Worcester Park Life Feb 19

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Worcester Park Life

KT4’s ONLY FREE Independent Community Magazine and Business Guide Feb ‘19 Issue 129



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Welcome to YOUR Worcester Park Life from jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk As 14th February approaches, what you remember about your meaningful first Valentine’s card? As a teenager I played the French Horn and enjoyed playing in various orchestras and wind bands and the varied social life that this encouraged. I was quite comfortable filling the second horn seat when Robert, a relatively new player, joined. He was very shy and lacking in playing confidence. Well, what a difference a year made. Following lots more practice than I’d been prepared to put in, he was now sitting to my left, as 1st horn and hugely admired for it. And so it was, that year he cycled across Glasgow before school one chilly morning and silently left

& Since ‘08

Robert’s natural talent and love of playing took him to study at RSAMD and then play professionally. Sadly, his career and life were cut tragically short only a few years later by a traffic accident in London but I still remember with fondness and the odd tear his romantic and thoughtful teenage gesture as the Valentine’s Day hype ramps up….. I hope you enjoy the magazine this month, please use our advertisers and keep hold of it until you get the next one. So we can deliver the magazine to most of the KT3 postcode, we split the distribution over a two month period. If you have had this edition delivered you probably won’t get the March one. There are a limited number of copies available from Waitrose, Worcester Park Library, St Mary’s and Christ Church with St Philip but don’t forget that it is also published online - you can get the link from our website. The copy dates for the next couple of editions are below. If you’d like to advertise or have a local story to tell, please call or email.

Since ‘05

Published by Malden Media Ltd Editor Jenny Stuart jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk 020 8336 2915 www.maldenmedia.co.uk 36 Rosebery Avenue KT3 4JS


a card, box of chocolates and bunch of roses on my doorstep. What a sweetheart. Unfortunately, we never did became romantically involved - shame on me - as I had my heart set on Colin, the chiseled cheek-boned trombone player.

Until next time, best wishes,


Deadline for our March editions 19th February Deadline for our April editions 21st March

Please note that the opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily represent the views of the editor. All advertisements are commercial and not indicative of any endorsement by the editor who accepts no responsibility for any loss suffered directly or indirectly by any reader as a result of any advertisement or notice published in this magazine. All in-house artwork and editorial presented in this magazine remains the copyright of Malden Media Ltd. No part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored on any retieval system, or transmitted in any form - electronic, mechanical. recording, photocopying, or otherwise without prior permission from the Publisher.

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Worcester Park History The anniversary now approaching Platform 1 (and 2) by David Rymill In April, Worcester Park station (albeit not the present building) and the railway line serving it will reach their 160th anniversary. It is easy to take for granted Worcester Park Station’s central place in the district, but its location is the result of a range of circumstances, from the competition of two railway companies for the lucrative Epsom traffic to the wishes of influential individuals. The story begins in 1844, when rival plans for railways to Epsom were submitted to Parliament. On 9th May a Parliamentary Committee began hearing evidence for and against the two bills; the witnesses’ answers were taken down verbatim and can be read in the Parliamentary Archives (ref HC/CL/PB/2/10/7). A line promoted by the London & South Western Railway (LSWR) would have run from Epsom through the Ewell Court and Tolworth areas to join their main line near Berrylands, and trains would have continued to their terminus at Nine Elms; the Croydon and Epsom Railway, on the other hand, would connect with the London & Croydon company’s line (later part of the London, Brighton & South Coast Railway, or LBSCR) to London Bridge. A succession of Epsom gentry and tradesmen appeared as witnesses, and faced questioning from the barristers representing the two companies; each was obliged to denigrate the rival scheme. Stress was placed on both passenger and goods traffic; passengers from Epsom to London using the existing stage-coaches paid 5s or 5s 6d for an inside seat (2s less outside), whereas the railway fare from Surbiton was 2s first class (1s 6d second class). The LSWR’s barristers emphasised the advantage of their line for the upper classes visiting the West End, who could easily complete their journey from Nine Elms by river, while the Croydon company emphasised that their London Bridge terminus provided farmers and tradesmen with easy access to the City markets. Each company claimed their route would be more convenient for bringing goods from the Thames. Parliament approved the Croydon line rather than the LSWR’s, probably because the latter ran too close to


the Ewell Court gunpowder mills, and in order to give the Croydon company a chance to experiment with the inauspicious atmospheric system: this involved the carriages being propelled by means of a piston under the train travelling in a slotted tube between the tracks, with stationary engines creating a partial vacuum in the tube in front of the train and leather flaps sealing the slot. In 1846 the London & South Western Railway tried again to reach Epsom; this time their proposed route ran through Worcester Park, with provision for a station on the present site. The company could now offer a more convenient West End terminus as they had approval to extend their line to the present Waterloo station, but they had to convince Parliament that Epsom could support a second railway line. Much of the evidence related to the wishes of Epsom residents and tradesmen. Once again their words can be read at the Parliamentary Archives (ref HC/CL/ PB/2/12/25). Witnesses stressed the advantages of a line to the West End, and F G Farmer, owner of Nonsuch Park, who lived in the present Mansion House, made a dig at the atmospheric system, then in use as far as Croydon (although he may have been motivated by the fact that the Epsom and Croydon line was going to cut across his estate): “Now and then I have a friend comes down to me – and … when I say ‘why are you so late?’ they say ‘why, because the atmospheric broke down, and we lost so much time …’ ” Some witnesses commented on the advantage of having a station at Worcester Park, generally described as Malden in these proceedings. Perhaps the most enthusiastic supporter of a station at Worcester Park was Thomas Weeding of Fullbrooks, a mansion off

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Church Road, near the present Avondale Avenue. Having been asked “Are there any what are called passengers in your neighbourhood, that is Gentlemen to whom it would be an accommodation to get by this Railway to London?”, he suggested that there were seven or eight substantial farmers “to whom a Station at Malden would be desirable.” Opponents of the bill (including the rival Croydon company) tried to make Weeding admit that even if the farmers did want to go to London, they would have little use for a line to the West End, and this exchange ensued: Q: Are there a great many people go daily from Malden to London? … Is it not quite an unusual thing for Malden people to come up to London? A: I should not say the farmers come frequently to London … Q: There are very few idle people residing at Malden at all? [presumably meaning the leisured classes who had time to patronise the West End entertainments] A: I should hope no idle person.

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It is strange that the questions didn’t seem to take account of the fact that people in the area were unlikely to visit London regularly when there wasn’t a railway that would enable them to do so. Weeding suggested that the greatest advantage of the line would be that farmers could have chalk brought by train to improve their land. Commenting on the fact that the line would cut through his land, he stated “I would waive the injury it would do to me for the benefit that would occur to me and others.” Similarly, a farmer from Coombe explained that he already used 30 tons of chalk to the acre, on 20 acres each year, and would use more but for the expense of fetching it by wagon from Cheam or Ashtead. Parliament, however, was unconvinced this time. I hope, in a future article, to continue the story and explore how it came about that in 1859 the LSWR was able to open its Wimbledon - Epsom branch, including a station at Worcester Park (shown in our illustration, a postcard postmarked in 1905). David.Rymill1993@alumni.aber.ac.uk (020) 8330 6563

Worcester Park, Old Malden and North Cheam: History at our Feet Published in 2012 and available at £10 (plus £2 towards postage if required) from the Rymill family. Ring 020 8330 6563 for more details. This 300-page book tells the story of Worcester Park from the Iron Age to the present day, and includes memories of local life from 1908 onwards, and over 150 maps, photographs and drawings - mostly never published before.

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Ruth Jemmett Writes Hearts and bowers February is the second month of the year, and derives from the Latin word ‘februa’, which was a Roman feast of purification. It is the shortest month of the year, and one which shows us the first stirrings of Spring on plants and trees. The month was known as Solmonath in Anglo-Saxon times, which meant ‘cake month’, as offerings were made to the gods at this time of the year. This month gains an extra day in leap years, when women, traditionally can propose to their sweethearts. An old saying was ’Much February snow a fine summer doth show’. In other words, we have to suffer before we can enjoy ourselves! In the Christian church, Lent, which incorporates Shrove


Tuesday and Ash Wednesday, can fall on any date between 4th of February and 10th March. This year Lent will be late, occurring in early March. On 3rd February in 1959 the singer Buddy Holly was killed in a plane crash. What a loss he was to popular music. Thankfully his music lives on, introducing new generations to his memorable voice and songs. On 5th of February in 1953, in post-war Britain, the rationing of sweets and chocolates was finally done away with. I was seven at the time, and thankful that I could really indulge my sweet tooth again at T.C. Venus, the confectionary shop on the Kingston Road! During the latter part of World War II we were only allowed to have 2ozs of sweets each. Can you imagine today’s sugar addicts even contemplating such shortages?! When

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I was young Ration Books were a way of life, and the sight of bomb shelters and destroyed buildings in London was something my generation took for granted. My young brain didn’t take in the enormity of the conflagration that had just taken place. My junior school had a flooded air-raid shelter at the end of the playing field, and old air raid sirens were a common sight everywhere. The five local ‘mental hospitals’ (which they were called at the time) were filled with people whom we would recognize as having PTSD nowadays. An uncle of mine, who was rescued from Dunkirk, was so traumatised by his experience that he didn’t recognise his own fiancée for a whole year. One of our greatest writers, Charles Dickens was born on the 7th of this month in 1812. He is credited with introducing 247 words to the English language, including butter-fingers, slow-coach, the creeps, and flummoxed. It is said that he always insisted on sleeping with his head pointing north, the moral being that if you want to be a great writer, buy a compass! On 8th February in 1937 women in what was known as Ceylon, weren’t allowed to vote in council elections. A former graduate from Cambridge, Mr Donald Obyesekere was quoted as saying at the time “By women taking part in politics, morals and womanhood in European countries have degenerated.” It was decided that women in Ceylon shouldn’t be allowed to vote. I am in the process of reading Michelle Obama’s autobiography at the moment. Not so very long ago she had to battle with sexism AND racism to become a highly successful lawyer. It is rumoured that she might be running for President of the U.S.A. Enough said! A footnote here: )n 11th February 1852 the first flushing public toilet for women was opened in The Strand in London – and even NOW a high proportion of London theatres have very poor provision of enough toilets for women. A lot of people mock the word feminist. In 2019 we still need them! Of course we can’t think of this month without remembering 14th – St Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s cards first began to appear in the19th Century. As

time went on the custom of sending either a romantic or rude card to one’s beloved, really caught on. The poet Thomas Hood (I was named Ruth after his poem of the same name) captured the sentiment of the day with these words: Thy bright eyes govern better than the sun, For with thy favour was my life begun, And still I reckon on from smiles to smiles And not by summers, for I thrive on none But those thy cheerful countenance compiles; Oh! If it be to choose and call thee mine, Love, thou art every day my Valentine! The association of lovers and 14th of this month probably goes back to the eve of Lupercalia, a Roman festival of fertility. The date is also traditionally the date when birds are thought to choose their mates. The 15th of February in 1971 was the date when the decimalization of British currency took place. Whether we loved or loathed the idea we had to get used to it. Young people have grown up with the system, but we oldies still do a lot of muttering when trying to use our old cookbooks! Things look rather lacklustre here in the gardens of Salisbury Road at the moment. Hellebores are bravely nodding their heads in the chill wind, and snowdrops are bravely peeking out from beneath the cold earth. With talk of snow we are battening down the hatches. The fish in our pond, who haven’t been fed since October make the occasional foray to the top of the pond. I was delighted to see our ‘baby’ one swimming around the other day. He hasn’t been eaten by his room-mates – yet! Neighbour Steve recently lost a Koi to a heron. I have my fishy friends firmly netted in. I hope that you get at least one Valentine card, and that you end up with the love of your life. The humourist Ogden Nash summed up his idea of marriage with the following words: “Marriage is the bond between a person who never remembers anniversaries, and another who never forgets them …..! Ruth Jemmett is a Member of The Society of Authors

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Finance Spring Clean Your Finances for a Richer 2019 Spring is the season when we give our homes a good clean and tidy up, so why not do the same with your finances? There are many ways to take control of your financial life, and the majority of them are so easy it’s worth looking at all the possibilities. All you need is a little time and dedication, so with this in mind, here are a few ideas for a financial spring clean and a richer 2019. Get organised Financial decluttering offers a clearer view of your overall financial situation and valuable insight into unhealthy spending habits. Begin by finding all your relevant paperwork such as mortgage statements, insurance policies, credit agreements and utility bills, and decide which documents you need to keep. Although you should be mindful of retaining tax paperwork, you may not need to keep all of the older general documentation. What you do retain can be safely filed away in a dedicated folder so you have easy access should you need it. Reduce outgoings and make paying easier Not only can you save money by cancelling subscriptions that you no longer need, sorting out your paperwork highlights any excessively high payments you’ve been making and allows for tighter financial control. You can sign up to receive paperless bills and bank statements, which reduces the amount of paperwork in your home and helps to declutter your physical living space. By signing up to pay your bills by direct debit, you can also remove much of the hassle of making regular payments – providers might even offer you a discount for doing so.

in the budget, so you arrive at an accurate plan for monthly expenditure. By scrutinising your bank statements you can see where you’ve been overspending during the last year and adjust accordingly, or lower your outlay in high-cost areas. This might involve checking comparison websites, or simply being more careful with the food shopping. Plan finances ahead this year If you’re planning a holiday in 2019 or need to buy a new car, for example, in conjunction with your new budget, saving a little each month can help to achieve your goals without going into debt. Maybe you could open a new savings account for each prospective large purchase, or use a traditional piggy bank at home and watch your savings fund grow the old-fashioned way. Track your spending With so many personal finance apps and tools now available, you can track your spending wherever you are. You might prefer to use a spreadsheet, or simply write down your spending in a notebook. Whatever you do, keeping track of how much you spend helps you stick to your budget and deal confidently with the inevitable financial setbacks we all experience.

Make a new budget Whether or not you already operate a budget, making a new one can instil fresh life into your finances and allows you to overhaul your spending if necessary. Make sure to include all important annual events including birthdays, Christmas and holidays Please remember to mention Worcester Park Life when you speak to our advertisers 10

Tackle debt By tackling debt you free yourself from the threat of serious financial difficulty, and provide new opportunities to save. You might choose to use the ‘debt snowball’ method of paying off the smallest debts first, or get stuck right in and pay off the largest debt. However you decide to approach it, becoming debt-free is liberating and an important element of a financial spring clean. Maximise tax-free savings With the end of the tax year fast approaching, make sure you’re taking advantage of your full tax-free savings allowance. You can currently save up to £20,000 tax-free in an Individual Savings Account (ISA), and are allowed to spread this amount between a cash ISA and an Investment ISA. If you don’t use your full allowance by 5th April, however, it will be lost. Check your pension Your pension provider should send you a pension statement once a year, so it’s a good idea to review how well it’s performing. If you have more than one pension it may also be worthwhile seeking professional advice as to whether they should be

combined. If you think you have additional pensions but can’t quite remember, a facility on the gov.uk website can help you track them down. Search for old bank accounts You may have money in accounts that have been lying dormant for years, but there is a way to track them down. As with forgotten pensions, this is very useful if you can’t remember the bank accounts you’ve held in the past. My Lost Account is a website that helps you find old bank accounts, building society accounts and NS&I investments, so you can reclaim forgotten money and close them down. It’s also possible to check for any Premium Bond prizes that you haven’t claimed via the National Savings and Investments website. Overhauling your finances can make a significant impact on life in general, and helps you to make the most of your money. So start your spring clean this month and you’ll be reaping the rewards not only in 2019, but for many years to come.

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What’s On email info@maldenmedia.co.uk Bourne Hall Museum

Nasty Normans Saturday 6 February 1pm to 2.30pm Relive the Battle of Hastings and discover the Norman skill of castle building using props from the Tower of London. After the death of a childless King and a struggle between claimants to the throne in 1066, the year of the three battles, Duke William was the last man standing. Harold died with an arrow in his eye or did he? To control the country William and his Barons began building castles, first of earth and timber, and then stone. Built as fortresses, they became administration centres and symbols of power for the Nasty Normans Cost £5 per child 1 adult free per child WW2 A Children’s War Thursday 21 February 1pm to 2.30pm Be prepared with gas mask training and air raid drill, learn what happened after a bomb fell. Could you deliver messages in an air raid during the blackout? Discover how to put out one of the fire bombs that were dropped in their tens of thousands on Epsom during the war. Try to play fag cards just like wartime children, discover the size of your sweet ration, and where to find bits of bomb after a raid. Cost £5 per child 1 adult free per child Further information is available from David Brooks, Bourne Hall Museum, Spring Street, Ewell. Surrey, KT17 1UF. Tel 0208 394 1734, Email dbrooks@epsom-ewell.gov.uk Tucked away behind the houses just near Carshalton is a secret tranquil haven. Carshalton Community Allotment is a shared space on Westmead Allotment Site where people from all walks of life meet up once or twice a week to grow food and enjoy being outdoors. You don’t have to be a gardening expert to take part and we are a very friendly group! There’s always something to do whatever the season from weeding to sowing seeds. We have some raised beds for people who find it difficult to bend too much and there’s always different tasks to suit everybody. We’re also keen to find some volunteers with DIY skills who could help with woodwork repairs. It’s an ideal opportunity to enjoy the outdoors in a tranquil, relaxing environment, tucked away from the


hustle and bustle of everyday life. So take the time to look after your mind and body while helping in your local community. You’ll also meet other people, learn new skills and get a bit of exercise and take a share of the harvest home to eat! We’re open whatever the weather (unless it snows!) and its best to wear wellies or old shoes. We have a hut, toilet, benches and tea making facilities so you can have a rest and a chat. Opening times are Mondays 1.00pm – 3.00pm and Fridays 10.30am – 12.30pm. There’s no need to book, you can just turn up on the day You can find us at Westmead Allotments, Colston Avenue, Carshalton, Surrey SM5 2PW. For a map and more details, please visit www.communityallotment. org.uk or call 020 8404 1522

Epsom Charity Book Fair

21st – 23rd February 2019 At Epsom Methodist Church, Ashley Road, Epsom KT18 5AQ Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd February – 10am8pm, Saturday 23rd February 10am-4pm Entrance 50p (children and students free) Epsom’s hugely popular Annual Charity Book Fair is now 18 years old! The event has grown from relatively small beginnings in 2002 to become a massive annual event attracting visitors from throughout the southeast and beyond. This year’s Fair will take place from Thursday 21st to Saturday 23rd February, from 10am to 8pm (ending at 4pm on Saturday). Entrance is just 50p (students and children free). Many thousands of quality books at bargain prices will be on offer. The vast range includes children’s books, antiquarian, out-of-print, fiction and non-fiction, plus CDs, DVDs and records. Delicious refreshments and light lunches are available from our Roots Coffee Shop. Proceeds from this year’s Fair will benefit a variety of national and local charities, including Action for Children, The Rainbow Trust, Epsom Food Bank, Hope4Malawi, scouting and guiding in Epsom and the work of Epsom Methodist Church. Last year’s Book Fair raised £37,500 and this year promises to be even bigger and better! For inquiries please ring 01372 728535 or email office@ epsommethodistchurch.org.uk.

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The Civil Service Pensioners’ Alliance Kingston Group meet on the last Tuesday every

month except July and August, and December when we hold a xmas lunch instead. In addition to our main function of keeping in touch with local and national issues concerning pensioners, we arrange a variety of speakers to entertain us. On 29th January we hear from The Surrey Ambulance Service followed by a slide show on 26th February on Central America. On 26th March we learn from our HQ office about proposed future changes to our organisation and on 30th April we have a talk on The Real Dad’s Army. On 28th May we hear all about Community Policing and on 25th June we have a fascinating description of A View from The Wings. Marion House, Girl Guides Hut, Tadworth Avenue, New Malden KT3 6DJ from 2 pm to 4.15pm. Limited car parking and on public transport routes. Contact for further information; Brenda Denby tel 0208 398 6054 /email brendadenby@live.co.uk.

World Day of Prayer

is at St Matthias Catholic Church Worcester Park on Friday 1st March at 2 pm, We are Churches together with St John the Baptist in Church Road Worcester Park and Worcester Park Baptist in the Avenue also Christchurch with St Phillip.

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Pets Why It’s Important to Groom Your Pet This Spring Grooming is an important part of your pet care regime throughout the year, but when spring arrives you can be sure your furry friend will want to shed their coat in the warmer weather as much as we do.

Watch out for fleas and ticks Grooming your pet regularly means you’re more likely to spot fleas or ticks that have taken up residence in their fur. Encouraged out into the environment by the warmer weather, they can be difficult to spot unless you’re close to your pet. Dealing effectively with fleas and ticks is an important consideration, however, as ticks in particular can cause

So what do you need to consider when grooming your pet this springtime?

serious illness.

Brush them at least once a day Longhaired cats and dogs should be brushed at least once a day at this time of year. It not only makes them feel more comfortable, but also prevents knots and tangles developing. If the weather is particularly warm it may also be worthwhile having your dog trimmed – this makes them easier to groom, and also reduces the time you have to spend vacuuming.

Avoiding hairballs When your pet grooms itself, loose hairs are ingested and can cause a blockage in their digestive tract. Cats in particular are fastidious about grooming themselves, which makes hairballs a common issue, especially for longhaired breeds. Regular grooming with a brush helps to avoid this problem by reducing the amount of fur entering their system.

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3 Letters DOE DOG You have two minutes to find all the words of three or more letters that can be made from the EGO letters above. Plurals are allowed, proper nouns ERG GOD are not. The 6 letter word will always be just a ODE normal everyday word. 3 letters: 15 4 letters: 11 5 letters: 4 6 letters: 1 ORE PEG




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Here we are in a new year and little seems to have changed. In December we were writing our piece on the day before a crucial, ultimately delayed, Brexit vote and today we are still waiting for agreement. The political uncertainty continues and seems set to last, but as the saying goes ‘Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain!’

We already have 3 Saturday’s under our belt in 2019. The weekends are when most of our viewings are undertaken and provide a good measure of how active the property market is. Both have seen our diary very full indeed, for the sales and lettings teams, continuing a trend that started toward the end of last year.

Offers are being made and, whilst a few are rather optimistic, most are realistic so sales and lets are being agreed. Chains are After the banking crisis it is no bad thing that beginning to firm up so that all sales within more rigorous tests are applied to mortgage them can start their journey towards applications, but they are also frustrating at completion. times having the unintended consequence of preventing some homeowners shopping There is an increasing sense that while around, at the end of their fixed terms, for uncertainty is making people cautious, they better deals. We are pleased to read recent still need to get on with their lives. There is news that action is being taken to relieve the only so long that you can live in limbo, and burden for those locked into high residual make do with a property that no longer suits interest rates. Those same mortgage tests your needs, before a change must be made. are also slowing the process down. Several The early signs for the year are positive but families who hoped to be in their new home we currently expect prices to remain before Christmas have had their move relatively steady until the current uncertainty delayed and we are currently busy trying to resolves itself. That said, we are beginning get those chains over the line to completion. to receive more enquiries from people who have been renting, and are now ready to NEW BUILDINGS buy, as well as people moving out of Housing Charity Shelter reported this month London. With our many years of experience that 3 million new affordable homes are we consider this to be a very early sign, needed over the next 20 years. That’s over which may yet falter, that the local housing market is beginning to gather momentum. seven times the number built over the last two decades. In 2005 the Barker review of TENANT FEES Housing Supply noted about 250,000 The Tenant Fees Bill has now passed homes needed to be built annually to through all but one of its many stages prevent spiralling house prices and shortage before going forward for Royal Assent and of homes. There are few who believe those becoming law. Tenant fees will therefore targets will be met and therefore the outlook likely be banned within a couple of months. for the housing crisis seems to be bleak and No great change for us as we stopped charging tenant fees in 2017. prices will likely rise as a result. IN THE NEWS



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Parkin’ some thoughts Needs Must

by Nick Hazell

“You have an athlete’s fitness”, she said glancing at the computer print out. “Shame it’s in an old man’s body”, I remarked, attempting to extract myself from the breathing apparatus and heart monitor to slide gracefully from the exercise bike. No easy task when you’re right hand isn’t co-operating and your corresponding leg is unaccountably performing a Riverdance. I ended up in a rather undignified heap. As part of my firm’s attempt to ensure it’s partners are not in imminent danger of pegging out and disrupting profitability.I’m supposed to submit to a thorough assessment of my physical functions on an annual basis. I have been rather remiss these last few years and evaded capture by the white coats. There didn’t seem much point. However, putting aside my fear of needles and distrust of doctors wearing latex gloves, I recently resolved to subject myself to medical scrutiny. It turns out I’m quite fit, at least so far as Bupa is concerned. Given that a fair proportion of its clientele are fat, balding, middle aged, stressed out city types, perhaps that’s not anything about which to be proud, but my apparent “athleticism” does highlight the peculiar nature of PD. You can be fit but not necessarily fit for purpose. I try to keep as active as possible. I can ride a bike, pull on a rowing machine, step on a cross trainer, heft some weights and run myself senseless at a twice weekly boot camp, but ask me to walk any distance in a straight line or worse, hold a conversation whilst doing so and I’ll show you the definition of clumsy inelegance. Simple tasks have become the hardest challenges.

the contents over anything or anyone nearby. I’m a human safety hazard in the kitchen when it comes to moving anything hot or, in fact, carrying anything at all. I can’t even walk the mutt. For many practical purposes, I am therefore useless. My difficulties with walking mean that I have come to spend quite a lot of my day running which ironically contributes to my fitness. It’s often the only way I can get about when my cranial trade union members go on one of their increasingly frequent strikes. When they’re at their most militant, I sometimes now need the assistance of a stick to act as my replacement bus service. This outward sign of dependence encourages much more understanding and assistance than were I, with all the grace of a giraffe on roller skates crossing an ice rink, to attempt the same journey without its aid. However, even that often proves as useful a pair of socks for an elephant when negotiations between the union representatives and the limb department break down. So, to avoid being frozen to the spot I have to break into a run which although easier, can be the cause of confusion. The sight of an apparently healthy man, running out of a disabled toilet carrying a walking stick can take some explaining. All this running around though exhausting, gets me from A to B without stopping at all of the words in between. It’s not an entirely safe method and I wouldn’t say it’s totally under control, but it works for me when the mysteries of walking are as impenetrable as a pair of iron pants. Having become aware of my method as we moved from room to room, my lovely Bupa nurse remarked how she could see that I don’t let what I can’t do interfere with what I can. It was a nice thought, but to quote my favourite Elizabethan noble Lord Edmund Blackadder, it’s more of a case of “needs must when the devil vomits in your kettle.” Not quite Tracey Borman, but you know what I mean..

I can’t carry drinks across a room without spilling


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Baking Oatmeal & Raisin Cookies If you fancy a batch of home-made cookies at the weekend then try this quick recipe. They will keep for 3-4 days in an airtight container.

Ready in: 50 minutes, plus cooling time | Makes 24

Ingredients 225g self-raising flour 175g rolled oats 1 tsp baking powder 250g unsalted butter, softened 200g golden caster sugar ½ tsp vanilla extract


150g raisins


Preheat the oven to 180C / fan 160C / gas mark 4. Lightly grease two large baking sheets. Mix the flour, oats and baking powder together in a bowl. Place the butter, caster sugar and vanilla extract in a separate large bowl and beat together until creamy. Stir in the flour mixture and the raisins and mix to a rough dough using your hands. Divide and roll the mixture into about 24 balls and place well apart on the baking sheets. Flatten each ball with your fingertips to about 6mm thickness. Bake in the preheated oven for 12-14 minutes until golden. Leave the cookies to cool on the baking sheets for a few minutes until firm enough to transfer to a wire rack. Leave to cool completely.

Replace the raisins with 150g white or dark chocolate chips, 150g sweetened dried cranberries or 150g chopped dried apricots for flavour variations. Please remember to mention Worcester Park Life when you speak to our advertisers

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Voice for Wildlife Beavering Away by Carol Williams February will be upon us by the time you read this, but I am writing it in mid January and the weather is quite unseasonably mild. Last year, in the middle of Spring, we landed some very bitter weather - the Beast From The East. Whilst I would like some ‘proper’ Winter, to reassure me that - perhaps - the climate is not so messed up as the experts are telling us it is, I do hope it does not arrive as the frogs come to spawn in Shadbolt Park pond and the birds have already begun nesting! Our wildlife could do with some positives!

bind, but beavers did the work with ease”. He is referring to the project to restore Ham Fen near Sandwich. It is over 500 years since wild beavers were driven to extinction in the UK by hunting but now they are firmly back in the countryside and welcomed by many landowners. The most recent release site is in the Forest of Dean where it is hoped that the animals will dam the Greathough Brook, creating new ponds and slowing the flow, which will protect the nearby village of Lydbrook from severe flooding during heavy rainfall.

Searching for good news amongst the bad, considering the undoubtedly serious situation we now face in respect of the global environment, and the status of so many native UK species, loss of biodiversity and so forth, is always a challenge. None of us want only to read about losses, damage and a bleak outlook, do we? But somehow we have to keep a sense of reality - it is no good pretending all is well, and no good thinking that we can carry on as we have always done, ignoring all the calls to action and personal involvement, leaving it all to someone else. We are all someone. We are all responsible. We must all pull our weight.

Beavers are about the size of labradors, weighing up to 30 kilos and are nocturnal. They pair for life and produce 2 or 3 kits a year. They live in family groups in lodges they build for themselves. Occasionally they burrow into riverbanks. They rarely stray more than 20 metres from a water body - they build dams to create pools so they can access new food sources and ensure the entrances to their dens are under the water. If levels drop, they build further downstream to make the water rise again - they are awesome hydro engineers! They eat soft, grassy vegetation in the warmer months and move onto tree bark in the Winter. Their most common food is willow, but they will cut down any tree, including the invasive Japanese knotweed. Despite what looks, to us, like total destruction, their activities create a matrix of wetland habitats with thriving young woodland and pools rich in aquatic plants - an abundance of life flourishes as a result.

I have a little granddaughter - this gives me quite a stake in the future of this planet. She is an innocent, one of the most precious gifts of my life. Even more so than when I was raising my own sons do I realise how very important it is to try to prevent the loss of even more wilderness, to try to halt the march of climate change, to work for some future that will mean that those who live on here after I have passed away will inherit a world that can sustain them in health and happiness. We can often think we are powerless, but we cannot afford that kind of defeatism. We must believe that together, we can. If the sum total of destructive, heedless actions has caused the mess we are in now, then the sum total of the opposite can slow the decline and begin to restore. We have to believe this - what else is there? And so, with a lifting of my spirits, I read in the latest edition of Broadleaf, the magazine which members of The Woodland Trust receive each quarter, that beavers are back in the UK in significant numbers, having spread out across the country from the first reintroduction to Kent, from Norway, in 2001. Derek Gow of the Trust writes: “Getting machinery in and out was a


The Scottish government has granted beavers native species status, which will give legal protection to its two colonies.

On the river Tamar, in Devon, beavers released there in 2011 have created 13 ponds: water quality has subsequently improved and sediment downstream has decreased dramatically, resulting in an explosion of wildlife. The 10 clumps of frogspawn counted in 2011 before beavers were introduced had become 580 clumps by 2016!! This is nothing short of a little miracle which has had the effect of raising biodiversity all along the river, as the abundance of frogs and aquatic insect life has attracted many other species who can now also thrive there. Like the industrious beaver, may we all work diligently this year to reduce our negative impact on the environment, and help restore and nurture wildlife habitats. Of course, beavers are not doing anything ‘for the common good’ - they are merely living according to their natures, doing what they do to survive. We,

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on the other hand, need to commit to and focus on positive action to re-create and protect habitats and species. Introducing beavers is one way we have attempted to do this. There are many more ways - rewilding is something all of us who care about wildlife should be supporting. It’s mostly about restoring habitats, rather than simply putting back animals who have gone locally extinct in places where once they thrived. Nature will do much of the work for us, given half the chance - mostly we need to stop doing damage. Can we aim for that? Martin Harper of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds ( RSPB) writes “ Tackling climate change is the biggest issue facing our generation and requires nothing short of a seismic shift in the way we run our economies”. He says “ We will continue to argue for a revolution in the way we use and generate energy, in harmony with nature. We’ll make the case for greater investment in protecting natural habitats at home and internationally to protect both the climate and biodiversity. And we’ll explore how best to reduce the carbon footprint of what we eat”. This latter interests me a great deal - it is exciting that, at last, conservation and environmental agencies are waking up to the fact that the way we farm and what we eat matters. It’s not just a personal choice - it has farreaching impact.

On Valentine’s Day, as part of the Climate Coalition’s ‘ Show The Love’ campaign, the RSPB will be encouraging everyone to think about what food they choose to eat, where that food comes from, the way we farm and how we manage land, both here and internationally. And, Chris Packham signed up for Veganuary this year and is doing a sterling job of raising important issues on Twitter. All power to him - top wildlife man. He has my utmost respect and good wishes. You will not see beavers on Shadbolt Park pond, although one day we can probably expect them on the river Thames! Beavers or not, Shadbolt Park pond could do with some more willing hands! One of us will be there to welcome you should you decide to come and offer your help to us - just turn up on Wednesday or Saturday morning around 10.30 to 11 am. If you value the pond, please come and help look after it. Just one morning a month will do! The frogs may spawn any time from February onwards - come and take a look.

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Gardening Remarkable Raspberries by Pippa Greenwood If you want to grow soft fruit then I recommend raspberries for value, reliability and ease of growth. The canes, best bought bare root, are available now, so here are my top tips for planting and growing great raspberries. Raspberries like moisture, without being soggy around the roots. Improve light and sandy soil by digging in plenty of bulky organic matter such as compost or well-rotted manure before planting. Summer-fruiting raspberries crop in midsummer, while autumn fruiters crop from the end of summer, often until the first frosts, so if possible plant a few of each. There are different varieties of summer and autumn-fruiting raspberries, and the ‘Fallgold’ variety even has yellow fruits. If your soil is heavy and wet, and if it is alkaline or chalky, summer raspberries may struggle, so grow autumn fruiters as they can withstand the adverse conditions. First, choose a sunny, sheltered spot and weed thoroughly so the raspberry canes are not competing with weeds for moisture and nutrients. If your garden is very hot and sunny in the summer then light shade for the raspberries from a nearby tree is recommended; otherwise, they like sunshine. Summer-fruiting raspberries need a support system – sturdy posts at a spacing of about 1.8m (6ft) and galvanized wires at a spacing of about 30cm (12in) will do the trick. Autumn-fruiting raspberries should be fine without support but you can tie them in if you wish.

Dig in plenty of well-rotted manure and plant each cane at a depth of 5-8cm (2-3in), spreading the roots out well so they establish better. Firm the canes in then cut each one back to about 25cm (10in) above ground level and water in well if the soil is dry. Summer-fruiting raspberries fruit on the previous year’s growth, so planting now will be much better in 2020 onwards than this year. Autumn fruiters produce their crop on the same year’s growth, so expect a decent crop this autumn and heavier ones from 2020. Mulch raspberries each spring with well-rotted manure. Once finished cropping, cut the fruitbearing canes of summer-fruiting varieties back to ground level, and tie the newly formed canes to the wires ready for next year. With autumn-fruiting raspberries, cut back the old canes at the end of winter and the new canes will appear in spring. Visit Pippa’s website www.pippagreenwood.com and join ‘Grow Your Own with Pippa Greenwood’ for great vegetable plants and weekly advice from Pippa, stylish cloches, the fantastic SpeedHoe, gardening tools, Grower Frames and signed books! Or book Pippa for a gardening talk at your gardening club.

The canes are available now and in their ‘dormant’ state (looking like a bundle of sticks) respond well to planting now. Space the canes 40-45cm (15-17in) apart and allow about 2m (6ft 6in) between rows.


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Recipe Salmon with Tomato and Coriander Salsa This low-fat supper is quick to make and is packed with flavour. If you prefer, replace the salmon with trout or sea bass fillets.

Ready in: 30 minutes | Serves 4

Ingredients Ready in 30 minutes 4 ripe tomatoes, halved 1 red onion, peeled and finely chopped 2 tbsp freshly chopped coriander ½ red chill, deseeded and very finely chopped (optional) 2 tbsp lime juice 2 tbsp olive oil Salt and freshly ground black pepper 4 salmon fillets


Boiled long-grain and wild rice, to serve


To make the salsa, scoop out and discard the tomato seeds and dice the flesh. Place in a bowl with the red onion, coriander, chilli (if using) and 1 tbsp each of the lime juice and olive oil. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper and set aside. Heat a large non-stick frying pan over a medium heat and add the remaining olive oil. Place the salmon fillets in the pan, skin-side down, and cook for 5-6 minutes. Turn each fillet over, sprinkle over the rest of the lime juice and cook for a further 5-6 minutes or until the fish flakes easily. Serve the salmon fillets on a bed of boiled long-grain and wild rice and topped with the salsa.

If you prefer to oven bake the salmon fillets, wrap in individual foil parcels and place on a baking tray. Bake in a preheated oven at 190C / fan 170C / gas mark 5 for 25 minutes. Please remember to mention Worcester Park Life when you speak to our advertisers

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Cryptic Crossword Across 1.

Box state: empty and bare (6)


Careful dames rue mistake! (8)


Flower concealed behind an ogre? (6)

10. ‘City bus’ (Latin translation) (8) 12. Inoffensive cast slams her! (8) 13. Single lady in the US or in another country (6) 15. I don’t think Ed’ll start a message (4) 16. More gut trouble for discerning diner (7) 20. European sleeps around a little (7) 21. Stop a student entering Panama, perhaps (4)

Down 1. This round item is a comfort (8)

25. Tag sir redesigned for nothing (6)


Right answer about clergyman (8)

17. Unpopular leader forcing rebellion (8)

26. Cue bodyguard reintroduced (8)


A protector said she’ll date (6)

18. Bore trailing a male baboon (8)

28. The most unpleasant Titaness around (8)


Language the queen spoke inside dismissed (4)

19. Sling art around and become a flyer (8)

29. Sign perhaps reversed by baby (6)


Quiet strolls are a disaster! (8)

22. Reps not disheartened in a long time (6)

30. Tuners go wild for this fish (8)


Josh and Rene’s good band (6)

23. City saunas being renovated (6)

31. Kinsman detailed turnaround, that’s clear (6)


Fool many avoid the clutches of (6)

24. Bird with animal (one confused) (6)


11. A playwright mapmakers tolerated (7)

14. Drat, he’s wrongly criticised (7)

27. A city in Morocco’s located (4)

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A Photographer Dreams... February by Hugh Griffiths www.creativelight.org.uk

I have a few standard walks in Richmond Park. There is enough there to keep me busy for years, but I have been often enough that I know where my dog is happy and where I can enjoy the scenery most. This time, I had parked at the Isabella Plantation car park, and was walking down towards the Pen Ponds. There is a slope on the right as you leave the car park which leads to a fenced in area, but which has a path through it. Well, as I was walking towards this slope, I realised that there was a young stag – red deer – in the area, so I had to keep Poppy under control and back onto the lead. No great problem (bizarrely, she rather likes her lead) and I was able to walk down without frightening the stag or us. And then looking up, I saw that the deer was standing at the top and was silhouetted against the sky behind. That called for a quick snap – fortunately I had my camera out of the case and switched on already. I was keen not to just take a picture of the deer, but to give it some more interest by showing it in its environment. Again, luckily, there was a tree going across the scene that provided a good frame for the picture, and I was able to show a deer staring off into the distance, thinking about where it’s next bit of leaf would come from. Editing was quite easy. I made sure that the tree, the grass and deer were almost black – to give a silhouette effect (and, given that I was photographing the deer against a very bright background, that was pretty much the way the picture had come out anyway). The sky needed to be more than a blank canvas and so I had to bring out some of the blue colour – there in the scene, but not perfectly captured by the camera. I have put this image into mono as well as colour: some prefer it that way, but I like the blue sky in the distance. A time to remember that being ready to take a sudden photograph is sometimes well worthwhile.


I’d be the first to admit that this is not a great artistic picture. I was in Claremont Gardens – another National Trust property close to us. These gardens are fairly small (you can walk around them in less than an hour even if you stop to enjoy them while you’re going around) but there are quite a few interesting things there. A large lake with gulls, ducks, swans and other birds is always good to look at and gives a lot of photographic opportunities. The National Trust website describes it: “Many of the great names in landscape design history played a part in the creation of the estate. Over the years Sir John Vanbrugh, Charles Bridgeman, William Kent and ‘Capability’ Brown all put their own distinctive stamp on the pleasure grounds, and in 1866 Queen Victoria herself acquired the estate to save it from development. Today there are still many unique and unexpected features to discover, including the large turf amphitheatre, serpentine lake, grotto, Camellia Terrace and Belvedere Tower.” And, in addition to all that, there is a large section of woods which, in the Spring, are full of snowdrops and daffodils. This day, however, it was the trees that fascinated me – it was a nice day and families were there and playing in the gardens. This particular tree has a split trunk, and a caught this view of a child playing inside the split. For all the world, it looks like the tree is swallowing her (him?) up and the child is trying to pull themselves out of danger; a fun picture that makes me smile when I look at it. This is just a grab shot – taken without any planning or much thought: but I had noticed the children playing in the trees and had seen that they could vanish into this particular tree. So, I was ready when the chance came to take this photo. Again – I hope this will become a habit, but I have my doubts.

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You may remember that I sometimes take my dog, Poppy, for a walk in Beverley Park – I have shown some photos of the trees on the early sunlight before. But not everything has to be big and grand to look interesting and worth a picture. These small crocuses were beginning to come out this February morning; I didn’t have my “proper” camera with me … no matter, the iPhone has a decent one. There certainly are limitations with a phone camera (and the resolution (pixels) is often one of them). If you want to crop in on the image, then there will be even fewer spots of colour and light to show and the picture can look really soft and messy. However, better to take a photo with the phone than to miss this opportunity! And the quality is fine. I let Poppy carry on running around (although, to be honest, if I am taking a photo she often comes along and sits and waits for me to finish so that I can throw the frisbee for her) and lay down on the ground to get a better perspective on the flowers. From above or crouching would have been easier, but there really wouldn’t have been much interest if I had done that. A

photographer’s life can sometimes involve getting down and dirty! Oh, art, you are such a hard taskmaster. And I wanted to get close to the flowers. Smartphones don’t have a great depth of field but being low down and very close (30-40 centimetres), meant that there was a nice blur beyond the flowers. A very necessary blur, too, as there are houses in the background which would have spoiled the effect if they had been in focus. I don’t think it is a truly great photo, a bit messy, but it does capture a lovely moment. Spring is on its way! = This month I have put in one photo that I really like and has done well in club competitions – the deer in Richmond Park, and two which are nice, but not competition winners. And that is important, because winning competitions isn’t the point of photography: I like to take pictures that I enjoy, that you enjoy and that sometimes say something important. The Malden Camera Club meets on most Thursday evenings at the Library in Kingston Road. We are a friendly group and love our photography. Come along one evening. You will be very welcome!





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Clubs To feature in this section email info@wplife.co.uk Mondays

Vibrant Ukulele Club meets 7.30 – 9.30pm 1st and 3rd Mondays at The Station pub, Stoneleigh and 2nd and 4th Mondays at Christ Church with St Philip, WP. Beginners and players all welcome. The club is aimed at adults learning to play the ukulele and singing a number of well-known songs in a fun and friendly atmosphere. Music is provided and also tuition for beginners. Sessions are FREE with a small donation towards music and refreshments. Contact Steve 07795 085600

New Malden Rotary Club Malden Golf Club,Traps Lane Monday evenings 6.15 for 6.45pm Barry Collins 07740 257 255

Worcester Park Civil Service Retirement Fellowship Group first Monday of the month at 2pm and finishing by 4pm. If the first Monday falls on a Bank Holiday the meeting takes place on the second Monday. Old Malden Scout Hall, 411 Malden Road, KT4 7NY. All retired civil servants and friends are welcome to attend and if you are interested in listening to one of our speakers please contact John Wright on 020 8337 8965 or johnandglenisw@gmail.com

mailto:johnandglenisw@gmail.com Do you enjoy listening to show tunes, big band music, jazz, light classics etc? Come along to an evening of live music played by top artistes. We meet on the second Monday of each month at our Banstead venue Banstead Organ & Keyboard Club Church Institute Hall, High Street, Banstead SM7 2NN Doors open 7pm for 7:30pm start.(Visitors £7) Visitors & new members are always welcome to our concerts. 020 8330 5795, or visit www.bansteadorganclub.co.uk

Worcester Parkers Women’s Institute meet on the 3rd Monday of every month 7.45pm to 9.45pm at Christchurch with St Philip Church Hall in Ruskin Drive, Worcester Park. For more information contact Sue Hostler on 020 8337 3756 wi.worcesterparkers@gmail.com

*There is currently a waiting list. Cheam Common Art Group Small friendly Art Group who meet at Christ Church With St Philip Ruskin Road, Worcester Park 7.30 – 9.30 p.m. Welcome new members just to draw and paint in any medium without tuition. If interested come down for an evening and meet us to see whether this is for you Brenda Banks 020 8330 0928 Worcester Park Over 60’s Welcome Club meet every Monday from 1pm to 3pm at Christ Church with St Philip Church Hall in Ruskin Drive. Worcester Park. All over 60’s welcome to join us for a cup of tea and a


biscuit or two, plus some outstanding entertainment in the way of singers and musicians. One Monday a month we have Bingo and every Monday we run a raffle. Days outings to the coast are organised throughout the summer months, and mid week holidays are organised two or three times a year. Come a little earlier and meet up with some friends and have a chat before the entertainment starts. We would love to see you. Contact Joyce on 020 8330 5065. The ladies After Eight Club 2nd Monday of every month from 8pm onwards at Christchurch with St Philips church hall. We have interesting speakers, outings and dinners and all are welcome for a small subscription to cover our costs. Just come along and join in. Carol on 020 8337 2452 St James Players If you enjoy acting do come or help backstage. Monday and Wednesdays 8pm New members welcome. St James Church Hall, Bodley Road New Malden. Mem Sec: linda@dunnz,net


Music Lovers Wanted! - for “In the Mix” Singing Group. at Wesley Hall, Christchurch with St. Philip Church, Ruskin Drive, Worcester Park. Every Tuesday 1.30pm - 3.30pm. A weekly sing- along and social with pro singer/vocal coach Sheila Daniels and pianist. New songs every week, from the 1920s through to the 1970s, covering all genres. £6.50 on the door plus tea/ coffee and home-made cakes. No booking required. Sheila 07868 039 514 or visit www.thesugarband.co.uk/In_the_Mix

Vegan Group - monthly bring and share buffet,. every second Tuesday. 7.30pm until 9.30 in Room 1,Christchurch with St Philip, corner of Ruskin Drive, WP. For vegans and anyone interested in learning more about veganism. Conquest Art Group inspires people living with disability or long term health issue to discover their creative energy and build self-confidence through art. Our art group meets every Tuesday at St Mary’s Cuddington, The Avenue, Worcester Park, KT4 7HL from 1:30 to 3:30pm. Anyone over 18 is welcome, all art materials and refreshments are provided. If you would like to come along and give us a try, please contact Carole on 020 8786 8534.

The Worcester Park Dramatic Society is a local amateur drama group of long standing. We stage two major productions a year at the Adrian Mann Theatre in Ewell, in April and November. We meet every Tuesday and most Fridays at 8.15 pm in the Elmcroft Community Centre in North Cheam, on the Sainsbury’s site. Apart from play readings, rehearsals and set construction, we have quiz nights and various social

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events. We also arrange group outings to amateur and professional theatre productions. We welcome new members to help us stage future productions, anyone willing to act or work backstage. membership secretary, Trevor Payne on 07540 084430.

“Lunch Break” - a friendly lunch club for those retired, meeting on a Tuesday 12-2pm (term time only) at Worcester Park Baptist Church, The Avenue - free, but donations invited. Occasional speakers. Brian on 020 8224 6675 or Rowena 07837 941298

NHS Retirement Fellowship Are you retired or about to retire from the NHS? Why not join us on the 1st Tuesday of every month from 10am -12 at Royal British Legion, Hollyfield Road, Surbiton, KT5 AL. We have speakers, activities, coffee & chat.Other outings & activities are also arranged during the month. Lorna on 020 8337 4121


Keep Fit Stay Fit every Wednesday 10.15-11.15am at Christ Church with St Philip, Ruskin Road. Come along and give it a try ! Jo Hamilton on 020 8786 3444. The Probus Club of Ewell Coming up to retirement? Just retired? Looking to make new friends? Why not join the Probus Club of Ewell? Since it was founded over 40 years ago, the Probus Club of Ewell has been attracting businessmen from Worcester Park and its surrounding areas with a

broad range of professional and business backgrounds. We meet on the first Wednesday of each month, usually at Banstead Golf Club for a Lunch followed by a Speaker. Anyone wishing to know more about us or wanting to make contact can do so through our website www. ewellprobus.co.uk or by email to secretary@ewellprobus.co.uk. Talking Of Trains In Surbiton Programme of talks which take place locally at the Surbiton Library Hall each Wednesday evening throughout the winter months. The first meeting is free; the fee for the complete year is just £50.

www.talking of trains.co.uk

Free Badminton taster session Come and enjoy playing BADMINTON with us! Wednesdays 7:45pm to 9:15pm at Stoneleigh Methodist Church, Stoneleigh Crescent, KT19 0RT Interested? Please contact Will Ward: willjward@gmail, 020 8393 9779 or 07874 896211 or just turn up on the night. N.B. Spare racquets available - if requested beforehand.


Tunes’n’Tea Come and enjoy an afternoon of live music, tea, coffee, cakes and conversation. Every month, a selection of Rock, Pop, Jazz, Country, Folk and Standards – great tunes, old and new for you to enjoy and join in with if you wish. There’s a live band and

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singers making a fun afternoon. Feel free to dance if the music moves you! The sessions take place on the 2nd Thursday of each month. February 14th, March 14th, April 11th, May 9th, June 13th 1.30pm3.30pm St John’s Church Hall, Station Approach, Stoneleigh, KT19 0QZ (next to Stoneleigh Station, West Side) Entrance: £3.00 All Welcome! Thursdays 1.30pm and finishing at 3.30. Group Singing Lessons -“Discover the high level of well being, strength and confidence which can be achieved when you learn to sing without effort.” .Weekly small group classes. Each session focuses on gentle physical and vocal exercises, breathing technique and song practice with individual advice and feedback. Call 07868 039 514 or visit www. skylarkvocal.co.uk for more info. Sessions Mondays at 11.30am and Thursdays at 7.30pm at Christchurch with St. Philips, Worcester Park. Suitable for beginners and confident singers. Ewell Badminton Club Meet every Thursday 9.30 11.30 am in hall in Welbeck Close, Ewell, KT17 2 BJ ( near Honda Garage, Ewell Bypass ). We have use of 3 courts, and are a very friendly group of players. New players would be most welcome. Elizabeth on 0208 393 3355 or e-mail libbymuscutt@ yahoo.co.uk

St. John’s Hall is open between 2.00 and 4.00pm for Tea And Chat. If you are on your own please feel free to drop in for a free cup of tea and some company. 411 Malden Road (between Worcester Park station and The Plough). 213 Bus stops nearby. Sutton Mariners Sailing Club A local offshore sailing club founded in 1988 that meets at 8pm every Thursday evening at the Borough Sports Ground, home of Sutton United FC, Gander Green Lane, SM1 2EY. We are a small and friendly club of about 60 members and have about a dozen boat owners amongst us providing crewing opportunities during the summer months as well as enjoying meetings listening to interesting speakers and social nights. If you would like to get afloat come along and meet us – we’re sure you will enjoy the experience.

Ewell. The club was founded in 1936 and currently has a membership of 85. New members are welcome to join us at the car park in Horton Country Park on Saturdays at 10am for either a road ride or an off-road ride. Our rides are usually between 20 and 35 miles and always include a cake stop before returning by 1pm. kingstonphoenixrc@gmail.com or see our website

at kprc.org.uk.

Malden Emergency First Aid Society (Mefas) Members meet each Thursday evening at 7.30pm for First Aid training. New members required. Everyone welcome. Hall available for hire. Christine 07966661015 Breathe Easy (Merton & Sutton) Group Wheezy? Breathless? you are not alone, come and join us at your local friendly support & information group for anyone affected by a lung condition. We meet between 2-4 pm on the 3rd Thursday of every month at St. Bedes Conference Centre, St. Anthony’s Hospital, London Road, North Cheam. SM3 9DW George on 0208 647 7530

Thursday Fellowship Every Thursday at 2.30pm for men and women, finishing with a cup of tea and biscuits or cakes. A lively, friendly meeting at Worcester Park Baptist church in The Avenue. Well-known, familiar hymns and prayers, musical afternoons, and a variety of speakers on topical subjects, including help and advice. New members welcome. Church office 0208 330 1755


East Surrey Family History Society For those who are interested in finding out how to investigate their family history the Sutton Branch of the East Surrey Family History Society holds meetings on the first Thursday of the month at St Nicholas Church Hall, Robin Hood Lane. Most months we have a professional speaker. March 2 Miss Anne Carter How life changed forever in 1914 April 6 Ian Waller: Village Crafts Finding out about the records of those who worked in rural industry. www.esfhs.org.uk Kingston Phoenix Road Club is a cycling club with members in Worcester Park, New Malden, Epsom and


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The Worcester Park Hello Club launched last November and is welcoming new members! We meet every Thursday morning from 10am – 12 noon. The club is aimed at anyone who would like to come and join in with board games, quizzes, cards, occasional craft sessions - or just to have a chat and a coffee. Adults of any age are welcome to come and get to know each other. The main aims of the club are: • To meet new people and build friendships • To become involved with the local community • To access activities, information and advice The club is very friendly and informal. Every month there will be a member of staff attending from the SCILL Information & Advice Service – they have information on most topics for all your needs and will be pleased to assist you. The drop in club was set up by Sutton Vision, Christ Church with St Philip and SCILL , working together in partnership. We are fortunate to be provided with a welcoming and comfortable venue at the Christ Church with St Philip Community Hall. There are accessible toilets on site. There is a small charge for coffee and tea at the church café. SCILL 020 8770 4065 Sutton Vision 020 8409 7166 Christ Church with St Philip 020 8330 7630

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New Malden Women’s Institute Shiraz Mirza Hall, Manor Park Hall, Malden Road, New Malden, KT3 6AV. 2nd Thurs of each month at 7.30pm Barbara 0208 546 1495 or twocavs@googlemail.com


Quest a meeting place for people with physical disabilities between the ages of 20 - 60. However, once a member there is no age cut off. The aim of the club is to provide a welcoming, caring atmosphere for the members and allow the carers to have a regular break. Annual subscription. and £2.50 for lunch. We have various social activities and every second month we have a speaker. Christchurch with St. Philip, Ruskin Drive, Worcester Park. We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays in the month from 12.45 to 4p.m June Day, Club Secretary, on 02083301220

RSPB Epsom & Ewell Local group 2nd Friday of every month at 7.30, apart from July and August, at All Saints Church Hall Fulford Road, West Ewell with guest speakers who illustrate their enthusiasm on a variety of natural history subjects. We also have several birding outings throughout the year which is arranged to suit all ages. There is a small charge for non-members


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of the RSPB. rspb.org.uk/groups/epsom. The Association of Surrey Bookbinders - we meet on Friday mornings in the Scout Hut in Dell Lane, Stoneleigh Roger@gmathews.co.uk 020 8330 2306

Bridge Club A friendly club for people who have just learned to play or are looking to improve their bidding and play in an informal atmosphere which promotes learning and development. We meet every Friday in the upstairs meeting room at the Worcester Park Library, Stone Place. from 2 - 4 pm. Just turn up or email Carla at carlaplatten@gmail.com for further information.


North Cheam badminton club meet every Sunday at the Elmcroft Community Hall North Cheam. We are a small mixed club looking for new members of reasonable club standard especially ladies. Contact Pat Odonnell on 02083938895.


Auriol Bowling Club Auriol Park, Salisbury Road, Worcester Park. It is a mixed club of around 45 men and 25 women, who play outdoors from April to Sept with a busy fixture list of league and friendly matches against other

MATT LAMBERT NUTRITION COACHING Want to change the way you Eat, Look and Feel in 2019? I provide an individually tailored Online 1-1 Nutrition Coaching Service. I specialise in working with individuals: • Looking to lose weight • Seeking to improve their body composition; losing body fat and gaining or maintaining muscle I will work with you to understand your goals and using an Evidence-Based Nutrition approach I will help you to achieve the results you desire.


clubs, as well as internal club competitions. David Regan 020 8337 8919 www.auriolbowlingclub.com. Cuddington Bowling Club Sandringham Road, Worcester Park and we play on an excellent 6 rink green that has been acclaimed by many of the club’s visitors this year. We are a mixed club with about 60 members and play a range of friendly and league fixtures catering for all abilities. Secretary Mike Ridley 020 8715 8326 Treasurer Mark Broughton 020 8337 9699

Social Dancing with Glitters at Bourne Hall, Spring Street, Ewell Village. 8.30 - 11 pm. Over 18s. Entrance fee £8. All standards of dancing. 1st and 15th Feb. National Trust - Epsom, Ewell and District Supporters Group Formed in 1971, we run a varied

programme of social eventswhich includes Evening Lectures at Bourne Hall in Ewell, once a month from Oct. to June, Coach Outings which visit historichouses and gardens(not necessarily N.T.),Guided London Walks, and other trips to London e.g.The Magic Circle, The Royal Opera House (backstage tour).Other special events include Coffee Mornings, Holidays and Christmas Lunch. Newsletters are produced four times a year.If you would like more information please visit our website: www.epsom-ewell-district-nt.co.uk or telephone Paul on 020 87158486 Malden Manor Bowls Club, Manor Park, Malden Road. New members will be made very welcome. Roll ups, league matches, internal and external competitions; we offer bowling for all levels of interest and ability. Men’s Secretary Gerald 020 8949 4623 or Ladies Secretary 020 8394 0877.

Kingston & District Branch Of The Embroiderers’ Guild

Saturday, 9th February, Tartan Hearts & Fairy Doors, at Kingston Museum: Stitch Sat.(adults),11.00am – 13.00pm / Young Embroiderers, (ages 5-17), 1.30pm - 3.30pm Friday, 22nd February 2019 - a visit from South Essex College BA Hons degree course in costume construction – 7.30pm, St Marks C of E Church Hall, Surbiton (nonmembers very welcome) Check website for contact & details: www.kingstonanddistrictbranch.co.uk

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Health Finding Love and Fixing Heartbreak By Kate McLelland Valentine’s Day makes love hard to avoid, but that’s no bad thing: research shows we’re generally healthier, happier and live longer if we’re in a relationship. Yet break-ups and dysfunctional relationships can be devastating. Here are tips from the experts on starting new relationships and surviving break-ups while remaining mentally healthy. Ready for a New Relationship? Experts Relate point out that relationships can be wonderful, but also hard work, requiring perseverance and a willingness to adapt. Are there current stresses in your life that could skew your judgment or prevent you putting in the time a relationship requires? Are you looking for a relationship to solve a problem? Beware. Are you over your last partnership? You probably both did things that contributed to the relationship’s decline, so think about them to avoid making the same mistakes again.

Like it orMalden’s loathe it, we’re all familiar with the kind of art thatMalden’s appears – usually without warning – in public places. While some of these images clearly merit the description of ‘street art’, most tags (marks casually spray-painted in seconds) could be more accurately described as ‘graffiti’ (defined by the dictionary as something “scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly”).

& &

“Being able to acknowledge and accept our part in both the making and the breaking of the relationship can help us to understand what we’re good at – and what we perhaps find difficult,” advises Relate. What Kind of Relationship? How serious do you want your next partnership to elusive painter’s work. Whether you think street art is a good or bad thing, the underlying problem with anything spray-painted on a wall is its durability – it can only be removed using specialist cleaning techniques. The situation is aggravated by the fact that tagging is often associated with street gangs, whose marks are intended to establish territorial rights and warn off rival gang members. However, amongst the testosterone-fuelled antics of these urban gangs you may have noticed that another form of ‘graffiti’ is gradually emerging around the UK’s cities and towns (and even in some villages). Fluffy and lovable, ‘yarn bombing’ could be described as graffiti in sheep’s clothing – in simple terms, it is the action of covertly covering objects or structures in public places with decorative knitted or crocheted material, as a form of creative expression. Yarn bombing combines the ‘matronly’ crafts of knitting

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Under the Criminal Damage Act 1971, anyone caught defacing property can be fined or face a prison sentence of up to ten years if the damage costs more than £5,000. But despite the threat of legal action, street art has become part of our urban landscape: what’s more, it seems the public has developed a deep affection for images that transform our public spaces in a positive way. Whenever the street artist Banksy creates a new artwork, it attracts global media attention, not to mention droves of tourists eager to photograph the

homes in in KT3 KT3 and and KT4 KT4 homes

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be and what are your make or break points: marriage, children, relocation etc? What kind of partner do you want or need (not always the same thing)? “Usually, you tend to have more satisfying and longerlasting liaisons with people that share your values,” Relate advises. Think about your ethics, attitudes, and how you live your life. What role do faith, family and gender roles play? How do you choose to spend your money and free time? Sharing the same sense of humour can be a sign you’re on the same page and for most of us, it’s important to have at least a spark of physical attraction too. While it’s important to think about the kind of person who might make you happy, beware creating a profile of your perfect person and searching exclusively for them. Let New People In It can be tempting to go straight down the online dating route. After all, everyone you meet is looking for a partner too, right? Unfortunately not. Some online daters aren’t single or honest about themselves and may only be looking for sex. There’s also a lot of pressure when you’re meeting for the first time solely to evaluate romantic potential; it’s much more intense than meeting someone naturally and then gradually getting to know them, with more time to evaluate your feelings. Give it a go – but do so with caution. Widening your social circle is a great way to increase your chances of meeting a potential partner. Try volunteering, reconnecting with old friends or colleagues, or joining a group connected to a new or existing interest. This can help you build your confidence and self-esteem and allows you to meet people for the first time in relaxed circumstances. Hold on to You Try not to rush headlong into a new relationship, spending all your time with your new love and abandoning everything and everyone else. Keep doing the things you enjoy and seeing the friends and family who make you happy. If you don’t exist outside your relationship, what can you bring to it? What will you talk about? Living like this can lessen your self-esteem (and in turn, lessen your appeal as a partner or friend). Crucially, it can also make it far harder to cope with a break-up or bereavement.

of Uncoupling. “Breaking up is one part of your life experience; don’t let it be the main event.” Sara’s Four Keys to Surviving and Thriving after a breakup are: 1. Taking Responsibility (for your part in what’s happened). 2. Getting Clarity (about your feelings, the practicalities you need to sort out and who can support you). 3. Taking Back Control (rather than “living life in reaction”). 4. Focusing On Moving Forward Positively. Talk to people you trust and consider counselling; talking to someone neutral, who knows neither of you, can be a real help. Allow yourself to feel and express emotions, but spend time thinking about what you want and what you’re going to change in your life for next time, advises Sara. “Because there will be a next time. You just have to be ready and strong enough to embrace it.” Further Help: Sara Davidson, Uncoupling: How to survive and thrive after breakup and divorce, Piatkus Relate: www.relate.org.uk


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Survive a Break-Up “It’s not what happens to you in life that defines you; it’s what you do about it,” says Sara Davison, author To advertise email jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915


Puzzle Time answers on page 44

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not so easy

Pictograms 2 words


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Codeword Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a different number between 1 and 26. The codes for three letters are shown. Once you have filled these throughout the grid you can start guessing words and reveal other letters. As you find the letters enter them in the box below.

Quick Quiz Poetry 1. In the poem The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner, what type of bird does the mariner shoot and kill?

7. The epic poem The Iliad by Homer is set during a tenyear siege of which city?

2. The novel Tender Is The Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald took its name from a line in which famous poem by John Keats?

8. Inspired by the final two lines of a poem by William Ernest Henley, “I am” is the motto of which international sporting event?

3. What type of poem shares its name with the third most populated city in the Republic of Ireland? 4. Well known for the many love poems she wrote for other women, on what island was the ancient Greek poet Sappho born?

9. What is unusual about the entire content of a poem by Demetri Martin called Dammit, I’m Mad?

5. As well as the title characters, what other two types of animal feature in Edward Lear’s poem The Owl And The Pussycat?

10. In a famous poem by Rudyard Kipling, complete the last line of the verse that begins “Man’s timid heart is bursting with the things he must not say, for the Woman that God gave him isn’t his to give away, but when hunter meets with husbands, each confirms the other’s tale”...

6. Celebrating the life and poetry of Robert Burns, Burns Night occurs on the 25th of which calendar month? To advertise email jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915


Kids Play


Carer and Toddler group for all families with twins and multiples. Come and meet other local families who understand all about having more than one of everything! We meet every Thursday at Worcester Park Baptist Church from 9.30- 11.30 am with toys, craft, songs, refreshments and stories during term time. Come along and join in - other pre-school siblings also welcome. There will be a minimal cost of £2 per family.

There’s lots going on for pre-schoolers


Worcester Park Baptist Church 9.30-11.30- a lively toddler group, where carers of any kind are welcome to attend and supervise their youngsters. Our age range is from young babies to 3-4 years. Sarah on 020 8393 7299 or email via the church’s website Christ Church with St Philip Parent and Toddler www.wpbc.org.uk Group 9.30 until 11.15am - see Monday Christ Church with St Philip Parent and Toddler Group is a very welcoming and relaxed place to meet new friends for yourself and your toddlers. We are Men behaving Dadly, Grace Church - every 3rd open to all Mums, Dads, Grandparents and Carers. We Saturday of the month, 9.30 to 11 am, at Green Lane ' Pand U T YPrimary O U RSchool. G A RFor DE N and M Atheir I Npre-school T E N A Nchildren CE IN TH meet in the Church Hall on Mondays, Wednesdays Dads Fridays from 9.30 until 11.15am during term time H A N D (0-4). S O The F Skids OM N Ewith Wthe HO E ADads L Lget Y aC A R E S getEtoOplay toys,Rthe bacon roll and coffee, and Mums might possibly get a lie-in... £3 on the door. - Tree surgery - One off Tidy Toddling2Church, Christ Church with St Philip For more information & contact details, - Stump Grinding 2-3pm. Parents, carers and pre-school children are - Garden Maintenance www.gracechurchworcesterpark.org all welcome to join us for songs with percussion Strimming and Weeding Old Malden (Church-Road, Worcester Park) - Decking andLibrary Lawns instruments, a Bible story simply and sensitively told, Tuesdays, 10.30-11am, Rhyme time aimed at age 0-3 Garden clearance Trimming a story-related craft activity and, of course, drinks and - Hedge Tuesdays, 2.30-3pm, Story time aimedand at age 3+ Washing - Path Patio - Landscaping biscuits.





Christ Church with St Philip Parent and Toddler Group 9.30 until 11.15am - see Monday Worcester Park Baptist Church 9.30-11.30- see Monday. we have vacancies on a Wednesday

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1. An albatross 2. Ode To A Nightingale 3. Limerick 4. Lesbos (leading to origin of the term “lesbians”) 5. Pig (whose ring in its nose is used as a wedding ring) and Turkey (who marries them) 6. January 7. Troy 8. The Invictus Games 9. It is a palindrome (i.e. it reads the same backwards as it does forwards, as does its title) 10. The female of the species is more deadly than the male



1. Gravy train 2. Kiss and tell 3. Under starter’s orders



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