the end of September, but social events for members are run throughout the year. For enquiries ring Sue on 0208 395 6778 or John on 0208 949 4315

Supreme Bowls Club

We welcome new bowlers of both sexes, all ages, and all abilities from late April to end of Sept. Come and try bowling for free. We are a friendly club with around 70 members on the Kings College Sports Ground close to

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Woodies pub at the junction of Thetford Road and Windsor Avenue, New Malden, KT3 5BF. Mick or Di on 020 8942 0294.


West Wimbledon Society Table Tennis Club

Friendly social table tennis club in Raynes Park welcomes new members (sorry not complete beginners). 020 8874 1654. Surbition Bowls Club Alexandra Rec, Tolworth. Roll ups Tuesday evenings from 5,50pm. Small friendly mixed club (35 players.) David 020 8224 2385

Your local complete garden and specialist lawn care service

Surbiton Croquet Club

Where: Alexandra Drive, Berrylands. Croquet is a game for all ages and abilities. All welcome at very friendly club, including (especially!) complete beginners. Free introductory croquet coaching sessions. Chris Osmond 020 8330 6698 Malden Manor Bowls Club, Manor Park, Malden Road. Men’s Secretary Gerald 020 8949 4623 or Ladies’ Secretary Maureen 020 8337 5472


Kingston & District Branch Of The Embroiderers’ Guild Kingston Museum, Exhibition: Golden Threads

and Silver Needles, Kingston Branch 50th Anniversary Exhibition, 4th – 19th Oct. 5th Oct Gold, Collage, and Stitch. Stitch Saturday Special (adults), 11am-1pm 12th Oct Gold & Black Bat Mobile. Stitch Saturday (adults), 11am1pm. Young Embroiderers, (ages 5-17), 1.30pm-3.30pm, (small fees payable / non-members welcome). St Marks C of E Church Hall, Surbiton 25th Oct – Wendy Dolan - ‘Layer, Paint, Stitch’ 7.30pm

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What’s On In partnership with the Princess Alice Hospice, New Malden Methodist Church host a Bereavement Café which runs on the second Tuesday of every month from 2.30pm to 4pm, and is held in the Church’s coffee bar. A Bereavement Café is a comfortable and welcoming place, where guests can meet with others who have been through their own loss, and who can understand something of what you’re going through. Being able to talk about your experience and be listened to is so important, and that’s what a Bereavement Café offers. This is not a counselling service, but is a place for you to talk and be heard. All are welcome to drop into the Bereavement Café, enjoy a tea or coffee, and join in the conversation, whether or not you see yourself as having a faith. The Café is here for anybody who feels it could be helpful for them. The next Cafes will be held on 10th September and 8th October.

Music! The Space New Malden United Reformed Church Free Wednesday Lunchtime Recitals 13.10-13.50 Featuring students from the Royal College of Music and Royal Academy of Music September 25th—Ellen Falconer—Piano October 9th -Olivia Carstairs—Soprano October 23rd— Solera Piano Trio, Piano Violin and Cello November 13th—Laura Mac Donald—Cello November 27th - Zoë Perkins—Trumpet


Sunday 24th November 3pm: Festive Brass Band concert at St James Malden. Award-winning Friary Brass Band and St James stunning Choir with a new take on seasonal favourites. Mince pies and mulled wine. Venue: St James Church, Bodley Road New Malden, KT3 5QE. Parking in road, buses 213 and K1, nearest station New Malden. Tickets £12 adults, £5 children (up to the age of 12). Available through St James website, by emailing or phoning Parish Office:, 0208 942 5070 Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School Christmas Fair Sat 23rd Nov Come along to our wonderful Christmas Fair – you can visit Santa’s Grotto, browse the stalls and win in our raffles and tombolas. Put on you r best Christmas Jumper to win a prize too!!! 12-3pm £2 entry Burlington Rd, New Malden, KT34ND

Word Ladder

Change one letter at a time (but not the position of any letter) to make a new word - and move from the word at the top of the ladder to the word at the bottom, using the exact number of rungs provided.


Here poss (othe BIRD bind bend bead bear boar


Music in New Malden 3 o’clock 2nd Sunday in the month New Malden Methodist Church High Street KT3 4BY an hour of music followed by tea and cake All concerts, artists and programmes are subject to confirmation. Do check our website for latest news. October 6th (N.B.1st Sunday) Original Blend (baroque orchestra) Director Susie Carpenter-Jacobs with John Irving (fortepiano) Mozart Piano Concertos Nos. 6 & 8 November 10th Anna Jamsek and Min Young Bae Virtuoso sonatas for violin and piano

by Tartini, Bartók & Prokofiev December 15th (N.B.3rd Sunday) The Harmonie Choir and Instrumentalists Director Peter Bullett Music by Brahms, including 9 Liebeslieder Waltzes


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With a welcoming vibrant atmosphere, The Royal Oak is serving up local craft beers, a brand new classic British menu with an added selection of carefully selected cuts of beef aged for a minimum of 45 days, beef dripping chips & slow roasted pork belly dishes. With a glorious pub garden, The Royal Oak is the perfect place for you to soak up the afternoon sun. SUMMER PARTIES SUNDAY LUNCHES CHRISTMAS PARTIES WEDDINGS ENGAGMENT PARTIES FAMLY GET TOGETHERS 90 Coombe Road, New Malden, KT3 4RD 020 8942 0837 @TheRoyalOakNM

To advertise email or call 020 8336 2915


Puzzle Time not so easy

fairly easy

Pictograms 3 words

S I 1 R

TARGET Excellent: 26 or more words Good: 20 words Fair: 18 words

3 words



4 words



Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have ten minutes to find as many words as possible, none of which may be plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters or more, all must contain the central letter and letters can only be used once in every word. There is at least one word that uses all of the letters in the wheel.






Please remember to mention the Village Voice when you speak to our advertisers FARMLAND

Codeword Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a different number between 1 and 26. The codes for three letters are shown. Once you have filled these throughout the grid you can start guessing words and reveal other letters. As you find the letters enter them in the box below.

Quick Quiz Ghosts 1. Which famous literary character is haunted by a ghost called Banquo?

6. Which famous song is played on a jukebox in the famous pottery scene from the film Ghost?

2. Named after Ghostface Killah from the hip hop group the Wu-Tang Clan, which social networking app has a ghost called Ghostface Chillah as its logo and mascot?

7. In the video game Pac-Man, what colour do the ghosts turn when Pac-Man eats a power pellet?

3. Ghostface is the name given to the killer or killers in which film series? 4. How is the ghost of Jennet Humfrye known in the title of a 1983 book by Susan Hill? 5. In the Harry Pottery novels, what is the nickname of the ghost that haunts the first floor girls’ lavatory at Hogwarts, with author J.K. Rowling saying she was inspired by “the frequent presence of a crying girl in communal bathrooms, especially at the parties and discos” of her youth?

8. Who had a hit single in 1984 with the theme song from the film Ghostbusters? 9. How many ghosts visit Ebenezer Scrooge in the Charles Dickens novella A Christmas Carol? 10. Which famous person won a Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Supporting Actor for a cameo role as himself in the 1989 film Ghosts Can’t Do It?

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Kids Play There’s lots going on for pre-schoolers Mondays

10am to 11.30am Tots In Tow St John’s Church, Kingston Road Contact Dave on 02089425643 Bumps and Babies under 1 NCT coffee morning, Mondays. 10am to 11.30am. The Glasshouse Pub, New Malden. All welcome. NCT members and non-members. For more information and to confirm the next meeting date please contact


9 to 11:30 Bumps and Babies at Christ Church in the new hall off the carpark. 10am to 11.45am St Joseph’s Toddler Group St Joseph’s R C Church, Montem Road 9.30am to 11.30am Sparkles United Reformed Church, Cavendish Hall, Cavendish Road Contact Peggy Cox 020 8949 3402 to visit. 9-11.30 Stay and Play New Malden Children’s Centre, Burlington Road 020 8336 1561


Parent and Toddler Play Sessions Dickerage Lane Adventure Playground Dickerage Lane, Daniel Slocombe 020 8942 1707,


10-12noon Who let the dads out is at Norbiton Children’s Centre, The Mount School, Dickerage Lane, New Malden Runs the third Saturday of every month. 10am-12pm Stay and Play - Dads group - - first Saturday of every month New Malden Children’s Centre, Burlington Road 020 8336 1561. Every second Saturday of the month, New Malden Library 10.30-11.00am. Free Saturday Rhyme Time for under 5s. Dads especially welcome. Join us for 30 minutes of rhymes, songs and instrument shaking! Men behaving Dadly is a group that meets on a Saturday morning once a month in the Christ Church lounge. Dads bring their young children to enjoy playing with the toys and relax together by eating bacon sandwiches and drinking coffee.


10am to 11.30am Tots in Tow (see Monday) 10am and 11.45 ST Joseph’s Toddler Group (see Tuesday). 12.30pm - Stay and Play (0 - 5 years) - New Malden Children’s Centre, Burlington Road 020 8336 1561


9:30 to 11:30 Toddlers in Tow at Christ Church, in the new hall off the carpark. 9.45 to 11.30am Methodist Church Parent and Toddler Group Methodist Church, High Street, Contact Julia Morton 020 8942 1288. 9.30am to 12.30pm 9.30 - 12 noon Childminders’ drop in including school holidays, Norbiton Children’s Centre, The Mount School, Dickerage Road, 0208 942 2559 10.30-11am Story Time for age 2.5+ at New Malden Library


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9.45am to 11.15am Tadpoles Parent and Toddler Group New Malden Baptist Church, Kingston Road 020 8942 6912 – not a drop in session so call first. 10.30-11.00am Rhyme Time for age 0-3 at New Malden Library 9-12.Toy Library New Malden Children’s Centre, Burlington Road 020 8336 1561. Also at NMCC Breastfeeding Support Group - 10.00 - 12.00 - first week of the month Twins Support Group 10.00 - 12.00 - Second and fourth weeks of the month,


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Parkin’ some thoughts Under African Skies by Nick Hazell Some of us don’t like change. For example, Lara is not a happy traveller. She hates the idea of going away, even for just a few days and certainly if the journey involves a plane and a passport. She simply prefers to be around her own things; the security of the routine and familiar. Unfortunately, Victoria and I and to an increasing extent Anna, like the excitement of travel. For Anna, it’s all about the accrual of Instagram copy, the acquisition of ear rings on every continent and the packing of a suitcase so large as to be visible from Space. For Victoria, it’s sight-seeing and a prohibition on sitting down unless it’s to read a book. For me, it’s a case of getting as much in while I still can. Our latest trip to South Africa began in typical style. Within minutes of landing, Lara had made enquiries as to our return date, Anna had taken 40 pictures on her mobile and acquired a new set of lobe decorations and Victoria had disappeared in search of a Wi-Fi connection to book some Elephant Whispering. I meanwhile, more accepting now of my limitations and the changes they necessitate, was taking advantage of the Special Assistance on offer. I don’t really like taking this option. Invariably it involves a trip in a wheel chair driven by a youth on work experience with ambitions towards Formula 1. It also usually leads to an ironically slow passage through the “fast track” lane at border control. More than once I’ve been wheeled through only to find my progress halted by a queue of several suspicious looking passengers from exotic locations holding neither a visa nor a plausible reason for visiting between them. This in turn prompts the arrival of a bus load of immigration officials, none of whom speak the appropriate language and the consequent head scratching, pointing and paper waiving which ensures the “fast track” descends into the airport equivalent of the M25. But if I’ve learnt anything these past few years it’s that you can’t control most things in life. You just have to be adaptable and make the most of what comes your way. Admittedly that’s not always easy to do. Sometimes it’s hard not to feel a bit cheesed off at having been dealt a handful of low scoring cards in the Top Trumps game of life. Often though, something happens which means makes me realise that it’s not so much about holding all the good cards but being able to play the poor ones well that matters. This summer in Africa was a perfect illustration of this theory.

Given that my walking often takes the form of a series of jerking movements that even MC Hammer couldn’t touch, I had the usual concerns about embarrassing and alarming my travelling companions in equal measure. But as ever, Mrs H had been planning our way around with this in mind. Indeed, why walk when you can ride a horse, master a Segway in a vineyard or glide over a canyon on a zip wire with more grace than Boris Johnson ever managed? New experiences instead of old problems. That was her solution. So, as I swigged my beer watching the Sun go down in the African bush, grateful for being able to share the experience with my family which, despite Lara’s predictions, hadn’t been eaten by lions, I couldn’t help thinking what worse luck my bad luck may have saved me from. Would I have been standing under a beautiful African sky contemplating life if I was still a career obsessed man about the City? I honestly don’t know, but as the eyes of a Hippo emerged from an adjacent waterhole, I was again reminded that there is nothing to be gained by thinking about the paths I could have walked. Sometimes we may not ask for or welcome change but it will find us anyway. When it does, the trick is not being afraid of what might go wrong but instead to focus on what could go right. It’s taken me 47 years and a wonky brain to come to that realisation. All I’ve got to do now is convince Lara. Stranger things have happened....I think!

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A Photographer Dreams... October by Hugh Griffiths

I haven’t been very far from home this month, so my pictures are local and on the south coast at Lancing. This first one – I have shown quite a few photos from the golf course where I walk my dog in the mornings – is a glorious representation of an autumn start to the day. I do sometimes take my ‘proper’ camera with me when I go out at those times, in the hopes of a good scene to photograph. But usually not, and so I am left with my iPhone camera to catch beautiful sights. And very often that doesn’t make a huge amount of difference to the picture that I capture on the device. In this case (and I am rather astonished at this now, looking back), the photo I got from the iPhone needed very little editing to bring out the light and the colours: basically, it was just darker over the trees and in the sky, so I opened up the shadows to make the detail more visible, and then I sharpened the whole thing to make it a bit more crisp. Not sure that I need to do that last change actually, but it is part of my normal workflow when editing a photo. The view itself is stunning. I love the hints of mist in the air and the low sun pouring itself through the trees and throwing rays of gold onto the fairways. The sky is interesting – a blue sky, or one that was overcast, would have made the scene much more boring – with clouds and contrails giving dynamism to the image. And the composition lives up to the ‘rule of thirds’. If you imagine the noughts and crosses lines over the picture, you can see that the sky forms (roughly) the top third, the trees the middle third and the ground the bottom third. And the top contrail is on the leftmost third as well. Clearly my subconscious was at work when I took the shot!


And now back to the coast. I was down in Lancing for one of the last times last year, and the mornings were gorgeous. I had Poppy with me – and so was up and about a lot earlier than I probably wanted to be: this photo was taken at 7:38 in the morning. I love sunrises and sunsets, so I had taken my main camera along for the morning walk … oh, and the frisbee that Poppy dotes on … and was enjoying photographing the sunrise as the sun rose from nowhere to be higher and higher in the sky. But the story doesn’t end well. I did get some lovely pictures – this is definitely one that I keep in my ‘Best Pictures’ folder – and Poppy had given up, momentarily, trying to get me to carry on playing instead of taking photos. These rocks make up a one of a series of groynes protecting the town of Lancing from the sea and, being large rocks, they don’t all fit together closely; there are large drops in between them. Well, Poppy decided to explore and eventually got stuck in one of these gaps. And the tide was coming in quite fast. I don’t think I panicked – but it was rather urgent to get her out of the hole she had got herself into. So, I went up on the rocks and very soon was able to help her out. I don’t think she was all that grateful for being saved, but at least she was! But, as I was pulling her out, one of the lenses in my spectacles came out and fell into the sand. You can imagine how impossible it was to find it with only one eye being able to focus, the tide coming in, and Poppy fooling around. It was an expensive rescue – but she was safe, and I did get some great pastel pictures of the sunrise!

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You will probably have seen those photos of an aeroplane flying high and passing across the sun or the moon. I love those but have never had the chance to take one. Well, at least, I have never been ready to take a photo when the opportunity has presented itself: note to self – Be Prepared. This evening, actually the evening before the previous photograph was taken, I was out on the beach with my camera, taking photos of the sunset over Worthing Pier (winner of Pier of the Year in 2019, well worth a visit. And it is all there, unlike Brighton Pier!) and enjoying the colours in the sky. This small plane was coming in to land at Shoreham Airport and I noticed that it was going to cross the moon as it flew over the coast. I took several photos – and this was my favourite.

Now, I did get some comments from photographer friends that the moon wasn’t full or that the plane should have been more in front of it. Indeed, one of them went so far as to delete my moon and replace it with a much larger and more impressive one in Photoshop. His version looks really great, but my photoshop skills are not as good as his. When you take a photo, you are very often limited in what you can take. In this case, the time of day, the phase of the moon, my ability to catch the plane at the right time all played a part. I have heard judges commenting that a picture would be so much better if you had stepped a few paces to the right or waited for the sun to move a little bit … or something similar. Indeed, the perfect pictures – often taken by people who have much more time to wait for the perfect situation than I have – may well be better than the ones you take. But I let myself be challenged by these comments and more determined to make the next photo work even better. Don’t be discouraged! The Malden Camera Club meets on most Thursday evenings at the Library in Kingston Road. We are a friendly group and love our photography. Come along one evening. You will be very welcome! Our website gives a lot more information …

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Royal British Legion Malden & Coombe Branch It is with much sadness that I must report of the sudden death of our Membership Secretary and friend Roger Sheffield. Roger always attended meetings and events with Malden and Coombe RBL and was a major part of our committee. We will sorely miss him. My lasting memory of him will be seeing him dressed as “Fraser” from Dad’s Army on our Malden Fortnight float! Our final Poppy appeal deliveries are expected this week. I have sent letters out to our regular collectors with the dates for the appeal. Can you spare an hour or two between 28th October and 10th November to sell poppies in New Malden? It would be great to expand our wonderful team of volunteers some of whom have been collecting for over 50 years! If you would like details of how you can help either by selling or making up boxes etc please contact me on 07900482379 or We work on specific days in either the Guide or Scout halls in Tadworth Avenue (behind United Reform Church ) with a continuous supply of tea and cake.

The sign up day is Saturday 5th October 122pm in the Guide hall and we would love to see some new faces. We can then give you to dates that we are at the halls and with your help we can try and beat our previous collection totals. Every penny goes towards helping those veterans and their families who are in need. Everyone who have been part of the armed services, even those from conscription years in the 1950’s could be eligible for help. So please phone 0808 802 8080 for veteran and membership enquiries. I am looking forward to seeing you.



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