Worcester Park Life January 2020

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Worcester Park Life

KT4’s ONLY FREE Independent Community Magazine and Business Guide Jan 20 Issue 140




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Welcome to YOUR Worcester Park Life from jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk The first magazine of a new decade! Hope that the festive season has gone well so far for you - at the time of writing I’m in the usual state of December mad, stressy panic. Cards still to be bought (job for tomorrow), let alone written/posted and I’m struggling to remember what has already been purchased and hidden and where these hiding places are located. Must be more organised and write things down and store in a safe place..... There was the time a few years ago that in a flurry of frustration a phone was confiscated from a nameless daughter. When I went to retrieve it the next day to hand it back to her -, guess what (sure you have by now) - it wasn’t where I thought I’d put it. Big downside of having too many cunning hiding places and not enough concentration. Days of thorough, frustrating and fruitless searching

& Since ‘08

I hope you enjoy a good read please make sure you see what our local businesses and advertisers have to offer- i’m delighted to say we have quite a few new ones this month. If you’ve any feedback on how they’re doing, or have any ideas for future editions, news or views to share then please get in touch. Remember, we deliver to most homes every second month but if it’s not delivered to you, you can read it on your phone, tablet or PC. There are a limited number of copies available from Waitrose, Worcester Park Library, St Mary’s and Christ Church with St Philip. The copy dates for the next couple of editions are below. If you’d like to advertise or have a local story to tell, please call or email. Until next time, best wishes, and Happy New Year to you

Jenny Since ‘05

Published by Malden Media Ltd Editor Jenny Stuart jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk 020 8336 2915 www.maldenmedia.co.uk 36 Rosebery Avenue KT3 4JS


turned into turned into a whole week - yikes! - it eventually turned up in the bowl of my mixer (other daughter decided to do some baking) so had actually been under my nosed the entire time…..

Deadline for our February editions 17th January Deadline for our March editions 19th February

Please note that the opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily represent the views of the editor. All advertisements are commercial and not indicative of any endorsement by the editor who accepts no responsibility for any loss suffered directly or indirectly by any reader as a result of any advertisement or notice published in this magazine. All in-house artwork and editorial presented in this magazine remains the copyright of Malden Media Ltd. No part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored on any retieval system, or transmitted in any form - electronic, mechanical. recording, photocopying, or otherwise without prior permission from the Publisher.

Please remember to mention Worcester Park Life when you speak to our advertisers

To advertise email jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915


Worcester Park History This ‘rural residential region’ by David Rymill One of the key firms responsible for the development of Worcester Park in the late 1920s and 1930s was Lavender and Farrell, and in 1930-1 they began developing their ‘Worcester Park Estate’ made up of The Manor Drive, Highdown, Leyfield, Lady Hay and The Hollands. Probably around this time, they produced an 84-page brochure or ‘Illustrated guide.. describing the residential amenities and shopping facilities offered by Worcester Park’, also giving details of the house types on offer. In my article for December 2012, which you can still read at https://issuu. com/maldenmedia/docs/wpl_dec_12, I included a few extracts from the brochure, and I thought readers might be interested to see some more. They were keen to stress the rural character of Worcester Park – as depicted on the front cover, which is reproduced here – combined with its convenience for commuters: “Worcester Park is… quite dissimilar to numerous suburban districts vying for a kind of half-hearted popularity amongst city folks. So many of the older and more firmly established suburbs of the Metropolis conform to a pattern strictly reproduced throughout practically all parts of outer London, whereas Worcester Park is in a class of its own. There is very little hackneyed about this ‘rural residential region’ as it has been termed; for all aspects are charming, the beautiful and picturesque Surrey Downs encircling the whole vicinity. Indeed, very few passing motorists can resist the temptation of slowing down or stopping to admire the scenery even within a short distance of the railway station. “Those en route for the coast marvel that such an enchanting park-like centre of population – small though it may be in comparison with more crowded localities – should have existence where, by rights, suburban factory chimneys, unsightly gasometers, and drab dwellings ought to hold sway.” A key factor was Worcester Park’s transport links with London, as many of the newly-arriving families included at least one commuter, so the railway service, electrified in 1925, was featured prominently:


“One reason why Worcester Park is proving such a suitable home for City business men – though habitation-seekers from all parts of the country frequently ‘find’ the district – is that it is so readily accessible. Whether by train, tube or omnibus, one can travel to and from the locality with the utmost comfort and speed, the various services being of the latest up-to-date types. Electric trains to Waterloo (Southern Railway), running every twenty minutes, complete the journey in twenty-three minutes…. Fares are as follows: Quarterly season tickets to Waterloo, London Bridge, Victoria, and Holborn, £5 11s 9d first class; £3 13s 3d third class. Single tickets to Waterloo – 2s 1d first class; 1s 4d third class.” Under the heading ‘Residential facilities’, the brochure went on to list ways in which new residents could enjoy their leisure time: “The sporting facilities extended to the newcomer to Worcester Park are even more numerous than to be expected, in consideration of the recent development of what was, until a short while ago, an almost non-inhabited area… A number of first-rate tennis clubs with splendid courts, and a selection of golf courses, are accessible…. “The district is exceedingly fortunate in having a polo ground, which is that of the Worcester Park and Hurlingham Polo Clubs [Portland Avenue and adjacent roads would soon be developed on this site]…; while the Thames, available at Kingston, Hampton Court and various other points, offers exceptional boating facilities. Bathing is popular on the Hoggs’ Mill River, which flows within a few minutes walk of the Worcester Park Estate [readers are not recommended to try this today]…. “A number of societies and clubs are in existence [and indeed more were to be established in the 1930s]. The Horticultural Society in particular is becoming famous for the high quality of exhibits in shows, and it is noteworthy that the whole neighbourhood favours the culture of flowers, displays of roses and carnations gracing many a fine garden spread out before a residence. Both the Constitutional Association and

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the Choral and Dramatic Society are of importance, the latter holding concerts and performing plays throughout the winter months. Dances, entertainments, and other forms of social activity brighten the ‘atmosphere’ of what otherwise might be an all-too-quiet, select residential neighbourhood.” For the many newly-married couples contemplating buying a house, the welfare of the next generation was crucial; Lavender and Farrell were keen to set their minds at rest: “The… area is specially suited for the up-bringing of juveniles. Environment has a very great deal to do with the mental and physical development of children, and those educated anywhere near Worcester Park are found to lack very little indeed. Theirs is a life of joy and happiness, freedom from trouble and care, and as scholars they admirably fit themselves for the afterschool struggle for the attainment of their ideals..”

Unit 2 Chancerygate Business Centre Red Lion Road, Surbiton KT6 7RA

Practicalities as well as ideals were covered in the brochure. Potential purchasers were informed that “Worcester Park High Street is lined with all the essential shops, and the housewife need have no fear that she may lack service. She will, no doubt, be pleasantly surprised to learn that daily deliveries are made from the leading London stores.” Photographs were included of some of the existing shopping parades in Central Road and of the newly-built shops near the corner of Green Lane, and there were advertisements for well-established businesses such as the bakers J W Morley and Sons, at ‘No. 5, Cheamside’ (the lower corner of Longfellow Road, now the Halifax). As the advertisement reproduced here shows, residents were offered “perfect installation if your wireless installation is by Lawrence Newell”, next door to Morleys’ at 4 Cheamside. L & F described their advertisers as “thoroughly well recommended” and advised new residents “to whom the selection of local dealers is frequently the cause of much doubt and indecision… to place trial orders with the firms concerned.” David.Rymill1993@alumni.aber.ac.uk (020) 8330 6563

Worcester Park, Old Malden and North Cheam: History at our Feet Published in 2012 and available at £10 (plus £2 towards postage if required) from the Rymill family. Ring 020 8330 6563 for more details. This 300-page book tells the story of Worcester Park from the Iron Age to the present day, and includes memories of local life from 1908 onwards, and over 150 maps, photographs and drawings - mostly never published before.

To advertise email jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915


Ruth Jemmett Writes Looking To The Future January Days As we embark on a New Year let us hope that it’s not as dramatic as the last one! Wherever we turned the word ‘Brexit’ was thrown in our direction, closely followed by endless headlines concerning the royal scandal. As the dust settles perhaps, we will revert to more mundane news bulletins – but I doubt it! On the home front our minds are still reeling from the chaos of Christmas, there is such a big build up to it, with its unrealistic expectations and commercial razz-matazz, that things can seem rather lacklustre as January appears on the horizon. January, the first month of the year – also the coldest one - is derived from the Roman god Janus, guardian of doorways and bridges. He had two faces, looking in opposite directions - backwards towards the old year, and forward to the new. As we glance over our shoulders, we will smile at some of our recent memories, but have some regrets about poor decisions we might have made. If only our minds were like our computers. We could delete embarrassing things we have said! Although here in the northern hemisphere the shortest day has gone, we will still have many grey days and much cold weather to contend with. We need to take special care of wildlife during this cod period. The Anglo-Saxons called this time Wolfmonath. It was a time when wild beasts were most likely to take human prey. New Year is especially important to people in Scotland, with ‘first-footing’ still being observed in many areas. In the 1950s, when I was a girl, we wanted to observe the ritual. Tradition demanded that a man was required to knock on the door at midnight and proffer food and a lump of coal to signify the comforts of home for the coming year. We had a problem. Our father had deserted us, so his stand-in was our Collie dog Laddie, who trotted indoors wearing a crust of bread and a lump of coal tied around his neck – and a rather confused expression!


6th January marks the Christian festival, The Epiphany. This commemorates the manifestation of the young Christ to The Magi, who were three wise men who had travelled from the east, following a star, and bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. The Epiphany is also known as Twelfth Night. Traditionally this the time when we should get our Christmas decorations down, although I must admit that I can be a little tardy in doing this! The 7th January marks a great moment in the world of travel. On this day in 1785 the first aerial crossing of the English Channel in a hot air hydrogen balloon was made by Frenchman Jean Pierre Blanchard and American John Jeffries. On 9th of January 1799 Income Tax was introduced into the UK at the rate of two shillings in the pound, as a way of funding the Napoleonic Wars. The 9th January the founder of the world-famous group Led Zeppelin, Jimmy Page, will be 76. When I was a girl my late Grandmother, Victoria Campbell, used to run The Epsom, Ewell and Stoneleigh Stage School. I vividly remember one of her variety shows, when she introduced a shy looking Epsom boy guitarist onto the stage of the old Ebbisham Hall theatre in Ashley Road. He brought the house down with his talent, and eventually went on to be described by Rolling Stone magazine, as the third greatest guitarist in history, after Eric Clapton and Jimi Hendrix. What a talent. On 12th January 1915 a proposal to give women the right to vote was rejected by the U.S. Senate. It is hard to believe that in relatively recent times half of the world’s population was denied such a basic human right. During the last few months I have tried to encourage younger women to let their political voice be heard regarding Brexit. We must never take our right to vote be taken for granted, as when our grandmothers were alive women were legally classed alongside children and mental defectives! On 25th January in 1759 the great Scottish poet

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Robert Burns was born. People from all over the world commemorate his birth by celebrating Burns Night, when a Haggis supper is served, and there is much merrymaking to the sound of bagpipes playing! A haggis consists of the heart, lungs and liver of a sheep, chopped up with suet, oatmeal and onions, traditionally boiled in a sheep’s stomach bag! Of course, the evening wouldn’t be complete without a rendition of Auld Lang Syne! The start of a New Year stirs all sorts of emotions in us. We write lists of good intentions and hope that with each new day we will become improved versions of ourselves. Some people join gyms hoping to get trim after the excesses of Christmas, whilst others enrol at night school. We look forward, hoping that the New Year will be an improvement on the old one. I have written diaries since I was eleven years old, and it is fascinating to read the words of the person I once was. Some of my dreams have come true, whilst others have fallen by the wayside! However, with each passing year I always have hope in my heart that things will get better. Perhaps you could cheer up a dull January day by marking Bubble Wrap Awareness Day, which falls on the last Monday of the month! A Happy New Year to you all.

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Worcester Park Athletic Club – the Centenary looms At a meeting, chaired by Mr. Alfred Armitage J.P., which was held at the St. Philip’s Girls’ School on Tuesday October 22nd, 1921, Mr. P. Burchell stated that terms had been agreed upon with local landowner, Mr. Thomas Weeding Weeding, to secure Skinner’s Field, next to Worcester Park Railway Station, as a recreation ground for an athletic club for the district. This club was essentially for the benefit of the ex-servicemen of the district. Although the lease on this ground was only for 8 years, the Chairman hoped that it might become permanent, “so that the present and future generations in the district might always have a sports field. He moved that the club be formed, and that it be designated the Worcester Park Athletic Club.” Mr Armitage was elected President of this new club and amongst the Vice-Presidents was Sir George Rowland Blades M.P. for Epsom (later Lord Ebbisham). A set of rules had been drafted which allowed all the exservicemen of the area to become members was passed, together with the subscription rates. “On the proposition of Mr. Burchell, the members of the existing cricket and football clubs were elected en bloc.”


 

These two sports clubs were Cheam Common C. C. and Worcester Park Football Club, who had already been involved in discussions about finding a new sports field and had already agreed to merge. Cheam Common C.C. had been founded in 1872 primarily by the Rev. Hugh Bigg-Withers, the rector of St. Philip’s Church, and Francis Pennington the landlord of ‘The Drill’. The first matches were played in a meadow next to the pub. Worcester Park Football Club was founded in 1900 by persons unknown, although local land-owner and builder, Andrew Blake, probably was a great influence as he was to provide them, in 1904, with a football field down Lindsey Road. His son, Frederick Blake, who captained the team in 1909, went on to be the First XI captain for both the cricket and football sections of the Athletic club. I am, at the moment, writing a book upon these two clubs and the people who played for them, as they were basically the characters behind an institution which has served the local community for almost a hundred years. If anyone has any photographs of local sports’ teams prior to 1920 I would be extremely interested in seeing them. Please contact David.stemp@virgin.net

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Blueberry Custard Tarts These fruity tarts have a rich creamy custard filling with a crisp pastry case. If you prefer you can use shortcrust pastry.

Ready in 1 hour, plus cooling | Makes 8


75g caster sugar 3 medium egg yolks

2 tbsp cornflour

1 tsp vanilla extract 350ml milk

500g puff pastry, thawed if frozen

Flour, for dusting


100g fresh blueberries


Whisk the sugar, egg yolks, cornflour and vanilla extract together in a heatproof bowl until smooth. Heat the milk in a pan over a medium heat until almost boiling. Whisk the hot milk into the egg mixture then pour back into the pan. Gradually bring the mixture to the boil, stirring all the time, until a smooth custard forms. Remove the pan from the heat and cover the surface closely with greasproof paper to prevent a skin forming. Leave to cool completely. Meanwhile roll the pastry out on a lightly dusted surface to a 3mm thickness. Stamp out eight 12cm rounds of pastry and use to line eight 8cm fluted tartlet tins. Prick the bases with a fork and chill in the fridge whilst the custard is cooling. Preheat the oven to 200C, 180C fan, gas mark 6. Divde the cooled custard mixture between the pastry cases and scatter over the blueberries. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until the pastry is crisp and golden. Serve warm or cold.

Place a baking sheet in the oven to heat up then place the filled tartlet tins on it for baking. The extra burst of heat will help to ensure a crisp pastry base Please remember to mention Worcester Park Life when you speak to our advertisers

To advertise email jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915


New Decade – New Start Try Square Dancing In Stoneleigh – First Class Free New Beginners Class Starts Tuesday 7Th January 2020 From 07.00 To 8.30 Pm At Stjohn’s Parish Centre, Station Approach, Stoneleigh, Kt19 0Qz In 2011 Granville and Wendy moved to Worcester Park and set up Hogsmill Square Dance Club. We now have over a hundred dancers meeting regularly in this area, enjoying the exercise, the friendships, the social events, the laughter when things go astray and sense of achievement when a dance goes well. Square dancing involves teamwork as it takes 8 people to make up a square with the Caller leading the dancers through the movements carefully making sure everybody understands. The great thing is that there are no long dance routines to learn – just the individual moves, a bit like structured barn dancing without the skipping. The more moves you learn the more interesting it gets! Every routine is different so it is never boring! Square dancing is great fun for couples, singles and families and provides an interactive social evening. It combines physical and mental stimulation for people of all ages and provides a “well being” effect as you join in with other people, make new friends and master new skills. All the moves are easy to learn with everybody helping each other along the way – it is often called fun and friendship set to music. This music being drawn from a wide range of tastes including new and classic pop, jazz, country and western, rock and roll etc. Square dancing is truly international as it is danced throughout the world, using the exact same moves, and these are always called in English. Granville, and his wife Wendy, have danced at clubs in such diverse locations as Florida, Copenhagen, Bratislava, Vienna, Paris and numerous towns in Germany! Fourteen club members danced in Amsterdam at the 2018 Convention and a similar number will be dancing in Sweden this summer with over 1000 dancers from 17 different countries including Russia, China, Norway and Australia.


On Tuesday, January 7th, Hogsmill Square Dance Club is holding a FREE taster session at St John’s Parish Centre, Station Approach, Stoneleigh KT19 0QZ from 7.00-8.30pm - come along and see how much fun exercise can be – your Tuesdays evenings may never be the same again! If you cannot make the 7th January 2020 do not worry as we will be happy to accept new students throughout the first month. Please telephone if you wish to join us on the 22nd January as we meet at a different venue that night. You will never know whether you like it unless you try it! If you have any questions, please contact Granville and Wendy Spencer on Tel: 02035 567449, Mob: 07742881439 or 07752 431721, E-mail: spencer8@tiscali.co.uk

NEW DECADE, NEW START Low impact exercise that is never boring with new music every week

FIRST SESSION FREE Tuesday 7th January

7.00 – 8.30 pm


Couples spend quality time together, Singles make new friends No skipping, no pirouettes, no posing. Square dancing is teamwork and patterns. FURTHER INFO CONTACT GRANVILLE ON 02035 567449 or 07752 431721 - spencer8@tiscali.co.uk

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Call 0208 644 8474 for more details and to make a booking

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How to keep your dog safe and warm this winter Although it’s a beautiful season, winter brings unique challenges when you’re caring for a dog. Keeping them safe and warm in these colder months isn’t difficult, however – it just needs a little foreword planning and awareness of the dangers. Keep them warm after walks Walks can be cold, wet, and muddy at this time of the year, so make sure they’re dried off well when you get back home. They’ll probably want to rest in a nice warm bed that’s away from draughts. Don’t leave them in the car It’s not just summer heat that’s dangerous for dogs. Leaving your dog alone in the car in winter exposes them to the danger of hypothermia, which can be fatal and is characterised by shivering, lethargy, and shortness of breath. Check for snow in their pads It’s a good idea to check for compacted snow between

your dog’s pads – longhaired breeds are particularly prone to this. The snow forms balls of ice that can be very painful and should be removed or melted as soon as possible. Don’t forget visibility The dark, short days of winter introduce a visibility problem for you and your dog when you’re out walking. It’s advisable to buy a light for their collar, an LED lead, or use a reflective coat to ensure they’re readily visible. Keeping your dog warm and safe in winter requires a little forethought, but then you can have plenty of fun without worrying about the cold. www.battersea.org.uk/pet-advice/dog-care-advice/ winter-dog-care www.purina.co.uk/dogs/health-and-nutrition/ symptoms-to-watch-out-for/hypothermia-in-dogs

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22/11/2019 10:01:06



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Parkin’ some thoughts Old dog, new year, new trick by Nick Hazell “It’s good you’re getting older,” said Victoria. “It means you’re not dead.” Although I couldn’t argue with the logic, it did strike me as rather harsh. It was my 47th birthday and I was feeling somewhat sorry for myself having shuffled another year closer to the crematorium. My mood wasn’t improved as I began opening the gifts my wife had bought to commemorate my graceless ageing. Before you start thinking I’m an ungrateful git, it’s necessary to understand that although normally inventive, her well-meaning but misinterpreted instructions to assorted members of our family the Christmas before last led to my receipt of 29 pairs of unwearable novelty socks. So, as I unwrapped the first 5 pairs of pants, I wasn’t hopeful. I then opened what I could only assume was either meant for someone else or an attempt to earn £250 from the producers of “You’ve Been Framed” at the expense of my dignity. A stand up paddle boarding session? Really? I can sometimes stand up walking but that can’t be guaranteed, so the thought of balancing on a plank above the fetid River Thames had my heart sinking faster than an elephant wearing concrete stilettos walking over quick sand. I must obviously have displayed my confusion through a series of compromising facial expressions as Mrs H told me to get a grip.

In so far as the paddle boarding was concerned, I’d thus backed myself into a very small corner in a very large bus. So, there was no other option but to convince myself that I might enjoy it provided there was some flexibility on the “stand up” element. I’d just have to keep my eyes open for musical amphibians of Latinate disposition and Harry Hill. The weather though eventually denied this particular old dog the opportunity to learn a new trick. I’m up for a challenge but not a water based activity in a Force 10 gale and a diagonal rain storm. On this occasion I stayed on dry land, but despite my initial misgivings, I’ve come to see this as only a deferral not a defeat. A challenge for the New Year greater than finding a use for a large number of otherwise useless socks. We all need one of those!

I still wasn’t convinced. To make things worse, my sleep that night was disturbed by bizarre images of me splashing around in the Thames as Kermit The Frog sailed away on my paddle board strumming his little guitar and singing a medley of “Happy Birthday” and “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” in Spanish. This did little to settle my sea legs or for that matter, my stomach. I then remembered what I’d claimed at a recent strategy day, a phenomenon that I seem to be have been more exposed to of late. Essentially it seems to involve getting together as a group to think of new ways of doing the same thing and eat cake. For some “light relief” and as one of those excruciating exercises that only HR (or as they are now known, Talent) professionals enjoy, we all had to describe ourselves or our outlook on life in 6 words. The previous night, Victoria had suggested I use “short, speccy lawyer and slightly wobbly,” but I felt they were looking for something less literal and more meaningful. After some thought I went for “challenges are inevitable, defeat is optional.”


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At the start of any year, we try to gaze into our crystal ball and gather some useful insights regarding the future of the property market. The market has been dogged by political uncertainty for about 4 years during which many played safe waiting for the right time to put plans into action. It will take time before we can fully assess the impact of Boris’s return to No 10 however a period of greater stability is expected. We have written often about a significant pent-up demand that has been building for some years and expect that to be unleashed, at least in the south of England. When exactly that will happen, we wouldn’t like to guess.

One of the more interesting nuggets of information recently published by Rightmove was that their viewing figures peak at 8:48pm on a Wednesday. That would align with the increase in the number of email enquiries we are used to seeing on a Thursday morning giving just enough time to book viewings in for the weekend.

December is, unsurprisingly, the quietest month on Rightmove but there is a 200% increase in searches in the period between Christmas and New Year. On Boxing Day, with the luxury of a few days at home together, people start to imagine their New Year, and by early January they already Our observations regarding the year just have a good idea of what they are looking ended do give us an idea of what the for and where. following year holds and are worth sharing. EPC LANDLORD ALERT The first quarter of 2019 was quieter than normal, but transaction volumes picked up EPC’s (Energy Performance Certificates) have been with us for more than 10 years in April and remained steady. and have long been a requirement when The main trends for 2019 were that first-time selling a property. An EPC assesses the buyers tended to skip a rung on the property energy efficiency score of a property which ladder. Traditionally a first purchase would is then displayed in bands A-G. On 1st April have been a one/two bedroom flat, but 2018 it became illegal to start, or renew, a we’ve noticed that, locally, a two/three tenancy in a property unless it had an EPC bedroom house is the more likely first rating of A-E, so those properties that were purchase. Meanwhile smaller properties are energy inefficient required improvement being bought by downsizers. before they could be rented. In 2016 there was a surge in buy-to-let Some properties, on long term lets, were purchases to beat stamp duty changes. unaffected however from 1 April 2020 they Since then there have been further tax too must have an EPC rating of E or above. changes for Landlords which have made Landlords who have long term tenants in investments less attractive. As a result, properties that may need improvement, and there are far fewer investors in the market which don’t currently have an EPC should and consequently smaller properties have get one completed as a priority so that any sometimes taken a little longer to sell than improvements can be completed before the end of March deadline. we would expect.



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Voice for Wildlife Happy Wildlife Friendly New Year by Carol Williams I’m writing this before Christmas and before the General Election. By the time you read this both events will have passed. And now it is January 2020. What will the year bring for the world’s wildlife, for our UK wildlife and for the environment? Will we see greater protections, more concern generally for our devastating impact on other species? What about signing up for Veganuary? That will make an excellent start to a year of trying to make a difference for wildlife and the planet. You can do so at https:// veganuary.com/register/ - just put ‘Veganuary’ into your search engine and it will come up. Chris Packham, one of our much loved naturalists and presenter of the BBC Spring, Autumn and Winter watches, signed up last year, stayed vegan afterwards and is now promoting Veganuary this year to all his followers on Twitter. With daily emails you will be eased into plant-based living - if Chris is recommending it, it should be good enough for any wildlife lover. That’s my view anyway - if he supports it, then it’s a great idea for helping Nature and we should all do likewise. I applaud Chris - being in the limelight like he is, he has courage. But he also has science on his side. In the latest magazine from Viva! I read this : “A landmark UN report has warned that 1 million species are now threatened with extinction - many within decades. Extinction happens naturally at a rate of 1 to 5 a year; we’re losing species at up to 1,000 times that background rate. The culprits are: changes in land and sea use,direct exploitation ( including hunting and fishing); climate change; pollution and invasive alien species. Livestock farming and fishing are at the heart of all of these. Compiled by 145 experts from 50 countries, the report says, ‘Nature is declining at rates unprecedented in human history - and the rate of species extinctions is accelerating, with grave impacts on people around the world now likely.’ The authors say it’s not too late to make a difference, but only if we start now, at every level, from local to global.” Start NOW - no time to lose, we have already delayed long enough. Will the world’s leaders act? Will we? The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC) report, Climate Change and Land, highlights the damage livestock farming is doing to the land surface of the planet. Contributed to by 107 experts from 52 countries, the report found that a half billion people are already living in places turning into desert, and soil is


being lost between 10 and 100 times faster than it is forming. The authors say that a shift towards a plantbased diet would help preserve land, lower greenhouse gas emissions and benefit health. Yes, you read that right - a shift to plant -based eating is required to help preserve land, lower greenhouse gas emissions and benefit health. That’s what the IPCC report on Climate Change said. 107 experts from 52 countries said this. If we are serious about addressing the problems that climate change is causing for wildlife, and will continue to cause for all life on earth, including ourselves, we must pay attention to the science. Those of us with grandchildren really must begin to get to grips with this - if we do not, what legacy are we leaving to those we love and to the children they may have after we are gone? A Nature depleted world, so much rich diversity lost and a planet that is increasingly depleted of resources to sustain life at all- all because so many of us failed to do enough in time to prevent it. I find this idea tragic. Greta Thunberg said “ I don’t want you to listen to me, I want you to listen to the scientists”. Well, me too. Never mind me - I am simply a vehicle passing on what I learn from reading the reports of climate scientists and wildlife experts. Chris Packham says ‘ sign up to Veganuary’, the IPCC says we need a shift towards plantbased agriculture. Who are we to refuse to listen, refuse to act, deny what is being told to us by experts, dismiss the science, shrug away inconvenient truths? “A vegan diet is probably the single biggest way to reduce your impact on planet Earth, not just greenhouse gases, but global acidification, eutrophication, land use and water use “ - that was Joseph Poore, Environmental Science Researcher, University of Oxford in a groundbreaking report published last year. Anyone think they are more knowledgeable and qualified than any of these people? Let this be the year we actually turn the tide for the planet. There is much to be done, from the big, important things like sourcing our energy from green companies using renewables, reducing our use of cars and planes and adopting plant-based eating habits, to the smaller things like feeding the wildlife in our gardens through the cold spells, creating ponds, and making sure that when the grass and wildflowers begin to grow again, we let them grow and set seed, providing food for insects and birds. We should all

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be picking up litter, not leaving it to injure or kill wild creatures. When shopping, we must try to avoid plastic. Anyone not able to go fully vegan just yet, could at least give up fish and dairy. Commercial fishing is emptying the oceans of all their abundant life and destroying the marine ecosystem, plastic from discarded nets is killing wild creatures like turtles, whales, dolphins, seals and birds - this trash from fishing makes up approximately 40% of all the plastic in the ocean; in addition, sea birds and marine mammals are dying of starvation because we humans have taken so much of their food - food we don’t need, we have ample alternative choices, don’t we? The wild denizens of the world’s seas do not, they need the fish and crustaceans for their survival and breeding success. As wildlife lovers we simply must stop stealing their only food source. Buying farmed fish is no solution - these factory farms for fish are breeding grounds for diseases that inevitably escape into the wild environment. The Dairy Industry is responsible for the annual badger cull in which a staggering 63,000 badgers were massacred last year. Who cares for wildlife? What we buy and what we eat matters - we absolutely must start to eat like we care about protecting, respecting and conserving our wildlife! Friends of the Earth’s old mantra ‘ Think globally, act locally’ really should be the watchword for all of us.

Jeremy Corbyn, it seems, pledged to plant 2 billion trees and create 10 more national parks if elected. Well, it remains to be seen how he proposes to fulfil such a promise, should he. by now, be in government. It is easy to make big statements of intention when in opposition and when dreaming up election manifestos. Where is the land for all of this? We need these trees of course - badly. Not only are they an essential tool in the fight against climate change, they ‘lift the heart and soothe the soul’ as it says on the front of my Autumn issue of the National Trust magazine. I can see space for many scores more trees in our locality - along every street. Shadbolt Park has some gaps just asking for more trees. As do other parks, school fields, college campuses and the grounds of many businesses. How about withdrawing the subsidies to animal farmers unless they use the money to plant a quota of native trees and hedgerow? Their operations, are, after all, a big cause of the problem! Then there is the motoring lobby - suppose for every car manufactured, 2 trees had to be planted? The uplands of Scotland need to be cleared of sheep, which have destroyed the landscape - it needs to return to the pine forest that it was naturally in the past. Who needs to eat little lambs? Nobody. I am thankful we have the National Trust, the RSPB and the Woodland Trust, who are all working hard to conserve. protect and manage the woodland and other habitats in their care and putting great efforts into restoration as well as creating new woodland, wetlands and meadow. Here is something from the NT : “ We are working to link isolated woodlands and other natural areas to create corridors of additional trees and woods to help wildlife move around and thrive. We are starting to identify areas on our land where increasing tree cover will help nature.” Hurrah! More of this please! But now I also need to see NT cafes and tea rooms providing ever more plant-based options in their cafes and tea rooms. So far, they don’t impress. After all, how can the public do their bit to help combat climate change if the opportunities to eat for the planet’s benefit, are not provided by the very organisations supposedly in the vanguard of the battle? So - New Year Resolution for wildlife -change your diet. Join Chris Packham on Veganuary.


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Clubs To feature in this section email info@wplife.co.uk Mondays

Vibrant Ukulele Club meets 7.30 – 9.30pm 1st and 3rd Mondays at The Station pub, Stoneleigh and 2nd and 4th Mondays at Christ Church with St Philip, WP. Beginners and players all welcome. The club is aimed at adults learning to play the ukulele and singing a number of well-known songs in a fun and friendly atmosphere. Music is provided and also tuition for beginners. Sessions are FREE with a small donation towards music and refreshments. Contact Steve 07795 085600

New Malden Rotary Club Malden Golf Club,Traps Lane Monday evenings 6.15 for 6.45pm Worcester Park Civil Service Retirement Fellowship Group first Monday of the month at 2pm and finishing by 4pm. If the first Monday falls on a Bank Holiday the meeting takes place on the second Monday. Old Malden Scout Hall, 411 Malden Road, KT4 7NY. All retired civil servants and friends are welcome to attend and if you are interested in listening to one of our speakers please contact John Wright on 020 8337 8965 or johnandglenisw@gmail.com

mailto:johnandglenisw@gmail.com Do you enjoy listening to show tunes, big band music, jazz, light classics etc? Come along to an evening of live music played by top artistes. We meet on the second Monday of each month at our Banstead venue Banstead Organ & Keyboard Club Church Institute Hall, High Street, Banstead SM7 2NN Doors open 7pm for 7:30pm start.(Visitors £7) Visitors & new members are always welcome to our concerts. 020 8330 5795, or visit www.bansteadorganclub.co.uk

Worcester Parkers Women’s Institute meet on the 3rd Monday of every month 7.45pm to 9.45pm at Christchurch with St Philip Church Hall in Ruskin Drive, Worcester Park. Carolyn Felton 07721070097 wi.worcesterparkers@gmail.com

*There is currently a waiting list. Cheam Common Art Group Small friendly Art Group who meet at Christ Church With St Philip Ruskin Road, Worcester Park 7.30 – 9.30 p.m. Welcome new members just to draw and paint in any medium without tuition. If interested come down for an evening and meet us to see whether this is for you Brenda Banks 020 8330 0928 The Broadway Sequence Dancing Raeburn Hall, Tolworth from 8 to 1015pm. Those who have learnt ballroom dancing should have little difficulty in mastering sequence. No charge for the first ‘taster’ and then it’s just £5 per night. www.broadwaysequencedance.co.uk Worcester Park Over 60’s Welcome Club 1st Monday each month from 1pm to 3pm at Christ


Church with St Philip Church Hall in Ruskin Drive. Worcester Park. All over 60’s welcome to join us for a cup of tea and a biscuit or two, plus some outstanding entertainment in the way of singers and musicians. One Monday a month we have Bingo and every Monday we run a raffle. Days outings to the coast are organised throughout the summer months, and mid week holidays are organised when possible. Come a little earlier and meet up with some friends and have a chat before the entertainment starts. We would love to see you. Contact Joyce on 020 8337 2199. The ladies After Eight Club 2nd Monday of every month from 8pm onwards at Christchurch with St Philips church hall. We have interesting speakers, outings and dinners and all are welcome for a small subscription to cover our costs. Just come along and join in. Carol on 020 8337 2452 St James Players If you enjoy acting do come or help backstage. Monday and Wednesdays 8pm New members welcome. St James Church Hall, Bodley Road New Malden. Mem Sec: linda@dunnz,net


Elmcroft Tuesday Badminton Club Fancy a friendly game of badminton? Please come along to the Tuesday evening badminton club at The Colin Peel Hall, Elmcroft Community Centre, 570 London Road, North Cheam, Surrey SM3 9AB. Try for free, no need to pay for first visit. If you are interested please contact Kwok on 07773085139 or email elmcroftbdmntn@gmail.com.

Music Lovers Wanted! - for “In the Mix” Singing Group. at Wesley Hall, Christchurch with St. Philip Church, Ruskin Drive, Worcester Park. Every Tuesday 1.30pm - 3.30pm. A weekly sing- along and social with pro singer/vocal coach Sheila Daniels and pianist. New songs every week, from the 1920s through to the 1970s, covering all genres. £6.50 on the door plus tea/ coffee and home-made cakes. No booking required. Sheila 07868 039 514 or visit www.thesugarband.co.uk/In_the_Mix

Vegan Group - monthly bring and share buffet,. every second Tuesday. 7.30pm until 9.30 in Room 1,Christchurch with St Philip, corner of Ruskin Drive, WP. For vegans and anyone interested in learning more about veganism. Conquest Art Group inspires people living with disability or long term health issue to discover their creative energy and build self-confidence through art. Our art group meets every Tuesday at St Mary’s Cuddington, The Avenue, Worcester Park, KT4 7HL from 1:30 to 3:30pm. Anyone over 18 is welcome, all art materials and refreshments are provided. If you would

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like to come along and give us a try, please contact Carole on 020 8786 8534.

The Worcester Park Dramatic Society is a local amateur drama group of long standing. We stage two major productions a year at the Adrian Mann Theatre in Ewell, in April and November. We meet every Tuesday and most Fridays at 8.15 pm in the Elmcroft Community Centre in North Cheam, on the Sainsbury’s site. Apart from play readings, rehearsals and set construction, we have quiz nights and various social events. We also arrange group outings to amateur and professional theatre productions. We welcome new members to help us stage future productions, anyone willing to act or work backstage. membership secretary, Trevor Payne on 07540 084430.

“Lunch Break” -A friendly lunch club for those retired, meeting on a Tuesday 12-2pm (term time only) at Worcester Park Baptist Church, The Avenue. 2-course lunch for suggested donation of £3 (to cover our costs). Occasional speakers. Brian on 020 8224 6675 or Rowena on 07837 941298

NHS Retirement Fellowship Are you retired or about to retire from the NHS? Why not join us on the 1st Tuesday of every month from 10am -12 at Royal British

Legion, Hollyfield Road, Surbiton, KT5 AL. We have speakers, activities, coffee & chat.Other outings & activities are also arranged during the month. Lorna on 020 8337 4121


Talking of trains is steaming again! The regular weekly meetings of Trains resume on Wednesday 18th September at 7pm in the Library Hall of Surbiton Library. The programme has a wide variety of topics as diverse as the Railways of Derbyshire area and rail preservation in France! We also welcome a senior Rail Freight manager for an overview of freight on Britain’s railways from the 19th to the 21st century. The first meeting is free and then it is just £50 covering all of the 20 meetings. www.talkingoftrains.co.uk Keep Fit Stay Fit every Wednesday 10.15-11.15am at Christ Church with St Philip, Ruskin Road. Come along and give it a try ! Jo Hamilton on 020 8786 3444. The Probus Club of Ewell Coming up to retirement? Just retired? Looking to make new friends? Why not join the Probus Club of Ewell? Since it was founded over 40 years ago, the Probus Club of Ewell has been attracting businessmen from Worcester Park and its surrounding areas with a broad range of professional and business backgrounds. We meet on the first Wednesday of each month, usually at Banstead Golf Club for a Lunch followed

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by a Speaker. Anyone wishing to know more about us or wanting to make contact can do so through our website www. ewellprobus.co.uk or by email to secretary@ewellprobus.co.uk. Talking Of Trains In Surbiton Programme of talks which take place locally at the Surbiton Library Hall each Wednesday evening throughout the winter months. The first meeting is free; the fee for the complete year is just £50. www.talking of trains.co.uk

Free Badminton taster session Come and enjoy playing BADMINTON with us! Wednesdays 7:45pm to 9:15pm at Stoneleigh Methodist Church, Stoneleigh Crescent, KT19 0RT Interested? Please contact Will Ward: willjward@gmail, 020 8393 9779 or 07874 896211 or just turn up on the night. N.B. Spare racquets available - if requested beforehand.


The Malden and Coombe Townswomen’s Guild welcome new members. We meet at 10am on the third Thursday of the month at the United Reformed Church hall in New Malden. We are a friendly group of women of all ages and back-grounds. We have interesting speakers from various organisations; outings, clubs, bring and buy sales and competitions. We are currently offering a first visit free of charge. 020 8337 7423

Tunes’n’Tea Come and enjoy an afternoon of live music, tea, coffee, cakes and conversation. Every month, a selection of Rock, Pop, Jazz, Country, Folk and Standards – great tunes, old and new for you to enjoy and join in with if you wish. There’s a live band and singers making a fun afternoon. Feel free to dance if the music moves you! The sessions take place on the 2nd Thursday of each month. 1.30pm-3.30pm St John’s Church Hall, Station Approach, Stoneleigh, KT19 0QZ (next to Stoneleigh Station, West Side) Entrance: £3.00 All Welcome! Thursdays 1.30pm and finishing at 3.30. Group Singing Lessons -“Discover the high level of well being, strength and confidence which can be achieved when you learn to sing without effort.” .Weekly small group classes. Each session focuses on gentle physical and vocal exercises, breathing technique and song practice with individual advice and feedback. Call 07868 039 514 or visit www. skylarkvocal.co.uk for more info. Sessions Mondays at 11.30am and Thursdays at 7.30pm at Christchurch with St. Philips, Worcester Park. Suitable for beginners and confident singers. Ewell Badminton Club Meet every Thursday 9.30 11.30 am in hall in Welbeck Close, Ewell, KT17 2 BJ ( near Honda Garage, Ewell Bypass ). We have use of 3 courts, and are a very friendly group


of players. New players would be most welcome.

Elizabeth on 0208 393 3355 or e-mail libbymuscutt@ yahoo.co.uk

St. John’s Hall is open between 2.00 and 4.00pm for Tea And Chat. If you are on your own please feel free to drop in for a free cup of tea and some company. 411 Malden Road (between Worcester Park station and The Plough). 213 Bus stops nearby. Sutton Mariners Sailing Club A local offshore sailing club founded in 1988 that meets at 8pm every Thursday evening at the Borough Sports Ground, home of Sutton United FC, Gander Green Lane, SM1 2EY. We are a small and friendly club of about 60 members and have about a dozen boat owners amongst us providing crewing opportunities during the summer months as well as enjoying meetings listening to interesting speakers and social nights. If you would like to get afloat come along and meet us – we’re sure you will enjoy the experience. www.suttonmariners.org.uk

East Surrey Family History Society For those who are interested in finding out how to investigate their family history the Sutton Branch of the East Surrey Family History Society holds meetings on the first Thursday of the month at St Nicholas Church Hall, Robin Hood Lane. Most months we have a professional speaker. March 2 Miss Anne Carter How life changed forever in 1914 April 6 Ian Waller: Village Crafts Finding out about the records of those who worked in rural industry. www.esfhs.org.uk Kingston Phoenix Road Club is a cycling club with members in Worcester Park, New Malden, Epsom and Ewell. The club was founded in 1936 and currently has a membership of 85. New members are welcome to join us at the car park in Horton Country Park on Saturdays at 10am for either a road ride or an off-road ride. Our rides are usually between 20 and 35 miles and always include a cake stop before returning by 1pm. kingstonphoenixrc@gmail.com or see our website at kprc.org.uk.

Malden Emergency First Aid Society (Mefas) Members meet each Thursday evening at 7.30pm for First Aid training. New members required. Everyone welcome. Hall available for hire. Christine 07966661015 Thursday Fellowship Every Thursday at 2.30pm for men and women, finishing with a cup of tea and biscuits or cakes. A lively, friendly meeting at Worcester Park Baptist church in The Avenue. Well-known, familiar hymns and prayers, musical afternoons, and a variety of speakers on topical subjects, including help and advice. New members welcome. Church office 0208 330 1755 The Worcester Park Hello Club launched last November and is welcoming new members! We meet

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every Thursday morning from 10am – 12 noon. The club is aimed at anyone who would like to come and join in with board games, quizzes, cards, occasional craft sessions - or just to have a chat and a coffee. Adults of any age are welcome to come and get to know each other. The main aims of the club are: • To meet new people and build friendships • To become involved with the local community • To access activities, information and advice The club is very friendly and informal. Every month there will be a member of staff attending from the SCILL Information & Advice Service – they have information on most topics for all your needs and will be pleased to assist you. The drop in club was set up by Sutton Vision, Christ Church with St Philip and SCILL , working together in partnership. We are fortunate to be provided with a welcoming and comfortable venue at the Christ Church with St Philip Community Hall. There are accessible toilets on site. There is a small charge for coffee and tea at the church café. SCILL 020 8770 4065 Sutton Vision 020 8409 7166 Christ Church with St Philip 020 8330 7630

New Malden Women’s Institute Christ Church New Malden, 2nd Thurs of each month at 7.30pm Barbara

0208 546 1495 or twocavs@googlemail.com


Quest a meeting place for people with physical disabilities between the ages of 20 - 60. However, once a member there is no age cut off. The aim of the club is to provide a welcoming, caring atmosphere for the members and allow the carers to have a regular break. Annual subscription. and £2.50 for lunch. We have various social activities and every second month we have a speaker. Christchurch with St. Philip, Ruskin Drive, Worcester Park. We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays in the month from 12.45 to 4p.m June Day, Club Secretary, on 02083301220

RSPB Epsom & Ewell Local group 2nd Friday of every month at 7.30, apart from July and August, at All Saints Church Hall Fulford Road, West Ewell with guest speakers who illustrate their enthusiasm on a variety of natural history subjects. We also have several birding outings throughout the year which is arranged to suit all ages. There is a small charge for non-members of the RSPB. rspb.org.uk/groups/epsom. The Association of Surrey Bookbinders - we meet on Friday mornings in the Scout Hut in Dell Lane, StoneleighRoger@gmathews.co.uk 020 8330 2306

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Bridge Club A friendly club for people who have just learned to play or are looking to improve their bidding and play in an informal atmosphere which promotes learning and development. We meet every Friday in the upstairs meeting room at the Worcester Park Library, Stone Place. from 2 - 4 pm. carlaplatten@gmail.com

Street, Ewell Village. 8.30 - 11 pm. Over 18s. Entrance fee £8. All standards of dancing. Friday 3rd & 17th January


National Trust - Epsom, Ewell and District Supporters Group Formed in 1971, we run a varied

North Cheam badminton club meet every Sunday at the Elmcroft Community Hall North Cheam. We are a small mixed club looking for new members of reasonable club standard especially ladies. Contact Pat Odonnell on 02083938895.


Auriol Bowling Club Auriol Park, Salisbury Road,

Worcester Park. It is a mixed club of around 45 men and 25 women, who play outdoors from April to Sept with a busy fixture list of league and friendly matches against other clubs, as well as internal club competitions. Janet Kentish 020 8873 7006 www.auriolbowlingclub.com. Cuddington Bowling Club Sandringham Road, Worcester Park and we play on an excellent 6 rink green that has been acclaimed by many of the club’s visitors this year. We are a mixed club with about 60 members and



play a range of friendly and league fixtures catering for all abilities. Secretary Mike Ridley 020 8715 8326 Treasurer Mark Broughton 020 8337 9699 Social Dancing with Glitters at Bourne Hall, Spring

David 07903 314276.

programme of social eventswhich includes Evening Lectures at Bourne Hall in Ewell, once a month from Oct. to June, Coach Outings which visit historichouses and gardens(not necessarily N.T.),Guided London Walks, and other trips to London e.g.The Magic Circle, The Royal Opera House (backstage tour).Other special events include Coffee Mornings, Holidays and Christmas Lunch. Newsletters are produced four times a year.If you would like more information please visit our website: www.epsom-ewell-district-nt.co.uk or telephone Paul on 020 87158486 Malden Manor Bowls Club, Manor Park, Malden Road. New members will be made very welcome. Roll ups, league matches, internal and external competitions; we offer bowling for all levels of interest and ability. Men’s Secretary Gerald 020 8949 4623 or Ladies Secretary 020 8337 5472

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Chilli and Lemon Seafood Spaghetti On the table in less than 30 minutes, this is a a great speedy supper to serve any day of the week. Serve with slices of toasted ciabatta and a rocket salad.

Ready in: 20 minutes | Serves 4

Ingredients 400g spaghetti

2 tbsp virgin olive oil

2 garlic cloves, crushed

Small pinch of dried crushed chillies

2 whole dried chillis, halved lengthways Zest and juice of 1 large lemon 100ml dry white wine

150g raw king prawns

150g squid rings, thawed if frozen

Handful fresh mussels, cleaned (see TIP)

2 tbsp fresh finely chopped coriander, plus extra sprigs to garnish Salt and freshly ground pepper


Handful fresh basil leaves, to garnish


Bring a large pan of lightly salted water to the boil. Add the pasta and cook for 12 minutes, or according to the packet instructions, until just tender.

Meanwhile, heat the oil in a large, deep pan over a medium heat. Add the garlic and stir for 2–3 minutes until soft, but not brown. Add the chilli flakes and whole chillies and cook for 1 minute then stir in the lemon zest and juice and wine. Bring to the boil and let the liquid bubble for 1 minute. Add the prawns, squid and mussels to the pan and cover and simmer for 5-6 minutes, shaking the pan occasionally, until the prawns are pink and the mussels have opened (discard any that remain closed).

Drain the pasta and add to the pan with the chopped coriander. Toss well to coat the pasta in the pan juices. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Serve in warmed pasta bowls garnished with the coriander sprigs and basil leaves.

Scrub the fresh mussels clean and pull away the straggly ‘beards’. Discard any that don’t shut tightly when firmly tapped. Please remember to mention Worcester Park Life when you speak to our advertisers

Do you ca DoCould you care? you be our next

At Home Instead Senior Care our CAREGivers co shapes ages, colours and Jackie? At Home Instead Senior Careand oursizes, CAREGivers come in allcreeds. But t shapes and sizes, ages, colours and creeds. Buttothey ♥ Have a huge heart and want make all… a difference to our c Since leaving school, Jackie knew she wanted to use her

naturally to help others. She lovedEnglish the idea of ♥ Have a huge heart and want to caring make nature a difference to ourperfect clients’ lives ♥ Speak

bringing people happiness, and helping in their time of need.

exploring options, Jackie♥ felt nursing was the role ♥ After Speak perfecther English Live locally

for her. She began her 3-year training course and became a ♥ Live locally ♥ Are reliable, responsive and trustworthy qualified nurse.

♥ Are reliable, responsive and Could yourole commit a few regular hours a week to c Jackie loved her – trustworthy it wasto busy, exciting and, most of all, rewarding. She loved both her patients and the ability she had someone who needs help to stay living independently Could you commit to a few regular hours a week to care for to make someone’s day just that little bit better.

someone who needs help living independently at home? We all the training andwhere support you need Afterto30stay years as provide a nurse, Jackie reached a point she felt it was time to slow down. She still enjoyed seeing her patients We provide all the training and support Come and beyou partneed. of the Home Instead family. and colleagues, but the long hours and stressful demands

the of hospital environment become too Jackie life is Come and be of part the Home Instead family. To make ahad difference tomuch. someone’s decided to retire from nursing. of the most To make a difference toone someone’s life isrewarding jobs you can do.

Home is where the hear Home is where the heart is!

Jackie then saw an advert forthe Home Instead Senior Care. Sheyou got can in touch, one of most rewarding jobs do. met the team, and was soon invited to attend an Induction Programme. The Programme gave Jackie a detailed insight into the role of a CAREGiver. The role felt just right, and seemed to encompass all the aspects of Jackie’s career that she so missed.

Since her visit to the Home Instead office, Jackie has never looked back. She completely identifies with the ethos of the company, “To us, it’s personal”. She loves her clients who she visits daily, and says her schedule works perfectly around her family. Jackie commented that she feels she’s found an exciting second career. Becoming a CAREGiver means Jackie can continue to make a difference to people’s lives, and leave with a smile on her and her clients’ faces at the end of each visit – the parts of her nursing career she missed! Jackie says this job offers her greater rewards even than nursing, as she not only helps people but she becomes a part of their life, too.

You do not need to be a nurse or have experience to become a CAREGiver. All new CAREGivers are more information Laura on 020 894 given full training and support. You justFor need to have a big heart! Ifplease you arecontact interested or would like some more information, please contact Laura on 020 8942 4137 or laura.hillier@homeinstead For more information please contact Laura on 020 8942 4137 or laura.hillier@homeinstead.co.uk

www.homeinstead.co.uk/wimbledonandkingsto laura.hillier@homeinstead.co.uk www.homeinstead.co.uk/wimbledonandkingston “Each Home Instead Senior Care franchise office is independently owned and operat ®

“Each Home Instead Senior Care franchise office is independently owned and operated.” ®

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Gardening High-Rise Edibles by Pippa Greenwood Use high-rise gardening to give extra space, with hanging baskets, wall troughs and window boxes as homes for vegetables, herbs and even fruit. So, what does it take to succeed? Larger containers allow for more room for your crops’ roots and easier maintenance, as they will run out of moisture and fertiliser less frequently. Use suitable supporting brackets and screws for hanging baskets, window boxes and wall troughs, as they must support the weight of fully grown plants laden with crops, which will be heavier after watering. Check walls, balconies and windows sills will not be overloaded and consider using lighterweight loam-free or peat-free composts with lightweight containers made of bamboo, plastics or fibre glass. You’ll need to use good quality compost and feed crops in high-rise planters regularly and, as they’re more susceptible to drying out, regular watering is essential. The dwarf runner bean ‘Hestia’ is perfect for containers and can be sown directly into the compost in April, or raised in small pots or trays and then planted out into the high-rise planter. Dwarf French varieties such as ‘Duel’ or the purple-podded ‘Purple Tee Pee’ do well in a good sized window box Wall baskets, troughs and hanging baskets can play host to strawberries, which trail naturally over container edges. Plants can be bought from garden centres or by mail order at this time of year. There’s a huge selection of lettuce and other salad leaves available in a wide range of colours and leaf shapes. Fast-germinating and fast-growing, you can either buy small plants or sow the seed directly into the compost. Creeping or trailing forms of herbs are a must for a basket, trough or window box, and thyme in particular is ideal for a container in a sunny spot. As it’s hardy it can be planted out at any time of year. Parsley, sage, tarragon, chives and basil all look


good in wall baskets or window boxes and thrive in a sunny spot. Most oriental vegetables, such as the pak choi varieties ‘Red Choi’ and Mizuna (including the purple-veined ‘Mizuna Purple’) do well in a sheltered window box or wall trough. The two look stunning combined together, with the Mizuna positioned to ‘flop’ attractively over container edges. For a red and spicy theme use ‘Mustard Red Giant’. There are several varieties of tomatoes well-suited to containers such as hanging baskets, including the classic ‘Tumbling Tom’, available in both red and yellow varieties, and the red-fruited ‘Tumbler’. Raise them from seed sown now or buy plants to put into containers in late April or May. If you like tiny fruited tomatoes, consider ‘Hundreds and Thousands’. Chilli pepper plants such as ‘Super Chilli’ packed in a window box or wall trough will look stunning when covered in their glossy fruits. Chillies are tender so buy plants in May or June or sow seeds now. At Pippa’s website (www.pippagreenwood.com) you’ll find natural pest controls, stylish cloches, practical and pretty plant supports, the fantastic SpeedHoe, tools, planters, raised bed kits and the ‘Grow Your Own with Pippa’ system. Or book Pippa for a talk at your gardening club.

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Puzzle Time not so easy

fairly easy



4 words

Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have ten minutes to find as many words as possible, none of which may be plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters or more, all must contain the central letter and letters can only be used once in every word. There is at least one word that uses all of the letters in the wheel.

AUTUMN 05:41 11:29

TARGET Excellent: 18 or more words Good: 15 words Fair: 10 words

5 words P P P 3 words HA HA SOLID








PARROT / RAPTOR Please remember to mention Worcester Park Life when you speak to our advertisers


Codeword Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a different number between 1 and 26. The codes for three letters are shown. Once you have filled these throughout the grid you can start guessing words and reveal other letters. As you find the letters enter them in the box below.

Quick Quiz Review Of The Year 1. In August, Donald Trump cancelled a trip to Denmark after the Danish Prime Minister said that what was not for sale? 2. In August, which team were expelled from the English Football League due to unpaid debts? 3. To celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8th, which TV soap opera aired a special episode featuring an all-female cast? 4. What was the specific date in 2019 on which the UK was originally due to leave the European Union? 5. In July, 15-year-old Jaden Ashman from Essex won over one million dollars after coming second alongside his Dutch teammate in the World Cup finals of which video game?

6. In January, who wrote to Emma Fairweather, saying “I have since learned you suffered a broken arm. I am deeply sorry about this injury.”? 7. A McDonald’s restaurant in Edinburgh was asked by police to stop selling what in May due to a visit from Nigel Farage? 8. In June, 89-year-old Colin Thackery became the oldest person to win what? 9. In September, what became the first ever British-made TV show to win an Emmy Award for Outstanding Comedy Series? 10. After talks with Irish leader Leo Varadkar in February, who said there is a “special place in hell for those who promoted Brexit without even a sketch of a plan of how to carry it out safely”?

To advertise email jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915


Kids Play


Carer and Toddler group for all families with twins and multiples. Come and meet other local families who understand all about having more than one of everything! We meet every Thursday at Worcester Park Baptist Church from 9.30- 11.30 am with toys, craft, songs, refreshments and stories during term time. Come along and join in - other pre-school siblings also welcome.

There’s lots going on for pre-schoolers


Worcester Park Baptist Church 9.30-11.30- a lively toddler group, where carers of any kind are welcome to attend and supervise their youngsters. Our age range is from young babies to 3-4 years. Sarah on 020 8393 7299 or email via the church’s website Christ Church with St Philip Parent and Toddler www.wpbc.org.uk Group 9.30 until 11.15am - see Monday Christ Church with St Philip Parent and Toddler Group is a very welcoming and relaxed place to meet new friends for yourself and your toddlers. We are Men behaving Dadly, Grace Church - every 3rd open to all Mums, Dads, Grandparents and Carers. We Saturday of the month, 9.30 to 11 am, at Green Lane meet in the Church Hall on Mondays, Wednesdays Dads ' Pand U T YPrimary O U RSchool. G A RFor DE N and M Atheir I Npre-school T E N A Nchildren CE IN T Fridays from 9.30 until 11.15am during term time getEtoOplay toys,Rthe H A N D (0-4). S O The F Skids OM N Ewith Wthe HO E ADads L Lget Y aC A R E bacon roll and coffee, and Mums might possibly get a lie-in... £3 on the door. Toddling2Church, Christ Church with St Philip - Tree surgery - One off Tidy For more information & contact details, 2-3pm. Parents, carers and pre-school children are www.gracechurchworcesterpark.org Stump Grinding - Garden Maintenance all welcome to join us for songs with percussion Old Malden Library (Church-Road, Worcester Park) Strimming and Weeding and Lawns instruments, a Bible story simply and sensitively told, - Decking Tuesdays, 10.30-11am, Rhyme time aimed at age 0-3 Garden clearance a story-related craft activity and, of course, drinks and - Hedge Trimming Tuesdays, 2.30-3pm, Story time aimed at age 3+ biscuits. - Path and Patio Washing - Landscaping





Christ Church with St Philip Parent and Toddler Group 9.30 until 11.15am - see Monday Worcester Park Baptist Church 9.30-11.30- see Monday. we have vacancies on a Wednesday

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