Imagine That - Comic

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Imagine That -A comic inspired by True Events-

I've finally found the nastiest monsters of all the land..

The snappy sloshbusters of the East. I better catch them all before they smell my human-ness.

I'll surely get my 736th award for bravery this time...



NG A B -



! G N A B -BAN


Yes, princ ipal Roy?

Don't you know how dangerous it is to play with guns on school property?!

But Principal Roy, it's jus--

... a stick.

Hand it Over! You're suspended for a week.





Rat a Tat a tatt a Rat a TTat a Rat a Tat.




"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it." -Roald Dahl-

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