Worcester Park Life June 19

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Worcester Park Life

KT4’s ONLY FREE Independent Community Magazine and Business Guide June‘19 Issue 133




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Welcome to YOUR Worcester Park Life from jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk We are enjoying a another lovely warm spell as I write. Matty (our lively and dirt loving cockapoo) isn’t getting quite as filthy on walks which is a pretty good barometer for rainfall. Having grown up in a city where it rains a LOT I really appreciate, more than most maybe, living in a climate when it’s a struggle to remember the last rain - or perhaps that’s more of a reflection on my memory these days! I spent most of my 20s and early 30s living in a ground floor sandstone tenement flat which didn’t get much sun and driving to an airconditioned office to enjoy any sunlit hours. Weekends meant late nights and long lie ins and the only exposure my toes got to sunlight was ‘abroad’ or visiting friends ‘down South’. I remember once a June time visit to a friend in Watford - turning up in my year round casual footwear of socks and ankle boots. Roll on to 2003 and my first summer back in London as a non-working new mum. I know I’ve told the story before but a South African friend one day in

Richmond Park (lazing on the grass with sleeping babies) quite suddenly exclaimed what beautiful feet I had! Hardly surprising as they’d spent most summers cosily cushioned in socks, trainers and boots! And now in 2019 those lovely soft feet are a distant memory, and those sleeping babies have turned into beautiful 16 year olds, all halfway through their GCSEs. And so time flies… I hope you enjoy a good read and also see what our local businesses have to offer. If you’ve any feedback on how they’re doing, or have any ideas for future editions, news or views to share then please get in touch. Remember, we deliver to most homes every second month so if you’re not able to pick up a magazine on the months it’s not delivered to you, you can read it on your smart phone/ tablet or PC. There are a limited number of copies available from Waitrose, Worcester Park Library, St Mary’s and Christ Church with St Philip. The copy dates for the next couple of editions are below. If you’d like to advertise or have a local story to tell, please call or email.


Finally this month it’s a sad farewell to Tudor Williams, an advertiser in WPLife since 2008,who close their doors this month. A reminder to us to support our local shops. Thank you for being a friendly local resource - so sorry to see you go!

Until next time, best wishes, Since ‘08

Since ‘05

Published by Malden Media Ltd Editor Jenny Stuart jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk 020 8336 2915 www.maldenmedia.co.uk 36 Rosebery Avenue KT3 4JS


Jenny Deadline for our July editions 20th June Deadline for our August editions 18th July

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Worcester Park History A love of plants by David Rymill Last month in our look at some early episodes in the story of flowers and gardens in Worcester Park, we reached Henry Dare’s flower nursery near the double bend in Cheam Common Road. This month I am continuing the floral theme, featuring some of Worcester Park’s most enthusiastic plant growers – plus four events coming up this month. Henry Dare’s children inherited his horticultural interests. His son (Walter) Charlie Dare lived at 30 Lindsay Road, and Charlie’s daughter Olive recalled that the land beside the house was used for glasshouses: ‘He really started up on his own after the First World War – before that, when I was about three or four [in the early 1910s], he had a garden full of roses and used to show them at Kingston. He used to grow masses of tomato plants, and it was my job when I was about 12 to clean all the pots. He filled two greenhouses with them, and then sold the tomatoes for ninepence a pound; then he had chrysanths in the winter: they were grown out in the open ground in pots all the summer, and then transferred to the two greenhouses. He had a lean-to attached to the house, but he kept that for begonias – that was his hobby’. Miss Dare inherited his love of gardening, and when I spoke to her around the time of her 90th birthday, she was preparing to answer questions about vegetables at her local Women’s Institute’s ‘gardeners’ question time’.


The Worcester Park plant enthusiast whose name is best known locally is perhaps Ernest Ifill Shadbolt, who bought the land we know as Shadbolt Park and collected over 300 different trees and shrubs from six continents, ranging from the Mexican Orange Flower and Kentucky Coffee Tree from America, to four species of daisy bush from New Zealand. In the 1980s, Tulip Sundays were held in several years; resident gardener John Le Flem planted many varieties, taking care that they would flower in time for these events. More recently, a collection of day-lilies (Hemerocallis) was established in the old nursery yard, and in 2006 the Friends of Shadbolt Park began caring for this delightful hidden garden. The Cuddington Residents’ Association are again arranging a Shadbolt Park Big Day Out this year, on Saturday 15th June, 12 noon-4 pm, sponsored by Voo Veterinary Group and Home Instead Senior Care. In the Paddock there will be stalls, and arena displays by local dance, drama and martial

arts groups and Kingston and Old Malden Scout and Guide Band; the day-lily garden will also be open. My own early memories of Shadbolt Park in the 1970s include the dazzling array of dahlias in the bed facing the main lawn, between the house and the Tree Lawn (does anyone have photographs of these?). Dahlias were the main enthusiasm of another local plantsman, Walter Ensum, known as ‘Pi’. Pi Ensum lived in The Hollands (between The Manor Drive and Downfield). He joined the National Dahlia Society in 1947, and in the 1950s became known as an exhibitor. His perfectionism in exhibiting found new fulfilment in the raising of new varieties, beginning with ‘TuTu’ and continuing with a succession of dahlias whose names are prefixed with ‘Hamari’, the name of his house in The Hollands. In his obituary, NDS President D Hewlett observed: ‘Anything that carried the prefix ‘Hamari’ became synonymous with quality’. The NDS’s Archivist David Brown comments: ‘Pi was and still is considered one of the best raisers of new dahlia cultivars. Many of his dahlias are still grown both at home and abroad: ‘Hamari Accord’ is still widely grown in the USA; others like ‘Hamari Gold’, ‘Katrina’, ‘Girl’, ‘Rose’ and ‘Bride’ are still found in the UK as well as abroad.’ He delighted in helping others to enjoy growing dahlias: he served on the NDS Executive Council for many years, and was Chairman of the Executive Committee from 1971, he was also President of the Surrey Chrysanthemum and Dahlia Society, and served for 35 years on the RHS’s Joint Dahlia Committee. Two of our illustrations this month,

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reproduced by kind permission of the NDS and David Brown, show Pi Ensum in his garden, and ‘Hamari Accord’ on the front of The Dahlia Annual 1995 which contained his obituary. Mr Ensum is not the only person to have bred new varieties of plants in Worcester Park: at Mulberry House, 34 The Avenue, George Douglas Murray bred at least 37 named new varieties of border carnations between 1917 and 1931; several have remained in cultivation into recent times. St Mary’s Church, Cuddington, at the top of The Avenue (www.cuddingtonparish.org.uk) is hosting a Community Flower Festival, from 21st to 23rd June 2019, when the church will be filled with flower arrangements by members of the congregation and other individuals, and representatives of local organisations ranging from uniformed organisations and WIs to local businesses. St Mary’s has a long tradition of organising flower festivals; our other photograph was taken by Don Newton at the 1981 festival, A Calendar of the Christian Year (probably showing ‘Ascension’ by Ray Knight).

light music for a summer evening, followed by Pimms and cake (free, no need to book). David Rymill David.Rymill1993@alumni.aber.ac.uk (020) 8330 6563

This year’s theme will be music, with flower arrangements inspired by popular hymns and secular songs. If you have ever wondered what sort of flower arrangement might be inspired by ‘We Plough the Fields’ or ‘The Wheels on the Bus’, now is your chance to find out. There is plenty of car parking, and most of the church is accessible to wheelchair users (including wc). In the church hall, there will be an art exhibition, and refreshments including ploughman’s lunches. On Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd the church will be open 10 am-5 pm, and on Sunday 23rd 12 noon-5 pm, as well as for the usual 8 am and 9.30 am services. There will be a ‘Songs of Praise’-style service (not with the BBC!) to conclude the Festival, on Sunday 23rd at 5 pm.

Worcester Park, Old Malden and North Cheam: History at our Feet Published in 2012 and available at £10 (plus £2 towards postage if required) from the Rymill family. Ring 020 8330 6563 for more details. This 300-page book tells the story of Worcester Park from the Iron Age to the present day, and includes memories of local life from 1908 onwards, and over 150 maps, photographs and drawings - mostly never published before.

On Saturday 22nd, you could combine visiting the festival with a trip to Maeldune Fair on Plough Green, open 11 am-3 pm. Back at St Mary’s, on the following Saturday, 29th June, at 5 pm, the choir are performing To advertise email jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915


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Ruth Jemmett Writes June Roses And June Brides - We Are Halfway Through The Year! Goodness! Where did the last six months go? It seems only yesterday that we were putting away the Christmas decorations, and we are now nearly half- way through the year, discussing the result of The Eurovision Song Contest! As usual the UK came bottom of the list when it came to voting. Some people are blaming the Brexit effect, others think the song wasn’t good enough, whilst some consider that our singer looked too homely. Whatever the reason, it seems that our days in the sun in this particular contest, are over. To think we once ruled most of the world! June is the sixth month of the year, and probably takes its name from the Roman goddess Juno. It is a very popular month for getting married in, the ceremony often enhanced by roses that are fairly prolific at this time of the year. The red rose is the symbol of love, of England and St George. In some parts of Devon and Cornwall it was formerly believed that a rose plucked by a young woman on Midsummer’s Eve and wrapped in paper, would remain fresh until Christmas Day. If she then wore it on her dress, it would be snatched by the young man who would become her husband. (Or alternatively, the local kleptomaniac!) On a more practical note, aphids that can decimate roses, can be disposed of by applying Sellotape to them. Just thought you might like to know! A traditional saying goes “Married in the month of roses – June; Life will be one long honeymoon.”. Although the first twenty days of the month are, astronomically speaking, still in Spring, June is generally thought of as the first month of summer. This is the month when we celebrate the Summer Solstice, and we stoic Brits can at last consider taking off a couple of top layers of clothing! Farmers pray for an equal measure of sunshine and showers.

but I am pleased to say that he has survived! We have named him Nemo. When I recently started feeding the fish again, I noticed that his little mouth wasn’t big enough to eat the fish pellets. He now has his own supply of fish flakes, and happily mixes with the larger goldfish! Greenhouse cuttings are looking very healthy, but general gardening chores are getting a bit too much for us now. I still love doing gardening, but as my health ad stamina aren’t too great, now is the time to bring in reinforcement We will shortly be getting professional help, which will be a relief – particularly for my husband, who finds doing gardening a bridge too far! On the 2nd of the month it will be the anniversary of H.M. Queen Elizabeth’s Coronation Day. She has been a very busy lady this year, despite her great age. She gives such a good example to us all – and tackles stairs better than I do! Whilst talking of royalty, let us raise our glasses for young Archie! On 5th June in 1972 The United Nations General Assembly launched World Environment Day. In 2019 we are now only too aware of the devastating effect our slovenly human habits have had upon the planet. Most of us are pretty clued up regarding disposal of our waste. Sir David Attenborough has done sterling work in drawing our attention to the fact that not only are we polluting vast land masses, but have already made parts of our oceans giant rubbish tips. Thankfully, the younger generation seem very aware of what is happening, and hopefully following generations won’t make the mistakes that we have made. I am now quite obsessive about separating plastic, cardboard etc., even though initially I bridled at the thought of doing it . 10th – 16th June will be National Carers’ Week. Carers in this country are a vastly under-appreciated and mostly underpaid part of society. As many of you know, my husband and I cared for our late disabled son for nearly thirty-nine years. As much as we loved Dominic – and still miss him so much - caring for his needs entailed round the clock unrelenting physical work, combined with great mental and emotional stress. If ever you get the chance to help carers, your efforts will be appreciated more than you know.

Gardens throughout the land re now looking glorious, bedecked with hanging baskets and planters. Life in the pond here at Salisbury Road is very active. We have eleven fish, one of which is a baby one that suddenly appeared last Autumn. We were worried that the bigger fish would eat him as a snack during the winter months, Please remember to mention Worcester Park Life when you speak to our advertisers 10

This year Father’s Day falls on 16th June. One in five families ar headed by lone women in this Country, not always by choice. Some men choose to opt out of the fathering role. My own father did so when I was only six weeks old, and went on to remarry three times, neglecting his new families in the same way that he neglected us - but we won’t go into that ….! Being a parent isn’t easy, and in these days of female emancipation some men aren’t sure if they are particularly necessary on the family scene. Children should make an effort to make them feel wanted on Father’s day, by at least lobbing a card in their direction! Astronomically, the Summer Solstice occurs on 2st June, but tradition throughout Europe has taken 24th June to be Midsummer’s Day. If you are fond of horses, this is your month, as Royal Ascot starts on 18th June and finishes on 22nd. Hickstead starts on 20th June and finishes on 23rd. If you are still a hippy at heart Glastonbury is from 26th – 30th June. Enjoy the sunny days while they are here, slap on the sunscreen, and try to forget your worries for a while.

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Healthcare HRH Princess Alexandra unveils plaque to celebrate the completion of The Victoria Foundation Wing at New Victoria Hospital Last month, HRH Princess Alexandra unveiled a plaque to celebrate the completion of The Victoria Foundation Wing at New Victoria Hospital, Kingston upon Thames, at an afternoon reception held for 100 guests and staff. The final phase of the Hospital’s £30m extensive redevelopment is a new reception and outpatient suite. The new entrance leads into a modern, fit-forpurpose outpatient facility with increased capacity. This includes twelve consulting rooms, a cardiac diagnostic room, five specialist treatment rooms including colposcopy, audiology and phlebotomy. HRH Princess Alexandra was given a tour of the new facility and met members of staff, consultants and guests. HRH Princess Alexandra has visited the Hospital on two prior occasions - to open the Alexandra Ward in 1986 and in 2016, the first phase of The Victoria Foundation Wing which houses four state of the art theatres, a new fourteen bed day surgery unit and a new CT scanner with cardiac diagnostic facility. Graham Ball, Executive Chairman, New Victoria Hospital, says “The Hospital is honoured to welcome back HRH Princess Alexandra to unveil this plaque. It marks the culmination of the Hospital’s extensive redevelopment, which provides top class facilities for patients, consultants and staff alike. We are very proud of our new entrance and outpatient suite – for the first time people will be able to see the entrance to the Hospital from the road.” David Marshall, Chief Executive, New Victoria Hospital, adds “The Hospital has been here for 60 years. It’s recognised as a leading provider of safe, robust health services and has an excellent reputation. The redevelopment further enhances our position in the local community. It enables us to treat more patients from the local area and provides us with the opportunity to expand and grow our services.” www.newvictoria.co.uk New Victoria Hospital in Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, is a private charity-owned Hospital which has provided an excellent level of service to the local community for 60 years. The Hospital is registered with and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and is fully compliant with their standards. The current CQC rating for the Hospital is “good”. The Hospital was proud to achieve this rating across all


From left to right Jimmy Tarbuck; Lorna Votier, development director, New Victoria Foundation; Princess Alexandra

From left to right: Graham Ball, executive chairman, New Victoria Hospital; Princess Alexandra five categories – safe, effective, caring, responsive and wellmanaged. It is owned by parent charity The Victoria Foundation. This charity helps to transform lives where there is an opportunity to do so - either through medical provision or by ensuring that young people destined to become the future generations of doctors are not prevented from doing so through lack of finances.

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Parkin’ some thoughts The art of appreciation

by Nick Hazell

They say it takes a long time to grow an old friend. One of my oldest friends is Emma, who along with a group of school mates I’ve known for 35 years. Emma too has had a life changing illness and like me has used the experience to rethink what life has to offer. In her case, she’s gone all hippie, exchanging the pressured life of lingerie sales (I’m over simplifying for effect) to teach children’s yoga and embrace mindfulness in Ibiza. I’m unlikely to follow her example, but there are aspects of her daily regimen which have rubbed off on some of the residents of Hazell Towers. One of these is the regular or in my case, the rarely sometime-ly creation of a “gratefulness list”. The idea is simple. You just take 10 minutes at the end of the day to think about, record and share the things that you have been grateful for that day. It’s a way to avoid taking everything for granted. As I write this, my list consists of just one thing. In fact I’m as thankful as a miniature schnauzer in a room full of one legged postmen, that I’m not currently at an Olly Murs concert. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for Mrs H. Through a negotiation strategy that back-fired spectacularly, she has been compelled to accompany Anna and two teenage friends to the other side of London to be subjected to an assault on the ear drums courtesy of the Witham Warbler.

But I digress. It’s all too easy to take life for granted. To a point I’ve been guilty of that myself, but I now try to better appreciate what I have rather than what I’ve lost. Embrace tomorrow because not everyone will make it there. Mind you, looking at Victoria as she now walks through the door I’m not sure this is the time to vocalise that thought. Sometimes it’s best just to appreciate the silence. Meditation anyone....

The build up to the event has seen the barometer of excitement reach Defcon Versuvius levels. Mind numbingly constant playing of his greatest hits and the mysterious appearance of 63 screen shots of his mug on her computer have left Victoria calculating the appropriate ratio of responsible adult to alcoholic beverages necessary to get her through the evening. Unlike my eldest daughter, I was never really a concert goer as a youth. This was possibly due to a formative experience at an AC/DC concert where, due to the underaged consumption of too much Southern Comfort, an adjacency to (although no intentional inhaling, M’Lord, of ) illicit substances and a past bedtime return to a Basingstoke Station glowing in the heat of a nearby sky scraper fire, the highway to hell appeared a bit too real. An evening with Olly is, whilst less likely to be joined by lank haired head bangers in ill fitting leather jackets, not really for me and thus my single item for today’s list, which as I wrote it down reminded me of the lyrics to one of his early works in which he sought to excuse his own writing due to an inability to stop his hands from shaking. I think the causes though were of a different nature.


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Four Summer Pet Health Hazards You May Not Have Considered

You’re probably aware of many of the dangers your pet faces during the summer months, but here are four unusual health hazards you may not have thought about. 1. Bee stings - Not all bee stings cause anaphylactic shock, but some animals can be affected in the same way as humans. It’s a potentially serious health issue, and you should look out for vomiting and diarrhoea, breathing difficulties, and general unsteadiness. 2. Snake bites - Although adders are the only venomous snake in the UK, their presence can




be a problem for dogs in the summer. Snake bites may cause swelling of the airways, organ failure and shock, as well as considerable inflammation at the injury site. 3. Slug bait - Some slug pellets contain a poisonous substance called metaldehyde, which can quickly cause serious health problems for pets if ingested. Signs of poisoning include vomiting, seizures, tremors, and fits, and it’s crucial to seek help from a vet as a matter of urgency. 4. Poisonous plants and flowers - There are many common plants and flowers that present a serious summer health hazard for your pet. Lilies are particularly poisonous to cats, and even the pollen can cause kidney failure. Other poisonous flowers and plants include foxgloves and lily of the valley, which can both cause heart arrhythmias in animals. It’s vital to seek emergency help from your vet if your pet has been exposed to any of these hazards – speed is of the essence, and could ultimately save their lives. www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire44208568 www.everydayhealth.com/columns/everyday-pets/scarysummer-pet-health-hazards/ By Ann Haldon

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Events Cuddington Beer Festival Come join us at Rowe Hall, Salisbury Road, Worcester Park KT4 7DD for a great selection of 48 Surrey Ales, plus 28 varieties of cider from around the country. Friday 12th July – Evening 6 to 10pm. Saturday 13th July – Lunch 12 to 4pm (families welcome) Saturday 13th July – Evening 6 to 10pm. With Freshly cooked BBQ food Buy your tickets at www.scoutingforbeer.org.uk All tickets entitle you to entry, a souvenir lined pint glass and a programme with tasting notes. We have a strict capacity limit, which fills quickly – to avoid disappointment, please book your tickets in advance as they will sell out for popular sessions and may not be available on the door.



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Voice for Wildlife Justice for all creatures great and small. by Carol Williams We have been away for a few days in Swanage, walking the stunning Studland Bay area - owned by the National Trust - and Brownsea Island where you can see red squirrels, and visiting the RSPB reserve at Arne. When you are immersed in all the wonderful nature at these special places, it is hard to realise how much nature has been lost in recent decades - and it’s also a wonderful reminder of how hard some people and organisations are working to remedy this. I gazed out over the sea, and imagining that any of it was polluted or in any way compromised as an ecosystem was difficult - it all looked so wild and perfect on the surface. Swanage is a place where you are brought up short with the human attitude to the sea - as some place to plunder for ‘food’. You see boards with ‘catch of the day’ chalked on them and I groan. I do not agree that any living being should be classed as food for humans, not in today’s world, where so many alternatives exist and so much nature is being destroyed. People need to understand that there are not ‘plenty more fish in the sea’ - far from it. In fact we are emptying the oceans of every conceivable life form, creating dead zones and causing 30% of marine birds and mammals to die of starvation. This - along with plastic pollution and all kinds of toxic spills. We are even dredging the sea floor for small creatures to grind up for fertiliser and food for farmed fish! That this is insane greed ought to be clear to anybody with an ounce of sense or ethics. The obvious way to tackle all of this is to not support it - ie, to stop eating fish and crustaceans. Those of us who live in modern, urbanised areas, with plenty of shops and on line ordering systems, have zero need to eat any animal products at all. We can live healthily without any of that, and the state of the natural world demands that we now should. I don’t take anyone’s ‘concern’ for the environment at all seriously, if they are not prepared to make the effort to change their diet. We are, quite literally, eating this planet to death, and it is high time we all realised this and made the necessary changes to our lifestyles. It is not up to the governments of the world, it is up to us - our buying choices, our efforts. Leave the fish in the sea for the wildlife who need it. I am reminded daily of how much human activity is impacting negatively on the natural world - it is in the news, it’s in my Facebook feed and it’s staring me in the face whenever some local development or house


extension removes established vegetation, replacing it with brick, concrete and paving. The latest newsheet from Wildlife Aid tells me that “hundreds of traumatised babies have been arriving at the charity in need of food and shelter. The influx is blamed on a combination of factors, including human encroachment on wild spaces, cruelty and climate change”. Species affected include hedgehogs, foxes, badgers and countless garden birds. You can help by sending a donation, please, to: The Wildlife Aid Foundation, Randalls Farmhouse, Randalls Rd, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 0AL. Cheques payable to The Wildlife Aid Foundation. It is wonderful that we have these people dedicated to helping injured and orphaned wild creatures, but how much more wonderful it would be if they were not needed, if nature was respected and protected, valued and loved instead, by all of us - its needs put above our whims, desires and tastes. Different world. Better world. On our drive home from Dorset, the sad sight of a dead badger cub at the side of the road brought tears to my eyes - such a wicked waste of a beautiful little life. Cars really are a menace to wildlife - our roads are huge and dangerous barriers to the free movement of mammals. We should have tunnels under roads for them or green bridges over them - safe crossings for wild creatures. There are some in existence in other parts of the world, precious few - and, as far as I know, none here in England. The UK is one of the most nature depleted countries in the world - what are we going to do to change this? Chris Packham has come under attack for his stance against the shooting and hunting fraternity, receiving hate mail and death threats from some of these ‘lovely’ people. I have seen nasty comments on Twitter and one person calling him ‘a numpty’ ( mild by the standards of most, but still patronising and insulting to one of the greatest champions of wildlife that we have) and one comment on Facebook labelling him ‘a halfwit with no real understanding of the countryside’. These are all people who love to kill animals for sport - probably most of them are animal farmers too. QED. Why is anyone giving any money to such people? They are in no sense ‘guardians’ of the countryside, they are nothing but eco -vandals and bullies. I would like a countryside full of birdsong and alive with many and

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every species we still have, not one where maniacs with guns and larsen traps and poison bait run amok. Every time we buy animal products in the shops, we are putting money into the pockets of these thugs. Chris Packham and 2 colleagues have set up a campaigning organistation called Wild Justice. This is copied from their website: “Chris said ‘Wild Justice. Because the wild needs justice more than ever before. The pressures wrought upon our wildlife have reached a crisis point and this is an essential response. The message is clear . . . if you are breaking the law, if the law is weak, if the law is flawed – we are coming for you. Peacefully, democratically and legally. Our simple premise is to work with the laws we’ve got to seek real justice for our wildlife, to reform, refine or renew those laws we have to ensure that justice can be properly realised. Our wildlife has been abused, has been suffering, exploited or destroyed by criminals for too long. Well, no longer. Wild Justice will at last be the voice of those victims and it will be heard . . . and justice will be served.’ Mark Avery said ‘Wild Justice will take on public bodies to get a better deal for wildlife. It’s a shame that we have to do this but we have little confidence that statutory bodies are fulfilling their functions properly. We aim to hold their feet to the fire in court. I’m reminded of what the great American environmental campaigner, Ansel Adams said ‘It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment’.’ Ruth Tingay said ‘I know many people who despair about what’s happening to our wildlife but who also feel powerless to help, typically because access to justice can be prohibitively expensive and a daunting arena. Wild Justice provides an opportunity for ordinary citizens to fight back on behalf of wildlife, collectively helping us to challenge poor decisions or flawed policies that threaten to harm our wildlife. With so many potential cases, the difficulty for us will be to decide which ones to take on first.’st One of the items of hate mail Chris was sent was a piece of wood with a primitive drawing on it. Chris jokingly referred to it as his ‘two headed tadpole’ but it was clearly meant to be a male organ.... I guess the person sending it was telling Chris he was a p***k. Somewhat typical of the mentality of so many of these folk who ‘understand the countryside’.! But the joke was on them - a veritable own goal, because Chris put this wonderful piece of ‘art’ up on e-bay and it was so popular it finally sold for £2,555! All of this money is going to Wild Justice - nice one Chris, turning a negative into a mammoth gain for wildlife. And,

whoever the person was who gave this fabulous amount of money for this unique piece, thank you from the bottom of my heart, for your generosity, humour and downright goodwill for nature. ( I should probably also thank the twerp who sent it to Chris for unwittingly helping the opposition nice one mate!) 63,000 badgers have been killed since the infamous badger cull was rolled out - is that ‘justice’ for a ‘protected’ species? Whilst war is being waged against Brock by this dreadful Tory government that seems to have zero respect for wildlife, all on behalf of the dairy industry - a totally unnecessary and unethical business that’s helping to wreck the planet - Wildlife Aid is busy raising and rehabilitating orphaned cubs. They have created a badger cub club for orphans across the South East, with the aim of building a badger community that can be transferred to a soft release site when they are juveniles. We can help badgers by ditching dairy and sending a donation to Wildlife Aid - and also to Wild Justice - we must all do what we can. And, how amazing is this? A feather transplant for a seriously injured Little Owl who was hit by a car at night and left for dead by the side of the road, both wings smashed. In a revolutionary procedure, Wildlife Aid vets replaced the damaged feathers with healthy ones from a donor bird and glued them in place! After a period of rest and recuperation, the owl flew off back to its life in the wild. Just wow. Let us be kind to nature, treading more gently on this earth, changing whatever we reasonably can, so that we may heal, not damage life, mindful of our impact, determined to do less harm, benevolent to all creatures.. I will end with a quote from Joseph Addison, an English essayist, poet, playwright and politician who was the eldest son of Rev Lancelot Addison and lived from 1672 to 1719: “ True benevolence or compassion extends itself through the whole of existence and sympathises with the distress of every creature capable of sensation.”

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Strawberry & Cream Eclairs Filled with sweetened whipped cream and fresh strawberries, these dainty pastries make a great treat for afternoon tea or can be served as a delicious summer dessert. Swap the strawberries for fresh raspberries or blueberries, if liked.

Ready in: 50 minutes, plus cooling | Makes 8


50g butter, chilled and diced 65g plain flour, sifted

2 medium eggs, lightly beaten 300ml double cream

1 tbsp icing sugar, plus extra for dusting


150g small strawberries


Place the butter and 150ml cold water in a small pan and heat gently until the butter melts. Bring the mixture to a rapid boil then quickly remove from the heat and add all the flour. Beat thoroughly with a wooden spoon until the mixture comes away from the sides of the pan and forms a ball. Leave to cool for 3-4 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 220C, fan 200C, gas mark 7. Line a large baking sheet with baking paper. Beat the eggs into the mixture, a little at a time, until smooth and glossy. Spoon the mixture into a large piping bag fitted with a large star nozzle. Pipe 8 x 10cm lengths, spaced well apart, onto the baking sheet. Bake for 12-15 mins until the eclairs are well risen and golden. Remove from the oven, pierce each eclair with the tip of a small knife and return to the oven for 2-3 minutes. This allows the steam to escape and dries out the centres of each eclair. Transfer to a wire rack and leave to cool completely. Whip the cream and icing sugar in a bowl until softly peaking. Spoon into a large piping bag fitted with a large star nozzle. Hull and slice most of the strawberries (reserving four for decoration).

Halve each eclair and fill with the cream then top with sliced strawberries. Sandwich back together and dust with icing sugar. Decorate each one with a swirl of piped cream and a reserved strawberry.

You can make and bake the choux pastry eclairs a day in advance. If the pastry goes a little soft simply reheat in a hot oven for a few minutes until crisp. Please remember to mention Worcester Park Life when you speak to our advertisers

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Clubs To feature in this section email info@wplife.co.uk Mondays

Vibrant Ukulele Club meets 7.30 – 9.30pm 1st and 3rd Mondays at The Station pub, Stoneleigh and 2nd and 4th Mondays at Christ Church with St Philip, WP. Beginners and players all welcome. The club is aimed at adults learning to play the ukulele and singing a number of well-known songs in a fun and friendly atmosphere. Music is provided and also tuition for beginners. Sessions are FREE with a small donation towards music and refreshments. Contact Steve 07795 085600

New Malden Rotary Club Malden Golf Club,Traps Lane Monday evenings 6.15 for 6.45pm Barry Collins 07740 257 255

Worcester Park Civil Service Retirement Fellowship Group first Monday of the month at 2pm and finishing by 4pm. If the first Monday falls on a Bank Holiday the meeting takes place on the second Monday. Old Malden Scout Hall, 411 Malden Road, KT4 7NY. All retired civil servants and friends are welcome to attend and if you are interested in listening to one of our speakers please contact John Wright on 020 8337 8965 or johnandglenisw@gmail.com

mailto:johnandglenisw@gmail.com Do you enjoy listening to show tunes, big band music, jazz, light classics etc? Come along to an evening of live music played by top artistes. We meet on the second Monday of each month at our Banstead venue Banstead Organ & Keyboard Club Church Institute Hall, High Street, Banstead SM7 2NN Doors open 7pm for 7:30pm start.(Visitors £7) Visitors & new members are always welcome to our concerts. 020 8330 5795, or visit www.bansteadorganclub.co.uk

Worcester Parkers Women’s Institute meet on the 3rd Monday of every month 7.45pm to 9.45pm at Christchurch with St Philip Church Hall in Ruskin Drive, Worcester Park. For more information contact Sue Hostler on 020 8337 3756 wi.worcesterparkers@gmail.com

*There is currently a waiting list. Cheam Common Art Group Small friendly Art Group who meet at Christ Church With St Philip Ruskin Road, Worcester Park 7.30 – 9.30 p.m. Welcome new members just to draw and paint in any medium without tuition. If interested come down for an evening and meet us to see whether this is for you Brenda Banks 020 8330 0928 Worcester Park Over 60’s Welcome Club meet every Monday from 1pm to 3pm at Christ Church with St Philip Church Hall in Ruskin Drive. Worcester Park. All over 60’s welcome to join us for a cup of tea and a


biscuit or two, plus some outstanding entertainment in the way of singers and musicians. One Monday a month we have Bingo and every Monday we run a raffle. Days outings to the coast are organised throughout the summer months, and mid week holidays are organised two or three times a year. Come a little earlier and meet up with some friends and have a chat before the entertainment starts. We would love to see you. Contact Joyce on 020 8330 5065. The ladies After Eight Club 2nd Monday of every month from 8pm onwards at Christchurch with St Philips church hall. We have interesting speakers, outings and dinners and all are welcome for a small subscription to cover our costs. Just come along and join in. Carol on 020 8337 2452 St James Players If you enjoy acting do come or help backstage. Monday and Wednesdays 8pm New members welcome. St James Church Hall, Bodley Road New Malden. Mem Sec: linda@dunnz,net


Elmcroft Tuesday Badminton Club Fancy a friendly game of badminton? Please come along to the Tuesday evening badminton club at The Colin Peel Hall, Elmcroft Community Centre, 570 London Road, North Cheam, Surrey SM3 9AB. Try for free, no need to pay for first visit. If you are interested please contact Kwok on 07773085139 or email elmcroftbdmntn@gmail.com.

Music Lovers Wanted! - for “In the Mix” Singing Group. at Wesley Hall, Christchurch with St. Philip Church, Ruskin Drive, Worcester Park. Every Tuesday 1.30pm - 3.30pm. A weekly sing- along and social with pro singer/vocal coach Sheila Daniels and pianist. New songs every week, from the 1920s through to the 1970s, covering all genres. £6.50 on the door plus tea/ coffee and home-made cakes. No booking required. Sheila 07868 039 514 or visit www.thesugarband.co.uk/In_the_Mix

Vegan Group - monthly bring and share buffet,. every second Tuesday. 7.30pm until 9.30 in Room 1,Christchurch with St Philip, corner of Ruskin Drive, WP. For vegans and anyone interested in learning more about veganism. Conquest Art Group inspires people living with disability or long term health issue to discover their creative energy and build self-confidence through art. Our art group meets every Tuesday at St Mary’s Cuddington, The Avenue, Worcester Park, KT4 7HL from 1:30 to 3:30pm. Anyone over 18 is welcome, all art materials and refreshments are provided. If you would like to come along and give us a try, please contact Carole on 020 8786 8534.

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The Worcester Park Dramatic Society is a local amateur drama group of long standing. We stage two major productions a year at the Adrian Mann Theatre in Ewell, in April and November. We meet every Tuesday and most Fridays at 8.15 pm in the Elmcroft Community Centre in North Cheam, on the Sainsbury’s site. Apart from play readings, rehearsals and set construction, we have quiz nights and various social events. We also arrange group outings to amateur and professional theatre productions. We welcome new members to help us stage future productions, anyone willing to act or work backstage. membership secretary, Trevor Payne on 07540 084430.

“Lunch Break” - a friendly lunch club for those retired, meeting on a Tuesday 12-2pm (term time only) at Worcester Park Baptist Church, The Avenue - free, but donations invited. Occasional speakers. Brian on 020 8224 6675 or Rowena 07837 941298

NHS Retirement Fellowship Are you retired or about to retire from the NHS? Why not join us on the 1st Tuesday of every month from 10am -12 at Royal British Legion, Hollyfield Road, Surbiton, KT5 AL. We have speakers, activities, coffee & chat.Other outings & activities are also arranged during the month. Lorna on 020 8337 4121


Keep Fit Stay Fit every Wednesday 10.15-11.15am at Christ Church with St Philip, Ruskin Road. Come along and give it a try ! Jo Hamilton on 020 8786 3444. The Probus Club of Ewell Coming up to retirement? Just retired? Looking to make new friends? Why not join the Probus Club of Ewell? Since it was founded over 40 years ago, the Probus Club of Ewell has been attracting businessmen from Worcester Park and its surrounding areas with a broad range of professional and business backgrounds. We meet on the first Wednesday of each month, usually at Banstead Golf Club for a Lunch followed by a Speaker. Anyone wishing to know more about us or wanting to make contact can do so through our website www. ewellprobus.co.uk or by email to secretary@ewellprobus.co.uk. Talking Of Trains In Surbiton Programme of talks which take place locally at the Surbiton Library Hall each Wednesday evening throughout the winter months. The first meeting is free; the fee for the complete year is just £50. www.talking of trains.co.uk

Free Badminton taster session Come and enjoy playing BADMINTON with us! Wednesdays 7:45pm to 9:15pm at Stoneleigh Methodist Church, Stoneleigh Crescent,

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KT19 0RT Interested? Please contact Will Ward: willjward@gmail, 020 8393 9779 or 07874 896211 or just turn up on the night. N.B. Spare racquets available - if requested beforehand.


The Malden and Coombe Townswomen’s Guild welcome new members. We meet at 10am on the third Thursday of the month at the United Reformed Church hall in New Malden. We are a friendly group of women of all ages and back-grounds. We have interesting speakers from various organisations; outings, clubs, bring and buy sales and competitions. We are currently offering a first visit free of charge. 020 8337 7423 Tunes’n’Tea Come and enjoy an afternoon of live music, tea, coffee, cakes and conversation. Every month, a selection of Rock, Pop, Jazz, Country, Folk and Standards – great tunes, old and new for you to enjoy and join in with if you wish. There’s a live band and singers making a fun afternoon. Feel free to dance if the music moves you! The sessions take place on the 2nd Thursday of each month. February 14th, March 14th, April 11th, May 9th, June 13th 1.30pm3.30pm St John’s Church Hall, Station Approach, Stoneleigh, KT19 0QZ (next to Stoneleigh Station, West Side) Entrance: £3.00 All Welcome! Thursdays 1.30pm and finishing at 3.30. Group Singing Lessons -“Discover the high level of well being, strength and confidence which can be achieved when you learn to sing without effort.” .Weekly small group classes. Each session focuses on gentle physical and vocal exercises, breathing technique and song practice with individual advice and feedback. Call 07868 039 514 or visit www. skylarkvocal.co.uk for more info. Sessions Mondays at 11.30am and Thursdays at 7.30pm at Christchurch with St. Philips, Worcester Park. Suitable for beginners and confident singers. Ewell Badminton Club Meet every Thursday 9.30 11.30 am in hall in Welbeck Close, Ewell, KT17 2 BJ ( near Honda Garage, Ewell Bypass ). We have use of 3 courts, and are a very friendly group of players. New players would be most welcome.

Green Lane, SM1 2EY. We are a small and friendly club of about 60 members and have about a dozen boat owners amongst us providing crewing opportunities during the summer months as well as enjoying meetings listening to interesting speakers and social nights. If you would like to get afloat come along and meet us – we’re sure you will enjoy the experience.


East Surrey Family History Society For those who are interested in finding out how to investigate their family history the Sutton Branch of the East Surrey Family History Society holds meetings on the first Thursday of the month at St Nicholas Church Hall, Robin Hood Lane. Most months we have a professional speaker. March 2 Miss Anne Carter How life changed forever in 1914 April 6 Ian Waller: Village Crafts Finding out about the records of those who worked in rural industry. www.esfhs.org.uk Kingston Phoenix Road Club is a cycling club with members in Worcester Park, New Malden, Epsom and Ewell. The club was founded in 1936 and currently has a membership of 85. New members are welcome to join us at the car park in Horton Country Park on Saturdays at 10am for either a road ride or an off-road ride. Our rides are usually between 20 and 35 miles and always include a cake stop before returning by

Elizabeth on 0208 393 3355 or e-mail libbymuscutt@ yahoo.co.uk

St. John’s Hall is open between 2.00 and 4.00pm for Tea And Chat. If you are on your own please feel free to drop in for a free cup of tea and some company. 411 Malden Road (between Worcester Park station and The Plough). 213 Bus stops nearby. Sutton Mariners Sailing Club A local offshore sailing club founded in 1988 that meets at 8pm every Thursday evening at the Borough Sports Ground, home of Sutton United FC, Gander


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1pm. kingstonphoenixrc@gmail.com or see our website at kprc.org.uk.

Malden Emergency First Aid Society (Mefas) Members meet each Thursday evening at 7.30pm for First Aid training. New members required. Everyone welcome. Hall available for hire. Christine 07966661015 Breathe Easy (Merton & Sutton) Group Wheezy? Breathless? you are not alone, come and join us at your local friendly support & information group for anyone affected by a lung condition. We meet between 2-4 pm on the 3rd Thursday of every month at St. Bedes Conference Centre, St. Anthony’s Hospital, London Road, North Cheam. SM3 9DW George on 0208 647 7530

Thursday Fellowship Every Thursday at 2.30pm for men and women, finishing with a cup of tea and biscuits or cakes. A lively, friendly meeting at Worcester Park Baptist church in The Avenue. Well-known, familiar hymns and prayers, musical afternoons, and a variety of speakers on topical subjects, including help and advice. New members welcome. Church office 0208 330 1755 The Worcester Park Hello Club launched last November and is welcoming new members! We meet every Thursday morning from 10am – 12 noon. The club is aimed at anyone who would like to come

 

and join in with board games, quizzes, cards, occasional craft sessions - or just to have a chat and a coffee. Adults of any age are welcome to come and get to know each other. The main aims of the club are: • To meet new people and build friendships • To become involved with the local community • To access activities, information and advice The club is very friendly and informal. Every month there will be a member of staff attending from the SCILL Information & Advice Service – they have information on most topics for all your needs and will be pleased to assist you. The drop in club was set up by Sutton Vision, Christ Church with St Philip and SCILL , working together in partnership. We are fortunate to be provided with a welcoming and comfortable venue at the Christ Church with St Philip Community Hall. There are accessible toilets on site. There is a small charge for coffee and tea at the church café. SCILL 020 8770 4065 Sutton Vision 020 8409 7166 Christ Church with St Philip 020 8330 7630

New Malden Women’s Institute Shiraz Mirza Hall, Manor Park Hall, Malden Road, New Malden, KT3 6AV. 2nd Thurs of each month at 7.30pm Barbara 0208 546 1495 or twocavs@googlemail.com

 To advertise email jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915



Quest a meeting place for people with physical disabilities between the ages of 20 - 60. However, once a member there is no age cut off. The aim of the club is to provide a welcoming, caring atmosphere for the members and allow the carers to have a regular break. Annual subscription. and £2.50 for lunch. We have various social activities and every second month we have a speaker. Christchurch with St. Philip, Ruskin Drive, Worcester Park. We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays in the month from 12.45 to 4p.m June Day, Club Secretary, on 02083301220

RSPB Epsom & Ewell Local group 2nd Friday of every month at 7.30, apart from July and August, at All Saints Church Hall Fulford Road, West Ewell with guest speakers who illustrate their enthusiasm on a variety of natural history subjects. We also have several birding outings throughout the year which is arranged to suit all ages. There is a small charge for non-members of the RSPB. rspb.org.uk/ groups/epsom.

The Association of Surrey Bookbinders - we meet on Friday mornings in the Scout Hut in Dell Lane, StoneleighRoger@gmathews.co.uk 020 8330 2306 Bridge Club A friendly club for people who have just learned to play or are looking to improve their bidding and play in

an informal atmosphere which promotes learning and development. We meet every Friday in the upstairs meeting room at the Worcester Park Library, Stone Place. from 2 - 4 pm. carlaplatten@gmail.com


North Cheam badminton club meet every Sunday at the Elmcroft Community Hall North Cheam. We are a small mixed club looking for new members of reasonable club standard especially ladies. Contact Pat Odonnell on 02083938895.


Auriol Bowling Club Auriol Park, Salisbury Road, Worcester Park. It is a mixed club of around 45 men and 25 women, who play outdoors from April to Sept with a busy fixture list of league and friendly matches against other clubs, as well as internal club competitions. Janet Kentish 020 8873 7006 www.auriolbowlingclub.com. Cuddington Bowling Club Sandringham Road, Worcester Park and we play on an excellent 6 rink green that has been acclaimed by many of the club’s visitors this year. We are a mixed club with about 60 members and play a range of friendly and league fixtures catering for all abilities. Secretary Mike Ridley 020 8715 8326 Treasurer Mark Broughton 020 8337 9699 Social Dancing with Glitters at Bourne Hall, Spring Street, Ewell Village. 8.30 - 11 pm. Over 18s. Entrance fee £8. All standards of dancing. 7th and 21st June. National Trust - Epsom, Ewell and District Supporters Group Formed in 1971, we run a varied

programme of social eventswhich includes Evening Lectures at Bourne Hall in Ewell, once a month from Oct. to June, Coach Outings which visit historichouses and gardens(not necessarily N.T.),Guided London Walks, and other trips to London e.g.The Magic Circle, The Royal Opera House (backstage tour).Other special events include Coffee Mornings, Holidays and Christmas Lunch. Newsletters are produced four times a year.If you would like more information please visit our website: www.epsom-ewell-district-nt.co.uk or telephone Paul on 020 87158486 Malden Manor Bowls Club, Manor Park, Malden Road. New members will be made very welcome. Roll ups, league matches, internal and external competitions; we offer bowling for all levels of interest and ability. Men’s Secretary Gerald 020 8949 4623 or Ladies Secretary 020 8394 0877.

Kingston & District Branch Of The Embroiderers’ Guild Saturday, 8th June 2019, at Kingston Museum,

National Celebration of Stitch –a little Home, Stitch Saturday (adults), 11am – 1pm, Young Embroiderers, (ages 5-17), 1.30pm - 3.30pm,Friday, 28th June 2019 - Members’ Evening (non-members also welcome! there will be demonstrations and techniques to try -)7.30pm, St Marks C of E Church Hall, Surbiton (non-members very welcome) Check website for contact & details: www.kingstonanddistrictbranch.co.uk


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MEDIATION FOCUSED ON YOU Gillian Krajewski has 20 years’ experience providing financial and parenting mediation services in the London area. Gillian is the first choice for those who want to separate, divorce and parent amicably.


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Estate Agents and Valuers

Sales@JacksonNoon.com Lettings@JacksonNoon.com

LOOKING BACK We have been writing our monthly updates for just over 5 years and decided to look back and read one of our early pieces. At that time the market was very active indeed heralding a phase of rapid price increases. Stamp duty changes on second homes were just around the corner driving a surge in buy-to-let purchases and a substantial increase in demand, particularly for 2bedroom properties. Had we been writing in 2009 the story would have been very different. A decade ago we were in a mid recession. Property values held firm locally but fell by up to 60% in other parts of the country. The past ten years have been something of a rollercoaster with fluctuations in values proving to be both sudden and significant. The market always has been, and always will be, subject to changes in supply and demand which in turn are affected largely by market confidence. Distractions, such as the current political uncertainty, tend to make people cautious and provide a reason to put off major decisions. However they don’t change the underlying housing needs any more than shorter term interruptions such as major sporting events, snow, rain or sunny weather. Our experience is that during prolonged periods of slow activity a pent-up demand develops which then erupts quickly once the reason to delay a decision has passed.

time to make sure they secure the right home rather than competing in a more frenzied market where everything they see is snapped up in a weekend. Five years ago we were regularly holding open days that would attract multiple viewings on a Saturday and several offers on the following Monday. Anybody who delayed would be disappointed and the next property to come onto the market would be just that little bit more expensive. That is not the case now and hasn’t been for at least 2 years. RENTS Meanwhile rents, which increased rapidly five years ago, have since stagnated or reduced very slightly. Tax as well as other changes have rendered the buy-to-let equation a lot less attractive for many investors. We are currently finding that a number of tenants are having to move because their landlord has decided to sell. This is likely to lead to a reduction in available rental homes as our experience is that there is no balancing increase in new buy to let investors or landlords enlarging their portfolio. Consequently, an increase in rents is likely in the not too distant future.


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The big question is when will the market as a whole become more active? Our little trip down memory lane is useful but we do not have a crystal ball and have no idea when certainty and confidence will re-establish themselves. What it has shown is that in a comparatively short period of time the market can change dramatically from slow to frantic and back again. However we are OPPORTUNITY seeing signs that people who have been For those keen to take their first step onto biding their time are now more determined the property ladder a slower market can be to move and suspect a more active market an opportunity. They can take a little more may not be that far away.

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www.JacksonNoon.com To advertise email jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915


Gardening Houseplant Heaven by Pippa Greenwood Now is the time to give houseplants some TLC as they could do with some pampering! Check them over thoroughly and remove and dispose of any that are heavily infested with pests or infected by diseases. Once done, continue as follows… Pick over remaining plants removing dead, damaged or discoloured leaves. Use sharp scissors, special ‘snips’ or miniature secateurs on tough leaf stems. Houseplants usually respond well if repotted in late spring or very early summer, so if yours are pot-bound do this now. Check by carefully removing the plant from its pot – if the root system is quite congested, it’s usually time to move house. When repotting, only move the plants up one pot size and use compost as similar as possible to their current compost. If in doubt, seek advice from your compost supplier. Ensure the compost is free-draining and that there are crocks at the base of the pot. Consider adding additional grit or perlite to improve drainage. Once repotted, place plants in a cool, relatively stressfree environment for a week or two, away from hot or direct bright sunlight. Keep them adequately watered and the roots will move into the new compost. Next, give them a bit of a bath, using well-moistened kitchen roll or cotton wool to wipe the leaves clean. Many of the more glossy-leaved houseplants respond well to an application of leaf shine, but not all, so check before you start. Feed houseplants regularly – good fertilisers are available in garden centres. Choose those formulated specifically for the plants where possible, or those suitable for foliageor flowering houseplants. Specialist fertilisers are also available for cacti and African violets. Plants that have just been potted on will not require feeding for a couple of months, but both recently replanted and more established houseplants need regular watering, particularly as they start to grow and if they are in a fairly warm or sunny position. Don’t place plants in too sunny a spot – they can get too hot or suffer from leaf scorching if placed too close to a south- or west-facing window. Use an east- or north-facing windowsill where possible, or at least move them further back from the glass. Most houseplants benefit from being placed in dappled shade in the garden, and they should thrive provided you keep them fed and watered. If treating yourself to new houseplants, make sure that the plant is well-suited to the position that you have lined up for it – it’s tempting to buy those that do well


in really sunny situations, but if you only have a fairly shady windowsill it will suffer immensely over the winter months. Visit www.pippagreenwood.com for advice, natural pest controls, stylish cloches, pretty plant supports, gardening tools and more. Or book Pippa for a gardening talk at your club.


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To advertise email jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915


Puzzle Time answers on page 44

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Codeword Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a different number between 1 and 26. The codes for three letters are shown. Once you have filled these throughout the grid you can start guessing words and reveal other letters. As you find the letters enter them in the box below.

Quick Quiz Last Lines 1. “It was beauty killed the beast” is the last line of which famous film? 2. What are the two main traditions associated with the last lines that are delivered in a pantomime? 3. Which 2001 novel ends with the line “Very few castaways can claim to have survived so long at sea as Mr. Patel, and none in the company of an adult Bengal tiger”? 4. What is the last word in the Bible? 5. In which 1967 film do the title characters recite a chant to remember their roles in a mission, the final lines of which are “Fifteen: Franko goes in where the others have been, Sixteen: we all come out like it’s Halloween”?

6. “Thus, with a kiss, I die” are the last words of which Shakespearean character? 7. “They danced by the light of the moon” is the last line in which famous poem? 8. Every verse of which well known nursery rhyme ends with the line “my fair lady”? 9. Playing the Cook County Assessor’s Office Clerk, which famous film director is involved in the last lines of dialogue in the 1980 film The Blues Brothers? 10. In a famous poem by Rudyard Kipling, complete the last line of the verse that begins “Man’s timid heart is bursting with the things he must not say, for the Woman that God gave him isn’t his to give away, but when hunter meets with husbands, each confirms the other’s tale”...

To advertise email jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915



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Music 7.30pm on 29th June for the first time ever Sutton Symphony Orchestra will be performing a programme literally full of film music. All Saints Church Carshalton will resonate to the sounds of wizards, aliens, dinosaurs and more. Do join us for Music at the Movies – bring tissues for ET, earplugs for the 1812 and light sabres if the force is strong with you. Tickets on the door or from www.wegottickets.com/event/468699 - under 18s go free! Refreshments at the interval, shaken not stirred. Stoneleigh Choral Society, ‘A Night at the Opera’ concert, Saturday 6th July, St John’s Church Stoneleigh Park Road, Stoneleigh, KT19 0QZ. Operatic solos and choruses including music by Handel, Britten, Puccini, Verdi, Wagner. Tickets £10, under 18’s £5 available on the door, or from Jean Adams 020 8393 5124.

To advertise email jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915


Kids Play There’s lots going on for pre-schoolers


Worcester Park Baptist Church 9.30-11.30- a lively toddler group, where carers of any kind are welcome to attend and supervise their youngsters. Our age range is from young babies to 3-4 years. Sarah on 020 8393 7299 or email via the church’s website www.wpbc.org.uk Christ Church with St Philip Parent and Toddler Group is a very welcoming and relaxed place to meet new friends for yourself and your toddlers. We are open to all Mums, Dads, Grandparents and Carers. We meet in the Church Hall on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9.30 until 11.15am during term time


Toddling2Church, Christ Church with St Philip 2-3pm. Parents, carers and pre-school children are all welcome to join us for songs with percussion instruments, a Bible story simply and sensitively told, a story-related craft activity and, of course, drinks and biscuits.


Carer and Toddler group for all families with twins and multiples. Come and meet other local families who understand all about having more than one of everything! We meet every Thursday at Worcester Park Baptist Church from 9.30- 11.30 am with toys, craft, songs, refreshments and stories during term time. Come along and join in - other pre-school siblings also welcome.


Christ Church with St Philip Parent and Toddler Group 9.30 until 11.15am - see Monday


Men behaving Dadly, Grace Church - every 3rd Saturday of the month, 9.30 to 11 am, at Green Lane Primary School. For Dads and their pre-school children (0-4). The kids get to play with the toys, the Dads get a bacon roll and coffee, and Mums might possibly get a lie-in... £3 on the door. For more information & contact details, www.gracechurchworcesterpark.org Old Malden Library (Church Road, Worcester Park) Tuesdays, 10.30-11am, Rhyme time aimed at age 0-3 Tuesdays, 2.30-3pm, Story time aimed at age 3+


Christ Church with St Philip Parent and Toddler Group 9.30 until 11.15am - see Monday Worcester Park Baptist Church 9.30-11.30- see Monday. we have vacancies on a Wednesday

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BOOKING NOW FOR SUMMER CRASH COURSES Crash Courses available during the first two weeks and the last week of the summer school holidays. w/c 29th July, 5th August & 27th August You can also come for: l Family Fun Swims l Ladies Aqua Aerobics Daytime Pre­School Classes & Baby Water Confidence Our swimming lessons are taught in the water

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To advertise email jenny@maldenmedia.co.uk or call 020 8336 2915





1. King Kong 2. They should be in rhyming couplets, and they should not be performed in rehearsal 3. The Life Of Pi 4. Amen 5. The Dirty Dozen 6. Romeo (from Romeo and Juliet) 7. The Owl And The Pussycat 8. London Bridge Is Falling Down 9. Steven Spielberg 10. The female of the species is more deadly than the male


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